Matric Dance Edition … THE€¦ · Matric Dance – One thousand and one nights – The night...

Matric Dance Edition One thousand and one nights – The night that will STEAL the stars!!! … THE PLAY IN MY HEAD When Harry met Sally..!! PROSPERING ON THE PODIUM GEOGRAPHY OUTING … Koeelbay … STORIES FOR A LIFETIME THE JESTERS JURY Questions for the QUANTUM Wisdom of the Sea And much much more #

Transcript of Matric Dance Edition … THE€¦ · Matric Dance – One thousand and one nights – The night...

Matric Dance –

One thousand and one nights –

The night that will STEAL the stars!!!



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…. S







When Harry met

Sally… 17.

Questionfor the QUANTUM










Choc Chip Cookies

for the Cold 31.




It has been an eventful first semester of 2013 during which we have seen a number of

changes. Life involves constant change – the irony of which often baffles us. We

frequently yearn for constancy and yet without change life loses much of its meaning. These changes

are often obvious and visible, like the changes we have seen as the school has transformed. Change

is often uncomfortable and at times painful, as was illustrated in the months of systematic

destruction of what SWPS used look look like punctuated by endless noise, the loss of trees and

shrubbery and interference in our daily, planned schedules. However, without the pains involved in

change and the efforts necessary to deal with those changes, we will never achieve the infinite sense

of empowerment and joy of standing on the summit while looking back at what has been left behind

and seeing what lies ahead.

I would like to draw this analogy to Mathematics. As you all know, my passion for Mathematics

represents my own journey of discovery and change. It started with the realisation that I had to

change my perception of Mathematics in order to succeed in a subject that caused me endless

disappointment and failure. This change of perception has brought about priceless changes in the

rest of my life. Mathematics and life are very simple and similar in many ways. It boils down to the

belief that you use as your foundation. If you change this belief from the negative to the positive,

you have the power to change everything else. In light of this argument, many parents have the

complaint that their children believe that they cannot do Mathematics and consequently also fail at


The solution is very simple: everyone and anyone can do maths. The only limitation that prevents

success is lack of confidence. We become trapped in a habitual belief system or state of mind,

reinforced over the years, that develops and enhances the thought: “I cannot do mathematics.”

Eventually our failures cause us to adopt the belief that we cannot succeed – that it is impossible.

However, the impossible should merely give us the opportunity to discover a way to make it

possible. You will never climb a mountain unless you start with the belief that you CAN and reinforce

this with an unbreakable commitment to your goal. It was

never meant to be easy, since reaching your goals only has

such immense personal meaning and potency if you had to

sacrifice and persevere.

For parents, it often becomes difficult to motivate their

children, especially if they lose the belief that their child

will accomplish success after much failure. It is imperative

that parents motivate their children to do whatever is

necessary to succeed, and to invest the time and energy,

since this is not only about Mathematics; it is about how

they will approach all challenges in life.


Parents can set the scene for success by giving their children the right kind of assistance. This

entails helping them to understand that it is in the actual practising of Mathematics that they will

improve. After all, success = hard work. This intervention may take on a number of forms, but all

involve extra Mathematics – whether in a group format or individualised. There are many service

providers, and the key is to select an experienced individual or organisation that has reliable,

positive references. Successful intervention relies on the following:

Accountability: Encourage your child to optimise lessons at school – they must focus during lessons,

work consistently in their workbooks, and redo problems covered in class at home. Basically:

become your own teacher and do it yourself!

Homework: Check that your child completes daily homework. Do not accept “I can’t do it” as an

excuse. Perseverance is the guiding principle, even if your child is merely using memory to practise

solutions already taught. If they struggle with an exercise, they must DO the examples in the

textbook prior to that exercise. They should not give up, if at first glance they do not understand.

Basically: do it: get it down on paper!

Motivation and Encouragement: Motivate your child to try. Parents must always remember that the

most important thing is confidence when it comes to any difficulty in life. Catch your kids doing

things right, do not scrutinise their every mistake.

For, if you, as a parent, lose faith in your child, how

can your child possibly climb this mountain? Turn

your own gaze from the negative (the reasons why

we cannot) to the positive (the reasons why we

can); and this will enable your child to do the same.

Finally, I return to the concept of change. As we

all know, change brings uncertainty and is is often

laced with fear. The good news in terms of

Mathematics is that your children will be able to flourish in the more demanding areas of

Mathematics if they are confident in the fundamentals. Therefore, we advise a positive change in

attitude that will allow your children to benefit from what we call Core Maths. Core Maths is a

programme consisting of 6 levels of competency. All six levels are completed within the space of a

term. This is followed by an external examination in which an A symbol reflects a pass mark. It is this

unique change in our approach to Mathematics at SWPS that sets us apart from the rest. Yes, it does

involve discomfort and hard work, but when we are fluent in the basics, we excel in the rest.

