Market Share Magazine April 2013



marketing board game

Transcript of Market Share Magazine April 2013

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APRIL 2013







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Editors note

How to stop time from disappearing down the plughole

8 Core essential qualities of high performing leaders

Are you being real?

Are you making permanent decisions on temporary feelings?

School leavers – Prepare for your bigger world

Creativity in business education PART 3

Would you love to see your children sick less often?

How to be a good digital citizen in 2013

But it looks so pretty!











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GrowingNZ's businesseducation

Whether we’re business owners or business teachers, we are always learning something new, and

I’ve come to realise over the years that we’re all enrolled in a lifelong learning programme, whether

we like it or not. So it’s part of my life in which I’ve become particularly intentional and as I talk with

more and more business people and teachers I’m aware that I’m not the only one who thinks like

this. I believe this is positive and now think it’s time to help our young people realise this as well

and help them understand and plan a pathway for their career so that they gain this important habit

at a young age.

This lifelong learning idea includes reading, attending seminars, training programmes and courses

along with many conversations with others that centre around your industry or area of expertise.

One such training programme that runs for young people is the Young Enterprise BP Challenge,

which engages year 11 students to design and plan the creation of a new product or service. The

students then have 2-5 days to create a business plan around the product, including production,

marketing, finance, sales and distribution. On the third day they present their business idea and

plan to a panel of local business people.

Recently I had the pleasure of being part of the Young Enterprise BP Challenge when I was invited

to be a judge for Onehunga High School. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to these creative and

enthusiastic young people with their clever ideas for new businesses.

From what I am seeing in our high schools now, I am encouraged and sure that our economic future

will be in good hands as the young people of today take what they are learning and start applying

it in the real world.

I’ve also really loved being part of the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Auckland E-Days where

students from around Auckland gather at 3 locations over 4 days and had the opportunity to pitch

their ideas to local business people and then receive encouragement and feedback. These business

people are from varied backgrounds and industries and act as speed coaches for the students,

asking them questions and giving advice as to how to plan and progress their business idea. This

entire process was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to being involved again next time.

It has been really great to see how well we’re doing as a nation when it comes to making

improvements to our business education and financial literacy.

Warm regards

Nick Hindson

Market Share International




[email protected]






[email protected]

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Did you know that 28% of an average

knowledge worker’s day is wasted due

to interruptions?

How often do you go home frustrated that you didn’t

get to your ‘Really Important’ high-level activities?

(And in your heart of hearts you know they’re the

critical matters that will move your business forward.)

We can manage interruptions - not by

multi-tasking but by managing them.

How long do you take to refocus after an interruption?

Time yourself next time you’re working on something

important and get interrupted. It might take you

longer than you think.

From Basex, a NY-based research company which

specialises in Information Overload: Whatever the

length of the interruption, it will typically take 10-20

times the length of the interruption to get back on

track. (e.g. a 30 second interruption will lose you 5 -

10 minutes before you’ll get back to the previous task,

IF you ever do.) This is why so many lament: ‘I have

to come early or stay late to get the “real” work done’.

So, how do we manage interruptions? It’s simple -

and it’s not easy.

We have to take control of at least some of our day

and create chunks of time when we take no

distractions. And sometimes it’s ourselves we have

to manage, not other people.

Here’s a solution for just one of the

interruptions - email.

Hardly anyone needs to know the moment an email

arrives. It’s an addictive medium. Switch off your alerts.

• In Outlook 10 - File, Options, Mail, Message Arrival

and untick all four delivery advice methods.

• Outlook 7 - Tools, Options, Preferences, E-mail

Options, Advanced E-mail Options, 'When new items

arrive in my Inbox'.

• (Your Help service will guide you if you use a

different system.)

And here are some other simple


• Chunk your tasks - like with like. By reducing your

switches between different types of thinking and

activity you get faster results.

• Create a ‘Power Hour’ or ‘Red Time/Green Time’.

At least once a day for at least an hour, at a time when

you have your best energy, make yourself unavailable

for any emails, conversations, distractions. This is the

time for high-value concentrated work.

• Start early, when there are minimal distractions.

