Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number

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  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    IIMX231946 ARR Jan. 1942


    l\j..lrIEI]I]I lUIIDOIUORIGINALLY ISSUEDJanuary 1942 as

    Advance Restricted Report


    By Addison M. Rothrock, Arnold E. Biermannand Lester C. Corrington

    Aircraft Engine Research LaboratoryCleveland, Ohio

    NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution ofadvance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre-viously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not tech-nically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution.


    E -84

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    REPRESEIVl?ATIVE FUELS OE 1OO-OC!FAHE MUMBEBBy Mdison M. Eotihrook, Arnold N. Blermann

    and Lester C. OorrlngtonSUMMLRY

    Knook-llmit performance tests were made with eightrepresentative fuels rsted at 100-ootane number by theC.I.R. avintion method. The prcoedure oonsieted of deter-mining the maximum permissible indionted mean effeotlvepressure as a funotlon of the fuel-air ratio. The eightfuels were mixtures of representative blending agents andbaeee. One of the fuels oontained 15 peroent benzene.All of the fuele with the exoeption of one oontalned 3.Omilliliters tetraeth~l lead per gallon.

    The data show oon~lderable difference in the maximumpermissible performance of these fuele when tested In theLyooming 0-1230 oyllnder. This acme difference is evi-dent in data determined with some of the fuels In a WrightG-200 cylinder, a 2~8-inoh bore C.I.E, oyllnder, and anEthyL Gasoline Corporation 17.6 cylinder. The dat~ indi-cate that, as the inlet-air temperature to the engine Isinoreased, the generel level of the maximum permieeibleperformance Ie deorensed, but the deorease Is less withrioh mixtures than with mixtures close to the chemicallycorrect value. The data further chow that the fuels haveoctane numbere, as determined in the Lyocmlng oyll.nder,the Wright oyllnder, or the Ethyl Gasoline Corporetlo~cylinder, In excees of that for S-1 reference fuel. Inparticular, one fuel permitted a maximum permissible ln-dioated mean effeotlve pressure 56 percent In exoees ofthat permitted by S-1. The data show that the sperk-plugtype has no effect on the knook limit, provided that pre-ignition or afterfirlng does not occur.The peroentege of naphthenes, psraffins, or aromaticsshows no speoifio relation to the knook levele of the dif-ferent fuele. There is some Indication from the data thatfuel volatility 1S playing a part In the knook-ratingcurves determined for the fuels.


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    At the Langley Z4e=ozial Aeronautical Laboratory dur-ing the past yenr the National Advieory Committee forAeronautics has been conducting tests on the maximum per-missible performance of representatlv.e fuele rated at100-octane number by the C.B.R. aviation method (refer-ence l). !Chese tests were made following the recommenda-tion of the IJACA Subcommittee on Aircreft Yuels sndLubricants. Date were recorded showing the variations Inknock characteristics that occurred among eight suchfuels in a full-scale s~ngle cylinder when the fuel-airratio and the inlet-air temperature to the engine werevaried. The puzpose of this report is to preeent theresults of these teete.

    The Mationel Advisory Committee for Aeronautic ex-presses its appreciation to the Esso Lsbor~torles of theStandard Ojl Development Company and to the Ethyl Gaso-line Corporation for the uge of certain data which wererecorded In the laboratories of these compenies and whichhava hitherto been unpublished. Where these datn are usedIn this report, qpecific mention Is nade of the source.


    Eight representative 100-octene-number fuels referredto as fuels 1, 2, stc. (t~?)ie I) were chosen by the Sub-committee on Aircraft Fuels and Lubricants of the NationalAdvisory Committee for Aeronautics. All of the fuels withthe exception of fuel 2 contain approx~mately 3 milliliterstetraethyl lead per gallon. luel.2 contains 6 milliliterstetraethyl lead per gallon. In tables and figures tetra-athyl lead Is deeigneted TEL. The first three fuels oon-tain a 74-octane-number base. To fuel 1 ahydrocodimerblending agent hes been added. Both fuel 2 and fuel 3hsve an alkylate blending agent. A oomperison of fuels1 and 6 shows the effect of the hydrocodimer blendingagent with, first, the 74-octene straight run base and,second, a Houdry base. Fuels 3, 4, Rnd 5 show the effectof the 74-octane base, the hydroformed base, or a Houdrybwse, respectively, In an alkylate blending agent. Acomparison of fuel 8 with fuel 7 chows some of the effectsof the addition of benzene.

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    !Cable II lists the propertied of the base etooke andthe blending agents of the first mix fuele. Table 111presents the oharaoterletlos of the blended fuels. Thodate in tables II ana III were presented by the EssoLaboratories of the Standard Oil Development Oompany.The Houdry gasollne was supplied by the Sun Oil Oompany.Table IV liste the inspection data on fuele 7 and 8 pre-sented by the Standard Oil Oompany (Indiana). .The aro-matio for fuel 8 is @enzene,

    Zable V lists the heats of oombuetion and thehydrogen-oarbon ratios of the eight fuels as determinedat the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, The dif-ference between the values given in thle table and thoooshown In table III Is small. A comparison of the heatsof combustion as listed in table V shows the maximum dif-ference among the fuels to be a little lees than 4 pel?-oent.

    Puele 4 and 8, both of whioh oontain 16 peraent aro-matloe, have the lowest heats of Oombustlon and the low-est hydrogen-oarhon ratioa. I?uels 5 and 6, whioh havethe highest percentage of paraffins, have the highestheats of combustion but not the highest hydrogen-oarboaratioe, *The distillation data for the fuels are plotted In

    figure 1. This figure also oontalns the distillationourvea for S-1 fuel and for 8-1 + 2.0 milliliters tetra-ethyl lead. The saturated vepor preaaurea of the fuelsat different oonditiona and the heata of vaporization ofthe fuele are poaeibly of more algnifloanoe than the dis-ttllatlon data in estimating the mixing oharaoteristlosof the fuels.The ootane numbers of the fuels shown in table Iwere determined by four different laboratories .aooordingto the O.F.R. aviation method (referenoe 1). The ootanenumbers of the eight fuels vary froq 99.4 to 100 +0.05milliliters tetraethyl lead. The referenoe fuels wereS-1 and S-1 + !CEL,


    A Lyooming 0-1230 oyllnder with a standard flat-topplaten waa ueed in moat of the to ta.f This oylinder Ieliqu~d-oooled and haa a bore of 6A Inohea and a stroke

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    Of 43/4i~ch~~ ; giving a displacement of 102.8 cubioincherg. The.oylinder wss set up on one of the orlglnalAir Corps type universal crankcases built by the 8teelProdiota Company. A dia~rammatic sketoh of the eet-up lashown in figure 2.- -

    luel~ 7 aid 8 were also tetated In a Wright 0-200cylinder mounted on a Waukesha OUE crenkoase. This ql-inder has a bore of 6% inches and a stroke. of 67/e Inohes.The general set-up was similar to that shown in figure 2..,The following test conditions were .maiktalned con- .at-ant: - -

    ~cmnixlg Wright.G200 .. . 0-1230 cylinder ql%aderIk@nespeed, rpm . . . . . . . . . . . 200G 2000 -Spark edvance, %.T.C. . ... . . . . . 27 20 ,....Caq~reesion ratio . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0 . 7:0 ~

    .Inlet coolant teqerati:re. % . . . . . 250 --- .Reak spark-plug boss tenrperaturc,~: . --- . 400.Oil matlet temperature, F. ~ . . . . . 165 200

    . .TiCST PROCEDUBE . . .

    Knock linlitm - The inlet-air pressure that causedaudible knock was-determined over the renge of fuel-airratios from approximately 0.05 to 0.12. The. inlet pres-sure at each teat point was reduced 7percent. below thevalue producing audible knock before the dmta were re-corded , the mixture retio and other varkables being keptconstent. The engine wee o~ernted for a short period atthese conditio~s before the Sata were recorded. Detataken previously with this cylinder showed that the M.I.T.knockneter indicated incipient knock et this condition ofoperation. Data recorded with an Inlet pressure of 93peroent of thet producing audible knock represent a prao-tlcel operating limit. Experience has indicated thatthis knock level 1S ebout the.maximum at:whl?~ the enginecan be operated for prolonged perloda.