Therefore you must strive for the creation of a snow-ball effect in favour of positive thinking towards

ability, effort and Mathematics; and to reinforce the message that “I can”. Help your child to view an

obstacle as an opportunity for learning and success, and help your child realise that they CAN do


- Morne When we are no longer able to change the situation,

we are challenged to change ourselves. Victor Frankl

The Play In My Head…

They try to label us, but they try in vain. We are label-less. We are not popular.

But we are social. We are not outcasts. But we stand apart. We are not

intelligent. We are deep. We are not silly. We are free.

The only things we have in common with them are the masks we wear. But ours

are darker. Ours are sliced in half. Like our wrists; like our hearts.

They call us punks, or Goths, or simply freaks, because of the things we do or

the clothes we wear. Our self-mutilation done by knife or needle or ink. It

doesn’t matter. To them it’s just a game. If they get game-over, they can start


To us it’s simply life. To us, game over is the only escape. Yet, at the same time,

game over is the cowardly way. We scorn and spit on it till our tainted saliva

seeps through the false fabric.

All these little things we do. Like piercing our bodies, like tainting our skin, like

giving our bodies freely to those that we think care.

These little things we do. Like pulling the knife across our skin and watching the

blood well up over the skin and overflow, spilling.

These little things we do Like writing stories of death, and drawing pain in its

purest form. They are simply declarations.

We are here. Here is now. Now is hell. But then I figure, might as well make hell

as pretty as heaven.

- Anonymous

OUr LaST dAnCe “Live your life, become what you dream to be but never forget who you are

or where you come from.”

Matrics, can you believe that it is almost time for our Matric Dance? This Is one last night where we

can all be together, one night where every girl feels beautiful and every boy can look like James

Bond. One night that who you were for your whole High School life does not matter, because in that

moment you are all there together as one.

For us girls, the most exciting part would have to be the planning, the leading up to the night itself.

The countless hours of shopping for the perfect dress while trying to choose the colour that

compliments our complexion most. Trying on countless pairs of shoes: some wedges, some

stilettoes, some high heels, some flats and some of us may not even bother; I mean we have to

dance all night, right?

We look forward to the day where we can get off school early and get pampered like the princesses

we are. After hours of researching and trying out different hairstyles, we will finally come to that all

important decision. Then comes the moment we descend that staircase in full glory to set eyes on

our perfect date….perhaps I am going a little overboard, but every girl looks forward to their Matric

Dance (whether they say so or not).

Boys, I have a strong suspicion that although you

look forward to seeing your date all dressed up;

and looking more beautiful than you have ever

seen her before, you are looking forward to…THE

AFTERPARTY! That is where all the real fun

begins! The formal suits and attire are not your

particular scene, you get all dressed up because

your dates want you to, but you also do it

because it’s your last night with all your fellow

classmates before your paths separate and you

go different ways.

The Matric Dance is actually about saying

goodbye to your High School career and all of

those people who added the spice and flavour to

life. It’s about tying up the final knots, sending

the last paper airplane into the air and having

that night of amazing fun all together one last

time. Nobody said we would go quietly : not

with sizzle but with a BANG !!!!!

- Anonymous


- Zander Vermeulen and Sabrina Thompson


As many of the more astute pupils would hopefully have

noticed, there have, in the last few months, been

dramatic changes to the school grounds, improvements

which will make our daily school lives significantly easier.

Remember those days when

we would shudder at the very

thought of even remotely

stepping out of the toasty

classroom to the muddy,

slippery wet ground? Well,

no more! The grounds have

been paved which removes

the problem of muddy shoes

and feet in winter. It is now a

blissful experience to move

from building to building

between classes and after


We no longer have to fear for our lives, no longer do we have to worry about being driven

over while having to cross the road to school. There is a parking lot now where those of us

who have cars can park, and a handy drive - through for parents to drop their children off,

which is a wonderful convenience to everyone involved. Our new drive through has to be

one of the largest improvements we have made this year. Instead of us students being

dropped off by the main school gate, we can be dropped off

inside the school itself. To convenience our parents even

more they can drive straight through and drive out of the

school through the gate on the right hand side of the building

closest to the road. So guys please remind your parents of

this new construction!

There is a serene footpath on the way to the science

classroom at the primary school. Unfortunately many trees

and bushes were removed to make way for these

improvements, but a few were replanted when the strenuous


building was finished. In this way we still have been able to keep

the equilibrium between nature and construction.

Although these improvements may have taken some time to

get done and dusted, in life it’s the climb that counts and makes

reaching the other side is that much more magical. We have

definitely added to our foundation.

When all has been said and done these

improvements were greatly needed but

did cost a pretty penny to construct. We

have decided to arrange a fundraiser

for the second week of the upcoming

third term. Now to hold the excitement

and suspense of this event I am not

going to give too much away. All I will

say is that it consists of delicious delicacies made by some of our very

own students and a lot of games, that

from what I hear is going to be quite a

hoot. Tickets to participate in this event

should go on sale the first week of the

third term.

