Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.


Transcript of Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Page 1: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.


Page 2: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.



Page 3: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Session Objectives

Page 4: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Session Objectives

1. Definition

2. Laws of logarithms

3. System of logarithms

4. Characteristic and mantissa

5. How to find log using log tables

6. How to find antilog

7. Applications

Page 5: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Base: Any postive real numberother than one

Logarithms Definition

alog N x

Log of N to the

base a is x

xa Nalog N x

22Example : log 4 2 2 4

Note: log of negatives and zero are not Defined in Reals

Page 6: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

The number log27 is

(a) Integer (b) Rational

(c) Irrational (d) Prime


Log27 is an Irrational number


As there is no rational

number, 2 to the power of which gives 7

Page 7: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Fundamental laws of logarithms

b b b1) log xy log x log y

b bLet log x A, log y B

A Bb x , b y A B A Bxy b b b

b b blog xy A B log x log y hence proved

b b b

x2) log log x log y


yb b3) log x ylog x

b b b bExtension log xyz log x log y log z

Page 8: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Other laws of logarithms0

b4) log 1 0 as b 1 1

b5) log b 1 as b b



log x6) log x

log b

Change of base

blog x7) b xblog xLet b y blog x

b blog b log y

b b blog xlog b log y b blog x log y

y x



y8) log x log x


Where ‘a’ is any other base

Page 9: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

23Simplify log 2 2


23 2

log 2 2 log 2 23


2log 2


2 3. log 2 log 2

3 2

Page 10: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Solution :

log 7 log 33 73 7 True / False ?

log 73log 7 log 73 33 3


log 73 log 733


log 7 log 33 77 7

Hence True

Page 11: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


If ax = b, by = c, cz = a, then the value of xyz is

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

xa b xloga logb



logc logaSimilarly y , z

logb logc

Hence xyz 1

Page 12: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find log tan 0.25


log tan 0.25 log tan4

log 1 0

Page 13: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


1 1 1

log ...2.5 2 33 3 3Pr ove that 0.16 4

1 1 1 1 / 3

log ... log2.5 2.52 33 1 1 / 33 30.16 0.16

1 / 3

log2.52 / 30.16 1

2log2.520.4 21

log2.5 20.4

21log10 2


21log10 2



log 210 2410 1

44 2

Page 14: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


If log32, log3(2x-5) and log3(2x-7/2) are in arithmetic progression, then find the value of x

2log3(2x-5) = log32 + log3(2x-7/2)

log3(2x-5)2 = log32.(2x-7/2)

(2x-5)2 = 2.(2x-7/2)

22x -12.2x + 32 = 0, put 2x = y, we get

y2- 12y + 32 = 0 (y-4)(y-8) = 0 y = 4 or 8

2x=4 or 8 x = 2 or 3


Page 15: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


If a2+4b2 = 12ab, then prove that log(a+2b) is equal to

1loga logb 4log2


a2+4b2 = 12ab (a+2b)2 = 16ab

2log(a+2b) = log 16 + log a + log b

2log(a+2b) = 4log 2 + log a + log b

log(a+2b) = ½(4log 2 + log a + log b)

Page 16: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

System of logarithms

Common logarithm: Base = 10

Log10x, also known as Brigg’s system

Note: if base is not given base is taken as 10

Natural logarithm: Base = e

Logex, also denoted as lnx

Where e is an irrational number given by

1 1 1e 1 .... ....

1! 2! n!

Page 17: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


lnln7e 7 True / False ?

Hence False

log blnln7 ae ln7 as a b

Page 18: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Characteristic and Mantissa

Standard form of decimal

pn m 10 where 1 m 10

3Example 1234.56 1.23456 10 30.001234 1.234 10

p pHence log n log m 10 log m log 10

log n log m plog 10 log m p

p is characteristic of n

log(m) is mantissa of n


Page 19: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find log(n) using log tables

1) Step1: Standard form of decimal

n = m x 10p , 1 m < 10

log n p log m

Note to find log(n) we have to find the mantissa of n i.e. log(m)

2) Step2: Significant digits

Identify 4 digits from left, starting from first non zero digit of m, inserting zeros at the end if required, let it be ‘abcd’

Page 20: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find log(n) using log tables

n Std. formm x 10p

p m ‘abcd’

