Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US) · Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS...

Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle R HRMS (US) RELEASE 11i VOLUME 1 May 2002

Transcript of Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US) · Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS...

Managing TotalCompensationUsing Oracle�HRMS (US)RELEASE 11iVOLUME 1

May 2002

Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US) Release 11i

The part number for this book is A77144–02.The part number for this set is B10012–01.The part number for the Oracle HRMS set is: A77153–02Copyright � 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Major Contributors: Keith Ekiss, Juliette Fleming, Louise Raffo, Mark Rowe.

Contributors: Kevin Kelley, Martin Bocutt.

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietaryinformation of Oracle Corporation; they are provided under a license agreementcontaining restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patentand other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly ordecompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperabilitywith other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.

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Preface Preface ix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audience for This Guide x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How To Use This Guide x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data xix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . About Oracle xx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Feedback xx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 1 Total Compensation Elements Setup 1 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Compensation Elements Setup 1 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Compensation Management 1 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payroll Management 1 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Compensation Elements Setup Overview 1 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elements: Building Blocks of Pay and Benefits 1 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . Earnings and Deductions 1 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Values: Flexible Description of Compensation 1 – 13. . . . . . Rules for Allocating Compensation 1 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation Entry: Making It Fast and Reliable 1 – 16. . . . . . . . Formulas and Payroll Run Results 1 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pay Values 1 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Element Classifications and Processing Sequence 1 – 24. . . . . . . . . Survey of the Classifications 1 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation Policy Changes 1 – 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Compensation Elements Setup 1 – 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Element to Hold Information 1 – 38. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ii Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Element’s Input Values 1 – 40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Frequency Rules 1 – 42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting an Element 1 – 43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Element Links 1 – 44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reviewing Earnings and Deductions Structures 1 – 47. . . . . . . . . .

Customizing Generated Elements, Balances, and Formulas 1 – 49. . . . Modifying Processing Rules of Generated Elements 1 – 52. . . . . . . Modifying Further Information of a Generated Element 1 – 55. . . Defining Formula Processing and Result Rules 1 – 58. . . . . . . . . . . Running the Element Link Details Report 1 – 61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Payroll Balances 1 – 62. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating Balance Feeds for Individual Elements 1 – 64. . . . . . . . . . Defining User Balances 1 – 65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excluding Balances From an Element’s Grossup Calculation 1 – 67. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 2 Earnings and Other Payments 2 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earnings and Other Payments 2 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earnings and Other Payments Overview 2 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Salary and Regular Wages 2 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Associated Elements 2 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Non-Worked Hours 2 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overtime 2 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift Pay 2 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GTL Imputed Income 2 – 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company Car 2 – 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structures for Initiated Earnings Types 2 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overrides for Tax Jurisdictions and Dates Earned 2 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . Supplemental Withholding in Regular Runs 2 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payments by Separate Check 2 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limits on Deductions from a Payment 2 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amount Rules for Earnings and Non–Payroll Payments 2 – 25. . . . . . . Net–to–Gross Processing of Earnings 2 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initiating Earnings and Non–Payroll Payments 2 – 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identifying an Earnings or Payment 2 – 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entering Processing Rules for an Earnings or Payment 2 – 34. . . . . . . . Managing Separate Check Payments and Limiting Deduction Processing 2 – 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating Regular Non-Worked Hours 2 – 36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disabling a Regular Non-Worked Hours Earnings Type 2 – 38. . . . . . .


Creating a Net to Gross Earnings Type 2 – 39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 3 Deductions 3 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deductions 3 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deductions Overview 3 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deduction Start and Stop Rules 3 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Series EE Bond Deductions 3 – 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculation Rules for Deductions 3 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insufficient Funds Rules for Deductions 3 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deductions Balances 3 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deferred Compensation Plans and Tax–Sheltered Annuities 3 – 16. . . Sample Cases for Catch–Up Processing 3 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sample Case 1 3 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample Case 2 3 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample Case 3 3 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Setting Up Deductions 3 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identifying the Deduction 3 – 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selecting Processing Rules for the Deduction 3 – 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . Determining the Deduction Amount 3 – 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Insufficient Funds (Arrearage) 3 – 36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Row Types for Payroll Tables 3 – 37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Elements 3 – 39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Establishing Employer Matching for 401(k), 403(b), and 457 3 – 43Setting Up Catch–Up Processing 3 – 44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Catch–Up Provisions 3 – 45. . . . . . .

Chapter 4 Compensation Entry and Reporting 4 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation Entry and Reporting 4 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation Entry and Reporting Overview 4 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Selecting a Date for Compensation Entries 4 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Making Manual Element Entries 4 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deleting Element Entries 4 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Listing Employees by Element 4 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing Element Entry History 4 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

BEE (Batch Element Entry) 4 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Making Batch Element Entries Using BEE 4 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entering a Batch Header 4 – 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up BEE Validation Using Control Totals 4 – 18. . . . . . . . . . Creating the Same Line for Several Assignments 4 – 19. . . . . . . . . .

iv Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Creating Several Lines for One Assignment 4 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating or Editing Individual Batch Lines 4 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Validating a BEE Batch 4 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reviewing BEE Process Results 4 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transferring a BEE Batch 4 – 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purging a Batch From the BEE Tables 4 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together 4 – 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rolling Back a BEE Process 4 – 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 5 Salary Administration 5 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary Administration 5 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary Administration Overview 5 – 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Salary Earnings Elements 5 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary Basis 5 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary Components 5 – 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating a Salary Element 5 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linking the Salary Element 5 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Validating Salary Entries 5 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating Salary Components 5 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Salary Basis 5 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting Salary and Salary Proposals 5 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary Spreadsheets 5 – 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entering Salary for a New Employee (or One Assigned to a New Salary Basis) 5 – 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proposing a Salary Change for a Current Employee 5 – 18. . . . . . . Approving a Salary Change 5 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correcting or Deleting a Salary Entry 5 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using the Salary Management Folder 5 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reviewing Current Salaries 5 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing Salary History 5 – 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Salary Review Report 5 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Salary Survey Identifiers 5 – 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entering Salary Surveys 5 – 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapping Salary Survey Lines 5 – 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 6 Absence Management and PTO Accruals 6 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absence Management and PTO Accruals 6 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absence Management and PTO Accruals Overview 6 – 4. . . . . . . . . .

Absence Categories and Types 6 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absence Elements 6 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Setting Up Absence Management 6 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining and Linking an Absence Element 6 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Absence Type 6 – 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Accrual Plan Setup 6 – 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Plan Structure 6 – 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Elements 6 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Formulas 6 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Balances Maintained By the Payroll Run 6 – 24. . . . . . . . . Net Accrual Calculation 6 – 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seeded Accrual Type Formulas 6 – 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Start Date for New Hires 6 – 34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Bands 6 – 37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PTO Carry Over Process 6 – 39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Plan Example 6 – 41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up PTO Accrual Plans 6 – 43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a PTO Accrual Plan 6 – 45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Length of Service Bands 6 – 47. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing Net Accrual Calculations 6 – 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costing Liability For PTO Accruals 6 – 49. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Administration 6 – 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absence Recording 6 – 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrual Plan Administration 6 – 53. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entering Absences 6 – 55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrolling Employees in PTO Accrual Plans 6 – 58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the PTO Carry Over Process 6 – 59. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reviewing Employees’ PTO Accruals 6 – 61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing Absence History 6 – 62. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Listing Employees by Absence Type 6 – 63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Absences Report 6 – 64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 7 Basic Benefits 7 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Benefits 7 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview 7 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Benefits Setup 7 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Basic Benefits 7 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Defining Basic Benefit Plan Elements(Sites without Oracle Payroll) 7 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Establishing Plan Coverage and Default Contributions (Basic Benefits) 7 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits Classifications (Basic Benefits) 7 – 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits Enrollment (Basic Benefits) 7 – 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

vi Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Establishing Benefit Coverage for Dependents (Basic Benefits) 7 – 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording Beneficiaries for Benefits (Basic Benefits) 7 – 19. . . . . . . Stopping Employee and Dependent Coverage (Basic Benefits) 7 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stopping Dependent Coverage Only (Basic Benefits) 7 – 22. . . . . . Removing Beneficiaries When Employee Benefits Stop (Basic Benefits) 7 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing Beneficiaries When Employee Benefits Continue (Basic Benefits) 7 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reviewing Employee Enrollment in Benefit Plans (Basic Benefits) 7 – 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing Coverage Statuses (Basic Benefits) 7 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . Establishing a Payments Schedule and Recording Receipts (Basic Benefits) 7 – 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reports on Health Care Plan Eligibility and Enrollment (Basic Benefits) 7 – 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Management of COBRA–Eligible Benefits (Basic Benefits) 7 – 29. Setting Up Continued Coverage under COBRA (Basic Benefits) 7 – 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obtaining COBRA Reports and Standard Letters (Basic Benefits) 7 – 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording COBRA Qualifying Events (Basic Benefits) 7 – 34. . . . .

Chapter 8 Setup Overview for Standard and Advanced Benefits 8 – 1. . . . . . . Standard and Advanced Benefits Implementation 8 – 2. . . . . . . . Standard Benefits Implementation 8 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advanced Benefits Implementation 8 – 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Benefits Setup: Overview 8 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advanced Benefits Setup: Overview 8 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 9 Plan Design 9 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plan Design 9 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reimbursement Plans 9 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Requirements for Plan Design 9 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Spending Account Plans for Forfeitures (Advanced Benefits) 9 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Programs 9 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Benefits Program 9 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating Plans and Plan Types with a Program 9 – 16. . . . . . . . Defining Waive Reasons for Plan Types in a Program (Advanced Benefits) 9 – 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Defining Participation Eligibility Criteria for a Compensation Object 9 – 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating a Life Event Reason with a Compensation Object (Advanced Benefits) 9 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating an Organization with a Benefits Program 9 – 23. . . . . Associating Reporting Groups with a Program 9 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . Associating Program or Plan Year Periods with a Program 9 – 25.

Plan Types 9 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Plan Types 9 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Plans 9 – 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Benefits Plan 9 – 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Eligibility and Activity Rate Requirements for a Plan 9 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Plan Restrictions 9 – 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Maximum Waiting Period Requirement for a Plan 9 – 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Plan Not in Program 9 – 34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating Options with a Plan 9 – 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining Plan Related Details 9 – 37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Combinations of Plans and Plan Types 9 – 40. . . . . . . . . . Defining Waive Reasons for a Plan (Advanced Benefits) 9 – 41. . . Maintaining Primary Care Providers for a Plan 9 – 42. . . . . . . . . . .

Options 9 – 45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Options 9 – 45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Navigating the Program Structure Hierarchy 9 – 47. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Program or Plan Year Period 9 – 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reimbursement Plans 9 – 49. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Defining Reimbursable Goods and Service Types 9 – 49. . . . . . . . . Defining a Reimbursement Plan (Advanced Benefits) 9 – 50. . . . .

Chapter 10 COBRA Benefits and HIPAA 10 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COBRA Administration 10 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participation Eligibility Profiles for COBRA 10 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . COBRA Eligibility Determination 10 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up a COBRA Program 10 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

HIPAA Certification 10 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up HIPAA Certification 10 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COBRA Eligibility Profiles 10 – 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining COBRA Qualified Beneficiaries 10 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . .

viii Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Chapter 11 Benefits Eligibility 11 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eligibility Requirements for Total Compensation 11 – 2. . . . . . . . . Waiting Periods 11 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derived Factors 11 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuing Eligibility: Benefits Assignments 11 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . Eligibility Profile Criteria 11 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Eligibility Profile 11 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Derived Factors: Compensation Level 11 – 17. . . . . . . . . . Defining Derived Factors: Percent of Full Time Employment 11 – 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Derived Factors: Hours Worked In Period 11 – 20. . . . . . Defining Derived Factors: Age 11 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Derived Factors: Length of Service 11 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Derived Factors: Combination Age and Length of Service 11 – 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profile 11 – 26. . . . . . . . Defining Benefits Groups 11 – 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Regulations 11 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Postal Zip Ranges 11 – 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Service Areas 11 – 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 12 Life Events (Advanced Benefits) 12 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life Event Reasons 12 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Collapsing Life Events 12 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seeded Life Event Reasons 12 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life Event Definition 12 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons 12 – 12. . . . Defining Person Changes 12 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating a Person Change with a Life Event 12 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Collapsing Life Event 12 – 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 13 Benefits Enrollments Requirements 13 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrollment Requirements 13 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrollment Types 13 – 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Additional Enrollment Action Types (Advanced Benefits) 13 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Methods for a Program 13 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Coverage Requirements for a Program 13 – 12. . . . . . . . . . Defining an Action Item Due Date (Advanced Benefits) 13 – 13. . . Defining Activity Rate Enrollment Requirements for a Program 13 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Defining Enrollment Requirements for Plan Types in a Program 13 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Limitations for Plan Types in a Program 13 – 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Requirements for a Plan in a Program 13 – 18Defining Coverage Requirements for a Plan in a Program 13 – 20. . Defining Coverage Start and End Dates for a Plan Type in a Program 13 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Activity Rate Start and End Dates for a Plan in a Program 13 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Activity Rate Start and End Dates for a Plan Type in a Program 13 – 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Scheduled Enrollment for a Program 13 – 26. . . . . . . . . . Defining Requirements for a Life Event Enrollment for a Program (Advanced Benefits) 13 – 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Periods for Life Event Enrollments for a Program (Advanced Benefits) 13 – 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Coverage and Activity Rate Periods for a Plan in a Program 13 – 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating an Enrollment Rule with a Program 13 – 32. . . . . . . . . . Defining Life Event Enrollment Requirements 13 – 33. . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Enrollment Method for a Plan 13 – 36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Coverage Requirements for a Plan 13 – 37. . . Defining Certifications for Enrollment in a Plan 13 – 40. . . . . . . . . . Defining Activity Rates Requirements for a Plan 13 – 41. . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Limitations for a Plan 13 – 42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Designation Enrollment Requirements for a Plan or Option in Plan 13 – 43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Requirements for Not in Program Plans 13 – 44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Requirements for Options in a Plan 13 – 45. . Defining Enrollment Limitations for an Option in a Plan 13 – 47. . . Defining a Scheduled Enrollment for a Plan 13 – 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating Enrollment Rules with a Plan 13 – 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Requirements for a Life Event Enrollment for a Plan (Advanced Benefits) 13 – 51. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Life Event Enrollment Period for a Plan (Advanced Benefits) 13 – 53. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Life Event Enrollment Certifications for a Plan or Option in Plan (Advanced Benefits) 13 – 54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements for a Not in Program Plan 13 – 55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements for an Option in a Plan 13 – 58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

x Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Chapter 14 Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary Designation Requirements 14 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary Designation Requirements 14 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Plan 14 – 3Defining Dependent Coverage Requirements for a Plan 14 – 4. . . Defining Dependent Coverage Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements for a Plan 14 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Beneficiary Designation Requirements for a Plan 14 – 7. Defining Dependent Coverage Certifications for Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements 14 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Dependent Coverage Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements 14 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Plan Type in a Program 14 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Program 14 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Dependent Coverage Certifications for a Program 14 – 13Defining Dependent Coverage Enrollment Requirements for a Program or a Plan Type in Program 14 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 15 Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations 15 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity Rates 15 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coverage Calculations 15 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim Coverage (Advanced Benefits) 15 – 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unsuspended Enrollments (Advanced Benefits) 15 – 8. . . . . . . . . . Imputed Income Calculations (US only) 15 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual Premium Calculations 15 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period–to–Date Limits 15 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable Rate Factors 15 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculation Methods: Values, Increments, and Operations 15 – 17.

Examples 15 – 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity Rate Calculations 15 – 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coverage Calculations 15 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual Premium Calculations 15 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Standard Contributions and Distributions 15 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Activity Rates for a Standard Contribution/Distribution 15 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Calculation Method for a Standard Contribution or Distribution 15 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Proration for a Standard Contribution/Distribution Calculation 15 – 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Characteristics of Annual Rates 15 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Defining Processing Information for a Standard Contribution/Distribution 15 – 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Deduction and Payment Schedules for a Standard Contribution/Distribution 15 – 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Non–Oracle Payroll System to Process Benefit Earnings and Deductions 15 – 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating a Variable Rate Profile with a Standard Contribution/Distribution Calculation 15 – 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Matching Rates for a Standard Contribution Calculation 15 – 34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating a Period–to–Date Limit with a Standard Contribution/Distribution Calculation 15 – 36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Variable Rates 15 – 37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining General Information for a Variable Rate Profile 15 – 37. . . Defining a Calculation Method for a Variable Rate Profile 15 – 39. . Defining the Criteria in a Variable Rate Profile 15 – 40. . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Matching Rates for a Variable Rate Calculation 15 – 41. . .

Coverage Calculations 15 – 42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Coverage Calculation 15 – 42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Coverage Calculation Method 15 – 43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associating a Variable Rate Profile with a Coverage Calculation Method 15 – 44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Other Activity Rate and Coverage Setup 15 – 45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Coverage Limit Across Plan Types 15 – 45. . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Imputed Income Calculation 15 – 46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Actual Premium 15 – 49. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Period–to–Date Limits 15 – 54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Benefit Balance 15 – 55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 16 Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits) 16 – 1. . . . . . . . . Flex Credit Calculations 16 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Flex Credits 16 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Regular Processing for a Flex Credit Activity Rate 16 – 6Defining Partial Month Processing for a Flex Credit Activity Rate 16 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining the General Characteristics of a Benefits Pool 16 – 10. . . . Applying a Benefit Pool to a Plan and Option 16 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Rollover Rules for a Benefit Pool 16 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 17 Communications Setup 17 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Communications 17 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Communication Types 17 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

xii Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining When to Use a Benefits Communication 17 – 7. . . . . . . . . Defining a Communication Trigger 17 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Communication Delivery Method 17 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 18 Setup of Online Benefit Services (Advanced Benefits) 18 – 1. . . . . . . Online Benefits Administration 18 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining Online Activities 18 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining Pop Up Messages 18 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 19 Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract 19 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . Reporting Groups 19 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits System Extract 19 – 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Reporting Group 19 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Regulatory Bodies for a Plan 19 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Regulations for a Plan 19 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Extract Criteria Profile 19 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining an Extract Layout 19 – 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a System Extract 19 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 20 Administration Overview for Standard and Advanced Benefits 20 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Standard Benefits Administration: Overview 20 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . Advanced Benefits Administration: Overview 20 – 3. . . . . . . . . . . Standard and Advanced Benefits Administration 20 – 5. . . . . . . . . Standard Benefits Administration 20 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advanced Benefits Administration 20 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 21 Participation Management 21 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Maintain Participant Eligibility Process (Standard Benefits) 21 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining a Benefits Assignment 21 – 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Advanced Benefits Only 21 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participation Batch Processes 21 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modes of the Participation Batch Process 21 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life Event Back–out in Batch Mode 21 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits Batch Processes 21 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintain Designee Eligibility 21 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity Summary Reports 21 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participation Management 21 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Participation Information 21 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life Events and Electable Choices 21 – 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manually Created Life Events and Voided Life Events 21 – 14. . . . . What–if Eligibility 21 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Runtime Parameters for the Participation Batch Process 21 – 16. . . Defining Batch Process Parameters 21 – 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Participation Batch Process 21 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring Batch Processes 21 – 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing a Person’s Participation Information 21 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing a Person’s Life Event Information 21 – 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing Electable Choices for a Person Based on a Life Event 21 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manually Creating a Potential Life Event for a Person 21 – 25. . . . . Manually Voiding a Potential Life Event for a Person 21 – 26. . . . . . Re–opening a Processed Life Event for a Person 21 – 27. . . . . . . . . . Running the Participation Audit Activity Purge Process (Advanced Benefits) 21 – 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modeling a Person’s Benefits Eligibility 21 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 22 Enrollment Management 22 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrollment Management 22 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Participation Overrides (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . Waive Participation Management 22 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retroactive Enrollments 22 – 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Program Enrollments 22 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrolling a Person in a Flex Program (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 9. Deleting an Enrollment 22 – 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing a Person’s Flex Credits (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 14. . . . . . Viewing Special Rates for a Plan or Option 22 – 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allocating Excess Credits for a Person Enrolling in a Flex Program (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrolling a Person in a Non–Flex Program 22 – 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrolling a Person in a Savings Plan 22 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrolling a Person in a Miscellaneous Plan 22 – 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining a Participant’s Primary Care Provider 22 – 28. . . . . . . Displaying Enrollment Results 22 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Dependents and Beneficiaries 22 – 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing Dependent Information 22 – 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining Dependent Designations 22 – 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining Beneficiary Designation Information for a Participant 22 – 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Action Items and Certifications 22 – 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

xiv Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Recording Enrollment Actions Items for a Person (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording Receipt of Enrollment Certifications (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Enrollment Overrides 22 – 38. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overriding Participation Information for a Person 22 – 38. . . . . . . . Overriding Eligibility Participation Information for a Person 22 – 40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overriding Waive Participation Information for a Person (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overriding Participation Information for a Person for an Option in a Plan (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overriding Enrollment Results for a Plan (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Other Enrollment Administration 22 – 47. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Eligible Person Waivers (Advanced Benefits) 22 – 47. . . Maintaining Court Orders for a Participant 22 – 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording a Continuing Benefits Payment 22 – 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording a Contribution or Distribution 22 – 51. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Processing a Request Using the Benefits Service Center 22 – 52. . . .

Chapter 23 Premiums, Balances, and Reimbursements 23 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recalculate Participant Values Overview (Standard Benefits) 23 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Recalculate Participant Values Process (Standard Benefits) 23 – 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing and Adjusting Monthly Premiums for a Plan or Option in Plan 23 – 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing and Adjusting Monthly Premiums for a Participant 23 – 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Person Benefit Balances 23 – 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording a Reimbursement Request (Advanced Benefits) 23 – 8. Running the Process Forfeitures Concurrent Request (Advanced Benefits) 23 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 24 Administration of Communications and System Extract 24 – 1. . . . . Determine Communications Batch Process 24 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintaining Person Communications 24 – 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Determine Communications Batch Process 24 – 7. . . Running the System Extract Batch Processes 24 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing Extract Change Events for a Person 24 – 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing Extract Results 24 – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 25 Self–Service Benefits Enrollments 25 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Self–Service Benefits Enrollments 25 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Benefits Enrollments 25 – 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting the Effective Date of a Scheduled Enrollment in Self–Service Benefits 25 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Self–Service Benefits Enrollments 25 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up User Access to Self–Service Benefits 25 – 24. . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Self–Service Benefits Web Pages 25 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing the Benefits Enrollment Overview Web Page (Standard Benefits) 25 – 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the Primary Care Provider Search Facility 25 – 30. . . .

Chapter 26 Individual Compensation Distributions 26 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Self–Service Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD) 26 – 2.

Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD) 26 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Back–out Compensation Life Events Process 26 – 18. . Running the Close Compensation Enrollments Process 26 – 20. . . .

Chapter 27 Compensation Workbench 27 – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation Workbench 27 – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard Activity Rates for Compensation Workbench 27 – 5. . . . Compensation Workbench Statuses 27 – 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Compensation Workbench Plans 27 – 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation Workbench Processing 27 – 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a Compensation Workbench Plan 27 – 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Enrollment Requirements for Compensation Workbench Plans 27 – 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using the Person Life Events Window for Compensation Workbench 27 – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running the Participation Process: Compensation 27 – 31. . . . . . . . Running the Compensation Workbench Post Process 27 – 33. . . . . . Running the Back–out Compensation Life Events Process 27 – 34. . Running the Close Compensation Enrollments Process 27 – 36. . . .

Appendix A Windows and Reports A – 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reports and Processes in Oracle HRMS A – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reports A – 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Processes A – 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Windows and their Navigation Paths A – 41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

xvi Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



Reader’s Comment Form

Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US), Release 11iA77144–02

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xx Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Audience for This Guide

Welcome to Release 11i of the Managing Total Compensation Using OracleHRMS (US) user guide.

This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:

• The principles and customary practices of your business area.

• Oracle HRMS

If you have never used Oracle HRMS, Oracle suggests youattend one or more of the Oracle HRMS training classes availablethrough Oracle University.

• The Oracle Applications graphical user interface.

To learn more about the Oracle Applications graphical userinterface, read the Oracle Applications User’s Guide.

See Other Information Sources for more information about OracleApplications product information.

How To Use This Guide

This guide contains the information you need to understand and useOracle HRMS.

Volume 1 of this guide contains the following chapters:

• Chapter 1 describes how you can model your compensation andbenefit packages using Oracle HRMS. We concentrate on thegeneric concepts and procedures for setting up compensation.

• Chapter 2 looks at US earnings types, some of which arepredefined and others you can generate along with the formulasand balances required for payroll processing.

• Chapter 3 focuses on deductions, explaining how to generate thedeductions you require for payroll processing.

• Chapter 4 describes the different ways to record any form ofcompensation, benefit, or deduction liability for an employee, bymaking an element entry.

• Chapter 5 explains how to use the Salary Administrationfeatures to manage the basic remuneration that employeesreceive on an individual basis. If you administer salaries forgroups of employees, Oracle HRMS provides you withalternative methods to suit the needs of your enterprise.


• Chapter 6 explains how to maintain information on employeeabsences for reporting and analysis purposes. It also explainshow to set up and use PTO accrual plans.

• Chapter 7 describes how to use Basic Benefits for limitedfunctionality to handle administration of dependents,beneficiaries, and COBRA. For most benefits administrationrequirements, we recommend you use Standard Benefits, orOracle Advanced Benefits, documented in Volume 2.

Volume 2 of this guide contains the following chapters:

• Chapters 8 to 19 describe how to set up benefits in OracleHRMS.

You use Standard Benefits to design and maintain TotalCompensation programs common to all employees who meet theeligibility and enrollment requirements. This is distinct from theselection that an individual employee makes from a range offlexible benefits.

If you need to implement benefit programs based on flex creditaccrual that offer a range of benefit choices, you can licenseOracle Advanced Benefits. This application gives you all thefeatures of Standard Benefits, plus enrollment actions triggeredby life events. automatic and default enrollment processing,“what if” eligibility modelling, and processing of flexiblespending account claims.

You will see that some chapters, or topics within chapters aremarked as “Oracle Advanced Benefits only”.

• Chapters 20 to 24 explain the administration procedures forStandard and Advanced Benefits, including managingparticipation, enrollments, communications, premiums, andsystem extract.

• Chapters 25 to 27 focus on areas of compensation administrationthat you can make available through self–service:

– Self–service benefits enrollments

– Individual compensation distributions, to enable managersto assign awards, bonuses, and allowances to theiremployees

– Compensation workbench, for issuing budgets to managersfrom which they can make compensation awards to theiremployees, subject to eligibility rules and approvalsprocesses

xxii Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Appendix A lists the default navigation paths for all thewindows and reports in Oracle HRMS, as they are supplied.

Note: HRMS Implementation Steps are included inImplementing Oracle HRMS, rather than in this User Guide.

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supportingdocumentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabledcommunity. To that end, our documentation includes features thatmake information available to users of assistive technology. Thisdocumentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup tofacilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will continue toevolve over time, and Oracle Corporation is actively engaged withother market–leading technology vendors to address technicalobstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of ourcustomers. For additional information, visit the Oracle AccessibilityProgram web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

JAWS, a Windows screen reader, may not always correctly read thecode examples in this document. The conventions for writing coderequire that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line;however, JAWS may not always read a line of text that consists solelyof a bracket or brace.

Other Information Sources

You can choose from many sources of information, including onlinedocumentation, training, and support services, to increase yourknowledge and understanding of Oracle HRMS.

If this guide refers you to other Oracle Applications documentation,use only the Release 11i versions of those guides.

Online Documentation

All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML andPDF).

• Online Help – The What’s New section in the HTML helpdescribes new features in 11i. This information is updated foreach new release of Oracle HRMS. The What’s New section alsoincludes information about any features that were not yet


available when this guide was printed. For example, if youradministrator has installed software from a mini–pack as anupgrade, this document describes the new features. Online helppatches are available on Metalink.

• 11i Features Matrix – This document lists new features availableby patch and identifies any associated new documentation. Thenew features matrix document is available on Metalink.

• Readme File– Refer to the readme file for patches that you haveinstalled to learn about new documentation or documentationpatches that you can download.

Related User’s Guides

Oracle HRMS shares business and setup information with other OracleApplications products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other userguides when you set up and use Oracle HRMS.

You can read the guides online by choosing Library from theexpandable menu on your HTML help window, by reading from theOracle Applications Document Library CD included in your mediapack, or by using a Web browser with a URL that your systemadministrator provides.

If you require printed guides, you can purchase them from the Oraclestore at

Guides Related to All Products

Oracle Applications User’s Guide

This guide explains how to enter data, query, run reports, and navigateusing the graphical user interface (GUI) available with this release ofOracle HRMS (and any other Oracle Applications products). This guidealso includes information on setting user profiles, as well as runningand reviewing reports and concurrent processes.

You can access this user’s guide online by choosing ”Getting startedwith Oracle Applications” from any Oracle Applications help file.

Oracle Alert User’s Guide

This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitorthe status of your Oracle Applications data.

xxiv Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Oracle Applications Developer’s Guide

This guide contains the coding standards followed by the OracleApplications development staff. It describes the Oracle ApplicationObject Library components needed to implement the OracleApplications user interface described in the Oracle Applications UserInterface Standards for Forms–Based Products. It also provides informationto help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer 6i forms so thatthey integrate with Oracle Applications.

Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms–BasedProducts

This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by theOracle Applications development staff. It describes the UI for theOracle Applications products and how to apply this UI to the design ofan application built by using Oracle Forms.

Guides Related to This Product

Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Use this guide to learn about representing your enterprise on yourapplication. This includes setting up your organization hierarchy,recording details about jobs and positions within your enterprise,defining a payroll, and also how to manage your costs.

Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Use this guide to learn about all aspects of managing your workforce.This includes how to represent your workforce on your application,recruiting new employees and developing their careers, and alsodefining and managing budgets.

Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS

This user guide provides information about wage attachments, taxesand social insurance, the payroll run, and other processes.

Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

This guide provides information about extending and configuringOracle HRMS, managing security, auditing, information access, andletter generation.


Implementing Oracle HRMS

This guide explains the setup procedures you need to carry out in orderto successfully implement Oracle HRMS in your enterprise.

Implementing Oracle Self–Service Human Resources (SSHR)

This guide provides information about setting up the self–servicehuman resources management functions for managers and employees.Managers and employees can then use an intranet and Web browser tohave easy and intuitive access to personal information and careermanagement functionality.

Using Oracle FastFormula

This guide provides information about writing, editing, and usingformulas to configure your system. Oracle FastFormula provides asimple way to write formulas using English words and basicmathematical functions. For example, Oracle FastFormula enables youto specify elements in payroll runs or create rules for PTO and accrualplans.

Using Oracle Training Administration (OTA)

This guide provides information about how to set up and use OracleTraining Administration to facilitate your training and certificationbusiness.

Using Oracle SSP/SMP

This guide provides information about setting up and using OracleSSP/SMP to meet your statutory sick pay and statutory maternity payobligations.

Using Application Data Exchange

This guide provides information about using Application DataExchange to view HRMS data with desktop tools, and upload reviseddata to your application.

Oracle Business Intelligence System Implementation Guide

This guide provides information about implementing Oracle BusinessIntelligence (BIS) in your environment.

xxvi Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

BIS User Guide 11i

This guide is provided as online help only from the BIS application andincludes information about intelligence reports, Discoverer workbooks,and the Performance Management Framework.

Using Oracle Time Management

This guide provides information about capturing work patterns such asshift hours so that this information can be used by other applicationssuch as General Ledger.

Installation and System Administration

Oracle Applications Concepts

This guide provides an introduction to the concepts, features,technology stack, architecture, and terminology for Oracle ApplicationsRelease 11i. It provides a useful first book to read before an installationof Oracle Applications. This guide also introduces the concepts behindApplications–wide features such as Business Intelligence (BIS),languages and character sets, and Self–Service Web Applications.

Installing Oracle Applications

This guide provides instructions for managing the installation of OracleApplications products. In Release 11i, much of the installation processis handled using Oracle Rapid Install, which minimizes the time toinstall Oracle Applications and the Oracle8 technology stack, and theOracle8i Server technology stack by automating many of the requiredsteps. This guide contains instructions for using Oracle Rapid Installand lists the tasks you need to perform to finish your installation. Youshould use this guide in conjunction with individual product user’sguides and implementation guides.

Upgrading Oracle Applications

Refer to this guide if you are upgrading your Oracle ApplicationsRelease 10.7 or Release 11.0 products to Release 11i. This guidedescribes the upgrade process and lists database and product–specificupgrade tasks. You must be either at Release 10.7 (NCA, SmartClient,or character mode) or Release 11.0, to upgrade to Release 11i. Youcannot upgrade to Release 11i directly from releases prior to 10.7.


Maintaining Oracle Applications

Use this guide to help you run the various AD utilities, such asAutoUpgrade, AutoPatch, AD Administration, AD Controller, ADRelink, License Manager, and others. It contains how–to steps,screenshots, and other information that you need to run the ADutilities. This guide also provides information on maintaining theapplications file system and database.

Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide

This guide provides planning and reference information for the OracleApplications System Administrator. It contains information on how todefine security, customize menus and online help, and manageconcurrent processing.

Other Implementation Documentation

Oracle Applications Product Update Notes

Use this guide as a reference for upgrading an installation of OracleApplications. It provides a history of the changes to individual OracleApplications products between Release 11.0 and Release 11i. It includesnew features, enhancements, and changes made to database objects,profile options, and seed data for this interval.

Multiple Reporting Currencies in Oracle Applications

If you use the Multiple Reporting Currencies feature to recordtransactions in more than one currency, use this manual beforeimplementing Oracle HRMS. This manual details additional steps andsetup considerations for implementing Oracle HRMS with this feature.

Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications

If you use the Oracle Applications Multiple Organization Supportfeature to use multiple sets of books for one Oracle HRMS installation,this guide describes all you need to know about setting up and usingOracle HRMS with this feature.

Oracle Workflow Guide

This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes aswell as customize existing Oracle Applications–embedded workflowprocesses. You also use this guide to complete the setup steps necessary

xxviii Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

for any Oracle Applications product that includes workflow–enabledprocesses.

Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide

This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and referenceinformation for the Oracle HRMS implementation team, as well as forusers responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Oracle Applicationsproduct data. This manual also provides information on creatingcustom reports on flexfields data.

Oracle Technical Reference Manuals

The technical reference guides are now available in electronic formatonly. You can now access technical reference manuals for any OracleApplications product you have licensed.

Oracle Manufacturing and Distribution Open Interfaces Manual

This manual contains up–to–date information about integrating withother Oracle Manufacturing applications and with your other systems.This documentation includes open interfaces found in OracleManufacturing.

Oracle Applications Message Reference Manual

This manual describes all Oracle Applications messages. This manual isavailable in HTML format on the documentation CD–ROM for Release11i.

Training and Support


Oracle offers a complete set of training courses to help you and yourstaff master Oracle HRMS and reach full productivity quickly. Thesecourses are organized into functional learning paths, so you take onlythose courses appropriate to your job or area of responsibility.

You have a choice of educational environments. You can attend coursesoffered by Oracle University at any one of our many EducationCenters, you can arrange for our trainers to teach at your facility, oryou can use Oracle Learning Network, Oracle University’s onlineeducation utility. In addition, Oracle Training professionals can tailorstandard courses or develop custom courses to meet your needs. For


example, you may want to use your organization structure,terminology, and data as examples in a customized training sessiondelivered at your own facility.


From on–site support to central support, our team of experiencedprofessionals provides the help and information you need to keepOracle HRMS working for you. This team includes your TechnicalRepresentative, Account Manager, and Oracle’s large staff ofconsultants and support specialists with expertise in your businessarea, managing an Oracle8i server, and your hardware and softwareenvironment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus,Oracle Data Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modifyOracle Applications data unless otherwise instructed.

Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change,retrieve, and maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you useOracle tools such as SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data, yourisk destroying the integrity of your data and you lose the ability toaudit changes to your data.

Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change youmake using an Oracle Applications form can update many tables atonce. But when you modify Oracle Applications data using anythingother than Oracle Applications, you may change a row in one tablewithout making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tablesget out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrievingerroneous information and you risk unpredictable results throughoutOracle Applications.

When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, OracleApplications automatically checks that your changes are valid. OracleApplications also keeps track of who changes information. If you enterinformation into database tables using database tools, you may storeinvalid information. You also lose the ability to track who has changedyour information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do notkeep a record of changes.

xxx Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

About Oracle

Oracle Corporation develops and markets an integrated line ofsoftware products for database management, applicationsdevelopment, decision support and office automation, as well as OracleApplications, an integrated suite of more than 160 software modulesfor financial management, supply chain management, manufacturing,project systems, human resources and customer relationshipmanagement.

Oracle products are available for mainframes, minicomputers, personalcomputers, network computers and personal digital assistants,allowing organizations to integrate different computers, differentoperating systems, different networks, and even different databasemanagement systems, into a single, unified computing and informationresource.

Oracle is the world’s leading supplier of software for informationmanagement, and the world’s second largest software company. Oracleoffers its database, tools, and application products, along with relatedconsulting, education and support services, in over 145 countriesaround the world.

Your Feedback

Thank you for using Oracle HRMS and this user’s guide.

Oracle values your comments and feedback. This guide contains aReader’s Comment Form you can use to explain what you like ordislike about Oracle HRMS or this user’s guide. Mail your commentsto the following address or call us directly at (650) 506–7000.

Oracle Applications Documentation ManagerOracle Corporation500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065U.S.A.

Or, send electronic mail to [email protected].



1 – 1Total Compensation Elements Setup

Total CompensationElements Setup

1 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Total Compensation Elements SetupOracle HRMS provides an integrated solution for Human Resourcesand Payroll. Therefore your setup of compensation and benefitssupports both compensation management and payroll management.

Compensation Management

What kinds of compensation information can you record?

All kinds, depending on how much information you require. Youdecide what types of compensation and benefits you want to track, theinformation you need to hold for each type, and the rules thatdetermine who receives the compensation and how often it is paid.

Can you monitor the costs of compensation policies?

Yes, you can allocate labor costs to particular departments, products, orprojects. You can enter default cost centers for organizations andemployees, then override these, if required, when you enter timecarddata.

How can you review the effectiveness of compensation packages?

You can compare salaries and other compensation for any groups ofemployees, for example grouped by organization, position or grade.You can break down salary changes into components, such as Cost ofLiving, Location Adjustment, or Promotion, to identify anyperformance–related increases. You can also associate salary changeswith performance reviews.

Using HRMS Intelligence, you can compare salary trends, manpowerchanges, and group skills analyses.

What happens when you need to change compensation policies?

With DateTrack you can make future–dated changes to yourinformation safe in the knowledge that these changes will not becomeeffective in the system until the correct date.

In this way you can use your compensation and benefit information toplan changes ahead of time; analyze the impact of these changes; adjustthese changes and generally smooth out the workload that is oftenassociated with major changes in compensation and benefits policy.

1 – 3Total Compensation Elements Setup

How do you manage individual salary packages?

You can define salaries for groups of employees, with default valuesand validation rules if you require them, and enter individual salarychanges for employees at any time. You can associate salary changeswith the results of performance reviews, and you can show thecomposition of any increase by components such as cost of living, andindividual performance. You can enter proposed changes to take effectin the future and confirm these later with the click of a button.

What about grade–related pay?

Oracle HRMS handles both pay rates that are directly related to grades,and rates on grade–related pay scales. To relate pay directly to grades,you can specify valid salary ranges or fixed pay rates for each grade. Ifyour employees are paid from a pay scale (perhaps determined bycollective agreement), you can associate each grade with several pointson a pay scale.

How do you ensure employees receive the compensation dictated by a collectiveagreement?

You can define entitlement items to represent the compensation andbenefits that are subject to a collective agreement. You define aneligibility profile to determine who can receive this entitlement item,and associate both with a collective agreement. Provided that anemployee already has an element entry for the compensation or benefit,applying the collective agreement to the employee updates the entry tothe values recorded in the collective agreement.

What does Oracle offer for benefits administration?

We offer a choice, to match the varying complexity of benefitsadministration requirements.

The Standard Benefits feature set lets you define your benefits offeringin a hierarchical manner, so that requirements you specify at theprogram level are inherited by the plans and options in that program.You can use a variety of factors, such as length of service, to defineeligibility requirements for participation in a plan. The systemsupports centralized enrollment by benefit administrators orweb–based self–service enrollments. Standard benefits is best fororganizations that outsource a significant portion of their benefitsadministration. System extract features let you export data to thirdparty benefits administrators.

1 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

If you administer your own benefits, or your requirements includeoffering flexible benefit plans, you should implement Oracle AdvancedBenefits. This provides the full solution for benefits management,including life event triggered enrollments and communications, onlinelife event processing, processing of flexible spending account claims,and what–if eligibility analysis.

For US implementations, we also continue to offer Basic Benefits,which is a limited feature set that supports administration of benefitplans for employees and their dependents, including COBRA coverage.

How do you record absence entitlement?

As with all benefits, you can decide the type of absences you want totrack and the information you want to record. You can create Paid TimeOff (PTO) accrual plans with your own rules defining how much timecan be accrued, when it must be used, how much time can be carriedforward to a new plan period, and so on. Oracle HRMS providesreports and windows for monitoring each type of absence for groups orindividuals.

Can you be sure that compensation information remains confidential?

Yes, you can. Oracle HRMS security features enable you to choosewhich users can view compensation information, what types ofcompensation they need access to, which employees records they cansee, and whether they are able to update them.

Payroll Management

How do you enter compensation values for the payroll run?

Some values, such as salary, can be entered once and used in everypayroll run (or periodic runs) until you need to update them. Othervalues, such as hours worked, need to be entered or calculated fresh foreach run.

You can do one of the following:

• Use default values (which may be different for groups ofemployees)

• Enter values employee–by–employee

• Enter values in a batch

1 – 5Total Compensation Elements Setup

• Leave it to the system to enter values based on calculationsperformed during the payroll run

You can define validation rules to minimize data entry errors.

Can Oracle Payroll handle complex calculations?

Yes it can, through its use of formulas to specify calculations for eachearnings or deduction. These formulas use values from the HRMSdatabase and can include conditional logic to perform differentcalculations for different groups of employees. For example, they cancheck balances or employee status to control how to process theearning or deduction. Many of the formulas you need, for example fortax calculations, are supplied with Oracle Payroll.

How do you control when each earning or deduction is processed?

The sequence of processing in a payroll run is determined byclassifications, such as Pre–tax Deductions and Tax Deductions. Youcan also prioritize the processing for an individual employee, forexample to determine the order in which deductions are processed forwage attachments.

You control whether any value is processed just once, in every payrollrun, or periodically (such as once a quarter). Your formulas can alsochange or stop the processing of an earning or deduction during a run,based on employee status.

How do you accumulate and review balances?

The system can accumulate balances of payroll run results or valuesentered before the run. You can accumulate a balance over differenttime dimensions such as current run, month, and year to date. You canreview balances after payroll processing and use balances to control theprocessing performed in the payroll run.

Can I set up new balances, for the values that are important to my company?

Yes, you can define whatever additional balances your enterpriserequires. For example, you may require a Pensionable Earnings balancefor a defined benefit pension plan your enterprise offers employees.

1 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Total Compensation Elements Setup Overview

Using Oracle HRMS, you have all the flexibility you need to modelyour compensation and benefit packages. You decide exactly whatinformation you want to hold for compensation management and, ifyou require it, for payroll processing.

Here, we concentrate on the generic concepts and procedures forsetting up compensation, including earnings and deductions for payrollprocessing. However, there are additional considerations for salaries,absences and PTO accruals, benefit plans, and collective agreements.These are covered in other areas.

Benefits Administration

Oracle Human Resources includes Standard Benefits, to help you setup and manage benefits plans and programs. For an additional licensefee, you can implement the extra features of Oracle Advanced Benefits.

• Standard Benefits enables you to set up a hierarchy of benefitofferings (program, plan type, plan, option), and supportsprogram–based enrollment for fixed and core–plus–optionsarrangements, self–service enrollment, rules–based planeligibility, and exporting data to a third party administrator.

• Oracle Advanced Benefits is the full solution to benefitsadministration for employers who administer their own benefits,including flexible benefit plans. It uses all the features ofStandard Benefits and provides additional functions such as lifeevent triggered enrollments and communications, online lifeevent processing, processing of flexible spending account claims,and what–if eligibility analysis.

If you have no requirement to administer benefit plans, you can simplydefine individual basic benefits in the same way as salary and othercompensation elements. Be aware however, that basic benefitdefinitions cannot be upgraded to Standard Benefits. You would needto redefine your benefits if you wanted to use standard or advancedbenefits administration features at a later date.

US Users only: For compatibility with earlier releases, Oracle HRMScontinues to support Basic Benefits. It provides you with a limited setof features for managing benefits for employees and their dependents,including continued coverage (under COBRA). To implement newfeatures for benefits administration, you need to upgrade to StandardBenefits.

1 – 7Total Compensation Elements Setup

Define – Administer – Process

Element is an Oracle HRMS term for the components of a compensationand benefits package, such as salary, PTO accrual plan, and health plan.By defining elements, you can structure information relating toemployees’ compensation and benefits in a highly flexible way.

First, you define elements, then you administer and process them.


Definition includes rules about valid compensation values, who canreceive the elements, and how they are processed. You define elements,and associated rules and formulas, as part of your Oracle HRMSimplementation. You can define new elements and make certainchanges to existing definitions at any time.


When definition is complete, you administer compensation andbenefits by making element entries for your employees. You canquickly record earnings, deductions, time worked and otherinformation by entering elements in batches.


You process earnings and deductions by running payrolls. The payrollrun automatically uses the calculations you have written as formulas,and uses other rules (such as processing frequency) that you havedefined.

An Introduction to Element Definition

The following diagram illustrates the items that you can define or selectto control the entry and processing of any earning, deduction, basicbenefit, or payment.

1 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Figure 1 – 1 Compensation Definition

To take a simplified example, you could define an element called Wage,for hourly paid employees. You classify it in the predefinedclassification Earnings, which determines when it is processed in thepayroll run, and what payroll balances it feeds.

You specify one input value, Hours Worked, which must be entered ineach pay period. (If necessary, you can define up to 15 input values,with fixed values, defaults, or validation.)

You associate a formula with the element, to calculate the wage for thepay period. A simple formula might be hours worked (from the inputvalue) multiplied by hourly rate (which might, for example, be enteredin the Grade Rate window).

1 – 9Total Compensation Elements Setup

You define who is eligible for the element by linking it to componentsof the employee assignment, such as grade, payroll, salary basis, ororganization. In this example, the wage element is available to allemployees on the weekly payroll.

You can define other processing rules, such as a termination rule. Forexample, you might specify that an employee’s entry of the wageelement should not close down on his or her termination date, butremain open for processing of final pay.

Key Concepts

To get the most out of the compensation and benefits functionality ofOracle HRMS, you need to understand the following key concepts:

• Elements

• Input values

• Element links

• Formulas

• Element classifications

• Payroll balances

1 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Elements: Building Blocks of Pay and Benefits

With Oracle HRMS you define a working model of your own types ofcompensation and benefits, and the policies or business rules thatgovern the allocation of these to your employees. You define thesetypes as elements. Elements are the building blocks of pay and benefits,both for HR analysis and payroll processing.

Elements can represent:

• Earnings, such as salary, wages, and bonuses

• Benefits, such as employee stock purchase and pension plans

• Absences from work

• Non–payroll payments, such as expense reimbursements

• Tangible items distributed to employees, such as tools, uniforms,mobile phones, or computers

• Voluntary and involuntary deductions, as well as pre–tax and taxdeductions

• Employer taxes and other employer liabilities

There is no limit to the number of elements you can define and all yourdefinitions are datetracked.

How Are Elements Created?

Some elements are supplied predefined with Oracle HRMS, others aregenerated by the system when you define certain types ofcompensation and benefits, and the remainder you can define to bestmeet the needs of your own enterprise.

Predefined Elements

The predefined elements are specific to your localization. Theytypically include deductions for tax and wage attachments. They mayalso include standard earnings, such as salary. You should not makeany changes to these predefined elements.

Generated Elements

When you create PTO Accrual Plans, the system generates elements foryou. In certain legislations, including North America and UK, OraclePayroll users can initiate earnings and deductions, and the systemgenerates the elements you require, along with balances, balance feeds,and formulas.

1 – 11Total Compensation Elements Setup

Earnings and Deductions

Oracle Payroll comes with certain earnings types and deductions readyfor you to use. You initiate the other earnings and deductions youneed, as well as non–payroll payments such as expensereimbursements.

The predefined earnings types are:

• Regular Salary and Regular Wages: page 2 – 6

• Overtime: page 2 – 12

• Shift Pay: page 2 – 15

• GTL (Group Term Life) Imputed Income: page 2 – 17

• Company Car: page 2 – 19

The predefined deductions are garnishments that you can use if yourwage attachments are managed by an external system. If you useOracle Payroll to manage wage attachments, you initiate them to getthe formulas and input values you require. The predefinedgarnishments are:

• Child Support

• Federal, State and Local Tax Levies

• Creditor Garnishment

See: Garnishment Deductions from External Systems, Running YourPayroll With Oracle HRMS.

These earnings and deductions come with their elements, input values,balance feeds, formulas, processing rules and result rules already inplace, and available for review.

Tax Deductions

In addition to the earnings and deductions mentioned above, OraclePayroll comes with all current federal, state and local–level taxdeductions already in place. Oracle Corporation has made anagreement with Vertex Inc. to provide this data.

To set up these deductions, you enter the appropriate information foreach GRE in the Federal, State and Local Tax Rules window. You mustcreate an element link for the VERTEX element, and the WorkersCompensations elements. You do not need to create element links forthe other tax deductions, unless you want to do specific tax balanceadjustments. Your system administrator receives tax updates fromVertex Inc., and applies them as necessary.

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User-Initiated, System-Generated Earnings and Deductions

To supplement the earnings types and deductions included in yourstartup data, you initiate earnings types, payments and deductions thataccord with your own compensation policies and practices. After youchoose the appropriate processing and amount rules in the Earnings orDeduction window, the system generates:

• An element for the earnings, payment or deduction, with allnecessary input values, balances and balance feeds

• A formula that utilizes the input values, together with aprocessing rule for the formula.

Once you create links for the earnings, payments and deductions youinitiate and make entries to their input values, they are ready for use inpayroll runs.

If the generated components of an earnings or deduction do notprecisely meet your needs, you can make certain modifications to them.See: Customizing Generated Elements, Formulas, and Balances: page 1 – 49

1 – 13Total Compensation Elements Setup

Input Values: Flexible Description of Compensation

To give an employee an earning or deduction, you make an elemententry. An entry can contain up to 15 items of information, which youdefine when you create the element. For example, for a company carelement, you might want to store car make, model, year, date of issueto the employee, and mileage when issued.

These items of information are called input values. You decide whatvalidation to apply to these values, whether they are required oroptional, and the type of information they can accept:

• Alphabetic characters or words

• Integers or numbers

• Money

• Hours and minutes

• Date, day or time

Processing Input Values

Input values are so called because they are the inputs to calculationsperformed by Oracle Payroll. In a payroll run, formulas process theinput values and other database information to produce run results.

For example if you have Payroll and your enterprise makes overtimepayments, you might write a formula to calculate the paymentamounts for each assignment from inputs of the overtime rate and thehours worked for the period. The payroll run then processes eachassignment and produces the overtime payment amounts as runresults.

1 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Rules for Allocating Compensation

While some elements may represent compensation, equipment, ordeductions available to all employees, many elements are availableonly to certain groups of employees. For example, your enterprise mayprovide company cars only to employees in the Sales Department.

To determine which employees are eligible for an element, you buildlinks to the assignment components that employees must have toreceive entries of the element. Links rule out the possibility ofemployees getting element entries by mistake.

For example, you might want to give a production bonus only to thoseemployees who work full time in Production and are on the weeklypayroll. To do this you would define a link between the elementProduction Bonus and the combination of the Production organization,the Full–Time employment category and the Weekly payroll.

Note: When you define a link for a benefit, do not select anyassignment components to restrict eligibility for the benefit.Instead use participation eligibility profiles.

Similarly when you define a link for an element that you aregoing to select as an entitlement item for a collectiveagreement, do not restrict eligibility using the link. You restricteligibility using eligibility profiles.

Assignment Components

The assignment components to which you can link elements are:

• Payroll: If employees on all your payrolls are eligible for anelement, you can link it to all payrolls.

• Salary basis, which establishes the period of time (often hourlyor monthly) for which you quote the employee’s salary or wages.

• Employment category, for example, Full Time–Regular or PartTime–Temporary

• Organization, for example department or section, in whichemployees work

• Location of employee’s office

• Job, for example, Associate Professor or Secretary

• Grade

• Groups to which the employee belongs: You set up all thegroups that are appropriate for your enterprise. For example,you could decide to group employees by company within amulti–company enterprise, and by union membership.

1 – 15Total Compensation Elements Setup

• Position, which is a class of job performed in a particularorganization, for example, Associate Professor of Chemistry, orFinance Department Secretary.

Multiple Rules of Eligibility

You can define more than one link for each element but there must beno overlap between the eligibility criteria for the links. For example,you could create one link to the combination of grade ’A’ and the job’Accountant’. However, you could not create one link to grade ’A’ anda second link to the job ’Accountant’. This would imply that anaccountant on grade A is eligible for the same element twice.

If you have more than one link for an element, you can enter differentdefault values, qualifying conditions, and costing information for eacheligibility group.

Qualifying Conditions: Minimum Age or Period of Service

An employee might be eligible for an element and yet not receive itbecause he or she does not meet other qualifying conditions.

Two common qualifying conditions are a minimum age or a minimumperiod of service in the current assignment. You can define theseconditions when you define the element. You can enter or adjust theseconditions when you define the element links so that you have differentqualifying conditions for different groups of assignments.

These qualifying conditions are checked automatically when you try toenter an element for an employee.

1 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Compensation Entry: Making It Fast and Reliable

To reduce the work of entering compensation information foremployees and to reduce the risk of errors, you specify rules aboutentries when you define an element. For example:

• You can specify defaults, lookups, minimum and maximumvalues, or other validation to control what is entered in inputvalues.

• You also specify the duration of entries, that is, whether they arevalid for one pay period only, or whether they persist untilfurther action is taken to end the entry.

• For some elements, you can even set up automatic entry withdefault values so that no action is required to ensure thatemployees get the compensation for which they are eligible.

You can create customized versions of the Element Entries window. Acustomized version might restrict the elements a user can enter. Thisenhances speed, usability, and security for specific data entry scenarios.Users can also enter batches of entries using default values to reducekeystrokes and thus speed up data entry and reduce errors.

Duration of Element Entries

Some entries are valid for one pay period only. For example, to producean employee’s wages or overtime pay for a period you process theentries of regular hours worked or overtime hours. You define theseelements with the processing type nonrecurring. Notice that pay periodsare determined by the payroll to which an employee is assigned.Employees must be assigned to a payroll to receive nonrecurringelements, even if you are entering these for information only and notprocessing them.

Other entries, such as salary or company car, should persist until youchange them, or they reach their end date, or the employee’sassignment changes so that he or she is no longer eligible for theelement. You define these elements with the processing type recurring.

1 – 17Total Compensation Elements Setup

Figure 1 – 2 Element Entry Validity Across Pay Periods

A recurring element entry is normally processed in every pay period,as determined by the employee’s payroll. However, you can associatefrequency rules with a recurring element to specify in which payperiods it should process. For example, you might deduct a monthlysubscription in the second week of each month for weekly–paidemployees.

Allowing Multiple Entries

Normally you can only give an employee one entry of an element. Thisis a useful safeguard against duplication errors. However, when youdefine an element, you can choose to allow multiple entries. Forexample, if you enter overtime hours on a weekly basis formonthly–paid employees, you might need to give an employee fiveentries of an overtime element in each period.

Automatic Entry

If you want all eligible employees to receive a recurring elementautomatically, you can define standard links to the element. With thislink, the element and all its default input value entries go on record forall eligible employees, now and in the future.

For example, suppose your enterprise has an employee Sports Clubwhose members all agree to pay a fixed subscription each month by

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payroll deduction. You can set up an employee group called SportsClub on the system and record membership by assigning employees tothe group. You can then link a Sports Club Dues element to the SportsClub employee group, mark this link as standard, and enter a defaultvalue reflecting the current monthly subscription.

Clearly, you will not choose to create standard links if there are anyperformance criteria (such as achieving a certain volume of sales) thatemployees must meet before they qualify for an element.

You can create a standard link if both the element is recurring andmultiple entries are not allowed for the element

If you have not defined age or period of service criteria, the start dateof the automatic entry is the date the assignment becomes eligible forthe element. For example, this might be the employee’s hire date, orthe date of a promotion or transfer.

If you entered age or period of service criteria for the element, the startdate of the automatic entry reflects the date on which the employeemeets the qualifying conditions. For example, if a new hire is entitledto a company car after six months, an element entry is automaticallycreated when the employee is entered on the system, and the start dateof the entry is six months after the hire date.

If the employee’s date of birth is altered on the system, this may changethe date on which he or she qualifies for the element. In this case, thestart date of the element entry changes automatically.

Default Values and Validation

When you define inputs for an element, you also define the validationfor each input value. The validation you define controls the values auser can enter. The options are to:

• Provide a default value (or several defaults – one for eacheligibility group, defined by a link)

• Provide a minimum and maximum value range

• Provide a fixed value

• Provide a lookup list of valid values

• Validate the input value using a formula

Using the formula option you can model complex business rules forvalidating entries. For example, for a bonus payment you might wantto set a maximum bonus value that depends on length of service andcurrent salary. With Oracle’s formula writing tool, Oracle FastFormula,you can include conditional logic to validate input values usingdifferent criteria for different employees.

1 – 19Total Compensation Elements Setup

If you define a default value, you can specify that it is a hot default. Thismeans that any changes to the default value not only affect futureentries but will also update existing entries, provided that the defaultwas not overridden when the entry was made.

When Assignments Change

When you update an assignment (for example, by promoting orrelocating the employee), some changes are made automatically to theassignment’s element entries:

• If the assignment is newly eligible for any elements withstandard links, entries of these elements are createdautomatically.

• If the assignment is no longer eligible for an element, the existingelement entry is ended.

• If the assignment continues to be eligible for an element but via adifferent non–standard element link, the existing element entry isended and a new one created with the same values and costinginformation as the old entry.

Note: This means that the system ignores any default values,default costing information, and qualifying conditions on theelement link associated with the new entry. All values are takenfrom the old entry instead to provide continuity for theemployee. Of course you can change the entry values manuallyif required.

• If the assignment continues to be eligible for an element but via adifferent standard element link, the existing element entry isended and a new one created using the default values on thestandard element link.

Batch Entry

Using BEE (Batch Element Entry), you can enter earnings, deductions,timecard data, and other compensation and benefit information inbatches. This is especially useful when the same values can be used formany employees. After entering a batch (for as many employees andelements as you require), you can validate it, make corrections, andvalidate again before transferring the information to the database.

Collective Agreements

If your employees are subject to collective agreements, you can definecompensation elements as entitlement items, which form part of the

1 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

collective agreement. You associate each entitlement item with one ormore eligibility profiles to define who is eligible to receive the item andhow much they should receive. Alternatively, you can write a formulato determine eligibility and how much eligible people should receive.

You must define, link, and enter the element before you apply acollective agreement to employee’s assignments. This ensures that,when you apply collective agreement values, the application updatesthe element entry with the appropriate value (as defined in theCollective Agreement Entitlements window).

Configuring the Element Entries Window

You can create configured versions of the Element Entries window. Aconfigured version restricts the elements a user can enter. For example,one version could be restricted to the element name Timesheet andaccessed from a menu entry labelled Timesheet Entries.

Element entry can be restricted by:

• Element set (that is, a group of elements that you define)

• Element type (that is, recurring or nonrecurring)

• Element classification (such as, Earnings, or Direct Payment)

See: Windows You Can Configure Using CustomForm, Configuring,Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

1 – 21Total Compensation Elements Setup

Formulas and Payroll Run Results Elements are processed during payroll runs according to the businessrules for each element that you define at setup. Many of these rules aredefined in formulas, written using Oracle FastFormula. Formulasspecify how the payroll run should perform calculations for theelement.

For example, this is a basic formula for the calculation for the elementWages:

Wages = Hours Worked in Week x Wage Rate

The processed results for each element are called the run results. Theybecome balance feeds for different balances. Some balance feeds arepredefined to feed required statutory balances, and you can create yourown balance feeds to your own user defined balances.

Formula Inputs from Input Values or Database Items

Formulas obtain some of the data they need from entries to theirelement’s input values. The Wages formula above, for example, couldlocate each employee’s hours worked as an entry to the input valueHours of the Wages element.

Formulas can also obtain information from database items. Much of theinformation in the Oracle HRMS database, including extensiveinformation on employees and their assignments, is available toformulas as database items. For example, the Wages formula can locateeach employee’s wage rate as a database item.

Varying the Processing by Employee Group or Statuses

There are several ways to vary the processing performed by formulas:

• You can use conditional logic (IF..THEN) within a formula toperform different calculations depending on any informationtaken from input values or database items (such as length ofservice).

• You can associate more than one formula with an element, eachtriggered by a different assignment status (such as ActiveAssignment or On Sabbatical).

• You can use one formula but associate different formula resultswith each assignment status.

• You can associate a skip rule formula with an element. Thisformula can check balances, other element entries, the

1 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

assignment status or any other database items to determinewhether the payroll run should process the element for anassignment.

Types of Formula Results

Formulas can produce different types of run results:

• The direct result is the amount of an earnings or deduction, forexample, the dollar amount of wages an employee has earnedthat week. As well as calculating the amount to be paid, directresults can be used for costing purposes and analysis (such astracking hours of overtime).

• Indirect results, updates, and stops. A formula result can make anentry to the input value of another element for its formula to use.An indirect result is an entry to a nonrecurring element. Anupdate is an entry to a recurring element. A stop puts an enddate on a recurring entry of another element, to prevent it beingprocessed in the run.

• Order indirect. This result updates the subpriority of an elementthat has not yet been processed.

• Messages. For example, you can write a formula that checks thelength of a text string, and have it issue a message for payrollusers if the string is too short or too long.

You set up formula result rules to determine the type of each result, andthe names and input values of any other elements the result may affect.

Formulas Included in Oracle Payroll Startup Data

Oracle Payroll comes with formulas specific to your legislation.Generally, you receive all the calculations required for employee taxwithholding and employer taxes. When there are changes to taxes, youreceive updates. You may also receive formulas for other earnings anddeductions, depending on your legislation.

1 – 23Total Compensation Elements Setup

Pay Values

When you have occasion to look at the structure of an element online,you may see an input value named Pay Value at the top of its inputvalue listing.

The Pay Value is different from other input values. Its purpose is tostore an element’s run result. For example, suppose the formula for theWages element is:

Wages = Hours Worked x Wage Rate

If an employee whose wage rate is $10/hour works 40 hours in a week,the payroll run produces a run result of $400 for him or her. It storesthis result in the element’s Pay Value.

However, if you give an entry to a Pay Value before a run, this entrybecomes the element’s run result. For example, suppose you enter 40in the Time Worked input value of the Wages element for an employeewho earns $10/hour, but also enter $100 in the element’s Pay Value.The run ignores the entry of hours worked and the Wages formula, andsimply produces a run result of $100 for this employee.

Enterable and Non–Enterable Pay Values

Pay Values sometimes appear as the first input value for elementshaving the rule Process in Run, providing a place to store run results.For some elements with the Process in Run rule the Pay Value may beenterable, so you can put in it a run result amount when the elementhas no formula, or when you do not want its formula to process.

However for generated elements, the Pay Value is usually notenterable. This is because Oracle Payroll provides other ways for youto supply run result amounts for these elements when formulas areunnecessary, or when you need to add to, subtract from or replacecalculated run results.

1 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Element Classifications and Processing Sequence

Elements are grouped into primary classifications, such as Earningsand Voluntary Deductions. In a human resources department, you canuse the primary classifications to identify groups of elements forinformation and analysis purposes. In a payroll department, theclassifications control processing, including the sequence in whichelements are processed and the balances they feed.

Oracle HRMS provides you with these primary classifications andsome balances, mainly to reflect tax legislation. They are designed tomeet the legislative requirements of your country, so you cannotchange them. You can create additional balances to be fed by any of theprimary classifications.

Processing Sequence in the Payroll Run

An element’s primary classification provides a default processingpriority for the element in payroll runs. Lower priority numbersprocess first.

Most classifications also have a priority range. When you define anelement in these classifications, you can overwrite its defaultprocessing priority with another number from the range. This is usefulif you need to establish the order in which the element processes withrespect to other elements in the classification.

Sometimes you must prioritize the processing of certain element entriesfor an individual employee. For example, you may need to determinethe precise order in which deductions taken for wage attachmentsprocess for an employee. You can enter a subpriority number forelement entries in the Entry Values window.

Canadian users: Processing sequence for wage attachments is notdetermined by subpriority. Instead you can specify Attachment Priorityand Prorate Rules in the Further Information field on the Entry Valueswindow.

Secondary Classifications

You can define secondary classifications to feed your own user definedbalances. These secondary classifications are subsets of the primaryclassifications. In some legislations, secondary classifications have beenpredefined. As with primary classifications, you cannot remove orchange any predefined secondary classifications, and you cannotdisable any of the predefined balance feeds created for them.

Note: Secondary classifications are not used in the NorthAmerican or Singapore versions of Oracle Payroll at this time.

1 – 25Total Compensation Elements Setup

Categories – for North American Classifications

Most US and Canadian classifications are subdivided into severalcategories. Categories further define an element’s purpose, and canhelp to determine applicable processing or tax rules. You can defineadditional categories.

1 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Survey of the Classifications

This topic contains the following information:

• The processing priority range and default priority for eachclassification.

• The predefined categories for each classification. You can addmore categories, which are defined as Lookups.

• A description of the function of elements within eachclassification and category.

Classification Priority Default

Information 0 – 500 250

Non–payroll 501 – 1000 750

PTO Accruals 1001 – 1500 1250

Earnings 1501 – 2000 1750

Supplemental Earnings 2001 – 3000 2500

Imputed Earnings 3001 – 3500 3250

Pre–Tax Deductions 3501 – 4000 3750

Tax Deductions (no range) 4250

Employer Taxes (no range) 4250

Tax Credits (no range) 4250

Involuntary Deductions 5001 – 5500 5250

Voluntary Deductions 5501 – 6000 5750

Employer Liabilities 6001 – 7000 6500

Table 1 – 1 Table of Classification Priorities

Classification Categories

Earnings Regular


Shift Pay

Supplemental Earnings Dismissal Payments

1 – 27Total Compensation Elements Setup


Educational Assistance

Deferred Compensation Plans

Jury Duty Pay

Moving Expense Reimbursement


Awards and Prizes



Cafeteria Plans

Deceased Employee Wages

Sick Pay

Travel Expense Reimbursement

Vacation Pay

Imputed Earnings Group Term Life Insurance

Personal Use of Company Car

Non–cash Awards

PTO Accruals Vacation


Voluntary Deductions

Involuntary Deductions Garnishments

Bankruptcy Order

Federal Tax Levy

State Tax Levy

Local Tax Levy

Child Support Order

Spousal Support Order


School Loan

1 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


Credit Debt

Employee–Requested Payment

Pre–Tax Deductions Deferred Comp 401k

Health Care 125

Dependent Care 125

Tax Deductions Federal



Employer Taxes Federal



Employer Liabilities Benefits


Tax Credit

Non–Payroll Payments Expense Reimbursement

Information Absence Hours

Straight–Time Overtime Hours

Tax Balance

Labor Hours

Regular Hours

Table 1 – 2 Table of Element Classification and Categories

1 – 29Total Compensation Elements Setup

Earnings, Supplemental Earnings, Imputed Earnings

There are three classifications of earnings types: Earnings,Supplemental Earnings and Imputed Earnings.

Earnings classification elements represent earnings for time worked, asfor example salary and hourly wages. The Supplemental Earningsclassification includes a variety of special earnings paid in addition toearnings for time worked, as for example bonuses or sick pay.

Elements in the classification Imputed Earnings are for non–cashremuneration such as personal use of a company–provided car, orcompany–paid premiums for group term life insurance.

Paid Time Off (PTO) Accruals

Elements the system generates to represent plans for accrual of PTO forvacation or sick leave have the classification PTO Accruals, and thecategory of either Vacation or Sick. You use these elements to enrollemployees in the accrual plans. The system also generates elements(with the classification Information) to hold accrued time thatemployees can carry over to the new year, and accrued time theycannot carry over.

See: Defining a PTO Accrual Plan: page 6 – 45

For entry of amounts of accrued time employees take for vacation orsick leave, you define for each accrual plan an absence element with theclassification Information.

See: Defining and Linking an Absence Element: page 6 – 13

Pre–Tax and After Tax Deductions

Elements for deductions taken before taxes, as for example deductionsfor 401(k) plans or for health care or dependent care reimbursement,fall into the classification Pre–Tax Deductions.

Other non–tax deduction elements fall into one of two classifications,either Voluntary Deductions or Involuntary Deductions. Loanrepayments, credit union deductions, insurance premiums andcharitable contributions are examples of voluntary deductions.Deductions for court–ordered wage attachments, as for example for taxlevies, child or spousal support, or bankruptcy orders, fall into theclassification Involuntary Deductions.

Non–Payroll Payments

Elements in this classification produce payments made to employeesthrough the payroll system that are not true earnings. For example, the

1 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Expense Reimbursement category of this classification coversnon–taxable expense reimbursements.

Because payments in this classification are not earnings, they are neversubject to taxes and never feed balances of taxable pay. Paymentsresulting from the processing of Non–Payroll Payments elementsalways appear separately from earnings in reports and balance totals.

Tax Deductions, Tax Credits, Employer Taxes

Deductions for employee tax withholding fall into the classification TaxDeductions. Oracle Payroll includes elements representing deductionsfor the following federal taxes:

• Federal Income Tax (FIT)

• Federal Unemployment Tax Act taxes (FUTA)

• Social Security (FICA–OASDI)

• Medicare (FICA–HI)

At the state level, Oracle Payroll includes elements representingdeductions for:

• State Income Tax (SIT)

• State Unemployment Insurance (SUI)

• State Disability Insurance (SDI)

• Workers Compensation (WC).

At the local level, Oracle Payroll includes elements for:

• city tax

• county tax

• school district tax

• head tax.

Tax credits you pay to employees belong in the Tax Creditsclassification. These are, for example, payments of credits due inaccordance with the Earned Income Credit (EIC) plan.

For employer payments for Social Security and Medicare, and forWorkers Compensation, SUI and SDI, Oracle Payroll uses elements inthe classification Employer Taxes.

Oracle Payroll comes with all the necessary elements and calculationsfor tax deductions, tax credits and employer taxes already in place. Astax information changes, you receive the necessary updates. Oracle has

1 – 31Total Compensation Elements Setup

concluded an agreement with Vertex Inc. making Vertex the supplier ofall tax calculations and updates for Oracle Payroll.

See: Tax Balances, Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS

Employer–paid Benefits and Employer Overhead

Elements producing non–tax payments employers make on behalf oftheir employees belong in the classification Employer Liabilities. Thecategory Benefits within this classification covers employer paymentstoward employee benefits such as health insurance or pension plans.

The category Overhead covers charges employers incur for employeesapart from benefits payments. For example, an element in thisclassification can represent the cost of required employee safetyequipment.

Information Elements

Many elements may not belong in any of the classifications describedabove, but nonetheless hold many different types of information youneed. These elements belong in the classification Information.

This classification is especially useful for elements that do not processin Oracle Payroll. Such elements might, for example, hold informationabout tangible items issued to employees, such as cellular phones,identification badges or company cars. Sites that do not include OraclePayroll use elements in this classification to hold information aboutemployee compensation and benefits.

See: Defining an Element to Hold Information: page 1 – 38

Absence Category

Elements in the Absence Hours category of the Informationclassification hold hours of time that employees are absent from work.

Straight–time Overtime Hours Category

Elements in the Straight Time Portion of Overtime Pay category holdamounts of straight time pay needed in some states for the calculationof Workers Compensation premiums.

Tax Balance Figures

Elements in this category hold figures resulting from tax calculations.Oracle Payroll uses these figures to feed various tax balances thatappear in inquiry windows and on reports.

1 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Viewing Tax Balances, Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS

Labor Hours and Regular Hours Categories

The category Labor Hours exists for the predefined element LaborRecording, used to receive entries of salaried employees’ hours workedon a project, when you require this information for transfer to a projectaccounting or labor distribution system.

The category Regular Hours exists for the predefined element RegularHours Worked, which receives information on employees’ hoursworked during the payroll run, for use in reports.

See: The Earnings Types Regular Salary and Regular Wages: page 2 – 6

1 – 33Total Compensation Elements Setup

Compensation Policy Changes

It is inevitable that your business rules for compensation and benefitswill change over time. You can create new elements and disableexisting ones at any time. You can also make certain changes to existingelements and links, as outlined below.

Element definitions, link definitions, and element entries are alldatetracked. This lets you track the changes to your compensation andbenefit policies without losing any of your historical employeeinformation. The history of your definitions remains in place forvalidation and reporting, and for future calculations of back pay.

Maintaining Elements

After you have defined and used an element, you can make thefollowing changes:

• Change a required input value to be not required.

• Alter the sequence in which input values appear in the ElementEntries window.

• Change the input value validation rules for minimum,maximum, lookup, or formula.

• Change your specification of which input values create DatabaseItems. Note, however, you cannot remove Database Items if theyare used in any formulas or QuickPaint reports.

You cannot remove existing input values or add new ones if you havecreated any entries for the element.

Maintaining Links

Link rules always control the entry of element values at the time ofentry. Changes to link rules affect existing entries in different ways,depending on your use of standard links and hot defaults. After youhave used an element you can make the following changes to the linkrules:

• Change the input value defaults and validation.

These changes affect all new entries. Changes to hot defaultsaffect existing entries. The system also uses the new validationrules to check any updates you make to existing entries.

• Date–effectively end all of the rules that apply to an element anddefine a new set of rules, which are effective from a later date.For example, suppose you have defined eligibility for a company

1 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

car based on grade. Following a change of policy you must nowdefine eligibility based on job.

– You will not be allowed to end the link if any nonrecurringentries exist at the date you want to end the rule. You mustdelete existing entries before you end the link.

– You can end the link if recurring entries exist. Any existingentries will be ended automatically when you end the link.

• Change the qualifying conditions of age and length of servicethat employees must meet to be eligible for the element.

Policy Development

With DateTrack you can also make future–dated changes to yourinformation safe in the knowledge that these changes will not becomeeffective in the system until the correct date.

In this way you can use your compensation and benefit information toplan changes ahead of time; analyze the impact of these changes; adjustthese changes and generally smooth out the workload that is oftenassociated with major changes in compensation and benefits policy.

1 – 35Total Compensation Elements Setup

Total Compensation Elements SetupFollow this process to set up earnings, deductions, and other items inthe compensation package you offer to employees. There are additionalsteps for setting up the following types of compensation and benefits:

• Salaries for Salary Administration; see: Salary Administration:page 5 – 2

• Absence elements and PTO Accrual plans; see: AbsenceManagement and PTO Accruals: page 6 – 2

• Benefits

– See: Total Compensation: page 1 – 2 of Volume 2

– See: Basic Benefits: page 7 – 8

• Items subject to collective agreements; see: Setting Up aCollective Agreement, Using Oracle HRMS––The Fundamentals

Define Validation

Define validation for entries of any new elements you are creating forinformation. You can also define validation rules to add to elementsgenerated for payroll processing.

1. To restrict compensation entries to a list of valid values, define anew Lookup Type and add Lookup Values for this new lookup.

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

2. To validate compensation entries using formulas, write a formulaof type Element Input Validation.

See: Writing Formulas for Validation, Using Oracle FastFormula.

Define Categories

� If you need a new category within the Information classification foran element, add it in the application utilities Lookups window forthe Lookup type US_INFORMATION.

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuing, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Define Elements for Information and Benefits

1. Define elements to hold information on tangible items distributedto employees. If you are not using Oracle Payroll, define elementsto hold information on employee compensation and benefits.

1 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Defining an Element for Information: page 1 – 38.

See: Defining an Element’s Input Values: page 1 – 40.

2. Define frequency rules, if necessary, to determine the periods inwhich the element should be processed.

See: Defining Frequency Rules: page 1 – 42.

3. If you are using Standard or Advanced Benefits, also defineelements for each activity rate calculation.

See also: Deleting an Element: page 1 – 43.

Define Earnings and Deductions for Payroll Processing

If you are using Oracle Payroll to process earnings and deductions:

1. Define additional tax categories, if you need them, by entering newLookup Values for the following Lookup Types:US_INVOLUNTARY_DEDUCTIONS,US_VOLUNTARY_DEDUCTIONS, US_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS,US_EARNINGS, US_SUPPLEMENTAL_EARNINGS,US_IMPUTED_EARNINGS, US_PAYMENT.

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

2. Define or customize user tables, if deduction amounts will comefrom a payroll table you set up in the database. The followingtables are predefined: Company Work Schedules, GTL Premiums,Shift Differentials, Wage Rates.

See: Setting Up Row Types for Payroll Tables: page 3 – 37

3. Initiate earnings, non–payroll payments, and deductions togenerate elements, formulas, and balances.

See: Initiating Earnings and Non–Payroll Payments: page 2 – 32

See: Setting Up Deductions: page 3 – 29

4. Review the generated items and customize them if necessary. Forexample, you can customize the processing rules, add validationrules, and add new user balances.

See: Reviewing Earnings and Deductions Structures: page 1 – 47

See: Customizing Generated Elements, Formulas, and Balances:page 1 – 49

Define Links for Predefined, Generated and User–defined Elements

1. If the payroll costs of an element should be distributed over otherelements, define the distribution set.

1 – 37Total Compensation Elements Setup

See: Defining an Element or Distribution Set, Configuring, Reporting,and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

2. Define element links to define one or more groups of employeeswho are eligible to receive an element.

See: Defining Element Links: page 1 – 44.

See also: Running the Element Link Details Report: page 1 – 61.

Make Entries

For elements without Standard links, make entries of your elements forall employees who should receive them.

See: Making Manual Element Entries: page 4 – 6

1 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Element to Hold Information

Use the Element window to create an element.

Use the procedure below to define most elements that hold informationbut do not process in payroll runs.

Note: To define information elements for health care benefitplans (elements with the benefit classification Medical, Dentalor Vision), or elements for absence types, use differentprocedures.

Defining Benefit Plan Elements: page 7 – 11

Attention: The version of the Element window you seedepends on your HR User Type profile option. With the profileoption HR User, you see and access only those fields needed todefine elements that hold information or represent benefitplans or absence types. With the profile options Payroll Userand HR with Payroll User, you see and access all available fields.

Naming the Element and its Processing Rules

� To identify and classify the element:

1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historicalelement entries you want to make.

2. Enter a unique name, reporting name and description for theelement. Start the names with a letter of the alphabet (not a numberor symbol). The reporting name is a short name that appears onreports, and on the statement of earnings if the element processesin the payroll run.

3. Select Information as the primary classification for the element.Also select a benefits classification if this element represents abenefit.

� To enter processing information:

1. Select Recurring as the processing type, so that entries to thiselement’s input values will remain in effect until you end them. Ifyou select Nonrecurring, entries to the element are effective onlyfor the pay period in which you make them.

2. Select Actual Termination as the termination rule.

3. For the element to receive more than one entry at the same time,check the Multiple Entries Allowed box.

Note: The rule Additional Entry Allowed is not applicable for USinstallations. It is available for use at non–US sites.

1 – 39Total Compensation Elements Setup

4. If at some time you need to prevent the element from accepting anynew entries, either temporarily or permanently, check the Closedfor Entry box. This does not affect any existing element entries.

Attention: Use this feature with caution. When you performcertain important tasks in Oracle HRMS, the system mayautomatically create or delete element entries. These tasks includehiring and terminating people, and updating assignments.Therefore, if you check Closed for Entry on an element, this mightprevent users terminating employees and updating assignments. Ifthere are standard links for the element, it will also prevent usershiring people who are eligible for the element.

� To establish currencies and qualifying conditions:

1. The Input and Output Currencies appear as USD (US dollars) andyou cannot change these defaults.

2. If there is a minimum age for employees to receive the element,enter it in the Age field.

3. If employees must complete a minimum length of service beforereceiving the element, enter a number in the Length of Service fieldand select a unit of measure (such as months or years) in the Unitsfield.

4. For the system to automatically enter the element and its defaultvalues for all eligible employees, check the Standard box.

5. Save the element definition.

� To enter a category and benefits carrier

1. Click in the Further Information field to open the Further ElementInformation window. In the Category field, select a category.

2. For an element representing a benefit, select the name of the carrierin the Benefits Carrier field.

3. Save these entries. You can now choose the Input Values button toset up the element’s input values.

See: Defining an Element’s Input Values: page 1 – 40

1 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Element’s Input Values

Use the Input Values window to define the input values for theelement. You can define up to 15 input values for an element.

Payroll users: If you are creating balance feeds for individual elements,ensure you define an input value of the same unit of measure as thebalance. Money units must be the same currency.

� To define input values:

1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historicalelement entries you want to make.

2. Enter or query the element in the Element window and choose theInput Values button.

3. Enter the name of the first input value. Remember that if you wantto define a pay value to hold run results, you must name it PayValue.

4. Select the unit type of your input value (money, hours, character,date, number, or time). A Pay Value must have the unit typeMoney if the element is in a Payments type classification.

5. You can enter numbers in the Sequence field to change the order inwhich the input values appear in the Entry Values window.

6. Check the Required check box if all entries of the element musthave a value for this input.

7. Check the User Enterable check box if users can enter a value forthis input. Uncheck it if you want to ensure that the default valueis entered for all employees.

8. Check the Database Item check box if you want the value to beavailable to formulas or QuickPaint inquiries.

Database Items are simple identifiers that the system uses to findspecific items of information in the human resources database.

Entering Element–Level Defaults

� To enter a default for an input value:

1. Enter the value in the Default field.

2. If you want existing entries to be updated whenever the default ischanged, check the Hot Default check box. The input value mustbe required if you want to use this option.

1 – 41Total Compensation Elements Setup

A hot default appears in the Entry Values window in quotationmarks.

Attention: If a user overrides a hot default in the Entry Valueswindow, subsequent changes to the default will not affect theentry. For this reason, you may prefer to use BEE to changedefaults for large groups of employees, rather than the hotdefault feature.

Defining Entry Validation

� To enter validation for an input value:

1. Do one of the following:

• Enter maximum and minimum values for the input.

• Select a Lookup Type to act as a lookup supplying a list of validvalues.

• Select a formula to validate entries for this input value.Formulas can return messages to users about the success orfailure of the validation.

2. Select Warning or Error to determine whether the system warnsusers that an entry is invalid or prevents them from saving aninvalid entry. You cannot select a value if you chose a Lookupbecause a user cannot enter an invalid value for an input valuevalidated by lookup.

1 – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Frequency Rules

Recurring elements may require frequency rules to determine in whichpay periods they should process. For example, a monthly deductionmight be processed in the third period of the month for weekly–paidemployees and in the second period of the month for employees paidon a semi–monthly basis.

It is possible to set frequency rules to process once– or twice–yearlydeductions on monthly, quarterly, or semi–annual payrolls. These rules’periods then refer to periods within a year (months, quarters or halfyears) instead or periods within a month. However, for infrequentdeductions, you may prefer to define them as nonrecurring and useBEE to make entries when required.

Use the Frequency Rules window to define or change an element’sfrequency rules at any time.

North American Payroll users: use the Deduction form to define orchange a deduction’s frequency rules.

� To define frequency rules:

1. Select the name of the payroll for which you want to definefrequency rules.

2. Check the boxes for the processing period or periods in which youwant the element to process for each payroll.

For example, if you want a monthly deduction to process in thesecond week of the month for a weekly payroll, check the boxunder 2 for that payroll.

Notice that some periods are not available for all payrolls. Forexample, a bi–weekly payroll can only have, at most, three periodsa month, so periods 4, 5, and 6 are not relevant to this payroll.

1 – 43Total Compensation Elements Setup

Deleting an Element

Before you delete an element, you must first delete any entries of theelement recorded for employees and then any links defined for theelement.

Use the following process to delete any elements you defined in theElement window. North American Payroll users can also use thisprocess to delete elements generated by the system when they initiatedearnings or deductions.

Attention: Do not delete any predefined elements.

� To delete an element:

1. Use the List Employees by Element window to get a list of allemployees with entries for the element.

2. For each employee, query the element entry in the Element Entrieswindow, choose Delete Record, and save.

3. Query the element in the Element Link window and, for each linkfor this element, choose Delete Record, and save.

4. Query the element in the appropriate window (Element or, forNorth American users, Earnings, or Deductions), choose DeleteRecord, and save.

The system prompts you to either End Date the element or Purge it.Select End Date if you want the element to remain in the systembut be effective through a certain date. Select Purge if you made amistake defining the element and you want to delete it from thesystem altogether.

1 – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Element Links

Use the Element Link window to define groups of assignments that areeligible for an element.

Note: When you define a link for a benefit, do not select anyeligibility criteria. Instead use participation eligibility profilesto restrict eligibility for the benefit.

� To define an element link:

1. Set your effective date to the date you want the eligibility criteria tocome into effect.

2. In the Element Name field, select the Element for which you aredefining a link.

3. Check the Standard check box if you want all employees who aremade eligible by the link to receive the element automatically.

You can only create a standard link if the element is recurring andmultiple entries are not allowed by the element definition.

4. In the Eligibility Criteria region, select the assignment componentsthat constitute this eligibility rule. If you want to link to allemployees, do not enter any eligibility criteria.

You can link to all payrolls or to a specific payroll. Do one of thefollowing:

• Leave the Payroll field blank and check the Link to all Payrollscheck box if you want employees assigned to any payroll to beeligible. This rule excludes employees who are not assigned to apayroll.

• Select the name of a specific payroll if you want only employeeson that payroll to be eligible for the element. Do not check theLink to all Payrolls check box.

• Leave both fields blank if assignment to a payroll is irrelevant toeligibility for the element.


� To enter costing information for the link:

1. Select the Costable Type. The default is Not Costed, meaning thatthe system maintains no costing information for the element.

• To allow entry of costing information at all levels, including theassignment and element entry levels, select Costed. This is the

1 – 45Total Compensation Elements Setup

appropriate selection for most elements representing earningstypes.

• If you want all entries of the element to be allocated to the sameaccount, select Fixed Costed.

• If you want to distribute overhead costs (such as employercontributions to a pension plan) over other elements, selectDistributed. Then select a Distribution Set.

Note: Some element classifications for your legislation may bepredefined as Not Costed and you cannot override this.

2. Check the Transfer to GL check box if the payroll run results fromthis link should be transferred to the general ledger.

3. Use the Costing field to select a GL account code and, if present,account codes of labor distribution or other systems in which tocollect the run results of this element. Then use the Balancing fieldto select the GL account that balances this one.

For deductions elements:

• Select the code for the GL account to credit in the Costing field,and the code for the account to debit in the Balancing field.

For elements in all other classifications:

• Select the code for the GL account code to debit in the Costingfield, and the code for the account to credit in the Balancingfield.

Note: Depending on your set up of the Cost Allocation flexfield,the Balancing field may not be enabled.

� To cost a link for an Element that uses the Reduce Regular info type:

Note: This procedure does not apply to predefined elements.

1. In the Further Information field of the Element window, make surethe Element you wish to cost and the associated Special Featureselement have Reduce Regular set to Yes.

Note: The Special Features element was created along with thegenerated element. It has the same name as the generated element,with “Special Features” appended.

2. Follow the procedures above to link both elements and to cost bothlinks, but when entering information into the Costing andBalancing fields, make sure that if you define a credit for the mainelement, that you define a debit for the associated Special Featureselement, and vice-versa.

1 – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Qualifying Conditions

� To enter qualifying conditions for the link:

� Go to the Qualifying Conditions region. Here you can add orchange age or length of service requirements for this particulareligibility rule.

The system checks these conditions when you make an entry of theelement. If the employee does not meet the qualifying conditions,you receive a warning.

Input Values

� To adjust input values for the link:

� Save your link definition and choose the Input Values button todisplay the Link Input Values window.

Use this window to:

• Enter a new default or change one entered at the element level

• Check the Costed box to maintain costing information for aninput value.

• Change the maximum, minimum or both for an input value.Logically, the new values should be within the range you definedfor the element as a whole. However the system does notenforce this.

1 – 47Total Compensation Elements Setup

Reviewing Earnings and Deductions Structures

You can review at any time the earnings types, non-payroll paymentsand deductions you initiate in Oracle Payroll, as well as the earningsand deductions included with the system.

Note: When reviewing earnings or deductions you may findtwo with the same name, the second however including thewords ”Special Inputs” (for example, Regular Salary andRegular Salary Special Inputs). The special inputs elementexists to provide a convenient way to enter a change to anearnings or deduction before a payroll run. There is no specialinputs element for net–to–gross earnings types.

To review the structures of earnings and deductions, you use thesewindows:

• Earnings

• Deduction

• Element

• Formula

• Formula Result Rules

� To review processing and amount rules:

1. For an earnings or payment, use the Earnings window and querythe earnings or payment.

See: Initiating Earnings and Non-Payroll Payments: page 2 – 34

2. For a deduction, use the Deduction window and query thededuction.

See: Setting up Deductions: page 3 – 29

� To review input values and balance feeds:

1. Using the Element window, query the earnings, payment ordeduction.

2. Choose the Input Values button to review the input values.

See: Defining an Element’s Input Values: page 1 – 40

3. Choose the Balance Feeds button to review the balance feeds.

See: Creating Balance Feeds for Individual Elements: page 1 – 64

� To review formulas and formula result rules:

� Query the earnings, payment, or deduction in the appropriatewindow:

1 – 48 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Formula window

See: Writing or Editing a Formula, Using Oracle FastFormula

• Formula Result Rules window

See: Defining Formula Processing and Result Rules: page 1 – 58

1 – 49Total Compensation Elements Setup

Customizing Generated Elements, Balances, and Formulas

When you initiate the earnings, non–payroll payments and non–taxdeductions your enterprise requires, Oracle Payroll generates:

• Elements

• Balances and balance feeds

• Formulas for payroll calculations and element skip rules

• Formula processing and result rules

You can modify these generated components to enhance theirsuitability or efficiency for use at your installation. Some modificationscan be made even after processing has occurred, but most should bemade before processing the element in a payroll run.

Attention: If a generated element requires changes because ofmistaken entries made when initiating the earnings ordeduction, it is best to delete the results and re–initiate.

For example, if you select the wrong processing rule or amountrule when initiating an earnings or deduction, simply delete thegenerated components and begin again.

Modifying a Generated Element

Use This Window . . . For . . .

Element Modifying Processing Rules of GeneratedElements: page 1 – 52 Selecting Foreign Currencies: page 1 – 53

Entering Qualifying Conditions: page 1 – 53 Processing rules include: terminationrules, closed for entry, process in run, thirdparty payment, processing priority, andskip rule.

Frequency Rules Defining Frequency Rules: page 1 – 42 forrecurring deductions

1 – 50 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Modifying Further Information of a Generated Element

Use This Window . . . For . . .

Further Element Information Changing FLSA Indicators for Earnings orSupplemental Earnings: page 1 – 55 Entering Benefits Carriers for ImputedEarnings or Pre–Tax or Voluntary Deduc-tions: page 1 – 56 Setting Processing Frequencies for BenefitDeductions: page 1 – 56 Changing Run Types for Deductions: page 1 – 56 Changing Partial Amount Rules for De-ductions: page 1 – 56

Modifying Element Input Values

Use This Window . . . For . . .

Input Values Defining Input Values: page 1 – 40 Entering Element–level Defaults: page 1 – 40 Defining Entry Validation: page 1 – 41

Creating Balances and Balance Feeds

Use This Window . . . For . . .

Balances Defining User Balances: page 1 – 65

Balance Feeds Creating Balance Feeds: page 1 – 64

Modifying Net–to–gross Processing Rules

Use This Window . . . For . . .