On behalf of Somerset West Private

School we wish all our students a relaxing and enjoyable


Wisdom of the Sea

An island lost to the sea

The water as still and calm as can be,

Gentle currents topped with foam

Gives the impression you are not alone

Sirens’ songs tell the tales

Of lost souls and mortal fails

Driftwood wastes washed up on the shore

With the signs of struggles which they bore,

Handsome sailor stands there alone

While the sea sings in muffled tones

What was called in freedoms name

Turned out to be a deadly game

- By Sabrina Thompson

Dinner for … SWPS

Since 1967, when founder and executive chairman, Allen

Ambor, opened the Golden Spur, they have never had the privilege

of having such exceptional waiters and waitrons, not until SWPS

graced the Spur with our presence.

The evening started off with a few nervous looks and frantic

requests as the students ran around and tried to keep up with the waiters with whom they

were placed. Some glass was broken, drinks were spilled and orders were placed incorrectly.

Yet, as the night progressed, SWPS soon got the hang of things and the council members

were carrying their trays as if it were their life calling.

“The evening started off with a few nervous looks”

SWPS kept the golden rule of “the customer is always right” in mind and ensured that all the

customers were satisfied. I could tell by all the friendly faces and warm embraces the Spur

had never seen such natural talent. This ensured that there was an atmosphere in the Spur that

was enjoyed by everyone.

B y the end of the evening, feet were being dragged and trays were held a tad lower than

usual as the students realized what hard work really feels like. Nonetheless, they kept their

heads held high and completed their jobs with great care, effort and a smile. When it was

time to finish, there was a sigh of relief but also a feeling of sadness since the council had

become part of the Spur family.

So what was our recipe for success? As the Spur people put it:

“Simple: a warm, relaxed, family-friendly environment with some exceptional helpers!”

Left :Hannah, Spur Waitress, JP, Jenique

Right : Marius

Above : Anna

eography pupils visited Kogelberg and

Koeelbay on the 9th of May.

After arrival at the

Nature Reserve, we went

on a hike up the

mountain. A guide taught

us about the different

species of fynbos and

rocks. We saw some

interresting things such as

little flowers, colourful

rocks etc. It was really

cold on the mountain and

a strong wind contributed

to the low temperature.

Later on we went to the

beach across the road and

enjoyed our lunch on the

grass. We had some spare

time thus we all played on

the beach and the new

rocks in the water.

One of the students

slipped and fell knee

deep into the water; this was really funny. On our way back we saw the beautiful scene of False

Bay. We stopped at a little shop in Gorden’s Bay to buy refreshments before returning to


Everybody enjoyed the outing and we had a lot of fun.

- Kelly-Ann Coetzee


Our Outing to The Rhodes

Memorial and Cottage.

On the sunny morning of April 30th, the Grade 12

History class packed our munchies, note pads and

cameras in our bags and missioned on down to the Cecil

John Rhodes Memorial at Devil’s Peak, Cape Town, to

gain more insight into the Rhodes legacy for our project


As the early morning sun gleamed down on the

hillside monument, we cruised around and examined the

many aspects of the memorial signifying the various

factors of Rhodes life. The 49 stairs represent Rhodes’

age. There were 4 lions on each side of the stairs leading

down to a giant bronze statue of a horseman. It is

entitled Energy, resembling the original Statue in

Kensington park, London, which was tribute to Rhodes’

immense energy and endurance throughout his career

despite his weak physical health. We then chugged down

a few cups of coffee and continued our excursion to the

Rhodes Cottage in Muizenberg. We were welcomed to

the cottage by two very sweet old birds, who informed us

of the more personal side of Rhodes’ life. They showed

us an informative video on Rhodes’ career and life. The

cottage was his sanctuary, his recreational escape and his

final resting place. After an hour or so of bobbing around

in the garden, asking questions and general chatting, we

took a drive to Muzi beach and got some lunch. Quite a

nice way to spend a Monday morning, if you ask me.

- Jackson Frost

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Stories for a LIFETIME

That morning, the history students in Grade 10 and 11 had to explain to their friends that, we were not

wearing the school shirt because we were on detention: we were going on a History outing.

The school bus quickly filled up with the two classes: Mr Moll, our driver and two Grade 10s easily

joined the conversation of the larger Grade 11 group. First, we drove to Kleinbosch farm, situated near


Kleinbosch farm, we discovered, was a one of the most important places in Afrikaans history. It was

where the “Genootskap van Regte Afrikaans” congregated: a society that sought to make Afrikaans an

official language rather than just the English and Dutch of the time. It was where the first school which

taught in Afrikaans was built. The building is still there, restored in 2000, as is a tribute to what the

Genootskap had sought : teaching in their mother tongue. Today, Afrikaans is a compulsory subject at

many schools in South Africa. This showed us how the Genootskap had achieved their goal.

