Marco Cestari _ 4jul2014

Fund Rising, Looking Beyond the Locals (think different) We communicate your value Towards 2020 – Adria.c Sea, Ionian Sea and the “Aichi” targets Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area Pineto (Te), Italy June 4th, 2014

Transcript of Marco Cestari _ 4jul2014

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Fund  Rising,    Looking  Beyond  the  Locals  

(think  different)  

We communicate your value

Towards  2020  –  Adria.c  Sea,  Ionian  Sea  and  the  “Aichi”  targets  Torre    del    Cerrano    Marine    Protected    Area  -­‐  Pineto    (Te),    Italy  

June  4th,  2014  

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We  can’t  change  the  past,    neither  can  we  avoid  the  future!  

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“Who  do  you  know  out  of  your  area    who  might  be”  

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And  how  many  tourists  do  we  need?  

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Business  Idea  

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VALUE What  makes  the  difference?  

Think !

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Fundraisers  working  on  local  causes  face  a  number  of  unique  challenges  

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fewer  services,  higher  costs,    less  advanced  technology    

(for  example,  limited  high-­‐speed  Internet  access)  

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….  in  many  areas,  jobs  are  few  ,    wages  are  low.    

For  fundraisers,  however,  the  biggest  problem  is  the  most  obvious:    fewer  people  to  ask  for  contribu.ons  

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…What  is  your  Fund  Rising  Plan?  

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In  fund  rising  plan  there  is  a  lot  of  stuff  to  manage:  


…annual  fundrising  ac.vity,  campaign  feasibility,  planning  the  campaign,  campaign  organiza.on  /  principles,  and  networking,  pre  campaing  efforts,  professional  skills,  technology,  

volunteers,  consultants,  leadership…    

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(in  a  successful    fund  rising  plan)  

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nr.  1  is  the  VALUE    of  your  “Concept”  

Make the difference


(in communication)!

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Nr.  2:  What  Approach?  

(style, numbers, working approach,…)!

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Trend:     Nr.  3:  the  Crowdfunding  Approach  

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Crowdfunding  is  the  collec.on  of  finance  from  backers  —the  "crowd"—to  fund  an  and  usually    

occurs  on  Internet  plaMorms.    

The  could  be:    •  a  nonprofit  campaign,    •  a  charitable  campaign  (e.g.  emergency  funds  for  a  cri9cal  opera9on),  •  a  commercial  campaign  (e.g.  to  create  and  sell  a  new  product),    •  a  financing  campaign  for  a  startup,    •  a  campaign,  •  etc.  


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Reward-­‐based  crowdfunding:  entrepreneurs  pre-­‐sell  a  product  or  service  to  launch  a  business  concept  without  incurring  debt  or  sacrificing  equity/shares.      Equity-­‐based  crowdfunding:  the  backer  receives  unlisted  shares  of  a  company,  usually  in  its  early  stages,  in  exchange  for  the  money  pledged.  The  success  is  determined  by  how  successfully  it  can  demonstrate  its  viability.  

Types  of  Crowdfunding:  

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Types  of  Crowdfunding:  

Start  dona.ons  

Connect  to  all  your  project  

Make  people  happy  when  pay  

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Why  do  tourists  believe  in  a  project?  

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Because  they  fall  in  love  for  it!  

Each  “idea”  has  a  target,  but  you  need  to  build  the  consistent  add  value  in  order  to  communicate  and  

gain  a  successful  fundrising  

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BUILDING difference

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CommunicaSon,  MarkeSng  Strategies  &  BoUom  up  Approaches  to  Sustainable  Tourism      

We communicate your value

Via  Nazionale  6  –  39040  Ora  (BZ)  –  Italy­‐  [email protected]­‐  Mob.  +39  348  2642400  /  +39  348  259  8859  

Since 1995!

Thank  you!  

Board  Member  of:    

Marco  Cestari