Exclude Balances Excluding Balances From an Element’sGrossup Calculation: page 1 – 67

1 – 51Total Compensation Elements Setup

Editing Formulas and Formula Processing Rules

Use This Window . . . For . . .

Formulas Writing or Editing a Formula, see: UsingOracle FastFormula Writing Formulas for Element Skip Rules,see: Using Oracle FastFormula

Formula Result Rules Defining Formula Processing and ResultRules: page 1 – 58

1 – 52 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Modifying Processing Rules of Generated Elements

Oracle Payroll generates elements when you initiate earnings anddeductions. Using the Element window, you can modify some of theprocessing information for these elements.

You cannot change the following processing rules:

• Processing type (recurring or nonrecurring)

• Multiple entries allowed

• Indirect results only

• Adjustment only

Note: The rule Additional Entry Allowed has no applicability forNorth American installations. It is available for use at sites outsideNorth America.

� To modify processing information:

1. In the Element window, query the generated element you aremodifying.

2. To control the processing of entries to the element after employeetermination, you can select an alternative termination rule.

• If the termination rule is Final Close, entries to the element stayopen beyond the actual termination date. This makes it possibleto produce the final pay for the terminated employee, and otherpayments if necessary, after his or her actual termination date.

• If the termination rule is Actual Termination and the element’sprocessing type is recurring, entries to the element close downon the employee’s termination date. If the element’s processingtype is nonrecurring, entries close down on the last date of thepay period in which the employee leaves, or on the date theassignment ends (the final process date) if this is earlier.

• If the termination rule is Last Standard Process, entries to theelement close down on the Last Standard Process date or on thedate the assignment ends (the final process date) if this is earlier.The Last Standard Process date defaults to the last day of the payperiod in which the employee is terminated, but you can set it toa later period when you terminate an employee.

3. You can prevent the element from accepting any new entries, eithertemporarily or permanently, as of a certain date. Set the effectivedate to the date from which you want to close down the element,and check Closed for Entry. This does not affect any existingentries.

1 – 53Total Compensation Elements Setup

Attention: Use the Closed for Entry feature with caution. Whenyou perform certain important tasks in Oracle HRMS, the systemmay automatically create or delete element entries. These tasksinclude hiring and terminating people, and updating assignments.Therefore, if you check Closed for Entry for an element, this mightprevent users terminating employees and updating assignments. Ifthere are standard links for the element, it will also prevent usershiring people who are eligible for the element.

4. You can control an element’s availability for processing in runs bychecking or unchecking the Process in Run box.

5. To make third party payments from an earnings or deductionelement, check the Third Party Payment box.

6. If you want to determine the order in which the element processeswithin its classification range, you can change the default prioritynumber appearing in the Priority field. The payroll run processeselements with lower priority numbers first.

7. You can select a skip rule for the element in the Skip Rule field.

Selecting Foreign Currencies

Define the balances required to hold amounts of the local currencies ifyou set up earnings types to produce payments in local currencies(instead of the base currency of the Business Group). The system doesnot generate these balances.

See: Defining User Balances: page 1 – 65

� To select foreign currencies for element entries or run results:

1. To make entries for the element in a currency other than theBusiness Group’s base currency, select the currency in the CurrencyInput field.

For example, if the element represents a housing allowance of 500pounds sterling paid monthly to a North American employeeworking in the UK, you select GBP as the input currency.

2. To produce run results in a currency other than the BusinessGroup’s base currency, select the currency in the Currency Outputfield.

Entering Qualifying Conditions

� To set qualifying conditions for receiving element entries:

1. If there is a minimum age for employees to receive the element,enter it in the Age field.

1 – 54 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. If employees must complete a minimum length of service beforereceiving the element, enter a number in the Length of Service fieldand select a unit of measure (such as months or years) in the Unitsfield.

3. To automatically enter the element and its default input values forall eligible employees, check the Standard box.

You cannot check this box for nonrecurring elements, or for thosewith the rule Multiple Entries Allowed.

Note: The qualifying conditions and Standard check box providedefaults for the element. You can override them for particulargroupings of employees when you build links for the element.

See: Defining Element Links: page 1 – 44

1 – 55Total Compensation Elements Setup

Modifying Further Information of a Generated Element

� To add or change further information:

� In the Element window, query the element you are modifying.Click in the Further Information field (in the lower right–handcorner of the window). This opens the Further Element Informationwindow.

The fields that appear in this window depend on the primaryclassification of the element. Use these fields to make the entriesdescribed below.

Note: The names of certain balances that the system canaccumulate for an earnings type or deduction appear in fieldsof the Further Element Information window. Whether abalance actually does accumulate depends on the selectionsmade in the Earnings or Deduction window.

For example, the Toward Bond Purchase balance accumulatesonly for deductions for which you have checked the Series EEBond box in the Processing region of the Deduction window.

Changing FLSA Indicators for Earnings or Supplemental Earnings

� To change FLSA indicators:

1. To include the amount of the earnings in the calculation of theFLSA overtime base rate, select Yes in the field Include in OT Base.To exclude the amount of this earnings type, select No.

2. To include the hours worked for this earnings type in thecalculation of the FLSA overtime base rate, select Yes in the fieldFLSA Hours. To exclude the hours worked for this earnings, selectNo.

See: Identifying the Earnings or Payment: page 2 – 33

Adjusting Regular Salary and Regular Wages Entries

If the element is nonrecurring, you can select how the element entryaffects Regular Salary and Regular Wages. Notice that the RegularSalary or Wages entry is processed unchanged when there is no entryof this element.

� To adjust or replace the Regular Salary or Regular Wages entry:

� Select a value in the Regular Earnings Adjustment field to specifywhether the element entry replaces (T), adds to (A), or reduces (R)the Regular Salary or Regular Wages entry.

1 – 56 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entering Benefits Carriers for Imputed Earnings or Pre–Tax or Voluntary Deductions

� To enter a benefits carrier:

� If you have defined an external organization with the classificationBenefits Carrier, you can select the carrier name in the field BenefitsCarrier.

See: Creating an Organization, Using Oracle HRMS – TheFundamentals (US)

Setting Processing Frequencies for Benefit Deductions

� To set the processing frequency of a benefit deduction:

� Select a processing period in the field Period Type. For example,for a benefit deduction that should be taken once each month,select the period type Calendar Month.

Note: When a benefit deduction does not have the sameprocessing frequency as a payroll, give the deduction a frequencyrule for the payroll using the Frequency Rules window.

For example, if a benefit deduction taken monthly should processin the second period of the month for the semi–monthly payroll,check 2 as this deduction’s regular processing period for thispayroll. You can enter or change deduction frequency rules forpayrolls at any time.

See: Defining Frequency Rules: page .

Changing Run Types for Pre-Tax, Voluntary or Involuntary Deductions

� To change a deduction’s run type:

� Change the selection in the Processing Run Type field. The choicesare:

• Regular (process only in Regular runs)

• All (process in both Regular and Supplemental runs).

Changing Partial Amount Rules for Pre-Tax, Voluntary or Involuntary Deductions

� To change a deduction’s partial amount rule:

� Change the selection in the Partial EE Contributions field. Thechoices are:

1 – 57Total Compensation Elements Setup

• Yes (The payroll run should take partial amounts for thededuction if employee funds are insufficient to take the fullamount.)

• No (The run should never take partial amounts for thededuction.)

See: Managing Insufficient Funds (Arrearage): page 3 – 12

1 – 58 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Formula Processing and Result Rules

Use the Formula Result Rules window to associate one or moreformula processing rules with an element.

North American users: These rules are generated by the system whenyou initiate an earnings or deduction. If you substitute a modifiedformula for the one generated for an element, or write additionalformulas for the element, you also need to modify or write newprocessing and result rules.

At minimum, an element needs one standard processing rule. Thisidentifies the formula the payroll run uses to process the element foremployees with an Active assignment status (and a Payroll systemstatus of Process). You can define other processing rules if you need touse different formulas for assignments at other statuses. For example,you could have two rules for a Wages element: Standard Wages andPaid Training Leave.

Also use this window to define how each formula result is used by thepayroll run.

� To associate processing rules with elements:

1. Set your effective date to the start date for the processing rule.

2. Select the element for which you are entering rules. The element’sdescription and classification automatically display.

3. Choose the Find button to display any existing processing rules forthis element.

4. In the Processing Rules region, select Standard and the regularformula for the element. If you have other formulas for thiselement, select them and the assignment statuses you want toassociate with them.

Note: If you select a formula with inputs that do not match theelement, you will receive a warning message, but you can still saveyour rule. Remember to update the formula before running thepayroll.

5. Save your entries.

� To define formula result rules for each processing rule:

1. Click on a processing rule to select it.

2. In the Formula Results region, select a formula result name fromthe list of results specified when the formula was written.

1 – 59Total Compensation Elements Setup

3. Select the appropriate formula result type. There are five possibletypes:

Direct result: This is the element’s run result (if you send theresult to the element’s pay value), or a direct result updatinganother of the element’s input values.

Indirect result: This result passes as an element entry to anothernonrecurring element not yet processed.

Message: The formula issues messages under certain conditions.For example, a formula can check a loan repayment balance and, ifthe balance is zero, issue the message ”Loan is repaid.” You readformula messages using the View Run Messages window.

Order Indirect: This result updates the subpriority of the elementyou select in the Element field.

Stop: This formula result uses the effective date of the payroll runto put an end date on a recurring entry of this or another element(which must be defined with multiple entries not allowed.)

Update recurring entry: This result updates recurring entries ofthis or another element. The receiving element must be definedwith multiple entries not allowed unless you are passing arecurring element’s entries to itself, that is updating another entryof the same element.

Attention: If your result type is Update Recurring Entry, thenany future dated changes to the entry will be overwritten bythe results of the current payroll run.

4. For all formula result types except Direct Result or Message, selectthe name of the element to which you want to pass the formularesult. This element must have a processing priority causing it toprocess after the element sending the result.

5. For the formula result types Direct Result, Indirect Result, andUpdate Recurring Entry, select the input value to update.

6. If you select Message as the formula result type, select a messageseverity level. There are three choices:

Fatal: When a message with this severity results from yourformula, the run rolls back all processing for the employeeassignment.

Warning: A message with this level of severity does not affectpayroll processing but warns the user of a possible problem.

Information: A message with this level of severity simply givesinformation.

1 – 60 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Correcting and Updating Processing Rules

When you add a formula result it takes on the effective end date of itsprocessing rule. Any date effective changes you make to existingprocessing rules can affect formula results as follows:

• Update: If you update a processing rule or give it an effectiveend date, all the rule’s currently effective and future–datedformula results automatically get identical end dates.

• Correction: If you correct a processing rule, all its currentlyeffective and future–dated formula results remain unchanged.

• Future delete: If you delete all future changes scheduled for aprocessing rule, this also deletes any future changes scheduledfor the rule’s formula results.

1 – 61Total Compensation Elements Setup

Running the Element Link Details Report

Use this report to check the eligibility criteria that have been definedfor elements within a classification. You can report on links for thefollowing categories:

• All elements within a classification

• Either recurring or nonrecurring elements in the classification

• Just a single element

You can choose to see only standard or non–standard links, and onlyactive or inactive links. Further, you can choose to see links to aparticular job, organization, payroll, or all payrolls.

You run reports from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Element Link Details report:

1. In the Name field, select Element Link Details Report.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date for which you want to see the report.

4. Select the classification of elements you want to report on.Optionally select an element processing type (recurring ornonrecurring) or an individual element to report on.

5. To report only on standard links, select Yes in the Standard Linkfield. Select No to report only on non–standard links. Leave blankto report on all links.

6. Select a link status to report only on links that are either active orinactive as of the report’s effective date.

7. To report on links to payrolls:

• For links to one payroll only, select No in the All Payrolls fieldand select the payroll in the Payroll field.

• For links to all payrolls, select Yes in the All Payrolls field andleave the Payroll field blank.

• To see links irrespective of their payroll criteria, select No in theAll Payrolls field and leave the Payroll field blank.

8. You can also select a job or organization to report on links to theseassignment components only.

9. Choose the Submit button.

1 – 62 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Payroll BalancesBalances show the positive or negative accumulation of particularvalues over periods of time. They are fed either by the direct runresults (that is, Pay Values) of elements processed in the payroll run, orby input values. For example, in North American installations, theinput value Hours of the element Time Entry Wages feeds the balanceRegular Hours Worked.

Balance Dimensions and Levels

Balances exist for various time dimensions, such as current run, periodto date, month, quarter to date, and year to date.

Balances also exist at different levels, such as assignment level or personlevel. Balances for individual employee assignments are at theassignment level (in North America, they can be at the assignment levelwithin a GRE). If your enterprise permits employees to hold more thanone assignment at the same time, you can hold balances at the personlevel. For example, a person level Gross Earnings balance is the sum ofan employee’s assignment level Gross Earnings balances.

Choosing Elements To Feed a Balance

You can select elements to feed a balance in three ways:

• Select a primary classification. The run results of all elements inthe classification feed the balance.

• Select a secondary classification. You choose which elementsfrom a primary classification (such as Earnings) are to feed thebalance by giving these elements a secondary classification.Again it is the run results of the elements that feed the balance.

Note: Secondary classifications are not used in the NorthAmerican versions of Oracle Payroll at this time.

• Select an individual element. You can select either the run resultor an input value to feed the balance. The input value must havethe same unit of measure (such as hours or number) as thebalance.

You can choose any number of classifications or any number ofelements to feed a balance. However you cannot use a mixture ofclassifications and individual elements to feed a balance. When youselect an element or classification as a balance feed, you specifywhether the run results (or input values) should add to or subtractfrom the balance.

1 – 63Total Compensation Elements Setup

Startup and User Defined Balances

The balances and balance feeds for the elements supplied with OraclePayroll are present in the system when you receive it. For NorthAmerican users, when you initiate earnings types, deductions andother items that process in the payroll run, the system generates theappropriate balances and balance feeds together with the necessaryelements.

You can define any additional balances your enterprise requires. Forexample, you may require a Pensionable Earnings balance for a pensionplan your enterprise offers employees.

1 – 64 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Creating Balance Feeds for Individual Elements

Use the Balance Feeds window to select balances to be fed by the inputvalues of an element. Balances are either fed by whole classifications ofelements or by individual elements, but not by both. Therefore, in thiswindow you cannot select balances that are fed by classifications. Youcan query a balance in the Balance window and choose theClassifications button to view the list of classifications that feed it.

You can use an element to feed as many balances as you require.

� To create balance feeds for one element:

1. Set your effective date to when you want the balance feed to start.

2. Enter or query the element in the Element window and choose theBalance Feeds button.

3. In the Balance Feeds window, select the input value that you wantto feed the balance with.

The list displays all the input values defined for the element. Theseinput values may have different units of measure. When you selectan input value its unit of measure displays in the Units field. Tofeed a balance with the element’s direct run result, select Pay Value.

4. Select the balance you want the input value to feed.

The list restricts your choice to balances having the same unit ofmeasure as the input value you selected.

5. Select Add or Subtract for the balance feed.

Note: Secondary classifications and balance feed controls currentlydo not apply to the US version of Oracle Payroll.

1 – 65Total Compensation Elements Setup

Defining User Balances

Defining a balance includes defining its feeds and dimensions. Whenyou select feeds for the balance you have to choose between specifyingelement input values directly and selecting element classifications todetermine the feeds. You cannot choose both methods together.

You define balances in the Balance window.

� To define a user balance:

1. Do one of the following:

• Enter a unique name and a reporting name for the new balance.If you do not provide a reporting name, the first seven charactersof the balance name appear on reports.

• Query any user balances you want to change.

2. Enter the unit of measure for the balance. The choices are days,hours (listed in different formats), integer, money and number. Ifyou select money as the unit you must also select a currency.

Note: Do not select the Use for Remuneration check box. Thisdisplays which predefined balance is the Remuneration balance.Only one balance within a legislation can have this value.

3. Go to the Balance Feeds window or to the Balance Classificationswindow.

In the Balance Feeds window:

• Set your effective date to the start date for the balance feeds.

• Select one or more elements to feed the balance. Only thoseelements whose input values have the same unit of measure asthe balance are listed.

When you select an element, its classification is displayed. Youcan select elements with different classifications.

• Select the input value that is to feed the balance.

For most payroll balances select Pay Value so that the element’srun result feeds the balance.

• Select Add or Subtract for the balance feed.

In the Balance Classifications window:

• Select one or more element classifications and select Add orSubtract for each. The run results of all elements in theclassification will feed the balance.

1 – 66 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

The list includes all the primary and secondary elementclassifications that are valid for this balance. If you select asecondary classification, you cannot also select its parentprimary classification.

Note: Secondary classifications are not used in the NorthAmerican or Singapore versions of Oracle Payroll at this time.

4. In the Balance Dimensions window, select the dimensions yourequire.

You can remove any dimension previously selected for auser–defined balance. You can also add dimensions to the startupbalances included with your system, and later remove theseadditional dimensions. However, you cannot remove thedimensions that were predefined for the startup balances.

Note: To hold balances for a fiscal year that is different from thecalendar year, you must supply the fiscal year start date for yourBusiness Group.

5. Optionally, select the Grossup Balance check box for one of thedimensions, to make the balance eligible for grossup.

UK users: If you want to make the balance eligible for grossup, youmust select this check box for the _ASG_RUN dimension.

6. In the Initial Balance Feed window you can see details of theelement and input value used for the Initial Balance feed. This feedis defined by implementation consultants prior to performing aninitial balance upload at implementation time.

1 – 67Total Compensation Elements Setup

Excluding Balances From an Element’s Grossup Calculation

For elements that require a net–to–gross (or grossup) calculation, youcan specify which balances are included in the calculation. By default,all balances that can be grossed up are included. Use the ExcludeBalances window to view these balances and to exclude any of themfrom the element’s calculation.

US and Canadian users: You can exclude additional balances forindividual element entries using the Gross Up Balances window (whichopens from the Element Entries window).

� To exclude balances from an element’s grossup calculation:

1. Enter or query the element in the Element window––making surethe Gross Up check box on the Advanced tab is checked––andchoose the Balance Grossup button.

2. Select any balances that you want to exclude from the element’scalculation. The list of values shows all balances that are eligible forgrossup.

3. Save your work.

1 – 68 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



2 – 1Earnings and Other Payments

Earnings and OtherPayments

2 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Earnings and Other Payments

What earnings types does Oracle Payroll support?

Oracle Payroll includes the earnings types Regular Salary and RegularWages, Overtime, Shift Pay, Group Term Life Imputed Income andCompany Car. You can define other earnings types that you require.

How does the system handle jury duty or paid leave?

You can define earnings types such as jury duty and paid holidays thatreduce Regular Wages. This means that employees’ statements ofearnings correctly show the hours actually worked and the hours spenton the non–working activities, such as jury duty, that you have defined.

How does the system deal with overtime?

The earnings type Overtime produces pay for overtime worked both atstraight time rates and premium rates. You can enter overtime rateswhen you create individual overtime entries, or define them in a WageRates table against Rate Codes. Otherwise, the Overtime formula itselfcalculates the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) overtime base rate.

How does the system handle shift pay?

Employees receive the earnings type Shift Pay instead of RegularWages only when they work a shift other than their usual one. Theyrecord work on such a shift by entering a designator, such as E(Evening) or N (Night), on their timecards.

Group term life is imputed income. How does Oracle Payroll handle it?

The premiums for GTL coverage vary depending on the age of theinsured person. Oracle maintains this information in the user tableGTL PREMIUMS. Oracle provides a formula to calculate imputedincome based on the appropriate premium and any premiumcontributions made by the employee.

How does the system deal with company cars?

The imputed earnings Company Car represents the monetary value toan employee of his or her personal use of a company car. Thecalculation of this value occurs outside Oracle Payroll so you simplyenter the value for payroll processing.

2 – 3Earnings and Other Payments

What other earnings types and payment can the system handle?

The system provides full flexibility – you initiate any other earnings orpayments you require, specifying how the amount should becalculated, and other rules. Then the system generates the necessaryformulas, elements, and balance feeds.

2 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Earnings and Other Payments OverviewYou initiate the earnings types and non–payroll payments you need inaccordance with your own compensation policies, by enteringinformation about them in the Earnings window.

In response to your entries in this window, Oracle Payroll generates anelement for the earnings or payment, with the necessary input valuesand balance feeds, and a formula with the necessary formula resultrules.

The following earnings types are predefined in Oracle Payroll:

• Regular Salary and Regular Wages

These types produces regular pay for salaried and hourly paidemployees respectively.

• Vacation Pay and Sick Pay

Oracle Payroll uses entries in these predefined elements forreports such as the statement of earnings.

• Overtime

This earnings type produces pay for overtime worked both atstraight time rates and premium rates.

• Shift Pay

Employees receive earnings type Shift Pay instead of RegularWages only when they work a shift other than their usual one.

• GTL Imputed Income

This earnings type represents an employee’s imputed incomefrom GTL insurance.

• Company Car

This imputed income earnings type represents the monetaryvalue to an employee of his or her personal use of a companycar.

Recording Hours Worked and Non–Worked Hours

You can record hours worked, override rates, or shifts from timecards,using the predefined Time Entry Wages element. Entries to this elementoverride the values on the Regular Wages element. For salariedemployees, you can record hours worked for project accounting usingthe predefined Labor Recording element.

Oracle Payroll uses the predefined Regular Hours Worked element torecord the hours worked for reports such as the statement of earnings.

2 – 5Earnings and Other Payments

You can create a regular non worked hours element (such as jury duty)to record time spent on non–work activities. The system automaticallyreduces regular hours worked and regular wages so that the correctinformation is displayed on the statement of earnings.

Recording Earnings By Hourly Rate

Wages, overtime pay, and shift pay are typically calculated bymultiplying an hourly rate by number of hours worked. Oracle Payrollcaptures this information for each rate that applies during the payrollperiod. So if an assignment has element entries paid at different ratesduring a period, you can display the earnings at each rate on thestatement of earnings and online payslip.

This information is automatically available for predefined earningstypes: regular wages, time entry wages, overtime, and shift pay. It isalso available for any earnings type you initiate with the calculationrule Hours x Rate, or Hours x Rate x Multiple.

Net–to–Gross Processing

You can define earnings types of a fixed net amount and Oracle Payrollwill calculate the additional amount you need to pay to cover taxes andother deductions.

2 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Regular Salary and Regular Wages

Classification: Earnings

Category: Regular

Processing Type: Recurring

The earnings types Regular Salary and Regular Wages can process inthe Regular run each period to produce regular pay for salaried andwaged employees, respectively.

Input Values for Regular Salary

Input Value Purpose of Entry

Monthly Salary Gives amount of employee’s monthly salary to formula.

Jurisdiction Location entered here prompts system to find thelocation’s tax code in the table of jurisdiction codes, anduse this code to override the code of the employee’sregular work location.

Input Values for Regular Wages

Input Value Purpose of Entry

Rate Gives formula the rates to use. Entries here override RateCode entries.

Rate Code Gives formula the codes by which to locate rates in theWage Rates table.

Jurisdiction Location entered here prompts system to find thelocation’s tax code in the table of jurisdiction codes, anduse this code to override the code of the employee’sregular work location.

For information about the Wage Rates table, see: Predefined UserTables, Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in OracleHRMS (US)

Associated Elements

Working together with the Regular Salary and Regular Wages earningsare three additional elements, Time Entry Wages, Labor Recording andRegular Hours Worked.

2 – 7Earnings and Other Payments

Time Entry Wages Element

Classification: Earnings

Category: Regular

Processing Type: Nonrecurring

Input Values for Time Entry Wages

Input Values Purpose of Entry

Hours Gives hours worked to Regular Wages formula.

Rate Overrides rate appearing on Regular Wages.

Rate Code Overrides rate code appearing on Regular Wages.

Shift Gives formula shift designator, for locating shiftdifferential in the Shift Differentials table if no entry existsfor Rate or Rate Code.

Date Earned Signals that this set of entries is for a prior period, not thecurrent period.

Jurisdiction Location entered here prompts system to find thelocation’s tax code in the table of jurisdiction codes, anduse this code to override the code of the employee’sregular work location.

Separate Check Yes signals that this earnings should be paid by separatecheck. Default is No.

Deduction Processing Tax Only means, process tax deductions only for thisearnings. Tax and Pre–tax Only means, process only thesedeductions for this earnings. Default is All.

Tax Separately Default is No; if the value is Yes, then only the tax for thisearnings amount is taken.

For information about the Shift Differentials table, see: Predefined UserTables, Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in OracleHRMS (US)

Time Entry Wages functions to receive timecard data through the BatchElement Entry (BEE) facility. As well as hours worked, it can receiveoverrides to existing Regular Wages entries, and other informationaffecting employees’ pay. For example, if day shift workerstemporarily work the evening shift at a plant in another state at aspecial wage rate, they enter on their timecards for the week not onlyhours worked, but also the location and rate code or shift designator.

These entries go via BEE to the Time Entry Wages input values Hours,Jurisdiction, Shift and Rate Code. The Regular Wages formula then

2 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

uses these entries, rather than entries on Regular Wages and the worklocation information on the employees’ records, to produce correct payfor the week.

Entries to Time Entry Wages also signal to the Regular Salary andRegular Wages formulas that waged employees required to submittimecards with hours worked each period have in fact done so.

Labor Recording Element

Classification: Information

Category: Labor Hours

Processing Type: Nonrecurring

Input Values for Labor Recording

Input Values Purpose of Entry

Hours Holds entries of hours worked at a particular labordistribution or project accounting code.

Rate Holds rate paid for the hours entered.

Rate Code Holds rate code for the hours entered.

Shift Gives formula shift designator, for locating shiftdifferential in the Shift Differentials table if no entry existsfor Rate or Rate Code.

Date Earned Signals that this set of entries is for a prior period, not thecurrent period.

Labor Recording functions also receives entries of time worked, andoptionally other information, for salaried employees who submittimecards only for project accounting or labor distribution purposes.These entries usually go in through BEE, but you can make themmanually as well.

Regular Hours Worked Element

Classification: Information

Category: Regular Hours

Processing Type: Nonrecurring

Input Values for Regular Hours Worked

Input Value Purpose of Entry

Pay Value Receives entries of hours worked for use in reports.

2 – 9Earnings and Other Payments

Regular Hours Worked functions to receive entries of each employee’shours worked as indirect results of the Regular Salary and RegularWages formulas. You do not enter the hours worked – they are enteredautomatically during the payroll run. Oracle Payroll can then accessthese entries for use in reports such as the Statement of Earnings andEarnings Audit.

Hours By Rate

The payroll run passes information to this Information element as anindirect result of processing Regular Wages, Time Entry Wages,Overtime, or Shift Pay. The element holds information about thenumber of hours worked at a particular rate so that the statement ofearnings can display earnings by hourly rate.

Vacation Pay and Sick Pay

These elements should receive links to all payrolls duringimplementation. Using BEE, you can make batch entries of accruedvacation or sick time into these elements. Oracle Payroll uses thisinformation in reports such as the Statement of Earnings.

Processing for Regular Salary and Regular Wages

(except for final pay to terminating employees)

The formula for these earnings types does the following:

Checks employee’s assignment to see if timecard is required.

IF timecard is not required

Calculates salary or wages due. Feeds results into

Regular Pay balance for the employee.

Checks employee’s work schedule or standard working hours

to locate hours worked in period.

IF timecard is required because employee is salaried but

must submit timecard with hours worked for project

accounting/labor distribution recording

Checks whether Labor Recording element has received

entries of hours worked.

IF no entries exist, issues message to this effect and

does not calculate pay.

IF entries exist, enters hours and project

accounting/labor distribution codes on employee’s record.

Sends hours worked to Regular Hours Worked information

element, for reports such as Statement of Earnings and

Earnings Audit.

2 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

ELSE IF timecard is required because employee must submit

hours worked on timecard to receive pay

Checks whether Time Entry Wages element has received

current entries of hours worked from timecard.

IF no entries exist, issues message No timecard entries

exist and does not calculate pay.

IF entries exist, locates correct pay rate and calculates

earnings due. Feeds results into Regular Pay balance for

the employee. Enters hours and any other period–specific

information on employee’s record. Sends hours worked to

Regular Hours Worked element for reports such as Statement

of Earnings and Earnings Audit. Sends hours worked and rate

paid to Hours by Rate element for reports such as Statement

of Earnings.

2 – 11Earnings and Other Payments

Regular Non-Worked Hours

The regular non-worked hours functionality enables you to dateeffectively reduce Regular Wages for earnings types you specifyaccording to your business rules, such as jury duty, paid holidays etc.

The effects of reducing earnings using regular non-worked hours areseen on the employee’s Statement of Earnings. When earnings arereduced for an earnings category such as jury duty, the SOE shows anamount and hours for the employee’s regular work actually performedand an amount and hours for the regular non-worked hours.

For example, if a salaried employee, paid bi-weekly, reports 16 hours ofjury duty time off this pay period, the employee’s SOE might look likethis:

Regular Salary 64 hours $6400

Jury Duty Pay 16 hours $1600

Note that the sum of the hours worked (“Regular Salary”) andnon-worked hours (“Jury Duty Pay”) equals the regular hours (80hours, in this example).

Without noting the regular non-worked hours difference, the sameemployee’s SOE might look like this:

Regular Salary 80 hours $8000

Attention: Regular non-worked hours are distinct from thepredefined earnings types that are used on accruals, such asPaid Time Off. Regular non-worked hours do not require anykind of accrual plan.

2 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


Classification: Earnings

Category: Overtime

Processing Type: Nonrecurring

The earnings type Overtime produces pay for overtime worked both atstraight time rates and premium rates. You can provide the rate of payfor overtime work either as an entry to the input value Rate, or as anentry in the Wage Rates table, to be located by an entry to the inputvalue Rate Code. Otherwise, the Overtime formula itself calculates theFLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) overtime base rate.

See: Predefined User Tables, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS

For correct calculation of the FLSA overtime base rate, when youinitiate an earnings type you must identify whether to include the payresulting from the type in the overtime base rate calculation, andwhether to count hours worked for the type as FLSA hours.

Attention: Oracle Payroll supports FLSA overtime and bonuscalculation when the weekly payroll period and theovertime/bonus occur in the same work week. Payroll periodsgreater than a single work week are not supported at this timeand manual calculations of the overtime amounts are required.

See: Identifying the Earnings or Payment: page 2 – 33

The following table describes the input values for the Overtimeelement.

Overtime Input Values

Input Values Purpose of Entry

Pay Value Short–circuits formula and provides Overtime earningsrun result.

Hours Gives overtime hours worked to formula.

Rate Gives formula the rates to use. Entries here override RateCode entries.

Rate Code Gives formula the codes by which to locate rates in theWage Rates table.

Multiple Gives rate multiple for overtime hours to formula.

Date Earned Signals that this set of entries is for a prior period, not thecurrent period.

2 – 13Earnings and Other Payments

Purpose of EntryInput Values

Jurisdiction Location entered here prompts system to find thelocation’s tax code in the table of jurisdiction codes, anduse this code to override the code of the employee’sregular work location.

Separate Check Yes signals that this earnings should be paid by separatecheck. Default is No.

Deduction Processing Tax Only means, process tax deductions only for thisearnings. Tax and Pre–tax Only means, process only thesedeductions for this earnings. Default is All.

Processing for Overtime

The Overtime formula does the following:

Checks employee’s job to see if it is exempt from overtime

payments under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) rules.

IF job is exempt

Issues message Job is exempt and stops payroll processing

for the employee.

IF job is not exempt

Finds overtime rate using entry to Rate or Rate Code.

IF no entries exist

Calls function to calculate the overtime base rate. This


1) Determines pay this period for each earnings type

entered for employee and identified as contributing to the

overtime base rate.

For example, the following table shows two earnings types

contributing to the overtime base rate:

Earnings Contributing to Overtime Base Rate Pay Amount

Regular Hours $600.00

Production Bonus $200.00

Total $800.00

2) Determines hours worked this period for each

earnings type entered for employee and identified as

contributing to FLSA hours.

For example:

2 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Earnings Contributing to FLSA Hours Hours Worked

Regular Hours 40


Formula then produces direct result Overtime Pay:

= Overtime hours worked * overtime base rate


= Overtime hours worked * overtime base rate * Multiple.

Produces indirect result Straight Time Overtime Pay:

= Overtime hours worked * regular rate.

Also sends indirect result of hours worked and rate paid to

Hours by Rate element for reports such as Statement of


2 – 15Earnings and Other Payments

Shift Pay

Classification: Earnings

Category: Shift Pay

Processing Type: Nonrecurring

Input Value Purpose of Entry

Pay Value Short–circuits formula and provides Shift Pay run result.

Hours Gives shift hours worked to formula.

Rate Gives formula the rates to use. Entries here override RateCode entries.

Rate Code Gives formula the codes by which to locate rates in theWage Rates table.

Shift Gives formula shift designator, for locating shiftdifferential in the Shift Differentials table if no entry existsfor Rate or Rate Code.

Jurisdiction Location entered here prompts system to find thelocation’s tax code in the table of jurisdiction codes, anduse this code to override the code of the employee’sregular work location.

Date Earned Signals that this set of entries is for a prior period, not thecurrent period.

Employees receive earnings type Shift Pay instead of Regular Wagesonly when they work a shift other than their usual one. They recordwork on such a shift by entering a designator, such as E (Evening) or N(Night), on their timecards. Employees working their usual shift neednot enter shift designators. They receive Regular Wages with wagerates that already include any applicable shift differential or multiplier.

The Oracle HRMS Shift Differentials Table

Oracle Payroll includes this table for entry of shift differentials. Forexample, suppose day shift employees earn twice the day rate for thenight shift, while evening shift workers earn 1.5 times their rate fornight work. Workers from both shifts get three times their regular ratefor the split shift. You make these entries in the Shift Differentials table:

2 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Example Shift Differential Table Entries


Day 10 –– 20 30

Evening –– 10 15 30

When a formula for an earnings locates a pay rate or a rate code forpay, it looks also for a shift designator. It uses the designator to findthe correct differential for the employee in the Shift Differentials table.

See: Predefined User Tables, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS

Processing for Shift Pay

The formula for Shift Pay does the following:

Looks for rate to use to determine pay.

If entry exists for the input value Rate, multiplies shift

hours worked by this rate to produce run result.

If there is no entry for Rate but entry for the input value

Rate Code exists, uses code to find rate in Wage Rates

table. Multiplies shift hours worked by this rate to

produce run result.

If there is no entry for Rate Code, takes employee’s regular

rate from Regular Wages earnings. Uses shift designator to

locate correct differential for regular rate in Shift

Differentials table. Multiplies regular rate by

differential to obtain shift rate. Multiplies shift hours

worked by shift rate to produce run result.

Also sends indirect result of shift hours and shift rate to

Hours by Rate element for reports such as Statement of


2 – 17Earnings and Other Payments

GTL Imputed Income

Classification: Imputed Earnings

Category: GTL Insurance

Processing Type: Recurring

Currently, employer–paid Group Term Life insurance premiums forinsurance coverage up to $50,000 are tax–exempt. However premiumsfor coverage over $50,000 are taxable as imputed earnings.

The premiums for GTL coverage vary depending on the age of theinsured person. They are maintained in the IRS Uniform Premiumstable. Oracle maintains this table in Oracle HRMS with the name GTLPREMIUMS.

See: Predefined User Tables, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS

The following table describes the input values for the GTL ImputedIncome element.

Table 2 – 1 GTL Imputed Income Input Values

Name Purpose of entry

Pay Value Short–circuits formula and provides GTL ImputedIncome run result.

Coverage Multiple Gives formula the number by which to multiplyemployee’s annualized salary to determine GTLcoverage.

Coverage Amount Gives amount of employee’s GTL coverage toformula. Overrides any entry for CoverageMultiple.

EE Contribution Gives formula amount of employee’s contribution,if any, to payments of GTL Insurance premiums.

Processing for GTL Imputed Income

(except for final pay to terminating employees)

The formula for the GTL Imputed Income earnings type does thefollowing:

Determines employee’s GTL insurance coverage amount, if

necessary calculating annualized salary from pay information

entered in Salary Administration window. Checks if amount

exceeds $50,000.

2 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

IF no

Employee has no imputed income. No further calculations


IF yes

Calculates coverage whose premiums are net taxable imputed

income to the employee (Coverage amount – $50,000.00)

Checks employee’s age. Locates monthly premiums by age

group per $1.000 of coverage in the table GTL PREMIUMS.

Uses premiums to calculate employee’s imputed earnings. If

employee contributed to premium payments, reduces GTL

imputed earnings appropriately.

2 – 19Earnings and Other Payments

Company Car

Classification: Imputed Earnings

Category: Personal Use of Company Car

Processing Type: Recurring

The imputed earnings Company Car represents the monetary value toan employee of his or her personal use of a company car. Thecalculation of this value occurs outside Oracle Payroll. You enter thecalculated amount in the input value Imputed Amount.

The following table describes the input values for the Company Carelement.

Table 2 – 2 Company Car Input Values

Name Purpose of Entry

Pay Value Short–circuits formula and provides Company CarImputed Earnings run result.

Imputed Amount Provides the externally–calculated amount ofimputed earnings for personal use of a companycar.

Processing for Company Car

The Company Car formula does the following:

Checks whether current processing is producing final pay for

a terminating employee. If so, deletes entry of Company Car

for the employee as of the run date of the current


2 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Structures for Initiated Earnings TypesIn response to the information you enter for an earnings type ornon–payroll payment in the Earnings window, the system generates theessential components of the earnings or payment. These include:

• An element whose structure includes the necessary input valuesand balance feeds

• A formula prescribing the correct processing for the earnings orpayment, together with the formula processing and result rules.

The following sections discuss the particular input values and rulesthat you can generate, and the circumstances under which they areused. These input values and rules control the following:

• Overrides to the tax jurisdiction or date earned of an earningstype

See: Overrides for Tax Jurisdictions and Dates Earned: page 2 – 21

• The applicability of supplemental tax withholding tosupplemental earnings types processed in Regular runs

See: Supplemental Withholding in Regular Runs: page 2 – 22

• Payment of an earnings type or non-payroll payment by aseparate check, issued in addition to the usual paycheck ordirect deposit payment

See: Payments by Separate Check: page 2 – 23

• The applicability of deductions to an earnings or payment: alldeductions, or only tax deductions, or only tax and pre-taxdeductions

See: Limits on Deductions from a Payment: page 2 – 24

• The calculation rule used to determine the amount of anearnings or non–payroll payment.

See: Amount Rules for Earnings and Non-Payroll Payments:page 2 – 25

• Net–to–gross processing of an earnings type of a fixed netamount.

See: Net–to–Gross Processing of Earnings: page 2 – 29

See Also

Initiating Earnings and Non–Payroll Payments: page 2 – 32

2 – 21Earnings and Other Payments

Overrides for Tax Jurisdictions and Dates Earned

You must sometimes pay employees earnings for work performed in atax jurisdiction other than their primary work location, or for workperformed in prior periods. To permit you to correctly process suchearnings, the structure of all the elements Oracle Payroll generates forearnings in the classification Earnings includes these input values:

• Jurisdiction

• Date Earned

The input value Jurisdiction takes entries of locations different fromemployees’ primary work location. The payroll run then finds thejurisdiction code (tax code) of this location in the system’s table ofjurisdiction codes, so it can process the earnings for this work using thecorrect tax information.

The input value Date Earned takes entries of the end date of a priorperiod. If the payroll run finds an entry for the Date Earned inputvalue, it processes the earnings using the employee information,including tax information, in effect as of the earned date.

Table 2 – 3 Input Values for Work Location and Period Worked

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Jurisdiction Provides the location for work done somewhere otherthan the primary work location. Entry of a location hereprompts system to find the location’s tax code in the tableof jurisdiction codes, and use it to override the code of theemployee’s regular work location when calculating taxes.

Date Earned Signals that this set of entries is for a prior period, not thecurrent period.

2 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Supplemental Withholding in Regular Runs

Oracle Payroll includes two types of payroll runs, Regular andSupplemental. A payroll normally has just one Regular run each period,to produce employees’ regular earnings. But it can have manySupplemental runs each period, to process supplemental earnings andfinal pay for terminating employees, as needed.

The default tax withholding method for Supplemental runs issupplemental withholding. However when these runs process final pay,they always use regular withholding for any regular earnings includedin the final pay.

The default withholding method for Regular runs is regular withholding(Percentage or Annualized Wages withholding), but these runs can usesupplemental withholding for any included supplemental earnings.

The following table summarizes the withholding method and use ofeach run type.

Table 2 – 4 Oracle Payroll Run Types

Run Type Withholding Method Frequency and Use

Regular Default is regular. Canuse supplemental forsupplemental earnings.

Regular runs are scheduled in advanceto process employees’ regular andimputed earnings once each period.

Supplemental Default is supplemental.Uses regular to processregular and imputedearnings in final pay.

Supplemental runs occur whenevernecessary to process supplementalearnings, and final pay for terminatingemployees.

To identify supplemental earnings that Regular runs should processusing supplemental withholding, Oracle Payroll generates all earningstypes in the Supplemental Earnings classification with an input valueTax Separately. This input value has a default entry of No. If youchange this entry to Yes for a supplemental earnings type, Regular runsuse supplemental withholding when processing the earnings.

Table 2 – 5 Input Value for Supplemental Withholding

Input Values Name Purpose of Entry

Tax Separately Default No means, apply run’s default withholdingmethod. Yes means, always apply supplementalwithholding.

2 – 23Earnings and Other Payments

Payments by Separate Check

You sometimes pay certain earnings or non-payroll payments byphysically separate checks that employees receive in addition to theirregular paychecks or direct deposit payments. For example, you mightpay a special bonus or award, or a reimbursement for movingexpenses, using a separate check.

For control of separate check payments, the elements generated for allearnings in the Earnings and Supplemental Earnings classifications,and for all payments in the classification Non–payroll Payments,include the input value Separate Check.

This input value has a default entry of No, matching the default entryof Never in the Separate Check region of the Earnings window.

You can change this input value entry back and forth between No andYes for an earnings type or payment, using the Element Link window.For an individual employee, you can make an entry of No or Yes forthis input value using the Element Entries window, to stop or enable apayment by separate check.

Table 2 – 6 Input Value for Payment by Separate Check

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Separate Check Yes signals that this earnings should be paid by separatecheck. Default is No.

2 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Limits on Deductions from a Payment

The payroll run usually take all deductions against an earnings type ornon–payroll payment, but there can be certain circumstances underwhich it should take only tax deductions or only tax and pre-taxdeductions. So that you can exercise control over deductions processedfor a payment, Oracle Payroll generates all earnings in the Earningsand Supplemental Earnings classifications, and all payments in theclassification Non-payroll Payments, with the input value DeductionProcessing.

The entry in this input value defaults to All (process all deductions), asdoes the entry in the Deduction Processing region of the Earningswindow. You can change this default for an earnings or paymentelement on its links using the Element Link window, or for individualemployees using the Element Entries window.

Table 2 – 7 Input Value for Tax or Tax and Pre–Tax Deductions Only

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Deduction Processing Tax Only means, process tax deductions only for thisearnings type or payment. PreTax and Tax Only means,process only tax and pretax deductions. Default is All.

2 – 25Earnings and Other Payments

Amount Rules for Earnings and Non–Payroll PaymentsOn the Earnings window, you select a rule that determines how OraclePayroll calculates the amount of the earnings or payment. The systemthen generates the appropriate element input values. The availablecalculation rules are:

• Flat Amount

• Hours x Rate, or Hours x Rate x Multiple

• Percentage of Regular Earnings

Earnings or Payments with the Rule Flat Amount

Elements generated for earnings or non–payroll payments with thisrule includes an input value Amount, for entry of an amount. Nocalculations are necessary to determine the amount of this earnings orpayment.

Table 2 – 8 Input Value for Amount Rule Flat Amount

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Amount Gives formula the earnings or payment amount.

Earnings with the Rule Hours x Rate

The elements generated for earnings with this rule include the inputvalues Hours Worked, Rate Code and Rate. Hours Worked holds thenumber of hours worked at a particular rate or rate code. An entry inthe input value Rate Code signals that the rates for this earnings comefrom the Wage Rates table. An entry of a rate to the input value Rateoverrides entry of a rate code.

Table 2 – 9 Input Value for Amount Rule Hours X Rate

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Hours Worked Gives formula the hours worked at each rate.

Rate Code Gives formula the codes by which to locate rates in theWage Rates table.

Rate Gives formula the rates to use. Entries here override RateCode entries.

2 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

The Oracle HRMS Wage Rates Table

Oracle HRMS comes with the table WAGE RATES ready to receiveentries. This table has one column, named Rate. You can enter asmany rows as you need to accommodate your rates. For example, youcan enter rates for operating different types of equipment, as shown inthe following table:

Table 2 – 10 Wage Rates Table

Code Rate

FL (forklift) 6.80

A3 (crane A3) 8.20

A7 (crane A7) 9.00

As employees operate different equipment, they record on theirtimecards the codes and hours worked for each. Using Batch ElementEntry (BEE), you enter these codes and hours in the input values RateCode and Hours Worked. The earnings formula uses the codes tolocate the correct rates to use for each employee’s pay calculation.

If there are element entries paid at different rates in a single period, theearnings formula tracks the number of hours worked at each rate andrecords this information using the Hours By Rate element for reportssuch as the statement of earnings.

Instead of using the Oracle HRMS table for wage rates, you can set upyour own rates tables. Notice that if you do this, you must modify theformula generated for earnings with the Hours x Rate or Hours x Ratex Multiple rule, so that it references columns in your table.


Predefined User Tables, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS

Setting Up User Tables, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS

Entering Table Values, Configuring, Reporting, and System Administrationin Oracle HRMS

Earnings with the Rule Hours x Rate x Multiple

You use this rule to apply an uplift, or increase, to earnings calculatedby the Hours � Rate rule. These two rules are very similar, except that

2 – 27Earnings and Other Payments

earnings generated with the Hours x Rate x Multiple rule include anadditional input value, Multiple.

Here you enter a multiple for the calculation. For example, for a payuplift of 5% above the standard, make an entry of .05 in this inputvalue.

Table 2 – 11 Input Value for Amount Rule Hours X Rate X Multiple

Input Value Name Purpose of entry

Hours Worked Gives formula the hours worked at each rate.

Rate Code Gives formula the codes by which to locate rates in theWage Rates table.

Rate Gives formula the rates to use. Entries here override RateCode entries.

Multiple Gives formula the multiplier to use for the calculation.

Earnings with the Rule Percentage of Regular Earnings

Oracle Payroll generates elements for earnings with this rule with theinput value Percentage, for entry of the percentage to use in thecalculation.

Table 2 – 12 Input Value for Amount Rule Percentage

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Percentage Gives formula the percentage to use.

For a salaried employee, the formula for this rule locates theemployee’s regular monthly earnings as an entry in the Monthly Salaryinput value (Periodic Salary in Canada) of the earnings Regular Salary.

For a waged employee, it calculates the regular earnings in a payperiod by finding the employee’s wage rate and multiplying it by thehours normally worked in a pay period. It locates the employee’susual hours worked by referencing the work schedule or, if there isnone, the standard working hours for his or her assignment. It findsthe wage rate by referencing, in this order:

• The employee’s salary basis

• The rate code entered for the employee for the earnings RegularWages

2 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• The rate entered for the employee for Regular Wages.


HR Organizations: Entering a Work Schedule, Using OracleHRMS––The Fundamentals

Business Groups and HR Organizations: Work Day Defaults, UsingOracle HRMS––The Fundamentals

2 – 29Earnings and Other Payments

Net–to–Gross Processing of EarningsOracle Payroll supports Net to Gross processing of earnings elements.For example, you can define a bonus payment that is a fixed netamount. Oracle Payroll calculates the gross amount needed to meet thenet pay. You define which taxes and other deductions the employer iswilling to pay by selecting the balances that can be used in thenet–to–gross processing.

When you define an earnings type for net–to–gross processing, theapplication generates the element, formula, balances, and processingrules that you require. You can configure these, if required.

The following three formulas are used in net–to–gross processing:


This is the iterative formula that calculates the amount that theemployer must pay in addition to the desired net amount.

• <element_name>_GROSSUP_FLAT_AMOUNT

This formula adds the additional amount returned by theiterative formula to the desired net amount to return theelement’s gross pay value.


This formula runs after normal processing to adjust the FederalIncome Tax balance so that actual net pay is exactly equal to thedesired net minus any balances that were excluded from thecalculation.

Net–to–gross elements are always processed separately, after the mainpayroll run has processed.

When you initiate a net–to–gross earnings type, Oracle Payroll createsthe element input values shown in the following table.

Table 2 – 13 Input Values for Net–to–Gross Earnings Types

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Pay Value Oracle Payroll returns the gross pay to this input valuewhen it has completed the net–to–gross calculations

Amount Gives iterative formula the desired net pay

Low Gross Used by the iterative formula to hold the lower gross payguess, to feed into the next iteration of the formula

2 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Purpose of EntryInput Value Name

High Gross Used by the iterative formula to hold the higher gross payguess, to feed into the next iteration of the formula

Remainder The amount by which the additional pay to be paid by theemployer (gross minus desired net) differs from the totalof the balances that are eligible for grossup processing.Returned by the iterative formula.

To Within The amount by which actual net can differ from desirednet after normal processing. (Another formula runs at theend of normal processing to adjust the FIT balance toensure that actual net equals desired net.)

Method The method of iterative calculation: binary orinterpolation. The default is interpolation. Thisdetermines which function the iterative formula calls.

Additional Amount The amount to add to desired net to calculate gross pay.Returned by the iterative formula.

EI Hours (Canada only) To enter the hours associated with the payment so theywill be reflected in the Record of Employment. Forreporting purposes only. The application creates this inputvalue if you check the EI Hours box on the Earningswindow.

Processing for Net–to–Gross Calculation

The formulas for net–to–gross processing do the following:

The iterative formula takes as input the desired net amount

(Amount input value), the amount by which net can diverge

from the desired amount (To Within input value), and the

method of calculation (Method input value).

In the first run it sets the lower gross limit to the

desired net amount, and the higher gross limit to twice the

desired amount. Then it runs a function to provide the first

guess of the gross. The formula returns three values––low

gross, high gross, and additional amount––to the element’s

input values.

The element’s payroll formula runs (<element_name>_

GROSSUP_FLAT_AMOUNT). It adds the additional amount to the

desired amount to create the gross and returns this value to

the element’s pay value for the payroll run to process. It

also sends the desired amount as an indirect result to

2 – 31Earnings and Other Payments

another element (FIT_GROSSUP_ADJUSTMENT in the US,


In the next iteration, the iterative formula compares the

additional amount to the total value of the balances that

are available for grossup for this element entry. The

additional amount must not differ from this balance total by

more than the amount specified in To Within.

– If the additional amount equals the balance total, the

iterative processing ends.

– If the additional amount is above or below the balance

total by an acceptable margin, the processing ends and the

formula returns the remainder (additional amount – balance)

to the element’s Remainder input value.

– Otherwise, the formula runs the function to get a better

guess for gross, using the remainder to determine by how

much to change the guess. The formula checks the results in

another iteration.

After all iterative processing, the formula for


(Canada) deducts the desired net amount from actual net

calculated in this run plus balances that were excluded. The

difference is the amount by which Federal Income Tax must be

adjusted to pay the required net amount.

2 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Initiating Earnings and Non–Payroll Payments

To initiate an earnings type or non–payroll payment, use the Earningswindow.

If you need to add a category for the earnings or payment type you areinitiating, use the application utilities Lookups window to enteradditional categories for these Lookup types:





See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS

� To set up an earnings type or non–payroll payment:

1. Identify the earnings or payment: page 2 – 33

2. Enter processing rules for it: page 2 – 34

3. If necessary, enter rules to control payments by separate check, andto limit the deductions processed against the earnings or payment:page 2 – 35

4. Review the components generated for the earnings or payment:page 1 – 47

5. If necessary, modify the generated components: page 1 – 49

6. Define element links: page 1 – 44 for the generated element(s).

Attention: Do not select frequency rules for an earning.Frequency rules should only be selected for voluntarydeductions.

Attention: If you make mistaken entries when initiating anearnings or payment so that the components generated for itneed correction, delete all the generated components andre–initiate the earnings or payment.

2 – 33Earnings and Other Payments

Identifying an Earnings or PaymentUse the Earnings window.

� To identify, classify and categorize the earnings or payment:

1. Set the effective date early enough to handle any historical entries.You cannot enter an earnings or payment for employees before itseffective start date.

2. Enter a unique name for the earnings or payment. The system usesthis name for both the generated element and formula. The namemust start with a letter of the alphabet, not a number or symbol.

3. Optionally enter a reporting name, which is a short name thatappears on reports and the statement of earnings.

4. Select the correct classification and category. The classification andcategory of an earnings or payment help to determine the tax rulesand other rules and procedures that apply to it.

Attention: Do not select frequency rules for earnings.Frequency rules should only be selected for voluntarydeductions.

FLSA Rules

5. Under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) rules:

• If pay rates for this earnings type should be used in determiningovertime base rates for the predefined earnings Overtime, checkthe Overtime Base box.

• If this earnings type represents pay for hours worked that shouldbe used in determining overtime base rates for the predefinedearnings Overtime, check the FLSA Hours box.

Attention: Oracle Payroll supports FLSA overtime and bonuscalculation when the weekly payroll period and theovertime/bonus occur in the same work week. Payroll periodsgreater than a single work week are not supported at this timeand manual calculations of the overtime amounts are required.

See: Overtime: page 2 – 12

Next Steps

Entering Processing Rules for the Earnings or Payment: page 2 – 34

Managing Separate Check Payments and Deduction Processing: page 2 – 35

2 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entering Processing Rules for an Earnings or Payment

Use the Earnings window.

� To enter processing rules:

1. Select Recurring or Nonrecurring as the processing type.

Select Recurring if entries to the input values of this earnings typeor payment, once entered for an employee, should process eachperiod until you change them or they reach their end date. SelectNonrecurring if this earnings type or payment should process onlywhen it receives new entries in a period.

Attention: Do not select frequency rules for earnings.Frequency rules should only be selected for voluntarydeductions.

2. Optionally, change the default priority. The classification of theearning or payment determines its default processing priority inthe payroll run.

3. Check the Standard Link box only if Oracle Payroll shouldautomatically enter the earnings or payment, with its default inputvalue entries, for all eligible employees.

4. Select the appropriate calculation rule. The formula namesappearing in the list of values depend on the processing type of theearnings or payment. The basic calculation rules listed are:

• Flat Amount, if you enter the earnings or payment amount andno calculation is necessary

• Hours � Rate, if the amount is calculated by multiplying hoursworked by a wage rate

• Hours � Rate � Multiple, if the amount is calculated bymultiplying hours worked by a wage rate and a multiplier

• Percentage of Regular Earnings, if the amount is calculated bymultiplying the regular salary or the wages by a percentage

See: Amount Rules for Earnings and Non–Payroll Payments:page 2 – 25

Next Step

Managing Separate Check Payments and Limiting DeductionProcessing: page 2 – 35

2 – 35Earnings and Other Payments

Managing Separate Check Payments and Limiting DeductionProcessing

Use the Earnings window.

� To set up payment by a physically separate check:

1. Choose Yes in the Separate Check region. The default is No.

See: Payments by Separate Check: page 2 – 23

2. Save your work.

� To limit deduction processing against an earnings or payment:

1. Make a selection in the Deduction Processing region. The default isAll (all deductions process against the earnings type or payment).For only tax deductions to process, choose Tax Only. For only taxand pretax deductions to process, choose PreTax and Tax Only.

See: Limits on Deductions from a Payment: page 2 – 24

2. Save your work.

2 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Creating Regular Non-Worked Hours

If you want employees’ statements of earnings to show hours actuallyworked and any regular non–worked hours (such as time on jury dutyor paid holidays), you create a regular non–worked hours earningstype.

Regular wages or salary are reduced for employees who have entriesfor regular non–worked hours. The sum of the worked hours andregular non–worked hours is equal to the regular hours.

To create regular non-worked hours, first create an earnings categoryfor reducing regular wages, using the application utilities Lookupswindow. Then set up an earnings type using the Earnings window.

Attention: The earnings category “Regular” cannot be usedwith this functionality. You must use a special earningscategory.

� To create an earnings category to reduce regular wages:

1. In the Lookups window, query US_EARNINGS in the Type field.

2. Enter a unique code for the earnings category in the Code field.

3. Enter a name for the earnings category, such as “RegularNon-Worked” in the Meanings field.

This name will display in the list of values for the earningscategory.

4. Select an appropriate access level.

5. Save the earnings category.

� To create a regular non-worked hours earnings type:

1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical entriesyou may want to make.

2. Identify the earnings.

The earnings classification must be either Earnings orSupplemental Earnings. The earnings classification cannot beImputed Earnings or Non-Payroll Payments.

3. Enter calculation rules for the earnings type.

You must select either Hours_X_Rate or Hours_X_Rate_Multiple.You cannot select a flat amount or a percentage of regular earnings.

4. Check the Reduce Regular check box.

2 – 37Earnings and Other Payments

5. If necessary, enter rules to control payments by separate check, andto limit the deductions processed against the earnings or payment.

6. Save your work.

Attention: Do not select frequency rules for earnings.Frequency rules should only be selected for voluntarydeductions.

7. Review and if necessary, make changes to the componentsgenerated for the earnings.

See: Reviewing Earnings and Deductions Structures: page 1 – 49

Attention: If you make mistakes when initiating an earningsor payment so that the components generated for it needcorrection, delete all the generated components and re–initiatethe earnings.

2 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Disabling a Regular Non-Worked Hours Earnings Type

To disable a regular non-worked hours earnings type, use the FurtherElement field in the Element window.

� To disable a regular non-worked hours earnings type:

1. Query the earnings type you want to disable.

2. Click in the Further Information field.

3. Change the value of the Reduce Regular field from Yes to No.

4. Save your work.

2 – 39Earnings and Other Payments

Creating a Net to Gross Earnings TypeFor some earnings types, the payroll run calculates the gross amountbased on a fixed net amount to be paid to the employee. For example,you might want to ensure a certain take–home bonus amount, and bewilling to pay some or all of the taxes and other deductions that applyto the bonus.

To create a net to gross earnings type, use the Earnings window.

� To create a net to gross earnings type:

1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical entriesyou may want to make.

2. Identify the earnings.

The earnings classification must be Supplemental Earnings.

3. Check the Grossup check box.

4. Select the calculation ruleGROSSUP_FLAT_AMOUNT_NONRECUR (US) or Flat Amountfor Net to Gross (Canada). This generates a formula called<earnings name>_GROSSUP_FLAT_AMOUNT, which you canconfigure if necessary.

5. Select Yes in the Separate Check region (US) or Separate Paymentregion (Canada) if you want the earning to be paid separately.

6. Choose the Grossup Processing tab.

7. Review the list of balances that are eligible for grossup and clearthe Include check box for any balances that you want to excludefrom the grossup processing.

Note: You can exclude additional balances for individualelement entries using the Gross Up Balances window (whichopens from the Element Entries window).

8. Save your work.

9. Review the components generated for the earnings.

See: Reviewing Earnings and Deductions Structures: page 1 – 47

If necessary, make changes to the generated components. Youcannot change these components using the Earnings window.

See: Customizing Generated Elements, Formulas, and Balances:page 1 – 49

Attention: If you make mistakes when initiating an earningsor payment so that the components generated for it need

2 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

correction, delete all the generated components and re–initiatethe earnings.



3 – 1Deductions


3 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


In what way does Oracle Payroll help me manage my employees’ non-tax deductions?

You initiate the non-tax deductions you need (pretax, benefit,voluntary) in accordance with your own compensation policies, byentering information about them in the Deductions window. Thesystem then generates the components of the deduction:

• Deduction start and stop rules

• Frequency rules

• Series EE Bond purchase

• 401(k), 403(b), 457 elements

• Employer Match, After Tax, or Catch–up provisions

How does the deduction become included in a payroll run?

To use the deduction in payroll runs, you must build links and makeentries to its input values.

How does Oracle Payroll enable deductions to be withheld for specific payroll periods?

Deductions do not have to be withheld in all payroll periods. You canuse frequency rules to determine in which payroll periods thededuction is made.

How does Oracle Payroll support arrearage management?

When employee earnings are insufficient to permit the payroll run totake the full amount of a deduction, the system can hold amounts nottaken in an arrears balance. Elements generated for deductions youmark to hold arrearage include special input values for management ofarrears balances.

How does Oracle Payroll support catch–up processing?

Oracle supports catch–up processing in the following ways:

• Processing catch–up deductions sequentially or concurrently withother deferred compensation elements

• Maintaining separate elements and balances for base plan andcatch–up contributions, to support discrimination testing

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• Tracking of catch–up deductions that individual states may choose totax

• Allowing overrides of statutory deduction limits to conform withcompany or plan limits

• Optionally transferring pre tax overflow amounts to catch–up orafter–tax balances automatically

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Deductions OverviewYou initiate the non-tax (pretax, benefit, voluntary) deductions youneed by entering information about them in the Deduction window.For example, you can initiate deductions for purchase of Series EEBonds, deductions for benefits, and deductions for deferredcompensation plans and tax–sheltered annuities.

In response to your entries in this window, Oracle Payroll generates anelement for the deduction, with the necessary input values and balancefeeds, and a formula with the necessary formula result rules.

When you initiate the deduction, you determine the rules that controlits processing, including the following:

• Start and stop rules

You select the rules that determine when the deduction starts orstops for each employee. It might end when a balance of theamount taken for the deduction reaches a specified amount, orwhen you end date the element entry for the employee.

• Amount rules

You select the method of entering or calculating the amount ofthe deduction. For example, you can enter the amount for eachemployee, you can specify that the application calculate theamount by a formula as a percentage of earnings, or you canspecify that the application select the amount from a Payrolltable or Benefits table.

• Frequency rules

These rules determine the pay periods in which the deduction iswithheld. For example, a monthly deduction might be processedin the third period of the month for weekly–paid employees andin the second period of the month for employees paid on asemi–monthly basis.

• Insufficient funds rules

You can determine whether to hold an arrears balance for adeduction, and whether to take a partial deduction if earningsare insufficient to take the full deduction amount.

You can define additional rules for wage attachments. See: Input Valuesfor Wage Attachments in Running Your Payroll With Oracle HRMS.

Oracle Payroll predefines a number of garnishment deductions. Youcan use these if you are managing wage attachments in an externalsystem rather than within Oracle Payroll. See: Garnishment Deductionsfrom External Systems in Running Your Payroll With Oracle HRMS.

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Deduction Start and Stop Rules

Oracle Payroll enables you to control starting and stopping deductionsin several ways:

• Start Rule or Stop Rule: On Entry

When the start rule is On Entry, the deduction begins on theeffective date you enter the deduction for an employee.

When the stop rule is On Entry, the deduction ends on theeffective date the entry is deleted.

• Start Rule: Earnings Threshold

The deduction starts when the Gross Earnings balance for theemployee reaches a specified amount.

The formula for deductions with this rule checks whether thepayroll run has caused the employee’s year–to–date value of theGross Earnings balance to reach or surpass the thresholdamount.

Note: You can modify the generated formula to reference adifferent balance.

• Stop Rule: Total Reached

The deduction stops for an employee when a balance of theamount taken for the deduction reaches a specified amount.

Entry Values to Support the Start and Stop Rules

The elements Oracle Payroll generates for initiated deductions includeentry values needed for particular start and stop rules. Specify adefault value for all eligible employees in the Default field of the EntryValues sub window of the Element Link window. Specify a value for anindividual employee in the Entry Values sub window of the ElementEntries window. The entry values are:

Table 3 – 1 Entry Values for Deduction Start and Stop Rules

Start or Stop Rule Entry Value Name Purpose of Entry

On Entry start andstop rule

On Entry N/A

Earnings Thresholdstart rule

Threshold Amount Gives formula the balance value thattriggers deduction’s start (Formulareferences Gross Earnings balance).

3 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Purpose of EntryEntry Value NameStart or Stop Rule

Total Reached stoprule

Total Owed Gives formula the total amount thattriggers deduction’s stop.

Total Reached stoprule

Towards Owed Enter Yes to enforce the Total Reached stoprule. Enter No to override the rule andprevent the entry being ended when theTotal Owed is reached.

Clearing the Total Reached Balance

When you use a Total Reached stop rule, the accrued balance isautomatically set to zero when the amount deducted reaches the totalowed. However, if you end the element entry before this happens, thebalance is not cleared. If you enter the same element for the employeein the future, this deduction will end before the total owed has beendeducted because the formula uses a balance that does not start fromzero.

To prevent this problem, perform the following steps if you have to endan element entry with this stop rule before the total owed has beendeducted:

• Create a formula to check the value of<element_name>_ACCRUED_ASG_ITD, multiply its value by–1, and feed the result back to the accrued balance.

• Create a nonrecurring element, and associate the formula withthis element in the Formula Result Rules window.

• Enter this element for the employee

3 – 7Deductions

Series EE Bond Deductions

For deductions taken to purchase Series EE bonds, thesystem–generated element includes the input value Purchase Price, forentering the purchase price of the bonds.

The Series EE Bond deduction formula sends the amount deducted fora bond purchase to a special balance, whose name is the deductionname with the words Towards Bond Purchase appended (for example,Series EE Bond 50 Towards Bond Purchase).

When an amount sufficient to cover one or more bond purchasesaccumulates in this balance, the formula issues a message to this effectand subtracts the bond purchase price from the Toward Bond Purchasebalance amount. The bond purchasing process is external to OraclePayroll.

When employees terminate, calculation of their final payments includesa refund of any amounts accumulated toward bond purchase.

Table 3 – 2 Input Value for Series EE Bond Deductions

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Purchase Price Gives formula the amount needed for a bond purchase.

3 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Calculation Rules for Deductions

On the Deductions window, you select a rule that determines howOracle Payroll calculates the amount of the deduction. The system thengenerates the appropriate element input values. The availablecalculation rules are:

• Flat Amount, if you enter an amount for each employee usingBEE or the Element Entry window

• % Earnings, if you enter a percentage for each employee usingBEE or the Element Entry window. The deduction formulacalculates the amount from this percentage.

• Payroll Table, if the amount comes from a previously createduser table.

• Benefits Table, if the amount comes from the Oracle HRMSBenefits Table. If you are using Basic Benefits, the Benefits Tableholds the contribution amounts for each coverage level formedical, dental and vision benefit plans.

See: Basic Benefits Setup: page 7 – 6

Note: All generated deductions include the input valuesAdditional Amount and Replacement Amount, for efficientmanagement of one-time changes to the deduction amount.You make entries to a special inputs element to use these inputvalues.

See: Changes to Earnings and Deductions Before a Run,Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Deductions with the Rule Flat Amount

Elements generated for deductions with this rule include an inputvalue Amount, for entry of the deduction amount. No calculations arenecessary to determine the amount.

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Amount Gives formula the deduction amount.

Deductions with the Rule % Earnings

Elements generated for deductions with this rule include an inputvalue Percentage. The formula multiplies an employee’s Regular Paybalance by the percentage figure entered in the input value.

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You can modify the formula to reference a different earnings balance.For a pretax 401(k) deduction, for example, the formula shouldreference the balance Earnings 401k.

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Percentage Gives formula the percentage to use. (Formula referencesthe run balance of Regular Pay.)

Deductions with the Rule Payroll Table

If you select this rule, you must create a user table holding thededuction amounts. The amounts commonly vary by employees’ ages,pay or job class. For example, this payroll table holds union duesamounts that vary with employee pay:

Salary Range Union A Union B

5.00 – 7.50 10.00 12.00

7.51 – 10.00 15.00 18.00

10.01 – 15.00 20.00 23.00

Oracle HRMS includes the row types Age Range, Salary Range and JobClass, already set up and ready for use for payroll tables holdingdeduction amounts.

If the rows of your payroll table do not reference employee age, pay orjob class, you set up the additional row type you require. See: SettingUp Row Types for Payroll Tables: page 3 – 37

Elements generated for deductions with this rule include an inputvalue Table Column. During the payroll run, the deduction formulauses the entry in this input value to determine which user table columnto look in for the deduction amount.

If the rows of the payroll table reference pay, age, or job class, thededuction formula uses the database item for the employee’s age, pay,or job class to determine which table row to go to. When the table’srow type is not Age Range, Salary Range or Job Class, the systemgenerates the element with an additional input value Row Name.

3 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Table Column Gives formula the column to look in for the deductionamount.

Row Name (created only ifthe table row type is notAge Range, Salary Range orJob Class)

Gives formula the row to look in for the deductionamount.

Deductions with the Rule Benefits Table

For many types of employee benefits, the Flat Amount or % Earningsrules are appropriate. But for benefit plans with coverage levels thatdetermine the amounts of employee and/or employer contributionstowards plan costs, you need the ability to store coverage levels andcorresponding contributions in a table. For these benefits, select therule Benefits Table if you are using Basic Benefits and enter coveragelevels and contribution amounts using the Benefit Contributionswindow.

Attention: Do not select the rule Benefits Table if you areusing Standard or Advanced Benefits.

Elements generated for deductions with this rule include the inputvalues Coverage, Employee Contribution, and EmployerContribution. When you enroll an employee in this benefit plan, youselect a coverage level, and the system automatically displays thedefault contribution amounts from the Benefits Table.

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Coverage Enrolls employee in plan and tells the formula where tofind the appropriate contribution amounts in the Benefitstable.

Employee Contribution Holds employee contribution amount.

Employer Contribution Holds employer contribution amount.

If you enter an employer contribution in the Benefits table for a plan,the system automatically generates an element to process thesecontributions. This element’s name is the plan name with the suffix ER(for example, Aetna–01 ER). It belongs to the classification EmployerLiabilities and the category Benefits. Its processing type isnonrecurring. It has one input value Pay Value.

3 – 11Deductions

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Pay Value Accepts amount of employer contribution to pay for abenefit plan. The generated deduction formula sends thisvalue as an indirect result.

3 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Insufficient Funds Rules for Deductions

Oracle Payroll holds an arrears balance for a deduction if you selectArrearage in the Insufficient Funds region of the Deduction window. Italso creates two special input values for the deduction. These inputvalues are special in that they function without you ever seeing them ormaking entries to them. They receive their entries automatically duringthe payroll run.

The special input value Not Taken holds any amount not taken for thededuction in the most recent payroll run. The special input valueArrears Contribution feeds the arrears balance.

Table 3 – 3 Special Input Values Generated for Arrears Management

Input Value Name Purpose of Entry

Not Taken Receives any amount not taken in the most recent payrollrun.

Arrears Contribution Receives results of the calculation of Scheduled Amountminus Pay Value for most recent run. Feeds this result tothe arrears balance.

The table below presents an example of how the entries automaticallymade to the these input values work to maintain the arrears balance.

Scheduled deduction amount per run: $50

Pay Value = Amount actually deducted in each run

Table 3 – 4 Arrears Management Example

Run Pay Value Not Taken ArrearsContribution


1 50 0 0 0

2 30 20 20 20

3 10 40 40 60

4 110 0 –60 0

5 50 0 0 0

The system also makes use of the special input value Adjust Arrears inmanaging arrearage.

Note: Do not select Arrearage in the Deduction window when youare initiating a pre–tax deduction.

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For more information about this input value, see: Changes to Earningsand Deductions Before a Run, Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

To review an employee’s arrears balance for a deduction, use the ViewEarnings and Deductions Balances window.

3 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Deductions Balances

Oracle Payroll automatically creates a number of balances for thedeductions you initiate. The rules you select for the deductionsdetermines which balances are created. You can review the definition ofthese balances in the Balance window.

See: Defining User Balances: page 1 – 65

You can see the value of these deductions for an employee using theView Earnings and Deductions Balances window.

See: Reviewing Earnings and Deductions Balances: page

Note: To view tax balances for individuals, use the View TaxBalances window.

See: Viewing Tax Balances, Running Your Payroll Using OracleHRMS

The balances that Oracle Payroll creates include the following:

The Accrued Balance

This balance exists only for deductions with a stop rule of TotalReached. It holds the amount accumulated to date toward the total.

See: Deduction Start and Stop Rules: page 3 – 5

The Arrears Balance

This balance exists only for deductions for which the system holdsarrearage when employee earnings are insufficient to cover thededuction’s full amount. The arrears balance holds any amounts nottaken but held in arrears.

The Toward Bond Balance

This balance exists only for deductions taken for the purchase of SeriesEE bonds. It holds the amount accumulated to date toward purchaseof a bond.

See: Series EE Bond Deductions: page 3 – 7

The Able Balance

This balance exists only for pretax deductions you initiate that do notfit in the categories Deferred Comp 401k, Health Care 125 or

3 – 15Deductions

Dependent Care 125. For a pretax deduction such as this, you mightrequire a balance fed by earnings types subject to the deduction. Thisis the Able balance that you can review here.

When you initiate a pretax deduction requiring this balance, the systemgenerates the balance, but you must manually enter the earnings typesthat feed it. You might also need to modify the generated formula forthe deduction so that it references this balance.

3 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Deferred Compensation Plans and Tax–Sheltered Annuities

Eligible employees can elect to participate in a deferred compensationplan (such as 401(k), 457) or contribute to a tax–sheltered annuity (suchas 403(b)) rather than receive the full amount of their salary in cash.

Participation in a deferred compensation plan is usually a pre–taxcontribution that reduces the employee’s taxable income. Themaximum amount of salary that an employee can elect to defer andhave contributed to a plan can change annually. In addition to pre-taxcontributions, employees can make after–tax contributions. Employerscan contribute matching amounts (the employer’s matchingcontribution does not have to equal the employee’s contribution).

Contributions and interest on deferred amounts are not subject tofederal (nor most state) income tax until they are withdrawn.

Once you create and save your deduction, Oracle Payroll automaticallygenerates both the pre- and post-tax deduction elements (if applicable).Oracle Payroll requires you to link and enter values for these elementsseparately.

Your organization needs to create deferred compensation elements andlinks only once. You must enter and maintain individual deferredcompensation values for each individual assignment as dictated byyour benefit elections policy.

Note: For an employee with multiple assignments, you can setup a pre–tax deduction for each assignment. Make sure thatyou record any deferral amount from a previous employer inelement entries for each assignment. This ensures that thepayroll run stops each assignment deduction when the total ofthe combined employee contributions equals the maximumallowed.

After–Tax Contributions

If you select the After–Tax Component check box in the Deferred CompRule region when you define the deductions, Oracle Payroll creates thefollowing entry values on the after–tax element.

3 – 17Deductions

Table 3 – 5 Entry Values for After–Tax Contributions to Deferred Compensation Plans

Entry Value Name Purpose of Entry

Take OverLimit AT Select an option that takes pre–tax limit overflow amountsinto the after tax balance. The options are Always, Never,and One–Time Deduction. You can use this option to takeboth base limit and catch–up overflow amounts.

AT Processing Order You select whether the application processes the after–taxdeduction at the same time as the pre–tax (Concurrent), orafter pre–tax deductions have reached their limit(Sequential).

401(k), 403(b), and 457 Catch–Up Provisions

Oracle Payroll supports deferred compensation plans with catch–upprovisions (401(k), 403(b), and 457).

When you enable a catch–up provision, Oracle Payroll automaticallyadjusts an eligible employee’s maximum pre–tax contribution limit.The application tracks base deductions and catch–up deductionsseparately, to support discrimination testing. It also processes catch–updeductions either sequentially or concurrently up to statutory or planlimits––the deduction stops when deferral amounts reach predefinedlimits.

The system tracks overflow amounts for states that do not conform tofederal statute and plan to tax increases in Pre Tax contributions.

Oracle Payroll also supports nonrecurring one–time adjustments todeductions and arrears balances.

If you enable catch–up processing when you define the deductions,Oracle Payroll creates the following entry values on the catch–upelement.

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Table 3 – 6 Entry Values for Catch–Up Contributions to Deferred Compensation Plans

Entry Value Name Purpose of Entry

Catch–Up Type There are three types of deferred compensation plans:General (401k, 403b, and 457), Elective Deferral (403bonly), and Retirement (457 only). An employee canparticipate in Elective Deferral and General Catchup atthe same time, or Retirement and General Catchup at thesame time.

Take Overlimit Catchup An employee can take base limit overflow amounts intothe catch–up balance in each pay period in which anoverflow exists (Always), only once in the first pay periodin which an overflow exists (One–Time Deduction), orNever.

Catch–Up Processing An employee can process base and catch–up deductionsand the same time (Concurrent), or wait until the basedeductions have reached the limit before processingcatchup (Sequential).

Override IRS Limit If your company’s plan specifies a lower limit than that ofthe IRS, you can specify a lower base limit.

Catch–Up Deduction Elements

When you create a deduction, its name––for example,“SleepEZ_401k”––becomes the base name for the elements it generates,represented by <base_name> in the catch–up element below. Creating acatch–up deduction generates the following element:

• <base_name> Catchup

This is the main element for a catch–up deduction. Use the ElementEntries window to associate this element with an individualemployee and enable the catch–up provisions. Your state may chooseto tax the catch–up portion of deferred contributions.

A related element generated by the base deduction (<base_name>Taxable by JD [401k] [403b] [457]) stores the amount taxable by yourstate jurisdiction (JD) when the state intends to tax the increase in thefederal pre–tax limit. For example, the pre–tax limit was $10,500 in2001 and $11,000 in 2002. Your state may choose to tax the $500increase in 2002. This is an indirect element that you do not attach orlink.

Warning: An employee is not eligible for catchup if the basededuction is not met, and discrimination testing requiresaccurate tracking of base and catch–up deductions. If anemployee uses concurrent catch–up processing, and the total

3 – 19Deductions

base deduction at the end of the year is less than the base limit,you must use a balance adjustment to recharacterize all or partof the catchup amount as base. You may also need to refundincome taxes in a state that has taxed catch–up deductions.Oracle Payroll does not automatically perform these tasks.

3 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Sample Cases for Catch–Up ProcessingThe following sample cases provide a real–world view of how selectedcombinations of entry values for Take Overlimit Catchup and TakeOverlimit AT affect payroll processing of base, catch–up, and after–taxdeductions. A reference table with detailed explanations of eachdeduction amount follows each initial summary table.The examples assume that the employee has elected the followingprescribed deductions from monthly pay:• Base Plan (BP): 10%• Catch–up (CU): 3%• After–tax (AT): 2%

Sample Case 1In sample case 1 the application takes base overflow amounts intocatchup when the employee reaches the base plan limit. The first tablesummarizes the effects of three entry values over five pay periods. Itdisplays deduction amounts, expressed as a percentage of monthly pay,in the sequence BP%+CU%. Catch–up processing is Sequential and thereis no after–tax deduction.

Take OverLimitCatchup

Pay Period n Pay Period n+1––employee reachesbase planlimit (5%excess)

Pay Period n+2

Pay Period n+3––employee reachescatch–up limit(2% excess)

Pay Period n+4

One TimeDeduction

10%+0% 5%+(5%+3%) 0%+3% 0%+1% 0%+0%

Never 10%+0% 5%+3% 0%+3% 0%+1% 0%+0%

Always 10%+0% 5%+(5%+3%) 0%+(10%+3%) 0%+1% 0%+0%

The following table is for reference. It describes the effects of each entryvalue in greater detail, explaining how the application calculates thededuction amounts in each pay period.

Entry Value Deductions(BP%+CU%)



Pay Period n 10%+0% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for theemployee’s base plan; 0% to catchup, because catch–upprocessing is Sequential and the employee has not yet reachedthe base limit.

3 – 21Deductions

Entry Value ExplanationDeductions(BP%+CU%)

Pay Period n+1 5%+(5%+3%) 5% to base, because the employee reached the base limit at the5% mark; (5%+3%) to catchup, because sequential processingof catchup begins when the employee reaches the base limit.With the entry value One Time Deduction, the application takesthe 5% base overflow to catchup this one time, and theprescribed 3% also goes to catchup.

Pay Period n+2 0%+3% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 3% to catchup, because with the entry value OneTime Deduction, overflows go to catchup only once, and theapplication took a spillover already in period n+1. Theprescribed 3% goes to catchup.

Pay Period n+3 0%+1% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 1% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatchup limit at the 1% mark. There is no after–tax deduction,so processing stops after reaching the catch–up limit. Theapplication does nothing with the 2% overflow.

Pay Period n+4 0%+0% 0% to base and 0% to catchup, because the employee hasreached both the base and catch–up limits.


Pay Period n 10%+0% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for base;0% to catchup, because catch–up processing is Sequential andthe employee has not yet reached the base limit.

Pay Period n+1 5%+3% 5% to base, because the employee reached the base limit at the5% mark; 3% to catchup, because sequential processing ofcatchup begins when the employee reaches the base limit.With the entry value Never, the application takes no overflowamounts to catchup, but does take the prescribed 3% amount.

Pay Period n+2 0%+3% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 3% to catchup, because 3% is the prescribedcatch–up deduction.

Pay Period n+3 0%+1% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 1% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatch–up limit at the 1% mark. Without an after–taxdeduction, processing stops after reaching the catch–up limit.Nothing is done with the 2% overflow.

Pay Period n+4 0%+0% 0% to base and 0% to catchup, because the employee hasreached both the base and catch–up limits.

3 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entry Value ExplanationDeductions(BP%+CU%)


Pay Period n 10%+0% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for theemployee’s base plan; 0% to catchup, because catch–upprocessing is Sequential and the employee has not yet reachedthe base limit.

Pay Period n+1 5%+(5%+3%) 5% to base, because the employee reached the base limit at the5% mark; (5%+3%) to catchup, because sequential processingof catchup begins when the employee reaches the base limit.With the entry value Always, the application takes the 5% baseoverflow to catchup every time. The application also takes theprescribed 3% to catchup.

Pay Period n+2 0%+(10%+3%) 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; (10%+3%) to catchup, because with the entryvalue Always, the application takes what is now a 10% baseoverflow to catchup every time. The application also takes theprescribed 3% to catchup.

Pay Period n+3 0%+1% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 1% to catchup, because the employee reaches thecatchup limit at the 1% mark. Without an after–tax deduction,processing stops after reaching the catch–up limit. Theapplication does nothing with the 2% overflow.

Pay Period n+4 0%+0% 0% to base and; 0% to catchup, because the employee hasreached both the base and catch–up limits.

Sample Case 2

In sample case 2 the application takes base overflow amounts intoaftertax when the employee reaches the base plan limit. The first tablesummarizes the effects of three entry values over four pay periods. Itdisplays deduction amounts, expressed as a percentage of monthly pay,in the sequence BP%+AT%. After–tax processing is Concurrent andthere is no catch–up deduction.

3 – 23Deductions

Take Over LimitAT

Pay Period n Pay Periodn+1––employeereaches base planlimit (5% excess)

Pay Period n+2 Pay Period n+3


10%+2% 5%+(5%+2%) 0%+2% 0%+2%

Never 10%+2% 5%+2% 0%+2% 0%+2%

Always (BasePension Plan)

10%+2% 5%+(5%+2%) 0%+(10%+2%) 0%+(10%+2%)

The following table is for reference. It describes the effects of each entryvalue in greater detail, explaining how the application calculates thededuction amounts in each pay period.

Entry Value Deductions(BP%+AT%)



Pay Period n 10%+2% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for base;2% to aftertax, because concurrent processing of aftertaxbegins immediately, taking the prescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+1 5%+(5%+2%) 5% to base, because the employee reached the base limit at the5% mark; (5%+2%) to aftertax, because with the entry valueOne–Time Deduction, the application takes the 5% baseoverflow to aftertax this one time. The application also takesthe prescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+2 0%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 2% to aftertax, because 2% is the prescribeddeduction for aftertax. The application took the one–timespillover already in period n+1.

Pay Period n+3 0%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 2% to aftertax, because 2% is the prescribeddeduction for aftertax. The application took the one–timespillover already in period n+1.


Pay Period n 10%+2% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for base;2% to aftertax, because concurrent processing of aftertaxbegins immediately, taking the prescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+1 5%+2% 5% to base, because the employee reached the base limit at the5% mark; 2% to aftertax, because with the entry value Never,the application takes no overflow amounts to aftertax. Theapplication takes the prescribed 2%.

3 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entry Value ExplanationDeductions(BP%+AT%)

Pay Period n+2 0%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 2% to aftertax, because 2% is the prescribeddeduction.

Pay Period n+3 0%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 2% to aftertax, because 2% is the prescribeddeduction.


Pay Period n 10%+2% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for theemployee’s base plan; 2% to aftertax, because concurrentprocessing of aftertax begins immediately, taking theprescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+1 5%+(5%+2%) 5% to base, because the employee reaches the base limit at the5% mark; (5%+2%) to aftertax, because with the entry valueAlways, the application takes the 5% spillover amount toaftertax every time, along with the prescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+2 0%+(10%+2%) 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; (10%+2%) to aftertax, because with the entryvalue Always, the application takes what is now a 10%spillover amount to aftertax every time, along with theprescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+3 0%+(10%+2%) 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; (10%+2%) to aftertax, because with the entryvalue Always, the application takes spillover amounts toaftertax every time, along with the prescribed 2%.

Sample Case 3

In sample case 3 the application takes base or catch–up overflowamounts into aftertax when the employee reaches the base plan orcatch–up limit. The first table summarizes the effects of four entryvalues over five pay periods. It displays deduction amounts, expressedas a percentage of monthly pay, in the sequence BP%+CU%+AT%.After–tax processing order is Concurrent.

Catch–up processing is Sequential, and the entry value for TakeOverlimit Catchup is Never. So while the application does processcatch–up deductions after the employee reaches the base limit, it doesnot ever take base overflow amounts into catchup.

Note: If the employee uses the entry value One–Time Deduction forTake Overlimit AT, the application takes a spillover only once. The

3 – 25Deductions

application takes a base or a catchup overflow amount, dependingupon which of the two limits the employee reaches first.

TakeOverlimit AT

Pay Period n Pay Periodn+1––––employee reachesbase planlimit (5%excess)

Pay Period n+2

Pay Period n+3––employee reachescatch–up limit(2% excess)

Pay Period n + 4


10%+0%+2% 5%+3%+(5%+2%)

0%+3%+2% 0%+1%+2% 0%+0%+2%

Never 10%+0%+2% 5%+3%+2% 0%+3%+2% 0%+1%+2% 0%+0%+2%

Always (basepension plan)

10%+0%+2% 5%+3%+(5%+2%)




Always (basepension planand catch–up)

10%+0%+2% 5%+3%+(5%+2%)




The following table is for reference. It describes the effects of each entryvalue in greater detail, explaining how the application calculates thededuction amounts in each pay period.

Entry Value Deductions(BP%+CU%+AT%)



Pay Period n 10%+0%+2% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for theemployee’s base plan; 0% to catchup, because catch–upprocessing is Sequential, and the employee has not yet reachedthe base limit; 2% to aftertax, because concurrent processingof aftertax begins immediately, taking the prescribed 2%amount.

Pay Period n+1 5%+3%+(5%+2%)

5% to base, because the employee reached the base limit at the5% mark; 3% to catchup, because sequential processing ofcatchup begins when the employee reaches the base limit.With the entry value Never for Take Overlimit Catchup, theapplication takes no overflow––but it does take the prescribed3% amount. (5%+2%) to aftertax, because with the entry valueOne–Time Deduction, the application takes the 5% baseoverflow to aftertax this one time. The application also takesthe prescribed 2% to aftertax.

3 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entry Value DescriptionDeductions(BP%+CU%+AT%)

Pay Period n+2 0%+3%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 3% to catchup, because 3% is the prescribeddeduction for catchup; 2% to aftertax because 2% is theprescribed deduction for aftertax. The application took theone–time spillover already in period n+1.

Pay Period n+3 0%+1%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 1% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatchup limit at the 1% mark; 2% to aftertax because 2% is theprescribed deduction for aftertax. The application took theone–time spillover already in period n+1.

Pay Period n+4 0%+0%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 0% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatch–up limit in period n+3; 2% to aftertax because 2% is theprescribed deduction for aftertax. The application took theone–time spillover already in period n+1.


Pay Period n 10%+0%+2% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for base;0% to catchup, because catch–up processing is Sequential andthe employee has not yet reached the base limit; 2% to aftertaxbecause concurrent processing of aftertax begins immediately,taking the prescribed 2% amount.

Pay Period n+1 5%+3%+2% 5% to base, because the employee reaches the base limit at the5% mark; 3% to catchup, because with the entry value Neverfor Take Overlimit Catchup, the application takes no overflowto catchup. The application takes the prescribed 3% amount.2% to aftertax because with the entry value Never, theapplication takes no overflow amount to aftertax. Theapplication takes the prescribed 2% amount.

Pay Period n+2 0%+3%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 3% to catchup, because 3% is the prescribeddeduction for catchup; 2% to aftertax because 2% is theprescribed deduction for aftertax.

Pay Period n+3 0%+1%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 1% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatch–up limit at the 1% mark; 2% to aftertax because 2% isthe prescribed deduction for aftertax. With the entry valueNever, the application does not take the catch–up overflow toaftertax.

3 – 27Deductions

Entry Value DescriptionDeductions(BP%+CU%+AT%)

Pay Period n+4 0%+0%+2% 0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 0% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatch–up limit in period n+3; 2% to aftertax because 2% is theprescribed deduction for aftertax.

Always (basepension plan)

Pay Period n 10%+0%+2% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for base;0% to catchup, because catch–up processing is Sequential andthe employee has not yet reached the base limit; 2% to aftertaxbecause concurrent processing of aftertax begins immediately,taking the prescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+1 5%+3%+(5%+2%)

5% to base, because the employee reaches the base limit at the5% mark; 3% to catchup, because with the entry value Neverfor Take Overlimit Catchup, the application takes no overflowto catchup. The application takes the prescribed 3% amount.(5%+2%) to aftertax, because with the entry value Always (basepension plan), the application takes the 5% base overflowamount to aftertax. The application also takes the prescribed2% amount.

Pay Period n+2 0%+3%+(10%+2%)

0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 3% to catchup, because 3% is the prescribeddeduction for catchup; (10%+2%) to aftertax because with theentry value Always (base pension plan), the application takeswhat is now a 10% base overflow amount to aftertax everytime. The application also takes the prescribed 2%.

Pay Period n+3 0%+1%+(10%+2%)

0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 1% to catchup, because the employee reaches thecatch–up limit at the 1% mark; (10%+2%) to aftertax becausewith the entry value Always (base pension plan), the applicationtakes the base overflow amount to aftertax every time. Theapplication also takes the prescribed 2% amount.

Pay Period n+4 0%+0%+(10%+2%)

0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 0% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatch–up limit in period n+3; (10%+2%) to aftertax becausewith the entry value Always (base pension plan), the applicationtakes the base overflow amount to aftertax every time. Theapplication also takes the prescribed 2% amount.

3 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entry Value DescriptionDeductions(BP%+CU%+AT%)

Always (basepension planand catch–up)

Pay Period n 10%+0%+2% 10% to base, because 10% is the prescribed deduction for base;0% to catchup, because catch–up processing is Sequential andthe employee has not yet reached the base limit; 2% to aftertaxbecause 2% is the prescribed deduction for aftertax.

Pay Period n+1 5%+3%+(5%+2%)

5% to base, because the employee reaches the base limit at the5% mark; 3% to catchup, because sequential processing ofcatchup begins when the employee reaches the base limit,taking the prescribed 3%. (5%+2%) to aftertax, because withthe entry value Always (base pension plan and catch–up), theapplication takes the 5% base overflow amount to aftertax.

Pay Period n+2 0%+3%+(10%+2%)

0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 3% to catchup, because 3% is the prescribeddeduction for catchup; (10%+2%) to aftertax because with theentry value Always (base pension plan and catch–up), theapplication takes all spillover amounts to aftertax every time.

Pay Period n+3 0%+1%+(10%+2%+2%)

0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 1% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatch–up limit at the 1% mark; (10%+2%+2%) to aftertaxbecause with the entry Value Always (base pension plan andcatchup), the application takes all spillover amounts to aftertaxevery time (10% from base, 2% from catchup). The applicationalso takes the prescribed 2% amount.

Pay Period n+4 0%+0%+(10%+3%+2%)

0% to base, because the employee reached the base limit inperiod n+1; 0% to catchup, because the employee reached thecatch–up limit in period n+3; (10%+3%+2%) to aftertaxbecause with the entry Value Always (base pension plan andcatchup), the application takes all spillover amounts to aftertaxevery time (10% from base, 3% from catchup). The applicationalso takes the prescribed 2% amount.