After coffee and scones, we were back on the bus and drove to the Paarl Taal Museum, which is

situated inside an old house. They still have the original bed, table, chairs, piano and other furniture of

the original family.

Finally, we went to the Taal Monument. Staring up at the long tower in the sky, we were all considering

the symbolism of the structures. The actual structure was designed by a man named Van Wijk, who

had won a competition between twelve different architects to create a structure that represents not only

the bridge between the African and the European, but also the two halves as equals in their own right.

His design shows the growth and development of Afrikaans. The three tall columns represent the many

European languages and cultures: Dutch, German, French, and even English. These columns form a

bridge with the podium that represents Africa. This ‘bridge’ is the link between the two continents. The

three spherical mounds of varying heights symbolize the African languages, such of the Khoi, isiXhosa,

IsiZulu, and the Sotho dialects. In the middle there is a wall which represents the influence the slave

languages, like Arabic and Malay. Next to the main structure (which represents the growth and strength

of South Africa) is a free-standing pillar that is meant to symbolise South Africa as a whole. The

fountain in the middle of the structure represent for the new ideas and new hope within South Africa. All

in all it was a fantastic trip. We learnt a lot, and bonded as a group. Mr Moll was very insightful about

the history of Afrikaans, as were each and every one of our guides. We, as a class, hope they

continue taking students on this History outing in years to come.


We talk to the finalists of the Public Speakers of the First Term: Shevelle, JP, Kiara and Sabrina .


1. How did you prepare for this seemingly terrifying task?

Decided on a topic that everyone would be interested in.

Did research on the internet and in books.

Formulated a speech

2. What topic did you speak about?

Dare to be Different : set yourself free and be successful.

3. Why did you choose that specific topic?

I thought it would be appropriate because everyone could relate to it.

4. Why did you do Public Speaking?

Petro requested that I participate.

5. Did you enjoy Public Speaking?

It is quite nerve-wracking initially. However once you are in the middle of your speech, it

becomes quite enjoyable and you feel rather at ease.


1. How did you prepare for this seemingly terrifying task?

Considering that I was told I was speaking only on the day, very quickly. But most of the time I

find keeping calm and talking about something you can relate to is the best. That way you can

cover up your mistake relatively fast, if you make one.

2. What topic did you speak about?


3. Why did you choose that specific topic?

It was given to me by Petro and I found it easy and relatable to speak on.

Especially since it was on such short notice.

4. Why did you do Public Speaking?

I was chosen to speak after I had done debating, so I was told I had to speak in the hall.

5. Did you enjoy Public Speaking?

As nerve-wracking as it seems, I do enjoy public speaking and would always be willing to do

it- if someone wrote all my speeches for me.


1. How did you prepare for this seemingly terrifying task?

I was sitting in my room two nights before I was supposed to recite my speech and I just had

an idea. Usually something small inspires me. After I have my idea I usually just write my

speech, read it over and fix any grammatical or spelling errors and just practise. You cannot

force good writing it just has to come to you.

2. What topic did you speak about?

The Wrong Kind of Different.

3. Why did you choose that specific topic?

In the modern day world being different as become expected and acceptable but you have to

be the right kind of different in order to fit in. I wanted to say to everyone who feels they are

the wrong kind of different, you are doing the right thing to be who you are.

4. Why did you do Public Speaking?

Petro and Anna had made me promise I would do it this year and I would not break that


5. Did you enjoy Public Speaking?

When you first stand behind the podium it is the most nerve- wracking experience you could

imagine, but when you are speaking to the crowd something inside of you soars. You are in

the moment and it is impossible not to feel powerful. It is truly an amazing experience.


1. How did you prepare for this seemingly terrifying task?

I went home, cried a little, and practised my speech. Luckily, I had to do an oral for English, which Petro then asked me to do for

public speaking. So I didn’t have to write a new speech.

2. What topic did you speak about? “When all hope seems lost, why even bother?”

3. Why did you choose that specific topic?

I just found it a really deep, meaningful topic that I believe everyone could have taken something from.

4. Why did you do public speaking?

As I mentioned before, I had written a speech for an English task. It was just “that good” that Petro demanded I do public speaking :)

5. Did you enjoy Public speaking?

It was really, very nerve wracking. In those 3 minutes, the entire school’s eyes are fixed on you and you have to say this nerve-wracking speech. Even though it was scary, I am glad I did it. It is really something one can get used to and gain confidence by. All you need to do is face that fear. And when you are up in front of everyone, you just need to make sure to impress. I believe that everyone should consider doing public speaking. You’ll have your doubts and be scared, but it’s worth the thrill!