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    The fuel flow and the Inlet-atr pressure: being eepa -ratel~ controlled, it waa. necebeary to inqreeae eaoh small in.gremente as the Knock point.was ap- preached In the extremely lean mixture range. Under .these oondltions the mixture ratio wee found to be vetrjr .orltical. At. a slightly Ieanbl? mixture, the :?gln? wouldmiefire and, at a elightly rlaher mixture, .eeware knock-ing w~s encountered. The %eason.for .t.heqephenQmena Israadily understood from flgura 3. The dotted line showsthe manner in which the fuel flo.tiand the Inlet-clr pres-sure were varied In b=inging the engine t.o the knockpoint. The final adjuatm~nt im aach caee wae mkde ay in-creasing the fuel flow elightil~ until audible knock wasencountered.. When the inlet preseu=e was dscreased 7 per-cent to reaoh stable oparating coadit.ione, it was foundneceesary to lower the fueJ. flow firet. If the. inlelpressure wee lowered first, violent knooklng would result,as 18 apparent fzom figure 3. In many case.e,.when theknock point was being approached at ektrsmel~.lean mix-tures, the engine would suddbhly knock very severely fortwo or three oyclee. For very Zeanmixturea, light knocksoould be occasionally heard at the inlet preesure of 93-peroent audible knook, probably because of variation i-nthe mixture ~treagth. .. .

    To determine the khoak point on the rich side of thecurve, the fuel flow wae set and the inlet preseure wasincreaeed until knock ocourred. This method is illustrat-ed by the deshed line in figure 3. In this caOe it wneneoessary to lower the inlet preesurh first In obtainingthe oondition of 93-percent audible knock.Afterflrin R.- Afterfirlng was checked by cutting the ignition. Particular .care.wae exercieed to avoid hot cur-.faces in the exhaust pips booausa thair presence mightceuee Ignltlon. after .the switch wae cut.... .Sumrk ~ vmce .- The spark advance In these tests was

    .chosen eomewhat arbitrarily.. Dntn were firet recordedshowing the relation between dpark adcyanoe and the power , .output with S-2 fuel. Au the vsriatioh of power withspark advance yaa quite emall In themaximum-power range,retarding the epark to a l-peroent drop in power was. neo- eeaary to give a epecifio value of the epark advanoe. ae ehown in figure 44 Several of the other fuels were eleotested for.the effeot of spark advanoe, and the results showed that the spark advanae for l-percent drop frommaximum power wss wlthtn lo of that for S-1.

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    Eniztne friotlonfl - The engine friction W=S determinedby motoring the engine at the desired speed end engine tem-perature~. ILeRdinge were taken of the brmke load for vQr-ioua inlet pressures. Care wae taken to maintain the oiltemperatures at the same value in. the friotion runs as Inthe fuel-teat rune. A ourve WCIS plotted of frlotion meeneffeotlve pressure against Inlet preemure, nnd the v~lunqof Indioated mean effeotlve pressure were calouleted b~adding the friction meen effeotive pressure to the brekemean effeotive pres~ure. Friotion curves were obtainedapproximately every 20 hours of engine operetion. S~mpleour~es are shown in figure S. lhe variation between thetwo ourves represents about tha maximum that occurred.

    During the teets of fuel 7, the engine wee disas-sembled. When it wss reaeqemblad, the dsta on S-1 fueldid not check the previouta readings. For this reneon,teeta to determine variation of fuel-elr retio with max-imum permissible indicated mean effective pressure wererepeeted on S-1 and S-1 + 1.0 milliliters tetraethyl le~dso that the results of the eeoond teet on fuel 7 oould becompared with S-1. 3eceuse the first tests with fuel 8were limited by afterfirlng, teste on this fuel were alsorepeated with a different spark plug, which eliminatedthe afterfiring and permitted the knock limit of fuel 8to be reached.

    The electrodes of the spark pluge used In the teetson the Lycomlng oylinder were receesed approximately 7/16Inch #rem the inner eurfnce of the combustion chember.In the lean region, thst 1s, at fuel-eir reties of lessthan approximately 0.067, the firing was irregul~r. Sub -sequent tests made with this cylinder, in whioh the elec-trodes were flush with the inner surface of the combustionchamber, heve shown that with thie arrangement flrlng inthe lean region Is more reguler.Aoourn Cy .- The reproducibility of the data was notoheoked for all of the fuels. Checks were made each deyon the knock llmit of S-1 at a fuel-air ratio of 0.07.If the maximum permissible Inlet pressure did not oheokwithin +1.0 inoh of mercury, the engine was exemined forpoesibl.e oauses of the discrepancy. In one case, asmentioned previously, a check could not be obtained. Thetests of the fuel in queetion were repented together withteets of the referenoe fuele. Speolfio mention of theseteste is made later in the report.

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    7. .All values of inlet pressure are given i n inohes of,-,-meroury, absolute..... . .- .,---- . ---- .- ,.......1-- . . .

    lfaxbwauuaMB~ble I*oated mean etffeotire nr~ .-In the presentation of the knook oharaoteristios of theseeight representative 100-ootane-number fuels, it Is advis-able to oompare the results obtained with the data reaordedfor the S-1 reference fuels:An examination of the regulte for 8-1 fuel and S-1plus tetraethyl lead (fig. 6) at the two inlet-air temper-atures shows, aa im to be.expeoted, that the maxtmum per-missible Indioated mean effective pressure at any one fuel-air ratio decreataed an the inlet-air temperature was ln-oreaaed. There is also a msrked difference in the generalshape of the ourvea. At the lower inlet-air temperature,the curves tend to reaeh a maximum value of the maximumpermisaibla indicated mean effective pressure at a fual-air ratio of approximately 0.090. At the higher lnlet-air temperature, the curvee in general tend to show a con-tinuous increaae in the maximum permissible indicated mesn

    effeotlve pressure as the mixture is enriohed or, If amaximum ooours, it ocours at a richer mixture than is! theease at the lower inlet temperature. This difference inthe shape of the ourves is not clearly understood. Aposeible explanation la that vaporization of the fuel laInfluenolng the reaotion.In the lean region the maximum permiaeible Indioatedmean effeetive pressure aontinued to deoreaee in all ofthe eaaea except one. This oontinued deoreaee i.a in oon-tradlation to results presented at other laboratories.~or inatanoe, i n the teats made on the O.Y.R. engine by

    the O.E.R. group working on the proposed tentative super-charged method, as the mixture ratio was leaned below app-roximately 0.066, the maximum permissible indioated meaneffeotive preaeure increased. A eimllar Inoreaee for leanmlxturea will be presented leter in thla report for testswi.t,hthe Wright 0-200 aylinder. This difference in theshape of the ourves Is tittributedtothe reoessed apa~k plug used with the Lyoomimg cylinder. Tests now beingoonduoted on this oylinder with the spark-plug electrodesflueh with the inner surfa~e of the eombuetion chamber

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    show that, with thta arrangement, the l~sn mixture opera-tion is Improved end the maximum permlselbl.e indicatedmean effeotive pressure passes through a minimum at a fuel-air ratio of about 0.065. This change is ceused by theposition of the spark-plug electrodes and not by the spark-plug type.

    Because it was necessary to ch~nge the type of sparkplug to prevent efterfirlng with fuel 8, tests were runwltli S-1 + 3.0 millllitere tetraethyl lead to determinewhether the epark plug had any unforeseen effeot on theknock limit of the fuel. Results presented in table VIshow that changing the type of epark plug or Inetalliagthermocouple in the center elactrode of the spark plug a did not affect the maximum permieeible Inlet preesure or the haximum permissible lndicnt~d mean effective preesure.. . .Xiguree 7 end 8 show the resulte for the eight rep-! reeentative 100-ootane-number fuels. At both Inlet-air.temperatures the maximum permieslble Indioeted meen ef-fective pressure reached a maximum: et a fuel-air ratioof approxlrcately 0.080 at the lower inlet-air temperatureAnd at a fuel-air ratio of approximately 0.090 at thehigher inlet-air temperature. The fact that these cu rve sof maximum permissible Indicated menn effeotlve preesuredeol~ine in the riah region - whereas euch wae not the-se with the curvee for tke reference fuels - means thatthe oc%ane number of these fuels as determinsid on theLyoomin3 cylinder will decreaee in the rich region.Whether this decrease applies to the full-ecale perform-ance of. these fuele is not known. If this difference Inthe- shape of the curves ie the result of the. fuel vola-tility, ~nd ths data for drawing euch a conclusion areadmit~edly incomplete, it i~ logtcnl to expect that thisvolatility will cause a difference between multlcylinder-engine and -single-oyllnder--engine reeulte.

