MARKET STREET, BUILDING MATERIAL Alta California... · Baa Franelseo Thursila? Janaarf 81....

Baa Franelseo Thursila? Janaarf 81. UNSETTLING VALUES. Borne years wince our people hesitated about making for themselves homes, beoanse of the insecurity of land titles. Portions of the oity were oovered five or six titles deep, and there seemed no certainty of holding a homestead lot if one were purchased. About nil oar peo. pie had come here to improve their condition to gain a competency , and then return to their old homes to spend the remaining portion of their liven amid the old familiar soenes and friends. Bat as fortune would have it, this ooast was destined to bo peopled by the most energetic and enterprininp; of oar race. One found he had not been aa snooessfal &% he had desired ;another was not qaite ready to re- turn ; another that he had entered apon too many ventures, and therefore could not leave : and thus was it with eaoh and many through all the changes of fortune. Yet up to fifteen years ago but few homes had been lmilt. A large portion of our people lived in hotels and boarding houses, and they hesitated about buying land to build a home upon, because titles were so uncertain. At present all this is ohanged, all titles settled, and people feeling happy, are buying or building homes and preparing for permanence of habitation. And they hoped that the times had passed wh( n eaoh house-owner had to be ready to fee law. yers to defend what he had purchased in gcod faith and paid for. Bat now oome other dampers, in the way of ohange of grades, the widening of streets for the advantage of the few at tbe expense of the many, and laying out of new streets and consenting property in order that the owners of fast horses and handsome equipages may have a broad driveway, a Boulevard a la Paris, along whioh to display their fine turnouts. What Senator MoCoppin'd bill involves is a change of grade and of values of tbe streets from Turk to Waller— in fine, of all the streets in that section. One is ohanged, another I widened, and then the grand boulevard whioh is to tv m a dozen blocks of laud into a broad driveway. There in no nocesaity now for such an avenue to the Park, and never will be. The oity is spreading out, going to the Park. Every lot that is graded, every house that is built, every new (street graded and planked brings the Park nearer to the centre of the oity. Three lines of. oars leading to it are contemplated ; aud when they are completed all can visit the Park at slight expense. But if a few oitizenß have the teams nnd desire to drive to it, how much pleasanter to drive along suoh a street as Tjler, Turk or McAllister than along such a dirty, windy crowded thor- oughfare as Market street ? We oan only look upon the soheme of Senator MoOoppin as a thoroughly useless one, irrespective of any injury it might do to our oldest oharitable institution, the Protestant Orphan Asylum. RAINS AND CROP PROSPECTS. r|^^|.^lt is pleasant to look out upon green fields $0^ * ir nfr «V felt happy at beibg tbu&^lothed ; •> -v up once more to olear blue skies, 1 have dispensed withltheir curtains \u25a0* ;> > rll4-Snjl.tor l breathe the fresh air that '-u-jtn i'^: i washed by' the bountiful showers until not a speck, nor a streak of smoke, re- ,, mains to obstruot the vision. And what gives an additional fervor to the feeling is the hope, j ;•'•'\u25a0-\u25a0 the almost certainty that the rains have been ; '-' sufficient, aided by the rains hoped for here- , r after, to ensure the largest crop that; Califor- : nia will have ever prodflcetl,; From nearly, or qui^B^yory-BSSHJn of the State,' tho teit- . ajrjTJTTfiin tell the pleasant story. of abundant rains. From Ban Diego to 'the centre and cirbnmferenoe of tho State, from the sea-const - to the mountains, the earth has been washed and saturated bounteously. , More acres have been prepared and seeded than ever before, and if one could draw upon the future, be might Bay . that our farmers have the best promise which they have had for years. If the late rains Hhould come as usual, our golden crop will be golden grain to be turned into grains' of gold. Let our farmers, mer- ohantp,. laborers, all be happy now in the autiuipation of the near future, the fine crops promised,' and the impetus whioh abundant rains will have given to business of all kinds. THE LATE ELECTION IN ALAMEDA. The official returns of the special election held in Alamedtt County for Senator, on the 22 i inst , fihows tbat Bones, Workiugmau, rooftived 2647 votes, Crane, Uapublicau, 20G1 and Lamar, Damoorat, 577, out of 5397 bal- lots. In 1870,8288 ballotß were oast at the Presidential election, and the County has H litnii, probably, 500 votes in the meantime. We assume that about 3400 voters did not go to the polls at the special election, and Bones <liil not receive the support of one-third of the oitizans. Tbe small vote is ohar^able partly Ito the violent etoini that prevailed on the I election day. The figures indicate that most of Bones' strength came from the Demooratio side, and Q this agrees with the general opinion that the workidgmen of Bepublioan opinions have, as \u25a0\u25a0i a general rule, not followed the lead of the d incendiary agitators. It may be that many jf Democrats, considering their own candidate I certain of defeat, voted for Bonea, merely for •the purpose of preventing the suooess of a li-ijiublioiiu, but if this was their motive they ?> injured their own party by reduoing it to the .-.third plaoe, and showing that the chief sup- \u25a0' port of peace and justice is the -R^publicm B party. We do not Bay this with any desirp'to make capital for our party, which is a national organization, and jHhfTiiTiiitl limil interests v eloarly demand, we think itmay, without im- ll ' v iaui »*Wbi.' county elections, as has of tV.-n been done in ou £t*te Vithun- doubted benr.'lt to the cause of good govern- ment, although we may add that on various occasions the Republicans have yielded far more than could fairly ba demanded of them. SUFFERING IN CONSTANTINOPLE. i^J The appeal from the Bed Orescent Society ji>,. at Ooii^tantinople is one which' bring* vividly ' \u25a0\u25a0:.: to mind the terrible results of a war buoh as ;,-3^ this, which ; has cost itasßiu and Turkey \u25a0[ no mauy hundreds oT thousands of human Jives, \,;:./bo" many more hundreds of thousands of .\u25a0.-\u25a0% oripplod and maimed, and so much of suffer- :,-- , ing by the \u25a0 people not directly engaged in the battles, but Buffering perhaps quite as much as the soldiery. The appeal of the Central Committee of the Bed Crescents ' is to all ; : j kindred Booieties, all benevolent institutions, ~ and if all'kind-hoar ted: men of all \ countries. Wounded toldiers ar« flocking into Constanti- nople j from all parts of the country. Fifteen f / thousand refugees, victims of the war, having $ MleiTevMy thing ; ir/th6ir flight from the dreaded if^j prosenciTof tho upproaohing llussiuuH, having yS» lostjv audj. left everything and dependent E o.^,t>roiiT''Upo?.r! D^ & '>ty\\almosrnaked l .'with' no V 3 means .^wh'atoyer^ and small-pox and fevers I added to fheir condition, renders the state left everything in thtir flight from the dreaded presence of the approaoning Russians, having lost aud left everything and dependent entirely upon oharity, almost naked, with no means whatever, and smuil-pox and fevers added to their sad condition, renders the state I of uflairH in Constantinople pitiable indeed. Is *it possible \ that National : jealousy on tbe r. part of ;- the British can be so deep and rank J-.2B tbut the \u25a0' British Ministry can- entertain the [ >f|idea ; of adding to this fearful condition by I holding out uncertain hopes to the Porte, or [.. by commencing anew ' the war, which has already overwhelmed, if not destroyed; Turkey -Jin''': Europe? Charity \u25a0 would answer in the ?:!• i negative. " •\u25a0•' hr.'-.<-/\u25a0h r .'-.<-/\u25a0 v-»,v•','\u25a0'-'.'.~i':x"v -»,v •','\u25a0'-'.'. ~i': x "- ' \u25a0 BEACONSFIELD'S TEN MILLION. \ "%'3£-~. To-day the demand (or an extraordinary oredit by the British Ministry is to be acted upon by the House of Commons. Itm put forward not exactly as a war . measure, bat as |;^ one 'necessary for the Government' to have V granted in case there should be a call for war- " like measures. Throe millions of it is said to 'M be intended for the " Navy, : two for the land forces, and one for incidentals. Mr. Glad- [i ** i Btoue is striving to arouse opposition to it, [i s ;belie viug' it. may loal to war with Ilussia, ' t \u25a0wuioh he '- deprecates. \u25a0 ; v England has been moving to separate Austria from the triple al- liauce of the three Emperors, but with, as re- ported, not ; vory absolute success. Should tho grant be carried by a large majority, it m.iy exert a great, influence. Gladstone says \u25a0 , }; that the country is against the grant, although the Commons will probably favor it. An up. peal to the patriotism of the British people is- 1 : (likely to be -met with an affirmative answer, and the amonut asked for, about fiftymillions h^ do'larp, ; will probably be voted. What then ? 'Z&l Is Et)»land Roing take up the glove at this vCfil at f day, after having very.; quietly seen her told aliy nearly wiped out from the; map of '•Europo ? Itia hoped not. There has already '\u25a0 been blood enough spilled in the settlement of this Eastern question, this decision of the question whether the brutal Turkish tyranny shall continue to crush down all who do not believe in the Prophet and turn their faces , toward Mecca when they pray. MINING STOCKS AND MINING. Slight Improvement in Busi- ness—New Bonanzas -Closing Quo- , . tations. i There is hardly any change of cote In the prices of stocks, the market showing firm, and the busl- i ness of yesterday showing an Increase. Alta and Justice were the leading stocks dealt In. The com- , promise between theeo mines are repotted off, bat from the manner the shares are holding up, we in- cline to the belief that negotiations will be resumed soon, and consummated this time. '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 The bonanza mines, as dividend day approaches, Show Inert «Bed strength, sad have their Bouroe In the ; bullion yields of this month, whioh are sufficiently large to ensure tbe $2 dividends from each. The Territorial Enterprise, in a recent issue, has the following Inreference to the bj)W development! upon tbe Oomstook : ••Judging from tbe fine development reoently made on the 1751) level ot the Consolidated Virginiamine, much is to be expected from the broad unexplored belt of vein matter still lying to the eastward of all the leading mines toward tbe north end of the Oomstock. II this newly-developed body of ore had been found anywhere else except in olose proximity to the bonanza mines, it would have oreated a pro- found sensation in mining circles and a marked effect In the Stock Market. Had a deposit of ore 40 feet in Width, of unknown extent north and south, and up and down, assaying far up In the hundreds, been found in Gold Hill, American Flat, or any- where but where this was encountered, everybody would have been wild for shares in the mine in which the a rlke was made, and in all other mines in the Immediate neighborhood. Being wltbin the boundaries of tbo bonanza minos, however, the de- velopment so iroely creates a ripple In tbo tide of mining affairs, as It would seem that people have come to be surprised at nothing that Is found within or about the California or Consolidated Virginia mines. . '.•.' <• Although this splendid development has thus far been looked upon as a mere matter-of-oourso ad- junction ot tbe Bouanzi mines, it really has a mean- ing outside of them. It was found far to the east, and alter passing through tutorial so discouraging In appearance that It was at one time thought hardly wortn.wnilo to drift iuto it further. This eastern body having bean found under such olrcumstanoes, we do not consider itat all unreasonable t > suppose that other bo lies lie a o.g tbo lead in similar posi- tions. MFollowing the range of the naw ore-bedy south- ward, we Hiinll find that it passes In front ot the Savage and Hale and- Noroross mines, at no great distance from the point where was reached tbe gre t body of water that flooded those mines. A* such great flows of water generally oome from the borders of a vein of quartz ore, it Is not unlikely that tbo Savage folks were on the point of cutting into » body of ore when they , wore driven out of their 220 J level by a flood that filled their whole mine. lie ore-body lately found Id the Consolidated Virginia probably does not extend as far south as the Savage mine, bat in front of the Savage, and corresponding to It In range, there may be another and far larger body. The deposit found in tbe Con- solidated may extend southward Into I'm Best & Belcher and Gould At Curry, but whether it does so or not, there will be likely to be found something corresponding to it in front of those mines. As tbese chimneys of ore always have an inclination to tbe southward, it is not unlikely taat the one just found in the Consolidated may reach far into the Best 6Belcher at some depth. •• At present, however, the Bavage and Hale & Nor- oross have the best Indlcnt of being close upon inch a body of ore. Now that this strike far to tho east has been made in the bonanza mines all will watch with renewed Interest ttte progress made in draining the flooded mines and the resumption of operations in those levels whence came the great influx of water. \u25a0The body ot ore found fas to the eastward in front of tbe is another encouraging circumstance. Itmay be tbe continuation of tbe body found in the Consolidated Virginia ; but, whether it is or not, it Shows that in a certain range In front of the Corn- stock boJles of good ore may bo looked for— a string of bonaLZiS, as It were." > j OLOOINU QUOTATIONS, *| Reported by Wilson . Dunlap, 125 Hinsome street : Uphir, $53 1*, sales; Mexican, $14, asked ; Alta, !8? g , sales ;Con. Virginia, $23 {4,sales ; California, $2-», asked ; Gould & Curry. $«?&, Bales ;Best &Belcher, : $18?,, sales ; Savage, 112%, sales; Hale ItNorcross, *10?§, asked; Ohollar-Poiosl, $32 H, asked ; Grand Prlzi, $1314, sales ; Silver Hill, s2 70, asked ; Eureka Con $39. asked ; Bullion, $1 60, asked ; Utah, fiav«, asked ; Exchequer, $3 05, asked ;Union Con., t Gv£ asked ; Sierra Nevada, $4 30, asked ; Imperial, tOo, asked; Yellow Jacket. $9 \. asked ; Belcher," $s!*, asked; Overman. $17^, asked ; Justice, $10%^ asked ; Crown Point, $5%, asked. \u25a0r Cr?-'?^> cv 11 1 ; na cui^X**" Mining operattonaJ»»B^contlnued through tin- week with the ji^traTprogress. Making good pro- greas in t\i^rx'»nn\ou of drifts, raises, etc' The Beveral^ojC>odies continue to yieldtheir usual sup ' ply?"On tbe 7th level the north cross cut from the main 'drift has been advanced 4t> feet. On tbe Bth level the rise from the ore chamber is completed. The drift from tbe 7th level to connect with this ! Will be completed In a few days. On the 9th level j have started a new incline wloze from the station | and sunk 10 feet. On too lOtb level tn > rise on the line of the new Incline is up 8) feet, having raised 3) feet this week. The wiuzj In tbe west ore body has been sunk 10 feet. Tbe west drift on the lltu level continued IS feet. The furnaces are running well, and yielded 331 tons of bullion, being tbo p:o- duot of 1,36) ton* of ore reduced. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Commit. ton Meetings Yen terdajr A Modest Pr position from S. IV. Hol- lo. d»y—Tho Street Sprinkling Iran- chine The Hospital Fund Deflolen- oj, Etc Tin' 0 of Amendments of the Board of tJnperv.H >rs held a meeting nt hilf-imst 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. til preßldml. Mi'shth. (IlliliH, llonntron, Acheson, Hco'.t mid I'.iU--,, int'iii- th of the Committee, wore present. H. W. Holladay, attorney-iMaw, appeared befuro the iiiiiulttuu, and nut that lie had IMB a resolu- tion adopted by the Board, requesting the l,"/i»I •- laturo to grant the privilege of expending tuue thoiiHauda of dolUm In Improving publio n|iiiii<---. Among those mentioned was LtUyptte Square. Ho waR the owner of six ntty-vara lots which were located in tbe blocks comprising this square. Three of them were on tho north Bide of (Jlay street, bo- twoeu Octavia and QoURb, and the other three on the opposite side of Clay Street, If tbe Board In- tended to Improve this Fquare, It would be advis- able for tho city to purchase Urn interest In the lotH named, as tbe improvements, if carried out, would adjoinbis land on every Bide. Ho had consulted with the Mayor and tin- City and County Attorney, and they had referred him to the Oommltteo. Inanswer to a question from Mr. mil, Mr. lloiu. day stated tl at the 60-vara lotl were worth $30 OJO each, or (180.000 for the entire property. 'i'heie wan no contact of tit In whatever. If tie city could stand tbo improvements suggested, bo certainly oould. Mr. Uolladay subsequently observed that the rlty claimed » one-twentieth Inturoßt in oaoh 60- vara 10t.. a claim which be did not dispute. The Committee decided to refer the whole matter to the City and County Attorney for bis opinion. Mr.Gibus said that be did not believo t tat it wan good policy for the Board to make any arrangement whatever with parties having claims against the city. The safest way was to carry them Into Court and have them settled there. TiiK BTBEJCT-SPBINKLINO FBANCUISK. -"'„; The representative of tbe present street-sprinkling companies came before the committee for the purpose of opposing the passage of any resolution by the Board requesting the Legislature to pass a bill granting power to the, Bapervisors to issne a franchise to Blancbneld. * Co. for sprinkling the streets of this city, as said that a protest had been signed by over Btvvn hundred business men against such a franchise,;*" members of the .Board had also signed a**#test agalust it. Mr.Uotiutree was decidedly opposed to having the Legislature grant the Board the author! to give •aeh a franchise. -Mr.Glbbs said that the Boird did not want the »utliority to give any man or firm a monopoly. Tbe Legislature could pass a billHiving the Board power to grant franchises for street sprinkling. The Board could Kraut ten. twenty, or a hundred it they saw lit. This was the way to break up the monopoly wbtch at present txlttid In tbe city. Mr. Boundtree thought t ie safest way was to let I; alone. Mr.Danforlb said that tbe Street Committee hid recommend*-* i iranchUe, and a resolution drawn by that Committee and adopted by the Board, had been |M)t to Baorameoti, requesting that such authority be vested in the Supervisors. Mr. Hill replied t Sat too resolution now before the Committee was ' the one presented at the last meeting, ; repealing the former resolution and re- questing the Legislature to oppose the passage of any billgranting to any Individuals tbo exclusive right of watering the streets. ,' After some farther discussion the Committee re- solved to report a substitute resolution to the Board; questing tho Legislature to oppose all such franchises. PUBLIC PARK IMPS') VEUENTS. The Committee then took up Supervisor Glbbi' resolution, requesting the Delegation to procure snch legislation as would empower the Board to expend 112,000 on Franklin Square. $0,0,0 on Jackson dquare, and $800 ion Yeroa Baena Park. \u25a0 Mr.Glbba was of the opinion that the city would have Borne difficulty with their titles in the Int ire if some action was not taken In toe premise*. Mr.Hill thought that II the. ; Squares mentioned were fenced In It would answer all purposes for the present. \u25a0 \u25a0 ... .-The Committee took the aame view, and agreed to act accordingly. XHB HOtPITAL DEFICIENCY. ' Tke resolution requesting the Legislature to to. oreaae the Hospital Appropriation from $13,000 to $16,000, and a farther appropriation of 115,090 for tbe denoienoy for the present fiscal year, was taken up. ,s, s 'Mr. Qlbbs said that tbe number of inmates in the Hospital and Alma House, had increased 25 and 40 per cent., respectively, during tie past year, and consequently a larger drain was made upon the Fund than In tbe previous years. Both these insti- tutions were conducted economically and ably, and both Dr. Bryan and Mr. Keating aesurved great credit. To show the difference in one Item of expenditure at the Hospital, between the present time and a couple of years ago. Mr.Glbba said : < The liquors furulsbed to the Hospital during the past year cost about 91110, while, under a previous man- agement they cost over $10 00 for the same length of time." The Committee were of the opinion that the Increased appropriations were actually necessary and agreed to report favorably on the resolution. Tne Committee then adjourned. A MISTAKE IN A BID. The Oomouittee on Health and Police and House Of Oorreotlon— Danfoitu, AcheHon and Ulbbs otld a meeting at 3 p. m . John Staade, the contractor who furnished provis- lons to the different pubito Institutions, came be- fore the Committee, and represented that there had been a mistake inhis bid for furnishing corn meal which be (I Hired to have rectined. His olerk had made the bid read •< two cents per pound," when it should have read •• three cents per pound." He had ! made an alliiavlt to these facts, and the previous Board hnu allowed him the other cent, but since tbe new Board time in, It had been withdrawn. The Committee were clearly of tbe opinion that nothing could done in the matter. The coutract bad' been made and signed, and the contractor would have to abide by It. - A PETITION FOB BELIEF. A communication was read from Mrs. M. M. Boule, Becordlug Hecretary of the Ladles' Protection and X -!ief Socimy,' stating that tbe Society believed 1 that tbe city should grant compensation for the | board of such children .. as were sent \u25a0to the institu- 1 tion from the Mayor's Ollloe. . | The Committee. were of the opinion that It was Just that homeless and innocent - children should be cared for by 'the city and |at the city's expense, but I as it did not lay In tho power of the Board to niako any appropriation : for suoh a purpose, t icy would have to report adversely to the petition, but would suggest tba. reference of tbe petition to toe Ban FrancUoo Delegation in the legislature. OAB FIUNOHtf . The Gaslight Committee, Messrs. Hill, Ulumne. and Scott, met for the rorpoee of bearing tb« Rtate ment of £. J. Baldwin, who cent In an application for a franchise, gome weeks since. Mr.Baldwin did not put In an appearance, how- i ever, and i'iottilu« was done. . i j .Mr. ;J)tnforth snggeated that the rcaron of bis absence was that he was trying to throw come light onlanotber iubjoct In tho FiltorntU DM lot Court. The Street Committee and Uutslde Land Commit. ' te» also held aetsions during the : afternoon, bat no j business of lmportanoe was tranaaoied. . THE CAPITAL. I iwift'a Water Bill— The Proposed Of- floe of County Registrar— Swift'tt * IV. o and Salary Bill Favorably Re- J ported San Fvanolsoo Bills Favor- a ably Reported— A Batch of New 1 Bills* ' 1--IKJM ova special oobbkspondbmt.] , Baobamento, January 30th.— The r»ln came down 1 n torrents again last night, and continued until an > >ariy hour this inorntng. * The roooptlon of Benator Bones was the excite- ' nent of the evening, and drew out a large crowd. ' SWIFT'S WATHII BILL , .Vits under consideration before tbe Han Francisco Jelegatlon lait night. The attack appeared to be ( ed by Anderson. A large number of amendments »ere proposed, and Borne of the most obnoxious >noa nearly succeeded In being passed one vote, In many instances, deciding tho question. Doubtless , ;he bill, when It leaves tbe Delegation, Will lie nothing more than a skeleton of is former propor- tions. But Mr. Swift rays If they will only allow the bill to force tbo Oompany to fix some rates, he will l>e content, and believe that a great step has been accomplished. But the bill has not yet got ml of the hands or the Delegation, and there la no knowing what will yet be done with the bill. Another meeting was held thin morning, and a lan -n number of amendments proposed bat not acted upon. THE DIVISION OF BOTH! COUNT* | Is now being considered by the Assembly Committee on Counties and County Boundaries. Argument*) are being heard from the parties at interest, and It will be some tlmo yet before the subjeot recelvos a di unite recommendation of tbe Committee. A QUOTE: QTTK ABUUMKNT AgalDßt MeOoppiu'B bill, asking that the Govern- ment net aside Angel Island as a cemetery, Is, that In the Winter months, as the funeral steamers would have to cross the swell coining in at the Golden Gate, tho miseries of mal-de-mer would be added to the affections of the mourners. ;--Y rii iTl."'l INi. STOCKHOLDERS IN COMPANIES. Senator Pearson's bill, providing for the better protection of stockholders in Incorporated com- panies, provides that ice Governor of the State shall appoint a County Registrar, who shall hold office for a term of four years. His oilico shall be ait 'id county seat. He shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duty, which shall be f 50,003 in Ban Francisco County. | A certlnoate of stock must be presented for registration, and the Ueglstrar shall countersign Itand affix his seal. The Register shall keep a book open to the publio, showing the number of shares in each company, the amount issued, etc, He must cancel old shares before countersigning new ones. For Ban Franolsoo the Registrar shall collect for each certificate of stock oonntemlgned twenty-flvo cents, half of which be may retain, the balance going to tbe Bcuool Fund. Alter July Ist. 1878, no nncouutenlgned certificate of stock shall bo received in evidence for any purpose whatever- BALABIEB AMDFEES. The following bill has been reported back to the Assembly by the Baa Fraud -co Delegation, and ltd passage recommended : | Heo. 1. From and after the tint day of December 1871), itshall be unlawful for any officer of tbo city and county of Han Francisco t > appropriate to bis own ut*u any fee, commission, perquUit >, or other emolument uf his said office, exoe^t the' regular otll^iul salary provided by this law and attached to sai'i office ; provided, that the Anßessor of said city aud count} may cotttuue to collect and appropriat) t i his own use suoh commission upon the collects n of poll tuxes as are allowed by tho laws in force on said above-mentioned day. With the *xoeptl»n of said commls ions upon said poll taxes allowed to said Assessor, all fees, commissions, perquisites and ' emoluments of office receive! by auy offloer of said ' city and county fur any purpose, or upon any pro- tense whatever, shall be by such officer, within thirty days from the receipt thereof, paid into tie treasury of said city and county, into the Special Fee Fnnd, for the benefit thereof. :-rr. 2. Any officer of Bald city and county will- fullyfalling, neglecting or refusing to pay any lee, commission, perquisite or emolument of office re- ceived by him, into Bald treasury, is provided for < in section one of this Act,for the space of ninety ' days, shall be deemod guilty of a felony, and, on conviction, punished accordingly. "i Beo. 3. The salary of the Mayor of said city county is hereby established and fixed at tho sum of tour thousand dollars per annum, which Is to be In lieu of all fees, commissions or emoluments of office, t > take effect on said first day of December, a. n., 18 9. * i Beg. 4, The salary of riu City and County Bur- veyor of Bald city and oounty is hereby established and fixedat the sum of $5000 per annum, in lieu of all compensation, fees, commissions, or emoluments of office ; and tuc B j»rd of Hupervisursu&AOtnotTzed and empowers 1 to provide BUchg>rWand assistants as shall be necessary lv as t about Bald office at such Bttlarits as ilii'j deem propor, to be paid as i)tlicr_>U»ci!iT are paid, t) take effect on said \u25a0BrStday of December, a. » 187'J ; provided, that tbe Board of (Supervisors shall lix and establish the ftes f roni lime to time us necessary and regulate the mine. Bko. 5. The salary of the Sheriff of Bald olty and county is ben-. by tixed at the sum of $OUOO per annum, in lieu of all fees, corutuisbiom, or othit emoluments of office, to take effect on said first day of December, A. d. 1879. Hko. (>. i in- saury of tbe Public Administrator of BMd city and county •» hereby fixed at the Bum of three thousand dollars per uuuuui, to be In lieu of all fee*, commissions, or other emoluments of office , and at the cud of his official term, said Publio Administrator ntiall transfer and turn over to his hucctssor all osta'es, property, and things in bis i hands and unadmlnistered upon, subject to such rales, orders, and reguUtions for the protection of persons interett.d as the Probato Court or Judge shall (teem advlbable and shall make, to take effect on Mid first day of Decfpil e•, a d. 1070. Mi- 7. The salary of the Auditor ot Bald oity and oouDty is hereby fixed at Mia sum of lour thousand dollars per annum, in lieu of all fees,' commissions or '6'tft'i'r VBRh'ifflß& 9A <ilMf,\9,<* *%£<&«ft said I llrnt day of April, a. »., eighteen hundred and seventy- nine. H«O. H. The salary of tlin City and County Attor- ney Is hereby fixed at the sum of live thousand dol- lars per annum, to bo lv lieu of all foes, cotnuiU- hloiih itittier emolument* of office, to take effect on Raid first day of April, a. d., ulklUoou hundred and nty-uiiio. A««vml»ly. A message was announced from the Governor, oontalulng his approval of several blllH, anting which was Hugg*' bill, exempting growing crots from taxation. Coffey, from the Ban Francisco Delegation, reoom- mended the passage of a bill Increasing the number of Supervisors and providing fur the mode of electing the mime. Also, tho bill increasing the Police Contingent Fund. \u0084 Also, increasing the number of Deputies In the offlco of the Superintendent of Streets . Also, the billreleasing surotk<s on tho bail bond of William AMIS, in tbo casu of the \u25a0< Escaped Nun." The Assembly ordered printed the amendments submitted by B*lft, to the bill amending the Election and Registration law. •in-it.