Manual - VuhDo

VuhDo – RaidFrames User Manual - © 2009 by Iza(ak)@EU-Gilneas - dedicated to Vuh What is VuhDo? – VuhDo is a raid monitor similar to CTRaidAssist or Blizzards built-in raid frames. Basically this is about displaying the health of raid members in form of clearly arranged bars. VuhDo is primarily directed to healing classes, but will make use to almost any other class. Moreover several healing spells or other actions can be asserted to mouse clicks on those bars (Click-Heal). Why VuhDo? – A mentioned before there already is a number of Click- Heal AddOns. What makes VuhDo unique is the variety of configuration options to perfectly fit your needs. VuhDo was designed for high performance and best reply time. What VuhDo can do: 1. Display all relevant informations about your raid members - Life, - Mana, other types of power - Buffs & Debuffs - Range - Incoming Heal - Aggro - Threat - HoTs - Charmed status - PvP status - Tooltips (for race, class, level and current location) - Player Tags (such as afk, disconnected, dead) 2. Casting - You can heal, decurse, target, assist or focus raid memers with just one click - You can bind any usable item and any macro to mouse clicks - You can assign up to 40 mouse click combinations to cast on raid members - You can assign up to 16 keys to cast when mouse over - You can automatically fire your trinkets and instant casts whenever cooldown is over

Transcript of Manual - VuhDo

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VuhDo – RaidFrames User Manual - © 2009 by Iza(ak)@EU-Gilneas - dedicated to Vuh

What is VuhDo? – VuhDo is a raid monitor similar to CTRaidAssist or Blizzards built-in raid frames. Basically this is about displaying the health of raid members in form of clearly arranged bars. VuhDo is primarily directed to healing classes, but will make use to almost any other class. Moreover several healing spells or other actions can be asserted to mouse clicks on those bars (Click-Heal).

Why VuhDo? – A mentioned before there already is a number of Click-Heal AddOns. What makes VuhDo unique is the variety of configuration options to perfectly fit your needs. VuhDo was designed for high performance and best reply time.

What VuhDo can do:

1. Display all relevant informations about your raid members- Life,- Mana, other types of power- Buffs & Debuffs- Range- Incoming Heal- Aggro- Threat- HoTs- Charmed status- PvP status- Tooltips (for race, class, level and current location)- Player Tags (such as afk, disconnected, dead)

2. Casting- You can heal, decurse, target, assist or focus raid memers with just one click- You can bind any usable item and any macro to mouse clicks- You can assign up to 40 mouse click combinations to cast on raid members- You can assign up to 16 keys to cast when mouse over- You can automatically fire your trinkets and instant casts whenever cooldown is over- You can automatically resurrect and decurse players out of combat

3. Set up the raid- manage main tanks (CTRA/ORA compatible) and personally selected players.- Setup who is raid lead, assistant and master looter- Check who is one of the above

4. Buffing- You can easily keep track of all of your buffs - You can rebuff automatically chosing the most suitable spell and target- You can smart buff your raid automatically selecting missing buffs

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Special Features:

- Up to 10 independent raid member panels

- Completely free arrangement of raid members: You can move any group to any position in any panel: You can select to see your groups by class, group number role or any combination.Easy group arrangement via Drag’n’Drop. You can additionally setup to display Pets, Vehicles, Main Tanks, private Tanks.A panel setup wizard lets you setup most common settings with a few clicks

- You can store different skins and arrangements of panels separately

Supported standards / Compatibility:

- CTRA/oRA: Main Tank setup / resurrection monitor

- libHealComm: Incoming heals from other healers

- libSharedMedia: Fonts, Statusbar textures

Installation - Copy the contents of the archive file (folder “VuhDo”) to your WoW addon directory (which is “C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons” by default). There are no dependencies to other addons. It is recommended to also install media for “libSharedMedia” though.

Restrictions – The current version of VuhDo is only translated to English and German yet. In languages other than that VuhDo will not operate properly! If you feel like translating to other languages send a P/N to “Iza_Gilneas” at Curse-Forums.

