Mario testino

Mario Testino

Transcript of Mario testino

Page 1: Mario testino

Mario Testino

Page 2: Mario testino

The first image shows American footballer Tom Brady. He is wearing a suit which shows how he likes to dress formally which makes him look wealthy overall. This idea is backed up by the expensive dog collar that the dog is wearing, showing off how he can afford to spend money on non essentials. This in turn makes his overall appearance seem manly, which is complimented by the unshaven beard.The photo itself has a board depth of focus, as well as the rule of thirds being used on his face, which makes him stand out. There is also a direct address.

Page 3: Mario testino

This photo is of two models in a fashion shoot in New York. The photo has a broad depth of field, showing a large amount of the picture in focus. This accentuates the contrast of the background with the model, along with the contrast in black and white. There is a direct address, although the girl on the right is looking more directly at the audience than the girl on the left. This makes the audience look at the girl on the right first, which is being backed up by her being more in the foreground. At first sight, the models look out of place, but then when you look more deeply into the photo you can see the city background combined with the stalls and you can see that it is Broadway, which means that the models would fir in with their background in this case. In my opinion I think that this was designed to draw the attention to the photo by making the audience think they were out of place before actually realising.

Page 4: Mario testino

This photo is of Will and Kate on their engagement. The whole photo in general radiates warmth, and this is generated by the use of artificial light at all angles, as there are no shadows that would appear from the use of natural light. There is a narrow depth of field, as only the people are in focus. There is also a deliberate effect on the ring, as it stands out from the clothes that they are both wearing. Will is stood in a quite protective stance, which combined with the use of normal clothes instead of royal clothing makes them seem like a normal couple, not a royal couple.

Page 5: Mario testino

This photo has a broad depth of field, as all behind her is still in focus. There is no direct address, but as she is the only one on the photo, the attention is drawn to her anyway. There is mostly natural light in the photo, as there is a shadow on the left, which corresponds with the light on the right. Her costume goes with the décor of the house, which is what my attention is drawn to immediately.

Page 6: Mario testino

Although there is no direct address, the attention is immediately drawn to the woman. The attention is drawn to the items of clothing that the woman is wearing stand out and thoroughly draw your attention to them. She is wearing a bright orange hat which compared to the rest of her clothing, stands out. Then, when you look at her original outfit it can also stand out. As there is a plain grey background, with fading towards the middle to show that the focus is meant to be on her, as well as her being placed centrally to emphasize this point.