-, from Committed or Corporations, reported favorably on bill creating ollioe of Bank Commis- sioner, recommending its reforence to Special Com- uiitti (i on Havings Banks. lienshaw. from Committee on Public Expendi- ture, reported adversely on billmaking au appro- priation for tne representation of California at tho Freuch Exposition. Nott, from Committee on Ways and Means, re- ported adversely onbillregulating the. rate of inter- eat it) the proposed Usury law. •:'. { Favorably uu subßtuute fur bill reducing salaries, i to., of members and attache* of the Legislature. Now bills were introduced as full" 1 " - : By Tuitle— Amending Politic*! ' Code in relation to.electlous. [ Requires . t*:» elector to deposit bis own ballot , the O> .>i Register to be annually pre- pared ; also, District Registers ; also, prohibiting voting on oertlncaUß ; also, that names must be ou Ibe Great Register twentj-eight days before any general election.] To Committee ou Elections. lij Diiinlnu) For relief of J. T.Boyd. [Provides for payment of expenses Incurred by <yd inchang- ing tbe grade of Beale street, ban FrauolNco.] To delegation. By McClure Supplementary to Act facilitating the construction of a canal in the olty of Oakland. [Authorizes tho transfer of $40,754 2) from the Canal Fund to the General Fund of county for tbe payment of any judgment in tbo United States Court for the condemnation of tbe laud ] To Ala- m<da delegation. By McComap Concerning tbe office ot County Surveyor. [It abolishes tho office of (Jjuuty Bur- veyor, and makes all practical surveyors who give bonds in the sum of $5100 County Surveyors within tueir respective counties. The billis a copy of the law now inforce in Missouri. ] Referred to the Ju- diciary Committee. By Oofftj Amending the Ban Francisco City Criminal Court Act. [It provides that the Court shall be a Court of Record, with a ee»l, ( to., and shall have the same forms of process and procedure ' as the Municipal Criminal G'outt of Ban Frauoisco, and makes twelve terms for the yt-ar, commencing on tbe first Monday in each month. In case of vacancy in the Judgtship, the Governor may supply it by appointment. Incase of illness or inability of the Judge, he may call in tbo Judge of tie Ci'y Criminal Court, or If be be unable to serve, the County Judge of any neighboring county may be called In.] Referred to delegation. By Tobin—Concerning property within the city and county of Ban Franolsco. [Authorizes Super- visors to donate to the Central Pacific KMlro»d and the Southern Paoiflo In common, for terminal and other purposes, so much of (lielands as lie woat of Kentucky and southwest of Fourth street, oovered ' by streets and alleges, which were vao&ted by Act of March 11,1474.] Beotion '1provides that Supervisors shall oonvey, for a fair and reasonable ptloe, tbe l*nds set apart for market places and produce exchange. Referred to the delegation. BERATE DELEGATION. The Senate delegation held a meeting at 1o'clock to-day. Present Howe, Dean. Donovan, McOoppin, Pier sou and Craig. In the absence of Nanau, Pier- son was elected to preside. Captain Mullan was permitted to address tbo dele- gation on tbe water question, 11" said that the per- sons associated with him contended that portions of the Rogers Act of List session were unconstitutional. I He also maintained that Swift's dedicatory Act amending Kogerß' was not good legislation unless it went further and allowed tbo Commissioners to negotiate for supply outside of the peninsula of San ' Francisco. ' He alto contended that the Roger* Act! should be further amended by Inserting the amount ' of the bonds to be .given by partieß offering to soil j water to the city,and that powers of eminent domain conferred on the CuuiiniSHioners should only bo ex- ercised through the courlß. Oapta'n MulUnfurther addressed the Delegation in support of Feather river projects, assuring them that it was the Clear Like project with Clear Lake left out, only to be used in time of drought. \/-; McOoppin remarked that the Assembly Delegation bad punched a hole in Swift's bill, fixing water rates, by introducing an amendment allowing the Spring Valley not less than 8 or more than 10 per cent, undefined capital, and if this principle was to I prevail, it would be useless for the Senate to attempt any legislation. Captain Mullan asserted that 20 cents per 1000 ' gallons was an ample price for water, and that anyi company could make money at that figure. He also j asked tue Delegation to take measures to ' promote competition in the water supply, and relieve citi- \u25a0ens from monopoly. The Delegation then took up the Polloe bill. MoOoppln submitted amendments lor creating a Police Life losnranoe Fund $2 per month being added to tire salary for this purpose. HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEES. The Committee agreed to report back Assembly bill to protect tbe publio health and regulate exbu- mation aud removal of human remains, and recommend its passage. Tho Act Is con- sidered •as calculated to discourage Chi- nese immigration by embarrassing the ob- servance of certain customs that are regarded by them as most sacred and Imperative to wit, the exhumation and transportation of tbe bones of their dead to their native country. Hanna's bill rblativd to ejectors was taken np and the Committee agreed to report it b&ok with a Bug- gestion that it be reforred to tae Committee on Klec- lions. The Committee agreed to the amendment of the Jixemption law (Welch's bill) so as to exempt Tom execution 75 hives of bees belonging to one engaged in the business of producing honey. J. O. J. Da. J. Simmb, the original and profound author, Impressive and pleasing. lecturer, will lecturo on •• Breathing and F.ailog,"at Dashaway Hall, tonight- Admission. 25 cents ; Course Tickets. 60 cents. "{ —— —— , . lira. Hydb. tbe well-known Medium, gives sittings dally^Ml7;J 4 Market St., Parlor No. 2. 10-14 Photographs oi superior finish at Morse's Palace of Art, 417 Montgomery street. \u2666-•-^ . Db. 1,. J. Czapkay, Practicing Phyßlolan In San Francisco blucb 1854, ru»y be consulted at No. 20» iCeurny street ; offlco hours, from 9 A. M., to 3, and 7toBP. M. Consultations free. Special attention given to treatment of Ohronlo, and Disease! of the Nervous System. ijU A CARD. San Fbancihoo, January 30th, 1878. Editors Alta :Noticing a statement in tbe Ban ranolsco CVinmicl* of January U6th, In oonnuctlon 'lth the wreck of the bark King Phillip, In which ; is charged that the Captain got Into a beastly tate of intoxication during the trying time, we ereby pronounce the charge a false and malicious ne. We, as Bhipinateggof Captain Keller, desire to tate that all that could be done was done by him, nd at no timo during our connection with him have re seen him in the state mentioned, or unable to lerform his duty as a mastor or a thorough seaman, rhloh ho undoubtedly is. •• Fair play Is a ]ewel " 11 tbe world over, and we cannot but brand the tatement of tbe paper mentioned as •• Chronidf. Ike," and as false as it is disgusting. Yours re pectfally, J. H. Wuinr, first mate, been with Captain Keller 9 months. i T. Books, second mate, boon with Captain Keller months. J. Aggerty, seaman on back King Phillip. Henry Wilson «• " •• •• Anguit Johnson, seaman with Captain Keller 13 nontha. Kdward Johnson •• King Phillip 0 months. Wm. LangTeat, seam'n with Capt. Keller 7 months. Otto Wagner •• •• " •• 3 months. Albert Beck •• •• •• •• 4 montbr. M.NlUon <• •• •• •< r. luoiitnt . William Btahl •• •• •> •• 6 monthu. A. Pettertion, seaman aboaid KingPhillip. O. Husar •< <• <• •< 10 months. Will Anderson •• •• •< •• '.' months. Matthew Leask •• •• •• •• 4 months. B. X Peterson •• >• •\u25a0 •• 10 months. Henry Richards •< •• •• •< a months. Henry Smith •• •• « •< '2 months. Jack Carlton <• •• •• •• 4 months. Charles Anderson •• •• •• •'• months. Fred Young \u25a0< << •• •• '2 months. A. Hunge •• •• •• <• Caerl Jobanaen •• •• •• •• H...mi Benson •• •• •< •• John lilavo •• •• •• •• D Pape Henry Olsson •• •• •• •• 16 nioutbs. U.Thompson \u25a0• •• •< •• 4 months. Jonepb Bmlth 11 •• •• •• '24 months. John Crookvc •• •• " •• A months. Charles Lynn •• <• •• •• 4 months. Martin JeUnson <• •• >• •• Fredrick Kbstrom •• •• •• Charles Smith William l.lnai •• •• 11 •• For tbe very best Photographs go to Bradley *\u25a0 UnlofHon's. Prices reduced. Closed on Bunday. Jljiilli JJte California AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. rt. M. NKWHALL A CO.. corner of Bannome and i Bailee* : street"—sell - »t Haiearoom. at 10 o'clock, > Special sale ot Horses, Bungles, etc. i}, BO.' F. LA.MBON. No. 425 Koarny street, up utalru-noll on tne premiaM. No. 018 Stockton street, ; . at 11 o'clock, the Furniture ot residence. S R.R. ROLLINS A CO.. No m California \u25a0•'*«\u2666- sell on th« premises, corner Stockton and ValleJ > 1 streets, at 1 1 the stock and futures of a Grocery ;Bto *«. If J. LINDO. No. 625! California street— sell on th» preml ten, No. 223 Montgomery avenue, at 11 oclock. S the Htock and Fixtures of a tJaloon. i •-.% dividend of Ten per cent, on the capl* ;:il stock of tlio Merchants' Exchange Bank of Han l-'rnn :isco will be paid February 1, 1878. j ja3t-3 ; W. F. BASTINGS, Cashier. ' ii of" Company, Second li>r«ntry \u25a0 Regular meeting for drill on FRIDAY, February jJ£l, 1378, at 8 oclock p. m., at tbe First Regiment Arm iy, New Montgomery itreet, near Howard. Every member willattend. By order, I ja3l-a WM. U. BDKTia, Secretary. «/"Moikiio!(l.rn' Meeting of Fort lama Gold and Quirtz MiningCo. By order of the Trus. tees of thin Company, a Stockholders' met ting, for the purpose of urgent business, will bo held at the ofllce of the Company, No. 319 Clay street, in the j city of Han Franclsoo, on SATURDAY, March second, ' I*7-1, at t*o o'clock p. m. . j a31 WM. BOQEN, Secretary . ODD FELLOWS' SAVINGS BANK, i BLKCTIOiN NOTICB. aVNotlce Is hereby given, that Hie annual meeting of tbe members of the Odd Fel> lowa' ttiivlnga Bank, for in- election of Directors of Bald Dink for tbe ensuing year, will be held at the \u25a0 'Hi-- of the Bank, room No. '1, Odd Fellows' Hall, No. 336 Montgomery street, on MONDAY, February 11, A.D. 1878. Polls to be opened at 7 o'olock v. m. and closed at 9 o'clock p. m. of that day. I JAM BENSON, Secretary. Ban Francisco, January 30, 1878. j>.U , FOR SAJLK. "i [)P"- r -, AMAONEALE&URBAN BURGLAR PROOF Ififl ffIjsJAFK.35 iv lbs., with two combination locks, JlB9|BjS(i Inches hl«b, :fli Inches long, '•'"• Inches , "" l'"*wide. Cost i liOU. Been used a verjf_»hort time. Applyto JUH^ULJjUYt), .:| j * : 1 1.7 . Room 15, 411 %,. California etreot. ' SEMI-ANN DAL STATEMENT or ram Masonic Savings and Loan Bank. A. Corporation doing lniHlneHH nt I \i».<i i*ohisti'cct,Nnii FriuiclHco.C'nlif'oriiiH Quarantee Capital $ 150,000 no Reserve (fund IS,Bsti mi l'niil ii|i('«|iltal lilt, 87 (Balance of Capital assessed and Incourse of collection) ...I ASSETS. \u25a0 ~ T : \u25a0 1.'.-.-ii Kstnte In Sun Francisco, Alumeda, Solano, ami Mmin CounticH, nenrly all ; of which Is productive, the actual value of which 15....;. .... $ 188,888 10 Promissory Notes secured by mortgages on Heal Estate anil by United Stnten, 1 County and city and County Bonds, I Warrant! nml securities 1,307,609 *>- Allof laid notes and mortgages arc owned '..' \u25a0 j My the said M/iHonlc Bavtngs and Loan Bank, ami are held ami kept In it« own vaults, nt Uh place of business In Sim Francisco, and the bonds am) other seuritles are held ami kepi In Hh own vaults. Cash on band in gold and silver coin and 111 United Utait'B currency notes and In I ni1.. 1 Slut, r; K.i'l.'l 'no'lr.., 11l- n.V.i.i'l value of which In In gold 116,701 02 Km nil 'ii.', SnfcK, etc 6,828 is Tolal 3 1,504,084 81 LIABILITIES. Amount due to Depositors $ 1,308,1-H 87 Aiiiiiuiit of paid lipCapital nnd Reserve I'nml a 188,467 88 9 1,886,012 .W Surplus of Assets over Liabilities r>7,i-i 81 $ 1,594,084 ill Ran Francisco, January 1878. . ! stntu of California, City and County of San B*rsncl»co, —Win. 11. Culver, President of the Masonic Savings mi. i i. Bank, and 11. T. Qraves, Secretary of mi. I Hunk, being each and Bovsrallj duly sworn, each for himself da pose ninl aays thai tbe foregoing itatemenl of the condi- tion of MiM Uank on the Slst day of January, 1878 i- inn-, f.i tin' best of hN knowledge ami belief, WM, 11. OULVKR, President. 1 11. T, ORAVEB, Secretary. j Siii»ncrll>eil and sworn to, before me, this thirtieth day of January! A. 1). 1878. \u0084 [NoiAitiAi. BKAI.I JAMES L. KINO, ' Jn.'ll Notary Public. j sb£ NUTWOODS 1878 BIX YEARS OLD 1876 Time, 2:31. 1877 BEVEN YEARS OLD 1877 Time, 2:23 % NUTWOOD— Stallion— 15 hands— foaled got by Belmonl (son of Alexander's Abdallata, ' •lam by Mambrlno Chief.) \u25a0\u25a0 Kln-t .lam !Mlss I{iihki-1 by Pilot, Jr. Second dam Sallle Russel by Boston. Third dam Maria Rushol by Tliorton's Battler. Fourth dam Miss Shepherd by Stockholder. i \u25a0ii'tii .lam Miranda by Topgallant. Sixth iiniu by Imp. Diomede. Seventh dam by Imp, Medley. KlKlith dam byImp. Juniper. < Will serve the limited number of Forty Mares at san Jobs I'air Grounds, commencing February 15, at $75 gold coin for the leAton, payable at the time of mtvlcc. I Mares not proving with foal may lie returned next year, free of chaise. Mares kept at owner's rink. All Mil* nuiht be i>nl<l before mares are taken away. Address JAMES HoDONALD, Groom, Jnlll SAN JOSE. FOR HONOLULU. ii m :<- « ' i ..v it i>is~ii'A'r< 1 1 X^IXVJfI Rrjg- The A ! Schooner feMJfny W. 11. MEYER, BROWN - Master Innow receiving freight at Hathaway 'a wharf and »iii have i|nick dispatch. For freight or passage npply to Ja3l J. C. & CO., 204 California st. "VachTfor sale, CHARTER, OR exchange: 'OO r \ LARGE, SWIFT, AMI EI.EOANT. I Owner going away. Inquire nt tills office, J3l-7< HUUBOLST BAY. FOR EUUKIU, AUI'AIA AN!) lIOOKTON. THE STEAMSHIP : HDMHOLDT, GEOROE PATON Commandei W.II sail from Jack-on street wbaif for tin- 11 ove ports, on SUNDAY, K,-l> .1, at l> o'clock A.M. F-ir rrelgbt or passage upply to Ja:il SKABLES & STONE. '42 California St. Boom 1, OPPOSITION! For Portland, Oregon, Direct, Carrjlng U. S. Hail, Express and Treasure. Cabin Passage, $8 ••-• SteeriM?*, (3. All Classes of Freight, 91 OO per Ton. >£-££% " l: PACIFIC COAST si'KAM. nrAlrinsii ship Company will dispatch the splendid A 1 Steamship IDAHO, 2000 Tods, E. ALEXANDER , .\ .... Commander From Broadway Wharf, SUNDAY CUB. a AT TEN O'CLOCK A. M. Through T ck<»tn soli to all points In Oregon. Warh> I (f on Teriitnrv and British Oolnmbla. rbl<Is \u25a0!!*•< Mas of ilia Cnmniln* loners ( t Fmltra- IIn fjrOrejfo •Hud Washington I'ory. Ticket Offi:e, «14 Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS & 00, Agents, Jit 'l No. 10Market street ERTIFIOATE OF COPARTNERSHIP WE V-» certify that we constitute a partnership trans, acting business in this State ; its principal place of business is San Franolsoo, California ; its name is HDBASH & HIRBCUMAN. Manufacturing Jewelers. The full names and respective planes of residence of all its mombers are signed hereto. - Ban FranoUoo, January 30, 1873. JOSEPH UUBABH, of San Francisco. I l. 8.1 ADOLPH HIBBOHMAN, of San Francleco. [l. s.l Acknowledued before James L. King,Notary Pub- lic, on tbe SOtb day of January, A.D. 1878. Filed, January 30, 1878. THOS. H. REYNOLDS, County Clerk. jaSl.Tbfi By Jno. F. Fabbam, Deputy Clerk. /I EBTIFIOA OF PARTNERSHIP— We certify v^ that we constitute a paitoer»hlp transacting business in the olty and county of ban Franoisoo, California. Its principal plaoo of business is San Francisco, California. Its name is BRYANT BBOTHEBS. The fullnames and respective places of residence of all its members are signed hereto. Dated. San Francisco, January 28, 1878. JAMES GRAY BRYANT, Denver, Colorado, [skill By his Attorney in fact. William Hilton Bryant. WILLIAMHILTONBRYANT, San Francisco Isxax.l Acknowledged berorj William Harnoy, Notary Public, and filed in the County Clerk's office-, of the city and county of Ban Francisco, January 29, 1878. JaSl-ThS BOILER'S BITTERB. \u25a0IMfK UNDEUSIONK D'lB SOLD AGENT IN OAU JL fornta for the sale of tha above celebrated 'Hitters, He Is prepared to deal with Merchants and Jobbers on the most reasonable terms. WM. B. JOHNSTON, *ti California (street Kan Trancise GUJSNF BAGS. 1 \d \ MACKS-FOB MLB BY KITTLE ft CO. BANK DIVIDEND. \u25a0Nero IVfrucrrtsemcnts. ! THE WEEKLY ALTA CALIFORNIA " \u25a0x*xxxiei \A/'JLJI3SCI OONTAINB !c! c | ( Only a Poor Worbingmnu—selected ; j A Herolno In Rags— selected ; The Ghost Robber— selected ; - How I came to Marry —selected ; The Shadows of the Old Love—selected ; \u25a0 Poetry selocted ; Legislative Proceedings ; 1 Latest Mining News ; Industrial Condition of the Htate ; Commercial, Produce, and BulpplugReports ; Correspondence ; Eastern and Domestlo News ; Latest Telegraphlo Despatches, For sale at the office, No. 5!«9 California street and at the News Depots, throughout the City and State. ;\ SlnjrleCopies (postage paid) IU cents Yearly < subscription, «SI 75. j J. G. BRYANT W. H. BRYANT BRYANT BROS Dill ANI üßfUd WHOLESALE j '. \u25a0\u25a0 AND ; COMMISSION LUMBER DEALERS, MARKET STREET, DEAL IN ALL CLABBKH OF BUILDING MATERIAL REDWOOD, COMMON AND DREBBED. PUGET BOUND PINK, OOMMOM AND DREBBED YELLOW PINE, COMMON AND DRESSED. SUGAR PINE, COMMON AND DRESSED. LVTH, BHINQLEd, DOUR 9 AND WINDOWS. SPANISH CEDAR, BY THE CARGO OR SINGLE LOG. Have had twenty (20) years business experience upon tbo Paoluc Coaat, and are thoroughly conversant with the wants of tbe trade lv Idaho, Utah and Nevada, as well as throughout the interior of Oregon and California. Will personally >uporlntend shipments to dealers in any of the aforesaid Btates and Territories. Special attention given to the ~o?f££ FOREIGN TRADE. Prices quoted on Lumber delivered at any port In Ottilia,Japan, Australia, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Islands of the Pacific. ';.'., CASH ADVANCES m Made on cargoes to arrive and foreign consign For tbe Arizona Trade will ship either from this port or Chicago. Office hours, 10 A.M. to 3 P. M. Ja2J •ruonin ami Carry Am Mining Com. Pauy Location of prln tpa* p!sco of business, .-an Vrarideco, California— Location of works, Virginia, Storey county, Nevada— Notice— is dellnqunt upon tbe following described stock, on account of awsobH in.-, it, (No, 32; levied on the seventeenth day of Decem- ber, 1877, the several am nn's eet opposite the names of tho respective Shareholders, »s follows: I No. of No. of Names. Cer Ideate. Shares. Ami. A!kln«on, Lyon A Co, Trustees.. 2 »81 20 I2HOO Atklcßin. Lyon A I'll. Trnetecs..-£!iB2 .11 -in00 BonvnKeO W, Trustea 18512 10 10 00 RHftrdainv P K. l'rnxttie 14K8 10 10 00 Bourne X M.Trostoe... lamtb 10 10 00 OulMa James, Tru5tee............. BM9 100 100 00 ' Oi Ilia J-.mes. CrTMtee.. ........... let11 20 20 00 Ooilln James, 9...... ...... .12't8 6 500 CoiUn Jamt r, TrastHH....... 1978» 100 100 00 Co til n Tru5tee............. 2i774 20 20 00 Coinii James, Trustee .2477% 20 > 20 00 fa»WHl*ofl'.Trn«w«* 1i..-...--.-.-.-.l i..-...--.-.-.-. Sff ?, SJB O»rilll X AOo.TrnHU»en 17(^2 5 500 Oa'iiii »r, a "o, tm«i.««i» mi 5 ft 00 OahUl X A 00, Trustees 1:15:1:, 100 100 00 Ohliii 1 Hi A On, Trustees i)r,3<) 20 2100 CahlJlK A Oo, Trustees ......inn urn 100 on OHfilll A Co. Trustees. 237 18 100 100 00 Cahlll Oo.Trnstens.. MJIB7 6 5 00 Urocxpr AHnydam.Trnutees....it6s6 20 20 00 Cr.-cknr A WuyiiHin. Trßstei ... 21416 6 600 Orcckor A Mnyilim Trnster<i ami 20 20 00 Crocker A Mtifditiu. TrnsU'fß.... 22569 20 29 00 Orocknr AHuydain.Tiuileei... 'i'ASn 111 id mi Oope. Utiier A <'o. Trust<>«s. ...... HIHO 10 10 00 Coin,!, irbler * O«i. 'J'lrnr.i'fu ...... |j:i:ii jo 1000 Oops. Uhler A Co, Trustees ......14415 5 son ('in.. I'hler ,V , Co, TriiHM 1 H 11420 111 10 INI Oo,)», Fbier A ( o, Trust -e5...... 157!)!) 20 :iu>i Com. Uhler A 0 >, Trustees .~...1*i&l 10 10 00 Ol'iary Alid>ew 57,'j0 100 100 00 Drexler L PA 00. Trustees 1088 ft 5 00 Drexlor 1. m a 00. 'Vrnsteos. ...... 2"6.8 5 6 no Dijon T R. Trustee v.i.i 10 10 00 lilxr.nT 11, Trustee 14786 100 100 00 Durbruw a JC Trnstne ...rr>ls 1.1 10 00 Dnrurow A IC, Ti ustee .....Hi l". 25 28 00 Durb row a X, Trustee .....212U4 6 00 for O •*", Truatfw 18>7 6 6 (Hi FozO W,Tru5tf1e..................t8102 100 100 00 Vox OW, Trustee M 10 JO 00 PiankPl L B. Tru5tee.. ............ B<yi» 5 5 00 Foster A W, Trustee ..........2lT*B 20 20 00 l-'/ii I's '\u25a0, \u25a0Mit-11 .......... .2-f4:<9 10 10 (X) X nil r if, Trustee.... II.; 8 I 10 10 00 Frg '•• O U, Trnstirf 45.'» 100 jno 00 Ul.ulor I A 00, rrußu-«(n 20 20 00 Giaai»r ) ACo. Trnmeefi........... 18680 6 6 00 Ulazler 1 A Co, TriWUM*! I ... . I 50 60 00 Glazier I A00. Tru».\*es ...... 184«7 100 no (mi Gimslhi i A ..... Trusieos 19«4I 10 10 00 Olar.ier I A Co, Truf tee;...... ZI'JM 10 10 00 ilirtxior 1 <* Co. TrusteeF .....21716 100 Mi 00 Giaalor I A00. Trustees .....ZXB2S 20 20 00 Gia*if>rI A00, Trustees £1049 60 CO 00 Olaxinr I A iv>. Trustees ...... \u0084240>i 10 10 00 Gardiuer A Hooker. TrustAfs....luJ73 6 6 00 Greenebanm, Jlelblng A 00. Trustoea 8787 6 5 00 Greeneoaum, Hetr.lng A 00, Truuees 1:711 to 60 00 Greenebaum, Helbli-K A Co, Trustees 1547* IB 10 CO Ureenobauin, Helblng A Co. Trance* 16778 20 2) 00 Greecebanm, Htibing A 00. Trnnteoß |.V/T» 20 2000 Gordon O I", Trustee 24*0 20 20 00 Gibbons tf W. TruNtee. ............ 25 25 00 Giuthlsr A Silnultt Trustees .. 12488 6 600 Gati'hlor A rVctmltt, Trustees ..1412A 5 6 00 OaUla-d K.i, Trustee 6566 .Ml 8,100 Gret>nb4um LA Co, Trustees.... 600) 20 20 00 UnldiinltnA, Truetfte.. .......... .21079 10 10 00 HallBdward XA C ». Trustei s ... dim 20 JO 00 Hall Kdward P A (jo. Trustees... *2sg a) 21) 00 Hosmer AKouruH Trustees...... 16652 70 20 00 Ho»n>er A Bo~>rne, Trustees...... 17926 10 10 00 Hi>Niiw-r A Knur '1 1 iih'>-»>i|..... „!-.:)-> 20 20 00 Honmer A Bonrne. Trustees...... 2tiD9 so 60 01) Hnsraer A Bourne, Trustees 'I UHi 10 10 00 Hosmer A liour.,o. Trn8tee5......24190 20 20 00 Hosmer A Bourne, Trustees 2(276 20 20 00 Hall A Charles, 1'rn»tee5..........18W4 10 jo 00 Hall « Uliurlt-8, Tmntees .....13&97 5 6 00 Hutchlnsin John. ....... 239(i6 20 20 00 Hut«!hlnaon John, Truoioe 2441*2 20 20 00 H' IT.iian H.'1TU8t00. ........ .....16761 20 20 00 Hont IraO. Trustee _. 2281 20 211 CO a a wit itrst R. Trustee...... 11991 60 60 00 .lonfvtnon J 13241 10 10 00 Id:a Jin A Co. Trn«t«fs l -M7 l 10 10 00 K>nney * i»yer, Trustee >.. ...... 20 20 00 I La>u*tn A King, Trustees KilWI 25 25 00 I Latham A King. Trustees 1V337 2i 25 00 L*tbs>m AKing. Tru5tee5. ...... .2 »66 60 to 00 I.uty F E, TrnnTO 20671 10 I 0 00 Mn'yeweoTA H on. Trustees.... HBb7 IP in 00 UaryeGeoT AH in, Trustees.... 12462 10 10 00 I Marye Oeo T AHon. Trustees 12163 10 10 00 I Marye OooT* won, Trustees ,H77:« 5 500 Marye G'3oT AHon. Trustees.... 18313 20 20 00 Marye Gro T* Hon . 'trustees.... 2o739 25 25 CO Macptiemon John, Trustee ......1421 20 20 00 Macpnerson John, Trustee....... 14412 5 ft (10 Uarphernon Tohn, Trustee ...... .199HA 10 10 00 Meaner Nat T, Tru5tee. ........... '20W5 6 500 MikitNh I. Tru5tee........ ....20084 10 10 0* Murp'iy X P, Trustne ........15518 5 6 00 Mllliican II 8. jrtifttee .22159 20 2000 Moroni v Fail A Co, Tru5te>.a....22(77 20 20 00 NiMiKni'lHi- 1. Trustee. ....... 21189 600 600 00 N'Uhtutterl, Trustee 2240H 10 10 00 N..|lslAll«r I Tillnti-B __- ._- f.}if>A K/KUI Mv, m ' Noble H, HA 00. Trusteed 21910 5 600 Noble H H A 00. Truman...... ..2.W0H in 60 00 Noble HH A 00, Trustees 23294 10 10 00 Noble HE * Oo, Trustee).. .24014 10 10 00 Nash John, Trustee 10980 600 CO 100 O'Hrlen Win McMabon, Trustee. 13'. n,60 60 00 O'Brien Wiu McUntioo, Trustee. 411 40 00 Plan XO. Trustee 18 « l 20 20 00 I'latt A O. Trustee ............18788 10 10 00 Platt XO. Trustee 187F9 10 10 00 Richardson A, Tru5tee.......... 175 5 nOO Richardson r;A, Tru5tee..........?486ii 25 25 00 ' R'cnardson XA. ........ 24.'08 to. 10 Ot I Rich D, Trustee..... ..............18701 20 20 00 iticli l),Trn»tee ...............18703 5 6 00 I , Rich D.Tru5tee5. ................... 21001 10 10 60 iiaudoipti, Uackluto-h A Co. Tru5tee* ........................ ..'£?:(* 100 100 00 By WT 8, Trustee 17183 £0 80 00 Hcnmledeil, Hoohstadter * Co. Traat005 .......................... 2033 10 10 00 Schmledeii, Jlochstadter A Co, Tru5tee5 .......................... 7889 20 20 00 Bchmiedell, Hocnsudter A 00. Tru5tee5 .......................... 9130 20 20 00 Bohmledell, Hochstndter A Co, Trustees 14351 100 100 00 ' Sohmledell. Hocbstadter A 00, \u25a0'< - Trustees l.vii 5 5 00 ' Scbmledell, Hochstadter A 00. Trustees 15895 20 20 00 Schmtedell, Hocha A Co, Trustees ............ .—. 15897 20 -23 00 Sciitntedeil, Hochstadter A Co. Trnntoes 17179 50 60 00 Hclmiiid»il, Hoohstadter A 00. Trustees 206'!9 10 10 00 !Sohmledell. Hochstedter A Co I Tru5tee* .......................... 