Mar 1 Bulletin

St. Philip Neri Parish The Northwest Paulist Center for Evangelization & Reconciliation 2408 SE 16 th Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334 www.stphil ipneripd Pari sh Offi ce 503.23 1.4955 | F a x 503. 73 6.1383 Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists’ committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we, the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all God’s creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good. Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 201 SEAFOOD DINNER Tickets are on sale now. Adults $25, Children 6-12 $15, Under 6 free. Buy your tickets after the weekend Masses, in the office or by email [email protected]. See flyer in today’s bulletin for more information. Jacob Hatke, executive member of our Bridges Young Adult Core Team, presented a check to Katie O'Brien, Community Outreach and Development Officer at Rose Haven Women's Shelter for $654. She was very excited, and said the money will be matched dollar for dollar by a $30,000 challenge grant from the Maybelle Clark McDonald Fund. MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO bought tickets, came and danced, or made donations. All proceeds went to Rose Haven. RCIA SCRUTINIES We will offer scrutinies at the 9:30am Liturgy on March 8, 15, & 22. These are Rites that help the RCIA – and all of us – examine the areas of our lives where we may be most tempted. We ask for healing and strength for all of us. SENIOR GROUP (50+) will meet this Tue. Mar. 3, 12-2pm in Carvlin Hall starting with a pot luck. We will have a guest speaker from Elders in Action which is a non-profit organization that advocates for older adults, provides meaningful opportunities and they work to build an age-friendly community. See you there! LENTEN SOUP & STATIONS On Friday, March 6 at 6pm, the Southeast Vicariate will host a Lenten Stations of the Cross & Meal at Holy Family Parish. A soup supper will be served at 6pm followed by a presentation by Matthew Pearl on centering prayer and Stations of the Cross at 7pm. ROMERO FILM VIEWING We will show the film “Romero” on Sunday, March 22 after the 9:30am Mass. Archbishop Romero is expected to be named a saint in the next few months. Please join us after Mass to watch the film and have a discussion. Marc Duyck will be the facilitator. Bring some food to share! HELP NEEDED Each week it takes several volunteers to make the Masses run smoothly. We need people to step forward to help with communion and welcome/greeting ministries. No experience is needed, we will provide training. Requires commitment to only one Mass per month. Such a small commitment with great rewards. Please contact Barbara [email protected] or call the office. WE’RE GLAD YOU ARE HERE If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or from other parts of the world, welcome & thank you for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection basket or give to one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce yourself. If you have any questions, please contact anyone on staff.


March 1 bulletin 2015

Transcript of Mar 1 Bulletin

Page 1: Mar 1 Bulletin

St. Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16th Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334

www.stphi l ipner ipd Par i sh Off i ce 503.23 1.4955 | F a x 503. 73 6.1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists’ committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be

welcoming to all, we, the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all God’s creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.

Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 201

SEAFOOD DINNER Tickets are on sale now. Adults $25, Children 6-12 $15, Under 6 free. Buy your tickets after the weekend Masses, in the office or by email [email protected]. See flyer in today’s bulletin for more information.

Jacob Hatke, executive member of our Bridges Young Adult Core Team, presented a check to Katie O'Brien, Community Outreach and Development Officer at Rose Haven Women's Shelter for $654. She was very excited, and said the money will be matched dollar for dollar by a $30,000 challenge grant from the Maybelle Clark McDonald Fund. MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO bought tickets, came and danced, or made donations. All proceeds went to Rose Haven.

RCIA SCRUTINIES We will offer scrutinies at the 9:30am Liturgy on March 8, 15, & 22. These are Rites that help the RCIA – and all of us – examine the areas of our lives where we may be most tempted. We ask for healing and strength for all of us.

SENIOR GROUP (50+) will meet this Tue. Mar. 3, 12-2pm in Carvlin Hall starting with a pot luck. We will have a guest speaker from Elders in Action which is a non-profit organization that advocates for older adults, provides meaningful opportunities and they work to build an age-friendly community. See you there!