    In e multicylinder engine the fuel Is firet carb&-rbted and then pessed through the supercharger. If a two-etage supercharger Ie ueed, the fuel Ie cerbureted betweenthe two etegee. Whilecthe fuel Is passing through tkesupercharger, it ie being. mlxxd. wlth the air. Thie mlxlngtime is not nvaileble in eingle-cy.llnder. set-upe , in whiohthe injection nozzle or the carburetor ie motinted closeto the inlet valve of the eaglne.. It is quite possiblethat in order to reproduce full-eoale results it will benecessary to plaoe the oerburetor or the fuel-injectionnozzle at scme dlstanae from the engine eo thnt Additional

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    time will be permitted to veporlse the fuels. The datashow the need of more Information on this eub~eot IffP~&B,..eJTe..$>..>.eProTIXTlX .~ate.~.- -.-The results shown for fuel 8 in figure 7(b) by the .solid curve are those for which in most oaeeo the per for -mance of the fuel was limited by afterfiring. When thespark plug was changed to a oobler running plug, thisafterfiring was eliminated and the rbsults shown by thedaehed curve were reeorded. As mentioned in the testprocedure, when this second run wee made with fuel 8, itwae neaeesary to repeat the datn on the reference fuels .and, at the same time, a second series of data was re-corded for fuel 7. This second test for fuel 7 is also

    shown as the dashed curve in figure 7(b). Both ourvesfor fuel 7, although differing in aotual valuee, showquite good agreement in regard to the general shape.~igure 8 shows the data for fuels 7 and 8 determinedin the eeoond series of tests together with those for thereferenoe fuele. ~lgure 8 aleo shows data on the indl-osted speeiflo fuel consumption determined in these runs.A elngle curve oan be drawn to represent the Indioatedspeclfio fuel consumption indicating that the addition of16 percent benzene onused no measurable lnorease in thespecific #uel ooqsumptlon.The exaot elgnlficance of the afterfiring with fuel8 in not olenr. The afterfiring llmlt at the higherinlet-air temperature pieced this fuel below the otherfuele for fuel-eir ratioe of lees than 0.08. The dataindicate that afterfiring would not occur at fuel-airratioe greater than approximately 0.096ti In the eeeondaeriee of teate, in which the afterfiring was eliminated.,the performance of this fuel was entirely eatiefaotory.Its very marked improvement over the other fuels is no- .tioeable. HOW much of the improvement In fuel 8 overfuel 7 results from the addltiom of the benzene and how

    much of the improvement results from the inorease of thephosphoric acid ieo-oatane content is not clear.Ma im m mermisslble inlet mresswe and maxi mum Cvl+

    UAGGUX&m - The indicated mean effective pressuredeveloped at inc~pient knock Is a function of both themass of air induoted per oyale and the fuel-air ratio.The inlet pressure at any one inlet temperature ie a meas-ure of the maes of air induoted info the engine. The rela-tions betwe~n th~ fuel~eir ratio and the maximum permls-.slble inlet pressures are therefor~ of %nterast.

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    Sigure 9 presents the reoorded maximum permleslhleInlet pressures end the corresponding. maximum cylinderpressures as functions of fuel-air ratio. At the lowerinlet-sir temperature the maximum permissible inlet pres-sure first decreased and reached.amtnimum at a fuel-airratio of approximately 0.065 to 0.07; although with fuel2, at the lower inlet-elr temperature the maximum permis-sible Inlet pressure oontinued to deomease, reaching aminimum at a fuel-air ratio of about 0.105. With fuels1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 at tho lower inlet-air temperaturethe permissible Inlet pressure reaehed a maximum at afuel-air ratio of approximately 0.09 and a second mlnlmumat a fuel-air ratio of approximately O.11. Again, thesignificance of these maximums and minimums is far fromclear. At the higher inlet-air temperature, although theminimums at a fuel-air ratio of approxtmetely 0.065 oon-tlnued to be clearly indicated, the maximums in the richrange either disappeared o? bec~me less marked. Again,vaporization of the fuel is a possible aause,-although the oouree of the combustion as it is possiblyaffected by the inlet-mixture temperature must not beoverlooked, Figure 9(c) presents the results for theeeoond series of tests on the reference fuels and onfuels 7 and 8.

    SDecl fl c fuel c~mtions.- In figure 10 it is eeenthat at an inlet-air temperature of 250 F, within thelimits of experimental error, a single ourve representsthe indicated speoifio fuel consumption data for alleight fuels and for the S-1 fuels. The Indioated speoiflefuel oonsumptions at the lower inlet-air temperature werethe same as those at the higher temperature, within ex-perimental error. (See tables VII rnd VI II.) That is tosay, any difference In the Indioated epeoific fuel OOU-sumptions thet resulted from a difference in the heat oon-tents of the fuels were within the experimental error.The data for brake specifio fuel ooneumptlon sh ow n I n f i g -ure 10 saattered aonsidera-~ly. .The reaeon for this soat-ter Is that the friotion mean effeotive pressure is afunotion of the Inlet preeeure, as shown in figure 5.

    Beoauee the brake epeo~flo fuel consumption Is notdependent on the fuel-air ratio alone, the uee of brakeepecific fuel consumption should be avoided as much aspossible in platting fusl-rating ourves. The situatiOnIe further oorppllceted when single-cylinder data are oom-pared with multioylinder data for, in the full-ecaleengtne, the suproharger 1s driven by the engine. A

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    .. ..-


    possible method of overcoming the difficulty of determin-ing the icdicated performance on the full-ecele engine Isto plot the,,curvee as maximum permi~si.ble air quantityInduoted in pounds per oycle per oublo inch of engine die-plaooment as a funotion of fuel-air ratio.

    In figure 11 the indicated specifio fuel consumptionIs plotted as a function of fuel-air ratio divided by thefuel-air ratio for complate oombustlon. Again, the varia-tion in the results cauqed by the difference i n the heatsof combustion is apparently within the experimental error.Comparison of results with those recordad for otherengines.- In fi~re 12 are shown the knock-limit results

    rgoorded at the Esso Laborstorles of the Standard OilCompany of New Jarsey for six of tha eight representa-tive 100-ootane-number fuels. In general, the curves eresimilar to those determined on the Lycoming aylinder. Infigure 13 are shown the 3SS0 deta in comparison with thel?ACA data plotted on the basis of mnximum permissible airquantity inducted per cyola per ou%ic Inch of engine dis-placement as a funotion of fuel-air ratio. When the datafrom the Esso Laboratories are compared with the RAOAdata for en inlet-air temperature of 2500 F, the ourvesfor the three fuel~ listed check quite well.. There is nojustification for using the HAOA data at the inlet-alrtemperature of 250 IInstead of the inlet-air tempera-ture of 150 l?, which is more closely in accord with theEYSO Laboratories conditions, except that there seems tobe batter agrepment of the IJACA data if the higher tem-perature is uoed. The data indioate that good correlationoan be obteinod between different enginee under speoifiooperating conditions. The operating conditions requiredto compare the data from one engine with thoee from aeecond may not, however, be the same as those required tocompare data from the firet engine with data from a thirdengine.

    Pigure 14 presents data determined fit the l!YACAlab-oratories on a Wright G-200 cylinder. In all casee theperformance was limited by knock, no afterfirlng beingrecorded. The prooedure in determining these data on the(3-200 cylinder wae the same as that on the Lgoomtng oyl-Inder, with the exception that, in the Wright G-200 set-up, the engine operators were in a separete room from theengine. The knook was listened to by peens of a m50ro-phone hung over the engine and attsched to earphones Inthe operatorsl compartment.

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    The curve for indiaated specific fuel consumption(fig. 14) checks rea60nab17 well with the correspondingcurve reoorded for the Lyooming oylinder for mixtureericher than 0.066.

    When the fuel-air ratio was decreased belaw a valueof 0,065 on the (3-200 cylinder, the maximum permlsalbleindioated mean effeotive pressure tncreeped in contradic-tion to the results recorded with the Lycoming cylinder.In general, the effects of changing the inlet-airtemperetuie were the same in the Wright G-200 cylinder asin the Lycoming 0-1230 cylinder (fig. 15).Eigure 16 presents dnta from the I!thyl Gasoline. Corporation 17.6 engine {17.6 cu In. displsoement) re-corded by the 3thyl Geeoline Corporation on NACA fuels 7and % and on 8-1 ~d S-1 plus t$traethyl lead. Figure 17presents the same data plotted with fuel-eir ratio as theabecissa. The fuel-air ratios in this case were estimstedbecause air aonsumptlon data were not recorded. This es-timate was made In the following mnnner: Data were pre-sented by the ~thyl G~soline Corporation (not inclu~edherein) tor the mex~mum permissible boost pressure forS-1 and S-1 plus tetraethyl lead up to valuss of 6 milli-

    liters per gallon. These deta were for the maximum knockmixture, that ia, the mixture ra:io which gave the high-est thermal-plug reading at a constant inlet preseure.Based on the data presented In this zeport, this fuel-airratio is assumed to be 0.97. Brom this assumption audthe indicat6L specific fuel consumption recorded in theEthyl Gasoline Corpol*atioa tests, the air, in pounds perhour, inducted into the engine as a function of the boostpressure was estimated. It was then further assumed thatthle curve of booet pressure against air flow did not varywith fuel-air ratio. Although this assumption ie not ex-act, its accuracy is probably sufficient for the presentpurpose. The vnriation between the exact values of fuel-alr retio and these estimated vd.ues Is indicated %y thespread of the data for specific fuel consumption as afunotion of fuel-air ratio, shown in figure 17, and pos-elbly in the spread of the curves of indicated specifioair consumption, although these curves might lin in therelatlve positions shown because of the difference in thehydrogenticarbon reties and the heRts of combustion offuels 7 and 8.