2294 1 20 20 00 Schmledall, iloohsiadter A Uo. Trnnt*«s. 2«R6 20 20 00 BobmlttO A, Trustee, bal.. 514 V 75 Schmltt 0A.Tru5tee..............13519 10 10 00 H-oit fl H A Co. Tru5t«e5.........20882 50 50 00 I Trltia FA * Co. Trustees 18870 60 60 00, \u25a0 Tarpey MF, i'rnstee ..............22170 645 64S 00 I •arneyM X.Trustee....... 22171 40 40 00 Tobln RC, Trustee .... ............ 24371 50 60 00 Tibln R C, Tru8tee................M601 10 10 08 Tjbln R C. Trustee .24602 6 6 00 Woods A iTrt^abora, TruRtee5......14219 60 60 00 I Woods AFreeborn, Trustees 15971 6 6 00 Woods A Preenorn. Trustees J8948 50 80 00 , \u25a0 Woous A Trustees 20193 50 60 no Woods A Freehorn. Trustees. 2112? 100 100 00 I \u25a0 Woods Krephorn, Trustees...... 21166 100 100 00 Woods AFree-barn, Trustees 22786 50 50 00 Woods A Fret- horn, Trustees 2.7 m 20 < - 20 00 Wooos* Frroiorn. Trustees..... 22707 20 20 00 Woods* Freebnrp, Trnatees 22798 10 10 00 W'ii(li& F.-eeboru, i'rustees....2?iMi6 100 100 00 ' Woods * Fret born. Trnntees..... 23099 10 10 00 I Wotds<s Freebowi, Trustees 100 10000 I WoivliA *Te«horn.frnat«ea...... 2,llo2 60 60 00 I Woodn AFr«ebora, Trustees .....23»3 \u25a0 100 100 00 ' I Woo-s * Freeborn, Trustees..... 2 1554 20 2 > 00 Woods &Freflborn.Tru-,tae5......24:82 20 20 00 White A W, Trustee if>77i» 6 6 00 Wattles A Hnrton, Trnaters......l7<)6s 20 20 00 Wat'lts ABnrlo'i. Trustees...... 18910 70 20 00 Wattles ABurton. Trustees .18979 10 10 00 WrU pr ABurton, Trustees 12314 25 25 00 I I Wr O d HP* 'o Trustees 17106 100 100 00 I Weare II L. Truntee 10503 3* 83 00 Old Isau* ausler I & 00. Tru5tee5........... 8319 20 20 00 I And In accordance with law, aud an order of the Board of Director' , made on tbe seventeenth c'ny of December, 1877, so 111*111 shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be soil at publto suc- tion at the office of the Company, B om No. 60, Nevada I U'.oc*, N<>. 30) M n'giroery street, an Francisco, Cali- ;fornia on WKDNESDtY, tho thirteenth day of fobru ary, 1878, at the hour of one o'clock I*. M. of sad day, to pay said delinquent awssments thereon, together withcosts of advertising a*d expanses of the sale. ALFRED K. DURBROW, Secretary. I Office—Koom No. 69, Nevada Block, No. 309 Mont- 1 Igomery street, Ran F;ancleco, California. ]a2S 61 Miles Iron. Pipe. »»> | O 4 IN< UATI'HItJIIiSTO I»Krif com. petition. For sale in lots to suit, by 27-4p K. T. BTEEN, 328 Beale Street. | SPRING VALLEY WATER STOCK. GAS STOCK, CITY AND COUNTY BONDS, AND ALL LOCAL SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND BOLD BY f»"MWl > lm F. H. WOODS. 316 Pine street. PREMIUM OIL. 1 J»sT li I»RO«KKS TKHT-MANC^AOTCRKO M.9\Jr by Deuslow A Bush. The beet high teit OS | the market— forsale by - •l» KITTLE ft 00. Spttxal Notices. N. O. ARRINOTON, LAW ANDCOLLECTION OFFICE AND GENERAL Business Agent, 619 Merchant street, San Francleco. N. 11.—Hun secured the assistance of able lawyerH. lompotent book-keepers and clerks.. Collections and •ther matters attended to, through reliable correspond- mts (attorneys) at all points of tho Paclllo mates and Ferrltorlcs. JiUftjcal tote, DU. D. ALBERT HILLER— OFFICE,, No. 116 Knnrnry over Keane A << 'Connor. *n2R * r Hsu* ami Norcross Silver i>iiiitn Oompany— Location of principal place of business. San Francisco, California. Location of works, Virginia Mining District, Storey County, Sta'e of Nevada- There Is delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 67) levied on tbe thirteenth day of Dectmber, 1877. the several amount i et opposite tho names of the retDecllve shareholders, as follows : No. of No. of Names. Certificate. Shares. Ami. Old Sto:k. Coffin Jas. Trustee 7897 20 •140 00 IHk Jos l a Co, Trustees for OhasSpesr.. 8083 60 850 «1 Latham J«s HA 00, Trustees, bal 6766 9 63 00 New Stock, Atkinson, Lyon A Co, Trustees.. 4414 100 ICO 00 Boyd ADavis, Trustees 3191 60 60 Wl Brooks ALev. Trustees ....1423 20 20 Of Barrett John 8, Trustees .......... 9692 so 30 0C Kairettjobn 8, Trustees 116<i3 60 con Buckley Wm................ 1594 140 140 (X Oahlll R A Co. tru5tee5........... 7131 to 50 01 Coffin Jas, Trustee 9742 100 100 0( Coffin Jan, Trustee ................10740 JO 10 ot Ooursen « A, Trustee 10391 lv 10 (y Cope, Cbler A 00, Trustees....... 11697 600 500 ix Crocker * Buydam. Trustees..... 7897 10 10 Crocker* dam. Trustees...... 9830 10 10 0( Campbell John P 5151 20 20 (X Crlm WH. Trustee 10884 100 100 (X Crui v/H,Tru«tee 10386 100 100 01 CrlmWH.Trußtee......... 10386 100 100 Ci Crane KT, Trustee. ......... 9989 100 100 « JOilscoll DACo. Trn8tee5.......... 477 10 10 (X Dtzon TH, Trn5tee................ 10393 20 20 Of JDlxonTH. Tru5tee.......... 600 600 0; Duncan Wm L, Trustee 10895 6 6 01 Duncan Wm L, Trustee 115<7 6 6 V rourati A I, 8888 10 10 01 K»pitfla A Co,Trustees 10051 60 60 01 £ ox VW. Trustee -"" ••— " 4044 2600 2600 01 Pox C W. Trnoteo 8055 6 6 « Fry.Neal*Co.l>U(ite«s.bal.... 392 18 30-100 18 X Frankel L B, Tru5tee.............. 1018 50 60 01 KrankelLß, Tru5tee.............. 1038 10 100 Frankel L H, Tru5tee.............. 1039 6 bo Foster AW. Tru5t<>e..............M>9« 10 10 0 Foster A W. Trustee ...11499 60 81 0 Frleder'ch O Tru5tee ............. 9276 10 10 0 Klacic R H, Tru5tee............... 2419 10 10 0 Hiaalar I * Op, Trustees.. 1664 100 100 00 «>rif.r 1 A Co. Tru5tee5.......... 368.1 100 10000 Oiaaler I A «Jo. Trustees 4427 5 6 00 GUierl A 00. Tru5tee5........... 6171 60 60 00 Utasler 1 A00. Trustees 6251 5 500 G asier I * Do, Tru5tee5........... 6493 10 10 00 Glazier 1 ACo, Tru5tet5........... Mm 6 6 00 Glazier I A Co, Trustees .......... 6547 6 6 00 Glaaler 1 A 00, Trn5teea........... 6091 10 10 00 Mistier 1 A Co, Truntoes...... 1|055 60 60 00 O eeoei'aura, Ilelblng A Co. Trnsues, bal.--.. 598 1 30-100 1 30 urnenebanm, Heibinf A Co, Trostew 11612 20 2000 Gardiner AHooker, Trnstone.... 6310 3.1 80 00 O»rdlner <fc Hooker. rrnstecs....U9}2 50 50 ro A F,'i Uer Baldwin, Trustee 6»53 20 20 00 Halliard Ert. Trnstee .............. 8164 40 40 00 Hr.en Frfd Trustee, ba1.......... 318 17% 1775 UlbbJaoifs..... ................ 6200 500 600 00 HuDtAOoates. Trustees 2156 10 1000 Hutchl'ison John, Trustee, bal ... 4073 8 8 00 Hutchlsarm John, Trustee...... IIW3 60 ' 60 or Hrsmer ABourne. Trustees...... 82J8 10 1010 Houner ABourne. Trustees...... <!Mi 10 10 11- Hosmbr A Bourne, Trustees...... 11181 60 5000 iiosmfir a B mrce. rmsteeß......iisM7 20 2000 Hall A Charles. Trnatefs 10156 20 : .ti 0' M \u25a0 at n ABerryman, rruatem....lOOHfi 6 5 00 Mlrglnaßobt ........... M ... (,-!i 60 60 00 KingJos I, A Co, Trustees........ 7064 6 00 King Job L ACo, Trustees........ 7665 10 10 00 KingJos L A Co, Trustee 5........ 7769 60 50 00 Kenney A Dyer, Trustees 11672 25 2i 00 K«nnpy A Dyer, Trustoes ....... 11698 600 600 00 X ->nn» PJO, Trustee 1016H 5 5 00 Latham A King, Trusses........ 6935 100 < 100 00 Latbbin A King, Trnnt0ea........10316 50 60 00 Lov>-land, David ACo. Trustete.. 2679 .60 co 00 >ove'and. David \u25a0* Co, Trustees. . 3s'O 5 .s :\u25a0•; L->vt lat d. DavidA Ca. Trustee 8.^390i^ - MJ- 10 00 Llllentbal PN. Triwinf rtTtß^ fr™ ' ( 20C0 2000 00 Llllentbal PM^.TnJSlea .—.......10312. .......10312 2000 2000 00 Marye ?leoT A 8 in. Trnntoes . 675 100 100 00 'Marye Geo T A 8;n, Trustei 5.... 883 10 in 00 Marye Geo T AHon, Trustcos.... 2547 10 10 00 Marye Geo T A Son. Tmeieea.... 4628 10 10 on M«cph?rs">n John, rruotee....... 2776 10 10 00 Macplierscn John. Trustee..... ... 8508 F0 mOO M"oplier.iouJohn, Trustee. ....... i(i:;o:t 600 600 00 MixLW.Tnurtafl ....II4U 20 20 00 Murray WB Trustee 9375 20 .2000 Murray w B. Traate0............. tsto 10 10 on Murray W B. Trustee.- 10266 in 10 00 NeusUtter T.Trustee ..... 7775 2000 2000 00 Nenstatter 1 Trustee BFt>6 MX) 600 Oil NcuHtMter I. Trn«>«e 9837 1000 1000 00 Norwood W S. Tru5tee..... ....... Bif*n 40 40 on O'Neill Barney 7002 30 30 00 ;Ma tIS I). Truna* ........... 03<9 50 60 00 Klchardson MA. Tn.«tee. ba1..... 3316 lsu is 25 Rlonardaon XA. Tru5tee.......... 10969 6 6 00 Richardson A. Tru5tee..........! 1473 25 25 00 Hlcb»r'!»!m X A. Tnutf»a. 11638 25 25 00 Randolph. Mackintosh A Co. Tru5tee5.... ...................... lMgg 50 moo Rlotte AFernbach, Trustees. . 6769 10 10 00 Bnhmledeil. Heohstadter * 00. .':?.? Tru5teea..^.... .................... 1339 6 , IH) Bchmodeii, A Vo. W Tru5tee5........................... 2068 60 so no He 11, 1 dell. Jlocnstadter A Co, '\u0084™ B0 Trustees .......................... 3784 JO 10 00 Schmledell. Hocnstadter A 00. Trustee, bal 7335 gp.v 89 75 Bchmlodoll, Hochstadter A Co, H Trnstfps -..--..........,.. 8061 6 "'6 00 Pchmledell, Hocbatadter A 00. Trustees 9904 20 20 00 Sohmledell, HoohsUdter A Do. . -\u25a0 Trnstfles 9924 m 60 00 SohmiedeU. jkocnatsdter * 00. Truatej* .......... .. .10356 20 20 00 Schmledell, HochsUater # Co. Trustees .....................U072 20 20 80, Hoch.iUdt*r A Co, ' " Trustees ... ........... tlhlB 50 60 00 SchmlttOA, Tru5tee.............. 10897 60 60 00 BtJoh'»R A. Trusts 11349 20 20 00 Bte Nat, Trustee ............10100 250 250 00 Htein Nat Trustee ...... 10101 275 275 CO Smith E L. Trustee 6814 10 10 00 Swim DK, Tru5tee............. n:»2 > 10 1000 Nciiwamm M.. ... ..... 8936 70 70 CO §'«»"*•* *untee.... ............ 8565 600 600 00 Spiegel 1 .. .......H7ZO 20 2000 Tobln XC. irnstee K693 20 2000 Tomerup Trustee 8480 SO 50 00 Turpy M 8929 610 610 00 Tflw(ejrf?eB l R r iTnisfge:t-.-.itx-.-.{«ws m mn Wood* A I. ee'norn,'l*rn«te« 1 2402 60 60 00 woof's A Preehorn, Trustees..... 3460 6 r> 00 Wordi A Fre*>br>rn,TrtmteeB.....lofll l ; 10 10 00 Wright W 11. Trustee 11787 20 20 00 W.»tti?s * Burton, Trustees 7242 10 in 00 red». D 6.83 20 20 00 Zudlir AWe HI. Trustees 4335 1.0 £0 00 And In accordance wllh law and an order 0' the Board of Director*, made on the thirteenth day of December, 1877, bo many tharrs of each parcel of such ntock an may be necessary, will be sold at rnbllc auction, at the oftlce of he Company, Room 68, Neva. la Block, northwest corner Pine and Mont« iinery streets, Mao Kranctsco, California, on KIMPAY, the eighth day of February, 1878, at tbe honr of me o'clock P. M. of niM day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with coMb of advertising and expeuseu of tbe Bi*lo. JOEL F. LLOHTNEK, Hecretary. Olllce—Ito"iu No. 58 Nevada Block, northwest corner Pine and Mont.; mury stree c, Han Kranclno, Cali- fornia, j aio WAlta Nili'dr Alining Company- \u25a0 lion of principal place of bunlness, Btn Francltco, California— Location of works, Odd ll ill Mining Din- iilct, Storey county, State of Nevada Notice.— There are dolluquent upon tho following described \u25a0lock, on account of A^neHntnent (No. 9, levied on the ' hi- teen th (13, h) dny of Decembrr, 1877, the several amounts set opposite the names 01 the reHpocllve share- holders, as follows: No. of Ho. of Names. Certificate. Shares. Amount Bates mC, Trustee .2637 500 1 1000 00 Int. *I) O. I* 0"0 "* 6 !t759 500 10(10 00 Hates I) O. TiLitee.... ............3760 6'JO 1000 00 Bates D <]. Trustee.... M 49*5 20 46 00 Brooks ALee, Trustees........... 4342 10 20 00 Oahlll A < 'o. Trustees 98 100 200 00 OahlU V, A Op, Truatees lii 50 100 00 Oahlll X<&Oo,TrUßt<<e« 143 50 100 00 Oahlll JC AOe. Trustees 155 60 100 00 O*hUlX a 00, Trustees. 270 5 jo 00 Oahlll V. A 00. Trn«te*s 2054 10 20 00 Oahlll J5<K00,Tru5tee5............5"27 600 1000 00 Cahlll I? A 00, Trustees 6033 600 1000 00 CrnndMll W G, Trustee 2837 6 '0 00 Orandall W U. Trustee ...2K..... »iSK 6 1000 Orandal WU, Trustee 4t!M 20 40 '0 ".inc. (Jliler A ("> . Tru5tee5....... 5313 20 40 00 Oror.Ror A Uu) daia. Trustees ....3118 10 20 00 CoffinJan. Trn5ire.. ............... 4616 6 JC 00 Pean, Blow A»!o. Trustees 54« 100 2f.0 00 K.Uvuri's AIrvl Truste«S 8416 20 4000 FOX OW.Trtutee ......... ......8101 100 200 00 Glaner 1 A Co, Tru5tee5........... 4740 20 40 00 W-.fiiier 1 A 00. rrnnt5e5...........61f<4 60 100 ' 0 H!ar,ler 1 &1 1<!. Trustees ........ fiCH 20 40 00 "i«ir.l<r I A 00, Tni«te0n...........64Ufl 6 10 00 Glitz'er I A 00. Trunt«rs, ba1 ...... 5633 \'j'i 89 00 «i»'(liner A11<oktr. Trustee* ....3397 100 'i (1 o*l (in- .liner a Hooker. Trustees.^ 3704 100 200 00 Hall A Charles Trustees ba,i.....M3l n-i 4 19 so Hoamer ABourne. Trustees 8672 10 20 00 H«ath R W A On. Trustees, ba1. .55:16 n,k 33 75 Kenm y * l»yer. Trnste(s 2938 100 200 00 Macpheisin John, Trustee ...... .K!67 6 10 00 Mao ti«rroa John, Trnstee...... 4.'<i9 60 100 00 Maopherion J0hn, ....... 4-163 60 100 00 Macplierson John. Trustee....... 4525 20 40 00 MurrayW 11, Trn5tee.............297l mi ton 00 Murray W B. Trustee ....821 1 600 -• icoo 00 Mu> lav B, Trustee .....3212 600 1000 00 Murrey vr B, Tru5tee...... ...... .6121 10 20 00 Murr»y W H. Trustee .6210 100 200 00 Murray W B, Trustee 6220 to 100 00 Mv Her WJ. Trustee ............. 21*4 50 100 00 I Mnlier W J, ............. 2288 6 jo 00 ! Mailer WJ, Trustee 8374 100 200(0 Mnll*rWJ Trustee jitßl 10 20 ill B»iuiMl M. Trust** ............3912 20 4000 Mantel M Trnntee ................ 3939 10 20 00 MixL \v . i. U- tee ..................4 104 10 20 00 1Neu»'« I, 't'ftintee 'mm 5 10 00 I NHiisiudier r, Tru5tee............ .4 169 10 2000 Nt-iiUadicr I, iroatee. ........ 4803 20 40 00 Nonautter I. Trustee ......... ....526r, 100 200 00 Plait KO, Tru5tee.................. 1326 60 100(0 Plan Truitee ..........6410 JO 2000 HumtuprH W ACo, Tnutecs....4lS2 10 -zu 00 Richardson RA . unstee... 2 .92 200 4(0 00 Bobai-iUon X A. "TU*t«e..........2619 200 4 10 00 \u25a0 .'\u25a0 ri.trns<in XA, Traatee .2698 60 100 00 Richardson A, Trustee.... , 4041 5 ip 00 jJlchardson IC A. Trusted... 4"i1 100 2% (0 Rlchardaon JC A , Trustee 4419 10 20 00 Klchardoon JC A. Trnstee. hal ... 6513 VJH 76 00 Rmdolpa, Mackintosh A Co. .. \u25a0?\u25a0.\u25a0:.. Hohmitt o A. Trustee Mis 10 20 00 ' Htdn N»t, Trustee 2765 100 20000 1 Hieln Nat. Trusipo ......4H58 . 10 no W«t«on W H. Trust*?. b«l.. 6641 % 1 00 Woods AFroeborn. Trnnt*««.....64Js 60 100 00 And In accordance withlaw, and an order of the Board of Directors, made on tnn tblrt»nnth day of December, 1877,50 many share* of each parcel ofsuch stock »s maybe necet-siry, willbe sold at pablc auction, at the office of tto Company, Uooms 6 and 6, No. 302 Montgomery street, Ban Francisco California, on THURSDAY, the seven h dar of February, 1873. at the hour of two o'clock r. if. of said day, to pa; said delinquent assies* nieul thereon, together with costs of advertising and expenses ot the sale. WM. H. WATSON, Secretary. Office— Booms 5 and 6, No. 302 Montgomery street, fan FrancUco, Ca lfornla. JalB oVllu'wer Mining Company. Location of principal place or business, ban Franchco, California. Location of works. Bodle District, Mono county, Call, fornia Notice, There are delinquent upon the follow- Ing described stock, on account of As-essment (No 1), levied on the twelfth (12th) day of Dec mber, 1877, the several amounts set opposite the mm» of the respect, iveshareholders, as follows : No. No. Names. Certificate, Shares .Amount. Irwln Wi11iam.......'.'...... 5 1000 $600 00 (\u25a0Hi I, mi John .- 21 100 60 00 Blasde) IIG, Trustee 82 100 60 CO Wll in William, Trustee... 34 600 800 00 lilmiii 1 UQ. Trustee 48 100 50 00 Blasdel H Q, Trustee 49 100 50 00 UliHlel HQ, Trustee ..„ 50 100 50 00 Was lei HG, Trustee.. 62. 100 60 CO WaKKoner QH, Trustee 60 4000 3000 00 Wigg»ner a H, Trustee 65 600 2*o CO Dolman W H,Truste ....120 50 25 00 Willis \\ 11 1,1111. Tiu.-i." 155 100 60 CO Ilia-del HQ. Trustee 157 500 250 1,0 Bla'del II 11, Trustee 158 600 250 00 llii'.h|,.| iiG, Trustee 159 500 250 00 Blasdel II G, Trat>tee HO 510 250 00 Blasdol H G,T<ruetee 161 61 0 290 00 i Ilia del h G. Trustee 62 50') 250 00 ! B a«U-l II G, Tiustee 103 600 25u 00 Blasdel HO, Trustee 164 500 280 00 B'at,del HG Trunte* , 166 600 250 06 Illus-M II (3, Trustee 173 100 60 00 Blasdol HG, Trustee 174 100 60 00 Ba'es DC, Trustee 201 100 mi 00 Bates It O. Trustee 201 100 60 00 Hates D C, Trustee 204 100 50 00 Ho to-* D C, Trustee 205 100 60 00 Willis William, Tiuett-c 212 50 26 09 Waggoner Geo H, Trcstee 215 100 ' 90 00 Waggoner Geo 11. Trustee 216 100 60 00 WARgoner fleo11, Trustee 217 too 60 00 Waggoner Geo H, Trustee 218 100 60 00 And Inaccordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors, made on the twelfth (12ih) day ol Decent* ber 1877, so u-any shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at public arcilon, at tbe auction boueeof .1.-mi MMilletor ASon, Nu.3'o Montfom- eiy 8 reel. San FrauclHco. California, on MONDAY.Hi1 eleventh (lltb; day or February, 1878, at. tbo hour of one o'clock P. M of Bald day, to pay said delinquent Assess- ment thereof, together wl'h costs of advertising and ex- pcotesof the sale. WILLIAM WILLIS Secretary. Oflicj— Boom No. 29 Nevada Block, No 809 Mont- gomery street, San Francisco, California. |a! 9 FOR RENT. SIX W£TER LOTS, FILLED IN, ON THE CITY FRONT. •pXCBLLBNT LOCATION FOB WAREHOUSES, Lumbar Yards, or other business requiring large space, with close proximityto water and the business parts of the city. Will be rented for a term of years at a low price. Inquire of nB-3p WAI. P. DEWEY, 308 Pine street. ' PIOCHE_RECORD. ALL PARTIE3 HAVING BUSINESS WITH TH» paper, wil 1.,; i i -. address UEOOBD PUBLISHING CO.. OOOHOTITE TBVrK AMD TINUBK A Wheels (Narrow Gucge) on Axles. Also— Wheels. On hand and for sale by I WILLIAMS, BLANOHABX) & 00. »>» 118 California street. aar Hemlocik Conaollitntml fellvar Mining Oompany Location of principal placn of business mi FranclHco. California. Location of Work*: Antelope Mining District, Kureka County, State of Nevadt.— Notice— There Is delinquent upon the following described stock, on HTount of asHe*sinent (No. 1) levied on tbe twenty- fourth i!ay of October, 1877, tbe Hnveral amonn'H net opposite the limits of tbe respective shareholders, as follows : No. of No. of Nameo. Certificate. Shar s. Ain't CKMemßor 8 11000 iSSOOO Bl< Fish. Trustee 4 8930 197 M B Fl/lnh, Trustee S 89*0 197 50 H XFish, Trastee 6 600 25 00 1 J Dnlan 7 4000 '200 00 S X Hole mbe 8 100 6 00 H X Holcouibe, 'I'm n, c B 4000 200 0U 8 Xliolcotube, Truntee 10 7900 395 00 I)P Barken, Tru5tee.................. 11 4200 210 00 ruM.'l.iTHii 12 100 6 00 TO Me Leran, Trnstee 13 4100 205 00 l'UMc:Leriui, Trust*-? 14 4000 200 00 Mcl^eran. Trnstee IS 4COO 200 00 W P Bogart, Trustee 16 1000 60 00 WPunnlll, Tru5tee.................. 17 400 20 00 W P ilcgart, Tr8«tee...........18 te 128 lnrludivo-100 sharps each IUOO 655 00 W F Bogart. Trustee 129 to 208 Ini'luiivw— BO snares each. :tgoo 196 00 W V IIKHrt, Truntee 218 to 232 lncliißlve-200 shares each aoOO 160 00 W F Bogart, Trustee 233 to 242 Inclusive—2So tbares each 2500 126 00 W F lie K ,,rt. \u25a0frnstpo. 243 to 251 lnn'nnlve-600 shares earh 4WO 226 00 Wm Whalen 254 iooo 60(0 Wm Whalen .261 1000 60 00 Wm Whalen 262 60 2 60 Win Whalen 26J 60 2 Ml Wm Wbalen ....261 60 2 60 Wm Whalen 266 mi 2 60 Wm Whalon .268 60 2 60 Wm Whalen 267 60 2 B0 Wm Wbalen .268 26 1 26 Wm Whalen 269 26 1 25 Wm Whalen .270 26 1 26 Wm Whalen -271 26 1 26 Wm W union .272 2S 1 26 Wm Whalen 273 25 1 25 Wm Whalen 274 2S 1 26 Wm Whalen 276 26 1 25 Wm Whalen 276 20 1 00 Wm Whalau 277 20 100 Win Wimltn 278 100 6 00 Wm Whalen 279 100 6 00 O H Bi.fcan, Trustee 280 100 6 00 O H Bogart, Trustee 282 100 5 00 HTBeckett : 281 Ml 3 00 MKenan 283 1000 60 00 M Kenan 284 1000 60 00 M Kegan 286 1000 60 00 filßig»n 287 1000 60 00 M Ki'K«n— ................. ........ ..'>s 1000 60 00 M Kegan 21)0 1000 60 00 MRegan..— ..........291 IGOO 60 00 MKe»ai 293 600 26 00 MlUKii' 294 100 5 00 M l(.'»»u 295 100 COO U Ui'KUii 2tf6 100 6 00 Wm Wha'en 297 100 t 00 Wm Whalen 298 100 5 00 Win WhaleD 299 100 8 00 Win Wtmlmi.. 300 100 6 00 Wm Whalen 301 100 6 00 Wmi Wl.ul-n Mi 100 6 60 Wm Wbalen 303 100 6 00 Wm Whalen _ 804 100 6 00 TUESIAY, the FIITU (sth) DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1878, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., of sad day, to pay mil delinquent Assessment thereon, together with c fits of advartiHlug and Expenses or tbe sale. WM. WILLIS, Secretary. . Office— Boom No. 29 Nevada Block, No. 80V Mont- gomery street, San Francisco, California. Jil3 unlive 1 business Uufll IS \ COLLEGE, nDiiLLI M Opposite Mechanics' Institute. TO THE PUBLIC. '\u25a0"O ALLWHOM IT MAY CONCERN.— NOT] 0E 1 is Hereby given tbat I will, upon application, issue a license to any one to lay the Williams' Com- posite Pavement in this city free from all oharges for royalty. I will simply require good workman- ship, and the use of suitable materials, and a strict compliance with the sboolfloatlons on file in the office of the Superintendent of Streets, but no money consideration. In other words, I will allow any one to lay my pavement within the limits or tbe olty and county of Sao Francisco, under precisely the same restrictions imposed upon myself. . Else- where, I propose to demand a reasonable royalty 'or the use of my patent. HENB V * wiLLIAMb September 38, 1877. > sM.ap - SEEDS. SEEDS. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE SUPPLY OF VV all kinds of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, fresh and genuine, which will be sold at unusually low prices. Dealers snd others requiring Seeds will find it to their advantage to examine our stock and see for themselves. We have the largest quantities of all kinds of OLOTER and G.BABS SEEDS on the Pacific Coast. Also FIELD and GARDEN BETDS. Fruit and Ornamental TBEE3 at Nursery Prices. Catalogues on application. Jal6 2p J. p. BWEEMEY & CO., Seed Warehouse, 409 and 411 Davis St., B. F. FRANK KENNEDY. LAW OFFIOE. 004 MERCHANT SIBEET Pro- bate, Divorce, Bankruptcy, and other cases | attended to. Rents, and all other demands, col- , looted. Bad tenant ousted. Charge taken of real estate for residents, or absentees. Charges very reasonable. , de3-3ptf WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS FOB THE PACIFIC COAST OF Moet & Chandon's V CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNES, AND HAVE IN STOBE, BILLERY, quarts and pints, in baskets. I CBEMANT, quarts and pints, in cases. A supply kept constantly on band. Jal7.2pU WM. T. OOLBMAN & 00. WE HAVETHE SOLE AGENCY FOB THE PACIFIC I COAST OF DR. J.G. B. BIEGERT &SOS 1 UNEQUALLED AND WIDELY KNOWN 1 Angostura Bitters. We will be kept in constant supply » fresh invoice just received. I jal7-3pli WM. T. OOLEMAN * CO. ALFA JOR OFFlCEjifx^»^ LITOBIffA Wm Wh«1en.........................80S 100 C 00 Wm Wha1en.......... 306 100 6 00 Wm Wha1en......................... 307 100 6 00 Wm W> alen 808 100 6 00 Wm Wha1en......................... 809 too 6 00 Wm Wha1en.........................;! 0 100 5 00 Wm Wha1en.........................31l 100 5 00 Wm Wha1eu.........................8i2 60 2 60 Wm Wha.1en.........................A16 60 2 60 wm Whalen 316 60 2 60 Wm Wha1en........... 319 61) 2 60 Wm Wba1en........ 820 60 2 CO Win Wba1en.................. 821 60 2 60 Wm W1ia1en.................. ....824 100 600 Wm Whslan ................. 826 100 6 00 Win Wh«i«n 827 CO 2 50 Wra Wlitl mi 328 60 ZEO Wm Wbn'en 329 60 2 60 Wm Wha1en....... 830 60 2 50 Wm Whalan 831 60 2 60 Wm Wha1en. ....................... .882 60 2 60 Win Wba1en................. .....838 60 250 Wm Wha1rn.........................834 60 2 60 Wm Wha1en.........................335 60 a 60 Win Wha1Hn.......... .............. 336 60 2 60 Win Wh»1tn............. .......... ,.:«7 200 10 00 Wm Wha1en.........................338 200 10 00 Win Whalen..... «*» 200 10 00 Win Whiletl 340 200 10 00 Wm Wh Wen 341 200 10 00 Win Wha'.m ..............342 200 10 00 Win WhaleD _.. 343 200 10 00 Wm W1ii1uu.......... .............. 200 10 00 Wm Wbalen 815 200 JO 00 Wm Wtiden 346 200 10 00 Win Whnl"ii. ....................... .347 100 S 00 Win Whalen ... «-»C£...JMB 100 ~ BOO Win W'h '.'«n,.. wn ..;;........ 349 100 6 00 Whalen...... ...........850 100 6 00 Wm Whaen ......................351 100 600 Wm Whalen »52 100 6 00 Win Wbalen .853 100 6 00 Win Wh ..leu ...........854 100 6 00 Wm Wha1en......... .355 100 5 00 Win Wbalen...... 356 100 600 Win Whu1en. ....... ................ .357 100 5 00 Win Whalen..... ............. ...358 100 600 Win Wha1en.........................359 JOO 6 00 Win Whalen ..MM l'O 5 00 Wm ............... .........:isi 100 5 00 Wm Wb»1en.........................3<2 60 2 60 Wm wha1en.......................8F3 60 2 60 Win Wha1en...... .................. .£64 60 2 60 Win ....................... .865 60 2 60 Win Wha1en................. 866 60 2 60 Win WhalPn ................ .....3K7 60 2 60 Win Wu51en.................... 368 CO 2 60 tfc 111 Wnalt-n. ....................... .3i>9 60 2 60 Wm Whalen.. .......370 50 2 50 Win Wha'en.........................371 60 2 60 M HLpgaa.. 872 200 10 00 MIte«an 373 200 10 00 M1tegan.......................... \u0084..874 200 10 00 MRegan 375 200 10 00 M Regan 376 200 10 00 MRegan.............. 877 200 10 00 M Regan.................. .......878 200 10 00 MRagan .........................879 100 6 00 M Kckhii - 3!«0 100 5 00 MHPg»U. ........... ..................381 100 6 00 MRegan 384 100 6 00 M Reran.............................. 383 100 6 00 M Regan.............. 884 100 5 00 MRegan... .................. 385 100 6 00 M Ktucau............ 386 100 6 00 M. Kegau 887 100 6 00 MIteg -in. ............................ .883 100 6 00 M K0ran...... ........................ 389 60 2 60 MR»«an 890 - CO 260 MRegan 391 50 2 60 •MRegan.................... 392 60 2 60 M Kenan............ .................. 3»3 60 2 60 M: Regan 894 60 2 60 MRfKan 393 CO 2 t0 MRegan. ..................... ........306 60 2 £0 M K-khii 397 60 2 80 M Regan 398 60 2 60 MKeg »n , 899 to 2 to M Regan. .j^. 400 60 2 60 Haml 1*Warren, Truate0...... ...... 401 jno 6 CO fiaml P Warren, Trnstee ....402 100 5 00 Html P Warren. Tru5tee............ 403 100 600 8»ml P Warren, Trustee 404 100 '"to «an 1 *• Wnrren, Trn5tee............ 405 100 600 SamlP Warren, Tru5tee..... ....... 406 100 6 00 Ma ml c Warren. Trustee...... ...... 407 100 5 00 B»m' P Warren, Trustee ........ 4f-8 100 6 00 #* m 1 V Warren, Trustee ...... 409 100 600 Stiuil P Warren, Trustee ...... 4 10 100 5 00 HaroJP Warren, Trustee... 411 100 5 00 Bi'ml P War*.-a, TffiB{BB.-.-.-.-.-.v.-.-.-.-.«2 M 6 « Pfinil P Warren, Trustee 413 100 8 00 Nt nil 1' Warreo, Treated............ 414 100 00 8»ml P Warren, Trustee.... ...... .415 100 8 00 And In accordance with law, and an order of the Board Of Directors, made on -the fifth (.Vh) day of De- cember, 1877, bo many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, wl Ibe Bold at nubile auc- tion, at Hi"i.iii. \u25a0 ..1 1... Company, Room 18, No. 331 ttontnomery street, San Kranclsco, California, on MONDAY, tbeiieventh (I hid day or February, 1878, at ibehourof one o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said delinquent anBos<ment thereon, together with costs of advertising and expenses of the sale. N. P. SitKliWiN, Secretary. Oftlce—Boom 18 Stevenson Building, No. 331 Mont gomery street, San Frandfsco California. Jal2 »/" monarch Uruvel mining Company/ Location of principal plac" of utiN'norfw, San Francisco, California—Location of works, Osltveras County, Call, Notice—There nr1 ii iini|Mi'iu upon toe following deHcrlbod slock, on account of Assessment (No. 1) levie<l on the llrtday or De ember, 1877, the several amounts sot opposl'e the namex of the reopectlvo share- iini.i 1 ... ax t. 1 1 , w.- : No. of No. of \u0084,. NameH. . Certificate. Shares. Atn'nt Allison Krark J, Trustee 21 75 |S6 25 Alii«on Fran* Trustee «9 5 375 Allison PranK J, Trustee 70 5 3 Brown N ir.Triiitw 111 7 80 Burton Ko'ini t. Trustee 2tt 1090 1492 50 «»'tou Hohert jo 6 3 75 LathnnFH. Trustee 11 600 375 PO La.bam V B. Tru5tee...... ........ .13 90 67 60 LattatnK !t,rrnit«e 34 60 87 60 Latham V B, Trastee 86 75 66 25 LatiuuiPß, Trustee an 20 15 00 Latham H. Trnstee ......... ..41 100 75 00 Latham d* B, Trnstee 46 10 7 80 Latham PR, Trump* ..............51 60 87 50 Lai b am KB Tru5tee....... ...... 63 110 75 00 Latham F n. Trn5tee.... ......... ..54 20 15 00 Latham fR, Trustee 66 20 15 to I 'S.haui FB.Truuee 58 JO V 60 Lithani F B, Trustee 67 10 7 30 tatham F B. Tru5tee............... 68 10 7 60 latlifui FB. Trn5tM>.............. 69 10 7 60 'at ham w B. Trn5tee.............. 61 100 75 00 Latham F»», Trustee........ B2 100 75 90 ham »' It. Trnstee ..........63 "-*B\- 0 00 Mf>rrlttN<iuarl. Trustee 6 1000 760 00 Rnw ll WF. trustee 9 1000 760 00 Btre«>tf:n.T W........................59 6 3 76 *'ake'ee H P.... .4 5 8 76 Whitney J D. Trnstee ..............20 100 76 00 And In accordance withlaw and an order sf the Board of Directory made on the Oral day of December, ' 1877, bo many shires of each parcel of such tuck as may necessary, will be sold at public auction, at the office of the Company, Ho >ni 9, No. 426 California street, San Francisco, California, on MONDAY, the twenty. flm (21sti day of January, 1878, at tbe hour of twelve (12 o'clock M. of said day, to pay sail delinquent assessments thereon, together with costa of advertising and expenses of sale. FRANK B. LATHAM, Secretary. Ottico— Room 9, No. 426 California Btreet, Han Fran- cisco, California. rOSTJPONJSMJEHT. The delinquent sale of the above earned stock I* hereby postponed until SATUKD.V V, the ninth day of February 1878, at the t-atne bonr and plac*. Byorder of tbe Board of Director*. FRANK B. LATHAM, cecre'ary. Jail. Office, 428 California street. Wl'nfky Jack Alining Company Coco. it. mi of principal pUce of business, 8-n Francisco, Call- Location of workf, Bod!e District, Moro county, California— Nolle*— Tb«re Is dt-llt quent uoon the follow- ing described Stock, on occoant of aHs-SHment (No. 1) levied on the s'xth (eihi day of December, 1877, the amount act opposite the names of the respective Sbar.- bolder, as follows : No. of No. of Name. Certificate. Shares. Ann. Tozer O W 7SOO $375 00 And Inaccordance with law, and an order of the Board of Directors, matte on the klxth (6th) day of December, 1877, so many stares of each parcel of such stock as may be rcce-Barv. will be sod at public aaction at tbe auction nous 1of John Mldd'eton A Hon. No. 810 Montgomery street, Sin Francisco, California, on iWecßngg. \u25a0V The Annual Meeting of Stock holders Of the NORTH PACIFIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY will be held at the ofiloe of tbe company, No. 34 Market street, on THURSDAY, January 31, 1878, at one o'olock P. m. OEO. D. GRAY, Secretary. X:-} .••:; •'< Jals 3w \u25a09* Annual Meeting.— The annual meet- ing of tbe stockholders of the Marlposa Land and Mining Oompany of California, will be ho.d on THURSDAY, the tenth day of January, A.D. 1878, at three o'olock p. m., at the office of the Oompany, No. 83 Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery street, San Frauoisoo, California, for the eleotlon of a Board of Directors, and such other business as may come before the meeting. de33 LEANDER LEAVITT, Beoretary. JPO9TF BURNT. The above meeting Is hereby postponed . until THURSDAY, tbe seventeenth day of January, 1878, at the same hour and place. By order of the Board of Directors. \u25a0 , .I'll it \u25a0 LEINDER LEAVITT, Secretary. POITPONKHKNT. The above meeting Is hereby postponed until FRIDAY, the first day of February, 1818, at the same hour and place. By order of tbe Board of Directors. .-.\u25a0-.'.;• Jal7 LEANDER LEAVITT, Beoretary. \u25a07 Stockholders* Meeting—Office of the Cherokee Flat Blue Gravel Co, San Franclioo, Jan. nary 16, 1878. Tbe annual meeting of Stockholders of the Cherokee Flat Blue Gravel Co., for the eleo. tlon of Trustee?, and suob other business as may properly come before the meeting, will be held at the office of the oompany, Boom 3, No. 403 Mont, gomery street, San Francisco, Oal., on SATURDAY, the second day of February, 1 878, at one o'olook P. m. (Jlo] O. H. BOGART, Booretary. Atlantic Giant Powder Company The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Atlantic Giant Powder Company, for the election of Trustees, to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such * other business as may come before tbe meeting, will bi held at the office of tbe company, No. 10 California street, Ban Francisco, California, on MONDAY, the fourth day of February, 1878, at twelve o'clock m. San Franolsoo, Oal., January 15, 1878. jals H. PIOHOIR, Beoretary. \u25a0ST" Office of Metallic Mining Company, Ban Franolsoo, January 33, 1878 The Second An nnal Meeting of the Stockholders of tbe above named Company, for the eleotion of Directors, and the transaction of such other business as may come before it, will be held on MONDAY. February 4th 1878 (first Monday in February), at tbe hour of one '\u25a0clock p. if.ef that day. at tbe offloe of the Com- ; inny. Boom No. 39, Nevada Block, No. 309 Mont- ' ;omery street, San Francisco, California. Transfer , looks closed on Thursday. January 31, at 3 o'olock '. if. [ja24] WM. WILLIS, Secretary. \u25a0ST Office of the California Powd er Works, lan Francisco, January 6, 1878. Notice. The , Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Tbe Oalifer- lla Powder Works, will be held at the Company's >fflce, No. 314 California street, onMONDAY, Febru- ary 4. 1878, at 12 o'clock M. jaG JOHN F. LOHSE, Secretary. tar'^tockh-.flderß' Meeting-- Ofllce of : in' Sulphur Bank Quicksilver Mining Oompany. an adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Sulphur Hank Quicksilver Mining Oompany will be \u25a0 held at tbe office of the Company, No, " 220 Banaome treet, in tho city of San Francisco, on MONDAY^ the fourth day of February, 1878, at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Direc- tors, and for tbe transaction of any other business which may be brought up. Ban Francisco, 21 January, 1878. j«4 LUOIEN HERMANN, Secretary. \u25a07" Seattle Coal jus.***" Transportation Company .— Thn Aumiftl Meetiny of the Stockholders of the Seattle Coal and Transportation , Oompany, for the election of a Board of Trustees, and for such other business as may ' properly come before tbe meeting, will be held at the office of the Company, No. 1201 Battery street, Ban - Franolsoo, California, on MONDAY, January 28th, 1878,' at 12 o'clock M. JOSIAH HAND, Secretary. The above meeting adjourned to meet onMONDAY, February 4th, 1878, at the same hour and place. J»29 JOSIAH HAND, Secretary. •^Stockholder. 7 meeting-. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Manhattan Sil- ver Mining Company, for the election of Trustees, to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of fcuoh other business as may properly come before the meeting, will be held on WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of February, 1878, at one o'clock p. m ; . at the office of the Oompany, Room 21, No. 419 California street, San Francisco, Cal. Transfer books closed on THURSDAY, January 31st, 1 878, at 3 o'olock, p. m. J»24 JNO. CROCKETT, Secretary, \u25a0W The Annual Mottling of t lt* Stock- holders of the Plttsburg Railroad Oompany, will be held at the office of the Oompany, No. 202 Sacra. mento street, on WEDNESDAY, February 6th, at 11 o'clock a. m. [JaViij SAML. BaKER, Secretary. . DIVIDEND HOTIOK. \u25a0V Office of th« I.eed« Mining Company No. 327 Pine street, San FianciHco, January 25, 1878.— At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the above-named Company, held this day. a Dividend (No. 5) of Twenty Cents per share, was declared, payable on Thursday January 31, 1878. Transfer books are closed until dividend is paid. Ja26-2w P. F. VERDENAL. Secretary. The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society, IWN. K. corner Montgomery and Post streets, San Francisco, January 25, 1878.— At a regular meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the Society, held this day, a Dividend at the rate of 74 per cent, per annum m>» derJanul iiu aJJ Dejiosits for the six mouths ending on tiio 3U't instant. pftffßfc friiffi ati'd" SftSf thfo '.lite. (Hi(f free from Federal Tax. ja2ii UPWARD MARTIN. Secretary. •vDividend Notice masonic Navlnirs and Loan Hank, No. «l Cost street, Masonic Temple, Ban FranoUco.— At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Bank, hold Jan. 11, 1878, a Dividend was declared at the rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum on term depniiltH, and six and three-tenths (0 3-10) percent, per annum on ordinary ilepOHits, for tlienoiiil-aiiMual term endingJanuary 21, 187&, payable on and after January 28, 1V,,-., free of Fed- eral tax. 1j»22-)ni] H. T. URAVKH, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Mr The French Having* mill Lonn Society lias declared a Dividend of Eight (8) percent per annum, free of Federal Tax, for the half year ending December 31, 1877, payable on and after January 18, 1878. Ry order al7-lm * UUS TAVEM AUK, Director DIVIDEND NOTICE. •VOAIce of the Slant Powder Company, No. 1O California street, Ban Francisco. California, Jan. 10, 1878. Dividend No. 79 lias boon declared, pay- able on and after the 15th lnst. Jail H. PIOHOIB, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE. aWOIHce of the Atlantic Giant I*owdei Company, No. tO California street, ' Kan Francisco. Cali- fornia, Jan. 10, 1878.— Dividend No. 25 has been de- clared, payable on and after the I :.r I \u25a0 liirc. . jail H. riOHOIR, Secretary. SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY, 019 CLAY BTREET. . r'f.xt a Meeting of the Board of Director* held this day, a dividend was declared, free of Federal Tax, of eight 18) per cent per annum 011 all deposits, for the six months ending December 31, 1877. Dividend payable on and after the fifteenth instant. OYRUB W. OARMANY, Secretary. San Francisco, January 8, 1878. jaD Land Mortgage Union of California, BAN FRANCISCO, JANUARY 5, 1878. dividend" notice. U.i Land Mortsraae Union of California, N0.&31 California street, corner of Webb— Adividend has been declared of nine 0) per cent on Term Deposits and Investing Hharos and six (6 per cent on Ordinary Deposits free of Federal Tax, payable on the twelfth January, 1878 " jati-lm JOHN T. CARTER, Hocretary. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND TO CREDITORS Western Savings and Trust Company. ItVPursuant to the order of the Hon. K.I). Wheeler, made in the cami of RuiiKRT C. CLARK and others atminut the WKHTKRW SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, I will pay the creditors of that Company a dividend of tweuty-ilvecents on tha dollar on their re- s|«"otlve claims, as they are described ina schedule thereof approve! by mid Judge. > - Alldividends must Tiecalled for within ninety days from the date of this uotico. Office hours from 10 A. M to 12 M. SOLON PATTEE, Receiver, Room 9. No. 507 Montgomery street. San Francisco, January 4, 1878. jas-90 DIVIDEND^ NOTICE: The German Savings and Loan Society. d B9^ For the half year ending th <" date, the Board of Directors of The Herman Savings and Loan So- ciety has declared the dividend on Term Deposits at the rate of eight and twofifths 8 2-51 per cent per annum, and *\u0084. \u25a0 '•\u25a0iiiniij i -i )•<>in i in. iin; i .in- vi Huvi-n '/; pur cein, per annum, free fromFederal Taxes, and payable on and after the 15l hday of January, 1878. By order. \u25a0• -• _- , _ OKO. LETTE, Secretary. Ban Francisco, December 31, 1877. ' \u25a0 jal-lui DIVIDEND NOTICE. THE CALIFORNIA Savings and Loan Society. (JUNCTION) MARKET, EDDYAND POWELL. B®- The Director* have declared a Divi- dend of eight and two-nfths 18 2-5) per cent per annum on Term Deposits and seven (7) per cent, per annum on Or- dinary Deposits for Hie year ending December 31. 1877 free from all Fedeial Tax and payable on and after Mon- day, January 7. 1878. Byorder. d3O-lm P. B. OHIBHOLM. Secretary. * DIVIDEND NOTICE. San Francisco Savings Union; 53» CALIFORNIABT., CORNER WEBB. ii*s£.» «*, h i h lf elM ««»«»••»* with December 31, 1877, a dividend has beeu declare?-* the rate of eight and one-tenth (8 1-10) percent pcr v Hum on Term De- posits, and six and three-fourths (63A) per cent on Or- dinary Deposits, free of Federal Tax, payable on and a " « TueHday, Jauuary 15, 1678. «li»-lm LOVELL}WHITE.'Oaahier. JOHN T. LITTLE, Discount Broker, Real Estate Agent AND DEALER IN UNITED STATES, STATE, CITY AND COUNTY BONDB. OAB, WATER, BANK, RAILROAD AND OTHER SECURITIES, No. 412 Montgomery Street. $400,000 TO LOAM ON CITYAND COUNTRY REAL ESTATE $250,000 TO LOANON QAS, WATEB. BANE. RAILROAD, ANDOTHER SECURITIES. MERCANTILE PAPER DISCOUNTED AND MONEY LOANED UPON ALL KINDS OF COLLATERALS. ' JOHN T. LITTLE, dlti-eod 41* MONTGOMERY HTREET. JOHN GIBSON'S SON & CO.'S Celebrated Whiskies THB UNDERBiQNED HAVEJUST, RECEIVED an Invoice of the above well-known Whiskies, comprising the following grades : ' XXXX CHOICE OLD MONONQAHELA BYE X CHOICE OLD MONONQAHELA RYE ' DOUBLE DISTILLED OLD RYE ' COPPER RE-DISTILLED PURE RYE APRIL 1877 "! '\u25a0•\u25a0-. •:\u25a0<* OLD BTiR BOUBBON. For sale in lots to suit, and on favorable terms. Ny CIIAKMCK iriKiNKCKic & CO., Jall.ap lm 814 Sacramento street. CHARLES W. COOK. DAVID MoKAY. COOK & McKAY. Dealers in United States, Btste, City and County Bonds. Clan, Water, Bank and Railroad Stocks. Money Loaned on all Good Securities. Commercial Paper Discounted. Loans Negotiated on City and County Real Estate All business willbe promptly attended to ., ' OOOK & MoKAY, I'lta"lm1 ' lta " lm al5a15 Banaome street, \u25a0VBullloa Mining Company— Location \ of principal place of bnalDoss, San Francisco, Call- i fornla Location of works, Oold Hill, Storey connty, Nevada. Notico is bereby given, tbat at a meeting of tbe Board of Directors, beld on tbe twenty-second day of January, 1878, an Assessment (No. 0) of One Dollar per sbare, was levied npon tbe cspltal stook of tbe corporation, payable immediately, in United States gold coin, to tbe Secretary, at the oiMoe of tha Company, No. 418 Oallfornla street, San Francisco. California. Any stook npon wblcb this assessment sball re- main nnpald on the TWENTY-FIFTHday of Febrn- ary, 1878, will be delinquent, and advertised for ale at publloanction ; and nnless payment Is made before, will be sold on Monday, tbe eighteenth day of Marob, 1878, to pay tbe delinqnsnt assessment, together with oosts of advertising and expenses of sale. JOSEPH GRUBS, teuretary. Office— 4lB California street, Union Insurance Huilding, Ban Franolsoo, California. ja29 ftfßicbeqner JSHnlnir Company Isola- tion of principal place of business, San Francisco, California—Location of works, Gold Hill, Storey county, Nevada. Notloe Is bereby given, tbat at a meeting of the Board of Directors, beld on tbe seventeenth day of January, 1878, an Assessment (No. 13) of One Dollar per sbaro, was levied on tbe capital stock of tbe corporation, payable Imme- diately, In United States gold coin, to the Secretary, at the offloe of tbe Oompany, 418 Oallfornla street, San Francisco, Oal. Any stook upon wbloh this Assessment shall re- main nnpald on tbe TWENTIETH day of FKBRU. ARY, 1878, will be delinquent, and advertised for aalo at publio anction, and unless payment In made before, will be sold on Monday, tbe eleventh day of Marob, 1878, to pay the delinquent Assess- ment, togetber with oosts of advertising and ex- penses of sale. By order of tbe Board of Directors, JOSEPH GRUBS, Beoretary. Office 418 California street, Union Insnranee Building, San Franolsoo, California. jalB W Gold Hill Mining Ciiinpnny...Loc«- tlon of principal place of business, San Franclsoo, Oallfornla -Location of works, Grass Valley, Nevada oounty, California Notice Is bereby given tbat at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this fifthday of January, 1878, an assessment (No. 1) of Twenty- five Oents per share was levied upon the capital stook of tbe corporation, payable immediately. In United Btates gold coin, to tbe Secretary, at tba office of tho Company, Room No. 73, Nevada Blook, north- eßt-1 corner of Pine and Montgomery streets, Ban Franolsoo, California. Any stock upon which this assessment sball re- main nnpald on tbe ELEVENTH day of FEBRUARY, 1878, willbe delinquent, and advertised for tale at pnblio anotion ; and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Satnrday, tbe second day of March, 1878, to pay the delinquent assessment;. together with copts of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. JaB F. OGJJEN, Secretary. aY New Cos > mining company tion of . principal place of business. San Franolsoo, California - Location of works, \u25a0 New Ooso- District, Inyo county, California—Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of tbe Board of Directors, held on the . fourth day of January, 1878, an assessment : (No. 7) of Fifty (50) Cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable Immedi- ately, InUnited Btates gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, Rooms 6 and 7, No. 82T " Pine street, Ban Francisco, California. : Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the ELEVENTHday of FEBRUARY, 1878, will be delinquent, and advertised for sale at public auction ; and unless payment Is made before, will be Bold on Wednesday, the sixth day of March, .' 1878, to pay the delinquent assessment, 'together with oosts of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Dlrectore/D&j&gESjggggjjftgajS D. F. VERDENAL,Secretary. Office—Booms 0 and 7, No. 3.7 Pine street, San Franolsco, California. : 'Jail,'; A disoount of one .and one-half per cent.' per month will be allowed on the above from ' date of payment to day of sale. jaß D. F. VEBDENAL, Secretary. »7~Jaatlce : Mining Company. —Location ;\u25a0 of principal place of business. Ban Franolsco, Cali- Location of works, Gold Hill, Storey county, Nevada. Notice is hereby given < that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the tenth day of January, 1878, an assessment (No. 23) of Two Sol- lars per share, was levied ; upon the capital stock of me corporation, payable Immediately, In 'United' ' States gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Company, Room No. 3, Hay ward's Building, 419 California street, San Franclsoo, California. . Any stock upon which this assessment shall rtmala ' ;' unpaid on the FOURTEENTH day of FEBRUARY, 1878, will be delinquent, and advertised for sale at publlo auotlon, ana unless payment is made before, - will be sold on Wednesday, the sixth day of Marob , 1878, to pay the delinquent ' assessment, together with cost of advertising and. expenses of Bale. .-\u25a0 By order of the Board of Directors. . •,: :V: V :'\u25a0 JAB. S KENNEDY, Secretary, y Office-Room 9, Hay ward's Building, 419 Califor- nia street, Ban Franolsco, California. ; Jal3 ' *J r s»\9 Bnglaml Gold MiningCompany. —Location of ? principal place of business, San Francisco, California Location of works, Nevada oounty, California.— Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the . 23d day of January, 1878, an assessment (No. 2) of Ten Cents (10o.; per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation,, payable Immediately, In United , States gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Oompany, Room 31, No. 419 California street, San Francisco, California. ;' ; " ." "£=..' Any stock upon whloh this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the TWENTY-SIXTH day of FEB. RUARY, 1878, will be delinquent, and advertised for sale at publloauotlon, and unless payment Is made before, will be sold on Saturday, the sixteenth day of March, 1878, to pay - the delinquent assessment, together with costs of .advertising and expenses of Bale. By order of the Board of Dlreotors. ' : D. L. THOMAS, Beoretary, Office—Room 21, No. 419 California street, San Francisoo, California. ' ja3t 9rWQO(tYUl«iV<rno9ft<ffitoftmir*rjntittirg- Company— Location of principal place of business, San Francisco, California -Location of works. Gold Hill, Storey county, Nevada. Notloe is hereby given that at a meeting of tbe Board of Trustees, held on the twenty-third day of January, 1878, an assess- ment (No. 0) of Twenty-live Cents per share was levied upon the capital stock - of the corporation, payable immediately. In United Statea gold coin, ts MmSecretary, at the offloe of the Company, Room No. 3 Hay ward's Building, 419 California street, San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the TWENTY-FIFTHday of FEB- RUARY*1878, will be delinquent, aud advertised for sale at publloauction;' and unless payment is \ made before, will be sold on Saturday, tbe Twenty- third day of March, 1878, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of wale. By order of tbe Board of Trus- tees. JNO. F. POPE, Secretary. > Oilier— 8, Hay ward's Building, No. 419 Cali- fornia » trcot, San Francisco, California. - Ja34 XT' Sierra Nevada Silver mining Com- pany. Location of principal place of business : Ban Franolsco, California— Location of works : Storey county, Nevada. Notice is hereby given that \u25a0 at a meeting of the Trustees, held on tbe third ' day of January, 1878, an assessment (No. 63) of Fifty (60o.) Cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of tbe Corporation, payable Immediately, ,In >, United States gold coin, to the Secretary, at the offloe of the Company, Room No. 47, Nevada Blook, No. 809 Montgomery street, San Franolnco, California. ". Any slock npon whloh- this assessment shall remain unpaid on the SEVENTH day of FEBRUARY, 1878, will bo delinquent, and advertised for sale at public auction ; and,. unless payment is made before, will be sold on Thursday, the twenty.eighth day of February, 1878, to pay the delinquent : assessment, ' together with costs of advertising and expenses of \u25a0ale. , W. W. STETSON. Secretary. Office : Room No. 47 Nevada Block, No. 309 Mont- gomery stroet, San Francisco, California. ; Ja« NATIONALLABOR PARTY. Appeal to the Industrial Classes. KfThe National Labor Party, Through its Executive Committee, having placed the platform and ; principles . before tbe people, now desire to appeal to all Industrial classes of the State and of the Paolfio Ooast for their Arm sup- port : First, by rational, Intelligent : and : Uw.abid- ing agitation ; second, by a sound and well-regulated organization. We bold that any other than a peace- ful solution of the much-vexed Labor question (wbloh Includes tbe Chinese and nearly all other political and . financial .questions) will leave the V. workingclasses in a worse condition than at present. Bloody .- resolutions . accomplish little, If anything, for the tollingmasses ;for, even should the victory of arms jbe on their ,' side, they are still Ignorant of the first principles necessary to form a Government ' and Constitution sufficiently strong to preserve their rights and liberties ; men who have been successful | as slayers of men are elected as legislators, having ' bad no experience in civilaffairs, and, either through ignorance or venality, the Government soon' passes Into tbe hands of Sbylocks and corrupt politicians. Such is the history of France and tbe United States,' and such will It continue until the masses shall become united in one solid, Intelligent phalanx, with -.." : ! .:\u25a0'- PEACEABLE KEBOI.UTIONB AT THE BALLOT-BOX, Inscribed upon - Its unfurled banners. - Boob is the motto of •; the National Labor ; Party of California. . We bold that no people can be free, or longretain their freedom wben obtained, unions educated— edu- cated not merely in book-learning, but In a compre \u25a0 henslve knowledge of the laws of social science. Hence the elevation of the industrial olaaso? to the positions of legislators and governors I must * be - gradual, not impulsiveand spasmodic That which is fltteit will rale . and the most intelligent is oer. . talnly the fittest, notwithstanding some of the would-be leaders of womlngmen have said that the \u0084 | trouble heretofore has been •• too much brains in Governmental affairs." ; We desire first to encourage every healthy form of association among tbeproduo* ing olasses; let Trade and Labor Organizations be multiplied, and also Political Clubs; all these form so * many schools for the people, where they may learn to oast away prejudice and to cultivate sympathy and respect for each other, and where the more intelligent may Instruct those less favored. We hold ' tbat it Is far belter for. the tollers to hays nor* time ! for study f and reflection, and thus ' increase .'their r mental power to rise above their present condition, .-' than to be forced by long hours of toll to seek the ; cup of dissipation, and by degrees sink into a conrti. . tion of pauperism and > crime. -. That ' wblob we sow . we mutt also reap ; if we sow and cultivate ignor. - ai'ce, we shall reap crime \u25a0 and j corruption ;in every . " form ;for Ignorance ! is \u25a0 the j mother of. every vice. ".'" .' We appeal, therefore/even to the 5 capitalist and the . i monopolist to assist in our good work, and ask them ••;. ifit is not better to encourage the muses to be self." supporting and to grow and prosper mentally and financially, than by a system ot land and .' franchise. , grabbing laws to drive them into * poverty, vice and crime, and anally, when all other resources fail, into open riot and rebellion, to free themselves and their progeny from absolute serfdom. In conclusion, we would say to the '\u25a0 produolag ' classes. The cause Is yours; there are m o Cwsars 'In our parly ; come, rally for the came of freedom I We are threatened ! with a form of slavery in the coolie trafflo - worse than the Southern States were - ever cursed with. Fellow-worklngmen, be on your guard I /One tyrant is no better than another ; he who tells you that you must shout the shibboleth of a party before you can organise a Worklngman'a Club, and sends a gang of roughs to ; break •up vrorklngmen's meetings, is no friend of Liberty, but bis same ought and willstand along With those of other tyrants who have sought by force, in one form or another, to suppress free thought and free speech. We are fighting oppressive ' monopolists ; and when anyone olalms the monopoly of organising Worklngmen's Clubs, that in the first monopoly to destroy. Unity is above all things. desirable ; but before unity ; can . come, intelligence and justice must prevail among the •, workers In the causa; let oapable and experienced men take the helm ; i fellow workmen,* choose them yourselves, but be very careful in your < selections ; inevery case : apply the Jeffersorilan test—.. Is he honest ? Is be capable V;' We call upon you, then, to rally around the banner of , the Natiorai. Labob Pabtt, not to build up or tear down men, but to j build up and disseminate livingand eternal princl. pies, upon which rest the very pillars of \u25a0 liberty (Signed) v- Bi P# FRENCH.; \u25a0> n Chairman State Executive Committee. P. E. McCarthy, Secretary.' '' j a i* ASHTON'S LIVJRPOOL SALT, KMX MI * CJEI>JEJIIB *'«'Kl> "HAM) OP »A l/r has been in constant use for more than half a century in the Eastern Statea, where for fairy pur- i 1 poses it commands double the price of any other j brand of Liverpool Salt. The undersigned are sole 5* agents here, and offer it to the trade. a WILLIAMS. BLANOHARD ft CO.. aiB ' - *18 Oallforqu street. cocoanut oil;- OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, FOR BALE BY B1 PACIFIC OU, AND LdffiADWORKS, fi . i*a-; \u25a0 KITTXJB *' OO - 1 - Aaantm .' \u25a0' : ' «