3 – 29Deductions

Setting Up DeductionsUse the Deduction window to initiate a non–tax deduction inaccordance with the rules and policies of your enterprise.

In response to your entries in this window, Oracle Payroll generates anelement for the deduction, with the necessary input values and balancefeeds, and a formula with the necessary formula result rules.

Setting Up Deductions

� To set up a deduction:

1. If you want to add your own user–defined category for adeduction, use the application utilities Lookups window to enteradditional categories for these Lookup types:




See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS (US)

2. If the deduction amount is to be located by a formula from a usertable, you must create the user table first.

See: Setting Up User Tables, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS (US)

3. If the user table uses a row type other than the predefined typesAge Range, Salary Range, or Job Class, you must set up the rowtype first.

See: Setting Up Row Types for Payroll Tables: page 3 – 37

4. Identify the deduction: page 3 – 31

5. Select processing rules: page 3 – 32

6. If necessary, define frequency rules: page 1 – 42.

Note: Do not define frequency rules for involuntarydeductions.

7. Determine the deduction amount: page 3 – 35

8. Manage insufficient funds (arrearage): page 3 – 12

9. Review the components generated for the deduction: page 1 – 47

10. If necessary, modify the generated components: page 1 – 49

3 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

11. Define element links: page 1 – 44 for the generated element(s).

Note: If you make mistaken entries when initiating adeduction so that the components generated for it needcorrection, delete all the generated components and re–initiatethe deduction.

Setting Up 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Deductions

� To set up a 401(k), 403(b), or 457 deduction:

1. Create the 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Elements: page 3 – 39.

You create these pre–tax deduction elements in the Deductionwindow.

2. Define element links: page 1 – 44 for the generated element(s).

You link elements to eligible assignments in the Element Linkwindow.

3. Establish employer matching for 401(k), 403(b), and 457: page 3 – 43 (if necessary).

You enter matching contribution amounts in the Globals window.

4. Set up catch–up processing. See Setting Up Catch–Up Processing:page 3 – 44

Using Deductions

Make Batch Element Entries Using BEE: page 4 – 14

Make Manual Element Entries: page 4 – 6

Using 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Catch–Up Provisions: page 3 – 45

3 – 31Deductions

Identifying the Deduction

You need to identify, classify, and categorize a deduction before youcan use it. Use the Deduction window.

� To identify, classify, and categorize the deduction:

1. Set the effective date early enough to handle any historical entries.You cannot enter a deduction for employees before its effectivestart date.

2. Enter a unique name for the deduction. This name applies both tothe deduction element and its formula. It must start with a letter ofthe alphabet, not a number or symbol. You can also supply areporting name, a short name that appears on reports and thestatement of earnings.

3. Select the correct classification for the deduction, and a category ifapplicable.

Pretax deductions and deductions taken for wage attachmentsrequire selection of a category.

4. US only: If this deduction pays for a benefit or benefit plan andyou are using Basic Benefits, select the appropriate benefitclassification for it.

5. Optionally change the default priority. The deduction’sclassification determines its default processing priority in thepayroll run. Deductions with lower processing priorities processfirst.

Next Step

See Selecting Processing Rules for the Deduction: page 3 – 32.

3 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Selecting Processing Rules for the Deduction

Processing rules enable you to define with precision how Oracle Payrollprocesses a deduction.

� To enter processing rules for the deduction:

1. Choose the Processing tabbed region of the Deduction window.

2. Select Recurring or Nonrecurring as the processing type.

Select Recurring if entries to this deduction should process untilyou change or end them. Select Nonrecurring if the deductionshould process only when it receives one or more new entries in aperiod.

3. Select On Entry or Earnings Threshold as the rule determiningwhen this deduction starts for an employee:

• On Entry, if the deduction should start as of the effective dateyou enter it for an employee

• Earnings Threshold, if this deduction should start when theemployee’s Gross Earnings balance reaches or surpasses athreshold amount. Enter this amount in the input valueThreshold Amount.

Specify a default value for all eligible employees in the ThresholdAmount Default field of the Entry Values window of the ElementLink window.

Specify a value for an individual employee in the ThresholdAmount field of the Entry Values window of the Element Entrieswindow.

You can modify the deduction formula to reference a differentearnings balance.

4. Check the appropriate boxes in the Deferred Compensation Ruleregion:

• Employer Match tells the application to generate an ER Matchelement that you can use for employees who are eligible foremployer matching (or partial matching). This element has thesame name as the element you are creating, plus the letters ER.

• After–Tax Component tells the application to generate an ATelement that you can use for employees who elect to contributeafter–tax money. This element has the same name as the elementyou are creating, plus the letters AT.

Note: You cannot select After–Tax Component for your owncategories of pretax deductions.

3 – 33Deductions

5. Select a run type of Regular or All.

Select Regular for the deduction to process only in Regular runs,that is, the runs that produce employees’ regular pay in eachperiod. Select All to process the deduction in both Regular andSupplemental runs.

6. Select a termination rule to determine how the applicationprocesses the element after termination of the employee:

Actual Termination, if you want recurring entries to close down onthe date the employee leaves. For a nonrecurring element, selectActual Termination if you want the entries to close down at the endof the pay period in which the employee leaves, or on the date theassignment ends (the final process date) if this is earlier.

Final Close, if you want the entries to stay open beyond theemployee’s leaving date so that you can continue to pay theemployee.

Last Standard Process, for all recurring and nonrecurring elementsif you want their entries to close down on the Last StandardProcess date or on the date the assignment ends (the final processdate) if this is earlier. The Last Standard Process date defaults tothe last day of the pay period in which the employee is terminated,but you can set it to a later period when you terminate anemployee.

7. Check the Standard Link box only if you want automatic entry ofthe deduction and its default input value entries for all eligibleemployees.

8. Check the Total Reached stop rule box if the deduction should stopwhen the total sum taken from an employee for this deductionreaches a specified total. You enter this total in the entry value TotalOwed:

• Specify a Total Reached default value for all eligible employeesin the Total Owed Default field of the Input Values window ofthe Element Link window.

• Specify a Total Reached value for an individual employee in theTotal Owed field of the Entry Values window of the ElementEntries window.

Uncheck the Total Reached box if the deduction should stop on theeffective date you delete it for an employee. (This is the On Entrystop rule.)

For more information about start and stop rules, see Deduction Startand Stop Rules: page 3 – 5.

3 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

9. If this is a deduction for the purchase of Series EE Bonds, check theSeries EE Bond box. All deductions for Series EE Bond purchaserequire the processing type Recurring.

Next Steps

Defining Frequency Rules: page 1 – 42

3 – 35Deductions

Determining the Deduction Amount

Select the rules that determine the amount of a deduction in theAmount tabbed region of the Deduction window.

If you want the amounts to come from a user table (amount rulePayroll Table), you must create the user table first.

See: Setting Up User Tables, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS (US)

If the payroll table uses a row type other than the predefined types AgeRange, Salary Range or Job Class, you must set up the row type first.

See: Setting Up Row Types for Payroll Tables: page 3 – 37

� To determine the deduction amount:

1. Choose the Amount tabbed region.

2. Select Flat Amount, % Earnings, Payroll Table or Benefits Table asthe amount rule. You cannot select Payroll Table or Benefits Tablefor some categories of pre–tax deduction.

Attention: Do not select the rule Benefits Table if you areusing Standard or Advanced Benefits at your site.

3. If the amount rule is Payroll Table, select in the Payroll Table regionthe name and row type of the table. Also, select the name of thetable column in which the deduction formula should look for thededuction amounts.

Note: The payroll table rows may have a row type other than AgeRange, Salary Range or Job Class. In this case, after setting up thisdeduction you must modify its generated formula to reference therow type and the appropriate database item. The formula has thename of the deduction with the words PAYROLL_TABLE added.

4. If the amount rule is Benefits Table, complete the deduction setupby setting up the benefit plan in the Benefits Table, using theBenefit Contributions window. First save your deduction in thiswindow.

See: Establishing Health Care Plan Coverage and DefaultContributions: page 7 – 15

Next Step

Managing Insufficient Funds (Arrearage): page 3 – 12

3 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Managing Insufficient Funds (Arrearage)

Arrearage rules enable you to manage insufficient funds. Use theAmount tabbed region of the Deduction window.

� To manage insufficient funds:

1. Check the Arrearage box to hold an arrears balance for thededuction. The arrears balance takes the deduction’s name. If youdo not check this box, no arrears balance is held for this deduction.

2. Check the Partial Deduction box to take a partial amount whenearnings are insufficient to take the full deduction amount.

If you check this box but do not check the Arrearage box, thesystem does not hold an amount not taken in an arrears balance.

3. Save your work.

Note: Do not select Arrearage in the Deduction window when youare initiating a pre–tax deduction.

Next Step

Reviewing Earnings and Deductions Structures: page 1 – 47

3 – 37Deductions

Setting Up Row Types for Payroll Tables

Oracle HRMS includes the row types Age Range, Salary Range and JobClass, already set up and ready for use for payroll tables holdingdeduction amounts.

If the rows of your payroll table do not reference employee age, pay orjob class, you set up the additional row type you require. You set up anew row type using the application utilities Lookups window.

The new row type may reference information already in the HRMSdatabase as a database item. For example, a new row type canreference employees’ positions.

Alternatively, the new type might reference information not previouslyexisting in the database. For example, the rows of a table holdingamounts of union dues deductions might refer to union-defined skilllevels not found elsewhere in your HRMS database:

Table 3 – 7 Example Payroll Table where Rows do not Represent Pay, Age or Job

Skill Level Union A Union B

Apprentice 10.00 12.00

Journeyman 15.00 18.00

Craftsman 20.00 23.00

� To set up row types that reference database items:

1. In the application utilities Lookups window, query the Lookuptype US_TABLE_ROW_TYPES in the Type field.

2. Enter a suitable short code for the new row type, and the meaningof the code. For example, if the new row type referencesemployees’ positions, you could enter the code POS and themeaning Position.

3. Optionally, enter a description for the new row type. The start datedefaults to the effective date. You can change this default. Saveyour work.

� To set up row types that do not reference database items:

1. In the application utilities Lookups window, enter an appropriateLookup type for the new row type. For example, to set up a rowtype for the table holding union dues deduction amounts that varyby employees’ union–defined skill levels, set up a Lookup typeSKILL_LEVEL.

3 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Enter a short code and meaning for each code belonging to thetype.

These are example Lookup entries for the Lookup typeSKILL_LEVEL:

Table 3 – 8 Example Lookup Entries for a New Row Type

Code Meaning

APP Apprentice

JRN Journeyman

CRFT Craftsman

3. Optionally, enter a description for each code. The start datedefaults to the effective date. You can change this default.

4. Save your work.

5. Clear the entries in the application utilities Lookups window, andquery the Lookup type US_TABLE_ROW_TYPES in the Type field.Then add the new Lookup type to the list of codes and meaningsavailable as Lookups for the type US_TABLE_ROW_TYPE.

Note: After setting up a deduction whose amount comes froma table using the new row type, you must use the Formulaswindow to modify the formula generated for the deduction sothat it references the new row type. The formula has the nameof the deduction with the words PAYROLL_TABLE added.

See Also

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

3 – 39Deductions

Creating 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Elements

Create 401(k), 403(b), and 457 elements in the Deduction window.

� To create 401(k), 403(b) or 457 elements:

1. Set the effective date early enough to handle any historical entries.You cannot enter a deduction for employees before the deduction’seffective start date.

2. Type a unique name for the element in the Name field. Type a shortname in the Reporting Name field, if desired.

The Name applies to both the deduction element and its formula. Itmust start with a letter of the alphabet, not a number or a symbol.The Reporting Name is a short name (less than 12 characters) thatappears on reports and the statement of earnings.

3. Select Pre-Tax Deductions in the Classification field. Select theappropriate category (say, Deferred Comp 401k) in the Categoryfield.

4. If you are using Basic Benefits, select the appropriate classificationin the Benefit Classification field.

Warning: Do not select a benefit classification if your site usesStandard Benefits or Advanced Benefits.

5. Optionally, change the default priority. The deduction’sclassification determines its default processing priority in thepayroll run. Deductions with lower processing priorities processfirst.

In the Processing tab:

6. Make sure Recurring is enabled in the Type region.

7. Select one of the following from the Start Rule region:

On Entry, to start the deduction on the effective date you enter itfor the employee.

Earnings Threshold, to start the deduction when the employee’sgross earnings reach a specified amount. You specify this amountusing the entry value Threshold Amount in the Element Entrieswindow.

Note: You can specify independent Threshold Amount values foreach element––for example, the base deduction and the catch–updeduction.

8. Check the appropriate boxes in the Deferred Compensation Ruleregion:

3 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Employer Match creates an ER Match element you can enter foremployees who are eligible for employer matching (or partialmatching).

• After–Tax Component creates an AT element you can enter foremployees who elect to contribute after–tax money.

Note: You cannot select After–Tax Component for your owncategories of pretax deductions.

Enabling an Employer Match or After–Tax Component check boxcreates a separate after–tax element. This element takes the samename as the Pre-Tax element, but is followed by the letters ER (inthe case of Employer Match) or AT (in the case of After–Tax).

9. Select a Run Type:

Regular, for the deduction to process only in Regular runs, that is,the runs that produce employees’ regular pay in each period.

All, to process the deduction in both Regular and Supplementalruns.

10. In the Termination region, select a termination rule to determinehow entries of the element are processed after termination of theemployee:

Actual Termination, if you want recurring entries to close down onthe date the employee leaves. For a nonrecurring element, selectActual Termination if you want the entries to close down at the endof the pay period in which the employee leaves, or on the date theassignment ends (the final process date) if this is earlier.

Final Close, if you want the entries to stay open beyond theemployee’s leaving date so that you can continue to pay theemployee.

Last Standard Process, for all recurring and nonrecurring elementsif you want their entries to close down on the Last StandardProcess date or on the date the assignment ends (the final processdate) if this is earlier. The Last Standard Process date defaults tothe last day of the pay period in which the employee is terminated,but you can set it to a later period when you terminate anemployee.

11. In the Catch–Up Processing option group, select one of thefollowing:

None, if the deduction has no catch–up processing component.

Sequential, to tell the application to process catch–up deductionsonly after reaching the base limit.

3 – 41Deductions

Concurrent, to tell the application to process base plan andcatch–up deductions at the same time.

Note: Selecting this option sets the default for the deduction. Youmay change the option later per employee in the Element Entrieswindow.

12. Check the Standard Link check box only if you want to attach thededuction to all employees.

13. Check the Total Reached stop rule check box if the deductionshould stop when the total sum taken from an employee for thisdeduction reaches a specified total. You enter this total in the entryvalue Total Owed:

• Specify a Total Reached default value for all eligible employeesin the Total Owed Default field of the Input Values window ofthe Element Link window.

• Specify a Total Reached value for an individual employee in theTotal Owed field of the Entry Values window of the ElementEntries window.

Uncheck the Total Reached check box if the deduction should stopon the effective date you delete the deduction for an employee.(This is the On Entry stop rule.)

14. Check the Frequency Rules Exist check box, and click theFrequency Rules button to enter the appropriate information (ifnecessary).

On the Amount tab:

15. In the Rules region, select the appropriate amount rule:

• Flat Amount, if you want to deduct a fixed amount of moneyeach pay period. You enter this amount using BEE or theElement Entries window for each employee.

• %Earnings, if you want to deduct a percentage of the employee’searnings each pay period. You enter this percentage using BEE orthe Element Entries window for each employee.

If AT or catch–up elements exist, the amount rule applies to themas well.

Note: Payroll Table and Benefits Table are not appropriateselections for 401(k), 403(b), or 457 deductions.

16. If appropriate, make a selection in the Insufficient Funds region.

17. Save your work.

Oracle Payroll generates the 401(k), 403(b) or 457 elements, formulasand balances.

3 – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: You cannot update deduction criteria once you havesaved the deduction.

Next Step

Note: If your deduction has both pre–tax and after–taxelements, you must create a link for both elements. If you aregoing to maintain costing information on the employercontribution (ER) element, you must also create a link for thiselement.

If you use Standard or Advanced Benefits, remember to createopen links for the element; that is, do not select any assignmentcomponents when you define the link.

3 – 43Deductions

Establishing Employer Matching for 401(k), 403(b), and 457

Oracle Payroll enables you to set up employer matching for yourorganization. The application default is that for every dollar that anemployee contributes up to 6% of their pay, the employer matches 50cents. You can adjust this criterion or remove employer matchingaltogether.

Note: Employer matching funds do not count toward statutorydeferral limits.

You establish employer matching from the Globals window.


� You must link the appropriate deduction element to employeeassignments before you can enter values for employer matchingvariables into the Globals window.

� To set up employer matching:

1. Enter the limit of the employer match in the Value field for theEMPLOYER_MATCH_LIMIT variable.

This decimal value represents the amount of the employee’scontribution (expressed as a percentage of pay) that the companywill match. The default entry for this field is .06 (up to 6%).

2. Enter the rate of the employer match in the Value field for theEMPLOYER_MATCH_PCT variable.

This is a decimal value that represents what percentage of eachcontributed dollar the company will match. The default entry forthis field is .5 (50% of the amount an employee contributes).

3. Save your work.

Note: The default Employer Match Formula does not takecatch–up contributions into account. If your plan providesemployer matching for catch–up contributions, change yourEmployer Match formula.

3 – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up Catch–Up Processing

� To set up catch–up processing:

1. In the Deduction window, create a new deduction and itsassociated elements. See Creating 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Elements:page 3 – 39.

2. In the Element Link window, define eligibility by linking generatedelements to assignments or by creating open links.

If you use Standard or Advanced Benefits, do not select assignmentcomponents to define eligibility. Create an open link (unless youneed to select assignment components for costing purposes).

See Defining Element Links: page 1 – 44.

3. In the Plans window, optionally set up a benefits plan if you areusing Standard or Advanced Benefits.

See Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 - 27

Enroll employees in the plan. See Enrollment Management: page 22 - 2

Note: If you are using Basic Benefits, do not set up a benefits plan.You make entries for each employee to the input values of thededuction element. See Benefits Enrollment (Basic Benefits): page 7 – 17.

3 – 45Deductions

Using 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Catch–Up Provisions

401(k), 403(b), and 457 catch–up provisions enable eligible employees toexceed pre–tax deferral limits. In the Element Entry window, createnew element entries to associate catch–up deductions with theemployee and to enable the catch–up provisions for the deductions.


• Create a new deduction and its associated elements. See Creating401(k), 403(b), and 457 Elements: page 3 – 39.

• Define eligibility by linking generated elements to assignments orcreating open links. See Defining Element Links: page 1 – 44.

� To create new element entries for catch–up deductions:

1. Set your effective date to accommodate the deduction’s effectivedate and employee eligibility. You cannot associate a deductionwith an employee before its effective date, or before the employeebecomes eligible for the deduction.

2. In the Element Entry window, click in a blank Element Name fieldand select the catch–up deduction from the lookup list.

For more information about creating element entries for employeeassignments, see Making Manual Element Entries: page 4 – 6.

3. Choose the Entry Values button. The Entry Values windowappears.

4. In the Catch–Up Type field, select from the following:

• Elective Deferral Catchup (403b only)

• Elective Deferral and General Catchup (403b only)

• General Catchup (401k, 403b, and 457)

• Retirement Catchup (457 only)

• Retirement and General Catchup (457 only)

5. In the Override IRS Limit field, optionally enter a dollar amountlower than the IRS limit on deferred contributions if yourcompany’s benefits specify a lower limit.

Warning: Do not enter a value higher than the IRS limit in theOverride IRS Limit field. Oracle Payroll ignores a higher valueand uses the IRS limit.

Eligible employees (for example, selected military personnel) mayqualify for limits that exceed that of the IRS. To address this

3 – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

situation, your implementation team must create a new genericpre–tax category and a deduction within this category. Add thisnew category in the application utilities Lookups window for theLookup type US_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS. You set this deductionAmount value separate from those of standard pre–tax deferralplans, such as 401(k), 403(b), or 457.

For additional information on creating generic categories, see“Adding Lookup Types and Values” in Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

6. In the Take Overlimit Catchup field, select from the following:

• Always, to take base limit overflows into the catch–up balance ineach pay period in which a base limit overflow exists.

• Never, to take no base limit overflows into the catch–up balance.

• One–Time Deduction, to take overflows into the catch–upbalance only once, in the first pay period in which a base limitoverflow exists.

Note: A base limit overflow occurs when an employee’sdeductions for the year exceed the maximum amount allowed bythe IRS or your company’s benefits. The entry value Take OverlimitCatchup tells the application how (if at all) to take base limitoverflows into the catch–up balance.

7. In the Catch–Up Processing field, select from the following:

• Concurrent, to process base and catch–up deductions at thesame time.

• Sequential, to finish processing base deductions when theyreach the base limit, then begin processing catch–up deductions.

8. In the Take Overlimit AT field, select from the following if there isan after–tax component to the deduction:

• Always (Base Pension Plan and Catch–Up), to take base andcatch–up limit overflows into the after–tax balance in each payperiod in which a base limit or catch–up limit overflow exists.

• Always (Base Pension Plan), to take base limit overflows intothe after–tax balance in each pay period in which a base limitoverflow exists.

• Always (Catch–Up), to take catch–up limit overflows into theafter–tax balance in each pay period in which a catch–up limitoverflow exists.

• Never, to take no overflows into the after–tax balance.

• One–Time Deduction, to take overflows into the after–taxbalance only once, in the first pay period in which an overflowexists.

3 – 47Deductions

Warning: Make sure that an employee understands theimplications of selecting Always for Take Overlimit Catchupand Always for Take Overlimit AT in the same deduction.Potentially, the application could take up to a double deductionin a single pay period when the employee reaches the baselimit.

9. In the After–Tax Processing Order field, select from the following ifthere is an after–tax component to the deduction:

• Concurrent, to process after–tax deductions and base/catch–updeductions at the same time.

• Sequential (Base Pension Plan and Catch–Up), to first processbase and catch–up deductions, then begin processing after–taxdeductions.

• Sequential (Base Pension Plan), to first process basedeductions, then begin processing after–tax deductions.

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4 – 1Compensation Entry and Reporting

Compensation Entryand Reporting

4 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Compensation Entry and Reporting

Can you enter weekly timecard data?

Yes, using Batch Element Entry, you can enter timecard information fora group of employees, using default values as appropriate. You canvalidate your entries against system rules and external control totalsbefore uploading it to the database in time for the payroll run.

How does Oracle HRMS help reduce data entry errors?

There are three ways:

• By removing the need to make entries at all, when compensationentries are standard for a group of employees and can be enteredautomatically.

• By reducing keystrokes when you use Batch Element Entry toenter batches of entries.

• By validating all entries using rules you define at setup time.

Can you make one–time changes to entries?

Yes. Some types of compensation or payment (such as expensereimbursements) need only be entered for the period to which theyapply. For others, the regular value can be adjusted if you need adifferent value for one payroll run.

I’m entering compensation details for analysis but not for payroll processing. How doyou reduce data entry work to a minimum?

If the same compensation entry applies to a group of employees, thesystem can enter it automatically. You need to set up the element withstandard links. Use Batch Element Entry to start or update other entriesin batches.

You can download salary information to a spreadsheet, update it there,and upload the new information to the database.

Can you see a history of all compensation values for an employee over time?

Yes, you can view all changes for one or more types of compensation.For salaries, you can also see new proposed salary changes.

How do you compare compensation for groups of employees?

You can select employees by organization, job, position, or grade andview past and current salaries or new salary proposals. For other types

4 – 3Compensation Entry and Reporting

of compensation, you can compare the latest values for all employees inany period of time you choose.

If you use grade rates, you can compare compensation entries for allemployees on a certain grade, and also see these values as a percentageof the midpoint defined for the grade.

4 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Compensation Entry and Reporting Overview

To record any form of compensation, benefit, or deduction liability foran employee, you make an element entry. There are several ways to dothis:

• You can use BEE (Batch Element Entry) to enter or update abatch of element entries for many employees, using defaults forfast entry. For example, you can use BEE to enter timecard dataand to enroll employees in PTO accrual plans.

• You can enter salaries, as proposals or confirmed values, in theSalary Administration window.

• You can enter absences or accrued time taken in the AbsenceDetail window.

• You can enroll employees in benefit plans and select theappropriate coverage for themselves and their dependents.There are different windows for enrolling in Flex Programs,Non–flex Programs, Savings Plans, and Miscellaneous Plans.Alternatively, employees can set up their own enrollments, usingSelf Service HR.

• You can make or update individual entries of othercompensation elements for an employee using the ElementEntries window.

At your enterprise, some elements may be defined with standard linksso that eligible employees receive an entry automatically. You do notneed to do anything to record these forms of compensation foremployees.

4 – 5Compensation Entry and Reporting

Selecting a Date for Compensation Entries

There are two types of element: recurring and nonrecurring.

Entries for recurring elements remain effective indefinitely, until youupdate them or the employee ceases to be eligible for the element, forexample after a change of work assignment. You can start entries of arecurring element at any point in time. Use DateTrack to set theeffective start date of new entry or update. This maintains a completehistory of values and the dates they changed.

Entries for nonrecurring elements are one–time entries. They areeffective only for the current pay period (defined by the payroll towhich an employee is assigned). To make the entry, you set youreffective date to any date in the appropriate pay period. Any changesyou make to nonrecurring entries are always corrections. There can beno history of changes to these entries within a pay period. However,the entries for each period (if any) are stored as history for anemployee.

4 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Making Manual Element EntriesYou enter compensation and benefits for employee assignments in theElement Entries window. If the employee is assigned to a salary basis,you enter their salary in the Salary Administration window.

You can use the Element Entries window to make entries or to inquireon existing entries. Use the Period field, Classification field, andProcessing Types option buttons to restrict the entries you see whenmaking inquiries.

The Processed check box displays whether Oracle Payroll hasprocessed the entry in the current pay period.

Note: Your system administrator may have createdcustomized versions of this window to restrict the elementsyou can enter by element set, classification, or processing type.

� To enter an element for an employee:

1. If necessary, change your effective date to:

• the correct start date for a recurring element entry

• any date in the correct pay period for a nonrecurring elemententry

If the pay period is closed at your effective date, you cannot enterany nonrecurring elements that process in payroll runs. If a currentor future pay period is closed, you cannot enter any recurringelements that process in payroll runs.

2. To reduce the list of elements to choose from, select a classification,a processing type, or both in the first region.

3. In the Element Name field, select an element.

Note: Elements this employee is eligible for by means of astandard link appear automatically.

The system displays a warning message if the employee fails tomeet any qualifying conditions of age or length of service.

4. If the Costing field is enterable, you can enter cost codes, forexample to indicate the cost center the employee’s time should becharged to.

See: Costing Information at the Element Entry Level, Using OracleHRMS – The Fundamentals

5. You can select a reason for an element entry you make or update.As part of your system setup, you can enter valid reasons for theLookup Type ELE_ENTRY_REASON.

4 – 7Compensation Entry and Reporting

Note: There is no use for the Override, Additional, or ShowAdjustment check boxes at North American installations.

Entering Values

6. Choose the Entry Values button to open the Entry Values window.

7. Make entries in the Entry Value fields. Notice that:

• Some fields may not be enterable.

• Some fields may be required.

• Some fields may have a list of values; others may be validated asyou leave the field. You receive a message if your entry is notvalid.

• Some fields may contain default values. If the default value is inquotation marks, it is a ”hot default”.

Note: You should consider carefully before overriding a hotdefault. If you override it, then any subsequent changes to thedefault value on the element or element link definition will notaffect this element entry. However, you can clear your entry if youwant the default value to come back into effect.

8. To establish an earned date for an earnings element that is outsideof the current payroll period, make a selection in the Date Earnedfield.

9. To enter information about a third party recipient of a paymentresulting from a deduction element, select in the Payee Detailsfield, the name of the third party payment method set up for thispayment.

10. To determine the processing sequence of multiple entries in thepayroll run, enter a subpriority number in the Processing Priorityfield. Lower priority numbers process first.

Excluding Balances From Grossup Calculations

11. For net–to–gross earnings types, choose the Balance Grossupbutton to open the Gross Up Balances window. The windowdisplays the balances that are excluded from grossup calculationsfor this earnings type.

12. Select any additional balances you want to exclude for this elemententry.

13. Save your work.

4 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Deleting Element Entries

You can delete element entries in the Element Entries window.

� To delete a nonrecurring element entry:

1. Set your effective date to any date within the payroll period forwhich the entry exists.

2. Click on the entry to select it, choose Delete Record, and save.

� To delete a recurring element entry:

1. Set your effective date to any date within the payroll period forwhich the entry exists.

2. Click on the entry to select it and choose Delete Record.

3. Choose Purge in the dialog box that displays, and save.

Note: Your ability to purge element entries is controlled by theuser profile option HR: Purge Element Entry Permission, whichis set by your system administrator. You may be able to purgeall element entries, entries of information elements only, ornone.

Deleting Processed Entries

You can delete an element entry that the payroll run has processed. Youreceive a warning message. This does not remove the payroll runresults so you can consult these for a complete record of payrollprocessing and payments.

To reprocess corrected element entries from the past, run the retropayprocesses.

See: Setting Up RetroPay, Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

4 – 9Compensation Entry and Reporting

Listing Employees by Element

In the List Employees by Element window, you can view a list of theemployees with entries to an element in any period of time you choose.You can also see the last entry value for each assignment.

Note: If your system administrator has customized thiswindow, you may be restricted to selecting elements of acertain processing type or element set.

� To view a list of employees receiving an element:

1. Select an element.

2. Select Current Employees, Ex–employees, or both.

3. You can also enter a date range. Both date fields default to youreffective date.

4. You can enter additional query criteria in the Element Entriesregion.

5. Run the query.

The Element Entries region displays all entries of the element foremployees of the type you selected in the chosen time period.

Note: This window does not display datetracked updates torecurring element entries. You only see the latest value (withinyour chosen time period) of each element entry. The date ofthe last datetracked update may vary from employee toemployee.

4 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing Element Entry History

In the View Element Entry History for Employee window you canview, for a single employee assignment, a history of entries for:

• One element

• All recurring elements, all nonrecurring elements, or both

• Elements from a selected classification

Note: If your system administrator has customized thiswindow, you may be restricted to viewing elements of a certainprocessing type or element set.

� To view element entry history for an employee:

1. Enter your selection criteria. You can:

• Select a classification.

• Select a processing type.

• Enter a date range. The end date defaults to your effective date.

2. Place your cursor in the Element Name field and run the query.

The window displays all entries of the types of element youselected within the time period, including datetracked updates toentries. New entries are shown in bold to contrast withdatetracked updates, which are listed under the initial entry.

3. Select an entry and choose the Entry Values button to view theentry values.

4 – 11Compensation Entry and Reporting

BEE (Batch Element Entry)Using BEE is the fast way to enter batches of elements on a regularbasis, or when compensation levels or policies change. For example, ineach payroll period you can use BEE to:

• Record timecard data needed for regular pay processing, such ashours worked, location or shift worked, absences, and costing orlabor distribution data

• Enter special nonrecurring earnings or deductions to beprocessed in the period

• Enter one–time changes to recurring earnings or deductions

From time to time, you might also use BEE for:

• Enrollment in PTO Accrual Plans, perhaps for a group of newlyhired employees

• Changes to salary, bonuses, commissions, and other types ofearnings to maintain information about employee compensation

When you enter absences in a batch, BEE creates absence records aswell as element entries.

How To Enter a Batch

Each batch has a header and as many batch lines as you require; a batchline is one element entry for an assignment. Lines within a batch canhave different effective dates. There are three ways you can enterbatches:

• Enter input values and other data for one element, and run aconcurrent process to create identical batch lines for all theassignments in an assignment set.

• Create an element set and make entries for each element in theset, one assignment at a time.

• Select an element and create or update lines for this elementusing defaults to speed entry, and changing defaults as necessarywhen working through the batch.

You can use any of these approaches in combination in a batch.

For example, to give an identical bonus to all full time employees in theFinance Division, you could create an assignment set for theseemployees and run a concurrent process to enter the bonus for the set.Then, to handle part time employees, you could select the bonuselement in the Batch Lines window and create a batch line individuallyfor each part time employee, entering a pro rata bonus amount.

4 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Validation of Batch Entries

To validate a batch after saving it, you run the BEE validation processfrom the Batch Header window. This process checks the header andeach line of the batch. For example, it checks that each assignmentnumber exists in the database, and that you have specified values forall required input values. It also runs any validation formulas you havedefined for the input values.

You can add your own validation procedures to the standard process.For example, you can set up control totals or extra business validation.

Control Totals

Control totals are predefined for checking the number of lines in abatch and for summing pay values and hours. You can create controltotals for other numerical element input values by defining a lookupfor the lookup type CONTROL_TYPE. If you need other kinds ofcontrol totals, you can define lookups for them, but you must also writea validation procedure for checking the batch against the total.

Transfer to Entries Table

When the batch is ready for transfer to the database, you run the BEEtransfer process from the Batch Header window. This process firstperforms the same checks as the validation process. If it finds noerrors, it transfers the element entries from the temporary tables to theEntries table in Oracle HRMS.

You can choose whether the transfer process automatically purges theentries from the temporary tables after transfer. You can also run aseparate purge process.


After a successful BEE transfer, you can roll back the transfer process ifyou want to completely remove it, provided you have not purged thebatch from the BEE tables. You can choose to roll back the transfereven if some of the entries have been processed.

Batch Statuses

The batch status depends on the status of the batch header, all the batchlines, and any control totals specified for the batch. On the BatchHeader window, you can see the following status values:

All of the lines, control totals, and headerare valid.


4 – 13Compensation Entry and Reporting

All of the lines, control totals, and headerhave been transferred.

At least one line, control total, or theheader is unprocessed.

At least one line, control total, or theheader is in error.

The combination of statuses in the header,lines, and batch is not consistent. Forexample, it is inconsistent for some, but notall, of the lines to have the statusTransferred.

Note: A status mismatch is not possible if you always use theBatch Header and Batch Lines windows to enter and maintaina batch.




Status Mismatch

4 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Making Batch Element Entries Using BEE

To make batch element entries using BEE, this is the overall procedure:

1. If you want to use a concurrent process to create an identical batchline for several assignments, create an assignment set.

See: Creating an Assignment Set, Configuring, Reporting and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS.

2. If you want to create several batch lines for each assignment, createone or more customization element sets.

Note: Each element set should contain a maximum of 20 elementssince this is the limit on the number that can be viewed in the BatchAssignment Entry window (four elements on each of the five tabs).

See: Defining an Element or Distribution Set, Configuring, Reportingand System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

3. Identify the batch, supply any external totals against which tobalance it, and determine what should happen if any of the batchlines duplicate existing element entries.

See: Entering a Batch Header: page 4 – 16

4. Enter the batch.

If you are using an assignment set, you enter details for oneelement and run a concurrent process to create identical batch linesfor each assignment.

See: Creating the Same Line for Several Assignments: page 4 – 19

Then, if necessary, you can edit these line by line, using defaults tohelp you enter missing information.

See: Creating or Editing Individual Batch Lines: page 4 – 21

If you are using element sets, you select an assignment and elementset, enter a line for each element in the set, select anotherassignment, repeat the process, and so on.

See: Creating Several Lines for One Assignment: page 4 – 20

5. Validate the batch.

See: Validating a BEE Batch: page 4 – 23

Note: If you have several batches to validate, transfer, or purge,you can process them in a single operation from the BatchSummary window. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together:page 4 – 27.

6. Review the results, correct any lines with a status of Error, thenvalidate again.

4 – 15Compensation Entry and Reporting

See: Reviewing BEE Process Results: page 4 – 24

7. Transfer the batch to the HRMS Entries table.

See: Transferring a BEE Batch: page 4 – 25

8. Purge the batch from the BEE tables if this was not doneautomatically on transfer.

See: Purging a Batch From the BEE Tables: page 4 – 26

If you have transferred a batch, but not purged it, you can roll back thetransfer if you want to remove it completely from the HRMS Entriestable. See: Rolling Back a BEE Process: page 4 – 28

4 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entering a Batch Header

You can enter batches of element entries in the Batch Header and BatchLines windows. The header identifies the batch and determines whathappens if any of the batch lines duplicate existing element entries.

� To enter a batch header and control totals:

1. Set your effective date to the date when you want the entries totake effect.

2. Enter a name for the batch, and enter a reference number and thesource of the batch, if you require these for your own reference.

3. Select what action the process should take if one of the batch linesmatches an existing element entry for an assignment at the effectivedate.

• Create New Entry – The process creates a new entry if multipleentries of the element are allowed by the element definition. Ifmultiple entries are not allowed, the process sets the status of thebatch line to Error.

• Reject Entry – The process sets the status of the batch line toError.

• Change Existing Entry – The process corrects or updates theexisting entry. If there is more than one existing entry, theprocess sets the status of the batch line to Error.

The Undefined option is display–only (for batches created usingSQL*Plus or a similar tool).

4. If you selected Change Existing Entry, select the type of dateeffective change to be made to recurring entries:

• Update – The process changes the existing entry from theeffective date, but preserves the previous information. If thereare future–dated changes to the existing entry, the process insertsthe change before the next scheduled change.

• Correct – The process corrects the existing entry from its startdate through to its end date. Any future–dated changes areunaffected.

• Override – The process changes the existing entry from theeffective date, but preserves the previous information. If thereare future–dated changes to the existing entry, the processreplaces all future–dated changes with the batch line.

Notice that if you select this option, you cannot check the Rejectif Future Changes check box.

4 – 17Compensation Entry and Reporting

The Undefined option is display–only (for batches created usingSQL*Plus or a similar tool).

5. If you want to reject batch lines that match entries that start in thefuture or for which future changes are scheduled, check the Rejectif Future Changes check box.

Notice that if you check this box, you cannot select the Overrideoption.

6. If you want the batch to be purged from the temporary tables aftersuccessful transfer to Oracle HRMS, check the Purge After Transfercheck box.

Attention: You cannot roll back a batch transfer if you havepurged the batch from the BEE tables.

7. If you are going to use the Assignment Lines window and youwant the system to display automatically any existing lines in thisbatch for an assignment and element set you select, check the AutoQuery box.

8. If you are going to use the Batch Lines window and you want thesystem to display an error if you enter an invalid assignmentnumber, check the Auto Validation box.

Control Totals

9. If you use control totals to validate the batch before transfer, choosethe Totals button.

10. Select a batch control type (such as Hours, to sum all the values inthe Hours input value, or Line Count, to check the number of linesin the batch).

11. Enter the control total for each control type.

You can enter as many types and totals as you require.

4 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up BEE Validation Using Control Totals

You can validate a BEE batch against control totals to check for missinglines or miskeying of amounts.

You can set up as many control types as you require. The followingcontrol type is predefined: _COUNT_LINES_, which checks thenumber of lines in a batch.

You can set up control types to sum the entries in any numerical inputvalue, using the Application Utilities Lookups window.

� To define a control type:

1. Query the lookup type CONTROL_TYPE.

2. Enter a new lookup code called _TOTAL_COLUMN_x, where x isany unique suffix you choose to identify this control type. Forexample, you could define a code called_TOTAL_COLUMN_BONUS.

3. Enter the meaning for this lookup code. The meaning must be thename of the input value you want to sum.

The meaning is displayed to users when they select a control typefor a batch.

4. Enter a description.

5. Save your work.

Attention: If your control type does not sum a numericalelement input value, do not call the lookup code_TOTAL_COLUMN_x. Use another naming convention. In thiscase, you will need to write a procedure that validates batchesagainst your new control type. See: Creating Control Totals forthe Batch Element Entry Process, Implementing Oracle HRMS.

4 – 19Compensation Entry and Reporting

Creating the Same Line for Several Assignments

Use the Create Batch Lines window to create identical lines for allassignments identified by an assignment set. This is a quick way tocreate many lines for an element. If the input values need to varybetween assignments, you can leave these blank and add them laterusing the Batch Lines window.

� To enter batch lines for an assignment set:

1. Enter or query a batch header in the Batch Header window, andchoose the Assignment Set button.

2. In the Create Batch Lines window, select the assignment set andpayroll that identify the employees you want to create lines for.

3. Select the element for the batch lines and enter input values asappropriate.

4. The following fields may be available depending on yourlocalization and the element you selected:

• Enter Further Information for this element entry.

• Select a date in the Date Earned field if you want to establish anearned date for an earnings element that is outside of the currentpayroll period. (For localizations outside North America, this isfor information only.)

5. Enter a number in the Subpriority field if you want to determinethe processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run.Lower priority numbers process first.

6. If you selected an absence element, enter the absence start and enddates. BEE uses these dates to create an absence record.

7. Change the effective date if required.

8. Choose the Process button to submit a concurrent process calledCreate Batches. Confirm that you want the system to create thelines.

The Create Batch Lines window now closes, taking you back to theBatch Header window.

9. Choose the Assignment Set button again if you want to add linesfor another element. Requery your batch and choose the ElementLines button if you want to view and edit the lines created by theprocess.

4 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Creating Several Lines for One Assignment

Use the Batch Assignment Entry window for fast entry of several batchlines for one assignment. You can make one or more entries for eachelement in an element set.

� To enter lines for one assignment:

1. Enter or query the batch header in the Batch Header window andchoose the Assignment Lines button.

2. Select an assignment and element set.

3. Enter the input values for the first four elements in the set. Lists ofvalues are available on some fields, but no validation is enforcedduring data entry.

4. The following fields may be available depending on yourlocalization and the element you selected:

• Enter Further Information for this element entry.

• Select a date in the Date Earned field if you want to establish anearned date for an earnings element that is outside of the currentpayroll period. (For localizations outside North America, this isfor information only.)

• Select a third party payment method in the Payee field to enterinformation about a third party recipient of a payment resultingfrom a deduction.

5. Enter a number in the Subpriority field if you want to determinethe processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run.Lower priority numbers process first.

6. You can override the effective date for any line. This is the effectivestart date for a new entry or the effective date of an update.

7. For absence elements, enter the absence start and end dates. BEEuses these dates to create an absence record.

8. If there are more elements in the set, click on the next tab to displaythem. Continue entering input values.

9. When you have made entries to as many elements as you requirefrom the set, save your work.

10. If you want to make entries for another assignment, select theassignment, enter the lines, then save again.

Note: The entry values from the previous assignment are notcleared automatically from the form. So you can use the samevalues without retyping, you can type over the existing values,or you can use the Down Arrow key to clear the record.

4 – 21Compensation Entry and Reporting

Creating or Editing Individual Batch Lines

In the Batch Lines window, you can enter new lines for individualassignments, and you can view and edit lines created automatically foran assignment set. You can speed up entry of new lines by enteringdefault input values

Note: A batch can contain lines for as many elements as yourequire. Lines within a batch can have different effective dates.

� To enter individual batch lines:

1. Enter or query a batch header in the Batch Header window, andchoose the Element Lines button.

2. Select the element for which you want to make entries.

3. To enter default values to speed up the data entry, choose theDefaults button. The Defaults window displays the input valuesfor the selected element.

4. Enter default values in any of the fields in the Defaults window.These defaults apply to all new entries in the batch, but not to anyentries you have already made. You can change the defaults at anytime during your data entry.

5. Uncheck the Display check box for any field that you do not wantto display in the Lines window. You can hide any fields for whichthe default is correct for every entry.

6. In the Lines window, enter the data required for the batch. Lists ofvalues are available on some fields, but no validation is enforcedduring data entry.

7. The following fields may be available depending on yourlocalization and the element you selected:

• Enter Further Information for this element entry.

• Select a date in the Date Earned field if you want to establish anearned date for an earnings element that is outside of the currentpayroll period. (For localizations outside North America, this isfor information only.)

• Select a third party payment method in the Payee field to enterinformation about a third party recipient of a payment resultingfrom a deduction.

8. Enter a number in the Subpriority field if you want to determinethe processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run.Lower priority numbers process first.

4 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

9. You can override the Effective Date for any line. This is theeffective start date for a new entry or the effective date of anupdate.

10. If you selected an absence element, enter the absence start and enddates. BEE uses these dates to create an absence record.

11. Save your entries. If you want to make entries for another element,select the element, enter new defaults, enter the lines, then saveagain.

Retrieving Existing Batch Lines

Use the Batch Lines window to view existing batch lines.

� To retrieve existing batch lines:

1. Do one of the following:

• Select the element in the Element field.

• Check the Unknown Elements check box if you are queryingbatch lines entered for an invalid element (or no element) bySQL*Plus or another tool.

2. Choose the Find button.

Updating a Batch

You can update a batch at any time before you transfer it. If you makeany changes to a batch with the status Validated or Error, the batchstatus changes to Unprocessed.

4 – 23Compensation Entry and Reporting

Validating a BEE Batch

The validation process tests each batch line against certain predefinedrules about element entries, and also against your own rules if youhave created additional validation procedures.

You can also validate several batches together from the Batch Summarywindow. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together: page 4 – 27.

� To validate a batch:

1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose theProcess button.

2. Select Validate, and choose Start. The system displays theconcurrent request ID so that you can query it on the Requestswindow.

3. When the concurrent request is completed, query the batch in theBatch Header window. If you have several batches to review, querythem in the Batch Summary window.

See: Reviewing BEE Process Results: page 4 – 24.

4 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Reviewing BEE Process Results

To review the results of a batch process, use the Batch Summarywindow.

� To review batch process results:

1. Query one or more batches by name, reference, or status in theBatch Summary window.

If a batch status is Error, at least one line, control total, or theheader is in error.

2. Click on a batch to select it and choose the Errors button to identifythe problem with a batch that has the status Error. The Messageswindow opens. You can view all messages or query them by type:Batch Header, Batch Line Level, or Control Total.

3. To see and correct a batch, click on it in the Batch Summarywindow and choose the View Batch button. The Batch Headerwindow opens with the selected batch displayed.

4. From the header window, you can view lines, control totals, ormessages:

• To view the status of individual lines in the batch, choose theElement Lines button. In the Batch Lines window, select anelement and choose Find.

• If you entered control totals for the batch, choose the Totalsbutton on the Batch Header window to view the status for eachcontrol type.

• To view messages for the whole batch, or all lines, or controltotals, choose the Messages button. Use the option group at thetop of the Messages window to control which messages aredisplayed.

4 – 25Compensation Entry and Reporting

Transferring a BEE Batch

A batch exists in the temporary BEE tables only until you run thetransfer process to create element entries in the Oracle HRMS Entriestable.

You can also transfer several batches together from the Batch Summarywindow. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together: page 4 – 27.

� To transfer a batch:

1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose theProcess button.

2. Select Transfer, and choose Start. The system displays theconcurrent request ID so that you can query it on the Requestswindow.

3. When the concurrent request is completed, query the batch in theBatch Header window.

If the Batch Status is Transferred, there were no errors in the batchand the process has created the element entries. The process mayhave issued messages associated with the batch header, lines, orcontrol totals.

If the Batch Status is Error, the process has set the status of at leastone line, or control total to Error. Check the status fields in theBatch Lines window and the Control Totals window, and reviewthe messages issued by the process.

4 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Purging a Batch From the BEE Tables

If the Purge After Transfer check box on the Batch Header window ischecked when you run the transfer process, the batch is deleted fromthe BEE tables automatically after the transfer. If the box is notchecked, you can purge the batch by running a separate process.

You can purge a batch with any status.

Attention: You cannot roll back a batch transfer if you havepurged the batch from the BEE tables.

You can also purge several batches together from the Batch Summarywindow. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together: page 4 – 27.

� To purge a batch:

1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose theProcess button.

2. Select Purge, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrentrequest ID so that you can query it on the Requests window.

When the concurrent request is completed, the batch is purged.

4 – 27Compensation Entry and Reporting

Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together

You can use the Batch Summary window to validate, transfer, or purgeseveral batches in a single action.

� To process multiple batches:

1. Query the batches by name, status, or reference id in the BatchSummary window.

2. Use the Process check boxes to select the batches you want toprocess. You can use the Select All button to check all the boxes,then uncheck some as required.

3. Choose the Process button and select the process you require(Transfer, Validate, or Purge) and choose Start. The system displaysthe concurrent request IDs for the batches so that you can querythem on the Requests window.

4. When the concurrent requests are completed, the Batch Summarywindow displays the status of each batch and you can review anyerrors.

See: Reviewing BEE Process Results: page 4 – 24.

4 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Rolling Back a BEE Process

After a successful BEE transfer, you can roll back the transfer process ifyou want to completely remove it, provided you have not purged thebatch from the BEE tables. You can choose to purge the batch as part ofthe rollback process.

The process interlock rule (which prevents you rolling back a payrollprocess if any further processing has taken place) does not apply toBEE Rollback. You can still perform the rollback even if run resultsfrom payroll processing exist for any of the lines.

If the batch included absence entries, the rollback removes the absencerecords as well as the element entries.

You run the BEE Rollback process from the Submit Requests window.

� To roll back a BEE process:

1. Select the batch header name of the process you want to roll back.

2. Enter Yes to cancel the rollback process if the system detects runresults for any of the batch lines. Enter No if you want the systemto complete the rollback even though run results exist.

3. Enter Yes to keep the batch after the rollback. Enter No to deletethe batch after the rollback.



5 – 1Salary Administration

Salary Administration

5 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Salary AdministrationUsing the Salary Administration functionality in Oracle HRMS you areable to manage efficiently the basic remuneration that employeesreceive.

How does HRMS enable you to administer salaries?

You can enter salary amounts or wage rates for all new employees thattake effect immediately. You can also enter proposals for salary changesand identify the various components making up the changes. For rapidupdates to many salaries, you can download salary information to aspreadsheet, modify it, and upload again using Application DataExchange (ADE).

Once you have proposed salary changes, you can approve andimplement the proposed changes quickly and easily.

Can you associate salary changes with performance reviews?

Yes. You are able to associate all salary changes with the result ofperformance reviews. Also, you can identify which components of asalary change are associated with performance, such as merit awards.

Can you analyze and compare salaries for groups of employees?

Yes. You can report on current and previous salaries for groups ofemployees (such as employees in a selected organization or on a certaingrade). You can compare salaries to the mid point defined for a grade.You can download salary proposals to a spreadsheet for ”what if”analysis.

Using BIS you can review current and proposed salaries of comparablegroups of employees.

Can you map market salary surveys to information for your enterprise?

Yes. Using Oracle HRMS you enter the results of different salarysurveys. For example, you can record the minimum and maximumsalaries for jobs within your industry. You can then link the salarysurvey details to jobs and positions within your enterprise.

If Payroll is installed, does this link to pay?

Yes. Salary Administration provides information to payroll aboutemployees’ current salary amounts.

5 – 3Salary Administration

Salary Administration OverviewIf you are administering salaries on an individual basis, use the SalaryAdministration functionality to manage the basic remuneration thatemployees receive. However, if you administer salaries for groups ofemployees, Oracle HRMS provides you with alternative methods to suitthe needs of your enterprise.

Administering Salaries for Groups

For example, if you administer salaries by grade, enter salaries on agrade scale, assign employees to grades and place them on theappropriate point of their grade scale.

Note: This approach cannot be used in US HRMS and may notbe available in some other HRMS localizations.

If you administer salaries by grade and pay scales, enter salaries asprogression point values. Do not use Salary Administration to confirmchanges for grade step employees. This is unnecessary, and has thedisadvantage that when you change point values you will need toupdate every salary record to which the change applies.

See: Grade Relationships to Compensation and Benefits, Using OracleHRMS – The Fundamentals

If you use Oracle Payroll, you can write a salary formula that uses thegrade rate or pay scale rate to calculate each employee’s salary payvalue.

Salary Information for Analysis and Payroll Calculation

The salary amounts or wage rates you enter or change provide yourenterprise with information for analysis purposes. If you are also usingOracle Payroll, they also provide some of the values used in the payrollcalculations. If you are using another payroll system, they can alsoprovide salary information for that payroll to process.

Manipulating Salary Information in a Spreadsheet

The Salary Management Folder enables you to select sets of assignmentsfor which you want to enter or approve salary proposals. UsingApplication Data Exchange (ADE), you can download this informationfrom the folder to a spreadsheet. Here you can manipulate the data tocreate new salary proposals or to modify existing proposals. You canthen upload your revised salary information to the database. If yourresponsibility permits, you can approve all or selected proposals in thefolder.

5 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Market Salary Surveys

Using Oracle HRMS you can enter salary details from surveysconducted across your industry. You can then link the survey details forindividual jobs, called salary survey lines, to the jobs and positions youuse in your enterprise.

Note: You can also download information from market surveycompanies using APIs.

Key Concepts

To enable you to manage the basic remuneration that employees receive,you need to understand the key concepts that underpin the SalaryAdministration functionality. The key concepts are:

• Salary Earnings Elements

• Salary Basis

• Starting Salary and Salary Proposals

• Salary Components

• Salary Spreadsheets

To enable you to effectively enter information about salary surveys youneed to understand another key concept. This concept is salary surveyidentifiers.

5 – 5Salary Administration

Salary Earnings Elements

For Salary Administration, you need at least one salary earningselement for each group of employees whose salary is quoted on thesame basis (such as hourly or monthly). You then link these elements tocomponents of employee assignments, to determine which employeesare eligible for a particular element. Oracle Payroll can process theseelements in payroll runs to generate salary amounts for employees. Athird party payroll can take information from these elements for use ingenerating amounts for employees.


If you are an HR–only customer, you need to work closely with yourPayroll Department to ensure that the elements used in SalaryAdministration are correctly set up for transmission of information towhatever payroll is in use.

Predefined Earnings Elements

Some HR localizations have certain predefined earnings elementsalready set up when you receive your HR system. For example,US–HRMS includes the predefined earnings elements Regular Salaryand Regular Wages. Depending on your requirements, you may decideto use some predefined elements to represent actual earnings types inyour system.

If you are an Oracle Payroll user, you will also get other predefinedelements.

However, predefined elements cannot be changed in any way. For thisreason, you may decide to use the predefined elements simply asmodels for other earnings elements that you define to meet theparticular requirements of your enterprise.

If predefined elements are not available to represent all the earningstypes and salary bases you need for your Salary Administration setup,you must create your own elements for this purpose.

5 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Salary Basis

When your elements for use in Salary Administration are in place andyou have defined links for them, you associate an element with eachsalary basis in use in your enterprise. The salary basis establishes theduration for which a salary is quoted, such as, hourly (for example,1,000 yen per hour) or annually (for example, 18,000 pounds per year).

The salary basis is not necessarily the same as the pay frequency. Forexample, an employee with an hourly pay rate can have the salary basisHourly Salary, but can have an assignment to a weekly payroll andtherefore have a weekly pay frequency.

Note: You cannot use the Element Entries window or BEE tomake entries to any elements that are associated with salarybases. You must use the Salary Administration window to enterand maintain entries for the element.

Figure 5 – 1 Elements and Salary Basis for Payments

5 – 7Salary Administration

Salary Components

Salary changes can be broken down into two or more components, toreflect different reasons for the change. You can approve eachcomponent of the proposal separately.

Ten salary components are predefined, as shown in the following table.You can create as many additional components as you require.However, only ten components can be displayed in the SalaryManagement folder. If you want your new components to be displayedin the folder instead of the default components, you must update a view.

This task is for system administrators.

Predefined Salary Component Lookup

Cost of Living COL

Job Evaluation JOEV

Location Adjustment LOAD

Market Adjustment MKAD

New Hire NEWH

Performance PERF

Periodic Review PERE

Progression PROG

Promotion PROM

Transfer Adjustment TRAD

Table 5 – 1 Predefined Salary Components

5 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Creating a Salary Element

You need at least one salary element for each salary basis in yourenterprise.

If predefined elements exist in your localization, you might decide touse these. If your localization does not include predefined elements, or ifthe predefined elements are insufficient or inappropriate, you mustcreate these elements.

You create a salary element in the Element window.

North American Payroll Users: If you decide not to use the predefinedRegular Salary and Regular Wages elements, create your own elementsusing the Earnings window, rather than the Element window.

� To create a salary element:

1. Set your effective date to a day on or before the start of the firstpayroll period for which you want to enter salaries.

2. Enter a name for the element, and select the classification Earnings.

3. UK payroll users: Select the proration event group.

4. Select the type Recurring.

5. Do not check the Standard check box.

6. Save the element, then choose the Input Values button.

7. Create one input value to hold the salary value in the Input Valueswindow. If you want to associate this element with more than onesalary basis, create one input value for each salary basis.

Suggestion: If the salary basis is different from the payrollperiods of the employees who will receive this element, makethis clear in the input value name. For example, if the salarybasis is Annual, you could name the input value Annual Salary.

Also, you can use the input value unit of Number instead ofMoney to enter salaries of up to 5 decimal places. For example,if you pay your employees’ 10 pounds per day and a dayconsists of 7 hours, you can set up the input value unit asNumber, this enables you to enter the employee’s hourly rate as1.4286 pounds. If the average day is 8 hours you could use theinput value unit of Money because the hourly rate of 1.25pounds only requires two decimal places.

8. Optionally, enter validation criteria for the input value, such as aMinimum and Maximum value, or a formula to perform thevalidation, if required. Select Error in the Warning or Error field.

5 – 9Salary Administration

See: Validating Salary Entries: page 5 – 11

Note: If you select Warning, users do not see the warning in theSalary Administration window.

9. Save your work.

5 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Linking the Salary Element

Link the salary elements to components of employee assignments toestablish employee eligibility for the elements.

Use the Element Link window to link the salary element.

� To link the salary element:

1. Set your effective date to a day on or before the start of the firstpayroll period for which you want to enter salaries.

2. Select your new salary element.

3. Do not check the Standard check box.

4. Select eligibility criteria for this element. If you want to make theelement available to all employees, do not select any criteria.

5. Save the link.

6. If you want to enter different validation criteria for differenteligibility groups, you can change the Min and Max valid values inthe Link Input Values window.

5 – 11Salary Administration

Validating Salary Entries

There are two ways to validate salary entries:

• You can warn users when they enter a salary proposal that isoutside a valid range defined for an employee’s grade. Thisapproach uses grade rate ranges.

• You can prevent users from approving a salary that is outside avalid range, or that fails validation performed by a formula.Notice that this validation is not performed until you try toapprove a salary proposal. This approach uses element inputvalue validation.

� To validate salaries against grade rate ranges:

1. Create a salary grade rate and enter minimum, maximum, andmidpoint values for each grade.

See: Defining a Grade Rate, Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

2. When you define the salary basis, select your salary grade rate.

See: Defining a Salary Basis: page 5 – 13

3. Assign your employees to grades.

� To validate salaries using input value validation:

1. If you want to validate salaries using a formula, create your formulain the Write Formulas window.

See: Writing Formulas for Validation, Using Oracle FastFormula.

2. When you define an input value for the salary element, you canselect a formula to perform validation, or you can enter minimumand maximum valid values.

See: Creating a Salary Element: page 5 – 8

3. If you want to vary the validation for different groups of employees,you can enter validation criteria in the Link Input Values window.

See: Linking the Salary Element: page 5 – 10

5 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Creating Salary Components

You can create as many additional salary components, as you require.However, only ten components can be displayed in the SalaryManagement folder. If you want your new components to be displayedin the folder instead of the default components, you must update a view.

� To create new salary components to display in the folder:

1. Query the Lookup Type PROPOSAL_REASON in the Lookupswindow and add a new code for each new component.

2. Open the View file peupl01v.sql in a text editor.

3. Go to the component reason list and replace the default Lookupswith the new codes you have created.

Note: There are two places in the file where you need to changethese codes.

4. Go into SQL*Plus as hr user and run the edited script.

5. Change the column names in the Salary Management folder bychoosing Change Prompts from the Folder menu.

5 – 13Salary Administration

Defining a Salary Basis

Use the Salary Basis window to define a salary basis for each salaryelement to be used for salary administration. This establishes theduration for which a salary is quoted, for example, hourly, monthly orannually.

� To define a salary basis:

1. Enter an appropriate name for the salary basis.

If you are using predefined elements, go to step 4, otherwise go tostep 2.

Without predefined elements

2. Select a pay basis, for example, Annual or Hourly.

If you selected Annual or Monthly, Oracle HRMS identifies thenumber of payments and enters 1 or 12 in the Pay AnnualizationFactor field. You can change this value, if required.

If you selected Hourly, the Pay Annualization Factor field is blank.Enter your own values, if required.

If you select Period, leave the Pay Annualization Factor field blank,Oracle HRMS uses the payroll period of your employee as theannualization factor.

Note: The pay basis is for information only. For example, to enableyou to compare salaries.

3. Select the name of the salary element and input value associatedwith this salary basis.

Now go to step 6.

With predefined elements

4. Select the appropriate pay basis for the predefined element you planto use. For example, select Monthly Salary for the Regular Salaryelement in the US.

If you selected Annual or Monthly, Oracle HRMS identifies thenumber of payments and enters 1 or 12 in the Pay AnnualizationFactor field. You can change this value, if required.

If you selected Hourly, the Pay Annualization Factor field is blank.Enter your own values, if required.

If you select Period, leave the Pay Annualization Factor field blank,Oracle HRMS uses the payroll period of your employee as theannualization factor.

5 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: The pay basis is for information only. For example, to enableyou to compare salaries.

5. Select the appropriate element and input value (for example, in theUS, Regular Salary and the input value Monthly Salary, or RegularWages and the input value Rate).


6. Select a grade rate to associate with the salary basis, if required.

Oracle HRMS uses the grade rate to validate your salary proposals.You receive a warning if the salary you enter for an employee is notwithin the grade rate range defined for the employee’s grade.

In doing this check, the system takes account of the hours in theemployee’s standard work week. It compares the hours on theemployee’s assignment with those entered for their organization.

If the employee works fewer than the standard hours per week forthe organization, the system pro–ratas the permissible minimumand maximum grade rate values before validating the salary.

7. Select the grade rate basis (Hourly, Monthly, Annual, or Period) forthe rate if you selected a grade rate. For example, if your grade ratespecifies the valid monthly salary ranges for each grade, selectMonthly Salary in the Grade Rate Basis field.

If you selected Annual or Monthly, Oracle HRMS identifies thenumber of payments and enters 1 or 12 in the Grade AnnualizationFactor field. You can change this value, if required.

If you selected Hourly, the Grade Annualization Factor field isblank. Enter your own values, if required.

If you selected Period, leave the Grade Annualization Factor fieldblank, Oracle HRMS uses the payroll period of your employee asthe annualization factor.

Note: This is for information only. For example, to enable you tocompare salaries within grades.

8. Save your changes.

5 – 15Salary Administration

Starting Salary and Salary ProposalsFor new employees, you use Salary Administration to enter startingsalary amounts, which receive approval automatically. You can enter aproposed salary change for a current employee at any time. You canenter a salary proposal as:

• A new amount

• A single change amount or multiple change amounts

• Percentages (reflecting different factors or reasons contributing tothe change, such as a merit award plus a cost of livingcomponent)

To hold multiple reasons for a salary change, you break down aproposal into two or more components. Each component represents adifferent reason for changing the salary. You can define as many reasonsas you require using the Lookup Type PROPOSAL_REASON.Examples of components are Merit Award and Cost of Living Increase.

Optionally, you can select a performance review to associate with asalary change. Also, when you set up salary administration, you canenter grade rate ranges against which the system validates salaryproposals, if required.

Salary Change Approval

A salary proposal does not go into effect until it receives approval. Ifyou have recorded multiple components of a salary proposal, you canapprove each component independently. When an unapprovedproposal exists for an assignment, you must either approve or delete itbefore you can enter a new proposal.

When you approve a salary, Oracle HRMS creates or updates a salaryelement entry for the assignment. You can view this entry in theElement Entries window, but you cannot change it there.

Note: You can approve components, but you may not be able toapprove salaries. This is controlled by a menu function set upby your system administrator.

Current Salary Review

Before entering salary proposals, you can review the current salaries ofcomparable groups of employees. There are a number of ways to dothis. For example, you can query a list of assignments in the SalaryManagement folder and run the Salary Review Report to view currentand previous salaries.

To see all the ways you can review the current salaries, go to ReviewingCurrent Salaries: page 5 – 24.

5 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Salary Spreadsheets

Using Application Data Exchange (ADE), you can downloadinformation from the Salary Management folder to a spreadsheet. Hereyou can manipulate the data to create new salary proposals or tomodify existing proposals. You can then upload your revised salaryinformation to the database. If your responsibility permits, you canapprove all or selected proposals in the folder.

The changes you make in the spreadsheet are checked when youupload them to the database. To minimize errors, follow these rules:

• Do not enter components for a first salary (for example, for anew hire). Enter a proposed amount and change date only.

• Enter changes for the full salary or for components but not forboth.

• If you enter components, make sure you enter a value (Y or N) inthe Approved field for each component.

• Do not alter a Change Date that was downloaded from thedatabase.

• Do not enter information in the grey fields (except for ChangeDate).

• Note that the Change Amount is given precedence over theChange Percentage. If you enter inconsistent values, the uploadprocess records the new change amount and adjusts thepercentage to match. If you want to record a percentage change,clear the amount field.

• If you want to delete a component, clear both the change amountand percentage fields for that component.

5 – 17Salary Administration

Entering Salary for a New Employee (or One Assigned to a New Salary Basis)

Use the Salary Administration window to enter a starting salary amountfor a newly hired employee, or to enter a salary amount for a currentemployee assigned to a new salary basis. This could be, for example, anemployee moving from an hourly wage to a monthly salary.

Notice that you cannot enter multiple components of a starting salaryfor a newly hired employee or one assigned to a new salary basis.

You must assign a payroll to an employee before entering a salary.

Use the Salary Management folder to approve multiple salary proposalsor to download salary information to a spreadsheet. In the spreadsheetyou can enter new proposals, edit existing proposals, and approvesalary components. Then you can upload your changes to the database.

� To enter a salary for a new employee (or one assigned to a new salarybasis):

1. Enter the start date for the salary in the Change Date field (in theSalary Proposal region). For a new hire, this is usually the hire date.

Note: The employee must have an active assignment on thisdate. If you are changing the salary basis, you must enter theexact date it changes.

2. Enter the amount of the salary in either the Change Value or theNew Value field.

3. Select a reason for the salary, if required.

4. Rank the employee if required.

For example, you might want to rank the employee at the time ofthe proposal and track them later on. If you do rank the employee,enter a value greater than zero.

5. Enter or change the Next Review date, if required.

6. Select a performance review to associate with the salary review, ifrequired. This is a performance review you previously createdusing the Performance window.

7. Save the new salary.

Note: You do not have to approve the new salary, Oracle HRMSapproves it automatically.

5 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Proposing a Salary Change for a Current Employee

Use the Salary Administration window to propose a salary change for acurrent employee at any time. You can enter a salary proposal as a newamount, a single change amount or multiple change amounts orpercentages (reflecting different reasons, such as a merit award and acost of living component).

If there is an unapproved salary proposal recorded for the assignment,approve or delete it first before entering a new proposal.

You might want to associate a salary proposal with a performancereview before you enter the salary proposal information. If you alreadyhave the Salary Administration window displayed, choose thePerformance button, otherwise, from the Assignment window selectOthers then Performance. Complete the relevant information.

See: Entering Performance Ratings, Managing Your Workforce UsingOracle HRMS.

� To propose a salary change for a current employee:

1. Enter the date when the new salary comes into effect in the ChangeDate field in the Salary Proposal region.

Note: If you are changing the salary basis, you must enter theexact date it changes.

2. There are several ways to enter a proposal:

• Enter a new amount, or single change amount or percentage – goto step 3

• Enter multiple components – go to step 6.

Entering a New Amount or the Amount of Percentage Change

3. Enter a new salary amount, or the amount or percentage of theproposed change in the Salary Proposal region.

4. You can select a reason for the overall salary change.

5. You can approve the proposal, by checking the Approved box, ifyou have the authority.

Entering Multiple Components

Enter each component of the salary proposal in the ProposalComponents region.

6. Select the reason for the first component of the proposal.

7. Select either the amount or percentage of the component.

5 – 19Salary Administration

Each percentage is applied to the last approved salary. For example,if the last approved salary is 3000 and there are two components of10% and 5%, the new amount is 3000 + 300 + 150.

Note: To effect a salary decrease, enter a negative number in theChange Value or Change % field.

8. Repeat step 6 and 7 to enter each remaining component.

9. You can approve each component, by checking the Approved boxindependently. However, none of the approvals go into effect untilyou approve the overall proposal.

Changing Other Information

10. Enter or change the Next Review date, if required. (If you entered atime period for regular salary reviews in the Salary Informationregion of the Assignment window, the date of the next reviewappears automatically.)

Saving Your Proposal

11. Save your proposal.

5 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Approving a Salary Change

Use the Salary Administration window to enter a salary amount for anew employee, to propose a salary change for a current employee, or toapprove a salary proposal.

A salary proposal does not go into effect until it receives approval. Ifyou have recorded multiple components of a salary proposal, you canapprove each component independently.

Note: You can approve components, but you might not be ableto approve salaries. This is controlled by a menu function set upby your system administrator.

� To approve a salary change:

1. Query the proposal.

2. Check the Approved box in the Salary Proposal region, and save.

If some individual components were not already approved, you arewarned and they are automatically approved if you continue.

5 – 21Salary Administration

Correcting or Deleting a Salary Entry

You enter and approve salary proposals in the Salary Administrationwindow. You can also correct or delete salary entries in this window.

You can only delete the latest proposal, and therefore, you can onlydelete one proposal at a time.

� To delete an approved salary:

1. Query the proposal.

2. Delete the proposal. Oracle HRMS deletes all proposalcomponents—you do not need to delete components individually.

� To correct an approved salary:

1. Query the proposal.

2. Delete the salary record and enter a new one.

If you discover an error in a proposal approved in the past, afterwhich more recent approved proposals are on record, you mustdelete and reenter every proposal from the one last approved backthrough the incorrect one.

Deleting Salary Entries After Payroll Processing

When you delete an approved proposal that the payroll run hasprocessed, you receive a warning message. You can continue to deletethe record, but you must of course correct the processing.

Note: Deleting processed salary entries does not remove thepayroll run results, so you can consult these for a completerecord of payroll processing and payments.

To reprocess corrected element entries from the past, run the retropayprocesses.

See: Setting Up RetroPay, Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

5 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Using the Salary Management Folder

Using the Salary Management Folder, you can select sets of assignmentsfor which you want to enter or approve salary proposals. For eachassignment, the folder can display the current approved salary andproposed new salary, including up to ten salary components.

Using Application Data Exchange (ADE), you can downloadinformation from the Salary Management folder to a spreadsheet. Hereyou can manipulate the data to create new salary proposals or to modifyexisting proposals. You can then upload your revised salaryinformation to the database. If your responsibility permits, you canapprove all or selected proposals in the folder.

� To manipulate salary proposals in a spreadsheet:

1. In the Salary Management folder, query the assignments you wantto process.

2. Click on the ADE icon on the Oracle HRMS tool bar.

3. In the ADE Fetch Data window, select the style Salary Proposals andselect the action Spreadsheet. Choose Start.

This launches your spreadsheet application and iconizes ADE.

4. Edit the data in the spreadsheet. Save the spreadsheet with a newname (to prevent it being overwritten the next time ADE is run).

For further information about the rules to follow when editing thedata in your spreadsheet, see: Salary Spreadsheets: page 5 – 16

5. Exit your spreadsheet application.

6. In ADE, choose the Upload button.

Note: If the Upload button is not available, ask your systemadministrator to create the function HR_HRIO_ENABLE_UPLOADand add it to your menu.

7. Choose Load and select the spreadsheet that you saved.

You can review your changes in the built–in ADE spreadsheet. TheStatus column shows which rows have been updated.

8. Choose Upload.

The updated information is uploaded to the database. The Statuscolumn records any errors encountered during the upload.

9. To view your new proposals in the Salary Management folder,re–query the data.

5 – 23Salary Administration

Approving Multiple Salary Proposals

If the Approve button is displayed in the Salary Management folder,you can select multiple assignments in the folder and approve them.

Note: If the Approve button is not displayed, you cannotapprove salaries. This is controlled by a menu function set upby your system administrator.

When you approve a salary, Oracle HRMS creates or updates a salaryelement entry for the assignment. You can view this entry in theElement Entries window, but you cannot change it there.

� To approve multiple salary proposals:

1. In the Salary Management folder, query the assignments you wantto process.

2. Select the assignments you want to approve and choose theApprove button. To select multiple assignments, hold down theCTRL key and click on the assignment records you want to select.

Note: The Salary Management folder is not designed for massapprovals. Do not try to approve hundreds of salary proposalstogether using this window.

5 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Reviewing Current Salaries

Before entering salary proposals, you can review the current salaries ofcomparable groups of employees. There are a number of ways to dothis:

• Query a list of assignments in the Salary Management folder toview their current salaries and any existing salary proposals. Youcan view up to ten salary components (such as Cost of Living,Location Adjustment, or Promotion) for each proposal.

See: Using the Salary Management Folder: page 5 – 22

• Query lists of assignments receiving a particular salary elementon the List Employees by Element window. This shows the latestapproved salary for each assignment in the date range you select.

• Run the Salary Review Report to view current and previoussalaries for all employees, or for employees assigned to a selectedorganization, job, position, and/or grade.

See: Running the Salary Review Report: page 5 – 26

• Query a list of assignments in the Assignments folder then viewthe salary history for each assignment in the list, individually,using the Salary History window. This window displays thedates, reasons, and amounts of each approved salary change, andof any new salary proposal.

See: Viewing Salary History: page 5 – 25

• If you use grade rates, you can view the salaries of all employeeson a certain grade receiving a particular salary element, using theView Employee Grade Comparatio window. This window alsodisplays each employee’s salary as a percentage of the midpointdefined for the grade.

See: Viewing Grade Comparatios, Using Oracle HRMS – TheFundamentals.

• If you use pay scale rates for salaries, you can report on thesalaries of all employees or a group of employees using theEmployee Increment Results report.

See: Running the Employee Increment Results Report, UsingOracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

5 – 25Salary Administration

Viewing Salary History

Oracle HRMS maintains a complete history of approved salary changesfor an employee, along with associated performance reviews. In theSalary History window, you can view the dates, reasons, and amountsof each approved salary change, and of any new salary proposal.

You can also review salary history by running the Salary Review Report:page 5 – 26.

The Salary History window contains a folder. You can enter a query inthe folder to reduce the list of salary changes displayed. You canremove, rearrange, add, or resize fields in the folder if you have accessto the folder menu.

The Change field shows the amount of the salary change, and theActual field shows the new salary effective from the Change Date. TheHourly, Monthly, Annual, and Payroll fields show the salary proratedto these periods. The Currency Code field shows the currency in whichthe salary was paid and the Ranking field shows the employee rank.The Mid, Minimum, and Maximum fields show values from the graderate for the employee’s grade. The Comparatio field shows the salary asa percentage of the midpoint defined for the grade rate.

Note: Fields are greyed out when there is no previous history,for example, if there is no previous or changed salary.

5 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Salary Review Report

Use this report to see current and past salaries, and salary proposals, forsome or all of your employees. You can restrict the employees to thoseassigned to a selected organization, job, position, or grade. You can alsorestrict the report to showing only employees receiving the maximumsalary for their grade (defined by the grade rate). You can use the reportto show all salaries (approved and proposed) or to show unapprovedsalary proposals only.

You run reports from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Salary Review Report:

1. In the Name field, select Salary Review Report.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date for which you want to see the report.

4. Optionally select an organization, job, position, and/or grade torestrict the scope of the report to employees assigned to thesecomponents.

5. If you want to restrict the report to showing salary proposals, selectYes in the Unapproved Proposals Only field.

6. If you want to restrict the report to showing employees receiving themaximum salary for their grade (defined by the grade rate), or ahigher salary, select Yes in the Grade Rate Maximum Only field.

7. Choose the Submit button.

5 – 27Salary Administration

Salary Survey Identifiers

One of the key concepts when setting up your salary surveyinformation is the salary survey identifier. When users are enteringdetails about a salary survey, they must enter the identifier. Thiscontrols the values they can see in certain fields of the Salary Surveywindow. By using identifiers, you ensure that, for each type of survey,the user:

• Only has the relevant information to select from

• Enters information quickly and efficiently

Lookup Types Used in the Salary Survey Window

On the Salary Survey window the following fields are set up using thefollowing user extensible Lookup types:

• Survey job name.

• Survey region.

• Survey seniority.

• Company size.

• Industry.

• Survey age.

• Survey Company

To control the values displayed for each type of survey, use the salarysurvey identifier as the two characters of your Lookup code. Forexample, you could use DB at the beginning of all Lookups to bedisplayed for Dun and Bradstreet surveys.

5 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Entering Salary Surveys

The Salary Surveys window enables you to enter salary surveysrelevant to your industry. You can record as many different salarysurveys as you require by setting up their unique information in thesalary survey master data. Then for each survey, you can enter thesurvey results for each job by creating salary survey lines.

Note: The area of the window where you enter the salarysurvey line information is a folder. Therefore, you cancustomize the information by renaming, resizing andre–ordering the fields displayed. You can also create your ownfolders to display a subset of the information.

Salary survey lines can then be linked to the jobs and positions you usein your enterprise. Using the OBIS Salary Survey report you can thencompare how salaries for jobs within your enterprise compare withtrends within your industry as a whole.

Before you enter your salary survey details you must know your salarysurvey identifier. The salary survey identifier helps you select theinformation relevant to the survey you are entering. See Salary SurveyIdentifiers: page 5 – 27.

You must enter details of your salary survey in three stages.

� To enter salary survey master data:

1. Enter the name of the market salary survey and the salary surveycompany. This information is used to uniquely identify the surveydetails.

2. Enter the salary survey identifier. This enables you to select onlythe information relevant to the current survey.

3. Enter the following master data for your survey:

• Survey Type – enter whether the salary information is annual,monthly, hourly or period. This is based on your enterprise’ssalary basis.

• Base Region – if you require, you can enter information aboutwhether there is a regional or national average.

Note: Once you have set up all your salary survey details,making changes to the survey type and base region informationmay invalidate your survey. Oracle HRMS enables you tochange this information so you can correct any mistakes,however you should not change this information to update anexisting survey.

4. Save your master salary survey details.

5 – 29Salary Administration

� To enter default dates for salary survey lines:

� Enter the default start and end date for your salary survey lines.

These dates will be used for every salary survey line. However, youcan amend the default dates when you enter the salary survey line.

� To enter the default currency for salary survey lines:

� Enter the currency for your salary survey lines.

This currency will be used for every salary survey line. However,you can amend the default currency when you enter the salarysurvey line.

� To enter salary survey lines:

1. Enter a job name, start date and currency for the salary survey line.If required, enter an end date for the salary survey line.

2. Enter a definition of your salary survey lines. You can enter the:

• Region the survey includes

• Seniority of the survey

• Company size of the survey

• Industry of the survey

• Age of the survey

By entering a start and end date you can create a history of salarysurvey information. However, you must ensure that the job andsalary definition information is never the same for two salarysurvey lines on the same date.

3. Enter the salary details for the line. You can enter details such asthe minimum pay, mean pay, percentage change, and first quartile.

4. Enter all the salary survey lines you require for the salary survey.

5. Save your salary survey lines.

5 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Mapping Salary Survey Lines

The Map Salary Survey window enables you to map salary survey linesto either jobs or positions.

Note: Salary Survey lines are set up when you enter salarysurvey details using the Salary Surveys window.

See: Entering Salary Surveys: page 5 – 28

Once you have selected the job or position you can map the salarysurvey lines. Choose the Define Survey Map button in the Job, orPosition window.

� To map a salary survey line:

1. Optionally, enter the Oracle HRMS location, grade, andorganization. This enables you to map your salary survey line tomore specific details within your enterprise.

2. Enter the details of the salary survey line. You can select any of thesalary survey lines you have set up from any of the fields.

Note: The Map Salary Survey window is a folder. Therefore, youcan customize the information by renaming, resizing andre–ordering the fields displayed. You can also create your ownfolders to display a subset of the salary survey information.

3. Map all the salary survey lines you require.

4. Save your mapping details.



6 – 1Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Absence Managementand PTO Accruals

6 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Absence Management and PTO AccrualsFlexibility is the keynote of Oracle’s approach to absence managementand PTO accrual plans. You set up the rules that define how you recordabsences, who is entitled to paid leave of each type, and how muchtime can be taken.

Can I define which types of absence I want to track and the units of time in which theyare recorded?

Yes, you can define as many types of absence as you require, and assignthem to categories for ease of reporting. You can also define reasons forabsence, to provide additional reporting information. For example, thecategory might be “family leave,” the type might be “maternity,” andthe reason might be “birth.” Each absence type can be recorded in daysor hours.

What about study leave and other absence types that are not available to all employees?

You can control which groups of staff are eligible to take absences ofeach type. Absences are recorded on element entries. By linking theelement to organizations, jobs, grades, employment categories, or otherassignment components, you control who can take each absence type.

How do I record absences?

You can use Batch Element Entry (BEE) to make entries of absenceelements, and other timecard data. You can record the number of daysor hours absent, and any other information you have designed theelement to hold (such as absence reasons). If you use Oracle Time &Labor, or another time entry application, you can send timecards toBEE using the API.

Alternatively, employees can enter their own absences throughself–service, or their line managers can do this for them. These absencerecords can be submitted for approval before they are recorded inOracle HRMS.

You can also use the Absence Detail window to enter proposed oractual absences, and to see the effect of the absence on anycorresponding PTO accrual plan.

How do absence types relate to PTO accrual plans?

Each accrual plan is associated with one absence element (and henceone absence type). Each entry of time off reduces the net accrual on the

6 – 3Absence Management and PTO Accruals

plan. You can also associate any number of other elements with a planand determine how entries to these element affect the accrualcalculation. This is useful for recording time bought or sold, or unusedPTO brought into a new plan on enrollment.

What rules govern PTO accrual plans in Oracle HRMS?

A few types of accrual plan are seeded with the system. However,accrual plan rules vary from enterprise to enterprise, and country tocountry. Oracle HRMS provides you with the flexibility to define yourown plan rules. Here is just a selection of the rules you can set up:

• The length of the accrual term (often one year), and the startdate, which may be fixed (such as 1 January) or vary byemployee (such as the anniversary of the employee’s hire date).Some plans have no start date, but always calculate accruals forthe previous 12 months (or other length of time).

• The frequency of accrual, such as monthly, or once each payperiod. In other plans, employees receive their full entitlementup front, at the beginning of the accrual term.

• The amount of accrual and any ceiling on the amount that can beheld. These figures may be fixed or vary by length of service,grade, time worked, or other factors.

• What happens to unused PTO at the end of the accrual term.

• Rules for part time employees, and for employees withsuspended assignments

• Rules for new hires, including when they can begin accruingPTO and when they can begin to use it.

How do we track and analyze absences and net accrual entitlement?

When you enter an absence you can see, at the employee level, howmuch absent time of the same type has already been recorded for theemployee. If the absence affects net entitlement in a PTO accrual plan,you can see current and projected entitlement figures for the plan. Inanother window, you can view a full absence history for an employee.

Across all employees, you can view absences of a certain type orcategory, within a specified time period. Using the Absences Report,you can track absences of one or more types for employees in eachorganization.

Employees can view their own absence history on the web using SelfService, and line managers can do the same for all the employees theymanage.

6 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Absence Management and PTO Accruals OverviewEmployees take paid or unpaid time off from work for a variety ofpurposes, such as illness or injury, vacation, medical appointments,childbirth, death of a close relative, jury duty, labor or trade unionrepresentation and professional activities. Maintaining information onemployee absences for reporting and analysis is an important aspect ofhuman resource management.

In Oracle HRMS you can define as many absence types as you need totrack employee time off, and you can group these types into categoriesand define absence reasons to provide further information for absencereporting.

You can reference absent time taken in payroll runs, if certain absencesshould affect employees’ earnings or deductions. In the UK, there isgovernment legislation regarding the payment of employees duringperiods of sickness and maternity leave (SSP and SMP). Theserequirements are handled by Oracle SSP/SMP.

PTO Accrual Plans

Many organizations permit employees to accrue hours or days of paidtime off (PTO) as they work, to use for sick or vacation leave. In suchenterprises, setting up and maintaining PTO plans is another part ofabsence management.

In Oracle HRMS you can set up any number of accrual plans, each withits own units of accrued time (hours or days) and its own rules. Forexample, you can set up rules for the frequency of accruals, maximumcarryover to a new accrual year, accrual bands, eligibility rules forenrolling in a plan, and accrual start rules for new hires.

Key Concepts

To enable you to get the most out of the Absence Management and PTOAccruals functionality, you need to understand the following keyconcepts:

• Absence Categories and Types

• Absence Elements

• Absence Recording

• Accrual Plan Administration

• Accrual Plan Structure, including elements, formulas, and thenet accrual calculation rules

6 – 5Absence Management and PTO Accruals

• Accrual Start Date for New Hires, and ineligibility period rules

• Accrual Bands, for determining accrual amounts and ceilings

• PTO Carry Over Process

6 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Absence Categories and Types

Oracle HRMS provides a convenient way to maintain informationabout the various absence types your enterprise recognizes. To facilitatereporting and analysis of employee absences, you can distinguishbetween absence types and absence categories. An absence category is agroup of related absence types.

Some absence categories may be predefined for your legislation. Thetable below contains examples of absence categories and types, forillustration purposes only. You can extend the list of predefinedcategories and define your own absence types, as required.

Absence Category Absence Type

Medical Leave Illness or Injury

Work–related Injury

Work–related Illness

Medical Appointment

Family Leave Paid Maternity/Paternity

Unpaid Maternity/Paternity

Dependent Care

Personal Leave Compassionate Leave

Personal Business

Professional Leave Certification Classes

Meeting Attendance

Example Absence Categories and Types

Also, to assist with absence reporting and analysis, you can providereasons to select from when recording employees’ time taken for anabsence type. For example, if you need information to analyze theparticular family–related responsibilities that cause employees to misswork, you can define reasons for absence types as follows:

Absence Category Absence Type Absence Reasons

Family Leave Paid Maternity/Paternity Birth of a child

Adoption of a child

Example Absence Category, Types and Reasons

6 – 7Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Absence ReasonsAbsence TypeAbsence Category

Dependent Care Child Care

Elder Care

Disabled Care

Example Absence Category, Types and Reasons

Setup of Absence Types

Setting up each absence type is essentially a two–step process. Onestep involves defining the type, that is, entering its name, andoptionally selecting a category and reasons for it. The other stepinvolves defining an element to associate with the type. This elementserves two important purposes:

• It provides a way to maintain a running total of time taken for theabsence type. The Absence Detail window shows the runningtotal of absences with an end date before the effective date, andwith an absence duration on record. Each absence can add to, orsubtract from, the running total, depending on how you definethe absence type.

• It provides a way to restrict employee eligibility for the absencetype. The links you build for the element establish whichemployees are eligible to use the type.

For example, if the absence type compassionate leave is availableonly to full time employees, you link its element to theemployment category Full Time.

To hold a single running total of time taken for two or more absencetypes, you associate all the types with the same absence element. Forexample, your absence category Personal Leave may include twoabsence types you need for certain reporting purposes, CompassionateLeave and Personal Business. However, you require just one runningtotal to be kept of employees’ time taken for both types of personalleave. In this case you simply associate both absence types with thesame absence element.

Note: If you want to use absence types without recordingaccrued totals or eligibility rules, you can define the type withno associated element.

6 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Absence Elements

You can associate each absence type with a recurring or nonrecurringabsence element. Each element has an input value with either hours ordays as its unit of measure.

Using a Nonrecurring Element

Nonrecurring element entries are valid for one payroll period. Whenyou enter an absence of a type associated with a nonrecurring element,the application creates an element entry for the period in which theabsence start date falls. For example, if you enter an absence that startson 4 May for someone on a monthly payroll, the entry is dated 01 Mayto 31 May.

The entry is only created when you enter the absence end date, and youmust enter the absence duration at the same time. The duration can bedefaulted if you set up an absence duration formula. The full value ofthe absence duration is recorded in the absence element entry, even ifthe end date falls outside of the payroll period.

Using a Recurring Element

Attention: This option is only available if you use OraclePayroll and the Proration functionality is enabled in yourlocalization.

UK users: If you use Oracle SSP/SMP, you must continue touse nonrecurring elements to record long term sick leave.

Use this approach if you want to begin processing absences before enddates are recorded. You do not enter absence duration on the recurringelement entry. Instead, you use a payroll formula to calculate theabsence duration to be processed in each payroll period. Use theabsence duration formula to calculate the duration displayed on theAbsence Detail window. This value is deducted from the current PTOaccrual when you enter an end date for an absence type that isassociated with a PTO accrual plan.

Recurring element entries start on the absence start date and end on theabsence end date (if there is an end date). If the absence ends in themiddle of a payroll period, the payroll run detects and processes theabsence using the proration functionality.

Absence Balance Information

When you define an absence type, you specify whether the applicationshould maintain an increasing balance, a decreasing balance, or nobalance of time off. The balance is a running total of the hours or days

6 – 9Absence Management and PTO Accruals

an employee has taken for the absence type, as recorded in theDuration field.

Increasing Balances of Time Taken

As you would expect, an increasing balance for an absence type startswith no time entered, and increases as you enter employees’ hours ordays absent. For example, if the absence type Compassionate Leavehas an increasing balance, the balance starts from zero for eachemployee and increases by the number of hours entered for eachabsence of this type.

Increasing balances are appropriate for most absence types. Forabsence types for which your enterprise sets a maximum time allowed,the system issues a message when an entry of time absent exceeds thismaximum, or Oracle Alert can notify you when an employee reachesthe maximum time or takes excess time.

See: Oracle Alert User’s Guide

When defining an absence type for a PTO accrual plan, you give it anincreasing balance that shows the employee’s accrued time taken.When you record an absence using the Absence Detail window, youcan see the amount of accrued time a plan participant has available foruse as vacation or sick leave.

Decreasing Balances of Time Remaining

If your enterprise sets a maximum time allowed for an absence typethat is not connected to a PTO accrual plan, you have the option ofsetting up a decreasing balance for this type, instead of an increasingbalance.

For example, suppose your enterprise allows certain employees 32hours leave per year for professional development. The ProfessionalLeave absence type can have a decreasing balance, and an initial entryof 32 hours.

If you record an employee absence of 4 hours for this absence type, thedecreasing balance shows 28 hours still available to be taken.

Decreasing absence balances require more maintenance than increasingbalances. They need a prorated initial balance entry for all eligible newhires throughout the year, and require resetting each year for all eligibleemployees.

Notice that an absence type cannot have both a decreasing and anincreasing balance; it has one or the other.

Initializing an Absence Balance

To initialize an absence balance, you can associate two absence typeswith the same element, one with an increasing balance and one with a

6 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

decreasing balance. Suppose you have an absence type calledIn–service Training with a decreasing balance that you want to initializewith the value 4 days. You associate the absence type with an elementcalled In–service Training. You create another absence type––this timewith an increasing balance––called In–service Training BalanceAdjustment, and associate it with the same element. You create a 4 dayabsence record for the In–service Training Balance Adjustment absencetype to initialize the balance. Then you use the In–service Trainingabsence type to record real absences that reduce the balance.

Note: You can use BEE or the Absence Detail window to enterthe initial balances.

Referencing Absent Time in Payroll Runs

You can reference absence time taken (amount of an increasing balance)or absence time remaining (amount of a decreasing balance) for absencetypes in formulas for earnings, deductions, or other items OraclePayroll processes in payroll runs.

When defining the input value to hold the absence balance for anabsence type’s element, you can check the Database Item box. Entriesto this input value then become database items that formulas forpayroll calculations can access.

You can use these database items in QuickPaint reports, as well aspayroll runs.

North American Payroll users: If you want to process an absenceelement in the payroll run, generate it in the Earnings window. You willneed to create any balance feeds that you require since these are notgenerated automatically.

Retrospective Entries and Adjustments

Oracle Payroll users: If you enter or update an absence retrospectively,or you delete an absence that started in the past, these changes arelisted in the Retro Notification report the next time you run this report.This enables you to use RetroPay to correct any payroll processing.

6 – 11Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Setting Up Absence Management

Follow these steps to set up absence management.

� To set up absence recording:

1. If you want to associate recurring elements with absence types, youmust set up proration and retro notifications. This ensures thatabsences that end in the middle of a payroll period are detectedand processed by the payroll run, and that retrospective changes toabsences are recorded in the Retro Notifications report.

