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Key Benefits 3

Why You Should Consider Trithor 5

About Termites 6

Trithor Termite Protection Plus 7

Trithor Termite Protection 7

Which Trithor System? 7

Installing Trithor Termite Protection Plus 8

Installing Trithor Termite Protection 11

Slab Edge Rebate - Detail 12

Step Downs 15

Guidelines Showing How Bricks Are Placed. 18

Step-Downs 26

In-Fill Slab 26

Rendered Walls 27

Corner Details 28

Joining Trithor 29

Pipe / Service Penetrations 30

Retaining Walls 32

Construction Joints 40

Tilt Panels 43

Hebel Power Panels 44

Existing Concrete / New Concrete Joints 45

Access Ramps 45

Timber Flooring 45

Doors And Windows 46

Trithor For Suspended Floors 47

Other Situations 49

Commercial Applications 51

Essential Equipment 57

Paperwork / Warranty Process 57

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 3 of 3 Pages

Key BenefitsThree-Way Termite Protection - A Physical Barrier that alsoKills and Repels Termites!

• Tough. Trithor is exceptionally tough and will not bedamaged by normal building work practices.

• Trithor is self-sealing. This unique ability to self-seal givesyou added protection in the event of an accidentalpenetration. (This also means that Trithor can be moreeasily pinned to the slab on install and, unlike othersystems, labour and material costs are saved as there is noneed to use washers.)

• Trithor is registered with the Australian Pesticides andVeterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA); Registration#59139/1/0506 and contains a registered termiticide -deltamethrin, arguably the most active and repellent of allthe pyrethroids, to give you total security.

• Trithor is durable for 50 years or more.

• Trithor complies with the relevant requirements of theBuilding Code of Australia.

• Trithor is environmentally friendly.

• Trithor is user-friendly and flexible to install, and doesn’timpinge on any other trades.

• Trithor suits all building designs.

• Trithor incorporates a moisture-proof membrane.

• Trithor is backed by a Manufacturer’s Warranty from areputable global company.

• Trithor can be installed at a single site visit.

• Trithor is designed to be durable for the life of the building– 50 years.


Trithor Termite Protection and Trithor Termite ProtectionPLUS offer you the three-way protection of a physical termitebarrier, a moisture barrier and a powerful, long-lasting termitekilling/repelling agent.

Trithor always gives you long-term termite protection, TrithorPLUS also provides you with a moisture vapour barrier whereit is applied as a full underslab treatment.

Trithor has been fully researched and developed in Australia.It can be cut and moulded so it can suit any type of buildingdesign, no matter how complex. It is backed by the globalresources of Ensystex.

When correctly installed by a Trithor Authorised Operator,Trithor comes with a complete $100,000 Termite DamageWarranty.

This Manual details many of the methods by which Trithor canbe installed, it is not exhaustive and other applications areapproved to deal with more complex building designs.

Unique Three-Way Termite Protection

Trithor Termite Protection from Ensystex provides you with aunique Three-way Termite Defence System.

1. Trithor is a PHYSICALTERMITEBARRIER that protects yourproperty by preventing the entry of termites. This isbecause termites can’t get through the unique weave ofthe fibrous blanket incorporated in Trithor...

2. Plus, since Trithor also contains crystals of the highlypotent termite control agent, deltamethrin, it REPELStermites, so termites are highly unlikely to even approachthe barrier let alone pass through it.

3. And, since the deltamethrin in Trithor also KILLS termitesfast, any particularly tough termite that might actuallypenetrate into the Trithor is quickly eliminated before ithas any chance of entering your property.

What is Trithor?

Trithor is a fibre blanket, impregnated with deltamethrin andthen laminated top and bottom with a rugged plasticmembrane.

How Trithor Works

The active ingredient in Trithor is deltamethrin, a powerfulresidual pyrethroid termiticide/insecticide registered with theAustralian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority(APVMA). This is impregnated into the patented, unique,fibrous blanket in a controlled manufacturing environment.

This ensures even distribution and a uniform concentrationthroughout the blanket. Trithor Termite Protection isregistered with the APVMA.

Deltamethrin is the ideal termiticide as it is far more repellentthan other termiticides used in Australia. This means moresecure protection for you as it drives the termites away.

Deltamethrin is modelled on the natural pyrethrins producedby the Chrysanthemum daisy, nature’s own cure for insectproblems. Consequently it is low toxic to warm-bloodedanimals, though deadly to termites. Better still, deltamethrinboth kills and repels termites.

The fibre blanket within Trithor is a unique, blend of fibresthat adds to the durability and effectiveness of Trithor TermiteProtection. It has undergone extensive CSIRO evaluation. Theunique non-woven blend of fibres within Trithor, in additionto holding the deltamethrin crystals so they remain ever readyto kill and repel termites, is also structured to preventtermites penetrating.

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 4 of 4 Pages

The top blue layer is thicker (200 microns) and provides anadditional benefit by serving as a moisture vapour barrier. Thisupper layer also ensures the deltamethrin is protected againstchemical degradation from the alkaline effects of the concreteslab.