Transcript of MARKET STREET, BUILDING MATERIAL Alta California... · Baa Franelseo Thursila? Janaarf 81....

Baa Franelseo Thursila? Janaarf 81.


Borne years wince our people hesitated aboutmaking for themselves homes, beoanse of theinsecurity of land titles. Portions of the oitywere oovered fiveor six titles deep, and thereseemed no certainty of holding a homesteadlotif one were purchased. About nil oar peo.pie had come here to improve their conditionto gain a competency ,and then return to theirold homes to spend the remaining portion oftheir liven amid the old familiar soenes andfriends. Bat as fortune would have it, thisooast was destined to bo peopled by the mostenergetic and enterprininp; of oar race. Onefound he had not been aa snooessfal &% he haddesired ;another was not qaite ready to re-turn; another that he had entered apon toomany ventures, and therefore could not leave :and thus was it with eaoh and many throughall the changes of fortune. Yet up to fifteenyears ago but few homes had been lmilt. Alarge portion of our people livedinhotels andboarding houses, and they hesitated aboutbuying land to build a home upon, becausetitles were so uncertain. Atpresent all this isohanged, all titles settled, and people feelinghappy, are buying or building homes andpreparing for permanence of habitation. Andthey hoped that the times had passed wh(neaoh house-owner had to be ready to fee law.yers to defend what he had purchased in gcodfaith and paid for.

Bat now oome other dampers, in the way ofohange of grades, the widening of streets forthe advantage of the few at tbe expense ofthe many, and laying out of new streets andconsenting property inorder that the ownersoffast horses and handsome equipages mayhave a broad driveway, a Boulevard a la Paris,along whioh to display their fine turnouts.What Senator MoCoppin'd bill involves is achange of grade and of values of tbe streetsfrom Turk to Waller— in fine, of allthe streetsin that section. One is ohanged, another

Iwidened, and then the grand boulevard whiohis to tvm a dozen blocks of laud into a broaddriveway. There in no nocesaity now for suchan avenue to the Park, and never will be.The oity is spreading out, going to the Park.Every lot that is graded, every house that isbuilt,every new (street graded and plankedbrings the Park nearer to the centre of theoity. Three lines of. oars leading to itarecontemplated ;aud when they are completedall can visit the Park at slight expense. Butifa few oitizenß have the teams nnd desire todrive to it,how much pleasanter to drivealongsuoh a street as Tjler, Turk or McAllisterthan along such a dirty, windy crowded thor-oughfare as Market street ? We oan only lookupon the soheme of Senator MoOoppin as athoroughly useless one, irrespective of anyinjury itmight do to our oldest oharitableinstitution, the Protestant Orphan Asylum.


r|^^|.^lt is pleasant to look out upon green fields$0^

—*irnfr«V felt happy at beibg tbu&^lothed ;•> -v up once more to olear blue skies,1have dispensed withltheir curtains

\u25a0* ;>> breathe the fresh air that'-u-jtn i'^: iwashed by' the bountiful showersuntil not a speck, nor a streak of smoke, re-

,, mains to obstruot the vision. And what givesan additional fervor to the feeling is the hope,

j;•'•'\u25a0-\u25a0 the almost certainty that the rains have been;'-' sufficient, aided by the rains hoped for here-,r after, to ensure the largest crop that; Califor-: nia willhave ever prodflcetl,; From nearly,

or qui^B^yory-BSSHJn of the State,' tho teit-. ajrjTJTTfiin tell the pleasant story. of abundant

rains. From Ban Diego to 'the centre andcirbnmferenoe of tho State, from the sea-const-to the mountains, the earth has been washedand saturated bounteously. , More acres havebeen prepared and seeded than ever before,and if one could draw upon the future, bemight Bay. that our farmers have the bestpromise which they have had for years. Ifthe late rains Hhould come as usual, ourgolden crop willbe golden grain to be turnedinto grains' of gold. Let our farmers, mer-ohantp,. laborers, all be happy now in theautiuipation of the near future, the fine cropspromised,' and the impetus whioh abundantrains will have given to business of allkinds.

THE LATE ELECTION IN ALAMEDA.The official returns of the special election

held inAlamedtt County for Senator, on the22iinst , fihows tbat Bones, Workiugmau,rooftived 2647 votes, Crane, Uapublicau, 20G1and Lamar, Damoorat, 577, out of 5397 bal-lots. In1870,8288 ballotß were oast at thePresidential election, and the County hasH litnii,probably, 500 votes in the meantime.We assume that about 3400 voters did not goto the polls at the special election, and Bones<liilnot receive the support of one-third of theoitizans. Tbe small vote is ohar^able partly

Ito the violent etoini that prevailed on theIelection day.

The figures indicate that most of Bones'strength came from the Demooratio side, and

Q this agrees with the general opinion that theworkidgmen of Bepublioan opinions have, as

\u25a0\u25a0i a general rule, not followed the lead of thed incendiary agitators. Itmay be that manyjf Democrats, considering their own candidateIcertain of defeat, voted for Bonea, merely for•the purpose of preventing the suooess of ali-ijiublioiiu, butif this was their motive they

?>injured their own party by reduoing itto the.-.third plaoe, and showing that the chief sup-

\u25a0' port of peace and justice is the -R^publicmBparty. We do not Bay this with any desirp'to

make capital for our party, which is a nationalorganization, and jHhfTiiTiiitl limil interests

v eloarly demand, we think itmay, without im-ll'v iaui »*Wbi.' county elections, as

has oftV.-n been done in ou £t*te Vithun-doubted benr.'lt to the cause of good govern-ment, although we may add that on variousoccasions the Republicans have yielded farmore than could fairly ba demanded of them.


i^J The appeal from the Bed Orescent Societyji>,.at Ooii^tantinople is one which'bring* vividly'

\u25a0\u25a0:.: to mind the terrible results of a war buoh as;,-3^ this, which;has cost itasßiu and Turkey \u25a0[ no

mauy hundreds oT thousands of human Jives,\,;:./bo" many more hundreds of thousands of

.\u25a0.-\u25a0% oripplod and maimed, and so much of suffer-:,-- ,ing by the \u25a0people not directly engaged in the

battles, but Buffering perhaps quite as muchas the soldiery. The appeal of the CentralCommittee of the •Bed Crescents

'is to all

;:jkindred Booieties, all benevolent institutions,~and ifall'kind-hoar ted:men of all\countries.Wounded toldiers ar« flocking into Constanti-nople jfrom allparts of the country. Fifteen

f / thousand refugees, victims of the war, having$ MleiTevMy thing;ir/th6ir flight from the dreadedif^jprosenciTof tho upproaohing llussiuuH, havingyS» lostjvaudj. left everything and dependentE o.^,t>roiiT''Upo?.r!D^&'>ty\\almosrnaked l.'with' noV3 means .^wh'atoyer^ and small-pox and feversIadded to fheir condition, renders the state

left everything in thtir flight from the dreadedpresence of the approaoning Russians, havinglost aud left everything and dependententirely upon oharity, almost naked, with nomeans whatever, and smuil-pox and feversadded to their sad condition, renders the state

I of uflairH in Constantinople pitiable indeed.Is*itpossible \ that National:jealousy on tbe

r. part of ;- the British can be so deep and rank

J-.2B tbut the \u25a0'British Ministry can- entertain the[>f|idea ;of adding to this fearful condition byI holding out uncertain hopes to the Porte, or[.. by commencing anew

'the war, which • has

already overwhelmed, ifnot destroyed; Turkey•-Jin''': Europe? Charity \u25a0 would answer in the

?:!• inegative. " •\u25a0•' hr.'-.<-/\u25a0h r.'-.<-/\u25a0 v-»,v•','\u25a0'-'.'.~i':x"v-»,v•','\u25a0'-'.'. ~i':x "- '\u25a0

BEACONSFIELD'S TEN MILLION.\"%'3£-~. To-day the demand (or an extraordinary

oredit by the British Ministry is to be actedupon by the House of Commons. Itm putforward not exactly as a war.measure, bat as

|;^one 'necessary for the Government' to haveV granted incase there should be a call for war-"

like measures. Throe millions of itis said to'M be intended for the " Navy,:two for the land

forces, and one for incidentals. Mr. Glad-[i**iBtoue is striving to arouse opposition to it,[is;belie viug' it.may loal to war with Ilussia,'t

\u25a0wuioh he'-

deprecates. \u25a0;vEngland has beenmoving to separate Austria from the triple al-liauce of the three Emperors, but with, as re-ported, not ;vory absolute success. Shouldtho grant be carried by a large majority, itm.iy exert a great, influence. Gladstone says

\u25a0 ,};that the country is against the grant, althoughthe Commons willprobably favor it. An up.peal to the patriotism of the British people is-

1 :(likely to be -met with an affirmative answer,and the amonut asked for, about fiftymillions

h^do'larp,;will probably be voted. What then ?'Z&lIs Et)»land Roing take up the glove at thisvCfilat fday, after having very.; quietly seen her

told aliy nearly wiped out from the; map of'•Europo ? Itia hoped not. There has already '\u25a0

been blood enough spilled in the settlementof this Eastern question, this decision of thequestion whether the brutal Turkish tyrannyshall continue to crush down all who do notbelieve in the Prophet and turn their faces,toward Mecca when they pray.


Slight Improvement inBusi-ness—New Bonanzas -Closing Quo- ,

. tations. i

There is hardly any change of cote Inthe prices

of stocks, the market showing firm,and the busl- i

ness of yesterday showing an Increase. Alta andJustice were the leading stocks dealt In. The com- ,promise between theeo mines are repotted off, batfrom the manner the shares are holdingup, we in-cline to the belief that negotiations willbe resumed

soon, and consummated this time. '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0

The bonanza mines, as dividend day approaches,Show Inert «Bed strength, sad have their Bouroe In the ;bullion yields of this month, whioh are sufficiently

large to ensure tbe $2 dividends from each.The Territorial Enterprise, in a recent issue, has

the followingInreference to the bj)W development!upon tbe Oomstook :

••Judging from tbe fine development reoently madeon the 1751) level ot the Consolidated Virginiamine,much is to be expected from the broad unexplored

belt of vein matter still lyingto the eastward of allthe leading mines toward tbe north end of theOomstock. IIthis newly-developed body ofore hadbeen found anywhere else except in olose proximityto the bonanza mines, itwould have oreated apro-found sensation in mining circles and a markedeffect Inthe Stock Market. Had a deposit of ore 40feet in Width, of unknown extent north and south,and up and down, assaying far up In the hundreds,been found in Gold Hill,American Flat, or any-

where but where this was encountered, everybodywould have been wild for shares in the mine inwhich the a rlke was made, and in all other minesin the Immediate neighborhood. Being wltbin theboundaries of tbo bonanza minos, however, the de-velopment so iroely creates a ripple In tbo tide ofmining affairs, as It would seem that people havecome to be surprised at nothing that Is found withinor about the California or Consolidated Virginiamines. . '.•.'<• Although this splendid development has thus farbeen looked upon as a mere matter-of-oourso ad-junction ot tbe Bouanzi mines, it really has amean-ing outside of them. Itwas found far to the east,and alter passing through tutorial so discouragingInappearance that Itwas at one time thought hardlywortn.wnilo to drift iuto it further. This easternbody havingbean found under such olrcumstanoes,we do not consider itat all unreasonable t > supposethat other bo lies lie a o.g tbo lead in similar posi-tions.

MFollowing the range of the naw ore-bedy south-ward, we Hiinll find that it passes In front ot theSavage and Hale and- Noroross mines, at no greatdistance from the point where was reached tbe gre tbody of water that flooded those mines. A*suchgreat flows of water generally oome from the bordersof a vein of quartz ore,it Is not unlikely that tboSavage folks were on the point of cutting into » bodyof ore when they , wore driven out of their 220Jlevel by a flood that filled their whole mine.lie ore-body lately found Id the ConsolidatedVirginiaprobably does not extend as far south asthe Savage mine, bat in front of the Savage, andcorresponding to ItIn range, there may be anotherand far larger body. The deposit found in tbe Con-solidated may extend southward Into I'm Best &Belcher and Gould At Curry,but whether it does soor not, there willbe likely to be found somethingcorresponding to it in front of those mines. Astbese chimneys of ore always have an inclination totbe southward, it isnot unlikelytaat the one justfound in the Consolidated may reach far into theBest 6Belcher at some depth.•• At present, however, the Bavage and Hale & Nor-oross have the best Indlcnt of being close uponinch a body of ore. Now that this strike far to thoeast has been made in the bonanza mines all willwatch with renewed Interest ttte progress made indraining the flooded mines and the resumption ofoperations in those levels whence came the greatinfluxof water.• \u25a0The body ot ore found fas to the eastward in frontof tbe is another encouraging circumstance.Itmay be tbe continuation of tbe body found in theConsolidated Virginia;but, whether itis or not, itShows that in a certain range In front of the Corn-stock boJles ofgood ore may bo looked for—a stringof bonaLZiS, as It were." > j

OLOOINU QUOTATIONS, *|Reported by Wilson. Dunlap, 125 Hinsome street :Uphir, $531*,sales; Mexican, $14, asked ;Alta, !8?g,sales ;Con. Virginia, $23 {4,sales ;California, $2-»,asked ;Gould &Curry. $«?&, Bales ;Best &Belcher, :$18?,, sales ;Savage, 112%, sales; Hale ItNorcross,*10?§, asked; Ohollar-Poiosl, $32 H,asked ;GrandPrlzi, $1314, sales ;Silver Hill,s2 70,asked ;EurekaCon $39. asked ;Bullion, $160, asked ;Utah, fiav«,asked ;Exchequer, $3 05, asked ;Union Con., t Gv£asked ; Sierra Nevada, $4 30, asked ;Imperial, tOo,asked; Yellow Jacket. $9\.asked ;Belcher," $s!*,asked; Overman. $17^, asked ; Justice, $10%^asked ;Crown Point, $5%, asked.

\u25a0rCr?-'?^>cv 111;na cui^X**"

Mining operattonaJ»»B^contlnued through tin-

week with the ji^traTprogress. Making good pro-greas in t\i^rx'»nn\ou of drifts, raises, etc' TheBeveral^ojC>odies continue to yieldtheir usual sup

'ply?"On tbe 7th level the north cross cut from the

main 'drifthas been advanced 4t> feet. On tbe Bthlevel the rise from the ore chamber is completed.The drift from tbe 7th level to connect with this!Willbe completed In a few days. On the 9th level jhave started a new incline wloze from the station |and sunk 10 feet. On too lOtb level tn > rise on the

line of the new Incline is up 8) feet, having raised3) feet this week. The wiuzjIntbe west ore bodyhas been sunk 10 feet. Tbe west drift on the lltulevel continued IS feet. The furnaces are runningwell, and yielded 331 tons of bullion, being tbo p:o-duot of 1,36) ton*of ore reduced.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS.Commit. ton Meetings Yen terdajr


Modest Pr position from S. IV.Hol-lo.d»y—Tho Street Sprinkling Iran-chine The Hospital Fund Deflolen-oj,Etc

Tin' 0 Amendments of the Board of

tJnperv.H >rs held a meeting nt hilf-imst 1 o'clockyesterday afternoon. Mr. til preßldml. Mi'shth.(IlliliH,llonntron, Acheson, Hco'.t mid I'.iU--,, int'iii-

th of the Committee, wore present.H. W. Holladay, attorney-iMaw, appeared befuro

the iiiiiulttuu,and nut that lie had IMBa resolu-

tion adopted by the Board, requesting the l,"/i»I•-laturo to grant the privilege of expending tuuethoiiHauda of dolUm In Improving publio n|iiiii<---.Among those mentioned was LtUyptte Square. HowaR the owner of six ntty-vara lots which werelocated in tbe blocks comprising this square. Threeof them were on tho north Bide of (Jlay street, bo-twoeu Octavia and QoURb, and the other three onthe opposite side of Clay Street, Iftbe Board In-tended to Improve this Fquare, Itwould be advis-able for tho city to purchase Urn interest In the lotHnamed, as tbe improvements, if carried out, wouldadjoinbis land on every Bide. Ho had consultedwith the Mayor and tin-City and County Attorney,and they had referred him to the Oommltteo.

Inanswer to a question from, stated tlat the 60-vara lotl were worth $30 OJOeach, or (180.000 for the entire property. 'i'heiewan no contact of titIn whatever. Iftie city couldstand tbo improvements suggested, bo certainlyoould. Mr. Uolladay subsequently observed thatthe rltyclaimed » one-twentieth Inturoßt inoaoh 60-vara 10t.. a claim which be did not dispute.

The Committee decided to refer the whole matterto the City and County Attorney for bis opinion.

Mr.Gibus said that be did not believo t tat it wangood policy for the Board to make any arrangementwhatever with parties having claims against thecity. The safest way was to carry them Into Courtand have them settled there.

TiiK BTBEJCT-SPBINKLINO FBANCUISK. -"'„;The representative of tbe present street-sprinkling

companies came before the committee for thepurpose of opposing the passage of any resolutionby the Board requesting the Legislature to pass abill granting power to the, Bapervisors to issne afranchise to Blancbneld. *Co. for sprinkling thestreets of this city, as said that a protest had beensigned by over Btvvnhundred business men againstsuch a franchise,;*" members of the .Board hadalso signed a**#test agalust it.

Mr.Uotiutree was decidedly opposed to havingthe Legislature grant the Board the author! togive•aeh a franchise.-Mr.Glbbs said that the Boird did not want the»utliority to give any man or firma monopoly. TbeLegislature could pass a billHiving the Board powerto grant franchises for street sprinkling. TheBoard could Kraut ten. twenty, or ahundred it theysaw lit. This was the way to break up the monopolywbtch at present txlttid In tbe city.

Mr.Boundtree thought t ie safest way was to letI;alone.

Mr.Danforlb said that tbe Street Committee hidrecommend*-* iiranchUe, and a resolution drawn bythat Committee and adopted by the Board, had been|M)t to Baorameoti, requesting that such authoritybe vested in the Supervisors.

Mr.Hill replied tSat too resolution now beforethe Committee was

'the one presented at the last

meeting,;repealing the former resolution and re-questing the Legislature to oppose the passage ofany billgranting to any Individuals tbo exclusiverightof watering the streets.,' After some farther discussion the Committee re-solved to report a substitute resolution to theBoard; questing tho Legislature to oppose allsuch franchises.

PUBLIC PARK IMPS')VEUENTS.The Committee then took up Supervisor Glbbi'

resolution, requesting the Delegation toprocure snchlegislation as would empower the Board to expend112,000 on Franklin Square. $0,0,0 on Jacksondquare, and $800 ion Yeroa Baena Park.

\u25a0 Mr.Glbba was of the opinion that the city wouldhave Borne difficulty with their titles in the Int ireif some action was not taken In toe premise*.

Mr.Hillthought that II the.;Squares mentionedwere fenced In It would answer all purposes for thepresent. \u25a0

\u25a0 ....-The Committee took the aame view, and agreed toact accordingly.

XHB HOtPITAL DEFICIENCY.'Tke resolution requesting the Legislature to to.

oreaae the Hospital Appropriation from$13,000 to$16,000, and a farther appropriation of 115,090 fortbe denoienoy for the present fiscal year, was takenup.


s 'Mr. Qlbbs said that tbe number of inmates in theHospital and Alma House, had increased 25 and 40per cent., respectively, during tie past year, andconsequently a larger drain was made upon theFund than In tbe previous years. Both these insti-tutions were conducted economically and ably, andboth Dr. Bryan and Mr. Keating aesurved greatcredit. To show the difference in one Item ofexpenditure at the Hospital, between the presenttime and a couple of years ago. Mr.Glbba said : <• Theliquors furulsbed to the Hospital during the pastyear cost about 91110, while,under a previous man-agement they cost over $10 0 0 for the same lengthof time."

The Committee were of the opinion that theIncreased appropriations were actually necessary andagreed to report favorably on the resolution.

Tne Committee then adjourned.

A MISTAKE IN A BID.The Oomouittee on Health and Police and House

Of Oorreotlon— Danfoitu, AcheHon and Ulbbs—otld a meeting at 3 p. m.John Staade, the contractor who furnished provis-lons to the different pubito Institutions, came be-

fore the Committee, and represented that there hadbeen amistake inhis bid for furnishing corn mealwhich be (I Hired to have rectined. His olerk had

made the bid read •< two cents per pound," when itshould have read •• three cents per pound." He had !

made an alliiavlt to these facts, and the previousBoard hnu allowed him the other cent, but since tbenew Board time in,Ithad been withdrawn.

The Committee were clearly of tbe opinion thatnothing could done in the matter. The coutractbad' been made and signed, and the contractorwould have to abide by It.-


A communication was read from Mrs. M. M.Boule, Becordlug Hecretary of the Ladles' Protectionand X -!ief Socimy,' stating that tbe Society believed 1that tbe city should grant compensation for the |board of such children .. as were sent \u25a0to the institu- 1tion from the Mayor's Ollloe. . |

The Committee. were of the opinion that ItwasJust that homeless and innocent

-children should be

cared for by 'the city and |at the city's expense, but Ias itdid not lay Intho power of the Board to niakoany appropriation :for suoh a purpose, t icy wouldhave to report adversely to the petition, but wouldsuggest tba. reference of tbe petition to toe BanFrancUoo Delegation in the legislature.


. The Gaslight Committee, Messrs. Hill,U lumne.and Scott, met for the rorpoee of bearing tb« Rtatement of £. J. Baldwin, who cent In an applicationfor a franchise, gome weeks since.

Mr.Baldwin did not put In an appearance, how- iever, and i'iottilu«was done. . i

j .Mr. ;J)tnforth snggeated that the rcaron of bisabsence was that he was trying to throw come lightonlanotber iubjoct Intho FiltorntU DMlot Court.

The Street Committee and Uutslde Land Commit.'

te» also held aetsions during the :afternoon, bat no jbusiness of lmportanoe was tranaaoied. .


iwift'a Water Bill—The Proposed Of-floe of County Registrar— Swift'tt

*IV.o and Salary BillFavorably Re- Jported San Fvanolsoo Bills Favor- aably Reported— A Batch of New 1


1--IKJM ova special oobbkspondbmt.] ,Baobamento, January 30th.— The r»ln came down 1

n torrents again last night,and continued until an >>ariy hour this inorntng. *

The roooptlon of Benator Bones was the excite-'

nent of the evening, and drew out a large crowd.'

SWIFT'S WATHII BILL ,.Vits under consideration before tbe Han FranciscoJelegatlon lait night. The attack appeared to be (ed by Anderson. A large number of amendments»ere proposed, and Borne of the most obnoxious>noa nearly succeeded Inbeing passed

—one vote, In

many instances, deciding tho question. Doubtless ,;he bill, when It leaves tbe Delegation, Will lienothing more than a skeleton of is former propor-tions. But Mr.Swift rays Ifthey will only allowthe billto force tbo Oompany to fixsome rates, he

will l>e content, and believe that a great step hasbeen accomplished. But the bill has not yet got

ml of the hands or the Delegation, and there la noknowing what will yet be done with the bill.Another meeting was held thin morning, and a lan -n

number of amendments proposed bat not acted upon.THE DIVISION OF BOTH! COUNT* |

Is now being considered by the Assembly Committeeon Counties and County Boundaries. Argument*)are being heard from the parties at interest, and Itwill be some tlmo yet before the subjeot recelvos adi unite recommendation of tbe Committee.


AgalDßt MeOoppiu'B bill, asking that the Govern-ment net aside Angel Island as a cemetery, Is, thatIn the Winter months, as the funeral steamers wouldhave to cross the swell coining in at the GoldenGate, tho miseries of mal-de-mer would be added tothe affections of the mourners. ;--Y


Senator Pearson's bill, providing for the betterprotection of stockholders in Incorporated com-panies, provides that ice Governor of the State shallappoint a County Registrar, who shall hold office fora term of four years. His oilico shall be ait'id

county seat. He shall give a bond for the faithfulperformance of his duty, which shall be f50,003 inBan Francisco County. | A certlnoate of stock mustbe presented forregistration, and the Ueglstrar shallcountersign Itand affixhis seal. The Register shallkeep a book open to the publio,showing the numberof shares in each company, the amount issued, etc,

He must cancel old shares before countersigningnew ones. For Ban Franolsoo the Registrar shallcollect for each certificate of stock oonntemlgnedtwenty-flvo cents, half of which be may retain, the

balance going to tbe Bcuool Fund. Alter July Ist.1878, no nncouutenlgned certificate of stock shallbo received in evidence for any purpose whatever-


The followingbillhas been reported back to theAssembly by the Baa Fraud -co Delegation, and ltdpassage recommended : |

Heo. 1. From and after the tint day of December •1871), itshall be unlawful for any officer of tbo cityand county of Han Francisco t > appropriate to bisown ut*u any fee, commission, perquUit >, or otheremolument uf his said office, exoe^t the' regularotll^iul salary provided by this law and attached tosai'i office ;provided, that the Anßessor of said city

aud count} may cotttuue to collect and appropriat)t ihis own use suoh commission upon the collects nof poll tuxes as are allowed by tho laws in forceon said above-mentioned day. With the *xoeptl»n ofsaid commls ions upon said poll taxes allowed tosaid Assessor, all fees, commissions, perquisites and

'emoluments of office receive! by auy offloer of said


city and county fur any purpose, or upon any pro-tense whatever, shall be by such officer, withinthirtydays from the receipt thereof, paid into tietreasury of said cityand county, into the Special FeeFnnd, for the benefit thereof.

:-rr.2. Any officer of Bald city and county will-fullyfalling,neglecting or refusing to pay any lee,commission, perquisite or emolument of office re-ceived by him,intoBald treasury, is provided for <

in section one of this Act,for the space of ninety'

days, shall be deemod guilty of a felony, and, onconviction, punished accordingly. "i

Beo. 3. The salary of the Mayor of said city i.mlcounty is hereby established and fixed at tho sum oftour thousand dollars per annum, which Is to be Inlieu of all fees, commissions or emoluments of office,t > take effect on said first day of December, a. n.,18 9.


Beg. 4, The salary of riu City and County Bur-veyor of Bald city and oounty is hereby establishedand fixedat the sum of $5000 per annum, in lieu ofall compensation, fees, commissions, or emolumentsof office;and tucBj»rdof Hupervisursu&AOtnotTzedand empowers 1 to provide BUchg>rWand assistantsas shall be necessary lv as t about Bald office at suchBttlarits as ilii'j deem propor, to be paid asi)tlicr_>U»ci!iT are paid, t) take effect on said\u25a0BrStday of December, a. » 187'J ;provided, that tbeBoard of (Supervisors shall lixand establish the ftesfroni lime to time us necessary and regulate themine.

Bko. 5. The salary of the Sheriff of Bald olty andcounty is ben-. by tixed at the sum of $OUOO perannum, inlieu of all fees, corutuisbiom, or othitemoluments of office, to take effect on said first dayof December, A. d.1879.

Hko. (>. iin-saury of tbe Public Administrator ofBMd city and county •» hereby fixed at the Bum ofthree thousand dollars per uuuuui, to be In lieu ofall fee*, commissions, or other emoluments of office ,and at the cud of his official term, said PublioAdministrator ntiall transfer and turn over to hishucctssor all osta'es, property, and things in bisihands and unadmlnistered upon, subject to suchrales, orders, and reguUtions for the protection of

persons interett.d as the Probato Court or Judgeshall (teem advlbable and shall make, to take effectonMid first day of Decfpile•, a d. 1070.

Mi- 7. The salary of the Auditor ot Bald oity andoouDty is hereby fixed at Mia sum of lour thousanddollars per annum, inlieu of all fees,' commissionsor '6'tft'i'r VBRh'ifflß&9A <ilMf,\9,<**%£<&«ftsaid

Illrnt day of April, a. »., eighteen hundred andseventy- nine.

H«O. H. The salary of tlin City and County Attor-ney Is hereby fixed at the sum of live thousand dol-

lars per annum, to bo lv lieu of allfoes, cotnuiU-

hloiih itittier emolument* of office, to take effect onRaid first day of April,a. d., ulklUoou hundred and


A message was announced from the Governor,oontalulng his approval of several blllH,anting

which was Hugg*' bill, exempting growing crotsfrom taxation.

Coffey, from the Ban Francisco Delegation, reoom-mended the passage of a bill Increasing the numberof Supervisors and providing fur the mode ofelecting the mime.

Also, tho bill increasing the Police ContingentFund. \u0084

Also, increasing the number of Deputies In theofflco of the Superintendent of Streets. Also, the billreleasing surotk<s on tho bail bond

of William AMIS, in tbo casu of the \u25a0< EscapedNun."

The Assembly ordered printed the amendmentssubmitted by B*lft, to the bill amending theElection and Registration law.

•in-it.-, from Committed or Corporations, reportedfavorably on bill creating ollioe of Bank Commis-sioner, recommending its reforence to Special Com-uiitti(ion Havings Banks.

lienshaw. from Committee on Public Expendi-ture, reported adversely on billmaking au appro-priation for tne representation of California at thoFreuch Exposition.

Nott, from Committee on Ways and Means, re-ported adversely onbillregulating the. rate of inter-eat it) the proposed Usury law. •:'.{

Favorably uu subßtuute fur billreducing salaries,ito., of members and attache* of the Legislature.

