Masthead ideas

Masthead ideas

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Masthead ideas

Page 2: Masthead ideas

ReformReform ReformReform

I am thinking of choosing this masthead as my final piece because I did a class survey in which it got voted most popular. I used the Press style font and the survey suggested this would be more suitable as it is easy to read and bold therefore fits the purpose.

This masthead was voted second most popular, I think that this was a good choice because the letters are spaced out nicely so that the word is easy to read. However, the font I choose for this which is ‘night still comes’ is not a very bold font therefore may be a disadvantage as to not using it in my final piece.

This seems too big and bold to use for my masthead, and doesn’t fit into the theme of my magazine. I could picture this masthead being on a music magazine rather than a fashion and beauty magazine. Therefore despite this being a very big and bold option, it will probably not make it into my final piece.

This masthead is very different from the rest, and is a lot more sharp. I liked the idea of it being different from the rest and decided to see what the class survey thought of it. There was variation on whether the class liked it therefore might be best in sticking to my original ideas just incase this doesn’t fit in my theme.