The bottom yellow layer is 50 microns thick. This protectsfrom alkaline soils, stops soil and grit getting into the fibres ofthe blanket, and prevents the deltamethrin from leaching intothe environment; thus ensuring it remains locked safely awayfrom any soil organisms.

Thus Trithor gives you superior termite protection. Three-wayprotection unmatched by any other termite protectionsystem.

Scientific trials have shown that when termites approachTrithor they sense the presence of the deltamethrin. Sincedeltamethrin works as a powerful repellent it drives thetermites away.

So, whereas with traditional physical or chemical barriersystems, the termites will try and find a way through, or probearound looking for any gaps in the system; with Trithor theymove away.

•In the unlikely event that any termites should penetratethrough the bottom plastic layer, they become quicklytrapped in the unique fibre mesh of the Trithor blanket.

Once trapped in the fibres of the Trithor blanket they find italmost impossible to proceed further. And their struggles toescape only serve to bring them into closer contact with thedeadly (to termites) crystals of deltamethrin which rapidly killthem.

The unique non-woven blend traps the tiny crystals ofdeltamethrin ensuring they remain effective for longer.

The exclusive Trithor blanket fibre has a greater density,making it more effective. This allows us to use lower levels ofdeltamethrin whilst remain long-term efficacy.

The tough fibres of the Trithor blanket use a unique blend ofsynthetic fibres in a unique non-woven blend. This designcushions the system and prevents it being squashed, evenunder heavy building loads, or if it gets wet. This gives you‘rigid’ protection beneath the weight of your slab toguarantee you maximum effectiveness at all times. No othersystem offers you this benefit.

Trithor Termite Protection is also exceptional in that it has aself-sealing ability. In the unlikely event that the system isdamaged, then the fibres, due to their weave, can effectivelyseal any small hole and maintain the integrity of the system.

The polymers used in the formation of the blanket areinedible to termites and do not act as a possible food source.

Since Trithor also acts as a moisture barrier it further reducesthe attractiveness of the property to termites.


Trithor Termite Protection is approved as an alternativesolution in accord with the Building Code of Australia (BCA).The approved Assessment Method is that independentscientific evidence has been produced to prove that TrithorTermite Protection meets the Performance Requirementsand/or the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the AustralianStandards AS 3600 Series - Termite management.

Evidence of this is contained within reports provided to theAustralian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority forTermiticide Registration and to the University of New SouthWales’ New South Global Consulting who have provided anIndependent Building Appraisal. These evaluations includeddocumentary evidence produced by CSIRO Entomology. Thesereports prove conclusively that Trithor Termite Protectionmay be used in accord with, and meets, the requirements of:

AS 3660.1 Termite Management - Part 1: New building work;

AS 3660.2 Termite Management - Part 2: In and aroundexisting building and structures;

AS 2870 Residential slabs and footings - Construction and

AS 3600 Concrete structures.

Independent trials, conducted in accordance with therequirements of the Australian Standard AS 3660.3 Termitemanagement Part 3 Assessment criteria for termitemanagement systems; and other tests show that Trithor willremain as an effective termite measure in excess of 50 years.

Trithor Termite Protection meets the performance criteria ofsection 1 Clause 1.3, of AS 3660 Termite management Part 1,New building work in accordance to AS 3660 Termitemanagement Part 3 Assessment criteria for termitemanagement systems.

Trithor Termite Protection also meets the performancerequirements P2.1 & P2.1.1 as an alternate solution underBCA 2006, Part 3.1.3: Termite Risk Management (QueenslandVariation), refer also to NewSouth Global Appraisal J069121.

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 5 of 5 Pages

Why You Should Consider TrithorConsistency

Each square metre of Trithor contains an accurate dose of 1gof pure deltamethrin. Trithor is manufactured to strict qualityguidelines and, unlike using liquid chemical barriers, it isimpossible for installers to under-treat.

Authorised Operators

Trithor is only installed by Authorised Operators who havebeen trained and licensed by Ensystex. Correct installation, inaccordance with the Ensystex Standards is a condition of theTermite Damage Warranty available with all Trithorinstallations. All operators undergo training by Ensystexbefore being authorised to install systems.

Trithor Quality Review System

The Trithor Quality Review System includes the collection ofdata by all authorised installers. This assures you ofcompliance and security for all your installations.


Trithor is a flexible system that may be installed in manydifficult and complicated situations including multiplepenetrations, step downs, etc. Trithor can even be mouldedaround unusual building designs and is easily cut and joined.With its unique self-sealing properties ensuring you totalprotection at all times. Trithor is quickly installed and has nosharp edges to affect other tradespeople.


Trithor is exceptionally tough. A sharp cutting blade isrequired to cut the Trithor fabric. Blunt objects, workmen’sboots, etc. have no chance of penetrating Trithor. If a hole isaccidentally produced it is easily repaired, taking advantage ofthe unique self-sealing properties of the Trithor fibres.

Long Lasting

Trithor will remain in place protecting your property for itseconomic life without the need to repeatedly ‘pump-it-up’with additional chemical.

Environmentally Sound

Since the deltamethrin remains safely locked up within theblanket fibres, it cannot get into the environment. In turn, theunique fibres, together with the outer plastic seal, protect thedeltamethrin from environmental degradation.

