Mary Jane Baron - · Mary Jane Baron From: Steve Taylor [steven ... photo log of the...


Transcript of Mary Jane Baron - · Mary Jane Baron From: Steve Taylor [steven ... photo log of the...


Mary Jane Baron

From: Steve Taylor [[email protected]]Sent: May-06-12 8:44 AMTo: 'Zirger, Rosi (MTC)'Cc: Charlene Buske; Mary Jane Baron; Peter Nielsen; Laura McraeSubject: RE: James A. Gifford Causeway - Municipal Class EA

Thank you for your letter and feedback. The archaeological assessment has not been completed but is in progress. I have copied Central Archaeological on this email and when the report  becomes available we will forward you a copy.  No heritage assessment is being completed by our team but the ESR is recording the historic  information we have on the heritage bridge and the subsequent rock fill causeway constructed in 1949/ 1950. We have researched and found a photo log of the original causeway construction using the frozen lake as an ice road to facilitate construction.   This link has been recorded for its cultural significance by an ongoing study by the Township and this will be referenced in our ESR. The Township’s work and its recommendations for pedestrian links/lookouts/story boards will be considered in the ESR . The ESR will seek environmental clearance  to allow construction of these elements when funding is available.  Thank you for your input and we will forward the draft archaeological report when it is available.  If you would like a copy of the PIC exhibits reply and they will be posted for you.  Steve Taylor   

Steve Taylor P.Eng., P.E., M.Eng., CVS-Life President Bytown Engineering 100 Centrepointe Drive, Suite 202 Ottawa, Ontario K2G 6B1 Phone: 613-228-4813 FAX: 1-613-280-1305 Cell: 613-601-5393  

From: Zirger, Rosi (MTC) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May-03-12 3:21 PM To: [email protected] Subject: James A. Gifford Causeway - Municipal Class EA Project: James A. Gifford Causeway Widening and Rehabilitation – Municipal Class EA Location: Villages of Bridgenorth and Ennismore, County of Peterborough MTC File: 15EA038 To: Steve Taylor, Project Manager, Bytown Engineering Dear Mr. Taylor


On May 3, 2012 the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) received a Notice of Public InformationCentre for the project mentioned above. As part of the Class Environmental Assessment process, MTCS hasan interest in the conservation of cultural heritage resources including: archaeological resources, built heritageresources, and cultural heritage landscapes. MTCS would, therefore, be interested in remaining on the circulation list and being informed of the project as it proceeds through the EA process. Archaeology Project material provided to us in February 2012 indicate the presence of at least two areas of archaeologicalpotential within the study area and a commitment to undertaking a Stage 1 archaeological assessment toinform appropriate planning strategies. We look forward to receiving the archaeological assessment reports in due course. Built Heritage and Cultural Heritage Landscapes The project information provided also indicates that the James Gifford Causeway reflects a historictransportation corridor across Chemong Lake and that the present structure is an evolution of a 1949 floatingbridge. I was wondering how the historic association of this crossing is being considered in this EA project? Are any heritage assessment studies being undertaken as part of this EA? Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Best regards,

Rosi Zirger A/Heritage Planner Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport Culture Division| Programs and Services Branch | Culture Services Unit 401 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 0A7 Tel. 416.314.7159 | Fax 416.314.7175 [email protected]

May 9th, 2012

Att: Peter Nielsen

Re: Notice of Public Information Centre (PIC) No. 1

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Widening and

Rehabilitation of the James A. Gifford Causeway from Robinson Road

(County Road 16) to Ward Street (County Road 18)

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your consultation request to Alderville First Nation regarding the Municipal

Class Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Widening and Rehabilitation of the

James A. Gifford Causeway, which is being proposed within our Traditional and Treaty

Territory. We appreciate the fact that the County of Peterborough, recognizes the

importance of First Nations Consultation and that your office is conforming to the

requirements within the Duty to Consult Process.

As per the Alderville First Nation Consultation Protocol, your proposed project is deemed

a level 3, having minimal potential to impact our First Nations’ rights, therefore, please

keep Alderville apprised of any archaeological findings, burial sites or any environmental

impacts, should any occur.