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    The cm r vea of maximum permise~ble inlet pressure asa funotion of indioated specific fuel consumption (fig.16] aho.w a similarity between. the. curves for the S-1 fuelsthat ie not present for the other two fuels. In the S-1fuels the curves inoline as the mixture ratio Is Increaeedat a more or less oonstant rate until the mixture ratioreaohes exoeedlngly rich values. In these ourves of maxi-mum permissible Inlet pressure the ourve does not passthrough the points to the same extent as the ourves drawnfor the maximum permissible indioat,ed mean effeotive pres-eu r e but is fa~red to give s smooth ourve. Ourvee forfuels 7 and 8 show first a rapid Inoreaee In the permle-alble pressure as the mixture IS enriohed and then amarked deorease in the slope of the ourve representingthe experimental data, the elope of the line in this re-gion being less than that for the S-1 fuel. As the mix-ture IS enriahed beyond a fuel-air ratto of 0.10, theourves Inoline more rapidly. The eharp lnorea~e in themaximum permissible inlet pressure in the extremely riohmixtures is quite marked.

    The general relation of the aurves for the two repre-sentative 100-octane-number fuels as oompared with theS-1 fuels is similar to that obtained in the I?AOA tests.In each ease fuel 7 over the range of fuel-air ratios be-tween 0.060 and 0.100 has a relative knock value aboutthe came as that for S-1 + 1.0 milliliter tetraethyl lead;and, although the data are not shown on the Lycoming cyl-inder for S-1 + 3.0 milliliter tetraethyl lead In figure8, it is estlmoted from figures 6 and 8 that the ourvefor fuel 8 would show the same similarity in magnitude tothe curve of S-1 + 3.0 milliliters tetraethyl lead as dothe curves for fuel 8 and S-1 + 3.0 milliliters tetra-ethyl lead as recorded on the IWhyl Gasoline Corporation17.6 oylinder. The deorease In permlesible indioated mesneffective preseure In the rioh region that is shown In theresults presented in figures 16 and 17 is not .aocompaniedby a deorease in either the permissible inlet pressure orthe estimated p~rmisaible air quantity Induoted. In faot,the air quantity Lnduated, as estimated from the inletp r e s s u r e , oontinuea to increase as the fuel-air ratio iaincreased.. This Increase is not auffioiently rapid tooffset the drop In indicated mean effeotlve pressure thatooours with rlah mixtures and, for this reason, the ourveaof indioated mean effeotive pressure reach a maximum atfuel-air ratioa of about 0,100

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number




    The goal of rating fuels 1s to Insure that all fueleof the same rating will have the same rolativs knook char-acterlstlos in all engines, regerdlese of :uet what theactual performatice is. Adauittedly, In tho present stateof knowledge of fuel rating, this goel has not beenachieved. With its present inadequacies the ootane-number method of rating fuele has, however, been quiteadvantageous to the development of aircraft engines andalraraft fuels. In the foregoing saatton of thl~ reportIt has been pointed out that, although each of the eightrepresentative fuels tested had an ootane number of 100hy the C.F.Il. aviation method, the performance of thefuels tn the different cylinders and under the differentoonditlons of operaticn presented considerable variation.The most Important factor to determine in reiation to thefuel rating is the variation in the data obtained for anyone fuel umier the different conditions of the tests nndthe variatioa between the fuels. In tha presentation ofan andysls of this variation, the fue16 are oomparedreletive to S-1, that is, by octane number.tloalarativo ~rformaace of S-l~lus tetraothyl lead.-.. .In table VII a;ellsted the maximum permissible indicated.mean effectiva pressures recor~ed with S-1 plus differentquantities of tetraohhyl iced at the two inlet-air tcn-peratures tested on the Lyooming cyilqder. !tab18 IX pre-sents data for the seoond run on the Iiyc~ming cylinder forS-1 and S-1 + 1.0 militliher tetraathyl leed. Immediatelybeneath the values cf indicated mean effective presoureare given the relative val-aes of the indiaated nean effec-tive pressures with respect to S-1 at the same engine

    operating oondltions and at the same fusl-nlr ratio.These data are plotted in figure 18 so that tha vaiues atthe two different Inlet-atr temperatures can be compared.Figu re 18(a) shows the curves for Iaaded G-1 at an lnlet-air temperature of 250 0 ~ ae determined in the firstseriee of runs, togetiher with the curve fox S-1 + 0.6milliliter tetraethyl lead at the inlet-air tenper~tureof 1500 n. In figure 18(U) are the three curvas reco~dedfor 8-1 + 1.0 milliliter tetraethyl lead. Figure ltl(c)shows the two curve~ reoorded for S-1 + 2.0 millilitaratetraethyl lead and 18(d) shows the two ourTes recordedfor S-1 + 3.0 milliliters tetraethyl lend at the two

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number




    inlet-air temperatures and all the ourvee for the leadedS-1 at au Inlet-air temperature of 160 ~. In figure18(g) ar e average -our.ves.for the [email protected]..... .The ourves at the two different inlet-air tempera-tures indioate that, for fuel-air ratios equal to or in :exoess of 0s07, the agreement between the data reaordedat the two Inlet-air temperatures IS quite good. Forlead quantities of 0.5 and 1.0 milliliter, the ourvee di-verge at the lean-mixture ratios. As has been stated be-fore, too muoh oonfidenoe oannot be plsoed in the datafor fuel-air ratio of 0.05 Beoauae the eaglne did notoperate emoothly .at this fuel-air ratio. The averageaurvee form a reasonably good family of.curvee. In gen-

    eral, It oan be said that over the operating range offuel-air ratios, the agreement between the data a-t thetwo inlet-air temperature 19 reasonably BatisfaotorxmIn table X for each fuel-air ratio at the two lnlet-alr temperatures there are tabulated the percentages ofinereaee in relative Indioated mean effective pressurefor eaah 0.1 milliliter tetiraethyl lead for rangea oftetraethyl lead from O to 0.5 and from 0.6 to 3.0. Theeedata were determined from onose plots for the curves pre-sented In figure 18. For leaded quaatitlea from 0.5 to3.0 milliliters tetraethyl lead, there is an increase In

    relative indicated menn effecbive pressure of 1.5 peroentfor eaoh 0.1 milliliter of tetraethyl lead. For the rangefrom 0.0 to 0.5 milliliter tetraethyl lead, the InareaseIn permissible relatlve indicated mean effeotive pressurevaries with both the fuel-al= r-tio and with the lnlet-air temperature.Compfirativs performance of eight representative 100-ootaae,-number fuels.- Tables VIII, IX, XI, XII, and XIIIlist the maximum ~rmlssible values of indicated mean ef-feotlve pressure for the eight representative fuels under

    the different test ooriditions and the percentage vsduesof these Zndicated mean effeative pressures oompared withS-1 at the same operating conditions and fuel-air. ratios.The percentage values are plotted in figure 19. As thefuel-air ratio $s increased from 0.07, the relatlve indd-cated mean effeotive pressures of the fuels in generaldeorease so that, as the mixture lo enrlohed, the relativevalues of the fuels approaoh more olosely the value ofs-l . The O.F.R. aviation method of knock rating ia deter-mined at the fuel-air ratio giving @aximuau thermal-plugtemperature; this rat$o, aeoording to the temperature

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    . .


    curves recorded during these tepts, ehould not be in ex -ceOe of a fuel-air ratio of 0.07. According to figure 19the variation of the relntlve prformanae at this ratiola aa great aO at the other fuel-air ratioa. This fact1s in accordance with the analysis presented in reference2.

    In only three cases, that is, with fuels 1, 2, and 3,did the relative performance of the fuel intersect the100-poroent ordinate for S-1. With fuel 1 the intersec-tion occurred at a fuel-air ratio of about 0.12; withfuel 2, at a fuel-air ratio between 0.10 and 0.11; withfuel 3, at a fuel-air ratio of about 0.07 at the lower in-let temperature a~d at a fuel-air ratio of about 0.10 etboth inlet-air temperatures. Euele 4, 5, and 6 closelyapproach the value for S-1 at the richest mixture tested.A comparison of the Varietion in the relative ratingof the different fuels shows reasonably good agreementfor the reletivo rating curves at the two inlet-alr tem-peratures for fuels 1 through 6. The greatest divergencein relative values occurs with Suel 7. This divergencereachea a value of 24 percent, considering all the curvespresented. There are admittedly more data for this fuelthan for any of the other fuele tested. The maximum dl-

    vergenoe for the runs on tha Lycoming cylinder is approx-imately 18 percent and ocours at a fuel-air ratio of 0.07.There is good agreement between the ehape of tha curvesfor the two runs on the Lycoming cylinder at an Inlet-airtemperature of 250 0 F and the run on the G-200 clyindsrat an inlet-air temperature of 150 F. At a temperatureof 250 Y on the &200 c71inder the data agree more close-ly with the data at 150 I Inlet-sir temperature on theLyooming. !Phe reason for this apparent reversal of theinlet-air-temperature effect on the two cylindere is farfrom clear but, acoording to the analysis presented inreferenae 2, such differences might be expeoted. In thisrelatlon, reference Is made to figure 8 In which it isnoted that the curve for 5-1 does not show a minimum at as low a value of fuel-air ratio as do the other fuelspresented on thie figure. This faot oauses the ourve Infigure 19 for fuel 7 for the G-200 cylinder at 150 F toshow a sharp incresse in rel~tlva value between a fuel-air ratio of 0.06 and 0.07.

