Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM

Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Transcript of Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM

Page 1: Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM

Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Page 2: Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM

– Brazilian education system is divided into basic education and higher


– Children and young people of 4 to 17 years of age.

– Basic education comprises three levels:

– Children's education (preschool),

– Elementary school (K1 to K9)

– High school (K10 to K12).

Brazilian Educational System

Page 3: Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM

Education in Brazil

– Proportion of Brazilian students that, in 2013, learned the expected in Math problem-solving kills:

– 5th year only 35% of students.

– 6º a 9º year only 11% of students.

Source: Prova Brasil

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Tecnology in Brazil

− 7.95 % computer per school for student use

− 55% of the schools do not have computer labs.

− 92% of the schools do not have science labs.

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STEM areas

– In Brazil, in 10,000 habitants only 21.6 enroll in these areas, and from 9 people that start only 2.9 graduate.

– In 2015, 56.54% of the students accepted for the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) came from private schools, while students from public schools account 43.46% .

– This inequity in access to higher education related to young people from public schools is caused by the lack of attention given the quality of basic education.

– The teaching of scientific-technological and engineering areas starts in Basic Education and cannot be dissociated from this.

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– Five strategic lines form the methodological activities related to the project:

– (1) activities related to teachers; – (2) activities related to students; – (3) activities related to school infrastructure; – (4) provision of services to be used in developing the project

by RExLab;– (5) evaluation strategies.

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Strategic lines and macroscopic steps "3C"Preparation Realization Operation

1 Identify technology influence factors in teaching practice.

Apply questionnaire to the participant teachers.

Develop workshops, courses and lectures for teachers.

2 Realize professional trend.

Apply questionnaire;Obtain identification data;Enable the use of tablets.

Perform classes with tablets.

4 Define requirements and design specifications.

Install and Configure technologies.

Support the technological and pedagogical aspects.

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– This work was done at Public School Otávio Manuel Anastácio - Araranguá – SC – Brasil.

– Actions that contemplate the use of technological resources in mathematics classes.

– Class of the 5th year elementary school.

– 50 students, in 2 groups.

RESULTS: Technology integration in math classes

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RESULTS: Technology integration in math classes

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RESULTS: Technology integration in math classes

Page 11: Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM

RESULTS: Technology integration in math classes– After the activities were developed, it

was applied the questionnaires of technological profile and student perception:

– 32.9% of students do not have access to computing devices;

– 43.2% do not use or do not have Internet access.

– 80% claim to have learned to use these technologies with members of their own family;

– only 3.7% said she learned in school about the use of computers.

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RESULTS: Technology integration in math classes– The perception of students with use of

technological resources in math classes, showed very clearly the acceptance of the same with classes held.

– In all nine (9) questions, students present a positive trend to use the resources offered with a result above 3.5 points, which reinforces student wish to have classes that are more current and according to what is expected an education focused student.

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RESULTS: Technology integration in math classes– Regarding the teaching perception, in an interview with the

project team, the teachers involved in the project reported that the integration of ICT in math classes had a great result.

They described the experience as:– motivating, both for teachers and for students.– students had higher grades in that content when compared

to previous years.– children’s ease on the use of technology

– The teachers also reported difficulties they found in the ICT integration process in the classroom: the little technical knowledge hinders the development of activities.

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The results at the end of the activities described stimulated the development of the classes supported by digital and mobile devices in other disciplines. Not

only the use of specific software for each class, but also in the use of resources provided by RExLab, in addition

to the exchange of knowledge among teachers themselves and a more collaborative approach to


RESULTS: Technology integration in math classes

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Thank you

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Education in Brazil

Technological Resources of Brazilians Schools

─ Half of schools do not have computer labs.

50 %

45 %

53 %


Santa Catarina

Source: Censo Escolar/INEP 2014

Page 17: Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM

Education in Brazil

Technological Resources of Brazilians Schools

─ Insufficient number of computers for educational use.

8,22 %

7,95 %

11,08 %

Araranguá/SCSanta Catarina


Computers per students/school

Source: Censo Escolar/INEP 2014

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Education in Brazil

11 %8 %

10 %

BrazilSanta Catarina

─ A low number of schools have science labs.

Source: Censo Escolar/INEP 2014
