MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3

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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    Getting a better understanding of gas turbine control

    1 out of 1 members thought this post was helpful...

    Posted byNeo on 5 May, 2014 - 8:28 am

    I'm a rookie in gas turbine using GE MARK VI control system. I see there were a lot of threads replied by

    CSA, and i found him very knowledgeable.

    I was wondering how can a rookie like me to have a better understanding of gas turbine control.

    In one thread, CSA advised to read Control Sequence Programs (CSPs) and Control Specification. what isControl Specification? how can i find it?

    Thank you.

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    Posted by saadh on 5 May, 2014 - 9:40 am





    5) Lp speed control system6) exhaust temperature control system7) 2 nd stage Nozzle control system

    8) Lube oil and cooling system

    Best regards


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    Posted byCSA on 5 May, 2014 - 10:48 am


    Welcome to the business. Mark V turbine control panels employ what's formally known as the CSP--

    Control Sequence Program. Mark VIs (and Mark VIes) employ what's formally known as "applicationcode." Both are terms for the application-specific sequencing, the "logic", that's gets downloaded to the

    turbine control to make it particular for a specific application and site.

    "Reading" the CSP or application code involves learning a new language--relay ladder diagram language.
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    In the case of the Mark VI and the Mark VIe they use function blocks to perform the same operations that

    rungs used to do in relay ladder logic, but they still use a similar graphical representation to relay ladder

    diagram logic.

    The Mark V CSP can be printed, and so can the Mark VI/VIe application code--but printed applicationcode looks almost nothing like what one sees in Toolbox/ToolboxST and it consumes reams of paper and is

    usually considered a waste of time and natural resources to print it. Myself, I use MS-Windows screenprinting capability to capture bits of code I need to make notes on and study to a MS-Word or MS-Wordpad document, and then print them.

    I would be very happy to work through the single most important rung in the GE-design heavy duty gasturbine world: L4. If you have some patience, we can cover everything from what trips your turbine, to allof the start-check permissives required to get L4 to pick up. It's a great way to learn how GE SHOULDname signals and how to look at signals and quickly determine when the logic signal is a logic "1" or "0",

    and even if it's a timer or an inverse timer or associated with a physical input or output.

    The Control Specification is a document that is provided with the Speedtronic turbine control panel. A

    Control Specification is specific to every turbine (or group of turbines installed and commissioned at the

    same time on a site). In the old days, GE used to provide the Control Specification, and the PipingSchematics (everyone else in the world calls them P&IDs) in Vol. III of the Service Manuals provided withthe turbine and auxiliaries. But, they couldn't leave well enough alone, and it's changes several times overthe last decade-and-a-half (which volume of the manual they provide it in). It's a very good document for

    most things, but I've seen some glaring errors in the Control Specification, such as Control Spec.'s which

    say the turbine has a diesel starting motor when it has an electric starting motor, and vice versa. So, read itfor "intent", not "content"--meaning the description of the starting sequence, in this case, should talk about

    purging, firing, warm-up, and acceleration. That has to be done regardless of the type of starting means.

    Also, many people find the Control Specification years after the unit was commissioned and think the

    Control Constant values listed in the Control Specification are GOSPEL and start changing the as-runningvalues to match the Control Specification, and that' when the real "fun" begins. If the turbine's been running

    fine for months or even years, the Control Constant values in the Mark VI are probably just fine, though

    some could probably use a little "tuning." Just as with hardware ("Berg") jumpers, the positions you findthem in on a card which has been working but is suspect are most likely the correct ones--not what some

    piece of paper says.

    So, if you want to work on L4 in this forum, just let me know. It won't be the quickest thing we've every

    done, but it will be a good and valuable learning experience--I promise.

    And, don't neglect the P&IDs--the Piping Schematic drawings. Those are about the single most importantgroup of drawing a technician or operator can have. Every technician, and every operator, should have their

    own copy, with their own notes and markings.

    Finally, one thing I'm coming to understand about newbies is that they don't have a good grasp of how field

    devices and instruments work. RTDs, in particular, but even thermocouples and pressure switches andtemperature switches and limit switches and pressure transmitters--not to mention electro-hydraulic servo-valves and LVDTs. RTDs and T/Cs (thermocouples) have been covered in some detail on

    And none of them are particularly difficult to understand--but wiring them to any control system canrequire some basic knowledge which most people don't have and seem to believe isn't really important. So,

    if you have any questions about field devices and instruments, open a new thread and we can talk about

    them, if necessary--after you've researched the archives (past threads, using the 'Search'feature) and if you have any questions.

    Looking forward to working with you, Neo.

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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    Posted byNeo on 6 May, 2014 - 12:54 am


    thanks for your detailed reply.

    It would be great if i have an opportunity to work with you.

    As i am confused about how to start, i think working on L4 is a good choice. And i am interested in of gasturbine control.

    But what should i do exactly?

    Can you give me guidance and told me what specific i should do.

    I am willing to spend several hours a day working on it.

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    Posted byCSA on 6 May, 2014 - 3:01 pm


    Okay! Let's get started. First, some "back-room" stuff. In order to post rungs so that they're legible we have to use HTML tags, specifically, the 'pre' and '/pre' tags (enclosed by the < and >

    characters). The 'pre' HTML tag needs to be added to the reply Text immediately before the rung, and thenthe '/pre' HTML tag needs to be added immediately after the rung--this is necessary to put the forum

    software into fixed-pitch font mode. (You can usually see the HTML tags in the body of replies.)

    So, by putting a 'pre' (with the < and > characters--which won't show in this reply properly on the mainpages of the L4 rung and then following it with the '/pre' (with the < and > characters)we can display the L4 rung:

    L4S L94T L4T L4-----| |-----------|/|----------|/|------------( )


    L4 |

    -----| |------

    Also, at least in the web browser that I use one can grab the lower right corner of the Text boxand drag it to the right (and down) to get more horizontal (and vertical) space when replying. This will be

    useful when logic signal names are long, and when there are as many as eight horizontal elements in a rung.You can always use the 'Preview' and 'Edit' buttons to see how your post appears before submitting it.

    Also, let's talk about how GE is supposedto write and choose logic signal names (per their own standard--realize that every company has its own standard, and we're just talking about GE here). In the early days of

    digital Speedtronic turbine control systems it was decided to make the signal name describe when the logicwas a "1", or when it was "True." In general, this has been followed over the years, but it's not always

    followed and that's a real shame, because it's veryuseful when it is.

    Next, we need to be sure everyone (you, Neo, and me) is clear about what normally open and normallyclosed means. A normally open contact associated with a logic signal will be OPEN when the associated
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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    And--presuming that both L94T and L4T are BOTH logic "0"s, which they must be in order to initiate a

    START--there is only one condition that will allow L4 to pick up (go to a logic "1")and that is when L4S

    goes to a logic "1". (That's because prior to a START, when a READY to START is indicated to theoperator, L4 is a logic "0". This can be seen in the 'Start Check Permissive' display.)

    Hopefully you can begin to see how the signal name being chosen to describe when the signal is a logic "1"

    can be helpful. And hopefully you can also begin to see how knowing how to read signal names (most ofthem--unfortunately not all, because standards aren't always adhered to) can be very beneficial to quicklyreading and interpreting rungs and logic (application code in the Mark VI). There are some little "tricks"--

    which aren't documented anywhere, not even in GE (sad, but true)--which we will discover on this journey.

    So, your assignment, Neo, is to post the L4S rung to this thread (using the HTML tags). And, then, please"read" (write the sentence) that describes when L4S will be a logic "1".

    Also, please post the longnames for each of the logic signals in the rung. Here's an example:

    L4 = Master Protective ("1" to Run)

    L4S = L4 Set

    L4T = Master Protective Trip ("1" to Trip)L94T = Normal Shutdown Trip

    (I believe that if you hover the cursor over a signal name in Toolbox the longname description will appear

    at the lower left corner of the Toolbox window.The longnames I wrote were exact quotes from a Mark VI

    site; they are not the same for every job. Just post what it says in your application code from Toolbox.Sometimes, there is no longname; and worse, criminally, the longname is wrong. That's life, though. We

    learn to deal with it.)