1234.56 1.23456x103 3 1.2345 1234

0.000123 1.23x10-4 -4 1.23 1230

100 1x102 2 1 1000

0.10023 1.0023x10-1 -1 1.0023 1002

Example n = m x 10p,

p: characteristic, log(m): mantissa

Log(n) = p + log(m)

Page 21: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find log(n) using log tables

3) Step3: Select row ‘ab’

Select row ‘ab’ from the logarithmic table

4) Step4: Select column ‘c’

Locate number at column ‘c’ from the row ‘ab’, let it be x

5) Step5: Select column of mean difference ‘d’

If d 0,Locate number at column ‘d’ of mean difference from the row ‘ab’, let it be y

What if d = 0? Consider y = 0

Page 22: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find log(n) using log tables

6) Step6: Finding mantissa hence


Log(m) = .(x+y)

Log(n) = p + Log(m)


1) Std. Form n = m x 10p

2) Significant digits of m: ‘abcd’

3) Find number at (ab,c), say x, where ab: row, c: col4) Find number at (ab,d), say y, where d: mean diff

5) log(n) = p + .(x+y)

Never neglect 0’s at end or front

Page 23: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find log(1234.56)

n Std. formm x 10p

p m ‘abcd’



3 1.2345 1234

1) Std. Form n = 1.23456 x 103

2) Significant digits of m: 1234

3) Number at (12,3) = 08994) Number at (12,4) = 14

5) log(n) = 3 + .(0899+14) = 3 + 0.0913 = 3.0913

Note this

Page 24: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find log(0.000123)

n Std. formm x 10p

p m ‘abcd’


1.23x10-4 -4 1.23 1230

1) Std. Form n = 1.23 x 10-4

2) Significant digits of m: 1230

3) Number at (12,3) = 08994) As d = 0, y = 0 Note this

5) log(n) = -4 + .(0899+0) = -4 + 0.0899 = -3.9101

To avoid the


Page 25: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find log(100)

n Std. formm x 10p

p m ‘abcd’

100 1x102 2 1 1000

1) Std. Form n = 1 x 102

2) Significant digits of m: 1000

3) Number at (10,0) = 00004) As d = 0, y = 0

5) log(n) = 2 + .(0000+0) = 2 + 0.0000 = 2

Page 26: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find log(0.10023)

n Std. formm x 10p

p m ‘abcd’




-1 1.0023 1002

1) Std. Form n = 1.0023 x 10-1

2) Significant digits of m: 1002

3) Number at (10,0) = 00004) Number at (10,2) = 9

5) log(n) = -1 + .(0000+9) = -1 + 0.0009 = -0.9991

To avoid the


Page 27: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find Antilog(n)

(1) Step1: Standard form of number

If n 0, say n = m.abcd

For bar notation subtract 1, add 1 we get

If n < 0, convert it into bar notation say n m.abcd

For eg. If n = -1.2718 = -1 – 0.2718

n = -1-0.2718=-2+1-0.2718

n = -2+0.7282


Now n = m.abcd or n m.abcd

Page 28: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find Antilog(n)

2) Step2: Select row ‘ab’

Select the row ‘ab’ from the antilog tableEg. n = -1.2718 2.7282

Select row 72 from table

3) Step3: Select column ‘c’ of ‘ab’

Select the column ‘c’ of row ‘ab’ from the antilog table, locate the number there, let it be x

Eg. n 2.7282

Number at col 8 of row 72 is 5346, x = 5346

Page 29: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find Antilog(n)

4) Step4: Select col. ‘d’ of mean diff.

Select the col ‘d’ of mean difference of the row ‘ab’ from the antilog table, let the number there be y, If d = 0, take y as 0

Eg. n 2.7282

Number at col 2 of mean diff. of row 72 is 2, y = 2

Page 30: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

How to find Antilog(n)

5) Step5: Antilog(n)

If n = m.abcd i.e. n 0

Antilog(n) = .(x+y) x 10m+1

If i.e. n < 0

Antilog(n) = .(x+y) x 10-(m-1)

n m.abcd

Eg. n 2.7282

x = 5346 y = 2

Antilog(n) = .(5346 + 2) x 10-(2-1)

= .5348 x 10-1 = 0.05348

Page 31: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find Antilog(3.0913)