Now bills were introduced as full"1"-:

By Tuitle— Amending Politic*!'

Code in relationto.electlous. [Requires .t*:» elector to deposit bisown ballot , the O> .>iRegister to be annually pre-pared ;also, District Registers ; also, prohibitingvoting on oertlncaUß ;also, that names must be ouIbe Great Register twentj-eight days before anygeneral election.] To Committee ou Elections.lijDiiinlnu) For relief of J. T.Boyd. [Provides

for payment of expenses Incurred by <yd inchang-ing tbe grade of Beale street, ban FrauolNco.] Todelegation.

By McClure—

Supplementary to Act facilitatingthe construction of a canal in the olty of Oakland.[Authorizes tho transfer of $40,754 2) from theCanal Fund to the General Fund of county for tbepayment of any judgment in tbo United StatesCourt for the condemnation of tbe laud ] To Ala-m<da delegation.

By McComap—

Concerning tbe office ot CountySurveyor. [It abolishes tho office of (Jjuuty Bur-veyor, and makes all practical surveyors who givebonds in the sum of $5100 County Surveyors withintueir respective counties. The billis a copy of thelaw now inforce in Missouri. ] Referred to the Ju-diciary Committee.

By Oofftj—

Amending the Ban Francisco CityCriminal Court Act. [It provides that the Courtshall be a Court of Record, with a ee»l, ( to., andshall have the same forms of process and procedure

'as the Municipal Criminal G'outt of Ban Frauoisco,and makes twelve terms for the yt-ar, commencingon tbe first Monday in each month. In case ofvacancy in the Judgtship, the Governor may supplyitby appointment. Incase of illness or inability ofthe Judge, he may call in tbo Judge of tie Ci'yCriminal Court, or If be be unable to serve, theCounty Judge of any neighboring county may becalled In.] Referred to delegation.

By Tobin—Concerning property within the cityand county of Ban Franolsco. [Authorizes Super-visors to donate to the Central Pacific KMlro»d andthe Southern Paoiflo In common, for terminal andother purposes, so much of (lielands as lie woat ofKentucky and southwest of Fourth street, oovered

'by streets and alleges, which were vao&ted by Act ofMarch 11,1474.]

Beotion '1provides that Supervisors shall oonvey,for a fair and reasonable ptloe, tbe l*nds set apartfor market places and produce exchange. Referredto the delegation.

BERATE DELEGATION.The Senate delegation held a meeting at 1o'clock

to-day. Present—Howe,Dean. Donovan, McOoppin,

Pier sou and Craig. In the absence of Nanau, Pier-son was elected to preside.

Captain Mullan was permitted to address tbo dele-gation on tbe water question, 11" said that the per-sons associated with him contended that portions ofthe Rogers Act of List session were unconstitutional. IHe also maintained that Swift's dedicatory Actamending Kogerß' was not good legislation unless itwent further and allowed tbo Commissioners tonegotiate for supply outside of the peninsula of San


'He alto contended that the Roger* Act!

should be further amended by Inserting the amount'

of the bonds to be .given by partieß offering to soil jwater to the city,and that powers ofeminent domainconferred on the CuuiiniSHioners should only bo ex-ercised through the courlß.

Oapta'n MulUnfurther addressed the Delegationin support of Feather river projects, assuring themthat it was the Clear Like project with Clear Lakeleft out, only to be used in time of drought. \/-;

McOoppin remarked that the Assembly Delegationbad punched a hole in Swift's bill, fixing waterrates, by introducing an amendment allowing theSpring Valleynot less than 8 or more than 10 percent, undefined capital, and if this principle was toIprevail, itwould be useless for the Senate toattemptany legislation.

Captain Mullan asserted that 20 cents per 1000'

gallons was an ample price for water, and that anyicompany could make money at that figure. He also jasked tue Delegation to take measures to


competition in the water supply, and relieve citi-\u25a0ens from monopoly.

The Delegation then took up the Polloe bill.MoOoppln submitted amendments lor creating a

Police Life losnranoe Fund—

$2 per month beingadded to tire salary for this purpose.

HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEES.The Committee agreed to report back Assembly

bill to protect tbe publiohealth and regulate exbu-mation aud removal of human remains, andrecommend its passage. Tho Act Is con-sidered •as calculated to discourage Chi-nese immigration by embarrassing the ob-servance of certain customs that are regarded bythem as most sacred and Imperative to wit, theexhumation and transportation of tbe bones of theirdead to their native country.

Hanna's billrblativd to ejectors was taken np andthe Committee agreed to report it b&ok with a Bug-gestion that it be reforred to tae Committee on Klec-lions.

The Committee agreed to the amendment of theJixemption law (Welch's bill)so as to exempt Tomexecution 75 hives of bees belonging to one engagedin the business of producing honey. J. O. J.

Da. J. Simmb, the original and profound author,Impressive and pleasing. lecturer, will lecturo on•• Breathing and F.ailog,"at Dashaway Hall,tonight-Admission. 25 cents ;Course Tickets. 60 cents.


————— , .lira. Hydb. tbe well-known Medium, gives

sittings dally^Ml7;J 4 Market St., Parlor No.2. 10-14

Photographs oi superior finish at Morse's Palaceof Art,417 Montgomery street.

\u2666-•-^ .Db. 1,. J. Czapkay, Practicing Phyßlolan In San

Francisco blucb 1854, ru»y be consulted at No. 20»iCeurny street ;offlco hours, from 9 A.M., to 3, and7toBP. M. Consultations free. Special attentiongiven to treatment of Ohronlo, and Disease! of theNervous System. ijU


San Fbancihoo, January 30th, 1878.Editors Alta :Noticing a statement in tbe Ban

ranolsco CVinmicl* of January U6th, In oonnuctlon'lth the wreck of the bark King Phillip,In which; is charged that the Captain got Into a beastlytate of intoxication during the trying time, weereby pronounce the charge a false and maliciousne. We, as Bhipinateggof Captain Keller, desire to

tate that all that could be done was done by him,

nd at no timo during our connection with him havere seen him in the state mentioned, or unable tolerform his duty as a mastor or a thorough seaman,

rhloh ho undoubtedly is. •• Fair play Is a ]ewel"

11 tbe world over, and we cannot but brand thetatement of tbe paper mentioned as •• Chronidf.Ike," and as false as it is disgusting. Yours repectfally,J. H. Wuinr, first mate, been with Captain Keller

9 months. iT.Books, second mate, boon with Captain Kellermonths.J. Aggerty, seaman on back King Phillip.Henry Wilson «• " •• ••Anguit Johnson, seaman with Captain Keller 13

nontha.Kdward Johnson •• KingPhillip0 months.Wm. LangTeat, seam'n with Capt. Keller 7 months.Otto Wagner •• •• " •• 3 months.Albert Beck •• •• •• •• 4 montbr.M.NlUon <• •• •• •< r. luoiitnt.William Btahl •• •• •> •• 6 monthu.A.Pettertion, seaman aboaid KingPhillip.O. Husar •< <• <• •< 10 months.WillAnderson •• •• •< •• '.' months.Matthew Leask •• •• •• •• 4 months.B. X Peterson •• >• •\u25a0

•• 10 months.Henry Richards •< •• •• •< a months.Henry Smith •• •• « •< '2 months.Jack Carlton <• •• •• •• 4 months.Charles Anderson •• •• •• •'• months.Fred Young \u25a0< << •• •• '2 months.A.Hunge •• •• •• <•

Caerl Jobanaen •• •• •• ••H...mi Benson •• •• •< ••John lilavo •• •• •• ••D Pape •Henry Olsson •• •• •• •• 16 nioutbs.U.Thompson \u25a0•

•• •< •• 4 months.Jonepb Bmlth 11

•• •• •• '24 months.John Crookvc •• •• " •• A months.Charles Lynn •• <• •• •• 4 months.MartinJeUnson <• •• >• ••Fredrick Kbstrom •• •• ••Charles Smith •William l.lnai •• ••


For tbe verybest Photographs go to Bradley *\u25a0

UnlofHon's. Prices reduced. Closed on Bunday.

JljiilliJJte California

AUCTION SALES THIS DAY.rt.M.NKWHALL ACO.. corner of Bannome and


»t Haiearoom. at 10 o'clock,>Special sale ot Horses, Bungles, etc.i}, BO.' F. LA.MBON. No. 425 Koarny street, up

utalru-noll on tne premiaM.No. 018 Stockton street,;.at 11o'clock, the Furniture ot residence.

S R.R. ROLLINS A CO.. No m California \u25a0•'*«\u2666-sell on th« premises, corner Stockton and ValleJ >

1streets, at 11 the stock and futures ofa Grocery ;Bto *«.

If J. LINDO.No. 625! California street— sell on th»preml ten, No. 223 Montgomery avenue, at 11 oclock.

S the Htock and Fixtures ofa tJaloon.

i•-.% dividend of Ten per cent, on the capl*;:ilstock of tlio Merchants' Exchange Bank of Han l-'rnn:isco will be paid February 1, 1878. j

ja3t-3 ; W. F. BASTINGS, Cashier.'

ii of" Company, Second li>r«ntry—

\u25a0 Regular meeting for drill on FRIDAY,FebruaryjJ£l, 1378, at 8 oclock p. m., at tbe First RegimentArm iy, New Montgomery itreet, near Howard.Every member willattend. By order, I

ja3l-a WM. U.BDKTia,Secretary.

«/"Moikiio!(l.rn'Meeting of Fort lamaGold and Quirtz MiningCo.

—By order of the Trus.

tees of thin Company, a Stockholders' met ting, forthe purpose of urgent business, will bo held at theofllce of the Company, No. 319 Clay street, in the jcity of Han Franclsoo, onSATURDAY,March second,


I*7-1, at t*oo'clock p. m.. ja31 WM. BOQEN, Secretary .ODD FELLOWS' SAVINGS BANK,i


aVNotlce Is hereby given, that Hieannual meeting of tbe members of the Odd Fel>lowa' ttiivlnga Bank, for in-election of Directors ofBald Dink for tbe ensuing year, will be held at the

\u25a0'Hi-- of the Bank, room No. '1, Odd Fellows' Hall,No. 336 Montgomery street, on MONDAY,February11, A.D.1878. Polls to be opened at 7 o'olock v.m. and closed at 9 o'clock p.m. of that day. I

JAM BENSON, Secretary.Ban Francisco, January 30, 1878. j>.U ,

FOR SAJLK. "i[)P"- r-, AMAONEALE&URBAN BURGLAR PROOFIfiflffIjsJAFK.35 iv lbs., with two combination locks,JlB9|BjS(i Inches hl«b, :fli Inches long, '•'"• Inches ,""

l'"*wide. Cost iliOU. Been used a verjf_»horttime. Applyto JUH^ULJjUYt), .:|j*:1 1.7 . Room 15, 411%,. California etreot.



or ram

Masonic Savings and Loan Bank.A.Corporation doing lniHlneHH nt I

\i».<i i*ohisti'cct,Nnii FriuiclHco.C'nlif'oriiiH

Quarantee Capital $ 150,000 noReserve (fund IS,Bsti mil'niilii|i('«|iltal lilt, 87(Balance of Capital assessed and Incourse

of collection) ...I

ASSETS. \u25a0



1.'.-.-ii Kstnte In Sun Francisco, Alumeda,Solano, ami Mmin CounticH, nenrly all ;of which Isproductive, the actual valueof which 15....;. .... $ 188,888 10

Promissory Notes secured by mortgages onHeal Estate anil by United Stnten, 1County and city and County Bonds, IWarrant! nml securities 1,307,609 *>-

Allof laid notes and mortgages arc owned '..' \u25a0jMy the said M/iHonlcBavtngs and LoanBank, ami are held ami kept In it« ownvaults, nt Uh place of business In SimFrancisco, and the bonds am) otherseuritles are held ami kepi InHh ownvaults.

Cash on band in goldand silver coin and111 United Utait'B currency notes and InIni1..1 Slut, r; K.i'l.'l 'no'lr.., 11l- n.V.i.i'lvalue of which In Ingold 116,701 02

Km nil 'ii.',SnfcK, etc 6,828 is

Tolal 3 1,504,084 81

LIABILITIES.Amount due to Depositors $ 1,308,1-H 87Aiiiiiuiit of paid lipCapital nnd Reserve

I'nml a 188,467 88

9 1,886,012 .WSurplus of Assets over Liabilities r>7,i-i 81

$ 1,594,084 ill

Ran Francisco, January 1878.—— —

. !

stntu of California, City and County of San B*rsncl»co,—Win. 11. Culver, President of the Masonic Savingsmi.i Bank, and 11. T.Qraves, Secretary of mi.IHunk,being each and Bovsrallj duly sworn, each for himself dapose • ninlaays thai tbe foregoing itatemenl of the condi-tion of MiM Uank on the Slst day of January, 1878 i- inn-,f.i tin' best ofhN knowledge ami belief,

WM, 11. OULVKR, President. 111. T, ORAVEB, Secretary. j

Siii»ncrll>eil and sworn to, before me, this thirtieth dayof January! A. 1). 1878. •

\u0084[NoiAitiAi.BKAI.I JAMES L.KINO,

'Jn.'ll Notary Public. j


Time, 2:31.

1877 BEVEN YEARS OLD 1877Time, 2:23 %

NUTWOOD— Stallion—15 hands— foaled—got by Belmonl (son of Alexander's Abdallata,

'•lam by Mambrlno Chief.) \u25a0\u25a0

Kln-t.lam !Mlss I{iihki-1by Pilot, Jr.Second dam Sallle Russel by Boston.Third dam Maria Rushol by Tliorton's Battler.Fourth dam Miss Shepherd by Stockholder.i\u25a0ii'tii .lam Miranda by Topgallant.Sixth iiniu by Imp. Diomede.Seventh dam by Imp, Medley.KlKlithdam byImp.Juniper. <

Will serve the limited number of Forty Mares at san JobsI'air Grounds, commencing February 15, at $75 gold coinfor the leAton, payable at the time of mtvlcc. I

Mares not proving with foal may lie returned next year,free of chaise. Mares kept at owner's rink. All Mil*nuiht be i>nl<l before mares are taken away.

Address JAMES HoDONALD, Groom,Jnlll SAN JOSE.


iim:<- « 'i..v iti>is~ii'A'r< 11 X^IXVJfI

Rrjg- The A !Schooner

feMJfny W. 11. MEYER,



Innow receiving freight at Hathaway 'a wharf and »iiihave i|nick dispatch.

For freightor passage npply toJa3l J. C. CO., 204 California st.

"VachTfor sale, CHARTER,OR exchange:


Owner going away. Inquire nt tills office, J3l-7<





W.II sail from Jack-on street wbaif for tin- 11 oveports, onSUNDAY, K,-l> .1, at l>o'clock A.M.

F-ir rrelgbt or passage upply to

Ja:il SKABLES &STONE. '42 California St.Boom 1,

OPPOSITION!For Portland, Oregon, Direct,

Carrjlng U.S. Hail,Express and Treasure.

Cabin Passage, $8 •••-• • SteeriM?*, (3.

AllClasses of Freight, 91OO per Ton.


l:PACIFIC COAST si'KAM.nrAlrinsiiship Company will dispatch the splendid

A 1Steamship

IDAHO,2000 Tods,

E. ALEXANDER , .\.... Commander

From Broadway Wharf,


Through Tck<»tn soli toall points In Oregon. Warh>I(f on Teriitnrv and British Oolnmbla.

rbl<Is \u25a0!!*•< Mas of ilia Cnmniln* loners ( t Fmltra-IIn fjrOrejfo •Hud Washington I'ory.Ticket Offi:e, «14 Montgomery street.

GOODALL, PERKINS & 00, Agents,Jit'l No. 10Market street

ERTIFIOATE OF COPARTNERSHIP WEV-» certify that we constitute a partnership trans,acting business in this State ;its principal place ofbusiness is San Franolsoo, California ;its name isHDBASH & HIRBCUMAN. Manufacturing Jewelers.The full names and respective planes of residenceof all its mombers are signed hereto.-

Ban FranoUoo, January 30, 1873.JOSEPH UUBABH,of San Francisco. Il.8.1ADOLPH HIBBOHMAN,of San Francleco. [l.s.lAcknowledued before James L.King,Notary Pub-

lic, on tbe SOtb day of January, A.D. 1878. Filed,January 30, 1878.

THOS. H. REYNOLDS, County Clerk.jaSl.Tbfi By Jno. F.Fabbam, Deputy Clerk.

/IEBTIFIOA OF PARTNERSHIP— We certifyv^ that we constitute a paitoer»hlp transactingbusiness in the olty and county of ban Franoisoo,California. Its principal plaoo of business is SanFrancisco, California. Its name is BRYANTBBOTHEBS. The fullnames and respective placesof residence of all its members are signed hereto.

Dated. San Francisco, January 28, 1878.JAMES GRAY BRYANT,Denver, Colorado, [skill

By his Attorney in fact. William HiltonBryant.WILLIAMHILTONBRYANT,San Francisco Isxax.l

Acknowledged berorj William Harnoy, NotaryPublic, and filed in the County Clerk's office-, of thecity and county of Ban Francisco, January 29, 1878.


BOILER'S BITTERB.\u25a0IMfK UNDEUSIONK D'lB SOLD AGENT INOAUJL fornta for the sale of tha above celebrated 'Hitters,

He Is prepared to deal with Merchants and Jobbers onthe most reasonable terms.

WM. B. JOHNSTON,*tiCalifornia (street Kan Trancise




\u25a0Nero IVfrucrrtsemcnts. !


\u25a0x*xxxiei \A/'JLJI3SCI

OONTAINB !c! c|(

Only a Poor Worbingmnu—selected ; jA Herolno In Rags— selected ;

The Ghost Robber— selected ;-How Icame to Marry —selected ;The Shadows of the Old Love—selected ; \u25a0


selocted ;

Legislative Proceedings ; 1

Latest MiningNews ;

Industrial Condition of the Htate ;Commercial, Produce, and BulpplugReports ;Correspondence ;

Eastern and Domestlo News ;Latest Telegraphlo Despatches,

For sale at the office, No. 5!«9 California streetand at the News Depots, throughout the City andState. ;\

SlnjrleCopies (postage paid) IUcents Yearly <

subscription, «SI 75. j



j'. \u25a0\u25a0 AND






Have had twenty (20) years business experienceupon tbo Paoluc Coaat, and are thoroughly conversantwith the wants of tbe trade lv Idaho, Utah andNevada, as well as throughout the interior of Oregonand California.

Will personally >uporlntend shipments to dealersin any of the aforesaid Btates and Territories.

Special attention given to the ~o?f££

FOREIGN TRADE.Prices quoted on Lumber delivered at any port In

Ottilia,Japan, Australia, Mexico, Central and SouthAmerica, and the Islands of the Pacific. ';.'.,


Made oncargoes to arrive and foreign consignFor tbe Arizona Trade will ship either from this

port or Chicago.

Office hours, 10 A.M. to 3 P. M. Ja2J

•ruonin ami Carry Am MiningCom.Pauy

—Location of prln tpa* p!sco of business, .-an

Vrarideco, California— Location of works, Virginia,Storey county, Nevada— Notice— is dellnquntupon tbe following described stock, on account of awsobHin.-,it,(No, 32; levied on the seventeenth day of Decem-ber, 1877, the several am nn's eet opposite the names oftho respective Shareholders, »s follows:I No.of No. of

Names. Cer Ideate. Shares. Ami.A!kln«on, LyonA Co, Trustees.. 2»81 20 I2HOOAtklcßin.Lyon A I'll.Trnetecs..-£!iB2 .11 -in00BonvnKeO W, Trustea 18512 10 10 00RHftrdainv P K.l'rnxttie 14K8 10 10 00Bourne X M.Trostoe... lamtb 10 10 00OulMa James, Tru5tee............. BM9 100 100 00'Oi Ilia J-.mes. CrTMtee............. let11 20 20 00Ooilln James, 9............ .12't8 6 500CoiUn Jamt r, TrastHH....... 1978» 100 100 00Cotiln Tru5tee............. 2i774 20 20 00CoiniiJames, Trustee .2477% 20 > 20 00fa»WHl*ofl'.Trn«w«* Sff ?, SJBO»rilll X AOo.TrnHU»en 17(^2 5 500Oa'iiii »r,a "o, tm«i.««i» mi 5 ft 00OahUl XA00, Trustees 1:15:1:, 100 100 00Ohliii1 HiAOn, Trustees i)r,3<) 20 2100CahlJlK AOo, Trustees

—......inn urn 100 on

OHfilll A Co. Trustees. 237 18 100 100 00Cahlll Oo.Trnstens.. MJIB7 6 5 00Urocxpr AHnydam.Trnutees....it6s6 20 20 00Cr.-cknr A WuyiiHin. Trßstei ... 21416 6 600Orcckor A MnyilimTrnster<i ami 20 20 00Crocker A Mtifditiu.TrnsU'fß.... 22569 20 29 00Orocknr AHuydain.Tiuileei... 'i'ASn 111 id miOope. Utiier A <'o. Trust<>«s....... HIHO 10 10 00Coin,!, irbler *O«i. 'J'lrnr.i'fu ...... |j:i:ii jo 1000Oops. Uhler A Co, Trustees ......14415 5 son('in.. I'hler ,V,Co, TriiHM1H 11420 111 10 INIOo,)», Fbier A (o,Trust -e5...... 157!)!) 20 :iu>iCom. Uhler A0 >, Trustees .~...1*i&l 10 10 00Ol'iary Alid>ew 57,'j0 100 100 00Drexler L PA00. Trustees 1088 ft 5 00Drexlor 1. ma 00. 'Vrnsteos. ...... 2"6.8 5 6 noDijon T R. Trustee v.i.i 10 10 00lilxr.nT11, Trustee 14786 100 100 00Durbruw a JC Trnstne ...rr>ls 1.1 10 00Dnrurow A IC, Tiustee .....Hil". 25 28 00Durb row a X,Trustee .....212U4 6 00for O •*",Truatfw 18>7 6 6 (HiFozO W,Tru5tf1e..................t8102 100 100 00Vox OW, Trustee 10 JO 00PiankPl L B. Tru5tee.............. B<yi» 5 5 00Foster A W,Trustee ..........2lT*B 20 20 00l-'/ii I's '\u25a0, \u25a0Mit-11 .......... .2-f4:<9 10 10 (X)X nil r if,Trustee.... II.;8I 10 10 00Frg'••O U, Trnstirf 45.'» 100 jno 00Ul.ulorIA 00, rrußu-«(n 20 20 00Giaai»r )ACo. Trnmeefi........... 18680 6 6 00Ulazler 1A Co, TriWUM*! I....I 50 60 00GlazierIA00. Tru».\*es ...... 184«7 100 no (miGimslhi i A..... Trusieos 19«4I 10 10 00Olar.ier IACo, Truftee;...... ZI'JM 10 10 00ilirtxior1<* Co. TrusteeF .....21716 100 Mi00Giaalor IA00. Trustees .....ZXB2S 20 20 00Gia*if>rIA00, Trustees £1049 60 CO 00OlaxinrIA iv>. Trustees ...... \u0084240>i 10 10 00Gardiuer A Hooker. TrustAfs....luJ73 6 6 00Greenebanm, Jlelblng A 00.

Trustoea 8787 6 5 00Greeneoaum, Hetr.lng A 00,Truuees 1:711 to 60 00Greenebaum, Helbli-K A Co,Trustees 1547* IB 10 COUreenobauin, Helblng A Co.Trance* 16778 20 2) 00

Greecebanm, Htibing A 00.Trnnteoß |.V/T» 20 2000

Gordon O I",Trustee 24*0 20 20 00Gibbons tf W. TruNtee............. 25 25 00Giuthlsr A Silnultt Trustees ..12488 6 600Gati'hlor A rVctmltt,Trustees ..1412A 5 6 00OaUla-d K.i, Trustee 6566 .Ml 8,100Gret>nb4um LACo, Trustees.... 600) 20 20 00UnldiinltnA,Truetfte............ .21079 10 10 00HallBdward XAC». Trustei s... dim 20 JO 00Hall Kdward P A (jo.Trustees... *2sg a) 21) 00Hosmer AKouruH Trustees...... 16652 70 20 00Ho»n>er A Bo~>rne, Trustees...... 17926 10 10 00Hi>Niiw-rA Knur '11iih'>-»>i|.....„!-.:)-> 20 20 00Honmer A Bonrne. Trustees...... 2tiD9 so 60 01)Hnsraer ABourne, Trustees 'IUHi 10 10 00Hosmer A liour.,o. Trn8tee5......24190 20 20 00Hosmer ABourne, Trustees 2(276 20 20 00HallACharles, 1'rn»tee5..........18W4 10 jo00Hall« Uliurlt-8,Tmntees .....13&97 5 6 00Hutchlnsin John. ....... 239(i6 20 20 00Hut«!hlnaon John, Truoioe 2441*2 20 20 00H' IT.iianH.'1TU8t00......... .....16761 20 20 00Hont IraO.Trustee _. 2281 20 211 COaawititrst R. Trustee...... 11991 60 60 00.lonfvtnon J 13241 10 10 00Id:a Jin ACo. Trn«t«fs l-M7 l 10 10 00K>nney *i»yer, Trustee >........ 20 20 00 ILa>u*tn A King,Trustees KilWI 25 25 00ILatham A King.Trustees 1V337 2i 25 00L*tbs>m AKing.Tru5tee5....... .2 »66 60 to 00I.uty F E, TrnnTO 20671 10 I000Mn'yeweoTA Hon. Trustees.... HBb7 IP in00UaryeGeoT AHin,Trustees.... 12462 10 10 00IMarye Oeo TAHon. Trustees 12163 10 10 00IMaryeOooT* won, Trustees ,H77:« 5 500MaryeG'3oT AHon. Trustees.... 18313 20 20 00MaryeGro T*Hon. 'trustees.... 2o739 25 25 COMacptiemon John, Trustee ......1421 20 20 00Macpnerson John, Trustee....... 14412 5 ft (10Uarphernon Tohn, Trustee ...... .199HA 10 10 00Meaner Nat T,Tru5tee............ '20W5 6 500MikitNh I.Tru5tee........ ....20084 10 10 0*Murp'iy X P, Trustne ........15518 5 6 00Mllliican II8. jrtifttee .22159 20 2000Moroni v Fail ACo, Tru5te>.a....22(77 20 20 00NiMiKni'lHi-1. Trustee........ 21189 600 600 00N'Uhtutterl, Trustee 2240H 10 10 00N..|lslAll«r ITillnti-B __- ._- f.}if>A K/KUI Mv,m'Noble H,HA00. Trusteed 21910 5 600Noble H HA00.Truman...... ..2.W0H in 60 00Noble HH A00, Trustees 23294 10 10 00Noble HE*Oo, Trustee).. .24014 10 10 00Nash John, Trustee 10980 600 CO 100O'Hrlen Win McMabon, Trustee.13'.n,60 60 00O'Brien Wiu McUntioo, Trustee. 411 40 00Plan XO. Trustee 18«l20 20 00I'latt A O. Trustee ............18788 10 10 00Platt XO. Trustee 187F9 10 10 00Richardson j£A,Tru5tee.......... 175 5 nOORichardson r;A,Tru5tee..........?486ii 25 25 00

'R'cnardson XA. ........ 24.'08 to. 10 Ot IRichD,Trustee..... ..............18701 20 20 00iticlil),Trn»tee ...............18703 5 6 00I, RichD.Tru5tee5.................... 21001 10 10 60iiaudoipti, Uackluto-h A Co.

Tru5tee* ........................ ..'£?:(* 100 100 00By WT 8, Trustee 17183 £0 80 00Hcnmledeil, Hoohstadter *Co.

Traat005 .......................... 2033 10 10 00Schmledeii, Jlochstadter A Co,Tru5tee5 .......................... 7889 20 20 00Bchmiedell, Hocnsudter A 00.Tru5tee5 .......................... 9130 20 20 00Bohmledell, Hochstndter A Co,Trustees 14351 100 100 00

'Sohmledell. Hocbstadter A 00, \u25a0'<

-Trustees l.vii 5 5 00

'Scbmledell, Hochstadter A 00.

Trustees 15895 20 20 00Schmtedell, Hocha A Co,Trustees ............ .—.

—15897 20 -23 00Sciitntedeil, Hochstadter A Co.

Trnntoes 17179 50 60 00Hclmiiid»il, Hoohstadter A 00.Trustees 206'!9 10 10 00!Sohmledell. Hochstedter A Co

I Tru5tee*.......................... 22941 20 20 00Schmledall, iloohsiadter A Uo.Trnnt*«s. 2«R6 20 20 00BobmlttO A, Trustee, bal.. 514 V 75

Schmltt 0A.Tru5tee..............13519 10 10 00H-oit flHA Co. Tru5t«e5.........20882 50 50 00ITrltiaFA *Co. Trustees 18870 60 60 00,

\u25a0 Tarpey MF,i'rnstee ..............22170 645 64S 00I•arneyM X.Trustee....... 22171 40 40 00Tobln RC, Trustee ................ 24371 50 60 00TiblnR C,Tru8tee................M601 10 10 08TjblnR C. Trustee .24602 6 6 00Woods A iTrt^abora, TruRtee5......14219 60 60 00IWoods AFreeborn, Trustees 15971 6 6 00Woods A Preenorn. Trustees J8948 50 80 00,

\u25a0 Woous A Trustees 20193 50 60 noWoods A Freehorn. Trustees. 2112? 100 100 00 I

\u25a0 Woods Krephorn, Trustees...... 21166 100 100 00Woods AFree-barn, Trustees 22786 50 50 00Woods A Fret- horn, Trustees 2.7 m 20 <-

20 00Wooos* Frroiorn. Trustees..... 22707 20 20 00Woods* Freebnrp, Trnatees 22798 10 10 00W'ii(li&F.-eeboru, i'rustees....2?iMi6 100 100 00

'Woods *Fret born. Trnntees..... 23099 10 10 00 IWotds<s Freebowi, Trustees 100 10000 IWoivliA *Te«horn.frnat«ea...... 2,llo2 60 60 00

IWoodn AFr«ebora, Trustees .....23»3 \u25a0 100 100 00'

IWoo-s *Freeborn, Trustees..... 21554 20 2> 00Woods &Freflborn.Tru-,tae5......24:82 20 20 00White A W, Trustee if>77i» 6 6 00Wattles A Hnrton, Trnaters......l7<)6s 20 20 00Wat'lts ABnrlo'i. Trustees...... 18910 70 20 00Wattles ABurton. Trustees .18979 10 10 00WrU pr ABurton, Trustees 12314 25 25 00 I

IWr Od HP*'o Trustees 17106 100 100 00 IWeare IIL.Truntee 10503 3* 83 00Old Isau*

ausler I&00. Tru5tee5........... 8319 20 20 00I And In accordance with law, aud an order of theBoard of Director',made on tbe seventeenth c'ny ofDecember, 1877, so 111*111 shares of each parcel of suchstock as may be necessary, will be soil at publto suc-tion at the office of the Company, B om No. 60, Nevada

IU'.oc*, N<>. 30) M n'giroery street, an Francisco, Cali-;fornia on WKDNESDtY, tho thirteenth day of fobruary, 1878, at the hour of one o'clock I*.M.of sad day,to pay said delinquent awssments thereon, togetherwithcosts of advertising a*d expanses of the sale.

