MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year...

MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE PENSHURST Friday 8 February - Number 1 one school one family one community Telephone: 9579 6188 Fax: 9579 6668 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome back to the 2019 school year. The theme this year for the Marist Associaon is ‘Holy Today’. The reflecon below by Anthony Clarke, Director of Marist Mission and Life Formaon most eloquently explains this concept and how each of us might be more aware of the presence of God in our daily lives. I am ready to be approached by those who do not study me, ready to be found by those who do not seek me. I say, “I am here, I am here” to people who do not even invoke my names. Isaiah 65.1 I am here! I am here! If you have ever had a beach holiday it is surprising just how loud the sound of the waves crashing on the shore can be. By day, the sound of the waves can almost be missed amidst the other sounds, dazzling colours and energec movement of beachgoers, bright flags, ball games, cawing seagulls or the glare of the dancing sun. Yet sing on the sand at that magical me of twilight, the sound of the crashing waves begins to catch greater aenon. As the fine mist of night begins to descend the volume seems to amplify. By nighall, the sound can be heard with such intensity as to even keep a light sleeper awake. However, there is no volume control on the sound of the waves. It seems that we are simply more auned or aware of its sound at some parcular moments than at other mes. We know the same can be true in our experience of God. Like the waves, there is no volume control that we can, or need to, turn up to hear or ‘experience the presence of God’. Like the sound of the crashing waves that are always there, so too God is always present to us - it’s just that somemes we are more auned or aware. Our theme of Holy Today! is an invitaon to tune-in more to the presence of God in everyday life. That is, to recognise the ‘sacred’ or presence of God in the beauful ordinariness of life: listening to God speaking to us through a friend, feeling or sensing the presence of God in the warmth of the sun, the sound of a classmate playing the flute or the disnct call of the bellbird during a morning hike. It can be seen through the arstry of the taoo arst, in the smell of citrus as you walk through an orange grove, or simply in the beauty of a small flower, or in the smile of a person walking by. Pope Francis highlighted that we don’t need to look any further than our own street to experience the presence of God: ‘I like to contemplate the holiness present in the paence of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, the elderly religious who never lose their smile. It is a holiness found in our next-door neighbours, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence’ (Gaudate et Exultate n.7). Our Marist spirituality highlights this understanding of how God can be revealed, and draws parcular aenon to those mes when life is tough or weighs heavy: ‘All people and events of life offer an opportunity to encounter our merciful God. Perhaps we meet God most closely when we are vulnerable and hurng or when we stand by our word despite the cost to ourselves. When we give thanks for the giſt of life, when we heal relaonships, when we offer and receive forgiveness, when we celebrate the Eucharist and share the Word – all can be moments of grace to meet and know God (Water from the Rock, n.57). To be holy today invites us not to rush through life too quickly and miss what’s really going on around us. It is about seeing with new eyes, contemplang the ordinary moments of life and recognising the beauty and wonder of life. It invites us to recognise the sacred or divine in the ordinary bread and buer moments of our lives. When this happens, in the most human of our experiences, we make the sacred or holy visible. God is with us. The prophet Isaiah reassures us that God is indeed present and connually offers a big shout-out to remind each of us, ‘I am here! I am here!’. As a Marist community let us take great comfort and encouragement knowing that God is with us, a God who connually draws us to true happiness through experiences of encounter and love in the blessed ordinariness of our lives. Everyday life. Everyday God. Holy today. Mr Ray Marn Principal

Transcript of MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year...

Page 1: MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year 9 Parent Study Skills Evening Wed 27 Feb Opening College Mass OLF Kingsgrove Wed


Friday 8 February - Number 1

one school • one family • one communityTelephone: 9579 6188 Fax: 9579 6668

FROM THE PRINCIPALWelcome back to the 2019 school year. The theme this year for the Marist Association is ‘Holy Today’. The reflection below by Anthony Clarke, Director of Marist Mission and Life Formation most eloquently explains this concept and how each of us might be more aware of the presence of God in our daily lives.

