MATC Scholars Program: Dr. Deo Chimba

Graduate School Student Experiences Dr. Deo Chimba, PE MATC Scholars Program October 3 – 6, 2012 University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Transcript of MATC Scholars Program: Dr. Deo Chimba

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Graduate School Student Experiences

Dr. Deo Chimba, PE

MATC Scholars ProgramOctober 3 – 6, 2012

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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• Introduction

• Learning Objectives

• Learning Outcomes

• Session Presentation

• Conclusion

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• Understand the mentality of graduate versus undergraduate studies

• Working toward a Masters or PhD

• Challenges to anticipate in graduate school

• Networking with other students

• Determination of faculty expectations

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LEARNING OUTCOMES• Students will be prepared to differentiate

mentality of graduate school compared to undergraduate, and fundamental elements to consider when preparing for graduate school

• Students will know core steps, requirements, course work and other related elements for their Masters or PhD studies

• Students will be prepared on how to choose a faculty advisor, how to meet advisor expectations and work ethics

• Students will be prepared for networking with other students

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Undergraduate coursework is a basic educational foundation within a given program of study following high school.

• The course work includes a general cluster of knowledge that promotes a well rounded education.

• The student is exposed to a variety of areas, not just their chosen field of study.

Graduate coursework in most cases is very specific and particular to one field of study.

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• Graduate school differs from undergraduate college in that much more of the force is on the student.

• In undergraduate programs, there are a lot of courses that focuses only to students’ basic foundation ideas and information.

• The purpose for undergraduate is to give students enough of a basic background that they can wisely shop for their discipline specialty they study.

• Graduate school asks students to feed themselves though there is still coursework to help students pick up facts and ideas that undergraduate programs don't get in due to the four year time constraints


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Undergraduate coursework : Undergraduate allows an individual to explore a variety of areas.

Graduate coursework: Individuals who wish to pursue higher education in graduate studies need to have a clear idea of just what it is exactly that they want to study. Graduate school delves into the details of a specific . • The work load in graduate studies entails that an

individual works closely with a major professor and also additional faculty members to properly design the course studies.

• An individual may also become part of a lab group or research team and must work closely with other students on that team.


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Undergraduate School: Undergrad school is exam-based education.

Graduate School: Graduate school is training in research. • It is for people who love research, scholarship and

teaching. • The eventual goal of many doctoral students is to get

a job as a college professor, or perhaps in industrial or government research.

• It requires more focused and sustained work, it involves more intensive relationships with faculty and other students, and it makes considerably greater demands on your personal identity.


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Undergraduate Coursework: You acquire a general identity such as Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, etc. Specific specialization such a Traffic Engineer or Structural Engineer might come later after gaining experience concentrating on specific work in the area.

Graduate School: You will acquire a particular sort of professional identity immediately after graduating such as Traffic Engineer, Structural Engineer, etc• You will become known as the person who wrote a

paper, who did research, who refuted a theory, or who initiated a line of inquiry.

• Graduate school is more like an apprenticeship where each student has his or her own project.


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WORKING FOR MASTERS OR DOCTORATE Master’s Degree—mainly is designed to give a solid education in a specialized field. Most master’s candidates spend one to two years earning their degree

PhD Degree—are designed to give extensive expertise in a specialized field. Usually (not always), it is targeted towards training to pursue in academia as a Professor or Researcher

Both Masters and PhD can be attended by a student as: (1) Full Time Graduate Program; (2) Part Time Graduate Program; (3) Evening Graduate Program; or (4) Online Graduate Program.

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Master’s Degree—Most master’s candidates spend one to two years earning their degree

1.Master’s students take courses to fulfill degree requirements, just like undergraduate

2.However, the workload is heavier, the course topics are more

3.Specific and much more is expected of you than undergraduate

4.In many schools, at the beginning of the master’s program, you choose or assigned a faculty member who will serve as your advisor

5.This advisor will help you develop an academic focus and potential topics for your thesis or final project


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6.Then you decide on your research focus and—in one semester or two—complete your master's thesis or final project

7.If you show promise, you may be encouraged to continue toward a PhD

8.Earning a master's degree may be an explicit requirement for continuing on to the PhD

9.There are basically two kinds of Master's programs: (a) coursework only and (b) those with a thesis requirement


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10.But, if you plan to eventually obtain a PhD then you should choose the thesis option to develop your research skills.

11.In some cases students can register for a program that results in a master's and a doctoral degree


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PhD (Doctoral) Degree—Most of PhD programs often offer full scholarships and a living stipend

1.Most candidates spend three to six years earning this degree

2.In the first two to three years of a PhD program, you take courses to satisfy your degree requirements and gain a broad knowledge of the field

3.You then choose an advisor, find an area that will lead to a promising dissertation topic write a dissertation proposal, and you develop a working relationship with other professors in your department

4.A PhD student is usually required to present a written dissertation proposal to their research committee and defend it in an oral exam


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5. Most doctoral students also work as teaching assistants and some work as research assistants

6. At the end of the 2nd or 3rd year, PhD students complete a thesis, take comprehensive exams or both

7. The thesis & exams demonstrate your qualification to continue with doctoral work

8. After comprehensive exam and defending the proposal, you focus on your dissertation, which is supposed to contribute to knowledge in your field.

9. When you’ve finally finished, you are required to present and defend your work before a faculty committee.


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CHALLENGES TO ANTICIPATE Academic Rigor As a graduate student, you must be sufficiently engaged so that you will have the desire to learn, to be prepared, and to treat the experience with as much dedication as you would be expected to apply as a professional.