    We will go through each element of the L4S rung (which has several "sub-rungs", and the L4T rung, which

    has MANY sub-rungs) so you will get very proficient at using the HTML tags--and "reading" signal names.We'll go over the L94T rung, too. And, we will discuss the various other types of proper (and possibly

    improper) GE signal names, as well as understand the conditions and permissives.

    You're going to have to look up Control Constant values, and various device settings (from the Device

    Summary document provided with every GE-design heavy duty gas turbine). So, you will need to find theDevice Summary document (it also used be in Vol. III, but who knows where "they" put it now...).

    If you have any questions or comments on the above, let's deal with those first. If I introduce words orterms you're unfamiliar with, ask for clarification. If you're having some trouble with normally open vs.

    normally closed contacts, just be patient with yourself. It will begin to become clearer soon. Best not to getcaught up in that discussion because it does get very clear after a while--it just takes longer for some people

    than others, but be patient.

    This is going to be a joint effort, but to be of the most benefit to you we are going to use the exact rungs

    and signals in your Mark VI application code so that it's specific to your turbine and auxiliaries. Your job isto provide requested information--rungs, Control Constant values, pressure switch or temperature switchsettings, etc.--and the rest we will sort out as we continue on this journey of discovery.

    Remember, relay ladder logic is just another "language"--and it has "sentences" with verbs and predicates

    and subjects just like any other language. And it's nothing more than logic, sequencing. By learning how to

    "anticipate" when a logic signal will be a logic "1" (and by inference, when it won't be a logic "1"--that is,when it will be a logic "0") one can more easily read the rungs and begin to understand what is to be

    happening so that one can understand GE-design heavy duty gas turbine control and GE-design heavy dutygas turbine control philosophy.

    Finally, L4 is just one way the turbine can be tripped--from the application code running in the control

    processors. There is also tripping which can be done through the

    core and associated inputs to the

    core--and we'll get to that to as we finish this discussion. Because it's important to understand this isn't the

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    only way a turbine can be tripped--GE has several. Be patient, and we'll cover them all, and in the process

    learn more about the Mark VI.

    I'm looking forward to this journey! Let's keep moving and we're going to "see" some amazing things.

    "Learning is finding out what you already knew," is one of my favourite quotes. When presented correctly,it's exactly what happens--one says to himself (or herself), "I knew that!" It's just that you hadn't thought it

    about it that way before. And with a few little hints, tips and tricks it can be very easy--and intuitive, whichmeans, well, you already knew that!

    By the way, I'm going to apologize in advance for making a few mistakes along the way. I'm not a good

    person to proofread my own writing (most people aren't good at proofreading their own writing), and I'mdoing this in my spare time, and so I do--and will--make mistakes. Just hopefully, not too many of them.Please be patient with me.

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    Posted byNeo on 7 May, 2014 - 9:21 am


    Thank you for your reply.I am excited too, feeling i'm on a mysterious trip with you.

    This time my assignment is L4S right?

    If there are some mistakes and drawbacks or you have advice just let me know,and i'll try to do better nexttime. I hope to have a long and exciting journey with you.

    Here comes the L4S:

    L4SX L14HR L14Y L4s-----||-----------||----------||------------()


    L4SX = Master protective set auxiliary logic(confusing)L14HR = HP zero speed signal

    L14Y = time delay loss of master protective(not sure if it is needed)

    So, if L4SX, L14HR and L14Y are 1, then L4s is 1, otherwise L14 remains 0.

    Should i make further classification? But it is hard for me.

    I think L14SX is relatively important, so i dig deeper.

    Here comes the L14SX;

    L3RS L1X L33cse L63QT L4SX-----||----------||----------||----------|/|----------()

    L3RS = Start up check present(not sure)L1X = startup check stop master control-startup permiss(confusing)L33cse = starting means cluth engagedL63QT = lube oil gen low pressure voted

    So, if L3RS, L1X, and L33cse are 1, and L63QT is 0, then the L4SX is 1.

    Is it enough for this time? It seems that the logic is endless if i go deeper.
  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    I have questions, and some of them are foolish to you.

    1) I think L means the type of variables is logic, and do the number,like 4,14 means something?

    2) I am a little confused L4, can you give me some specigication.

    3) How is my assignment? I am not sure whether i do it in the way you ask.

    Best regards,Neo.

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    Posted byCSA on 7 May, 2014 - 3:36 pm


    This is a good start. Please do be careful when "copying" signal names; if the signal names is in all capital

    letters in Toolbox, you should use all capitals in your post. If the signal name is in lower-case letters, you

    should use lower-case letters in your post. And, please double-check to make sure you are typing the propersignal names (see below).

    Yes. "L" means the signal is a logic--usually; GE violates that standard occasionally, too, but not very

    often, fortunately.

    And, the numbers--they are VERY important. They correspond to GE's interpretation of the ANSI Device

    Numbering standard, and GE's interpretation is very close to the ANSI standard. For example, a "4" device

    is a 'master protective' or 'master control' element/device. A "14" is a speed level element/device. A "33" isa limit switch element/device. A "63" is a pressure sensing element/device (a pressure switch). A "94" is a

    shutdown (normal shutdown--not emergency shutdown, trip) element/device. A "5" is an emergencyshutdown element/device (like an emergency stop pushbutton). It's VERY helpful to commit the ANSI

    device number standard to memory--or at least have a copy available when you are reading applicationcode. It's critical, actually, and as you get more familiar with the device numbers you will begin torecognize certain functions/signals. You can find lots of ANSI lists on the world wide web with your

    preferred Internet search engine.

    Please be very careful when copying information from Toolbox:

    >Here comes the L4S:

    > L4SX L14HR L14Y L4s>-----||-----------||----------||------------( )

    >where:>L4SX = Master protective set auxiliary


    >L14HR = HP zero speed signal>L14Y = time delay loss of master

    >protective(not sure if it is needed)

    It should be:

    L4SX L14HR L4Y L4S-----||-----------||----------||------------( )
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    L4SX = Master protective set auxiliary logicL14HR = HP zero speed signal

    L4Y= time delay loss of master protective

    Let's deal with the L14HR signal. "14" means it's a speed level signal, "H" means it's related to the HP shaft(and since your turbine is a single-shaft, I presume) the shaft is the HP shaft, and "R" means the shaft is 'atrest' or, 'at zero speed.' So, L14HR is a logic "1" when the turbine-generator shaft is at rest, or at zero speed.

    L4SX, as you rightly noted, is important. In this case the "X" means it's a 'permissive' or 'auxiliary' to L4S.In earlier versions of GE digital Speedtronic turbine control systems, there was a limit of eight "elements"horizontal string in a rung. That means there could be no more than seven contacts (normally open and/ornormally closed) and one coil--for a total of eight. So, if there were more than seven contacts necessary it

    was required to split the rung into multiple rungs, and name the "permissive" rungs by applying an "X"

    suffix to the main logic signal name. Since most of the application code was copied from earlier controlsystems, this was continued. And on some turbines, there may be additional contacts in either or both of the

    L4SX and L4S rungs.

    So, in your mind you could envision the following:

    L3RS L1X L33CSE L63QT L14HR L4Y L4---| |---| |----| |------|/|-----| |----| |-----( )

    because it's exactly the same as the combination of L4SX and L4S.

    Let's tackle L4Y. When you see a "Y" suffix on a signal name it almost always means an "inverse time

    delay" to its namesake, in this case L4. If you look up L4Y in Toolbox, it will look like this:

    L4 L4Y

    -----|/|-------------------------(T)1.0 sec

    By "inverse time delay" you can see that 1.0 second after L4 transitions from a logic "1" to a logic "0"

    (which is the inverse of a logic "1") that L4Y will be a logic "1". Or:

    "1.0 second after L4 is NOTa logic "1", L4Y will be a logic "1"."

    [If you look up L4Z, it will look like this:

    L4 L4Z-----| |-------------------------(T)

    1.0 sec

    A "Z" suffix almost always means a "time delay" to its namesake, in this case L4.

    L4Z is read:

    "1.0 second AFTER L4 ISa logic "1", L4Z will be a logic "1"."]

    Let's read the combined L4SX/L4 rung:

    "When L3RS is a logic "1" AND L1X is a logic "1" AND L33CSE is a logic "1" AND L63QT is NOT a

    logic "1" AND L14HR is a logic "1" AND L4Y is a logic "1", then L4S will be a logic "1"."