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First Steps:

Out-of-the-Box – When you start VuhDo for the first time you will notice four additional panels in the left half of you screen. They are for raid groups 1-8, main tanks, player targets and pets (the one without title) respectively. If you’re playing a buff class another panel titled “VuhDo – BuffWatch” will appear. First you may want to move them to a neat place on your screen. You can do that by clicking in a place next to their borders and then dragging them around. All further configurations will be explained later on.

Minimap – By default VuhDo attaches a new icon at the mini map. It shows the face of a female Draenei. Using the left mouse button you can freely drag it around the minimap.If you left-click the icon the options screen will show, right-clicking it will bring up a drop down menu.

In the drop down list you can quickly access the most essential functionality, such as showing/hiding panels, broadcasting main tanks.

Command line – The most important VuhDo-Settings can be done by the command line. The command always begins with “/vuhdo” or “/vd” (if you are in a hurry). Leaving out parameters or with parameter “?” or “help” all available options will be displayed in a help list. The part of each command displayed in a lighter color is compulsory, the part in brackets is optional. You may for instance type “/vd opt” instead of “/vd options”. Character case doesn’t matter.

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How do I get there? – Type “/vd opt” in command line or left click minimap icon or select it from the minimap dropdown.

Note - Generally all configuration settings will be saved per character. So if you setup your – lets say – Druid healer, this will have no effect on your Heal Pallys settings. The only exception from this is saving of Skins and Arrangements, which is done per account to allow for easily copying settings between your characters.

This manual not going to explain every single aspect of configuration. All options have tooltips explaining details of their meaning on mouse-over. All configuration changes can be undone by clicking “Cancel” button, so feel free to play around a bit.

When opening the options you should see a blueish Window with a tab panel at bottom left.

When you select one of the tabs there may individually be sub-panels you can chose from in the upper right corner of the window:

- General – These are settings influencing on VuhDos basic behaviour.

- Buffs – Settings concerning you buff watch panel.

- Spells – Here you can define which spells you want to cast on your mouse clicks and key strokes.

- Panels – In this tab you can select what your heal panels will look like. Each panel can be configured separately. The currently selected panel will be highlighted by a white frame. Click on any heal panel to make it the current panel. If you want to copy the settings in your sub-panel to all other panels, click „Apply to all“ button.

- Colors – Here you can define all colors that are not just miscellaneous, such as colors to indicate debuffs or that a player is out of range or dead. These colors will be the same in every of your heal panels

- Move – This is the drag’n’drop configuration for your heal panel arrangements.

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Binding Spells

You can bin spells to mouse clicks as well as to key strokes. (Options => Spells)

You can bind:

- Key words

- Macros

- Spells

- Items

Note: Macros can only be bound to mouse clicks not to key strokesNote: Spell names will be interpreted in the order above. If you have a macro called “Renew” the macro will be triggered.Note: Items must be of beneficial nature and must require a target (e.g. bandages)

Key words are:

- Menu: This will show a context menu for the player. You can setup Main Tanks, Player targets, raid leader, raid assists, master looter, single target buffs (such as earth shield or fear ward) and player role overrides with that. I strongly recommend defining a click binding for menu!

- Target/Focus/Assist: Will target, focus, assist the clicked player

- Tell: Will open a whisper chat prompt to the player


- In order to bind macros to clicks they need to be modified a bit: Edit your macro with blizzard macro editor and replace the target names [target=<name>] with the word “vuhdo”. Example:

#show Flash Heal/console Sound_EnableSFX 0/use 13/use 14/console Sound_EnableSFX 1/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()/cast [target=vuhdo] Flash Heal

Key strokes:

- This is a bit different from assigning mouse clicks. Go to Options=>Spells=>Keys first. Enter your spell name in one of the slots 1-16. Then go to Blizzard standard key binding setup, scroll down to “VuhDo” an bind a key to that spell. Remember that it has to be a spell no macro , item or something. For technical reasons there has to be room for additional macros per character (max. is 18). Example: if you want to define 10 keyboard spells that way, you shouldn’t have more than 8 macros of your own per character.