Australian Designed for Australian Conditions

Trithor is designed and tested in Australia to suit localconditions and protect against our voracious termites.

Technical Support

Trithor is supported technically by a team of professionalsworking in the professional pest management industry.Trithor is made by Ensystex, a privately owned, internationalcompany with many years of specialisation in termitemanagement solutions. Australia is the regional headquartersfor Australia and SE Asia and is also the location for thecompany’s global research and development facilities.Ensystex Australia’s Head Office is located in Sydney withlaboratory and manufacturing facilities located in Melbourne.Specialist Technical Support personnel are located in allStates.

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 6 of 6 Pages

About TermitesNo property in mainland Australia is safe from termites.Termites are the cause of the greatest economic losses oftimber in service in Australia. Independent data compiled byState Forests indicates that 1 in every 5 Australian homes isattacked by termites at some stage in its life. Australia’ssubterranean termite species (white ants) are the mostdestructive timber pests in the world. In fact it can take “aslittle as 3 months for a termite colony to severely damagealmost all the timber in a home”.

How Termites Attack Homes. The most destructive specieslive in large underground nests containing more than a milliontimber destroying insects. The problem arises when a nestmatures near a home. Homes tend to provide natural shelterand a food source for the termites. The gallery system of asingle colony may exploit food sources over as much as onehectare, with individual galleries extending up to 75 metres toenter homes, where there is a smorgasbord of timber to feastupon.

Even concrete slabs do not act as a barrier; termites canpenetrate through cracks in the slab to gain access. They alsobuild mud tubes around the slab to gain access to aboveground timbers.

Termite Damage. Once in contact with timber, termitesexcavate it, often leaving only a thin veneer on the outside. Ifleft undiscovered, the economically important species cancause many thousands of dollars damage and cost two to fivethousand dollars (or more) to treat.

Subterranean Termite Ecology. Termites are social insectsusually living in large underground nests. Nests may be intrees or in rare instances they may be in above ground areaswithin the property. They tunnel underground to enter thebuilding and then remain hidden within the timber making itdifficult to locate their presence. Where timbers areconcealed, as in most modern homes, it makes it moredifficult to locate their presence. Especially if gardens havebeen built up around the home and termite barriers are eithernot in place or poorly maintained.

There are about 3,000 species of termites found in the worldwith about 300 species in Australia. All termites eat someform of plant cellulose. Most termites simply eat humus in thesoil, or grass and leaves. Very few species eat wood, and onlya small number of these eat sound wood (i.e. wood that hasnot been decayed by fungus). Some 20 or more species causeserious economic loss to Australian homes.

Termite Biology. Termites or “white ants” are social insectsthat work and live together in groups called colonies. Eachcolony contains several castes which differ in body shape,behaviour and tasks performed.

The king and the queen mate and control the entire colony. Inmost species that cause economic loss to Australian homesthe queen becomes physogastric. This means she has a grosslyenlarged abdomen for the purpose of laying millions of eggs.She essentially becomes an egg laying machine.

These eggs hatch into the nymphal stage and through a seriesof moults develop into one of the adult castes describedbelow.

The worker caste has the largest number of individuals withinthe colony and is responsible for building the nest, tendingeggs and young termites, gathering food and feeding thosecastes that are unable to feed themselves. Worker termitesare wingless, blind and do not reproduce. Workers performalmost all the tasks in the colony except for defence andreproduction.

The soldier caste can be distinguished from other the castesby the head. The head of the soldier caste is large, dark andmay have large mandibles or a ‘nasute’ (pointed)protuberance. Soldier termites defend the colony againstpredators such as ants and are also unable to reproduce.

The winged reproductive caste are the potential kings andqueens of new colonies. This caste has eyes and wings andusually leaves the parent colony in large swarms. They do notfly very far before shedding their wings.

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Trithor Termite Protection PLUSThis is a complete under-slab treatment providing protectionfrom both termites and moisture. The Trithor System isinstalled on top of the bedding sand before the steelreinforcing mesh is laid. All pipes and penetrations areindividually protected by Trithor as part of this treatment. Theconcrete is then poured on top of the Trithor. When installedas a complete under-slab barrier, Trithor provides you withtotal termite protection.

Trithor Termite Protection PLUS is our recommended methodof installation. It provides total defence against termites forthe whole property. This means that termites are unlikely tostay in the area, reducing significantly the potential fortermite problems.

Trithor Termite Protection PLUS should be your first choice inany areas of high termite risk.

Trithor Termite Protection PLUS comes in 1500mm widesheets which are overlapped by 200mm and sealed beforebeing taped with a quality tape. This holds the Trithor firmly inplace until the concrete pour.

Termites can’t penetrate these sealed joints since Trithor ishighly repellent to termites. And, at the joints, the repellenceis doubled due to the double layer of Trithor.

Trithor Termite Protection PLUS serves as both termiteprotection for your property as well as providing the requiredMoisture Vapour Membrane.

Trithor Termite ProtectionTrithor Termite Protection is a flexible termite protectionsystem which can be used as part of a complete termitebarrier in association with other approved systems. It isparticularly used with a concrete slab poured and cured inaccord with the requirements of AS 2870: Residential slabsand footings - Construction and AS 3600: Concrete structures.The slab in this case forms part of the termite barrier withTrithor Termite Protection protecting the high risk termitepenetration areas. It is applied in a range of widths (strips) tosuit the particular building design.