Note: Proration is available to Oracle Payroll users in selectedlocalizations only.

To set up proration and retro notifications, you must:

• Find all the dynamically generated triggers for the tablePAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F in the Dynamic Trigger Definitionwindow. (You must deselect the Insert triggering action so thatall the triggers are returned by the Find.) Make sure theGenerated and Enabled check boxes are checked for all thecontinuous calculation triggers.

• Query the Incident Register functional area in the FunctionalArea Maintenance window, and enter the business groups forwhich you want to enable proration on the Business Group tab.Optionally, you can further secure the proration functionality byselecting payrolls on the Payroll tab.

• Use the Table Event Group window to group the two events thatyou need to detect to prorate absences––datetracked updates toabsence start date and absence end date. Select Proration for theevent group type, and Payroll Period for the proration period. Inthe Datetracked Events region, select DateTrack Update as theupdate type, PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F as the table, andEFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE as thecolumns.

• Use the Table Event Group window to group the datetrackedevents on the PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F table you want totrack in the Retro Notifications report. The event group type isRetro.

2. Define an absence element, with at least one input value, for eachabsence type. Link this element to define who is eligible.

See: Defining and Linking an Absence Element: page 6 – 13

Note: Omit this step if you are setting up an absence type forwhich you do not need to maintain a running total of timetaken or remaining, and you do not need eligibility rules.

6 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

North American Payroll users: If you want to process theabsence element in the payroll run, generate it using theEarnings window.

3. Define categories of absence types as values for the Lookup TypeABSENCE_CATEGORY, and your absence reasons as values for theLookup Type ABSENCE_REASON. In some legislations there arepredefined categories and reasons.

You can select the same reason for different absence types.

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

4. Define each absence type, and associate it with an absence element.

See: Defining an Absence Type: page 6 – 16

Note: To keep a single record of employees’ time taken for twoor more different absence types, you can associate the sameelement with several types.

5. For an absence type with a decreasing balance, use BEE or theAbsence Detail window to initialize the absence balances foremployees eligible for the type.

If you want to make batch entries, see Making Batch ElementEntries Using BEE: page 4 – 14.

6. If you defined a recurring element, create a payroll formula thathandles proration to process the element and calculate theappropriate absence duration in each pay period (taking intoaccount the number of days or hours in a month, working and shiftpatterns, public holidays, and so on).

See: Sample Proration Formulas in Using Oracle FastFormula.

6 – 13Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Defining and Linking an Absence Element

Define an absence element in the Element window.

North American Payroll users: If you want to process the absenceelement in the payroll run, initiate it on the Earnings window instead ofusing the Element window.

� To define an absence element:

1. Set your effective date to a day on or before the start of the firstpayroll period for which you want to enter absences.

2. Enter a name for the element, and select the classificationInformation.

Suggestion: Give the absence element and its absence type thesame name, or coordinate the element name with the typename. For example, for the absence type CompassionateLeave, name the element Compassionate Leave orCompassionate Leave Absence.

3. Enter a reporting name, for display on reports.

4. If you are creating a recurring absence element, select your absenceelement event group in the Proration Group field. This field is onlyavailable to Oracle Payroll users in certain localizations.

5. Select the processing type.

• Select Recurring if you want to be able to process absences thatdo not have an end date and you want to apportion absence timecorrectly across payroll periods.

Note: You can only select Recurring if you use Oracle Payrolland the Proration functionality is enabled for your localization.(In this case, you should see the Proration Group field on theElement window.)

• Select Nonrecurring if it is acceptable to record the full durationof the absence in the payroll period in which the absence starts.

6. Select the termination rule. This is normally Actual Termination.

7. Check the Multiple Entries Allowed box if you want to enableemployees to have:

• (Nonrecurring) More than one instance of the absence typewithin a pay period.

• (Recurring) Overlapping entries of the absence.

8. If this is an absence element for a PTO accrual plan, do not selectProcess in Run. Uncheck this box if necessary.

6 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

If the element is recurring, ensure that the Process in Run box ischecked so that the absence duration can be calculated by thepayroll run.

9. If employees must be a certain age or have served for a certainnumber of years to be allowed this absence, enter this informationin the Qualifying Conditions region.

Note: If this is an absence element for a PTO accrual plan, theplan setup relates length of service to accrued time off. Do notmake an entry here for length of service.

10. Save the element, then choose the Input Values button.

11. In the Input Values window, create an input value to hold theamount of time taken. Select units of Day, Hours in HH format, orHours in Decimal Format (to one, two, or three decimal places).

If you are defining an absence element for a PTO accrual plan, givethe input value the name Hours or Days, to accord with the unit ofmeasure of the plan. When you define the plan using the AccrualPlan window, this input value name appears in the Units field ofthe Absence Information region.

New Zealand users only: You must also create the following inputvalues:

• Seasonal Shutdown – for Annual Leave and Annual LeaveTermination elements

• Number of complete weeks – for the Special Leave and ProtectedVoluntary Service Leave elements.

12. You can define minimum and maximum days or hours that can beentered in an absence record. If you do this, select what happens ifthese limits are breached:

• Select Warning for the system to warn users but allow them tobreach the limits.

• Select Error for the system to issue an error message and preventusers from saving an entry that breaches the limits.

13. Save your work.

� To link the absence element:

1. Set your effective date to a day on or before the start of the firstpayroll period for which you want to enter absences.

2. In the Element Link window, select the absence element youdefined.

6 – 15Absence Management and PTO Accruals

3. Select eligibility criteria for this absence element, if appropriate. Ifyou want to make the element available to all employees, do notselect any criteria.

4. Save the link. Then define the absence type associated with thisabsence element.

6 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Absence Type

Use the Absence Attendance Type window to define an absence typeand associate it with an element.

� To define an absence type:

1. Enter a name and category for the absence type.

Suggestion: Give the absence type and its associated elementthe same name, or coordinate the type name with its elementname. For example, name the absence type for a PTO accrualplan Salaried Sick PTO Plan, and its associated element,Salaried Sick PTO Absence.

2. In the Associated Element region, select the element defined forthis absence type. Select the element’s input value that holds daysor hours. The unit of measure for the input value appears in theUnits region.

3. In the Balance region, select Increasing if you want each absenceentry to add to a running total of time taken to date. The runningtotal covers all absence types associated with the selected element.Select increasing balances for absence types for PTO accrual plans,and for most other absence types.

For absence types that have a set maximum amount of hours ordays allowed, you may select Decreasing. In this case, each absencerecorded reduces an initial balance to show time remaining to betaken for the type.

Note: Decreasing balances require more maintenance. Youmust enter an initial balance amount for each new hire eligiblefor the absence type, and must initialize the balance for alleligible employees at the start of each year.

4. Optionally, select reasons that are valid for entries of this type ofabsence.

5. Save the absence type.

6 – 17Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Accrual Plan Setup

Accrual Plan Structure

In Oracle HRMS, accrual plans are based on elements, formulas, and anet accrual calculation. All of these are available for you to configureso you have complete control over the rules underlying your plans.

Oracle HRMS does not store net accrual totals. It calculates grossaccruals dynamically by calling the Accrual formula. The net accrualcalculation specifies the element entries that should add to or subtractfrom this figure to create the net entitlement.

If you use Oracle Payroll, you can set up your accrual plan so that grossaccruals are stored in a payroll balance. Each payroll run retrieves thelatest balance and calls the accrual formula to calculate new accrualssince the end of the last payroll period. This approach––using a payrollbalance––is optional but provides performance enhancements if youneed to calculate accruals in a batch process. See: Accrual BalancesMaintained By the Payroll Run: page 6 – 24.

6 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

The table below further explains the role of the elements, formulas, andnet accrual calculation.

This aspect of an accrualplan ... Is for ...


Absence element Storing entries of days or hours absent. No

Accrual plan element Enrolling employees in the accrualplan.


Carry Over element Storing unused time at end of planterm; Carry Over process makes entry.


Residual element Storing unused time that cannot becarried over at end of plan term; CarryOver process makes entry.


Payroll balance element Feeding the payroll balance that storesgross accruals; payroll run makesentry.


Tagging element Identifying absences and otherelement entries that have been enteredretrospectively and not yet included inthe gross accrual calculation. Thepayroll run creates a tagging elemententry and updates accrual accordingly.


Other elements Storing other amounts of time to beincluded in the net accrual calculation(such as time bought and sold); youcreate any other elements your planrequires.


Accrual formula Calculating gross accrual to date No, butpredefinedexamples

Carry Over formula Returning the maximum permittedtime an employee can carry over., andthe effective date and expiry date ofthe carry over; called by the CarryOver process.

No, butpredefinedexamples

6 – 19Absence Management and PTO Accruals

GeneratedAutomat–ically?Is for ...

This aspect of an accrualplan ...

Ineligibility formula Checking whether an employee iseligible to use accrued PTO on theeffective date of an absence entrymade by BEE (Batch Element Entry);called by BEE validation.

NOTE: This formula is not required ifyou enter the plan’s ineligibilityperiod in the Accrual Plan window.

No, butpredefinedexamples

Payroll formula Calling the accrual formula during apayroll run and returning the grossaccrual to the payroll balance element,which feeds the payroll balance.


Net accrual calculation Defining which element entries add toor subtract from the gross accrual tocreate net.

Yes, butyou canupdate

Payroll balance Storing the gross accrual so that batchprocesses do not have to recalculatethe accrual from the beginning of theaccrual term each time they are run.


6 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Accrual Elements

For each accrual plan, you define and link an absence element and thendefine a plan using this absence element. The system generateselements for the plan.

Generated Elements

The system generates the following elements when you save a newaccrual plan:

• An element representing the plan and which has the same nameas the plan. You use this element to enroll participants in theplan.

• An element to hold participants’ unused PTO that is available forcarry over to the next year.

• An element to hold residual PTO, that is, unused PTO notavailable for carry over under plan rules.

If you use Oracle Payroll and have elected to store gross accruals in apayroll balance, the system also generates:

• An element to feed a payroll balance. This element receives anentry from the accrual formula during a payroll run.

• A tagging element, which the payroll run uses to keep track ofretrospective absences (and other element entries included in thenet accrual calculation) that need to be included in the grossaccrual calculation.

The Carried Over and Residual elements have input values thatautomatically receive entries when you run the PTO Carry Overprocess:

• Hours or Days (depending on the plan’s units)

• Effective Date

• Expiry Date (on the Carry Over element), which is the date bywhich the employee must use the carried over time.

Oracle HRMS automatically links these elements using the same linkcriteria that you created for the absence element associated with theplan. If you change the links for the absence element, you should alsoupdate the links for the other plan elements.

Other Elements

Your enterprise may require other elements to reflect individual planpolicies. For example:

6 – 21Absence Management and PTO Accruals

• Employees may be permitted to sell back PTO they have accruedbut not used.

• Employees may also be permitted to purchase additional PTO incertain circumstances.

• You may need to store time in a special balance after running theCarry Over process, such as a balance of time that can be carriedover for several plan terms and is not subject to the usual expirydate

• You may need an element for entering unused PTO from anotherplan that is being transferred to this plan on enrollment.

These policies are not standard across enterprises. So, in Oracle HumanResources you can define elements, configured to your ownrequirements, for entering or storing these accrual amounts.

6 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Accrual Formulas

Most accrual plan rules are incorporated in two formulas:

• An Accrual formula, which calculates the amount of PTOaccrued at any given time, and

• A Carry Over formula, which returns the maximum amount ofaccrued time that a plan participant can carry over to the nextplan period, the date on which this carry over is effective(normally the first day of the new accrual term), and any expirydate by which the carried over PTO must be used, or forfeited.

When the Formulas Are Run

The Carry Over formula is called by the Carry Over process. When theAccrual formula is run, it always receives a calculation date as input, asshown in the following table.

Accrual formula is run when you: Calculation date is:

Enter an absence associated with anaccrual plan and open theAssociated Accrual Plans window. Accrual formula is run three timesto calculate the time accrued beforeand after the current absence, andat the end of the plan term

Start date of the absence, or Day before the start date of theabsence, or End of plan term

View PTO entitlement in theAccruals window

Effective date entered inChange Effective Date window

Run the Carry Over process Entered as a parameter

Run your payroll and some otherbatch processes (Oracle Payrollusers only)

The date paid, or date earned,of the current payrollrun––determined by the PTOBalance Type selected for yourbusiness group

Examples of Plan Rules

These formulas can access certain data that is available as databaseitems. For example, they can use hire date, plan enrollment date, grade,job, assignment status, employment category (full time/part time),hours worked, or pay elements to determine:

• The employee’s entitlement each accrual period

6 – 23Absence Management and PTO Accruals

• Any accrual ceiling, which is the maximum amount of PTO anemployee can hold at any time, and

• The maximum amount that can be carried over to the nextaccrual term.

These values can be embedded in the formulas, or entered in a usertable. If they vary with length of service, which is a common criterionfor accrual bands, they can be entered in the Accrual Bands windowwhen you define the accrual plan.

Some accrual plans allow new hires to accrue time from the date oftheir hire. Others allow accrual to begin at the start of the next accrualterm, or six months after hire, or some other start date. Some plan rulesincorporate a period of ineligibility, when a new employee can accruetime but not use it. Start rules such as these can be incorporated in yourAccrual formulas.

Note: Depending on how you define the ineligibility period,you may have to associate an Ineligibility formula with yourplan, if you want to make absence entries using BEE (BatchElement Entry). See: Period of Ineligibility: page 6 – 34.

Adding Your Own Plan Rules

Some formulas are seeded. You can use these, as supplied, or use themas models to create your own, incorporating the rules required for youraccrual plans.

6 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Accrual Balances Maintained By the Payroll RunIf you use Oracle Payroll, you can choose to use a payroll balance tostore gross accruals for an accrual plan. You do this by selecting abalance dimension (such as calendar year to date) when you define theaccrual plan. The system then automatically generates the balance andother components you require.

Why Use a Payroll Balance?

Some batch processes, such as the US Check Writer, call the accrualformula to calculate PTO accruals for each assignment. If you use suchprocesses, you will benefit from faster batch processing if you set upyour accrual plan to use a payroll balance. This reduces the number ofcalculations the formula has to perform.

How The Balance Is Maintained

The payroll balance is maintained by the payroll run. When the payrollrun processes an accrual plan element entry, it calls an Oracle Payrollformula associated with the accrual plan element. This formula callsyour accrual formula to calculate the gross accrual, passing in thefollowing information:

• The name of the database item for the payroll balance, so theaccrual formula can retrieve the number of days or hourscurrently in the payroll balance

6 – 25Absence Management and PTO Accruals

• Date to begin calculating new accruals, which is the day aftereither the Date Earned or the Date Paid of the last payroll periodin which the assignment was processed

You can choose whether the formula uses Date Paid or DateEarned by selecting the Payroll Balance Type for your businessgroup in the Organization window.

Date Earned is the date the payroll run uses to determine whichelement entries to process. In North America (and typicallyelsewhere too) it is the last day of the payroll period beingprocessed. Date Paid is the date that appears on pay advices.The payroll run uses this date to select taxation rules, and storebalances. In some legislations, these dates are always the same.

• Calculation date, which is either the date earned or the date paidof the payroll run

The accrual formula returns the new gross accrual to an element thatfeeds the balance.

So normally the formula only has to calculate accruals since the lastpayroll run, and add this value to the existing payroll balance.However, if the accrual formula finds absences entered retrospectively,it recalculates accruals for the whole year. This is to ensure that theemployee receives their full accrual entitlement.


Supposing an accrual plan has a ceiling of 10 days, and two daysaccrual per month. An employee has a net accrual of 10 at the end ofMay. The June payroll run does not award any new accrual to thisemployee because the net accrual must not exceed the ceiling.However, in July the employee’s manager enters five days vacation inMay, retrospectively. The July payroll run recalculates the accrual andupdates the gross accrual balance to 14. The net accrual is now nine (14minus 5).

How To Set Up An Accrual Plan To Use a Balance

If you want the payroll run to maintain an accrual balance, you mustuse a formula that supports balances. This means that the system canpass the latest accrual balance to the formula, along with the date tostart calculating new accruals to add to the balance.

You can use or configure one of the following seeded formulas:



6 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


You must also select a balance dimension when you define the accrualplan. The balance dimension controls the period of time over which thebalance accumulates before it is reset to zero. Three types of dimensionare predefined:

Note: For each type, there are two dimensions. Use the DateEarned dimension (such as _ASG_PTO_DE_YTD) if youselected Date Earned as the PTO Balance Type for yourbusiness group. Otherwise use the Date Paid dimension (suchas _ASG_PTO_YTD).

See: Business Groups: Selecting a PTO Balance Type, UsingOracle HRMS––The Fundamentals


The balance accumulates over a calendar year, resetting on 01January. Select one of these dimensions if you are using thePTO_PAYROLL_BALANCE_CALCULATION formula.


The balance accumulates over a year, resetting on 01 June, or atthe end of the payroll period that contains this date. Select one ofthese dimensions if you are using thePTO_SIMPLE_BALANCE_MULTIPLIER formula.


The balance accumulates over a year, resetting on theanniversary of the employee’s hire date, or at the end of thepayroll period that contains this date. Select one of thesedimensions if you are using thePTO_HD_ANNIVERSARY_BALANCE formula.

If you require your balance to accumulate over a different period oftime, or reset at a different date, you must create your own balancedimension. For further information on balance dimensions, see thetechnical essay “Balances in Oracle Payroll” in Implementing OracleHRMS.

Notice that the Oracle Payroll formula, payroll balance, element thatfeeds the balance, element link, and formula processing and result rulesare all generated by the system when you save your accrual plan.

6 – 27Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Net Accrual Calculation

Oracle HRMS uses the following calculation for an employee’s netaccrual:

Net PTO accrual = (Accrued PTO + PTO carried over) – PTO taken to


Accrued PTO is the sum of regular accruals to date in this accrual term,calculated by your Accrual formula.

PTO Carried Over is the hours or days carried over from the previousaccrual term, obtained from the plan’s Carried Over element.

PTO Taken To Date is all PTO taken in this accrual term, obtained fromthe entries to the plan’s absence element.

You may require a more complex calculation of net accruals, perhaps totake some account of time stored in the residual PTO element, or totake account of time entered on other elements that you have created.In this case, you can change the calculation in the Net Calculation Ruleswindow.

Notice that the system does no automatic processing of the entries ofemployees’ residual PTO. Your enterprise may want to use theseentries to inform employees of accrued but unused time they mayforfeit, or to make payments for part or all of this time.

6 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Seeded Accrual Type Formulas

There are four seeded formulas (of formula type Accrual) forcalculating accruals. Each repeatedly calls another formula (of typeAccrual Subformula), in a loop, to calculate the accrual for each accrualperiod. There is a Carry Over formula supplied to use with eachAccrual formula. The top level seeded Accrual formulas are:





The formulas with “Balance” in their names can be called from thepayroll run to maintain a balance of gross accruals. See: AccrualBalances Maintained By the Payroll Run: page 6 – 24.

Note: There are also two seeded formulas calledPTO_PAYROLL_CALCULATION andPTO_SIMPLE_MULTIPLIER. These incorporate the same rulesas PTO_PAYROLL_BALANCE_CALCULATION andPTO_SIMPLE_BALANCE_ MULTIPLIER, except that theycannot be called from the payroll run to maintain a balance ofgross accruals. We recommend that you use the formulas thatsupport balances so you can use balances now or in the future.

Ineligibility Formula

There is also a seeded Ineligibility formula:


You may require an Ineligibility formula if you use BEE (Batch ElementEntry) to enter absences against an accrual plan. BEE validation mustascertain whether an employee is eligible to use accrued PTO on theeffective date of an absence entry in a batch line. First it checks theAccrual Plan table, so if you enter the period of ineligibility in theAccrual Plan window, you do not need to create an Ineligibilityformula.

If there is no ineligibility information in this table, BEE validationchecks whether there is an Ineligibility formula to call. You need anIneligibility formula if you use BEE and you calculate the period ofineligibility within your Accrual formula, rather than entering it in theAccrual Plan window. This fomula is only used by BEE.

Note: If you use the seeded formulas, you do not need anIneligibility formula, because these formulas take theineligibility period from the Accrual Plan table.

6 – 29Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Description of Seeded Accrual Formulas


This formula calculates accruals in the same way as the accrualfunction in earlier releases of Oracle HRMS. It calls another formulawhich is called PTO_PAYROLL_PERIOD_ACCRUAL. It is designed tobe used with the Carry Over formula PTO_PAYROLL_CARRYOVER.

These formulas are based on the following rules:

• An accrual term of one calendar year, starting 1 Jan. So, accrualcalculations restart at the beginning of each calendar year.

• An accrual frequency based on the participant’s pay periods. So,employees on a monthly payroll accrue time each month,employees on semi–monthly payrolls accrue time twice eachmonth, and so on. PTO accrual occurs automatically for eacheligible plan participant on the last day of his or her pay period,independently of any payroll run.

• Accrual amounts and ceiling are determined by length of service.

• Carry over is always effective on 31 Dec of the plan year beingprocessed. So, if you run the Carry Over process and specify theparameters ’15 January 2000’ and ’Previous’ (plan year), theformula calculates the carry over for the year 1 Jan to 31 Dec1999 and the result has the effective date 31 Dec 1999.

• Carry over expires at the end of the plan year. So carried overtime with the effective date 31 Dec 1999 must be used before 31Dec 2000.

• Maximum carryover depends on length of service bands.


This is a simple formula to provide a useful starting point for your ownaccrual plans. It calls another formula, calledPTO_SIMPLE_PERIOD_ACCRUAL. It is designed to be used with theCarry Over formula PTO_SIMPLE_CARRYOVER.

These formulas are based on the following rules:

• An accrual term of one calendar year, starting 1 June. So, accrualcalculations restart at the beginning of each June.

• An accrual frequency of one month.

• Accrual amounts and ceiling are fixed within the formula.

• Carry over is always effective on 31 May of the plan year beingprocessed.

6 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Carry over expires at the end of the plan year. So carried overtime with the effective date 31 May 1999 must be used before 31May 2000.

• Maximum carry over is fixed within the formula.


This formula is very similar toPTO_SIMPLE_BALANCE_MULTIPLIER, but the accrual start date isthe anniversary of the employee assignment’s hire date.

Note: Notice that the accrual term starts on the anniversary ofthe hire date. It is not affected by the entry of a continuousservice date for an employee on enrollment in the plan. Thecontinuous service date affects length of service calculations(for accrual bands and calculation of period of ineligibility), butit does not affect the accrual term.


This is an example formula for an accrual plan that does not have afixed term start date. It calls the formulaPTO_ROLLING_PERIOD_ACCRUAL. It is designed to be used withthe Carry Over formula PTO_ROLLING_CARRYOVER.

These formulas are based on the following rules:

• An accrual term of one calendar year, with no fixed start date.Accruals are calculated for the previous 12 months.

• An accrual frequency of one month.

• Accrual amounts and ceiling are fixed within the formula.

• Carry over is not relevant, since the accrual term never ends, butrolls forward. Time is lost if it is not used within 12 months.

Summary of Rules in Seeded Formulas

The following tables summarize the rules incorporated in the seededAccrual formulas.

Length of Accrual Term

All Seeded Formulas

One year

6 – 31Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Accrual Term Start Date





No fixed date;accruals calculatedfor preceding 12months

Accrual Frequency



Payroll period Monthly

Accrual Amount



Depends on length ofservice accrual bands

A fixed amount per month (2 days)

Accrual Ceiling



Depends on length ofservice accrual bands

Set within the formula to 20 days

Length of Service

All Seeded Formulas

Uses continuous service date (if present) or hire date. Note:continuous service date is entered using an input value on the accrualplan element.

6 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Accrual Start Date for New Hires



Choice of start ruleson Accrual Plan form:hire date, or sixmonths after hiredate, or 01 Jan afterhire date Accrualstarts in the firstaccrual period afterthe chosen date (orplan enrollment dateif this is later).

Accrual starts in the first accrual period afterhire date or plan enrollment date, whicheveris later.

Period of Ineligibility

All Seeded Formulas

Accrued amounts are not credited until end of period of ineligibility(entered on Accrual Plan form), which is calculated from the hire date(or continuous service date if this was entered). Note that accruedamounts are not carried forward if the end of the accrual term fallswithin the ineligibility period.

Calculation of Gross Accrual




Sums accruals in allfull pay periods of theyear ending on orbefore the calculationdate;

Sums accruals in allfull months of theyear ending on orbefore the calculationdate;

Sums accruals in the12 months ending onor before thecalculation date;takes account of any

takes account of anyemployee terminationdate, accrual startrules, ineligibilityperiod, and accrualceiling.

takes account of anyemployee terminationdate, ineligibilityperiod, and accrualceiling.

employee terminationdate, ineligibilityperiod, and accrualceiling.

Changing and Adding Rules in Formulas

If you write your own formulas (perhaps using the simple multiplier orrolling accrual formula as a basis) you can change any of these rules

6 – 33Absence Management and PTO Accruals

and add new rules as required. However, your formulas must returncertain values and must check for certain conditions (such as employeetermination) to avoid errors.

For information about required formula content, see: Writing Formulasfor Accrual Plans, Using Oracle FastFormula.

For a sample accrual formula and suggestions on how to edit it toincorporate a whole range of plan rules, see: Sample Accrual Formula,Using Oracle FastFormula.

6 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Accrual Start Date for New Hires

Using the seeded PTO_PAYROLL_BALANCE_CALCULATIONformula, accrual of PTO begins on a fixed date each year (01 January).For each plan that uses this formula, you can select a value in theAccrual Start field of the Accrual Plan window. This specifies whennewly hired employees start to accrue PTO. The seeded choices are:

• Hire Date

• Beginning of Calendar Year after their hire date

• Six Months after Hire Date

If you need additional start rules, you can define them as values for theLookup Type US_ACCRUAL_START_TYPE. You must add a line to theseeded formula to calculate the accrual start date using your new startrule.

The other seeded formulas (PTO_SIMPLE_BALANCE_MULTIPLIER,PTO_HD_ANNIVERSARY_BALANCE, andPTO_ROLLING_ACCRUAL) do not use values in the Accrual Startfield. For plans using these formulas, new hires begin accruing on theirhire date or plan enrollment date, whichever is later.

If you are writing your own accrual formulas, you can choose whetherto use the Accrual Start field on the Accrual Plan form to specify startrules for new hires. This is only useful if you are using the sameformula for several accrual plans with different start rules. Otherwiseyou can specify the start rule within the formula.

Period of Ineligibility

Some accrual plans require participants to work for a period of time,perhaps three or six months, before they are eligible to use accruedPTO. They accrue time at the usual rate during this time, but it is notregistered on the system until the Period of Ineligibility expires. If planparticipants take vacation or sick leave during this period, the systemdisplays a negative value for accrued time. Many enterprises set up anabsence type for ”approved but unpaid leave” to use for absences takenduring periods of ineligibility.

You can enter the period of ineligibility on the Accrual Plan form. Theseeded Accrual formulas illustrate how a formula should use theentered values. They calculate the period of ineligibility from thecontinuous service date (if it was entered) or the employee’s hire date.

Alternatively, you can define the period of ineligibility within yourAccrual formula.

6 – 35Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Note: If you use the seeded formulas, time accrued during theineligibility period is not carried over if the end of the accrualterm falls within the ineligibility period.

Batch Element Entry and the Ineligibility Period

If you want to use Batch Element Entry (BEE) to make absence entriesagainst the accrual plan, the BEE validation process must be able tocheck when the ineligibility period expires.

• If you record the ineligibility period for the plan on the AccrualPlan form, BEE retrieves the ineligibility period directly from thetable. It interprets it as a period of time from the employee’scontinuous service date or hire date.

• If the period of ineligibility is defined within your Accrualformula, you must associate an Ineligibility formula with theplan. BEE calls the formula, which returns Y or N to indicatewhether the employee is eligible to use accrued PTO on the datesupplied by BEE. This formula should calculate the end of theineligibility period in the same way as the Accrual formula forthe plan.

If the employee is not eligible, the BEE validation process creates awarning on the batch line for the absence entry.

Note: If you use a custom method of entering timecard data,calling the Element Entry API, you can add logic to call theIneligibility formula.

How the Seeded PTO_PAYROLL_BALANCE_CALCULATION Formula Interprets theStart Rules

The formula calculates the start date from hire date and compares itwith the employee’s plan enrollment date. Accrual begins onwhichever of these two dates is later.

Start Rule: Hire Date

For plans with this rule, participants’ accruals begin from the first fullperiod following their hire date. For example, if the hire date of aparticipant on a semi–monthly payroll falls on the first day of either thefirst or second period in the month, PTO accrual starts as of that date.

If the hire date falls sometime after the first of the month but before theend of the first period, accruals start in the second period of the month.If the hire date falls after the first day of the second period but beforeits end, accruals start with the first period in the next month.

6 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Start Rule: Beginning of Calendar Year

With this start rule, participants’ accruals begin from the start of theyear following the year in which they are hired. This means that aparticipant with a hire date of 1 January 1999 and another with a hiredate of 31 December 1999 both start to accrue time as of 1 January 2000.

Notice that the amount of PTO each accrues may not be the same, asaccrual amounts often depend on employees’ length of service.

Start Rule: Six Months After Hire

For plans with this start rule, participants’ accruals do not begin untilthe first full pay period after the six–month anniversary of their hiredate. For example, someone on a semi–monthly payroll who is hiredon 5 February 1996, completes six months of service on 5 August 1996,and starts to accrue PTO in the second period in August.

Notice that if people are hired on the first day of a period, theiraccruals begin with the pay period of the six–month anniversary oftheir hire date. For example, someone on a semi–monthly payroll whois hired on 1 February 1996 completes six months of service on 1August 1996, and hence starts to accrue PTO in the first period inAugust.

The period of ineligibility is not applicable to plans with the start ruleSix Months After Hire.

6 – 37Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Accrual Bands

For many accrual plans, the time off that plan participants can accrueincreases with their length of service, or varies by job, grade, ornumber of hours worked. That is, accrual bands determine accrualamounts. In addition, these bands can determine ceiling and maximumcarry over amounts.

Ceiling rules, found in some vacation accrual plans, set a maximumamount of PTO an employee can hold at any time. When aparticipant’s accrued PTO reaches the ceiling, no additional timeaccrues. Accruals begin again only after the participant uses someaccrued time.

In the PTO_PAYROLL_BALANCE_CALCULATION seeded formula,the accrual amount, ceiling and maximum permitted carry overdepend on length of service bands. Alternatively, you can use bandsbased on other factors, such as grade, or a combination of factors, todetermine the accrual amounts for your plans.

Length of Service Bands

You set up length of service bands using the Accrual Bands window.For each band (such as 0 to 5 years of service), you can enter theaccrual amount for the whole accrual term (such as an annual amount),an accrual ceiling, and the maximum permitted carry over.

Length of Service Override

In Oracle HRMS, the first day of the month of an employee’s hire dateis the default date from which his or her length of service is calculatedfor accrual purposes. For example, someone hired on 18 January 1997completes one year of service on 1 January 1998, and someone hired on31 December 1996 completes one year of service on 1 December 1997.

For individual accrual plan participants, you can override the defaultdate from which a plan starts its length of service calculations. This isuseful for managing exceptional cases that arise when, for example,employees who already have accumulated periods of service in yourenterprise transfer from one place to another. You enter the dateoverride when enrolling a participant in a plan.

Note: The default length of service start date (or theoverriding continuous service date) determines the length ofservice for accrual bands and for the calculating the end of theineligibility period. However it is not the same as the accrualstart date. This is determined by the accrual start rules selectedin the Accrual Plan window or set within the accrual formula.

6 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Other Banding Criteria

For some accrual plans, the amount of time accrued may vary by othercriteria, such as job or grade. You can create a user table to hold timeaccrued, ceiling rules, maximum carryover rules, and any otherinformation you require for each job or grade. See: User–DefinedTables, Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in OracleHRMS.

Include the GET_TABLE_VALUE function in your accrual and carryover formulas for the plan to access the information held in the usertable. For an example of using a user table to store banding criteria, see:Sample Accrual Formula, Using Oracle FastFormula.

6 – 39Absence Management and PTO Accruals

PTO Carry Over Process

To manage the carry over of employees’ unused PTO to a new accrualterm, you run the PTO Carry Over process from the Submit Requestswindow. For accrual plans with a fixed term start date (such as 1April), you run the process at the end of each accrual term. For accrualplans with a variable term start date (such as hire date or senioritydate), you should run the process every night to update planinformation for any employees whose term has ended that day.

For each participant in an accrual plan, the PTO Carry Over processfirst uses the Accrual formula to calculate the participant’s accrued

6 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

PTO as of the last day of the plan’s accrual term. The process then usesthe Carry Over formula to get:

• the maximum amount of time this employee can carry forwardto the next accrual term

• the effective date for the carry over, and

• any expiry date by which the employee must use the timecarried over, or lose it.

The process calculates the net accrual using time off recorded on theAbsence element and any other elements associated with the plan.Finally, it compares the net accrual with the maximum carry over.permitted to determine both the amount to carry over, and the amountof any residual PTO that cannot be carried over.

For employees with unused, accrued time to carry over, Oracle HRMSenters this time on the plan’s <plan name> Carried Over element.Similarly, for employees with unused, accrued time they cannot carryover, Oracle HRMS enters this time on the plan’s Residual <planname> element.

6 – 41Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Accrual Plan Example

This topic looks at a sample set of accrual rules and discusses how youmight configure the predefined accrual formulas to accommodate theserules.

An enterprise has the following vacation rules:

• All employees accrue two days vacation per month (pro rata forpart time employees)

• The accrual term is 12 months from hire date and newemployees join the plan on their hire date

• The ineligibility period (when employees accrue time but cannotuse it) varies by grade. It is two months for grades 1, 2, and 3,and three months for grades 4 and 5.

• The accrual ceiling is 10 days for full time employees (pro ratafor part time employees).

• The amount that can be carried forward to the next accrual termis five days for grades 1, 2, and 3, and eight days for grades 4and 5.

The enterprise uses BEE to enter vacation time taken.

You can set up one accrual plan for these rules, linking the accrualelement to all employees. You can use the predefinedPTO_SIMPLE_MULTIPLIER formula as the basis for your accrualformula. You need to configure this formula in the following ways.

Accrual Amount

Change the accrual calculation so that it takes into account anemployee’s standard hours (part time or full time). You can use HRBudgets to define an assignment’s value as a proportion of FTE. Thenyou need to define a database item for this budget value so you can useit in the accrual formula.

Accrual Term Start Date

Change the accrual term start date from 01 June to hire date byreferencing a database item such as ACP_SERVICE_START_DATEwithin the formula.

To see how to use this database item within the formula, see the section“Changing the Accrual Term Start Date” in Sample Accrual Formula,Using Oracle FastFormula.

Ineligibility Period

Derive the ineligibility period within the formula––rather than from theAccrual Plan window––since it varies by grade. The data could be hard

6 – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

coded within the formula or maintained in a user table, such as thefollowing (which also holds the maximum carry over, since this datavaries by grade too):

Example User Table for Varying Accrual Rules By Grades

Grade Ineligibility Period Max. Carry Over

1 –3 2 months 5 days

4 – 5 3 months 8 days

Since the ineligibility period is defined within the formula, and theenterprise uses BEE to enter vacation time, you need to create anineligibility formula that BEE validation can use to check whether anemployee is entitled to take time under the accrual plan.

Accrual Ceiling

Change the accrual ceiling from a standard 20 days in the predefinedformula to a variable amount depending on an employee’s standardhours. You address this in a similar way to the calculation of theaccrual amount.

Maximum Carry Over

Change the maximum carryover from a fixed amount within theformula to an amount that varies by grade. The data could be hardcoded within the formula or maintained in a user table, such as theexample above.

6 – 43Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Setting Up PTO Accrual Plans

� To set up a PTO accrual plan:

1. Define and link an element for the plan’s absence type.

See: Defining and Linking an Absence Element: page 6 – 13

Attention: It is important that you link the absence elementbefore you define the accrual plan since Oracle HRMSautomatically creates links for the accrual plan elements basedon your absence element links.

2. Define an absence type for the plan, associating its absence elementwith this type.

See: Defining an Absence Type: page 6 – 16

3. Optionally, define new accrual start rules as values for the LookupType US_ACCRUAL_START_TYPE. There are three seededcategories: Hire Date, Beginning of Calendar Year and Six Monthsafter Hire Date.

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

4. Decide which Accrual and Carry Over formulas to use. You canuse the seeded formulas, configure them, or write your own.

See: Writing Formulas for Accrual Plans, Using Oracle FastFormula.

5. If your Accrual formula defines a period of ineligibility and youwant to use BEE to enter absences against the accrual plan, definean Ineligibility formula. BEE calls this formula to check whether anemployee is eligible to use accrued PTO.

See: Period of Ineligibility: page 6 – 34

Note: If you use the seeded Accrual formulas, you do not needto define an Ineligibility formula. They use a period ofineligibility entered in the Accrual Plan window, and BEEvalidation can use the same value.

This does not apply to the New Zealand seeded formulas. Ifyou are using these formulas, do not define an Ineligibilityformula or enter a period of ineligibility in the Accrual Planwindow.

6. Optionally, define new accrual categories as values for the LookupType US_PTO_ACCRUAL. There are predefined categories forsome legislations.

See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

6 – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

7. Oracle Payroll users: If you want to use a payroll balance to storegross accruals, decide whether the payroll run should updateaccruals as of the run’s date earned (the date the payroll run uses todetermine which element entries to process) or date paid (the datethat appears on pay advices). Select your choice for the businessgroup.

See: Business Groups: Selecting a PTO Balance Type, Using OracleHRMS––The Fundamentals

8. Oracle Payroll users: If you want to use a payroll balance to storegross accruals, consider whether you need to define a new balancedimension. Dimensions are predefined that reset the balance eachyear on 1 January, 1 June, or hire date anniversary. If you requireyour balance to accumulate over a different period of time, or resetat a different date, you must create your own balance dimension.

See: “Balances in Oracle Payroll” in Implementing Oracle HRMS

9. Define the accrual plan, selecting the formulas and absence elementit is to use.

See: Defining a PTO Accrual Plan: page 6 – 45

10. Optionally, set up length of service bands for the plan.

See: Setting Up Length of Service Bands: page 6 – 47

11. Oracle Payroll users: If you want the payroll run to calculateemployer liability for PTO, define an employer liability elementand balance, link the element, and edit the generated payrollformula and result rules.

See: Costing Liability for PTO Accruals: page 6 – 49

12. Review the net calculation rules for the plan. If necessary, createadditional elements and associate them with the plan by selectingthem in the Net Calculation Rules window.

See: Changing Net Accrual Calculations: page 6 – 48

6 – 45Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Defining a PTO Accrual Plan

Use the Accrual Plans window to define an accrual plan.

� To define a PTO accrual plan:

1. Enter the plan name, and select an accrual category for it.

Suggestion: Coordinate the names of the accrual plan, theplan’s absence type if any, and the element used to recordabsences taken under the plan. For example, for the HrlyVacation PTO Plan for your hourly workers, you could namethe absence type and its element Hrly Vacation PTO Absence.

2. Optionally, select a start rule for the plan in the Accrual Start field.This rule determines the date on which newly hired employeesbegin to accrue PTO.

Note: Some plans do not use this value; it depends whichAccrual formula you select.

3. Select Days or Hours in the Accrual Units field. The units selectedhere must be the same as the units for the input value you select inthe Absence Information region.

4. You can enter a description, summarizing the purpose and rules ofthe plan.

5. Select the Accrual formula and Carry Over formula to associatewith the plan.

For a description of the seeded formulas, see Seeded Accrual TypeFormulas: page 6 – 28.

6. In the Name field of the Absence Information region, select theelement associated with the plan’s absence type. In the Units field,select the element’s input value that holds the entries of hours ordays absent.

Selecting a Payroll Balance

7. Oracle Payroll users: If you want to use a payroll balance to storegross accruals for the plan, select the date when the balance shouldreset to zero.

If you select 1 June, 1 January, or Hire Date Anniversary, a valueappears automatically in the Dimension Name field. If you selectOther, you must select a balance dimension that you have createdfor this purpose.

Attention: Select a date in this field only if you are using aformula that supports payroll balances. US users: The Check

6 – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

writer process and Deposit Advices do not display the correctaccrual balances if you enter a balance reset date but do not usea formula that supports payroll balances.

Setting a Period of Ineligibility

8. If the start rule for this plan is Hire Date or Beginning of Year youcan enter a period of ineligibility, during which a plan participantcan accrue PTO but cannot use accrued PTO. For example, enter 3in the Length field and select Calendar Month in the Units field.

9. Optionally select an Ineligibility formula. This formula is called bythe BEE validation process for a batch line that enters an absenceagainst the accrual plan. It checks whether the employee is eligibleto use accrued time on that date.

Note: If you enter the period of ineligibility in the Length field,you do not need to select a formula. The BEE validationprocess gets this value and interprets it as a period of timefrom the employee’s continuous service date.

10. Save your work.

When you do this, the application generates three new elements forthe plan––one to represent the plan, and one each to hold carriedover and residual amounts of accrued, unused PTO. Theapplication creates links for these elements to match the links youdefined for the plan’s absence element.

If you selected a date in the Payroll Balance Reset Date region, theapplication also generates a payroll balance, an element to feed thebalance, a tagging element, formula processing and result rules,and a payroll formula to call the accrual formula from the payrollrun.

11. Choose the Accrual Bands button to set up length of service bandsfor the plan. This is optional, but may be required by your accrualformula.

12. Choose the Net Calculation Rules button to view or change therules for calculating employees’ net PTO.

6 – 47Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Setting Up Length of Service Bands

Use the Accrual Bands window to define length of service bands for anaccrual plan.

� To set up length of service bands for a PTO plan:

1. For each length of service band applicable to this plan, establish theband’s duration by making an entry in the To field. The first bandstarts from zero years of service. If it extends for five years, enter 5in the To field. The system then sets the From field for the secondband at 5, as the second band starts after five years of service.

For the last band you enter, in order to cover all participants withany length of service beyond the band’s From entry, enter 99 in theTo field. For example, if your bands cover service of 0–5 years,5–10 years and 10+ years, the third band’s From and To entriesshould be 10 and 99.

2. For each band, enter in the Term Accrual field the number of hoursor days that participants whose length of service falls into this bandcan accrue each accrual term. For example, if plan participantsaccrue 80 hours of vacation per year during their first five years ofservice (band 0 – 5), enter 80 in the Term Accrual field.

3. If a band does not permit participants to carry unused accruedtime over to the next accrual term, leave the Maximum Carryoverfield blank. Otherwise, enter in this field the maximum number ofaccrued, unused hours or days that participants at this band maycarry forward.

4. If a band has no ceiling that limits the total number of hours ordays participants at this band can accrue at any one time, leave theCeiling field blank. Otherwise, enter the ceiling number for theband.

5. Save your work.

6 – 48 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Changing Net Accrual Calculations

The rules for automatic calculation of employees’ net PTO appear inthe Net Calculation Rules window. You enter this window by choosingthe Net Calculation Rules button in the Accrual Plan window.

The default net accrual calculation takes account of absences (enteredon the Absence element) and time carried over from the previousaccrual term (entered by the Carry Over process on the plan’s CarriedOver element). If your plan’s calculation needs to take account of othervalues (such as time bought or sold), you can change the calculation inthis window.

� To change the net accrual calculation:

1. Create any additional elements you need for the plan. For example,you might need an element to store the amount of PTO anemployee has bought or sold. Use the Information classification forthese elements, define them as nonrecurring, and give them at leasttwo input values:

• An input value with the same units (days or hours) as youselected for the accrual plan, and

• An input value with the units Date (to hold the effective date).

Suggestion: Use names for these elements that clearly linkthem to the appropriate accrual plan. For example, if theaccrual plan is called Standard Vacation, you could name theelement Standard Vacation Bought or Sold.

2. Query the new elements in the Net Calculation Rules window.

3. Select the input value that hold the days or hours you want to usein the net accrual calculation.

4. Select the date input value that holds the effective date for theaccrual calculation.

5. For each input value, select Add or Subtract to determine whetherthe value should increase or decrease the net accrual available to anemployee.

6. Save your work.

6 – 49Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Costing Liability For PTO Accruals

Follow these setup steps if you use Oracle Payroll and you want thepayroll run to calculate the change in employer liability for PTO, aswell as the gross accrual.

For example, the payroll run might calculate the following changes toemployer liability, using this calculation:

Current Liability Increment = (((YTD accrual + Current net accrual) *Current Rate of Pay) – YTD PTO liability)




CurrentPay Rate


Absence CurrentNetAccrual


Run 1 0 0 10 4 0 4 40

Run 2 40 4 10 4 5 –1 –10

Run 3 30 3 12 4 0 4 54

� To set up costing of PTO accrual liability:

1. In the Element window, define an employer liability element. Theonly required input value is the pay value.

2. In the Balance window, create a liability balance fed by the payvalue of the element you created in the previous step.

3. In the Formula window, edit the payroll formula that wasgenerated for your accrual plan so that it calculates changes inemployer liability. The formula has the name <accrual planname>_ORACLE_PAYROLL. It contains a sample liabilitycalculation, which you can edit to meet your requirements.

The formula must return the Current Liability Increment.

4. In the Formula Result Rules window, query the accrual planelement. You will see a processing rule associating this elementwith the payroll formula you edited in the previous step, and aresult rule passing the accrual to the element that maintains theaccrual balance. Create another result rule to pass the CurrentLiability Increment formula result to the pay value of the employerliability element.

5. Use the Element Link window to link the employer liabilityelement and to cost it appropriately.

6 – 50 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


Absence Recording

When you record an absence for an employee using the Absence Detailwindow or self–service, you must always select an absence type. Thisensures that you always have on record information about the natureof, and reasons for, the absence.

Dates and Times

In the Absence Detail window you can conveniently record start andend dates and times of a particular type of absence, as well as the dateyou receive notification of the absence.

You can enter either projected or actual dates and times. When anactual absence occurs in accordance with projected absence informationalready entered, you record this by simply clicking a button.

Oracle HRMS records an employee’s absences using the employee’spayroll calendar. This means that all employees for whom you recordabsence information must have a payroll component in their primaryassignment.

Some absence types are associated with nonrecurring elements. Forthese types, the absence is not recorded on the employee’s elemententries until you enter the absence end date. You cannot change theabsence start date so that it is outside the original payroll period––youmust delete the absence and create a new one.

For Oracle Payroll users in some localizations: some absence types maybe associated with recurring elements. For these types, the absence isrecorded in element entries when you enter an actual start date. If youchange the start date, the element entry is deleted and a new onecreated. When you enter or change the end date, the element entry’send date is date effectively updated.

Absence Duration

When you set up absence management, you can write a formula tocalculate absence duration automatically from the start and end datesand times entered for an absence. Your localization team may havewritten a formula, which the system will use by default. However, ifyou need a customized formula to take account of special work hoursor shift patterns, you can create a new formula that will override thesupplied one. You can create one formula for each Business Group.

6 – 51Absence Management and PTO Accruals

See: Writing Formulas To Calculate Absence Duration, Using OracleFastFormula

To control whether the formula automatically recalculates andoverwrites the absence duration when a user updates the end date ortime, set the user profile option HR:Absence Duration Auto Overwriteto Yes or No. For example, if you do want the duration to be updatedwhen the end date changes, set the profile option to Yes.

When you enter an absence, the system warns you if:

• Duration is greater than the person’s net entitlement recorded ina PTO accrual plan

• A decreasing absence balance becomes negative

• Duration is not equal to the value calculated by the absenceduration formula. Or, if there is no absence duration formula,duration is not equal to <end date/time – start date/time>.Here, hours are calculated using the standard hours recorded forthe assignment (or for the business group if there is no record onthe assignment).

Authorization and Replacement

When recording a projected or actual absence in the Absence Detailwindow, you can select both the name of an employee authorizing theabsence, and of an employee replacing the absent worker.

Batch Entry of Accrued Time Taken

For fast batch entry, you can use BEE, instead of the Absence Detailwindow, to enter sick or vacation time recorded together with othertimecard data. You can enter the absence start and end dates, as well asany input values defined for the element. If you leave the date fieldsblank, they are both defaulted to the effective date for a nonrecurringabsence element, and the start date only is defaulted for recurringelements. Note that the batch line will produce an error if you enter aduration but no end date for a recurring element.

Self–Service Entry of Absences

If you have licensed Oracle SSHR, you can delegate the responsibilityfor recording absences to individual employees or their line managers.They can enter proposed or actual absences and submit them forapproval by their supervisors (or any other approvers in a workflow).

6 – 52 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing and Reporting on Absence Information

For monitoring and analyzing recorded employee absences, use the:

• View Absence History window: page 6 – 62

• List Employees by Absence Type window: page 6 – 63

• Absences Report: page 6 – 64

For reviewing PTO plan participants’ accrued time earned and taken,use the Accruals window: page 6 – 61.

6 – 53Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Accrual Plan Administration

Just as elements constitute the underlying structure of absence types, sothey provide the structure of accrual plans. Each accrual plan isassociated with an absence element, which holds information aboutabsences taken under the plan. There is also an element for the planitself, which you use to enroll participants in the plan.


You enroll an employee in an accrual plan by entering the accrual planelement. You can only enroll employees who are eligible for the plan(that is, their assignments match the element’s links). When you do theenrollment you can override the default date for calculating length ofservice (which is used in many accrual plans to determine theappropriate accrual amount and the start date of accruals for newhires).

Recording Accrued Time Taken

You record time taken under the accrual plan by making entries of theabsence element associated with the plan.

Normally you make these entries using the Absence Detail window soyou can record additional information, such as an absence reason, thename of the employee authorizing the absence, and the name of theemployee replacing the absent worker. The window shows theparticipant’s net accrual at the start of the absence and the projectedaccrual at the end of the accrual term.

You can also use BEE to make batch entries of hours of accrued sick orvacation time that employees have taken and noted on their timecards.Any entries you make to absence elements using BEE for an employee’sprimary assignment can then be viewed in the Absence Detail window.Entries made using BEE can include a reason, but the list of absencereasons available in the Absence Detail window is not automaticallyavailable here.

Viewing Accruals

You can use the Accruals window to see, at any time, how much timean employee has accrued and used under an accrual plan. You cannotchange the amount accrued using this window. The gross accrual iscalculated by a formula that may, for example, vary the accrualaccording to length of service, grade, overtime or other factors.

6 – 54 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Recording PTO Sold or Purchased

If your enterprise pays employees for time they have accrued but notused, or if you permit employees to buy additional time, you maydecide to define your own PTO–related elements to record informationabout these transactions. You then use the Element Entry window toenter these elements for the appropriate employees.

Running the Carry Over Process

Once each year (or other plan term), an employee’s balance of unusedaccrued time must be cleared down ready for the new plan term. Yourun the PTO Carry Over process to clear down these balances andrecord both unused time available for carryover, and residual timeunavailable for carryover.

Note: Some accrual plans are based on a rolling plan term. TheCarry Over Process is not relevant to this type of plan.

6 – 55Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Entering Absences

Enter projected or actual absences for an employee using the AbsenceDetail window.

Because the calendar holding absence records for an employee is thesame as that of the employee’s payroll, the primary assignments ofemployees for whom you enter absence information must include anassignment to a payroll. For absence types based on nonrecurringelements, the effective start date of this assignment must be no laterthan the start of the current payroll period.

� To enter absences for an employee:

1. Select the absence type. The following information appears:

• The category of the type.

• The occurrence of the new absence record you are entering. Forexample, if the employee has already incurred two absences ofthis type, the occurrence of the new record is 3.

• The running total of hours or days absent for all the absencetypes associated with the element. For absence types withincreasing balances, this is the number of days or hours absentwith an end date on or before your effective date. For any typeswith decreasing balances, this is the number of hours or daysremaining to be taken.

• The number of days absence recorded for the absence type in thecurrent calendar year.

• The name of the element that maintains each employee’s timetaken or time remaining for this absence type.

2. Do one of the following:

• Enter projected dates for the absence. You can copy these later tothe Actual Date fields by choosing the Confirm Projected Datesbutton.

• Enter actual dates and duration as days or hours, according tothe units of the balance. For a duration in hours, you must enterstart and end times, as well as start and end dates. If you enteran end date, you must also enter the duration.

3. You can also select:

• Reasons for the absence

• The employee authorizing the absence

• The employee who replaces the absent employee for the durationof the absence

6 – 56 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

4. Save your work.

Viewing Accruals for Plans Associated with the Absence Type

If the employee is enrolled in an accrual plan, the Accruals button isavailable. Choose this button to display the Associated Accrual Planswindow, where you can see information about any accrual plansassociated with the type of absence you are entering.

� To view accruals:

1. Enter or query an absence in the Absence Detail window, andchoose the Accruals button.

2. If nothing is displayed, run a query in the Associated Accrual Planswindow to display the name and category of any accrual plansassociated with the absence type.

For each plan, three net accrual amounts are displayed:

The Net Entitlement figures on the This Absence tab show the effect ofthe absence displayed in the Absence Detail window.

• The Before Absence figure is the net accrual calculated on theday before the absence.

• The After Absence figure is calculated on the start date of theabsence.

In most cases these figures will differ by the length of the absence youare entering. However, if the absence happens to start on the day thatthis period ’s PTO entitlement is accrued, the new accrual is also shownin the After figure. Similarly, if any other time (such as time bought orsold) is debited or credited to the accrual on that day, it is reflected inthe After figure.

Projected Entitlement on the End of Plan tab shows the projected netaccrual at the end of the current accrual plan term, taking account ofany future absences already entered on the system. If the employee hasfuture–dated assignment changes that affect his or her accrualentitlement, these are taken account of in the calculation.

Note: This figure does not take account of absences with aprojected start date. It only includes absences that have an actualstart date.


Suppose Ms. Shah is enrolled on a vacation plan that runs eachcalendar year starting 1 January, with a gross accrual of 2 days per

6 – 57Absence Management and PTO Accruals

month. Ms. Shah did not carry over any entitlement from last year andhas taken no absences before May.

Net entitlement is calculated for the last complete accrual period (thatis, the period that ends on or before the start of the absence beingentered). This absence is only included in the calculation if it starts onthe last day of an accrual period.

The following table shows the accrual amounts that would display ifyou enter four absences in the sequence shown.

Absences: 2 – 4 May 31 May – 3June

12 – 15 Aug 15 June

Net Entitlement


8 5 7 3


5 3 3 2

End of planterm

21 17 13 12

6 – 58 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enrolling Employees in PTO Accrual Plans

Enroll individual participants in an accrual plan by entering for themthe element generated to represent the plan.

� To enroll participants in a PTO accrual plan:

� Do one of the following:

• For enrollment of an individual employee, perhaps as a part ofthe hiring process, enter the element representing the plan forhim or her using the Element Entries window.

See: Making Manual Element Entries: page 4 – 6

• For enrollment of a batch of employees in a plan, perhaps anewly–developed plan, use BEE.

See: Making Batch Element Entries Using BEE: page 4 – 14

Overriding Length of Service

The default date for calculating length of service is the first day of themonth of an employee’s hire date. You can override this by enteringanother date when you enroll the participant in the plan. This isrelevant to plans that have accrual bands based on length of service.

If you enter a date here, it is also used, instead of the employee’s hiredate, when the seeded formulas calculate the appropriate accrual startdate for the employee. For example, if the plan’s start date rule is SixMonths After Hire Date, accrual will begin six months after thecontinuous service date you enter.

� To override the default date for calculating length of service:

� When enrolling the participant, enter the override date in theContinuous Service Date entry value of the element representingthe plan.

6 – 59Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Running the PTO Carry Over Process

The net accrual calculation for PTO includes carried over PTO indetermining an employee’s accrued PTO to date. To set the netcalculation rules, use the Net Calculation Rules window. To review anemployee’s carry over of accrued time, use the Accruals window.

Run the PTO Carry Over Process at the end of the accrual term usingthe Submit Requests window.

� To run the PTO Carry Over process:

1. Select PTO Carry Over in the Name field. If the Parameterswindow does not open automatically, click in the Parameters field.

2. Enter a date in the PTO Calculation Date field and Current orPrevious in the Accrual Term field. These are used by the plan’sCarry Over formula to determine the effective date of the carriedover PTO.

Typically you will use the following values if you are using seededformulas:

• PTO_PAYROLL_CARRYOVER formula––use a calculation dateof 31 December with Accrual Term = Current, or a calculationdate of 1 January with Accrual Term = Previous. The effectivedate of the carry over is always 31 December (of current orprevious year).

• PTO_SIMPLE_CARRYOVER––use a calculation date of 31 Maywith Accrual Term = Current, or a calculation date of 1 June withAccrual Term = Previous. The effective date of the carry over isalways 31 May (of current or previous year).

• PTO_HD_ANNIVERSARY_CARRYOVER––set calculation dateto the effective date and use Accrual Term = Previous.

Attention: If you select Current for the Accrual Term andenter a calculation date that is not the end of the accrual term,this process creates future–dated carry over and residualelement entries.

3. Select the name of one accrual plan to process, or select a categoryto process all plans in the category.

4. The Reprocess All Participants field defaults to No, so that theprocess affects only those plan participants not previouslyprocessed for this accrual term. To process all participantsregardless of any previous processing, select Yes in this field.

Attention: Select Yes if any employees have retrospectiveabsences or other entries that might affect net entitlement.

6 – 60 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

5. When the entry of parameters is complete, choose OK. ChooseSubmit to submit the request.

The Carry Over process enters the Carried Over and Residualelements for all employee assignments included in the process.

6 – 61Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Reviewing Employees’ PTO Accruals

To view information on employees’ accrued PTO, use the Accrualswindow.

� To view an employee’s net PTO accrual:

1. Set your effective date to the day for which you want to calculatePTO entitlement.

2. In the Assignments Folder, query the employee’s name. Choosethe Accruals button to go to the Accruals window.

3. Query the accrual plan in the Name window.

The Dates region shows the dates that the accrual formula uses forthe entitlement calculation. These are typically from the start of theaccrual term to your effective date. The Net Entitlement fielddisplays the net accrued days or hours between these dates. TheLast Accrual date is the end of the last complete accrual period, ifthe formula does not calculate accrual for partial periods.

If you allow maintenance of negative balances of accrued time atyour installation and an employee’s time absent exceeds timeaccrued, the net entitlement appears as a negative number.

The Entitlement Details region shows the values used in thecalculation of the net entitlement:

• The <plan name> element stores current accrued time.

• The <plan name> Carried Over element stores accrued timecarried over from the previous accrual term. If the plan has anexpiry date for carried over time, the value shown after theexpiry date is the amount of accrued time that was used. Anyremaining time was lost.

• The absence element stores accrued time taken.

• Any other elements created at your site to hold values used forcalculating net entitlement, such as elements to store bought orsold PTO.

If the accrual plan uses the seeded formulas, note that an absence isincluded in the accrued time taken figure if it starts on or beforeyour effective date.

Attention: When reviewing employee accruals at the end ofan accrual term, remember that carried over and residual PTOappear only after the PTO Carry Over process is run.

6 – 62 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing Absence History

Use the View Absence History window to view all absences for anemployee.

� To view absences for an employee:

� Select an employee then choose the Find button.

The absences appear in the lower part of the window. Use thestandard Folder features to select a subset of these absence records,and to choose the fields to see.

6 – 63Absence Management and PTO Accruals

Listing Employees by Absence Type

Use the List Employees by Absence Type window to see all the absencerecords for a particular absence type, or category of types.

� To list employees by absence type:

� Enter any combination of absence type, category, and start and enddates to define the absences to view. Choose the Find button.

The absences appear in the lower part of the window. Use thestandard Folder features to select a subset of these absence records,and to choose the fields to see.

6 – 64 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Absences Report

The Absences Report shows information about employee absencesduring a specified period. It can show absences:

• For an individual employee, or for all the employees in anorganization

• For all types of absence, or for selected types

The report summarizes the information as totals for each absence typesince the employee was first hired.

You run reports in the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Absences Report:

1. In the Name field, select Absences Report.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date for which you want to see the report.

4. Select either an organization or an employee.

5. Enter the start and end dates of the period for which you want toreport absences.

6. You can choose up to 10 absence types for the report. To report onall types, leave the absence type fields blank. Choose OK.

7. Choose the Submit button.



7 – 1Basic Benefits

Basic Benefits

7 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Basic Benefits

Using Oracle HRMS, you can administer the whole range of employeebenefits, such as pension plans, overseas entitlements, stock purchaseplans and plans providing health care coverage.

How do I enroll employees in benefit plans?

You simply enter the benefit plan for the employee, recording his or hercoverage level, contribution amounts from the employee and employer,and any other information you want to record. You can enter thisinformation, using defaults, for a whole batch of employees together.

If you need program–based enrollment or self–service enrollment onthe web, you should implement the richer feature set Standard Benefits,instead of Basic Benefits.

Can I record coverage for dependents?

Yes, for benefits classified as Medical, Dental, Vision (health carecoverage), Life (insurance coverage), or AD&D (insurance coverage foraccidental death or dismemberment) you can establish coverage for theemployee’s dependents.

What about beneficiaries?

Employees can name both individuals and organizations asbeneficiaries for benefits of certain classifications. They can specify abenefit percentage for each beneficiary, and name both primarybeneficiaries and those at lower levels.

How do I administer continued coverage?

For COBRA–eligible benefit plans, you can record qualifying events,and issue standard letters informing employees or dependents of theireligibility for continued coverage. You can use statuses to track theirresponse, select levels of coverage, set up payments schedules andrecord receipt of premiums.

Oracle HRMS provides a COBRA Coverage Report to help you trackthe employees and dependents eligible for continued coverage, thedates of their coverage periods, their premium amounts, and so on. TheCOBRA Payments Report helps you track amounts received andoutstanding payments.

7 – 3Basic Benefits

How do I control eligibility for benefit plans?

As for other forms of compensation in Oracle HRMS, you link eachbenefit plan to employment conditions, such as grades, organizations,full–time or part–time, jobs, salary bases, or any other employeegrouping you need to define. Only employees that meet the linkconditions can enroll in the plan.

If you need more complex rules–based plan eligibility or you need tocontrol dependents’ eligibility, consider using the Standard Benefitsfeature set in Oracle HRMS.

Can I export data to a third–party benefits administrator?

Basic Benefits does not provide any special tools to help you do this.Instead of using Basic Benefits, consider implementing StandardBenefits, which provides system extract features that are useful forexporting data to third parties.

I need to manage flexible benefits programs with flex credits.

In that case, look at the features offered by Advanced Benefits, whichallows you to design flex credit based programs. You can also processflexible spending account claims, manage online life event processing,create life event triggered enrollments and communications, and modelbenefits eligibility based on potential life events.

7 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

OverviewUsing Basic Benefits, you can set up benefit plans in just the same wayyou handle all other components of your compensation and benefitspackages. You use elements to represent the various benefits available toyour employees. When you give these elements a benefits classification,Oracle HRMS automatically:

• defines whether coverage is available to dependents andbeneficiaries

• defines whether the plan is COBRA–eligible

• creates input values to record coverage level, and employee andemployer contribution amounts (for health care plans)

Elements can represent benefits ranging from tangible items such aslunch vouchers and company cars, to perquisites such as companystock purchase or life insurance, to health care coverage plans foremployees and their dependents.

To enroll employees in benefits, you make entries to benefits elements,either manually or in a batch using MIX.

Benefit Programs and Core–Plus–Options Arrangements

You may need to group benefit offerings together as a hierarchy(program, plan type, plan, option) so that administrative rules set at theprogram level cascade to the plans in that program. You may also needprogram–based enrollment for fixed and core–plus–optionsarrangements. These features are not supported in Basic Benefits. Youneed to use the Standard Benefits feature set.

Flexible Benefit Programs

If you administer your own benefits, including flexible benefit plans,consider implementing Advanced Benefits, which provides the fullsolution for benefits management, including self–service enrollments,management of life events, and eligibility modeling.

What To Read Next

If you decide that Basic Benefits meets your limited requirements forbenefits administration, you can read more in the following topics:

• Benefits Classifications – describes the classifications availablefor benefits elements; you select one classification for eachbenefit.

7 – 5Basic Benefits

• Benefits Enrollment – summarizes the procedure for enrollingemployees in benefit plans, recording their beneficiaries, andsetting up cover for their dependents.

• Basic Benefits Setup – summarizes the procedures for definingelements and other aspects of implementation.

• Management of COBRA–Eligible Benefits – summarizesemployer responsibilities under COBRA and describes thestandard letters and reports supplied for COBRA administration.

7 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Basic Benefits SetupThe process for setting up benefit plans in the Basic Model is verysimilar to the process for setting up any other form of compensationand benefit.

If you use Oracle Payroll, you initiate deductions for payments towardthe cost of benefits. The system then generates elements representingthe benefit plan, along with the formulas, balances, and formula rulesyou need to process the benefit deduction in the payroll run. You cancustomize the generated elements, formulas, and balances if you needto.

At Oracle HRMS sites that do not include Oracle Payroll, you defineelements to represent benefits and benefit plans using the Elementwindow. Use the primary classification Information and theappropriate benefits classification. See: Defining an Element to HoldInformation: page 1 – 38. For health care benefit plans, see: DefiningBenefit Plan Elements (Sites Without Oracle Payroll): page 7 – 11.

Elements for Health Care Plans

When you define an element (or initiate a deduction) for health careplans, you select one of the following three benefits classifications:Medical, Dental or Vision. The element will then automatically havethese three input values:

• Coverage, to hold plan coverage levels such as Employee Only,Employee and Spouse, Employee and Family

• EE Contr and ER Contr (Employee and Employer Contribution),to hold either default dollar amounts or percentages, as youchoose, for employee deductions and/or employer payments ata given coverage level taken to pay for the plan.

Notice that these input values are not subject to change or deletion.However you can define additional input values for the element if yourequire them.

You use the Benefit Contributions window to enter a list of values forthe Coverage input value and default contributions for EE Contr andER Contr. This information is stored in the Benefits Table.

Note: You cannot make or change default entries to the inputvalues Coverage, ER Contr and EE Contr using the InputValues windows that are available from the Element andElement Link windows.

Benefits Carriers

Using the Organization window, you enter benefits carriers into thedatabase as external organizations with the classification Benefits

7 – 7Basic Benefits

Carrier. You can then associate the appropriate carrier with an elementrepresenting a benefit or benefit plan, by selecting the carrier from a listwhen you create the benefit element.

Eligibility for Benefits

You establish employee eligibility for benefits in the same way that youset eligibility rules for any element, that is, by building element links.Links define the components that must be present in employees’assignments for the employees to be eligible for entries to the element.For example, if group life insurance is available only to employees whowork full time, you can build a link for the element for this benefit tothe employment category Full Time.

7 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up Basic Benefits

You set up Basic Benefit plans in much the same way that you set upother components of your compensation and benefits packages. Beforeyou start, review the features offered by Oracle’s other benefitsadministration solutions (Standard Benefits and Advanced Benefits) toensure that you implement the model that most closely matches yourneeds.

Create Benefit Carriers

� Use the Organization window to enter benefits carriers as externalorganizations with the classification Benefits Carrier. See: Creatingan Organization, Using Oracle HRMS––The Fundamentals.

Define Validation

Define validation for entries made to enroll employees in benefit plans.

1. To restrict entries to a list of valid values, define a new LookupType and add Lookup Values for this new lookup. See AddingLookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS.

2. To validate entries using formulas, write a formula of type ElementInput Validation. See: Writing Formulas for Validation, Using OracleFastFormula.

Define Categories

� If you need a new category for your benefit plan elements, add it inthe Application Utilities Lookups window. Benefit plan elementsare in the Information classification (Lookup typeUS_INFORMATION) if you don’t use Oracle Payroll and in theVoluntary Deductions classification if you do use Oracle Payroll.See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Configuring, Reporting, andSystem Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Define Coverage Levels

� Oracle HRMS includes four coverage levels for benefit plans:Employee Only, Employee and Spouse, Employee and Children,Employee and Family. If you need additional coverage levels, addthem in the Application Utilities Lookups window for the Lookuptype US_BENEFIT_COVERAGE. See: Adding Lookup Types and

7 – 9Basic Benefits

Values, Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in OracleHRMS.

Define Elements for Information

� If you are not using Oracle Payroll, create elements to representbenefit plans. See: Defining Benefit Plan Elements (Sites withoutOracle Payroll): page 7 – 11 for health care benefit plans andDefining an Element to Hold Information: page 1 – 38 for otherbenefits.

Define Benefit Deductions

If you are using Oracle Payroll to process earnings and deductions:

1. Initiate deductions to generate benefit plan elements, formulas, andbalances. See: Setting Up Deductions: page 3 – 29

2. Customize Generated Elements, Formulas, Balances, and FormulaRules. See page 1 – 49.

Define Links

1. If employer charges for the benefit should be distributed over otherelements, define the distribution set. See: Defining an Element orDistribution Set, Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration inOracle HRMS.

2. Define element links for each benefit to define one or more groupsof employees who are eligible to receive it. See: Defining ElementLinks: page 1 – 44

See also: Element Link Details Report: page 1 – 61

Enter Coverage Levels and Default Contributions

For health care benefit plans, enter coverage levels and defaultemployee and employer contribution amounts. See: Establishing HealthCare Plan Coverage and Default Contributions: page


1. Oracle HRMS includes two reasons for terminating continuedcoverage under COBRA: End of Coverage and Non–payment. Ifyou need additional reasons, add them in the Application UtilitiesLookups window for the Lookup type

7 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

US_COBRA_TERM_REASON. See: Adding Lookup Types andValues, Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in OracleHRMS.

2. If necessary, modify the standard letters supplied for COBRAnotification and termination. See: Obtaining COBRA Reports andStandard Letters: page 7 – 33

7 – 11Basic Benefits

Defining Basic Benefit Plan Elements (Sites without Oracle Payroll)At HR installations that do not include Oracle Payroll, use theprocedure below to define elements representing medical, dental orvision benefit plans. To define other types of benefits at theseinstallations, use the procedure for defining elements to holdinformation.

See: Defining an Element to Hold Information: page 1 – 38

For both procedures, use the Element window.

Note: To create elements for benefits at installations thatinclude Oracle Payroll, initiate deductions for the benefit.

Attention: As this type of element definition occurs only atOracle HRMS installations without Oracle Payroll, userscarrying out this definition likely have the HR User Typeprofile option HR User. With this option, you do not see orhave access to fields in the Element window needed to defineelements for processing in payroll runs.

Identifying the Element and Entering Processing Rules

� To identify and classify the element:

1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historicalelement entries you want to make.

2. Enter a unique name, reporting name and description for theelement. Start the names with a letter of the alphabet (not a numberor symbol). The reporting name is a short name that appears onreports, and on the statement of earnings if the element processesin the payroll run.

3. Select Information as the primary classification for the element, andMedical, Dental or Vision as its benefit classification.

� To enter processing information:

1. Select Recurring as the element’s processing type.

2. Select Final Close as the termination rule.

3. Do not check the Multiple Entries Allowed box, the AdditionalEntry Allowed box, or the Closed for Entry box.

Note: The rule Additional Entry Allowed has no applicability forUS installations. It is available for use at non–US sites.

� To establish currencies and qualifying conditions:

1. The Input and Output Currencies appear as USD (US dollars) andyou cannot change these defaults.

7 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. If there is a minimum age for employees to receive the element,enter it in the Age field.

3. If employees must complete a minimum length of service beforereceiving the element, enter a number in the Length of Service fieldand select a unit of measure (such as months or years) in the Unitsfield.

4. Save the element definition.

Note: As elements representing health care benefit plans cannothave standard links, the system does not allow you to check theStandard box.

� To identify the benefit carrier and contribution frequency:

1. Click in the Further Information field to open the Further ElementInformation window.

2. In the Benefits Carrier field, select the name of the carrier for thisplan.

3. In the Period Type field, select a period type to identify thefrequency of employee contributions to the plan.

For example, many health care plans require monthly contributionsfrom employees. In this case, select the period type CalendarMonth.

4. Save these entries. You can now set up the element’s input values.

Setting Up Health Care Plan Input Values

� To select units of measure for automatically–created input values:

1. Choose the Input Values button.

2. You see that the system has created for this element, the inputvalues Coverage, ER Contr and EE Contr. Select Money as the unitof measure for ER Contr (Employer Contribution) and EE Contr(Employee Contribution).

3. Save your work.

If you don’t need additional input values for the element, you areready to enter coverage levels and default contributions for theplan. See: Establishing Health Care Plan Coverage and DefaultContributions, 7 – 15

If you do need to create additional input values for the element,continue with the following procedure.

7 – 13Basic Benefits

� To create additional input values for the element:

1. Enter a name for the input value and select a unit of measure for it(money, hours, character, date, number or time).

2. You can enter numbers in the Sequence field to designate the orderin which the Element Entries window displays the additional inputvalues. The input values Coverage, ER Contr and EE Contr havethe sequence numbers 1, 2 and 3, respectively, and you cannotchange them.

3. If the input value must have an entry, check the Required box.

� To enter a default for an additional input value:

Note: The system does not allow you to make new entries ofdefaults for the input values Coverage, ER Contr and EE Contrusing the Input Values windows available from the Element andElement Link windows. However you can use these windows tooverwrite existing defaults.

1. Make the entry in the Default field.

2. For automatic update of existing entries of a default whenever youchange the default, check the Hot Default box. Hot defaults appearin the Element Entries window in quotation marks.

Warning: If you override a hot default appearing as an entryfor an employee, any further changes to the element’s defaultvalue do not affect this entry. For this reason, it is best to makechanges to a default value for large groups of employees usingthe BEE facility rather than the hot default feature.

� To set up validation for entries to additional input values:

1. Choose one of these approaches:

• Enter maximum and minimum values for the entry

• Select a Lookup Type to act as a lookup for an input value whosetype is Character

• Select a formula to validate entries. Formulas can returnmessages about the success or failure of the validation.

2. Choose Warning for the system to warn of an invalid entry, orError if it should not save a valid entry. You cannot select Warningor Error when using a lookup for validation, because in this case aninvalid entry is impossible.

3. Choose Done when you are finished. You are ready to entercoverage levels and default contributions for the plan, enroll

7 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

employees in it, and establish coverage for their eligibledependents.

7 – 15Basic Benefits

Establishing Plan Coverage and Default Contributions (Basic Benefits)

To enter coverage levels and default employee and employercontribution amounts for a health care benefit plan into the OracleHRMS Benefits Table, use the Benefit Contributions window.

� To enter plan coverage levels and contribution amounts:

1. Query the benefit plan in the Benefit Contributions window.

2. Enter the coverage levels available for the plan in the Coveragefield.

3. For each coverage level, enter an employee and an employercontribution amount. Enter an amount of zero when a plan has nocontribution from the employer or from the employee.

4. Save your work. You are now ready to enroll employees in thisplan.

7 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Benefits Classifications (Basic Benefits)

Oracle HRMS comes with these classifications available for elementsrepresenting benefits that are not tangible items:

• Medical, Dental, Vision. These three classifications are forhealth care insurance plans that can include dependent as well asemployee coverage. Employees and employers usually share thecosts. Plans may offer employee pre–tax contributions underSection 125 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Note: Oracle HRMS automatically marks as COBRA–eligible,plans with a benefits classification of Medical, Dental or Vision.

• 401(k). For employer–sponsored Defined Contribution plans forretirement savings, in which employees can participate usingpre–tax earnings. Can also have employer contributions.

• Profit Sharing. For plans under which the employer sets aside apercentage of profits for distribution to employees, forretirement savings. May be included within a 401(k) plan.

• Pension. For Defined Benefit pension plans for employees,usually fully funded by the employer.

• Stock Purchase. For plans under which employees can purchasestock in the enterprise, often at a discount, usually withoutbrokers’ fees.

• Vacation Purchase. For plans under which the employerpurchases accrued but unused vacation time from employees, oremployees purchase additional vacation time from the employer.

• Life. For group life insurance plans that are oftenemployer–paid, but can have employee contributions. Someplans permit employees to purchase policies for dependents.

• AD&D. For plans frequently offered in conjunction with lifeinsurance, to insure against accidental death or dismemberment.Often employer–paid, but can have employee contributions.

• LTD. For plans to insure against long–term disability. Oftenemployer–paid, but can have employee contributions.

• Other. For any benefits not covered by other classifications.

7 – 17Basic Benefits

Benefits Enrollment (Basic Benefits)

To enroll eligible employees in a benefit, you make entries for them tothe benefit element’s input values. For example, for insurance plansproviding coverage for medical, dental or vision care, enrollmentoccurs when you make an entry for an employee to the plan’s inputvalue Coverage Level (employee only, employee and family etc.). Otherclassifications of benefits require entries to other input values.

Dependent Coverage

After enrolling an employee in a benefit that provides dependentcoverage, you set up coverage as appropriate for his or her dependents.Before setting up this coverage, you enter the dependents into thedatabase as contacts of the employee.

Beneficiaries of Benefits

After enrolling someone in a benefit for which there can bebeneficiaries, you record the employee’s named beneficiaries.Employees can name both individuals and organizations asbeneficiaries. Further, they can specify a benefit percentage for eachbeneficiary, and name both primary beneficiaries and those at lowerlevels.

You enter individuals named as beneficiaries into the database ascontacts of the employee, and organizations or institutions named asbeneficiaries as organizations with the classification BeneficiaryOrganization.

7 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Establishing Benefit Coverage for Dependents (Basic Benefits)Benefits in the following five benefits classifications can providecoverage both to employees and their dependents:

• Medical, Dental, Vision (health care coverage)

• Life (insurance coverage)

• AD&D (insurance coverage for accidental death ordismemberment)

Enroll an employee in a benefit plan using the Element Entries windowthen open the Covered Dependents window.

Note: First use the Contact window to check that thedependents have been entered on the system. If not, enter themnow. Be sure to check the Dependent box for each person, andto enter his or her gender, birth date, social security number,and address.

See: Entering Dependents, Beneficiaries, and Other Contacts,Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS (US)

� To establish benefit coverage for a dependent:

1. Set your effective date to the date this insurance coverage beginsfor the dependent.

2. In the Element Entries window for the employee’s primaryassignment, select the element representing the benefit for whichyou are entering dependent coverage. Choose the Others buttonand select Dependent Coverage to open the Covered Dependentswindow.

3. In the Full Name field of the Covered Dependents window, selectthe dependent’s name. The social security number, relationship,and coverage start date all display.

Note: The name of a dependent who already has coverage in effectas of the effective date does not appear on the list. The name of adependent with coverage scheduled to begin on a future date doesappear. You receive a message about the previously scheduledcoverage when saving your entries in this window.

4. Save your work.

5. To establish coverage under this benefit for another dependent ofthe employee, repeat steps 3 and 4.

Note: To purge a dependent from the database, you must firstpurge his or her record as a covered dependent, and then purgethe person as a contact.

7 – 19Basic Benefits

Recording Beneficiaries for Benefits (Basic Benefits)Employees may name beneficiaries for benefits in these classifications:

• AD&D (insurance coverage for accidental death ordismemberment)

• Life (insurance coverage)

• 401(k) (Defined Contribution plans for retirement savings)

• Defined Contribution plans for retirement savings

• Pension (Defined Benefit pension plan)

• Retirement Plans (FERS or CSRS contributions)

• Profit Sharing (plan distributing a percentage of profits toemployees for retirement savings)

• Stock Purchase (plan for employee purchase of company stock)

Enroll an employee in a benefit plan using the Element Entries windowthen open the Beneficiaries window.

Employees may name as their beneficiaries both individuals andorganizations, such as charities, hospitals, and educational or religiousinstitutions.

Note: First use the Contact window to check that thebeneficiary individuals have been entered on the system. If not,enter them now. Be sure to check the Beneficiaries box for eachperson, and to enter his or her gender, birth date, socialsecurity number, and address.

See: Entering Dependents, Beneficiaries, and Other Contacts,Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enter organizations that are beneficiaries into the system usingthe Organization window, giving them the classificationBeneficiary Organization. Be sure to enter a location with anaddress for the organization.

See: Creating an Organization, Using Oracle HRMS – TheFundamentals (US)

� To record a beneficiary for a benefit:

1. Set your effective date to the date the person or organizationbecomes a beneficiary of the benefit.

2. In the Element Entries window for the employee’s primaryassignment, select the element representing the benefit. Choose theOthers button and select Beneficiaries to open the Beneficiarieswindow.

7 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

3. In the Level field, select Primary, Second, Third, or Fourth as thelevel of the beneficiary you are entering. All primary–levelbeneficiaries who survive the employee become the actualbeneficiaries of the benefit.

If no primary beneficiaries survive the employee, the second–levelbeneficiaries become the actual beneficiaries, and so forth throughlevels three and four. There is no limit on the number ofbeneficiaries you can enter at a level.

4. In the Name field, select the name of the beneficiary. The listincludes all contacts marked as beneficiaries for this employee, andall organizations with the classification Beneficiary Organization.The system displays the beneficiary’s type (contact or organization)and start date.

Note: A beneficiary already on record as of the current effectivedate for this benefit of the employee does not appear on the list. Abeneficiary already entered to go into effect on a future date doesappear. You receive a message about the future–dated entry whensaving your entries in this window.

5. In the Percentage field, enter to two decimal places the percentageof the benefit to which this beneficiary is entitled. For example, for33.34% enter 33.34. If the total of percentages entered forbeneficiaries at a level does not equal 100.00 as of the currenteffective date, you receive an error message.

If you enter a percentage that causes the total for beneficiaries atthis level to be greater or less than 100.00 as of another date, thesystem notifies you of the date but permits you to save the entry.Change your effective date to this date, and make the necessaryadjustments.

Note: If some but not all of the beneficiaries at a level predeceasethe employee and he or she does not specify an adjustment of thepercentages for the remaining beneficiaries, such adjustment mustbe done off line.

6. To list additional beneficiaries for this benefit, repeat steps 3through 5.

7. Save your work.

Note: To purge a beneficiary from the database, you must firstpurge the record of the person or organization as a beneficiary,and then purge the entry of a contact or an organization.

7 – 21Basic Benefits

Stopping Employee and Dependent Coverage (Basic Benefits)

To stop a particular benefit for an employee, you place an end date onthe element entry enrolling the employee in the benefit. To accomplishthis you delete the entry as of the end date. This end date thenautomatically applies to the coverage of the employee’s dependentsunder this benefit, and appears in the Covered Dependents window.

For example, if you put in an end date for an element entry that enrollsan employee in Dental Plan A, coverage of the employee’s dependentsunder this plan automatically receives this end date also. This ensuresthat when the employee’s benefit coverage ends, the coverage of his orher dependents also automatically ends. However a record of thedependent remains in the database.

If you must later change or remove an end date placed on theemployee’s element entry, perhaps to correct an error, the change orremoval automatically applies to the coverage of the employee’sdependents. So, if you later remove the end date from the employee’selement entry for Dental Plan A, the system automatically removes anyend dates it finds for coverage of the employee’s dependents underDental Plan A.

This means that if you must correct or remove an end date of anelement entry that enrolls an employee in a benefit, and must for otherreasons end the coverage of one or more dependents of the employee,you should complete the work on the element entry before endingcoverage for individual dependents.

See: Managing Change Over Time, Using Oracle HRMS – TheFundamentals (US)

Attention: Whenever coverage stops for a benefit for whichemployees and/or dependents may obtain continued coverageunder COBRA, most employers are legally obligated to informthem of this option.

7 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Stopping Dependent Coverage Only (Basic Benefits)

To stop benefit coverage for a dependent while the employee’scoverage remains in effect, you must use the Covered Dependentswindow. Unchecking the Dependent box in the Contact window for adependent with existing dependent coverage prevents this person fromreceiving new dependent coverage, but is not sufficient to stop existingcoverage.

� To stop dependent coverage:

1. Enter or query the employee in question, and select the Assignmentbutton.

2. Set the effective date to the stop date of the dependent’s coverage.

3. In the Element Entries window for the employee’s primaryassignment, select the element representing the benefit for whichyou are stopping dependent coverage. Choose the Others buttonand select Dependent Coverage to open the Covered Dependentswindow.

4. Query the dependent whose coverage is stopping and choose Edit– Delete Record.

5. To retain a record of this person in the database as a dependent,choose End Date and save.

6. If the person is no longer a dependent of the employee, go to theContact window, uncheck the Dependent box, and save.

Note: The person must remain in the database as a contact if anyof the following apply:

• he or she is still covered as a dependent under other benefits forthe employee, or is eligible for, or receiving, continued benefitcoverage under COBRA

• he or she is the recipient of a garnishment payment or otherpayment from the employee

• he or she is named as a beneficiary for one or more of theemployee’s benefits

• he or she is a primary contact of the employee.

7 – 23Basic Benefits

Removing Beneficiaries When Employee Benefits Stop (Basic Benefits)

To stop a benefit for an employee, you place an end date on the elemententry enrolling the employee in the benefit. To accomplish this youdelete the entry as of the end date. This end date then automaticallyapplies to the beneficiaries for this benefit named in the Beneficiarieswindow. If you later change or remove the end date placed on theemployee’s element entry, perhaps to correct an error, the change orremoval automatically applies as well to end dates existing for thebeneficiaries.

The automatic entry, change or removal of the beneficiaries’ end dateensures that people and organizations do not remain in the system asbeneficiaries of benefits that no longer cover the employee.

If you must correct or remove an end date of an element entry thatenrolls an employee in a benefit, and must for other reasons supply anend date for one or more beneficiaries named for the benefit, youshould complete the work on the element entry before providing enddates for the beneficiaries.

See: Managing Change Over Time, Using Oracle HRMS – TheFundamentals (US)

7 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Removing Beneficiaries When Employee Benefits Continue (Basic Benefits)

To remove a beneficiary while a benefit remains in effect for theemployee, you must use the Beneficiaries window. Unchecking theBeneficiary box in the Contact window prevents a person from beingnamed as a beneficiary in the future, and removing the classificationBeneficiary Organization prevents an organization from being namedas a beneficiary in the future. However these actions are not sufficientto remove the person or organization as a currently–named beneficiary.

� To remove a beneficiary while maintaining coverage:

1. Enter or query the employee, and choose the Assignment button.

2. Set your effective date to the end date for the beneficiary.

3. In the Element Entries window for the employee’s primaryassignment, select the element representing the benefit for whichyou are removing the beneficiary. Choose the Others button andselect Beneficiaries to open the Beneficiaries window.

4. Query the beneficiary to be removed, choose Edit – Delete Record,and save.

5. To retain a historical record of the removed beneficiary, select EndDate and save.

6. If the removed beneficiary is no longer a beneficiary of any of theemployee’s benefits, go to the Contact window, uncheck theBeneficiary box, and save.

Note: A contact removed as a beneficiary of a benefit must remainin the database as a contact if any of the following apply:

• he or she is currently receiving benefit coverage as a dependentof the employee, or is eligible for, or is receiving, continuedbenefit coverage under COBRA

• he or she is the recipient of a garnishment payment or otherpayment from the employee

• he or she is named as a beneficiary for any other benefits of theemployee

• he or she is a primary contact of the employee.

7 – 25Basic Benefits

Reviewing Employee Enrollment in Benefit Plans (Basic Benefits)

You can review an employee’s enrollment in health care benefit plansusing the View Employee Dental, Medical and Vision Benefits window.You select the employee assignment to view from the Assignmentsfolder. You can then see for this employee the plan name, benefitclassification and COBRA eligibility for each plan in which he or sheis enrolled.

For each plan you also see the coverage level, the employer andemployee contributions at this level, the total contribution, and theunit of measure for the contributions, which is usually money.

Note: To review coverage of an employee’s dependents in ahealth care plan, use the Covered Dependents window.

7 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Changing Coverage Statuses (Basic Benefits)

After notifying employees or dependents of eligibility for continuedcoverage, change the COBRA coverage status from AwaitingNotification to Notified. Depending on what people choose to do, thenext status change is to Rejected or Elected.

When elected coverage terminates, either because the maximum timeperiod allowed (18 or 36 months) is up or because of failure to paypremiums, change the coverage status to Terminated and select areason for this change.

� To make changes to the status of COBRA coverage:

1. To quickly enter a status change without reviewing previouschanges, use the COBRA Coverage window. Set the effective date,choose the Notify, Elect, Reject or Terminate button, and save thechange. If you select Terminated, you must enter a reason.

2. To see a history of previous status changes for this coverage,choose the Statuses button to go to the COBRA Statuses window.After reviewing the changes to date, you can select another changefrom the list, enter the effective date and save your work.

3. If you selected Elected, now set up continued coverage for theemployee or dependent.

7 – 27Basic Benefits

Establishing a Payments Schedule and Recording Receipts (Basic Benefits)

To set up the payments schedule, use the COBRA Coverage window.To review the generated schedule and enter payments, go to theCOBRA Payments window.

� To schedule premium payments and record receipts:

1. Go to the Payment region of the COBRA Coverage window. In theAmount Charged field, the system displays the total amountrequired to pay the premiums for the continued coverage elected.In the First Due Date field, enter the due date of the first premiumpayment.

2. In the Grace Period field of the Payment region, enter themaximum number of days that can elapse after the due date beforeyou receive the premium payment.

3. Save your work.

4. Choose the Payments button to go to the COBRA Paymentswindow. Use this window to review the generated schedule of duedates, premium amounts and grace dates, and to enter premiumamounts and dates received.

7 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Reports on Health Care Plan Eligibility and Enrollment (Basic Benefits)

Reports are available listing the employees eligible for enrollment in ahealth care benefit plan, and showing those actually enrolled in abenefit plan. These are the Employee Benefit Eligibility Listing andthe Employee Benefit Enrollment Register.

Request reports from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Eligibility Listing or Enrollment Register:

1. In the Name field, select the report name. Click in the Parametersfield to open the Parameters window if it does not openautomatically.

2. In the Organization Structure and Version fields, select the nameand version of the organization hierarchy you are using todetermine the employees for the report to cover. In the ParentOrganization field, select the organization in the hierarchy that isthe highest one whose employees the report should cover.

3. In the Benefit Classification and Benefit Plan fields, select theclassification and name of the plan for which you are running thereport. Choose OK when you finish your entries. Then chooseSubmit.

7 – 29Basic Benefits

Management of COBRA–Eligible Benefits (Basic Benefits)

COBRA is the term commonly used to reference the ConsolidatedOmnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985. Under this federallegislation, most employers who provide health insurance plans toemployees must offer continued access to this insurance when certainchanges (qualifying events) occur to the status of employees or theirdependents.

Under COBRA, employers must offer continued access to group healthinsurance in accordance with these rules:

• Employees and their dependents must be offered continuedaccess for 18 months after:

– the employees’ hours are reduced, or

– they become unemployed for any reason other than grossmisconduct.

• Continued access for 36 months must be offered to

– the dependents of deceased employees

– an employee’s former spouse following divorce or legalseparation

– dependent children after they cease to be dependent

– active employees who become entitled to Medicare.

If one of these qualifying events occurs, each qualified beneficiary mustbe offered an opportunity to elect to continue to receive the grouphealth plan coverage that he or she received immediately before thequalifying event. If the plan has a core/noncore feature, the beneficiarymay elect core coverage only. At the end of the 18– or 36–month period,employers must offer conversion to an individual policy if the groupplan permits conversion.

To cover their administrative costs, employers can require employeesand dependents electing continued coverage to pay up to 102% of theinsurance premiums. In addition, employers can require disabledemployees to pay up to 150% of the insurance premiums after the first18 months of COBRA coverage.

COBRA does not affect employers with fewer than 20 employees orthose with church plans. Nor does it apply to plans maintained by USfederal, state or local governments.

Employer Responsibilities under COBRA

To administer continued health plan coverage under COBRA, you dothe following:

7 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• identify which of your benefit plans are COBRA–eligible

• enter and maintain information about employees’ dependents

• record the events that qualify employees or dependents forcontinued coverage as they occur, and the qualifying dates

• notify employees, former employees and dependents of theireligibility for continued insurance coverage, and record theiracceptance or rejection of such coverage. Oracle HR includes astandard COBRA notification letter you can use.

Employees and dependents have 60 days from their qualifying date orthe date they receive their notification letter, whichever is later, inwhich to elect continued coverage. For those who make this choice,you must:

• determine and schedule the premium payments to be made forcontinued coverage, and record the receipt of these payments.

• record the eventual termination of their continued coverage.