How to stop timefrom disappearing

down the plughole

Article byBy Robyn Pearce(The Time Queen)

We have to take controlof at least some of our day

and create chunks of timewhen we take no distractions.


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• If your work-space is distracting, work away from

your normal space for the high-level work or important

phone calls. It might be home, a café, a board room

or meeting room.

• If you’re in an open plan space, create ‘white noise’

so you’re not side-swiped by other people’s noise.

The easiest way is using a headset, with or without music.

Interruptions are insidious - each small one invisibly

steals your time.

A Few Resources From

(All books by Robyn Pearce):

Paperback books and for Kindle:

‘Getting A Grip On Time’

‘Getting A Grip On The Paper War’

‘Getting A Grip On Leadership’

‘About Time’

‘About Time for Teaching’


‘Getting A Grip On Simple Goalsetting’

‘Getting A Grip On Effective Meetings’

Quefile -Brilliant desk organiser

All available (plus lots more) at

* Robyn Pearce CSP (Certified Speaking Professional)

is known around the world as the Time Queen. If you

would like a regular reminder of good time habits,

grab your personal copy of ‘How to Master Time in

Only 90 Seconds’ at followed

by occasional short and practical Top Time Tips.


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What are the Essential

Qualities & Characteristicsof a High Performing Leader?

That’s simple to answer isn’t it? No! Not as simple

as we think. But aren’t we all leaders on some level,

in life, in our roles, our families, for our teams. It

seems that high performing leaders are hard to find

on the ground. Having spent many years working

with leaders in a number of high profile New

Zealand corporate organisations and medium sized

businesses, I continue to be surprised by the lack of

High Performing leadership. Ok, so you might ask,

well what makes a high performing leader?

Well, lets firstly take a quick look at the qualities of a

high performing leader... None other than our very

own Rob Fyfe. Here are some excerpts from an article

in the NZ Herald published Saturday Dec 22, 2012.

“Rob is an out-of-the-box thinker who truly believes

in his work and people, he’s a strong motivator of

his team and he has boundless energy and passion,”

Rob Says, “I’ve largely tried to be as accommodating

as I can and we’ve had this philosophy of not being

afraid to project some personality. I’ve become

more outgoing and prepared to do those things

because that’s what the role and the organisation

requires.” “If you’re going to be a little edgy and

have a bit of personality you’re going to push a

few boundaries.

So what are the clues in the above excerpts? What

qualities and competencies jump out that tell us the

characteristics of a High Performing Leader? Ok,

let’s then review the top 9 characteristics showing

up in research of a high performing Leader:

Now, grab a pen and highlight one key characteristic

that you’ll consciously start modeling with your

team. One that’s going to stretch you!

Influencing and Motivating

A leader must have the ability to get others to act in

a desired way. Influencing to generate outcomes

through collaboration and motivation always wins

with teams. A leader needs to walk their talk,

influencing others by modelling behaviours, re-

inforcing the appropriate cultural values, motivating

and acknowledging great outcomes regularly. A

high performing leader influences and gains respect

through their actions. So, if you haven’t praised

anyone in your team or business today, or even in

the last week, do it today.

Your task: Rock up to a team member and tell them

“how much you value them and what they do that’s

so great”!


A leader establishes in their team members a

commitment to achieving results by building a

culture of accountability. Self accountability is again,

modelling to all employees, self responsbilility and

accountability. A leader understands the impact of





Article byEloize Tzimas


8 Coreessential qualities ofhigh performing leaders

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accountability and ownership. Employees grow and

develop through being accountable, taking

ownership and responsible to deliver on promises.

Always deliver on your promises as a leader. All to

often I hear Leaders promise and in some cases

seldom follow-through. This results in a loss of trust!

Be mindful of what you are willing to promise.

Your task: Reflect on what you have promised to do

and have missed your deadline. Have you been

realistic on your promise? Who have you promised

and do you need to go talk to them”?

Builds Positive Working Relationships

With both stakeholders and employees. A high

performing leader actively builds a strong network

of working relationships, both internally and

externally. A high performing leader forster and

nurtures positive, healthy and productive

relationships with honesty, integrity, trust and

willingness to share.

Building strong trusting relationships is essential to

your success as a high performing leader.

Your task: What group, team member, customer or

network could you approach to start building a

stronger working relationship with?

