Market Survey and Future Growth

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  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth





    Submitted towards the partial fulfillment of

    the requirements for the degree of

    Master of Business Administration

    (Session 201 !1"#

    S$%& S&''$& &NA)A* &NS+&+,+- O. MANA/-M-N+

    BA%-& )

    Affiliated to /autam Buddh +e hni al ,ni ersit34 u 5now

    Submitted B36 ! Submitted +o6

    A% &N' *,MA% '%7 %&+-S$ SA8-NA

    MBA &&& Sem7 (9ro:e t /uide#

    %oll no! 12;0 ;0011


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    Customers are very important for any company, infect, “customers are not the

    important of business, they are business itself.”

    Customers are the best source of information for a business. It has been well

    said that, “business doesn’t need financial pundits to tell how to run it; it is the

    customer who tells us”. For an enterprise seekin a comparative ed e,

    customers are the prime drive force. !he enterprise must understand who itscustomers are and what they want"

    For any company relationship mana ement is very important tool to ain

    competitive ed e in their business. In !elecom business there are two types of


    #. $etailers %First customers&

    '. (sers %)nd Customers&

    !he main motive of this pro*ect was to survey both type of customers and

    analy+e the demand of value voucher in the market.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    efore write down anythin about my pro*ect report I would like to

    thank all those people who helped me in the completion of this


    I e-press my sincere ratitude to MR NITIN BISHT

    who ave me an opportunity to complete my pro*ect about BHARTI

    AIRTEL for his able uidance, continuous support and cooperation

    throu hout my pro*ect, without him completion of pro*ect was not


    I would also like to thank the entire team of irtel )nterprise/ervices %retailers&, for the constant support and help in thesuccessful completion of my pro*ect.


    ROLL NO-134 ! ""41MBA IV SEM


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    #. F$01! 2 3)

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  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    #'. 22)19IG


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    !he irtel subscriber base accordin to C0 I HCellular 0perator ssociation of

    India as of :ay ' # was

    • 9elhi H , A ,A 6

    • :umbai H ',E>D, #>

    • Chennai H #,ED5, 5'

    • 7olkata H #,E ',D5D

    • :aharashtra J 3oa H 6,56 ,E6

    • 3u*arat H 6, 6,D'6

    • ndhra 2radesh H A, #>,55'

    7arnataka H A,5#>,• !amil 1adu H 6,'#D,A

    • (ttar 2radesh %)ast& H 6,DEA,'AD

    • $a*asthan H 6,'6', >

    Bi hli htsK airtel forays into mo$ile ad%ertising

    K airtel announces all new afforda$le tariffs for 3' customers

    K /harti Airtel and A(is /an" announce strategic alliance for financialinclusion

    K National ,elecom Awards 2012 ac"nowledges /harti Airtel&s networ"strength

    K airtel $rings the 4' re%olution to /angalore

    K /harti Airtel announces its fourth quarter and full year ended arch31 2012 on ay 2 2012.

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    • :adhya 2radesh H 5, D6,AA>

    • 8est en al J ndaman and 1icobar H ',# >,#>5

    • Bimachal 2radesh H E E,D'E

    • ihar H 6,E#',E

    • 0rissa H #,E##, A

    • ssam H E5E,A6>

    • 1orth )astern /tates H D ,'#5

    • ammu ashmir 5 1 300 0 6


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    harti irtel 4imited was established on ?uly, A, #EE as a 2rivate Company


    /unil :ittal was one of the first entrepreneurs to identify the mobile telecom

    business as a ma*or rowth area and launched services in the city of 9elhi and

    the 1ational Capital $e ion in the year #EE .

    /ome of the Feathers in the cap of :r. /unil harti :ittal are

    “ est sian !elecom C)0”, !elecom sia wards '

    “ est C)0, India”, Institutional Investor, '

    “ usiness 4eader 0f !he @ear”, )conomic !imes, '

    “)rnst J @oun )ntrepreneur 0f !he @ear ' 6”, )rnst J @oun Be is also

    the oard :ember of the 3lobal 3/: ssociation./unil is an alumnus of

    /unil is an alumnus of Barvard usiness /chool, : , (/ .

    /unil has been conferred one of the hi hest civilian award O (%.#% Bh50h% .

    /unil has been conferred the de ree of Do 2o) o* S + %Bonoris Causa& bythe 3 2ant (niversity of riculture J !echnolo y.

    /unil is an Bonorary Fellow of “ Th I 02+252+o o* E, 2)o + 0 % .T , o##5 + %2+o E + )0 6IETE7 P.

    /unil is 2h Ho o)%)' Co 05, G )%, o* 2h R $58,+ o* S ' h ,, 0 + N wD ,h+9 I .+%.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    harti irtel is one of !ndia&s leading pri%ate sector pro%iders of telecommunications services based on an a re ate of D',>D , 5 customers as

    on :ay 5#, ' # , consistin of 6 ,A65,A' 3/: mobile and #,E6#,D

    broadband J telephone customers.


    y ' # irtel will be the most admired brand in India

    4oved by more customers

    • !ar eted by top talent

    • enchmarked by more business

    8e at irtel always think in fresh and innovative ways about the needs of

    or customers and how we want them to feel. 8e deliver what we promise

    and o out of our way to deli ht the customer with a little bit more.

    !he businesses at harti irtel have been structured into three individual

    strate ic business units %/ (’s& H mobile services, broadband J telephone

    services % J!& J enterprise services. !he mobile services roup provides 3/:


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    mobile services across India in '5 telecom circles, while the J! business roup

    provides broadband J telephone services in 'E6 cities. !he enterprise services

    roup has two subHunits H carriers %lon distance services& and services to

    corporate. ll these services are provided under the irtel brand.

    Company shares are listed on !he /tock )-chan e, :umbai % /)& and !he

    1ational /tock )-chan e of India 4imited %1/)&.


    !he company has a strate ic alliance with /in !el. !he investment made by/in !el is one of the lar est investments made in the world outside /in apore, in

    the company.

    !he company’s mobile network eMuipment partners include )ricsson and 1okia.

    In the case of the broadband and telephone services and enterprise services

    %carriers&, eMuipment suppliers include /iemens, 1ortel, Cornin , amon others.