I am ready to be approached by those who do notstudy me, ready to be found by those who do not

seek me. I say, “I am here, I am here” to peoplewho do not even invoke my names.

Isaiah 65.1

I am here! I am here!

If you have ever had a beach holiday it is surprising just how loud the sound of the waves crashing on the shore can be. By day, the sound of the waves can almost be missed amidst the other sounds, dazzling colours and energetic movement of beachgoers, bright flags, ball games, cawing seagulls or the glare of the dancing sun. Yet sitting on the sand at that magical time of twilight, the sound of the crashing waves begins to catch greater attention. As the fine mist of night begins to descend the volume seems to amplify. By nightfall, the sound can be heard with such intensity as to even keep a light sleeper awake. However, there is no volume control on the sound of the waves. It seems that we are simply more attuned or aware of its sound at some particular moments than at other times.

We know the same can be true in our experience of God. Like the waves, there is no volume control that we can, or need to, turn up to hear or ‘experience the presence of God’. Like the sound of the crashing waves that are always there, so too God is always present to us - it’s just that sometimes we are more attuned or aware.

Our theme of Holy Today! is an invitation to tune-in more to the presence of God in everyday life. That is, to recognise the ‘sacred’ or presence of God in the beautiful ordinariness of life: listening to God speaking to us through a friend, feeling or sensing the presence of God in the warmth of the sun, the sound of a classmate playing the flute or the distinct call of the bellbird during a morning hike. It can be seen through the artistry of the tattoo artist, in the smell of citrus as you walk through an orange grove, or simply in the beauty of a small flower, or in the smile of a person walking by.

Pope Francis highlighted that we don’t need to look any further than our own street to experience the presence of God: ‘I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, the elderly religious who never lose their smile. It is a holiness found in our next-door neighbours, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence’ (Gaudate et Exultate n.7).

Our Marist spirituality highlights this understanding of how God can be revealed, and draws particular attention to those times when life is tough or weighs heavy: ‘All people and events of life offer an opportunity to encounter our merciful God. Perhaps we meet God most closely when we are vulnerable and hurting or when we stand by our word despite the cost to ourselves. When we give thanks for the gift of life, when we heal relationships, when we offer and receive forgiveness, when we celebrate the Eucharist and share the Word – all can be moments of grace to meet and know God (Water from the Rock, n.57).

To be holy today invites us not to rush through life too quickly and miss what’s really going on around us. It is about seeing with new eyes, contemplating the ordinary moments of life and recognising the beauty and wonder of life. It invites us to recognise the sacred or divine in the ordinary bread and butter moments of our lives. When this happens, in the most human of our experiences, we make the sacred or holy visible. God is with us.

The prophet Isaiah reassures us that God is indeed present and continually offers a big shout-out to remind each of us, ‘I am here! I am here!’. As a Marist community let us take great comfort and encouragement knowing that God is with us, a God who continually draws us to true happiness through experiences of encounter and love in the blessed ordinariness of our lives.

Everyday life. Everyday God. Holy today.

Mr Ray Martin Principal

Page 2: MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year 9 Parent Study Skills Evening Wed 27 Feb Opening College Mass OLF Kingsgrove Wed

2one school • one family • one community

Agnoscere Et Diligere - To Know and To Love


FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPALThe new school year has started in a busy, positive and productive manner with students quickly settling into the school’s work and learning expectations.

We appreciate the support provided by parents. When we work together, the triangular relationship between parent, student and school is powerful. Parental influence and the culture of learning in homes plays an important role in young people’s achievement at school. Where there is alignment between home and school there is opportunity for deep growth to occur. Parents who sign their son/daughter’s diary each week, take an interest in their son/daughter’s learning, call us when they have a concern and support our decisions in front of their children help us do our job.