We would like to take a second to wish each and every student

who had a birthday this term, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Birthday Date

Shevelle Naidu 05 April

Luke J V Rensburg 06 April

Dale Tanzer 09 April

Kevin Rogers 11 April

Tristan Els 19 April

James Starke 19 April

George Du Plessis 22 April

Zander Vermeulen 23 April

Sabrina Thompson 29 April

Thomas Horn 04 May

Xinsen Ou 04 May

Mninawa Gesha 05 May

Jonty Bam 07 May

Ernesto Jardim 08 May

Leigh Harding 09 May

Adriaan Engelbrecht 13 May

Chane Wallace 13 May

Marius Labuschagne 17 May

Loreti Verina 26 May

Jacob Van Reenan 01 June

Bea Hayes 02 June

Ruan Coetzee 03 June

Rochelle Roux 6 June

Oliver Zimmerman 8 June

Riley Payten 09 June

Megan Gething 14 June

Amaal Bardien 17 June

Oliver Bleming 19 June

Jeandre Bouwer 22 June

Farzaana Moosa 26 June

Shaakirah Levack 29 June

Mpho Sishuta 03 July

Alex Otreba 06 July

Nicholas Payetn 06 July

Amber Stiff 06 July

Joshua Fraser 07 July

Dylan Lanser 08 July

Monique Botes 09 July

Simon Baumann 11 July

Joel Le Grange 11 July

Martin De Goede 12 July

Bryan Isaac 14 July

Marleen Du Toit 15 July

Maxime Perchoc 15 July

Let the Curtains Open and Reveal….. By Sabrina Thompson

There was an underlining current of excitement and anticipation in the air as we entered the Artscape Theater, on the eve of 11 April 2013. We the Grade 11 English Home Language class, were going to experience all the wonders that Opera had to offer us. It was thanks to our English teacher- Naomi that we were even able to have this experience, and after two months of planning it was finally a reality.

Some people will argue that the trip there was just exciting, if not more than the play itself. Let’s just say that it is something some of us will NEVER forget : I am surprised you could not hear the laughter here in Somerset West.

The play itself had a few……..minor errors and did not completely live up to expectation. Othello: the stunning, sexy, black, tall and strapping male lead turned out to be podgy, short, unattractive and well, WHITE. Is that not the perfect example of Irony and Anticlimax? To be perfectly truthful I have a strong suspicion that if Shakespeare was alive he would not have been too impressed with how the play was conducted. Luckily Iago remained true to form as a master of manipulation. Another unexpected surprise some of us was that the Opera was sung in Italian. All I can say is thank goodness for the English sub-titles that were above the stage itself; they were our saving grace.

I personally found this one of the most enjoyable outings I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of, while excluding a few mishaps on the director’s behalf I believe we, as the Grade 11 class, gained an insightful understanding of the complex tragedy that is the play Othello.

On behalf of the Grade 11 class, we would like to thank Naomi for granting us this amazing opportunity to broaden our horizons not only with experiencing a Shakespearean play but also introducing us to the Opera.

“Though our story is finished Shakespeare’s is not ; for his monument is ever living, made not of stone but of verse and it shall be remembered as long as words are made of breath, and breath of life.”

- Anonymous

Couples Questionnaire Please fill out this questionnaire about your partner.