Takes massive action with urgency

Both internal and external customers expectations

have changed significantly over the last few years

and everyone wants action to take place now! As a

leader working with urgency and speed is now

becoming a norm. Set the pace and your team will

step up to support you to deliver on promises.

Delivering with Speed, is now the norm.


Step out of the box and limiting beliefs...

and STRETCH yourself. If you’ve seen the Air NZ

safety video featuring the All Blacks,building up to

the Rugby World Cup in 2011, then you’ve seen the

elderly lady run naked through the plane. Rob

promised to do the same “run naked” in front of

staff before the elderly lady did her naked run.

How far are you willing to step out of your comfort

zone as a leader?

Your task: What can you do to step out of your

comfort zone during the next 5 days? Step out of

your Box!!

Coaches and Mentors for improvements

An high performing leader is always looking for his

or her replacement, or an opportunity to build a

high performing team around them. Develop your

people through coaching or mentoring regularly,

ensuring they strive to stretch and perform building

on potential for future roles. A high performing

leader will always look for opportunities to stretch

their people, acknowledge, encourage and

appreciate their team’s strengths.

Your Task: Select a team member to sit with and ask

him or her: “What motivates them to be here and

where do they see themselves in 12months time?”.


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Lives and breathes the Values

of the Business

An high performing leader acts for the values of the

business. Continuously talks about the values at

meetings, show cases values during road shows and

all ensure values are part of the communication

strategy for both internal and external customers.

Values are the core heart of the business and how

everyone in the business operates. A high

performing leader lives and breathes the values into

the organisation.

Your task: Review your business or organisation

values and choose one to live and breathe into the

workplace for the day.


A high performing leader has the courage to make

mistakes through innovation and investment. They

continually keep up with the latest technology and

innovations within their industry and outside of

their industry. Innovation will take you to the next

level of success! Let’s go back to Rob Fyfe... excerpts

from the NZ Herald article published on 22

December 2012.

The airline’s financial performance and Fyfe’s track record

as an innovator has won him, and the airline, international

praise and a swag of industry and other awards.

Your task: Talk to your leadership team about

bringing innovation into your regular program of

work or projects. Who could lead the “innovation

stream” in the business or organization?”

For Training programs on Leadership Coaching and

Coaching for Performance please visit

For Induction and Onboarding program

development please visit

or contact Eloise Tzimas on M: 027 600 6940

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Article byColleen Sluiter Are you

being real?Take steps to base everything you undertake in 2013

on reality, not a mirage. Many over enthusiastic

people blissfully carry “illusions” with them into

planning for the New Year, simply because it is more

motivating than reality. I challenge you to identify

and drop last year’s delusions.

At the outset of each year most of us get bombarded

with a plethora of writing on dreams, visions, plans

and goals. While I echo the need for those and

encourage big dreams, I add that you must first face

your reality with brutal honesty because the next level

will remain pie in the sky until you acknowledge

every delusion, confront facts and get real.

Are you carrying delusion into 2013?

Delusion is of itself subtle, so don’t expect it to be

trumpeted as you begin your planning.

Here are common delusions worthy of reflection:

1. Intentions automatically translate into behaviour.

2. It’s positive to say “yes”.

3. Surround yourself with people who encourage you.

4. Spend your time with like-minded people.

5. If you hold onto your dream long enough

you will accomplish it.

6. No one else can do it as well as you can.

Sadly more people prefer delusion to

reality. Here are responses to the above


1. Intentions require committed effort and energy

to translate them into purposeful action.

2. Being a yes-man appears positive but feeds

delusion. Always confront flaws with fervour.

3. Surround yourself with people who feed-back

the facts that you need, not want to hear,

and who understand your values.

4. Observe yourself from perspectives beyond your own.

Delusion is reinforced by spending time with only

those who perceive the world as you see it.

5. Accomplishment is based on actuality, not dreams.

Relentlessly seek reality even when it is

unpleasant or uncomfortable.

6. Delusion believes you are superior to or more

important than others. In reality, you achieve results

when you support subordinates to accomplish.

