May 2013 newsletter v1

Oldmachar Academy Newsletter May 2013 Message from Mr Brown This May Newsletter has a strong element of Enterprise about it. A number of new aspects of our school’s work are featured. We staged our first S1 / S2 outdoor education trips, which we hope will have great benefit to our young people as they progress through school. We have also been involving students in consultation about future school policies on assessment and mobile technologies. As always, Oldmachar Academy is a very busy place and we hope that this newsletter provides a flavour of that for parents – a window into the life and work of the school. Featured Items Special Feature: S1 – S2 Trips to Dukes Wood House S1 – S3 Enterprise Programme Primary Curricular Experiences (P4 & P6) World Challenge News Updating School Policies S1 students defy gravity at Dukes Wood House Students engage in Enterprise Week Events Sizing for Blazers. Making history at Oldmachar! Our new reporter, Sean Hunter (S5)



Transcript of May 2013 newsletter v1

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Oldmachar Academy Newsletter

May 2013

Message from Mr Brown

This May Newsletter has a strong element of

Enterprise about it. A number of new aspects of

our school’s work are featured. We staged our

first S1 / S2 outdoor education trips, which we

hope will have great benefit to our young people

as they progress through school.

We have also been involving students in

consultation about future school policies on

assessment and mobile technologies.

As always, Oldmachar Academy is a very busy

place and we hope that this newsletter provides a

flavour of that for parents – a window into the life

and work of the school.

Featured Items

Special Feature: S1 – S2 Trips to

Dukes Wood House

S1 – S3 Enterprise Programme

Primary Curricular Experiences

(P4 & P6)

World Challenge News

Updating School Policies

S1 students defy gravity at Dukes Wood House Students engage in Enterprise Week Events

Sizing for Blazers. Making history at Oldmachar! Our new reporter, Sean Hunter (S5)

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Special Feature:

Dukeshouse Wood Residential Trip

Article by Sean Hunter (S5)

Pupils from S1 and S2 took part in a number of

various outdoor educational activities at

Dukeshouse Wood in the north of England during

the week of the 27th-31st May.

The facility itself provides a various number of

activities for the students to participate in such as

water sports and team building exercises that the

school cannot provide.

Here students are pictured doing some of the


The main aim of this trip was to build the confidence of students and develop team building skills.

In the next pages, some of the quotes from students are provided to let everyone hear their views.

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Dukeshouse House Residential Trip (continued)

Jenny Logan (2F)

“The archery was excellent. If we’d had longer to

do it, it would have been even better. The 3G

Swing was also excellent. I wish I could do it

again. The Nightline activity was really good for

building trust with others.

The accommodation was great and the food was

tasty. Overall, it would have been nicer if we had

stayed a bit longer”

Students above are pictured doing the Team Challenge Assault Course. Rachel Morrison (2B) said of it

that “it was really good to experience team work. I did all of it.”

Hannah Gabbon (2E) said, “It was really good fun and a great challenge. Everyone had a good laugh

chucking water at the instructor at the end.”

Lee McAllister (1A) said “ I liked working in a team to get through the course.”

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Dukeshouse House Residential Trip (continued)

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Dukeshouse House Residential Trip (continued)

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S1 – S3 Enterprise Week Programme

Internal Programme of Enterprise


During the Activities Week, those students not

going to Dukes Wood House took part in a school

based programme of activities. This included a

number of challenge based activities and

consultations on future school policies.

Students pictured in the next few pages are

engaged in some of these activities.

In Enterprise Week this year we had a number of different aspects. There was the chance to take part in a

Student Parliament session with Mr. Brown as well as participating in the Egg Challenge, starting work on

e-portfolios and taking part in a Writing Festival which had pupils work collaboratively on aspects of writing

such as setting.

S3 students preparing for S4 had sessions on Health and Wellbeing, sports, a Scavenger Hunt,

teambuilding events and some drama workshops including one run by former pupil Sam Young. The focus

of the week was not only on these enterprising activities but also beginning to set the challenge for S4 and

beyond. There was input from Carolyn Maniukewiekz of Ideas in Partnership on careers and the job

market, a session on Finance Management, by former pupil Jaqui Taylor, as well as as session on the new

exams (National 4 and 5).

Article by Mr Gibson

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S1 – S3 Enterprise Week (Continued)

The Egg Challenge

Students are given the task of constructing a vehicle

for an egg, which they have to use to transport it

from a height of three metres. It is more difficult to

do than you might think, because the egg will smash

if the design is not right.

Students worked in groups to develop and build

their designs.

Sponsored Walk Information

On the Wednesday pupils who were not going to

Dukeshouse Wood took part in a sponsored walk

from Udny Station to Dyce raising over £500 for

school funds and the Archie Foundation.

Congratulations to everyone who was involved and

thanks to Mr Jenkins for organising this.

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S1 – S3 Enterprise Week (Continued)

The art and design department ran workshops for

different year groups. Pupils experimented with

origami techniques such as the “fortune teller” which

were used to create cacti sculptures. Another

workshop was based on the creation of paper


Pupils watched a Prezi presentation that encouraged

the use of core skills such as problem solving,

creative and imaginative thinking.