ALFRED K.DURBROW, Secretary.I Office—Koom No. 69, Nevada Block,No. 309 Mont- 1Igomery street, Ran F;ancleco, California. ]a2S

61 Miles Iron. Pipe.»»> |O 4 IN< UATI'HItJIIiSTO I»Krifcom.

petition. For sale inlots to suit, by

27-4p K.T.BTEEN, 328 Beale Street. |



f»"MWl>lm F.H.WOODS. 316 Pine street.

PREMIUM OIL.1J»sT liI»RO«KKS TKHT-MANC^AOTCRKOM.9\Jr byDeuslow ABush. The beet high teit OS |

the market— forsale by-

•l» KITTLEft 00.

Spttxal Notices.•N. O. ARRINOTON,

LAWANDCOLLECTION OFFICE AND GENERALBusiness Agent,619 Merchant street, San Francleco.

N. 11.—Hun secured the assistance of able lawyerH.lompotent book-keepers and clerks.. Collections and•ther matters attended to, through reliable correspond-mts (attorneys) at all points of tho Paclllo mates andFerrltorlcs.

JiUftjcal tote,

DU. D. ALBERT HILLER—OFFICE,, No. 116Knnrnryover Keane A <<'Connor. *n2R

*r Hsu* ami Norcross Silver i>iiiitnOompany— Location of principal place of business. SanFrancisco, California.

—Location of works, Virginia

Mining District, Storey County, Sta'e of Nevada-—There Is delinquent upon the followingdescribedstock, on account of assessment (No. 67) levied on tbe

thirteenth day of Dectmber, 1877. the several amountiet opposite tho names of the retDecllve shareholders,as follows: No. of No. of

Names. Certificate. Shares. Ami.Old Sto:k.

Coffin Jas. Trustee 7897 20 •140 00IHk Jos la Co, Trustees for

OhasSpesr.. 8083 60 850 «1Latham J«s HA00, Trustees, bal 6766 9 63 00NewStock,Atkinson, Lyon ACo, Trustees.. 4414 100 ICO00Boyd ADavis, Trustees 3191 60 60 WlBrooks ALev.Trustees ....1423 20 20 OfBarrett John 8, Trustees .......... 9692 so 30 0CKairettjobn 8, Trustees 116<i3 60 conBuckley Wm................ 1594 140 140 (XOahlll R A Co. tru5tee5........... 7131 to 50 01Coffin Jas, Trustee 9742 100 100 0(Coffin Jan, Trustee ................10740 JO 10 otOoursen «A,Trustee 10391 lv 10 (yCope, Cbler A00, Trustees....... 11697 600 500 ixCrocker *Buydam. Trustees..... 7897 10 10 (¥Crocker* dam. Trustees...... 9830 10 10 0(Campbell John P 5151 20 20 (XCrlm WH. Trustee 10884 100 100 (XCrui v/H,Tru«tee 10386 100 100 01CrlmWH.Trußtee......... 10386 100 100 CiCrane KT,Trustee. ......... 9989 100 100 «JOilscoll DACo. Trn8tee5.......... 477 10 10 (XDtzon TH,Trn5tee................ 10393 20 20 OfJDlxonTH. Tru5tee.......... 600 600 0;Duncan Wm L,Trustee 10895 6 6 01Duncan Wm L,Trustee 115<7 6 6 Vrourati A I, 8888 10 10 01K»pitflaACo,Trustees 10051 60 60 01£ox VW.Trustee -""

—••——"4044 2600 2600 01Pox C W. Trnoteo 8055 6 6 «Fry.Neal*Co.l>U(ite«s.bal.... 392 18 30-100 18 XFrankel LB, Tru5tee.............. 1018 50 60 01KrankelLß, Tru5tee.............. 1038 10 100Frankel LH,Tru5tee.............. 1039 6 boFoster AW. Tru5t<>e..............M>9« 10 10 0Foster A W. Trustee ...11499 60 81 0Frleder'ch O Tru5tee ............. 9276 10 10 0Klacic R H,Tru5tee............... 2419 10 10 0HiaalarI*Op, Trustees.. 1664 100 100 00«>rif.r 1A Co. Tru5tee5.......... 368.1 100 10000Oiaaler IA«Jo. Trustees 4427 5 6 00GUierlA00. Tru5tee5........... 6171 60 60 00Utasler 1A00. Trustees 6251 5 500G asier I*Do,Tru5tee5........... 6493 10 10 00Glazier 1 ACo, Tru5tet5........... Mm 6 6 00GlazierIA Co, Trustees .......... 6547 6 6 00Glaaler 1 A00, Trn5teea........... 6091 10 10 00Mistier 1ACo, Truntoes...... 1|055 60 60 00O eeoei'aura, Ilelblng A Co.Trnsues, bal.--.. 598 130-100 130urnenebanm, Heibinf A Co,

Trostew 11612 20 2000Gardiner AHooker, Trnstone.... 6310 3.1 80 00O»rdlner <fc Hooker. rrnstecs....U9}2 50 50 ro

AF,'iUer Baldwin,Trustee 6»53 20 20 00Halliard Ert.Trnstee .............. 8164 40 40 00Hr.en Frfd Trustee, ba1.......... 318 17% 1775UlbbJaoifs..... ................ 6200 500 600 00HuDtAOoates. Trustees 2156 10 1000Hutchl'ison John, Trustee, bal ... 4073 8 8 00Hutchlsarm John, Trustee...... IIW3 60

'60 or

Hrsmer ABourne. Trustees...... 82J8 10 1010Houner ABourne. Trustees...... <!Mi 10 10 11-Hosmbr ABourne, Trustees...... 11181 60 5000iiosmfir a B mrce. rmsteeß......iisM7 20 2000Hall ACharles. Trnatefs 10156 20 :.ti0'M \u25a0 at n ABerryman, rruatem....lOOHfi 6 5 00Mlrglnaßobt ........... M... (,-!i 60 60 00KingJos I,A Co, Trustees........ 7064 6 00KingJob LACo, Trustees........ 7665 10 10 00KingJos LA Co, Trustee 5........ 7769 60 50 00Kenney A Dyer, Trustees 11672 25 2i 00K«nnpy A Dyer, Trustoes ....... 11698 600 600 00X ->nn» PJO, Trustee 1016H 5 5 00Latham A King, Trusses........ 6935 100 < 100 00Latbbin A King,Trnnt0ea........10316 50 60 00Lov>-land, David ACo. Trustete.. 2679 .60 co 00•>ove'and. David \u25a0* Co, Trustees.. 3s'O 5 .s :\u25a0•;

L->vtlat d. DavidACa. Trustee 8.^390i^—-

MJ- 10 00LlllentbalPN. TriwinfrtTtß^ fr™'

( 20C0 2000 00LlllentbalPM^.TnJSlea .—.......10312.

—.......10312 2000 2000 00

Marye ?leoT A 8 in. Trnntoes . 675 100 100 00'Marye Geo T A8;n, Trustei 5.... 883 10 in 00Marye Geo T AHon, Trustcos.... 2547 10 10 00Marye Geo TA Son. Tmeieea.... 4628 10 10 onM«cph?rs">n John, rruotee....... 2776 10 10 00Macplierscn John. Trustee..... ... 8508 F0 mOOM"oplier.iouJohn, Trustee. ....... i(i:;o:t 600 600 00MixLW.Tnurtafl ....II4U 20 20 00Murray WB Trustee 9375 20 .2000Murray w B.Traate0............. tsto 10 10 onMurray W B. Trustee.- 10266 in 10 00NeusUtter T.Trustee

—..... —7775 2000 2000 00Nenstatter 1 Trustee BFt>6 MX) 600 Oil

NcuHtMter I.Trn«>«e 9837 1000 1000 00Norwood W S. Tru5tee............ Bif*n 40 40 onO'Neill Barney 7002 30 30 00;Ma tIS I).Truna* ........... 03<9 50 60 00Klchardson MA.Tn.«tee. ba1..... 3316 lsu is 25Rlonardaon XA.Tru5tee.......... 10969 6 6 00Richardson A. Tru5tee..........! 1473 25 25 00Hlcb»r'!»!m X A. Tnutf»a. 11638 25 25 00Randolph. Mackintosh A Co.

Tru5tee5.......................... lMgg 50 mooRlotte AFernbach, Trustees. .6769 10 10 00Bnhmledeil. Heohstadter * 00. .':?.?

Tru5teea..^.... .................... 1339 6 ,IH)Bchmodeii, A Vo.W

Tru5tee5........................... 2068 60 so noHe 11,1dell. Jlocnstadter A Co, '\u0084™ B0Trustees .......................... 3784 JO 10 00

Schmledell. Hocnstadter A 00.Trustee, bal 7335 gp.v 89 75Bchmlodoll, Hochstadter A Co, HTrnstfps -..--..........,.. 8061 6 "'6 00Pchmledell, Hocbatadter A 00. • •Trustees 9904 20 20 00Sohmledell, HoohsUdter A Do. . -\u25a0

Trnstfles 9924 m 60 00SohmiedeU. jkocnatsdter *00.

Truatej* .......... . . .10356 20 20 00Schmledell, HochsUater # Co.Trustees .....................U072 20 20, Hoch.iUdt*r A Co, ' "Trustees ... ........... tlhlB 50 60 00SchmlttOA, Tru5tee.............. 10897 60 60 00

BtJoh'»R A.Trusts 11349 20 20 00Bte Nat, Trustee ............10100 250 250 00Htein Nat Trustee ...... 10101 275 275 COSmith E L.Trustee 6814 10 10 00Swim DK,Tru5tee............. n:»2 > 10 1000Nciiwamm M.. ... ..... 8936 70 70 CO§'«»"*•*• *untee................ 8565 600 600 00Spiegel 1 .. .......H7ZO 20 2000Tobln XC. irnstee K693 20 2000Tomerup Trustee 8480 SO 50 00Turpy M 8929 610 610 00Tflw(ejrf?eB lRriTnisfge:t-.-.itx-.-.{«ws m mnWood* A'norn,'l*rn«te« 1 2402 60 60 00woof's A Preehorn, Trustees..... 3460 6 r> 00Wordi A Fre*>br>rn,TrtmteeB.....lofll l; 10 10 00Wright W 11. Trustee 11787 20 20 00W.»tti?s *Burton, Trustees 7242 10 in00red». D 6.83 20 20 00Zudlir AWeHI.Trustees 4335 1.0 £0 00

And Inaccordance wllhlaw and an order 0' the Boardof Director*,made on the thirteenth day of December,1877, bo many tharrs of each parcel of such ntockan may be necessary, will be sold at rnbllc auction,at the oftlce of he Company, Room 68, Block,northwest corner Pine and Mont« iinery streets, MaoKranctsco, California, on KIMPAY, the eighth dayof February, 1878, at tbe honr of me o'clock P. M.of niM day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon,together with coMb of advertising and expeuseu of tbeBi*lo. JOEL F.LLOHTNEK,Hecretary.

Olllce—Ito"iu No. 58 Nevada Block, northwest cornerPine and Mont.; mury stree c, Han Kranclno, Cali-fornia, • jaio

WAlta Nili'dr AliningCompany- \u25a0

lion of principal place of bunlness, Btn Francltco,California— Location of works, Odd llillMining Din-iilct, Storey county, State of Nevada Notice.—There are dolluquent upon tho following described\u25a0lock, on account of A^neHntnent (No. 9, levied on the'hi- teen th (13, h) dny of Decembrr, 1877, the several

amounts set opposite the names 01 the reHpocllve share-holders, as follows: No. of Ho.ofNames. Certificate. Shares. Amount

Bates mC, Trustee .2637 500 11000 00Int.*I)O.I*0"0"*6 !t759 500 10(10 00Hates I)O. TiLitee.... ............3760 6'JO 1000 00Bates D <].Trustee.... M 49*5 20 46 00Brooks ALee,Trustees........... 4342 10 20 00Oahlll 1£ A < 'o. Trustees 98 100 200 00OahlU V,AOp, Truatees lii 50 100 00Oahlll X<&Oo,TrUßt<<e« 143 50 100 00Oahlll JC AOe. Trustees 155 60 100 00O*hUlX a 00,Trustees. 270 5 jo 00Oahlll V. A00. Trn«te*s 2054 10 20 00OahlllJ5<K00,Tru5tee5............5"27 600 1000 00Cahlll I? A 00, Trustees 6033 600 1000 00CrnndMll W G, Trustee 2837 6 '0 00Orandall W U. Trustee ...2K..... »iSK 6 1000Orandal WU, Trustee 4t!M 20 40 '0".inc. (JlilerA (">.Tru5tee5....... 5313 20 40 00Oror.Ror AUu)daia. Trustees ....3118 10 20 00CoffinJan. Trn5ire................. 4616 6 JC 00Pean, Blow A»!o. Trustees 54« 100 2f.0 00K.Uvuri's AIrvl Truste«S 8416 20 4000FOX OW.Trtutee ......... ......8101 100 200 00Glaner 1ACo, Tru5tee5........... 4740 20 40 00W-.fiiier 1A 00. rrnnt5e5...........61f<4 60 100


H!ar,ler 1&11<!. Trustees ........ fiCH 20 40 00"i«ir.l<r IA 00, Tni«te0n...........64Ufl 6 10 00Glitz'erIA00. Trunt«rs, ba1...... 5633 \'j'i 89 00«i»'(liner A11<oktr. Trustee* ....3397 100 'i(1o*l(in-.liner a Hooker. Trustees.^ 3704 100 200 00Hall A Charles Trustees ba,i.....M3l n-i4 19 soHoamer ABourne. Trustees 8672 10 20 00H«ath R W A On. Trustees, ba1. .55:16 n,k 33 75Kenm y *l»yer. Trnste(s 2938 100 200 00Macpheisin John, Trustee ...... .K!67 6 10 00Mao ti«rroa John, Trnstee...... 4.'<i9 60 100 00Maopherion J0hn, ....... 4-163 60 100 00Macplierson John. Trustee....... 4525 20 40 00MurrayW 11, Trn5tee.............297l mi ton 00MurrayW B. Trustee ....821 1 600 -•icoo 00Mu>lav B,Trustee .....3212 600 1000 00Murrey vrB,Tru5tee...... ...... .6121 10 20 00Murr»y W H. Trustee .6210 100 200 00MurrayW B,Trustee 6220 to 100 00MvHer WJ. Trustee ............. 21*4 50 100 00IMnlier W J, ............. 2288 6 jo00!Mailer WJ, Trustee 8374 100 200(0Mnll*rWJ Trustee jitßl 10 20 illB»iuiMlM.Trust** ............3912 20 4000Mantel M Trnntee................ 3939 10 20 00MixL \v. i.U-tee ..................4 104 10 20 00

1Neu»'« I,'t'ftintee 'mm 5 10 00INHiisiudier r,Tru5tee............ .4169 10 2000Nt-iiUadicrI,iroatee. ........ 4803 20 40 00Nonautter I.Trustee ......... ....526r, 100 200 00Plait KO,Tru5tee.................. 1326 60 100(0Plan Truitee

—..........6410 JO 2000HumtuprH W ACo, Tnutecs....4lS2 10 -zu 00

Richardson RA. unstee... 2 .92 200 4(0 00Bobai-iUon X A. "TU*t«e..........2619 200 410 00

\u25a0 .'\u25a0 ri.trns<in X A,Traatee .2698 60 100 00Richardson A,Trustee.... , 4041 5 ip00jJlchardson IC A. Trusted... 4"i1 100 2% (0Rlchardaon JC A,Trustee 4419 10 20 00Klchardoon JC A. Trnstee. hal... 6513 VJH 76 00Rmdolpa, Mackintosh A Co. .. \u25a0?\u25a0.\u25a0:..Hohmitt o A.Trustee Mis 10 20 00'Htdn N»t, Trustee 2765 100 200001Hieln Nat. Trusipo ......4H58 . 10 noW«t«on W H.Trust*?. b«l.. 6641 % 1 00Woods AFroeborn. Trnnt*««.....64Js 60 100 00

And Inaccordance withlaw, and an order of the Boardof Directors, made on tnn tblrt»nnth day of December,1877,50 many share* ofeach parcel ofsuch stock »s maybenecet-siry, willbe sold at pablc auction, at the office oftto Company, Uooms 6 and 6, No. 302 Montgomerystreet, Ban Francisco California, on THURSDAY,the seven h dar of February, 1873. at the hour oftwo o'clock r.if.of said day, to pa; said delinquentassies* nieul thereon, together with costs of advertisingand expenses ot the sale.

WM. H. WATSON, Secretary.Office—Booms 5 and 6, No. 302 Montgomery street,

fan FrancUco, Ca lfornla. JalBoVllu'wer Mining Company. Location

of principal place or business, ban Franchco, California.Location of works. Bodle District, Mono county, Call,fornia


—There are delinquent upon the follow-

Ing described stock, onaccount of As-essment (No 1),levied on the twelfth (12th) day of Dec mber, 1877, theseveral amounts set opposite the mm» of the respect,iveshareholders, as follows:No. No.

Names. Certificate, Shares .Amount.Irwln Wi11iam.......'.'...... 5 1000 $600 00(\u25a0Hi I,mi John .- 21 100 60 00Blasde) IIG, Trustee „82 100 60 COWll in William,Trustee... 34 600 800 00lilmiii1 UQ. Trustee „48 100 50 00Blasdel H Q, Trustee 49 100 50 00UliHlelHQ, Trustee ..„ 50 100 50 00Was lei HG, Trustee.. 62. 100 60 COWaKKoner QH, Trustee 60 4000 3000 00Wigg»ner a H,Trustee 65 600 2*o CODolman W H,Truste •....„ 120 50 25 00Willis \\ 11 1,1111. Tiu.-i." 155 100 60 COIlia-del HQ. Trustee 157 500 250 1,0Bla'del II11, Trustee 158 600 250 00llii'.h|,.|iiG, Trustee 159 500 250 00Blasdel IIG, Trat>tee HO 510 250 00Blasdol H G,T<ruetee 161 61 0 290 00iIlia del h G. Trustee 62 50') 250 00!B a«U-l IIG, Tiustee 103 600 25u 00Blasdel HO, Trustee 164 500 280 00B'at,del HG Trunte* , 166 600 250 06Illus-MII(3, Trustee 173 100 60 00Blasdol HG, Trustee 174 100 60 00Ba'es DC, Trustee 201 100 mi 00Bates ItO. Trustee 201 100 60 00Hates D C, Trustee 204 100 50 00Ho to-*DC, Trustee 205 100 60 00Willis William, Tiuett-c 212 50 26 09Waggoner Geo H,Trcstee 215 100 ' 90 00Waggoner Geo 11. Trustee 216 100 60 00WARgoner fleo11, Trustee 217 too 60 00Waggoner Geo H,Trustee 218 100 60 00

And Inaccordance with law and an order of the Boardof Directors, made on the twelfth (12ih) day ol Decent*ber 1877, so u-any shares of each parcel of such stock asmay be necessary, will be sold at public arcilon, at tbeauction boueeof .1.-mi MMilletor ASon, Nu.3'o Montfom-eiy 8 reel. San FrauclHco. California, on MONDAY.Hi1eleventh (lltb;day or February, 1878, at. tbo hour ofoneo'clock P. M ofBald day, to pay said delinquent Assess-ment thereof, together wl'h costs of advertising and ex-pcotesof the sale. WILLIAM WILLIS Secretary.

Oflicj—Boom No. 29 Nevada Block, No 809 Mont-gomery street, San Francisco, California. |a! 9




Lumbar Yards, or other business requiring largespace, with close proximityto water and the businessparts of the city. Willbe rented for a term ofyearsat a low price. Inquire ofnB-3p WAI.P. DEWEY, 308 Pine street.




OOOHOTITE TBVrK AMD TINUBKA Wheels (Narrow Gucge) onAxles.Also— Wheels. On hand and forsale by I

WILLIAMS,BLANOHABX) & 00.»>» 118 California street.

aar Hemlocik Conaollitntml fellvar MiningOompany Location of principal placn of businessmi FranclHco. California.

—Location of Work*:Antelope

Mining District, Kureka County, State of Nevadt.—Notice— There Is delinquent upon the followingdescribedstock, on HTount of asHe*sinent (No. 1) levied on tbetwenty- fourth i!ay ofOctober, 1877, tbe Hnveral amonn'Hnet opposite the limitsof tbe respective shareholders, asfollows: No. of No. of

Nameo. Certificate. Shar s. Ain'tCKMemßor 8 11000 iSSOOOBl< Fish. Trustee 4 8930 197 MBFl/lnh,Trustee S 89*0 197 50H XFish, Trastee 6 600 25 001 J Dnlan 7 4000 '200 00S X Hole mbe 8 100 6 00H X Holcouibe, 'I'm n, c B 4000 200 0U8 Xliolcotube, Truntee 10 7900 395 00I)PBarken, Tru5tee.................. 11 4200 210 00ruM.'l.iTHii 12 100 6 00TO MeLeran, Trnstee 13 4100 205 00l'UMc:Leriui, Trust*-? 14 4000 200 00r«Mcl^eran. Trnstee IS 4COO 200 00W P Bogart, Trustee 16 1000 60 00WPunnlll, Tru5tee.................. 17 400 20 00W P ilcgart, Tr8«tee...........18 te 128

lnrludivo-100 sharps each IUOO 655 00W F Bogart. Trustee 129 to 208Ini'luiivw—BO snares each. :tgoo 196 00

W VIIKHrt,Truntee 218 to 232lncliißlve-200 shares each aoOO 160 00

W F Bogart, Trustee 233 to 242Inclusive—2So tbares each 2500 126 00W F lie K,,rt. \u25a0frnstpo. 243 to 251lnn'nnlve-600 shares earh 4WO 226 00

Wm Whalen 254 iooo 60(0Wm Whalen .261 1000 60 00Wm Whalen 262 60 2 60Win Whalen 26J 60 2 MlWm Wbalen ....261 60 2 60Wm Whalen 266 mi 2 60Wm Whalon .268 60 2 60Wm Whalen 267 60 2 B0Wm Wbalen .268 26 1 26Wm Whalen 269 26 1 25Wm Whalen .270 26 1 26Wm Whalen -271 26 126Wm W union .272 2S 126Wm Whalen 273 25 1 25Wm Whalen 274 2S 1 26Wm Whalen 276 26 125Wm Whalen 276 20 1 00Wm Whalau 277 20 100Win Wimltn 278 100 6 00Wm Whalen 279 100 6 00O H Bi.fcan,Trustee 280 100 6 00O H Bogart, Trustee 282 100 5 00HTBeckett : 281 Ml 3 00MKenan 283 1000 60 00MKenan 284 1000 60 00M Kegan 286 1000 60 00filßig»n 287 1000 60 00M Ki'K«n—................. ........ ..'>s 1000 60 00MKegan 21)0 1000 60 00MRegan..— ..........291 IGOO 60 00MKe»ai 293 600 26 00MlUKii' 294 100 5 00Ml(.'»»u 295 100 COOUUi'KUii 2tf6 100 6 00Wm Wha'en 297 100 t 00Wm Whalen 298 100 5 00Win WhaleD 299 100 8 00Win Wtmlmi.. 300 100 6 00Wm Whalen 301 100 6 00W mi Wl.ul-n Mi 100 6 60Wm Wbalen 303 100 6 00Wm Whalen

_804 100 6 00

TUESIAY,the FIITU(sth) DAY OF FEBRUARY,1878, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., of sad day,to pay mil delinquent Assessment thereon, togetherwith c fits ofadvartiHlug and Expenses or tbe sale.

WM. WILLIS, Secretary.. Office—Boom No. 29 Nevada Block, No. 80V Mont-gomery street, San Francisco, California. Jil3

unlive1 businessUufll IS \ COLLEGE,


Opposite Mechanics' Institute.TO THE PUBLIC.

'\u25a0"O ALLWHOM IT MAY CONCERN.— NOT]0E1 is Hereby given tbat Iwill,upon application,

issue a license to any one to lay the Williams' Com-posite Pavement in this city free from all ohargesfor royalty. Iwill simply require good workman-ship, and the use of suitable materials, and a strictcompliance with the sboolfloatlons on file in theoffice of the Superintendent of Streets, but nomoneyconsideration. In other words, Iwill allow anyone to lay my pavement within the limits or tbeolty and county of Sao Francisco, under preciselythe same restrictions imposed upon myself. . Else-where,Ipropose to demand a reasonable royalty 'orthe use of my patent. HENBV*

wiLLIAMbSeptember 38,1877. > sM.ap



fresh and genuine, which will be sold at unusuallylow prices. Dealers snd others requiring Seeds willfind itto their advantage to examine our stock andsee for themselves. We have the largest quantitiesof all kinds of OLOTER and G.BABS SEEDS on thePacific Coast. Also FIELD and GARDEN BETDS.Fruit and Ornamental TBEE3 at Nursery Prices.Catalogues on application.

Jal6 2p J. p. BWEEMEY & CO.,Seed Warehouse, 409 and 411 Davis St., B. F.


LAW OFFIOE. 004 MERCHANTSIBEET Pro-bate, Divorce, Bankruptcy, and other cases| attended to. Rents, and all other demands, col-,looted. Bad tenant ousted. Charge taken of real

estate for residents, or absentees. Charges veryreasonable. , de3-3ptf


Moet &Chandon'sV CELEBRATED


BILLERY,quarts and pints, inbaskets.I CBEMANT,quarts and pints, in cases.

A supply kept constantly on band.Jal7.2pU WM. T. OOLBMAN & 00.



1 Angostura Bitters.We willbe kept in constant supply

—» fresh invoicejustreceived.

I jal7-3pli WM. T. OOLEMAN *CO.


Wm Wh«1en.........................80S 100 C 00Wm Wha1en.......... 306 100 6 00Wm Wha1en......................... 307 100 6 00Wm W> alen 808 100 6 00Wm Wha1en......................... 809 too 6 00Wm Wha1en.........................;! 0 100 5 00Wm Wha1en.........................31l 100 500Wm Wha1eu.........................8i2 60 2 60Wm Wha.1en.........................A16 60 2 60wm Whalen 316 60 2 60Wm Wha1en........... 319 61) 2 60Wm Wba1en........ 820 60 2 COWin Wba1en.................. 821 60 2 60Wm W1ia1en.................. ....824 100 600Wm Whslan ................. 826 100 6 00Win Wh«i«n 827 CO 2 50Wra Wlitl mi 328 60 ZEOWm Wbn'en 329 60 2 60Wm Wha1en....... 830 60 2 50Wm Whalan 831 60 2 60Wm Wha1en. ....................... .882 60 2 60Win Wba1en................. .....838 60 250Wm Wha1rn.........................834 60 2 60Wm Wha1en.........................335 60 a 60Win Wha1Hn.......... .............. 336 60 2 60Win Wh»1tn............. .......... ,.:«7 200 10 00Wm Wha1en.........................338 200 10 00Win Whalen..... «*» 200 10 00Win Whiletl 340 200 10 00Wm Wh Wen 341 200 10 00Win Wha'.m ..............342 200 10 00Win WhaleD _.. 343 200 10 00Wm W1ii1uu.......... .............. 200 10 00Wm Wbalen 815 200 JO 00Wm Wtiden 346 200 10 00Win Whnl"ii........................ .347 100 S 00Win Whalen ... «-»C£...JMB 100


Win W'h '.'«n,..wn..;;........ 349 100 6 00Whalen...... ...........850 100 6 00

Wm Whaen ......................351 100 600Wm Whalen »52 100 6 00Win Wbalen .853 100 6 00Win Wh ..leu

—...........854 100 6 00

Wm Wha1en......... .355 100 5 00Win Wbalen...... 356 100 • 600Win Whu1en........................ .357 100 5 00Win Whalen..... ............. ...358 100 600Win Wha1en.........................359 JOO 6 00Win Whalen ..MM l'O 5 00Wm ............... .........:isi 100 5 00Wm Wb»1en.........................3<2 60 2 60Wm wha1en.........—..............8F3 60 2 60Win Wha1en...... .................. .£64 60 2 60Win ....................... .865 60 2 60Win Wha1en................. 866 60 2 60Win WhalPn ................ .....3K7 60 2 60Win Wu51en.................... 368 CO 2 60tfc 111 Wnalt-n........................ .3i>9 60 2 60Wm Whalen.. .......370 50 2 50Win Wha'en.........................371 60 2 60M HLpgaa.. 872 200 10 00MIte«an 373 200 10 00M1tegan.......................... \u0084..874 200 10 00MRegan 375 200 10 00M Regan 376 200 10 00MRegan.............. 877 200 10 00M Regan.................. .......878 200 10 00MRagan .........................879 100 6 00M Kckhii

-3!«0 100 5 00MHPg»U............ ..................381 100 6 00

MRegan 384 100 6 00M Reran.............................. 383 100 6 00M Regan.............. 884 100 5 00MRegan... .................. 385 100 6 00M Ktucau............ 386 100 6 00M.Kegau 887 100 6 00MIteg -in............................. .883 100 6 00M K0ran.............................. 389 60 2 60MR»«an 890

-CO 260

MRegan 391 50 2 60•MRegan.................... 392 60 2 60MKenan............ .................. 3»3 60 2 60M:Regan 894 60 2 60MRfKan 393 CO 2 t0MRegan. ..................... ........306 60 2 £0M K-khii 397 60 2 80M Regan 398 60 2 60MKeg »n , 899 to 2 toM Regan. .j^. 400 60 2 60Haml 1*Warren, Truate0............ 401 jno 6 COfiaml P Warren, Trnstee ....402 100 5 00HtmlP Warren. Tru5tee............ 403 • 100 6008»ml P Warren, Trustee 404 100 '"to«an 1*• Wnrren, Trn5tee............ 405 100 600SamlP Warren, Tru5tee............ 406 100 6 00Maml c Warren. Trustee...... ...... 407 100 5 00B»m' P Warren, Trustee ........ 4f-8 100 6 00#*m1 VWarren, Trustee ...... 409 100 600Stiuil P Warren, Trustee ...... 410 100 5 00HaroJP Warren, Trustee... 411 100 5 00Bi'ml P War*.-a, TffiB{BB.-.-.-.-.-.v.-.-.-.-.«2 M 6 «Pfinil P Warren, Trustee 413 100 8 00Ntnil1' Warreo, Treated............ 414 100 008»ml P Warren, Trustee.... ...... .415 100 8 00

And In accordance with law, and an order of the BoardOf Directors, made on -the fifth (.Vh) day of De-cember, 1877, bo many shares of each parcel of suchstock as may be necessary, wlIbe Bold at nubile auc-tion, at Hi"i.iii. \u25a0 ..1 1... Company, Room 18, No. 331ttontnomery street, San Kranclsco, California, onMONDAY, tbeiieventh (Ihid day or February, 1878,at ibehourof one o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay saiddelinquent anBos<ment thereon, together with costs ofadvertising and expenses of the sale.