In his book “Good to Great” Jim Collins sites 5 key

concepts present in all the companies he studied

that went from being “good companies” to being

“great companies”. One of the 5 key concepts was

willingness to confront the brutal facts concerning

the business. You must drop delusion to succeed.

Success will not be realised with you hiding your

head in the sand.

Develop strength and resilienceto achieve in the face of facts,

never giving up but pursuing your dreamswith a continuous foundation of realism.


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There is no worse mistakein public leadership

than to hold out false hopessoon to be swept away.

Are you strong enough to confront reality?

Guard your dream and vision of greatness -

preserve them alive and well nurtured.

All the while, remember to refine the path to that

greatness by confronting the brutal facts of reality.

Then develop strength and resilience to achieve in

the face of the facts, never giving up but pursuing

your dreams with a continuous foundation of

realism that keeps you on rock solid ground.

Colleen Sluiter

(W) 09 422 0420

(M) 021 838 831

(e) [email protected]

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Are you makingpermanent decisionson temporary feelings?






Ever had that superglue feeling?

They say that you should be careful when you use

super glue because it can permanently set in a

matter of a few seconds.  Yet, how many of us when

using super glue to fix a broken item have made a

rash decision when opening the tube with our

teeth or squeezed it too hard and you end up with

too much super glue and nowhere to put it…

In life, we can tend to make the equivalent of this

super glue mistake by making rash decisions that

we might regret.

 Hear no evil, see no evil…

There is a particularly unusual story that I came

across recently.  It turns out that a man came in to

the local ER department with his eyes closed.

Evidently, his wife had accused him of looking at

other women and they got into a quarrel. Being the

macho man that he was, he decided that he could

prove that he wasn’t looking at other women by

super-gluing his eyes closed.

Unfortunately, after the glue dried, he began to

think it wasn’t such a great idea and got some

Article byElias Kanaris


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people to drive him to the emergency room.

I suspect that the doctors and nurses laughed at

him for a while and then gave him Vaseline to rub

in his eyes.

Stuck in the middle with you…

I pray you never get so caught up in the moment

that you end up being carried away in the spirit of

the thought and you follow in this man’s footsteps,

doing something that you’ll instantly regret!

So, before you do anything rash, here are five

simple steps you should consider before you make

your decision that leaves you like concrete -

all mixed up and set in your ways:

1. Step away...

Whatever you do, if you feel that you’re about to

make a rash decision, take a step back and give

yourself the 5 minute rule.  Allow yourself five

minutes to think through the consequences of your

action to ensure that you don’t “stuff it up”.

2. Sleep on it...

If you have to make a decision and you feel that

you’re running out of time and it’s getting late, ask

yourself, “Does it really have to go out tonight, or

can it wait till the morning?” Put the item on hold

and get yourself to bed, where you can get a good

night’s sleep so that you can look at it again with

clear and fresh eyes in the morning.

3. Spend time in prayer...

If in doubt - pray about it - and then wait to hear

that still, small voice in your head!  They say that

prayer is us talking to the Grand Overall Designer. 

And that the still, small voice is Him talking back to you!

4. Seek counsel...

Get together with your inner circle, a group of

trusted advisers, and ask them to validate your

decision.  There is a wise ancient proverb that says,

“As iron sharpens iron, so does the countenance of

a good friend.”  That’s exactly what your inner

circle will give you with their counsel.

5. Strike a compromise...

When you are aiming for perfection, you might

need to head for a middle-of-the-road

compromise.  Perfection may not always be

attainable, but it’s worth using the old builders

adage of “Measure twice, cut once!” This will save

you heaps of wastage in the long term.

When rushing to make a decision, take a step back

and use these five simple steps to keep you from

making the wrong decision that leaves you stuck

like concrete.

Elias Kanris

(W) 09 280 4418

(M) 021 615 449

(e) [email protected]







“As iron sharpens iron,so does the countenance of a good friend.”

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Leaving school is filled with excitement, celebration

and anticipation for some but disappointment and

apprehension for others. Either way - it is a time of

great change for young people as one world closes

- and another much bigger world opens up.

Going from dependence on parents to successfully

embracing independence takes preparation and

new thinking. So, what will change and what should

you focus on?

A young person needsto know what to aim for.

Defining Adulthood - What makes an adult?