Inspiration came from contemporary artists such as

Tara Donavan and Sakir Gokcebag.

Pupils were encouraged to use curling, folding,

creasing and bending techniques in their paper

sculptures, whilst enjoying the freedom to

experiment with 3D construction.

S2 classes were given the challenge of producing a

“miniature mansion” from a pre-printed A3 sheet of

paper. They were asked to construct a shelter for a

figure with consideration of the use of form, how

the building looked, incorporating the available

textures as well as making a good quality piece.

Pupils considered planning requirements and points

were deducted if the building did not meet the

planning restrictions such as the floor had to be at

least 5cm from the ground.

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S1 – S3 Enterprise Week (Continued)

Art Enterprise Activities

Tristan Harland in 1D described the Art Enterprise

activity that he took part in, “I made a dragon by

scrunching up paper and I folded and pleated paper

to make wings. I cut a long triangle of paper which

I curled to make the tongue. I enjoyed making my

dragon, it was fun.”

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Consultation on School Policies

Policy on Mobile Technologies

Students in Oldmachar Academy (S1 and S3) have been

debating the issue of how mobile technologies should be

used in school. To focus the debate, students read a

Guardian article on the issue that parents can read at:


This article described the pros and cons of allowing

phones in schools. Students had to consider the

potential benefits as well as consider the risks.

Following this, students then looked at a policy on mobile

technologies from another school in Scotland. They were

asked to consider which parts they would like to keep

and which parts they would like to lose.

This sharpened the discussion to consider the rules

around mobile phones in classes and in other public

spaces of the school.

In light of feedback from students the school is

considering allowing some access to mobile phones in

the school canteen at break and lunch time, while

tightening rules for how they are used at other times.

Policy on Assessment

The school is also consulting students about assessment

in S1 – S3. In these years we have used the

Developing, Consolidating, Secure system for the past

three years, however, there is evidence that this is not

particularly easy for students to understand or for

teachers to use confidently.

In light of that Oldmachar Academy staff have evolved a

simpler model for consideration, based on some national

best practice.

Teachers and students are considering an On-Track

system that gives immediate and simpler feedback for

students. This system asks teachers to evaluate whether

a young person’s work is On Track (in line with

expectations for that level of learning); better than would

normally be expected; below what could have been


Once our consultation is complete, we will consider our

next steps. It is important to note that any decisions will

be taken in light of Aberdeen City Council policy.

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Primary 4 Art Experience

Curricular Transitions Programme

This year we are staging a number of events for

primary students as part of our planned programme of

curricular transitions. This programme involves pupils

from primary 3 upwards.

We are building this to improve the experience of

students and build a stronger learning community

throughout our Associated Schools Group.

Students from P4 in our primary schools are pictured

here working with teachers from our Art Department.

Activities were designed by our subject specialist team

to ensure that everyone had a positive experience.

Mrs Simpson and Mrs Miller are pictured here, along

with some of our S3 students, working with P4


P4 classes were shown a Prezi presentation that

highlighted the need for more care of the

environment in terms of the use of materials. They

were shown examples of items made from recycled

materials and there was some discussion about

their experience of recycled materials and their


Demonstrations were shown on the whiteboard,

illustrating the steps in making a petal and beads

through origami techniques. The collated petals,

stems and beads were used to create flowers that

could be shown off in a paper vase. The vases and

flowers were shown off at the primary schools and

in some cases given to local old folks homes.

Oldmachar Academy art staff were delighted with

the positive and enthusiastic approach of the P4

pupils and the wonderful results they produced.

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Primary 6 Curricular Experience at Oldmachar

P6 Curricular Transitions Programme

On Monday the 13th May we welcomed Primary 6

pupils to Oldmachar Academy. from Danestone and

Glashieburn Primaries. On Tuesday the 14th of May it

was the turn of pupils from Forehill, Middleton Park

and Greenbrae Primaries.

The pupils enjoyed various experiences over the two


In Geography pupils spent time working on activities

to learn map skills. They worked on various map

skills such as identifying symbols and using grid

references. Following some practice with this the

pupils applied their skills by looking at the Aberdeen

map to locate various areas to help them complete

“a strange tale”.

Miss S MacInnes (Geography Department)

In RME pupils were given the opportunity to express

their beliefs and use a variety of evidence to explain

why some people may accept or reject different


Miss K Forrest (RME Department)

In PE, pupils experienced gymnastics, fitness and

team games. They learned about the importance of

working cooperatively and the part exercise plays in

having a healthy lifestyle.

Ms R Midgley (PE Department)

S2 students in Home Economics taught the pupils to

make fresh fruit salad how to use equipment safely

and prepare food hygienically. Pupils discussed how

an easily prepared dish like fresh fruit salad can help

meet the recommended daily intake of 5-9 portions

of fruit and vegetables and contribute towards a

healthy balanced diet.