This system is also used for bearer and joist constructions andpiers.

Which Trithor System?Price is frequently the parameter used to decide which TrithorSystem to use, though this is rarely the best criteria to use.Trithor Authorised Operators, specifiers, and builders all havea duty of care to offer property owners both options whereapplicable.

Health and Safety

Trithor poses little risk to the homeowner, constructionworkers or the environment. It is ideal for use in sensitiveenvironments and in allergy-free housing.

Trithor Termite Protection Warranty

Ensystex provides a complete $100,000 Termite DamageWarranty to the homeowner/property owner which protectsthe builder and the homeowner following an approvedinstallation. The Trithor Warranty covers replacement of bothstructural and internal (decorative) timbers. (For full details ofthe warranty see the separate Warranty documentation.)

Annual Inspections

All termite management systems require at least an annualinspection by a professional timber pest inspector in accordwith the requirements of the Australian Standard Series AS3660 Termite management. These inspections are integral togood termite management.

Trithor Termite Protection - Authorised Operators

Trithor Termite Protection may only be installed by TrithorAuthorised Operators who have been trained and QualityGuaranteed by Ensystex to ensure that installations are donecorrectly and that systems comply with the requirements ofthe Australian Standard Series AS 3600 Termite management.

Trithor Authorised Operators must demonstrate theirunderstanding of, and compliance with, the procedures andrequirements of this Installation Manual. Any breach of, ordeviation from, the required procedures may result in thetermination of their Authorisation Certificate. Onlyappropriately trained and licensed pest managementprofessionals can qualify as Trithor Authorised Operators. TheTrithor Authorised Operator must nominate trained installerswho will be operating under their authorisation. All TrithorAuthorised Operators sign a Licence Agreement with Ensystex.

Authorised companies and installers and all their details arerecorded on the Ensystex Database.

Licenses will be cancelled and supply stopped to any companythat acts fraudulently or demonstrates consistently poorquality workmanship.

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 8 of 8 Pages

Installing Trithor Termite Protection PLUSTrithor Termite Protection PLUS is installed as a full underslabinstallation. It provides termite protection plus a moisturemembrane. See Figure 1 and Figures 3 – 8.

Installation is simple. Trithor Termite Protection PLUS uses the1500mm wide Trithor sheets which are laid prior to the slab inthe exact same fashion as if laying a standard moisturemembrane. The sheets must be overlapped by 200mm, sealedwith adhesive and taped and glued with a quality cloth tape.

Since Trithor Termite Protection PLUS is repellent to termites,and the overlapped joints have a double layer of the highly

potent Trithor, they actually have extra protection againsttermite entry.

Trithor Termite Protection PLUS is always installed in strictaccordance with the instructions and diagrams contained inthis Manual and / or the requirements of the AustralianStandard AS 3660 Termite management Part 1: New buildingwork.

When installed in this manner, Trithor Termite ProtectionPLUS provides both a termite barrier system and a moisturemembrane.

Figure 1

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 9 of 9 Pages


It is the responsibility of the Trithor Authorised Operator toliaise with the Builder and ensure that the installationprocedures are correctly performed so that the completedTrithor Termite Protection PLUS barrier system can becertified by the Trithor Authorised Operator to comply withthe Ensystex Warranty Program.

Builder’s Responsibility

The builder must ensure that:

1. The under-slab soil substrate is levelled.

2. All service pipe penetrations are installed in their finalposition.

3. They are aware of the placement requirements for TrithorTermite Protection.

4. Once laid, Trithor Termite Protection must not be movedwithout consulting with the Trithor Authorised Operator.

5. They inform the Trithor Authorised Operator of anydamage to, disturbance of, or misalignment of the TrithorTermite Protection prior to the pouring of the concreteslab.

6. The concrete under and over the pipe penetrations iscompacted using a mechanical vibrator, swept oncearound the full diameter of the penetration at a distanceof approximately 50mm from the pipe penetrations.

Installation Procedures

1. Ensure that the site has been levelled and all pipepenetrations are installed in their final positions.

2. If the tops of the service pipes to be protected are sealedwith tape, the tape must be removed prior to installingand then replaced on completion.

3. Trithor Termite Protection PLUS is laid out in accord withthe diagrams in this Manual and as per the normalrequirements for the moisture membrane. Take great careto ensure that the barrier formed by Trithor TermiteProtection is complete and continuous.

4. Care should be taken to ensure that the system is notaffected by formwork pegs.

5. Many slabs are designed with internal structural beams aspart of the concrete footing. When Trithor is laid underthese beams more material is required than the originalsite “footprint”. Where these beams are deeper than150mm, there is no requirement to lay the Trithor. Thesethickened beams have extra reinforcing and areconsidered a termite barrier by the Australian Standard.(They still require protection against moisture with anormal moisture membrane.) This applies to both internaland external beams.

