Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast - Checklist Script

Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast (MPAF Podcast) Guest Checklist

Transcript of Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast - Checklist Script

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Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast (MPAF


Guest Checklist

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Thanks for agreeing to appear on the MPAF Podcast. This checklist gives you an idea of the

structure of the show and the questions I’ll ask.

I’ll also show you below how you can benefit from the podcast with a link to the episode

that you can embed in your website to share with your clients.

Aim of the MPAF Podcast

This is THE podcast for providers and advisers looking to share business ideas and

inspiration in the world of protection and finance.

The main focus of the podcast is on what we can do to make protection and finance more

accessible to the consumer – and so we’ll talk about marketing, communications, and

propositions. We’ll look at financial and protection products, interesting business models

and campaigns as well as how advisers can promote their own businesses using modern

content and social media methods.

Protection – talking about life insurance, critical illness, income protection and other

protection products

Finance – talking about pensions, platforms, savings and investments

You choose your subject or focus for the show – it could be your business model, a recent

product development, a marketing campaign, or a current market issue. Then we’ll discuss

the subject with an emphasis on the customer.

Once you have decided decided on the subject, you would like to focus on you could give

some thought in advance about the answers. How can we draw out some inspirational

business and marketing ideas that the listeners can take away to use in their businesses?

Take away: My aim is that listeners will get one or two big business ideas that they can

apply to their own business. A sales idea, advice idea, product tweak or simply an app that is

worth a look. Again we’ll focus on customer focused ideas.


We’ll always promote the consumer in the podcast and so will be looking for

simplicity in language and descriptions of the products

The podcast feels entrepreneurial – we’ll be talking about how to grow the market,

make propositions more valuable and attractive to customers. We’re looking for big

ideas and inspiration.

It’s okay to tackle difficult subjects like declined claims and miss-selling.

Though there’ll be no direct advertising of individual companies on the podcast,

you’ll get recognition via your appearance. At the sign off of the podcast, you can

share your email, twitter and other contact details.

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As a participant, you can also embed your edition of the podcast on your website

and we’ll use social media to promote you on LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+.


I’ll record the podcast on audio using either Skype and/or Google+ Hangouts at a time to

suit you. We could do this either early morning or evening so that it doesn’t conflict with

your working day.

The Audio will be in MP3 Format using 192kps quality.

I’ll record the interviews “as live”. I’ll edit out any obvious goofs, but aim for the recording

to be one take and issued without edits.

We’ll probably talk for about 10 minutes before I hit record (think of it as being in the

“Green Room”. We get a feel for where we want the discussion to go and what the main

“big ideas” will be. Then I’ll press record, and we’ll go for 20-30 minutes.


MPAF Podcast will be free to download from iTunes, Stitcher Radio, and

Promoting you – the Guest

As a Guest, I’ll send you some code you can include on your website with a direct link to the

Podcast MP3 file so that your clients can listen to your interview directly from your site. Or

you could email them a link.

On the day, I put your episode live I will also publish a dedicated page on the podcast

website. I’ll also broadcast its availability on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ using your

profiles if you are happy with that.

Podcast Script Outline

Pre-Theme Music:

Roger: (Some relevant preamble pertinent to the subject we are discussing) This is the

Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast Episode Number X

Theme Tune and voice over:

Roger: Hi it’s Roger Edwards here and welcome to the MPAF Podcast. This is THE podcast for

providers and advisers looking to share business ideas and inspiration in the world of

protection and finance. You can find the notes that go with the show at In the meantime, let’s get on with the show and prepare to be


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Personalised introduction:

Roger: So let’s get started. I’m delighted to introduce my guest today and he/she is GUEST.

For those of you who don’t know him/her GUEST is……

Please give me some information that you would like me to say about you: Preferably where you work now, what you are most famous for, and a little known fact about you.

Roger: GUEST Welcome to the MPAF Podcast. It’s great to have you on board.


