Masalah Gizi.pptx

Masalah Gizi Makro Dan Alternatif Penanggulangan

Transcript of Masalah Gizi.pptx

Masalah Gizi Dan Alternatif Penanggulangan

Masalah Gizi Makro Dan Alternatif Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi Utama :Gizi Makro :Kurang energi protein (KEP)Gizi Mikro :Anemia ibu hamilGAKYKVA

Penyebab KEP Balita Penyebab langsung : makan tidak seimbang & penyakit infeksiPenyebab tidak langsung : ketersediaan pangan kurang, pola asuh, sanitasi/yankes rendahPokok masalah: pemberdayaan wanita & kel, pemanfaatan sumberdaya masy kurang Akar masalah: krisis ekonomi, politik, sosial

PENYEBABLANGSUNGKetersedia- an PanganRTPerawatanAnak dan Ibu hamilPelayanan/FasilitasKesehatanPENYEBABTAK LANGSUNGMASALAHUTAMAMASALAHDASARKEMISKINAN, TKT. PENDIDIKAN RENDAH,KETERSEDIAAN PANGAN DI MASY. MENURUN,DAN SEMPITNYA LAPANGAN KERJAKRISIS EKONOMI DAN POLITIKPENYAKITINFEKSIASUPAN ZATGIZISTATUS GIZIPENYEBAB MASALAH GIZIAbas B. Jahari: Surveilens Gizi SKD-KLB Gizi Buruk - Pemantauan Pertumbunan BalitaUNICEFKelangsungan HidupTumbuh Kembang Anak Asupan KesehatanCare bagiperempuan & anakKetahanan PanganKeluargaPelayanan kesehatanKesehatan lingkunganSumber Daya dan KontrolManusia, Ekonomi, dan OrganisasiSuperstruktur Politik dan IdeologiSumber Daya PotensialPendidikanStruktur Ekonomi5UNICEF's (1990) original conceptual model of child survival, growth, and development, which identifies the role of care, is presented in Figure 1.In this model: care, household food security and healthy environment are the three underlying factors that determine the nutrient intake and health of children, and, in turn, their survival, growth, and development.Care refers to practices performed by caregivers that affect nutrient intake, health, and the cognitive and psychosocial development of the child.This model of care can be expanded in two directions.First, it should emphasize that effective care practices require time and other resourcesSecond, it should underscore that the childs behavior or characteristics play a role in determining care.

DepkesKelangsungan HidupTumbuh Kembang AnakKonsumsi Makanan KesehatanPola AsuhKetahanan PanganKeluargaPelayanan kesehatanKesehatan lingkunganPengetahuan, Pemberdayaan Perempuan dalam KeluargaEkonomi, Sosial, Politik, BudayaPendidikan6UNICEF's (1990) original conceptual model of child survival, growth, and development, which identifies the role of care, is presented in Figure 1.In this model: care, household food security and healthy environment are the three underlying factors that determine the nutrient intake and health of children, and, in turn, their survival, growth, and development.Care refers to practices performed by caregivers that affect nutrient intake, health, and the cognitive and psychosocial development of the child.This model of care can be expanded in two directions.First, it should emphasize that effective care practices require time and other resourcesSecond, it should underscore that the childs behavior or characteristics play a role in determining care.

EngelKelangsungan HidupTumbuh Kembang AnakAsupanKesehatanKetahanan PanganKeluargaPelayanan KesehatanKesehatan LingkunganPerilaku dalam memberikan careCare bagi perempuanPemberian makanan/ASIRangsangan psikologi dan kognitifPraktek higienePraktek kesehatan di rumahPenyiapan dan penyimpanan makananSumber daya untuk carePengetahuan dan keyakinanStatus kesehatan dan giziKesehatan mental dan bebas stresKontrol terhadap sumber daya/otonomiBeban kerja/waktu yang tersediaDukungan sosialSumber DayaMakanan/EkonomiProduksi panganPendapatanPekerjaanKepemilikan tanah

Sumber Daya KesehatanPenyediaan air bersihSanitasiKetersediaan pelayanan kesehatanKeselamatan dan perlindungan lingkunganSumber Daya yang TersediaKonteks Budaya, Politik, SosialRural Urban7In Figure 2, the UNICEF model is adapted to incorporate care to the caregiver. Six major categories of resources that caregivers need can he identified from the literature:education, knowledge, and beliefs;health and good nutritional status;mental health, lack of stress, and self-confidenceautonomy, control of resources, and control of intrahousehold allocation;reasonable workloads and adequate time availablesocial support from family members and the community.These six are the human, economic, and organizational resources identified in the UNICEF model, defined at family and community levels (Jonsson 1995).Education, knowledge, and beliefs represent the capacity of the caregivers to provide appropriate care.The physical and mental health (including self-confidence and lack of stress and depression) of the caregiver represent individual factors that facilitate the translation of capacity to behavior.Autonomy. workload, and social support are facilitating conditions in the family and community.KEP Pada Balita Tidak mudah dikenali, karena anak tampak tidak sakitTidak selalu didahului oleh terjadinya bencana kurang pangan Faktor penyebab lebih komplekPencegahan & penanggulangan memerlukan partisipasi aktif orang tua & masyarakat Prevalensi KEP Dibanding negara ASEAN, Indonesia paling buruk. Data tahun 2000 ASEAN rata-rata dibawah 15%, Indonesia rata-rata > 20%.