Although we may not always have representation at all stakeholders meetings, it is our

wish to be kept apprised throughout all phases of this project. I can be contacted at the

mailing address above or electronically via email, at the email address below.

In good faith and respect,

Dave Simpson [email protected]

Lands and Resources

Communications Officer Tele: (905) 352-2662

Alderville First Nation Fax: (905) 352-3242


P.O. Box 46

11696 Second Line

Roseneath, Ontario K0K 2X0

Chief: James R. Marsden

Councillor: Dave Mowat

Councillor: Pam Crowe

Councillor: Wes Marsden Jr.

Councillor: Randall Smoke

Public Information Centre No. 1Class Environmental AssessmentWidening & Rehabilitation of James A. Gifford Causeway

County of Peterboroughy g

June 12, 2012

BTE ProjectBTE11‐012

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1

2.0 Public and Agency Consultation ....................................................................... 2

2.1 Individual Property Owner Contacts ..................................................................... 2

2.2 Newspaper Notice ................................................................................................ 2

2.3 Agency Contacts ................................................................................................... 2

2.4 First Nations .......................................................................................................... 3

3.0 Public Information Centre No. 1 ........................................................................ 3

4.0 PIC 1 Comments ................................................................................................. 6

4.1 Summary of Verbal Comments ............................................................................. 6

4.2 Summary of Written Comments ............................................................................ 6

5.0 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 11

Z:\BTE Projects\2011 Projects\BTE11-012 - James Gifford Causeway\006-PIC\PIC1\BTE11-012 PIC 1 Summary

Report JUNE 12 2012 QC.doc

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


1.0 Introduction

The County of Peterborough, in consul-tation with the Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, initiated this Class Environmental Assessment (EA) in No-vember 2011.

This assignment is following the ap-proved Planning and Design process of the “Municipal Class Environmental As-sessment”, as amended in 2011, for a Schedule B or C project. This is a self-assessment process that includes man-datory public consultation. The planning and design process for this project has been documented in a Draft Study De-sign report which tabled a preliminary list of alternatives, environmental work pro-gram, consultation process and schedule for undertaking the EA. The study De-sign is available on the County’s web site This planning process is proposed to be flexible to allow consideration of the need for the project, alternative ap-proaches to address this need, and meaningful consultation on the decision-making process. A Schedule C project reflects consideration of alternatives that include major expansion to the existing facility.

The EA will define a road management plan for the historic James A. Gifford Causeway across Chemong Lake.

This EA study will complete all phases of the Municipal Class EA by establish-ing the need and justification for the project, considering all alternatives and proactively involving the public in defin-ing a recommended plan for improve-ments. This will be in addition to parallel activities which may be undertaken as part of the County’s Transportation Master Plan update.

At the completion of the Schedule C project, an Environmental Study Report will be prepared for a 30-day public re-view.

The study area is shown in Figure 1.

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


Figure 1 Study Area

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


The first of two Public Information Cen-tres (PIC’s) scheduled for this project was held on:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

at the

Bridgenorth Public Library

836 Charles Street

Bridgenorth, ON

4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The purpose of the first Public Infor-mation Centre included presenting the following:

Draft Study Design Preliminary Assessment of Alterna-

tive Planning Solutions Preliminary Coarse Screening of De-

sign Alternatives Existing Conditions and Environ-

mental Inventories Preliminary Alignment and Cross

Section Design Alternatives

2.0 Public and Agency Consulta-tion

One of the key aspects of the project is to provide the public, interested parties, affected agencies and municipalities with the opportunity for input. In order to en-sure this objective is met, a public and agency notification program was under-taken. The program includes a number of communication mechanisms, dis-cussed in the following sections.

2.1 Individual Property Owner Con-tacts

All property owners within the study ar-ea were mailed individual letters inviting them to attend the first Public Infor-mation Centre. Over 200 letters were mailed out. A sample of the notice let-ter is provided in Appendix A.

2.2 Newspaper Notice

Notice of the first Public Information Centre was placed in the following local newspapers:

The Examiner: April 28, 2012

Connection Newspaper: May 2012

The Lakefield Herald: Friday April 27, 2012

A sample of the newspaper notice is found in Appendix B.

The County provided verbal comments to the Peterborough Examiner, via tele-phone. A copy of the newspaper article is provided in Appendix E.