6. Refer also to the Australian Standard AS 3660 Termitemanagement Part 1: New building work.

7. Give the Builder a copy of this Installation Manual andadvise him of his obligations.

Pipe / Service Penetrations

Pipe penetrations can be protected with either Trithor Collars or Trithor Tubes. See Figure 2.

Figure 2

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 10 of 10 Pages

Figures 3 – 8 Trithor Termite Protection Plus Photos courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

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Copyright © Ensystex 2006-2009 TPM 4.03 2.09 Page 11 of 11 Pages

Installing Trithor Termite ProtectionTrithor Termite Protection uses strips of Trithor in associationwith a concrete slab poured and cured in accord with therequirements of AS 2870: Residential slabs and footings -Construction and AS 3600: Concrete structures. The slab in thiscase forms part of the termite barrier with Trithor TermiteProtection protecting the possible termite penetration areas.

Trithor Termite Protection should be installed in accordancewith the instructions contained in this Manual and theAustralian Standard AS 3660 Termite management Part 1:New building work.

When installed in accordance with this Manual, TrithorTermite Protection will provide protection against the entry ofsubterranean termites provided all other aspects of the totalsystem are approved and correctly installed, and the slab isconstructed in accordance with AS 2870 and AS 3600.

This Manual is not a comprehensive directory of all possibleinstallations. Trithor Termite Protection can be adapted foruse in a wide range of complex building designs.

An essential aspect of installation is to recognise that it will bethe structural elements that are placed after the Trithorbarrier that hold the barrier in place.

Before installing Trithor always clean off all excess mortarfrom areas that Trithor will be placed over.

When joining Trithor Strips overlap by 50mm and seal withadhesive and a quality Cloth Tape; or, preferably, industrialstaples.


Trithor Termite Protection is for use only with concrete slabsconstructed in accordance with AS 2870 and AS 3600.


It is the responsibility of the Trithor Authorised Operator toliaise with the Builder and ensure that the installationprocedures are correctly performed so that the completedTrithor Termite Protection can be certified by the TrithorAuthorised Operator.

The Trithor Installer must provide advice to the bricklayers onhow to install the brickwork once the Trithor is in place. Thehandout Site Guidelines for Bricklayers MUST be provided.

Builder’s Responsibility

The Builder must ensure that:

1. The under-slab soil substrate is levelled and the vapourbarrier membrane installed no higher than 25mm aroundpipes.

2. All pipe penetrations are installed in final position.

3. The slab reinforcement mesh is placed within the slab areaand fixed on suitable ‘chairs’ at intended height.

4. They are aware of the limitations of Trithor TermiteProtection and its placement requirements.

5. They inform the Trithor Authorised Operator of anydamage to, disturbance of, or misalignment of TrithorTermite Protection prior to the pouring of the slab. (TheTrithor Authorised Operator will then rectify the TrithorTermite Protection in accord with the conditions describedin this Manual.)

6. The concrete under and over pipe penetrations iscompacted using a mechanical vibrator which is sweptonce around the full diameter of the penetration at adistance of approximately 50mm from the pipe.

Basic Installation Procedures - Perimeters

1. After the concrete pour, ensure chalk lines for positioningof timber frames are in place before commencinginstallation.

2. Determine the width of Trithor required by liaising withthe builder and/or bricklayers and determine how manybricks are to be installed down to the footing for the DPClevel. This may vary due to step downs so plan ahead.

3. Install the Trithor to within 20mm of the chalk lines byfixing it to the slab with Ramset nails (preferred) orconcrete nails approximately every 300mm. Ensure anycorner overlaps are nailed together to minimisemovement of the Trithor when the timber frames areerected. Ensure enough overlap is allowed for areas suchas bay windows and nail these too.

4. When nailing ensure the nail heads finish flush with theslab and protect against gaps or undulations when theframes are stood.

5. The system is now in place and the bricklayer can lay thebricks to the footing to the height of the DPC level. TheTrithor then needs to be laid on to the brickwork payingcareful attention to corners. Corners, including baywindows, are fixed with approved adhesive, and a qualitycloth tape; or, preferably, industrial staples. Alternativelypre-formed corners are used. A 3 - 4mm strip of the sprayadhesive to the brick edge helps keep Trithor in place.

6. Prior to completion, remove any off-cuts and note if youwill be required to make further site visits; e.g. to installTrithor across the driveway, wheel chair access, patios,columns, etc.

7. The meter box sticker is placed only after the installation iscompleted.

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Tie Down Rods

Where tie down rods protrude, use strips, e.g. 150mm wide,of Trithor fitted flush to the top of the slab edge, cut theTrithor to allow it to fit around the rod. Wrap each rod with astrip of Trithor and secure with cable ties.

Slab Edge Rebate - DetailOne Brick Rebate

Any extra Trithor is placed into the wall cavity. If the finishedbrickwork is comprised of face bricks, Trithor TermiteProtection should be set inside of the external brick wall.

After the bricklayer has laid the first row of bricks to theexternal rebate place a 300mm Trithor strip as shown andextend to the outer brick, use the builder’s chalk lines on theslab to line up the position. If the strip is to be laid before thefirst layer of bricks then the Trithor will need to be nailed tothe framing timbers to protect it until the bricks are laid. Anyexcess is pushed into the wall cavity.

