Marriage in india

Marriage in India Information taken from book called “ Weddings: Dating and Love Customs of Cultures Worldwide including Royalty” by Carolyn Mordecai. Esthela Caito History 141 Professor M. Arguello

Transcript of Marriage in india

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Marriage in India Information taken from book called “ Weddings: Dating and Love Customs of Cultures Worldwide including Royalty” by Carolyn Mordecai.

Esthela CaitoHistory 141Professor M. Arguello

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India’s population is 83% Hindu, 11% Shia Muslim, 2% Christian, and % Sikh ( a combination of Muslim & Hindu religions).

In India, no courtship or dating occurs before marriage, but some cultures allow for the consent of the 2 future marriage partners.

Indians believe that “love will gradually blossom after marriage.”

Regarding bridal fashion, attire usually consists of the sari, salwar kurta, and lahenga.

Saris are made of gold embroidered silk and are embellished with bright red, yellow and magenta drapes.

The bride wears gold jewelry, heavy necklaces, bangles, earrings, nose rings, and silver anklets.

The Hindu philosophy of marriage is that it is a religious duty and is needed to continue a family line.

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Regarding selection of spouse, parents find a spouse for their son or daughter that is of the same caste.

Parents look for qualities like a girl’s virginity, which is considered to be the highest attribute an unmarried woman can possess.

In most cases, couples see each other for the first time on their wedding day, but in some cases, the two young people meet beforehand to be sure that they are satisfied with their selection.

There are other cases in which young man may take interest in a girl and ask his friend to intercede with her parents.

Dowry also related to Indian Marriage.

A dowry is the money, goods, or estate that a woman brings forth to the marriage.

Originally, parents of the bride would give her a dowry of land, clothing, or a maidservant.

In some cases, a bride’s father may give a home for the newlyweds.

Because of the abuses concerning dowries, there is now a law against the giving or taking of dowries.

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Hindu Weddings

Regarding Hindu wedding customs, the wedding generally takes place at home, usually in a beautiful tent filled with interior décor, flowers, colorful personal adornment, and jewelry.

It may also take place in a garden.

These are elaborate celebrations that last 3 days or more.

The bride’s hands and feet are decorated with mehendi paste.

The wedding is held before a fire- lit vessel which represents the Radiant One.

The Brahmin priest arrives and recites sacred Sanskrit texts while the bride and groom pour offerings of rice and clarified utter.

The ceremony has a big emphasis on a mutual promise to marry, virginity, acceptance, and the seven steps (septa- padi) signifying eternal friendship.

The brides father then gives away his daughter.

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Shia (Shiite) Muslim Customs Among the Shia Muslims,

cross- cousin marriages are given preference in order to maintain the purity of lineage and family union.

Shia Muslim criteria for selecting a mate include the same family status, personal attributes, and mainly the girl’s chastity and high morality.

Sikh Marriage Customs

The Sikh Indian marriage is a bit different from some aspects of the Hindu religion because the Sikh do not attach importance to rebirth after death .

It is customary for the groom’s family to give a thread with 5 knots to the parents of the bride. According to custom, 5 days before the wedding 1 knot is started and knots are subsequently tied each day in order to not forget the wedding day in all the confusion and excitement.

This custom was started years ago when people had no calendars.

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Indian Sikh Wedding

One day before the wedding, relatives and guests will arrive at the bride’s home and bring gifts of coconuts, sugar, and money.

All the guests will sing songs and make the bride beautiful.

The next morning, the bride waits for the groom’s family to arrive at her home.

The men of the groom’s family and guests now wear yellow turbans and the groom is adorned with flowers.

At the wedding ceremony, the bride’s father provides a long scarf which is held between the bride and groom as a symbol of their unity.

At the ceremony, people sing hymns as temple musicians play.

People wish the couple well as the get into their getaway wedding car that is covered with decoration.

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Sources: Mordecai, Carolyn. “Weddings: Dating and Love

Customs of Cultures Worldwide including Royalty.” Thompson- Shore, Inc., 2009. Print.