  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    L3RS = Ready to Start

    L1X = Auxiliary to START command

    l33cse = Clutch-Starting Engaged (driven by a discrete (contact) inputL63QT = Low L.O. Pressure TRIP

    L14HR = HP Shaft at RestL4Y = L4 Inverse Time Delay

    I think (I hope!) that the signal you wrote as L33CSE was actually l33cse (all lower-case alpha characters),because that's GE's "standard" for signals that associated with inputs and outputs--to express the signal

    names in lower-case characters. It's not required--but it's intended to be helpful to people reading the

    application code to let them know those particular signal names with lower-case alpha characters areassociated with physical inputs or outputs. (Again, GE doesn't always follow their own standards. But welearn to live with it.)

    So, now, let's re-read the combined L4SX/L4S rung:

    "1.0 seconds after L4 goes to a logic "0" AND the 'Ready to Start' signal is a logic "1" AND the START

    command auxiliary is a logic "1" and the Starting Clutch is engaged AND there is NOT a Low L.O.

    Pressure Trip and the shaft is at zero speed, then L4S will be a logic "1"."

    In order to be able to start a GE-design heavy duty gas turbine, the operator interface must display a"READY TO START" indication. Most HMIs have a "Start-Check Permissive Display which can be used

    to determine why a Ready to Start indication is not being displayed. (We are going to go through all of that-

    -just be patient.) Part of the 'Ready to Start' indication is that there are no turbine trips (L4T is a logic "0")--remember L4T from the L4 rung. (A "3" is a complete sequence element/device. In this case, the ready to

    start sequence is complete.) L3RS will be a logic "1" when the start-check ("Ready to Start) sequence iscomplete.

    When the "READY TO START" indication is seen AND when the operator selects START and executesthe command then L1X will pick up (a "1" is a starting element/device per ANSI & GE). When L1X picks

    up, that starts several auxiliaries, including the Aux. L.O. Pump, which pressurizes the L.O. system after a

    few seconds (if the Aux. L.O. Pump is not already running). L1X is an auxiliary signal that is a logic "1"when a turbine START is active.

    Also, L1X usually starts the Hydraulic Ratchet pump to engage the starting clutch, which should causeactuate limit switch 33CS-1 after the clutch halves are engaged to make l33cse go to a logic "1". The signal

    name tells you when it's going to be a logic "1"--when the starting clutch (the jaw clutch on most machines;a SSS clutch on some units) is Engaged.

    When the low L.O. pressure switches at the collector end of the generator (the furthest point away from the

    L.O. pumps) are actuated--meaning they have sensed minimal L.O. pressure--then logic signal L63QT will

    go to a logic "0". A 63 is a pressure sensing element/device, mostly a pressure switch per GE'sinterpretation. When you see a "Q" in a logic signal name it means oil, or flow. In this case it means L.O.,

    and the "T" means 'Trip.' L63QT will be a logic "1" when the L.O. bearing header pressure--as sensed bythe switches at the collector end of the generator--is below the minimum pressure required to protect thebearings. Again, the signal name tells you when it's going to be a logic "1"--when the L.O. Bearing Header

    pressure is low enough to initiate a turbine trip. In this case, we want it to be a logic "0" (because we needthe normally closed contact to be closed to get power flow through the contact) so we want L63QT to be

    NOT a logic "1"--which is the same as saying when the L.O. pressure is NOT low enough to initiate a

    turbine trip. And, again, that will happen several seconds after the Aux. L.O. pump starts and pressurizesthe bearing header and the pressure switches at the collector end of the generator are all actuated.

    L14HR is a logic "1" when the HP shaft is at Rest.

    L4Y is a logic "1" 1.0 seconds after L4 is NOT a logic "1".

    And that's L4S (and L4SX).

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    Regarding your confusion about L4, it's the signal that says "It's okay to run the turbine" when it's a logic

    "1". And when it's NOT a logic "1" (when it's a logic "0"), then the turbine is to be tripped. If you look athow many places in the application code L4 is used, you will--it's a LOT! Probably the most used signal,

    because it's the permissive to start run a lot of auxiliaries, to energize a lot of solenoids, to permit fuel toflow, and on and on. L4 must be a logic "1" to burn fuel in the turbine, and if it changes from logic "1" to

    logic "0" the fuel flow-rate will be stopped--tripping the turbine.

    This logic signal, L4, should >>>NEVER

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    eight (8) elements, so it was broken into two rungs by making the first an "auxiliary" and then including the

    auxiliary in the "actual" rung.

    The resulting rung (which I mistyped) would look like this:

    L3RS L1X L33CSE L63QT L14HR L4Y L4S

    ---| |---| |----| |------|/|-----| |----| |-----( )

    Hopefully this part was clear:

    >L4Y is a logic "1" 1.0 seconds after L4 is NOT a logic "1".

    So, the rung which I mistakenly put L4 over the coil, should have been L4S, and this should help clear your


    The rung for L4is always:

    L4S L4T L94T L4----| |--------|/|-------|/|----------( )

    |L4 |

    ----| |-----

    Does this help? Sorry for any confusion--and there is no such thing as a stupid question when one is tryingto learn something new. Just dumb answers.

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    Posted byBatman on 11 July, 2014 - 4:04 am

    Thank you CSA for the quick reply in spite of your busy schedule. I'll summarize what I understand (about

    L4Y), then I'll ask you a question.

    1) L4 is a master protective signal, which is normally "1", when everything is fine.

    2) But, just before start up, it is "0", so that L4Y which is used in STCK2 is "1" which makes L4S "1" if allother conditions are met.

    3)Once after L4S is "1", L4 changes its state from "0" to "1" if L94T & L4T are "0", and it remains "1"

    until L94T or L4T change their state.

    Now I have a question (Assuming my comprehension is correct so far)

    Why time delay for L4Y is only one sec, if it's used to block an immediate start attempt followed by a

    trip/shutdown? One second seems to be little impractical. I guess it's main purpose is to avoid a start

    attempt when L4 is "1", but not convinced with the time delay. Please correct me if I miss something here.

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    Posted byCSA on 11 July, 2014 - 9:29 am

  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3



    I likely didn't address your explanation of what's happening--but it's basically correct.

    1) L4 must go to a logic "1" in order to start the turbine, and it must remain a logic "1" in order to keep fuelflowing to the turbine once flame is established.

    2) When the unit is at rest or when it's on Cooldown (ratchet; turning gear; etc.) L4 is a logic "0". And itdoesn't go to a logic "1" until an operator puts the unit into some mode other than OFF and initiates a

    START (and all the other permissives are met).

    3) Yes; L4 remains "1" until L4T or L94T changes state. L4T goes to "1" when the control processorsdetect a condition that requires an immediate shut-off of fuel (and emergency trip). L94T goes to a logic"1" (during normal operation) when flame is lost during deceleration, or the unit drops "blow-out" speed

    for a specified period of time, or when the unit hasn't reached "blow-out" speed within a certain period of

    time after a STOP was initiated.

    So, with a few qualifications, your comprehension is correct.

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    Posted byBatman on 11 July, 2014 - 11:02 pm

    Thank you CSA. your explanation made me understand L4Y better, will start focusing on rest of the controlsignals.

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    Posted byCSA on 13 July, 2014 - 5:59 am


    You're very welcome. Thanks for the feedback!

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    Posted byCSA on 7 May, 2014 - 4:11 pm


    I don't believe you've told us what turbine you are working on at your site.... And what fuel(s) it burns....And what kind of starting means it has....

    Your next assignment is to examine L3RS. Post the rung, and the logic signal names from Toolbox, and

    write your sentence of how the rung works.

    One of the contacts should be L3STCK, and the L3STCK rung should have several contacts like

    L3STCK0, L3STCK1, L3STCK2, etc. Please post the L3STCK rung from your Toolbox file.

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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    Posted byNeo on 11 May, 2014 - 9:46 am


    Should i wait for you comment and guidance or just continue to examine the signal L3RS?

    Best regards.

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    Posted byCSA on 11 May, 2014 - 1:04 pm


    I am working on my response; L3STCK0 is a fairly extensive rung.

    Please check the "sense" of L45FP_STCK (normally closed or normally open). It is confusing me.

    It might be a good idea to put the rung in your reply.