Alternatively if the Trithor is to be laid prior to the frame, lineup the strip with the builder’s chalk line for positioning of thetimber frame / internal wall and secure it to the slab withclout nails or Ramset nails. Extend the Trithor strip to the slabedge and leave flush with the first brick or step down. Makesure the Trithor extends to the slab edge. The damp-proofcourse is laid above the Trithor at the weephole.

Where the installation may be compromised by a build-up ofsoil to the weephole level or rendering of the bricks, it isrecommended that a pavement / mowing strip is installedwith the Trithor System under the mowing strip as in thediagram below. See Figures 9 – 10 and .

Two Brick Rebate

The perimeter strip of Trithor Termite Protection is secured tothe top of the slab after the concrete is cured with nails at300mm intervals. The builder should chalk line where thetimber frame or brick / block work will be later positioned.Trithor Termite Protection is secured to the slab with cloutnails or Ramset concrete nails. A course of bricks is laid to thelevel of the footing and Trithor Termite Protection is installedat this height.

If for any reason the brick course cannot be laid at this stage,Trithor Termite Protection is attached to the timber frame.

Alternatively, if the Trithor is to be laid prior to the frame, lineup the strip with the builder’s chalk line for positioning of thetimber frame / internal wall and secure it to the slab withclout nails or Ramset nails. Extend the Trithor strip to the slabedge and nail down to the slab edge. Leave the leading edgeflush with the first brick or step down. Make sure the Trithorextends to the slab edge. The damp-proof course is laid abovethe Trithor at the weephole. See Figures 11 – 12, 14 – 33, and48 – 50. Figure 51 shows various rebates and Figures 34 – 40show single brick to two brick transitions. Figures 41 – 47show corner transitions.


When joining the Trithor Strips, a 50mm overlap should beallowed for. This applies equally to joins along a wall, at acorner or where a repair patch is required.

Always ensure Trithor Termite Protection will be laid abovethe proposed level of any future landscaping etc., and prior tothe laying of concrete mowing strips and pavements if thelatter are required or planned.

Where external walls are face brick and the mortar is pointed,the Trithor strip is laid 3-5mm off the edge of the brick.

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Figure 9

Figure 10

NB. Pavers should not be usedin this situation.

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Figure 11

Figure 12

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Inspection Zones

The Australian Standard AS 3660.1 Termite management –

New building work, refers to a 75 mm inspection zone

between the exposed edge of a termite barrier system in the

outer wall of a building and the grade level beneath it.

The purpose of this inspection zone is to ensure that sufficient

un-occluded surface exists to allow easy identification of

termite mud-tubes up the outer wall structure during an

inspection process. It was decided at the time by the

Standards Committee that a distance of 75 mm (the depth of

one standard building brick) would allow for changing grade

levels due to gardening activities in adjacent soil, the depth of

growing grass and so on, while still leaving sufficient un-

occluded surface to allow for efficient inspection.

Where the grade is fixed and unchanging against the wall

surface, such as in the case of concrete or paved pathways,

patios, and driveways, this inspection zone may be reduced.

This is particularly important where step-downs in doorways

and windows occur.

With installations of Trithor Termite Protection, where hard

surfaces such as concrete or paving exist, a minimum distance

of 25mm should exist between the outer exposed edge of the

termite barrier system and the top surface of the concrete or

paving. This distance is adequate to allow for identification of

termite mud-tubes by those trained to do so, or by observant

property owners.

Step DownsSteps downs need to be completely protected with theTrithor.

Before installing Trithor you need to clean off any excessmortar from the top layer of bricks and continue down thevertical face of the internal brickwork. This better allows forthe Trithor to be fit between the edge of the concrete slab

and the bricks. A 400mm length of Trithor is used on internalcorners and is secured to the brickwork with clout nails. Theperimeter Trithor is then cut to shape and secured over this.Pre-formed corners are available to make this process simpler,quicker and more effective. See Figure 13 and 53 -54.

Figure 13

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Figures 14 – 19 Two Brick Rebate

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Installation courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figures 20 – 25 Two brick rebate showing pipe protection.

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Guidelines Showing How Bricks are Placed.Two Brick Rebate

Trithor Termite Protection is laid over the slab edge and needs to be brought level with the face of the bricks.

Trithor in position, nailed to slab. Lay first layer of bricks is laid on rebate under Trithor.

Trithor is pulled flush with face of bricks with surplus Trithor pushed intocavity.

Second layer of bricks is laid ensuring Trithor remains flush with face ofbricks.

Figures 26 – 29.

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Trithor corners are nailed in position. Lay first layer of bricks is laid on rebate.

First layer of bricks is laid under Trithor with Trithor pulled level with faceof bricks.

Second layer of bricks is laid ensuring Trithor edge remains flush with faceof bricks.

Single to Double Brick Transition

Trithor is positioned as shown above. Lay first layer of bricks on rebate.

Figures 30 - 33

Figures 34 - 35

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First layer of bricks are laid on rebate under Trithor. Lower strip of Trithor is pulled flush with face of bricks.

Second layer of bricks is laid over first strip of Trithor ensure Trithor edgeremains flush with face of bricks.