1. Name and partner’s name: Jason and Samantha

2. How did you meet? Theathre production

3. How long have you been dating? 11 months, 11 days

4. First date? Erinvale Golf Club

5. Ideal date? Picnic at the beach

6. Favourite movie? Horror movies

7. Worst habit? Saying sorry

8. Best thing about your partner? Her smile

9. Favourite colour? Blue

10. On a scale of 1-mango, how nice does your partner’s hair smell? Mango

11. Favourite body part? (nothing innapropriate ) Hands and face

12. Dream holiday destination? Mauritius

Jason’s answers on


1. Name and partner’s name: Samantha and Jason

2. How did you meet? At the Kat and The Kings play

3. How long have you been dating? 1 year on the 25th of May

4. First date? Movies!

5. Ideal date? Picnic in the forest

6. Favourite movie? Comedy

7. Worst habit? Messing/spilling

8. Best thing about your partner? Loving personality

9. Favourite colour? Green

10. On a scale of 1-mango, how nice does your partners hair smell? Mango

11. Favourite body part? (nothing innapropriate ) Eyes

12. Dream holiday destination? Hawaii

Samantha’s answers on


1. Name and partner’s name:

Alex and Kiara

2. How did you meet? School

3. How long have you been dating? Six months

4. First date? Ratanga Junction

5. Ideal date? Hawaii, scuba diving

6. Favourite movie? “Despicable Me”

7. Worst habit? Chewing gum

8. Best thing about your partner? Everyting

9. Favourite colour? Purple

10. On a scale of 1-mango, how nice does your partners hair smell? 10

11. Favourite body part? (nothing innapropriate ) Everything

12. Dream holiday destination? Hawaii

Alex’s answers on Kiara

1. Name and partner’s name: Kiara and Alex

2. How did you meet? School

3. How long have you been dating? Six months

4. First date? Ratanga Junction 14th of December 2012

5. Ideal date? Going to the movies

6. Favourite movie? Dark Knight

7. Worst habit? Always being right

8. Best thing about your partner? Being accommodating of my strangeness

9. Favourite colour? Purple

10. On a scale of 1-mango, how nice does your partners hair smell? Pineapple

11. Favourite body part? (nothing innapropriate ) Hair

12. Dream holiday destination? Mauritius

Kiara’s answers on Alex

1. Name and partner’s name: Jeanu and Marsha-Ann

2. How did you meet? School

3. How long have you been dating? 5 months and 8 days

4. First date? Picnic

5. Ideal date? Dinner and just chilling

6. Favourite movie? Paranormal Activity

7. Worst habit? When she goes all weird and night – haha

8. Best thing about your partner? Her looks and personality

9. Favourite colour? Blue or green

10. On a scale of 1-mango, how nice does your partners hair smell? Ice

11. Favourite body part? (nothing innapropriate ) Lips

12. Dream holiday destination? Mauritius

Jeanu’s answers on

Marsha - Ann

1. Name and partner’s name: Marsha-Ann and Jeanu

2. How did you meet? School

3. How long have you been dating? 5 months and 8 days

4. First date? Spier

5. Ideal date? Beach

6. Favourite movie? Horror Movies

7. Worst habit? Jeanu cannot consentrate for long when I talk to him

8. Best thing about your partner? Eyes

9. Favourite colour? Green

10. On a scale of 1-mango, how nice does your partners hair smell? Organic hair shampoo

11. Favourite body part? (nothing innapropriate ) Smile

12. Dream holiday destination? Orlando

Marsha – Ann’s answers

on Jeanu

Liam McQueen

The Jester’s Jury

10 Things you don’t want to hear during surgery:

10. Better save that, we’ll need it for the autopsy.

9. Wait a minute, if this is his spleen…then what’s that?

8. Hand me that uh….that uh…that thingy there.

7. You know, there is good money in kidneys…and this guy has two of them.

6. Could you stop that thing from beating, it’s throwing my concentration off.

5. Nurse, did this patient sign the organ donation card?

4. Accept this sacrifice, O Lord Of Darkness.

3. That is so cool. Now can you make his leg twitch by pressing that one.

2. Sterile schmerile. The floor is clean enough, right?

1. This patient has already had kids…right?

Teacher: "Anyone who thinks he's stupid may stand up!"

*Nobody stands up*

Teacher: "I’m sure there are some stupid students over here!!"

*Little Johnny stands up*

Teacher: "Ohh, Johnny you think you're stupid?"

Little Johnny: "No... I just feel bad that you're standing alone..."

Piet was complaining to a friend: “I HAD IT ALL – MONEY, A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, THE LOVE


asked, “What happened?” Piet says, “MY WIFE FOUND IT.”

>>…Questions OF the QUANTUM …<<

1. What is your full name?

Marita Elizabeth Steyn (Fourie)

2. How long have you been teaching at SWPS?

6.25 years

3. What subjects do you teach/are you qualified to teach? Why these subjects?

I teach CAT and IT, I am qualified to teach Maths and Physics as well.

4. What was your first impression of SWPS?

What a bunch of good - looking kids!

5. Do you enjoy teaching here? Why or Why not?

Yes, suits me in all aspects and it’s where I should be at the moment.

6. If you had not chosen teaching, what would you have done instead? Why?

Travel Photographer, Architect, Physiotherapist, Nature conservation … because I’m

passionate about all these things

7. If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf? Why?

Deaf; I experience God and I am moved mostly through what I see.

8. What is your favourite book?

The one I value the most is the Bible, but I enjoy reading a variety of books.

9. If you were an animal what would you be? Why?

My answer: IT is a CAT!

10. How many pets do you own? What are they and do they have anything interesting

about them?

2 dogs (golden Labradors), 5 cats (1 tabby, 2 blue greys and 2 gingers), 2 birds (a

budgie and a love bird) and a gold fish in my neighbour’s pond.

11. How many countries have you visited? Please name them?

AFRICA (6) : Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya

EUROPE: (9) : Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain,

France, Belgium, Netherlands

12. When last did you take a long walk on a beautiful beach?

Sunday morning

13. How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

A chucking, chuck-load, chuckful of chucked wood chucks.

14. Do you have any super-powers? What makes them super?

Yes, I’m, a mommy and a teacher and most of all a female so by default WE 3 have

many super powers which are supposed to be kept secret shhhhhhhh…

15. What is currently your favourite TV show and what is it about?

Masterchef Australia, it is about how to become a …

16. What sitcom character do you most relate to?

I don’t enjoy sitcoms so I really do not have an answer for this one! (Maybe Gloria?)