2.3 Agency Contacts

The following agencies were invited to a separate agency review period in ad-vance of the public PIC:

Parks Canada Bridgenorth Beautification Commit-

tee BEL Rotary City of Peterborough Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ontario Federation of Agriculture Ministry of Community and Social

Services Central East Region

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Service Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and

Housing Ministry of Environment - Peterbor-

ough District Office Ministry of Environment (Eastern Re-

gion) Ministry of Economic Development

and Trade Transport Canada Ministry of Tourism and Culture| Cul-

ture Services Unit Otonabee Conservation Authority Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tour-

ism Peterborough Field Naturalists Peterborough Cycling Club OPP Peterborough County Detach-

ment Fire Department County of Peterborough EMS Greater Peterborough Chamber of

Commerce Kawartha Pine Ridge District School

Board Peterborough Victoria Northumber-

land Clarington Catholic District School Board

Ontario Federation Of Snowmobile Clubs

District 2 Kawartha Lakes Snowmo-bile Club

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Af-

fairs Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Environment and Natural Resources

Lands and Trusts Services Depart-ment of Indian and Northern Affairs

Environment and Natural Resources Department of Indian and Northern Affairs

Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Specific Claims Branch

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Litigation Management and Resolu-tion Branch

Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Abo-riginal and Ministry Relationships

Ontario Secretary of Aboriginal Af-fairs, Policy and Relationships Branch

Ministry of the Attorney General Transport Canada

Notification of the first Public Information Centre was communicated to all affected residents, local municipalities, external agencies and interested groups.

2.4 First Nations

Individual letters were sent to the First Na-tions within the vicinity of the Study Area, inviting them to attend the meeting during the one-hour advance session from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Letters were sent to the fol-lowing First Nations:

Curve Lake First Nation Alderville First Nation Mississaugas of Scugog Island Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation Hiawatha First Nation

3.0 Public Information Centre No. 1

The Public Information Centre was held at the Bridgenorth Public Library. County of Peterborough and consultant representa-tives were available to respond to any in-quiries.

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


Municipal Councilors, staff and external agencies were invited to view the presentation material from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for an advanced briefing. This viewing period provided municipal and external agency representatives an op-portunity to discuss specific issues and concerns before the arrival of the public.

The consultant provided a summary of the display materials to those in attend-ance. A question and answer period fol-lowed, with responses from both Bytown Engineering (BTE) and the County of Peterborough.

The Public Information Centre invited all members of the public and interest groups to view the presentation material and to discuss the project with the Coun-ty and consultant representatives. A copy of the PIC presentation boards is provided in Appendix C.

Fifty-eight (58) people registered at the Public Information Centre. Each person was encouraged to provide a written re-sponse to any issues or concerns.

The fishing community is an extensive user of the causeway; most notably those travelling from the Toronto area. One exhibit solicited information on the primary location(s) of fishing area(s) along the causeway in order to deter-mine locations for pedestrian access. In addition to the exhibit, a notice was erected at both ends of the causeway, seeking comments from the fishing community. The notice was provided in both English and Mandarin; the lan-guage spoken by the majority of the fish-ing community.

Parking and fishing areas were identi-fied on the fishing exhibit during the meeting (see Figure 2). In general, ve-hicles park at the east end of the causeway (north and south) at Brid-genorth and at the west end of the causeway (north at boat launch and south at designated parking area/park). Fishing is concentrated at the bridge (both sides) and at the west end of the causeway (north and south) at Ennismore.

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


Figure 2: Fishing Activity (Fishing and Parking Locations)

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


4.0 PIC 1 Comments

A total of fifteen (15) comment sheets/letters/e-mails were submitted at the PIC and during the subsequent 2-week comment period. Copies of the completed comment sheets, excluding personal information, are provided in Appendix D. The results of the com-ment sheets and discussions are sum-marized in the following sections.

