March Circling the Empire

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March Circling the Empire

Transcript of March Circling the Empire

Page 1: March Circling the Empire

Circling the Empire

Circling the Empire

The Place to be! District Convention

The Mighty District of

New York

Learn about


the very best

news about

the mighty

New York


Page 2: March Circling the Empire

Table of Content

………………. Governors Intro

………………… Editor’s Notes

……………Secretary’s Scribbles

………… … Treasurers Tidbits

………….…Small Scale Service

.………… District Convention

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 & 7

Page 3: March Circling the Empire


Hey NYCKI! I hope this week finds you in good health and good happiness! As this year winds to our close, I would like to take this time to thank and congratulate all the leaders and members of the New York District of Circle K International for the most amazing year to date! Seriously! I have never been as impressed or pleasantly surprised with the stellar work that NYCKI has done in the 2011-2012 year! And it is all in thanks to you, the members of NYCKI! Every day, you are going out, doing service and making a difference in your community. Every day, you are serving your communities. While an hour of service doesn’t seem like much, imagine the impact you are making as a team and a community. One service hour a week turns into several a month… multiplied by the amount your club serves… and then multiplied by the 33 amazing clubs in the New York District? Well, you’ve got yourself a record right there! I only have a week left until District Convention, and two weeks left until the end of my term, and so I’m sure you are all preparing for your 2012-2013 year, but please take this time to pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for an amazing year well done! Live to Serve, Love to Serve. This is the motto of Circle K International. Embrace it! I can’t wait to see you all at District Convention (March 23 to 25)! Yours in NYCKI Love,

Josephine Lukito <3

Josephine Lukito District Governor [email protected]

Governor Josephine Lukito

Page 4: March Circling the Empire


Hello NYCK!

As I write this intro, it is nearly 50 degrees outside. This does one thing for me: gets me exicted for spring. Don’t get me wrong, winter is great, but after months of bitter weather and being cooped inside, I am ready to feel the warmth of a summer breeze. The warming of the weather signals something else besides the end of winter. It signals the end of another amazing service year. Over the past year I have had the honor and privilege of serving you as your New York District Editor. I hope you have enjoyed the CTE and will continue to read it in the future. I would like to take this opportunity to make a few congratulations. The first goes out to Adelphi University for showing real club spirit and winning the cover photo competition. The next goes to RPI for winning the district member incentive. Special shout outs also go to three other high growth clubs: Ithaca with 185% growth, Queens College with 105% and Genseo with 90%. In this edition of the CTE, you will find information from a wonderful district officers, help on doing small scale service and of course all the information you will need for District Convention. As this is the last CTE of the service year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the district and the board for giving me the opportunity to serve in this amazing position. Later Hosen, Shane Stuart District Editor

Editor’s Note District Editor Shane Stuart

Page 5: March Circling the Empire

3 Secretaries Scribbles

My name is Kat and I will be serving as your District Secretary for the

remainder of the year! I have been my club’s secretary for the past two

years and I am excited to get to work with the club secretaries to finish out

the year. I am from the Long Island Division and reside at Adelphi

University. My favorite service project is a tie: between food drives and

teaching Safe Kids lessons. Some random fun facts include: I love to be out

on the water, summer being my absolute favorite season. I love almost all

fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, mangos,

watermelons, pineapples, pears, grapes, blueberries, plus some I’m

forgetting, I’m sure! If you asked me for a favorite fruit, it would change

every day because I love them all!

I am super excited to finish out the service year with the New York District!!!

Everyone keep on serving so we can reach our goals!!! Remember, if you

have any questions about minutes, MPRFs, Circle K in general, or anything

whatsoever, please contact me! And if you have not sent in your MPRFs,

PLEASE send them in! =) See e-mail below!

Yours in Service,

Kathryn Graves

New York District Secretary

Circle K International

Page 6: March Circling the Empire


Treasurers Tidbits Dear Mighty New York District Circle K!

I trust that you are all well and excelling in your academic endeavors at school. It is

with bittersweet sentiments that I announce that we are just about five weeks away

from the end of the 2011-2012 Service Year. Hard to believe, right? As we approach

the new service year, I ask that you take some time to reflect on the past year.

Scrutinize your successes as meticulously as you would your shortcomings, and pass

along your experiences and wisdom to your successors. Regardless of your plans for

the semester, continue to challenge yourself and aspire to improve. Push for more

service hours, plan more outreach events, and strive to heighten your club’s presence

in the community. Only through your example can you instill passion in others for


As for updates regarding the district treasury and fundraising, I am happy to announce

that we are only 64 members away from our district goal of 1,000 members! Please

continue to recruit and submit membership dues for this service year. Clubs that have

already paid international dues are now only required to pay district dues per member

(that’s $8 for every new member!). There is no reason for us not to accomplish and

even surpass this goal! Additionally, the Fundraising Committee will soon be presenting

a District Yearbook for sale, with all proceeds benefitting the March of Dimes. Please

watch for announcements regarding yearbook sales!