LENTEN SOUP & STATIONS On Friday, March 6 at 6pm, the Southeast Vicariate will host a Lenten Stations of the Cross & Meal at Holy Family Parish. A soup supper will be served at 6pm followed by a presentation by Matthew Pearl on centering prayer and Stations of the Cross at 7pm.

ROMERO FILM VIEWING We will show the film “Romero” on Sunday, March 22 after the 9:30am Mass. Archbishop Romero is expected to be named a saint in the next few months. Please join us after Mass to watch the film and have a discussion. Marc Duyck will be the facilitator. Bring some food to share!

HELP NEEDED Each week it takes several volunteers to make the Masses run smoothly. We need people to step forward to help with communion and welcome/greeting ministries. No experience is needed, we will provide training. Requires commitment to only one Mass per month. Such a small commitment with great rewards. Please contact Barbara [email protected] or call the office.

WE’RE GLAD YOU ARE HERE If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or from other parts of the world, welcome &

thank you for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection basket or give to one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce yourself.

If you have any questions, please contact anyone on staff.

Page 2: Mar 1 Bulletin

Second Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 1, 2015


Sunday, March 1st: 9:30am Mass 10:30am Mass

For the People of St. Philip Neri Deaf Community Mass

Church Chapel

Monday, March 2nd: Tuesday, March 3rd: Wednesday, March 4th:

8:00am Mass8:00am Mass 8:00am Mass

Eulalia JohnsonFor all who are alone Great Grandfather & Great Grandmother

ChapelChapel Chapel

Thursday, March 5th: 8:00am Mass In thanksgiving for our blessings Chapel Friday, March 6th: Saturday, March 7th:

12:10pm Mass8:00am Mass

Robert Sal Navarra Joanne Scafidi <A>


Sunday, March 8th:

4:00pm Mass9:30am Mass

Rose Antrosio <B> For the People of St. Philip Neri


10:30am Mass Deaf Community Mass ChapelPlease fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office

Parish Office Hours Monday 9am – Noon

Tuesday – Friday 9am – 4pm 503 231-4955

Parish Staff Pastor & Director of NW Paulist Center Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP ………….x118 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP ……….x114 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Bill Edens, CSP ………………..x113 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Barbara Harrison ………………….x107 [email protected] Business Manager Jeanne McPherson ………………..x103 [email protected] Office Manager Rose Wolfe ……………………….x101 [email protected] Maintenance & Grounds Ed Danila

[email protected]

Bulletin deadline Tuesday at noon.

A Word from Servant of God Isaac Hecker, Founder of the Paulist Fathers “It was necessary for God the Father to give a name to Him who is the Son of God. It was necessary that the Father give the name to His own Son, for God alone understood the consubstantial eternal Word, the boundless perfection of His divine nature and the unsearchable mystery of the Incarnation and His office as the Redeemer of the world. Therefore was this glorious name conceived in the infinite intelligence of the Almighty. Therefore was it declared by the ministry of an angel that He should be called Jesus because He will save His people from their sins. Therefore it becomes to us to honor and revere this name that comes from a source which none can be higher or more exalted.” [Sermon on the Most Holy Name of Jesus] If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who is ill, and you believe something miraculous has happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at (202) 269-2519 and tell him your story.

LENTEN RICE BOWL Have you picked up your Rice Bowl yet? Pick one up today and reflect on the many hungry people around the world including the United States who do not have enough to eat. Share your spare change to help change the lives of others.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS Blood drive Wed. March 25, 1-6pm in Carvlin Hall. Sign up today at or call the office.