4.1 Summary of Verbal Comments

At the public meeting, the following ver-bal comments/questions were captured:

Generally positive comments at the event including comments on the vis-ual quality of the display boards;

Questions answered with respect to roundabout operation, impacts of 3 and 4 lane widening, and timing of implementation of improvements;

Concerns were noted regarding fish-ing activity along the causeway - safety, littering, parking, etc;

Property owner of Gifford farm (land required for the western roundabout) explained the importance of this field and suggested she would be willing to lose some land but supported shift-ing the centre of the roundabout southerly (modifying or considering a southern alternative location);

Several public comments supporting the restriction to right-in/right-out of the private driveway on Ward Street that is within the influence of the in-tersection;

Several questioned if there was a need for a physical concrete barrier

between travelled lanes and side-walk;

Support for accommodating pedes-trians and bicyclists; and

Question if the County can prohibit fishing on the causeway.

4.2 Summary of Written Comments

The results of the comments received and discussions held at the Public Information Centre are summarized below in Table 1. The comments have been summarized by general subject matter.

The most significant issues raised by the public include:

Safety concerns regarding sharing the road with vehicles and lack of shoulders to accommodate pedes-trians, bicyclists and parked or disa-bled vehicles; support for separate path for pedestrians and/or bicy-clists; and restricting turning move-ments in close proximity to intersec-tions;

Short term improvements;

Parking concerns;

Comments to modify alternatives; and

Concern with fishing activity on causeway.

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


Table 1

Summary of Written Comments Public Information Centre # 1

May 16, 2012

Comment Number Of

RespondentsComment Sheet Reference No.

Preference Alternatives

Support for roundabout alternative 5 3,4,5,9,12 Ennismore intersection – Alt 2- smart channel. Less invasive.

1 6

Ennismore intersection – Alt 3 - signals 1 13 Bridgenorth intersection-Alt 2-dual left turn lanes

2 6,13

2-lane causeway cross section 1 8 3-lane cross section 2 12,15 4-lane option: widen to south 1 13

Safety Improvements Left turn restrictions off of Garthorne – will eliminate current cut-through traffic (i.e. vehicles will have to make left turn move-ment at Ward Street)

1 3

Provide bike lanes in both directions 1 4 Provide bike lane along one side of causeway, perhaps along bank

1 7

Provide sidewalks on both sides of cause-way

2 4,8

Provide sidewalk (pedestrians/cyclists) on one side of causeway

6 3,4,8,9,11,12

Consider implementing a floating/seasonal boardwalk

1 9

Pedestrian/Bicycle Alt 2 – sidewalk to lookout point (Ennismore and Bridgenorth ends)

1 6

Other Lookout – to encourage designated fishing area

1 4

Restrict access to plaza on west side of Ward Street

1 10

Concerns Alternatives

4-lane options: access from Kelly Blvd 1 7

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


Table 1

Summary of Written Comments Public Information Centre # 1

May 16, 2012

Comment Number Of

RespondentsComment Sheet Reference No.

Roundabout – traffic confusion, maneuver-ing of large vehicles (i.e. farm machinery)

1 10

Roundabout – hesitant about use, op-posed

2 13,15

Build a bridge to span the lake 1 14 What work will be done to Causeway in the short term

2 7,9

Sound barrier for nearby residences 1 7 Widening affect on shoreline 1 7

Pedestrians Separate pedestrians and vehicles with barrier

1 11

Lookout – parking concern 2 4,5 Existing concern re: fishermen (garbage, parking)

1 7

General Comments No fishing off of Causeway 3 10,11,12 Add to mailing list (i.e. for PIC 2) 13 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,

12,13 Requests - PIC exhibits 2 1,15 Well presented material 1 15

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 1 Summary Report


5.0 Conclusions The conclusions identified by the meet-ing include: General agreement for the alterna-

tives (one refined option was identi-fied– shift the Ennismore roundabout southerly; and one new alternative was identified by the public to con-sider concrete barrier separation of general lanes of traffic and pedestri-ans);

Support for the use of roundabout alternatives;

Support for the signalized intersec-tion alternative on the Bridgenorth side of the causeway;

Preference for the long term 4-lane design that widens to the south (re-flects desire from residential commu-nity on north side of causeway to minimize intrusion);

Support for operational improve-ments that increase safety;

Support for closure of northern com-mercial entrance on Ward Street to be right-in/right-out which is in close proximity to the signalized intersec-tion of Ward and Bridge Street but maintaining their southern entrance with all movements; and

Support for sidewalks for pedestrians and bicyclists (to be funded by the municipality).