    !he Company also has an information technolo y alliance with I : for its roupH

    wide information technolo y reMuirements and with 1ortel for call center technolo y reMuirements. !he call center operations for the mobile services have

    been outsourced to I : 9aksh, Bindu*a !:!, !eletech J :phasis.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    O) % +:%2+o S2)5 25)

    s an outcome of a restructurin e-ercise conducted within the company; a

    new inte rated or ani+ational structure has emer ed; with reali ned roles,

    responsibilities and reportin relationships of harti’s key team players. 8ith

    effect from :arch #, ' >, this unified mana ement structure of L0ne irtelL willenable continued improvement in the delivery of the 3roup’s strate ic vision.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    Bh%)2+ E 2 )$)+0 0 - O) % +:%2+o S2)5 25)


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    Co)$o)%2 Go ) %

    harti irtel 4imited firmly believes in the principles of Corporate 3overnance

    and is committed to conduct its business in a manner, which will ensure

    sustainable, capitalHefficient and lon Hterm rowth thereby ma-imi+in value for

    its shareholders, customers, employees and society at lar e. Company’s policies

    are in line with Corporate 3overnance uidelines prescribed under 4istin


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    M%;o) % ) # 20 % . %,,+% 0

    9urin the year harti irtel has entered into followin ma*or a reements and


    #& 8ith :icrosoft to offer software and services for the /mall and :edium

    usiness %/: & market in India. !he partnership will start off by offerin to Indian

    /: s :icrosoft solutions for Bosted :essa in and Collaboration. It will also

    offer other hosted applications like C$:, ccountin , )$2, (nified

    Communications and select :icrosoft I/= applications;

    '& 8ith 3oo le to offer search services on irtel :obile. s part of the

    a reement, irtel will brin 3oo le search to the irtel 4ive mobile 8 2 portal.

    3oo le will also incorporate advertisin throu h its :obile ds product on the

    irtel 4ive mobile portal; 8ith dani 3roup to connect :undra 2ort and /pecial

    )conomic Sone. !his is a firstHofHitsHkind alliance with the dani roup for settinup the !elecommunications 1etwork Infrastructure for its

    multiHsector /pecial )conomic Sone %/)S& located at :undra port;

    5& threeHyear contract with 1okia at an estimated value of (/N 6 mn to

    e-pand its mana ed 3/:< 32$/

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    & 8ith :icrosoft to offer :icrosoft’s latest 8indows :obile . technolo y to its

    customer. 8ith this a reement, harti irtel has become the first Indian teleco

    company to offer :icrosoft’s latest :obile . technolo y to its customers;


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    A+)2 , & V+05%, I. 2+2'

    For a brand to be successful, it must build endurin relationships with its different

    audiences. Inte ral to this relationship is the visual ima e of the brand the

    consumer carries in his

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    Th A+)2 , Lo o

    !he irtel lo o is a stron , contemporary and confident symbol for a brand that is

    always ahead of the rest. It is a specially drawn word mark.

    irtel 0utlets


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth






  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    2$09(C! 19 /)$=IC)/

    It offers its !)4)C0: services under the irtel brand and is headed by S5 +,

    M+22%,. !he company also provides telephone services and Internet access

    over 9/4 in all circles. !he company complements its mobile, broadband J

    telephone services with national and international lon distance services.!he company also has a submarine cable landin station at Chennai, which

    connects the submarine cable connectin Chennai and /in apore. !he

    company provides endHtoHend data and enterprise services to the corporate

    customers throu h its nationwide fiber optic backbone, last mile connectivity

    in fi-edHline and mobile circles, =/ !s, I/2 and international bandwidth

    access throu h the ateways and landin station.

    irtel is the lar est cellular service provider in India in terms of number of

    subscribers. harti irtel owns the irtel brand and provides the followin

    services under the brand name irtel :obile /ervices %usin 3/: !echnolo y&,

    roadband J !elephone /ervices % Fi-ed line , Internet Connectivity%9/4& and

    4eased 4ine&, 4on 9istance /ervices and )nterprise /ervices


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    %!elecommunications Consultin for corporate&. It has presence in all '5 circles

    of the country and has the covers A#R of the current population till F@# .

    4eadin international telecommunication companies such as =odafone and

    /in !el held partial stakes in harti irtel.

    In pril ' > harti 3lobal 4imited was awarded a telecommunications license in

    ?ersey in the Channel Islands by the local telecommunications re ulator the

    ?C$ . In /eptember ' > the 0ffice of (tility $e ulation in 3uernsey awarded

    3uernsey irtel with a mobile telecommunications licence. In :ay ' A ?ersey

    irtel and 3uernsey irtel announced the launch of a relationship with =odafone

    for island mobile subscribers. In ?uly ' A, harti irtel si ned an :o( with

    1okiaH/iemens for a E million dollar e-pansion of its mobile and fi-ed network.

    In u ust ' A, the company announced it will be launchin a

    customi+ed version of 3oo le search en ine that will provide an Larray of

    servicesL to its broadband customers.

    In :arch ' D, harti irtel will roll out third eneration services in /ri 4anka in

    association with /in tel . !his is because /in aporeHbased sian telecom ma*or /in tel, which owns a little over 5 R in harti irtel, is a ma*or player in the 53

    space as it has already third eneration networks in several markets across sia.

    To5 h2 ,

    (ntil /eptember #D , ' 6 , harti provided fi-edHline telephony and broadbandservices under the To5 h2 , brand. harti now provides all telecom servicesincludin fi-edHline services under a common brand P irtelP

    ppleLs i2hone 53

    pple has announced launch of its new i2hone in (/ and other ' countries on?uly ##th ' D, it is soon to be launched in India as well with harti.


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    0n #Eth 0ctober ' 6 $eliance announced the launch of a lack erry 8ireless

    /olution in India. !he launch is a result of a tieHup between harti !eleH=entures

    4imited and $esearch In :otion %$I:&.

    A+)2 , () $%+. Co 2+o

    irtel 2repaid, the $eady Cellular Card from irtel comes to you from harti

    )nterprises, IndiaLs leadin inte rated telecom service provider.

    F$))90: 0F /2))CB $)9)FI1)9...

    3oin mobile with irtel 2repaid is a new way of life.

    C0:24)!) C01!$04...8ith a host of reat features, also simple to use, irtel 2repaid

    makes everythin that you dreamt and believed, possible.

    /ome of the many advanta es that you en*oy with irtel 2reH2aid...

