Mastering Computational Chemistry with Deep...


Transcript of Mastering Computational Chemistry with Deep...

Olexandr Isayev, Ph.D.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

[email protected]

Mastering Computational Chemistry with

Deep Learning


ANI-1: An extensible DL potential with DFT accuracy at force field computational cost

Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3192-3203

DOI: 10.1039/C6SC05720A


Joint work with Justin S. Smith and Adrian Roitberg

University of Florida

POSTER & Fast Forward Talk:ANI-1: Solving quantum mechanics

with deep learning on GPUs

By Justin Smith

ANAKIN-MEAccurate NeurAl networK engINe for Molecular Energies

+ =

We want to train a padawan network to become a DFT jedi master

Why ANI-1 ???

AniThe force is strong!

Quantum Mechanics 101

Time-independent Schrödinger equation

F(r) = E E




Force fields

Semi-empirical QM


1 103 105 107 109


Accessible molecular systems




Force fields

Semi-empirical QM


ANI-1 Potential

1 103 105 107 109


Accessible molecular systems

Rel. error in total energy of ~6 x 10-4 % vs. DFT Accuracy ~1 kcal/molSpeedup of 105-106

Molecular Mechanics / Force Fields

Protein - Ligand Docking



Kanal, Hutchison, Keith Submitted Slide credit: G. Hutchison, University of Pittsburg

Molecular Conformers

Design Principles

Create a “Force Field” in the sense of a mapping from coordinates R Energy

(Forces) with no a-priori functional form

• Accurate and reproducible

• Fast

• Input consisting only of things that the Schrödinger equation needs. (i.e. atomic

numbers and positions, plus charge and spin)

• Forces as true gradients of the energy

• Extensible in atomic elements

• Extensible to molecules of very different sizes

• Self-learning

How does ANI-1 work?

Molecular representation (MR)• Transformation from coordinates to a deep learning friendly input


• Accomplished through heavy modifications of Behler and Parrinello symmetry functions[1] or atomic environment vector (AEV or Ԧ𝐺𝑖


• Ԧ𝐺𝑖𝑋 provides atoms local chemical environment to a cutoff radius

• Mods provide recognizable features in MR

• Mods provide better atomic number differentiation




𝐸1𝑂 𝐸1


𝑞2 𝑞3







+ +

Each color

represents a

distinct NNP

1) J. Behler and M. Parrinello, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2007, 98, 146401.

High-dimensional neural network potential (HDNNP)[1]

• Utilizes AEVs by computing one for each atom

• Total energy takes on a sum of atomic contributions

• Allows training to datasets with many molecules of different size (diverse)

• One NNP per atomic number

J. Smith, O.I., A. Roitberg. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3192-3203


Molecular Representation

R = 5 A

What do you need?

• ANI requires TONS of data

• Currently we run ~20M DFT data points. To be released soon

• Molecules with 1 to 8 atoms from GDB database

• Train network on the data

• Validate on separate data

• Test on ‘known sizes’ (Molecules with <= # max heavy atoms per molecule in training set)

• Interpolation

• Test on ‘unknown sizes’ (Molecules larger than any in the training set)

• Extrapolation

• Best network architecture: 768 – 128 – 128 – 64 – 1 (122,944 weights + 321 biases)

• AEV cutoff – Radial SFs: 4.6Å; Angular SFs: 3.1Å

• AEV setup – 32 radial functions; 8x8 angular functions (768 elements)

• Included atomic numbers: H, C, N, O, S, F

• Trained and tested on in-house C++/CUDA program (NeuroChem)

• Trained on batches of 1024 molecules from ANI-1 dataset

• Approximate training time: ~2000 epochs or ~48 hours

• Early stopping with learning rate annealing

• % of ANI-1 dataset utilization: Training: 80% Validation: 10% Test 10%

• Final fitness (RMSE) – Training set: 1.299 kcal/mol

Validation set: 1.348 kcal/mol

Test set: 1.359 kcal/mol

Training the ANI-1 potential

J. Smith, O.I., A. Roitberg. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3192-3203

• Determine agreement of ANI-1 total potential energy to DFT (ωB97x/6-31g(d))

• 131 Randomly selected molecules with 10 heavy atoms

• Generated ~62 conformations for each of them

• Total of ~8200 structures/energies (300 kcal/mol energy range for each molecule)

ANI-1 test case 1

Total energy correlationANI-1 vs. DFT

(131 molecules with 10 heavy atoms, 8200 total molecules + conformations) [units: kcal/mol]

J. Smith, O.I., A. Roitberg. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3192-3203

73 total structures10 Heavy atoms25 Total atomsRMSE: 1.2 kcal/mol (0.048 kcal/mol/atom)DFT time: 1143.11sANI time: 0.0032s

357000x speedup!

Relative Energy correlation (30kcal/mol)

J. Smith, O.I., A. Roitberg. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3192-3203

• ANI-1 potential’s smoothness and goodness of fit to DFT potential surface scans

• Molecules considered are relatively large molecules

(53, 31, and 44 atoms)

• 4 scans included: (bond stretch, angle bend, and two dihedral scans)

ANI-1 test case 2

ANI-1 potential unrelaxed scans

J. Smith, O.I., A. Roitberg. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3192-3203

ANI-1 potential unrelaxed scans

J. Smith, O.I., A. Roitberg. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 3192-3203

Simulating a box of water on ANI-1.1(Chads Hopkins) From 50ps MD run @ 300K

ANI-1.1 theoretical OH vibrational spectra

Self-diffusion coefficient

Exp. IR Absorbance

Method x10^-05 cm^2/s

Experiment 2.5

ANI-1.1 3.2

TIP3P 5.9

TIP4P 3.3

Diels- Alder Reaction




The Big PictureAn automated and self consistent data generation framework

ANI network agent

IRC Pool GDB Pool

CVMD/MC Sampler

Online database Pool

CV Structure Sampler

Structure Pools

CV Conformer Search

Determine bad structures

Compute normal mode coordinates

Carry out restrained NMS

Compute Cluster

Database of molecular properties

(i.e. energies)

Retrain networks

Computations with QM

• Universal NN potential for small organic molecules

• Accuracy of high quality DFT calculations

• Extremely fast evaluation: <0.001 s/molecule on 1 GPU

• Up 106 speedup in comparison to DFT

• Can do molecular dynamics, reactions and break bonds!

• Stay tuned!