Standard Letters for COBRA Notification and Termination

Oracle HR provides standard letters for informing employees ordependents of their eligibility for continued coverage, or of pendingtermination of this coverage. You can modify these letters as you wishusing SQL*ReportWriter 2.0. The standard letters are:

• The COBRA Notification Letter, informing people of theireligibility for continued coverage under COBRA.

• The COBRA Grace Period Expiration Letter, informing peopleelecting continued coverage that a premium payment is overdue,and that nonpayment will result in termination of the continuedcoverage.

• The COBRA Expiration Letter, informing people electingcontinued coverage that this coverage will terminate soon,because the time period over which it was available (18 or 36months) is ending.

Standard COBRA Reports

The COBRA Coverage Report

This report shows information about the employees and dependentseligible for continued coverage under COBRA whom you have enteredinto the system. This report shows employees’ names and assignmentnumbers, or dependents’ names and relationships, as well as their

7 – 31Basic Benefits

qualifying events and dates, their notification date and their COBRAstatus.

For those who elect continued coverage, it shows the start and enddates of the coverage period, the benefit plan names, and the premiumamounts charged.

The COBRA Payments Report

This report shows information about COBRA payments due andpayments received, after you have entered this information into thesystem. As well as the name and assignment number or relationship ofcovered employees and dependents, it displays their qualifying eventsand dates, their amounts due and due dates, and dates of paymentreceipts, amounts received and amounts outstanding.

7 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up Continued Coverage under COBRA (Basic Benefits)

� To set up continued coverage under COBRA

1. For an employee or dependent who elects continued coverage,enter in the COBRA Coverage window the Period Start Date fromwhich the coverage will continue. The system automaticallysupplies the end date of the continued coverage period (either 18 or36 months after the period start date).

2. In the COBRA Coverage window, choose the Benefits button to goto the COBRA Benefits window, which displays all the benefitplans eligible for continued coverage in which the employee wasenrolled before the COBRA qualifying date.

The Basic column of the Costs region displays each plan’s basiccost, that is, the total of employee and employer contributionstoward the plan.

3. Check the Accepted box for each plan for which the employee ordependent is electing continued coverage. Under Coverage, selectthe level of the continued coverage, which must be equal to orlower than the employee’s original coverage.

4. Under COBRA in the Costs region, enter the premium forcontinued coverage of this plan. If the amount entered exceeds102% of the basic cost of the plan, you receive a warning message,which you can override. Save your work.

5. When you finish setting up continued coverage, establish apayment schedule for the coverage. Then use this schedule torecord payments as you receive them.

7 – 33Basic Benefits

Obtaining COBRA Reports and Standard Letters (Basic Benefits)

To obtain these reports and letters, use the Submit Requests window.

� To run the COBRA Coverage or Payments report:

1. In the Name field of the Submit Requests window, choose thereport name. If the Parameters window does not automaticallyopen, click in the Parameters field.

2. Control the list of employees and dependents the report covers bythe report parameters. For example, if Termination is theparameter for Qualifying Event, the report lists only thoseemployees and dependents eligible for continued coverage underCOBRA whose qualifying event is employee termination.

� To obtain a COBRA standard letter:

1. In the Name field of the Submit Requests window, choose the lettertype. The available types are:

• COBRA Notification Letter

• COBRA Grace Period Expiration Letter

• COBRA Expiration Letter

If the Parameters window does not automatically open, click in theParameters field.

2. Enter the appropriate parameters for the letter and choose Submit.The letter prints out just as a report does. These letters do notinclude address information for employees or dependents.

7 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Recording COBRA Qualifying Events (Basic Benefits)

To administer COBRA–eligible benefit plans, you use the COBRACoverage window.

� To record a qualifying event and its date:

1. For all qualifying events except termination, set your effective dateto the qualifying date. This is the day after the date of thequalifying event, that is, the day on which current benefit coveragewould cease.

2. In the COBRA Coverage window, select the qualifying event fromthe list. The following events require you to offer continuedcoverage of COBRA–eligible benefit plans to employees, togetherwith any dependents previously included in their coverage:

• Medicare entitlement

• Reduced work hours which result in the loss of coverage

• Termination

When selecting one of these events, do not enter a dependent’sname or relationship.

Note: For the events Reduced Hours and Termination, thesystem checks for a reduction in the employee’s standardworking hours or for a termination. If it finds no hoursreduction or termination, it issues an error message.

The following events require you to offer continued coverage todependents:

• Death of Employee

• Divorce or Legal Separation

• No Longer Dependent

For one of these events, select also the name and relationship of thedependent responsible for electing and paying for any continuedcoverage, for example, the spouse of a deceased employee. If it isunclear which dependent to select, for example if all thedependents of a deceased employee are minor children, consultyour Benefits Administrator.

3. The status of COBRA coverage resulting from entry of thequalifying event defaults to Awaiting Notification, as of theeffective date. Save your work at this status. After sending outnotification of eligibility for continued coverage, and when thiscoverage is rejected or accepted, enter status changes.

Managing TotalCompensationUsing Oracle�HRMS (US)RELEASE 11iVOLUME 2

May 2002

Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US) Release 11i

The part number for this book is A82930–02.The part number for this set is B10012–01.The part number for the Oracle HRMS set is: A77153–02Copyright � 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Major Contributors: Keith Ekiss, Juliette Fleming, Louise Raffo, Mark Rowe.

Contributors: Kevin Kelley, Martin Bocutt.

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8 – 1Setup Overview for Standard and Advanced Benefits

Setup Overview forStandard andAdvanced Benefits

8 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Standard and Advanced Benefits Implementation

Oracle HRMS provides a complete solution for Total Compensationmanagement. Your Oracle Human Resources license includes theStandard Benefits feature set that enables you to manage yourenterprise’s benefits offerings.

The Oracle Advanced Benefits license provides the Standard Benefitsfeature set plus additional functionality enabling you to design flexiblebenefit programs and to administer benefits based on life events.

See: Advanced Benefits Implementation: page 1 – 3

Standard Benefits Implementation

Standard Benefits provides the functionality you need to administerbenefit programs that do not offer flex credit based benefits. TheStandard product is also useful if you outsource a significant portion ofyour benefits administration.

What kinds of benefit plans are supported by Oracle HRMS?

You can use the product to manage the most typical plan types,including:

• Medical plans

• Dental plans

• Vision plans

• Prescription drug plans

• Short term and long term disability plans

• Group term life insurance

• Dependent life insurance

• Group legal services

• Savings plans (such as 401(k) and money purchase)

• Vacation Buy/Sell plans

• Continuing benefits (such as COBRA and HIPAA)

In addition, you can accommodate other forms of benefits such ascompany cars, reduced rates on loans, subsidized dependent care, orother goods or services for which your enterprise offers employeereimbursement.

8 – 3Setup Overview for Standard and Advanced Benefits

Can you restrict who is eligible to receive a benefit?

You use eligibility profiles to restrict which participants may enroll in agiven benefit. You create an eligibility profile by grouping togetheryour eligibility criteria, such as work and personal factors.

You create a dependent coverage eligibility profile when you want torestrict the criteria that must be met for a dependent to be covered by abenefit.

How do I schedule an enrollment period?

In Standard Benefits, you use the unrestricted enrollment method toprocess your enrollments. Unrestricted enrollments are not limited to aperiod of time. You can record the dates of your open enrollment in thesystem, but these dates do not restrict your enrollment processing.

How do I define payroll deductions and payments for benefits?

You define activity rate calculations for a benefit plan that determine thecontribution amount required to purchase the benefit. Activity ratescan also be used to calculate employer contributions to a plan anddistribution payments from a plan.

Can you vary the rate that different participants pay to purchase a benefit?

If your plan rules stipulate that the amount a participant must pay topurchase a benefit varies based on certain factors, you can define avariable rate profile to define these variable criteria. Then, when aneligible participant meets these criteria, they will receive the variablerate.

You can vary an activity rate based on employment factors, such as anemployee’s work location, or length of service with your organization.

Advanced Benefits Implementation

By licensing Advanced Benefits, you can also fulfill the followingbusiness requirements.

How do I define qualifying life events?

You define a life event reason as a database change to a person’s HRrecord. This change may require or enable an enrollment action. An

8 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

enrollment action is an enrollment, de–enrollment, change in election, orchange in contribution rate that is implemented either automatically, bydefault, or at the explicit request of the participant.

You link life events to scheduled enrollment periods, benefit plans, andcommunications. When a life event occurs to a participant, the systemevaluates the life event to determine benefits eligibility and electableenrollment choices.

For example, if an employee’s work location changes, you might wantto evaluate this change to see if there is a corresponding change inbenefits eligibility or contribution rates. If an employee’s statuschanges from active to terminated, you may need to generate acontinuing benefits action (such as for COBRA in the US).

How do I implement a flex credit program?

You can use Advanced Benefits to create flex credit based programsthat offer a range of benefit choices to your employees and othereligible participants.

You create activity rate calculations that determine the number of flexcredits required to purchase a particular benefit. You can select from avariety of calculation methods, from a flat amount to a multiple ofcompensation. You can associate a variable rate profile with your flexcredit calculation if contribution rates vary for an individual based onfactors that you define.

Using benefit pools, you specify how credits may be rolled over betweenplans and how excess flex credits can be distributed.

8 – 5Setup Overview for Standard and Advanced Benefits

Standard Benefits Setup: Overview

You use the setup features of Standard Benefits to design the benefitprograms that you offer to your employees and other eligible benefitsparticipants. You can define eligibility and enrollment requirements forprograms and plans, set up activity rate calculations, and definereporting groups and system extracts.

Advanced Benefits includes all the components of Standard Benefitsplus features for managing life events and setting up cafeteria styleflexible benefit programs.

See: Setup for Advanced Benefits: Overview: page 8 – 6

Use the administration features of Standard and Advanced Benefits tomanage benefits enrollments and to maintain your benefit programs.

See: Standard Benefits Administration: Overview: page 20 – 2

See: Advanced Benefits Administration: Overview: page 20 – 3

Key Concepts

Standard Benefits setup is comprised of several distinct key concepts.These are:

• Plan Design: You can design the program structure of the benefitsyou are offering to your employees and other qualified participantsand their dependents.

• Eligibility Requirements: You can set up eligibility profiles anddependent coverage eligibility profiles to restrict who is able toparticipate in a benefit plan.

• Enrollment Requirements: You can define enrollmentrequirements to determine when a person can enroll in a benefitplan for which they are eligible.

• Activity Rates: You define an activity rate calculation todetermine the contribution or distribution rate for a benefit.

• Communications: Set up communication type definitions to control thedata the application generates for inclusion in a participantcommunication. For example, you can extract a participant’savailable benefit choices and price tags into a flat file that you canmerge into the body of a pre–enrollment letter.

Note: The application restricts Standard Benefits users tosetting up communications for COBRA and HIPAAadministration.

• Reporting and System Extract: You can assign programs and plansto reporting groups to meet your regulatory or other reporting needs.

8 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

The product’s system extract features let you manage the extract,format, and delivery of benefits data to organizations such as thirdparty benefits administrators.

Advanced Benefits Setup: Overview

The Advanced Benefits product enables benefits administration basedon life events that occur to participants. You can generate enrollmentactions, activity rate changes, and communications based on life events.

You also use Advanced Benefits to design benefit programs that arebased on flex credit accrual.

Key Concepts

Advanced Benefits is comprised of several distinct key concepts. Theseare:

• Life Event Setup: The system lets you trigger enrollments,de–enrollments, activity rate changes, and communicationsbased on the occurrence of a life event to a primary participantor a related person.

– Life Events: These are the changes to a person’s HR recordthat you define as valid reasons for an enrollment action.Life events can be external, such as the birth of adependent, or internal such as a work location change orthe start of an open enrollment period.

• Online Benefits Administration: This feature is useful for HRcall centers. You can record a change to a person’s HR record,evaluate the change for enrollment impact, and then process anelection online.

• Flex Credit Calculation: For those programs where you offer achoice of benefits and coverage levels, you can define flex creditcalculations that determine the amount of flex credits a personmust spend to purchase a benefit. You also define restrictions asto how unused flex credits can be distributed.



9 – 1Plan Design

Plan Design

9 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Plan DesignYour plan design defines, categorizes, and helps you to manage thebenefits that you offer to your employees and other eligibleparticipants. The plan design is the domain of the benefits practitionerwho uses the product to define the structure and elements of thebenefits offering and the rules that administer these benefits.

At its core, the plan design determines the benefits that eligibleparticipants may receive. Examples of such benefits include health andwelfare plans, savings plans, and group term life insurance.

You structure your benefits offerings according to a hierarchy so thatthe rules and definitions that are set at the top level (the program)cascade to the benefits at the bottom level (the options in the program).

Your plan design also includes eligibility definitions and enrollmentrequirements, and the activity rates calculations that determine thecontributions and distributions associated with a plan.

Compensation Objects

Central to benefits administration are the compensation objects thatyou use to define, categorize, and manage the benefits that you offer toeligible participants. The four compensation object types that you useto structure your benefits offerings are programs, plan types, plans, andoptions.

Defining compensation objects is a key part of your overall plan designthat includes defining eligibility and enrollment requirements, planyear periods, activity rates, and other elements of benefitsmanagement.

This section covers the following topics related to setting up andmaintaining compensation objects:

• The hierarchical structure of compensation objects

• Program structure terminology

• Definition of programs, plan types, plans, and options

• Viewing a program structure that you have defined

• Special considerations for different plan types

Hierarchical Structure of Compensation Objects

Compensation objects are designed hierarchically so benefits that sharesimilar features can be defined in similar ways. You build this

9 – 3Plan Design

hierarchical structure by defining attributes of the differentcompensation objects and then linking the components into a hierarchy.

Figure 2 – 1 Compensation Object Hierarchy

A description of the four compensation objects follows:

A package of benefits offerings. Programs areimportant because they set the boundaries for thebenefits you offer. You define many administrativeprocedures and rules at the program level.

A grouping of similar benefits offerings to facilitatetheir management. Example plan types includemedical, dental, employee group life insurance, andsavings.

A formally defined benefits offering that a participantcan elect, such as a medical plan.

A level of coverage for a participant’s election, such asEmployee Only for a medical plan, or 2x Salary for alife insurance plan.

Attributes set at the program level are inherited by each level of thecompensation object hierarchy. However, if these same attributes are


Plan Type



9 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

set at a lower level in the hierarchy, the compensation object inheritsthose attributes set at the lowest level at or above its level. Acompensation object never inherits attributes set at a lower level in thecompensation object hierarchy.

Program Structure Terminology

Before you set up a benefits program, you should familiarize yourselfwith fundamental terms that refer to associations between the fourcompensation objects. Whether or not you choose to linkcompensation objects together depends on your eligibility rules and thebreadth of benefits that you offer to your participants.

Program Any program, regardless of whether that pro-gram has been associated with any other com-pensation objects.

Plan Type Any plan type, regardless of whether that plantype has been associated with a program.

Plan Type in Program A plan type that has been associated with aprogram.

Plan Any plan, regardless of whether that plan hasbeen associated with a program.

Plan in Program A plan that has been associated with a pro-gram.

Not in Program Plan A plan that has not been associated with a pro-gram.

Option Any option, regardless of whether that optionhas been associated with a plan.

Option in Plan An option that has been associated with a plan.

Compensation Object Definition

You define your compensation objects in the order below. As youdefine objects in the hierarchy, you associate objects together to formyour program structure.

1. Define plan types.

2. Define options.

3. Associate options with plan types.

4. Define plans.

5. Associate options with plans.

9 – 5Plan Design

6. Associate plans with plan types.

7. Identify which plans are not part of a program.

8. Define programs.

9. Associate plans and plan types with programs.

For example, let’s say you want to define the medical plans offered by abenefits program you are administering. You first define the plan typeof medical. Then, you define the coverage options available for themedical plan type, such as Family and Employee only.

Next, you define the medical plans in the plan type, such as an HMO ora PPO offering. Lastly, you associate the plans or plan type with aprogram that groups together a variety of plans and plan types into asingle benefits offering.

Plan Types

You define plan types as categories of benefits grouped according to thetype of benefit provided. Common plan types include medical,employee group life insurance, and savings.

Plan types are used to record administrative rules for all benefits of thesame type. When you define a program that groups plans together,you specify parameters that control how plans of the same plan typebehave.

Plan types are the most stable of the four compensation objects. Onceyou define the plan types that you need to support your benefitsofferings, you rarely need to modify them.


You can define options for many purposes, but commonly you do so todefine coverage available under one or more plans.

Options are re–usable. Once defined, you can associate an option withone or more plan types or plans. When you associate an option with aplan type, you make that option available to all plans in that plan typeunless you specify otherwise at the plan level.

For example, you could define the options Employee Only, EmployeePlus Spouse, and Employee Plus Family and then associate each optionwith the plan types of Medical, Dental, and Vision.

Designation Requirements for Options

Some benefits plans require that dependents and beneficiaries coveredby an option are a specific familial relation to the primary participant.

9 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

You can limit the relationship types covered under an option bydefining a relationship group that includes specific types of people.Group relationship types include:

• Children

• Domestic partner

• Family

• Nonpersonal

Within a group relationship, you define which relationship types applyto the group. For the group relationship of Children, you might includethe relationship types:

• Adopted child

• Natural child

• Step child

You can also limit the number of dependents covered by an option. Adesignee that does not meet the designation requirements for an optionis not eligible for coverage under that option.


You define a plan as a formal benefits offerings. Your organization maydefine medical, dental, and savings plans among many others.

Your plan definition consists of:

• The kind of plan you are defining and its plan type

• The eligibility profile that controls who is eligible for the plan

• The plan’s activity reference period

• The options in the plan

• The plan year

In addition to these definitions, there are a variety of other factors thatyou include when defining a plan. However, these are some of themost common.


You define programs in order to group benefits together as a package.Your program definition consists of:

• The plan types and plans in the program

9 – 7Plan Design

• The eligibility profile that controls who is eligible for the program

• The program year period

• For Advanced Benefits customers, the life events that enableenrollment in the program

Programs are important because they set the boundaries for whatbenefits are offered to your employees and other eligible participants.Also, it is at the program level that you define many administrativeprocedures and rules, such as eligibility requirements, that cascade tothe plan types, plans, and options in the program.

You define currency types at the program level. A plan in programmust inherit the program’s currency definition. You cannot associate aplan with more than one program if those programs use differentcurrency types.

For Advanced Benefits users, you can specify the valid reasons forwaiving out of waivable plan types in a program. You can then definethe waive certification that you accept for each valid waive reason.

Program Structure Display

You use the Hierarchy window to display the program structure thatyou have created. The program structure shows how plan types, plansand options are grouped hierarchically in your program.

You can display four views of a program’s structure. Each viewdisplays data by program year or plan year and by effective date.

Displays all programs, and under each program, itsplan types, the plans in each of these plan types, andthe options in each of these plans. This is the mostcomprehensive view.

Displays all plan types, the plans in each of these plantypes, and the options in each of these plans.

Displays those plans types that contain not in programplans, the not in program plans in each of these plantypes, and the options in these not in program plans.

Displays all active options, the plans that use theseoptions, and the programs that use these plans.

Program and Plan Year Periods

You define program and plan year periods using the calendar start andend dates through which programs or plans are in effect.

Plans InPrograms

All Plans

Plans Not InPrograms

Options InPlans

9 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Once you define a year period, you associate it with the appropriateprogram or plan.

Reimbursable Goods and Service Types

In addition to traditional benefits offerings, such as health and welfareand savings plans, you can define goods and services that yourorganization approves for reimbursement.

You can use this feature to define flexible spending account plans in theUS or to define other reimbursable goods and services, such as amedical insurance claim form, a monthly invoice from a registereddependent care provider, a cash award, or a wall plaque.

Reimbursement Plans

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and other plans that reimburseparticipants for certain incurred expenses have special plan designfeatures. You define information that is specific to reimbursementplans after you perform basic plan set up tasks, such as defining aplan’s eligibility requirements.

Note: When you set up the coverage for a flexible spendingaccount, select a coverage calculation method of Same AsAnnualized Elected Activity Rate so that the participant receivesthe amount of coverage they elected for the year.

9 – 9Plan Design

Special Requirements for Plan Design

Certain types of plans have special requirements that you should knowabout before you begin to record your plan design in the system. Thesespecial plans include flex credit plans, flexible spending accounts, lifeinsurance plans, and imputed income plans.

Flex Credits Plans (Advanced Benefits)

If you are offering a flex credit plan, you must set up a flex creditsprogram, even if there is only one plan for which you offer flex credits.

Flexible Spending Account Plans (US – Advanced Benefits)

If you want to identify reimbursable goods and services for US healthcare and dependent care FSAs, you must set up these accounts asseparate plans, rather than as separate options within an FSA plan.You cannot associate goods and services at the option level.

Imputed Income Plans (US)

When you administer a plan that is subject to imputed income there arecertain requirements that you need to follow during your plan design.

You must create two plans, one that is subject to imputed income and asecond plan, called a placeholder plan, that you use to record theimputed income calculation. You can have only one placeholder planper program, or a placeholder plan can be linked to multiple programs.

• Select the person type that is Subject to Imputed Income in theGeneral tabbed region of the Plans window. Choose participant,spouse, or dependent based on the person type covered by this plan.

• Select the person type for which you are recording imputed incomein the placeholder plan using the Imputed Income Type field in theRestrictions tabbed region of the Plans window.

• Select an Age to Use code in the Age tabbed region of the DerivedFactors window based on the person type covered by the plan whenyou define the derived factor.

• You can define only one imputed income plan in a program.

• You can associate an imputed income plan with more than oneprogram.

• You cannot link an eligibility profile to the imputed incomeplaceholder plan.

9 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Life Insurance Plans

If you offer dependent and spousal life insurance, and you limit thelevel of dependent or spousal coverage as a percentage of theemployee’s life insurance coverage, system processing requires thatyou set up three plans (Employee Life Insurance, Spousal LifeInsurance, and Dependent Life Insurance) and associate them withcorresponding plan types (Employee Life Insurance, Spousal LifeInsurance, and Dependent Life Insurance).

Considerations for Associating a Plan with a Program

When you define a benefits plan, it is not necessary that the plan beplaced in a program. However, there are advantages to associating aplan with a program. In general, a plan belongs in a program when:

• Participants typically enroll in the plan at the same time they enrollin other plans in the program.

• Participation eligibility requirements defined for the program alsoapply to the plan.

In general, a plan does not belong in a program (termed a ”not inprogram plan”) when:

• Participants typically enroll in the plan at a different time than otherplans in the program.

• Participation eligibility requirements defined for the program differsubstantially from those defined for the plan.

• The benefits the plan provides differ substantially from the benefitsprovided by other plans in the program.

Currency Definition for Multinational Organizations

You define currency types at the program level. A plan in programmust inherit the program’s currency definition. You cannot associate aplan with more than one program if those programs use differentcurrency types.

For example, let’s say your organization defines two programs, a USBenefits Program and a Canadian Benefits Program. You must definedifferent currency types for these two programs.

Accordingly, you must define two employee stock purchase plans: theUS Employee Stock Purchase Plan and the Canadian Employee StockPurchase Plan to accommodate the different currency types of theprograms with which they are associated.

9 – 11Plan Design

Setting Up Spending Account Plans for Forfeitures (Advanced Benefits)

For spending account plans––or other plans that offer reimbursementsor distributions––you can set up Oracle HRMS so that a participant’sunspent contributions or credits are forfeited back to your enterprise.

At the end of a plan year (or similarly defined period), OracleAdvanced Benefits customers schedule the Process Forfeituresconcurrent request to calculate and record the total forfeited amountfor each participant in a spending account plan.

You set up benefits balances––maintained manually using the BenefitsBalances window––or use defined balances maintained by OraclePayroll to record participant contributions and distributions.

Note: Depending on your plan design, the Process Forfeituresconcurrent request calculates forfeitures based on either theparticipant’s total contributions for the year or the participant’syear to date contributions. The forfeitures process determinesthe forfeited amount based on the value stored by the balance.

Follow this process to set up a reimbursement plan for forfeitureprocessing. As a prerequisite, you should have already defined theplan using the Plans window.

� To set up reimbursement plans for forfeitures:

1. Set up your contribution and distribution balances.

To process forfeitures, each participant must have a separatecontribution and distribution balance. Oracle Payroll customerscan use defined balances to record totals automatically.

If you do not use Oracle Payroll, you must manually maintain acontribution and distribution benefits balance for each participant.

See: Defining a Benefit Balance: page 15 – 55 for information onsetting up a benefits balance.

See: Defining Person Benefit Balances: page 23 – 7 for informationon recording benefits balances for a participant.

2. Define a derived compensation level factor for each contributionand distribution balance.

You link the derived factors to the standard contribution anddistribution rates you define in step 4.

See: Defining Derived Factors: Compensation Level: page 11 – 17

3. Set up a spending account plan that enables forfeitures.

Use the fields available on the Forfeiture tabbed region of the PlanReimbursement window to define forfeiture requirements.

9 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Defining a Reimbursement Plan (Advanced Benefits): page 9 – 50

4. Define the standard contribution and distribution rates.

• For contributions, select an activity type of Employee PayrollContribution

– In the Total Rate field of the Calculation Method tabbedregion, select the derived compensation level factor for thecontribution that you defined in step 2

• For distributions, select one of the following activity types:Participant Expense Reimbursement, Participant PayrollReimbursement, or Participant Reimbursement

– In the Total Rate field of the Calculation Method tabbedregion, select the derived compensation level factor for thedistribution that you defined in step 2

See: Defining Activity Rates for a StandardContribution/Distribution: page 15 – 24

5. After the plan year has ended, run the Process Forfeituresconcurrent request for a single plan to calculate participantforfeitures.

Note: As a prerequisite, update the balances to make sure thatcontribution and distribution totals are current and accurate.

See: Running the Process Forfeitures Concurrent Request(Advanced Benefits)

6. View the results of the Process Forfeitures request.

• View the Process Forfeitures Audit Log and the ProcessForfeitures Summary Report for information about errors andprocess totals

• Open the Plan Reimbursement window and choose theForfeiture tab to see the total forfeitures for a plan

• Open the View Enrollment Results window, query a person, andchoose the Rates button to see forfeiture results for a participant

9 – 13Plan Design


Defining a Benefits Program

You use the Programs window to date effectively create and maintainyour program design. Many of the values that you set at the programlevel cascade to the plan types, plans, and options that you define andassociate with this program.

� To define general characteristics of a program:

1. Enter a unique Program Name starting with a letter of the alphabet(not a number or symbol).

2. Enter a Description of the program.

3. Select the Program Status.

Pending: No participants are actively enrolled in plans in thisprogram, but could be in the future if you change this program’sstatus to Active. Select the Pending status when setting up aprogram that possibly may not become Active.

Eligibility processes operate on pending programs in”evaluate–only” mode, and do not create active records.

Active: Eligible persons currently may be enrolled in plans in thisprogram.

Inactive: Current participants can remain in plans in this program,but no new participants can enroll in plans in this program.

Closed: No participants are enrolled in any plans in this program,nor will any enroll in the future.

Note: You cannot reactivate a closed program.

4. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the alphanumeric identifier inthe IVR field that a participant uses to identify this program usinginteractive voice response or telephony technology.

5. Select a Program Type for this program.

6. Select an Activity Reference Period to specify the time period inwhich the system expresses activity rates for all plans in thisprogram.

7. Select a Program Group to group this program with otherprograms for reporting purposes.

8. Select an Enrollment Rate/Frequency.

9 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: This is the rate that is communicated to participants.

9. Select the standard monetary Currency for all plans in thisprogram.

10. Enter a URL in the Web Address field to create a hypertext linkfrom the program name on an Oracle Self–Service HumanResources benefits enrollment web page to a URL containinginformation about this program. This URL can reside on anintranet or the World Wide Web.

11. For US customers, select the level at which you are administeringCOBRA programs in the Determine Enrollment Period Level field.

• Select Program if your COBRA administration rules are set at theprogram level and apply to all plan types and plans in theCOBRA program.

• Select Plan Type in Program if your COBRA administration rulesvary between the plan types in the COBRA program.

12. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of familymembers that must be recorded in a participant’s contact record inorder for the participant to be eligible for this program.

Defining Eligibility and Override Parameters for a Program

You use the check boxes in the General tabbed region of the Programswindow to set eligibility and override parameters for a program.

� To define eligibility and override parameters for a program:

1. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Participation EligibilityOverride Allowed field if you can override standard eligibilitycriteria for this program.

Checking this field is necessary if you want to allow planparticipation under special circumstances, such as a negotiatedbenefits package for a new hire.

Attention: All plans and options in this program inherit thissetting unless you specify differently at the plan or option inplan levels.

2. Check the Use All Assignments for Eligibility field to inform thesystem to consider all of an employee’s active assignments (ratherthan just the primary assignment) when determining eligibility forthis program.

3. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Track Ineligible Person fieldto cause the system to track persons who are found ineligible forparticipation in this program when the Participation process is run.

9 – 15Plan Design

Note: You use the View Participation Information window toview the compensation objects for which a participant is eithereligible or ineligible.

Note: You must check this field if you determine benefitseligibility based on temporal factors, such as age or length ofservice.

4. Check the Use All Assignments for Rates field to inform the systemto consider all of an employee’s active assignments (rather than justthe primary assignment) when determining activity rates for theplans and options in this program.

5. Save your work.

9 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Associating Plans and Plan Types with a Program

You use the Plan and Plan Type window to put one or more plans orplan types into a program.

� To associate a plan or plan type with a program:

1. Enter or query the program to which you are adding a plan or plantype in the Programs window and choose the Plans and Plan Typesbutton.

2. Choose the Plans tabbed region to add a plan to the program.

3. Choose the Plan Type tabbed region to add a plan type to theprogram.

Note: When you link a plan type to a program, you must stilllink the plans in that plan type to the program using the Planstabbed region.

4. Enter a Seq (sequence) number for a plan or plan type you areassociating with this program.

Note: You enter a sequence number to define the order inwhich the compensation object appears in an enrollmentwindow. Advanced Benefits customers can use sequencenumbers to control the interim coverage assigned when anelection is suspended.

5. Select the Plan or Plan type that you are associating with thisprogram.

6. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the alphanumeric identifier inthe IVR field that participants use to identify this plan or plan typeusing interactive voice response or telephony technology.

7. Select the Status of this plan or plan type.

Active: Participants can enroll in this plan or the plans in this plantype.

Pending: No participants are actively enrolled in this plan or plantype, but could be in the future if you change its status to Active.Eligibility processes operate on this compensation object in”evaluate–only” mode, but do not create active records. Select thePending status when setting up a plan or plan type that might notbecome Active.

Inactive: Current participants can remain enrolled in this plan orthe plans in the plan type, but no new participants can enroll.

Closed: No participants are enrolled in this plan or the plans inthis plan type, nor will any enroll in the future.

9 – 17Plan Design

8. Enter a URL in the Web Address field to create a hypertext linkfrom this plan or plan type name on an Oracle Self–Service HumanResources benefits enrollment web page to a URL containinginformation about this program. This URL can reside on anintranet or the World Wide Web.

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

9. Check the Waivable field in the Plan Types tabbed region if eligiblepersons can waive participation in all plans of this plan type.

10. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Track Ineligible Person fieldto cause the system to track persons who are found ineligible forparticipation in the plans and plan types in this program when theParticipation process is run.

Note: You use the View Participation Information window toview the compensation objects for which a participant is eithereligible or ineligible.

Note: You must check this field if you determine benefitseligibility based on temporal factors, such as age or length ofservice.

11. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Participation EligibilityOverride Allowed field if you can override standard eligibilitycriteria for the plans and plan types in this program.

Checking this field is necessary if you want to allow participationunder special circumstances, such as a negotiated benefits packagefor a new hire.

12. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of familymembers that must be recorded in a participant’s contact record inorder for the participant to be eligible for the plans and plan typesin this program.

13. Save your work.

9 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Waive Reasons for Plan Types in a Program (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Program Waive Reasons window to specify the validreasons for waiving out of waivable plan types in a program.

� To define waive reasons for a plan type in a program:

1. Enter or query the program for which you are defining plan typewaive reasons in the Programs window.

2. Choose the Plan and Plan Type button then choose the Plan Typetabbed region.

3. Select a Plan Type and choose the Waive button.

4. Select a Waive Reason for waiving out of this plan type in thisprogram.

5. Check the Default field if this waive reason is the default when aneligible person is waiving, but does not specify a reason.

6. Choose the Certification button to specify the waive certificationsthat you accept for a waive reason.

7. Select a Waive Participation Certification Type for this waivereason.

8. Check the Required field if this waive certification must besubmitted for a participant to waive this plan type.

• If special circumstances apply, select a Certification RequiredWhen Rule to specify when waive certification is required.

9. Check the Preferred field if this certification is preferred, but notrequired, for waiving out of this waivable plan type.

10. Check the Lack of Certification Suspends Enrollment field if failureto provide this certification results in a suspended election.

11. Save your work.

9 – 19Plan Design

Defining Participation Eligibility Criteria for a Compensation Object

You link eligibility criteria profiles to a compensation object to restricteligibility for that benefit. You can also define participation start andend dates and required waiting periods that control when an eligibleperson can enroll in a benefit.

You can link participation eligibility criteria to a compensation object atthe following levels in the compensation object hierarchy:

• Program (Program Participation Eligibility window)

• Plan type in program (Plan Type Participation Eligibility window)

• Plan in program (Plan in Program Participation Eligibility window)

• Plan (Maintain Plan Eligibility window)

• Option in plan (Maintain Options Eligibility window)

Follow the steps below regardless of the level or levels in thecompensation object hierarchy at which you define participationeligibility.

See: Compensation Objects: page 2 – 2

� To define participation eligibility criteria for a compensation object:

1. Query or enter the compensation object for which you are definingparticipation eligibility requirements.

Note: The window in which you query or enter thecompensation object varies based on the level at which youdefine the participation eligibility criteria.

2. Navigate to the appropriate Participation Eligibility window.

3. Select a Participation Start Date code or rule to define when aperson becomes eligible for this compensation object.

4. Select a Participation End Date code or rule to define the date onwhich a person becomes ineligible for this compensation object.

5. Enter the period that an eligible participant must wait beforeenrolling in the Wait Period Value field.

• Or, select a waiting period rule.

6. Select the unit of measure for the waiting period in the Wait PeriodUOM field.

7. Select a waiting period Date to Use Code or rule that defines thestart date from which the waiting period is calculated.

In the Maximum Enrollment block:

9 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

8. Enter a Value that represents the maximum length of time in whicha participant can be enrolled in this compensation object.

9. Select the unit of measure of this value in the UOM field.

10. Select a rule if you use a formula to determine the maximumenrollment period for this compensation object.

11. Select a Determination Date Code or rule to indicate if themaximum enrollment period is determined from the participant’senrollment coverage start date or, for COBRA purposes, from theCOBRA qualifying event date.

12. Select a value in the Applies To field if you want to limit thepersons for whom the maximum enrollment period is applicable.

13. Save your work.

� To link an eligibility profile to a compensation object:

1. Query or enter the compensation object for which you are definingparticipation eligibility requirements.

Note: The window in which you query or enter thecompensation object varies based on the level at which youdefine the participation eligibility criteria.

2. Navigate to the Eligibility window based on the level in thecompensation object hierarchy at which you are defining eligibility.

3. Choose the Profiles tab and select an Eligibility Profile thatdetermines eligibility to participate in this compensation object.

4. Check the Required field if a person must meet all of the criteria inthis profile in order to be eligible to participate.

Note: If multiple eligibility profiles are defined, a person mustsatisfy all profiles marked as Required, and at least one that isnot marked Required.

5. Choose the Rules tab if you want to use a rule to determineparticipation eligibility instead of an eligibility profile.

• Enter a Seq (sequence) number specifying the order in which thesystem processes this eligibility rule relative to any othereligibility rules for this compensation object.

• Select an eligibility rule in the Rule field.

• Check the Derivable Factors Available field if this formula usesderived factors to determine eligibility.

• Check the Required field if a person must meet all of the criteriain this rule in order to be eligible to participate in thiscompensation object.

6. Save your work.

9 – 21Plan Design

Associating a Life Event Reason with a Compensation Object (AdvancedBenefits)

You link a life event definition to a compensation object to restricteligibility for that benefit to participants who experience that life event.

You can also define the participation start and end dates and requiredwaiting periods that control when an eligible person can enroll in abenefit based on the occurrence of the life event.

You can link a life event definition to a compensation object at thefollowing levels in the compensation object hierarchy:

• program (Life Event window)

• plan type in program (Life Event window)

• plan in program (Life event window)

• plan (Maintain Plan Related Details window, Life Events tabbedregion)

• option in plan (Life Event Reason Impact on Eligibility window)

Follow the steps below regardless of the level or levels in thecompensation object hierarchy at which you link a life event to acompensation object.

� To associate a life event reason with a compensation object:

1. Query or enter the compensation object for which you are definingparticipation eligibility requirements based on a life event.

Note: The window in which you query or enter thecompensation object varies based on the level at which youdefine the participation eligibility criteria.

2. Navigate to the Life Event window based on the level in thecompensation object hierarchy at which you are defining eligibilitybased on a life event.

3. Select a Life Event.

4. Select a Participation Start Date code or rule to define when aperson becomes eligible for this compensation object based on thislife event.

5. Select a Participation End Date code or rule to define the date onwhich a person becomes ineligible for this compensation objectbased on this life event.

6. Check the Ignore Participation Override field to specify that thesystem ignore previously overridden participation eligibility resultsfor this life event and re–determine eligibility.

9 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

7. Check the Overridable field to allow manual overriding of theeligibility results that the system calculates following this life event.

Checking this field is useful when you want to allow specialcircumstances for participation, such as a negotiated benefitspackage for a new hire.

8. Enter the period that an eligible participant must wait afterexperiencing this life event before enrolling in the Wait PeriodValue field.

• Or, select a waiting period rule.

9. Select the unit of measure for the waiting period in the Wait PeriodUOM field.

10. Select a waiting period Date to Use Code or rule that defines thestart date from which the waiting period is calculated based on thislife event.

In the Maximum Enrollment block:

11. Enter a Value that represents the maximum length of time in whicha participant can be enrolled in this compensation object based onthe occurrence of this life event.

12. Select the unit of measure of this value in the UOM field.

13. Select a rule if you use a formula to determine the maximumenrollment period for this compensation object.

14. Select a Determination Date Code or rule to indicate if themaximum enrollment period is determined from the participant’senrollment coverage start date or, for COBRA purposes, from theCOBRA qualifying event date.

15. Select a value in the Applies To field if you want to limit thepersons for whom the maximum enrollment period is applicablebased on this life event.

16. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of familymembers that must be recorded in a participant’s contact record inorder for the participant to be eligible for this compensation objectbased on this life event.

17. Choose a value in the Eligible/Ineligible field that indicates if theoccurrence of this life event results in a person’s being eligible orineligible to participate in this compensation object.

18. Save your work.

9 – 23Plan Design

Associating an Organization with a Benefits Program

You use the Organizations tabbed region of the Programs window toidentify organizations, such as third party administrators or benefitssuppliers, that provide services to your benefits program.

� To associate an organization with this program:

1. Query or enter a program in the Programs window and choose theOrganizations tabbed region.

2. Select an Organization that provides goods or services for thisprogram.

3. Enter a customer identifier number for this organization in theCustomer field.

4. Enter the Policy or Group identifier for this organization.

5. Enter a description of the roles and responsibilities of thisorganization in the Organization Roles field.

6. Save your work.

9 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Associating Reporting Groups with a Program

You use the Report Groups tabbed region of the Programs window toassociate a benefits reporting group with a program.

See also: Defining a Reporting Group: page 19 – 11

� To associate a benefits reporting group with a program:

1. Query or enter a program in the Programs window and choose theReport Groups tabbed region.

2. Select the Name of the reporting group you use to report on thisprogram.

3. Add this program to more reporting groups by selecting additionalgroups, as needed.

4. Save your work.

9 – 25Plan Design

Associating Program or Plan Year Periods with a Program

You use the Periods tabbed region of the Programs window to associateone or more year periods with a program. Year periods are definedusing the Program/Plan Year Periods window.

See also: Defining a Program or Plan Year Period: page 9 – 48

� To associate a year period with a program:

1. Query or enter a program in the Programs window and choose thePeriods tabbed region.

2. Enter the Seq (sequence number) of the year period you areassociating with this program.

3. Select a Start date for this year period.

The End date for this program year period automatically displays.

4. Save your work.

9 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Plan Types

Defining Plan Types

You use the Plan Types window to date effectively define, update, anddelete or end–date plan types.

� To define a plan type:

1. Enter a unique Name for the plan type you are defining.

2. Select an Option Type to classify the options you associate with thisplan type.

3. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the alphanumeric identifier inthe IVR field that participants use to identify this plan type usinginteractive voice response or telephony technology.

4. Select a Compensation Category that classifies the benefit providedby the plans and options in this plan type.

Note: You can use this information in system extracts that yousend to benefits carriers and other third party agents.

5. Select a Self Service Display format of horizontal or vertical tocontrol how you display the plans and options in a self–serviceenrollment form.

Note: The display format defaults to horizontal.

In the Enrollment block:

6. Enter the Minimum number of plans in this plan type in which aneligible person can be enrolled simultaneously or check the NoMinimum field if there is no minimum.

7. Enter the Maximum number of plans in this plan type in which aneligible person can be enrolled simultaneously or check the NoMaximum field if there is no maximum.

8. Save your work.

9 – 27Plan Design


Defining a Benefits Plan

You use the Plans window to date effectively define the plans that youoffer to employees and other eligible participants.

� To define a benefits plan:

1. Set the effective date to the date on which you want to create theplan.

Note: You must create the plan with an effective date on orbefore the first day of the enrollment period in which it will beused.

2. Enter the Name of this plan starting with a letter of the alphabet(not a number or symbol).

3. Select the plan Status.

Pending: No participants are actively enrolled in this plan, butcould be in the future if you change its status to Active. Eligibilityprocesses operate on this plan in ”evaluate–only” mode, but do notcreate active records. Select the Pending status when setting up aplan that possibly may not become Active.

Active: Eligible persons currently may be enrolled in this plan.

Inactive: Current participants may remain in this plan, but no newparticipants may enroll in this plan.

Closed: No participants are enrolled in this plan, nor will anyenroll in the future.

Attention: You cannot reactivate a closed plan. Once a plan isclosed, it remains closed.

4. Select the plan type for which you are defining a plan in the Typefield.

5. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the alphanumeric identifier inthe IVR field that participants use to identify this plan usinginteractive voice response or telephony technology.

6. Choose the Inception Date to specify the calendar date on whichyou first introduced this plan.

7. Select if this plan must be in a program or may not be in a programin the Plan Usage field.

9– 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: If you include this plan in a program, benefits eligibilityis determined when eligibility is determined for the program.If you do not want to determine participant eligibility for thisplan during a specific time period, you can link a requireddummy eligibility profile to the plan (for example, a benefitsgroup containing no people) so that no persons are foundeligible for the plan.

8. Choose the General tabbed region.

9. Check the Savings Plan field if you are defining a savings plan.

10. Enter the COBRA Payment Day that corresponds to the day of themonth on which COBRA payments are due for this plan.

For example, 1 refers to the first day of each month.

11. Select the Primary Funding Method to specify the source of fundsfor this plan.

Self Insured: You self–insure to fund this plan.

Trust: A financial institution such as a bank maintains a trust tofund this plan.

Split: You self–insure as well as use a trust to fund this plan.

Fully Insured: You set up an annuity to fund this plan.

12. Select a Health Service code to describe the type of health servicethis plan provides.

13. Select the participant type whose coverage is subject to imputedincome taxation in the Subject to Imputed Income field. Chooseeither participant, dependent, or spouse.

14. Enter a URL in the Web Address field to create a hypertext linkfrom this plan name on an Oracle Self–Service Human Resourcesbenefits enrollment web page to a URL containing informationabout this plan. This URL can reside on an intranet or the WorldWide Web.

15. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of familymembers that must be recorded in a participant’s contact record inorder for the participant to be eligible for this plan.

16. Save your work.

9 – 29Plan Design

Defining Eligibility and Activity Rate Requirements for a Plan

Use the Eligibility Rates tabbed region of the Plans window to defineparticipation eligibility requirements and activity rates for a plan.

� To define eligibility requirements and activity rates for a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window for which you aredefining eligibility and activity rate requirements and choose theEligibility Rates tabbed region.

2. Check one or more of the following fields in the Eligibility toParticipate Information block:

Track Ineligible Person: For Advanced Benefits users, checkingthis field tracks people who are found ineligible for participation inthis plan when the Participation batch process is run.

Note: You use the View Participation Information window toview the compensation objects for which a participant is eithereligible or ineligible.

Note: You must check this field if you determine benefitseligibility based on temporal factors, such as age or length ofservice.

Allows Override: For Advanced Benefits users, indicates that youmay override eligibility requirements for this plan.

Checking this field is useful when you want to allow specialcircumstances for participation in this plan, such as a negotiatedbenefits package for a new hire.

Participation is Waivable: For Advanced Benefits users, indicatesthat an eligible participant may elect to waive this plan.

Use All Assignments for Eligibility: Informs the system toconsider all of an employee’s active assignments (rather than justthe primary assignment) when determining participation eligibilityfor this plan.

3. Select if the participant’s eligibility for this plan is based ondependent eligibility in the Eligibility Check field. Choose one:

• Participant: The participant is eligible if he or she meets theparticipant eligibility requirements associated with the plan.Eligibility for the plan is not based on dependent eligibility.

• Participant and Dependent: The participant is eligible only if heor she meets the participant eligibility requirements associatedwith the plan, and his or her dependents meet the dependenteligibility profiles and designation requirements associated withthe plan.

9 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Dependent Only: The participant is eligible if the participant’sdependents meet the dependent eligibility profiles anddesignation requirements associated with the plan. If you selectthis value, the system does not check for participant eligibility.

4. Check the Use All Assignments for Rates field to inform the systemto consider all of an employee’s active assignments (rather than justthe primary assignment) when determining activity rates for thisplan.

5. Save your work.

9 – 31Plan Design

Defining Plan Restrictions

You use the Restrictions tabbed region of the Plans window to specifywhether a plan is subject to certain US federal regulations, such asQualified Domestic Relations Orders. You also can also indicate if thisplan is used to record flex credits or imputed income or if this is awaive plan.

� To define plan restrictions:

1. Query or enter a plan in the Plans window and choose theRestrictions tabbed region.

2. Check the Flex Credits Plan field to identify this plan as theplacholder plan used to record the total flex credits for all plans in aprogram.

Note: This plan will not appear as an electable choice in theFlex Program enrollment form since a participant cannot electthis plan.

3. Check the Waive Plan field if a person’s election of this planrepresents the waiver of coverage.

4. Select the Imputed Income Type if this plan is a placeholder planused to record imputed income totals for all participants,dependents, or spouses covered by a plan that is subject toimputed income.

5. Check the Highly Compensated Rule Applies field if this plan usesrules defined by the US Internal Revenue Service to identify highlycompensated employees.

6. Check the Allow Qualified Domestic Relations Order field if thisplan is subject to this US regulation.

Thus, a court or similar body may issue an order requiring aparticipant to provide a portion of this plan’s benefits to anotherperson, typically a former spouse.

Attention: If you are defining plans outside the US, you canuse this field when defining plans that behave similarly to USQDRO plans.

7. Check the Allow Qualified Medical Child Support Order field ifthis plan is subject to this US dependent coverage regulation.

Thus, a court or similar body may issue an order requiring aparticipant to provide medical coverage for another person,typically a dependent child.

Attention: If you are defining plans outside the US, you canuse this field when defining plans that behave similarly.

9 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

8. Check the Subject to Health Care Financing Administration field ifthis plan is subject to health care rate regulations.

9. If you use Oracle Self–Service Human Resources, check the AllowTemporary Identification field if benefits participants can print anenrollment identification card for this plan from their web browser.

10. Save your work.

9 – 33Plan Design

Defining a Maximum Waiting Period Requirement for a Plan

You use the Participation tabbed region of the Plans window to definethe maximum required waiting period for a plan.

� To define a maximum waiting period requirement for a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window for which you aredefining a maximum waiting period requirement and choose theParticipation tabbed region.

2. Enter the maximum waiting period for this plan in the Value field.

Note: You define a maximum waiting period to override awaiting period that you define for a plan. For example, youcould define a waiting period which required a participant towork 500 hours before becoming eligible for a plan. You coulddefine a corresponding maximum waiting period of 6 monthsso that a participant who had worked 6 months, but had notworked 500 hours, would be eligible for the plan.

3. Select a unit of measure for the maximum waiting period in theUOM field.

4. Select a Rule to define the maximum waiting period for the plan, ifnecessary.

5. Select a code or rule to define the date from which the systemcalculates the maximum waiting period.

6. Save your work.

9 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Plan Not in Program

Use the Not in Program tabbed region of the Plans window to definespecial requirements for plans that you do not associate with aprogram. Plans that are not in a program must have a plan usage codeof May Not Be in Program.

� To define special requirements for a plan not in program:

1. Enter a Sequence number for this plan.

2. Select the Currency in which activity rates for this plan areexpressed.

3. Select the Enrollment Rate/Frequency.

Note: This is the activity rate that is communicated toparticipants.

4. Select an Activity Reference Period to specify the time period inwhich the system expresses activity rates for this plan.

5. Save your work.

9 – 35Plan Design

Associating Options with a Plan

You use the Maintain Plan Options window to associate an option witha plan.

Advanced Benefits users can define how life event reasons impact aperson’s participation eligibility for an option in a plan.

� To associate an option with a plan:

1. Enter or query a plan in the Plans window.

2. Choose the Options button.

3. Enter a Seq (sequence) number for an option you are associatingwith this plan if you want the options to display in a particularorder in the enrollment window.

Note: Advanced Benefits customers can use sequencenumbers to control the interim coverage assigned when anelection is suspended.

4. Select an Option you are associating with this plan.

5. Select the Status of the option.

Pending: No participants are actively enrolled in this option, butcould be in the future if you change its status to Active. Eligibilityprocesses operate on this option in ”evaluate–only” mode, but donot create active records. Select the Pending status when setting upan option that possibly may not become Active.

Inactive: No participants currently are enrolled in this option inthis plan, but may be in the future.

Active: Participants currently may be enrolled in this option in thisplan.

Closed: No participants are enrolled in this option in this plan, norwill any enroll in the future.

6. For Advanced Benefits users, enter the numeric identifier in theIVR field that participants use to identify this option usinginteractive voice response or telephony technology.

7. Enter the URL for this option in plan in the Web Address field ifparticipants can enroll in this option by using the product’sself–service web interface.

8. Enter a URL in the Web Address field to create a hypertext linkfrom this option name on an Oracle Self–Service Human Resourcesbenefits enrollment web page to a URL containing informationabout this plan. This URL can reside on an intranet or the WorldWide Web.

9 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

9. Choose the Eligibility tab.

10. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Participation EligibilityOverride Allowed field if the standard eligibility criteria that thisoption inherits from this plan can be overridden.

Checking this field is useful when you want to allow specialcircumstances for participation in this option, such as a negotiatedbenefits package for a new hire.

11. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Track Ineligible Person fieldto cause the system to track persons who are found ineligible forparticipation in this plan when the Participation batch process isrun.

Note: You use the View Participation Information window toview the compensation objects for which a participant is eithereligible or ineligible.

Note: You must check this field if you determine benefitseligibility based on temporal factors, such as age or length ofservice.

12. Choose the Dependent Criteria tab.

13. Select a person type or person type combination in the EligibilityCheck field to determine eligibility for this option for these persontypes.

14. Select if the participant’s eligibility for this option is based ondependent eligibility in the Eligibility Check field. Choose one:

• Participant: The participant is eligible if he or she meets theparticipant eligibility requirements associated with the option.Eligibility for the option is not based on dependent eligibility.

• Participant and Dependent: The participant is eligible only if heor she meets the participant eligibility requirements associatedwith the option, and his or her dependents meet the dependenteligibility profiles and designation requirements associated withthe option.

• Dependent Only: The participant is eligible if the participant’sdependents meet the dependent eligibility profiles anddesignation requirements associated with the option. If youselect this value, the system does not check for participanteligibility.

15. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of familymembers that must be recorded in a participant’s contact record inorder for that participant to be eligible for this option.

Note: Family Members are recorded in the Contact window.

16. Save your work.

9 – 37Plan Design

Maintaining Plan Related Details

You use the Maintain Plan Related Details window to:

• Associate a plan year period with a plan

• Associate a reporting group with a plan

• Associate reimbursable goods or services with a plan

• Associate regulations and reporting groups with a plan

• Associate an organization with a plan

Associating a Plan Year Period with a Plan

You associate a plan year period with a plan to define the period forwhich the plan is active.

� To associate a plan year period with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you areassociating a plan year period and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Plan Year Periods tabbed region.

3. Enter a Seq (sequence) number to specify the order in which thesystem processes this plan year period relative to any other planyear period for this plan.

4. Select the plan year period Start date.

The period end date displays based on the start date you select.

5. Save your work.

Associating a Reporting Group with a Plan

You can associate a plan to those reporting groups that you use toreport on the plan.

� To associate a reporting group with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you areassociating a reporting group and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Reporting Group tabbed region.

3. Select the Name of a reporting group that you use to report on thisplan.

• Select more reporting groups, as necessary.

9– 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

4. Save your work.

Associating Goods or Services with a Plan

You can associate the goods or services that your enterprise provides asa benefit or has approved for reimbursement as part of a plan.

� To associate a good or service with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you areassociating goods or services and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Goods or Services tabbed region.

3. Select the type of goods or services that you are associating withthis plan in the Type field.

4. Save your work.

Associating Regulations with a Plan

You can associate regulations with a plan and the reporting groups thatsupport these regulations.

� To associate a regulation or a reporting group with a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you areassociating a regulation and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Regulations tabbed region.

3. Select a Regulation.

4. Select a Reporting Group associated with this regulation.

5. Complete the following fields based on the regulations that governthis plan. These regulations support US non–discriminationlegislation.

• Regulatory Plan Type is used to define the type of regulation thatgoverns this plan, such as Fringe benefit regulations or pensionregulations.

• Contribution Nondiscrimination is used to identify thoseparticipants who cause the plan to be out of compliance withcontribution nondiscrimination provisions.

• Key Employee Determination is used to determine thoseparticipants who are key in the context of the plan fornondiscrimination testing purposes.

9 – 39Plan Design

• Highly Compensated Determination is used to determine thoseparticipants who are highly compensated in the context of the planfor nondiscrimination testing purposes.

• Five Percent Owner is used to determine those participants who are5% owners of the business.

• Coverage Nondiscrimination is used to identify those participantswho cause the plan to be out of compliance with coveragenondiscrimination provisions.

6. Save your work.

Associating an Organization with a Plan

You can associate organizations with a plan, such as third partyadministrators and benefits suppliers. For example, you can link anorganization to a plan when the organization is a benefits supplier towhom you owe a monthly premium.

� To define an organization for a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan in the Plans window to which you areassociating an organization and choose the Details button.

2. Choose the Organizations tabbed region.

3. Select the name of this Organization.

4. Enter the Customer Identifier this organization uses to identify thisplan.

5. Enter the Policy or Group Number this organization uses toidentify this plan.

6. Enter the Organization Role that describes the services thisorganization provides for this plan.

7. Save your work.

9 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Combinations of Plans and Plan Types

You use the Combinations window to define combinations of:

• Plans

• Plan Types

• Plan Type and Options

Combinations are useful for Advanced Benefits customers who want tocalculate flex credits for a pool of compensation objects.

As a prerequisite, you must first define the plans, plan types, andoptions that you are including in your combination and associate thesecompensation objects with a program.

� To define a combination:

1. Choose one of the following tabbed regions depending on thecombination type you are defining.

• Combination Plans

• Combination Plan Types

• Combination Plan Type and Options

2. Enter or query the Name of the plan or plan type combination.

3. Select the Program to which you have linked the plans or plantypes that you are including in your combination.

4. Check the Applies To field next to each compensation object thatyou are including in your combination.

Note: The Already Used field appears checked if this plan,plan type, or option is already included in anothercombination. You can only include a compensation object inone combination.

9 – 41Plan Design

Defining Waive Reasons for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Waiving window to define the conditions under which aneligible person can waive participation in a plan.

� To define waive reasons for a plan:

1. Enter or query the plan for which you are defining plan waivereasons in the Plans window.

2. Choose the Waiving button.

3. Select the Waive Participation Reason that supports why a personcan elect to waive participation in this plan.

4. Check the Default field if this waive reason is the default reason touse when a participant does not state their reason for waiving aplan.

5. Choose the Waive Certification button to specify the waivecertifications that you accept for a waive reason.

6. Select a Certification Type that indicates the kind of certificationassociated with waiving participation in this plan.

7. Select a rule if you limit the conditions under which certification isassociated with waiving a plan in the Certification Required WhenRule field.

8. Check the Preferred field if this waive certification is preferred forthis plan, but not required.

9. Check the Required field if this certification is required for aneligible participant to waive this plan.

10. Check the Lack of Certification Suspends Waiving field if failure toprovide this certification results in the participant’s inability towaive this plan.

11. Save your work.

9 – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Maintaining Primary Care Providers for a Plan

Based on your plan design, benefits participants may have the option,or be required, to select a Primary Care Provider (PCP) when electing abenefit plan.

You use the Maintain Plan Primary Care Providers window to definerestrictions for the selection of a primary care provider. You also usethis window to set high level configuration options for web–based PCPdatabase searches that are performed through Oracle Self–ServiceBenefits.

� To maintain primary care providers for a plan:

1. Select the Name of the plan for which you are maintaining primarycare provider data.

2. Check the From Repository field if you are using OracleSelf–Service Benefits and the benefits participant selects a primarycare provider through a searchable database of providers.

Note: As a prerequisite, you must link an organization to thisplan (using the Maintain Plan Related Details window) whichhas an Organization Role Type of Primary Care ProviderLocator.

Note: If you do not check the From Repository field, aparticipant cannot select a PCP from a list of valid PCPs. Theparticipant must enter the PCP ID number or name in a freeform text field.

3. Note: The Can Keep Provider field is reserved for future use.

4. Select a Designation Code to indicate if a participant who enrolls inthis plan is required to select a PCP, or if PCP selection is optional.

5. Select a Dependent Designation Code to indicate if a participantwho enrolls in this plan is required to select a PCP for eachdependent covered by the plan, or if PCP selection is optional.

6. Select a Start Date Code that indicates when the selected providerbecomes the participant’s primary care provider.

7. Enter the number of times a participant is permitted to changeprimary care providers per month in the Number of ChangesAllowed field.

8. For primary care provider searches, select the maximum Radius inmiles which the PCP database should consider when returning theresults of a search query.

9. Check the Radius warning field to issue a warning message to theparticipant indicating that the selected PCP is outside the range

9 – 43Plan Design

allowed by the plan. Checking this field lets a participant overridethe warning and select a PCP outside the prescribed range.

Note: If you do not check this field, a participant cannot selecta PCP outside the radius.

Note: This warning only occurs in the professional forms userinterface, not in Self–Service Benefits.

10. Save your work.

11. Choose the Option Restrictions button to open the Plan PrimaryCare Provider Restrictions window if the requirements fordesignating a primary care provider differ between the options inthe plan.

Note: For example, if a participant who elects participant onlycoverage is not required to select a PCP, but a participant whoelects employee plus spouse coverage is required to select a PCPfor dependent coverage, you would need to specifydesignation restrictions at the option level, instead of the planlevel.

12. Select the option for which you are specifying PCP designationrequirements in the Options field.

13. Select a Designation Code to indicate if a participant who enrolls inthis option is required to select a PCP, or if PCP selection isoptional.

14. Select a Dependent Designation Code to indicate if a participantwho enrolls in this option is required to select a PCP for eachdependent covered by the plan, or if PCP selection is optional.

15. Save your work and close the Plan Primary Care ProviderRestrictions window.

16. Choose the Plan Restrictions button if the requirements fordesignating a primary care provider for this plan vary based on theprimary care provider type (such as Gynecology or PediatricMedicine) and the age or gender of the benefits participant.

Note: The Plan Restrictions button is only activated if youcheck the From Repository field.

17. Select a primary care provider type for which you are specifyingPCP designation requirements based on the age or gender of thebenefits participant.

You maintain primary care provider types using the Lookup TypeBEN_PCP_SPCLTY if your primary care providers are stored in anexternal repository. Use the Lookup TypeBEN_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_TYP if your PCPs are not stored in arepository.

9 – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

18. Enter a Minimum Age if the participant must be of a minimum ageor older to select this provider type, such as a geriatric careprovider.

19. Enter a Maximum Age if the participant must be of a maximumage or younger to select this provider type, such as a pediatric careprovider.

20. Select a Gender Allowed Code of Female or Male to restrict theselection of this provider type to one gender, such as female for agynecology provider.

9– 45Plan Design


Defining Options

You use the Options window to date effectively define, maintain, anddelete options.

� To define an option:

1. Enter a unique Name for the option you are defining starting witha letter of the alphabet (not a number or symbol).

2. Check the Waive Option field if a person’s election of this optionrepresents the waiver of coverage.

In the Required Period of Enrollment block:

3. Enter a Value that represents the length of time in which a personmust be enrolled in this option.

4. Select the unit of measure of this value in the UOM field.

5. Select a rule if you use a formula to determine the required periodof enrollment for this option.

6. Select one or more plan types you are associating with this optionto indicate that plans of this plan type may provide this option.

The option type displays in the Option Usage field to indicate thebenefits category for this option.

7. Save your work.

Defining Designation Requirements for an Option

You use the Designation Requirements window to limit the personalrelationship types that are covered by an option.

If you do not define designation requirements for an option, aparticipant can designate a person of any relationship type as thedesignee for an option.

You can only have one designation profile per option, even if youassociate the option with more than one plan.

Note: Regardless of the designation requirements you define,you must check the Personal Relationship field in the Contactswindow in order for a contact to display in a participant’s listof eligible dependents.

9 – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

� To define designation requirements for an option:

1. Enter or query an option in the Options window and choose theDesignation Requirements button.

2. Select a Group Relationship for which you are defining designationrequirements.

3. Specify if this designation requirement applies to dependents orbeneficiaries in the Type field.

4. Enter the minimum and maximum number of designees that can becovered under this option or indicate that there is no minimum ormaximum number of designees by checking the appropriate field.

Note: Select a Group Relationship type of No Designees andenter the maximum number of designees as zero for anemployee only coverage option.

5. Check the Cover All Eligible field if there is no minimum ormaximum number of designees for this option and you want toprovide coverage to all designees who meet your eligibility criteria.

6. Select one or more Relationship Types to include with this grouprelationship.

7. Save your work.

9 – 47Plan Design

Navigating the Program Structure Hierarchy

You use the View Program Structure window to view the benefitprograms that you have defined and the plan types, plans, and optionsthat comprise these programs. Use this window after you haverecorded your plan design in the system to make sure you havecorrectly defined the structure of your benefits programs.

In the hierarchy:

A plus symbol to the left of a compensation objectindicates that there are lower levels that are notcurrently displayed.

A minus symbol to the left of a compensation objectindicates that you are viewing a collapsable list thatyou have expanded fully.

An equals symbol indicates that you are viewing thelowest level within a collapsable list that you haveexpanded fully.

To modify the definition of a compensation object,select the compensation object and choose the Go(traffic light) button.

You can expand or contract the program hierarchy in the same way thatyou expand or contract the Oracle Applications Navigator.

• To expand the view of a compensation object by one level, select thecompensation object and choose the Plus (+) button (or double–clickon that compensation object).

• To contract the view of a compensation object by one level, select thecompensation object and choose the Minus (–) button (ordouble–click on that compensation object).

• To fully expand the view of a compensation object, select thecompensation object and choose the Full Plus (+–>) button.

• To fully contract the view of a compensation object, select thecompensation object and choose the Double Minus (– –) button.





9 – 48 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Program or Plan Year Period

You use the Program/Plan Year window to record the dates throughwhich programs or plans are in effect.

� To define a program or plan year period:

1. Enter the Start and End dates in the Plan region through which thisprogram or plan year period is valid.

In the Limitation region:

2. Choose the Start and End dates that define the limitation year thatacts as the reference period used to calculate a participant’s yearlycompensation.

You typically define a limitation year to determine a participant’syearly contribution ceiling for a benefits plan such as a 401(k) planin the US.

In the Period region:

3. Select the period Type code that identifies the period type by whichyou divide the program or plan year, for example fiscal or calendar.

Note: The period type must be Fiscal if you are defining a yearother than from 01–JAN to 31–DEC. When the year period isfrom 01–JAN to 31–DEC the period type must be Calendar.

In the Within Year Periods block:

4. Enter the first day and first month of the within year period andthe last day and last month of the within year period in thefollowing fields:

• Start Day

• Start Month

• End Day

• End Month.

5. Select the Unit of Measure by which you are dividing this period.

6. Save your work.

9– 49Plan Design

Reimbursement Plans

Defining Reimbursable Goods and Service Types

You use the Goods and Services window to define those goods andservices that you approve for reimbursement. You then associate oneor more goods and services types with a plan.

� To define a reimbursable good or service:

1. Enter a Name for the good or service.

2. Select the Type of the good or service.

Use the Lookup Type BEN_GD_R_SVC_TYP in the ApplicationUtilities Lookups window to add to the list of goods and servicetypes.

3. Enter a text Description of the good or service.

4. Save your work.

9 – 50 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Reimbursement Plan (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Plan Reimbursement window to define specialrequirements for plans that offer reimbursable goods and services andto set up spending account plans.

Note: As a prerequisite to defining reimbursement criteria,you must first create the plan using the Plans window. If youlimit reimbursements to specific goods or services, you candefine these in the Goods and Services window.

You can define the date through which you accept reimbursementrequests for the plan and the last date in the plan year for which anexpense will be reimbursed.

You can also define the certifications that are required or preferred forreimbursement of a good or service. You can limit the personal andfamilial relationship types, such as a spouse or a child, whose expensesare reimbursable under the terms of a plan.

� To define a reimbursement plan:

1. Query the Plan for which you are defining reimbursement criteria.

2. In the Compare Claims field, select a code to indicate if theapplication validates a reimbursement request against theparticipant’s current request balance or the coverage elected for theplan year. Choose either:

• Compare claims to balance accumulated (reserved for future use)

• Compare claims to coverage elected

3. Check the Allows Reimbursement field to indicate that you allowparticipants to submit reimbursement requests for the goods andservices in this plan.

Timing Tab

4. Choose the Timing tab.

5. Select the Plan Year Start Date for the year period you areassociating with this reimbursement plan.

The End Date for this year period automatically displays based onthe plan years you established during your implementation.

6. Select the date by which Expenses Must Be Incurred On Or Before.

This is the last date in the plan year on which a participant canincur an expense and still have the expense reimbursed. Typically,this is the last day of the year period.

9– 51Plan Design

7. Select the date by which a Request Must Be Received On Or Before.

This is the date through which you accept claim reimbursementrequests for this year period. For example, your enterprise mayaccept reimbursement requests for two months after the end of theprevious plan year.

Good or Service Tab

Note: Goods and services are required for reimbursementrequest processing.

8. Choose the Good or Service tab.

9. Select a Good or Service that is reimbursable for this plan.

Use the Goods and Services window to define those items youapprove for reimbursement.

10. Check the Recurring Claims field if participants can instruct you toautomatically make payments for recurring claims withoutsubmitting a reimbursement request for every incurred expense.

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

11. Choose the Certification button to open the ReimbursementCertifications window.

You can define the certifications that you require or prefer tovalidate a reimbursement request for a good or service.

12. Select a certification Type––such as a paid invoice or a receipt––thatyou require or prefer to validate a reimbursement request.

You can add to the list of certification types by using the LookupType BEN_REIMBMT_CTFN_TYP in the Application UtilitiesLookups window.

13. Check the Required field if you deny a claim reimbursement whena participant fails to provide this certification type.

• If special circumstances apply, select a ReimbursementCertification Rule to indicate those instances where you allowreimbursement when a participant has not submitted a requiredcertification. Use the Lack Certification Allow Reimbursementformula type to write this rule.

14. Close the Certifications window.

Relationship Tab

15. Choose the Relationship tab.

16. Select the Relationship Type of the persons related to the primaryparticipant who can also submit reimbursement requests.

9 – 52 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

17. Save your work.

Forfeiture Tab

18. Check the Forfeitures Apply field if the application forfeits aperson’s unspent credits for this plan at the end of the plan year.

You run the Process Forfeitures concurrent request to determine aparticipant’s forfeitures.

19. Select Provider as the Distribution Method to forfeit unspentcontributions to the plan provider.

20. Select Use Compensation Level Factor as the ContributionDetermination Code.

21. For the Distribution Determination Code, select:

• Use Compensation Level Factor to calculate distributions basedon a benefits balance or a defined balance in Oracle Payroll.

• Use Approved Reimbursement Requests to calculatedistributions based on the amount distributed to the participantusing the Reimbursement Requests window.

22. Enter a GL Account for Debit and Credit to record the OracleGeneral Ledger accounts you use to track forfeiture totals for theplan.

23. Check Post to GL if you post forfeitures to the Oracle GeneralLedger credit account you entered in the previous step.

Note: This feature is reserved for future use.

24. After you run the Process Forfeitures concurrent request, you canview forfeiture totals for the plan by clicking the Forfeiture Valuesbutton.

• Open the View Enrollment Results window, query a person, andchoose the Rates button to see forfeiture results for a participant



10 – 10COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

COBRA Benefits andHIPAA

10 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

COBRA Administration

Oracle HRMS provides an approach to COBRA administration thatallows you to design COBRA programs in accordance with USregulatory requirements while giving you administrative flexibility.

As a prerequisite to creating COBRA programs and plans, you shouldhave a familiarity with the application’s features for benefit plandesign, eligibility profiles, and activity rate definition.

COBRA administration can be thought of in the following phases:

• Designing the COBRA program

• Defining COBRA life events (Advanced Benefits)

• Establishing enrollment requirements for programs (AdvancedBenefits)

• Creating COBRA eligibility profiles

• Defining contribution rates for COBRA plans

• Defining COBRA communication types

• Setting up communication extracts

Once you have defined your COBRA program, the following COBRAadministration tasks apply:

• Determining first–time and on–going eligibility for COBRA

• Running pre–enrollment literature extracts

• Enrolling participants, covered dependents, and beneficiaries inCOBRA programs

• Recording participant COBRA payments

• Tracking temporally–based COBRA eligibility

• De–enrolling ineligible COBRA participants

COBRA Program Design

You administer COBRA benefits in Oracle HRMS by defining a COBRAprogram that contains those medical, dental, vision, and flexiblespending account plans that are subject to COBRA regulations.

Because you can link a plan to more than one program, there is no needto define one plan for your regular program and a second plan for aCOBRA program. You can apply activity rates at the plan in programlevel so that the COBRA plan has a different contribution rate than theregular plan.

10 – 3COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

You define a COBRA program by selecting a program type of COBRAor COBRA with Credits on the Programs window. Select COBRA ifyou enroll COBRA participants using the Non–Flex Enrollmentwindow, or select COBRA with Credits if you are an AdvancedBenefits customer and you use the Flex Enrollment window to enrollCOBRA participants. For each plan that is subject to COBRA, you linkthe plan to the COBRA program and enter a COBRA Payment Day forthe plan in the Plans window.

Note: You can define a single COBRA program to contain allyour COBRA plans, or you can define multiple COBRAprograms.

Maximum Enrollment Periods

You can define the maximum enrollment period for a COBRA program.This period can vary based on a life event.

For example, the standard maximum enrollment period for COBRA is18 months. However, subsequent qualifying life events that occurwhile a person is covered under COBRA can extend the maximumenrollment period. For example, the divorce or death of the participantcan extend the coverage period for the participant’s spouse andcovered dependents.

Limitations to Changing Coverage (Advanced Benefits)

COBRA participants can change their elections during an openenrollment period. You can define enrollment restrictions that limit aparticipant’s election options based on the coverage they had before theCOBRA qualifying life event.

COBRA Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

Advanced Benefits customers can define the life events that trigger afirst time COBRA enrollment, or a subsequent life event (such as adivorce) that extends COBRA coverage.

When you define a life event that impacts COBRA eligibility, select theCOBRA Qualifying Event field in the Life Event Reasons window.

The product is delivered with the following predefined COBRA lifeevents:

• Loss of Eligibility – This life event is triggered when aparticipant waives COBRA coverage or does not enroll duringthe initial enrollment period.

• Non or Late Payment – This life event is triggered when aparticipant fails to make a payment or makes a late payment.

10 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Maximum Enrollment Period Reached –This life event istriggered when the maximum enrollment period is reached.

• Voluntary End of Coverage – This life event is triggered whenthe participant voluntarily terminates coverage.

Participation Eligibility Profiles for COBRA

You define COBRA eligibility profiles to control eligibility for a COBRAplan. Oracle HRMS provides all the eligibility criteria you need tocreate eligibility profiles that allow you to administer COBRA plansaccording to regulations.

When you define a COBRA eligibility profile, you include one criteriatype in each profile. The compensation object to which you link theprofile depends on the criteria in the profile. Eligibility profiles can bedefined such that participants who meet the specified criteria are eitherincluded or excluded from eligibility.

See: COBRA Eligibility Profiles: page 3 – 18 for an overview of eacheligibility profile that you can create to determine COBRA eligibility.

Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for COBRA

COBRA regulations allow dependents to make elections independentfrom the elections of a primary participant. The system supports thedefinition of two optional dependent eligibility profiles for COBRA.

Covered in Other Plan

This dependent eligibility profile excludes dependents from COBRAplan eligibility who were not enrolled in a plan subject to COBRA oneday before the COBRA qualifying event.

• Select the plans in a program that are subject to COBRA that youwant to include in the profile.

• Select a Date Determination code of Date of Determination Minus 1

Designator Currently Enrolled

This dependent eligibility profile determines if a dependent designatoris enrolled in a COBRA plan. During an open enrollment period,COBRA participants can add or remove dependents from COBRAcoverage. You can use this eligibility profile to exclude dependentsfrom open enrollment who were not enrolled in COBRA coverage afterthe qualifying life event.

10 – 5COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

COBRA Eligibility Determination

You run the Participation batch process in Life Event or Scheduledmode to determine eligibility and electability for COBRA benefits ifyou are an Advanced Benefits customer. If you use Standard Benefits,the system determines COBRA eligibility when you query a person’srecord in an enrollment window, such as the Non–Flex Programwindow.

Note: The Participation process determines eligibility andelectability for COBRA plans after all other plans have beenprocessed. A participant must no longer be eligible for anyplans subject to COBRA before becoming eligible for a plan in aCOBRA program.

10 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting up a COBRA Program

Follow this process to set up a COBRA program.

Define COBRA Programs and Plans

� To define COBRA programs and plans:

Define the plans that are subject to COBRA and link these plans to theCOBRA program.

1. Define the benefit plans for which you provide continuingeligibility based on COBRA regulations.

See: Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 – 27

2. Indicate that the plan is subject to COBRA regulations by selectinga value of COBRA in the Regulations field of the Maintain PlanRelated Details window.

3. Enter the day of the month (as a number) by which COBRApayments must be received for this plan in the COBRA PaymentDate field of the Plans window.

4. Define the COBRA program.

See: Defining a Benefits Program: page 9 – 13

5. Select a Program Type of COBRA or COBRA with Credits (if youuse flex credits to offset COBRA costs) in the Programs window.

6. Select the level at which you are administering COBRA programsin the Determine Enrollment Period Level field.

• Select Program if your COBRA administration rules are set at theprogram level and apply to all plan types and plans in theCOBRA program.

• Select Plan Type in Program if your COBRA administration rulesvary between the plan types in the COBRA program.

7. Use the Plan and Plan Type window to link the plans you includein the COBRA program.

Note: You also link the plans subject to COBRA to the regularprogram.

8. Define a maximum enrollment period of 18 months for the COBRAprogram.

Note: Advanced Benefits customers can use the Life Eventwindow to vary the maximum enrollment period based on adefined qualifying life event such as a divorce or the death of

10 – 7COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

the employee. You can indicate if the life event extendscoverage for the spouse or a dependent.

Set up the Administrator Contact

You enter an administrator’s information to provide the COBRAparticipant with the name of a contact and the address where theyshould return the COBRA election page.

You can set up contacts by plan, or establish one contact for all plans ina program. Contacts you set up at the program level override contactsyou enter for any plans in the program.

See: Associating an Organization with a Benefits Program: page 9 – 23

See: Associating Options with a Plan: page 9 – 35

� To set up an administrator contact:

1. To enter an administrator for a program, open the Programswindow and select the Organizations tab.

2. Select the administrator’s Organization.

You must first enter your adminstrator’s organization using theOrganization window. The address you define for the organizationappears as the administrator’s mailing address in a COBRA letter.

3. Enter the administrator’s name in the Organization Roles field.

4. In the Organization Role Types field, select Administrator.

5. Save your work.

6. To enter an administrator for a plan, open the Plans window.Choose the Details button and select the Organizations tab.

7. Complete the fields as you would for a program, following steps2–5.

Define COBRA Qualifying Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

Define the life events that qualify a participant for COBRA coverage orthat extend the coverage period of a participant, spouse, or dependent.

� To define COBRA qualifying life events:

1. Define the Life Event, indicating that it qualifies an eligible personfor COBRA, by checking the COBRA Qualifying Life Event field inthe Life Event Reasons window.

10– 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons: page 12 – 12

Define COBRA Eligibility Profiles

Define participation eligibility profiles and link the profiles to yourcompensation objects.

� To define COBRA eligibility profiles:

1. Define the eligibility profiles which participants and dependentsmust meet in order to qualify for COBRA coverage.

See: COBRA Eligibility Profiles: page 10 – 18 for an overview ofeach eligibility profile that is applicable to COBRA.

2. Link the eligibility profile to the appropriate compensation objectdepending on the kind of profile you have defined.

Define Open Enrollment Requirements for COBRA

COBRA participants can change elections during an open enrollmentperiod. The elections that a COBRA participant can make are limitedbased on COBRA regulations.

■ Define the enrollment requirements for each COBRA plan.

Define COBRA Contribution Rates

Define the contribution activity rate for your compensation objects thatare subject to COBRA. The contribution rate may be up to 102% of theactual premium.

You can define one activity rate for the regular compensationobject––either a plan in program or an option in plan in program––anda second rate for the same compensation object in the COBRAprogram.

� To define COBRA contribution rates:

1. Define the activity rate for the compensation object subject toCOBRA that is in the regular program.

2. Define the activity rate for the compensation object subject toCOBRA that is in the COBRA program.

See: Defining Activity Rates for a StandardContribution/Distribution: page 15 – 24

10 – 9COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

Define COBRA Communication Types

Define the COBRA communication types that you send to participants,such as the notification of eligibility, a grace period expiration letter,and a COBRA expiration letter.

Use the Communication Types window to define the features of eachCOBRA communication type.

See: Defining Communication Types: page 17 – 5

� To define COBRA communication types:

1. Query one of the seeded COBRA communication types in theCommunication Types window. Choose either:

• COBRA Initial Information

• COBRA Notification Letter

2. Choose the Triggers button to open the Communication TypeTriggers window.

3. Select a COBRA communication trigger.

• For the COBRA Benefit Initial Information letter, a typicalexample is Post Enrollment Confirmation Literature –Form–Enrollment Results Created/Modified/Deleted

• For the COBRA Notification Letter, a typical example isEligibility –BENMNGLE– Determines First Time Eligible

4. Close the Communication Type Triggers window.

5. Choose the Usages button.

6. Select the applicable COBRA program.

For the COBRA Notification Letter, the application detects thecommunication type when a person becomes newly eligible for theCOBRA program.

Generate COBRA Letters

You can generate and print COBRA letters directly from Oracle HRMS.Choose from the following reports:

• The COBRA Benefit Initial Information report provides employeeswith information about their rights under COBRA

• The COBRA Benefits Notification Letter report extracts electablechoice information for selected persons

Note: You cannot modify the seeded templates generated bythe COBRA reports.

10 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

You run reports from the Submit Requests window.

� To generate a COBRA letter:

1. Select the appropriate COBRA letter in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Select an individual in the Person Name field to generate a letterfor a single person.

4. To generate a letter for multiple persons, select one or more of thefollowing criteria:

• Organization

• Benefit Group

• Location

• Program (COBRA Benefits Notification Letter only)

The report generates a letter for each person who has the COBRAcommunication type detected.

5. Choose the OK button.

6. Choose the Options button to select a printer if you want to sendthe letter directly to a printer.

7. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

Note: This example letter/material has been produced by orfor the Internal Revenue Service. Oracle provides thisletter/material on an ”as is” basis. Oracle expressly disclaimsall warranties of any kind, whether express or implied,including, but not limited to the implied warranties ormerchantability, fitness for particular purpose andnon–infringement. In no event shall Oracle be liable for anyindirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages,or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data, incurred by youor any third party in connection with the letter/material,whether in an action in contract or tort, even if Oracle has beenadvised of the possibility of such damages. Oracle’s entireliability for damages in respect of the letter/material and anyrelated material shall in no event exceed ten thousand dollars(U.S. %10,000).

10 – 11COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

HIPAA Certification

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996(HIPAA) contains provisions intended to guarantee that employeesand their dependents who leave an employer’s group health plan haveready access to a subsequent employer’s health plan, regardless of theirhealth or claims experience.

HIPAA regulations require that employers keep records of the healthcare coverage of plan participants and that documentation certifyingprior coverage be issued for a participant or their dependents after theloss of coverage from an employer group health plan.

Former plan participants and their dependents can request HIPAAcertification any time within 24 months after termination of coverage.

Oracle HRMS provides the ability to generate HIPAA certificationsthrough the use of two HIPAA communication triggers that are seededwith the product, one for participant loss of coverage and one fordependent loss of coverage. You can generate and print HIPAA lettersfor participants and dependents directly from the application.

Setting Up HIPAA Certification

Follow this process to set up the application so that you can generateHIPAA certificates for qualifying individuals. As a prerequisite, youshould already have defined the compensation objects that compriseyour benefits package.

Define Plans Subject to HIPAA Regulations

The application triggers a HIPAA certificate when a loss of coverageoccurs for a participant or a dependent covered by a plan subject toHIPAA and the person no longer has any electable choices for anyother plans subject to HIPAA in the plan type.

You define a plan as subject to HIPAA by linking the HIPAA regulationto the plan.

Note: Regulation types are seeded with the product.

� To define a plan subject to HIPAA regulations:

See: Defining Benefit Plans: page 9 – 27

10 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

1. Define a plan subject to HIPAA regulations in the Plans window.

2. Choose the Details button.

3. Choose the Regulations tabbed region.

4. Select the HIPAA regulation type.

Define a HIPAA Communication Type

You define a HIPAA communication type so that a HIPAA certificationis triggered for all qualified participants and dependents whencoverage in a plan is terminated and the person no longer has anyelectable choices for any other plans subject to HIPAA in the plan type.

� To define a HIPAA communication type:

See: Defining Communication Types

1. Query one of the seeded HIPAA communication types in theCommunication Types window. Choose either:

• HIPAA Letter

• HIPAA Dependent Letter

2. Choose the Triggers button.

3. Select a HIPAA communication trigger in the Communication TypeTriggers window. Choose either:

• HIPAA Participant Deenrollment

• HIPAA Dependent Loss of Coverage

Note: When a participant loses coverage, one HIPAA letter isgenerated if the participant and his or her dependents all residetogether. Dependents who do not reside with the participantreceive a separate letter.

4. Close the Communication Type Triggers window.

5. Choose the Usages button.

6. Select the plan types to which this HIPAA communication typeapplies in the Communication Type Usages window.

Set up the Administrator Contact

You enter an administrator’s contact information to provide the nameand return address on the HIPAA certificate. You can set up contactsby plan, or establish one contact for all plans in a program. Contacts

10 – 13COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

you set up at the program level override contacts you enter for anyplans in the program.

See: Associating an Organization with a Benefits Program: page 9 – 23

See: Associating Options with a Plan: page 9 – 35

� To set up an administrator contact:

1. To enter an administrator for a program, open the Programswindow and select the Organizations tab.

2. Select the administrator’s Organization.

You must first enter your organizations using the Organizationwindow.

3. Enter the administrator’s name in the Organization Roles field.

4. In the Organization Role Types field, select Administrator.

5. Save your work.

6. To enter an administrator for a plan, open the Plans window.Choose the Details button and select the Organizations tab.

7. Complete the fields as you would for a program, following steps2–5.

Note: The address you define for the organization in theOrganization window also appears in the letters.

Generate HIPAA Certificates

Run the HIPAA Letter report to generate HIPAA certificates forparticipants. For dependents who reside with the participant, thereport generates a single letter. Dependents who do not live with theparticipant each receive a letter.

Use the HIPAA Dependent Letter report to generate HIPAA certificatesfor dependents only. For example, dependents who age out of a planreceive a HIPAA certificate, even though the participant may still beenrolled in the plan.

The participant or dependent must have the communication typedetected in the Person Communication window for either report togenerate a letter. The reports update the Person Communicationwindow with the Sent Date once the process is complete.

The reports extract participant and plan data from Oracle HRMS andmerge the data into the body of the seeded HIPAA letters. Theextracted information includes:

10 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Administrator’s name and mailing address

• Participant’s name, address, and Social Security Number

• Date the certificate was issued (equal to the process run date)

• Business group

• Plan name

• Waiting period start and end date (if the person’s enrollment wasless than 12 months)

• Coverage start and end date

• Covered dependents under each plan

You run reports from the Submit Requests window.

Note: You cannot modify the seeded templates generated bythe HIPAA reports.

Note: This example letter/material has been produced by orfor the Internal Revenue Service. Oracle provides thisletter/material on an ”as is” basis. Oracle expressly disclaimsall warranties of any kind, whether express or implied,including, but not limited to the implied warranties ormerchantability, fitness for particular purpose andnon–infringement. In no event shall Oracle be liable for anyindirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages,or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data, incurred by youor any third party in connection with the letter/material,whether in an action in contract or tort, even if Oracle has beenadvised of the possibility of such damages. Oracle’s entireliability for damages in respect of the letter/material and anyrelated material shall in no event exceed ten thousand dollars(U.S. %10,000).

� To generate a HIPAA certificate for a participant:

1. Select the HIPAA Letter report in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Select an individual in the Person Name field to generate acertificate for a single person.

4. To generate a HIPAA certificate for multiple persons, select one ormore of the following criteria:

• Organization

• Benefit Group

• Location

10 – 15COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

• Program

The report generates a certificate for each participant anddependent who has a detected HIPAA Participant Deenrollmentcommunication type.

5. Choose the OK button.

6. Choose the Options button to select a printer if you want to sendthe certificate directly to a printer.

7. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

� To run the HIPAA Dependent Letter report:

1. Select the HIPAA Dependent Letter report in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Select an individual in the Person Name field to generate acertificate for a single person.

4. To generate a HIPAA certificate for multiple dependents, select oneor more of the following criteria:

• Benefit Group

• Program

The report generates a certificate for each dependent who has adetected HIPAA Dependent Loss of Coverage communicationtype.

5. Choose the OK button.

6. Choose the Options button to select a printer if you want to sendthe certificate directly to a printer.

7. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

Define a System Extract for HIPAA

If you do not want to use the seeded HIPAA letters, you can define asystem extract profile to extract the data you want to include in aHIPAA certificate that you maintain.

� To define a system extract for HIPAA:

See: Defining an Extract Criteria Profile

1. Define an extract criteria profile using the Criteria Definitionwindow.

10 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Choose the Communications tab.

3. Select a Criteria Type of Person Communication – Type.

• Select a HIPAA Communication Type that you have defined.

4. Select a Criteria Type of Person Communication Provided – To BeSent Date and check the Exclude field.

• Select Beginning of Time as the From value and Today as the Tovalue so that communications which have already been sent arenot re–sent.

5. Select a Criteria Type of Person Communication Provided – SentDate to exclude

• Select Beginning of Time as the From value and End of Time asthe To value.

6. Choose the Benefits tab.

7. Select a Criteria Type of Enrollment Coverage During Period.

• Select 18 Months Ago as the From value and Today as the Tovalue.

8. Select a Criteria Type of Enrollment Status and check the Excludefield.

• Select the Values of Backed Out and Voided to prevent thesetypes of canceled enrollment records from appearing in theextract.

9. Select a Criteria Type of Enrollment Data Links.

• Select a value of Extract Enrollments Linked to Communicationsvia Usages so that the enrollment records in this HIPAA extractare restricted to the compensation objects associated with thisHIPAA communication type.

See: Defining When a Communication is Used

10. Select a Criteria Type of Benefits DateTrack Override Date.

• Enter the effective start date of the HIPAA communicationextract.

11. Select other extract criteria as necessary to limit the data to includein the HIPAA Certification letter.

12. Define the extract layout using the Layout Definition window.

13. Complete the extract definition using the Define Extract window.

• Choose the Options tab and check the Special Handling forDependents (ANSI 834, HIPAA) field.

10– 17COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

Note: If you check this field, you should consider selecting thedata element of Person Participation Type (ANSI) whendefining the layout for this extract to distinguish participantand dependent enrollment records in the extract results.

14. Run the Extract Process from the Concurrent Manager for theHIPAA extract you have defined.

The Extract Process creates a flat file with the results of the extract.You can use these results in a mail merge program to createindividual HIPAA Certification letters.

10 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

COBRA Eligibility Profiles

You can use the following eligibility profiles to determine COBRAparticipation.

See: Participation Eligibility Profiles for COBRA: page 10 – 4

Eligibility: Leaving Reason

Description Identifies the leave reason critiera that ex-clude a participant from COBRA eligibility.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject


Include or Exclude? Exclude

Required? Yes

Comments Use this criteria to exclude participants termi-nated for reasons of Gross Misconduct.

Eligibility: Other Coverage

Description This criteria excludes participants from CO-BRA eligibility who are ineligible for all planssubject to COBRA but who have coveragefrom another plan sponsor.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject


Include or Exclude? Exclude

Required? No

Comments Select a value of Yes in the Other Coveragefield when defining this profile. The partici-pant will be found eligible if they do not haveother coverage.

Use the People window to record if a personhas other coverage.

Eligibility: Opted for Medicare

Description This criteria excludes a participant from CO-BRA eligibility who becomes entitled toMedicare benefits.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject


10 – 19COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

Include or Exclude? Exclude

Required? No

Comments Check the Opted for Medicare field and theExclude field when defining this profile. Usethe People window to record if a person iscovered under Medicare.

A participant who becomes entitled to Medi-care as an active employee may become ineli-gible for both regular benefits and COBRAbenefits. The dependents of an active em-ployee who opts for Medicare become eligiblefor COBRA.

If the participant who opts for Medicare iscurrently covered by COBRA, the partici-pant’s dependents can extend their COBRAcoverage for 36 months if the initial COBRAqualifying event is Termination or Reductionin Hours.

Eligibility: COBRA Qualified Beneficiary

Description Use this criteria to find qualified beneficiarieseligible for coverage extensions based onqualifying events that occur during COBRAcoverage, such as the death or divorce of theprimary participant.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject


Include or Exclude? Include

Required? No

Comments Select a value of Yes in the Qualified Benefi-ciary field when defining this profile.

This profile also prevents a qualified benefi-ciary from being found eligible once the max-imum enrollment period is reached.

10 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Eligibility: Participant in Other Plan Type

Description You define this profile to exclude a partici-pant from COBRA eligibility who is currentlyeligible for any plan subject to COBRA in aplan type that you include in the profile.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan Type in Program

Include or Exclude? Exclude

Required? Yes

Comments Check the Subject to COBRA field when de-fining this eligibility profile so that the systemonly checks for plans in the plan type that aresubject to COBRA.

Eligibility: Enrolled in Another Plan Type in Program

Description This criteria determines if the participant wasenrolled in the plan type in program one daybefore the COBRA qualifying life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan Type in Program

Include or Exclude? Include

Required? Yes

Comments Check the Subject to COBRA field when de-fining this eligibility profile so that the systemonly checks for plans in this plan type that aresubject to COBRA.

Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if theparticipant was enrolled in any plans in theplan type one day before the COBRA qualify-ing life event.

10 – 21COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

Eligibility: Covered in Other Plan Type in Program

Description This criteria determines if the participant’sdependents were covered by the plan type inprogram one day before the COBRA qualify-ing life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan Type in Program

Include or Exclude? Include

Required? Yes

Comments Check the Subject to COBRA field when de-fining this eligibility profile so that the systemonly checks for plans in this plan type that aresubject to COBRA.

Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if thedependent was covered in any plans in theplan type one day before the COBRA qualify-ing life event.

Eligibility: Enrolled in Another Plan in Program

Description This criteria determines if the participant wasenrolled in the plan in program one day be-fore the COBRA qualifying life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan in Program

Include or Exclude? Include


Comments Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if theparticipant was enrolled in this plan one daybefore the COBRA qualifying life event.

10 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Eligibility: Covered in Other Plan in Program

Description This criteria determines if the participant’sdependents were covered by the plan in pro-gram one day before the COBRA qualifyinglife event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan in Program

Include or Exclude? Include


Comments Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if thedependent was covered by this plan in pro-gram one day before the COBRA qualifyinglife event.

Eligibility: Eligible for Another Plan

Description This criteria determines if a participant is cur-rently eligible for any plans subject to CO-BRA.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan in Program

Include or Exclude? Exclude

Required? No

Comments Check the Exclude field when defining thisprofile to determine that a participant who iseligible for this plan is ineligible for COBRA.

Eligibility: Enrolled in Another Plan

Description This criteria determines if the participant wasenrolled in the plan one day before the CO-BRA qualifying life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject


Include or Exclude? Include

10 – 23COBRA Benefits and HIPAA


Comments Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if theparticipant was enrolled in this plan one daybefore the COBRA qualifying life event.

Eligibility: Covered in Other Plan

Description This criteria determines if the participant’sdependents were covered by the plan one daybefore the COBRA qualifying life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject


Include or Exclude? Include


Comments Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if thedependent was covered by this plan one daybefore the COBRA qualifying life event.

Eligibility: Enrolled in Another Program

Description This criteria determines if the participant wasenrolled in a COBRA program on the day ofopen enrollment.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

COBRA Program

Include or Exclude? Include


Comments Use this profile to limit eligibility for COBRAopen enrollment periods to those participantscurrently enrolled in the COBRA program.

Select a Date Adjustment value of Day of De-termination to determine if the participantwas enrolled in the program during the openenrollment period

10 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Eligibility: Enrolled in Another Plan in Program

Description This criteria determines if the participant wasenrolled in the plan in program one day be-fore the COBRA qualifying life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan in Program

Include or Exclude? Include


Comments Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if theparticipant was enrolled in this plan in pro-gram one day before the COBRA qualifyinglife event

Select a Date Adjustment value of Day of De-termination to determine if the participantwas enrolled in the program during the openenrollment period

Eligibility: Covered in Other Plan in Program

Description This criteria determines if the participant wasenrolled in the plan in program one day be-fore the COBRA qualifying life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Plan in Program

Include or Exclude? Include


Comments Select a Date Adjustment value of Date of De-termination Minus 1 to determine if the par-ticipant was enrolled in this plan in programone day before the COBRA qualifying lifeevent

Select a Date Adjustment value of Day of De-termination to determine if the participantwas enrolled in the program during the openenrollment period

10 – 25COBRA Benefits and HIPAA

Eligibility: Enrolled in Another Option in Plan

Description Use this criteria to exclude a participant fromCOBRA eligibility who was enrolled in thewaive option of a plan one day prior to theCOBRA qualifying life event.

Associated COBRACompensation Ob-ject

Option in Plan in Program

Include or Exclude? Exclude

Required? This profile is only required if you define aplan subject to COBRA that contains a waiveoption.

Comments Select a Date Adjustment value of Date ofDetermination Minus 1 to determine if theparticipant was enrolled in the waive optionone day before the COBRA qualifying lifeevent.

10 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Maintaining COBRA Qualified Beneficiaries

A dependent who is covered by a primary participant’s health plan oneday before the participant experiences a COBRA qualifying life event isconsidered a qualified beneficiary under COBRA legislation. Qualifiedbeneficiaries are entitled to coverage extensions if certain secondary lifeevents occur during the period of COBRA coverage.

You can use the COBRA Qualified Beneficiaries window to assign adependent who is not a qualified beneficiary the status of qualifiedbeneficiary.

� To maintain COBRA qualified beneficiaries:

1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for the person you are creating as aqualified beneficiary.

2. Check the Qualified Beneficiary field to indicate that the person is aqualified beneficiary.

3. Select the Covered Employee who is the originally coveredparticipant.

4. Save your work.



11 – 1Benefits Eligibility

Benefits Eligibility

11 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Eligibility Requirements for Total Compensation

You define eligibility requirements as part of your plan design todetermine eligibility for benefits.

You group eligibility criteria into participant eligibility profiles forprimary participants and dependent coverage eligibility profiles fordependents. Eligibility profiles are re–usable. After you create aneligibility profile, you can link it to one or more programs, plans, oroptions to restrict eligibility for that benefit.

Eligibility is determined according to the order of the compensationobject hierarchy:

• Program

• Plan Type in Program

• Plan in Program

• Plan

• Option in Plan

If a participant is eligible for a program, then the system checks forplan type in program eligibility, and so on down the hierarchy. Thisallows you to link different eligibility profiles to different benefits thatyou offer within a program.

Eligible participants are created when you run the Participation batchprocess (if you are an Advanced Benefits customer) or when youprocess a participant’s election using an enrollment form (if you useStandard Benefits).

Eligibility Criteria

Participant Eligibility Profiles

The criteria that you can include in an eligibility profile are groupedinto five factors:

• Personal Factors

• Employment Factors

• Derived Factors

• Related Coverages

• Other Factors

Each factor contains a variety of criteria from which you select one ormore criteria values.

11 – 3Benefits Eligibility

For example, let’s say you administer a benefit plan with the eligibilityrequirement that all participants must work in California, Washington,or Indiana. You could define an eligibility profile using theEmployment Factor criteria of Work Location. The values for the WorkLocation criteria would be California, Washington, and Indiana. (Youneed to define these work locations using the Locations form). Aparticipant must meet one of the criteria values.

After you define the eligibility profile, you associate it with theappropriate benefits plan when you define that plan.

See: Defining an Eligibility Profile: page 11 – 15

Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles

You define dependent coverage eligibility profiles to restrict the criteriathat a dependent must meet in order to be covered by a benefit.Dependent coverage profiles are often used to exclude certaindependents from receiving coverage under a plan. For example, youcan define a plan that excludes coverage for dependents age 21 andover.

Dependent eligibility factors include the dependent’s:

• Relationship (to the primary participant)

• Age

• Status (disabled, marital, military, student)

• Postal zip

• Other

After you define a dependent coverage eligibility profile, you associateit with one or more programs, plans, or options to limit the dependentscovered by that benefit.

Required and Optional Eligibility Criteria

When you select more than one value for an eligibility criterion, at leastone of the values must be present in the participant’s record for theparticipant to be eligible for the benefit. In our example above, theparticipant must have a Work Location of either California,Washington, or Indiana.

However, when you use multiple criteria in an eligibility profile (forexample, a Work Location and an Organization), the participant mustmeet at least one criteria value for each criterion.

Note: If you use a FastFormula eligibility rule as part of youreligibility profile, the participant must meet the criteria of the

11 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

rule and one value from any other criteria that you include inthe eligibility profile.

Linking an Eligibility Profile to a Compensation Object

Because eligibility profiles are re–usable, you define them separatelyfrom any compensation object. You link a profile to a program, plantype in program, plan, or option when you define that compensationobject.

When you link the eligibility profile to the compensation object, youspecify if the profile is required. The participant must satisfy allprofiles marked as Required and at least one profile that is not markedRequired.

Minimum and Maximum Enrollment Periods

As part of your plan design, you can specify the minimum andmaximum length of time that a participant is either required or allowedto remain enrolled in a compensation object.

Required Enrollment Periods

Define a minimum enrollment period for those compensation objectsthat require a participant to remain enrolled for a specified period.

For example, you could define a required enrollment period of twoyears for a dental plan.

Maximum Enrollment Periods

Define a maximum enrollment period for those compensation objectsthat place a time limit on length of coverage. Maximum enrollmentperiods are often used in the US for managing COBRA participation.

If you are an Advanced Benefits customer, the system automaticallydetects when a participant has reached a maximum enrollment periodthat you have defined. Standard customers are notified that aparticipant has reached a maximum enrollment period when anenrollment form is opened and that person’s record is queried.

Benefits Groups

When eligibility for a plan varies for a group of persons, you can definea benefits group to explicitly group those persons together. Defining abenefits group is useful for grouping grandfathered participants, oradministering highly complex participation eligibility involving a smallnumber of people.

11– 5Benefits Eligibility

You use the Benefits Groups window to define a Benefits Group andyou enter a person into a group using the Person form.

Attention: You may assign a person to only one benefitsgroup.

Postal Zip Ranges and Service Areas

You can define a range of postal zip codes that can be used todetermine eligibility and activity rates for a benefit. Postal code rangescan be combined into service areas that you can also use as eligibilitycriteria.

Service areas are a useful means of defining eligibility for a particulargeographical region when Work Location is not adequate.

Waiting Periods

You define a waiting period as the period of time that must elapsebefore a newly eligible person can enroll in a benefit. Waiting periodsallow participants to make elections that will become effective at a laterdate.

You can define waiting periods at the following levels:

• Program

• Plan type in program

• Plan in program

• Plan

• Option in plan

Waiting periods you define at a higher level in the compensation objecthierarchy cascade to all other compensation objects in the samehierarchy.

When you define a waiting period, you specify the unit of measure inwhich the waiting period is determined, for example, length of serviceor hours worked. For waiting period that you define at the plan level,you can set a corresponding maximum waiting period that can be in adifferent unit of measure, if required.

For example, you could define a waiting period of 200 hours workedbefore an eligible employee can enroll in a medical plan. You coulddefine a maximum waiting period for the plan of 180 days of service.A person with less than 200 hours worked but with 180 days of service

11 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

would be eligible for this medical plan based on the maximum waitingperiod.

Waiting Period Determination Dates

As part of defining a waiting period, you select a waiting period date touse code that determines the comparison date from which the systemcalculates the waiting period completion date. The waiting period date touse code identifies an event from which the waiting period iscalculated, such as a participant’s date of hire.

Because waiting periods can also be applied to non–employees, youcan select a waiting period date to use code that uses one comparisondate for an employee and a second comparison date for anon–employee.

For example, for a medical plan, the system could determine thewaiting period for employees based on hire date and fornon–employees based on the life event that caused the participationeligibility to be determined. In this scenario, you would select awaiting period date to use code of ”If Employee, Date of Hire; NotEmployee, Life Event Date.”

You can select from the following waiting period comparison dates:

• Date of Hire

• Adjusted Service Date

• Override Service Date

• Eligibility Begin Date

• Original Hire Date

• Life Event Date (Advanced Benefits)

• Later of the Life Event or Notification Date (Advanced Benefits)

• FastFormula Rule

Waiting Periods by Life Event

Advanced Benefits customers can vary the waiting period requirementfor a benefit by life event reason. You can define one waiting period forthe compensation object and another waiting period that applies onlyin the occurrence of a particular life event. You can define waitingperiods by life event at the following levels:

• Program

• Plan

11 – 7Benefits Eligibility

• Option in Plan

Waiting Period Processing

In Standard Benefits, waiting periods are calculated based on yourwaiting period definition when you open an enrollment form for aperson.

For Advanced Benefits customers, waiting periods and eligibility aredetermined when you run the Participation batch process. TheParticipation process calculates the waiting period by adding thewaiting period value (such as 60 days) to the waiting periodcomparison date (such as date of hire).

If the Participation process detects a potential life event between theeffective date of the Participation process and the waiting periodcompletion date, then no waiting period is determined for thatparticipant. An error is written to the log file indicating that thewaiting period must be re–determined after the intervening life event isprocessed.

The system also checks for temporal life events and does not create awaiting period if it detects a temporal event that will occur between theeffective date of the Participation process and the waiting periodcompletion date.

11 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Derived Factors

Derived Factors are system calculated eligibility factors that change overtime. You define a derived eligibility factor to use as a criteria elementin an eligibility profile for a benefit plan or a collective agreement, or avariable activity rate. You can use the derived factor of age in adependent coverage eligibility profile.

The product supports the calculation of six derived factors:

• Compensation level

• Percent of full–time employment

• Hours worked in period

• Age

• Length of service

• Combination age and length of service

Compensation Level

You define a compensation level derived factor if you use a person’scompensation amount as an eligibility criterion or as a factor in avariable rate profile.

You can select as a compensation source a person’s statedcompensation, a payroll balance type, or a benefits balance type thatyou define.

Percent of Full–time Employment

You define a percent of full–time employment derived factor if youdetermine eligibility or rates based on a person’s percentage offull–time work.

You can choose to use a person’s primary assignment only or the sumof all their assignments when determining their percent of full–timeemployment.

Hours Worked in Period

You define an hours worked in period factor if you determine eligibilityor rates based on the number of hours a person works in a given periodthat you define.

You can choose to derive the number of hours worked from a balancetype or a benefits balance type.


You define an age factor if you determine eligibility for a person or adependent based on age. You can define a minimum or a maximum

11 – 9Benefits Eligibility

age beyond which a person becomes eligible or no longer eligible for aparticular benefit .

You can also define an age factor that derives the age of a participant’sspouse.

Note: If you are defining a derived factor based on age for acollective agreement you can only use the person’s age.

Length of Service

You define a length of service factor if you determine eligibility basedon how long a person has worked for your enterprise.

You can choose to calculate length of service from a person’s hire date,adjusted hire date, or override service date.

Combination Age and Length of Service

You create a combination age and length of service factor by linking anage factor and a length of service factor that you have defined into anew factor.

11– 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Continuing Eligibility: Benefits Assignments

Because you can use an employee’s assignment to determine benefitseligibility, you must maintain assignment information for terminated ordeceased employees and their qualified dependents for the purpose ofproviding continuing benefits.

A benefits assignment is a copy of an employee’s primary assignmentthat is created when one of the following events occur:

• The employee terminates: the system creates a benefits assignmentfor the employee and any dependents with an effective date of theactual termination date plus one day.

• The employee becomes divorced or legally separated: the systemcreates a benefits assignment for the spouse. The person type usageof former spouse is created for the spouse on the day of the divorce.

• The employee dies: the system creates a benefits assignment for thesurviving spouse and any surviving family members. The persontype usage of surviving spouse or surviving family member is created forthe appropriate relation.

• Dependent loss of eligibility: the system creates a benefitsassignment for the dependent who loses eligibility

• Reduction in hours: the system creates a benefits assignment for anemployee and any personal contacts when the employee experiencesany life event reason with a type of Reduction in Hours.

You can also manually create a benefits assignment if the system fails tocreate one, and you can update a system–generated benefitsassignment.

Note: You set up the auto–generation of benefits assignmentswhen you define the default payroll for a business group.

Benefits Assignments and Payroll

For US and Canadian customers, benefits assignments must have apayroll with a monthly periodicity since continuing benefits forex–employees and their dependents are typically administered on amonthly basis. When a benefits assignment is created for an employee,the benefits default payroll that you setup for the business group isautomatically linked to the person’s benefits assignment. You canchange the benefits assignment payroll to another payroll using theBenefit Assignment window.

Note: US and Canadian customers cannot process anemployee termination unless the employee’s business grouphas a default payroll.

11 – 11Benefits Eligibility

Customers outside the US and Canada can maintain benefitsassignments with a payroll of any periodicity; however, they must havea default payroll for benefits assignments.

See: Defining Benefits Defaults for a Business Group, Using OracleHRMS –– The Fundamentals

11– 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Eligibility Profile Criteria

You can define from one to dozens of eligibility criteria for an eligibilityprofile. Criteria are divided into personal criteria, employment criteria,derived factors, and other criteria, as follows.

Note: The criteria that you can select depends on whether youhave accessed the Participation Eligibility Profiles windowfrom the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area ofthe application.

Personal Criteria

You select personal eligibility criteria from the Personal tab of theEligibility Profiles window.

Uses an employee’s disability category as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses an employee’s disability degree as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses an employee’s disability reason as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses an employee’s gender as eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s leave of absence reason aseligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s termination reason as eligibilitycriteria. This criteria is often used for continuingbenefits eligibility, such as for COBRA in the US.

Uses an employee’s marital status as eligibility criteria.

Uses whether or not an employee is enrolled inMedicare as eligibility criteria.

Uses a person’s person type(s) as eligibility criteria.

Uses a person’s qualification title as eligibility criteria.

Uses the service area defined by the participant’s zipcode as eligibility criteria.

Uses a person’s supplementary role as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses whether an employee is a union member aseligibility criteria.





Leave ofAbsence


MaritalStatusOpted forMedicare

Person Type

Qualifica-tion TitleService Area

Supplemen-tary Role


11– 13Benefits Eligibility

Uses individual zip/postal codes or ranges ofzip/postal codes as eligibility criteria.

Employment Criteria

You select employment criteria from the Employment tab of theEligibility Profiles window.

Uses an employee’s assignment or a set of assignmentsas eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s bargaining unit (local union group)as eligibility criteria.

Uses a person’s employee category as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses a person’s state of employment (Active, Inactive,or On Leave) as eligibility criteria.

Uses whether an employee works full–time orpart–time as eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s grade as eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s pay basis, either hourly or salaried,as eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s job classification as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses an employee’s legal entity (GRE) as eligibilitycriteria for a benefit (US only).

Uses an employee’s organization as eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s pay basis as eligibility criteria.

Uses the employee’s payroll as eligibility criteria.

Uses a person’s People group as eligibility criteria.

Uses a person’s position as eligibility criteria.

Uses a person’s probation period as eligibility criteria.

Uses the number of hours an employee is scheduled towork as eligibility criteria. This is taken from theWorking Hours field on the assignment.

Uses the progression step, within a pay scale, that theemployee is on as eligibility criteria.

Zip Code





Full/ PartTime




Legal Entity

OrganizationUnitPay Basis





11 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Uses an employee’s work location as eligibility criteria.

Derived Factor Criteria

You select derived factor eligibility criteria from the Factors tab of theEligibility Profiles window.

Uses an employee’s age as eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s combination age and length ofservice factor as eligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s compensation level as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses an employee’s hours worked in a given period aseligibility criteria.

Uses an employee’s length of service as eligibilitycriteria.

Uses an employee’s percent of full–time employmentas eligibility criteria.

Other Criteria

You select miscellaneous eligibility criteria from the Other tab of theEligibility Profiles window.

Uses a person’s benefits group as eligibility criteria.

Uses whether a person is considered a qualifiedbeneficiary under COBRA regulations to determineeligibility (US only).

Used to set the date on which an ex–employee’spayment for a continuing benefit must be received.

Uses an eligibility rule, instead of an eligibility profile,to refine or augment eligibility criteria for a benefit orcollective agreement entitlement.

Uses a person’s participation in another plan aseligibility criteria.




Compensation Level


Length ofService





Participantin AnotherPlan

11 – 15Benefits Eligibility

Defining an Eligibility Profile

You use the Participation Eligibility Profiles window to date effectivelydefine an eligibility profile. Before defining the profile, define anyderived factors (such as length of service or compensation level) thatyou plan to use as eligibility criteria.

Eligibility profiles can be used in benefits plans, collective agreements,or both. The information you can enter differs slightly depending onwhether you have accessed this window from the Total Compensationor Collective Agreements area of the application.

� To define an eligibility profile:

1. Enter the Name of the eligibility profile you are defining.

2. Enter a Description of this eligibility profile.

3. Select an Assignment Type to which this eligibility profile applies.

For example, you can define an eligibility profile for employeeassignments if this profile is only used for employees

Note: You can only select Employee Assignment Only for profilesto be used with collective agreements.

4. Select the profile Status.

Pending: This eligibility profile is currently proposed, but notactive.

Active: This eligibility profile is in use.

Inactive: This eligibility profile is in use but cannot be associatedwith any new programs, plans, or options.

Closed: This eligibility profile was once Active or Pending, but isno longer in use.

5. Select whether this eligiblity profile applies to benefits or collectiveagreements.

6. Choose the tabbed region that contains a criteria element that youwant to include in your eligibility profile. Choose from:

• Personal

• Employment

• Derived Factors

• Related Coverages (Not applicable to collective agreements)

• Other

7. Select a criteria element.

11 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

For example, you could choose Person Type as one of severaleligibility criteria of the Personal type.

Note: When you define more than one value for a criterion, atleast one of the values must be present in the person’s recordfor them to be eligible. However, when you use multiplecriteria in an eligibility profile (for example, a Work Locationand an Organization), the person must meet at least one valuefor each criterion.

8. Enter a Seq (sequence) number specifying the order the systemprocesses this criteria element relative to any other criteria in thiseligibility profile.

Note: You must assign a sequence number of a higher priorityto all criteria that are used to exclude eligibility.

9. Select one or more values for the criteria element you haveselected.

10. Check the Exclude field if a person becomes ineligible to participatein the compensation object, or to receive the collective agreemententitlement you associate with this eligibility profile if they meetthis criterion.

You typically check the Exclude field when it is easier or faster todefine which persons are excluded from eligibility, as opposed todefining which person are eligible.

11. Repeat steps 6–10 for each criteria element that you include in youreligibility profile.

12. Choose the Display All tabbed region to view the criteria elementsin this eligibility profile.

13. Save your work.

11 – 17Benefits Eligibility

Defining Derived Factors: Compensation Level

You can define a compensation level factor as part of an eligibilityprofile (to be used in determining benefits participation or collectiveagreement entitlements) or a variable rate profile. A compensationlevel factor can be based on either stated salary, balance type, orbenefits balance type.

You define compensation level factors in the Derived Factors window.The values you can select in some of the fields depend on whether youhave accessed the Derived Factors window from the TotalCompensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

� To define a compensation level factor:

1. Enter a Name for this compensation level factor.

2. Select the Unit Of Measure for this compensation level factor.

3. Select the Source of the compensation level factor.

• Select the Defined Balance for this compensation level factor ifyou selected a source of balance type.

• Select a Benefits Balance Type if you selected a source of benefitsbalance type.

• Select the compensation periodicity in the Stated CompPeriodicity field if you selected a source of stated compensation.

In the Values block:

4. Enter the Minimum amount under which the system does notcalculate this compensation level factor.

• Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimumcompensation amount under which the system excludesparticipants when determining participation eligibility andactivity rates.

5. Enter the Maximum amount above which the system does notcalculate this compensation level factor.

• Check the No Maximum Compensation field if there is nomaximum compensation amount above which the systemexcludes participants when determining participation eligibilityand activity rates.

6. Select a Determination Code or Rule to define when the systemdetermines a participant’s compensation level.

7. Choose a Rounding Code or Rounding Rule to specify the level towhich the system rounds the results of this compensation levelfactor.

11– 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

8. Save your work.

11 – 19Benefits Eligibility

Defining Derived Factors: Percent of Full Time Employment

A percent full time factor derives an employee’s percent of full timeemployment. The application uses this information to calculate activityrates, coverage amounts, or to determine participation eligibility foreither benefits or collective agreement entitlements.

For example, you could define the 100% percent full–time factor toidentify those employees who work 100% full–time (40 hours per week)and thus qualify for most benefits or entitlements.

You define percent full time factors in the Derived Factors window. Thevalues you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you haveaccessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation orCollective Agreements area of the application.

� To define a percent full time factor:

1. Enter a Name for this percent full time factor.

2. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum percentage offull–time employment under which the application excludesemployees when determining participation eligibility and activityrates.

• Or, enter a Minimum Percent Value to define the minimumpercentage of full–time employment to be used in thiscalculation.

3. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum percent offull–time employment beyond which the application excludesemployees when determining participation eligibility and activityrates.

• Or, enter a Maximum Percent Value to define the maximumpercent of full–time employment to be used in this calculation.

4. Check the Use Primary Assignment Only field to specify that theapplication considers only an employee’s primary assignmentwhen determining percent of full time employment.

5. Check the Use Sum of All Assignments field to specify that theapplication considers all active assignments when determiningpercent of full–time employment.

6. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which theapplication rounds the results of this calculation.

7. Save your work.

11 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Derived Factors: Hours Worked In Period

An hours worked in period factor derives the number of hours a givenemployee has worked over a given period of time. The application usesthis information to determine participation eligibility for either benefitsor collective agreement entitlements, activity rates, and coverageamounts.

You define hours worked in period factors in the Derived Factorswindow. The values you can select in some of the fields depend onwhether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from the TotalCompensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

� To define an hours worked in period factor:

1. Enter a Name for this hours worked in period factor.

2. Select the calculation source for this hours worked in period factorin the Source field.

Balance Type: The application retrieves hours worked informationfrom a balance.

Benefits Balance Type: The application retrieves hours workedinformation from a benefits balance.

3. Specify when the application calculates this hours worked inperiod factor in the Once or Continuing field.

Once: The application only calculates this hours worked in periodfactor following a life event or for open enrollment.

Continuing: The application calculates this hours worked inperiod factor each time you run the Participation batch process.

4. Select the Defined Balance for this compensation level factor if youselected a calculation source of balance type.

5. Select a Benefits Balance Type if you selected a calculation source ofbenefits balance type.

6. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum number ofhours worked in period under which the application excludesemployees when determining participation eligibility and activityrates.

• Or, enter the Minimum hours worked in period under which theapplication does not calculate this hours worked in period factor.

7. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum hoursworked in period above which the application excludes employeeswhen determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

11 – 21Benefits Eligibility

• Or, enter the Maximum hours worked in period beyond whichthe application does not calculate this hours worked in periodfactor.

8. Select an hours worked Determination Code or Rule that defineshow to calculate the hours worked in period.

9. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which theapplication rounds the results of this hours worked in periodfactor.

10. Save your work.

11 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Derived Factors: Age

An age factor derives a person’s age in order to determine participationeligibility for either benefits or collective agreement entitlements,activity rates, and coverage amounts.

For example, you could define the Retire 65 age factor to identify thoseemployees who are at least 65 years of age and thus qualify for amaximum benefit under your corporation’s retirement plan. Forcollective agreements you could define the Age Less Than 21 age factorto identify thos employees who are less than 21 and thus should beplaced on a particular grade.

You define age factors in the Derived Factors window. The values youcan select in some of the fields depend on whether you have accessedthe Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation orCollective Agreements area of the application.

� To define an age factor:

1. Enter a Name for this age factor.

2. Select the UOM to specify the unit of measure for this age factor.

3. Select an Age to Use code to indicate the kind of person, such asthe participant or the participant’s child, for whom you aredefining a derived age factor.

Note: Derived factors to be used with collective agreements canonly use the employee’s age.

4. Select an Age Determination Code or Rule to specify the date theapplication uses to calculate age.

5. Check the No Minimum Age field if there is no minimum ageunder which the application excludes employees whendetermining participation eligibility and activity rates.

• Or, enter the Minimum age beyond which the application doesnot calculate this age factor.

6. Check the No Maximum Age field if there is no maximum agebeyond which the application excludes employees whendetermining participation eligibility and activity rates.

• Or, enter the Maximum age beyond which the application doesnot calculate this age factor.

7. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which theapplication rounds the results of this age factor calculation.

8. Save your work.

11 – 23Benefits Eligibility

Defining Derived Factors: Length of Service

A length of service factor derives the length of service for a givenworker in order to determine participation eligibility for either benefitsor collective agreement entitlements, activity rates, and coverageamounts.

You define length of service factors in the Derived Factors window. Thevalues you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you haveaccessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation orCollective Agreements area of the application.

� To define a length of service factor:

1. Enter a Name for this length of service factor.

2. Select the unit of measure in the UOM field by which you aredefining the length of service factor.

3. Select a Determination Code or Rule that defines how the systemcalculates an employee’s length of service.

4. Check the No Minimum Applies field if there is no minimumlength of service under which the system excludes employees whendetermining participation eligibility and activity rates.

• Or, enter the Minimum length of service under which the systemdoes not calculate this length of service factor.

5. Check the No Maximum Applies field if there is no maximumlength of service above which the system excludes employees whendetermining participation eligibility and activity rates.

• Or, enter the Maximum length of service beyond which thesystem does not calculate this length of service factor.

6. Select a length of service Date to Use Code or Rule to specify thedate from which the system calculates the employee’s length ofservice.

Hire Date: The system always uses the employee’s hire date as thestart date when calculating length of service.

Adjusted Service Date: The system first uses the employee’sadjusted service date if one exists. If there is no adjusted servicedate, the system uses the employee’s hire date.

7. Check the Use Override Service Date field to indicate that thesystem should override the person’s service date whendetermining eligibility.

Note: You enter the Override Service Date for a person in theParticipation Overrides window.

11 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

8. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which thesystem rounds the results of this length of service factor.

9. Save your work.

11– 25Benefits Eligibility

Defining Derived Factors: Combination Age and Length of Service

A combination age and length of service factor associates two factorsyou have already defined: an age factor and a length of service factor.

You define combination age and length of service factors in the DerivedFactors window. The values you can select in some of the fields dependon whether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from theTotal Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

� To define a combination age and length of service factor:

1. Enter a Name for the combination age and length of service factoryou are defining.

2. Select an Age Factor.

3. Select a Length of Service Factor.

4. Enter the Minimum value for the combination of age and length ofservice that qualifies a person as eligible for the benefit, collectiveagreement entitlement, or activity rate with which this factor isassociated.

5. Enter the Maximum value for the combination of age and length ofservice that qualifies a person as eligible for the benefit, collectiveagreement entitlement, or activity rate with which this factor isassociated.

6. Enter an Order Number to specify the order in which theapplication processes and displays combined age and length ofservice records.

7. Save your work.

11 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profile

You use the Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles window to definean eligibility profile that limits the conditions that enable a dependentto receive coverage under a benefit.

You link the dependent coverage eligibility profile to the compensationobject using the Dependent Coverage tabbed region of the ProgramEnrollment Requirements window. Or, use the Designations tabbedregion of the Plan Enrollment Requirements window if the profile is fora plan that is not in a program.

� To define a dependent eligibility coverage profile:

1. Enter the Name of the dependent coverage eligibility profile youare defining.

2. Select the Status of this dependent coverage eligibility profile.

Active: This eligibility profile is currently available to associatewith a compensation object.

Pending: This eligibility profile is currently proposed, but not yetavailable to associate with a compensation object.

Inactive: This eligibility profile is in use but cannot be associatedwith any new compensation objects.

Closed: This eligibility profile was once Active or Pending, but isno longer in use.

3. Select a Regulation to specify a statute or regulation that enables,defines, or restricts the eligibility criteria maintained in the profile.

4. Enter a Description of this profile.

5. Select a Rule to include in this profile if the standard dependentcoverage eligibility profile criteria do not fully support yourbusiness requirements.

6. Choose the tabbed region that represents the factor by which youwant to restrict dependent coverage. Choose from:

• Relationship

• Age

• Status (includes disabled, marital, military, and student status)

• Postal Zip

7. Select the factor by which you are restricting dependent coveragein the Name field. Select one or more factors for each tabbedregion, as required by your business rules.

11 – 27Benefits Eligibility

8. Check the Exclude field for a factor in the Age region or the PostalZip region if a dependent who meets this age or postal zip isexcluded from receiving coverage.

9. Save your work.

11 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Benefits Groups

You use the Benefits Groups window to define the groups into whichyou place various categories of employees and other benefitsparticipants for purposes of eligibility or activity rate restriction.

You assign a person to a benefits group using the Benefits Tabbedregion of the People window.

Note: If necessary, you can add the Benefits Tab to the Peoplewindow. As a system administrator, query theBEN_MANAGER menu in the Menus window and add the HRView Benefits function to the menu.

Note: You may assign a person to only one benefits group.

� To define a benefits group:

1. Enter a unique name for this benefits group.

2. Enter a description of the benefits group.

3. Save your work.

11 – 29Benefits Eligibility

Defining Regulations

You define regulations as discrete rules, policies, or requirements that agovernmental or policy making body defines regarding theadministration of one or more benefits.

� To define a regulation:

1. Navigate to the Regulations window.

2. Enter a Regulation Name impacting the administration of one ormore benefits.

3. Enter a Statutory Citation Name for this regulation.

4. Select a Regulatory Body such as a governmental or policy makingbody responsible for this regulation.

5. Select an Administrative Code indicating whether this regulation isissued by or enforced by this regulatory body.

6. Save your work.

11 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Postal Zip Ranges

You date effectively define postal zip ranges that can be used todetermine participation eligibility and activity rates.

You also use this window prior to defining service areas. The postalcodes populate the list of values of the Postal Zip within Service Arearegion of the Service Areas window.

See Defining Service Areas: page 11 – 31

The following parameters are on the Postal Zip Ranges window:

• From Value is the beginning of the zip code range you want todefine, inclusive.

• To Value is the ending value of the zip code range you want todefine, inclusive.

� To define a postal zip range:

■ Enter a beginning and ending postal code, and save.

11 – 31Benefits Eligibility

Defining Service Areas

You date effectively define service areas for a benefits carrier or thirdparty agent. For instance, you might want to define a service area for acity or other geographical area, and list the service provided.

The following parameters are on the Service Areas window:

• Service Area region

• Name is the name of the region you are defining, e.g., “Coastal.”

• Product is the name of the service provided to the region, e.g.,“Medical Plan 1”

Note: Lookup values for this field are located in BEN_PRDCT.

• Postal Zip within Service Area region

• Postal Zip Range is the postal range for the service area

See Defining Postal Zip Ranges: page 11 – 30

� To define a service area:

1. Enter or query the name of the service region.

2. Enter the appropriate service or product in the Product field.

3. Enter the zip code range for the service area.

4. Save your work.

11 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



12 – 1Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

Life Events (AdvancedBenefits)

12 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Life Event ReasonsYou define a life event as any change to a person that impacts benefitsparticipation.

The system creates a life event when it detects a change in a person’sHR record that you have defined as a life event reason. Assignmentchanges, an anniversary of employment, a marriage, or the occurrenceof an open enrollment, are all examples of life events.

You can define life events to determine key benefits processes,including:

• Enrollment eligibility and electability

• Rates and coverage amounts

• Available flex credits

• Coverage start and end dates

• Required communications

• Automatic and default enrollments

Life events can be explicit, temporal, or scheduled.

• Explicit life events are changes to a person’s HR record, such asa job change.

• Temporal life events occur with the passage of time, such as thesix month anniversary of employment.

• Scheduled life events are assigned life events, such as an openenrollment period.

Figure 5 – 1 Life Event Detection

12 – 3Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

Because life event detection can be complex, and because the accuratedetermination of qualifying life events is important to benefitsadministration, detected life events are initially given a status ofpotential so that they do not generate enrollment actions.

You can review potential life events for a person and then process thelife event using the Participation batch process. Potential life eventsbecome active life events if they meet your plan design requirements.Active life events can trigger enrollment opportunities.

Life Event Terminology

Life events are a cornerstone of benefits processing; understandingsome basic terminology before you define any qualifying life eventreason is important.

Life Event Reason A life event reason is an approved explanationfor enrollment, de–enrollment, or change in en-rollment resulting from a life event. Participa-tion eligibility is determined based on the lifeevent reasons and eligibility profiles youassociate with programs, plans, and options.

Related Person Life Event Reason A related person life event reason occurs whena life event experienced by the primary partici-pant generates a life event for a person relatedto the participant.

Person Change A person change is a change in system data thatyou define to indicate that a person has experi-enced a given life event.

Related Person Change A related person change is a change in systemdata that you define to indicate that a personhas experienced a given related life event.

Life Event Definition

You define a life event by specifying the processing characteristics ofthe life event and the database change that triggers the life event.

Life events are defined separately from any compensation object oractivity rate so that a single life event can have multiple uses.

Life Event Notification

Because life events are not always reported and recorded in a timelymanner, you can specify whether a life event is processed as of the datethe life event occurred, as of the notification date (the date the life event

12 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

is recorded in the system) or the later of the actual date or notificationdate.

Temporal life events, such as age changes, are always processed as ofthe actual occurred date.

Person Changes

You define the changes to a person’s record that trigger a life event byspecifying the value of the database field that indicates this personchange has occurred.

You select the database table and column for which you want to definea change that the system detects and processes as a life event. Youspecify the new value for this combination of database table and columnthat, when detected, indicates that a life event has occurred.

For example, you can define that a person change is detected when thedatabase value of a person’s marital status changes from Single toMarried.

A person change can be defined based on the detection of:

• A new value

• A change from a specific old value to a specific new value

• Any change to a value

• A change from any value to no value

• A change from no value to any value

You link the person change that you define to a life event. You can linkmultiple person changes to a single life event and you can link a singleperson change to more than one life event.

Life Event Detection

When you define a life event, you specify whether or not it is anoverriding life event. If two or more life events with the same OccurredOn date are detected for a person, the system picks the overriding lifeevent as the winner.

If two or more potential life events are detected with the Override Flagset to On, the Participation batch process records an error in the log file.In these cases, you use the Potential Life Events form to select thewinning life event.

You can select a timeliness evaluation code that indicates if a life eventthat occurs prior to the current calendar year or a given number ofdays prior to the system date should be voided or processed manually.

12 – 5Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

Life Event Usage

Once you create a life event definition, you can use that definition for avariety of purposes. This section describes the ways that you can uselife events.

Enrollment Requirements

You can link life event definitions to your enrollment requirements for acompensation object so that a person must experience a particular lifeevent before they can enroll in a plan for which they are eligible. Youcan also use life events to restrict enrollment changes based on whetheror not the participant is currently enrolled in a benefit.

Because scheduled enrollments are also a kind of life event, you mustlink scheduled life events to a compensation object if you are definingan enrollment period for that benefit.

Enrollment requirements based on life events can be applied to bothparticipants and dependents.

Enrollment Coverage

You can vary the amount of coverage available for a plan based on alife event. You define the standard coverage amount for the plan oroption in plan and then the coverage level available for thoseparticipants who experience the life event you select.

You can also limit a currently enrolled participant’s ability to changecoverage levels based on a life event.


You can generate a reminder letter for a participant with an open lifeevent. Communications can also be triggered based on emerging lifeevents, such as an event that will occur due to a temporal event.

Collapsing Life Events

You create a collapsing life event definition for those instances when acombination of two or more detected life events results in either adifferent life event or the voiding of the detected events.

The system uses your collapsing life event definition in conjunctionwith other life event reasons that you have defined. You must definelife event reasons before you define how to collapse life eventcombinations. Life events with a status of potential or active can becollapsed.

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Using And/Or expressions, you define the life event combinations thatcause a collapsing life event. You can include up to ten life events aspart of your collapsing life event definition. Select a collapsing logiccode to indicate if the detected life events should be voided orcollapsed into another life event.

Collapsing Life Event Example

The following example illustrates a collapsing life event for aparticipant who experiences a marriage life event and a change ofaddress event. In this example, the marriage and address events arereplaced with a Location change event. The setup looks like this:

• Life Event Marriage

• Expression And

• Life Event Address Change

• Collapsing Logic Replace With

• Results in Location Change

Note: As a prerequisite, you must define your life eventsbefore you can create a collapsing life event definition.

Collapsing Life Event Date Determination

You can select the effective date of the new life event as:

• The effective date of the batch process.

• The earliest or latest life event occurred date for the set ofpotential life events being evaluated.

• The date of the resulting life event if it is included in the set ofpotential life events being evaluated.

• The earliest life event, latest life event, or batch process date ifthe resulting life event is not in the set of potential events beingevaluated.

You can specify the number of tolerance days that the system considerswhen detecting life events that are evaluated by your collapsing lifeevent rule. The tolerance period is based on the earliest life eventoccurred on date of the set of potential life events under consideration.For example, if the tolerance level is 10 days and the earliest life eventoccurred on date is 01–JAN, then the system considers all potential lifeevents detected between 01–JAN and 11–JAN.

Collapsing Life Events Process

After you define your life events and collapsing life event rules, yourun the Participation batch process to determine the winning life event

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for each selected participant. Your collapsing life event definitions areconsidered in conjunction with your other life event definitions,including overriding life event definitions and timeliness evaluationsthat determine how potential life events are processed.

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Seeded Life Event Reasons

Oracle HRMS delivers seeded life event reasons you can use forbenefits administration. Seeded life event reasons are pre–defined; youcan re–name them but they cannot be otherwise modified or deleted.You do not set up person changes for seeded life event reasons as youdo with user defined life event reasons.

You link seeded life event reasons to your plan design just like userdefined life event reasons, or you can include a seeded life event reasonas a parameter when you run either of the following batch processes tomanage life events:

• Participation Process: Life Event

• Participation Process: Temporal

For example, you could run the Temporal Participation Process todetect changes in age that might make a person age into a savings planor age out of a medical plan. In this example, you would select theseeded life event reason Age Changed as a parameter when you runthe process from the Concurrent Manager.

See: Life Event Usage: page 5 – 5

The following is a description of the life event reasons that are seededwith Oracle HRMS:

Administrative and Open Enrollment

• Administrative: Assign the administrative life event reason to aperson or group of persons when the terms and conditions of abenefit plan change significantly and participants must be allowed tore–evaluate their elections. Examples of administrative life eventsinclude renegotiation of contract rates or addition of a new benefit.

• Open Enrollment: Use the Open life event reason to determineeligibility for an open enrollment period. Open enrollments typicallyoccur at recurring scheduled periods, such as an annual health andwelfare benefits enrollment or a quarterly savings plan enrollment.

• Unrestricted: The unrestricted life event reason is used for benefitenrollments that are not time–dependent, such as a savings plan.

When you run the Participation Process in Scheduled mode from theConcurrent Manager, and select the enrollment period start date, thesystem creates a life event with a status of Detected for each personwho meets the batch process criteria.


When you run the Participation Process in scheduled, life event, ortemporal mode, the system creates a life event when the minimum or

12 – 9Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

maximum boundary is crossed as specified in the definition you createfor the applicable derived factor. The seeded life event reasons fortemporally derived factors are:

• Age Changed

• Combined Age and Length of Service Changed

• Compensation Changed

• Hours Worked in Period Changed

• Length of Service Changed

• Total Percent Full Time Changed

You implement temporally based life events by creating the derivedfactor, including the derived factor in an eligibility profile or variablerate profile, and linking the profile to a compensation object.

See: Derived Factors: page 4 – 8

COBRA Administration (US Only)

The seeded life event reasons for COBRA are used to determineineligibility or enrollment period change for COBRA benefits. COBRAlife event reasons should be associated with programs or plans subjectto COBRA regulations.

• Loss of Eligibility: This seeded life event reason detects when aCOBRA enrollment period has passed.

• Maximum Period of Enrollment Reached: This seeded life eventreason detects when a COBRA participant is to be de–enrolled due toreaching the maximum period of enrollment, which can vary basedon subsequent life events that occur during COBRA coverage, suchas a divorce or qualifying disability.

• Non or Late Payment: This seeded life event reason detects when aCOBRA participant’s payment is delinquent or late based on theparticipant’s enrollment start date and the COBRA Payment duedate. The initial payment is granted a 45 day grace period.

• Voluntary End of Coverage: This seeded life event reason detectswhen the participant’s COBRA participation has been voluntarilyended. This indicates that the COBRA eligibility end date has beenreached as recorded in the COBRA Beneficiaries window with anineligible reason of Voluntary End of Coverage.

• Period of Enrollment Changed: This seeded life event is createdwhen a person’s COBRA eligibility end date is changed. Forexample, this could occur for a participant who is initially eligible for18 months of COBRA coverage who becomes disabled during the

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first 60 days of coverage. The participant’s enrollment period ischanged to 29 months and the COBRA eligibility period end date ischanged accordingly.

Miscellaneous Seeded Life Event Reasons

• Enrollment Override: Use this seeded life event reason when youemploy the Participation Overrides window or the Override PlanEnrollment window to make a person eligible or ineligible for abenefit, or for enrollment or de–enrollment.

• Reduction of Hours: This seeded life event reason is used when areduction in hours causes a person to experience a change in benefitsstatus, such as becoming eligible or ineligible for a benefit.

• Satisfied Waiting Period: This seeded life event is created by thesystem when a person experiences a life event but has not yetsatisfied the waiting period for the benefit and is therefore noteligible. The life event is created with the occurred on date equal tothe date the person satisfied the waiting period. The life event isgiven a status of potential until the waiting period completion date isreached.

• Added During Enrollment: This seeded life event is used by selfservice benefits enrollment when you create a family member orupdate their details. You can use the Life Event Reasons window toconfigure Added During Enrollment to trigger a life event underthese circumstances.

12 – 11Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

Life Event Definition

This example shows you the high level steps necessary to create amarriage life event.

1. Use the Life Event Reasons window to define the Marriage lifeevent reason this person change triggers.

See: Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons: page 12 – 12

2. Use the Person Changes window to define the person change thattriggers this Marriage life event.

See: Defining Person Changes: page 12 – 14

3. Use the Person Change Causes Life Event window to associate theperson change with the Marriage life event.

See: Associating a Person Change with a Life Event: page 12 – 15

4. A FastFormula programmer creates a Marriage rule that specifieshow the system detects the Marriage life event when doing so ismore complex that steps 2 and 3 can accommodate.

5. Use the Life Event Reasons window to associate this Marriage ruleto the Marriage life event.

6. After you define these person changes, every time a databasechange occurs, a program reads the table you populate using thePerson Change Causes Life Event window. If all conditions aremet, this program updates the Person in Life Event Reason table.

This step requires no human intervention.

7. On a periodic basis, the benefits administrator runs theParticipation batch process which reads the Person in Life EventReason table and then determines the impact on the person’seligibility for enrollment, change in enrollment, and de–enrollment.

See: Participation Batch Processes: page 21 – 4

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Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons

You use the Life Event Reasons window to date effectively define lifeevents and their associated processing.

� To define general characteristics of a life event reason:

1. Enter a Name for this life event reason.

Note: Use a noun for the life event reason name since this lifeevent may appear in communications that you send toparticipants.

2. Select a life event reason Type. Choose from:

• Personal: Examples include Marriage, Divorce, and Birth.

• Work: Examples include Change in Job Assignment, New Hire,and Termination.

• Scheduled: Examples include age and length of service changes.

3. Select an Evaluation Rule to apply to this life event reason. You usean evaluation rule to define:

• How to combine multiple detected life events into one

• How to fully detect a life event when its detection is complex

• When to eliminate a previously detected life event.

4. Enter a description of the life event in the Description field.

5. Select a Life Event Treatment code if you want to ignore temporallife events when detecting this life event.

6. Select a Timeliness Evaluation code to indicate how the systemprocesses potential life events that fall outside a time period thatyou define.

7. Do one of the following:

• Enter the number of days after the life event occurred beyondwhich the system does not process this potential life event in theTimeliness Days field.

• Select a Timeliness Period if the potential life event should bevoided or processed manually because it occurred prior to thecurrent calendar year

• Select a Rule that controls your timeliness definition.

Note: The Timeliness Days and Timeliness Period fields aremutually exclusive.

8. Select an Occurred Date Determination code that controls if the lifeevent is processed according to the date the event occurred or thedate the event was recorded in the system.

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9. Select the Check Related Persons Eligibility field if the systemgenerates a related person life event when the primary participantexperiences this life event.

If you select the Check Related Persons Eligibility field, completethe Causes Related Person Life Events block as described in step12.

10. Select the Override field if this life event is the overriding life eventin the case of the collision of two or more life events.

Note: When two or more overriding life events collide, no lifeevent is selected as the winner. You use the Potential LifeEvents form to select the winning life event.

11. Select the COBRA Qualifying Life Event field if this life eventimpacts eligibility for US COBRA benefits.

12. Select the name of the related person life event this life eventtriggers in the Causes Related Person Life Event field.

Repeat this step for each related person life event that is triggeredby this life event.

13. Save your work.

12 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Person Changes

You define the changes to a person’s record that trigger a life event byspecifying the value of the database field that indicates this personchange has occurred.

� To define a person change:

1. Query or enter a life event in the Life Event Reasons window.

2. Choose the Person Changes button if you are defining a life eventfor a primary participant.

• Or, choose the Related Person Changes button if the life eventexperienced by the primary participant causes a life event for arelated person.

3. Choose the Define Person Change button or the Define RelatedPerson Change button depending if you chose Person Changes orRelated Person Changes in step 2.

4. Enter a Name for the person change you are defining.

5. Select the Table Name of the database table containing the columnname (field) and new value that indicates a person has experiencedthis life event.

Note: Refer to the Oracle HRMS Technical Reference Manual fordefinitions of the database tables and columns.

6. Select the Column Name.

7. Select the Old Value if the life event you are defining is onlydetected when the column name value change from a specific oldvalue to a specific new value.

8. Select the New Value that triggers a detected life event.

9. If necessary select a Rule to refine the circumstances under whichthe system determines that this person change has occurred.

10. Enter the text in the What–if Label field that represents this personchange when you model eligibility using the What–ifEligibility/Ineligibility Participation window.

11. Save your work.

12 – 15Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

Associating a Person Change with a Life Event

In order to know when a person has experienced a life event, youassociate a person change with each life event you define. A personchange is a change to a person’s HR record that indicates a life eventmight have occurred.

You can also associate a related person change with a life event if achange to the primary participant’s HR record generates a life event fora person related to the primary participant.

Note: You must define your person changes and relatedperson changes before these can be associated to a life event.See: Defining Person Changes: page 12 – 14

� To associate a person change with a life event:

1. Query or enter a life event in the Life Event Reasons window.

2. Choose the Person Changes button if you are defining a life eventfor a primary participant.

• Or, choose the Related Person Changes button if the life eventexperienced by the primary participant causes a life event for arelated person.

3. Select the Name of a person change that you have defined.

Repeat this step to define all the changes to the person’s record thatthe system must detect to indicate that a person has experiencedthis life event.

Attention: If you specify more than one New Value for aperson change, each New Value must be present in thedatabase in order for the system to consider this person changeto have occurred.

4. Save your work.

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Defining a Collapsing Life Event

You use the Collapsing Rules window to build your collapsing lifeevent definition. By selecting life events and expressions (and/or), youcreate the conditions that the system evaluates when determining thenew life event.

� To define a collapsing life event:

1. Enter the Seq (sequence) in which this collapsing life eventdefinition is processed relative to any other collapsing life eventdefinitions.

2. Select the life event into which your life event combinationcollapses in the Results in field.

3. Use the Tolerarance field to enter the number of days after theearliest life event occurred date beyond which the system ignoresany detected life events when evaluating your life eventcombinations.

4. Select the primary life event in your life event combination in thefirst Life Event field.

5. Select the Expression (and/or) used to evaluate the detected lifeevent combination.

6. Select another life event to include in combination with the primarylife event in the next Life Event field.

7. Select more life event/expression combinations depending on thecomplexity of your collapsing life event definition.

8. Select a Collapsing Logic code or rule that indicates if the detectedlife events are voided or collapsed into a resulting life event.

9. Select a Life Event Occurred Date code or rule to specify theoccurred on date of the resulting life event.

10. Save your work.



13 – 1Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Benefits EnrollmentsRequirements

13 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment requirements determine when an eligible person can enrollin a benefit. You define enrollment requirements for a program, plantype, or plan to determine scheduled enrollment periods and thequalifying life events that enable an enrollment.

Enrollment requirements that you define at the program level cascadeto the plan type and plan levels unless you override these requirementsfor a given plan type or plan. Although there are many program–levelenrollment attributes, participants do not technically enroll in aprogram. Instead, they enroll in the plans associated with thatprogram.

You can also use the enrollment requirements forms to implement otherrestrictions, as follows.

• You can coordinate coverage levels between all plans in a plan type.For example, you can require that a person who elects the ”employeeonly” coverage option in one plan elects this coverage level for allplans in the plan type in which they enroll.

• For insurance plans, you can limit the coverage level that can beelected by a spouse or a dependent to a percentage of the coverageelected by the primary participant.

• Advanced Benefits customers can require that an action item becompleted before an enrollment is valid.

• You can also define dependent coverage requirements such asdependent information that is required for an enrollment to be valid(date of birth or social security number) and required certifications.

• You define beneficiary designation requirements at the plan level.

General Program Enrollment Requirements

For a Program

You can define general enrollment requirements for a program, such asenrollment coverage start and end dates and activity rate start and enddates. These dates are not particular calendar dates, but dates relativeto a scheduled enrollment in the program year.

Advanced Benefits customers can define at the program level whetherdefault or automatic enrollments apply to any plans in this program.

For insurance plans, you can limit the coverage level that can be electedby a spouse or a dependent to a percentage of the coverage elected bythe primary participant.

13 – 3Benefits Enrollments Requirements

For a Plan Type in a Program

You can define enrollment requirements for the plan types in a programif these requirements differ between plan types. For example, you candefine a required period of enrollment for the plans in one plan type.

Other requirements you can set at the plan type level relate to lifeinsurance plans. You can:

• Specify if the plans in a plan type limit the amount of coverage aspouse or a dependent of the primary participant can elect as apercentage of the coverage elected by the primary participant

• Specify if the system determines imputed income and life insurancemaximums for a plan type

You can limit the maximum number of plans in a plan type in which aperson can enroll, or require that a participant enroll in a minimumnumber of plans in a plan type.

For a Plan in a Program

Advanced Benefits customers can define if a plan in a program is thedefault enrollment for a participant who fails to make an election. Youcan limit the circumstances under which a plan is the default based onwhether or not the participant is currently enrolled in the program.

For example, you can define a default plan for newly enrolledparticipants, and indicate that currently enrolled participants mustremain enrolled in their current plan.

Scheduled Program Enrollments and Life Event Enrollments (Timing)

Scheduled Enrollments for Programs

For scheduled enrollments, you define the enrollment type for theprogram, either open, administrative, or unrestricted.

Attention: Open and administrative enrollment types are onlyavailable to Advanced Benefits customers. Becauseunrestricted enrollments are not date dependent, the systemdoes not recognize an enrollment period for unrestrictedenrollments. An unrestricted enrollment is considered closedwhen the enrollment is saved.

You associate a program year period with those programs that containone or more plans with scheduled enrollments. Within the programyear, you can specify the enrollment period for plans in the program,the date on which defaults are assigned, the date after which no furtherprocessing is allowed, and the enrollment close date.

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For programs that allow an override to the enrollment start and enddates or the activity rate start and end dates, you can specify theseenrollment and activity rate periods.

Life Event Enrollments for Programs (Advanced Benefits)

You can define the life events that trigger an enrollment opportunity forthe plans in a program. You can also specify the date on which defaultsare assigned, the date after which a person experiencing the life event isno longer eligible for enrollment, and the life event enrollment closedate.

You can define the enrollment coverage start and end dates for a lifeevent. This is not a particular calendar date, but a date relative to thelife event.

As with scheduled enrollments, you can define overrides to enrollmentstart and end dates or activity rate start and end dates for a programthat are caused by a life event that you associate with the program.

Life Event Enrollment Requirements for Plan Types and Plans in Program (AdvancedBenefits)

You can associate with a plan type or a plan in program those lifeevents that trigger an enrollment action. Depending on the life eventand the participant’s current enrollment status, you can define whetheror not the life event enables an enrollment action. You select fromenrollment codes that limit the participant’s enrollment options based onwhether they are currently enrolled in the compensation object that youspecify.

For example, you can specify that a participant who experiences aparticular life event and is currently enrolled in a plan can keep theircurrent elections but cannot change their elections. But, if theparticipant is not currently enrolled in the plan, then they can enroll.You would select an enrollment code of Current, Keep Only; New, CanChoose.

You can also define for a plan in program the enrollment methodassociated with a life event, either automatic or explicit.

Dependent Coverage Enrollment Requirements for Programs

The information required to enroll a dependent in a benefit can bedifferent from the information required to enroll a primary participant.For dependents you can define:

• Dependent coverage start and end dates

13 – 5Benefits Enrollments Requirements

• Required information for enrollment, such as social securitynumber/legislative ID and date of birth

• Required certifications

• Dependent coverage eligibility profiles

• Enrollment actions triggered by a life event

• Certifications required for enrollment after the occurrence of aspecific life event

Plan Enrollment Requirements

You specify enrollment requirements at the program level if therequirements apply to all the plans in the program. You use plan levelenrollment requirements to override values set at the program level forindividual plans. The enrollment requirements that you can specify forscheduled enrollments and life event enrollments are the same at theprogram and plan level.

In addition, you set enrollments requirements for not in program plansand options in plans by using plan enrollment requirements.

You can define general enrollment requirements for a plan, such asenrollment coverage start and end dates. You can also set limitations tothe minimum and maximum number of options in a plan in which aperson can be enrolled.

If an action must be complete before an enrollment is valid, you canassociate enrollment action types with a plan if you are an AdvancedBenefits customer.

You can also define designation requirements that limit the familialrelationship types covered by an option.

Enrollment Requirements for Plans Not in Program

You define enrollment requirements for plans not in program just asyou do for plans in program. However, plans not in program also haveadditional enrollment requirements that you can set.

For each plan not in program, you can select a default enrollment codethat determines how the system processes an enrollment when aparticipant fails to make an election.

For a plan not in program with a required enrollment period, you needto specify whether the required enrollment period applies to the plan,the options in the plan, or the plan type that contains the plan.

You can also specify the time period in which activity rates for a plannot in program are expressed in the user interface, for example bymonth or annually.

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Enrollment Requirements for Options

You can define enrollment requirements that apply to the options in aplan, such as:

• The default option for participants who do not make an election(Advanced Benefits)

• The options that are required for enrollment in the plan

• The enrollment method, either automatic or based explicitly on theparticipant’s election (Advanced Benefits)

You can also set designation requirements for an option. See: DefiningOptions: page 9 – 45

Enrollment Action Types (Advanced Benefits)

An enrollment action is any action that is required of a participant tocomplete an enrollment or de–enrollment. In addition to theenrollment action types delivered with the product, you can use theEnrollment Action types window to define additional enrollment actiontypes.

You associate an enrollment action with the enrollment requirementsfor a program or plan.

13 – 7Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Enrollment Types

Most benefit plans define when an enrollment can be initiated oraltered during the plan year. Often, restrictions are placed on when aneligible participant can enroll in a plan or change a current election.

Oracle HRMS controls enrollments using enrollment types:

• Unrestricted Enrollment

• Open Enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

• Administrative Enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

• Life Event Enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

• Automatic and default enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

• Explicit enrollment

Unrestricted Enrollment

Unrestricted enrollments are enrollments you define that are nottime–dependent and often do not require a special reason forenrollment. A savings plan is a typical example of a benefit for whichyou might elect to use the unrestricted enrollment type.

Oracle customers who do not license Advanced Benefits must useunrestricted enrollments to process participants into a benefits plan.This is the only enrollment type available to you.

During the plan design phase, you choose the unrestricted enrollmenttype for all your programs and plans. Then, when a benefitsrepresentative (or in the case of self–service enrollments, a participant)processes an enrollment, the system determines the person’s electablechoices based on the eligibility requirements for the benefit.

Unrestricted enrollments do not restrict an enrollment to a certainperiod or require that an action item or certification be completed foran enrollment to be valid.

Open Enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

You define an open enrollment for a benefit as a predefined time periodduring the plan year when a participant can alter elections in a plan.This is the most common type of scheduled enrollment.

Administrative Enrollments (Advanced Benefits)

Administrative enrollments are rare, but you might use this enrollmenttype when a significant change occurs to the coverage offered under aplan and it is necessary to allow participants to re–evaluate theircontinued participation in the plan.

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Life Event Enrollments (Advanced Benefits)

Life event enrollments are caused by a significant change to theparticipant which requires or enables an enrollment action.

Automatic and Default Enrollments (Advanced Benefits)

You can automatically enroll an eligible participant into a benefit. Todo so, you set up the enrollment method of automatic when definingthe enrollment requirements for the benefit. Automatic enrollments aretypically used to provide interim coverage before participants can maketheir own elections.

You define default enrollments as those elections an eligible participantreceives if they do not specify an election within a pre–definedenrollment period. Default enrollments are processed when you runthe Default Enrollment batch process from the concurrent manager.

See: Benefits Batch Processes: page 21 – 8

Explict Enrollments

All elections that are neither automatic or default are consideredexplicit elections. The participant must explicitly elect the benefit intowhich they enroll either through a self–service form or through theirbenefits department.

13 – 9Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Additional Enrollment Action Types (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Enrollment Action Types window to rename an action typedelivered with the system. You then link the action type to a programor a plan to set the due date of the action item.

You also use this window to edit messages for incomplete action itemsfor Oracle Self–Service Human Resources benefits enrollments.

� To define additional enrollment action types:

1. Enter a name for the the enrollment action type you are defining inthe Name field.

2. Select an enrollment action type in the Type field to specify ageneric action a person must resolve in order to enroll in acompensation object.

3. Enter a description of the enrollment action type in the Descriptionfield.

Note: The description text displays to a Self–Service Benefitsuser as a system message when the user is required to completean action item before an enrollment is valid.

4. Save your work.

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Defining Enrollment Methods for a Program

You use the Enrollment Methods alternate region of the ProgramEnrollment Requirements window to define how a participant enrollsin a program.

If you use Standard Benefits, you can define requirements forunrestricted enrollments using this window.

Advanced Benefits customers can specify whether default or automaticenrollment rules apply for a program.

� To define an enrollment method for a program:

1. Query the Program for which you are defining program enrollmentrequirements.

The current status of the program is displayed. For a definition ofthe program statuses, see Defining a Benefits Program: page 9 – 13.

2. For Advanced Benefits users, select the enrollment method, eitherautomatic or based on the participant’s explicit choice, in theMethod field.

3. For Advanced Benefits users, select an Automatic Rule to definethe circumstances under which automatic enrollments apply forthis program.

4. Check the Allows Unrestricted Enrollment field if this programuses the unrestricted enrollment type.

You must also check the Allows Unrestricted Enrollment field foreach plan in this program that uses the unrestricted enrollmenttype.

Attention: You must check this field if you have notpurchased an Advanced Benefits license.

5. For Advanced Benefits users, check the No Default EnrollmentApplies field if the system takes no enrollment actions wheneligible persons fail to specify available elections for plans oroptions in this program.

6. For Advanced Benefits users, check the No Automatic EnrollmentApplies field if the system does not automatically enroll eligiblepersons in any plans in this program.

7. Select an Enrollment Code or rule that defines a participant’senrollment choices for this program based on whether theparticipant is currently enrolled in the program.

13 – 11Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Current, Can Keep or Choose; New, Can Choose: If a person iscurrently enrolled in this program, the person can keep theircurrent elections or make new elections. If a person is not yetenrolled, the person can make new elections.

Current, Can Keep or Choose; New, Nothing: If a person iscurrently enrolled in this program, the person can keep theircurrent elections or make new elections. If a person is not yetenrolled, the person cannot make an election.

Current, Choose Only; New, Can Choose: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this program, the person must make an explicit electionto stay enrolled in the program. If a person is not yet enrolled, theperson can make new elections.

Current, Choose Only; New, Nothing: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this program, the person must make an explicit electionto stay enrolled in the program. If a person is not yet enrolled, theperson cannot make an election.

Current, Keep Only; New, Can Choose: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this program, the person must keep their currentelections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the person can make newelections.

Current, Keep Only; New, Nothing: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this program, the person must keep their currentelections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the person cannot make anelection.

Current, Lose Only; New, Can Choose: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this program, the person must de–enroll from theircurrent elections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the person canmake new elections.

Current, Lose Only; New, Nothing: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this program, the person must de–enroll from theircurrent elections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the person cannotmake new elections.

Rule: Select Rule if you define a FastFormula rule to determine aperson’s electability based on their current enrollment status.

8. Save your work.

13 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Coverage Requirements for a Program

You use the Coverage region of the Program Enrollment Requirementswindow to define when coverage starts and ends for a program, ifcoverage levels are coordinated between plans in the program, andrules regarding spousal and dependent coverage for insurance plans.

� To define coverage requirements for a program:

1. Select an Enrollment Coverage Start Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage begins for participants who enroll in plans in thisprogram.

2. Select an Enrollment Coverage End Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage ends for participants who lose eligibility for a planin this program.

In the Maximum % of Participant Coverage block:

3. Enter a Spouse Insurance Coverage percentage to specify themaximum insurance coverage amount allowed for spouses for allinsurance plans in the program, expressed as a percentage of theemployee’s insurance coverage amount.

Attention: If you define spousal or dependent life insurancecoverage limits, you must create one plan type for spousal lifeinsurance plans and another plan type for dependent lifeinsurance plans.

4. Enter a Dependent Insurance Coverage percentage to specify themaximum insurance coverage amount allowed for dependentsother than spouses for all insurance plans in the program,expressed as a percentage of the employee’s insurance coverageamount.

5. Save your work.

13 – 13Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining an Action Item Due Date (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Action Types window to enter the date by which a personmust complete an action item associated with a compensation object.

Action items include enrollment certifications, and dependent andbeneficiary designation requirements.

� To define an action item due date:

1. Query the compensation object for which you are defining anaction item due date in the Program Enrollment Requirementswindow or the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.

2. Choose the Action Types button.

3. Select an action item in the Action Type field.

4. Select an Action Type Due Date code or rule.

5. Save your work.

13 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Activity Rate Enrollment Requirements for a Program

Use the Rates region of the Program Enrollment Requirements windowto define when activity rates start and end for the plans in a program.

� To define activity rate enrollment requirements for a program:

1. Select a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify the date on whichactivity rates apply to the plans in this program.

2. Select a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify when activity ratesend for participants in the plans in this program.

3. Save your work.

13 – 15Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Enrollment Requirements for Plan Types in a Program

You can define enrollment requirements that apply to a plan type in aprogram.

� To define enrollment requirements for a plan type in a program:

1. Choose the General tab and then the Plan Type tab in the ProgramEnrollment Requirements window.

2. Select a Plan Type in this program for which you are definingenrollment requirements.

3. Check the Coordinate Coverage for All Plans field to specify thatparticipants in this plan type must elect the same coverage optionsfor all plans in this plan type.

4. Choose from the following if you limit insurance coverage for aspouse or a dependent to a percentage of the employee’s insurancecoverage:

• Check the Subject to Spouse’s Maximum % Insurance Coveragefield if for this plan type you are limiting the insurance coverageof the spouse of an employee to a percentage of the employee’sinsurance coverage.

• Check the Subject to Dependent’s Maximum % InsuranceCoverage field if for this plan type you are limiting the insurancecoverage of a dependent of an employee to a percentage of theemployee’s insurance coverage.

Attention: If you define spousal or dependent life insurancecoverage limits, you must create one plan type for spousal lifeinsurance plans and another plan type for dependent lifeinsurance plans.

5. Check the Sum Participant’s Life Insurance field if the systemdetermines imputed income and life insurance maximums for thisplan type in this program.

6. For Advanced Benefits users, choose from the following if this plantype is part of a flex credit program:

• Check the Provides Credits field if flex credits are allocated forthis plan type.

• Check the Credits Apply Only To This Plan Type field if flexcredits in this plan type cannot be rolled over into other plantypes in this program.

7. Select a Required Period of Enrollment Value and UOM for thisvalue to describe the period of time in which a participant’s

13 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

elections for all plans in this plan type must be in effect (except inthe case of a qualified life event).

To define a required period of enrollment for an option, see:Defining Options: page 9 – 45.

8. Save your work.

13 – 17Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Enrollment Limitations for Plan Types in a Program

You can define the minimum and maximum number of plans in whicha person can be simultaneously enrolled for a plan type in a program.You can also specify the required enrollment period for the plans in aplan type.

Use the Program Enrollment Requirements window.

� To define enrollment limitations for a plan type in a program:

1. Choose the General tab, then the Plan Type tab.

2. In the Limitations region, select a Plan Type in this program forwhich you are defining enrollment limitations.

3. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum number ofplans of this plan type in which a participant must be enrolled.

• Or, enter the Minimum number of plans of this plan type inwhich a participant must be enrolled.

4. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum number ofplans of this plan type in which a participant must be enrolled.

• Or, enter the Maximum number of plans of this plan type inwhich a participant must be enrolled.

In the Required Period of Enrollment block:

5. Enter a Value that represents the length of time for which a personmust be enrolled in the plans in this plan type.

6. Select the unit of measure of this value in the UOM field.

7. Select a rule if you use a formula to determine the required periodof enrollment for the plans in this plan type.

8. Save your work.

13 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Enrollment Requirements for a Plan in a Program

If you are an Advanced Benefits customer, you can specify thecircumstances under which a plan is the default for a program. A lifeevent reason can override this information.

� To define enrollment requirements for a plan in a program:

1. In the Program Enrollment Requirements window, choose theGeneral tab and then the Plan tab.

2. Select the plan in this program for which you are definingenrollment requirements.

3. For Advanced Benefits users, select the enrollment method, eitherautomatic or based on the participant’s explicit choice, in theMethod field.

4. For Advanced Benefits users, select an Automatic Rule to definethe circumstances under which automatic enrollments apply forthis plan.

5. Select an Enrollment Code or rule that defines a participant’senrollment choices for this plan based on whether the participant iscurrently enrolled in the plan.

Current, Can Keep or Choose; New, Can Choose: If a person iscurrently enrolled in this plan in program, the person can keeptheir current elections or make new elections. If a person is not yetenrolled, the person can make new elections.

Current, Can Keep or Choose; New, Nothing: If a person iscurrently enrolled in this plan in program, the person can keeptheir current elections or make new elections. If a person is not yetenrolled, the person cannot make an election.

Current, Choose Only; New, Can Choose: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this plan in program, the person must make an explicitelection to stay enrolled. If a person is not yet enrolled, the personcan make new elections.

Current, Choose Only; New, Nothing: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this plan in program, the person must make an explicitelection to stay enrolled. If a person is not yet enrolled, the personcannot make an election.

Current, Keep Only; New, Can Choose: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this plan in program, the person must keep their currentelections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the person can make newelections.

13 – 19Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Current, Keep Only; New, Nothing: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this program, the person must keep their currentelections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the person cannot make anelection.

Current, Lose Only; New, Can Choose: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this plan in program, the person must de–enroll fromtheir current elections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the personcan make new elections.

Current, Lose Only; New, Nothing: If a person is currentlyenrolled in this plan in program, the person must de–enroll fromtheir current elections. If a person is not yet enrolled, the personcannot make new elections.

Rule: Select Rule if you define a FastFormula rule to determine aperson’s electability based on their current enrollment status.

6. Check the Allows Unrestricted Enrollment field if the enrollmenttype for this plan in program is unrestricted.

You must also check the Allows Unrestricted Enrollment field forthe program that contains this plan.

Attention: You must check this field if you have notpurchased an Advanced Benefits license.

7. Save your work.

� To define default enrollment requirements for a plan in a program:

You run the Default Enrollment Process from the concurrent manger tocreate default enrollments based on your plan design and eligibilityrequirements. Default enrollment processing is only available forAdvanced Benefits customers.

1. Choose General –> Plan –> Default in the Program EnrollmentRequirements window.

2. Select a Default Enrollment Method Code or Rule for this plan.

3. Check the Assign on Default field if participants who fail to specifyan election are enrolled in this plan.

4. Save your work.

13 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Coverage Requirements for a Plan in a Program

You can define when coverage starts and ends for participants whoenroll in a plan in a program. You can also define restrictions to theamount of available coverage provided by a plan.

Use the Program Enrollment Requirements window. Choose theGeneral tab, then the Plan tab, and then the Coverage region.

� To define coverage start and end dates for a plan in a program:

1. Select a plan in this program for which you are defining coveragestart and end dates.

2. Select an Enrollment Coverage Start Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage begins for participants who enroll in this plan.

3. Select an Enrollment Coverage End Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage ends for participants who lose eligibility for thisplan.

Note: You should coordinate your coverage start and enddates with your activity rate start and end dates.

4. Save your work.

� To define coverage restrictions for a plan in a program:

1. Select a plan in this program for which you are defining coveragerestrictions.

2. Choose the Coverage Restrictions button.

3. Select a value in the Restrict Change Based On field if you want tolimit changes in coverage to a plan or an option.

• Benefit Restriction Applies limits changes in coverage to aplan.

• Option Restriction Applies limits changes in coverage to anoption in a plan.

4. Select a value in the Change Restrictions field that limits aparticipant’s ability to decrease or increase coverage in this plan.

In the Values block:

5. Define the minimum coverage level a participant may elect.Choose one of the following options:

• enter the minimum coverage amount

• select a Min Rule that determines the fixed minimum coverageamount

13 – 21Benefits Enrollments Requirements

• check the No Min field if the plan defines no minimum coverageamount

6. Define the maximum coverage level a participant may elect.Choose one of the following options:

• enter the maximum coverage amount

• select a Max Rule that determines the fixed maximum coverageamount

• check the No Max field if the plan defines no maximum coverageamount.

• enter the maximum coverage amount a person may elect if theyprovide certification in the Max with Certification field.

7. Enter the maximum multiple coverage value available withcertification in the Max with Certification field.

In the Increases block:

8. Define the maximum flat amount increase for a participant who isalready enrolled in this plan. Choose one or both of the followingoptions:

• enter the maximum coverage increase amount in the Max field

• enter the maximum coverage increase amount available withcertification in the Max with Certification field

In the Multiple Increases block:

9. Define the maximum multiple coverage increase for a participantwho is already enrolled in this plan. Choose one or both of thefollowing options:

• enter the maximum multiple increase amount in the Max field

• enter the maximum multiple increase amount available withcertification in the Max with Certification field

In the Interim to Assign block:

10. Select an Assign Code or rule that determines the interim coverageto assign in those cases where a participant’s election of thiscoverage has been suspended pending the completion of an actionitem.

11. Select an Unsuspend Code that defines the enrollment coveragestart date to use when a suspended enrollment becomesunsuspended.

Note: If you do not select an unsuspend code, the coveragestart date is the date on which the enrollment is unsuspended.

13– 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

12. Save your work.

13. For Advanced Benefits customers, choose the Life Event Reasonbutton if the available coverage for a plan varies based on a lifeevent.

14. Select the Life Event that causes the available coverage to vary.

Note: The remainder of the fields on the Life Event Reasonwindow function in the same manner as the fields on theCoverage Restrictions window. Complete these fields asnecessary to restrict the available coverage for this plan basedon this life event.

13 – 23Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Coverage Start and End Dates for a Plan Type in a Program

You can define when coverage starts and ends for participants whoenroll in a plan type in a program. These coverage dates apply to allthe plans in this plan type unless you override the coverage dates at theplan level.

Choose the General tab, then the Plan Type tab, and then the Coverageregion.

� To define coverage start and end dates for a plan type in a program:

1. Select a plan type in this program for which you are definingcoverage start and end dates.

2. Choose an Enrollment Coverage Start Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage begins for participants who enroll in a plans in thisplan type.

3. Choose an Enrollment Coverage End Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage ends for participants who lose eligibility for a planin this plan type.

Note: You should coordinate your coverage start and enddates with your activity rate start and end dates.

4. Save your work.

13 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Activity Rate Start and End Dates for a Plan in a Program

You can define when activity rates start and end for the plans in aprogram.

Use the Program Enrollment Requirements window. Choose theGeneral tab, then the Plan tab, and then the Rates region.

� To define activity rate start and end dates for a plan in a program:

1. Select a plan in this program for which you are defining activityrate start and end dates.

2. Select a Rate Start Date code or rule to specify the date on whichactivity rates apply to this plan.

3. Select a Rate End Date code or rule to specify when activity ratesend for participants in this plan.

Note: You should coordinate your coverage start and enddates with your activity rate start and end dates.

4. Save your work.

13 – 25Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Activity Rate Start and End Dates for a Plan Type in a Program

You can define when activity rates start and end for the plan types in aprogram. These activity rate dates apply to all the plans in this plantype unless you override the activity rate dates at the plan level.

Choose the General tab, then the Plan Type tab, and then the Ratesregion.

� To define activity rate start and end dates for a plan type in aprogram:

1. Select a plan type in this program for which you are definingactivity rate start and end dates.

2. Choose a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify the date on whichactivity rates apply to this plan type.

3. Choose a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify when activityrates end for participants in this plan type.

Note: You should coordinate your coverage start and enddates with your activity rate start and end dates.

4. Save your work.

13 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Scheduled Enrollment for a Program

You use the Program Enrollment Requirements window to define ascheduled enrollment so that eligible persons can enroll, or alterelections, in one or more plans during a specified time period.

For example, you could schedule an open enrollment period for abenefits program from 1 November to 30 November each year.

Standard Benefits customers can define a scheduled enrollment periodfor a plan or program, but the information is considered read–only anddoes not restrict enrollment processing.

� To define a scheduled enrollment period for a program:

1. Query a program in the Program Enrollment Requirementswindow. Choose the Timing tab, and then the Scheduled tab.

2. Select an Enrollment Type for the scheduled enrollment period thatyou are defining for this program.

3. Select a Year Period that applies to the scheduled enrollments forthe plans in this program.

4. Enter the enrollment start date in the Persons May Enroll Duringthe Period From field.

5. Enter the enrollment end date in the To field.

6. For Advanced Benefits users, enter a Defaults Will be Assigned ondate to specify the date on which default benefits assignments aremade when participants fail to make their choices as part of thisscheduled enrollment.

7. Choose a No Further Processing is Allowed After date to specifythe latest date on which the plan sponsor can apply electionsapplicable to this enrollment period.

Attention: Typically, a third party administrator’srequirements for receiving elections information determinesthis date.

8. Select a Close Enrollment Date To Use code that defines theenrollment closing date based on one of three factors:

• Processing End Date

• When Elections Are Made

• When Enrollment Period Ends

9. Choose the Overrides alternate region to override any enrollmentperiod or activity rate start and end dates for this program.

13 – 27Benefits Enrollments Requirements

10. Choose an Enrollment Start Date Code or Rule to specify the datefrom which an override to an enrollment date applies to thisscheduled enrollment for this program.

11. Choose an Enrollment End Date Code or Rule to specify the finaldate on which an override to an enrollment date applies to thisscheduled enrollment for this program.

12. Choose a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify the date fromwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this scheduledenrollment for this program.

13. Choose a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify the final date onwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this scheduledenrollment for this program.

14. Save your work.

13 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Requirements for a Life Event Enrollment for a Program (AdvancedBenefits)

You define a life event enrollment schedule to establish temporalparameters for enrollment, de–enrollment, or changes to electionsfollowing a given life event, regardless of when that life event occursduring the plan year.

� To define life event enrollment requirements for a program:

1. Query a program in the Program Enrollment Requirementswindow. Choose the Timing tab and then the Life Event tab.

2. Select the Enrollment Type of Life Event.

3. Select a Life Event for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

4. Enter the number of Days After Enrollment Period to ApplyDefaults if you define a default enrollment for this program.

5. Enter the number of days persons can fail to respond in the DaysAfter Enrollment Period for Ineligibility field.

Attention: After this number of days, the person is no longereligible to enroll in benefits for which this life event made themeligible.

6. Enter the number of Additional Processing Days allowed.

7. Select a Close Enrollment Date to use code that defines theenrollment closing date based on one of three factors:

• Processing End Date

• When Elections Are Made

• When Enrollment Period Ends

8. Choose the Overrides alternate region to override any life eventenrollment period or activity rate start and end dates based on thislife event.

9. Select an Enrollment Start Date Code or Rule to specify the datefrom which an override to an enrollment date applies to this lifeevent enrollment for this program.

10. Select an Enrollment End Date Code or Rule to specify the last dateon which an override to an enrollment date applies to this life eventenrollment for this program.

11. Select a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify the date fromwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this life eventenrollment for this program.

13 – 29Benefits Enrollments Requirements

12. Select a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify the last date onwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this life eventenrollment for this program.

13. Save your work.

13 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Enrollment Periods for Life Event Enrollments for a Program(Advanced Benefits)

You can define an enrollment period for a life event so that aparticipant experiencing this life event has a defined period in which totake an enrollment action.

When you select an enrollment period start date code, the systemcalculates the start date as of the effective date of the Participationbatch process that detected the life event. The enrollment end date iscalculated based on the Life Event Occurred on Date which isdisplayed on the Maintain Potential Life Events window.

� To define an enrollment period for life event enrollment for thisprogram:

1. In the Program Enrollment Requirements window, with the Timingtab and then the Life Event tab chosen, choose the Periods region.

2. Select Life Event in the Enrollment Type field to specify that youare defining a life event enrollment.

3. Select the Life Event for which you are defining an enrollmentperiod.

4. Select an Enrollment Period Start Date Code or Rule to specify thedate on which this enrollment period starts for this life event.

5. Select an Enrollment Period End Date Code or Rule to specify thedate on which this enrollment period ends for this life event.

6. Save your work.

13 – 31Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Coverage and Activity Rate Periods for a Plan in a Program

You use the Enrollment Period for Plan window to define start and enddates for enrollment coverage and activity rates for a plan in aprogram. You can define enrollment periods for scheduled or life eventenrollments.

� To define an enrollment period for a plan in a program:

1. Select the plan for which you are defining coverage and activityrate start and end dates.

2. Choose an Enrollment Coverage Start Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage begins for participants who enroll in this plan.

3. Choose an Enrollment Coverage End Date code or rule to specifywhen coverage ends for participants who lose eligibility for thisplan.

4. Select a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify the date on whichactivity rates apply to this plan.

5. Select a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify when activity ratesend for participants in this plan.

6. Save your work.

13 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Associating an Enrollment Rule with a Program

You can associate an enrollment rule with a program. You can alsoassociate such rules with overrides for enrollment or activity rate startand end dates.

� To define an enrollment rule for a program:

1. Navigate to the Enrollment Rules window.

2. Enter a Seq (sequence) number for the enrollment rule you aredefining for this enrollment or override for this program.

3. Select this Rule.

4. Save your work.

13 – 33Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Life Event Enrollment Requirements

You use the Life Event tabbed region of the Program EnrollmentRequirements window to define life event requirements for a program,plan type in program, or a plan in program.

Your life event enrollment requirements restrict a participant’senrollment changes based on their current enrollment status.

� To define life event enrollment requirements for a plan type or a planin program:

1. Query the program for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

2. Choose the Program, Plan Type, or Plan tabbed region based onwhether you are defining life event enrollment requirements for aprogram, plan type in program, or a plan in program.

3. Select the plan type or plan in program for which are defining lifeevent requirements if you selected the Plan Type or Plan tabbedregion.

4. Select the Life Event for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

Only Life Events of the Personal and Work types are displayed inthe list of values.

General Change of Life Requirements

5. Choose the General alternate region to define enrollmentrestrictions based on whether the participant is currently enrolledin this compensation object.

6. Check the Current Enrollment Precludes Change field if aparticipant who is currently enrolled in this compensation objectcannot change elections based on this life event.

7. Check the Still Eligible, Can’t Change field if a participant who isstill eligible for this compensation object after this life event cannotchange their current elections.

8. Select a factor in the Enrollment Change field that limits thecompensation objects a participant can change when this life eventoccurs.

9. Choose the Enrollment alternate region.

10. Select an Enrollment Method code:

Explicit: An eligible person can choose from available offeringsfollowing the occurrence of this life event.

13 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Automatic: The system automatically enrolls an eligible person ina given offering following the occurrence of this life event.

11. Select an Enrollment Code or Rule to indicate if the participant canalter elections based on if they are newly or currently enrolled inthis compensation object.

12. Select a Default Enrollment code to specify the default treatmentwhen a person who experiences this life event fails to make anelection.

Rule: Indicates that you will specify a rule for this defaulttreatment.

New, Defaults; Current, Nothing: If a person is not yet enrolled ina given benefit, enroll that person in the default enrollment for thatbenefit. If the person is already enrolled in that benefit, de–enrollthat person from that benefit.

New, Defaults; Current, Defaults: If a person is not yet enrolled ina given benefit, enroll that person in the default enrollment for thatbenefit. If a person is already enrolled in a benefit, enroll thatperson in the default enrollment for that benefit.

New, Defaults; Current, Same Enrollment and Rates: If a personis not yet enrolled in a given benefit, enroll that person in thedefault enrollment for that benefit. If a person is already enrolledin a benefit, do not change that enrollment or the activity rate.

New, Defaults; Current, Same Enrollment but Default Rates: If aperson is not yet enrolled in a given benefit, enroll that person inthe default enrollment for that benefit. If a person is alreadyenrolled in a benefit, do not change the enrollment but assign thedefault activity rate.

New, Nothing; Current, Same Enrollment and Rates: If a personis not yet enrolled in a given benefit, do not enroll that person inthat benefit. If a person is already enrolled in a benefit, do notchange that enrollment or the activity rate.

New, Nothing; Current, Same Enrollment but Default Rates: If aperson is not yet enrolled in a given benefit, do not enroll thatperson in that benefit. If a person is already enrolled in a benefit,do not change that enrollment but assign the default activity rate.

New, Nothing; Current, Defaults: If a person is not yet enrolled ina given benefit, do not enroll that person in that benefit. If a personis already enrolled in a benefit, enroll that person in the defaultenrollment for that benefit.

New, Nothing; Current, Nothing: If a person is not yet enrolled ina given benefit, do not enroll that person in that benefit. If the

13 – 35Benefits Enrollments Requirements

person is already enrolled in that benefit, de–enroll that personfrom that benefit.

13. For a plan in program, check the Assign on Default field if this planin program is the default plan for those persons who do not enrollas a result of this life event.

14. Save your work.

13 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Enrollment Method for a Plan

You define enrollment requirements for a plan or the options in a planusing the Plan Enrollment Requirements window. Enrollment methodsrestrict when a participant can enroll in a plan.

� To define an enrollment method for a plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

The current status of the plan is displayed. For a definition of theplan statuses, see: Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 – 27.

2. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, choose theEnrollment tabbed region.

3. For Advanced Benefits customers, select an Enrollment Method tospecify the type of enrollment this plan uses.

Explicit: An eligible person can choose from available offerings inthis plan.

Automatic: The system automatically enrolls an eligible person ina given offering in this plan (Advanced Benefits customers only).

4. For Advanced Benefits users, select an Automatic Rule to definethe circumstances under which automatic enrollments apply forthis plan.

5. Select a Post–election Edit Rule if you have defined a specialpost–election processing rule for this plan.

6. Check the Allows Unrestricted Enrollment field if enrollment inthis plan is unrestricted.

Attention: You must check this field if you have not licensedAdvanced Benefits since all enrollments must be unrestricted inStandard Benefits.

7. Check the Enroll in Plan and Option field if this plan requires orallows simultaneous enrollment in both a plan and one or moreoptions in plan.

Attention: You should check this field if you define a savingsplan where a participant can elect the plan and one or moreinvestment options in the plan.

8. Select an Enrollment Code that defines whether a participant cankeep, lose, or choose elections based on if they are currentlyenrolled in this plan or newly enrolling.

9. Save your work.

13 – 37Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Enrollment Coverage Requirements for a Plan

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to defineenrollment coverage requirements for a plan.

� To define enrollment coverage for a plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

The current status of the plan is displayed. For a definition of theplan statuses, see: Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 – 27.

2. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, select the Coveragetabbed region.

3. Choose an Enrollment Coverage Start Date Code or Rule to specifywhen coverage begins for participants in this plan.

4. Choose an Enrollment Coverage End Date Code or Rule to specifywhen coverage ends for participants in this plan.

5. Check the Dependent Covered by Other Plans field if you do notallow a participant to designate a dependent for this plan if thedependent is already covered under another plan.

6. Save your work.

� To define coverage restrictions for a plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining coverage restrictions.

2. Choose the Coverage Restrictions button.

3. Select a value in the Restrict Change Based On field if you want tolimit changes in coverage to a plan or an option.

• Benefit Restriction Applies limits changes in coverage to aplan.

• Option Restriction Applies limits changes in coverage to anoption in a plan.

4. Select a value in the Change Restrictions field that limits aparticipant’s ability to decrease or increase coverage in this plan.

In the Values block:

5. Define the minimum coverage level a participant may elect.Choose one of the following options:

• enter the minimum coverage amount

• select a Min Rule that determines the fixed minimum coverageamount

13 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• check the No Min field if the plan defines no minimum coverageamount

6. Define the maximum coverage level a participant may elect.Choose one of the following options:

• enter the maximum coverage amount

• select a Max Rule that determines the fixed maximum coverageamount

• check the No Max field if the plan defines no maximum coverageamount.

• enter the maximum coverage amount a person may elect if theyprovide certification in the Max with Certification field.

7. Enter the maximum multiple coverage value available withcertification in the Max with Certification field.

In the Increases block:

8. Define the maximum flat amount increase for a participant who isalready enrolled in this plan. Choose one or both of the followingoptions:

• enter the maximum coverage increase amount in the Max field

• enter the maximum coverage increase amount available withcertification in the Max with Certification field

In the Multiple Increases block:

9. Define the maximum multiple coverage increase for a participantwho is already enrolled in this plan. Choose one or both of thefollowing options:

• enter the maximum multiple increase amount in the Max field

• enter the maximum multiple increase amount available withcertification in the Max with Certification field

In the Interim to Assign block:

10. Select an Assign Code or rule that determines the interim coverageto assign in those cases where a participant’s election of thiscoverage has been suspended pending the completion of an actionitem.

11. Select an Unsuspend Code that defines the enrollment coveragestart date to use when a suspended enrollment becomesunsuspended.

Note: If you do not select an unsuspend code, the coveragestart date is the date on which the enrollment is unsuspended.

13 – 39Benefits Enrollments Requirements

12. Save your work.

13. For Advanced Benefits customers, choose the Life Event Reasonbutton if the available coverage for a plan varies based on a lifeevent.

14. Select the Life Event that causes the available coverage to vary.

Note: The remainder of the fields on the Life Event Reasonwindow function in the same manner as the fields on theCoverage Restrictions window. Complete these fields asnecessary to restrict the available coverage for this plan basedon this life event.

15. For Advanced Benefits customers, choose the Certifications buttonif a certification is required to elect coverage at a particular level.

16. Select an Enrollment Certification Type.

17. Select a Certification Required When rule.

18. Check the Required field if this certification is required to receivethis coverage amount for this plan.

Note: If you do not check the Required field, the certification isconsidered preferred.

19. Save your work.

13 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Certifications for Enrollment in a Plan

You use the Certifications window to define a certification that isrequired or preferred for enrollment in a plan.

1. Select the Certification Type you require or prefer in order for aparticipant to enroll in this plan.

2. Select a Certification Required to specify when you require thisCertification Type in order for a participant to enroll in this planfollowing this life event.

3. Check the Required field if failure to provide this Certification Typesuspends enrollment in this plan.

4. Save your work.

13 – 41Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Activity Rates Requirements for a Plan

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to define whenactivity rates start and end for a plan.

� To define activity rate requirements for a plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

The current status of the plan is displayed. For a definition of theplan statuses, see Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 – 27.

2. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, select the Ratestabbed region.

3. Choose a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify when activityrates start for participants in this plan.

4. Choose a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify when activityrates end for participants in this plan.

5. Save your work.

13 – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Enrollment Limitations for a Plan

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to define theminimum and maximum number of options in which a participant canbe enrolled in a plan. You can also define the required period ofenrollment for a plan.

� To define enrollment limitations for a plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

The current status of the plan is displayed. For a definition of theplan statuses, see Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 – 27.

2. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, select theLimitations tabbed region.

3. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum number ofoptions in this plan in which a participant must be enrolled.

• Or, enter the Minimum number of options in this plan in which aparticipant must be enrolled.

4. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum number ofoptions in this plan in which a participant must be enrolled.

• Or, enter the Maximum number of options in this plan in whicha participant must be enrolled.

In the Required Period of Enrollment block:

5. Enter a Value that represents the length of time in which a personmust be enrolled in this plan.

To define a required period of enrollment for an option, see:Defining Options: page 9 – 45.

6. Select the unit of measure of this value in the UOM field.

7. Select a rule if you use a formula to determine the required periodof enrollment for this plan.

8. Save your work.

13 – 43Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Designation Enrollment Requirements for a Plan or Option in Plan

You use the Designation Requirements window to date effectivelydefine a group relationship for a plan or an option in plan depending ifyou navigate to the window from the Plan or Option tab. A grouprelationship limits the relationship types that can be covered under aplan. You can also limit the number of dependents that a plan covers.

� To define designation requirements for a plan or option in plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan Enrollment Requirements field.

2. Choose the Plan or Option tab.

3. Choose the Designation Requirements button.

4. Select a Group Relationship for which you are defining designationrequirements.

5. Select Beneficiaries or Dependents in the Type field to indicate thedesignee type covered by this designation requirement.

6. Enter the minimum and maximum number of designees that can becovered under this plan.

• Check the No Minimum or No Maximum field if there is nominimum or maximum number of designees for this plan.

• Check the Cover All Eligible field if there is no minimum ormaximum number of designees for this plan and you want toprovide coverage to all designees who meet the eligibility profile.