    !otal Cost Control)n*oy the liberty of total cost control with your irtel 2reHpaidT $eHchar e as much

    as you feel the need toT 1ow thatLs what we call complete freedomT

    1o $entals


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    uy an irtel prepaid card without havin to pay any rentalsT

    1o deposits

    @our irtel prepaid card comes without you havin to pay heafty depositsT

    /!9 Hsecond pulse rateT Freedom for you to e-periencelike never beforeT

    Instant $echar e vail of instant rechar e on your irtel prepaid card with *ust a few simple stepsT

    '6Hhour rechar e facility

    8ith our roundHtheHclock rechar e facility, rechar e you irtel prepaid cardanytime, anywhereT

    Caller 4ine IdentificationCall 4ine Identification ives you the power to know the phone number of the


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    callin party even before you answer the call, thus ivin you the choice to either

    re*ect or take the call. It provides the added advanta e of savin the incomin

    number directly in the Bandset 2hone ook. /o that the ne-t time you want to

    call the same person, you donLt need to retype his number, simply use your

    phone book.

    Call 9ivert, Call Bold and Call 8ait vail of special services like call waitin , call hold and call divert O all with your

    irtel prepaid cardT

    /hort :essa in /ervice %/:/&8ith irtel’s /hort :essa in /ervice %/:/&, send messa es and *okes to your

    friends and collea ues, anytime anywhereT

    /:/ based Information /ervices8ith irtelLs /:/ based information services; you can et up toHtheHminute

    cricket scores, order flowers as well as send couriers or check your daily


    =oice :ail service=oice :ail lets you receive messa es even when your handset is switched off or

    when you are outside the covera e area. @ou can listen to your messa es

    whenever you feel like, from anywhere in the world. =oice :ail can store up to #

    messa es of # minute duration.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    R 5,%) () $%+.

    Pulse Rate 60 sec 1.2 p/m

    Price of Pack Rs 150

    Free Airtime on Pack Rs 50

    Incoming Calls(Rs.) Free

    Airtel Other GSM Landline/ !MA

    LOCAL RATES 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s


    50 " 200 #M 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s

    200 " 500 #M 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s

    500$ #M 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s 1.2 p/s


    %SA& anada& '(r)pe *Fi+ed Line,&A(stralia& Sin-ap)re& )n- #)n-&

    hailand& Mala sia& nd)nesia& e34ealand.


    G(lf& '(r)pe *M) ile,& SAAR

    c)(ntries& Africa 7 Rest )f the 3)rld


    ( a& Sa) )me 7 Principe& G(inea9issa(& !ie-) Garcia& a(r(& S)l)m)n

    slands& :an(at(& )); slands&(

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    L)cal 1.00

    ati)nal 1.00

    nternati)nal 5.00

    :al(e Added Ser.00

    R 2 V%,5 Vo5 h ) o* A+)2 , + 2h M%)< 2

    1= Lo %, To$$+

    2ack available at $s.55 subsidi+ed local call tariff

    C%,,+ irtel to irtel 5 paise

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    4= N+ h2 S$ %<

    2ack available at $s.'> subsidi+ed 1i ht local call tariff ' paisa am to ##

    am& J # 2aisa am&

    B)+ * $)o*+, o* 2h 0 ) + 0

    #. NLD 0 ) + 0 HIn this we have already laid down our own fibre in '

    circles J will be coverin the full '5 circles by ne-t year. 8e have already

    started our services for the last D months. !he brand name of these services

    is irtel IndiaOne .!his intercity network is based on !: technolo y, therefore

    is ideal for deployin for the Intranet for the corporates who have multi

    Hlocation presence in India and intend to deploy a fail proof and reliable 8 1

    solution. !he network can support =oice, 9ata and all online applications. !he

    idea is to provide end to end 8 1 solutions with /ervice 4evel reements

    %/4 ’s& on uptime and response time.

    '. FS( S ) + 06B%0+ 0 ) + 07H In the Ist phase we have covered si-statesH9elhi, Baryana, :.2., !amil 1adu, Chhattis arh, 7arnataka. !he brand

    name is Touchtel . 8e will be coverin the other states in second phase.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    5. IS( 0 ) + 0 H 2resently we are havin the lar est pool of bandwidth %today

    > :bps& in the country, also i'i network H D.6!bps link between Chennai J

    /in apore as our International 3ateway. In the I/2 services we are offerin

    the last mile to the customers either throu h =/ !s

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    Co5 2 ) 2o.%'/0 o)$o)%2 $)o8, #0 w+2h 2h $ow ) o*



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    It provides easy access to ) mails, browsin and phone performance in all in one

    device. It works as a business or ani+er, so that you can remain free from

    rememberin our busy schedule

    !hin s move Muickly in the business arena and if you need to make Muick,

    informed decisions while out of the office, BLACK BERRY is the solution. !hat’s

    why lack berry is one of the most important accessories of the business class


    !hereLs no need for a laptop to view your

    emails, no need for a fi-ed phone line, and no need to lo Hon H theyLreautomatically LpushedL strai ht to your lack erry handheld.

    lack erry O allows you to send and receive ) mail where ever you are.

    lack erry inte rates seamlessly with your corporate email account offerin a

    simple and secure way to communicate usin 32$/

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    Choose from a variety of lan ua e options

    0ne son for all callers with )veryoneH!uneL

    2ersonali+e son s for special callers with Q/pecial tuneL

    8ide variety of son s and lan ua e options made it popular in no time.

    )ome of the other alue added ser i es offered from the Airtel sta$le are9

    V h+ , T)%

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    AIR 6A+)2 , I 2 ,,+ 2 Ro52+ 7

    irtel Intelli ent routin solution overlays your companyLs 2 G to route landline

    traffic throu h the mobile network. )mployees of the company can use their

    e-istin landline e-tensions to make calls via I$. !hey *ust need to dial a code

    %for e-ample like D, confi urable by the customer& to reach the I$ terminal.

    dial tone will be heard and users can dial the number, which they want to reach.

    !here is no chan e in the end user e-perience.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    I *o)#%2+o B)o%. %02

    Information roadcast is a means of simultaneously disseminatin information to

    multiple employees

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    Co)$o)%2 SMS D+) 2o)'!his service enables a user or a set of users to upload their mobile numbers,

    names and locations in an irtel /erver. !hese users can

    then access their numbers by usin the /:/ facility on their phones. irtel

    provides space to its clients to upload their directories onto its servers.

    !hese numbers need not be *ust irtel :obile numbers. !hese can even be your

    fi-ed line numbers. !wo or more numbers can be iven for the same person.