• Financial (paying your way)

• Physical (running a household and taking care

of your living needs)

• Emotional (protecting yourself from danger

and growing your leadership)

 Here are 7 areas for you to focus on

1. Redefine structure and purpose

into your day

Unless you go straight from school to a job, you will

be in holiday mode with no routine. This should have

a time limit, otherwise you may become resistant to

routines and self-discipline and without something

to look forward to and with little or no purpose, you

may become bored and possibly depressed.

2. Work Experience

If you are job hunting without luck - I recommend

getting into unpaid work experience or volunteer

work. This will get you connected to the working

world; you will learn transferable skills, enrich your

CV and feel good about contributing. If you are

teachable with a good work ethic the organisation

you are helping will end up employing you or they

will network you to a friend.

3. Friendships will come and go

You or some of your friends may move away to

tertiary colleges while others will get jobs with anti

social hours. The school crew will never be the same.

That’s not to say you will have less friends - it’s just

that the dynamics will change. Stay connected to the

friends who are important to you, allowing others to

fade away naturally. Be prepared to make new friends,

just make sure that you choose carefully.

Look for friends who will encourage you and bring

out the best in you. Search for a mentor - someone

who is at least 20 years your senior but is not your

parent. This mentor will have wisdom, advice and

help that they will be happy to share with you.

Don’t get caught up in a group that doesn’t share

your morals. If your behaviour starts feeling weird,

on the edge or wrong and you hide it from your

parents - it is wrong and you are on a pathway

leading to a bad destination.

School leavers– Prepare for yourbigger world

Article byYvonne Godfrey


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4. You will have new freedoms and new4.

You will have new freedoms and new


Until now you may have submitted to ‘the rules’ and

exercised ‘your rights’. But it is better to focus on

respect and responsibility. This is true freedom

based on love for your fellow man, not legalism.

Learn self-control. While self-discipline drives us to

do what is right - self-control holds us back from

doing what will harm others and ourselves. As you

practice self-control, respect and responsibility - you

will suffer less temptation and peer pressure.

Society and the law will expect more from you now.

If you stuff up, be prepared to take the

consequences and don’t ask to be bailed out by

peers, parents or other adults.

5. Get smart with money

Whatever you respect you will attract - whatever you

do not respect you repel. Money, opportunities and

people - it’s all the same. If you want to be good with

money - then respect it. Learn to live within your

budget - no matter how modest. Don’t get a loan for

anything that is purely entertainment and that

includes a modified car!

6. Learn how to be a great flat-mate

Start morphing your relationship with Mum and Dad

from parent to child into adult to adult. Know how

a household runs. Read the power bill and your rates

bill if your family owns their home; know how much

the weekly food bill is. Plan meals, food shop on a

budget and cook at least two meals a week. Mow the

lawn, wash the windows any other job that may have

escaped you in the past.

If you have moved away to study - when you come

home don’t treat the home like a hotel. Resume

your involvement in family life and responsibilities.

7. Look after YOU!

• You may be thrilled to put down the schoolbooks,

but don’t let your brain become lazy. Read great

books, articles and autobiographies to keep you in

the habit of reading. Be careful what you watch and

listen to. It all builds or damages your character.

• Keep exercising - you don’t need to belong to the

gym. For a fitness regime you can do with no

equipment - see Vili’s workouts on the Miomo

website -

• Learn to cook to eat right and save money.

You will be a very popular flat-mate and friend.

• Get enough rest - and not 24 hours straight from

Sunday morning to Monday morning!

• Put boundaries around yourself. Don’t let people

take your stuff! I’m talking about money, time and

energy, affection, trust, opportunities or your future.

To contact Yvonne to speak at your school or


(w) 09 413 9777

(m) 027 249 5444

(e) [email protected]

Page 18: Market Share Magazine April 2013

Albany Junior High School students playing Market Share

Orewa College students play Market Share

Albany Senior High School students playing Market Share

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Business people playing Market Share

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‘Everything that canbe invented has been.’

Those who are skeptical for the need of more

creativity and change dismissing them both as

unnecessary and costly often reference the above US

Patents’ Office quotation If it ain’t broken then don’t

fix it is also not too far away and of course in NZ we

have ‘She’ll be right.’