Church Cleaning, Mar. 2-8, Anita Donahue & Glenda McCall


Mar. 10, 9am-5pm, Adoration, Chapel 1pm, Altar Society Mar. 11, 7pm RCIA, Chapel 7pm Pastoral Council, Center Sun. Mar. 15, 10:30am Parish Breakfast, Carvlin Mon. Mar. 16, 6pm Magdalene’s Daughters, Carvlin SAT. MAR. 21, 5-8PM, SEAFOOD FEST, CARVLIN Sun. Mar. 22, 9:45am Romero Film & Potluck, Carvlin Wed. Mar. 25, 1-6pm, Blood Drive, Carvlin

PARISH EVENTS THIS WEEK: 3/1-8/15 Sun. – 10:45am RCIA, Center – 6pm Open Sanctuary, Church Tues. – 12pm, Senior Gathering Wed. – 7:15pm B- Catholics Thu. - 6pm Spiritual Formation, Center Fri. – 12:10am, Mass w/annointing Sun. - 10:40am Rel. Ed, Carvlin - 6pm Open Sanctuary


Page 3: Mar 1 Bulletin

Second Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 1, 2015

Scriptures for Next Week 3rd Sunday of Lent

First Reading: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Responsorial Psalm 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19 (9) Second Reading, Rom 8-31b-34 Gospel, Mark 9:2-10

Pastoral Corner Greetings! As you can imagine, the Scripture Readings for today have generated a vast array of discussion over our religious history. Did our God really need to ‘test’ Abraham’s faith by asking him to kill his son? Is that what God does---test us? If God can read our hearts---then testing isn’t necessary. And Jesus ---as far as we know---never said anything about God testing us. It might help us to know that several of the other religions at the time of Abraham practiced human sacrifice. Perhaps it was Abraham who presumed this God would require a similar sacrifice from him. And as he was about to follow through with the ritual high on that mountain--maybe it occurred to him that it was God who had given he and Sarah--- very late in life—Isaac. And maybe—on that mountain--Abraham came to realize his God was different and did not want death to be a proof of fidelity.

In Scripture--mountains were traditional places of encounter with God probably because there are two large mountain ranges that dominate Israel. And all of the religions of the region claimed the ‘divine’ lived in those mountains. As an example: the Fertility groups claimed their gods lived in the mountains because the source of life came from there----water. In their time, Moses and Elijah talked with God on the mountains. And Jesus often went to the mountains to pray or to teach groups.

The Gospel Reading today of the Transfiguration (theophany: Presence of God) brings together ---in the mountains—Moses (representing the Laws), Elijah (representing the prophets) and Jesus (who is the Messiah they have been searching for).

God—Jesus’ Father—did not send Jesus to die. Jesus was sent to teach the Good News and show us how to be faithful to our relationship with God. Jesus was killed--- (not by the ‘hands of God’) BUT instead because of his fidelity to God and the mission he had received from his Father to preach justice, forgiveness and love. Jesus died because of jealousy, fear, self-interest and misunderstanding.

Something to think about for Lent: What ‘mountain’ experience do I need to get rid of the jealousy, fear and self-interest in my own life?

Deo Gratias, Barbara Marie Harrison

Please pray for: Marc Duyck

Rex Brown, Kerry-Lynne’s husband Sam Evernden Flora Young

Alfred Monaco Paulist Seminarians Vocations

AMICI DA ITALIA The Amici dâ Italia will be meeting in Carvlin Hall on the first Thursday night of every month. In March, we welcome author Pauline Smarrella Lane as our guest speaker. Pauline has recently gathered her family stories and recipes into a book, Cooking with Noni. Books will be for sale at our meeting and Pauline is happy to autograph a copy or two for you! As an added treat, Pauline and her daughter, Kathleen, will be sharing homemade Italian treats with us. You do not want to miss this meeting! Our meetings are open to the Parish Community. Our meeting begins at 7:30pm on Thursday, March 5th in Carvlin Hall. If you have any questions, please contact Kerry-Lynne Demarinis Brown at 503-287-3255 or [email protected]. The Amici dâ Italia is a local non-profit Italian American organization, founded in 1979. We meet to preserve and promote Italian and Italian-American heritage, culture and history for our families and the community.

OPEN SANCTUARY Join us for quality peace and tranquility in our sanctuary each week from 6-7pm. Live music, praise and adoration, conversation and refreshments. Invite your friends and new acquaintances to join you.