    A+)2 , D%2% C%).8ith the irtel 9ata Card, you have the freedom to access the internet anytime,

    anywhere across the 2an Indian irtel 1etwork. @ou can also avail of this

    service %0 'o5 )o%# + 2 ) %2+o %,,' . !he irtel 9ata Card, which is EDGE

    % . G(RS %8, . , has the features of a /I: card, which enables you to

    send and receive /:/. !he irtel 9ata Card is much faster than a G(RS

    o 2+o .

    0ne can a wail of instant confi uration and installation.

    4iberty of '6

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    S5)* w+2h+ 4

    For e-ample if you are in the Q1ewsL section and want to listen to the cricketscore, *ust say QCricket” and you will be taken to the cricket menu.

    ackup 0ptions 2rovided

    8ith irtel, you never have to worry about voice distortion due to e-ternal factors

    such as heavy traffic or too much back round noise. 0ur system will provide

    options for interaction if it is unable to understand your reMuest.

    F$)) Q lerts /ubscriptionL J Q:ulti :odalL Call ack

    For e . 8henever a new rin tone is available with us we will send you an /:/

    alert and you can then dial in and download that rin toneT

    A+)2 , L+

    !he hip and happenin sphere of the Internet is now on your cell phone with

    irtel Live! 2ortal.

    irtel Live! 2ortal literally puts the Internet in your pocketH your Internet :obile,

    thus the benefits are as wide as the Internet itself.

    irtel Live! 2ortal offers you access to a ran e of personali+ed services like

    email, contacts, reetin s, ames as well as access to a host of Information

    services and lots more. In essence, irtel Live! is the e-citin new way to live,

    innovate and stay ahead. :akin life *ust the way you want it to be .... P8I!B I!P.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    :obile communications and the Internet are now very much a part of our lives

    and the 8 2 service is the first step towards the conver ence of these two

    technolo ies. irtel Live! 2ortal is not only about 8 2, it is about the endless

    possibilities of wireless technolo y in the future. irtel Live! 2ortal will make

    networkin easier, enhance lifestyles and eMuip you to touch the ood life of

    today and tomorrow.

    8 2 phone is all you need to search for the latest news and information from

    around the world, youLll be able to buy travel or movie tickets, rent a car, play

    ames and check your bank account wherever you are.

    8ith 8 2, most of the information on the Internet can be viewed on a mobilephone.

    MMS L+ C%).

    A+)2 , () $%+. Ro%#+


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    t irtel, we encoura e you to $,o) 2h wo),. .

    8ith irtel $oamin /ervices and the world as your canvas,

    you never have to really have to be as far away from home as the miles define.

    Ro%#+ N%2+o %,

    irtel’s $oamin service allows you to use your mobile phone to make or receive

    calls from almost anywhere in India.

    Ro%#+ I 2 ) %2+o %,

    irtelLs $oamin service ives you the complete freedom to you to use your mobile phone anywhere in India and abroad.

    Ro%#+ - G(RS - B,%

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    SMS 4

    /:/ %/hort :essa in /ervice& is the fun lan ua e oin around the world and

    you can have reat fun in sendin messa es and *okes to your friends and

    collea ues.

    nd now you can en*oy a host of services by sendin a keyword as an /:/ to

    >6>T irtel have tied up with the best content providers to ensure the coolest

    services especially for youT

    /end :< :enu< Belp< B42 to >6> for list of services available.

    S ) +I *o)#%2+o

    ) + .

    K 'wo).

    A02)o,o '

    Ho)o0 o$ 9aily horoscope/end first 5 letters of your +odiac si n e.

    V4)0W to >6>

    C)+ < 2 Cricket /cores

    and updates

    /end VC$IW to >6>


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    R+ 2o 0 $in tones, 4o os/end V7eywordW V CodeW VBandset CodeW

    to >6> K 'wo).

    !01) /ends a rin tone

    4030 /ends a lo o

    Co. Code is the !one I9 or 4o os I9 that

    you wish to download.

    H% .0 2 Co.

    Bandset code is the short code for the

    handset make.

    107 X 1okia

    )$I X )ricsson, :otorola

    / : X /amsun

    4C X lcatel


    8ith irtel call conferencin , teleconference with > people simultaneously. @ou

    can also have the liberty of settin up a conference even when the other five

    individuals are usin a landline.

    Call conferencin is available only on select cell phones. !o find out if your cell

    phone has the facility, please call our Customer Care on #'# from your irtel



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    :obile 0ffice provides you with access to eHmail and Internet any time and

    anywhere, even while on the move. It is an indispensable asset for travelin

    e-ecutives, as it enables you to be in touch when at airports, hotels etc. 1ow you

    can access official mail, refer to sites for information and do everythin that you

    would, on the Internet. !his newHa e product is made possible throu h irtelLs

    32$/ %3eneral 2acket $adio /ervices& technolo y.

    G(RS Mo8+, O**+ 0 ) + h%0 2h *o,,ow+ * %25) 0?

    a& ccess the Internet anytime, anywhere %across all irtel circles in India&

    b&1o airtime char es

    c&Cheaper than connectin throu h land line

    e& minimal monthly subscription fee

    Mo 2h,' R 2%, $s ED

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    Airtel Live! SIM Services

    irtel Live! /I: /ervices is a menu on your /I: card that allows you to access

    loads of cool services and downloads on your phone in *ust a few clicks. For

    e-ample, instead of typin and sendin /!< 1)8< C$I< :0= as an /:/ to >6>

    to access information on horoscope, news, cricket, movies etc on India times,

    you can now scroll in your menu and reach this information in *ust a few clicks.

    !his menu already has the key words preHcoded in your /I: card, allowin you

    to et informationZeasily J swiftly.

    @ou could select any of the services mentioned above and et further information

    options on each of the services. /o, for e-ample if you select LnewsL under India

    times, you will then have the option of choosin from the followin i.e. latest

    news, world news, business news, entertainment news or sports news.

    Special Features

    1o more /:/ inbo- overload

    irtel messen er also on /:/ short code 6

    !he new irtel :essen er brin s an e-citin set of new features for you to use

    via /:/ as well as on your 2C =

    %= I 02% 2 Ch%2 w+2h *)+ .0 w+2h #%+, I.0?


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    3et in touch with your friends no matter where on the lobe they mi ht be. !o et

    started, /:/ friendLs email I9 to 6 .