One reason for this skepticism is that entrepreneur’s or

innovators who strive for creativity - and by assumption

change - often invite ridicule and disbelief. (As we noted

in a previous article achieving creativity also requires

determination and perseverance.)

One of my musical heroes and Jazz legend, Herbie

Hancock’ invoked fury in 1978 where he dared to

make... A pop record: an experiment he continued

for the next 5 years. Such was the fury that some Jazz

commentators even today refuse to even

acknowledge the existence of Hancock’s music

during this time. Of course, Hancock sold many

more records but for some his reputation had been

tarnished forever*

Hancock has been fearless in his desire to challenge

with musical trends of the day by creating a fusion of

jazz, hip-hop, funk and a multitude of other musical

genres. His musical mentor Miles Davis was similarly

willing to challenge the norm. Both won through

against their respective critics. And have been

lauded for their creativity.

Why is it so hard to do this in Education despite the

overwhelming evidence that we need to change?

A number of universities use Lego to teach

architecture design and construction. Two years

ago, I used Lego to try and help groups of Level 1

NCEA students understand the following economic

and business concepts - Scarcity, Choice,

Opportunity Cost. The lesson had been carefully

planned, learning outcomes had been agreed upon.

The students were given an idea to build a form of

transport for the future. However, the students were

told this only after they had helped themselves to

handfuls of Lego from the center of the classroom.

Many students remembering their own experiences

with Lego jumped at the chance to build something

but as the construction progressed they realized

that they would have to trade with other groups to

get the pieces their design warranted. Some had

wheels, which other groups needed, or different

kinds of bricks. Without prompting, barter began as

soon a trading market deliciously appeared with an

exchange rate set by the students. This was a very

welcome but unexpected bi-product of the activity.

Creativityin businesseducation PART 3

- despite the setbacksArticle byLloyd Gutteridge


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After showcasing the designs, we had a debrief

looking at some of the emerging issues such as

limited means, specialization and the problems of

barter and so on. Some of these learning outcomes

I could not have predicted but by being creative and

‘playing,’ students had discovered concepts and

new ideas for themselves.

I repeated the class with another two groups at Level

1 and 2 with similar results. The engagement was

infectious and the links to key competencies and the

New Zealand Curriculum were apparent to us all.

Then one parent complained.

Why is my son/daughter using Lego to teach

Economics? What possible educational benefits

could this playing lead to?

Creativity must be allowed to thrive despite the

skeptics or we will continue to have a broken

educational system and countries such as China and

Singapore who have already begun the process of

transformation (despite their initial skepticism for

the change but they have a healthy regard for the

economic imperative).

Will I continue to teach in this manner? Of course

and now I begin work at a new school committed to

nurturing, creativity and innovation. It should be

quite a journey.

By the way that quote from the US Patent Office was

from 1899.

Lloyd Gutteridge Teacher of Business at Albany

Senior High School 24th - January 2013

*Hancock continues to win awards and critical

acclaim for his music with the Grammy award in

2008 for best jazz and popular album - the Joni

Letters - The River at the age of 68.







Creativity must be allowed to thrive despite the skeptics

or we will continue to have abroken educational system


Page 22: Market Share Magazine April 2013






Article byDr Alex Rodwell

Would you love to seeyour children sick less oftenand have better grades?

In today’s often fast paced world, stress is

almost a constant. The negative effects of

stress effecting wellbeing, job loyalty,

satisfaction, productivity and life enjoyment

are well documented, can be wide reaching,

and often go under the radar. Is the old

reactive approach outdated? When should we

look for a better strategy? 

On Feb 7, 2011, Debbie Nicholson from “All

Voices” published an important research

article showing how the evidence keeps on

growing for why children and adults benefit so

much from receiving wellness care from a

Principled Chiropractor.

Now I hear some of you saying, “Chiropractic

care for my child? Why? Her back doesn’t

bother her.” Regular checkups are not unusual

for teeth, hearing and vision but there can at

times be some confusion when it comes to

having the vital connection between your

child’s spine and nerve system checked. A

spine and nerve system checkup could be one

of the most important checkups your child will

ever have!