Note: You enter 0 in the Minimum and Maximum fields if theplan allows no designees.

7. Select one or more Relationship Types to include with this grouprelationship.

8. Repeat steps 4–7 for each group relationship you are defining forthis plan.

9. Save your work.

13 – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Enrollment Requirements for Not in Program Plans

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to define specialenrollment requirements for plans that you do not associate with aprogram.

� To define enrollment requirements for a not in program plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

The current status of the plan is displayed. For a definition of theplan statuses, see Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 – 27.

2. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, select the Not inProgram tabbed region.

3. For Advanced Benefits users, select a Default Enrollment Code orRule to define how the system processes enrollments when aparticipant fails to make an election.

Note: If an option in this plan is the default option, you muststill select this plan as the default plan.

4. Save your work.

13 – 45Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Enrollment Requirements for Options in a Plan

You can specify whether an option is ever a default for a plan, and thecircumstances under which that option is the default in the PlanEnrollment Requirements window. A life event reason can overridethis information.

� To define general enrollment requirements for an option in a plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

The current status of the plan is displayed. For a definition of theplan statuses, see Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 – 27.

2. Select the General tab and then the Option tab.

3. Select an Option in this plan for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

4. Select a Post–Election Edit Rule if you have defined a specialpost–election processing rule for this option.

5. For Advanced Benefits users, check the Automatic Enrollment fieldif an eligible participant is automatically enrolled in this option.

6. Select a Family Member Code or rule to indicate the kind of familymembers that must be recorded in a participant’s contact record inorder for that participant to be eligible for this option.

Note: Family members are recorded in the Contacts window.

7. For Advanced Benefits users, select an Automatic Rule to definethe circumstances under which automatic enrollments apply forthis plan.

� To define default enrollment requirements for an option:

You run the Default Enrollment Process from the concurrent manger tocreate default enrollments based on your plan design and eligibilityrequirements. Default enrollment processing is only available forAdvanced Benefits customers.

1. Choose General –> Option–> Default in the Plan EnrollmentRequirements window.

2. Select a Default Enrollment Code or Rule to specify when thisoption is the default based on a new or existing enrollment.

• Or, check the Assign on Default field if a participant who fails tospecify an election is enrolled in this option as the default.

Note: If this is the default option for the plan, you must alsodefine the plan as the default plan.

13 – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

3. Save your work.

13 – 47Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Enrollment Limitations for an Option in a Plan

You can define when a participant is required to enroll in an option andthe required period of enrollment for an option.

� To define enrollment limitations for an option in a plan:

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

2. With the General tab and the Option tab selected, select theLimitations tabbed region.

In the Option is Required block:

3. Check the Required field if enrollment in this option is required.

• Or, select a Rule to limit the conditions under which enrollmentin this option is required.

In the Required Period of Enrollment block:

4. Enter a Value that represents the length of time in which a personmust be enrolled in this option.

5. Select the unit of measure of this value in the UOM field.

6. Select a rule if you use a formula to determine the required periodof enrollment for this option.

7. Save your work.

13 – 48 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Scheduled Enrollment for a Plan

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to define ascheduled enrollment so that eligible persons can enroll in a plan orchange their elections during a specified time period each year.

For example, you could schedule quarterly enrollment periods for aplan from 1 January to 15 January, 1 April to 15 April, 1 July to 15 July,and 1 October to 15 October of each year.

Standard Benefits customers can define a scheduled enrollment periodfor a plan or program, but the information is considered read–only anddoes not restrict enrollment processing.

� To define an enrollment period for a plan:

1. Query a plan in the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.Choose the Timing tab, and then the Scheduled tab.

2. Choose an Enrollment Type code for the scheduled enrollmentperiod you are defining for this plan.

3. Select a Year Period to specify the plan year for which thisscheduled enrollment applies to this plan.

4. Enter the date on which participants can begin to enroll in this planin the Persons May Enroll During the Period from field.

5. Enter the last date on which participants can enroll in this plan inthe To field.

6. For Advanced Benefits users, choose a Defaults Will be Assignedon date to specify the date on which default assignments are madewhen participants fail to make their choices as part of thescheduled enrollment for this plan.

7. Choose a No Further Processing is Allowed After date to specifythe latest date on which the plan sponsor can apply electionsapplicable to this enrollment period for this plan.

Typically, a third party administrator’s requirements for receivingelections information determines this date.

8. Select a Close Enrollment Date to use code that defines theenrollment closing date based on one of three factors:

• Processing End Date

• When Elections Are Made

• When Enrollment Period Ends

9. Choose the Overrides alternate region to override any enrollmentperiod or activity rate start and end dates.

13 – 49Benefits Enrollments Requirements

10. Choose an Enrollment Type code for the override scheduledenrollment period you are defining for this plan.

11. Choose an Enrollment Start Date Code or Rule to specify the startdate from which an override to an enrollment date applies to thisscheduled enrollment for this plan.

12. Choose an Enrollment End Date Code or Rule to specify the lastdate on which an override to an enrollment date applies to thisscheduled enrollment for this plan.

13. Choose a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify the date fromwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this scheduledenrollment for this plan.

14. Choose a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify the last date onwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this scheduledenrollment for this plan.

15. Save your work.

13 – 50 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Associating Enrollment Rules with a Plan

You use the Enrollment Rules window to associate a scheduled or lifeevent enrollment rule with a plan.

Navigate to the Enrollment Rules window from the Scheduled or LifeEvent tab depending if you are defining an enrollment rule for ascheduled or life event enrollment.

� To associate an enrollment rule with a plan:

1. Enter a Seq (sequence) number for the enrollment rule you aredefining for this plan.

2. Select an enrollment Rule.

3. Save your work.

13 – 51Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Requirements for a Life Event Enrollment for a Plan (AdvancedBenefits)

You define a life event enrollment schedule to establish temporalparameters for enrolling, de–enrolling, or changing elections followinga given life event, regardless of when that life event occurs during theplan year.

For example, you could allow newly hired employees 30 days to enrollin a plan before requiring that they wait until the next open enrollmentperiod.

� To define requirements for a Life Event Enrollment for a plan:

1. Query a plan in the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.Choose the Timing tab and then the Life Event tab.

2. Select the Enrollment Type of Life Event.

3. Select a Life Event for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

4. Enter the number of Days After the Enrollment Period to ApplyDefaults if you define a default enrollment for this program.

5. Enter the number of days persons can fail to respond in the DaysAfter Which Becomes Ineligible field.

Attention: After this number of days, the person is no longereligible to enroll in benefits for which this life event made themeligible.

6. Enter the number of Additional Processing Days allowed.

7. Select a Close Enrollment Date to Use code that defines theenrollment closing date based on one of three factors:

• Processing End Date

• When Elections Are Made

• When Enrollment Period Ends

8. Choose the Overrides alternate region to override any life eventenrollment period or activity rate start and end dates based on thislife event.

9. Select a life event for which you are defining enrollment overrideinformation.

10. Select an Enrollment Start Date Code or Rule to specify the datefrom which an override to an enrollment date applies to this lifeevent enrollment for this plan.

13 – 52 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

11. Select an Enrollment End Date Code or Rule to specify the last dateon which an override to an enrollment date applies to this life eventenrollment for this plan.

12. Select a Rate Start Date Code or Rule to specify the date fromwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this life eventenrollment for this plan.

13. Select a Rate End Date Code or Rule to specify the last date onwhich an override to an activity rate applies to this life eventenrollment for this plan.

14. Save your work.

13– 53Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining a Life Event Enrollment Period for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)

You define an enrollment period for a life event to limit the time whena qualifying participant can make a benefit election based on a lifeevent.

Use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.

� To define a life event enrollment period for a plan:

1. Choose the Timing tab and the Life Event tab and then choose thePeriods region.

2. Select a life event for which you are defining an enrollment period.

3. Select an Enrollment Period Start Date Code or Rule to define theenrollment start date for this plan based on this life event.

4. Select an Enrollment Period End Date Code or Rule to define theenrollment end date for this plan based on this life event.

5. Save your work.

13 – 54 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Life Event Enrollment Certifications for a Plan or Option in Plan(Advanced Benefits)

You use the Life Event Certifications window to maintain thecertifications that you require to enroll a participant in a plan or optionin plan after a given life event.

� To define life event enrollment certifications for a plan or option inplan:

1. Select a life event for which you are defining an enrollmentcertification.

2. Check the Exclude field if a participant who experiences this lifeevent is excluded from participating in this plan.

3. Select a Certification Required When Rule to specify when yourequire this certification type.

4. Select an Enrollment Certification Type that you require or acceptfor enrollment in this plan or option in plan after this life event.

5. Check the Required field to specify that the receipt of thiscertification type is required before an enrollment is valid after thislife event.

Note: For Advanced Benefits customers, participants whoexperience a life event with required certification will havetheir enrollment for this plan suspended until they provide therequired certification.

Note: However, in Standard Benefits, defining a life eventcertification as required is considered information–only anddoes not suspend an enrollment.

6. Save your work.

13 – 55Benefits Enrollments Requirements

Defining Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements for a Not in ProgramPlan

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to define change oflife event enrollment requirements for a not in program plan and todetermine when a participant can enroll or change elections in a not inprogram plan based on the occurrence of a life event.

Attention: You define enrollment requirements for plans inprogram using the Program Enrollment Requirements window.

� To define life event enrollment requirements for a not in programplan:

1. Query a plan and choose the Change of Life Event tab.

2. Choose the Plan tab and then choose the General alternate region.

3. Select the Life Event for which you are defining general enrollmentrequirements.

Only Life Events of the Personal and Work types are displayed inthe list of values.

4. Check the Current Enrollment Precludes Change field if aparticipant who is currently enrolled in this plan cannot changeelections based on this life event.

5. Check the Still Eligible, Can’t Change field if a person whoexperiences this life event and is still eligible for this plan cannotchange his or her current enrollment elections.

Attention: You can set the Still Eligible, Can’t Changecheckbox at the plan in program, not in program plan, andoption in plan levels.

6. Select an Enrollment Change code to specify the degree to which aparticipant can change enrollment in a plan.

7. Choose the Enrollment alternate region.

8. Select the Life Event for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

9. Select an Enrollment Method code for this life event enrollment forthis plan.

Explicit: An eligible person may choose from available offerings inthis plan following the occurrence of this life event.

Automatic: The system automatically enrolls an eligible person in agiven offering in this plan following the occurrence of this lifeevent.

13 – 56 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

10. For Advanced Benefits users, select an Automatic Rule to definethe circumstances under which automatic enrollments apply forthis plan.

11. Select an Enrollment Code for a life event enrollment you aredefining for this plan.

12. Choose a Default Enrollment Code to specify for this plan thedefault treatment when a person experiencing this life event fails tomake a choice among available choices.

New, Defaults; Current, Nothing; If a person is not yet enrolled inin this plan, enroll that person in the default enrollment for theplan. If the person is already enrolled in this plan, de–enroll thatperson.

New, Defaults; Current, Defaults: If a person is not yet enrolled inthis plan, enroll that person in the default enrollment for this plan.If that person is already enrolled in this plan, enroll that person inthe default enrollment for this plan.

New, Defaults; Current, Same Enrollment and Rates: If a personis not yet enrolled in this plan, enroll that person in the defaultenrollment for this plan. If that person is already enrolled in thisplan, do not change that enrollment or the activity rate.

New, Defaults; Current, Same Enrollment but Default Rates: If aperson is not yet enrolled in this plan, enroll that person in thedefault enrollment for this plan. If that person is already enrolled inthis plan, do not change that enrollment but assign the defaultactivity rate.

New, Nothing; Current, Defaults: If a person is not yet enrolled inthis plan, do not enroll that person in this plan. If that person isalready enrolled in this plan, enroll that person in the defaultenrollment for the plan.

New, Nothing; Current, Nothing: If a person is not yet enrolled inthis plan, do not enroll that person in this plan. If the person isalready enrolled in this plan, de–enroll that person from this plan.

New, Nothing; Current, Same Enrollment and Rate: If a person isnot yet enrolled in this plan, do not enroll that person in this plan.If that person is already enrolled in this plan, do not change thatenrollment or the activity rate.

New, Nothing; Current, Same Enrollment but Default Rate: If aperson is not yet enrolled in this plan, do not enroll that person inthis plan. If that person is already enrolled in this plan, do notchange that enrollment but assign the default activity rate.

Rule: Indicates that you will specify a rule for this defaulttreatment.

13 – 57Benefits Enrollments Requirements

13. Check the Assign on Default field if this plan is the default plan forthose persons who fail to make an election as a result of this lifeevent.

14. Save your work.

13 – 58 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements for an Option in aPlan

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to defineenrollment requirements for a life event for an option in a plan. Theseenrollment requirements override those you define for the planassociated with the option.

For example, you could define enrollment requirements for anEmployee Plus Spouse option in a medical plan when the life eventMarriage occurs for the participant.

� To define life event enrollment requirements for an option in plan:

1. Query a plan and choose the Change of Life Event tab.

2. Choose the Option tab and then choose the General alternateregion.

3. Select the option in this plan for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

4. Select the Life Event for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements.

Only Life Events of the Personal and Work types are displayed inthe list of values.

5. Check the Current Enrollment Precludes Change field if aparticipant who is currently enrolled in this option cannot changeelections based on this life event.

6. Check the Still Eligible, Can’t Change field if a person whoexperiences this life event and is still eligible for this option maynot change his or her current enrollment elections.

Attention: You can set the Still Eligible, Can’t Changecheckbox at the program, plan in program, and not in programplan levels.

7. Choose the Enrollment alternate region.

8. Select the Life Event for which you are defining enrollmentrequirements for this option in this plan.

9. Select an Enrollment Code based on if the participant is currentlyenrolled in this option.

10. Select a Default Enrollment Code to specify for this option in thisplan the default treatment when a person experiencing this lifeevent fails to make a choice among available choices.

New, Defaults; Current, Nothing; If a person is not yet enrolled inan option in this plan, enroll that person in the default option. If

13 – 59Benefits Enrollments Requirements

the person is already enrolled in an option in this plan, de–enrollthat person from the option and plan.

New, Defaults; Current, Defaults: If a person is not yet enrolled inan option in this plan, enroll that person in the default option. Ifthat person is already enrolled in an option in this plan, enroll thatperson in the default enrollment option.

New, Defaults; Current, Same Enrollment and Rates: If a personis not yet enrolled in an option in this plan, enroll that person in thedefault option. If that person is already enrolled in this option inthis plan, do not change that enrollment or the activity rate.

New, Defaults; Current, Same Enrollment but Default Rates: If aperson is not yet enrolled in an option in this plan, enroll thatperson in the default option. If that person is already enrolled inthis option in this plan, do not change that enrollment but assignthe default activity rate.

New, Nothing; Current, Defaults: If a person is not yet enrolled inan option in this plan, do not enroll that person in any option. Ifthat person is already enrolled in an option in this plan, enroll thatperson in the default enrollment option.

New, Nothing; Current, Nothing: If a person is not yet enrolled inan option in this plan, do not enroll that person in any option. Ifthe person is already enrolled in an option in this plan, de–enrollthat person from this option.

New, Nothing; Current, Same Enrollment and Rates: If a personis not yet enrolled in an option in this plan, do not enroll thatperson in an option. If that person is already enrolled in an optionin this plan, do not change that enrollment or the activity rate.

New, Nothing; Current, Same Enrollment but Default Rates: If aperson is not yet enrolled in an option in this plan, do not enrollthat person in an option. If that person is already enrolled in anoption in this plan, do not change that enrollment but assign thedefault activity rate.

Rule: Indicates that you will specify a rule for this defaulttreatment.

11. Check the Assign on Default field if this option in this plan is thedefault for those persons who fail to make an election as a result ofthis life event.

12. Check the Automatic Rule field if you use a rule to determine if thislife event results in automatic enrollment of this option.

13. Select the Automatic Enrollment rule.

13 – 60 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

14. Save your work.



14 – 1Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

Dependent Coverageand BeneficiaryDesignationRequirements

14 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary Designation Requirements

Dependent coverage enrollment requirements determine when aneligible dependent can enroll in a benefit. The information required toenroll a dependent can be different from the information required toenroll a primary participant. For dependents you can define:

• Dependent coverage start and end dates

• Required information for enrollment, such as social securitynumber/legislative ID and date of birth

• Required certifications

• Dependent coverage eligibility profiles

• Enrollment actions triggered by a life event

• Certifications required for enrollment after the occurrence of aspecific life event

The enrollment requirements you specify at program level are inheritedat plan type and plan level. The requirements you specify at plan levelare inherited by all options in the plan.

You can define beneficiary designation requirements at the plan level.All options in the plan inherit these beneficiary designationrequirements.

14 – 3Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Plan

You use the Dependent Eligibility Profiles window to link a dependentcoverage eligibility profile to a plan.

� To define a dependent coverage eligibility profile for a plan:

1. Select a dependent coverage eligibility profile or a coverageeligibility rule to associate with this plan.

2. Check the Mandatory field if a person must meet criteria in thiseligibility profile in order to qualify as a dependent for this plan.

3. Save your work.

14 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Dependent Coverage Requirements for a Plan

You can define how participants designate dependents for a plan. Then,all options in this plan inherit these dependent coverage enrollmentrequirements.

� To define dependent coverage requirements for a plan:

1. Query a plan in the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.

2. Choose the Designations tab and then the Dependent tab.

3. Select a Plan Dependent Designation code to specify whether yourequire participants to designate dependents when enrolling in thisplan.

4. Check the appropriate fields in the Suspend Enrollment If NotProvided region, as needed.

• Social Security Number/Legislative ID if this plan requires thatpersons designated as dependents must have a legislative ID(Social Security Number in the US) stored in the system.

• Date of Birth if the plan requires that participants provide thedate of birth of their designated dependents.

• Address if the plan requires that participants provide theaddress of their designated dependents.

• No Certification Needed if the participant is not required tosubmit certification for a dependent to qualify that person as adependent.

Attention: If you are an Advanced Benefits customer and yourequire dependent information for an enrollment to becomplete, a participant’s failure to provide this requiredinformation results in the suspension of the participant’senrollment. If you use Standard Benefits, these fields areconsidered ”information only.”

5. Choose the Certifications button to open the DependentCertifications window and to define the certifications necessary toenroll dependents in a plan.

6. Select a Dependent Coverage Start Code or Rule to specify how thesystem determines the start date for coverage for dependents inthis plan.

7. Select a Dependent Coverage End Code or Rule to specify how thesystem determines the end date for coverage for dependents in thisplan.

8. Check the Derivable Factors Apply field to alert the system that aderived factor is associated with a dependent coverage eligibility

14 – 5Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

profile for this plan. (The system uses this information to determinewhether to calculate derived factors or proceed.)

Note: If you do not check this field, then no dependent coveragein this plan may have any derived factors associated with it.

9. Select a dependent coverage Certification Type you require orprefer in order for participants to designate dependents forparticipation in this plan.

10. Select a Certification Required by value to specify when yourequire this Certification Type in order for participants to designatedependents for participation in this plan.

11. Check the Preferred field to specify that this dependent coverageCertification Type is preferred, but not required.

12. Check the Lack of Certification Suspends Enrollment field if failureto provide this Certification Type suspends enrollment for thisdependent in this plan following this life event.

13. Save your work.

14 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Dependent Coverage Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirementsfor a Plan

You use the Dependent Change of Life Event window to limitdependent designations for a plan based on a life event.

� To define dependent coverage change of life event enrollmentrequirements for a plan:

1. Query a plan in the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.

2. Choose the Designations tab and then the Dependent tab.

3. Choose the Dependent Change of Life Event button.

4. Select a Life Event for which you are defining dependent coverageenrollment requirements.

5. Select whether the system adds or removes coverage for adependent as a result of this life event in the Change DependentCoverage Code or Rule field.

6. Select a Coverage Start Date Code or Rule if this life event resultsin adding dependent coverage.

7. Select a Coverage End Date Code or Rule if this life event results inremoving dependent coverage.

8. Choose the Change of Life Event Certifications button to maintainthe certifications that you require to enroll a dependent in a planafter a given life event.

9. Select the Certification Type for this life event.

10. Select a Certification Required By value to specify when yourequire this certification type in order for a dependent to receivecoverage following this life event.

11. Select the Relationship Type for which this certification type isrequired for this life event.

12. Check the Required field to specify that this dependent coveragecertification type is required.

13. Check the Lack of Certification Suspends Enrollment field if failureto provide this dependent coverage certification type suspends thedependent’s enrollment.

14. Save your work.

14 – 7Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

Defining Beneficiary Designation Requirements for a Plan

You can define beneficiary designation requirements for a plan. Then,all options in this plan inherit these beneficiary designationrequirements.

� To define beneficiary designation requirements for a plan:

1. Query a plan in the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.

2. Choose the Designations tab and then the Beneficiary tab.

3. Select the Plan Beneficiary Designation Code to specify whetherbeneficiary designations for the plan are optional or required.

4. Select the Default Beneficiary Code to specify the type of person(such as a spouse) who is the beneficiary in those cases when theparticipant fails to designate a beneficiary for the plan.

In the Suspend Enrollment if Not Provided block:

5. Check the appropriate fields, as needed.

• Social Security Number/Legislative ID if this plan requires thatpersons designated as beneficiaries must have a legislative ID(Social Security Number in the US) stored in the system.

• Date of Birth if the plan requires that participants provide thedate of birth of their designated beneficiaries.

• Address if the plan requires that participants provide theaddress of their designated beneficiaries.

• Certification if the plan requires that participants providecertification for their designated beneficiaries.

6. Select a Measures Allowed code to define if amounts to bedistributed to beneficiaries should be specified by percent only orby percent and amount.

7. Select an Increment Amount and Increment Percent to specify howthe system expresses benefit amount increments.

8. Select a Min Designatable Amount and/or Percent to specify thesmallest monetary amount that a participant can designate to abeneficiary according to the terms of the plan.

9. Check the appropriate fields in the Restrictions block, as needed.

• Minor Designee Requires Trustee if you require participants toidentify a trustee for any beneficiary the governing regulatorybody defines as a minor.

• May Designate Organization as Beneficiary if this plan allowsparticipants to designate an organization such as a charity as abeneficiary.

14 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Qualified Domestic Relations Rule Applies if you require theparticipant to designate a qualified domestic partner as primarybeneficiary, or obtain the consent of a qualified domestic partnerto name another individual.

• Additional Instruction Text Allowed if participants can providea textual description of how benefits are to be distributed tobeneficiaries in those cases when the instructions are complex.

• Contingent Beneficiaries Allowed if this plan allowsparticipants to identify one or more contingent beneficiaries inaddition to any primary beneficiaries.

10. Choose the Certification button to open the BeneficiaryCertifications window.

11. Select the Certification Type you require or prefer in order forparticipants to designate beneficiaries for this plan following thislife event.

12. Select a Certification Required by value to specify when yourequire or prefer this Certification Type in order for participants todesignate beneficiaries for this plan following this life event.

13. Select a Relationship Type to indicate if this plan limits beneficiarydesignations to a person who is of a particular relationship to theparticipant.

14. Select a Beneficiary Type to indicate if this plan limits beneficiarydesignations to either persons or organizations.

15. Check the Required field if this certification is required from abeneficiary.

16. Check the Preferred field to specify that this Certification Type ispreferred, but not required.

17. Check the Lack of Certification Suspends Enrollment field if failureto provide this certification type suspends beneficiary designationfor this plan.

18. Save your work.

14 – 9Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

Defining Dependent Coverage Certifications for Change of Life EventEnrollment Requirements

You use the Dependent Change of Life Event Certifications window tomaintain the certifications that you require to enroll a dependent in aplan type or a program after a given life event.

Select a life event in the Dependent Change of Life Event window andchoose the Change of Life Event Certifications button.

� To define dependent coverage certifications for a change of life eventenrollment requirement:

1. Select a Certification Type for this life event.

2. Select a Certification Required By value to specify the date whenyou require this certification type in order for a dependent toreceive coverage following this life event.

3. Select the Relationship Type for which this certification type isgenerated based on this life event.

4. Check the Required field to specify that this dependent coveragecertification type is required.

5. Check the Lack of Certification Suspends Enrollment field if failureto provide this dependent coverage certification type suspends thedependent’s enrollment.

6. Save your work.

14 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Dependent Coverage Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements

You use the Dependent Change of Life Event window to maintainenrollment requirements for dependents based on life events for a plantype or a program.

� To define dependent coverage change of life event enrollmentrequirements:

1. Select a Life Event for which you are defining life event enrollmentrequirements for dependent coverage in this plan type or program.

2. Select a Change Dependent Coverage Code or Rule that limits howa participant can change their dependent coverage when this lifeevent occurs.

3. If this life event results in adding dependent coverage, select aCoverage Start Date code or Rule to specify how the systemdetermines when that coverage begins following the occurrence ofthis life event.

4. If this life event results in removing dependent coverage, select aCoverage End Date Code or Rule to specify how the systemdetermines when that coverage ends following the occurrence ofthis life event.

5. Save your work.

14 – 11Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Plan Type in a Program

You use the Dependent Eligibility Profiles window to date effectivelymaintain dependent coverage eligibility profiles for a plan type inprogram.

� To define eligibility profiles for dependent coverage for a plan typein a program:

1. Select a Profile.

2. Check the Mandatory checkbox if a person must meet criteria inthis dependent coverage eligibility profile in order to qualify as adependent in this plan type in this program.

Note: If multiple dependent coverage eligibility profiles areattached to the plan type in program, a person must satisfy allprofiles marked as Mandatory and at least one profile that isnot marked Mandatory.

3. Select a Coverage Eligibility Rule if you are using a rule to definethe dependent coverage eligibility for this plan type in program.

4. Save your work

14 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Program

You use the Dependent Eligibility Profiles window to link a dependentcoverage eligibility profile to a program.

� To define a dependent coverage eligibility profile for a program:

1. Select a dependent coverage eligibility profile or a coverageeligibility rule to associate with this program.

2. Check the Mandatory field if a person must meet criteria in thiseligibility profile in order to qualify as a dependent for the plans inthis program.

Note: If multiple dependent coverage eligibility profiles areattached to the program, a person must satisfy all profilesmarked as Mandatory and at least one profile that is notmarked Mandatory.

3. Save your work.

14 – 13Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

Defining Dependent Coverage Certifications for a Program

You use the Dependent Certifications window to date effectively definethe certifications necessary to enroll dependents in a program.

� To define a dependent coverage certification for a program:

1. Select the dependent coverage Certification Type for this program.

2. Select a Certification Required by value to specify when yourequire this certification type in order for a participant to enroll inthis program.

3. Select a Relationship Type to indicate the kinds of dependents whomust provide this certification.

4. Check the Required field if this dependent coverage certificationtype is required.

5. Check the Preferred field if this dependent coverage certificationtype is preferred for this program, but not required.

6. Check the Lack of Certification Suspends Designation field iffailure to provide this dependent coverage certification typesuspends the dependent’s enrollment in this program.

7. Save your work.

14 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Dependent Coverage Enrollment Requirements for a Program or a PlanType in Program

You can define how participants designate dependents for a program.Then, all plan types and plans in this program inherit these dependentcoverage enrollment requirements unless you specify otherwise at theplan type or plan in program level.

Attention: Unless otherwise noted, the dependent coveragerequirements you define for a program apply to allcompensation objects in this program’s hierarchy, regardless ofthe dependent designation level (plan type or plan) you define.

� To define dependent coverage requirements for a program:

1. Query a program in the Program Enrollment Requirementswindow.

2. Choose the Dependent Coverage tab then choose the Program orPlan Type tab.

3. Select a Designation Level code to specify at what level of thecompensation object hierarchy dependent information is recordedfor this program or plan type in program.

4. Select the Plan Type in this program for which you are definingdependent coverage enrollment requirements if you choose thePlan Type tab.

5. Select a Program or Plan Type Dependent Designation code tospecify whether you require participants to designate dependentswhen enrolling at any level in this program or plan type.

6. Select a Dependent Coverage Start Code or Rule to specify how thesystem determines the date on which coverage for dependents inthis program or plan type takes effect.

7. Select a Dependent Coverage End Code or Rule to specify the dateon which coverage for dependents in this program or plan typeends.

8. In the Suspend Enrollment if not Provided block:

• Check the Social Security Number/Legislative ID field to specifythat the participant must submit the social security number orLegislative ID of a dependent to qualify that person as adependent.

• Check the Date of Birth field to specify that the participant mustsubmit the date of birth of a dependent to qualify that person asa dependent.

14 – 15Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary DesignationRequirements

• Check the Address field to specify that the participant mustsubmit the address of a dependent to qualify that person as adependent.

• Check the No Certification Needed field to specify that theparticipant is not required to submit certification for a dependentto qualify that person as a dependent.

Attention: If you are an Advanced Benefits customer and yourequire dependent information for an enrollment to becomplete, a participant’s failure to provide this requiredinformation results in the suspension of the participant’senrollment. If you use Standard Benefits, these fields areconsidered ”information only.”

9. Check the Derivable Factors Apply field to alert the system to thefact that a derived factor is associated with a dependent coverageeligibility profile for this program or plan type.

The system uses this information to determine whether to calculatederived factors. If you do not check this field, then no dependentcoverage in any plan types or plans in this program can have anyderived factors associated with them.

10. Save your work.

14 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



15 – 1Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Activity Rates andCoverage Calculations

15 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Activity Rates

You define an activity rate calculation to determine the contributionthat an employee (and, in some cases, an employer) spends to purchasea benefit on a recurring or non–recurring basis. Activity rates alsodetermine the monetary distribution paid from a plan such as asavings plan or a flexible spending account.

The process of defining contribution and distribution activity ratesvaries depending on the complexity of your calculations. Theseactivities include defining:

• Standard contributions and distributions

• Prorated partial month contributions

• Variable activity rates

• Employer matching rate contributions

• Period–to–date limits for savings plans that place an annual limit oncontributions

• Imputed income calculations for plans subject to imputed incomeregulations in the US

As part of your activity rate definition you can also define deductionschedules and payment schedules for contributions and distributionsthat occur on a non–recurring basis.

Activity Rates and Element Definitions

When you define an activity rate definition, you select the element towhich the activity rate corresponds. That way, when the systemcalculates an activity rate for a person and a benefit plan or option, theresult can be captured in the element and transferred to payroll andother areas of your HR system as necessary.

Note: Setup up your elements as a prerequisite to definingyour activity rates. If your element definition changes, youmust re–attach the element to the rate.

If your plan design allows a participant to enroll in more than one planat a time in a plan type or more than one option in a plan, you create anelement for each plan and each option. If you define activity rates atthe plan level that cascade to each option in the plan, you must definean element for each option.

You use eligibility profiles, instead of element links, to determinebenefits eligibility. Create an open element link for each benefits–relatedelement. Query the benefits element in the Element Link window and

15 – 3Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

save the record without selecting any assignment links to create anopen link. If necessary, you can enter costing information for thiselement.

You can define one input value per activity rate.

When a participant enrolls in a benefit, the activity rate result is writtento the element. You can view the result in the Element Entries windowand the Entry Values window.

Standard Contributions and Distributions

You define a standard contribution or distribution as a calculation thatdetermines the amount a person must pay to participate in a benefit (acontribution) or the amount that is paid to a participant (adistribution).

You associate a standard calculation with a plan or an option in plan sothat when a participant makes an election, the contribution ordistribution amount is determined.

Standard calculations are used for a variety of plan types, such asmedical plans and savings plans. Other plan types require specialactivity rate calculations, these include flex credit plans and planssubject to imputed income taxes in the US.

Defining a standard contribution or distribution involves:

• Defining general characteristics of the activity rate

• Defining the activity rate calculation method

• Defining prorated activity rates

• Defining payroll processing requirements

• Defining variable rate calculations, if applicable

• Defining matching rate calculations, if applicable

• Associating a period–to–date limit with those plans that are subjectto a maximum contribution amount in a given period

General Characteristics of Activity Rates

For all activity rates, you indicate if the activity type is a contributionor distribution made by the participant or the employer. Examples ofactivity types include:

• Employee Individual Contribution

• Employer Matching Plan Contribution

• Employer Distribution

15 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

You specify the tax basis on which the contribution or distribution ismade, such as pretax or aftertax.

If you are defining a calculation for a non–monetary distribution, youcan define the unit of measure in which that distribution is expressed,such as Options for stock options.

Activity Rate Calculation Methods

You define an activity rate calculation method to determine the rate ofcontribution or distribution for a plan or option. In addition to flatrates, the system supports a range of calculation methods includingmultiple of actual premium and multiple of compensation.

Calculation methods can also set boundaries for the result of thestandard calculation. You can define a minimum and maximumcontribution or distribution amount for the result of an activity ratecalculation.

You can set the increment by which activity rates are expressed and thedefault activity rate value.

Prorated Activity Rates

For a participant whose enrollment coverage date falls within themonth, you can define if the system prorates the activity rate. Forprorated activity rates, you can define the date range within the monththat is subject to the prorated rate. For example, you may only want toprorate activity rates for participants who enroll between the 5th andthe 25th of the month.

You specify the percentage of the standard activity rate used tocalculate the prorated activity rate for participants who enrollmid–month.

Activity Rate Payroll Processing

As part of defining an activity rate calculation for a benefit, you defineyour payroll processing system, such as Oracle Payroll. Then, youdefine whether the calculation is recurring or non–recurring. Forrecurring calculations, you can define a schedule for deductions orpayments depending if the calculation is for a contribution or adistribution.

You can also define when the activity rate value should be entered.Typically this is at the time of enrollment, but the system also supportsautomatic rate entry.

Variable Rates

You can associate a variable rate profile with a standard calculation ifthe activity rate may vary by participant.

15 – 5Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

See Variable Rate Profiles: page 8 – 5

Employer Matching Rates

If you define a plan where the employer matches a percentage of theemployee’s contribution, such as for a savings plan, you can definehow the system calculates the matching rate.

Because employer matching percentages may vary based on theemployee’s contribution percentage, you may need to define more thanone matching rate for an activity rate.

If the benefit plan sets a maximum employee earnings amount or amaximum contribution percentage beyond which a matching rateshould not be calculated, you can define this maximum earningsamount or contribution percentage. That way, if the employee’searnings or contribution percentage exceeds the limit, the systemcalculates the matching rate based on the maximum amount orpercentage that you define.

You define the matching contribution percentage based on theemployee’s contribution percentage. However, you can also defineminimum and maximum employer contribution limits.

Period–to–Date Limits

For those plans with contribution limits, you can associate aperiod–to–date limit with the activity rate that determines thecontribution amount. Period–to–date limits are often used with 401(k)plans in the US.

Variable Rate Profiles

You can define an activity rate for a benefit that varies based on somefactor. You group together the factors that cause an activity rate tovary into a variable rate profile. You then associate the variable rateprofile with an activity rate which, in turn, you associate with aparticular benefit plan.

Variable rate profiles may consist of employment factors, personalfactors, derived factors, and other factors such as participation in aparticular benefits plan.

Most variable rate profiles are defined so that participants who meetcertain criteria are eligible to receive the variable rate. However, youcan also define a variable rate profile so that persons who meet thecriteria become excluded from receiving the variable rate. In such cases,the standard activity rate for the benefit applies to these persons.

You can associate a variable rate profile with the following kinds ofactivity rates:

15 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Standard contributions and distributions

• Flex credit calculations

• Imputed income calculations

• Actual premiums

• Reimbursement plan rates (for flexible spending accounts)

Coverage Calculations

A coverage calculation defines the level of benefits coverage aparticipant receives under plans such as a group term life insurance oraccidental death & dismemberment insurance plan.

Typical business requirements allow a participant to choose either a flatcoverage amount or an amount that is a multiple of the participant’ssalary. The system also supports many other coverage calculationmethods.

Here are several of the aspects of a coverage calculation that you candefine:

• Minimum and maximum coverage amounts

• Maximum coverage amount available with certification (AdvancedBenefits)

• Maximum coverage increases for flat amounts and coverageamounts that are a multiple of a given value

• Prorated coverage for employees who enter flexible spendingaccounts at any time other than the beginning of the plan year

When you define a coverage calculation method you define if thecoverage level amount is entered at the time of enrollment or duringthe definition of the coverage calculation. You can choose from thefollowing calculation methods depending on the requirements of theplan:

• Flat fixed amount

• Flat range

• Flat amount plus multiple of compensation

• Flat amount plus multiple of compensation range

• Multiple of compensation

• Multiple of compensation plus flat range

15 – 7Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

• Multiple of compensation range

• No standard value

• Same as annualized elected activity rate

If necessary, you can associate a variable rate profile with a coveragecalculation when the calculation may vary by participant.

Coverage Across Plan Types

For those benefit programs that restrict the amount of coverage that aparticipant can elect across plan types in a program, you can group theplan types in the program to which a minimum or maximum coverageamount applies.

Cross plan type coverage limits work in conjunction with coveragelimits you define at the plan level. If you define a maximum coveragelimit at the plan level, the cross plan type coverage limit must not havea maximum coverage level that is less than the maximum you set for aplan in that plan type.

For example, suppose your organization defines a Group Term LifeInsurance plan type. Within that plan type, you offer the EmployeeGroup Term Life Insurance plan that provides coverage equal to twotimes earnings up to a maximum of $200,000.

You also maintain a corresponding plan type for Non–Group Term LifeInsurance plans. In this plan type, you define a plan that has amaximum coverage level of $120,000.

You could define an across plan type coverage limit called ”All LifeInsurance Maximum” that limits the maximum coverage a participantcan elect across these two plan type to $300,000.

Interim Coverage (Advanced Benefits)

As part of your plan design, you can define the interim coverageassigned to a participant when a participant’s enrollment in a benefit issuspended pending the completion of an action item.

For example, you might require a certificate of good health from aparticipant who is currently enrolled in a life insurance plan with acoverage level of 1x compensation if the participant newly elects acoverage of 3x compensation during an open enrollment period. If yoususpend the new election pending receipt of the certification, you canprovide interim coverage until the certification is provided.

15 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Interim Coverage Determination

You can qualify the conditions under which interim coverage isprovided based on the participant’s current enrollment and the newelection that has been suspended.

If the suspended enrollment is for the plan in which the participant iscurrently enrolled or for a plan in the same plan type, then thesuspended election is considered current. If the suspended election isfor a plan in a different plan type, the election is considered new.

You use an Interim to Assign code to refine the circumstances underwhich interim coverage is provided. Each interim to assign codecontains two parts. The first part identifies if the suspended election iscurrent or new. The second part defines the interim coverage that isprovided.

The following list defines the various elements of an interim to assigncode. You select a code that combines these elements according to yourorganization’s rules for assigning interim coverage.

• Current Always Same: The suspended coverage is in the same plantype as the coverage in which the participant is currently enrolled.

• Current Same Elected: The suspended coverage is in the same plan asthe coverage in which the participant is currently enrolled.

• New: The suspended coverage is in a different plan type than thecoverage in which the participant is currently enrolled.

• Next Lower: The system assigns as interim coverage the plan oroption that is next lower in sequence based on your plan or optiondefinitions.

• Default: The system assigns as interim coverage the default coveragedefined for the plan.

• Min: The system assigns as interim coverage the minimum coveragelevel defined for the plan.

• Nothing: The system assigns no interim coverage in place of thesuspended coverage.

The sequence number you assign when you define a plan or optioncontrols the interim coverage that is assigned if you select an interim toassign code based on the next lower plan or option sequence.

Unsuspended Enrollments (Advanced Benefits)For those cases where a suspended enrollment is unsuspended, youdefine the enrollment coverage start and end dates and the activity ratestart and end dates for the unsuspended enrollment.

15 – 9Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

If you assign interim coverage when an enrollment is suspended, theinterim enrollment is ended one day before the coverage start date ofthe unsuspended enrollment.

You select an unsuspend enrollment code that controls the enrollmentcoverage start date of the unsuspended enrollment if the unsuspendeddate is equal to or later than the original enrollment coverage startdate. Select from the following codes:

• As of Completed Date: This code sets the enrollment coverage startequal to the effective date on which the enrollment is unsuspended.

• Use Existing Enrollment Start Date: This code uses the originalenrollment coverage start date, even if this date is before thesuspension end–date.

• Recalculate Using Completed Date and Enrollment Start Date Code: Thiscode recomputes the enrollment coverage date using theun–suspended date as the life event occurred on date or notificationdate (depending on your life event definition) if the computedcoverage start date is less than the effective date of theun–suspension.

The activity rate start and end dates are re–calculated based on theenrollment coverage start date of the unsuspended enrollment.

Imputed Income Calculations (US only)

Section 79 of the US Internal Revenue Service code defines imputedincome as certain forms of indirect compensation termed fringe benefits,and taxes the recipient accordingly. You define imputed incomecalculations to calculate the amount of a benefit that is taxable asimputed income.

For example, if you offer a group term life insurance plan that providescoverage in excess of $50,000 to a participant or in excess of $2,000 to aspouse or dependent, you can define an imputed income calculationthat determines the amount of coverage that is subject to imputedincome tax regulations.

You can select the payroll system that processes the imputed incomecalculation and the manner in which the calculations are processed. Ifyour payroll system calculates imputed income on a basis other thanevery pay period, you can associate one or more payment scheduleswith the imputed income calculation.

For employees whose participation in an imputed income plan beginsmid–month, you can define partial month treatment rules.

15 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

You associate a variable rate profile with an imputed incomecalculation because imputed income taxes vary based on a person’sage.

See: Imputed Income Plans (US): page 9 – 9

Actual Premium Calculations

Premiums are the amount paid by a benefit plan sponsor to thesupplier of a benefit. Typically, premiums are calculated on aper–participant basis, but the system also supports premiumcalculation based on the total participants enrolled in a plan or the totalvolume of elected coverage.

You can think of premium determination and processing as dividedinto the following areas:

• Premium calculation setup

• Premium determinations that occur during enrollment

• Recalculation of premiums based on life events (Advanced Benefits)

• Premiums and credits are determined by the Premium Calculationbatch process at month end

• Manual adjustment of calculated premiums by participant or by planand review of monthly premium totals

Premium Calculation Setup

You setup premiums calculations to define how the system calculates,costs, and administers premiums. The system supports theadministration of the following premium types:

• regular premiums that are calculated on a per–participant basis

• premiums based on the total number of participants covered in aplan or option in plan

• premiums based on the total coverage volume elected in a plan oroption in plan

You can calculate premiums prospectively (in advance of the period ofcoverage) or retrospectively (as a result of coverage previously received).Premium are calculated on a monthly basis in accordance with the mostcommon business practices of benefit suppliers. The system supportspro–rated premium calculations for benefits participants who gain orlose coverage mid–month. You can also define a standard wash rule so

15 – 11Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

that participants who are covered by a plan for less than a full monthhave no premium obligation.

You can choose how to cost a participant’s premium so that thecontribution is distributed to the appropriate general ledger account. Asingle plan or option can have multiple premiums so that, for example,you could calculate one premium for an employee contribution and asecond premium for the employer contribution.

Premium setup also includes defining the calculation method you useto determine the premium, including any variable rates. You linkpremium calculations to the benefit supplier organization so thatpremiums can be remitted to the appropriate source.

Premiums Based on Total Participants or Total Coverage Volume

For premiums that are determined based on the total number ofparticipants or the total coverage volume elected by all participants in aplan or option in plan, you use variable rate profiles to calculate thepremium.

You select a variable rate criteria of Total Participants or Total CoverageVolume and then define a variable rate calculation that determines thepremium based on the number of participants or the coverage volumethat you specify.

Note: Variable rates for actual premiums must have a tax typeof Not Applicable.

Enrollment Based Premium Determination

Premiums that are calculated on a per–participant basis are determinedwhen a participant elects a plan or option in plan.

At month end, you run the Premium Calculation batch process fromthe Concurrent Manager to select the participants for whom you wantto write a premium result.

You can then view monthly premium results by participant in theMonthly Participant Premium window or by plan and option in theMonthly Plan or Option Premium window.

Note: Premiums that vary based on the total number ofparticipants or the total coverage volume elected by allparticipants for a plan or option in plan are determined onlywhen you run the Premium Calculation batch process.

Premium Changes Based on Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

You can define premiums that vary based on life events.

15 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

You link a life event reason that you have defined to a premiumdefinition so that when a participant experiences this life event thepremium is recalculated.

Note: You can define a life event such that its impact onlyeffects a participant’s premium, and not their eligibility forbenefits.

Calculation of Monthly Premiums and Credits by Batch Process

You run the Premium Calculation batch process from the ConcurrentManager to calculate monthly premiums. By selecting parameters, youcan control the plan or option in plan for which premiums arecalculated. You can also select the processing month and year and theparticipant or participant groups for whom a premium is calculated.

The batch process uses your premium definition to determine the perparticipant premium or the total premium for the compensation objectdepending on your premium type.

Note: You cannot select parameters that limit the results of thePremium Calculation process by person criteria for calculationsthat allocate premiums to participants based on the totalnumber of participants in a plan or option.

For premiums that have been paid but which should not have been paid( due to retroactive changes or an error in processing), the PremiumCalculation process allocates credits to offset the result of thepreviously paid premium. Credits are applied against the premiumdue for the current month.

Your credit lookback processing rules determine how credits are applied toa premium. If you restrict the application of credits to the current planyear or you restrict credit lookbacks to a particular length of time, thesystem does not apply credits to the current premium if the monthfrom which the credits are due is outside the boundary of the creditlookup period.

Credits can only be applied to premiums that are calculated on aper–participant basis. In all cases, the applied credits cannot exceed thepremium due.

Manual Premium Adjustments

The product lets you manually adjust a premium result both for aparticipant and for the premium total for a plan or option in plan. Usethis feature if making a manual adjustment to a premium result is amore efficient means of correcting a premium error than recalcuatingthe premium.

15 – 13Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Period–to–Date Limits

For those plans where there is a regulated maximum contributionamount (such as a 401(k) plan in the US) or where a participant hasdiscretion over the amount contributed into the plan, you can defineperiod–to–date maximum contributions.

These maximums are specified either by the plan itself or, as is true inthe US, by regulations. In addition to straightforward limits in whichthe period–to–date amount, once reached, stops subsequentcontributions for the remainder of the period, other, more complex,limits must be enforced.

Benefit Balances

You use the Benefit Balances window to create a benefit balance thatyou can then associate with a person or a formula.

For example, you might define a benefits balance for use whencalculating how many flex credits an employee can be given to spendon benefits as part of a flex program.

Benefit balances are useful in transitioning data from a legacy benefitssystem to Oracle HR.

15 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Variable Rate Factors

You can define from one to dozens of variable factors for a variable rateprofile. A participant must meet all the criteria in your variable rateprofile in order to receive the variable rate.

Employment Factors

You select employment factors by choosing the Employment tab of theVariable Rate Profiles window.

Uses an employee’s assignment or a set of assignmentsas a variable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s bargaining unit (local union group)as a variable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses a person’s state of employment (Active, Inactive,or On Leave) as a variable factor to associate with anactivity rate.

Uses whether an employee works full–time orpart–time as a variable factor to associate with anactivity rate.

Uses an employee’s grade as a variable factor toassociate with an activity rate.

Uses whether an employee is a labor union member asa variable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s leave of absence reason as avariable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s legal entity (GRE) as a variablefactor to associate with an activity rate (US only).

Uses an employee’s organization as a variable factor toassociate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s pay basis, such as hourly orsalaried biweekly, as a variable factor to associate withan activity rate.

Uses the type of salary the employee receives as avariable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s payroll as a variable factor toassociate with an activity rate.

Uses the number of hours an employee is scheduled towork as a variable factor to associate with an activityrate.



AssignmentStatus Type




Leave ofAbsence

Legal Entity


Pay Basis


Payroll Rates


15 – 15Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Uses an employee’s work location as a variable factorto associate with an activity rate.

Derived Factors

You select derived factors by choosing the Derived Factors tab of theVariable Rate Profiles window.

Uses an employee’s age as a variable factor to associatewith an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s combination age and length ofservice factor as a variable factor to associate with anactivity rate.

Uses an employee’s compensation level as a variablefactor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s hours worked in a given period asa variable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s length of service as a variablefactor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses an employee’s percent of full–time employmentas a variable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Personal Factors

You select personal factors by choosing the Personal tab in the VariableRate Profiles window.

Uses a person’s gender as a variable factor to associatewith an activity rate.

Uses a person’s person type(s) as a variable factor toassociate with an activity rate.

Uses individual zip/postal codes or ranges ofzip/postal codes as a variable factor to associate withan activity rate.

Uses a person’s service area, such as a city or othergeographical area, as a variable factor to associate withan activity rate.

Uses whether or not a participant uses tobacco as avariable factor to associate with an activity rate. In



CombinedAge andLength ofService

Compensation Level

HoursWorked inPeriod

Length ofService



Person Type

Postal Zip

Service Area

Tobacco Use

15 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

countries where it is illegal to hold information about aperson’s tobacco usage, for example, Italy, this personalfactor is unavailable.

Other Factors

You select other factors by choosing the Other tab in the Variable RateProfiles window.

Uses a person’s benefits group as a variable factor toassociate with an activity rate.

Uses the plan and option in plan in which theparticipant is enrolled as a variable factor to associatewith an activity rate.

Uses a person’s participation in a particular plan as avariable factor to associate with an activity rate. Youcan use this factor to define special rates when twoplans are elected in conjunction with one another.

Uses a FastFormula rule that you define to determine avariable factor to associate with an activity rate.

Uses a participant’s people group as a variable factor toassociate with an activity rate.

Uses the total coverage elected for a plan or option inplan by all participants as a variable factor indetermining the actual premium owed by a plansponsor to the benefits supplier.

Uses the total number of participants covered by a planor option in plan as a variable factor in determining theactual premium owed by a plan sponsor to the benefitssupplier.



Participationin AnotherPlan





15 – 17Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Calculation Methods: Values, Increments, and Operations

You select a calculation method to help you define the contribution ordistribution activity rate for a plan or option. Calculation methods arecomposed of values that you define, operations that you perform onthose values, and, in some case, values from the results of othercalculations that you have defined.

The following list describes the components that you can include in anactivity base rate calculation.

• Flat Amount: A standard rate that does not vary or an amount youenter as part of a more complex calculation.

• Minimum Value: The smallest amount a participant can elect tocontribute or receive as a distribution.

• Maximum Value: The largest amount a participant can elect tocontribute or receive as a distribution.

• Increment: The units participants must use to specify electedamounts during enrollment. For example, if the increment value is100, participants must specify amounts in whole hundreds ofcurrency.

• Default Value: The value assigned to the participant during adefault enrollment or when a participant fails to specify an explicitvalue when one is required during enrollment.

• Operation: A mathematical operator that is applied to a value, suchas Multiplied by or Percent of.

• Actual Premium: The per–participant amount paid by a plansponsor to the benefits supplier.

• Coverage: The amount of coverage available under the plan oroption for which you are defining the activity rate.

• Coverage Operation: A mathematical operator that is applied to acoverage amount.

• Compensation Level: The participant’s salary.

• Rounding Code/Rule: Specifies how the system rounds the result ofthe calculation when the value is not a fixed amount.

• No Standard Values Used: The calculation always uses a variablerate.

• Rule: Uses a FastFormula rule to structure the calculation.

15 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


Activity Rate Calculations

The tables below contain sample activity rate calculations for thevarious calculation methods that you can use with a standardcontribution/distribution or a flex credit calculation.

Flat Amount

Calculation Value

Example 5

Result = 5

Flat Amount Entered at Enrollment

Calculation Minimum Val-ue

Maximum Val-ue

Increment Default Value

Example 1,000 10,000 by 1 5,000

Result = 5,000 (can be changed at enrollment to value between 1,000 and 10,000)

Multiple of Compensation or Balances

Calculation Value Operation Compensation

Example 1 Per 10,000 25,000

Result = 2.5 (1/10,000) x 25,000

Multiple of Compensation or Balances, Enter Value at Enrollment

Calc Min Val Max Val Increment Default Operation Comp Lvl

Example 1 3 1 2 Per 10,000 25,000

Result = 2.5 (1/10,000) x 25,000

*5.0 (2/10,000) x 25,000

7.5 (3/10,000) x 25,000

15 – 19Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Multiple of Compensation or Balances and Coverage

Calc Value Operation Compensa-tion



Example (0.0001 Multiplied by 25,000) Per 10,000 100,000

Result = 25.0 ((.0001 x 25,000) / 10,000) x 100,000

Multiple of Coverage

Calculation Value Operation Coverage

Example 5 Per 100,000 200,000

Result = 10 (5 / 100,000) x 200,000

Multiple of Coverage, Enter Value at Enrollment

Calc Min Val Max Val Increment Default Operation Coverage

Example 2 6 2 4 Per100,000


Result = 4 (2/100,000) x 200,000

*8 (4/100,000) x 200,000

12 (6/100,000) x 200,000

Multiple of Parent Rate

Calculation Value Operation Activity Base Rate(Parent Rate)

Example 1 Multiplied by 2.5

Result = 2.5 (1 x 2.5)

Multiple of Parent Rate and Coverage

Calc Value Operation Parent Ac-tivity Rate



Example (1 Multiplied by 8) Per 100,000 100,000

15 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Result = 8.0 ((1 x 8) / 100,000) * 100,000

Multiple of Actual Premium

Calculation Value Operation Actual Premium

Example 50 Percent 8

Result = 4 (50 / 100) x 8

Multiple of Actual Premium and Coverage

Calc Value Operation Actual Pre-mium



Example (10 Percent of 8 Per 10,000 100,000

Result = 8.0 ((10 / 100 * 8) / 10,000) x 100,000

15 – 21Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Coverage Calculations

You use the Coverages form to calculate the coverage amount availablefor a plan or an option. You can set the contribution rate necessary topurchase this coverage using the Standard Contributions/Distributionsform.

The tables below contain sample coverage calculations for the variouscalculation methods that you can use in defining coverage for a benefit.

Flat Amount

Calculation Value

Example 50,000

Result = 50,000

Flat Range

Calculation Minimum Val-ue

Maximum Val-ue

Increment Default Value

Example 30,000 50,000 by 10,000 40,000

Result = 30,000



Multiple of Compensation

Calculation Value Operation Compensation Lev-el

Example 2 Multiplied by 25,000

Result = 50,000 (2 x 25,000)

Multiple of Compensation Range

Calc Min Val Max Val Increment Operation Comp Lvl Default

Example 2 6 2 Multipliedby

25,000 4

15 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Result = 50,000 (2 x 25,000)

*100,000 (4 x 25,000)

150,000 (6 x 25,000)

Flat Amount Plus Multiple of Compensation

Calc Value Min Val Operation Comp Lvl

Example 50,000 Plus (2 Multiplied by 25,000)

Result = 100,000 50,000 + (2 x 25,000)

Flat Amount Plus Multiple of Compensation Range

Calc Val Min Val MaxVal






50,000 Plus (2 6 2 Multi-plied by

25,000) 4

Result = 100,000 50,000 + (2 x 25,000)

*150,000 50,000 + (4 x 25,000)

200,000 50,000 + (6 x 25,000)

Multiple of Compensation Plus Flat Range

Calc Val Opera-tion


Min Val MaxVal




(2 Multi-plied by

25,000) Plus 30,000 50,000 10,000 40,000

Result = 80,000 (2 x 25,000) + 30,000

*90,000 (4 x 25,000) + 40,000

100,000 (6 x 25,000) + 50,000

15 – 23Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Actual Premium Calculations

You use the Calculation Method tabbed region of the Actual Premiumswindow to define the calculation that determines the actual premiumrate per participant for a plan or an option.

The tables below contain sample actual premium calculations for thevarious calculation methods that you can use with an actual premiumcalculation.

Flat Amount

Calculation Value

Example 5

Result = 5

Multiple of Coverage

Calculation Value Coverage Opera-tion


Example 5 Per 100,000 200,000

Result = 10 (5 / 100,000) x 200,000

Multiple of Total Coverage

Calculation Value Operation Total Coverage

Example 1 Per 1,000 1,000,000

Result = 1000 (1 / 1000) x 1,000,000

Multiple of Total Participants

Calculation Value Operation Total Participants

Example 5 Multiply By 50,000

Result = 250,000 5 x 50,000

15 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Standard Contributions and Distributions

Defining Activity Rates for a Standard Contribution/Distribution

You create a separate contribution or distribution activity ratecalculation for each plan or option in your benefits offering thatrequires a contribution or distribution. After you link the calculation tothe plan or option, you define the calculation.

You date effectively maintain standard contributions and distributionsusing the Standard Contributions/Distributions window.

� To define an activity rate for a standard contribution/distribution:

1. Enter or query the standard contribution or distribution that youare defining in the Name field.

2. Select the Status of this activity rate.

Pending: This plan or option in plan currently does not use thiscalculation, but could in the future if you change the Status of thiscalculation to Active. Select the Pending status when setting up astandard contribution/distribution calculation that possibly maynot become Active.

Active: The system currently calculates this standardcontribution/distribution for this plan or option in plan.

Inactive: The system currently does not calculate this standardcontribution/distribution for this plan or option in plan.

Closed: The system currently does not calculate this standardcontribution/distribution, nor will it ever do so in the future.

Attention: You cannot reactivate a closed activity ratecalculation. Once it is closed, it remains closed.

3. Choose the General tabbed region if it is not already selected.

4. Select the Level in the compensation object hierarchy at which youare defining the activity rate.

5. Select the Compensation Object for which you are defining theactivity rate.

6. Select an Activity Type code that identifies the business functionthis calculation performs, such as an Employee Contribution or anEmployer Payroll Distribution.

7. Select the Tax Type indicating the tax impact of this calculation toparticipants.

15 – 25Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

You select this Tax Type primarily for classification purposes; thepayroll system is primarily responsible for processing taxability.

8. Select a Usage code that limits the use of this activity rate to aparticular kind of contribution or distribution.

9. Select a UOM (unit of measure) to express the result of thiscalculation if this activity rate is for a non–monetary distribution.

10. Select the Element you defined that corresponds to this activity ratedefinition.

Note: Setup up your elements as a prerequisite to definingyour activity rates. If your element definition changes, youmust re–attach the element to the rate.

11. Check the Element and Input Value Required field.

12. Select the Input Value for the activity rate, such as pay value.

13. Check the Uses Variable Rate field if the result of this calculationvaries due to some factor or other piece of discreet data about theparticipant and you associate a variable rate profile with thecalculation.

14. Select the Parent/Child code to specify whether this calculation is aparent activity rate (the primary activity rate) or a child activityrate (dependent upon the parent activity rate).

15. Check the Subject to Imputed Income field if the activity rate forthis compensation object is governed by US imputed incomeregulations.

16. Save your work.

15 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Calculation Method for a Standard Contribution or Distribution

You use the Calculation Methods region of the StandardContributions/Distributions window to define how a standard activityrate is calculated.

See Also

Calculation Methods: Values, Increments, and Operations: page 15 – 17

Example: Activity Base Rate Calculations: page 15 – 18

� To define a calculation method for a standard activity rate:

1. Query the activity rate for which you are defining a calculationmethod in the Name field.

2. Select the method you are using to calculate the activity rate in theCalculation Method field.

Attention: The window changes based on the calculationmethod you select.

3. Complete your calculation definition based on the calculationmethod you select.

4. Save your work.

15 – 27Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining Proration for a Standard Contribution/Distribution Calculation

You can specify how the system prorates a calculation (usually acontribution) when a participant’s enrollment coverage date fallswithin a month, and the plan requires that activity rates be proratedbased on the date during the month when the participant’s coveragestarts.

� To define proration for a standard contribution/distributioncalculation:

1. Enter or the query the standard activity rate for which you aredefining a prorated value in the StandardContributions/Distributions window.

2. Select the Partial Month Determination alternate region.

3. Select a Partial Month Determination Code or Rule to specify howthe system calculates this standard contribution/distribution whena participant’s enrollment coverage date falls within a month.

All: The system calculates this activity rate as if the participantwas enrolled for the entire month.

None: The system calculates this activity rate as if the participantwas not enrolled at all for the entire month.

Prorate Value: The system prorates this standardcontribution/distribution based on the percentage of the month theparticipant was enrolled. Use the Proration window to define yourproration method for this calculation.

Rule: If special circumstances apply, select a rule that the systemuses to calculate this activity rate when a participant’s enrollmentcoverage date falls within a month.

4. Select an Effective Date Code or Rule to specify how the systemcalculates the effective date from which the partial month iscalculated.

5. Enter a Wash Rule Day if participants whose activity rate start datebegins after the wash rule day do not receive a contribution ordistribution for that month.

• Conversely, participants whose activity rate end date is before thewash rule day do not receive a contribution or distribution forthat month.

6. Choose the Proration button to open the Proration window if youselect a partial month determination code of Prorate Value.

7. Enter the From and To days within the month that represent thestarting and ending dates for this proration calculation.

15 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

8. Enter a value specifying the Percent of the total standardcontribution or distribution that the system uses to calculate theprorated activity rate for those persons whose enrollment coveragedates fall within these From and To days.

9. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify how the system roundsthe result of this calculation.

10. Save your work.

15 – 29Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining Characteristics of Annual Rates

For those plans where a participant enters an annual contribution rateduring enrollment, you can define how the system prorates theminimum and maximum contribution amounts for those participantswho enter the plan mid–year.

Note: The annual rate value is calcuated based on a 12–monthperiod regardless if the plan year is for a period of 12 monthsor less.

If you use SSHR, your employees can enter annual rates duingenrollment if the Annual Rate flag is turned on.

� To define the characteristics of an annual rate:

1. Enter or the query the standard activity rate for which you aredefining a prorated value in the StandardContributions/Distributions window.

2. Select the Annual Rates alternate region.

In the Comparison Balances block:

3. Select whether this annual rate is compared to the claims submittedagainst the annual amount or the amount contributed to the plan.

4. For those plans where you prorate the annual contribution amountbased on the days or pay periods remaining in the plan year, select:

• A Prorate Minimum Annual Value Code or Rule

• A Prorate Maximum Annual Value Code or Rule

5. Save your work.

15 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Processing Information for a Standard Contribution/Distribution

You use the Processing Information tabbed region of the StandardContributions/Distributions window to define the system (such asOracle Payroll) that processes the contribution deduction ordistribution payment. You may also select, from a range of choices, thepoint in the enrollment process when a contribution amount is entered.

� To define processing information for a standardcontribution/distribution:

1. Complete the Processing Information checkboxes by selecting froma range of choices that define when and how a contribution ordistribution amount is entered for this plan or option in plan.

Attention: These checkboxes are important, because theydetermine whether an election results in a payroll deductionfor a participant.

• Check the Value Override Allowed field if the participant mayoverride the default rate at the time of enrollment.

• Check the Enter Annual Value field if the participant enters thetotal annual contribution or distribution amount at the time ofenrollment.

• Check the Display on Enrollment field to display the activityrate on the enrollment form.

• Check the Process Each Pay Period Default field if the systemcalculates this standard contribution/distribution each payperiod unless otherwise specified.

Note: Checking this field disables use of the ScheduleInformation button.

2. Select the system that processes this calculation in the ProcessingSource field.

3. Select a Recurring code. Choose from:

• Once: the contribution or distribution occurs once for aparticipant in this plan or option in plan.

• Recurring: the contribution or distribution occurs on a definedperiodic basis for an indefinite period of time.

• Either: the contribution or distribution can either occur once oron a recurring basis.

4. Save your work.

15 – 31Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining Deduction and Payment Schedules for a StandardContribution/Distribution

You can define a deduction or payment schedule to specify howfrequently the system calculates a contribution (for deductions) ordistribution (for payments) if you are using Oracle Payroll and you donot check the Process Each Pay Period Default field in the ProcessingInformation region.

You date effectively define deduction and payment schedules in theSchedule Information window.

� To define scheduling for a standard contribution:

1. Select a Deduction Schedule for this standard contribution.

2. For this Deduction Schedule, select a Pay Frequency to specify howfrequently the system deducts this standard contribution.

3. Check the Default field if this Pay Frequency is the default payfrequency for this Deduction Schedule.

4. If you associate more than one Pay Frequency with this DeductionSchedule, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each Pay Frequency.

5. Save your work.

� To define Payments for a standard distribution:

1. Select a Payment Schedule for this standard distribution.

2. For this Payment Schedule, select a Pay Frequency to specify howfrequently the system makes this standard distribution.

3. Check the Default field if this Pay Frequency is the default payfrequency for this Payment Schedule.

4. If you associate more than one Pay Frequency with this PaymentSchedule, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each Pay Frequency.

5. Save your work.

15 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Non–Oracle Payroll System to Process Benefit Earnings andDeductions

You use the Payroll Information tabbed region of the StandardContribution/Distribution window if a non–Oracle payroll systemcalculates this contribution or distribution.

� To define a non–Oracle payroll system to process earnings anddeductions:

1. Enter the Name of the foreign payroll system.

2. Select if this payroll system processes earnings or deductions in theType field.

3. Save your work.

15 – 33Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Associating a Variable Rate Profile with a Standard Contribution/DistributionCalculation

If a standard contribution or distribution can vary based on a derivedfactor or a discrete piece of data, you can use the Variable Rates regionof the Standard Contributions/Distributions window to associate avariable rate profile or rule with the activity rate calculation to specifyhow the result can vary.

Attention: You must define a variable rate profile or rulebefore you define a standard contribution or distribution thatuses a variable rate.

� To associate a variable rate profile or rule with a standardcontribution/distribution calculation:

1. Enter a Seq (Sequence) number to specify the order in which thesystem processes this variable rate profile relative to any otherprofiles you associate with this standard contribution/distributioncalculation.

2. Select the Name of a variable rate profile you are associating withthis standard contribution/distribution calculation.

3. Choose the Rules region if you are associating a variable rate rulewith this calculation. Enter the Seq (sequence) number and selectthe name of this variable rate rule.

4. Save your work.

15 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Matching Rates for a Standard Contribution Calculation

Note: The matching rates feature is reserved for future use. Itis currently not operational.

If you define an employer matching contribution that is a percentage ofthe employee contribution (in contrast to a fixed employercontribution), you can define how the system performs such matching.Multiple instances of a matching contribution may be necessary if theemployer match varies according to the amount the employeecontributes.

You define matching rates in the Standard Contributions andDistributions window. Choose the Matching Rates tab.

� To define matching rates for a standard contribution calculation:

1. If special circumstances apply, select a matching rate calculationrule.

2. Enter a Seq (sequence) number to specify the order in which thesystem processes this matching rate for this contribution.

3. Enter a From % and To % to specify the lowest and highestemployee contribution percentage to which this matchingcontribution applies.

In the Matching Values block:

4. Enter a Match % to specify the matching percentage for thismatching rate.

5. Enter a Minimum and Maximum Amount to specify theboundaries of the employer match, regardless of the value thesystem calculates.

Check the No Maximum Amount field if the match has noMaximum Amount defined for it.

In the Maximum Pay to Consider block:

6. Enter an Amount to specify the maximum amount of employeeearnings against which the system calculates this match.

Check the No Maximum Amount field if the match is not limitedby the Maximum Amount of employee earnings.

7. Enter a Percent to specify the maximum percentage of employeeearnings against which the system calculates this match.

Check the No Maximum Percent field if the match is not limited bya Maximum Percent of employee earnings.

15 – 35Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

8. Check the Continue Matching after Maximum field if employermatching contributions continue up to the maximum percentage oramount, even though the worker has met the limit of workercontributions.

Note: This is particularly useful for US 401(k) plans as workersmay choose high salary percentages in order to contribute asmuch as possible as soon as possible. When employercontributions match each pay period, it may occur that theworker is contributing too much each pay period to receive theemployer’s highest matching amount. For example, a workercould contribute 15% of pay up to the worker maximumcontribution limit of $9,000, but the employer matches only50% up to 6% of what the worker contributes. As OraclePayroll performs the actual calculation, checking this field onlyalerts the system to activate the proper calculation process.

9. Save your work.

15 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Associating a Period–to–Date Limit with a Standard Contribution/DistributionCalculation

You can associate period–to–date limits for a calculation or adistribution. You typically define period–to–date limits for savingsplans.

Choose the PTD Limits tab in the StandardContributions/Distributions window to select a period–to–date limit.

� To define a period–to–date limit for a calculation:

1. Select a Period–to–Date Limit to associate with this calculation.

2. Save your work.

15 – 37Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Variable Rates

Defining General Information for a Variable Rate Profile

You use the Variable Rate Profiles window to define a variable ratewhen an activity rate for a plan can vary for each participant based onone or more factors.

� To define general information for a variable rate profile:

1. Enter the Name of the variable rate profile you are defining.

2. Select its current Status.

Pending: This variable rate profile is currently proposed, but notyet associated with an activity rate.

Active: This variable rate profile is currently associated with anactivity rate.

Inactive: This variable rate profile is currently not associated withan activity rate.

Closed: This variable rate profile was once Active or Proposed, butis no longer associated with an activity rate.

Attention: Once a variable rate profile is closed, you cannotchange its status to pending or active.

3. Choose the General tab if it is not already selected.

4. Select an Activity Type code to specify the type of activity rate towhich this variable rate applies.

5. Select a Tax Type code to specify the tax status of the activity rate.

Note: The system displays only those tax types that are validbased on the activity type you select.

Note: Variable rates for actual premiums must have a tax typeof Not Applicable.

6. Select a Reference Period code to specify the time period applicableto the activity rate.

7. Select a Treatment code to specify the type of calculation the systemperforms on the activity rate.

8. Select a Usage that limits the kind of activity rate to which thisvariable rate can apply.

9. Select an Assignment to which this variable rate profile applies inthe Assignment to Use field.

15 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

For example, you can define a variable profile for benefitsassignments if this profile is only used to determine continuingeligibility.

10. Save your work.

15 – 39Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining a Calculation Method for a Variable Rate Profile

You use the fields in the Calculation Methods region of the VariableRate Profiles window to define how a variable activity rate iscalculated.

� To define a calculation method for a variable rate profile:

1. Query the variable rate for which you are defining a calculationmethod in the Name field.

2. Select the method you are using to calculate the variable activityrate in the Calculation Method field.

Attention: The window changes based on the calculationmethod you select.

3. Complete your calculation definition based on the calculationmethod you select.

4. Select Always Sum All Participants or Always Sum All Coverage ifyou are defining a variable rate profile for an actual premium basedon the total coverage volume for all participants or the totalnumber of participants.

• Conversely, do not select Always Sum All Participants orAlways Sum All Coverage if you want the variable ratedetermined based only on the number of participants who meetthe criteria of the variable rate profile.

5. Save your work.

15 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining the Criteria in a Variable Rate Profile

You define the criteria that compose a variable rate profile so thatparticipants who meet the criteria receive the variable rate you havedefined. You can also define a variable rate profile so that participantswho meet the criteria are specifically excluded from receiving thevariable rate.

� To define the criteria in a variable rate profile:

1. Enter or query the variable rate in the Variable Rate Profileswindow.

2. Choose the Criteria button to open the Variable Rate Criteriawindow.

3. Choose a tabbed region that contains a criteria element you want toinclude in your variable rate profile.

4. Select a criteria element.

For example, in the Other Factors region you could selectParticipation in Another Plan as a criteria element if you want todefine a special rate for when two plans are elected in conjunctionwith one another.

5. Enter a Seq (sequence) number specifying the order the systemprocesses this criteria element relative to any other criteria in thevariable rate profile.

Attention: You must assign a sequence number of a higherpriority to all criteria that are used to exclude eligibility in avariable rate profile.

6. Select a value for the criteria element you have selected.

7. Check the Exclude field if a person who meets the value of thiscriteria element is excluded from receiving the variable rateassociated with this profile.

8. Repeat steps 3–7 for each criteria element you include in thisvariable rate profile.

9. Choose the Display All tabbed region to view the criteria elementsin this variable rate profile.

10. Save your work.

15 – 41Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining Matching Rates for a Variable Rate Calculation

Note: The matching rates feature is reserved for future use. Itis currently not operational.

The process for defining a matching rate for a variable rate calculationis the same as defining a matching rate for a standard contribution.

From the Variable Rate Profiles window, choose the Matching Ratesbutton.

� To define a matching rate for a variable rate calculation:

1. Query the variable rate for which you want to define a matchingcalculation rate.

2. Choose the Matching Rates button to display the Matching Rateswindow.

3. Define the matching rate calculation.

See: Defining Matching Rates for a Standard ContributionCalculation: page 15 – 34

4. Save your work.

15 – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Coverage Calculations

Defining a Coverage Calculation

You use the Coverages window to define the amount of coverageavailable for a plan or an option in plan. Coverage calculations aretypically used to determine the coverage offered by an insurance planbut may also include other benefit offerings, such as stock options.

� To define a coverage calculation for a plan:

1. Enter or query the coverage calculation you are defining in theName field.

2. Select the Type of benefit provided by this plan or option in plan,such as Coverage or Time Off.

3. Choose the General tabbed region if it is not currently selected.

4. Select the Level at which you are creating a coverage calculation.

5. Select the plan or option in plan for which you are defining acoverage calculation in the Compensation Object field.

6. Select a UOM for non–monetary coverage amounts, such asoptions or shares.

7. Select a Boundary Period that restricts any lower or upper limitcoverage amount that you specify to a specific length of time.

8. Check the Max Overridable field if the user can override themaximum coverage amount.

9. Save your work.

15 – 43Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining a Coverage Calculation Method

You define a coverage calculation method to define how the coverageamount is calculated for a plan or an option in plan.

See Also

Calculation Methods: Values, Increments, and Operations: page 15 – 17

Coverage Calculations: page 15 – 21

� To define a coverage calculation method:

1. Enter or query the coverage calculation you are defining in theName field.

2. Choose the Calculation Method tabbed region.

3. Select the Calculation Method you are using to define this coveragecalculation.

4. Check the Enter Value at Enrollment field if you enter the coverageamount at the time of enrollment.

5. Complete the remaining fields based on the calculation method youselect.

6. Enter a Lower Limit value or rule to define the minimum amountof coverage available under this plan or option regardless of theresult of the coverage calculation.

7. Enter an Upper Limit value or rule to define the maximum amountof coverage available under this plan or option regardless of theresult of the coverage calculation.

8. Save your work.

15 – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Associating a Variable Rate Profile with a Coverage Calculation Method

You use the Benefit Variable Rates and Rules window to associate avariable rate profile with a coverage calculation if the calculation canvary for each participant.

� To associate a variable rate profile with a coverage calculation:

1. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which the system shouldprocess this variable rate profile relative to any other variable rateprofiles that you associate with this coverage calculation.

2. Select the variable rate profile in the Profile Name field.

3. Select another profile if you use more than one variable rate for thiscalculation.

4. Alternatively, choose the Rule tab and select a variable rate rule toassociate with this calculation.

5. Save your work.

15 – 45Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Other Activity Rate and Coverage Setup

Defining a Coverage Limit Across Plan Types

You use the Coverage Across Plan Types window to define theminimum and maximum coverage amount that a participant can electacross plan types in a program.

You can place a plan type in only one across plan type group. You canalso set coverage limits at the plan level.

� To define a coverage limit across plan types:

1. Select the program for which you are defining cross plan typecoverage limits.

Note: The system displays the plan types in this program inthe Coverage Plan Types block.

2. Enter a name that identifies this cross plan type coverage limit.

3. Enter the minimum amount of coverage that a participant mustelect across the plan types in this grouping.

4. Enter the maximum amount of coverage that a participant mustelect across the plan types in this grouping.

In the Coverage Plan Types block:

5. Select a plan type for which you are defining a cross plan typecoverage limit.

• Check the Applies To field if you are placing this plan type into thiscross plan type grouping.

Note: The Already Used field appears checked if you havealready placed this plan type into another cross plan typegrouping.

6. Repeat step 5 for each plan type that you are placing into this crossplan type grouping.

7. Save your work.

15 – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Imputed Income Calculation

You use the Imputed Income window to date effectively define activityrates that calculate the amount of plan income that is considered a”fringe benefit” and subject to Section 79 of the US Internal RevenueService code.

� To define an imputed income calculation:

1. Enter a Name for the imputed income calculation you are defining.

2. Select the imputed income Plan for which you are defining thiscalculation.

3. Select a Status code for this imputed income calculation.

Pending: This plan currently does not use this imputed incomecalculation, but could in the future if you change the Status of thiscalculation to Active. Select the Pending status when setting up animputed income calculation that possibly may not become Active.

Active: This imputed income calculation is associated with animputed income benefit.

Inactive: This imputed income calculation is not associated withan imputed income benefit.

Closed: This imputed income calculation is not associated with animputed income benefit, nor will it ever be associated with one inthe future.

Attention: You cannot reactivate a closed imputed incomecalculation. Once it is closed, it remains closed.

4. Select a processing Source code to identify the system thatprocesses this imputed income calculation.

5. Check the Uses Payment Schedule field if a payroll system uses apayment schedule other than ”every pay period” when processingthis imputed income calculation.

6. Check the Process Each Pay Period field if a payroll systemprocesses this imputed income calculation every pay period.

7. Enter a Wash Rule Day if participants who start coverage for thisplan do not receive imputed income contributions or distributionsfor the month when their coverage start date is after the wash ruleday.

• Conversely, participants who end coverage for the plan will notreceive imputed income for the month when their coverage enddate is before the wash rule day.

15 – 47Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

In the Payroll Information block:

8. Select the Element Entry that this calculation creates.

9. Select the Input Value of the element entry.

10. Select a Recurring code to specify whether this imputed incomecalculation occurs for the participant only Once, Recurs on aperiodic basis for an indefinite time period, or Either.

11. Select a Partial Month Determination Code or Rule to specify howthe system calculates this imputed income calculation when theemployee participates in the imputed income benefit mid–month.

12. Enter a Foreign Earning Deduction ID and Name to identify thispayroll system if a non-Oracle payroll system processes thisimputed income calculation.

13. Select a Foreign Earning Deduction Type of deduction or earningsto specify how this non–Oracle payroll system processes thiscalculation.

14. Save your work.

Associating a Variable Rate Profile with an Imputed Income Calculation

You use the Variable Rates window to associate a variable rate profilewith an imputed income calculation.

� To associate a variable rate profile with an imputed incomecalculation:

1. Query or enter an imputed income calculation in the ImputedIncome window and choose the Variable Rates button.

2. Select a Variable Rate Profile to associate with this imputed incomecalculation.

3. If necessary, adjust the From and To dates to specify the datesthrough which you associate this profile with this calculation.

Associating a Payment Schedule with an Imputed Income Calculation

You use the Payment Schedule window to define a payment schedulefor an imputed income calculation if the payroll system uses a scheduleother than ”every pay period.”

� To associate a payment frequency schedule with an imputed incomecalculation:

1. Query or enter an imputed income calculation in the ImputedIncome window and choose the Payment Schedule button.

15 – 48 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Select the Payment Schedule or Rule the payroll system uses toprocess this imputed income calculation.

3. Select the Pay Frequency code to specify how frequently the payrollsystem processes this imputed income calculation.

4. Check the Default field if the system assigns this payment scheduleto this imputed income calculation when the payroll system doesnot specify which payment schedule to use.

5. Save your work.

15 – 49Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining an Actual Premium

You use the Actual Premiums window to maintain the criteria used tocalculate an actual premium cost.

� To define an actual premium:

1. Enter the premium name or a description of the premium in theName field.

2. Select the premium type in the Type field.

3. Select the premium payer in the Payer field.

4. Select the plan to which you are associating this premium.

5. Select an option in plan if you are associating this premium to anoption.

6. Select the organization to which the premium is paid in theSupplier field.

Note: The list of organizations is limited to those organizationsthat you attach to the plan or to the program containing theplan.

7. Select the Currency in which this premium is paid.

Note: The Activity Reference Period is monthly for all actualpremiums. This is a read–only field.

8. Save your work.

General Definitions

� To define general characteristics of an actual premium:

1. Query or enter an actual premium in the Actual Premiumswindow.

2. Select the General tab.

3. Specify in the Assignment field if the premium is assigned to theparticipant during the enrollment or determined when you run thePremium Calculation batch process.

Note: Premiums that are calculated on a per–participant basisare assigned during enrollment. Premiums based on the totalnumber of participants, the total coverage volume elected byall participants, or the total premium minus the total of allparticipant contributions are calculated by the PremiumCalculation batch process.

4. Select the premium’s Assignment Level based on whether youassign the premium to a participant, a plan or option, or to both.

15 – 50 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

5. Indicate if you calculate premiums before or after the coverageperiod in the Prospective/Retrospective field.

6. Enter a Lower Limit value or rule to define the minimum premiumfor this plan or option in plan regardless of the premiumcalculation result.

7. Enter an Upper Limit Value or rule to define the maximumpremium for this plan or option in plan regardless of the premiumcalculation result.

Calculation Methods

� To define a calculation method for an actual premium:

1. Query or enter an actual premium in the Actual Premiumswindow.

2. Select the Calculation Method tab.

3. Select the Calculation Method you want to use to determine thispremium.

4. Complete your premium calculation definition based on thecalculation method you choose.

If you select a premium assignment of During PremiumCalculation Process, you can select from the following calculationmethods:

• Multiple of Total Coverage

• Multiple of Total Participants

• Total Premium Less Participant Contribution

• No Standard Values Used

Note: If you select Total Premium Less ParticipantContribution as your calculation method, your premium payermust be the employer.

If you select a premium assignment of Enrollment, you can selectfrom these calculation methods:

• Flat Amount

• Multiple of Coverage

• No Standard Values Used

• A FastFormula Rule

15 – 51Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

See Also

Calculation Methods: Values, Increments, and Operations: page 15 – 17

Example: Actual Premium Calculations: page 15 – 23

Variable Rate Actual Premiums

� To associate a variable rate profile with an actual premium:

1. Query or enter an actual premium in the Actual Premiumswindow.

2. Select the Variable Rates tab.

3. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which this profile should beprocessed relative to any other profiles for this premium.

4. Select one or more variable rate profiles in the Profile field.

Note: Any variable rate profile you associate with a premiumcalculated based on the total coverage volume or the totalnumber of participants must have a treatment code of Replace.

Partial Month Processing

� To define a premium for participants who gain or lose coveragemid–month:

1. Query or enter an actual premium in the Actual Premiumswindow.

2. Select the Partial Month tab.

3. Select a Partial Month Determination code or rule to define howthe system calculates premiums for participants who gain or losecoverage mid–month.

4. Enter the day of the month in the Wash Rule field on which the rulewill operate.

For example, enter 15 if a person who is covered on the 15th of themonth pays the total premium amount.

Note: Enter a proration rule if proration is formula based.

5. Select a Wash Rule if you define a premium wash under certaincircumstances.

6. Choose the Proration button if you maintain pro–rated premiums.

7. Enter the From and To days within the month that represent thestarting and ending dates for this proration calculation.

15 – 52 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: The last day of the month is considered 31 regardless ofthe month. If a participant’s coverage start date is not within aproration date range that you define, the participant’s premiumwill be the full month premium.

8. Select a Rounding Code or rule to round off the result of theprorated premium.

9. Enter the Percentage Value of the standard premium that thesystem uses to calculate the prorated premium.

• Or, select a Partial Month Proration Rule if no percent values areused.

10. Select a Start/Stop Coverage Code to indicate if this proratedpremium applies to participants who gain or lose coverage duringthe month.

Premium Credits

� To define restrictions on when credits can be applied to a premium:

1. Query or enter an actual premium in the Actual Premiumswindow.

2. Select the Credits tab.

3. Enter the number of months prior to the current processing monthfor which the system will still apply credits.

• Check the Current Pay Only field to restrict credit processing to thecurrent month.

Note: You can only define a credit lookback period forpremiums with an assignment of During Premium CalculationProcess.


� To define premium costing:

1. Query or enter an actual premium in the Actual Premiumswindow.

2. Select the Costing tab.

3. Select the default cost allocation for this premium in the DefaultCosting field.

Note: You must define a default cost allocation if you definecosting. When the premium assignment occurs duringenrollment, the default costing and any additional costing

15 – 53Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

segments must be applied to the participant. Premiumsassigned by the Premium Calculation batch process only usedefault costing.

4. Enter a segment number between 1 and 30 for those cost allocationthat do not use the default.

5. Select a segment costing method code to cost this premium basedon a participant’s primary assignment.

Note: You cannot select a segment costing method based on aparticipant’s assignment if you use an assignment level of Planor Option.

6. Select a segment costing method rule if you selected a segmentcosting method code of Rule.

7. Save your work.

Deleting an Actual Premium

You can delete an actual premium that you have created in error if youhave not associated the premium with a plan or an option in plan inwhich a participant is currently enrolled.

Use the end–dating feature of the system to de–activate an actualpremium that is no longer valid.

15 – 54 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Period–to–Date Limits

You use the Period–to–Date Limits window to date effectively defineplan year contribution limits for plans or options in plan. When youdefine a standard contribution, you can associate a period–to–date limitfor those plans or options in plan that require contribution restrictions.

You can base period–to–date limits on a person’s accrued activity ratebalance, as a percentage of their compensation, or based on afastformula rule that you define.

� To define a period–to–date limit:

1. Enter a Name for this period–to–date limit.

2. Select a Determination Code that defines when the limit is reached.

Balance Region

3. Enter the maximum amount that a participant may accrue during aplan year for this balance in the Max Value field.

4. Select the period–to–date balance Type.

Compensation Region

You use the fields in the compensation region if you are limiting aperiod–to–date contribution as a percentage of a participant’scompensation, or based on a derived compensation factor.

5. Enter the maximum percentage of a participant’s compensationthat can be accrued in this balance in the Max Percent field.

6. Select a compensation factor in the Factor field if you are using aderived compensation factor to determine the period–to–date limitfor this balance.

7. Enter the Max Pay to Consider if you define a maximumcompensation amount that the system considers when calculating aperiod–to–date limit based on a percentage of compensation or aderived compensation factor.

Rule Region

8. Select a Rule if you are defining a period–to–date limit based on aFastFormula rule that you have written.

9. Save your work.

You can now use the Standard Contribution/Distribution windowto associate your period–to–date limit with the contributionactivity rate for a plan or option in plan.

15 – 55Activity Rates and Coverage Calculations

Defining a Benefit Balance

You use the Benefit Balances window to enter and maintain benefitbalances that you can link to persons or to formulas.

� To define a benefit balance:

1. Enter a Name used to identify the benefit balance.

2. Enter a Description of your benefit balance.

3. Select a Usage code.

Your system administrator or benefits administrator defines thebenefit balance usage codes as part of the system implementation.

4. Select the unit of measure in which this balance is expressed in theUOM field.

5. Select a Non–Monetary UOM for benefits not expressed incurrency, such as stock options or shares.

6. Save your work.

You can now associate this benefit balance with a person benefitbalance or a formula.

15 – 56 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



16 – 1Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits)

Flex Credits and BenefitPools (AdvancedBenefits)

16 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Flex Credit Calculations

Flexible benefit programs offer employees choices among benefits andcoverage levels. Participants can receive flex credits for variousreasons, such as service credits, health care credits, and credits fromvacation sale.

You define flex credits in conjunction with flexible benefit programs sothat participants have money to spend on benefits and coverage levels.Flex credits are defined by a special type of activity rate calculation.

You can define flex credits at the following levels in the compensationobject hierarchy:

• Program

• Plan type in program

• Plan in program

• Option in plan

• Combination plan type in program

• Combination plans in program

If you are defining a flexible benefits plan, you must create a flex creditprogram and place the flex credit plan in that program.

Benefit Pools

Benefit pools define how flex credits are grouped. They restrict thecompensation objects that are funded by a flex credit calculation.

You define benefit pools in association with programs that provide flexcredits so that when a participant enrolls in a flex program they haveflex credits available to spend. You define the amount provided by abenefit pool by creating an activity base rate for the pool object.

Excess treatment codes restrict the distribution of flex credits left unspentby a participant. Excess credits may be rolled over into anothercompensation object (such as another plan), distributed as cash, orforfeited. You can define minimum and maximum rollover amountsand the order in which excess credits should be distributed.

Benefit pools can be defined at the following levels in the compensationobject hierarchy:

• Program

• Plan Type in Program

• Plan in Program

16 – 3Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits)

• Option in Plan in Program

• Combination of Plan Types in Program

• Combinations of Plans in a Program

16 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Flex Credits

Regardless of the level at which you define flex credits, you mustassociate your flex credit definition with a compensation object that ispart of a program. You cannot define flex credits for a benefit plan thatis not part of a program.

You define the flex credits in a program in the Flex Credits window.

� To define general information for flex credits:

1. Enter or query the flex credit calculation you are defining in theName field.

2. Select the Status of the flex credit calculation.

Pending: This compensation object currently does not use theseflex credits, but could in the future if you change the Status of theseflex credits to Active. Select the Pending status when setting upflex credits that possibly may not become Active.

Active: The system has applied these flex credits to acompensation object.

Inactive: This compensation object currently does not use theseflex credits.

Closed: The system does not apply these flex credits to acompensation object, nor will it ever do so in the future.

Attention: You cannot reactivate a closed flex creditcalculation. Once a flex credit calculation is closed, it remainsclosed.

3. Select the Level of the compensation object hierarchy at which youare defining flex credits.

4. Select the Compensation Object for which are defining a flex creditcalculation.

5. Choose the General tab.

6. Select the Activity identifying the business function this activityrate performs.

7. Select a Tax Type to indicate the tax impact of these flex credits toparticipants, such as pre–tax or after tax.

8. Select the Element you defined that corresponds to this activity ratedefinition.

9. Select the Input Value for this activity rate, such as pay value.

10. Choose the Calculation Method tab.

16 – 5Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits)

11. Select the Calculation Method the system uses when determiningthe flex credit rate for the selected compensation object.

The system re–paints the window based on the calculation methodyou select.

12. Enter or select one or more values based on your flex creditcalculation definition.

13. Save your work.

16 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Regular Processing for a Flex Credit Activity Rate

You use the Processing tabbed region of the Flex Credits window todefine the payroll processing of a flex credit calculation. You mustdefine this information in conjunction with your element definition forthis activity rate to be processed.

� To define regular processing for a flex credit activity rate:

1. Select a Source code to identify the system that processes this flexcredit calculation.

2. Select a Recurring code to indicate if this flex credit calculation isprocessed once or on a recurring basis.

3. Check the Uses Variable Rate field if these flex credits arecalculated using a variable rate profile.

Do one of the following:

• Check the Process Each Pay Period field if a payroll systemprocesses this flex credit calculation every pay period.

• Check the Uses Payment Schedule field to specify that one ormore payment schedules must be defined if a payroll systemprocesses this flex credits activity rate on a non–pay period basis.

Note: The Process Each Pay Period and the Uses PaymentSchedule check boxes are mutually exclusive.

In the Foreign Earning/Deduction block:

4. If a non–Oracle payroll system processes these flex credits:

• Select the ID to identify this activity rate

• Select a Type code of Earning or Deduction to specify how thissystem processes this calculation

• Enter a Name to identify this payroll system

5. Enter a Lower Limit Value or Rule to define the minimum result ofthis flex credit calculation.

6. Enter an Upper Limit Value or Rule to define the minimum resultof this flex credit calculation.

7. Choose the Payment Schedule button to open the PaymentSchedule window if you checked the Uses Payment Schedule field.

8. Select the Payment Schedule the payroll system uses to process thisactivity rate.

• If no Payment Schedule meets your requirements, select a Rule.

16 – 7Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits)

9. Select the Pay Frequency code to specify how frequently the payrollsystem processes this activity rate for this Payment Schedule.

10. Check the Default field if the system assigns this payment scheduleto this activity rate when the payroll system does not specify whichpayment schedule to use.

11. Close the Payment Schedule window.

12. Choose the Variable Rates button to open the Activity VariableRates and Rules window if you checked the Uses Variable Ratefield.

13. Choose the Variable Rate Profile tab or the Variable Rate Rule tabdepending if you are linking a variable rate profile or rule to thisflex credit activity rate.

14. Enter a Seq (Sequence) number to specify the order in which thesystem processes the variable rate profile or rule.

15. Select a Variable Rate Profile or Rule to associate with this flexcredit activity rate.

16. Close the Activity Variable Rates and Rules window.

17. Choose the Period to Date Limit button if you limit the number offlex credits a participant can receive during a given time period.

18. Select a Period–to–Date Limit to associate with this flex creditactivity rate.

19. Save your work.

16 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Partial Month Processing for a Flex Credit Activity Rate

You use the Partial Month tabbed region of the Flex Credits window todefine how the system calculates a flex credit activity rate when aparticipant enters the plan mid–month.

� To define partial month rate processing for a flex credit activity rate:

1. Select a Partial Month Determination Code to specify how thesystem calculates these flex credits when the employee participatesin this compensation object mid–month.