    Ourves for fuel 8 for which data ere presented onthree different cylinders varying in displacement from17.6 to 202 cubic Inohes at approximately the same inlet-

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    17#air temperature show, in general, a high level of relativemaximum permissible indloated mean effeotlve pressure.. There is a marked .eimil~ni.ty..b.etween._tha-data determinedon the Lyoomlng oylinder and those obtained with the EthylGasoline Oorporatlon 17.6 oyllnder, with the exoeptlonthat the ourve for the Xthyl Gasoline Corporation cylinderis ehlfted to the right by a differetioo in fuel-alr ratioof approximately 0.01. This aifferen,oe may possibly beattributed to inaoouraoiee in estimating the fuel-airr a t io for the Ethyl Gasoline Oorporetlon data. The datareoorded on the G-200 oylinder do not show the deollne inthe relatlve Indioated mean effeotive pressure as thefuel-air ratio io deoreaaed below 0.07.

    In figure 20 are presented average ourves for eaohfuel together with the average ourves for the leaded S-1fuels. The data reoorded for the Ethyl Gasoline Corpora-tion 17.6 oylinder have not been considered.. IFrom theseaverage ourves, vdlues of ootane number for the differentfuele have been determined and are reoorded in table XIV.The values for the fuels show, in gener~l, an Inoreaee inrelative ootane number as the fuel-air ratio is increasedfrom 0.05 to fuel-air ratioe of about 0.07 to 0.08 and adeorease at the richer mixtures. Of particular intereetIn this table is the varietion In ootane rating of eaohfuel listed. The maximum varletion, which occurs withfuel 8, is 1.0 milliliter tetraethyl lead.

    The varietion In values of the octnne ratings forany one fuel at the two inlet temperatures must also beconsidered (table XV). For fuels 1 and 2 the maximum .variatl on at any one fuel-air ratio 1S 0.2 millilitertetraethyl lead. ~or fuel 3, if the value of fuel-airratio of 0.05 Is neglected, the maximum variation Isfrom 99-ootane number (estimated) to S-1 + 0.3 millilitertetraethyl lead. A drop .of one ootane number below 100represents about the taame detarease in performance as theIncrease obtained through the addition of 0.1 millilitertetraethyl lead above 100-ootane number. It is thereforeestimated that the maximum variation for fuel 3 Is 0.4milliliter tetraethyl lead. The maximum varlatlon forfuel 4 la 0.3 milliliter tetraethyl le~d. In fuel 6 themaximum variation reaches a valtie.of 0.5 milliliter tetra-ethyl lead, if the a full-air ratio of 0..05 1snegleoted. ~uel 6 ahowe the least variation of auy ofthe fuels, having a maximum variation of 0.% mlllllltertetnaethyl Jeed. hel 7 shows the greatest variation ofall of the fuels for whioh a oomparieon oan be made; thisvariation IB 0.90 milliliter tetraiethyl lead at a fuel-atr rat$o of 0.07.


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    One fact that must be emphasized in this analysis ofthe octane number of the fuels ita that the fuel~ are allbeing aompired with the experimental data fo r S-1. Porthis reason, any error that oewra in the cur?e for 6-1will -ooour in the octane numbers for the different fuels.~igure 7 shows that the four points for S-1 In the leanregion are so soattered that a smooth cur~e cannot bedrawn through the points. The oonatru~tion of thie curvewill , of oourse, affect the fuel ratings in the range offuel-air ratio from 0.05 to 0.07. Eating the fuels froma oomparioon with S-1 Introduoee the error that occure inthe ourves for the unknown fuels as well as any errorthat ocoure In the curve for the S-1 fuel. This accumu-lation of error ie unavoidable if the fuels are rated byrefe.renoe to a etanderd fuel or fuels, The errors re-sulting from any error in the S-1 curve occur in the datafor eaoh of the fuels; for this reason, the oomparieon Ofthe variation of the eight fuels among themeelvee Is vdlld,even though the actual values may be in error. For thepresent analysis, the oompe~iaon of the fuels among them-selves is more Important, for the primary interest ie In .the variation of tlke fuels when compared with esoh other.and not in the variati on with the fuele from the S-1 ref-erence fuel. .

    Oomnsrifaon of fuels based on .constituent& .- -In tableXVI a tabulation Is made of the fuele in desaehding order:firet, the percentage of aromatios; eeoond, the porce~tageof naphthenee; third, the percentage of pareffins; end,finally, in order of descending merit as shown.from the -knook - teet dnta as given in figure 20. There aeema.tobe no agreement between the percentage of the aonstltuenteand the orde r of merit. Just how valid this comparison .ie, it ie difficult to etate, More qata on the .knookoharacterietice of pure hydrooarbone and the blends ofpure hydrocarbons are needed ta determine the effeots of .these .oonetltpente.


    i. The.dsta preeented in this report have shownth?at varying the inlet-air $empereture changee not onl? 1the level of the knock-limit curves of the fuels testedbut aleo the shape of the .curvee for these fuels. A com-parison bf the data from different .engizie~ylLnders showsthat differentiee ocour in ths elopes of these curves in. . . ..

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    . . 19

    the region of fuel-air ratios from 0.07 to 0.12, apparent-ly in a manner similar to that whioh ooours. through ohang-ing the inlet-air temperature in a given engine oylinder..-. ..-..~E-e data in~ichbii thst, in oaaes where the maximum permia-.-...sible indioated mean effeotive pressure reaohes a msxlmumat fuel-air ratios between 0.08 and d.1~, this maximum laa funotion of the engine operating oonditlons as well asof the fuel.2. The data Indioate that the fuels whloh have thesame ootane number aooording to the O.F.R. aviation methodmay have merkedly different ootane numbers when tested ina full-soale single-oylinder engine. Thie variation mayooour over the full range of fuel-air ratios that may be

    encountered in servioe operation. Among the eight 100-ootane-number fuels tested, the maximum permlseible ln-dioated mean effeotive pressure at a fuel-air ratio of0.08 had a low value of 106 peroent relative to 8-1 anda high value of 152 peroent relative to S-1.3. The data show that the ootane number of thisseries of fuels will vary for any one fuel in any oneoylinder as the fuel-air r~tlo Is ohanged.4. The data indiootfi that the addition of arom~tlosto the fuels (fuels 4 and 8) does not present any serloue

    disadvantages from oonsiderntlons of knook. In no easedid the runs made with the fuels oontainlng arometiosshow preignition, although afterfiring wae present forone of the fuele. This afterfiring WEJS eliminated byohsnglng the type of spark plug.5. The type of spark plug apparently has no effeoton the knook rating of the fueltion does not ooour. , provided that preigni-

    6. ~he data Indioate that the knook oharaoteristlosOf the fuele oould not be olasslfled aooording to the per-centage of naphthenee, paraffins, aromatioe, or olefinein the fuels.

    Langley Nemorlal Aeronautioel Laboratory,Mational Advisory Oommlttee for Aeronautics,Langley l?ield, Va.

    . .

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    ,. , s

    20.. ..1.



    Anon. : Teat Procedures and Genersl Information inCurrent Uee in the Development and Utlli=ation ofAviation, Motor, end Automotive Diesel Yuels.Cooperative fiel Res. Comm., Ilry 1941.Eothrook, A. M., and Blermann, Arnold E.: The Knock-ing Oharacteristios of fiels In Relation to Ma;~g~mPermissible Performance of Alrcreft Engines.Ilap. HO. 655, 1939.

    . .