Top strip of Trithor is laid over second layer of bricks.

Next layer of bricks is laid.

Figures 36 – 40.

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Corner Transition

Trithor is left overlapped at corner First layer of bricks is laid under Trithor.

Lower strip of Trithor is pulled level with face of bricks with surplus pulledinto cavity.

Second layer of bricks is laid over lower strip of Trithor and under upperstrip of Trithor.

Lower strip of Trithor is pulled over first brick on single brick transition. Upper strip of Trithor is laid over bricks on single brick transition andpulled flush to face of bricks on corner.

Figures 41 – 46.

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Remaining bricks are laid.

Figure 47

Figure 48 Two step rebate showing pipe penetration after frame erected.

Photo courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figure 49 two brick rebate.

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Figure 50 Two brick rebate.

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Figure 51 Different rebates.

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Figure 52 In-fill slab.

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In-fill Slab

Installation courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figures 53 – 54 Step-downs.

Figures 55 – 56 In-fill.

Figure 57 In-fill and Pipe Penetrations


Figure 57a In-fill Slab – AC

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Rendered WallsWhen the outer wall is cement rendered, ensure that, wherethe Trithor meets the wall perimeter, a V-joint is cut into therender to avoid cracking and detail the inspection point on thewall. See Figures 59 – 60.

Figure 58 In-fill Slab.

Figure 59 Render.

Figure 60 Rendered Wall

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Corner DetailsCorners require special care and attention to detail. In somecases a slab edge rebate will require a course of bricks is laidbefore you can commence the perimeter installation. SeeFigures 61 – 65.

Pre-formed corners are available for standard slabs. Pre-formed corners are preferred as they make this processsimpler, quicker and more effective. See Figure 66.

Of course for in-fill slabs the reverse procedure to thatillustrated below will apply.

Figure 61 Figure 62

Figure 63Figure 64

Figure 65

Figure 66 Pre-formed Corner

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Joining TrithorEnsystex recommends that for forming corners and for joiningTrithor strips a proprietary Trithor Staple Gun is used. This is aproprietary electronic staple gun specifically designed for usewith Trithor. See Figure 67. This offers faster, better lookingand more effective joining of Trithor.

Other ‘chemical in a non-soil matrix barrier systems’ use ducttape for joins. The problem with this approach is that thetermites can track across the duct tape since it contains notermiticide. This potentially allows the termites the

opportunity to by-pass the system and enter your building.There is no such weakness with the Trithor staple system.

It is the structural elements of the building that hold theTrithor in place. Thus it doesn’t matter that the staple willeventually corrode since it is only intended for the staples tohold it together long enough for the structural elements to beplaced. It does mean that Trithor is always giving 100%protection since there is no way that termites can avoid thedeadly Trithor barrier. The end result is more professional andeasier for other trades to work with. See Figures 68 – 72.

Figure 67Figure 68

Figure 69Figure 70

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Pipe / Service PenetrationsPipe penetrations can be protected with either Trithor Collars orTrithor Tubes. See Figures 73 – 78.

Trithor Collars are available in two sizes, 120mm for pipes up to100mm diameter and 60mm for pipes up to 50mm diameter. Forlarger pipes two 120mm Collars can be cut at the seam and joinedtogether. These MUST be secured in place using two cable ties.

Trithor Collars

When Installing Trithor Collars TAKE CARE not to stretch orplace unnecessary pressure on the joint seals. Trithor Collarsare secured to the pipe with a strong cable tie and tightenedwith a set of pliers. The Trithor Collars must be installed sothat there are no gaps between pipe and collar.

Where Trithor Collars are used in whole of slab installations,using the Trithor Termite Protection PLUS system, the TrithorPipe Penetration Collars should be taped horizontally to thefull under slab Trithor Sheet to complete the moisturemembrane.

Electrical Conduits

Use Trithor Penetration Tubes around all electrical conduitspenetrating the slab for a length of about 300mm. The Trithorshould remain visible after the concrete pour on any conduit.

A cable tie is used to secure the Trithor Tube at the start andfinish of the pipe. Where conduits are in clusters, each mustbe wrapped individually. When wrapping conduits the yellowside of the Trithor must be facing outwards.

Horizontal Penetrations

A horizontal penetration is a right-angle insertion into theslab. It usually occurs where a service penetration goesthrough an edge beam or structural beam. This may allowconcealed termite entry through any hollow building materialsholding the service penetrations in place (e.g. copper or PVCpipe). All such hollow structures must be replaced or removedbefore installing Trithor Termite Protection.

Multiple Penetrations

This is where there are several service penetrations that areclose to each other. Often these consist of different pipe sizes.Trithor Collars or Tubes are ideal in these cases. Treat eachpenetration separately.

Figure 71

Figure 72

Figure 73 Pipe penetrations inwaffle-pod slab.

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Figure 74

Figure 75 Figure 76

Figure 77Figure 78

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Retaining WallsWhere a retaining wall forms part of the structure, TrithorTermite Protection should be installed down to, or preferablybelow the level of the rubble. Trithor Termite Protection

should ideally be secured to the external concrete / brickworkeither by a concrete mowing strip or a concrete pathway. SeeFigures 79 – 115.