    Please take your time and be certain of the case of signal names and the sense of contacts.

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    Posted byNeo on 9 May, 2014 - 8:54 am


    Thank you sincerely for your detailed reply. Your comment makes it easier for me to read application code.

    Firstly, i should make some clarifications:1) The gas turbine is MS6001B,burning syngas.

    2) The signal name of l33cse is in lower case letter.

    This time my assignment is to examine L3RS, and i find it a little complicated.Here comes the L3RS:

    L3RS1 L3RS2 L5VPRO_LATCH L3RS----------||----------||----------|/|-----------()

    Where:L3RS1 = Start check stop ready to start logic1;

    L3RS2 = Start check stop ready to start logic2;L5VPRO_LATCH = Protective VPRO card trip_latch(Never heard it before)

    SO,when Ready To Start 1 signal(L3RS1)and Ready To Start 2 signal (L3RS2) are logic 1,and

    L5VPRO_LATCH is 0, the L3RS will be logic 1.
  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    It will be necessary to examine L3RS1 and L3RS2, and this time i'll examine L3RS1.

    L3STCK L3RS1------------||------------()

    Where:L3STCK = Startup check stop stop start check permissive.

    And the signal L3STCK:

    L3STCK0 L3STCK1 L3STCK2 L3STCK3----------||----------||----------||-----------||----------()

    L3STCK0 = Startup check stop start check logic 0;

    L3STCK1 = Startup check stop start check logic 1;L3STCK2 = Startup check stop start check logic 2;

    L3STCK3 = Startup check stop start check logic 3;

    In conclusion, the L3RS is divided in L3RS1 and L3RS2, and L3RS1 is devided in L3STCK0, L3STCK1

    ,L3STCK2 and L3STCK3.

    I was wondering what kind of signal will be grouped in L3STCK0, L3STCK1, L3STCK2 and L3STCK3


    L3STCK0(start check logic 0 for units without third fuel and no HRSG by pass)(?)

    L27BN l3cp L86TCI L3IGVFLT L5WSTOP L5ESTOP1L45FP_STCK L3STCK0-------||----------||----------|/|----------|/|----------|/|------- |/|----

    ---|/|------------( )| || |

    L27BZ | TRUE |-------||---------||-------

    Where:L27BN = AC BUS normal;

    L27BZ = AC BUS undervoltage(confusing);

    l3cp = startup check stop customer permissive to start (difference between l3cp and L1X?);L86TCI = compressor inlet thermocouple disagree (not clear);L3IGVFLT = IGV valve position servo trouble;L86MP = startup check stop master prot startup lockout (not sure);

    L5ESTOP1 = state of E-STOP 1 (confusing);L45FP_STCK = Fire protection start permissive (not clear);

    SO, if any of L27BN and L27BZ is logic 1, AND l3cp is logic 1, whenL86TCI, L3IGVFLT, L5WSTOP,

    L5ESTOP1and L45FP_STCK are logic 0, then L3STCK is logic 1.

    I'll start with the signal L3IGVFLT. The L3IGVFT :

    L3IGVF1 L3IGVFLT--------||------------( )

    |L3IGVF2 |


    The signal L3IGVF1 and L3IGVF are outputs from L86GVTV2 block,and my interpretation is when the

  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    csgv is 35, the L3IGVFLT is logic 1.

    It seems that the L3IGVFT signal will function only before gas turbine startup. (am not sure for i cannotfigure out the signal L3IGV).

    I am poor in electric knowledge, so the other signals are not easy for me. But i did what i can, i looked up

    the ANSI device numbers;

    27: undervoltage relay

    86: lockout relay

    1. Does that mean signal names with 27/86 are related to the status of certain relay?And what's the difference between undervoltage relay and lockout relay?

    2. Can you explain the word lockout for me ,because it's hard for me to understand.

    If the above questions are too easy, just let me know, and i'll try to find answer on my own.

    I would like to continue next time,is it ok? Because it is not easy for me :}

    And i'll try to do better next time.

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    Posted byCSA on 11 May, 2014 - 5:02 pm


    Thanks for the information about the turbine at your site. What is the source of the syngas? Does the unitstart and stop on syngas, also, or does it use another fuel (natural gas or liquid fuel (distillate) for starting

    and stopping and you have to transfer to syngas at some speed/load?

    As for questions being too easy, sometimes the easiest ones are the hardest ones to answer. I learn a lotfrom teaching, and I like to say, "There is no such thing as a dumb question--just dumb answers."

    A 27 may be related to a protective relay, or it might be related to the presence/absence of voltage in one ofthe MCCs or the battery charger. Undervoltage is undervoltage; it indicates the loss of or the lack of a

    minimum level of voltage for some condition.

    A lock-out condition is one that requires some manual intervention to reset. The intent is to make certainthat someone is aware of the problem and has taken appropriate action to resolve the condition before the

    alarm condition is unlatched, and many times before the turbine can be re-started.

    An 86 device is a lock-out--which may be a relay, or it may be a latched alarm/trip condition as describedabove. An 86 lock-out relay is a relay that must be manually latched (against spring pressure that would

    otherwise open the latch). When one of several other relays operates (when a serious condition is detected),

    it operates an electric coil that unlatches the relay.

    There are many different generator/transformer protective relays or relay functions each with its ownunique ANSI device number.

    So, if 2 of the 3 the VPROs in the

    core initiate a trip, from the signal name L5VPRO_LATCH I wouldpresume they are latched in the trip condition and L5VPRO_LATCH would go to a logic "1". Once the trip

    condition is resolved and cleared to reset the alarm and unlatch the trip one probably has to issue a 'MasterReset' from the HMI to make L5VPRO_LATCH to go back to logic "0"--which is the good condition.
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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    line" (the "bus" line).

    And, this is a good time to mention that every start-check permissive should be accompanied by a ProcessAlarm to alert the operator why a 'READY TO START' is not being displayed--EXCEPTone signal. And

    we'll get to that one soon enough.

    The l3cp/TRUE parallel combination is a way to bypass a 'Customer Permissive to Start' discrete inputwhich usually exists in most all Speedtronic systems. It might be from the DCS saying the HRSG drumsare full and heat can be applied to the HRSG from the gas turbine exhaust, or it just might an operator

    selection from the DCS saying they are prepared for a gas turbine start. (This signal does not trip the

    turbine when the turbine is running if it goes to a logic "0"; it just must be a logic "1" to start the turbine. Ifit's not, there should be a Process Alarm to alert the operator there is no Customer Permissive to Start.) TheTRUE is the software "bypass" to l3cp; if there is no discrete input connected to the Speedtronic it willnever change state, so the software TRUE (which is ALWAYS a logic "1") is used to bypass l3cp when

    there is no signal from the "Customer." In the "old" days, we used to just put a hardwire jumper on the l3cp

    discrete input terminals to permanently make l3cp a logic "1"; this is just a software equivalent of that. Thesignal could have been just deleted from the rung; TRUE completely baffles some people since it's not

    explained in any GE documentation--anywhere.)

    L86TCI a logic signal that warns the operator of a problem with the axial compressor inlet thermocouples,usually signal CTIF-1, CTIF-2 and sometimes CTIF-3 (Compressor Temperature-Inlet, Flange 1, -2 or -3).There is some logic in the application code that checks to make sure the three signals are within an

    allowable range of each other; if not, then a gas turbine start is not permitted. This is because axial

    compressor inlet temperature is used for biasing HP shaft speed for some very important functions (theresultant signal is TNHCOR, Turbine Speed-HP Shaft, Corrected). So, if the temperature measurements are

    not reasonably close to each other then there is a good possibility that TNHCOR can be adversely impactedwhich could affect turbine operation.

    The "86" in the signal name is an indication that the condition requires a Master Reset to unlatch the alarmonce the condition has been corrected. Signals with "86" in the name are generally called "lock-out"

    signals. Most do require a Master Reset; some do not (unfortunately; another occasion when GE doesn't

    adhere to its own standard).