17. Do you know the meaning of your name(s)? If yes, what is it?

Yes, it is derived from the word, “Myhrr” which is is the aromatic resin of a number

of small, thorny tree species and is an essential oil. It has been used throughout

history as a perfume, incense and medicine (such as aromatic wound dressings). It

has a bitter taste. So valuable has it been at times in ancient history, that it has

been equal in weight value to gold. During times of scarcity, its value rose even

higher than that. (So, I’m special)

18. What is the answer to the ultimate question?


19. Riddle me this: I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right and in my

middle, but I still hold water. What am I?

A holy waterhole

20. What is the best way to keep a secret in your opinion?

Not to listen when someone tells it to you.


































































by Harper Lee

“Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”

To Kill a Mockingbird has to be one of my personal favourite books of all time. I read it the first time

when I was about 11 and have never looked back since. It contains a timeless lesson; one that many

people in the modern world forget and it is good we have things to remind us about these lessons.

Title: To Kill A Mockingbird

Author: Harper Lee

First Publication: Published in 1960

Publishing House: · J. B. Lippincott

Rating: 9


The story is narrated by a young girl who goes by the name of "Scout" Finch. Scout's real name is Jean Louise, a name that is not fitting for a tomboyish, rebellious girl like Scout.

Scout lives in the small Alabama town of Maycomb in the 1930s with her brother, Jem, and her widowed father, Atticus. Another presence in the house is the stern but ultimately kind-hearted African-American housekeeper, named Calpurnia.The story takes place during the depression, but the Finch family is better off than many in this small town, as Atticus is a successful and respected lawyer. Two main themes that permeate this book are : judgment and justice. Scout and Jem learn lessons about judging other people through the character of Boo Radley, a mysterious and reclusive neighbour. Early in the story, the children poke fun at Boo, but they ultimately discover his goodness.

This theme is also present in the developments surrounding the character of Tom Robinson. Robinson is a poor African-American field hand who is accused of and tried for rape. In the process of defending Robinson, Atticus is able to provide evidence that the young man is innocent. Nonetheless, because of the racist nature of white society in that time and place, the young man is convicted.

Now I am not going to ruin the story for you by leaking the end, but it is truly a worthwhile read. So for these holidays, snuggle up with To Kill A Mockingbird, hot chocolate and a warm blanket by the fire and let the magic of words transform your world into a new and exciting adventure.

Sabrina Thompson

What Students Think when It Is Exams: Kill me




I will

NOT cry

This is easy?

Shoot I must be

doing it wrong!

Google why

don’t you sit

next to me in

my exam ;)


grow up and solve

your own problems

Just let it



I can’t

remember the


Anybody there.

Help please...


Mental Abuse

To Humans

I will NOT

keep calm

and will

freak out!

The First Little Piece

“I was never really anybody important;” I heard her say. It wasn’t exactly something being said in a normal voice : it was more of a thought mumbled under her breath. It was blatantly obvious she didn’t even realize she had said anything. Not many people listen to what people on a bus say to themselves; many don't even bother to listen to or even note who sits next to them, many try to stay oblivious to the people around them, to their surroundings. I am not one of those people.

Yet, I still gazed at the seat in front of me, pretending not to be listening. I knew she would say something else, the mumblers always did. As I patiently waited, I heard the pitter patter of the rain on the bus windows, and I knew she was staring out, trying to think through her problems. She had that mysterious air about her; as if she could be anywhere in the world and she would still stand out. Who wouldn't notice her flaming red, obviously natural hair? Or the thin tattooed spirals covering her left hand, the hand with which she was now moving her hair out of her face; the tell-tale sign that she was about to mumble more : “If only I stood a chance… If only.” My curiosity wasn’t about to let this one go. “If only you had stood a chance with what?” I asked as her piercing green - eyed gaze shifted away from the rain and on to me. Her cheeks turned red. “I… I’m sorry. I hadn’t realized I’d been mumbling again.” I smiled at her, “What’s your name?” I asked. “Scarlett, just Scarlett and yours?” she said hesitantly, “Emma Back to the real question. If only you had stood a chance with what?” I prompted. Her gaze returned to the window as if she was having an internal battle with herself on whether she should tell me. Apparently the need to tell someone won, because she turned to me and stated, “Well…” she said, and then carried on to tell me the most intriguing story I had ever heard.