1) Std. Form n = 3.0913 = m.abcd

2) Row 09

3) Number at (09,1) = 1233

4) Number at (09,3) = 1

5) Antilog(3.0913)

= .(1233+1) x 103+1

= 0.1234 x 104

= 1234


Page 32: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find Antilog(-3.9101)

1) Std. Form n = -3.9101

2) Row 08

3) Number at (08,9) = 12274) Number at (08,9) = 3

5) Antilog(-3.9101)


n = -3 – 0.9101 = -4 + 1 – 0.9101n = -4 + 0.0899 4.0899 m.abcd

Antilog 4.0899

= .(1277+3) x 10-(4-1)

= 0.1280 x 10-3

= 0.0001280

Page 33: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find Antilog (2)

1) Std. Form n = 2 = 2.0000

2) Row 00

3) Number at (00,0) = 1000

4) As d = 0, y = 0

5) Antilog(2) = Antilog(2.0000)


= .(1000+0) x 102+1

= 0.1000 x 103

= 100

Page 34: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find Antilog(-0.9991)

1) Std. Form n = -0.9991

2) Row 00

3) Number at (00,0) = 1000

4) Number at (00,9) = 2

5) Antilog(-0.9991)


-0.9991 = -1 + 1 – 0.9991

= -1 + 0.0009 1.0009

Antilog 1.0009

= .(1000+2) x 10-(1-1)

= 0.1002

Page 35: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.


1) Use in Numerical Calculations

2) Calculation of Compound Interest

3) Calculation of Population Growth

4) Calculation of Depreciation


A P 1100

Now take log


n o

rp p 1

100Now take log


t o

rv v 1

100Now take log

Page 36: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example

Find 3563.4 0.4573





563.4 0.4573let x




563.4 0.4573logx log


33log 563.4 0.4573 log 6.15


log 563.4 log 0.4573 3log 6.153

Page 37: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Solution Cont.


log 563.4 log 0.4573 3log 6.153

2 11log 5.634 10 log 4.573 10 3log 6.15


1 1

log 5.634 2 log 4.573 3log 6.153 3

1 1

.7508 2 0.6602 3 0.78893 3

= 0.2708

x = antilog (0.2708) = 0.1865 × 101

= 1.865

Page 38: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


Find the compound interest on Rs. 20,000 for 6 years at 10% per annum compounded annually.

n 6r 10

As A P 1 20000 1100 100

= 20000 (1.1)6

logA = log [20000 (1.1)6]

= log 20000 + log (1.1)6

= log (2 × 104) + 6 log (1.1)

= log2 + 4 + 6 log (1.1) = 0.301+ 4 + 6 × (0.0414)

= 4.5494

Page 39: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Solution Cont.

log A = 4.5494

A = antilog (4.5494)

= 0.3543 × 105

= 35430

Compound interest = 35430 – 20000 = 15,430

Page 40: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


The population of the city is 80000. If the population increases annually at the rate of 7.5%, find the population of the city after 2 years.


n o

rAs p p 1




7.5p 80000 1


= 80000 (1.075)2

log p2 = log 80000 + 2 log 1.075

= log 8 + 4 + 2 log (1.075)

= 0.9031 + 4 + 2 × (0.0314)

= 4.9659

Page 41: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Solution Cont.

log p2 = 4.9659

p2 = antilog (4.9659)

= 0.9245 × 105

= 92450

Page 42: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Illustrative Example


The value of a washing machine depreciates at the rate of 2% per annum. If its present value is Rs6250, what will be its value after 3 years.


t o

rAs v v 1




2v 6250 1


= 6250 (0.98)3

log v2 = log 6250 + 3 log 0.98

= log (6.250 × 103) + 3 log (9.8 × 10–1)

= log 6.250 + 3 + 3 log (9.8) – 3

= 0.7959 + 3 × (0.9912)

Page 43: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Solution Cont.

log v2 = 0.7959 + 3 × (0.9912)

= 3.7695

v2 = antilog (3.7695)

= 0.5882 × 104

= Rs. 5882

Page 44: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise

Page 45: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 1

Find 2 3

log 1728

Solution :

2 3

log 1728 x

x 6

6 3 62 3 1728 2 .3 2 . 3

x 6

2 3 2 3

x 6

Page 46: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 2

Solution :

If a2 + b2 = 7ab, prove that


log a b log3 loga logb2

a2 + b2 = 7ab

a2 + b2 + 2ab = 9ab (a + b)2 = 9ab

a b 3 ab


2a b


taking log both sides we get


2a blog log ab


1log a b log3 logab



loga logb2

Page 47: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 3

Solution :

Find x, y if logx log36 log64

log5 log6 logy

2logx log36 log6 2log6

2log5 log6 log6 log6

logx = 2 log5 = log52 = log25

x = 25Similarly


2log64 1

2 logy log64 log64 log8logy 2

y = 8

Page 48: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 4

Solution :

If 210 100log x log y 1 find y if x = 2.