    L3IGVFLT is a logic signal that we can spend more time on if you wish. As you noted, it's checking tomake sure the IGVs are within reasonable limits of where they should be prior to starting. The minimummechanical stop on the IGV ring is set for approximately 32 DGA, so the lower limit should be something

    slightly less than that--and 31 DGA is a reasonable number. The minimum operating angle during startingis 34 DGA and the IGVs shouldn't be much more open that prior to a start, so 35 DGA is also a reasonable

    number. This is just a check to make sure the IGVs are in a reasonable position prior to starting (presumingthe LVDT feedback is properly calibrated). The IGVs are one method to limit axial compressor surge/stall

    during starting by keeping them "closed" (34 DGA or so is considered closed). (Axial compressors are very

    unusual and have some very unique requirements.)

    The description you provided, probably from Toolbox, can be misleading. A servo problem might be thecause of this logic signal being "1", but, it might just be that the IGVs were left in some position other thanwhat they should be after a maintenance outage, or the IGV LVDT calibration is inaccurate (this happens a

    LOT, unfortunately)--which is NOTa servo-valve problem, it's a human problem. Sometimes, the IGVminimum mechanical stop is also not set correctly after a maintenance outage when the IGVs have been

    worked on, resulting in the IGVs going to 30.9 or 30.8 DGA--which is not horrible, but is approaching the

    limits of acceptability. When a START signal is initiated, the IGV Trip Solenoid, 20TV-1 will be energizeand hydraulic pressure will move the IGVs to the minimum operating condition (34 DGA). So, if personnel

    are CERTAIN the IGV LVDTs are properly calibrated AND that the mechanical stop has not be properlyset it's sometimes permissible to change the limit to prevent the alarm. But, any value less than

    approximately 30.5 DGA means the minimum mechanical stop should be repositioned (it was moved) or

    the IGV LVDTs have not been properly calibrated--which, again, is NOTa servo-valve problem; it's a

    measurement and calibration procedure problem which should be corrected before starting.

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    Also, I would be interested to know if the application code for your turbine requires a Master Reset to

    unlatch L3IGVF1 and L3IGVF2 once the condition has been resolved. If so, this would be an example of a

    lockout that doesn't have "86" in the name. (Isn't this fun?)

    I would like to see the rung for L5WSTOP, as it's not something I'm familiar with. So, if you would, please,post it to your next reply.

    L5SETOP1 is a logic signal that comes from the

    core when one of E-Stop P/B (Pushbutton) circuits isNOT closed. (E-Stop P/B circuits are normally closed, and when the circuit opens (by pressing the the E-

    Stop P/B) the turbine is tripped. There are a couple, if I recall correctly, E-Stop P/B inputs so it 's easier to

    identify which E-Stop P/B has been actuated (or possibly a wire in the circuit has come loose--it doeshappen!). Note again--this comes from

    core. It is a hardware trip, as opposed to a software trip. It'smeant to be a "positive" means of tripping the turbine (by opening the circuit) without having to go throughsoftware to trip the turbine. (There are also software trips, but I believe many insurance companies and

    some technical regulations and standards require a hardware method of tripping the turbine.) Hopefully, we

    will remember to cover this when we get to the L4T rungs, and other ways to trip the turbine.

    L45FP_STCK; this one I believe is either an incorrectly chosen signal name, a typo, or the contact sense

    (normally open vs. normally closed) is typed wrong. The signal name indicates this signal will be a logic"1" when the fire protection circuit is "ready" to detect a fire, trip the turbine and discharge fireextinguishing agent (CO2 or water sprays). If the signal name is correct--the logic is "1" when it's activeand in a "ready" condition then the contact sense as shown is wrong. If the contact sense is correct (from

    the application code), then this is an example of someone not choosing a signal name correctly....

    Let's work on L3STCK1 next, but, also please post the L5WSTOP rung, and if the sense of the

    L45FP_STCK contact is correct as you have typed it, please post the L45FP_STCK rung, also. And, pleasecheck on the case of signals l27bn and l27bz; if they are indeed all capitals, then please check to see if theyare driven by discrete inputs; this could also be another example of GE not adhering to their own

    standards.... (What's the purpose of having standards, eh?)

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    Posted byNeo on 12 May, 2014 - 11:10 am


    Glad to continue this finding journey, and thank you angain for your detailed reply.

    First i have to apologize to you for several unnecessary mistakes i made. So, i'll start with someclarification:

    1)The sense of L45FP_STCK is normally open.

    2)There is no signal named L5WSTOP,it should be L86MP.(weird mistake,sorry again)

    But the signal L27BN and L27BZ do in capital letter.

    SO the L3STCK0 rung should be:

    L27BN l3cp L86TCI L3IGVFLT L86MP L5ESTOP1L45FP_STCK L3STCK0-------||----------||----------|/|----------|/|----------|/|------- |/|----

    ---||------------()| || |
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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    I am confused about L430 signal, does it an input from HMI? And just to normally shutdown gas turbine?

    Up to now, i was confronted a lot of signals and i find it hard to sort it out? What should i focus on through

    this journey?

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    Posted byNeo on 12 May, 2014 - 11:27 am


    I will give a brief introduction of gas turbine on my site some time later. I will prepare it.

    Best regards.

    NeoReply to this post...

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    Posted byNeo on 12 May, 2014 - 11:45 pm


    I reread the your response below.

    "The l27bn/l27bz parallel combination is a way to be sure the bus PTs are both sensing voltage or bothNOT sensing voltage. (The "bus" is the voltage on the other side of the generator breaker--the grid voltage,

    the "running" voltage as it's often called.) The two logic signals should each be driven by separate discreteinputs (which is why I put the signals names in lower-case letters) from a bus under-voltage relay that ispicked up when both PTs sense bus voltage, or when both PTs DO NOT sense bus voltage. If there is a

    problem sensing bus voltage there should be a Process Alarm to alert the operator to the condition."

    I think there are two PTs measuring the bus voltage,both of them output its logic signal through the status

    of a relay. The relay outputs signal l27bn is closed when the bus voltage is normal and the other relay thatoutputs signal l27bz is closed when the bus voltage is below setpoint.

    So it is the hardware way of judging the status of bus voltage.It can also be done in software way by implementing the compare block.

    Is it right?

    Best regardsNeo

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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    Posted byCSA on 13 May, 2014 - 10:00 am


    Whoa, there. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.

    You had asked about relays and discrete inputs (and by extension, discrete outputs) and you're talking aboutrelays here like you have a good understanding of them.

    A discrete input (or output) to a programmable control system (and the Mark VI is a purpose-built

    programmable control system--built, primarily, for the purpose of controlling GE-design heavy duty gasturbines) is one that is either "on" or "off", "1" or "0", "true" or "false", "energized" or "de-energized","picked up" or "dropped out", "close" or "open", and so on. It has only one of two possible states.

    A relay is simply a device for conveying information via contacts, that are either open or closed, when therelay is energized or de-energized. Relays usually have more than one set of contacts. The contacts can be

    electrically separate (have no common electrical circuits), or they can have electrically common contacts(so-called "c-form" contacts that have a normally open and normally closed terminal and share a COMmon

    terminal). In the case of an undervoltage relay, it is sending a discrete signal to the Speedtronic about thepresence, or absence, of voltage. Additional contacts of the undervoltage relay may be used in other circuitsfor the same purpose (to indicate the presence or absence of voltage). Relays are pretty simple devices,

    however, they require a power source (110/220 VAC; 24 VAC; 24 VDC; 125 VDC; and many othersdepending on the manufacturer and application). They are electromechanical devices, and as such, they can

    fail when the electric coil fails, or when the contacts weld closed or the spring fails.

    Now to your present question about L27BN and L27BZ. GE and it's packagers typically use two PTs tosense bus voltage, and two PTs to sense generator terminal voltage--both arranged in what's called an open-

    delta configuration. If any phase voltage is lost, or if there is a failure of any single PT then, in this case(the bus voltage) l27bn1 (I believe you said it was at your site, that drives L27BN) will not pick up.

    Conversely, both PTs have to indicate there is NO bus voltage before l27bz (which I believe you saiddrives L27BZ at your site) will indicate a complete loss of bus voltage. There really is no point in starting a

    gas turbine that drives a generator if there is a problem with the bus voltage because it is very likely that the

    gas turbine will have to be stopped to sort the problem.

    As for whether or not the checks could be done with a COMPare block, well, yes. But then one would need

    to have additional AC voltage input circuits (at additional cost and complexity) when simple relays will dothe job more than adequately by providing discrete inputs.