Finally, I have a couple of reminders for everyone. Please continue to plan fundraisers

for your club, and begin making the final budget changes to ensure that an

appropriate nest egg is ready for the next Executive Board. As always, should you

have any questions or concerns regarding fundraising, please feel free to contact the

Fundraising Committee at [email protected], or contact me via email, text,

or phone call.

Take care and good luck with the remainder of your term. See you all at District


Corey Oses

District Treasurer

Page 7: March Circling the Empire

5 Small Scale Service, Big Impact

Small scale service is an integral part of or clubs. They can be done almost anywhere and

with minimal numbers. Yet, just because the service is relatively small does not mean that its

effects are minimal. How can we measure the effects when a card brings a sick child smile,

or when someone remembers to use a recycled water bottle because you helped make and

deliver some? Small Scale service does make a big impact.

Alas, we have lost one of our favorite small scale service projects. Due to a lack of funds,

Make A Child Smile is no longer with us. While we may no longer volunteer through this

organization, there are many other groups and projects that we can engage in.

What follows is a small sampling of the small scale service you can do.

Dog Toys: Have left over fabric or unused t-shirts? Cut them up into strips and braid them

together to make dog chew toys. Donate them to your local animal shelter and maybe yo

will get to play with the dogs!

No Sew Blankets: A favorite for many, no sew blankets go to children’s hospitals to brighten p

children’s days. Take fabric, normally fleece, and put two sheets together. The cut slits along

the side and tie them together. Ta-dah! An amazing blanket to be donated

Cards To Soldiers: While not children, it is always important to let those who volunteer in or

armed services know that we are thinking of them. These can be done easily and can be

donated through Military Moms in Action!

Craft Kits: Kids love to be creative, it’s a known fact. Help spur this creativity by creating craft

kits to donate to local libraries, schools or hospitals. Inside a bag include any materials a kid

would need to be creative; like stickers, felt, stamps, paper, or crayons.

Chemo Angles: To fill the void left in our lives left by Make A Child Smile. Chemo Angles works

similar in that you write cards to people undergoing chemo. However, you may write to

seniors and other people undergoing chemotherapy.

Snuggle Project: This may take more skill, but I believe we could all get involved. Many

animals in pounds sleep in steel cages with concrete floors. This project donates blankets to

the shelter so the animals have physical and psychological comfort. You may knit, sew,

crochet or “no sew” these blankets

Page 8: March Circling the Empire


Well its official, less than one week to District Convention! Are You Going? If not, this is one

convention that you do not want to miss!

Convention is not only a time to plan out your new year in circle k, it is a time to meet people

from across the state and get an understanding of the true impact Circle K has on the world.

Convention will be a time where you will make friends and memories that will last a life time. Not

only this, but through our workshops you can learn all about being the best Circle Ker possible as

your skills in leadership, public speaking and other skills will be honed and tested.

This year, we are unveiling a new workshop format that is tailored to the needs of the club. The

workshops are now looking to put an emphases on what you as a member or club officer will

need in the new service year. Workshops will cover all officer and member topics, as well as give

you ample time to plan and discuss with your club your goals and practical aspirations for the

new year. With a greater focus on discussion and group creation of ideas, the new workshop

formats will be a benefit to all.

In addition to the wonderful opportunities offered by the workshops, District Convention serves as

the place for the entire district to elect its new leadership for the next service year. Each club in

good standing receives two delegates to vote for the district officers, so if you want you and your

clubs voice heard make sure to come to this years convention.

Convention is an experience all its own. The fun, the excitement, the moments. Be sure to share in

the memories and join us March 23- 25th at the Albany Crowne Plaze for this years 50th annual

district convention!

Page 9: March Circling the Empire

7 District Convention House of Delegates

At district convention, voting for district officers and on amendments to

district bylaws occurs at the house of delegates. Yet, we often find that

only a minority of the people engage in the processes because the

process seems confusing or frightening. This article helps to lay out the

basics of how the meeting is run so more of you can become involved in

the process during house of delegates.

Motions: They are used to introduce new business or propose a decision or

action. To make a motion, one simply states: “I move that…” After this

someone must second it by raising their hand stating “I second it” During

the house of delegates, if you want to motion to accept an amendment

or resolution, or do anything else just simply raise your hand, wait to be

called on and state it. If you agree with a motion, raise your hand to

second it.

Discussion: While debating an amendment, a motion or any other subject

before the house you may come across questions. To ask a question simply

raise your hand and state” point of information,” then ask your question. If

you think something went wrong procedurally, like no one seconded a

motion, raise your hand and “state point of order.”

We encourage you to participate in the process. Do not be afraid to voice

your opinion during discussion. This is the time to make your claims

because you may not get a chance again. Remember the process is

quite easy and once you know it, participating will be a breeze.

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District Officer Contacts

District Governor Josephine [email protected]

District Secretary Kat [email protected]

District Treasurer Corey [email protected]

District Editor Shane [email protected]

Capital LTG Clare [email protected]

Central Lakes LTG Alex [email protected]

Empire LTG Chris [email protected]

Hudson LTG Christine [email protected]

Long Island LTG Lauren [email protected]

Northern LTG Sara [email protected]

Southern Tier LTG Olivia [email protected]

Western LTG Crystal [email protected]