In the opening explanation of how the

immune system works, Nicholson explains that

the immune system and the nervous system

are “...directly connected and work as one to

develop maximum responses for the body to

adjust and heal correctly”. 

Principled Chiropractic care aides in

decreasing health care costs, improving health

behaviour and enhancing quality of life.

Because the nervous system and immune

system are directly connected and work as one

to develop maximum responses for the body

to adjust and heal correctly, we are starting to

see why it is so vital to take care of this

essential component of health.

The chief aim of Principled Chiropractic is to

have a nervous system free of interference.

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Establish your brand as theleader in the market placeand be top of mind withnew zealanders of all ages.

Don't delay, the second edition of theMarket Share board game will bein-store at major retailers by June 2013.

Want youropportunityto be part ofNew Zealand’sbusiness strategyboard game?

Where does your company fit on the Market Share game board?

Nick Hindson

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Call us today to discussgetting on board.

Page 24: Market Share Magazine April 2013








Your child’s spine protects their spinal cord - the big

wire that communicates the brain with the body.

Also known as your child’s “lifeline” the spinal cord

is made of billions of delicate nerve fibres sending

messages to all cells, tissue and organs. If there is an

interference of any of the nerves along the spinal

cord, a state of dis-ease can develop.

Dis-ease is a state of disharmony that can adversely

affect all areas of your body & life.

Interference between the harmonious

communication from the brain to the body or the

body to the brain are commonly caused by

misalignments of the vertebrae called

“subluxations.”  When a subluxation is gently

adjusted, this clears the nerve system of

interference. A brain to body connection free of

interference is good for everyone and good

for a lifetime.

In still more published research, Dr. Ronald Petro,

PhD, chief of cancer prevention research at New

York Preventive Medical Institute and Professor of

Medicine Environmental Health at New York

University examined 107 people who had ongoing

chiropractic care and compared them to an average

population of people not under chiropractic care.

They also reviewed a population of people who

were suffering from cancer.

The study showed that:

• The people suffering from cancer had an immune

function that was 50 percent weaker than the

average population.

• The population of people under long term

chiropractic care, had a rate of immunity that was

200 per cent higher than the average population,

and 400 percent higher than those with suppressed

immunity suffering from cancer.

Dr. Petro stated that, “Chiropractic Care gives

maximum efficiency to whatever genetic abilities

you possess, so you can completely resist to the best

of your potential.”

At Life Expressions, we want to see your whole

family THRIVE, not just survive!

To arrange a complementary practice tour for you

and your family, simply call our amazing assistant

Dana on 09 475 9700 today. We look forward to

seeing your smiley face soon!

Dr. Alexander J. Rodwell

B.App.Sci, B.Chiro.Sci.

Chiropractor, Wellness Enthusiast

The Chiropractice - A Creating Wellness Centre

96 Franklin Rd. / Freemans Bay, Auckland 1005

Ph +64 (0)9 361 3826

email:  [email protected]

Your child’s spineprotects their spinal cord

- the big wire that communicates thebrain with the body.


Page 25: Market Share Magazine April 2013


OUR GOALS• Grow our economy through

business education

• Help New Zealanders build

better businesses

• Increase the financial literacy

of our next generation


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Article byMatthew Clayton How to be a

good digital citizenin 2013

Thought-Provoking. The digital world and

the ‘real’ world are inexorably intertwined.

Day to day tasks and actions that used to involve

pens, paper, face-to-face conversations and a degree

of patience are now easily achieved in a matter of

moments. It has become so ‘normal’ to be wired into

the digital world that we often forget the reality of it.

Personally, I grew up in the digital age. Computers,

mobiles, tablets - all of these things have been

ingrained into my lifestyle since birth. I’ve never had

the need to write anyone a letter. I must admit

though, receiving a handwritten letter feels a little

more personal than receiving an email. It’s much

more satisfactory to open, read and digest a tangible

piece of communication don’t you think?

Amusingly, I find that receiving typed letters is an

annoyance - I’d rather receive an email.

We all know how to be a good ‘real’ citizen - abide

by the law, pay your taxes on time, look after your

family and friends etc. How then can we be good

‘digital’ citizens?