    Discrete inputs have historically been much cheaper to implement than analog inputs (voltages; currents).

    Unfortunately, sometimes discrete inputs don't have as much "information" available (such as the actualvoltage levels, versus a minimum or zero voltage level, or even a maximum voltage level in some cases).

    Also, historically it was much easier to predict the failure mode of most types of discrete input devices(pressure switches; temperature switches; etc.). And GE is all about reliability and in the past transmitters

    weren't so reliable and could fail full on as well as full off.

    Also, historically providing power (24 VDC or 110/220 VAC) for transmitters was expensive, as were

    transmitters, themselves. As was the cost and complexity of analog input circuits. For reliability, it wouldbe necessary to have redundant analog inputs which would also increase cost and complexity. So, mostlydiscrete inputs were used--and very successfully, too. Older Speedtronic panels (pre-digital versions) only

    had limited analog inputs and outputs: speed (frequency, and prior to that voltage); temperature(thermocouples--more reliable than RTDs and don't require additional power supplies, though they did

    require cold junction compensation circuits (be VERY thankful we don't have to do THAT any more!); one

    or two pressure transmitters (fuel gas intervalve (P2) pressure and axial compressor discharge pressure(CPD: Compressor-Pressure, Discharge); LVDTs; servo-valve outputs. Almost every other signal was adiscrete input or -output.
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    And this brings me to say things need to slow down just a little, well, maybe a little more than that. I have

    just been given a rush assignment at work and I need to devote time to that (since I get paid at work, and Idon't get paid for this endeavour). Also, you have asked several questions about terms and words and we

    haven't had a chance to cover them in any detail yet. We need to keep some focus here so that we don't getahead of ourselves. We need to be sure that all questions get answered before we jump to another topic or


    Control systems have gotten more and more sophisticated over the last few decades. And they have gotten

    both cheaper--and more expensive. I can recall when USD140,000.00 for a Mark IV Speedtronic turbine

    control panel was a LOT of money--and it wasn't all that capable as a programmable control system. Now,Mark VIes are nearly two- to three times as much, but they do have a LOT more capability, and they aremuch more expandable (inputs or outputs can be "easily" added to the control system (easily is a relativeterm--much easier than the Mark IV!).

    But, one has to remember that as the control systems changed and improved over the decades, GE-designheavy duty gas turbines basically remained the same. The turbine designers and packagers were loathe to

    change inputs and outputs (lots of changes to layout drawings, and schematics, and manufacturing practices

    and sourcing and warehousing and parts lists and manuals). It can become VERY expensive to changeinputs and outputs just because the control system capability has improved.

    And, it's one of the things that have made GE-design heavy duty gas turbines so reliable and so desirable:

    They don't change very much. They are pretty constant things in a very fast-changing world. They are

    RELIABLE--when they are operated and maintained properly by people who are properly trained and haveaccess to quality parts and services. The control philosophies GE has employed over the years have proven

    to be very robust and very scalable (meaning that as GE-design heavy duty gas turbines have gotten largerand more powerful the control systems were able to be expanded to maintain similar operation andprotection philosophies and methods). So, when you ask, "Couldn't this be done with a COMPare block?"

    one has to think back to how things have evolved to the present condition when someone can ask a questionlike that.

    Imagine how many wires would be have to be used to interconnect all these devices to a single controlsystem. Imagine how complicated and large such a control system would have to be. I don't know about

    you, but I LOATHEEuropean-style, high-density terminal boards--even when appropriate sized wires areused on them. I prefer to have terminal boards that have to use a voltmeter easily and without fear ofshorting or grounding, and where I can see terminations visually and where I can handle wires for

    troubleshooting and repair purposes. And, you're proposing even more wires and more terminal boards andmore printed circuit cards and more complexity.

    Anyway, I'm enjoying our time and this journey, but I have to limit my time for the next couple of weeks.

    As I said before--don't try to ingest all of this right now, immediately. That's the great thing about this

    forum: it will be here for a long time. And the things that are written here will be here for a long time. Andyou can refer to them as your understanding grows. And you should be reading and re-reading them over

    time as your knowledge and experience grows. It's a LOT of information to try to take in all at once--wehaven't even touched on inversion masking! And we haven't finished the start-check permissives. And wehaven't started the trips!

    So, let's dial it back a little bit, and let me get caught back up at my day job, and finish one rung before we

    start another. There's always time for more questions.

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    Posted byCSA on 14 May, 2014 - 12:10 pm
  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3



    As for that second description of L3STCK0, GE is trying to use the same sequencing with slightmodifications for all heavy duty gas turbines. Makes sense, right? If it works, why change it? And it works.

    Has for decades. Again, it's one of the things that make GE units so desirable and so reliable--the operationand control philosophies have not changed much over the years and it's very reliable.

    That Comment from the application code is supposed to be for the requisition engineers who put theapplication code together in the factory. Sometimes (often) those engineers don't really have any field

    experience at all, and they make silly Comments. That's a silly Comment.

    As for L3STCK1. You made a pretty huge mistake on the first signal, l26qn. Why would you want to starta turbine if: "the lube oil tank temperature is lower than setpoint" (your words from the sentence forL3STCK1)?

    l26qn is a logic "1" when the L.O. Tank temperature is normal. It's driven by a discrete input from atemperature switch, 26QN-1. The switch contacts are closed when the tank temperature is "normal"

    (whatever the switch setpoint is from the Device Summary drawing, usually above approximately 60 deg

    F). And when the switch contacts are closed, l26qn will be a logic "1". This discrete input is NOT inverted.(We'll get to inversion masks shortly, but I want to get you started thinking about and anticipating theconcept.) There will be a Process Alarm to indicate the L.O. Tank Temperature is Low.

    L28FDSCK is a signal that is a logic "1" when none of the flame detectors is indicating flame when the unit

    is not running. And, one doesn't want to start a turbine when one or more of the flame detectors indicatesflame when fuel isn't flowing.... There will be a Process Alarm to say the flame detectors are not in a ready-

    to-start condition.

    L43O. The contact is normally closed, and L43O is a logic "1" when OFF mode isselected, so to have

    power flow through the normally closed contact L43O would have to a logic "0", or when OFF mode isNOTselected. Here's the ONLYstart-check permissive that doesn't have a Process Alarm to alert the

    operator. Why? Because one doesn't need a READY TO START indication if the unit is in OFF mode. In

    other words, to get a READY TO START indication the operator has to select CRANK, FIRE, AUTO orone of the other available modes, but when OFF is selected the unit can't be started anyway. It's not a alarm

    condition when OFF mode is selected. So, operators just have to know: When they want or need a READYTO START they have to be in some mode other than OFF.

    L43O doesn't come from the HMI. The HMI sends a command to the Speedtronic to switch to OFF mode,and if all of the permissives are satisfied to allow OFF mode to be selected then logic signal L43O is set to

    a logic "1". The HMI doesn't do any control or protection--it just sends commands to the Speedtronic, andmonitors the operation of the unit (via signals from the Speedtronic), and, of course--it displays alarms

    from the Speedtronic. LOTS of alarms. Too many alarms, most would say--but that's because of poor

    configuration and/or poor maintenance or lack of understanding or just lack of response to alarms. Mostoperators, and their supervisors/managers, just don't pay any attention to any alarms as long as the turbine

    runs and doesn't trip. They think the Speedtronic will protect the turbine and trip it if it's necessary--and forthe most part, it will. But there are some conditions that require operator action, and most operators (andtechnicians--and operations supervisors/managers) don't know when an alarm is indicative of a possibly

    larger problem. And, that's just poor training--and lack of personal motivation--both of which are permittedin too many plants.

