Mario Testino photography analysis

Direct address is being made with the audience with establishes a connection and seeing as the male in the image is pulling the same facial expression as the dog it could be an intimidating connection but also shows that he has a connection with the animal as he is imitating it. The connotations of that is that the male is aggressive and masculine because he is mirroring the dog and shows that he like an animal himself. The man is wearing black which does not detract the attention from his face, the background is also simple and contrasts nicely with the man and the dog and everything is in focus in the image and so it has a broad depth of field. The suit that the man is wearing looks designer and very expensive which could symbolise importance and wealth, the dog is also wearing a collar that features bling and so they compliment each other nicely. The image has been taken on a low angle showing that he has authority, the rule of thirds is apparent in this image as his eyes are on the golden points and this is what the audience are drawn too.



Transcript of Mario Testino photography analysis

Page 1: Mario Testino photography analysis

Direct address is being made with the audience with establishes a connection and seeing as the male in the image is pulling the same facial expression as the dog it could be an intimidating connection but also shows that he has a connection with the animal as he is imitating it. The connotations of that is that the male is aggressive and masculine because he is mirroring the dog and shows that he like an animal himself. The man is wearing black which does not detract the attention from his face, the background is also simple and contrasts nicely with the man and the dog and everything is in focus in the image and so it has a broad depth of field. The suit that the man is wearing looks designer and very expensive which could symbolise importance and wealth, the dog is also wearing a collar that features bling and so they compliment each other nicely. The image has been taken on a low angle showing that he has authority, the rule of thirds is apparent in this image as his eyes are on the golden points and this is what the audience are drawn too.

Page 2: Mario Testino photography analysis

The image is black and white with most of the image being dark which brings attention to the fluffy white pieces of clothing that the two women are wearing and their faces that are very bright and noticeable. The women are by a T-shirt stand with a city landscape in the background (presumably NYC) and the focus of lighting is on the models. There is a clear sense of movement in the image as they have long hair with lots of volume that is being blown by the wind and the feathery type pieces of clothing around their necks appear to be swaying in the wind also. The image has a broad depth of field and makes the models stand out from the background, high contrast lighting is also used in this image and the models stand out once again as a consequence of this, which brings out the facial expressions of the models which show a clear attitude in the way that they are directly addressing the camera, the one closest to the camera appears to be quite mildly aggressive in a way.

Page 3: Mario Testino photography analysis

The focus in this image is on the ring as we are immediately attracted to it as it is very attractive and the image is bright whereas the ring is dark and therefore contrasts with the rest of the image, this makes sense as the image is an engagement photo and so the engagement ring is a crucial element of the image. Direct address is being given in this image with the rule of thirds also being apparent here, also their teeth are visually pleasing as they are both pearl white, however the photo, even though it is supposed to look natural and happy it looks very staged with the hand placements, etc. The lighting used in the image adds a feeling of warmth and gives a family feel to the photo, there is natural light coming from outside but the majority is artificial which can be seen on the males face as the shine of light can be seen on his forehead. The male is the most dominant in the image and is holding the female very close and in a protective way which displays his love and affection for her and since the image is of royalty this ‘humanises’ them by placing them in a normal setting with casual clothing making them relatable to the average person.

Page 4: Mario Testino photography analysis

This image is striking as it features both Rihanna and Kate Moss for a fashion shoot in a provocative pose that can be seen as sexy and intimate. The reason I have chosen this image to speak about is because I think that it shows the beauty side of fashion really well because of the poses they are in and this catches the audience’s attention and draws them to the clothing (or lack of) that the people in the photograph are wearing. I would guess that the main audience that this photo would be for is for the male teen/adult as both of the women are very popular with this demographic. Direct address is being given by both of the models and the rule of thirds is used well as their faces are located on a golden point and so our attention is instantly drawn towards that area. The colours used are very stereotypically feminine such as the bright pink backdrop and pink cushioned chair that they are sat on, this, in a way, clashes with what the girls are doing as they are not doing something stereotypically feminine.

Page 5: Mario Testino photography analysis

The reason why I like this image in particular is mainly due to the fact that the woman appears to be in control and with what she is doing to the man featured in the image it seems like she has complete dominance and power. The man has her held by the waist and her dress is partially off suggesting what kind of situation is taking place, the whole scene is quite bright and they are also wearing bright coloured clothing which I interpret to mean that the scene is of a light hearted and playful nature and this is the reasoning behind why she is about to place red lipstick onto the males face rather than hers. The woman is giving us direct address whilst the male is staring at her and she is not looking back which could suggest that she is more interested in showing us what she is doing and adding to her provocative appearance. To conclude, I think that the image is showing us that we don’t need to take things so seriously and we can have fun, the fact that there are framed pictures in the background could suggest that these people are of quite high class and they show that they can still have fun too.