The meeting presented the draft Study Design which described the planning process and range of alternatives to be considered by the study. No comments

were received that suggested changing the planning process other than consid-ering modifications to alternatives and site specific issues that will be reflected in the evaluation of alternatives.

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 1 Summary Report June 12, 2012


County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 1 Summary Report June 12, 2012

Appendix A Contact Letter

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 1 Summary Report June 12, 2012

Appendix B Newspaper Notice

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 1 Summary Report June 12, 2012

Appendix C PIC Display Boards

Text Box
The PIC display boards are available for viewing on the County's website under Documents and Resources.

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 1 Summary Report June 12, 2012

Appendix D Comment Sheets

County of Peterborough - James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 1 Summary Report June 12, 2012

Appendix E Peterborough Examiner Article

Public Information Centre No. 2Class Environmental AssessmentWidening & Rehabilitation of James A. Gifford Causeway

County of PeterboroughCounty of Peterborough

BTE ProjectBTE11‐012

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

2.0 Public and Agency Consultation .............................................................. 2

1.1 Individual Property Owner Contacts ............................................................ 2

1.2 Newspaper Notice ....................................................................................... 2

1.3 Agency Contacts .......................................................................................... 3

1.4 First Nations ................................................................................................. 4

3.0 PIC 2 Comments ........................................................................................ 4

4.1 Summary of Verbal Comments .................................................................... 4

4.2 Summary of Written Comments ................................................................... 4

4.0 Conclusions ............................................................................................... 7

C:\Users\owner\Documents\For Shared\BTE11-012 PIC 1 Summary Report JUNE 12 2012.doc

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


1.0 Introduction

The County of Peterborough, in consul-tation with the Township of Smith Ennismore Lakefield, initiated this Class Environmental Assessment (EA) in No-vember 2011.

This assignment is following the ap-proved Planning and Design process of the “Municipal Class Environmental As-sessment”, as amended in 2011, for a Schedule B or C project. This is a self-assessment process that includes man-datory public consultation. The planning and design process for this project has been documented in a Study Design re-port which tabled a preliminary list of al-ternatives, environmental work program, consultation process and schedule for undertaking the EA. The study Design is available on the County’s web site This planning process is proposed to be flexi-ble to allow consideration of the need for the project, alternative approaches to address this need and to allow meaning-ful consultation on the decision-making process. Based on the estimated con-struction cost of the rehabilitated and expanded facility, this EA is being com-pleted as a Schedule C project, which reflects consideration of alternatives that include major expansion to the existing facility.

The EA will define a road management plan for the historic James A. Gifford Causeway across Chemong Lake.

This EA study will complete all phases of the Municipal Class EA by establishing the need and justification for the project, considering all alternatives and proac-

tively involving the public in defining a recommended plan for improvements. This will be in addition to parallel activi-ties which may be undertaken as part of the County’s Transportation Master Plan update.

At the completion of the Schedule C project, an Environmental Study Report will be prepared for a 30-day public re-view.

The study area is shown in Figure 1.

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


Figure 1 Study Area

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


The second of two Public Information Centres (PIC’s) scheduled for this pro-ject was held on:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

at the

Bridgenorth Public Library

836 Charles Street

Bridgenorth, ON

5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The final Public Information Centre in-cluded presenting the following:

Background Information Evaluation Criteria Analysis and Evaluation of Pre-

liminary Design Alternatives – In-tersection Alternatives, Causeway Short Term Alternatives, Cause-way Long Term Alternatives

Technically Preferred Alterna-tives, including refinements

The Public Information Centre was held at the Bridgenorth Public Library. County of Peterborough and consultant representa-tives were available to respond to any in-quiries.

Municipal Councilors, staff and external agencies were invited to view the presentation material from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for an advanced briefing. This viewing period provided municipal and external agency representatives an op-portunity to discuss specific issues and concerns before the arrival of the public.

The consultant provided a summary of the display materials to those in attend-ance. A question and answer period fol-

lowed, with responses from both Bytown Engineering (BTE) and the County of Peterborough.

The Public Information Centre invited all members of the public and interest groups to view the presentation material and to discuss the project with the County and consultant representatives.