N. P. SitKliWiN, Secretary.Oftlce—Boom 18 Stevenson Building,No. 331 Mont

gomery street, San Frandfsco California. Jal2»/"monarch Uruvel mining Company/

Location of principalplac" of utiN'norfw, San Francisco,California— Location of works, Osltveras County, Call,—

Notice—There nr1ii iini|Mi'iuupon toe followingdeHcrlbod slock, on account of Assessment (No. 1)levie<l on the llrtday or De ember, 1877, the severalamounts sot opposl'e the namex of the reopectlvo share-iini.i• 1... ax t.11 ,w.-: No. of No. of\u0084,.

NameH. . Certificate. Shares. Atn'ntAllison Krark J, Trustee 21 75 |S6 25Alii«onFran* Trustee «9 5 375Allison PranK J, Trustee 70 5 3 7«BrownN ir.Triiitw 2« 111 7 80Burton Ko'ini t.Trustee 2tt 1090 1492 50«»'tou Hohert jo 6 3 75LathnnFH. Trustee 11 600 375 POLa.bam V B. Tru5tee.............. .13 90 67 60LattatnK !t,rrnit«e 34 60 87 60Latham V B,Trastee 86 75 66 25LatiuuiPß, Trustee an 20 15 00Latham H. Trnstee ......... ..41 100 75 00Latham d* B, Trnstee 46 10 7 80Latham PR, Trump* ..............51 60 87 50Laibam KBTru5tee....... ...... 63 110

•75 00Latham F n.Trn5tee.... ......... ..54 20 15 00Latham fR,Trustee 66 20 15 toI'S.haui FB.Truuee 58 JO V 60

Lithani F B, Trustee 67 10 7 30tatham F B. Tru5tee............... 68 10 7 60latlifuiFB. Trn5tM>.............. 69 10 7 60'at ham w B.Trn5tee.............. 61 100 75 00Latham F»», Trustee........ B2 100 75 90

ham »' It.Trnstee ..........63 "-*B\- 0 00Mf>rrlttN<iuarl. Trustee 6 1000 760 00RnwllWF. trustee 9 1000 760 00Btre«>tf:n.T W........................59 6 3 76*'ake'ee H P.... .4 5 8 76Whitney J D. Trnstee ..............20 100 76 00

AndIn accordance withlaw andan order sf the Boardof Directory made on the Oral day of December,


bo many shires of each parcel of such tuck as may b«necessary, will be sold at public auction, at the office ofthe Company, Ho >ni 9, No. 426 California street, SanFrancisco, California, on MONDAY, the twenty.flm(21sti day of January, 1878, at tbe hour of twelve (12o'clock M.of said day, to pay sail delinquent assessmentsthereon, together withcosta of advertising and expensesof sale. FRANK B. LATHAM,Secretary.

Ottico—Room 9, No. 426 California Btreet, Han Fran-cisco, California.

rOSTJPONJSMJEHT.The delinquent sale of theabove earned stock I*hereby

postponed until SATUKD.VV, the ninth day of February1878, at the t-atne bonr and plac*.

Byorder of tbe Board of Director*.FRANK B. LATHAM,cecre'ary.

Jail. Office,428 California street.Wl'nfkyJack AliningCompany


it.mi of principal pUce of business, 8-n Francisco, Call-Location of workf,Bod!e District, Moro county,

California— Nolle*—Tb«re Is dt-lltquent uoon the follow-ing described Stock, on occoant of aHs-SHment (No. 1)levied on the s'xth (eihi day of December, 1877, theamount act opposite the names of the respective Sbar.-bolder, as follows : No. of No. of

Name. Certificate. Shares. Ann.Tozer O W 7SOO $375 00

And Inaccordance with law, and an order of the Boardof Directors, matte on the klxth (6th) day of December,1877, so many stares of each parcel of such stockas may be rcce-Barv. will be sod at public aactionat tbe auction nous 1of John Mldd'eton A Hon. No. 810Montgomery street, Sin Francisco, California, on

iWecßngg.\u25a0V The Annual Meeting of Stock holders

Of the NORTH PACIFIC TELEGRAPH COMPANYwill be held at the ofiloe of tbe company, No. 34Market street, on THURSDAY,January 31, 1878, atone o'olock P. m. OEO. D. GRAY,Secretary.X:-}.••:;•'< Jals 3w

\u25a09* Annual Meeting.— The annual meet-ing of tbe stockholders of the Marlposa Land andMining Oompany of California, will be ho.d onTHURSDAY, the tenth day of January, A.D. 1878,at three o'olock p. m., at the office of the Oompany,No. 83 Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery street, SanFrauoisoo, California, for the eleotlon of aBoard ofDirectors, and such other business as may comebefore the meeting.

de33 LEANDER LEAVITT,Beoretary.

JPO9TF BURNT.The above meeting Is hereby postponed .until

THURSDAY, tbe seventeenth day of January, 1878,at the same hour and place. By order of the Boardof Directors. \u25a0 ,• •

.I'llit \u25a0 LEINDER LEAVITT,Secretary.

POITPONKHKNT.The above meeting Is hereby postponed until

FRIDAY, the first day of February, 1818, at thesame hour and place. By order of tbe Board ofDirectors. .-.\u25a0-.'.;•


\u25a07 Stockholders* Meeting—Office of theCherokee Flat Blue Gravel Co, San Franclioo, Jan.nary 16, 1878.

—Tbe annual meeting of Stockholders

of the Cherokee Flat Blue Gravel Co., for the eleo.tlon of Trustee?, and suob other business as mayproperly come before the meeting, will be held atthe office of the oompany, Boom 3,No. 403 Mont,gomery street, San Francisco, Oal., on SATURDAY,the second day of February, 1878, at one o'olookP. m. (Jlo] O. H. BOGART,Booretary.

Atlantic Giant Powder • Company—

The annual meeting of the shareholders of theAtlantic Giant Powder Company, for the election ofTrustees, to serve for the ensuing year, and thetransaction of such * other business as may comebefore tbe meeting, willbiheld at the office of tbecompany, No. 10 California street, Ban Francisco,California, on MONDAY,the fourthday of February,1878, at twelve o'clock m.

San Franolsoo, Oal., January 15, 1878.jals H. PIOHOIR, Beoretary.

\u25a0ST" Office of Metallic MiningCompany,Ban Franolsoo, January 33, 1878 The Second Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of tbe abovenamed Company, for the eleotion of Directors, andthe transaction of such other business as may comebefore it,willbe held on MONDAY. February 4th1878 (first Monday in February), at tbe hour of one

'\u25a0clock p. if.ef that day. at tbe offloe of the Com- ;inny. Boom No. 39, Nevada Block, No. 309 Mont-


;omery street, San Francisco, California. Transfer ,looks closed on Thursday. January 31, at 3 o'olock'. if. [ja24] WM. WILLIS,Secretary.

\u25a0ST Officeof the CaliforniaPowd er Works,lan Francisco, January 6, 1878.

—Notice. — The ,

Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Tbe Oalifer-lla Powder Works, will be held at the Company's>fflce, No. 314 California street, onMONDAY,Febru-ary 4. 1878, at 12 o'clock M.

jaG JOHN F. LOHSE, Secretary.

tar'^tockh-.flderß' Meeting-- Ofllce of:in'Sulphur Bank Quicksilver Mining adjourned meeting of the stockholders of theSulphur Hank Quicksilver Mining Oompany willbe \u25a0

held at tbe office of the Company, No, "220 Banaome

treet, in tho city of San Francisco, on MONDAY^the fourth day of February, 1878, at two o'clockp. m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Direc-tors, and for tbe transaction of any other businesswhich may be brought up.

Ban Francisco, 21 January, 1878.j«4 LUOIEN HERMANN, Secretary.

\u25a07" Seattle Coal jus.***"TransportationCompany .— Thn AumiftlMeetiny of the Stockholdersof the Seattle Coal and Transportation ,Oompany,for the election of a Board of Trustees, and for suchother business as may

'properly come before tbe

meeting, willbe held at the office of the Company,No. 1201 Battery street, Ban

-Franolsoo, California,

on MONDAY,January 28th, 1878,' at 12 o'clock M.JOSIAH HAND,Secretary.

The above meeting adjourned to meet onMONDAY,February 4th, 1878, at the same hour and place.

J»29 JOSIAH HAND,Secretary.

•^Stockholder. 7 meeting-. The AnnualMeeting of the Stockholders of the Manhattan Sil-ver MiningCompany, for the election of Trustees,to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction offcuoh other business as may properly come beforethe meeting, willbe held on WEDNESDAY, the sixthday of February, 1878, at one o'clock p. m ;.at theoffice of the Oompany, Room 21, No. 419 Californiastreet, San Francisco, Cal. Transfer books closedon THURSDAY,January 31st, 1878, at 3 o'olock, p.m.

J»24 JNO. CROCKETT, Secretary,

\u25a0W The Annual Mottling of tlt* Stock-holders of the Plttsburg Railroad Oompany, willbeheld at the office of the Oompany, No. 202 Sacra.mento street, on WEDNESDAY, February 6th, at 11o'clock a.m. [JaViij SAML.BaKER, Secretary.

. DIVIDENDHOTIOK.\u25a0V Office of th« I.eed« MiningCompany

No. 327 Pine street, San FianciHco, January 25, 1878.— Ata meeting of the Board of Trustees of the above-namedCompany, held this day. a Dividend (No. 5) of TwentyCents per share, was declared, payable on ThursdayJanuary 31, 1878. Transfer books are closed until dividendis paid.

Ja26-2w P. F. VERDENAL. Secretary.

The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society,IWN. K. corner Montgomery and Post

streets, San Francisco, January 25, 1878.— At a regularmeeting of the Hoard of Directors of the Society, heldthis day, aDividend at the rate of 74 per cent, per annumm>» derJanul iiuaJJ Dejiosits for the six mouths endingon tiio3U't instant. pftffßfc friiffiati'd" SftSf thfo '.lite.(Hi(ffree from Federal Tax.

ja2ii UPWARD MARTIN. Secretary.

•vDividend Notice —masonic Navlnirs

and Loan Hank, No. «l Cost street, Masonic Temple, BanFranoUco.— At a meeting of the Board of Directors ofthis Bank, hold Jan. 11, 1878, a Dividend was declared atthe rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum on term depniiltH,and six and three-tenths (03-10) percent, per annum onordinary ilepOHits, for tlienoiiil-aiiMual term endingJanuary21, 187&, payable onand after January 28, 1V,,-., free of Fed-eral tax. 1j»22-)ni] H.T. URAVKH,Secretary.

DIVIDEND NOTICE.MrThe French Having* mill Lonn Society

lias declared aDividend of Eight (8) percent per annum,free of Federal Tax, for the half year ending December 31,1877, payable onand after January 18, 1878. Ryorder



DIVIDEND NOTICE.•VOAIce of the Slant Powder Company,

No. 1O California street, Ban Francisco. California,Jan. 10, 1878. Dividend No. 79 lias boon declared, pay-able onand after the 15th lnst.

Jail H. PIOHOIB, Secretary.


aWOIHce of the Atlantic Giant I*owdeiCompany, No. tO California street,

'Kan Francisco. Cali-

fornia, Jan. 10, 1878.— Dividend No. 25 has been de-clared, payable on and after the I:.r I\u25a0 liirc. .jail H. riOHOIR, Secretary.


r'f.xt a Meeting of the Board of Director*held this day, a dividend was declared, free of Federal Tax,of eight 18) per cent per annum 011 all deposits, for the sixmonths ending December 31, 1877.

Dividend payable on and after the fifteenth instant.OYRUB W. OARMANY, Secretary.

San Francisco, January 8, 1878. jaD

Land Mortgage Union of California,BAN FRANCISCO, JANUARY 5, 1878.

dividend" notice.U.i Land Mortsraae Union of California,

N0.&31 California street, corner of Webb— Adividend hasbeen declared of nine 0) per cent on Term Deposits andInvesting Hharos and six (6 per cent on Ordinary Depositsfree of Federal Tax, payable on the twelfth January, 1878" jati-lm JOHN T. CARTER, Hocretary.


Western Savings and Trust Company.

ItVPursuant to the order of the Hon. K.I).Wheeler, made in the cami of RuiiKRT C. CLARK andothers atminut the WKHTKRW SAVINGS AND TRUSTCOMPANY,Iwill pay the creditors of that Company adividend of tweuty-ilvecents on tha dollar on their re-s|«"otlve claims, as theyare described ina schedule thereofapprove! bymid Judge. > • -

Alldividends must Tiecalled for within ninety days fromthe date of this uotico. Office hours from 10 A.M to 12M. SOLON PATTEE, Receiver,

Room 9. No. 507 Montgomery street.San Francisco, January 4, 1878. jas-90

DIVIDEND^NOTICE:The German Savings and Loan

Society.dB9^ For the half year ending th<" date, theBoard of Directors of The Herman Savings and Loan So-ciety has declared the dividend on Term Deposits at therate of eight and twofifths 82-51per cent per annum, and

*\u0084. \u25a0 '•\u25a0iiiniij i -i )•<>in i in. iin; vi Huvi-n '/; pur cein, perannum, free fromFederal Taxes, and payable on and afterthe 15lhday of January, 1878. By order.

\u25a0• -• _- , _ OKO. LETTE, Secretary.Ban Francisco, December 31, 1877.

'\u25a0 jal-lui


CALIFORNIASavings and Loan Society.

(JUNCTION) MARKET,EDDYAND POWELL.B®- The Director* have declared a Divi-dend of eight and two-nfths 18 2-5) per cent per annum on

Term Deposits and seven (7) per cent, per annum on Or-dinary Deposits for Hie year ending December 31. 1877free from all Fedeial Taxand payable onand after Mon-day, January 7. 1878. Byorder.

d3O-lm P. B. OHIBHOLM. Secretary.*


San Francisco Savings Union;53» CALIFORNIABT., CORNER WEBB.

ii*s£.» «*,hih lf elM««»«»••»* with December31, 1877, a dividend has beeu declare?-* the rate of eightand one-tenth (8 1-10) percent pcr v Hum on Term De-posits, and six and three-fourths (63A) per cent on Or-dinaryDeposits, free of Federal Tax, payable on and a

"«TueHday, Jauuary 15, 1678.

«li»-lm LOVELL}WHITE.'Oaahier.

JOHN T. LITTLE,Discount Broker, Real Estate Agent




No.412 Montgomery Street.







JOHN GIBSON'S SON & CO.'SCelebrated WhiskiesTHB UNDERBiQNED HAVEJUST, RECEIVEDan Invoice of the above well-known Whiskies,comprising the followinggrades :




COPPER RE-DISTILLED PURE RYE APRIL 1877"! '\u25a0•\u25a0-. •:\u25a0<* OLD BTiR BOUBBON.For sale in lots to suit, and on favorable terms.Ny CIIAKMCK iriKiNKCKic& CO.,Jall.ap lm 814 Sacramento street.


COOK &McKAY.Dealers in United States, Btste, City and County

Bonds.Clan, Water, Bank and Railroad Stocks.Money Loaned on all Good Securities.Commercial Paper Discounted.Loans Negotiated on City and County Real EstateAllbusiness willbe promptly attended to• .,„ ' OOOK & MoKAY,

I'lta"lm1'lta"lm al5a15 Banaome street,

\u25a0VBullloa Mining Company— Location \of principal place of bnalDoss, San Francisco, Call- ifornla

—Location of works, Oold Hill,Storey connty,


Notico is bereby given, tbat at a meeting oftbe Board of Directors, beld on tbe twenty-secondday of January, 1878, an Assessment (No. 0) of OneDollar per sbare, was levied npon tbe cspltal stookof tbe corporation, payable immediately, in UnitedStates gold coin, to tbe Secretary, at the oiMoe of thaCompany, No. 418 Oallfornla street, San Francisco.California.

Any stook npon wblcb this assessment sball re-main nnpald on the TWENTY-FIFTHday of Febrn-ary, 1878, will be delinquent, and advertised forale at publloanction ;and nnless payment Is made

before, will be sold on Monday, tbe eighteenth dayof Marob, 1878, to pay tbe delinqnsnt assessment,together with oosts of advertising and expenses ofsale. JOSEPH GRUBS, teuretary.

Office—4lB California street, Union InsuranceHuilding,Ban Franolsoo, California. ja29

ftfßicbeqner JSHnlnir Company—


tion of principal place of business, San Francisco,California—Location of works, Gold Hill, Storeycounty, Nevada. Notloe Is bereby given, tbat at ameeting of the Board of Directors, beld on tbeseventeenth day of January, 1878, an Assessment(No. 13) of One Dollar per sbaro, was levied ontbe capital stock of tbe corporation, payable Imme-diately, In United States gold coin, to the Secretary,at the offloe of tbe Oompany, 418 Oallfornla street,San Francisco, Oal.

Any stook upon wbloh this Assessment shall re-main nnpald on tbe TWENTIETHday of FKBRU.ARY, 1878, will be delinquent, and advertisedfor aalo at publio anction, and unless payment Inmade before, willbe sold on Monday, tbe eleventhday of Marob, 1878, to pay the delinquent Assess-ment, togetber with oosts of advertising and ex-penses of sale. By order of tbe Board of Directors,

JOSEPH GRUBS, Beoretary.Office

—418 California street, Union Insnranee

Building,San Franolsoo, California. jalB

W Gold HillMining Ciiinpnny...Loc«-tlonof principal place of business, San Franclsoo,Oallfornla -Location of works, Grass Valley,Nevadaoounty, California

—Notice Is bereby given tbat at a

meeting of the Board of Directors, held this fifthdayof January, 1878, an assessment (No. 1) of Twenty-five Oents per share was levied upon the capitalstook of tbe corporation, payable immediately. InUnited Btates gold coin,to tbe Secretary, at tba officeof tho Company, Room No. 73, Nevada Blook, north-eßt-1 corner of Pine and Montgomery streets, BanFranolsoo, California.

Any stock upon which this assessment sball re-main nnpald on tbe ELEVENTH day of FEBRUARY,1878, willbe delinquent, and advertised for tale atpnblioanotion ;and unless payment is made before,willbe sold on Satnrday, tbe second day of March,

1878, to pay the delinquent assessment;. togetherwith copts of advertising and expenses of sale. Byorder of the Board of Directors.

• • •

JaB F. OGJJEN, Secretary.

aY New Cos > mining company—

tion of.principal place of business. San Franolsoo,California - Location of works, \u25a0New Ooso- District,Inyocounty, California—Notice Is hereby given thatat a meeting of tbe Board of Directors, held on the .fourth day of January, 1878, an assessment :(No.7) of Fifty (50) Cents per share was levied upon thecapital stock of the corporation, payable Immedi-ately, InUnited Btates gold coin, to the Secretary, atthe office of the Company, Rooms 6and 7, No. 82T

"Pine street, Ban Francisco, California. :

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the ELEVENTHday of FEBRUARY,1878, will be delinquent, and advertised for sale atpublic auction ;and unless payment Is made before,willbe Bold on Wednesday, the sixth day of March, .'1878, to pay the delinquent assessment, 'togetherwith oosts of advertising and expenses of sale. Byorder of the Board of Dlrectore/D&j&gESjggggjjftgajS

D. F. VERDENAL,Secretary.Office—Booms 0and 7,No. 3.7 Pine street, San

Franolsco, California. : 'Jail,';

A disoount of one .and one-half per cent.' permonth willbe allowed on the above from

'date of

payment to day of sale.jaß D. F. VEBDENAL,Secretary.

»7~Jaatlce :Mining Company. —Location ;\u25a0of principal place of business. Ban Franolsco, Cali-

Location of works, Gold Hill,Storey county,Nevada.

—Notice is hereby given <that at a meeting

of the Board of Directors, held on the tenth day ofJanuary, 1878, an assessment (No. 23) of Two Sol-lars per share, was levied;upon the capital stock ofme corporation, payable Immediately, In 'United'


States gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of theCompany, Room No. 3, Hayward's Building, 419California street, San Franclsoo, California..Anystock upon which this assessment shall rtmala

';'unpaid on the FOURTEENTH day of FEBRUARY,1878, willbe delinquent, and advertised for sale atpubllo auotlon, ana unless payment is made before, -willbe sold on Wednesday, the sixth day of Marob,1878, to pay the delinquent

'assessment, together

with cost of advertising and.expenses of Bale. .-\u25a0 Byorder of the Board of Directors. . •,: :V:V

:'\u25a0 JAB.S KENNEDY, Secretary, yOffice-Room 9, Hay ward's Building, 419 Califor-

nia street, Ban Franolsco, California. ; Jal3'

*Jrs»\9 Bnglaml Gold MiningCompany.—Location of ? principal place of business, SanFrancisco, California

—Location of works, Nevada

oounty, California.— Notice Is hereby given that at ameeting of the Board of Directors, held on the .23dday of January, 1878, an assessment (No. 2) of TenCents (10o.; per share was levied upon the capitalstock of the corporation,, payable Immediately, InUnited ,States gold coin, to the Secretary, at theoffice of the Oompany, Room 31, No. 419 Californiastreet, San Francisco, California. ;' ;•" ." "£=..'

Any stock upon whloh this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the TWENTY-SIXTH day of FEB.RUARY,1878, willbe delinquent, and advertised forsale at publloauotlon, and unless payment Is madebefore, willbe sold on Saturday, the sixteenth dayof March, 1878, to pay

-the delinquent assessment,

together with costs of.advertising and expenses ofBale. By order of the Board of Dlreotors. '

:D. L.THOMAS, Beoretary,Office—Room 21, No. 419 California street, San

Francisoo, California. 'ja3t

9rWQO(tYUl«iV<rno9ft<ffitoftmir*rjntittirg-Company— Location of principal place of business,San Francisco, California -Location of works. GoldHill,Storey county, Nevada.

—Notloe is hereby given

that at a meeting of tbe Board of Trustees, held onthe twenty-third day of January, 1878, an assess-ment (No. 0) of Twenty-live Cents per share waslevied upon the capital stock

-of the corporation,

payable immediately. In United Statea gold coin, tsMmSecretary, at the offloe of the Company, RoomNo. 3 Hay ward's Building, 419 California street,San Francisco, California.

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the TWENTY-FIFTHday of FEB-RUARY*1878, will be delinquent, aud advertisedfor sale at publloauction;' and unless •

payment is \made before, willbe sold on Saturday, tbe Twenty-third day of March, 1878, to pay the delinquentassessment, together with the costs of advertisingand expenses of wale. By order of tbe Board of Trus-tees. JNO. F.POPE, Secretary. >

Oilier— 8, Hay ward's Building,No.419 Cali-fornia » trcot, San Francisco, California.


XT'Sierra Nevada Silver mining Com-pany.

—Location ofprincipal place of business :Ban

Franolsco, California— Location of works :Storeycounty, Nevada. —

Notice is hereby given that \u25a0 at ameeting of the Trustees, held on tbe third

'day of

January, 1878, an assessment (No. 63) of Fifty (60o.)Cents per share was levied upon the capital stock oftbe Corporation, payable Immediately, ,In>,UnitedStates gold coin, to the Secretary, at the offloe of theCompany, Room No. 47, Nevada Blook, No. 809Montgomery street, San Franolnco, California. ".

Any slock npon whloh- this assessment shallremain unpaid on the SEVENTH day of FEBRUARY,1878, will bo delinquent, and advertised for sale atpublicauction ;and,. unless payment is made before,willbe sold on Thursday, the twenty.eighth day ofFebruary, 1878, to pay the delinquent :assessment,

'together with costs of advertising and expenses of\u25a0ale. , W. W. STETSON. Secretary.

Office :Room No. 47 Nevada Block, No. 309 Mont-gomery stroet, San Francisco, California. ;Ja«

NATIONALLABOR PARTY.Appeal to the Industrial Classes.

KfThe National Labor Party, Throughits Executive Committee, having placed theplatform and ; principles . before tbe people,now desire to appeal to all Industrial classes ofthe State and of the Paolfio Ooast for their Arm sup-port:First, by rational, Intelligent:and :Uw.abid-ing agitation ;second, bya sound and well-regulatedorganization. We bold that any other than a peace-ful solution of the much-vexed Labor question(wbloh Includes tbe Chinese and nearly all otherpolitical and. financial .questions) will leave the V.workingclasses ina worse condition than at present.Bloody.- resolutions . accomplish little, If anything,for the tollingmasses ;for, even should the victoryof arms jbe on their ,' side, they are still Ignorant ofthe first principles necessary to form a Government


and Constitution sufficiently strong to preserve theirrights and liberties ;men who have been successful|as slayers of men are elected as legislators, having

'bad no experience incivilaffairs, and, either throughignorance or venality, the Government soon' passesIntotbe hands of Sbylocks and corrupt politicians.Such is the history of France and tbe United States,'and such will It continue until the masses shallbecome united in one solid, Intelligent phalanx,with -.." :! .:\u25a0'-


-Its unfurled banners.

-Boob is the

motto of •; the National Labor;Party of California. .We bold that no people can be free, or longretaintheir freedom wben obtained, unions educated— edu- •cated not merely in book-learning, but Ina compre \u25a0

henslve knowledge of the laws of social science.Hence the elevation of the industrial olaaso? to thepositions of legislators and governors Imust


-gradual, not impulsiveand spasmodic That whichis fltteit willrale. and the most intelligent is oer. .talnly the fittest, notwithstanding some of thewould-be leaders of womlngmen have said that the \u0084

| trouble heretofore has been •• too much brains inGovernmental affairs." ;We desire first to encourageevery healthy form of association among tbeproduo*ing olasses; let Trade and Labor Organizations bemultiplied,and also Political Clubs; allthese form so


many schools for the people, where they may learnto oast away prejudice and to cultivate sympathyand respect for each other, and where the moreintelligent may Instruct those less favored. We hold


tbat itIs far belter for. the tollers tohays nor* time! for study f and reflection, and thus

'increase .'their r

mental power to rise above their present condition, .-'than to be forced by long hours of toll to seek the; cup of dissipation, and by degrees sink intoa conrti.. tion of pauperism and >crime. -.That

'wblob we sow. we mutt also reap ;if we sow and cultivate ignor.-

ai'ce, we shall reap crime \u25a0 and jcorruption ;inevery ."form;for Ignorance !is \u25a0 the jmother of. every vice.


.'We appeal, therefore/even to the 5 capitalist and the .

i monopolist to assist in our good work,and ask them ••;.ifit isnot better to encourage the muses to be self."supporting and to grow and prosper mentallyandfinancially, than by a system ot land and .' franchise., grabbing laws to drive them into *poverty, vice andcrime, and anally, whenall other resources fail,intoopen riotand rebellion, to free themselves and theirprogeny from absolute serfdom. In conclusion, wewould say to the '\u25a0 produolag'classes. The cause Isyours; there are mo Cwsars 'In our parly ;come,rally for the came of freedom IWe are threatened !with a form of slavery in the coolie trafflo

-worsethan the Southern States were

-ever cursed with.Fellow-worklngmen, be on your guard I/One tyrant

is no better than another ;he who tells you that youmust shout the shibboleth of a party before you canorganise a Worklngman'a Club, and sends a gang ofroughs to;break •up vrorklngmen's meetings, is nofriend of Liberty,but bis same ought and willstandalong With those of other tyrants who havesought by force, in one form or another, to suppressfree thought and free speech. We are fightingoppressive 'monopolists ;and when anyone olalmsthe monopoly of organising Worklngmen's Clubs,that in the first monopoly to destroy. Unity is aboveall things.desirable ;but before unity;can. come,intelligence and justice must prevail among the •,

workers In the causa; let oapable and experiencedmen take the helm ;ifellow workmen,* choose themyourselves, but be very careful inyour < selections ;inevery case :apply the Jeffersorilan test—.. Is hehonest ? Is be capable V;'We call upon you, then,to rally around the banner of,the Natiorai. LabobPabtt, not to build up or tear down men, but to

j build up and disseminate livingand eternal princl.pies, upon which rest the very pillars of \u25a0 liberty

(Signed) v- BiP# FRENCH.; \u25a0>n „„ Chairman State Executive Committee.P. E. McCarthy, Secretary.' ' '



has been inconstant use for more than half acentury inthe Eastern Statea, where for fairy pur- i

1 poses itcommands double the price of any otherjbrand of Liverpool Salt. The undersigned are sole 5*agents here, and offer it to the trade.

a WILLIAMS. BLANOHARD ft CO..aiB ' - *18 Oallforqu street.


B1PACIFIC OU,AND LdffiADWORKS, fi. i*a-; \u25a0 KITTXJB*'


Aaantm .' \u25a0':'«