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number

























    Composition54 peroent h@lro~~r blend@qt in St*ai@t run 74 base

    33.7 peroent UI.ate blendingagent In ~tr4@ht run 74 base52.6 peroent &lkylate blendlng






    agent In straight run 74 baseperoent alelate blendlngagent h hydrofomed ba~eparcent alkylate blending-t h HOudrY baseperoent lqdromdhaer blendingqent In Houdry basepercent phoaphorio acid iso-ootane blending a&nt in 40percent li@t IX3pthaperoent phosphorlo aofd iso-ootane blending agent h 15percent light naptha and 15percent benzol.

    iveragd ootanemniberby C.F.R.~viatlonmethod99.9




    100 + 0.05

    100 + 0.02..100


    1Average of determlnations of four Zabaratories,

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number




    [Data from Standard Oil Development Comp~nfl

    A.P. I.. . . . . . .id vapor pressureount of TEL per gallon, mltial boili~lgpoint, oFrcentage at-158F . . . . . . . . .176 . . . . . . . q q203 . . . q . . . q .212 . . . . . . q .0257percent*a;,o~ : : : :nal boiling point,F . .rcentage recovery . . .centage loss q ,aviation rneth~doctane number. 4proximate compos~t~o~~Percentage aromaticsPercentage naphthenesPercentage paraffinsPercentage olefins

    Base;traight run74














    n~ a~entsAlkylate



    16.5----37.5M. 596.023427197.51.5100+2.1:LOOo


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    TAPLEIIICHARACTERISTICSFFUELS1 TO6r--L--. ..-.-. ... --..-_L -.---7


    L I AU XromatmlumruUzi wvezopmunu liOmpUl~JNACArwl 1 2 3 4 5 6Puel type Straight Straight Straight Hydrofomned Houdry +run run + Houdry+ hydro- alk late,?* :: + :k~~e alkylae ;?:alkylate +3m.1codlmer+3mlComposition, percentageblendlng agent in basestock (see table II) . . 542 In E 33.7KlnX 52.6LinE 46L inR J@Lln13 40H8lnSSravlty,A.P.I.. .. .. 69.5 68,7 70.6 f$ f : 71.1 6;.;Reid .aporpre.saure . . . 6.5 6.4~:;6 7.1kmountof TEL per gallon, ml 6.18 3.05 2:98 2.97 .95tnltialboiling point, W. 108 111 112 106 100 108Percentageat -

    158- . . . . . . . . . 16.0 1 .0il 15.0 22.0176 . . . . . . . . . 25.5 2 .0 2 .0203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g:.; $.0 i% $! &212 . . . . . . . . . 48.0 94:0 3 :: i %::57 . . . . . . . . . . g~.o 94:0 35:2~0 percent at, %? . . . . 240 ;?: 3: ,42 %;266?Inalboiling point,% . . 277 Z2; oPercentagerecovery. . . . 9::; 97.5 9&;Percentage lees . . . . . 9::: 9..;1.7 9*1.2Lrmy gumopper ~iah.&: ~)l.o.d ..*L.... ...ia... ...5.... z :.0 DJ.: J::;opper dleh corroelon . . Pass~~~&~~Ez~e%~&~b : :::::::: 18,;~ .:: .... m-o......0 ........ ........ .....q ..18,379 ........ ........;.F.R. aviationmethodoctane number by -

    Laboratory 1 . . . . . 100+0.02 99.9 99.5s 99.2 99.2B 9;9;7 100+005 100+0.02Laboratory 2 . . . . . 99.6 ~;.; 99i ;6 99.7 100 100+0.06Laboratory . . . . . ........? ?7.6, 96.0Labo=atoq . . . . . ........ ........ ....*...99:5 100+0.04 100 100+0.10 ........Approximate composition:Percentagearomatics . .Percentagenapthenee . . 2;Percent~ge paraffins . . 78 i i $ :: E i i iPercentage oleflna . . . 0 0 1 3 3Trial blends? percentage HlnE KlnX LlnE LlnR LlnS HinSfrom -Laboratory 1 . . . . . W % 54Laboratory. . . . . 50Laboratory. . . . .? ;! ;;Laboratory. . . . . ;$ g

    # gdza dz5Average . . . . . . 54 34 53 46 @ 39.Theee results appaar to be low inasmuch as 6 percentmore alkylatewas Uned in the Dlenathan was originally lndlcated to be necessary by laboratory3.bTrial blendg resulting in 100 octane number with tOtraO*yl lead.cThlo value omitted in average.dReceived too late to be included In average.Value of @ percent ueed In blend because reeult from laboratory 2 appeared 10W.

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    ,,, ,., ,,. . . .. ... . . . . ..-. ---


    [Data from Standard Oil Company (Indiana)]

    Amount of TEL per gallon, ml . . .Percentebge aromatics . . . . .Percentage light naphbha: . . .Percentage iso-octane hlend~ng agent.C.R.E. aviation method octane number byLaboratory 1 . . . . . . . .Laboratory 2 . . . . . . . .L~boratory . . . . . . . .

    2aboratory . . . . . . . .

    Fuel 7


    Euel 82.79151570


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    TABLEV zRCARBON-HYDROGENATIOSANDHEATSOF COMBIJSTIONF NACAFUELSANDS-1 >[Heat of cornbust ion determined at constant vo,lume]

    F/A for Grossheat Gross heat Grams water Heating cor- netheat ,~etheatc E complete of combustion., of combustion. nroduce~ per rectlon per of coln- of com-c/Ii (percent) (p-cent) H/C combustion ~al/gram) (Btu/lb) gram fuel gram fuel buatfoll, bustlonburned ;cal/g4 (cal Ig& (Stu/lb )11,406~.~1 83.72 0.9660 20,53115.7g o.lgg 11,445 20,601 1.41 762 10,666 19,2005.Jq 33.%7 15.77 .1H3 11,434 20,581 1.41 762I 11,394 20,5095.3? 34.03 15.50 .1%8 .0661 11,400 20,520 1.41 762 10,641 i9,1505.36 89.10 15.69 .lg6 11,408 20,5;4 1.40 756

    11,463 m,6335.24 g4.o 16.0 .191 .0658 11,425 20,565 1.43 772 10,672 19,105.Z6 33.91 15.91 .190 11,439 20,590 1.42 76%11,13Z 20,13%5::; 65.18 14.41 .169 .0674 11,173 20,111 1.29 69% 10,4gl 16*870gb.10 14.49 .170 11,173 20,120 1.29 69gll,b2$3 20,9305:j4 g3.b7 15.37 .164 .0663 11,623 20,921 1.~g 744 lo,g70 19*57084.U5 15.45 .lg~ 11,592 Z()gfJ6 1.73 74411,432 20,5765.52 84.18 15.26 ,la .0664 11,430 20,574%46 34.4)1 1.37 7y3 10,713 19,27015.43 .163 ll,iioo 20,700 L 3% 74411,437 20,5875.27 g2.96 15.76 .l% .065g 11,431

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    ON KNOCKLIMIT OF S-1 FUEL + 3.0 ML TETRAETHYL LEAD[!coming 0-1230 cylinder; engine speed, 2000 rpm; spark advance,27; inlet-air temperature,150~-mi=airratio


    q 0705






    .0694q 0680q 0700

    Wxj.mum 1 IndicatedpermissibleImean ef-

    inlet pres- fectlve






    Cndlcated~el con-3umptlon


    q 404

    q 401q 403.398.403.401,.404q 399.406

    Engine temperature1a:pre



    )il out(F)







    249.8246.2246,2246.2249.8248.0248.0- -.


    New Bendix41-Gsparkplugwith-thermocouplend newBendix41-GsparkplugwithoutthermocoupleNew Bendix 41-G spark plugwith thermocouplend oldBendix41-G sparkplugwith thermocouplesedabout130 hoursTwo new Bendix 41-G sparkplugsTwo new BGW4-S sparkplugs ITwo new Bendix300-AlsparkplugsTwonew OhamplonR-J2sparkplugsTwo new ChampionR-J7spark plugs (hotplug)Two new BG 3B-2 sparkplugsTwo new Bendix41-G s ark7lugs (checkrunningBendix41-Gusedabout130hours (onewiththermocouplend onewithout)

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    Fuel-airrat io.




    q 08





    q 06







    Indicatedspecificfuel con-sumption-












    q 530


    q 685


    In the tabulated data below, the .uPPervalue.~ives the.imep,in lb/Sq in., and the lower value ~iVCIsthe i~ePrelative to S-1, in percentS-1+0.5 1 s-1+ 1.0et-air te mne re. ~1851:231312319?118207112216109221108222108

    ------- ----------- ----It-air temoe]




    ------------------------------------- ---;ure. 1506226122



    s-l+ 2.0 i s-l-l-3.0 I s-l*225150222141232139248134259130

    .----- ----,---------

    .--- ____-------- -------- ------------ I256138268140279140285137281133272129

    ,--------- ------------------------------



    .-----_--! ---------------------------- --------- ---------- L---


    .------------------ ------------------------------------------- --------------------------


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    NACA TABLE VIII Table 8RELATION BETkEEN FUMFAIR RATIO ANDMAXIMUMPERMISSIBLE PERFORMM?CEOFNACAFUELS 1 TO 7 COMPAREDWITH VALUES FOR S.1@inning 0-1230 cylinder; data from figs. 6 and ~Fuel- IIndicated In the tabulated data below. the unper value Rives the. a-ir ISpecific I imep, in lb/sq in., and the Iower-;alue give; the imepratio fuel cor- relative to S-1, in percentsumption(lb)hw-hr)















    .-r temg-----------189i20

    a204L22a221119a23211722911222110819896Inlet-air tenq


    0.05 0.395 a215116.06 .375 229

    119.07 .405 a241121.08 .460 a246118.09 .530 a243

    115*10 c600 a236112.11 ,685 225107.12 .775 211100


    - 14496151961691011901032001012029919897

    .-----.-----50 F-=%091132111102131072151032151022311002069819894




















    b232125Lb244128~b257129Lb265127 b258122a248118a238113----------



    aEqual to or in exoess of S-1 * 0,5 ml TELbEqual to or in excess of S-141.Oml TEL.