As always, if you have any queries or concerns about your son/daughter’s progress, or any feedback regarding their learning, please feel free to contact the school. For all enquiries or concerns relating to student learning in the classroom please contact the subject teacher. If the matter is not resolved, then we encourage you to make contact with the relevant KLA Coordinator. For matters relating to student wellbeing, or concerns that extend beyond a single subject, please contact your son/daughter’s Leader of Wellbeing. Where the matter is particularly complex, serious or has the potential to have a significant impact on your child’s academic progress or wellbeing, the Head of Curriculum, Head of Student Wellbeing and/or Assistant Principal may become involved.

One thing I have learnt about Marist Catholic College Penshurst is that the opportunities are there for the taking. If your son/daughter grasps them with both hands and strives for personal excellence, they can’t go wrong. At school, we will continue to reinforce the message that Marist Penshurst students are expected to work hard and aspire to be the best they can be in all aspects of their lives, and we will continue to challenge each student to move out of their comfort zone to enable personal growth.

Study Skills WorkshopsLast Monday night Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ( ran a study skills evening with Year 10 parents and students. Dr Salter has specialised for the last 15 years in the area of study skills and is in high demand as a presenter. The session was very interactive and involved parents engaging with their sons/daughters to discuss and plan strategies to assist them with their study.

The main areas covered were:- Making study as effective and efficient as possible- Organisation and time management skills- Improving study notes and study techniques- Dealing with obstacles and problems.

Other year groups will also participate in Study Skills student seminars this term during the school day. The College has engaged Elevate Education ( to present the workshops.

Year 7 - Study Skills Kick Start (transitioning to high school, dynamic reading skills, effective note taking skills / learning techniques)Year 8 - Junior Time Management (organising and managing time, study routines)Year 9 - Memory Mnemonics (improving memory recall in examinations, minimising distractions)Year 11 - Study Sensei (helping students study effectively in the senior school)

The College will also offer two Parent Study Skills Seminars this term for parents/carers who have sons/daughters in Years 7 or 9. More information on these nights will be distributed shortly.

I hope that 2019 is a happy and rewarding time for all in our community.

Mrs Connie Frino - Assistant Principal

2019 UPCOMING DATES Fri 8 Feb Year 7 Parents Meet & Greet Evening 6pm - 8pm

Tues 12 Feb Student ID Photo Day

Tues 12 Feb P & F Meeting - La Valla Centre 6pm - 7.30pm

Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening

Tues 19 Feb Year 9 Parent Study Skills Evening

Wed 27 Feb Opening College Mass OLF Kingsgrove

Wed 6 Mar Ash Wednesday

Wed 6 Mar College Open Day 2021 Year 7 Enrolments Open

Page 3: MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year 9 Parent Study Skills Evening Wed 27 Feb Opening College Mass OLF Kingsgrove Wed

2one school • one family • one community

Agnoscere Et Diligere - To Know and To Love


Peer Support is a program designed to help Year 7 students transition into high school and feel comfortable in our Marist Penshurst community. The program consists of small groups run by Year 10 students who guide Year 7 students through activities focusing on resilience, values and strategies to assist with the transition period.

The introductory Peer Support session began on Wednesday 30 January. Year 10 students welcomed the Year 7 students and conducted activities introducing them to the College. The Year 10 Leaders were confident and showed great initiative. It is a great opportunity for students of Year 7 to meet with other Marist Penshurst students and for Year 10 students to gain leadership skills. Peer Support will run for eight sessions throughout Term 1.

Mrs Lea-Kathryn Nelson - Peer Support Coordinator


Last week we welcomed the newest members to our Marist community, Year 7. We have had an amazing two weeks with our junior students adjusting to their new surroundings, timetables and teachers. Our first day, saw many nervous students (and parents) arrive at school, however, by the end of the day, students left feeling a little more confident about the journey that they are embarking on. Getting lost seems to be a challenge but Year 7 students have shown great resilience and are now more familiar with the layout and expectations at our College. A big thank you to our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders who have helped these students transition. Much fun and College spirit was demonstrated at our Swimming Carnival on Wednesday with Year 7 donning their house colours and participating in swimming events and novelties.