    ) rohit[ to 6

    8= S5$ ) 0 %) h *o) w *)+ .0

    Find new friends from any of the irtel circles. !o et started /:/ / a e 3ender

    4ocation to 6 . ) / '' F an alore to 6 = Ch%2 w+2h w *)+ .0 + 2h #5,2+ + 2 ) 02 h%)2)oo#0

    .= S . F) SMS 2o *)+ .0

    M 5

    1= Co 2 02

    >= G%#

    3= 5+:

    4= S o)

    = / /:/ Char es 0n (sa e $s 5 per messa e $s 5 per messa e

    SMS M 2o 3333


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    Wh%2 %) S580 )+$2+o S ) + 0J

    8ith irtelLs /ubscription /ervices, you can subscribe for cool alerts at the click

    of a buttonT 8hatLs better is that you can receive updates automatically on your

    irtel phone without havin to initiate a reMuest everyday. Check out some of thereat stuff that you can access from irtel /ubscription /ervices

    D%+,' N w0 A, )20

    8ith irtel 1ews lerts, be in touch with the latest happenin s around the world,

    all the time. 3et ' news bulletins sent to your irtel phone, courtesy a*!ak, the

    '6Hhour news channel from India !oday 3roup.

    keyword V SUB NEWS to 5555


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    D%+,' A02)o,o ' A, )20

    4iterallyT 3et daily forecasts of each sun si n from renowned astrolo er :a 2rem


    • the keyword V SUB *+)02 3 , 22 )0 o* 2h :o.+% 0+ to 5555

    For e-ample /( =I$ to 5555


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    D%+,' o< A, )20

    3et the funniest *okes that you can forward to your friends to bri hten up their

    day too.

    the keyword V SUB OKE to 5555

    D%+,' B50+ 00 A, )20


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    For the latest bu++ on the business scenario, now you never have to look very

    much further than the palm of your hand. irtel brin s you the daily business

    news and stock alerts, courtesy usiness !oday, the leadin publication on

    business news J stories.

    7eyword V SUB BI to 5555

    D%+,' H %,2h T+$0

    e in your fitness re ime with irtel. 3et tips from wellHknown dietician

    /hikha /harma and by IndiaLs leadin heart sur eon 9r. 1aresh !rehan on

    beauty, skin care, health, eatin ri ht and much more.

    7eyword V SUB HEAL to 5555


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    D%+,' F+,#' Go00+$

    8ant the latest khabar on 4ara, /alman, Cameron and !oby" !une into irtelLsFilmy 3ossip, with the latest bu++ about your favorites Bollywood and ollywood


    7eyword V SUB FILM to 5555

    If you chan e your mind, you can unsubscribe at any point of time, as well as

    resume the alerts thereafter.

    FA & DATA

    irtel brin s you Fa- and 9ata /ervice where you can take your office wherever

    you o. @ou can send and receive data6>”

    hereinafter referred to as “/ervice” is open for the participation of active

    Customers of telecom circle of (ttar 2radesh 8est of harti irtel 4imited.

    !his /ervice provides the Customers a virtual place to interact with other

    Customers by leavin voice messa es for the other Customer without disclosin

    the mobile numbers of the participants. !he messa e is delivered at the voice

    mail bo- of the recipient and he

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    !he participatin Customer is reMuired to dial the short code of 5 5 6>

    respectively for availin the /ervice for which he seconds pulse& on >6>%9ial a Friend&.

    Wh' %) w 2h 0$ +%,+020 J

    8e are truly specialists in buildin and maintainin business communication

    networks for the followin reasons

    /pecialist Communication )n ineers skilled in undertakin pro*ects involvin

    latest technolo ies in areas of =21s, I2, :24/ and !:

    8e run India’s lar est !elecom 1etwork outside the 9o!< 3overnment sector companies, spannin :obile, Fi-ed 4ine, /atellite and International 4on

    9istance %/eychelles&

    0ur 1etwork 9esi ns inte rate capabilities for

    =oice• 9ata %2rivate J =21 1etwork&

    • =ideo

    • Internet

    • :obile =oice

    • :obile 29

    • :obile 32$/


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    !he study is on the perception of the corporate for the company harti irtel ltd.

    !he research had to be done with the help of Muestionnaire by which primary

    data could be collected .!he scope of the study was limited to the corporatewhich were under irtel enterprises services so for that the scope of the study

    was limited to those list of companies only by which the data of the companies

    was on limited basis. !he scope could have been wider if the companies could

    have been more than what was mention in the study as by which limited data of

    the companies were collected on the basis of primary data. /econdary data was

    only used to know about irtel, what its past activities were and where it is oin

    at present.

    !he scope was very wide as all the products of irtel were included in the pro*ect

    in which the data was to be collected on the basis of survey method by the help

    of Muestionnaire by which primary data could be collected and analysis could be

    done properly.

    ut as products were vast so no proper speciali+ation could be done for which

    problem aroused that vast details for all the products had to be know properly by

    which it became difficult to retain all the information properly but due to many

    products the information was collected was been used properly further for the



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    !he scope was wide but the data could be taken properly and as due to cast data

    collection time shorta e also was there so speciali+ation should have been there

    so that in the allotted time the mentioned products could be handled properly.


    !itle of my pro*ect is “2erception about irtel in corporate world”. In order to

    complete this pro*ect, we had to see the preference of corporate in telecom


    Th ()+#%)' o8; 2+ +0

    !he telecom sector in our country In this we had to find which the main

    telecom operators in our country are and what is the present scenario in our

    country re ardin their market positions.

    Th 0 o .%)' o8; 2+ 0 %)

    #&2erception about irtel amon st corporate locally It was needed to fi ure

    out the preferences of corporate houses in 1C$ re ion and what are thethin s they look forward to while choosin their telecom partner.

    '& 2erception about irtel in corporate internationally :any of the chosen

    companies are also e-pandin in lobal environment and irtel too is

    e-pandin its network to different parts of the world. /o, it was a need to find

    out what are the services provided by irtel on International level and what is

    the attitude of those corporate about it.