Mrs M Evans

PT Faculty Health and Wellbeing

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World Challenge Update

Our First Ever World Challenge

The pupils of S6 will embark on a once in a lifetime

opportunity with their world challenge trip to

Malaysia this month on the 5th of June for 2 weeks.

The pupils raised all the money for the trip by

themselves and organised fundraising events and

tasks to get the funds for the trips.

The trip that will be lead by Mrs Williamson, Mrs Moir

and a World challenge leader, will partake in two

weeks of decision making and teamwork .every day

decisions such as where they will stay and how they

will travel on a budget of £11 a day.

This will be a fantastic experience and also one that

can shape their lives. We wish all the students taking

part good luck and all the best as they embark on

their once in a lifetime experience.

Best of luck everyone!

Article by Sean Hunter (S5)

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Update on Health and Wellbeing

Two Articles by Mrs Thomson

Entier Programme 2013

Entier is run by Colin Hendry and is one of the

biggest employers in the Catering Industry in


The programme this session started in September

with a group of twelve S4 Hospitality students. The

programme is designed to encourage students and

to raise their awareness of opportunities for training

and employment in the Hospitality Industry.

Chefs came into school to demonstrate skills and to

work closely with the students.

In April after a series of workshops three pupils were

selected to represent the school at the City final

cook off.

Congratulations to:

Zoe Fisher, Shannen Middleton, Ashley Craigen

ASDA Nominate a Cause

A big Thank you to everyone in the Community and

School who supported Oldmachar Academy’s Eco

garden Project in ASDA’s “Nominate a Cause

Scheme”. The garden project is lead by Mr Booth

and involves pupils from S3,S4 and S5. Last year

seeds were planted and there was an abundance of

flowers, vegetables and greenhouse produce.

Many of the vegetables they produced were used in

cookery lessons. The flowers and remaining

vegetables were sold.

With your support we received the largest number of

green discs and were presented with a cheque for

£207.27 this will help us further develop the garden.

The cheque was presented to Mrs Thomson by

Stuart Wright Manager of ASDA.

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Gymfest Group 2013


Oldmachar Academy Gymfest group returned bigger

and better this year. Under the experienced eyes of

Aria Lynch, Megan Hyland and Kim Beattie; Kiera

Still, Alex Gordon, Danielle Lawrence, Katrina Stott,

Dion Hall, Lois Munroe, Chloe Golightly, Leona Smith

and Chloe Brown were taken through their paces.

Training started in August 2012 when the group

came together and learnt tumbles, balances and


A few months later they started to learn a

complicated 5 minute long routine that included a

variety of different songs ranging in tempos. The

routine included many dance and gymnastics skills

that the girls performed with extreme finesse.

The group performed in Perth on Saturday 25 May

with teams from all over Scotland and they did not

disappoint the large crowd that came to watch.

Everyone is very proud of the hard work and

dedication the girls demonstrated this year.

Article by Mrs Fogiel

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School Uniform

Parents are reminded school blazers and tie are

being implemented for August. These garments are

compulsory for all students. The school will support

students who will struggle due to financial

constraints. Information about how to purchase

garments is available from our school office.

Almost all new S4 – S6 students have purchased a

blazer for next session. This will ensure the blazer is

a normal part of school life.

Leavers’ Ceremony

We celebrated our Leavers’ ceremony last week.

There will be a detailed feature on it in our next

newsletter. Thanks to Damian Bates, the Editor of

the Press and Journal for agreeing to be our Guest

of Honour at the event. We were pleased to say

goodbye to all of those the students of S4 – S6

(along with their parents) who are leaving

Oldmachar Academy this year.

30th Anniversary Celebrations

Parents are advised that the school is planning a 30th

anniversary celebration event to take place on

Saturday 28th September in the afternoon and early


The concept for the event came from students in S6,

who suggested an International Street Party.

We will provide information soon on how to get


Arrival at School

All students must arrive punctually at school for

08.40. Lessons begin promptly at this time.

Lateness disrupts learning and repeated instances

may lead to sanctions. Parents are asked to remind

students of their responsibility to get to school on

time and ready for work.

Additionally, parents are reminded that they should

not drop their children off by car in the school car

park. Everyone should access our park and stride

scheme as an alternative.

Information on School Awards Ceremonies

Parents, carers and friends are advised that we are

changing the date of the school’s Awards

Ceremonies. These were due to take place on the

morning of Tuesday 2nd July.

Events will now take place on the morning of

Wednesday 3rd July.

We hold two ceremonies: one for S1 (who moved

recently to S2) and one for students in S2 – S5 (now

S3 – S6). Parents will be given more detail soon.

Summer Challenge Event

Parents are advised that the school is planning a

Summer Challenge Event to take place on the last

day of term. This will be a sponsored event and will

raise money for school funds. The event will take

place at the Balgownie playing fields and involves a

number of fun challenges that are designed to

promote teamwork and fitness. Previous years’

events have been most successful. We hope that

everyone enters into the spirit of this year’s event.