Fourty-three (43) people registered at the Public Information Centre. Each person was encouraged to provide a written response to any issues or con-cerns.

2.0 Public and Agency Consulta-tion

One of the key aspects of the project is to provide the public, interested parties, affected agencies and municipalities with the opportunity for input. In order to ensure this objective is met, a public and agency notification program was undertaken. The program includes a number of communication mechanisms, discussed in the following sections.

1.1 Individual Property Owner Contacts

All property owners within the study ar-ea were mailed individual letters inviting them to attend the final Public Infor-mation Centre. Over 200 letters were mailed out. A sample of the notice let-ter is provided in Appendix A.

1.2 Newspaper Notice

Notice of the second Public Information Centre was placed in the following local newspapers:

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


The Examiner; Thursday November 22, 2012

Connection Newspaper; December 3, 2012

The Lakefield Herald; Friday No-vember 23 and 30, 2012

In addition, the notice was posted on the County of Peterborough website. A sam-ple of the newspaper notice is found in Appendix B.

1.3 Agency Contacts

The following agencies were invited to a separate agency review period in ad-vance of the public PIC:

Parks Canada (Trent Severn Water-way)

Bridgenorth Beautification Committee BEL Rotary City of Peterborough Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ontario Federation of Agriculture Ministry of Community and Social

Services Central East Region Ministry of Health and Long-Term

Care Service Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and

Housing Ministry of Environment - Peterbor-

ough District Office Ministry of Environment (Eastern Re-

gion) Ministry of Economic Development

and Trade Transport Canada Ministry of Tourism and Culture| Cul-

ture Services Unit Otonabee Conservation Authority

Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism

Peterborough Field Naturalists Peterborough Cycling Club OPP Peterborough County Detach-

ment Fire Department County of Peterborough EMS Greater Peterborough Chamber of

Commerce Kawartha Pine Ridge District School

Board Peterborough Victoria Northumber-

land Clarington Catholic District School Board

Ontario Federation Of Snowmobile Clubs

District 2 Kawartha Lakes Snowmo-bile Club

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal

Affairs Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Environment and Natural Resources

Lands and Trusts Services Depart-ment of Indian and Northern Affairs

Environment and Natural Resources Department of Indian and Northern Affairs

Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Specific Claims Branch

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Litigation Management and Resolu-tion Branch

Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Abo-riginal and Ministry Relationships

Ontario Secretary of Aboriginal Af-fairs, Policy and Relationships Branch

Ministry of the Attorney General Transport Canada

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


Notification of the Public Information Centre was communicated to all affected resi-dents, local municipalities, external agen-cies and interested groups.

1.4 First Nations

Individual letters were sent to the First Na-tions within the vicinity of the Study Area, inviting them to attend the meeting during the one-hour advance session from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. Letters were sent to the following First Nations:

Curve Lake First Nation Alderville First Nation Mississaugas of Scugog Island Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation Hiawatha First Nation

3.0 PIC 2 Comments

Display panels/boards were set up around the perimeter of the room, to be viewed at leisure. A copy of the PIC presentation boards is provided in Ap-pendix C.

A video, produced by the Ministry of Transportation, was played several times throughout the event. The video depict-ed the functionality of a roundabout for all users including pedestrians, cyclists and commercial vehicles.

Nineteen (19) comment sheets were re-ceived at the PIC. An additional 4 let-ters/e-mails/comment sheets were sub-mitted during the subsequent 3-week comment period. Copies of the com-pleted comment sheets, excluding per-sonal information, are provided in Ap-pendix D. The results of the comment

sheets and discussions are summarized in the following sections.

1.5 Summary of Verbal Comments

The following verbal com-ments/questions were captured: Questions answered with respect to

roundabout operation, impacts of 3 and 4 lane widening, and timing of implementation of improvements;

Concerns were noted regarding fish-ing activity along the causeway - safety, littering, parking, washroom facilities, etc;

Property owner of Gifford farm (land required for the western roundabout) was pleased that the roundabout had been shifted to minimize im-pacts to the farm property;

Concern for safety of Ward Street/Bridge Street (causeway in-tersection). Concern that the round-about will not solve the traffic con-gestion issue;

Concern regarding access restriction to right-in/right-out at Kelly Boule-vard;

Question regarding noise impacts of widened facility; and

Concern that sidewalks will promote fishing activity, creating an unsafe environment for pedestrians.

