Maximizing your next conference or trade show

37 By Andrea Nierenberg Booth Camp



Transcript of Maximizing your next conference or trade show

Page 1: Maximizing your next conference or trade show

ByAndrea Nierenberg

Booth Camp

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Specific (Quantified)TimeboundMeasureable

Each goal or objective shouldhave its own: Strategy Plan

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Send out marketing incentives, etc.Set up meetings with key accounts.Know that BOOTH DUTY IS AN OPPORTUNITY—you are on 24/7 at the show or conference.Ask yourself: Why do clients do business with GUARDIAN?

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What are our objectives?Are we introducing a new product?Are we promoting our corporate image?Do we want to meet new prospects?Are we building a prospect list to gain sales leads for our field team?Are we researching the market for something new—product or service?Who will we meet?How will we measure our goals?Who is our target market?What is our action plan for every conference we attend?

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Much different than regular selling.You have 10 seconds to get their attention.Qualify quickly.People get tranced out at a conference.There is a difference between quantity and quality.Attitude is EVERYTHING.Take frequent breaks.Exercise.

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Set goals.Think about specific questions to ask.Meet everyone you can.Develop an action plan.Participate!Make eye contact with those you meet.Take clear detailed notes.Enjoy yourself and learn.

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NEW is the favorite word – and 80% of your attendees are there to see what is new!Think about your booth layout. You have 5 seconds to attract someone’s attention.Your headline is key—more important than your name or logo. If what you say interests the prospect—he will get your name.Remember, people tend to stop at every 4th exhibit— make sure you’re the one they stop at!

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Why Is Having a Specific Introduction so Important?You only have 30 seconds to make a powerful first impression. The attention span of the average person is just 30 seconds before their mind starts wandering. People have less time today. Interest them quickly or lose them forever.

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Essential Elements of a Powerful Conference Introduction:ConciseClearPowerfulVisualTell a StoryTargetedGoal OrientedHas a Hook

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Your Name: "My name is..." Look the other person in the eye. Smile. Shoulders back. Speak with confidence. Sincerity and passion are crucial in making a strong early impression.

Your Business Name I represent Berkshire Life…

Based and Covering Where“I am based..." and "I cover..." Adapt the city, geography for the situation. Make this relevant to the situation.

Your Unique Selling Point Be relevant for the situation, express what you offer in terms of positive outcomes for those you help. Think benefits.

Less is MorePowerful points in very few words make a much bigger impact.

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Have ENTHUSIASM and be proud to represent GUARDIAN.

Be OBSERVANT, being able to pick up on a prospect’s interest.

PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE, know all features and benefits.

LISTEN, then tailor your presentation accordingly.


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LOOK , body language, eye contact, be aware.

INVOLVE yourself in the conversation. Be there. Ask questions, be specific.

STEADY your nerves, your emotions. Don’t interrupt.

EXCURSIONS, avoid mental excursions. Concentrate and be silent.

NEEDS. That’s what it is all about

TRANSLATE the meaning of a person’s remarks. Put yourself in their place.







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Before you leave home—know who will be there.Set your objectives in advance.Before the show—hold a sales meeting with everyone and those who will not attend.Know what your competition is doing.Make sure your message is directly related to the show.After the show – evaluate everything you did.

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DO’sPlan for success.Pre-arrange as many meetings as possible.Know your role and responsibilities.Qualify.Know how to disengage quickly, yet professionally, from unqualified prospects.

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Maintain an open body posture.Maintain good eye contact.Convey confidence and conviction.Be assertive, not aggressive.Wear your badge on right lapel.Keep records of everything.Be professional at all times. You are on 24/7.What else?

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Don’tsDon’t do anything that appears unprofessional, including eating.Don’t give everyone marketing materials– qualify first.Don’t argue with prospects or customers.Don’t stand with your back to anyone.Don’t read email or talk on the phone in the company of others.Don’t wear uncomfortable shoes/clothes.Don’t convey negativism non-verbally.Don’t assume anything.Don’t give up.

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Have your conference introductions ready to roll off your lips.Be prepared with our contact and recording system.Have an open attitude.NETWORKING…..27/7

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Think of the show as a 24/7

Networking Event.

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Intangibles (Actions)Great EYE contactEars tuned up to listenAttitudeHandshakeTurn off your phone and blackberry

What else would you add…?

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Tangibles (Things)Business cardsPen and note padBreath mintsHand sanitizerNote cards and stamps for follow-upMagic Marker for your name badge

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Networking Goal Who? Action Steps Follow-up Results

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Tips to make a favorable impression:Be pleasant. Your smile is a great opener.Talk and act confidently. Be truthful and sincere. Be enthusiastic.

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Smile.Look the person in the eye.Listen―I.R.A. formula.Be aware of body language.Reach out―be proactive.Be positive.Look for common interests.

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Think of some icebreaker questions to open the conversation.After you’ve broken the “ice” and given your 20-second introduction think of some “get to know you” questions. (Think dialogue and discussion.)Create your “Idea Generators” to continue dialogue. Exit strategies—how do I walk away or end the meeting with a “call to action” or a way to follow up.Follow–up—what do I do now?

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Focus on the impact. Make it brief, focused and hard hitting. Keep it short.Rotate the facts. Develop several introductions. Think of the different aspects of your work. Don’t give your title.Make it relevant to the audience. What will make the listener say―“tell me more”?

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Stand in front of the exhibit and be open.Be memorable.Demonstrate simply and briefly.Give out material after you qualify.Follow-up when you return from the show.

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Capture the following information:Contact’s Name and TitleCompany Name and Address , Email, Etc.Names of Decision Makers other than themInterestNext Step

From the time you approach to the moment you disengage, you need to be recording information.

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Initiate ContactBe Aware of the OpportunityIdentify NeedsQualifyPresent/DemonstrateThink of Next StepsClose and Record Results

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Reputation is everything.Follow-up is key. Return ALL forms of communication.Everyone deserves respect and courtesy.Be visible throughout the show.Be mindful when meeting people.Remember names.Be an active listener.Be sensitive to the body language.Know your profession.

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Sit, except with a prospectIgnore prospectsBe overly aggressiveObstruct the exhibit entranceHand out materials to everyoneRead the newspaper or blackberryUnderestimate anyone

Be carefully groomedBe enthusiastic Remember namesKnow the competitionBe prepared to demonstrateBe on timeQualify ALL prospectsCommitment to action


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1. The Value of a Smile2. The Success of Perseverance3. The Pleasure of Working4. The Dignity of Simplicity5. The Worth of Character6. The Power of Kindness

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7. The Influence of Example8. The Obligation of Duty9. The Wisdom of Economy10. The Virtue of Patience11. The Improvement of Talent12. The Joy of Originating

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Contact Leads Track ResultsMeasure & EvaluateCalculate Return

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As a result of today's workshop, TODAY I will do: More of: Less of: Change:

What is one take-away from today’s workshop that I will consistently put into practice?

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Andrea R. NierenbergThe Nierenberg Group420 East 51st Street, 12D

New York, NY 10022212-980-0930