    !he above mentioned subHob*ectives will help in pro*ect to obtain the main

    ob*ective for which a Muestionnaire was prepared on the basis of which the

    research is bein conducted. y this the main ob*ective will be fulfilled as visit to

    different companies had to be done and ettin this Muestionnaire filled by


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    corporate and also askin about their perceptions and preferences in telecom

    sector. /everal companies were iven from which the data was to be collected.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    H'$o2h 0+0

    !he research is based on Mualitative data so assumed hypothesis is made on 6

    fields which are H

    %7 F+ . ,+ - !he preference of corporate for irtel fi-ed lines and hypothesis for

    that is H

    N5,, h'$o2h 0+0 HBoX irtel fi-ed line is preferred amon corporate.

    A,2 ) %2+ h'$o2h 0+0 H Ba\ irtel fi-ed line is not preferred amon corporate.

    !he above hypothesis is a one tail test as it states that irtel fi-ed lines are

    preferred or not and what is the structure in market concernin Fi-ed lines.

    87 Mo8+,+2' H !he preference of corporate for irtel’s mobile /I: cards, for that

    hypothesis is H

    N5,, h'$o2h 0+0 H BoX irtel mobile sim cards is preferred amon corporate.

    A,2 ) %2+ h'$o2h 0+0 H Ba\ irtel sim cards are not preferred amon


    !he above hypothesis is a one tail test as it states that irtel mobile sim cards

    are preferred or not and what is the market position of irtel in 1C$ re ion as per

    the preference of Corporate.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    7 I 2 ) 2H !he preference of corporate for irtel’s internet connection and the

    hypothesis for that is H

    N5,, h'$o2h 0+0 H BoX irtel internet connection is preferred amon corporate.

    A,2 ) %2+ h'$o2h 0+0 H Ba\ irtel internet connection is not preferred amon


    !he above hypothesis is a one tail test as it stats that irtel internet connection

    are preferred or not and what is the market position of various internet service

    providers in 1C$ re ion.

    .7 V%,5 %.. . 0 ) + 0 6VAS7 H !he preference of corporate for irtel’s = /

    and hypothesis for that is H

    N5,, h'$o2h 0+0 HBoX irtel = / is preferred amon corporate.

    A,2 ) %2+ h'$o2h 0+0 H Ba\ irtel = / is not preferred amon corporate.

    !he above hypothesis is a one tail test as it stats that irtel = / are preferred or

    not. !hrou h this I will also be able to find out that what kind of = / are reMuired

    by the corporate houses and what are their preferences re ardin those.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    R 0 %) h M 2ho.o,o '

    $esearch :ethodolo y is all about desi nin the research which indicates way of

    carryin out the pro*ect. It keeps the researcher on the track of the pro*ect study.

    It relates to the followin Muestions, which unfolds aspects of the research


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    8hat should be the type of research desi n either e-ploratory or


    8hat is the type of data to be reMuired for the pro*ect study either primary

    or secondary"

    8hat should be the method of collection of data"

    8hat should be the sample si+e"

    R 0 %) h D 0+

    )ach research pro*ect is conducted scientifically, which has specific framework or

    blueprint for controllin the data collection.

    !his framework is called research desi n.

    In this pro*ect I have used e-ploratory research desi n because I have conducted

    research throu h survey.

    $esearch 9esi n of the pro*ect is )-ploratory. s the term su ests, e-ploratory

    research is often conducted because a problem has not been clearly defined as

    yet, or its real scope is as yet unclear. It allows the researcher to familiari+e


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    )-ploratory research can be Muite informal, relyin on secondary research suchas reviewin available literature and

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    !he method was used in the pro*ect was the survey method as the pro*ect was toknow the perception of irtel in corporate so survey was used with the help of Muestionnaire fillin by which the data was further used for the analysis by whichthe perception of the irtel could be seen properly. !he data collected wasprimary data which was done with the help of Muestionnaires s the survey was

    basically on Mualitative data collection so Muestionnaire was developed in thefrom to et the Mualitative data by which the irtel perception in the corporate cabe seen properly.

    >=47 S%#$, D 0+

    In this study, convenience and *ud mental samplin have been selected.

    S%#$,+/amplin method refers to the procedure in which few units are selected from the

    total population, constitute a sample.

    S%#$, S+:

    I have taken sample si+e of # retailers in different location.

    S%#$, U +2


    in o + 0%#$,+ , the selection of units from the population is based oneasy availability and

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    determined by what was e-pedient, not by ensurin randomness. !he likelihoodof the sample bein unrepresentative of the tourism population of the communitywould be Muite hi h, since business and convention travelers are likely to beunderrepresented, and O if the interview was conducted in )n lish O nonH)n lishspeakin tourists would have been eliminated.

    !herefore, the ma*or disadvanta e of this techniMue is that we have no idea howaccurate is the information population. ut the information could still providesome fairly si nificant insi hts, and be a ood source of data in e-ploratoryresearch.

    In ;5. # 2 0%#$,+ , the researcher or some other Pe-pertP uses his

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    !he data collected for the research is primary data which is calculated by the

    help of Muestionnaires. !he Muestionnaire is to be filled by the corporate

    company which comes under irtel enterprise services. !he Muestionnaire used

    can be seen in the nne-ure .'.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    !he data collected directly ave us answers which lead to findin about the

    perception of harti irtel in the eyes of corporate and also further analysis of

    data ave different aspects and needs of corporate so it also ave some data to

    sales team wherein they could try to increase the services provided to the


    oth the data was reMuired for the pro*ect as primary data was reMuired for the

    research purpose and the secondary data was reMuired to know more about the

    telecom sector and the irtel workin at present and for the analyses that how

    the company would pro ress in the future. !herefore both data’s are important to

    o about the pro*ect one backs the other wherein we et both the presentprospects and future prospects of irtel.


    2rimary data was collected dependin upon the followin Muestionnaire

    prepared; wherein the ma-imum answers were obtained and dependin upon the

    different Muestionnaire filled we had to interpret the results.

    !he Muestionnaire used is H


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    /.10. 1 :) C01!. 40C !I01 4 2( 2$C EE/(7 /4!= 107I/(7

    20/!)$/ 11)$/ /I3












    !he data which I used as secondary data was basically taken from different

    websites and also the company websites. !hese data ave us clear picture of

    how irtel evolved from the time they started.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    !he data collected also ave us a clear picture of telecom rowth and also

    irtel’s rowth accordin ly.

    !hese data’s were collected from the website of irtel and other website which

    ave the information of irtel and the complete telecom sector.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    ccordin to the survey done on # retailers, they sold ma-imum no. of prepaid

    connections of =odafone in last three month’s , i.e. 5'R of the total sales

    followed by irtel which accounted for 'DR.Idea is a main competitor of irtel

    with '5R while $eliance accounted for # R sales. !ata 9ocomo accounted for

    AR. !he demand for (ninor has one down to the minimum of 'R.

    ccordin to the data collected throu h Muestionnaire from the retailers it is clear

    that irtel is competitin with hutch and idea.