    L14HR is a logic "1" when the unit is at rest, or when it's at zero speed. MANY people look at the logicthat drives L14HR and they see that it doesn't actually change state at 0.000 percent speed, but something

    slightly higher, and they think that's wrong (??!!!??!) and so they change it to 0.000% and then theSpeedtronic doesn't work. Passive speed pick-ups aren't very good at very low RPMs and that's why the

    speed level isn't set at exactly 0.000% (0 RPM). I think it's set for something like 3 RPM, which is just fine

    for this purpose--which is to protect the jaw clutch from being damaged if it's engaged when the turbine

    shaft is spinning. That's (probably) why your unit has to wait to get down to "zero" speed to start--becauseit has a jaw clutch which shouldn't be engaged when the turbine shaft is still spinning (and 3 RPM isn't very

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    L86HD. This is a condition and Process Alarm that confuses many people--because of the alarm messagetext: Hydraulic Protective Trouble. For present-day GE-design heavy duty gas turbines this alarm has

    NOTHING to do with the Hydraulic System. It is related to the Trip Oil system, and the presence of TripOil pressure in the system when there should NOT be pressure. It is a lock-out--signified by the "86" in the

    signal name, which means that when the Trip Oil pressure condition is resolved a Master Reset is requiredto unlatch the alarm, and permit a READY TO START.

    l12hblt is driven by a discrete input (the signal name is all in lower-case letters), and it's a logic "1" when

    the mechanical overspeed bolt is actuated. This input ISinverted, which means it is a logic "1" when thecontacts of the overspeed bolt are open. As explained, the contacts of the L.O. Tank temperature switch,26QN-1, are closed when the tank temperature is normal, and l26qn is a logic "1". It is NOT an invertedinput. In this case, when the contacts of 12HBLT are open l12hblt is a logic "1"--which is the opposite

    (inverted) of what one would expect would happen.

    Why does GE use inverted logic? It's a poor-man's method of something called "contact supervision."

    What's contact supervision? It's a method whereby the control system monitors discrete input circuits to

    ensure a wire in the circuit has not come loose, or has not been cut/damaged. Most contact supervisioncircuits use "end-of-line" resistors placed across the physical switch contact terminals and the controlsystem is always checking to see if there is current flowing in the circuit--whether or not the switchcontacts are open or closed. More current flows when the switch contacts are closed, and only a small

    amount of current flows when the switch contacts are open, and when no current is flowing the control

    system alarms to alert the operator to a bad circuit/wiring.

    GE decided decades ago to standardize on circuits that were closed under normal operating circumstances,and opened to alarm or trip the turbine. To detect a closed contact, the circuit has to be intact (the wiringhas to be good; the terminations have to be good) in order for current to flow--that's how the control system

    detects closed contacts. Open contacts result in no current flow.

    Let's say the overspeed bolt limit switch contacts were configured to close when the overspeed bolt

    actuated (because of a turbine overspeed). And, let's say that one of the wires of that circuit had come loosefrom its crimp and had fallen away from the terminal. If the turbine oversped and the bolt limit switch

    contacts closed the control system would never detect the contact had closed--because of the disconnectedwire. No current would flow in the circuit when the overspeed bolt contacts closed, so the control systemwould never know the contacts had closed. NOT good.

    Now, let's say the overspeed bolt limit switch contacts were configured to open when the overspeed bolt

    actuated. Under normal circumstances, when the overspeed bolt limit switch contacts were closed current isalways flowing in the circuit and the turbine thinks everything is just fine. And, let's say the turbine is

    running just fine at 73.4% of rated load, and suddenly one of the wires in that circuit vibrated loose from its

    crimp and became disconnected (it doesn't have to be a sudden disconnection--it just sounds better to say"suddenly"...). Even though the overspeed bolt limit switch contacts are still closed (there was no

    overspeed), because the circuit is now open there is no current flowing--just like if the switch contacts hadopened. If the control system interprets no current flow as bad then it can take appropriate action, alarmand/or trip. In this way, the operator, and the technician, are aware of a bad circuit--could be a failed

    switch, just as easily as a loose wire, but the circuit is not intact and that's not a good condition under anycircumstances.

    So, GE's answer to ensuring that circuits are in good condition (before there was even contact supervisionavailable in any programmable control system) was to "invert" the input. In this way, the signal goes to a

    logic "1" when the external circuit is open (no current flowing). The signal names are generally chosen toindicate when there is a problem (alarm or trip), and this matches the inversion philosophy--a logic "1"

    when the external circuit is open.

    This is big one: inversion masking. Lots of people--myself included for years--used to say it was done to be"fail-safe." That's one way to think of it (not a good way in my opinion, because it doesn't really describe

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    how or why--it's just a quick answer that sounds good).

    Now, some people will say, "Well--if the turbine alarms or trips every time a wire comes loose, that's notvery reliable!" And, they would be right. Wires should not come loose, but they do. Switches should not

    fail, but they do. So, GE's answer to that was to use redundant switches. It's not likely that two wires willcome loose at the same time, or two switches will fail at the same time. But, if either did happen, then that's

    certainly a condition that should be resolved. But, if a wire comes loose or a switch contact fails in one oftwo redundant circuits and the logic (application code) requires two open circuits to alarm or trip theturbine on a serious fault then the turbine won't trip. GE also wrote logic to alert the operator/technician to

    a "disagreement" between redundant discrete inputs so the problem could be investigated and resolved.

    So, it's about reliability. Making sure that circuits and switch contacts are serviceable and can and willalarm or trip on serious trouble. Inversion masking is something that generally takes some time to "absorb"and comprehend, but once one internalizes the concept and the practice its something that helps understand

    and improve lots of other aspects of control and automation. And, can help explain a lot of nuisance alarms

    and trips on other systems where a standard wasn't adopted and followed (and it happens a LOT in manycontrol systems!).

    Re-stating the sentence for L3STCK1:

    "When the L.O. Tank Temperature ISnormal AND when the flame detectors AREin a ready-to-startcondition ANDwhen OFF mode is NOTselected ANDwhen the turbine shaft ISat zero speed (at

    rest) ANDwhen there is NOTa Trip Oil pressure problem ANDwhen the mechanical overspeed bolt limit

    switch is NOTde-actuated THENL3STCK1 will bea logic "1"."

    That should take care of L3STCK1.

    One more comment about l2hblt--it doesn't trip the turbine. This logic signal does NOT(and SHOULD

    NOT) trip the turbine. It's simply a limit switch that indicates when the mechanical overspeed bolt has beenactuated (which de-actuates the limit switch). The mechanical overspeed bolt will "dump" Trip Oil

    pressure--which is what trips the turbine. The limit switch just says, "The mechanical overspeed bolt is

    NOT actuated," or, "The mechanical overspeed bolt is in the RESET position, ready to indicate when thebolt has been actuated." Which is the position the mechanical overspeed bolt needs to be in to start the


    Why shouldn't this limit switch be used to trip the turbine in the Speedtronic turbine control panel?

    Because, it's a single limit switch--there's no redundancy. If it fails, vibrates loose, or a wire isdisconnected, then if this input is used to trip the turbine--it will trip the turbine. It's extremely rare that a

    single discrete input will be used to trip the turbine--extremely rare. It reduces reliability (using a singleswitch). The only purpose of this switch is to indicate the overspeed bolt has been actuated--or, that is has

    not, as it's being used in the L3STCK1 rung.

    Now, have we satisfied all your queries about relays and lock-outs and such?

    Do you want to spend any more time on L3STCK1 before proceeding to L3STCK2? If not, let's continue.

    Do you have any questions about inversion masking? (You can have questions about it later, too. But if youhave them now, let's try to answer them now. It's a very important concept, and it's key to troubleshooting

    and understanding GE turbine control systems--at least the digital ones.)

    Let me know if you're okay with what we're doing here. Is there a way to make it easier? Or better?

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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    Posted byNeo on 15 May, 2014 - 9:16 am


    Very glad to receive your response. I appreciate your patient and detailed reply.

    I have been enjoying this journey with you as your comment is always enlightening and helpful.You are a very patient and excellent teacher indeed.

    You asked me whether i am okay with what we are doing, and my answer is yes,certainly.

    And you asked me if there is a way to make things to make things easier. I think i should do someadjustments to make this journey easier for you.

    1) I think i should focus on the main line,like present i should focus on L4S. I should set some questionsthat are not important at present aside, as we will have opportunity to discuss those questions latter (I


    2) If your comment wanna to cover every side of a signal ,it will take a lot of time and effort of you, and ithink it will disturb your day work. In order to avoid this situation, i think it will be better if you justcomment the important information i should know at this present.

    3) We could keep in touch every day, but just examine no more than one rung. And i will split my response

    my reply in several section, and if you are busy, you can just reply one of them,and continue next time.

    In general, I think this journey is vary exciting, but it is difficult to start, but i think it will be easier if wecontinue.