Figure 79

Figure 80

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Figure 81

Figure 82

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Figure 83

Figure 85


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Figure 84

igure 86

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Measure required length of Trithor Hang Trithor in place

Secure with Ramset nails Overlap sheets by 50mm

Install and overlap all sheets Use spray glue to secure in place

Figures 87 - 92

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Ensure Trithor is well attached to next sheet Apply further glue layer to outside

Apply tape to complete seal Attach to bottom of wall with Ramset nails or clouts

Retaining wall protected by Trithor

Installation courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figures 93 - 97

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Commercial Retaining Wall

Ensure area is clean. Use flick line to mark face of wall.

Figures 98 - 103

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Ensure there is U shape to the lower edge of the Trithor to prevent futuremoisture wicking.

Figures 104 - 109

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U shape ensures moisture behind the Trithor will run off and not ‘wick’ into thebuilding in the future.

Apply glue to underside of top layer and attach to lower.

Apply glue to upper layer to give extra bond to tape. Apply tape over glue and press firmly to seal.

Figures 110 - 115

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Construction JointsTrithor Termite Protection protects all types of constructionjoints. A minimum 300mm wide strip of Trithor TermiteProtection is installed under the joint and taped to the plastic

moisture membrane with a quality cloth tape prior to pouringthe concrete. See Figures 116 – 130.

Figure 116 Figure 117

Figure 118

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Installation courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figures 119 - 124

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Installation courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figures 125 - 130

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Tilt PanelsSee Figures 131 - 133

Figure 131

Figure 132

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Hebel Power PanelsSee Figures 134 - 135

Figure 133

Figure 134

Figure 135

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Existing Concrete / New Concrete JointsWhere for example an extension is adjoining an existingconcrete slab, it creates a clear area for potential termiteentry. See Figure 136.

Trithor Termite Protection is easily adapted to protect againstconcealed termite entry in these situations.

Access RampsFor access ramps the Trithor is applied to the vertical face ofthe concrete slab prior to pouring the cement for the ramp.

A minimum strip of 300mm wide Trithor is attached to theheight of the slab and extended down to the footing and thentaken horizontally under the ramp.

Timber FlooringThe Trithor system is also used to protect timber floors whenplaced on concrete as illustrated below or for pierconstruction. See Figure 138.

Figure 136

Figure 137

Figure 138

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Doors and WindowsSpecial attention to detail is required when installing Trithorfor placement of doors or windows. See Figure 139.

Figure 139

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Trithor for Suspended FloorsTrithor Termite Protection is installed along the curtain walls.See Figure 143. For bearers it is glued first beneath a metalant cap and then placed on the bearer. This protects theTrithor against later building works. See Figures 140 – 142.

Trithor must be cut to fully overlap the walls, piers, engagedpiers and/or supports, so that it overhangs by 40mm. Trithorshould be nailed and glued in place as appropriate. Positionexactly as an ant cap / shield in Section 5 of AS 3660.1. SeeFigures 144 – 149.

Install courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figure 140 Figure 141

Figure 142

Figure 143

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Installation courtesy of Safeguard Termite Barriers

Figures 144 - 149

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Other SituationsTrithor should not normally be installed prior to the erection

of the timber frame. In instances where this has occurred andyou need to help a builder out of a difficult situation, thefollowing method may be employed, subject to approval by

the Certifier. Nails are placed at 100mm intervals in thissituation, not 300mm as usually done. See Figures 150 – 157.

Figure 150 Figure 151

Figure 152Figure 153

Figure 154Figure 155

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Fig 158: Typical insta

Figure 156Figure 157


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ll for SA.

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Commercial ApplicationsSee Figures 159 – 166.

Figure 159

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Figure 160

Figure 161

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Figure 162

Figure 163

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Figure 164

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Figure 165

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Figure 166

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Essential Equipment Trithor Cutting Tool for cutting Trithor.

Wiltshire Stay-Sharp Scissors (or similar).

3M 8979 Performance Plus Duct Tape (preferred) or Tessa 4688 Black Cloth Tape for joins.

3M Multi-purpose Spray Adhesive, 3M Super 77 Spray Adhesive, or 3M Foam Fast 74 Spray Adhesive.

Cable Ties (approx 400mm) for sealing penetrations.

Hammer and concrete clout nails (30mm).

Nail Gun (recommended) with 16-20mm nails.

Tape Measure for accurate measurements.

Measure Wheel.

Trithor Staple Gun with approved industrial staples (recommended). 8mm staples are used in the gun, e.g. Rapid (BrandName).

Paperwork / Warranty ProcessThe Trithor Authorised Operator:

1. Installs Trithor Termite Protection.

2. Arranges for placement of ‘AS 3660 Stickers’ in the Electrical Meter Box and/or inside a cupboard door in the kitchen.

2. Completes the Site Installation Report with site diagram.

3. Completes the Certificate of Compliance.

4. Completes the Warranty documentation.

6. Provides the builder/property owner with Warranty Information Pack consisting of:

• Trithor Folder with

• Homeowner Termite Information Brochure.

• Certificate of Installation.

• Certificate of Compliance.

• Termite Protection Warranty.