    =odafone’s market share has one up by # R in compare to irtel in the areilly


    :arket 9emand of 9ifferent /ervice 2roviders ccordin to $etailers


    . i r t e

    l = o

    d a

    ! a t a

    9 o c I d e


    ( n i n

    o r > e


    M % ) < -

    2 D - # % &

    . 6 P 7

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    ccordin to the survey done of # retailers, about EAR of the retailers were

    aware of the value vouchers offered by the mobile service providers. 0nly 5R of

    the retailers were not aware of these value vouchers.

    :a-imum numbers of retailers are aware of =alue =oucher because customers

    demand for it J communication from the company is proper.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    fter the survey it was found that 'DR of the retailers were not aware of the

    =alue dded /ervices offered by service providers. 0nly A'R of the retailers

    were aware of these services and vouchers.

    !he main reason behind it is that the communication channel about = / is not


    Companies can serve its customers well only if its distribution channel is properly


    !he need is to communicate more our distribution channel to communicate ri ht

    information to them; effectively and timely.



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    s per /urvey done on # retailers; the ma-imum demand was of for local call

    rate reduction value voucher ie.>AR.

    !he demand for the value vouchers of /!9AR

    # R#5R # R

    1i ht Chat

    4ocal Call $ate$eduction/:/ 2ack


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    s the demand of /!9 is #'R this area should also be served because of its

    ood customer base.

    !hou h the demand of sms is less than what was e-pected but still # R

    customer demands for the sms pack.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    8e did survey of # retailers. fter survey we found that ma-imum demand is of

    $in tones i.e. 5DR in the :arket, *ust because $in tones is mandatory in every

    mobile phone and awareness is very hi h.

    nother reason is that it is very cheap as it can be downloaded at nominal cost.

    fter $in tones, Bello tunes is demanded on second number with 5 R. !he

    reason behind is that it is char eable per month and if we chan e it, we have toive # R respectively

    because the product awareness is very much low.

    !o improve the demand of value added services, we have to increase

    promotional activities, road shows, 202 != advertisements. In short we can say

    we have to e-pand product awareness.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    ccordin to the survey, #DR of the retailers were not satisfied with the services

    of I$!)4, while D'R were satisfied with the services of I$!)4.

    s #DR of the retailers were not satisfied with the irtel services; the main

    reason is improper communication. !o satisfy them more communication of

    various schemes is reMuired amon the distribution channel members.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    5ER of the customers were ready to switch over to other service providers, if a

    better plan is offered to them than their current plan.

    >#R customers were not ready to switch over to other service providers because

    of specific reasons.

    !he customers, who were not ready to switch over because of their mobile

    number is widely spread.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    fter interactin with 6 mobile users, it was found that AER of the customers

    were aware of value added services 8hile '#R of the mobile users were not

    aware of it.

    customer avail any product

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    fter the survey, it was found that about DER of the mobile users were aware of

    the value vouchers available in the market. 0nly ##R of the mobile users were

    not aware of these value vouchers.

    !he main reason of hi h awareness is better communication about =alue


    )very service provider pay more attention on =alue =oucher as it is most

    demanded service by the mobile user in the market.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    fter the survey it was reali+ed that 5ER of the mobile users use mobile mainly

    for incomin purpose. 5>R of the mobile users use mobile for makin out oin

    calls. #DR of users use mobile mainly for short messa in service %/:/&. AR of

    mobile users uses mobile mainly for out oin at ni ht.

    Customer perception about mobile phone has shifted from an incomin device to

    an out oin one.

    5ER of users use mobiles mainly for incomin . !he main reason is 4ife !ime

    Incomin . person who can not afford mobile, 4ife !ime Incomin scheme has

    made it affordable as there is no need to rechar e a ain and a ain. 8hen 4ife

    !ime Incomin scheme was launched, the customer has to make initial

    investment of app. # $s. ut now irtel has made it easier with its new

    scheme, “2ay #E$s. per month and et, 2lan will be converted to 4ife !ime

    Incomin /cheme automatically.0nly AR of users make out oin at ni ht. !his is minimum amount as awareness

    is low as it is recently launched.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    fter interactin with # mobile users, it was found that for 5AR users it is

    uncertain about travel in roamin . 'DR of mobile users said that they travel in

    roamin annually. #'R of mobile users said that they o on roamin very

    freMuently, while ER users said that they o on roamin at least once in every

    three months.##R mobile users o on roamin at least once a month while 5R

    o on roamin on a weekly basis.Customers who travel in roamin annually, they are mainly student, ovt.

    employee etc. /tudents mainly travel in roamin every year in holidays. 3ovt.

    employee used to travel in roamin because they et a free trip.

    usiness class persons mainly travel in roamin freMuently, weekly, monthly J


    !his clearly shows that there is a need of value voucher for those customers who

    travel freMuently.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    #R of the mobile users make more local calls and less /!9 calls.

    ''R of the mobile users make only local calls.

    #>R of the mobile users make local and /!9 calls in the eMual ratio.

    (sers, which make more or only /!9 calls account for >R J R respectively of

    total customers’ sample.

    !he survey has showed that #R of the mobile phone users use it, mainly for

    makin more local calls and less /!9R



    /in le heeter 2osters

    Boardin s


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    17 ( )*o)#% , , h%0 2o 8 5$ )%. .

    !he popularity of airtel amon the corporates is well known however due to some

    reasons one or the other the performance level is not that hi h .9ue to heavy

    competition from different telecom companies the performance level also needs

    to be up raded.

    >7 A+)2 , #502 25) + 2o o ) # 2 o#$% + 0

    2reviously accordin to overnment norms, overnment companies weren’t

    allowed to et there telecom solutions from private companies . ut due to recentdevelopment overnment companies can now look to private companies for their

    telecom solutions ,and hence harti H irtel must start to think faster and rope in

    as many as overnment companies as possible under their belt.