I feel very honoured to be part of the Year 7 leadership team guiding these impressive young students through their initial steps of secondary education. I would also like to thank, in particular, Ms Emmerick assistant LOWB and the Year 7 PC Teachers who have done such a wonderful job welcoming these students to our College: Mrs Gullisano, Mr Russo, Ms Mourtsis, Mrs Walker, Ms Nasr, Mr Di Terlizzi and Mr Karpouzos. Ms Anne Collins - Year 7 Leader of Wellbeing


Page 4: MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year 9 Parent Study Skills Evening Wed 27 Feb Opening College Mass OLF Kingsgrove Wed

2one school • one family • one community

Agnoscere Et Diligere - To Know and To Love


Traffic management around the College is critical in maintaining a safe environment for our students, caregivers and members of the general public who use these facilities. Our neighbours have been most accommodating of the building works that have occurred over the past four years, including heavy vehicles accessing the site. We have, however, fielded a number of concerns from residents reporting that parents have obstructed private driveways. Furthermore, a number of parents are queuing at the Bus Stop to enter the Kiss and Ride. We remind parents/carers that there are hefty fines issued by Council and Police for traffic infringements around school zones.

We encourage parents/carers to model safe road use and be mindful of the traffic around the College. Thank you for your

Mr Brian Vane-TempestHead of Strategic Planning and Communications


AUSTRALIA DAYWe recently marked Australia Day. Whenever, whatever we celebrate as Australia Day, nonetheless several elements remain constant.

We live under the Southern Cross, that beautiful reminder of the role of the cross in the lives of each of us, the cross leading to new life, beauty, light. The Southern Cross belongs to all of us – we should not allow it to be hijacked by minorities.

Pedro de Queirós, one of the early European discoverers of this part of the world, called it Australia del Espiritu Santo, the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit. It is under the power and presence of the Spirit that we “live and move and have our being”.

The Gospel reading the Australian Church chose for this day the Beatitudes: blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those who mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, blessed are the merciful, blessed are the pure in heart, blessed are the peacemakers.

We might follow these ideals rather than many in power seem to live by today.Brother Tony Butler

Page 5: MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year 9 Parent Study Skills Evening Wed 27 Feb Opening College Mass OLF Kingsgrove Wed

2one school • one family • one community

Agnoscere Et Diligere - To Know and To Love


CONGRATULATIONSThe following students have been selected in Australian Oztag Teams. Congratulations and well done.

Zoe Pitkethley Grace McGuinness Jamie Lawler Female U/16 Female U/17 Male U/18



Junior 1 BYE

Intermediate 1 De La Salle Bankstown Loss 0 - 2 Ms Analise Emmerick


Junior 1 Rosebank Win 29 - 19 Mr George Karpouzos




Junior 1

Intermediate 1 Marrickville Win 2/19 def All Out 18 Mr Steven Gawidziel

Senior 1 Marrickville Win 5/20 defAll Out 25 Mr Michael Young


Junior 1 Revesby Draw 43 - 43 Ms Anna Le



Page 6: MARIST CATHOLIC COLLEGE · 2020. 1. 22. · Wed 13 Feb Year 11 Information Evening Tues 19 Feb Year 9 Parent Study Skills Evening Wed 27 Feb Opening College Mass OLF Kingsgrove Wed

2one school • one family • one community

Agnoscere Et Diligere - To Know and To Love



OPEN DAYWednesday 6 March, 3pm–7pm

All are welcome to meet our students, teachers and tour our new learning facilities, including South Hurstville Campus presentations.

A C O - E D U C AT I O N A L Y E A R S 7 - 1 2 C O L L E G E65 Victor ia Avenue, Mor tdale NSW 2223

T 9579 6188 W www.maristpenshurst