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Arranging groups

Wizard – The panel wizard (Options =>General=>Wizard) is a quick and easy way to select how raid will be displayed.

1. Select what the main panel (for all raid members) should be ordered by. It can by group-wise class-wise, per role or unsorted.

2. Check which additional panels you like to have. You can have additional panels for Pets, Vehicles, Main Tanks and Player Targets (Private MTs)

3. Click on “apply” button to confirm your selection.

Drag’n’Drop – This configuration option (Options=>Move!) is for more advanced users who feel like doing a little fine tuning to their panels. When you click on “Move!” option panel will shrink some (to not hide to much of the screen) and for every group in your panels there will be a black square saying “Drag me!”. You can do the following now:

- Add a blank panel: Click on “Add Panel” button in the options screen

- Remove a panel: Click on the red “X” button next to an empty panel.

- Add a group to a panel: Click on the green “+” button next to a panel. You can now select group type and value (e.g. “Classes” and “Warriors” or “Groups” and “Group 7”)

- Clear all groups in panel: Click on the red “X” button next to the panel you want to clear.

- Move the groups around via drag’n’drop, if you want to change the order of groups. You can either change the order inside the groups panel or drag it to another panel. Two blue lines indicate where the group will be inserted when you release the mouse button.

- Change a group: Click the “Select” button on the group you like to change. Select type and value you like instead (e.g. “Special” and “Main Tanks”(

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Misc functions

1. Setup Main Tanks / Player Targets / Unique Spells – First: Bind a mouse click to the word „menu“ (Options => Spells). Then click on a raid member in a heal panel with that binding. A drop down list will appear allowing you to set:

- Main Tank 1 – 8 (you‘ll have to be at least assistant in order to do this)

- Player Targets (Sort of private main tanks, which will not be broadcasted to the raid)

- Raid lead/assist/master looter (you have to be assistant/raid leader in order to use these function)

- Unique target spells. If you know spells being cast on a single unit (e.g. „Earth Shield“, „Fear Ward“) you can assign will be targeted.

- Raid roles. You can select whether a player is Melee/Tank/Ranged/Healer in case auto detection fails.

2. Check Raid Lead – Right click on a heal panel border. You will see who in your raid is leader, assist and master looter. Also PvP enabled players will be marked.

3. Buffing – Some buffs have a single player variant and also a raid variant (e.g. „Powerword: Fortitude“).

- If you left click a buff swatch the configured (group/single/smart) variant will be applied.

- Right click will open a quick setup menu

- All other mouse keys (3 to 5) will apply the raid variant in favor to the configured one.

4. Smart Buffing –VuhDo can automatically detect missing buffs of any category in your raid an rebuff them. This way you can rebuff your raid with a single repeated key stroke.

- Go to Blizzard Keyboard assignments, scroll to “VuhDo” and select a key for “Smart Buff” there

5. Hidden command line options – Some rarely used command line options are not mentioned in chat description:

- /vd pron, /vd proff: Turn WoW-Profiling on/off (UI will reload then)

- /vd ui: All VuhDo panels and stuff will be rebuilt and redrawn.

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- Q: Why do HoTs (partially) not show up?A: Go to Options=>General=>Misc and select “HoT targeting => multi”

- Q: I have bound a spell name to a mouse click but it won’t be cast (properly). Why?A: Check if you have a macro of the same name as the spell.A: Only beneficial spells can be cast this way.

- Q: I have ordered my main panel by roles. Some players seem to have wrong role assigned.A: Role detection may fail due to limited possibilities of analysis especially for hybrid classes. You can manually override auto detection. Bind a mouse click to “menu” (Options=> Spells) if you haven’t done already. Then click on the player in wrong group and select another from the drop down menu.

- Q: When I log back in mid-fight after I got disconnected VuhDo doesn't won't up until the end of the fight.A: This is due to technical limitations of what Blizzard calls "SecureUnitFrames". There's nothing I can do about it.

- Q: After updating from an earlier version of VuhDo heal panels disappear, hop around and other strange things happen.A: Try removing all vuhdo.lua from your WTF folder or use "reset_vuhdo.bat" from VuhDo addon folder. (Leave game first)