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number




    RE?MTIQFEEFt- FUEL-AIROF I!ACAFUEM 7.,.. .. . ...-


    [IJc_ 0-1230o~llnder; inlet-air kupe?xiture, 2500F.12atafranfQure 8].-. .-Fuel-airratio








    . -.. .. IMhatedspeoificfuel oon-Szqtion

    . (lb/ll@lr)0.380.375



    q 559




    .. - .h the tabulated data below, the upper value&.ves the Imp, In lb/sq in., =- the lower value@ves tineImp relative to S-lj In percent


    I a23SI 119%230119---.-.


    %qud to or h exceseof S-1 + 1,0ml TWL.


    s-l + 1.0------2121202201232301242351212351.19235us------

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    .- . .. -. . .

    --- -


    ,Rl!IAT17ETO S-1 FOR..-. ..


    IW ER6ECTIVEEAOH 0.1 ml TmmAJmm.. . .. .. . . . . .. -.

    from fig. lSl


    RangeTmlml per @ion0.0 to 0.5 0.5 to 3.0

    i IInlet-alrtewporatum Y

    250 I 150Fuel-airratio


    250 I 150I 1 IPcrcentago incroasc In iaopkg3.62.Q1.I?


    I=5 1=51.5 1.5II.5 1.5

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    [Wright(3-200oyllnder;inlet-airtemperature,250F. Data talnmfrcm ftg.~

    Fuel-airmt 10






    &dioatedspeclfiofuel cm-Sumption(lb/hp-hr)



    .480q 555,525


    h the tabu!ted data below the LipervaluegfV6Ethe tip, in lbjaq in.,adthe lcxmrvalw givesthe *p rektlveto S-1, h percent Fuel 7

    158lL8144125143126180130 lg~121208117---

    Fuel 8




  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    fPP ~


    ~rightGu200cylinder;inlet-airtemperature,150F.Date from fig. 15] -

    o. G~.06.07.03




    In the taidated ~~takelow,theu~er vdu ogives tim imp, in lb/sq In., and the lowervalue gives the imep rolntivc to S-1, in


    me: 7


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    .. ... . .- -.




    CoM?AREC)WIm V.mms m s-1~thyl Gasollno Corporation 17.6 cylinder; engine epeed, 2700 r~ sparkadvanco, 20 B,T.C..;inlet-air temperature,22s0 I;Inlet coolant temper-ature, 2400 F: compression ratio, 7.7. Data fromfig.17]








    In the ta-ouiateddata below, the upper value giveBthe 3mey, In lb/sq in., end the lower value givesthe imp relative to S-1, in percent




    Fuel g



    19110019610020010020210C201100lg g100


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    [&l value~ are S-1 plus roccnxlodml totrnothyllead por gallon. Data from fig.20]


    0.05.06, 07. 08.09. 10

    Fue l 1

    0. 5q587qg. g. 6

    Variationml!ml I 93


    0,4q4.4.4q3, 1

    . 3


    Fuel 4 I Flml95 97. 6 . gq7 q9. 6 q7. 4 . 4

    q3 . 5

    mm 6

    1.1. 9. 9

    1.0q9. 7

    . 4

    f i el 7

    0.7 . 6. 91-31.0.8


    ma a

    2. 32~53. 23.23- 3. -

    1. 0

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number




    [Lycomin O-12J0cylinder;allvnluesexceptthosomarkedwith foot -fote (a era S-1 plus rccor~cd ml tctrnet~l localper gellon.Datefromfigs.M and19]

    .FLm3 FuOl klml Fuel 5 IFUCIuel 2

    I250 150

    0.4 O.y93 94q 84h. .4.2 q.0 .2

    rual 7


    250 150() . 51. 1.411.1. 3 1.2

    1,1 1. 31.0 1.2q7 , qg

    T .TI.0 --I. 7 Oi lI5,1. 0


    qf f l . ?q7 q8. 4 . 6


    1.0.8. 6

    150 2500. 4q3. 8. g. 6. 5

    250 15dI+150250

    --0.4.699. 8. 6


    (d 0. 4. a

    1.0.g. 6. 4

    ~S~.06. 07. Og. 09.10

    0. 6q697. g97q5

    o.fjq?!Jq -.1. 0

    ---O**2.63. 23. 6- -.



    (a)0, 0.1.0(d -.

    %el.uce estimatedto be ~ octane mmbcr.


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    WXvIcctdeARImmr FuEL8BAsED oHcomTmmmTa AxvDoNmmmMNcE



    Fue l4 .85 .621 .37

    peroentagsnaphthenssPercen t agenaph*s


    %ta frcm f@Jre 20.%2.s traces of rmsaturates.


    Fuels emrangedEiocoralIlgto- -



    785 ,61342

    Fuels #mmgedaooordlng toImook l=ta



  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    Figura 5.- Zffect of int a ka rJ-46 \premw re on fr ict ion. @L ycos in g 0-1230 c yl in de r;engine B pa ed , 2000 rp~ ; coolmn tin let t empermt ure,250 ~ ; cOm- ~preaaion rht io, 7.0; inla t-a ir \t a mpor at ur e, 250 ~ , 42$ \ I I , VI 1 I i 1 IN Fuel 2 (~ 38 t

    F , .- Id x I

    .54- 2(7 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 80 65Iniokepressure, in.Hg ohs-


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    l fAcA


    r igs. a,3,4r.3-&fOy l abs? r-ID pipeL 3 ID p,pe A

    I IcDE .FGxIJ

    In19t-*lrtlwrmaarnplo?h.rmacta,3;in.blow Mtta of _MlxtaIr6 thormaecmplq% in.*- o-tarMoo ofiat9kal-Xn.jcotiomllo,% in.frc9 m tm llm ofintakeal-cPlv, 2 in. I.D., ~ in. in lcagtb3xlmucthomwcnplc,31Jn.frm Ocator MM OfqxhuctnlveIMP, % in.I.D.,+:. ~ 1-pip,, 3 in.I.D.,7*in.h l.-PIPo,3 in.I.D. to 5 in.I.D.,k la.inlengthplpc,5 in.I.D., 1 1 la. .laig . . . .t .r lima

    ~AB0JZ4 T oR T E GJ u /P Mr 5N %


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    ria9.,8 0AOA340

    I I I IInlei-oir Inlet-air

    m femperdure, - temperature,1507 .?50F

    { y.s-l ..3.01VITEL 1.xX3 4/

    s-l +2.0 , s-l +3.(7m ~ a, k


    c-/+.2.260 ? /6/< r-- o s-1+1.0 uc. / o0 // / /s - 1+/.0$240 0 0$ b rs- /+0.:j L

    /e / y0 i d.. < /220 / d +/s- 1+0.:n- 0 1[ /7 .s-/ 7 ~2m 5 Y -/-0 b s.-10/0 ~ //m [ 1

    /0 0160 /0

    14 0.03 .05 .07 .(J 9 .1/ .05 .07 .09 ./1 .1:Fuel - air rofioFigure 6.- Zffoct O f i n l et -si r tempera t ure on rela t ion between fuel--r ra t io a nd ma ximumpermissible indica ted uea n effect ive prcsa ure for 8-1 US S-1 plus t et ra et hyl leui.LYcO=ing 0-1230 cylinder : engine q eed, aooo rpm; 8pcrk adwnce. a7 : cOOhnt i~et temper~t~a,a500r ; compra sa ion ra tio, 7.0.

    180~i Fuel..160 -J J , \ . L- ~ \< 1 4 --- \/ 5; /40 6 ------- \ s-l +3.07-8 -- 1 \ s-t +.?.0\-\ I., S-1+1.o~ ~U . . . . _ _ . 1 . s-l 0.5.$:100 -- .--- h,k 100or+, 7ne-/ wmb er ff. els s-l ,21US TE L

    8#.W .0 5 .07 .0.9 .1 1 .0 5 .07 .09 .) / .)3fuel-air ratioPiguro ao.- Ave r age ralativo iadicatsdNOM .ffmtiwo prcsaum with rwpoet to 8.1 f or ~M A fucl~and S-1 plus totrsathyl laad.