    37 F%02 ) +#$,+ %2+o o* 2h +) $) #+5# 0 ) + 0 %w%) 00

    9ue to heavy competition and different new norms set by !$ I private telecom

    iants are facin hi h competition from their competitors. !herefore durin the

    last year there was a Muarter wherein irtel went throu h and followed a silent

    period, wherein they revised their plan and at the end of last year irtel only

    followed the mantra of providin Muality services or premium services. ut due to

    such a lar e step irtel had also went throu h complete revision of every aspect

    of their market. ut the implication were slow, however a faster approach would

    certainly help them in their lon run.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    • In order to recapture its share of the market, irtel has to launch =alue

    =ouchers at competitive prices.

    • For desi nin the new value vouchers followin points need to be kept in


    Idea J Butch is the nearest competitor of irtel so irtel should launch

    =alue vouchers, keepin in mind both competitor’s =alue =oucher.

    • !he value voucher should be competitive in terms of price J features.

    • /u estions for the new value voucher accordin to the customer

    perception are

    =alue voucher should be applicable in 4ife time 2repaid also as like in Idea.

    Idea has lauched a new =alue =oucher of $s.#A in which Idea to Idea call rate

    is .# p per min. irtel should lauched at competitive price.

    irtel should launch =oucher which offer free out oin on at least one number of

    irtel to irtel either for local or both for local and /!9. =alue =oucher should be launched which can offer some call rate reduction on

    at least three /!9 numbers of different operator as per customer’s choice.

    /ms pack of 5 /:/ in 5>$s. should be continued J the validity should not be

    one month for 5 sms, it should be e-tended.

    :y su estions for new =alue =ouchers

    4ess validity period =alue =oucher should be launched such as for A days


    Incomin =alue vouchers while roamin for some freMuently visited states like

    2un*ab J 9elhi should be launched.

    =oucher of free /!9 /:/ or on reduced rate should be launched.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    8e should launch =alue =oucher occasionally or seasonally such as =odafone is

    ivin !@C %!hank you card& with its prepaid connection. !he voucher on

    festivals should be launched.

    :y su estions for promotin =alue dded /ervices

    $etailers must be re ularly conveyed with the latest information in field of = /.

    Call rates for =alue dded /ervices like at >AD, >6> should be reduced.

    !o promote Bello tunes their subscription rates should be reduced.

    !he rates of downloadin throu h 32$/ should be slashed.

    2roper communication channel should be followed amon the :ana ement,distributors, retailers and customers to ensure effectiveness J efficiency.

    uick (pdatin of new son s should be there in Bello tunes.

    :ana ement must make sure that all the services and information are with the

    retailers before it reaches to customer by any means

    “Company’s stren ths are the threat for other market players, while weaknesses

    can provide them the opportunities to improve.”

    9urin my entire pro*ect, I came to know about both the weaknesses and

    stren ths of the company.

    /ome of the stren ths areH

    3ood network J connectivity

    8ide cate ories of =alue dded /ervices

    Bi h rand Ima e.

    etter distribution channel.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    ut it’s the weaknesses, which provides opportunities to row and improve.

    For any company if these are not looked upon strate ically in time, it may lead to

    decrease in company’s market share.

    In today’s price sensitive market, irtel needs to come up with new innovations at

    re ular time intervals.

    !his may provide irtel the first mover advanta e, over its competitors.

    !he new improved value vouchers in the market will certainly help the company

    to serve all the se ments %customers& in a better way.

    !he =alue dded /ervices with competitive price ta s may enhance its usa e by

    the customers, because masses may not be able to access this = / at present


    t last I can say that, it has been a reat e-perience for me workin with the

    cooperatin staff of I$!)4.


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    COST ?- !he companies were all in various locations of 9elhi and 1C$ .!he

    eneral account list was e-tensive and had too many errors in address , which

    indirectly led to us oin throu h Muite a tou h time in findin those address and

    directly incurrin loss of money and leadin to shorta e of funds.

    ACCURACY OF DATA ?- !he data iven to us by different companies were

    doubtful as some of the data’s were iven to us in a hurry and some of the data

    were taken from some unreliable source due to shorta e of time. /o the

    accuracy of data was much Muestionable.

    AVAILABILITY OF THE RE UIRED (ERSON?- !he research was done to et

    the data from the companies I! head or dmin head or people who were takin

    care of these department ./o it was a routine for us to et the appointment fi-ed

    from the reMuired person and speak to him re ardin the services he is

    interested or he is usin . ut most of the time the reMuired person weren’t

    available, which led to revisit of the company until and unless the data sheet is



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    :any customers were not interested in ivin feedback.9urin survey I had to wait in point of sales for customers, sometimes no

    customers for whole day.

    :ost of the customers visitin had no time to fill Muestionnaire.

    :ost of the time when I asked customers to fill the form, they started talkin

    about their problems and asked me to solve the problems they were facin

    instead of fillin the form.

    s irtel has very wide customer base from hi her educated class to small

    uneducated businessman, so they were not able to answer properly.


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  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    !here are several sources which provided me the valuable information about

    airtel. !his information helped me in enhancin the affectivity of this presentation.

    :y valuable sources for primary data collection were uestionnaire.

    !he source of collectin /econdary data wereHH



    • www. oo



    6& :a a+ine

    • India today

    • usiness outlook ma a+ine

    • )conomic !imes

    • usiness /tandard

    usiness today.

    #? N@ )+A+@>)9

    • @B:N: !B ,! @);

    • H!NDC),AN ,! @)


  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth




  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth



    1ame of $etail 0utlet ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ



    .#. 8hich operator’s connection do you sell"

    #. irtel '. Idea5. =odafone 6. /14

    . !ata Indicom >. $eliance.'. 8hat is the activation status of each operator %accordin to last 5 months


    #. irtel '. Idea5. vodafone 6. /14

    . !ata 9ocomo >. $eliance

    .5. 9o you know about the value vouchers"


    .6. 8hich of the followin are the common sellin vouchers in the market"

    #1i ht Chat '. /:/ 2ack5. 4ocal Call rate reduction 6. /!9

  • 8/17/2019 Market Survey and Future Growth


    .>. 8hich of the followin common =alue dded /ervices is in demand %pleaserank&"

    #. Bello !unes '. Call Conference5. $in tones 6. :issed call alert

    . 32$/ >. Call divert

    .A. Bow many :usic /hops irtel has launched"

    #. # , '. #',5. # , 6. #D,

    .D. 8hat new features you e-pect to be in the =alue dded /ervices"



    .E. 8hat new features you e-pect to be in the =alue =oucher"


    .# . re you happy with irtel services"


    .##. ny /u estions"