She was from Paris, I found out. Her dad was a train driver and she’d grown up speaking the language of trains, playing on the train tracks. I could just imagine this little girl with flaming red hair climbing through compartments and living off the tales people from everywhere told her. She said it was beautiful to hear people’s stories : the air in which they spoke, the stories which could go on for hours or minutes and affect her deeply. Every story was a piece of hope, an inspiration to make a difference and get out into the world and to one day have her own story to tell. Then she met him, and she changed. She no longer thrived on being herself; her needs were insignificant to his. He slowly took over her life I gathered; possessiveness seen as love, the inspiration from others diminished and he was her life source physically and mentally. She was trapped and didn’t even realise it. A year later she was still stuck in that hole when she met her ‘Amore’ as she called him. “He tried to help me get out; the love in his eyes was pure. I tarnished that love by pushing him away, by thinking that I didn’t deserve to have someone as amazing as my Amore. HE made sure I couldn’t get out… And then my Amore left with pain in his eyes when I refused his proposal. As soon as he left, I realised the mistake I had made, that I didn’t just deserve my Amore, I needed him. All I have is a phone number I found in his old apartment. I know he lives in New York now, I have to have faith that this number will take me to him. That is why I am here.”

We sat in silence for a while, the bus still rattling along from the airport. I turned to her, my smile widening “I can try to help you… I know this amazing café. Have coffee with me?” and magically the mysterious stranger smiled at me. “I would love to, Ma Cherie.” We entered the bakery with smells that lure and cakes that melt in your mouth. “Where to now?” she asked, after we had sat down. “I don’t know,” I replied, “But we’ll find your Amore.” I turned to look out of the window. An adventure to find him; I wondered where it would take us.

- Megan Nieuwenhuizen


Ace Joe: By Sabrina Thompson

Head bent in concentration of the deepest kind,

Your eyebrows creased in a frown, in search of what to find

You breathe a sigh as you find what you are looking for,

Engulfing deeper even more

Confused look on your face makes me want to smile

I have already fallen for your crime

The rustle of the pages around

Tells us answers are being found

You white shirt clings for breath

Pulling me to the murky depths

It is a cold, rainy and stormy day you feel like something

warm, gooey and delectable well these Chocolate

Cookies are for you. With a cup of coffee or tea, you will

be in heaven.

Makes about 20

Preparation Time: 20-30 minutes

Cooking Time: 16-17 minutes


175g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing 250g plain flour ½ teaspoon bicarbonate soda ½ teaspoon salt 200g soft dark brown sugar 100g caster sugar 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract 1 egg 1 egg yolk 300g dark chocolate chips 100g glace’ cherries (green)


1. Preheat the oven to 170 C / Gas mark 3. Grease baking trays or line with parchment.

2. Sift together the flour, bicarbonate and salt; set aside.

3. In a medium bowl, cream together the melted butter, brown sugar and caster sugar

until well blended. Beat in the vanilla, egg and egg yolk until light and creamy. Mix in

the sifted ingredients until just blended. Stir in the chocolate chips by hand using a

wooden spoon. Drop cookie dough onto the prepared baking trays, with each cookie

around 2 tablespoons of dough. Do not flatten the

dough as they will do that by themselves

4. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes in the preheated oven, or

until the edges are lightly golden. Cool on baking trays

for a few minutes.

What teachers think about the exam

Now how hard

can I make this


Maybe if I disappear I

won’t have to mark my

exams ?!

2 more




Quiet in the

courtroom, I

mean the

exam room

Should I make this

hard, very hard OR

impossible, yip the

last ! (Evil laugh)

Music In Words

It all starts with the eight octaves and where it ends, nobody knows. Its limits are infinite as

the universe. Its joy is like a never - exploding balloon, and it’s passim has an

overwhelming six billion followers around the ever - shrinking globe. It’s magic alright-

though we never reap every beat, our vocal cords vibrate, it causes adrenalin to pump

throughout the body and every muscle to ache with the desire to jump on the dance floor.

Music. What a curious thing! Isn’t it incredible that when all those clinks, clanks, booms,

bangs and la-di-das come together in one heart-warming sound? When all the various

clangings come together in silence as the baton is lifted---and presto! Music takes you

away; music lifts you off the ground. With such a wide variety of choices, music becomes a

whole new world. A realm full of bright, upbeat places, but just as close are meaningful,

interesting places that make you think. There are tear-jerkers, foot-tappers, there’s rock ‘n

roll, head-banging metal and arm-movin’ rappers. And although the realm of music is

never-ending, one of the most important things about music, in my opinion, is what it

means to me.

Music is an important part of life. It is a form of expression. It has no boundaries, and it

follows no guidelines. Essentially, to me, music is like air. It has no true shape or definition,

yet we need it to live. Imagine a world without music. All you’re left with is dust. Music is life


Music is one of the few things that can help you escape your reality. No matter how bad

things are, music has the potential to make you forget all about it. Music can spark any

emotion. It can hold memories. It can tell stories. It will always be there. It will never vanish.

It will always be life. You can’t touch music, but music can touch you.

“Please let me take you Out of the darkness and into the light Cause I have faith in you That you’re gonna make it through another night Stop thinking about The easy way out There’s no need to go and blow the candle out Because you’re not done You’re far too young And the best is yet to come ”

- Nickelback – Lullaby

Ayesha Marthinus