Academic rigor can be considered under three separate concepts

1. Quantity–the amount of work students are expected to do

2. Quality–the extent to which students are expected to be brilliant, creative, insightful, and the like

3. Consistency—continuous excellence.

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Time management—There is never enough time for serious student

1. How to keep yourself relaxed when you're overloaded with courses, research, teaching, and a life?

2. Try using time management techniques to get organized3. Don't let your thesis/dissertation writing and preparation

time drag you down

Attaining a balance: Attending classes, studying, working a part-time, participating in extracurricular activities, and finding time for friends, family and yourself can be a hard for graduate students to balance

Postponing: Sometimes your thesis or dissertation can drag you down. Research suggests that students often postpone studies when they perceive the thesis or dissertation as an overwhelming task. Under these circumstances, motivation has been cited as the biggest problem that graduate students face in writing the thesis or dissertation.


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Intellectual Challenges: The bar at graduate school is higher than it has ever been before and the mental acrobatics required of you will be challenging to say the least.

• Often times in graduate study, a student is required to provide not merely a recitation of the facts and details but an in-depth analysis of the issue and to provide solutions or strategies that can be employed in dealing with the scenario

Emotional Challenges: Graduate school will take a long time. Once you've achieved candidacy, the research and writing will consume you.

• The sleepless nights of study during your coursework and the stress of the comprehensive exams will seem like child's play when you're faced with the problem of keeping yourself motivated even when the research is not going well.


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Tests of Character: Graduate school tests not only your knowledge and aptitude for your subject but also your determination and perseverance. You'll get through only if:(1) You have a passion for learning and love what you're doing; (2)You can keep your focus and concentration; and (3)You have the undeniable urge to emerge victorious.

Commitment: Sometimes it might require you to study and research during scheduled breaks unlike in undergraduate studies where there are relieved in winter, spring, summer, and fall breaks off . Pursuing graduate studies entails that a student must be able to keep up with the academic load that is required while at the same time be able to deal with the other demands off campus.


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Research: Research in graduate school represents a focused, personal research effort where you take the lead on your own, unique project. Your adviser is not going to hold your hands and tell you what to do every step of the way.

Stubbornness: Nobody finishes graduate school without being tenacious. Stubbornness means sticking with things even when you get depressed or when things aren't going well. You will encounter unexpected problems and obstacles that can add months or years to the graduate project. It's very easy to become depressed and unmotivated about going on.


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Flexibility: Flexibility means taking advantage of opportunities and synergies, working around problems, and being willing to change plans as required. You must be flexible in your approach and research program

Interpersonal skills: Success in graduate school depends a great deal upon your ability to build and maintain interpersonal relationships with your adviser, your committee, your research and support staff and your fellow students.


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How to manage time as a Graduate Student?

1.You need to allow yourself plenty of time for both work and school assignments

2.Don’t take too many courses at one time

3.Inform your employer that you’re attending school while working

4.Look for schools with flexible class schedules

5.Make a schedule & stick to it

6.Remember to sleep

7.Seek out other sources for funding your education


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Attend Networking Events, Professional Speakers, and Participate in Departmental Organizations

Take full advantage of these events. While you may not have the opportunity to sit down and talk with the professional speaker on a one to one level, you’ll have the chance to learn from his or her speech, as well as the chance to exchange contact information.

Attending these events gives you a “foot-in-the-door” approach to following up with that individual, and potentially expanding your network in the future.

Signing up for department clubs and organizations is an excellent way of connecting with the professors and students in your field.

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• The first step of networking while in graduate school is to develop a list of contacts.

• Some of the contacts may be from the Professors, teaching assistants, researchers and fellow students.

• Networking with professors, fellow students, committee members and advisors is crucial to the advancement of your education. You can gain information, visibility, feedback, career advice, friendship and social and emotional support.

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Study groups are very common in graduate school.

1.By participating in group study, you can supplement your individual study and gain a greater understanding of class material.

2.Study groups also provide the opportunity to: Share notes, study tips, and ideas. Learn class material faster and easier. Complete class projects more quickly. Make new friends and network with other students Familiarize yourself with practices by learning how to

work as part of a team

3.Make sure that the size of your study group is appropriate

4.Choose people who will be committed to the group

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• In most cases, graduate student progress is guided and evaluated by an advisor and a graduate committee.

• These individuals give direction and support for the appropriate developmental and learning goals of graduate students

• The advisor and the graduate committee also have the obligation of evaluating a graduate student's academic performance

• The graduate student, the advisor, and the graduate committee constitute the basic core of graduate education

• It is the quality, scope, and extent of interaction in this group that determine the significance of the graduate experience

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• High quality graduate education requires professional and ethical conduct of the participants

• Faculty and graduate students have mutual responsibilities in ensuring academic standards and quality graduate programs.

• Excellence in graduate education is achieved when faculty and students are inspired, have the academic and professional backgrounds essential to function and are genuine in their mutual desire to see one another triumph.

• Any action that negatively affects this interaction-from either faculty member or student-destroys the whole relationship.

• Mutual respect is critical to the successful process


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Expectation of the advisor from the graduate student

• Maintain a good relationship with your graduate advisor is imperative to good practices

• If your advisor pays you for the research or TA, try to focus finishing the piece of work than counting number of hours you worked (impress him)

• Advisor may certainly have connections inside and outside the institution that could prove invaluable

• Graduate student should behave in a professional way in all interactions with the advisor

• Ask you advisor before you register for elective courses


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Expectation of the advisor from the graduate student

• Follow his/her directions, be punctual to his/her assignments.

• Help advisor in report writing and publications (if possible)

• Graduate students are expected to be very proactive in consulting with their faculty academic & research advisors to stay on the right track and to seek academic advice


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Slide design © 2009, Mid-America Transportation Center. All rights reserved.

Dr. Deo Chimba, PEAssistant Professor

Tennessee State University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

3500 John Merritt Blvd. Nashville, TN 37209

[email protected]