Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — Overview Introduction Math 5510/Math 4510 - Partial Differential Equations Ahmed Kaffel , ahmed.kaffel@marquette.eduDepartment of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Marquette University Spring 2021

Transcript of Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

Page 1: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

Math 5510/Math 4510 - Partial Differential Equations

Ahmed Kaffel,〈[email protected]

Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Marquette University

Spring 2021

Page 2: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction


1 The Class — Overview


Expectations and Procedures


2 Introduction

Learning Objectives


Page 3: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Contact Information

Dr Ahmed Kaffel

Office Cudahy Hall 360Email [email protected]


Phone (414)839-4516Office Hours MWF and by appointment

Page 4: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Basic Information: Text

Text: Richard Haberman:

Applied Partial Differential Equations

with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems

4th Edition 5th Edition

Page 5: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Basic Information: Topics

Review Ordinary Differential Equations


Heat, Laplace’s, and Wave Equations

Primary techniques

Separation of Variables/Fourier SeriesSturm-Liouville Problems

Other Problems/techniques

Higher Dimensional PDEsNonhomogeneous ProblemsGreen’s FunctionsFourier TransformsMethod of Characteristics

Page 6: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Prerequisite Courses

Math 1450, 1451, 2450: Calculus I, II, and IIISeries and Integration of Trigonometric FunctionsVectors, Partial derivatives, and GradientsDivergence Theorem or Gauss’s TheoremMultivariable Integration

Math 3100: Linear Algebra

Linear IndependenceOrthogonalityEigenvalues

Math 2451: Ordinary Differential Equations

Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of ODEsSolutions of Second Order Linear Differential EquationsSolving Non-homogeneous ODEsSeries Solutions of ODEsLaplace Transforms for Solving ODEs

Page 7: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Basic Information: Grading


Grade Policy:Your final grade will be determined as follows:Homework: 30%Midterm exams: 20% eachFinal exam: 30%

Your minimum final grade will be A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, and D for course averages of 92%, 88%, 84%, 80%, 76%. 72%, 68%, 64%, 60% and 56%.

There will be two midterm exams and a final exam:- 1st midterm exam: Friday, March 5, 2021- 2nd midterm exam: Friday, April 16, 2021- Final exam: May 10 2021, 1pm-3pm

Page 8: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Expectations and Procedures, I

Attendance is REQUIRED — Homework andannouncements will be posted on the class web page and on D2L.If/when you attend class:

Please be on time.

Please pay attention.

Please turn off cell phones and follow COVID 19 instructions.

Please be courteous to other students and the instructor.

Abide by university statutes, and all applicable local, state,and federal laws.

Page 9: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Expectations and Procedures, II

Please, submit assignments on time. (The instructorreserves the right not to accept late assignments.)

The instructor will make special arrangements for studentswith documented learning disabilities and will try to makeaccommodations for other unforeseen circumstances, e.g.illness, personal/family crises, etc. in a way that is fair toall students enrolled in the class. Please contact the

instructor EARLY regarding special circumstances.

Students are expected and encouraged to ask questionsin class!. There will be extra credit points for participation. Students are expected and encouraged to to make use ofoffice hours! If you cannot make it to the scheduled officehours: contact the instructor to schedule an appointment!

Page 10: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

Expectations and Procedures, III

Missed midterm exams: Don’t miss exams! The instructorreserves the right to schedule make-up exams and/or basethe grade solely on other work (including the final exam), for emergency cases.Missed final exam: Don’t miss the final! Contact theinstructor ASAP or a grade of incomplete or F will beassigned.

Academic honesty: Submit your own work. Anycheating will be reported to University authorities and aZERO will be given for that HW assignment or Exam.

Page 11: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

GradingExpectations and ProceduresProgramming

MatLab/Maple Programs

Some Programming in MatLab and/or Maple

Students can obtain MatLab / Maple from AcademicComputing – Google MU MatLab or access may also want to consider buying the student versionof MatLab:

MatLab and Maple can also be accessed in theComputer Labs of the department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences..To purchase Maple use the following link

Page 12: Math 5510/Math 4510 Partial Differential Equations

The Class — OverviewIntroduction

Learning ObjectivesExamples

What is a Partial Differential Equation (PDE)?

Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) – Studied in Math 337(or equivalent Math 342A or AE 280)Typically, an ODE can be written


dt= f(t, y),

where y(t) is an unknown function and may be a vector in Rn

Partial Differential Equation (PDE) is an equation of anunknown function u(t, x) that includes partial derivatives of thisunknown function.Often, u is a scalar quantity, e.g., temperature, t is time, and x ∈ R


Heat Equation: Let u(t, x) be temperature in a rod:

∂u(t, x)


∂2u(t, x)

∂x2, t > 0, 0 < x < L.

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The Class — OverviewIntroduction

Learning ObjectivesExamples

Math 531: Learning Objectives for PDEs

Learning Objectives for Partial Differential Equations(PDEs)

1 Connect significant physical problems with PDEs

2 Learn tools for solving PDEs, including visualization throughprogramming

3 Manage the methods and details for large multi-step problems

4 Explore decomposition of continuous functions with Fourierseries

5 Develop intuition for extending finite dimensional vector spaces(254/524) to infinite dimensions

6 Appreciate the complexities and varied techniques for PDEs

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The Class — OverviewIntroduction

Learning ObjectivesExamples

Heat Equation in a Rod

Heat Equation in a Rod: Let z(t, x) be temperature in a rod:

∂z(t, x)


∂2z(t, x)

∂x2, t > 0, 0 < x < 10.

Initial and boundary conditions:

z(0, x) = 100, z(t, 0) = 0 = z(t, 10).

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The Class — OverviewIntroduction

Learning ObjectivesExamples

Vibrations on a Circular Membrane

Vibrations on a Circular Membrane: Let u(t, r, θ) bedisplacement of a circular membrane:


∂t2= c2∇2u, t > 0, 0 < r < 1, −π < θ ≤ π.

Maple Worksheet – Vibration

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The Class — OverviewIntroduction

Learning ObjectivesExamples

More Partial Differential Equations

Laplace’s Equation or Steady-State: Let u(x, y, z) betemperature in a rectangular box in R


∇2u = 0, 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b, 0 < z < c.

Reaction-Diffusion Equation: Let c(t, x, y, z) be the concentrationin a region R ∈ R

3, D be diffusivity, and f(c) represent a chemicalreaction:


∂t= f(c) +∇ · (D∇c), t > 0, (x, y, z) ∈ R.

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The Class — OverviewIntroduction

Learning ObjectivesExamples

More Partial Differential Equations

Age-structured model or McKendrick/von Foerster equation:Let p(t, a) be the population in time t with individual ages a:


∂t+ V (p)


∂a= r(t, p), t > 0, a > 0.

Nonlinear waves - Korteweg-deVries: Let u(t, x) be the waveheight in shallow water:


∂t+ (w′(0) + βu)






∂x3, t > 0.

Schrodinger Equation: Let A(t, x) be the amplitude of the waveheight for monochromatic light:


∂t+ w′(k0)


∂x= i




∂x2, t > 0.