    And thanks again for what you have done as i and this forum don't pay :)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------1) As to L3STCK1,I made a pretty mistake about l26qn.

    I thought that the toolbox description refers to the logic 1 situation.

    l26qn=Lube oil tank temperature low.l26qn L3STCK1


    So i think when lube oil temperature is lower than set point ,it will be logic 1.

    2) I do have questions about inversion masking, like when we should use inversion masking.Why l26qn isnot inversed when l12hblt has to be inverted??? Does it related to the type of relay,NC or NO.How it helps

    us to read application code.

    I think take examples would make things easier to understand.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------I think we should keep on moving, and i'll just write down the rung and examine it next time.

    L86CB L4Y L3BHSTCK L30CC_STCK l33cl1 l45fp1 l27f--------|/|-------||---------||---------|/|------|/|-------|/|----- |/|--------()| |

    | |--------------------


    L86CB = Surge protection trouble startup lockout;L3BHSTCK = Comp operating limit BH start check perm logic;
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    L30CC_STCK = Fire protection trouble-GT start inhibited;

    l33cl1 = Fire protection aux/turb/laod compt CO2 locked;

    l45fp1 = Fire protection aux/turb/laod compt fire pre-detec;l27f = Fire protection trip relay undervoltage;

    ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

    Best regardsNeo

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    Posted byCSA on 16 May, 2014 - 11:56 am


    >1) I think i should focus on the main>line,like present i should focus on L4S.>I should set some questions that are not

    >important at present aside, as we will

    >have opportunity to discuss those>questions latter (I wish:))

    If you have questions, let's try to answer them. If we need to come back to them later, we can. I do believe,

    though, that the more we continue the more things will become clearer--but, if the questions are preventingyou from understanding something let's try to answer them.

    >2) If your comment wanna to cover every

    >side of a signal ,it will take a lot of>time and effort of you, and i think it

    >will disturb your day work. In order to>avoid this situation, i think it will be

    >better if you just comment the important>information i should know at this>present.

    I think the important thing to get out of this exercise is how to "read" signal names and logic (rungs). DO

    NOT trust the longname description from Toolbox--just as with l26qn. When you wrote the sentence for

    the rung, it doesn't make sense to start the turbine with low lube oil tank temperature. You're saying, "If Ican't trust the longname description in Toolbox, what can I trust?" Well, you have to analyze theinformation in front of you, and use any other resources you have to make sense of the situation.

    For example, if you went to the VCRC input where 26QN-1 is connected, you would see the input is NOT

    inverted (it's "Normal"). And, if you went to the Device Summary document, which lists the setpoints formost of the devices provided with the turbine and auxiliaries (but, unfortunately, not all of them....) you

    would see the switch is (likely) set for 60 deg F (approx 16 deg C) INCreasing, and the NO (Normally

    Open) contacts of the device are to be used for the indication. This means that as the L.O. TankTemperature increases above approximately 60 deg F the NO contacts will close. (The Device Summaryshould also list the DECreasing setpoint, something around 50 deg F, for a deadband on the switch ofapprox. 10 deg F. This means that once the L.O. Tank temperature had risen above 60 deg F, closing the

    NO contacts, that the L.O. Tank temperature would have to drop below approx. 50 deg F to cause the NO

    contacts to open, or "reset" as many people like to say--meaning go back to the "un-actuated" state.)

    So, knowing that the input is NOT inverted, and that the switch contacts are closed above approximately 60deg F, one can deduce that the longname description of the signal is wrong--that is, it does NOT describe
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    when the signal name is going to be a logic "1".

    You asked why this input is not inverted, but l12hblt is inverted. The input could have been inverted, and itwould work just fine. Of course, the signal name would be exactly opposite of what it should be because it

    would be a logic "1" when the L.O. Tank temperature was less than normal. Sometimes these things, eventhough they could go one way or the other (with a signal name change to make it easier) are just continued

    for decades--and this is one of them.

    I believe if you will post the L26QN_ALM rung (I'm guessing at the alarm signal name; it will likely be

    different--unless I am very lucky today) you will see it looks something like this:l26qn L26QN_ALM

    -----|/|-------------( )

    This rung, if it matches your application code, is a violation of another one of GE's control philosophies:

    That the logic that drives an alarm should be a logic "1" to make the alarm active. Do two wrongs make aright? In this case, it seems to. ;-) We learn to live with it.

    A former colleague of mine used to say, "This ain't rocket science." And, it's not. Does it have to be exact?

    No. Should it be exact? It would certainly help. Is it critical to proper operation of the unit? No. Would ittake much to fix it? No--but, at GE there is no one who really understands all of stuff and is in charge orreviewing it to be sure it's accurate and consistent and so long-standing mistakes like this just keep gettingrepeated, decade after decade. Even if someone realizes it should be changed, that person likely is afraid to

    do so--because most of the people writing the application code have little or no hands-on, field experience.

    And yet, someone has changed the longname signal description--because for decades it was always "LubeTank Temperature Normal", and in the application code at your site it's "Lube oil tank temperature low"

    (which is the alarmed condition of the input--the one that will prevent a READY TO START....). Again,

    the people who really do understand this stuff at GE realize--it's not critical. It's always been that way.Should it be changed? Probably. But, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." The circuit has worked for decades even

    if it's not exactly as per philosophy, so it just gets neglected.

    Anyway, I can't read the next rung as you wrote it--you clicked on 'Submit Post' with a mistake in the htmltags (you used /pre BEFORE and after the text; it needs to be pre before, and /pre after). Please correct thetext and re-submit. You also forgot to put L4Y's longname description in the list of signals in the rung.

    One of the reasons I'm spending a little more time on signal descriptions is that a lot of other people readthese posts, and it might help them to understand GE-design heavy duty gas turbine operation and control

    philosophy if there is a little more detail. So, please be patient with me.

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    Posted byNeo on 17 May, 2014 - 9:12 am


    You said "I think the important thing to get out of this exercise is how to "read" signal names and

    logic (rungs)."

    Ok, i will keep this in my mind.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------I'm still confused about the concept of inversion masking.

    You said "So, GE's answer to ensuring that circuits are in good condition (before there was even

    contact supervision available in any programmable control system) was to "invert" the input."
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  • 8/10/2019 MARKVE Getting a Better Understanding of Gas Turbine Control 1 2 3


    it will not bother you too much as some of them are silly.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

    L86CB L4Y L3BHSTCK L30CC_STCK l33cl1 l45fp1 l27fL2STCK2--------|/|-------||---------||---------|/|------|/|-------|/|----- |/|----

    ----( )| || true |--------------------

    L86CB = Surge protection trouble startup lockout;

    L3BHSTCK = Comp operating limit BH start check perm logic;

    L30CC_STCK = Fire protection trouble-GT start inhibited;l33cl1 = Fire protection aux/turb/laod compt CO2 locked;

    l45fp1 = Fire protection aux/turb/laod compt fire pre-detec;l27f = Fire protection trip relay undervoltage;I will examine this rung next time.

    Best regardsNeo

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    Posted byCSA on 18 May, 2014 - 12:46 pm


    It would seem after you most recent post that inversion masking is becoming clearer to you. Yes; the exactpurpose of inversion masking is to make the logic signal associated with a discrete input (DI) a logic "1"

    when the contact--or the circuit--is open. And, if the signal name is chosen correctly it will describe thecondition when the contact is open.

    And, yes, you are correct--l26qn is a violation of that philosophy and could have been configured to be

    inverted IFthe signal name had been chosen to be something like 'l26ql' (except, that signal name is usedon many older turbines.... so it would have had to be something similar, but different). And then theL3STCK1 rung could have been written:

    l26ql L3STCK1------|/|------ - - - ----( )

    and the Low L.O. Tank Temp Low alarm rung could have been written:

    l26ql L26QN_ALM------| |-----------------( )

    I presume you used 'View | Reports... | I/O Report' to find the information you posted with the inversionmask and the description.?.?.? (Though I don't know where that description came from in Toolbox.... it's

    very odd, indeed. But, stranger things have been coming out of Belfort and Hyderabad--much strangerthings.)

    For the Mark VI and Mark VIe, that report works fine because it actually looks at every I/O point andcorrectly reports the configuration (inversion mask; signal scaling; etc.). But--itdoes NOTwork for the

    Mark V. The I/O Report is >>>NOT