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    IACA rig. 7Y240 - / -Y. \ Fuel

    v 01r- .2 / -.3220 ? -:

    / -

    J.s 200 /50 T< a*$,$ !80


    (a)14 0.03 .05 .07 .09 I I ,05 .07 .09 .11 .13Fuel - air r otio(a) NAch fuel. 1, a , 3, ma 4.

    A32 0 I I .In Ie t - air I IIn Ie t - air temperature,

    Itemperature, - 1 50 T 250 F

    30 0 i -AI

    ,,- . .Fuel / .


    ,x5a6 ,V7 ,28 0 A V6A Aft er fir/n g) A q 7

    . L, , A26 0 ./

    /P > \, ,.

    / / / y h \ v/ Ax

    . $2400 vh .* f ,/ ;-vi~ \ . . z &g

    r1 /

    \ Y..$220 /+ . \[\/ /x \

    200- I /// ~


    d ~A18 0/ I

    I A16 0I

    14 0 I(b] )Ax.03 .05 .0 7 .0 9 ./1 05 .0 7 .09 ./1 .13Fuel - air rat;o(b) NAC A fu el- 5, 6, 7, a n d 8.ri~. 7- I f fm t of in let -mir t empnfa ture on rela t ion ba tw ea n fuel-ai r rmt io a nd UXimumpermissible indica t ed mea n effect ive presw re. Lycomi ~ .O-la 30 cylinder ; a ngin .sped,aOOOrpm;spark advmce, 270; coola n t in let t empera t ure, 250 , compression ra t io, 7.0.


    . . -. . ....

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    NACA Fig. 8,10



    I >/, b I I K I I 1 1

    \~4 I I I I I I 1 1 1& e.> * -x2 (EL) I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I 1 I I Io~.3 I I 1 1 1

    ~.; I I1 I I , !hak e f

    c 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I ,$ Fuel 0!4.8 o .~-l 1, v 1 1 1

    1 I 1 ) 1 I 1 1 ,;



    .5 1 I iv I I I I 1 1 I I

    L,3(b ).04 .05 .06 .07 .08 0s .)o .1I ./2

    Figure 8.-Effect of fuel-air ratio on themaximum permissible per-formance of fuels 7,8, S-1,and S-1 + 1 ml TEL. Lycoming0-1230 cylinder ;engine speed,2000 rpm; spark advance ,270;coolant temperature ,2500F;compression rati0,7.0; inlet-afi- temperature ,2500F.

    (a) NACA fuels 1 to 8.(b) S-1 and S-1 plusteeraethyl lead.Figure 10.-Relation betweenfuel-air ratioand specific fuel consump-tion for different fuels.Lycoming 0-1230 cylinder;engine speed ,2000 rpm; sparkadvance,270 ;compre99ionrati0,7.0; inlet-air tem-perature ,2500F; coolantinlet temperature ,2500F.

    Fuel-air ratio

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    I ,1

    :s of. . . .Figure9.- Relation between fuel-air ratio and maximumpermissible inlet pressure and between fuels 7 and 8 compared withfuel-air ratio and maximum cylinder pressure at this inlet pressure for NACAfuels. S-1 and-S-1+ l.Oml TEL. #Lycoming 0-1230 cylinder;engine speed,2000 rpm;rpark advance,270;coolant inlet temperature,250F;compression .ratio,7.O. a

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    .9 I:20 .7

    w : io

    k -~ 8 I I I I I +/ I



    +71 I I I I /4 I1111 WAI I.7

    $ Lon Ril

    .,~.6_ ,8 Lo /.2 /.4 1.6 1.8t-uel - ai r ro t io /fuel-o i r rot io for c omplet e c ombust ionrigure 11. - Rela t ion bctucen rela t ive mixture @ indica t6d specific fuelcon su mpt ion for MACA f udm 1 tO 8. LycomiugO-M30 oyli~der;anginampeed , 2000 r pm ; quk a dva nce, a ?; coolmnt in let t empmature,a50%; cOqr*a *iOn ra t io, 7.0; in let -a ir tmpara t ura , a 500r.


    22 0u

    \20 0 [ : _ _ 1 _ _

    1/ . \ xx 18 0c,.

    ;$$& 220 0

    / - \d20 0 0 ,y


    /h 4 >

    u/ < A .18 0 0

    .4 Y$ ~

    16 0.04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .1 .Fue7 - air ratio

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    NACA data &ao_&.Q 1

    I(ope n poi nt s) ( solid points)Engine speed ,rpm 2000 1800Inlet-air temD., oF 250 110 ICompres si on r at io 7.0 6.5Spark advance, OB. T.C. 27 3035 0250 3 z~ by 4Coola nt t emp. s RF 5* by 4TC ylin der d im en si on + I

    .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 ./0 .11 .12fuel air rofio

    13.- Comparisonf effectof fuel-airatioonmaximumpermissibleirquantityder cubioinchof enginedisplacementoruels1, 2, and3 testedinLycoming-1230in C.F.R~cylinder.

    Fuel-air ratio

    Figure14.- Effect of fuel air ratio on m%ximum Figure 15. - Effect of fuel-air ratio on mximmnpermissible performance o f NACAfue ls7 and 8 end S-1 inWrightG200cylinder.ngine permissibleerfoncameof NACAfuel7 andS-1 inWrightG-200cylindert twoinlet-epeed, 2000rpm;epmrkadvance,0; rear spark - a ir t empera ture. Engine speed,, 2000 rpo; s~ rkplug boss tempera tur e, 400 F ; compression ra t io, a dva nce, 20 B . T C .; compression ra t io, 7.0, ~7.0; inlet -a ir t empera tur e, 250 oF. rea r spa rk-plug boss t empera ture, 400 F . (n


  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    3 100%.$go

    f ,.o~.4 .6 .8 f.O /.2 1.4 1.6 f.8isfc, Jb/hp-hrFigure 16.-Relationbetween indicated specific fuel

    consumption and maximum permissible imepand maximum permissible inlet pressure for S-1,S-1+l.Oml tetraethyl lead, S-1+ 3.Oml tetraethyl lead,and NACA fuels 7 and 8 in E.G.C. 17.6 cylinder.Enginespeed,2700rpm;spark advance,200;inlet-airtemperature,225F;compressionratio,7.7. (Data from the EthylGasoline Corporation),inIetoolant temperature,2400F.

    1.6 1 1 , I I , I , wv;~ 1.2~ Indicated specific~ .8 air ConsumP+ian

    ~: %+?oi-l280 I I I I X%-+J-+4WI iRW

    $2(70Q~,~160$ .04 .06 .08 /.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 /.8

    Fuel-air ra+ia



    Figure 17.-Relationbetween estimated fuel-air ratio,maximum permissible imep,indicatedspecificfuel consumption,andindicated specific air consumptionfor S-1,S-1+ 1.0 ml tetraethyl lead,S-1+ 3.0 mltetraethyl lead,andNACA fuels 7 and 8 in E.G.C. 17.6cylinder.Enginespeed,2700rpm;spark advance,200;inletair temperature,2250F;inletcoolant temperature,240QF;compression ratie,7.7. (Data from Ethyl GasolineCorporation)

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    I I I IAveroge curves/60 - \\ \ ~- S-1+3. Oml TELI40 -- 1 t

    S-1+2. O In/et- air---~ I temperofure, F>W. _ _ _ > > _ J SJl+l. o b 150~ 12 0 250,f l fs f run1s- 1+0.5 x 250,second ru n~k (e] I$100 -,,.8 160 >8 () ,>E \ T L,. (- L . s- /+3.? 140.$ % La.- ,/ > I~ , % ~ .s-1+2.0 ----i k .s-1+2.0$ 1) S-JI.O F=== ~ 5-11+.0120 L w YI :s-l+.0 , + S-ILO.5--ls-/+0.5 .100 (a] (b) (c] @)

    80 .05 .07 .09 .f/ .05 .07 .09 .1/ .05 .07 .09 .05 .07 .09 .11Fuel-air ratio

    Fi~ure lG.-Relation between fuel-air ratio and relative indicated mem with respect to S-1 for !3-1 plus tetraethyl lead when tested atdifferent inlet-air temperatures.~ycominq 0-1230 cylincier.;n~ine soeed,2000 rpm;sparkadvanee,2ri03.T. C.;coolant temperature, 250F;compression ratio,7.O.

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number



    NACA Fig.19


    .0.1:30 O-la>o 0.1:30 I Qoo 0-:002000 2000 2000 2:C) 2000150 250 250 1502? 27 20 207=: 7.0 7.0250 :4 M ---- -400 4;0

    Figure 19.-Relation between fuel-air ratio and relativeindicatedmean effectivepressure with respect toS-1.for NACA fuels l-to 8 when tested i.n different enginecylinders and at different inlet-air temperatures.

  • 7/30/2019 Maximum Permissible Engine Performance of Eight Representative Fuels of 100-Octane Number


    Illlllllllnllillllnllflllll3 1176013647954 I .