MAppMechanic CodeLabs - PolymerJS Custom Elements

mAppMechanic PolymerJS PolymerJS 1 Session 3 - Custom Elements

Transcript of MAppMechanic CodeLabs - PolymerJS Custom Elements

mAppMechanic PolymerJS



Session 3 - Custom Elements




• What is Custom Polymer Element ? • Registration of Custom Element

• Extending Native HTML Elements • Declared Properties Basics • Lifecycle Events • Local DOM for Custom Elements • Styling of Custom Elements


Custom Element


<my-app> <app-content>

<iron-list> <paper-button> Inbuilt Button </paper-button>

</iron-list> </app-content>



(contd) Custom Element


★ Instantiated using a constructor or document.createElement. ★Configured using attributes or properties. ★ Populated with internal DOM inside each instance. ★ Responsive to property and attribute changes (for example, by

populating data into the DOM, or firing an event). ★ Styled with internal defaults or externally. ★ Responsive to methods that manipulate its internal state.

Polymer provides a set of features to create your own Custom Elements similar to creating like a Web Component using customElements v1 API. It provides some added benefits over native web components. Important points regarding it are:


Registration of Custom Element


Register a custom element using Polymer method & pass prototype of new element. Prototype must have is property which will define name of Custom

HTML tag. The name should have a ‘-‘ in it.

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Declare Properties


Add to the properties object, any data properties. You can accept any property value through attributes too. All properties declared will be part of public API for

the element.

• In addition, the properties object can be used to specify: • Property type. • Default value.

• Read-only status. Prevents accidental changes to the property value. • Computed property. Dynamically calculates a value based on other properties. • Property reflection to attribute. Updates the corresponding attribute value when

the property value changes. • Two-way data binding support. Fires an event whenever the property value

changes. • Property change observer. Calls a method whenever the property value



Declare Properties




Declare Properties


The properties object supports the following keys for each property:

Key Details

type Type: constructor (one of Boolean, Date, Number, String, Array or Object)

value Default value for the property. If value is a function, the function is invoked and the return value is used as the default value of the property.

reflectToAttribute Set to true to cause the corresponding attribute to be set on the host node when the property value changes.

readOnly If true, the property can't be set directly by assignment or data binding.

notify If true, the property is available for two-way data binding. In addition, an event, property-name-changed is fired whenever the property changes.

computed The value is interpreted as a method name and argument list.

observer The value is interpreted as a method name to be invoked when the property value changes.

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Lifecycle Events/Callbacks


Every custom element has lifecycle events associated. Polymer adds an extra callback, ready, which is invoked when Polymer has finished creating and

initializing the element's local DOM.

Key Details

created Called when element is created but before property values are set & local DOM is created.

ready Called after local DOM is initialised and property values are set.

attached Called after the element is attached to the document. Can be called multiple times during the lifetime of an element.

detached Called after the element is detached from the document. Can be called multiple times during the lifetime of an element.

attributeChanged Called when one of the element's attributes is changed.


Lifecycle Events/Callbacks



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Local DOM


The local DOM created and managed by any Custom Element is called Local DOM. It is different from the Light DOM (children of web components).

• Polymer uses native Shadow DOM for this wherever the Browsers support it.

• Polymer uses a custom implementation called Shady DOM wherever the Browser do not support shadow DOM. Shady DOM has a different API.

Polymer interface covers most of the common DOM methods and properties, and is compatible with both shady DOM and native shadow DOM.


Local DOM (Implementation)


The <script> tag can be inside or outside of the <dom-module> element.

The element’s template must be parsed before the call to Polymer.


(contd)Important Features


➡ Automatic Node Finding Any node specified in the element's template with an id is stored on the this.$ hash by id.

➡ this.$$(selector)$$ returns the first node in the local DOM that matches selector.

➡ DOM distributionThe <content> element provides an insertion point at which an element's light DOM is combined with its local DOM.

➡ DOM APIPolymer.dom API methods like insertBefore, appendChild, removeChild.Properties - innerHTML, textContent, firstChild, lastChild

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Styling Custom Elements


Polymer uses Shadow DOM styling rules with scoped styles. Scoped styles should be provided via <style> tags placed inside the element's local DOM <template>.


(contd)Important Features


Key Details

Custom CSS properties Polymer provides a SHIM for Custom CSS Properties for Cascading Variables

Custom CSS mixins

Define a set of CSS properties as a single custom property and then allow all properties in the set to be applied to a specific CSS rule in an element's local


Custom Property API updateStyles method to update styling dynamically

Shared Styles Called after the element is detached from the document. Can be called multiple times during the lifetime of an element.

attributeChanged Called when one of the element's attributes is changed.

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