Learning about you

Roger: Before we get into our main discussion, let’s find out more about you. So GUEST, tell

everyone about your background so that we can get to know you and find out what makes

you tick.

Questions to help you with this - Where did you come from? What’s your business background? What are you doing now? What are your ambitions?

This week’s main discussion

Roger: So let’s move on to today’s main discussion. This where we talk about a business

model, or a new product launch, a new marketing campaign or simply a hot news story. And

I’m going to be talking to GUEST about…….

These are the sort of topics that we could talk about. We could be looking at a business model: (e.g. A New Adviser Business, A new insurer. A Software Company. A Marketing agency).

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Or a new product: (e.g., A new critical illness plan. A new Pension product. A new comparison app. A re-launch of an existing proposition. A new publication. A new service. Or a new marketing campaign: (e.g Supporting a new product launch. A new push on a specific product line. A generic awareness campaign. Breaking new ground with TV or Content or Social Media. Or a hot news story: (e.g. RDR in general. A disputed critical illness claim and its implications. The savings gap. The protection gap. Give me some details about what you want to talk about.

Roger: GUEST how did you come up with the (business model/product/campaign)? Take us

right back to the beginning to when the idea first surfaced. Or when the light bulb lit up.

Talk us through the story.


Roger: What challenges did you face getting this initiative off the ground and how did you

overcome them to make it work? Let’s hear that story GUEST.


Roger: Overcoming challenges makes us stronger in business. What is the one Big Idea that

you would like those listening to the MPAF Podcast to take away from these experiences

you had?


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Roger: Tell us what is particularly customer focussed about this? This is one of the main

areas we like to highlight on the MPAF podcast. What are we all doing to make protection

and finance more accessible and indeed acceptable to consumers?

This is where we look closely at how the business model/product/campaign works. What does it do? What consumer need is it meeting? What are its features and more importantly its benefits? GUEST:

Roger: What’s the One Big Idea that you would like our listeners to take away from this?


Roger: What’s worked well and not so well? Tell us how you have modified your approach

as a result of feedback as you have developed your business model/product/campaign.


Roger: And now for the rewards of all your hard work and investment. GUEST please tell us

about the results you achieved.

This could be more leads. Better customer engagement. An increase in sales. Better profits. GUEST:

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Roger: And finally let’s recap (I’ll sum up briefly here what we’ve learned). What would be

the one most important thing you’ve learned from this business model/product/campaign

that you’d like our listeners to remember for their own business success?


Quick Fire Round

Roger: Thank you GUEST for such a fascinating insight into your business

model/product/campaign. Before we go I always like to finish the MPAF podcast with a

Quick Fire round of business questions. Happy to go for that?

If there was one thing you could change about the financial services industry, perhaps by

waving a magic wand, what would it be?


Roger: What is the one business model/product/campaign that’s caught your attention in

the last year? Even if it was from a competitor, tell us what it was and what you liked about



Roger: Tell us about an App a gadget that’s made a huge difference to your life and/or your



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Roger: And finally what is the best business book you have ever read? Tell us why you like it

some much and what you took from it.


GUEST Contact details

Roger: And before we sign off GUEST. Tell everyone how they can connect with you on

Twitter, LinkedIN and Google+ and of course your website.


Roger: Thank you GUEST for talking to me today. Let me wish you success and hope to catch

up again soon.

End Theme Music with Compliance Voice over

Roger: Thanks for listening to The Marketing Protection and Finance Podcast – also known

as the MPAF podcast.

Do please look at the show notes at for links to apps, and books

and topics we discussed. If you enjoyed the show, I’d be grateful if you would leave a review

on iTunes. Simply visit and leave a comment.

If you are a provider, adviser or journalist and you have a product, campaign or business

model you want to talk about do get in touch. I’d be delighted to have you as a guest on the

MPAF podcast.

And before we go just to remind you that nothing that my guests and I talk about on the

show is intended to be financial advice of any kind. It’s just our thoughts and opinions,