I believe that to be a good digital citizen you need to

have a certain harmony between your real and your

wired states. Real is everything that doesn’t require

a computer, mobile phone or access to the internet.

Wired is when we are using technology and the

internet for whatever reason. We need to

consciously make an effort in our lives to make

distinctions between our real and our wired states.

Both states are like water, constantly flowing in and

out of each other. This flow is, more often than not,

seamless and unconscious.

Think about this - just by having an active mobile

phone on your person you are in a wired state. You

are connected to the world through that device;

through the device, the world can connect to you

too. You have no control over when you are going

to receive a call, when you are going to feel the

vibration of a text message or hear the jingle of a

new email. Let’s take this a step further - users of

smartphones have no idea when they are going to

receive push notifications from their mobile apps.

Much of our time spent wired is unconscious. We

are dictated to by our mobile phones, our laptops,

our email inboxes and our applications. We act and

we react. Many people do not make time to take a

step back and get out of their wired state; the only

time they escape the digital world is when they are

sleeping. What’s the first thing they do when they

wake up? Check their mobile phone! Granted, it’s

Think about this

- just by having an active mobile phoneon your person you are in a wired state


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very hard to escape the digital world when we are

working as missed calls or unseen emails can be

missed opportunities or information. The point

here is that we are not consciously wired a lot of the

time. We do not consider our wired and real states

to be different.Do you think that they are?

Humans tend to make a lot of goals, resolutions and

ambitions for a new year, both for personal and

professional reasons. A noble goal for us as digital

citizens is to consciously make time to be real

citizens, to remove ourselves from the constraints,

confines and control of our digital devices. Instead

of sending an email to a colleague, client, friend,

family member or acquaintance, make an effort to

go and see them. Even if it is once or twice a week,

have a face-to-face conversation in place of sending

an email. Turn off your mobile. Write a letter to


Balance is an essential part of holistic living. This

year, be a good digital citizen. Make an effort to

create balance between your wired and your real

states. Give your eyes and mind a break from the

computer screen. Being the Co-Founder of a digital

agency, trust me when I say it’s very satisfying!

Matthew Clayton


neighbrhood, digital artisans.

[email protected]








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Article byDean Payn

But it looksso pretty!I’ve yet to meet a business owner who can be consoled over their poorly

performing website with a line like this.

Every website should be created with a purpose in mind, and for commercial sites, that purpose

must be to assist with some part of the sales process and increase revenue.

So how is it that most businesses don’t see their site as a valuable part of their sales toolkit,

let alone a top contributor? Consider this:

What does it feel like to be a visitor to your website?

One of the greatest pitfalls in website development can be missed by a whole room of staff

members, but found by a potential client in less than 30 seconds.

Instead of looking at your site as a whole, try to do something you would imagine the average

customer would do. It may involve placing an order or something as simple as locating the

‘Contact us’ information. Exercises like this can reveal where function has taken a back seat to

design... for the worse.

Are action buttons clear?

Otherwise known as the ‘Can I click on that?’ factor. You can’t just rely on text to ensure website

users know to ‘click here’. In fact, you’d be amazed how often key navigation buttons are so

effectively worked into the design of a site that they no longer make it clear how to get around.


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If you have video imbedded on your site, overlaying the still with the classic ‘play’ triangle can

draw a huge amount of attention from those who use your site. Just remember that website

users are extremely impatient and need you to state the obvious - do as much of the work for

them as possible.

Does each page have a purpose?

Unless you’re intentionally creating an online knowledge base, you DON’T need to put

everything about your company online. Each page should have a clear singular purpose,

outlining a clear product or service in the process. Once again, the trick here is to think like a

customer and ask what kind of information they’ll be looking for when they come to your site.

If your ‘Services’ page now has five tabs and your ‘About us’ scrolls for a couple of pages, it’s

time to cut back. After all, depth is good, but too much depth means customers have to go

digging to find the information they need and any more than three clicks is a click too many.

Causing them to pick up the phone to call for more information at some point is a victory,

not a failure.

Ultimately these are all questions of usability and accessibility, but without keeping them in

mind from the start of the design process, you’ll end up with just another beautiful online

billboard that adds nothing to your bottom line. Is that what you want?

Dean Payn

0800 333 510

(e) [email protected]

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