“Man’s inhumanity to man”. Amir is the main character of the novel His mother died giving...

“Man’s inhumanity to man” The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini

Transcript of “Man’s inhumanity to man”. Amir is the main character of the novel His mother died giving...

“Man’s inhumanity to man”

The Kite RunnerKhaled Hosseini

Amir is the main character of the novel

His mother died giving birth to him and for this his father blames him

He is an upper class Pashtun with a highly respected father


As a child he occupied himself with his love for story writing

His father thinks he is not manly enough

At age eighteen, he and his father flee to America due to Soviet invasion in Afghanistan


Assef is the son of an Afghan father and a German mother

He believes that Pashtuns, “the pure Afghans”, are a higher class than the “flat-nose” Hazara

As a teenager, he is the neighbourhood bully


“[Hitler] was a leader. A great leader. A man with vision” - Assef

“…if they had let Hitler finish what he had started, the world would be a better place now.” - Assef

Amir describes Assef as a "sociopath" because of his views of Hitler


He is Amir’s Hazara servant

Hassan is Amir's closest childhood friend, but Amir has a bad habit of playing mind games with him

“Your hazara made a big mistake today, Amir.”- Assef


Baba is Amir’s father

Amir looks up to him as an idol and is forever trying to gain his approval

He is a wealthy man, who is highly respected by fellow Afghanis


He built an orphanage with his own money

He is disappointed in his son, Amir, because he does not think he is man enough

Baba is a very kind and generous person except when it comes to his son


Sohrab is the only son of Hassan

He has been physically abused by Assef

He saves Amir from being killed by Assef

He tries to kill himself when Amir breaks his promise


Amir and Hassan win a kite fighting tournament and Hassan runs the last kite - the blue kite

Amir becomes concerned at the time it is taking for Hassan to return with the kite

Amir searches for Hassan, finally finding him trapped by Assef and his entourage at the end of an alleyway

The Blue Kite

Amir watches his closest friend, Hassan, being raped in an alleyway by Assef

When Hassan finally catches up with Amir again, all Amir can think about is the blue kite

“And I can’t lie now and say my eyes didn’t scan it [the blue kite] for any rips.” - Amir

The Blue Kite

What do you think you would do in this situation?

Imagine seeing your best friend being raped. Would you try to help or would you run?

The Blue Kite

While Baba and Amir are fleeing Afghanistan the truck they are travelling in arrives at a Russian checkpoint

The Russian soldier who mans the checkpoint demands half an hour with a woman to let them pass

“It’s his price for letting us pass.”

Ride to Freedom

Her husband objects

“But we’ve paid a fair price already. He’s getting paid good money.”

But the soldier insists

“He says … he says every price has a tax.”

Ride to Freedom

Baba attempts to stop the rape, putting his own life on the line

Could you do this? Put your life on the line for someone you don’t even know?

Ride to Freedom

The orphanage Baba built was destroyed by the Taliban during the war

This worsens the already bad orphan situation due to Taliban rule

The Taliban kill anyone who steps out of line


Hassan and Farzana were executed by the Taliban for house sitting Baba’s house

This meant that Sohrab was yet another orphan looking for somewhere to stay


Public executions were very popular with the Taliban

They were supposed to show citizens the consequences of breaking the law

Public Execution

“How shall we punish those who dishonour the sanctity of marriage?”

A man and women were stoned to death at a soccer game in front of thousands of people because they were having an affair

“God says that every sinner must be punished in a manner best fitting his sin.”

Public Execution

“Taliban don’t let you be human.” – Rahim Khan

Singing is forbidden

Dancing is forbidden

Playing cards, playing chess, gambling, and kite flying are forbidden


Writing books, watching films, painting pictures are forbidden

If you keep parakeets, you will be beaten. Your birds will be killed

If you are found guilty of adultery, you will be stoned to death


You will stay inside your homes at all times. It is not proper for women to wander aimlessly about the streets

If you are caught alone on the street, you will be beaten and sent home

Cosmetics and jewellery are forbidden

Attention Women

You will not wear charming clothes

You will not speak unless spoken to

You will not make eye contact with men

You will not laugh in public. If you do, you will be beaten

Attention WomenHi, I’m Pall

So… What do you think about these Taliban


How do you think you would react if you saw these men coming towards you?

“This isn’t the end for you either, Amir, someday, I’ll make you face me one on one.” - Assef

In Amir’s quest to find Sohrab he meets his childhood enemy, Assef, once again

“When it’s all done, only one of us will walk out of this room alive.” - Assef

Fight for Freedom

“If you make a move, they’ll have to change your nickname from Assef ‘the Ear Eater’ to ‘One-Eyed Assef,’ because I have this rock pointed at your left eye.” - Hassan

“…Sohrab released the cup. Then Assef was screaming. He put his hand where his left eye had been just a moment ago.”

Fight for Freedom

So in conclusion...

… or is it???The End

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