Math Liaison Meeting September 2014 Presenter: Simi Minhas, Math Achievement Coach Network 204.

Math Liaison Meeting September 2014 Presenter: Simi Minhas, Math Achievement Coach Network 204

Transcript of Math Liaison Meeting September 2014 Presenter: Simi Minhas, Math Achievement Coach Network 204.

Math Liaison MeetingSeptember 2014

Presenter: Simi Minhas, Math Achievement Coach

Network 204


• Supports the lead math teacher to strengthen their coaching. Collaborates with the lead to support professional development in math.

• Empowers the math lead to open up her room to share best practices when possible. • Establishes coherent assessment, and data tracking practices in the building. Monitors those

practices, and makes them a part of teacher team meetings, and ongoing professional development.

MATHLIAISON (math lead)

• Attends the professional development at the network level, and shares that information at the school level.

• Provides professional development to teacher teams, with guidance and collaboration from school leaders.

• Provides content support to colleagues (planning, modelling lessons, inter-visitations etc.)


NT (new/



• Deepens her content knowledge in mathematics, and strengthens her craft• Can use the modelling strategies, and multiple ways of solving problems to provide PD for

other teachers who may have similar needs.• Can also provide workshops for the parents as a parent engagement piece on Tuesdays.

Our Role as Liaisons• How can we support the math professional

development in our schools?• How can we coach the teaches who might

need support with the math instruction?• How can we model best practices, and

highlight new initiatives?• How can we work in collaboration with the

school leadership to create a strong math instructional team?


• Strengthen teacher practice• Improve student achievement• Track student progress through ongoing

school wide assessment• Strengthen coaching practices• Provide meaningful professional development

opportunities to teachers, based on their needs.

Assessments• Pre-assessments and post-assessments for

each topic• Some questions in the post assessment

should be open ended that allow for error analysis

• Item analysis to track growth from pre-assessment to post-assessment

• Rubrics for problem solving

Data Tracking What’s the purpose of collecting student data?• To develop hypotheses about how to improve

student learning• To align instruction to meet the needs of the

students• To differentiate instruction, and group

students based on their needs• To monitor growth, and measure progress

Quality Review ExpectationsRead the Quality Review Indicator 2.2, and think indicate the key factors that determine if a school is well developed.• What is the difference between a well

developed and proficient column?

Five “Key Strategies” For Effective Formative Assessment

• What are some of the effective formative assessment strategies mentioned in the article?

• How can classroom discussion be used as a form of formative assessment?

• How can we align assessment choices to the instructional focus of the school?

• Any other key observations, thoughts, or inferences

Building Fluency Using Number Strings

A number string is a set of related math problems, crafted to support students to construct big ideas about mathematics and build their own strategies. Typically, a teacher gathers her students near the board and presents the problems — one at a time — providing plenty of time for students to think. Students first solve the problems mentally, then share their strategies with the class while making sure they understand others’ thinking. Meanwhile, the teacher is representing students’ strategies on a model and facilitating conversation among students about the sense they are making within and between the problems. Strings are not a rigid recipe but a flexible classroom routine — used by teachers daily or weekly with both small groups and entire classes.

Addition Number String

Data Analysis• How can we use the NYS item analysis to

inform our planning for this this year?• How can we use NYS item analysis for

professional development?

Questions, Comments and Feedback• How would you like me to support you this

year?• Do you think this work is purposeful?

Why/Why not?• What best practices would you like to

showcase this year? • Any other questions?Please fill out the feedback forms before leaving. Thanks!!!