Martin Luther (1483-1546) Early life and ideas - RC History · Martin Luther (1483-1546) Early life...

Martin Luther (1483-1546) Early life and ideas Born in Saxony , Germany in 1483. Became Augustinian monk, studied theology. Lectured at University of Wittenburg. Did many good works but had doubts that he was on the right path to heaven.

Transcript of Martin Luther (1483-1546) Early life and ideas - RC History · Martin Luther (1483-1546) Early life...

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Early life and ideas • Born in Saxony, Germany in 1483.

• Became Augustinian monk, studied theology.

• Lectured at University of Wittenburg.

• Did many good works but had doubts that he was on the right path to heaven.

Objections to indulgences

• Pope Leo sent John Tetzel to sell indulgences to rebuild St. Peter’s church.

• Luther disagreed with this and developed the idea of ‘salvation by faith alone’.

• He is said to have nailed his arguments (95 theses) to the door of the University of Wittenburg.

Luther’s Ideas

Subject Catholic


Luther’s Teaching


(getting into


Need faith in

Christ and good


Faith in Christ is


faith alone’)

The Bible and


Priests have

special powers

to explain the

Bible. (Cannot


People should read

the Bible

themselves and only

need ministers to

preach. (Can marry)

Language Bible and Mass

should be in Latin.

People need to read

Bible and hear Mass

in their own


Sacraments Accepted seven


Only accepted two:

Baptism and the


Bread and



changes into body

and blood of Christ.


represents body

and blood of Christ.

Head of the


The Pope in Rome is

the head of the


Each ‘godly prince’


Church Reaction

• Pope Leo X condemned Luther’s ideas after his debate with John Eck in 1519.

(Write an account of this debate)

The Papal Bull

• Pope concerned with spread of Luther’s ideas and issued a Papal Bull-gave him 60 days to recant.

• Luther refused and publicly burned the Papal Bull.

• He was called a heretic by the Church.

(Explain the words in italics above)

The Papal Bull

The Diet of Worms

• What was the Diet of Worms?

• Who was Charles V?

• What was the result of the Diet of Worms?

(*Edict of Worms)

Why did people like Luther’s ideas?

They could make up their own

minds by reading the Bible in their own language.

They could stop paying taxes to


Princes became more powerful because they

could control the Church.

Princes could close monasteries and convents and

take their land.

Invention of printing spread

Luther’s ideas and Bibles could be

printed in various languages.

Religious wars

• This led to war:

• Lutheran princes V the Emperor and non- Lutheran princes.

• Charles V ordered princes to enforce Edict of Worms and many of them protested.

• They became known as Protestants.

Charles V

• 1555, they signed Peace of Augsburg.

What did this mean?

Write a note on Luther’s later years.

• Protestant territories marked in green.