210 100log x log y 1

2 1010


log ylog x 1

log 100 2 10


log ylog x 1


210 10

1log x log y 1


11 2

2 210 10log x log y 1


10 1


xlog 1







4 42x 4 16y

10 10 625

Page 49: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 5

Solution :


5log x 2log 8b 71 3

2 4b and 7


55log xb1 5log x 2b log xb2 2b b b





22log 873


3 1/ 2log 8727

31 22log 87


31 322 48 8

Page 50: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 6

Solution :

Simplify x 2 3x xlog 4 log 16 log 64 12

and x = 2k then k is

(a) 0.25 (b) 0.5

(c) 1 (d) 2

x 2 3x xlog 4 log 16 log 64 12

2 3

log4 log16 log6412

logx logx logx

log4 log16 log6412

logx 2logx 3logx


32log4 log16 log6412

logx logx logx

log4 log4 log412

logx logx logx

3log4 3

12 logx log4logx 12

Page 51: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise – 7 (i)

Solution :

(i) If x, y, z > 0, such that

logx logy logz,

y z z x x yevaluate xx yy zz.

logx logy logzsay

y z z x x y

logx y z , logy z x , logz x y

x logx xy xz y logy yz xy z logz zx yz

x logx + y logy + z logz xy xz yz xy zx yz 0

x y zlogx logy logz 0

x y zlogx .y .z 0 xx.yy.zz = 1

Page 52: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise – 7 (ii)

a b c a b c a b c a b c 1

sayloga logb logc

loga a b c a , logb b c a b , logc c a b c

bloga alogb ab b c a ab c a b

ab b c a c a b 2 abc

(ii) If a, b, c > 0, such that

a b c a b c a b c a b c

loga logb logc

then prove that ab ba = bc cb = ca ac

Solution :

Page 53: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Solution Cont.

bloga alogb 2 abc

Similarly c logb blogc 2 abc and

alogc c loga 2 abc

Hence b loga + a logb = c logb + b logc= a logc + c loga = logbc cb = logca ac

b a c b a ca b b c c a

Page 54: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 8

Solution :

Find characteristic, mantissa and log of each of the following

(i) 67.77 (ii) .0087

(i) 67.77 = 6.777 × 101

Characteristic = 1 Mantissa = log (6.777)

= 0.(8306+5)

= 0.8311

log 67.77 = 1 + 0.8311 = 1.8311

Page 55: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Solution Cont.

(ii) 0.087 = 8.7 × 10–3

Characteristic = –3

Mantissa = log (8.7) = 0.(9395 + 0)

= 0.9395

log (0.008) = -3 + 0.9395 = 3.9395

Page 56: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise 9


Find the antilogarithm of each of the following

(i) 4.5851 (ii) –0.7214

(i) Antilog(4.5851)

= .(3846 + 1) × 105

= 38470

(ii) Antilog(–0.7214) = Antilog(–1 + 1 – 0.7214)

= .(1897 + 3) × 100

= 0.19

Antilog(–1 + 0.2786) = Antilog 1.2786

Page 57: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Class Exercise - 10


If a sum of money amounts to Rs. 100900 in 31 years at 25% per annum compound interest, find the sum.


A P 1100


100900 P 1 P 1.25100



1.25logP = log(100900) – 31log (1.25)

= log (1.009 × 105) – 31log (1.25)

= log (1.009) + 5 – 31 log (1.25)

Page 58: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Solution Cont.

log P = 1.9998

P = Antilog (1.9998)

= 0.9995 × 102

= 99.95

= 0.0037 + 5 – 31 (0.0969)

= 5.0037 – 3.0039

= 1.9998

Page 59: Mathematics. Session Logarithms Session Objectives.

Thank you