1.6 Summary of Written Comments

The results of the comments received and discussions held at the Public Information Centre are summarized below in Table 1. The comments have been summarized by general subject matter.

Comments raised by the public include:

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


Sidewalks and cycling facilities will be welcomed additions to the causeway;

Short –term improvements to the causeway are required now;

Roundabouts will not solve the traffic issues;

Concern with fishing activity on causeway (parking, garbage, wash-rooms, pedestrian safety).

Table 1

Summary of Written Comments Public Information Centre # 2

December 5, 2012

Comment Number Of

RespondentsComment Sheet Reference No.

Technically Preferred Alternatives Consider constructing a bridge at a nar-rower crossing location

1 18

Worthwhile project 1 21 One driveway at east leg of intersection, to access 905 Ward Street, is sufficient (grade out the existing driveway)

1 2

Roundabout alternatives are pleasing. 1 3 Rumble strip on the Causeway is a good idea

1 13

Pleased that Ennismore roundabout was shifted due to property owner comment

1 9

Signals in lieu of roundabout at Ward Street

1 14

Ward Street roundabout should be a dou-ble-lane facility, with wide lanes to ac-commodate commercial vehicles

1 21

Landscaping at roundabout – reduce weed growth

1 4

Request no net loss to Rotary Park 1 5 Roundabouts are not a solution. 4 6, 12, 17, 23 Traffic improvements should be minor – population is decreasing.

1 6

Fix the Causeway now. 4 6, 7, 15, 23 Add left turn lane at Yankee Line to de-crease traffic delay

1 10

Impacts to boat launch (Ennismore) 1 11

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


Table 1

Summary of Written Comments Public Information Centre # 2

December 5, 2012

Comment Number Of

RespondentsComment Sheet Reference No.

Business impacts – parking, property value, safety, loss of investment/revenue

2 20, 23

Invasion of privacy by widening the causeway toward Garthorne Ave

1 23

Concern regarding traffic/access on Gart-horne Ave. if right-in/right-out is imple-meted

1 23

Concern of safety and feasibility of round-about use (Ward St) by commercial vehicles

1 20

Causeway improvements will increase traf-fic on Ward St

1 22

Pedestrian and/or Safety Issues Provide parking for fishermen 1 18 Sidewalks will promote fishing, creating a safety hazard for motorists and pedestrians

3 1, 5, 23

Sidewalks and cycling facilities are a welcome addition.

3 3, 13, 15

Support accessible fishing opportunities 2 11, 15 Are fish habitat enhancement measures be-ing considered

1 11

Pedestrians will not be able to safely cross the Ward Street roundabout due to speed and volume of traffic

1 14


Don’t want lookouts 1 13 Restrict fishing – none permitted on Causeway

1 5

Taking commercial property is anti-business.

1 7

Concern about loss of land/property. 1 8 No raised curb on Causeway due to Winter maintenance concerns

2 16, 19

Will a noise barrier and guiderail be con- 1 18

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA Public Information Centre No. 2 Summary Report


Table 1

Summary of Written Comments Public Information Centre # 2

December 5, 2012

Comment Number Of

RespondentsComment Sheet Reference No.

structed at the east end of the causeway Have a drag line remove muck from lake bottom to prevent future settling of cause-way

1 21

4.0 Conclusions The conclusions identified by the meet-ing include: Support for short-term improvements;

Concern regarding business impacts due to property impacts associated with roundabout at Ward Street;

Pros and cons of sidewalks – will promote fishing activities that also promotes littering and safety issues with general public.

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 2 Summary Report December 5, 2012


County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 2 Summary Report December 5, 2012

Appendix A Contact Letter

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 2 Summary Report December 5, 2012

Appendix B Newspaper Notice

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 2 Summary Report December 5, 2012

Appendix C PIC Display Boards

Text Box
The display boards are available for viewing on the County's website, under Documents and Resources.

County of Peterborough James A. Gifford Causeway EA PIC 2 Summary Report December 5, 2012

Appendix D Comment Sheets