• If special circumstances apply, select a Partial MonthDetermination Rule instead of a Partial Month DeterminationCode.

2. Select the Partial Month Effective Date Determination Code tospecify how the system determines the effective date it uses tocalculate a partial month contribution/distribution proration.

• If the Partial Month Effective Date Determination Code valuesdo not meet your requirements, select a Partial Month EffectiveDate Determination Rule.

3. Enter the Wash Rule Day if participants who enter this plan do notreceive a flex credit allocation for the month when their coveragestart date is after the wash rule day.

• Conversely, participants who end coverage for the plan will notreceive a flex credit allocation for the month when their coverageend date is before the wash rule day.

4. Choose the Partial Month button.

5. Select if this partial month activity rate starts or stops for thispartial month period in the Start or Stop field.

6. Select a From day within the month that represents the startingdate for a partial date range.

7. Select a To day within the month that represents the ending datefor a partial date range.

8. Select a Percent specifying the percentage of the total activity ratethat the system uses to calculate the prorated rate for those personswhose enrollment coverage dates fall within these From and Todays.

• Or, select a Proration Rule that you have defined to calculate theprorated rate.

9. Select a Rounding Code to specify how the system rounds theresult of this flex credit calculation.

16 – 9Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits)

10. If a Rounding Code does not meet your requirements, select aRounding Rule.

11. Save your work.

16 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining the General Characteristics of a Benefits Pool

You define benefit pools to limit how a participant can spend flexcredits and how excess flex credits can be rolled over, distributed ascash, or forfeited.

Benefit pools are always associated with a program, but you can alsocreate pools at other levels within a program.

You can specify the percentage or amount of credits that can bedistributed as cash based on the number of excess credits.

You use the Benefits Pools window to date effectively maintain benefitpools for your flex credit programs.

� To define the general characteristics of a benefits pool:

1. Enter a name for the benefit pool you are defining in the Namefield.

2. Select the program to which you are associating this benefit pool.

3. Select the Level at which you are defining flex credits in thisprogram.

4. Select the Compensation Object for which you are defining abenefit pool.

Note: The list of available compensation objects is limitedbased on the level you select in step 3.

5. Choose the General tab, if it is not already selected.

6. Check the Include Program Flex Credits field if this is a programlevel pool.

7. Check the Automatically Allocate Excess field if excess credits fromthis pool are allocated based on your benefit pool definition andwithout the explicit choice of the participant.

8. Select a code in the Excess Treatment field that defines how aparticipant may use excess flex credits from this pool.

Receive as Cash or Roll to Another Plan: The participant canchoose to receive the excess flex credits as cash or roll the excesscredits to another eligible plan.

Roll to Another Plan: The participant can only choose to roll theexcess credits to another eligible plan. They cannot receive excesscredits as cash.

9. Select a Default Excess Treatment code to define the order in whichexcess flex credits are either distributed, rolled over, or forfeited.

16 – 11Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits)

In the Percent block:

10. Enter the Minimum percentage of excess credits that can bedistributed from this benefit pool as cash or check the NoMinimum field if there is no minimum percentage.

11. Enter the Maximum percentage of excess credits that can bedistributed from this benefit pool as cash or check the NoMaximum field if there is no maximum percentage that can bedistributed.

12. Select a Rounding Code or Rule if you are defining a roundingmethod for the percentage of excess credits that can be distributedfrom this benefit pool.

In the Amount block:

13. Enter the Minimum amount of excess credits that can bedistributed from this benefit pool as cash or check the NoMinimum field to indicate that there is no minimum amount.

14. Enter the Maximum amount of excess credits that can bedistributed from this benefit pool as cash or check the NoMaximum field to indicate that there is no maximum amount.

15. Select a Rounding Code or Rule if you are defining a roundingmethod for the amount of excess credits that can be distributedfrom this benefit pool.

16. Save your work.

16 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Applying a Benefit Pool to a Plan and Option

You use the Application tabbed region of the Benefit Pools window toapply the benefit pool to a plan and the options in that plan.

� To apply a benefit pool to a plan and option:

1. Select the Plan to which you are associating this benefit pool. Thesystem displays:

• The option or options associated with this plan

• The activity rate for each option

• The taxability of the option

• The effective dates for the association of this plan and optionwith this benefit pool

2. Repeat step 1 for each plan you are associating with this pool.

Note: A credit pool can be applied to more than one plan.Likewise, a plan can be linked to more than one pool.

3. Save your work.

16 – 13Flex Credits and Benefit Pools (Advanced Benefits)

Defining Rollover Rules for a Benefit Pool

You use the Rollover tabbed region of the Benefit Pools window to setup rollover rules that define how the system processes excess creditsfor a benefit pool. A credit pool can have different rolloverrequirements for different plans, and a plan that decrements more thanone pool can be subject to multiple rollover requirements.

� To define the rollover rules for a benefit pool:

1. Select the Plan and Option to which flex credits from this poolrollover. The system displays:

• The pretax activity rate for this option

• The effective dates for the association of this plan and optionwith this benefit pool

2. Enter the Default Order in which the system rolls over credits intothe plans and options in this pool.

3. Enter the increment by which flex credits can be rolled over as apercent or an amount in the Increment Percent and IncrementAmount fields.

4. Select a Participant Eligibility Rollover Rule if you define a formulathat limits the circumstances under which the credits from this poolcan be rolled over.

Defining Benefit Pool Rollover Percentages and Amounts

You use the fields in the Percent and Amount blocks to defineminimum and maximum rollover amounts and percentages for thiscredit pool.

1. Enter the Minimum rollover percentage for this benefit pool orcheck the No Minimum field if there is no minimum rolloverpercentage.

2. Enter the Maximum rollover percentage for this benefit pool orcheck the No Maximum field if there is no maximum rolloverpercentage.

3. Select a Rounding Code or Rule if you are defining a roundingmethod for the rollover percentages for this benefit pool.

In the Amount region:

4. Enter the Minimum amount or check the No Minimum field toindicate that there is no minimum amount.

5. Enter the Maximum amount or check the No Maximum field toindicate that there is no maximum amount.

16 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

6. Select a Rounding Code or Rule if you are defining a roundingmethod for the amounts for this benefit pool.

7. Save your work.



17 – 1Communications Setup

Communications Setup

17 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


You send communications to potential, current, and former benefitsparticipants to inform them about available benefits, rates, scheduledenrollment periods, and other information that you need tocommunicate.

You create a communication type to define:

• The conditions that trigger a communication

• The data that is extracted from the database which you can mergeinto a communication

• The communication delivery method and medium

You run the Participation batch process (in either of its four modes:Life Event, Scheduled, Selected, or Temporal) from the ConcurrentManager to extract data based on your communication type definition.Using the System Extract feature, this data can be extracted to a text fileand then merged into the body of your communication.

Communication Type Definitions

You can create definitions for communications that control differentaspects of the communication.

For example, you can:

• Specify the date a communication is to be sent to a participantrelative to a qualifying life event or a point in the enrollment cycle

• Indicate if the communication is a stand–alone item, or a piece in akit

• Select a usage type that categorizes the communication, such asReminder to Act or Confirmation of Action

• Limit the kinds of recipients who can receive a communication

Communication Triggers

Communication trigger control the data that is extracted from thedatabase when you run the Participation batch process. For example,the Pre Enrollment Literature trigger extracts a person’s electablechoices based on your communication usage definition and theparameters you select when you run the Participation process.

Communication triggers are seeded with the product.

Communication Usages

As part of your plan design, you can define the condition orcombination of conditions that must be present in order for a

17 – 3Communications Setup

communication to be sent to a person. The conditions that youassociate with a communication are called usages.

You select from the following criteria to limit when a communication isgenerated:

• Life Event

• Program

• Plan

• Plan Type

• Enrollment Period

• Action

Selecting more criteria for a communication limits the usage of thecommunication.


You can specify the method by which a communication is delivered,such as home mail delivery or email. You can also specify a deliverymedium, such as paper or diskette.

Employees can specify a preferred delivery method and medium. Thisinformation is maintained on the People window. You can choose tooverride this information for a particular program or plan. Or, you canspecify a default delivery method or medium for employees who donot specify a preference.

Person Communications

You use the Person Communications window to maintain informationabout the communications that are requested by a participant or thatare sent automatically as events occur in the plan year.

A participant can request to have a communication re–sent which hasalready been sent. Each time a communication is requested, the systemtracks the request by generating a sequence number for that request.You can define the maximum number of requests that a person canmake for a particular communication.

You can categorize communications into those that can be requested bya participant and those that can only be requested by a benefitsspecialist. A benefits specialist can select communications with atrigger type of Online Participant Based Literature Requests and OnlineParticipant Service Representative (PSR) Based Requests. Participantsare limited to making selections from communications with a triggertype of Online Participant Based Literature Requests.

17 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

When you define a communication type, you select the Always Sendcheckbox to indicate that the communication is sent whenever it isrequested. If the box is unchecked, you must create a communicationusage that specifies the program, plan, action type, or enrollment periodto which this communication applies.

The participant’s address appears on the window as it is entered in theAddress window. You can override this address by selecting anotheraddress that exists in the database or by using the Address window toenter the address as a secondary address.

You also use the Person Communications window to enter deliveryinstructions, change the person’s default delivery method and media,modify the date on which the communication is sent, and to specify ifthe communication requires inspection.

See Also

Determine Communications Batch Process: page 24 – 2

10 – 5Communications Setup

Defining Communication Types

You define, update, and delete communication types in theCommunication Types window. You complete your communicationtype definition by defining communication triggers, usages, anddelivery information.

� To define a communication type:

1. Enter a Name for the communication type you are defining.

2. Optionally, enter a Short Name for this communication type.

Note: Short names are also used to maintain instruction textfor regions of self–service enrollment web pages. You mustenter the short name in the following format:BEN.REGIONNAME. Exclude the BEN prefix from theregionname portion of short name.

See: Benefits Enrollments: page 18 – 8 for a list of the requiredshort names for each web page region.

3. Select a To Be Sent code or rule that defines when thecommunication should be sent relative to a life event or a givenpoint in the enrollment cycle.

4. Select a kit code in the Part of Kit field to specify whether thiscommunication is a single item (a piece), or one of severalcommunication items in a kit.

• Select the kit to which this piece belongs in the Kit Name field ifthis communication is one piece in a kit.

• View the communication pieces that make up a kit by choosingthe View Children button when you have selected a kit.

5. Check the Inspection Required field or select an InspectionRequired Rule if this communication must be inspected before it isdelivered.

6. Check the Always Send field if this communication should alwaysbe sent whenever it is requested or triggered.

Alternatively, enter the maximum number of times thiscommunication can be sent in the Max Number Available field.

7. Check the Track Mailing field if the system should track thedelivery status of this communication.

8. Enter the maximum number of communication that a person canreceive of this communication type in the Max Number Availablefield.

17 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

9. Select a Communication Type Rule that further refines thedefinition of this communication type.

10. Select a Usage type that categorizes this communication.

Example usage types include Reminder to Act and Confirmation ofAction.

Note: Select a usage type of Self Service Instruction Text if youare configuring a self–service web page.

11. Select a Recipient Code that limits the type of benefits participantto whom this communication is being sent, such as a dependent.

12. Enter a Description of this communication.

13. Save your work.

17 – 7Communications Setup

Defining When to Use a Benefits Communication

You use the Communication Type Usages window to define theconditions that generate an extract of communications data.

You also use this window if you are implementing web–basedself–service enrollments and you want to write instruction text thatappears in a region of a self–service window.

� To define a communication usage:

1. Enter or query a communication type in the Communication Typeswindow.

2. Choose the Usages button.

3. Select a value for one or more of the following parameters to limitthe conditions under which communications data is generated.

• Life Event

• Program

• Plan

• Plan Type

• Enrollment Period

• Action

4. Select a Usage Rule if your criteria for determining the conditionsunder which communications data is generated cannot be fullyaccommodated by the usage criteria on this window.

5. Enter instructional text in the Self Service Description field thatcorresponds to the region of the self–service web page that you areconfiguring.

6. Save your work.

17 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Communication Trigger

You use the Communication Type Triggers window to link a trigger toyour communication type definition. A trigger controls the kind ofdata that is extracted from the database when you run the Participationbatch process.

For example, the Final Confirmation Literature trigger extracts aparticipant’s benefit elections after the enrollment is closed.

� To define a communication trigger:

1. Enter or query a communication type in the Communication Typeswindow.

2. Choose the Triggers button.

3. Select one or more triggers that you are linking to thiscommunication type definition in the Type of Trigger field.

Note: You select a trigger type of Online Participant BasedRequest or Online PSR Based Request to provide a list ofcommunications that can be requested through the PersonCommunications form.

4. If special circumstances apply, select a trigger rule instead of atrigger type.

5. Save your work.

17 – 9Communications Setup

Defining a Communication Delivery Method

You use the Communication Type Delivery Methods window to definethe method and media by which a communication is delivered. Atypical communication delivery uses the postal service as the deliverymethod and paper as the delivery medium.

1. Enter or query a communication type in the Communication Typeswindow.

2. Choose the Delivery button.

3. Select the Delivery Method for this communication item, such asEmail or Postal Service.

• Check the Default field if this delivery method is the default touse when you do not know a person’s preferred way to receivecommunications.

• Check the Required field if you must always deliver thiscommunication using this delivery method, regardless of aperson’s preference.

4. Select a Delivery Medium for this communication item, such asPaper or Diskette.

• Check the Default field if this delivery medium is the default youuse when you do not know a person’s preferred medium forcommunications.

• Check the Required field if you must always use this deliverymedium for this communication, regardless of a person’spreference.

5. Repeat step 4 for each delivery medium you associate with thisdelivery method.

6. Save your work.

17 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



18 – 1Setup of Online Benefit Services (Advanced Benefits)

Setup of Online BenefitServices (AdvancedBenefits)

18 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Online Benefits Administration

The system is designed with features that enable you to perform avariety of tasks from a central form called the Benefits Service Center.

You use the Benefits Service Center window if the requirements of yourorganization include the need to perform various benefits andHR–related functions in a real–time environment.

Common requests that you can process include changing a person’saddress or phone number, adding a dependent or beneficiary, orchanging a person’s marital status. These and other changes maytrigger a life event that enables enrollment, change in enrollment, orde–enrollment in one or more benefits.

Using this window you can:

• Authenticate a caller’s identity

• Perform a variety of desktop activities, such as viewing currentenrollments, sending communications, and entering personnelchanges

• Evaluate changes to a person’s record for enrollment impact

• Enroll eligible participants in benefit plans

See: Processing a Request Using the Benefits Service Center: page 22 – 52

Caller Authentication

You can verify the identity of a caller using your organization’sauthentication criteria. You query the person’s record based on theauthentication criteria provided by the caller. If the caller’s informationis authentic, the query displays information about the person such astheir address and any life event that is currently active for the person.

If necessary, you can use the results of the query for further callerauthentication.

Desktop Activities

The action you take after you authenticate a caller’s identity dependson the caller’s request, the status of any open life events, and theperson’s electable benefit choices, if applicable.

You can select an action or form from a list of desktop activities basedon the caller’s request. For example, you select the People form if theperson needs to change their address. You select the PersonCommunication form if the person is requesting literature about abenefit plan that you offer.

18 – 3Setup of Online Benefit Services (Advanced Benefits)

Online Life Event Management

A special feature of online benefits administration is the ability toprocess a life event in real–time. When you query a person’s record,the system indicates if the person has an open life event.

When you process the life event, the system determines if the life eventresults in the creation of electable benefit choices for the person. Youcan then enroll a person in one or more benefit plans for which they areeligible based on this life event.

18 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Maintaining Online Activities

You use the Maintain Online Activities window to select the forms andfunctions that are available to the user in the Desktop Activities list ofthe Online Benefits Services form.

Note: You use this form to override the default list ofactivities. Activities that you select in this form completelyreplace the default list.

� To add an activity to the desktop activities list:

1. Query the current list of desktop activity functions.

2. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which the function displays inthe desktop activities list.

3. Select the function in the Function Name field.

4. Enter the name of the function as it should appear in the desktopactivities list in the User Function Name field.

5. Select if this item is a form or a function in the Type field.

6. Enter the Start Date on which this form should appear in thedesktop activities list.

7. Enter the End Date to indicate the last date on which this formshould appear in the desktop activities list.

8. Save your work.

18 – 5Setup of Online Benefit Services (Advanced Benefits)

Maintaining Pop Up Messages

You can use the Maintain Pop Up Messages window to customize themessages that appear on certain forms based on particular events thatyou select.

Attention: As a prerequisite, you must first use the Messageswindow to write the message that you associate with a formand an event. You must name the message with the BEN prefixand select Oracle Advanced Benefits as the application.

� To associate a pop up message with a form and an event:

1. Enter a name for the pop up message in the Name field.

In the Function block:

2. Select the Name of the function with which you are associating thismessage.

• Select the Block associated with this message if the message islimited to a particular block in the form.

• Select the Field associated with this message if the message islimited to a particular field in the form.

3. Select the event that triggers the message in the Event field.

In the Formula block:

4. Select the Name of the formula with which you are associating thismessage if the message is limited to a particular formula in theform.

5. Check the No Formula field to indicate that the system should notprocess any formula that you have defined for this message.

In the Message block:

6. Select the message in the Name field.

You can view the message text by scrolling to the Descriptioncolumn of the list of values for the field.

7. Select the message display type in the Type field.

For example, you can choose to display the message with a Cancelbutton or an OK button.

8. Enter the start and end date to limit the time period when themessage displays.

9. Save your work.

18 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



19 – 1Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

Setup of BenefitsReporting and SystemExtract

19 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Reporting Groups

A reporting group is a collection of programs and plans that you grouptogether for reporting purposes, such as for administrative use or tomeet regulatory requirements.

At the plan level, you can define the regulatory bodies and regulationsthat govern a reporting group.

For each regulatory body that you link to a plan, you can define howthe regulatory body governs that plan. You can also record the date theplan was qualified by the regulatory body and the approvedtermination date if the regulatory body does not recognize a plan’squalifications after a certain date. An approved termination date istypically defined when a reporting group must be re–evaluated by theregulatory body on a periodic basis.

Since US benefit plans are subject to federal nondiscrimination testingrequirements, you may define special FastFormula rules to helpdetermine compliance with these regulations. You can define thefollowing rules:

Contribution Nondiscrimination is used to identify those participantswho cause the plan to be out of compliance with contributionnondiscrimination provisions.

Coverage Nondiscrimination is used to identify those participantswho cause the plan to be out of compliance with coveragenondiscrimination provisions.

Five Percent Owner is used to determine those participants who are5% owners of the business.

Highly Compensated Determination is used to determine thoseparticipants who are highly compensated in the context of the plan fornondiscrimination testing purposes.

Key Employee Determination is used to determine those participantswho are key in the context of the plan for nondiscrimination testingpurposes.

19 – 3Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

Benefits System Extract

Many human resource departments outsource at least some of theirbenefits administration processing to third party carriers, payrollproviders, or other benefits vendors. Thus, there is a great need forreliable data exchange between plan sponsors and these third parties.

In order to extract records from the database for transmission to a thirdparty, you must define the criteria that determine which records areextracted. You also must define the layout of the extracted recordsincluding the data elements that comprise the extract, the date range ofthe records you are selecting, and the output directory and file name ofthe extract file.

After you create your extract definition, you run the system extractbatch process to create your extract results using the ConcurrentManager. You can then review these results, including any errors thatoccurred during the batch process. When you are satisfied with theresults of the extract, you can transfer the extract file onto the deliverymedium by which you transmit or store the extract results.

You can think of the system extract process as consisting of these steps:

• Defining an Extract Layout: page 19 – 16

• Defining an Extract Criteria Profile: page 19 – 14

• Defining a System Extract: page 19 – 21

• Running the System Extract Batch Process: page 24 – 8

• Viewing Extract Results: page 24 – 10

• Running the extract write process

Extract Layout

You create an extract layout definition to control the the data elementsthat are included in the extract and the format of the extract results.

An extract layout consists of data elements and their formatting, recordlayouts that define which data elements appear in the header, detail,and trailer areas of the extract, and a file layout that specifies the orderof the records.

Your extract layout also indicates the sort order of the records and anyconditional record inclusion criteria that you define.

For example, you could create an extract layout definition for theenrollment results of the medical plans offered by your organization.You define data elements such as the participant’s first name, middlename, last name, and the plan they elected. Then, in your record

19 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

layout, you order these data elements into their correct sequence.Lastly, you create a file layout by ordering the various record layoutsyou have defined into their appropriate sequence.

Data Elements

Data elements are individual data components which contain valuesthat you include in an extract. Different data element types can containdifferent values. You use your data element definitions in conjunctionwith your extract criteria definitions to restrict the data that is includedin the extract.

Field data elements are most often data extracted from a database field,but can also include common header and trailer totals, dates, and otherfiller information. You cannot update the list of fields delivered withthe system.

You use decoded field data elements when you want to display adifferent value in the extract than is stored in the database. Forexample, if you store the values for Male and Female as 1 and 2 in yourdatabase, you can decode this data for your extract so that the valuesappear as Male and Female in the extract.

You enter a string as a character literal that you want to include in anextract. For example, you may include a string that is the record typethat precedes each record in the extract file.

You can define a rule if you want to create a data element that is notincluded in the standard list of data elements.

You select the totals data element type for use in the header or trailer ofa record. Using totals, you can sum the results of any data element orinclude a count of the number of records. You can also conditionalizeyour totals so that you only display the sum of data elements where thevalue is equal to the value that you specify.

Special Formatting for Data Elements

You can format different data element types in different ways. For thedata element type of field, rule, or totals, you can select thejustification as either right or left justified.

Note: The default justification is left justified. For dataelements with a number value, you typically select rightjustified.

You can select format masks for the data elements types of field,decoded field, rule, and totals. Format masks can be used for numbers,dates, phone numbers, and social security numbers. For example, youcan select a date format mask of DD/MM/YYYY.

19 – 5Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

If the seeded format masks are insufficient, you can add format masksto the system’s number and date lookups. You use a lookup code thatbegins with ’N’ for numeric format masks or ’D’ for date format masks.You cannot define your own format mask for phone numbers or socialsecurity numbers.

Note: A system administrator familiar with Oracle formatsshould enter this information.

You define the maximum length of a data element value to control thepoint at which the value is truncated. For example, you could specify amaximum length of one for the middle name data element to retrieve aperson’s middle initial. The maximum length does not control thestarting position of the following field.

For a data element with a value of null, you can specify a when nulluse value as the default value. If you do not specify a when null usevalue then null values appear as a blank in a fixed column layout or asno value in a variable layout.

For the decoded field data element type only, you can define an othersvalue to use as the default value for undefined and null values. Forexample, you could decode the value of ’M’ and ’S’ to mean marriedand single. For all other values, you could define an others value of null.

Record Layout

You specify the data elements that are included in the header, detail,and trailer portions of your record layout. Typically, the header andtrailer portions of a record contain control information, such as fileidentifying information, dates, and totals. Detail records contain thecontent and values of an extract.

You can specify if a data element is required for the extract. If arequired data element is missing, the entire record is written to theerror log during the extract process and no extract result is created forthat record.

You can also choose to hide a data element from an extract record whenyou run the write process. Hidden data elements appear in the extractresult after you run the extract process, but are hidden when youinitiate the extract write process.

19 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Extract Record Hierarchy

Figure 12 – 1 Levels Branches and Planes

The data elements that you can include in an extract record arecontrolled by the system extract hierarchy of levels, branches, andplanes.

A level is a logical grouping of data elements. For example, the PersonLevel contains data elements such as person first name and person

19 – 7Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

address. The lowest level in the extract hierarchy determines thenumber of times that a record repeats.

For an extract record that contains data elements from the person leveland the enrollment level, the record repeats at the enrollment level. If aperson enrolls in a medical plan and a dental plan, the record repeatsfor each enrollment.

A plane is a grouping of levels. There are three planes in the systemextract hierarchy that you use to control data element sorting. Thesorting definitions that you apply to an extract are limited to the dataelements contained in the level for that plane.

The branches of the extract hierarchy link levels from the three planes.There are six branches:

• Person, Eligibility

• Person, Enrollment, Beneficiary

• Person, Enrollment, Dependent

• Person, Enrollment, Action Item

• Person, Element Entry

• Person, Run Result

You can only define a record with data elements from levels in thesame branch. You cannot define a record using data elements frommore than one level of the same plane.

File Layout

You define a file layout to create the sequence (from right to left) inwhich the records display in an extract. Sequence numbers are unique.They must start with 1 and be between 1 and 75. It is recommendedthat you do not leave any gaps in your record sequence.

Data Element Sorting

You can sort the data elements in a record by up to four levels based onany data element you include in the extract. Sorting can occur on eachrecord in a file layout.

For extracts with multiple records, the sorting criteria defined for therecord with the highest sequence number are inherited by records withlower sequence numbers unless you define a separate sort order for arecord with a lower sequence number.

You use record sequence numbers to order records within one level inthe extract hierarchy. System edits ensure that record sort ordersconform to the plane structure of the extract hierarchy. For example,

19 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

you cannot define an extract to include data elements from theeligibility level between the enrollment level and the dependent level.

Extract Criteria

The extract criteria you select determine the data that is extracted byfiltering the data. Data that does not meet your extract criteria is notextracted. You can select from several groupings of criteria that youcombine to create an extract criteria profile. These criteria groupingsinclude:

• People

• Benefits

• Changes

• Payroll

• Communications

• Advanced


You select People criteria to limit your extract results to people whomeet the criteria you select, such as assignment location, organization,or benefits group. You can also select individual people.


You use Benefits criteria to limit your extract results to a particular planor reporting group. In addition, you use this criteria to define theextract processing for dependents of primary participants.


Often in the outsourcing process, data transmissions need only recorddata that has changed since the last transmission. This helps reduce thecost and complexity of an extract by eliminating the reporting ofunnecessary information. You can track these changes for particularchange events defined by the system.


This criteria grouping is for customers who do not use Oracle Payroll.You can limit the type of element entries and input values that areextracted.


This limits the communication types that are extracted.

19 – 9Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract


If you extract data for transfer to a third party administrator or benefitsprovider, you can create an extract criteria profile that includespremium criteria.

You can extract premiums for a single month or for a range of dates.Additionally, you can restrict a premium extract to the last occurrenceof a record update.


Use the Advanced criteria to create an extract for a change event whenyou have complex criteria for selecting records.

You can select records for a change event over one or more periods oftime, and you can select record by the actual date or effective date ofchange.

Note: This feature is available to both Standard and Advancedcustomers.

Extract Definition

You create an extract definition to set parameters specific to a particularextract by selecting the criteria profile and the layout that you want touse for the extract.

You also define parameters for the system extract batch process thatyou run to create the extract result. These parameters include theextract date range, the data sort order, and the output directory and filename.

Extract Batch Processes

You run the Extract Process from the Concurrent Manager to createresults for an extract definition that you have defined. After you runthe extract process, you can view the results in the Extract Resultswindow. The extract process generates a summary report and an errorreport. You can run the Extract Audit Report to view a limitedselection of records from the extract results.

You run the Extract Layout Report to extract just your layout definitionwith no data. This is useful for reviewing the format of the layout.Benefit carriers may also find this information useful in helping themimport the extract result into their systems.

Extract Results

You run the Extract Summary report from the Concurrent Manager toview an extract summary. You can view any errors that occurredduring the extract process by running the Extract Error Report.

19 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

To view detailed information about an extract, you use the ExtractResults form.

Change Event Log

You can view the change events for a person using the Change EventLog window. The window displays the name of the change event, thedate on which it occurred, and the user name of the person whoentered the change.

You can delete change events from this window, but you cannot addchange events.

Extract Write Process

Once you are satisfied with the results of your extract, you run theExtract Write Process from the Concurrent Manager to save the outputof the extract to the directory and file you specified in your extractdefinition.

Update the user profile option BEN: Max Extract Line Size to set themaximum length of a record generated by the Extract Write Process.

See: User Profiles in Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS

See: Running the System Extract Batch Processes: page 24 – 8

19 – 11Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

Defining a Reporting Group

You use the Reporting Groups window to define a reporting group andto associate programs and plans with the reporting group. You canalso define which regulatory bodies and regulations govern thereporting group.

� To define a reporting group:

1. Enter a unique Name for the reporting group.

2. Select the Global check box to include plans in the reporting groupfrom any business group.

Note: Create a global reporting group if you implement aCompensation Workbench plan and you enable a manager toreview or allocate compensation for employees in differentbusiness groups.

3. Select the Purpose of the reports that will be generated for thisreporting group.

Select a purpose of Compensation Plan Groupings forCompensation Workbench.

4. Enter a Description of the reporting group.

5. Select the first Program Name if the reporting group is to consist ofone or more programs.

Alternatively, select the first Plan Name in the reporting group.

Any row (record) in this table can include a Program Name or aPlan Name, but not both simultaneously. While it is unlikely thatyou would want to use the same reporting group to report at theprogram and plan levels, you could do so by choosing a ProgramName for one record, and then choosing a Plan Name for eachsubsequent record in the reporting group.

Note: When a plan is selected, the Regulatory Bodies andRegulations button is enabled, indicating that you can defineregulatory bodies for, and associate regulations with, that plan.

6. Save your work.

19 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Regulatory Bodies for a Plan

You use the Regulatory Bodies and Regulations window to dateeffectively define the regulatory bodies that approve or govern thisplan.

� To define a regulatory body for a plan:

1. Choose the Plan Regulatory Bodies tab if it is not already selected.

2. Enter the Name of the regulatory body associated with this plan.

In the Dates block:

3. Enter the Approved Termination date on which this regulatorybody ceases to recognize this plan’s validity.

4. Enter the date this regulatory body qualified this plan in theQualified field.

5. Select one or more Regulatory Purpose Codes that describe howthis regulatory body governs this plan.

6. Save your work.

19 – 13Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

Defining Regulations for a Plan

You use the Regulatory Bodies and Regulations window to dateeffectively define the regulations that approve or govern this plan.

� To associate regulations with a plan:

1. Choose the Plan Regulations tab if it is not already selected.

2. Select a Regulatory Plan Type.

3. Select the name of the regulation that governs this plan in theRegulation field.

4. Select one or more rules to determine how plan regulations define:

• Contribution Nondiscrimination

• Coverage Nondiscrimination

• Five Percent Owner

• Highly Compensated Determination

• Key Employee Determination

Note: These rules reflect US non–discrimination legislation.

5. Save your work.

19 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Extract Criteria Profile

You use the Criteria Definition window to create an extract criteriaprofile that limits the results of a system extract to records that matchyour extract criteria.

� To define an extract criteria profile:

1. Enter an extract criteria Profile Name or query an existing profilethat you want to modify.

2. Choose a tabbed region that represents a criteria category you wantto include in your profile. Choose from:

• People

• Benefits

• Changes

• Payroll

• Communications

• Premium

• Advanced

Note: If you define an extract criteria profile that uses changeevents, you must enable these change events in the ApplicationUtilities Lookups window. Query the Lookup codeBEN_EXT_CHG_EVT and select Enable for each change eventyou want to enable.

3. Select a Criteria Type that limits the records to include in thisextract.

4. Select a criteria value based on the criteria type you selected.

5. Check the Exclude field if this criteria type and value is excludedfrom appearing in your extract.

6. Repeat steps 2–5 for each criteria that you are including in thisextract criteria profile.

7. Save your work.

� To define an extra criteria profile using Advanced criteria:

1. Enter or query an extract profile in the Profile Name field.

2. Select the criteria types and values that you want to include in thisextract criteria profile.

Note: If you are defining a profile using change event criteriafrom the Advanced tabbed region, do not select any changeevents in the Change tabbed region.

19 – 15Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

3. Choose the Advanced tab.

4. Select the Criteria Type of Combination.

5. Navigate to the Advanced Criteria window by clicking into a Valuerow and choosing the Details button.

6. Select a Criteria Type. Choose from:

• Change Actual Date

• Change Effective Date

• Change Event

7. Select an Operator to limit the criteria values.

Note: For change dates, select either equals (=) or between asthe operator. For change events, select either equals (=) or doesnot equal (!=).

8. Select a change value in the Value 1 field.

Note: For change dates, select a value that specifies a period oftime, such as Last Day of Previous Month. For change events,select a particular change event.

9. Select another value in the Value 2 field if you are adding morecriteria values to this extract profile or if you are comparing valuesin the Value 1 and Value 2 fields.

10. Save your work.

19 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining an Extract Layout

You use the Layout Definition window to define the data elements,records, and format of the records that are extracted by your extractdefinition.

Your extract layout definition consists of the data elements to include inthe extract, the record layout that controls the records that appear in theheader, footer, and detail areas of your extract, and the file layout thatdefines the records to include in the extract .

See: Extract Layout: page 19 – 3

Data Elements

You use the Data Elements tabbed region to select the data elements toinclude in an extract and to define the layout format of each dataelement.

� To define the layout format of a data element:

1. Enter the Name of the data element you are defining.

2. Select the data Type of the data element.

Note: Depending on the data type you select, the systempresents different formatting options for that data element.

3. Enter values for the following parameters if you select the Fielddata element type:

• Select the Field.

• Select a Format Mask that formats the results of the value fromthe field.

• Select the Justification, either left or right.

• Enter a value or character string to use when the value for thedata element is null in the When Null Use field.

• Enter the maximum number of characters to include in this dataelement in the Max Length field.

4. Enter values for the following parameters if you select the DecodedField data element type:

• Select the Field.

• Select a value in the If Value Is field that, when met, requires asubstitute value.

• Enter the substitute value in the Replace With field.

19 – 17Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

• Enter a value in the Other Values field to use when the decodedvalue is either null or undefined.

5. Enter a character string in the Value field if you select the string dataelement type.

6. Enter values for the following parameters if you select the Total dataelement type:

• Select the totaling function, either count or sum.

• Select a data element.

• Select the Format Mask.

• Select the Justification, either left or right.

7. Select a Rule to define a data element if the standard data elementtypes do not meet your criteria.

8. Save your work.

Record layout

You use the Record Layout tabbed region to define the header, detail,and trailer portions of your data extract.

� To define the record layout of a system extract:

1. Enter a Name for the record layout definition.

2. Select the record layout Type, choose either Header, Detail, orFooter.

The Repeating Level field is populated based on the lowest level inthe extract hierarchy from which data elements are selected for thisrecord. This is a read–only field.

3. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which this data elementdisplays in the extract report.

Note: Sequence numbers must be unique. They must start at 1and be between 1 and 75. It is recommended that you do notleave any gaps in your record sequence.

4. Select a data element in the Data Element Name field.

5. Enter a Start Position number for this record if you are defining afixed layout format.

6. Enter a Delimiter (such as an asterisk or a comma) that separates thefields of this data element if you are defining a variable layoutformat.

19 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

7. Check the Required field if this data element must be included inthe extract record.

If you check the Required field, you may want to enter a value todisplay when this field is null. You enter this value by selecting thefield name in the Data Elements tabbed region and entering a valuein the When Null Use field.

Note: If a required data element is missing, the entire record iswritten to the error log during the extract process and no extractresult is created for that record.

8. Check the Hide field if you want to hide a data element from anextract record when you run the write process.

Note: Hidden data elements appear in the extract result afteryou run the extract process, but are hidden when you initiatethe extract write process.

9. Save your work.

File layout

You use the File Layout tabbed region to define the sequence in whichthe records in this extract display and any conditions that must exist fora record to be included in the extract.

� To define the file layout of a system extract:

1. Enter a Name for the file layout definition.

2. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which the extracted recordsdisplay.

3. Select a record that you have defined in the Record Name field.

4. Check the Hide field if you want to hide a record from an extract filewhen you run the write process.

Note: Hidden data elements appear in the extract result afteryou run the extract process, but are hidden when you initiatethe extract write process.

5. Choose the Sort button to define a data element sort order for thisfile layout definition.

6. Choose the Advanced Conditions button if you only include thisrecord when a specific event occurs.

7. Repeat steps 2–6 for each record in your file layout definition.

8. Save your work.

19 – 19Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

� To define the sort order of the data elements in a record:

You can use the Sort window to define up to four levels of sorting foreach record in a file layout. You can sort by any data element includedin a record.

1. Select the record in the File Layout window for which you aredefining the data element sort order.

Note: Selecting a record limits the data elements by which youcan sort to the data elements contained in that record. You cansort by a data element that you do not want to display in arecord by adding that data element to the record and checkingthe Hide field.

2. Choose the Sort button to display the Sort window.

3. Select the primary data element by which you want to sort therecord in the First Sort field.

4. Select the second data element by which you want to sort the recordin the Second Sort field.

• You can further sort the record by selecting data elements in theThird and Fourth Sort fields.

5. Save your work.

Conditions of Inclusion for File and Record Layouts

You use the Record Layout Advanced Conditions window or the FileLayout Advanced Conditions window to define the conditions thatmust exist for a data element to be included in a record or for a record tobe included in a file.

Note: Conditional inclusion is based on a text comparison of adata element value with a value you supply. It is recommendedthat you test your conditional inclusion criteria for accuracy ona small number of records before creating an extract.

� To define the conditions of inclusions for an extract layout:

1. From the Layout Definition window, do one of the following:

• Choose the Record Layout tabbed region. Enter or query a recordfor which you are defining conditional inclusion criteria.

• Choose the File Layout tabbed region. Enter or query a file forwhich you are defining conditional inclusion criteria.

2. Choose the Advanced Conditions button.

19 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

3. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which the system checks for thiscondition.

4. Select a Data Element Name from the list of data elements in thislayout definition.

5. Select an Operator based on your conditions of inclusion for thisdata element.

6. Enter a Value for the data element.

Note: When you click into the Value field, a sample entryappears based on the operator you selected. Substitute yourdata element value for the sample value. For example, if youselect an operator of Equals (=), enter the exact valuesurrounded by single quotation marks.

7. Select a value of either And or Or if your inclusion criteria containsmore than one data element value.

8. Select an Action that excludes the record based on whether theconditions of inclusion are true or false.

9. Save your work.

19 – 21Setup of Benefits Reporting and System Extract

Defining a System Extract

You use the Define Extract window to define and maintain thedefinition of a system extract.

Your extract definition includes an extract criteria profile and an extractlayout definition that you have already defined as well as otherparameters needed for the extract batch process, such as the extractdate range and the output directory and file name of the extract file.

� To define a system extract:

1. Enter an Extract Name that uniquely identifies this extractdefinition.

2. Select the kind of data that you want to include in the extract in theType field.

• Choose either Full Profile, Changes Only, or Communication.

3. Select an extract criteria profile in the Inclusion Criteria field tolimit the results of the extract.

4. Select a file layout definition in the File Layout field that limits therecords included in this extract to those defined in this file layout.

In the Dates tabbed region:

5. Select the extract date range in the Extract From and Extract Tofields.

Note: If you are defining an extract of the Full Profile type, youonly select an Extract From date.

In the Output tabbed region:

6. Enter the Output Directory where you want to write the results ofthe extract.

7. Enter the name of the output file in the Output File field.

8. Check the Append Current Request ID field if you want to add therequest ID to the file name.

In the Options tabbed region:

9. Check the Kickoff Write Process Automatically field if you want towrite the results of this extract to a file when you run the benefitsextract batch process.

Note: If you want to review the results of your extract beforewriting the results to a file do not check this field. You canwrite the extract results to a file by running the extract writebatch process from the Concurrent Manager.

19 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

10. Check the Special Handling for Dependents (ANSI 834, HIPAA)field if you are defining this extract to conform with ANSI 834 orHIPAA standards.

Note: If you check this field, you should consider selecting thedata element of Person Participation Type (ANSI) whendefining the layout for this extract to distinguish participantand dependent enrollment records in the extract results.

11. Check the Update Communication Sent Date field if you aredefining an extract for communications.

12. Check the Use Change Effective Date for Extracting Change Eventsfield if you are defining an extract type of Changes Only and youwant the system to use the effective date of the change whenextracting records.

13. Save your work.



20 – 1Administration Overview for Standard andAdvanced Benefits

AdministrationOverview for Standardand Advanced Benefits

20 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Standard Benefits Administration: Overview

You use the administration features of Standard Benefits to manage theprograms that your implementation team has put in place.

Use the enrollment windows to process benefits participants into plansand options. You can view monthly premiums for a participant or acompensation object and make premium adjustments if required. Runthe system extract batch process to compile enrollment records fortransfer to third party benefits administrators.

Advanced Benefits includes all the components of Standard Benefitsplus features for pre–enrollment administration, processing default andautomatic enrollments, recording expense reimbursements, andmodeling benefits eligibility.

See: Advanced Benefits Administration: Overview: page 20 – 5

Use the implementation features of Standard and Advanced Benefits tosetup your benefits programs.

See: Standard Benefits Setup: Overview: page 8 – 5

See: Advanced Benefits Setup: Overview: page 8 – 6

Key Concepts

Standard Benefits administration is comprised of several distinct keyconcepts. These are:

• Enrollment: This is the process of enrolling participants in plans forwhich they are eligible. It includes enrollments entered by benefitsadministrators as well as web–based self–service enrollments. Thesystem provides the following enrollment forms:

• You use the Non–Flex enrollment form for most programs thatare not funded by flex credits.

• You use the Savings Plan enrollment form for plans such as401(k) plans in the US and stock purchase plans.

• The Miscellaneous Plan enrollment form is used for plans youdefine that are not part of a program.

• Use the Flex enrollment form if you are an Advanced Benefitscustomer and you offer programs that are funded by flex credits.

• Continuing Benefits Administration: For benefit plans yourenterprise offers to terminated or retired employees, such as COBRAin the US, you can control continuing eligibility, enroll participants,and record continuing benefits payments.

20 – 3Administration Overview for Standard andAdvanced Benefits

• Actual Premiums: Run the Premium Calculation batch process todetermine monthly premiums. You can view and adjust premiumsfor a participant or a compensation object.

• System Extract: The product’s system extract features let youmanage the extract, format, and delivery of benefits data toorganizations such as third party benefit administrators.

Advanced Benefits Administration: Overview

Advanced Benefits enables benefits administration based on life eventsthat occur to participants. You can generate enrollment actions, activityrate changes, and communications based on life events.

Key Concepts

Advanced Benefits is comprised of several distinct key concepts. Theseare:

• Participation Management: The system lets you triggerenrollments, de–enrollments, activity rate changes, andcommunications based on the occurrence of a life event to aprimary participant or a related person.

– The Participation Process: This is the process you run fromthe concurrent manager to determine eligibility, electablebenefit choices, and activity rates for your participants.

– View Participation Information: Based on the results of theParticipation process, you can view a participant’s electablechoices, open life events, and current elections.

– Potential Life Events: The application creates a potentiallife event when it detects a database change that you havedefined as indicating the occurrence of a life event. You canmanually create potential life events for a person and youcan void life events.

• What–if Eligibility: This features lets you model eligibility,electable choices, and pricing information for a person based ona potential life event.

• Online Benefits Administration: This feature is useful for HRcall centers. You can record a change to a person’s HR record,evaluate the change for enrollment impact, and then process anelection online.

• Communications: You send communications to inform employeesand other individuals about benefits, enrollment periods, and other

20 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

information that you need to communicate to a range of potentialand former benefits participants.

• Reimbursement Requests: If you define a flexible spending accountplan or a plan that offers reimbursable goods and services, you canrecord a participant’s reimbursement request as part of the processof managing expense reimbursements.

20 – 5Administration Overview for Standard andAdvanced Benefits

Standard and Advanced Benefits Administration

Oracle HRMS provides a complete solution for Total Compensationmanagement. Your Oracle Human Resources license includes theStandard Benefits feature set that enables you to manage yourenterprise’s benefit offerings.

The Oracle Advanced Benefits license provides the Standard Benefitsfeature set plus additional functionality enabling you to design flexiblebenefit programs and to administer benefits based on life events.

See: Advanced Benefits Administration: page 20 – 6

Standard Benefits Administration

Standard Benefits provides the functionality you need to administerbenefit programs that do not offer flex credit based benefits. TheStandard product is also useful if you outsource a signficant portion ofyour benefits administration.

How do I enroll a person in a plan?

If your organization favors a centralized form of benefitsadministration, you can have your benefits practitioners or otherpersonnel record participant elections. A more distributed method ofenrollment is available with web–based self–service enrollment forms.

Can you override eligibility and enrollment results?

You can enroll participants in plans for which they have been foundineligible and you can override a participant’s benefit elections. Youcan also define whether or not a person can elect to waive participationin a benefit for which they are eligible.

Can you administer benefits–related court orders with the application?

For US users, Standard Benefits supports the administration ofDependent Coverage Orders and Qualified Domestic Relations Orders(QDROs). For Dependent Coverage Orders, you can require that aparticipant cover a dependent named in a court order (typically forhealth coverage). For QDROs, you can define a payment amount orpercentage that is withheld from an individual and any benefitdistribution restrictions.

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How do you export benefits records to a third party administrator?

Because many plan sponsors outsource at least a portion of theirbenefits administration, the system enables you to extract and formatbenefits data for transmission to a third party. You can limit therecords that are extracted based on a variety of factors, including onlyextracting records that have changed since the last system extract.

Advanced Benefits Administration

By licensing Advanced Benefits, you can also fulfill the followingbusiness requirements.

How do I automate benefits administration?

In your plan design, you define the qualifying life events that generateenrollment actions and participant communications. Batch processesthat your system administrator can schedule to run on a nightly basisdetect when a life event has occurred to a participant. Enrollmentopportunities are then generated for the participant based on the lifeevent and the rules of your plan design.

You can also define automatic and default enrollments to reduce thetime you spend processing enrollments.

Can you model enrollment eligibility?

You can use the product for “what–if” eligibility modeling. For a givenperson, you can view what their benefit eligibility results would be if aparticular life event occurred. The system does not save these results.

Can you automate when benefit communications are delivered?

You can send a communication to a person in conjunction with a lifeevent. For example, you can run the communications batch process tosend an enrollment kit to a group of employees in advance of ascheduled enrollment period. You can also automatically send acommunication when an action item must be completed before anenrollment is valid.



21 – 1Participation Management


21 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Maintain Participant Eligibility Process (Standard Benefits)

If you use Standard Benefits in Oracle HRMS, you can determineeligibility and ineligibility for current and potential benefitsparticipants through the Maintain Participant Eligibility batch process.

If the eligibility process finds a person newly eligible for one or morecompensation objects, the process creates or updates the person’seligibility record. Typically, a gain in eligibility indicates an enrollmentopportunity.

If the eligibility process finds a currently enrolled participant ineligible,the process de–enrolls the participant from the newly ineligiblecompensation object and ends the participant’s coverage and rate.

Note: You can define an Oracle Alert to notify a benefitsadministrator, participant, or other personnel when the processdetects a change in eligibility status. For example, you cansend an alert to an administrator indicating that the process hasde–enrolled a participant. The administrator can then processan unrestricted enrollment to determine if the participant hasany new enrollment opportunities, such as for continuingcoverage.

Schedule this process before your payroll run so that deductions arenot calculated for coverages which should be ended. You should alsorun the process before writing system extracts to transmit coveragechanges to third party carriers.

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Maintain Participant Eligibility Process:

1. Select the Maintain Participant Eligibility Process in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the Effective Date on which you are running the process.

4. Select one or more parameters to limit the eligibility determinationto a segment of your employee and benefits participant population.

For example, you can determine eligibility for participantscurrently enrolled in a particular benefits plan or for employees inan organization you select.

5. Choose the OK button.

6. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

21 – 3Participation Management

Maintaining a Benefits Assignment

You use the Benefits Assignment window to view, update, andmanually create a person’s benefits assignment.

The application automatically creates benefits assignments based oncertain events, such as an employee termination, if you set up theauto–generation of benefits assignments when you define the defaultpayroll for a business group.

See: Defining a Default Monthly Payroll for a Business Group, UsingOracle HRMS –– The Fundamentals

See: Continuing Eligibility: Benefits Assignment: page 11 - 10

� To maintain a benefits assignment:

1. Query the person for whom you are maintaining a benefitsassignment.

2. Select the person’s location and organization.

3. Insert the person’s assignment status in the Status field.

Note: You can only manually insert a person’s assignmentstatus. You cannot update an assignment status that thesystem copies from the person’s assignment record.

4. Update other assignment information as necessary.

• Enter the person’s people group in the Group field.

• Select a Job, Position, and Grade.

• Select a payroll.

Note: US and Canadian users must select a payroll with amonthly periodicity.

5. Change other assignmnent data on this window as necessary.

6. To delete a benefits assignment, query the person’s benefitsassignment and choose the Delete icon from the toolbar. You canchoose to purge or end–date the record.

Note: Deleting a benefits assignment does not effect theemployee assignment.

7. Save your work.

21 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Advanced Benefits OnlyThe remaining topics in this chapter are relevant to Oracle AdvancedBenefits only.

Participation Batch Processes The Participation batch process uses your plan design to determineeligibility and enrollment information for the persons and benefit plansthat you select. When you run the batch process, the system performsthe following actions:

• It determines how system–triggered life events impact a person’seligibility, electability, enrollment, de–enrollment, activity ratesand coverage.

• It creates related person life events based on thesesystem–triggered life events.

• It determines when automatic enrollment is appropriate forbenefits, and then automatically enrolls those eligible persons.

• It de–enrolls participants who lose their eligibility in programs,plans or options and cancels any of their related currentenrollment events.

How often you run the Participation batch process depends on the sizeof your employee population and the timing of your payroll run.Typically, plan sponsors with large employee populations will run theParticipation process daily. Because temporal life events (such asbirthdays and length of service anniversaries) occur each day foremployees of such large enterprises, these events impact employees’eligibility and electability on a daily basis.

On the other hand, a small employer using a single, biweekly payrollrun for all of its employees might find running the Participation batchprocess before each payroll run sufficient.

When the system encounters multiple active life events, it processes theone with the earliest effective date first. A person can have more thanone potential life event at a time, but only one active life event at anypoint in time.

The Participation process produces a user log file that details whatoperations took place and what database objects the system updated.

Modes of the Participation Batch Process You select a run mode for the Participation process based when you aredetermining eligibility for a scheduled enrollment or an enrollment

21 – 5Participation Management

based on a life event. You can run the process so that results are notsaved or so that results are saved to the database.

The following describes the different batch process modes.

Selection Determines eligibility for selected persons forselected compensation objects, but does notcreate electable choices. You can use Selectionmode when determining how many persons areeligible for a compensation object. You canchoose to commit the eligibility results to thedatabase or rollback the results of the batch pro-cess and not update the database.

Scheduled Determines eligibility, electable choices, andenrollment information for selected persons forselected compensation objects based on ascheduled enrollment event. This mode alsodetermines eligibility for the dependents andbeneficiaries of eligible participants.

Life Event Determines eligibility, electable choices, andenrollment information for selected persons forselected compensation objects based on a lifeevent. This mode also determines eligibility forthe dependents and beneficiaries of eligible par-ticipants.

Temporal Determines temporal life events based on thederived factors of compensation level, percentof full–time employment, hours worked in peri-od, age, length of service, and combination ageand length of service.Note: Life events created by the temporal pro-cess must be processed in life event mode.

Purging Batch Related Tables

Each time you run one of the following batch processes the systemcreates an audit log if you set the Audit Log parameter to Yes:

• Close Action Items Process

• Close Enrollments Process

• Default Enrollment Process

• Participation Process: Life Event

• Participation Process: Scheduled

• Participation Process: Selection

21 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Participation Process: Temporal

• Temporal Communications (Action Item Reminder)

• Temporal Communications (Emerging Events)

• Temporal Communications (Enrollment Reminder)

• Temporal Communications (Mass Mailing)

Audit log files accumulate until you purge them. You shouldperiodically purge batch related tables to help the system run moreefficiently.

If the audit logs become full, the application prevents you from runningany of the processes which create an Audit log. Run the purge process,then restart the process which was interrupted when the log becamefull.

Note: By default, the application sets the Audit Log parameterto No.

The Participation Audit Activity Purge process protects ongoingactivities by purging data only from completed batch processes.Purging the audit logs does not affect life event or election information.

You can purge the log associated with a single concurrent request ID orpurge all logs that were created for a Business Group on a date youselect.

The process purges data from the following tables:





Life Event Back–out in Batch Mode

You run the Life Event Back–out process from the Concurrent Managerwhen a life event has been started for a group of persons in error. Forexample, you might run this process if a salary increase is incorrectlyapplied to a group of persons, or if a transfer has been incorrectlyprocessed for an organization.

You can back–out all kinds of life events, including:

• Temporal life events (such as number of hours worked)

• Scheduled life events (such as an open enrollment period)

21 – 7Participation Management

• Explicit life events (such as an address change or assignmenttransfer)

When you back–out a life event, the system marks all electable choicesand related information, such as payroll contributions, dependentdesignations, and communications, with a status of backed–out.

Life events can be backed out that have a status of started or processed;you can only back–out a person’s most recent life event.

You select run–time criteria to control the persons for whom you arebacking out a life event. If you use person selection criteria, such asorganization, the person must meet all the criteria you specify.

If you do not select person criteria, the process backs out the life eventfor all persons who experience the event within the date range youspecify.

Note: Enter the same date in the From Occurred Date and ToOccurred Date fields to run the life event back–out process fora single date.

You can view the results of the Life Event Back–out process in theProcess Report. The Summary Report identifies the run–timeparameters you selected and provides the total number of persons forwhom the selected life event was backed–out.

Note: Use the Person Potential Life Event window to back–outa life event for a single person.

21 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Benefits Batch Processes

After you run the Participation batch process to determine eligibilityand electable choices for your benefits participants, you use thefollowing batch processes to help you process your enrollments:

• Default Enrollment Process

• Close Unresolved Action Items Process

• Close Enrollments

Default Enrollment Process

You run the Default Enrollment batch process to enroll a participantinto a plan when the participant fails to make an election by a certaindate and you have defined a default enrollment for a plan or option.

You also use this process to enroll a participant in a plan or option thatyou define as mandatory if the person fails to elect this required plan oroption by a certain date.

As a prerequisite, you run the Participation batch process before yourun the default enrollment process so that eligible participants can beidentified.

The Default Enrollment process also determines any action items thatmust be completed before the enrollment is considered valid.

Note: If a participant is currently enrolled in a plan or optionthat is not a default for this enrollment period, the defaultenrollment process will de–enroll the participant from thecompensation object if the participant has not made an explicitelection.

Close Unresolved Action Items Process

As part of your plan design, you define the action items that arerequired for an enrollment to be valid. You can also define action itemsas optional.

For example, you may require that a person must provide the date ofbirth for all dependents covered by a plan if the participant enrolls inthe Employee Plus Family option of a medical plan.

You use the Close Unresolved Action Items batch process to close anyrequired or optional action items that have not been completed by theparticipant. This process also deletes any suspended enrollments forthe persons who meet the criteria you specify.

You run this process before you run the close enrollment process.

21 – 9Participation Management

Interim Enrollments

If a plan that you include as a parameter in this process providesinterim coverage to a participant with a suspended enrollment, theprocess closes the suspended enrollment and preserves the interimcoverage. The interim coverage is effective until the interim coverageend date that you define in your plan design.

Close Enrollments Batch Process

You run the Close Enrollments batch process to close a person’senrollment after elections have been made and to resolve anyincomplete election information. This process marks a person’squalifying life event reason as processed.

Use one of the following close modes when you run the CloseEnrollments process:

• Force Close closes a person’s life event regardless of theenrollment period or any pending workflow approvals.

• Normal Close closes a person’s life event only after theenrollment period has passed for all unenrolled choices.

• Preserve Pending Transactions performs a force close if theprocess finds no pending workflow approvals.

Maintain Designee Eligibility

Some benefit plans require that dependents covered under the planmeet certain eligibility criteria in order to receive coverage. For thoseplans that require dependents to be under a certain age, you need torun the Maintain Designee Eligibility batch process to determine whena dependent becomes ineligible for benefits coverage based on an agechange.

This change in age is called aging out of a benefit.

Activity Summary Reports

Each time you run an enrollment batch process or the MaintainDesignee Eligibility batch process, the system automatically generatesthe Activity Summary Report. You can also run this report directlyfrom the Concurrent Manager.

21 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

The activity summary report groups information about a batch processinto four main categories:

Processing Summary

• Number of participants successfully processed

• Number of participants processed in error

• Number of participants unprocessed

• Total number of participants selected

Successful Processing Summary– By Event Type

• Number of participants with a life event created

• Number of participants without a life event created

• Number of participants with a temporal life event created

• Total number of participants successfully processed

Successful Processing Summary– By Action

• Number of participants without a life event created

• Number of participants with a new life event created

• Number of participants with a replaced life event

• Total number of participants successfully processed

Error Summary

The activity summary report also lists the total number of errors in thebatch process categorized by error type.

This report also includes standard report header information such asthe Business Group for which the report was run, the execution startand end times, and the number of people selected and processed in thebatch run.

Audit Log Report

Each time you run an enrollment batch process, the systemautomatically generates the Audit Log Report. You can also run thisreport directly from the Concurrent Manager.

The audit log identifies each person in the report by personal andassignment information such as their name, social security number ornational identifier, job title, grade level, and organization.

For an audit log report that you generate against a Participation batchprocess that is run in Life Event mode, the audit log displaysinformation about the life events processed in the batch run.

21 – 11Participation Management

You use the following parameters to generate the Audit Log Report.You must enter the request ID of the batch process and at least oneother parameter.

• Request ID This parameter is required. Enter the request ID of thebatch process for which you are generating the audit log report.

• Eligibility This parameter provides summary information about thecompensation objects for which a person is eligible.

• Ineligibility This parameter provides summary information aboutthe compensation objects for which a person is ineligible includingthe ineligibility reason.

• Electable Choice Banner This parameter displays whether acompensation object for which a person is eligible is currentlyelectable. It displays each electable choice in the context of thecompensation object hierarchy.

• Electable Choice Information This parameter displays detailedelectability information about all compensation objects for which aperson is eligible.

• Coverage and Rates This parameter displays detailed coverage andrate information about each compensation object for which a personis eligible.

• Dependent Information This parameter provides details aboutelectable choices for those compensation objects containingdependent information.

This report also includes standard report header information such asthe Business Group for which the report was run, the execution startand end times, and the number of people selected and processed in thebatch run.

Errors By Error Type and Errors By Person

Each time you run an enrollment batch process, the systemautomatically generates the Errors By Error Type Report and the ErrorsBy Person Report. You can also run these error reports directly fromthe Concurrent Manager.

Both reports return the same error data but format the data in differentways. The Errors By Error Type Report lists all the errors that occurredfor the batch process you select. For each error type, the report lists allthe persons with this error and their social security number or nationalidentifier.

The Errors By Person Report lists all the errors that occurred for eachperson with an error in the batch process you select.

21 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Both reports also include standard report header information such asthe Business Group for which the report was run, the execution startand end times, and the number of person selected and processed in thebatch run.

Restart Process

If a batch process stops processing before it is complete due to errors orother reasons, you can restart the batch process. The following benefitsbatch processes can be restarted:

• Participation Process

• Default Enrollment

• Close Unresolved Action Items

• Close Enrollments

Note: You use the Batch Process Parameters window to specifythe maximum number of errors that can occur for a batchprocess before the process is aborted.

21 – 13Participation Management

Participation Management

You run the Participation batch process from the Concurrent Managerto determine eligibility and electable choices for those persons whomeet the batch process selection criteria that you specify.

The results of the Participation process contain participationinformation that you can review before you record any participant’sbenefit elections.

For each person included in the Participation process results, you canreview the compensation objects for which the person is eligible orineligible, activity rate amounts, the life event reason that determinedthe electable choice, and other enrollment related information.

You can manually generate a life event for a person, or void a life eventthat was created in error, if you need to supplement the results of theParticipation process.

The system also provides a ”what–if” eligibility modeling feature thatlets you enter proposed data changes to a participant’s record and thenview the eligibility results that would occur. The eligibility modelingfeature is useful for helping a participant understand how a potentiallife event, such as a marriage or a work re–location, will effect theirbenefits eligibility.

Participation Information

You use the View Participation Information window to display, byperson, the eligibility results of the Participation batch process. Thefollowing data is displayed according to the structure of thecompensation object hierarchy:

• All programs, plans, and options in plan for which a person iseligible

• All programs, plans, and options in plan for which a person isineligible if you check the Track Ineligible Person field for thatcompensation object in your plan design

• Standard activity rates and actual premiums for plans and options inwhich a person is enrolled

Attention: In order to ensure that the information you displayfor a person is current, you must first run the Participationbatch process for that person.

21 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Life Events and Electable Choices

After you run the Participation process, you can use the PersonPotential Life Event form to view any active life event or potential lifeevents that were created for a person.

Active Life Events

For active life events, you can view the status of the life event,including when the event occurred, when it was processed, and whenit was closed.

You can also view any enrollment opportunities that were created for aperson and any elections made by the participant in association withthe active life event. This information includes:

• Enrollment period dates

• Enrollment coverage dates

• Assignment dates for default and automatic enrollments

• Benefit limitations such as required certifications or earliestde–enrollment dates

• Activity rate information

Potential Life Events

Potential life events are database changes that the system detects basedon your life event reason definitions. You can review potential lifeevents for a person to ensure that life events are correctly defined,detected, evaluated, and processed.

The system displays the following information for each potential lifeevent detected for a person:

• Status

• Enrollment period start date, if applicable

• Processing dates, such as the date the event occurred and the date itwas detected

You can also manually create or void a potential life event.

Manually Created Life Events and Voided Life Events

You can manually create a life event for a person if the system fails todetect a life event based on your life event definitions. You then runthe Participation batch process to create a potential or active life eventfrom the manual life event.

21 – 15Participation Management

You can void potential life events that the system detects in error.Invalid potential life events may be created if your life event definitionsdo not fully account for situations where the system detects multiplelife events.

What–if Eligibility

You can model eligibility for benefits based on proposed changes to aperson’s HR record. When you model eligibility, changes are not savedto the database, so you can view different eligibility scenarios withouthaving to manually rollback data.

For example, you can inform an employee of the benefits impact of are–location or a change in weekly hours worked. You can vieweligibility, electable choices, and a plan or option’s enrollment rate.

When you model eligibility, the system ignores current life events thatare in progress for a given person. What–if eligibility is based only onthe data changes you elect to model.


• Define the life events for your benefits program and link one or moreperson changes to each life event.

Note: You cannot model eligibility for scheduled life events.

When you define a person change for a life event, you enter a What–ifLabel that appears as the field label for the data changes you canmodel.

21 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Runtime Parameters for the Participation Batch Process

You select runtime parameters to limit the persons and compensationobjects that the system processes when determining eligibility, electablechoices, and enrollment information. The parameters that the systemdisplays for selection depend on the mode you select for your batchrun. Effective date, derived factor, and validate are requiredparameters. Some parameters contain default values that you canoverride if necessary.

Note: A person or compensation object must meet all of thecriteria, based on the parameters you select, in order to beincluded in the batch process run result.

Note: The Participation batch process only processescompensation objects with an active status.

An alphabetical listing of all possible runtime parameters follows.

Select a Benefits Group to specify that the systemprocess persons assigned to this Benefits Group.

Select a formula to limit the compensation objects thatare processed in the batch run.

This parameter is required. Select Yes (default) toinstruct the system to calculate derived factors (such asage and length of service) in order to determineparticipation eligibility and activity rates for acompensation object.

Select No if you do not use derived factors todetermine participation eligibility or activity rates forthe compensation objects you are processing in thisbatch run.

This parameter is required. Enter the date to use for theParticipation process. It is used for determiningeligibility, electability, and as a reference point fordetermining other dates such as start and stop datesfor enrollment/coverage and rates.

If you select a mode of Life Event, the Effective Daterefers to the date the life event occurs.

If you select a mode of Scheduled or Selection, theEffective Date refers to when this person’s electionstake effect, such as 1 Jan 2000.

This parameter is only used for the Selection mode.Select an Eligibility Profile to specify that the systemprocess all persons for all active compensation objectsthat use the selected eligibility profile.


Comp ObjectSelect Rule




21 – 17Participation Management

This parameter is only used for the Scheduled mode.Enter the enrollment start date to specify that thesystem process only persons with this enrollment startdate.

Select a Legal Entity (GRE) to specify that the systemprocess all active employees (and their related persons)whose primary assignment is to the Legal Entity (USonly).

This parameter is only used for the Life Event modeand Temporal mode. Select a Life Event to specify thatthe system process persons experiencing this LifeEvent.

This parameter is only used for the Scheduled mode.Enter the life event occurred on date to specify that thesystem process only persons experiencing a life eventthat occurred on this date.

Select a Location to specify that the system process allemployees (and their related persons) assigned to thatLocation.

Select Yes to specify that the system process all personsfor all programs.

The system does not determine eligibility, electablechoices, or enrollment information for any plans inprograms or options in plans.

Select Yes to specify that the system process all personsfor all not in program plans.

This parameter is only used for the Selection mode.Select the name of the option whose participants andeligible persons the system processes during this batchrun.

Select an Organization to specify that the systemprocess all employees (and their related persons)whose primary assignment is to the Organization.

Select a Payroll to specify that the system processemployees (and their related persons) whose primaryassignment is to this Payroll.

Select one person for processing.

Select a FastFormula rule designed to limit whichpersons are processed by the batch run. The PersonSelection Rule and the Person Name parameters aremutually exclusive.

EnrollmentStart Date

Legal Entity

Life Event

Life EventOccurred onDate



Plans Not inPrograms




Person Name


21 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Select one person type for processing.

Select the name of the plan whose participants andeligible persons the system processes during this batchrun.

Select the Plan Type whose participants and eligiblepersons the system processes during this batch run.This includes all active plans and options in plan of theselected plan type.

Select a Postal Zip Range to specify that the systemprocess employees (and their related persons) whoseprimary assignment is located within or is equal to thispostal or zip code (US) range.

Select one program for processing. The systemprocesses all participants and eligible person for thespecified program, plans in that program, and optionsin plan in that program.

Select a Reporting Group to specify that the systemprocess all persons for all active programs and plansassociated with this Reporting Group.

This parameter is required. Selecting a value ofRollback lets you view the results of this batch run butprevents the system from making any changes todatabase data.

Running the Participation batch process first with aValidate value of Rollback is a good idea. After thebatch run is processed, you can view the results in thelog. When you are satisfied with the results, rerun thebatch process using a Validate value of Commit.

This parameter is only used for the Selection mode.Select a Variable Rate Profile to specify that the systemprocess all persons for all active compensation objectsthat use the selected variable rate profile.

Person Type

Plan Name

Plan Type

Postal ZipRange




VariableRate Profile

21 – 19Participation Management

Defining Batch Process Parameters

You use the Batch Process Parameters window to set the parameters fora batch process before you run the process. Based on your processingneeds, you can define the number of processing threads, the chunk size,and the maximum number of errors allowed in a batch run.

� To define parameters for a batch process:

1. Select the batch process for which you are defining parameters inthe Name field.

2. Enter the number of Threads to use for this process.

3. Enter the number of persons who can be processed per thread inthe Chunk Size field.

4. Enter the maximum number of errors to allow per thread in theMax Errors field.

5. Save your work.

21 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Participation Batch Process

You run the Participation Batch Process from the Submit Requestswindow. Select runtime parameters as needed. The parameters ofeffective date, derived factor, and validate are required each time yourun the process.

� To run the Participation batch process:

1. Check the Single Request field.

2. Select a Participation batch process in the Request Name field.Choose one of the following:

• Participation Process: Selection

• Participation Process: Scheduled

• Participation Process: Life Event

See: Modes of the Participation Batch Process: page 21 – 4

3. Select one or more runtime parameters in the resulting Parameterswindow to limit the group of persons the system will processduring this batch run.

See: Runtime Parameters for the Participation Batch Process: page 21 – 16

Attention: If you select more than one runtime parameter fora batch run, the system only returns persons who satisfy all thecriteria you specify.

4. Choose the Submit Request button to submit this batch run forsystem processing.

21 – 21Participation Management

Monitoring Batch Processes

You use the Monitor Batch Process window to view information abouta batch process that you have started, including the percentage ofcompletion of that process.

� To monitor a batch process:

■ Query the process you want to view by its request ID.

The system displays the:

• Request ID

• Batch Process name

• process Status

• % Complete

21 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing a Person’s Participation Information

You use the View Participation Information window to displayinformation that the Participation batch process generates for a person.

Attention: In order to ensure that the information you displayfor a person is current, you must first run the Participationbatch process for that person.

� To display participation information for a person:

■ Query a person whose participation information you want to view.

The system displays the hierarchy of compensation objects forwhich this person is eligible or ineligible and the participation startand end dates.

See: Navigating the Program Structure Hierarchy: page 9 – 47

21 – 23Participation Management

Viewing a Person’s Life Event Information

You use the View Person Life Event Information window to dateeffectively view information about a life event that occurs to a person.Although a person can have more than one potential life event at a time,the system only displays information about the active life event.

� To view a person’s life events:

1. Query the person for whom you are viewing life event information.

The system displays a list of current potential life events for thisperson with the status and date of occurrence of each life event.

Life Event is the name of the life event experienced by this person asof the effective date.

Status indicates the degree to which the system has processed thislife event.

Detected: The Participation batch process has detected the changein data as a potential life event.

Processed: The Participation batch process has determinedwhether this potential life event is an actual life event.

Unprocessed: You have created this life event manually. (The nexttime you run the Participation batch process, this process willchange its status to Detected.)

Voided: You have specified that this potential life event is not anactual life event.

Attention: Only the Participation batch process can set thestatus of a potential life event to Detected or Processed. Youcan manually set the status of a potential life event toUnprocessed or Voided; the system cannot set the status toUnprocessed or Voided.

Life Event Occurred On Date indicates the date the potential lifeevent occurred.

2. Select a life event.

3. Choose the Enrollment Information button to view enrollmentinformation based on this life event, such as the enrollment periodstart and end dates.

21 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing Electable Choices for a Person Based on a Life Event

You use the Display Enrollment Information window to view anyelectable choices a person has based on an active life event.

You navigate to this window by querying a person’s record in the ViewPerson Life Event Information window and then choosing theEnrollment Opportunities button.

� To view a person’s electable choices based on a life event:

■ Select a program or plan from the list of electable choices.

The system displays information about the program or plan.

Status indicates the status of the program or plan.

UOM is the unit of measure in which the benefit is expressed.

Enrollment Period Start Date is the date on which this person canenroll in this program or plan.

Enrollment Period End Date is the last date on which this person canenroll in this program or plan.

Default Enrollment Date is the date on which this person is enrolledin this program or plan if they fail to make an election.

Enrollment Type Cycle indicates the type of enrollment cycle (open,unrestricted, administrative, or life event) that resulted in theelectable choice for this person and this program or plan.

Election Made Date is the date this person elected this benefit.

Processing End Date identifies the latest date on which the plansponsor can apply elections for this enrollment period.

Close Enrollment Date to Use is the date on which enrollments areconsidered closed for this program or plan.

Activity Reference Period identifies the time period in which activityrates are expressed.

Default Assigned Date identifies the date on which this program orplan was assigned as the default if the person failed to make anelection.

Automatically Assigned Date is the date on which this program orplan was automatically assigned to this person.

21 – 25Participation Management

Manually Creating a Potential Life Event for a Person

When the system fails to detect a change to a person’s record as apotential life event, you can use the Person Potential Life Eventwindow to create that potential life event manually.

After you create a potential life event for a person, you run theParticipation batch process to determine eligibility and electablechoices based on the life event.

� To manually create a potential life event for a person:

1. Query the name of the person for whom you are manually creatinga potential life event.

The list of current potential life events for this person is displayed.

2. Create a new row in the Potential Life Events block.

3. Select the name of this potential life event in the Life Event field.

4. Select a Status of Unprocessed to indicate that this potential lifeevent has been created manually.

5. Enter the Occurred Date to indicate the date the potential life eventoccurred.

6. Save your work.

21 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Manually Voiding a Potential Life Event for a Person

When the system improperly identifies a data change as a potential lifeevent, you can manually void that potential life event using the PersonPotential Life Event window.

� To manually void a potential life event for a person:

1. Query the name of the person for whom you are manually voidinga potential life event.

The list of current potential life events for this person is displayed.

2. Select the potential life event.

3. Select a Status of Voided to indicate that this potential life event hasbeen manually voided.

4. Save your work.

21 – 27Participation Management

Re–opening a Processed Life Event for a Person

You can use the Person Life Events window to re–open the mostrecently processed life event for a person by changing the life eventstatus from Processed to Started.

After you re–open a person’s life event, you can make election changes,dependent designation changes, or changes to the participant’senrollment window. Use this feature when you do not want toback–out and re–process life events or override enrollments.

Re–opening a person’s life event does not cause the application tore–evaluate eligibility or electability. However, if the initial processingof the person’s life event caused an eligibility loss to one or moreCOBRA qualified beneficiaries, re–opening the life event forces theapplication to re–evaluate eligibility for COBRA qualified beneficiaries.

The application does not re–calculate activity rates––other than thoserates you or the participant enter during enrollment––when youre–open a processed life event.

Note: You cannot re–open a life event when a future–dated lifeevent exists with a status of Started or Processed.

� To re–open a processed life event for a person:

1. Query the name of the person for whom you are re–opening aprocessed life event.

2. Choose the Life Events tab.

3. Select the person’s most recent life event.

4. If the application allows you to re–open this life event, the CloseEvent button changes to read Re–open.

5. Choose the Re–open button.

Verify that the application changed the life event status fromProcessed to Started.

6. Save your work.

You can now navigate to the appropriate enrollment window andre–process elections for the person as necessary.

21 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Participation Audit Activity Purge Process (Advanced Benefits)

The Participation Audit Activity Purge process purges data thataccumulates in the audit tables when you run the Participation batchprocess––or any Advanced Benefits process which creates an audit log––with the audit log turned on.

You run reports from the Submit Requests window.

See: Purging Batch Related Tables: page 21 – 5

� To run the Participant Audit Activity Purge Process:

1. Select the Participation Audit Activity Purge process in the Namefield.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Do one of the following:

• Enter a Concurrent Request ID to purge the audit logs associatedwith a single batch process.


• Select a Business Group to purge all the audit logs for thebusiness group on a date you specify, then

• Enter the Effective Date for which you want to purge all auditlogs for the Business Group.

4. Choose the OK button.

5. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

21 – 29Participation Management

Modeling a Person’s Benefits Eligibility

You use the Determine What–If Eligibility/Ineligibility Participationwindow to model the impact of an HR change to a person’s eligibilityand electability for benefits.

Note: The system automatically rolls back the proposed datachanges and eligibility results when you clear or exit thewindow.

� To model a person’s benefits eligibility:

1. Query the Name of the person for whom you want to modelbenefits eligibility.

Note: The person’s current eligibility and electability forbenefits is displayed in the Eligibility and Electability tabbedregions.

2. Choose the Data Changes tabbed region.

3. Enter the data change or changes for which you want to modeleligibility by clicking into the appropriate field and entering orselecting a value.

Note: The available data change fields are limited to the datachanges associated with your life event definitions and toderived factors such as salary and hours worked.

4. Enter the Effective Date of the proposed data changes.

5. Choose the Process Events button to determine eligibility andelectability for benefits.

The system displays the hierarchical structure of compensationobjects for which the person is eligible based on the data changesyou selected.

6. Choose the Eligibility or Electability tabbed region to view theresults of the eligibility modeling.

7. You can view rate information for a plan or option by highlightingthe rate in the Eligibility or Electability tabbed region and choosingthe traffic light button.

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22 – 1Enrollment Management


22 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enrollment Management

Enrollment management is the process of registering your employeesand other eligible participants in benefit plans and options. It includesrecording contribution rates and coverage amounts and entering thedependents and beneficiaries of the primary participant into thesystem.

Enrollments commonly occur when a benefits specialist enters aparticipant’s elections into the HR system. However, for AdvancedBenefits users, enrollments can also include default enrollments forpersons who do not specify elections during an enrollment period andautomatic enrollments which are typically used to enter newly hiredemployees into interim coverage until they can make their ownelections.

Because enrolling employees in benefits programs can be a laborintensive process for an organization with many employees, theproduct enables self–service enrollments using web enrollment formsand interactive voice response technology (IVR).

Enrollment eligibility and electable benefit choices are based on theeligibility profiles and enrollment requirements that you associate witha benefit.

You can override eligibility results if you are an Advanced Benefitscustomer. You can grant an exception so that an ineligible person canenroll in a plan or option for which they are otherwise ineligible.Conversely, you can waive a person’s participation in a plan for whichthey have met the eligibility criteria.

Enrollment Forms

The system is delivered with four enrollment forms:

• Flex Enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

• Non–Flex Enrollment

• Savings Plan Enrollment

• Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment

You use the Flex enrollment form to enroll participants in flexiblebenefits programs and vacation buy/sell programs.

You use the Non–Flex enrollment form if you are implementing abenefits program that does not use flex credits.

You use the Savings Plan form to enroll a participant in an investmentplan.

22 – 3Enrollment Management

You use the Miscellaneous Plan form to enroll participants in plans thatare not part of a program.

Flex Program Enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

You manage open enrollment and life event enrollment for a flexprogram or a flex plus core program using the Flex Enrollment form.

You use the form to enter an eligible person’s elections, contributionrates, and coverage levels. As elections are entered, the systemcalculates the eligible person’s spent and unspent flex credits.

From the Flex Enrollment window you can taskflow to windows thatenable you to:

• View the flex credits an eligible person can spend

• Distribute excess flex credits, as allowed by your flex programdefinition

• View special plan rates that exist for plans elected in conjunctionwith one another

• Record receipt of certifications required for enrollment in theprogram

• Record completed enrollment action items

• Enter plan dependents and beneficiaries

• Record a participant’s primary care provider

Non–Flex Program Enrollment

You use the Non–Flex Enrollment form to enroll participants in plansand options that are not funded by flex credits. This is the enrollmentform you use if you have not purchased the Advanced Benefits productlicense, or if you are an Advanced Benefits customer who maintainsbenefit programs that are not funded by flex credits.

You use the form to enter an eligible person’s elections, contributionrates, and coverage levels. From the Non–Flex Enrollment windowyou can taskflow to windows that enable you to:

• View special plan rates that exist for plans elected in conjunctionwith one another

• Record completed enrollment action items (Advanced Benefits)

• Record receipt of certifications required for enrollment in theprogram (Advanced Benefits)

• Enter plan dependents and beneficiaries

• Record a participant’s primary care provider

22 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Savings Plan Enrollment

You use the Savings Plan Enrollment form to record a person’scontribution rate and their investment option elections for a savingsplan.

From the Savings Plan Enrollment form you can taskflow to windowsthat enable you to:

• Record completed action items (Advanced Benefits)

• Record receipt of certifications required for enrollment in theprogram (Advanced Benefits)

• Enter plan dependents and beneficiaries

Attention: The product does not accommodate 401(k)balance transfers from other benefits systems for employeeswho are rolling over 401(k) balances from a previous employer.

Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment

You use the Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment form to enroll a participantin a plan that is not part of a program and is not a savings plan.Miscellaneous plans do not provide flex credits to participants.

You use the form to enter an eligible person’s elections, contributionrates, and coverage levels. From the Miscellaneous Enrollment formyou can taskflow to windows that enable you to:

• View special plan rates that exist for plans elected in conjunctionwith one another

• Record completed action items (Advanced Benefits)

• Record receipt of certifications required for enrollment in theprogram (Advanced Benefits)

• Enter plan dependents and beneficiaries

• Record a participant’s primary care provider

Special Plan Rates

Special contribution rates are sometimes offered by a benefits carrierfor the joint election of two plans. When a participant elects a plan thatis defined as part of a special rate pair, they receive a discounted rateon the second plan.

You use the Special Rates form to view any special rates offered for theplans in a Flex program, Non–Flex program, or for a miscellaneous (notin program) plan.

Action Items and Certifications (Advanced Benefits)

As part of enrolling a participant in a benefit, you can view the actionitems that must be completed before the enrollment is valid.

22 – 5Enrollment Management

From the Person Enrollment Action Items form, you can navigate to thefollowing forms to enter changes to the record of a participant,dependent, or beneficiary in order to complete the action item.

• Person Enrollment Certification

• Dependent/Beneficiary Designation

• People

You define required action items as part of your plan design.

Dependents and Beneficiaries

As part of enrollment processing, you record the persons selected by aparticipant as dependents or beneficiaries of a plan or option. Thesystem displays eligible designees for participants with enrollments inprogress.

Because you can limit the relationship type of the dependents who areeligible to receive coverage under a benefit plan, the system displaysonly those dependents eligible for coverage. For example, if aparticipant elects employee plus spouse coverage, the system onlydisplays dependents of the spouse relationship type.

You use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation form to:

• Enter and modify dependent or beneficiary designationinformation

• Assign a benefit to a beneficiary as a percentage or an amount

• Monitor certification requirements (Advanced Benefits)

Participants can designate dependents at the plan or option level;beneficiaries are designated at the plan level.

Primary Care Providers

You can record in the system the physician or dentist that a participantelects to be their primary care provider. Providers are categorized bytheir service provider type, such as General Practitioner, Dentist, orOb/Gyn. The system provides these and other service provider typesand your system administrator can extend this list as part of yourimplementation.

Note: A person can have only one primary care provider ofeach provider type within the a plan.

Enrollment Results

After you enroll a participant in a benefit, you can display theenrollment results for that person.

22 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enrollment information is date effectively displayed so that you canview historical or future–dated information. You can displayenrollment results that are created by one of the following means:

• An electable choice is saved on an enrollment form

• A default or automatic enrollment is processed

• The close enrollment process has completed

Participation Overrides (Advanced Benefits)

The ability to override eligibility results is a requirement for enterpriseswith a high need for flexible benefits administration. Grand–fatheredcoverage, special employment terms, or required adjustments forhighly compensated employees are all typical reasons for overridingeligibility results.

You use the Person Participation Information window to overrideeligibility results for a person for one or more plans after you run theParticipation process to determine eligibility and electable choices. Youthen enroll the person using the Override Plan Enrollment window.

You also use the Person Participation Information window to record anelection for a person who was not processed in the Participation batchprocess.

You use the Override Plan Enrollment window to enroll a person in aplan or option for which they have been found ineligible. You can alsouse this window to override rate and coverage amounts for a plan oran option and to override dependent eligibility results.

Waive Participation Management

You can allow an eligible person to waive participation in a plan typeor plan in one of two ways. You can enroll the person in a special plancalled a waive plan, or, if you are an Advanced Benefits customer, youcan use the Waive Participation form to specify which plan types orplans a person is waiving.

You typically define a waive plan when you want the waive plan toappear to the participant as an electable choice.

When you waive a person’s participation in a plan type, the personwaives the ability to enroll in all plans in that plan type. You cannotoverride a plan type waiver for any plans in that plan type.

22 – 7Enrollment Management

Retroactive Enrollments

A variety of common business practices dictate that enrollmentcoverage may start retroactive to the current system date. Theseexamples include:

• Enrollments based on retroactive life events, including enrollmentsthat replace existing coverage

• Enrollment coverage and activity rates that start based on the lifeevent occurred date as opposed to the life event notification date

• Suspended coverage that becomes unsuspended when interimcoverage had been assigned

Note: SSHR users: Suspended plan ratesare not included indisplayed used amounts, and so are not deducted from Flexcredits.

• Participant election changes within an enrollment period

• Participant elections that replace automatically assigned coverage

• Administrative changes to current enrollments

You define enrollment coverage start dates and activity rate start datesfor a compensation object as part of your plan design. Becausecoverage can start based on a date prior to an election, there is thepotential for activity rates to also start before the election is recorded.

If a payroll run occurs between the activity rate start date and theelection date, the activity rate will not be processed in the payroll run.Since the election had not yet occurred, the activity rate did not existfor the payroll run.

In this scenario, and in other cases where activity rates start before anelection is recorded in the system, you may need to create payrolladjustments to deduct payments if your organization requiresretroactive benefits payments.

For retroactive enrollments that replace a previous enrollment, thesystem end–dates the previous enrollment based on the coverage andrate end dates defined for the compensation object. You should defineyour enrollment coverage and rate start and end dates such thatoverlapping dates do not occur.

Court Orders

You can use the product to record court orders that require aparticipant to provide coverage for a dependent or that placerestrictions on how a benefit payment can be distributed.

22 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

In the US, regulations termed Qualified Medical Child Support Orders(QMCSO) require a participant to cover a dependent when theparticipant is eligible for a plan and a court order has been issued.

A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is a judgement, decree, ororder that relates to the provision of child support, alimony payment,or marital property rights to a spouse, child, or other dependent of aparticipant.

You can use the product to:

• Record those persons subject to a Qualified Medical Child SupportOrder or a Qualified Domestic Relations Order

• Specify the benefit plan or plan type that is subject to the provisionsof the court order

• Enter the names of the claimants eligible to receive benefit coveragesbased on the court order

• For QDROs, enter the benefit amount or benefit percentage due toeach applicable claimant or designee

During enrollment, the system issues a warning message indicatingthat a participant is subject to a court order. This warning does notprevent the election because the participant may have covered thedependent outside of the employer’s plan.

You define enrollment requirements and restrictions for QMCSOs andQDROs as part of your plan design.

22 – 9Enrollment Management

Program Enrollments

Enrolling a Person in a Flex Program (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Flex Program window to enroll an eligible participant in aflex program. Completing an enrollment involves:

• Selecting the plan and option in which the person is enrolling

• Entering coverage levels for those plans that provide coverage

• Entering the contribution value per activity period for those plansthat allow a participant to choose their contribution amount

• Entering the annual contribution amount for those plans that allow aparticipant to specify the annual contribution to a plan

• Saving the person’s election

• Completing dependent and beneficiary designations

Attention: Before you use this window, you must run theParticipation batch process to 1) ensure that the list of eligiblepersons for this enrollment cycle is up–to–date, and 2) createavailable enrollment choices for those persons.

� To enroll a person in a flex program:

1. Set the effective date.

2. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for the person you are enrolling.

3. Select the Program in which the person is enrolling.

Attention: If you take no enrollment action, the participantwill be enrolled in the plans and options that are currentlydisplayed.

4. Tab into a blank Plan Type field and select the Plan Type thatcontains the plan and option that the person is electing.

5. Select the person’s election in the Plan and Option field.

6. Complete the election by entering participant values, whereappropriate, in the tabbed regions of the enrollment window.

7. Save this person’s elections when you have completed theenrollment.

Flex Credit Summary

Based on the participant’s current elections, the system displays a flexcredit summary for the currently selected plan type.

22 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Provided: The total flex credits provided for the plan type

Less Used: The amount of flex credits spent on the plans andoptions in this plan type. Typically this is the pre–tax amount.

Excess: The amount of flex credits left unspent.

Forfeited: The amount of flex credits that will be forfeited if theyare not spent.

Other: The cash amount spent that does not decrement a benefitspool; this amount typically reflects the amount of after-tax cashspent on a benefit.

Net: The sum of pre-tax and after-tax contributions.

General Tab

■ Choose the General tab. The system displays the followingview–only information:

• The Coverage Start and End date for this plan or option

• The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

• The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

• The effective date of the enrollment

Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person iscurrently enrolled in this plan or option.

Amount Tab

1. Choose the Amount tab.

• The tax type of this activity rate appears in the Taxability field.

2. Enter the annual coverage amount that can be elected for this planor option in the Annual Amount field.

Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount tocontribute to a plan. The system displays the minimum andmaximum annual contribution amounts based on your plandefinition.

3. Enter the Defined Amount of the contribution or distribution, ifapplicable. The system displays the following view–onlyinformation:

• The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can beincreased or decreased.

• The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distributionamount.

22 – 11Enrollment Management

Note: The fields in the Communicated block indicate thecommunicated activity rate for this contribution or distributionif this rate is different than the actual amount that is used forelement entries.

Rate Tab

■ Choose the Rate tab. The system displays the following view–onlyinformation:

• The activity rate Start and End date and the unit of measure inwhich the rate is expressed

• A checkbox indicating if the activity rate has been overriden forthis plan or option and the date through which the rate isoverriden

Benefit Tab

1. Choose the Benefit tab.

2. Enter the benefit Amount if the participant can choose the amountthey contribute to this plan or option.

The remainder of the fields in the Benefit tabbed region containview–only information:

• The Type field displays the tax type of this benefit.

• The Calculation field displays the calculation method used toderive the activity rate for this benefit.

• The Minimum and Maximum fields display this plan or option’scoverage limits for this participant.

• The Increment field displays the increments in which coveragecan be increased or decreased.

Limitation Tab

■ Select the Limitation tab. The system displays the followingview–only information:

• The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant isrequired to provide certification before being enrolled in thisbenefit.

• The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in thisbenefit has been suspended pending the completion of an actionitem, such as providing required certification.

• The Interim field appears checked if this plan or option has beenassigned to the participant as interim coverage pending thecompletion of an action item.

22 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has beenautomatically enrolled in this plan or option.

• The Dependents field indicates if dependents are required oroptional for this plan.

• The Earliest De–enroll field indicates the earliest date on which aparticipant can de–enroll from this plan or option.

• The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan or option inwhich a participant must be enrolled in order to make thiselection.

• The Override Through date indicates the date through which theenrollment has been overriden.

• The Override Reason indicates the reason given for the override.

22 – 13Enrollment Management

Deleting an Enrollment

You use the same process to delete an enrollment regardless of theenrollment form in which you entered the enrollment.

� To delete an enrollment:

1. Open the form in which you entered the enrollment. Choose from:

• Flex Program Enrollment form

• Non–Flex Program Enrollment form

• Savings Plan Enrollment form

• Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment form

2. Set the effective date.

3. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for the person whose enrollment you aredeleting.

4. Select the plan and option you are deleting.

5. Choose the Delete Record icon on the toolbar.

6. Save your work.

22 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing a Person’s Flex Credits (Advanced Benefits)

You can view the flex credits available to a participant and the benefitpool that provides the credits.

� To view a person’s available flex credits:

■ Query a participant in the Flex Enrollment window then choose theFlex Credits button. The system displays:

• The flex credits available for various compensation objects

• The benefit pool providing the flex credits

The system also indicates if the flex credits for an option may beforfeited.

22 – 15Enrollment Management

Viewing Special Rates for a Plan or Option

Before enrolling a participant in a flex program, non–flex program, orplan not in program, you can view special rates for which theparticipant may be eligible if certain plans are elected in conjunctionwith one another.

For example, you could define a medical plan so that the participantreceives a special rate for a dental plan if they elect both plans. Youdefine special rates using the variable rate profiles window.

See: Defining the Criteria in a Variable Rate Profile: page 8 – 40

� To view special rates for a plan or option:

1. Query a participant in the Flex Enrollment, Non–Flex Enrollment,or Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment window depending on the typeof plan in which the participant is enrolling.

2. Choose the Special Rates button. The system displays:

• The plan type, plan, and option that must be elected by theparticipant to receive the special rate on the relatedcompensation object

• The related plan type, plan, and option for which a special rate isavailable

• The standard rate for the related plan if the selected plan is notelected

• The special rate for the related plan if the selected plan is elected

22 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Allocating Excess Credits for a Person Enrolling in a Flex Program (AdvancedBenefits)

If you allow participants to specify how they allocate their excess flexcredits after they have made their elections, you can view thisinformation for a person in the Excess Credits window.

� To allocate excess credits:

■ Choose the Excess Credits button. The system displays:

• The benefit pool that provides the flex credits for the plans andoptions that the participant has elected

• The plan types, plans, and options that the participant haselected

• The amount of flex credits provided based on elected plans andoptions

• The amount of flex credits used by the participant for eachelectable plan or option

• The amount of flex credits to be distributed as cash, if applicable

• The amount of flex credits to be forfeited if the participant doesnot elect to use them

• A check box indicating the credits were rolled over into this planor option

22 – 17Enrollment Management

Enrolling a Person in a Non–Flex ProgramYou use the Non–Flex Program window to enroll an eligible participantin a program that is not funded by flex credits. Completing anenrollment involves:

• Selecting the plan and option in which the person is enrolling

• Entering coverage levels for those plans that provide coverage

• Entering the contribution value per activity period for those plansthat allow a participant to choose their contribution amount

• Entering the annual contribution amount for those plans that allow aparticipant to specify the annual contribution to a plan

• Saving the person’s election

• Completing dependent and beneficiary designations

Attention: For Advanced Benefits users, you must run theParticipation batch process before you use this window to 1)ensure that the list of eligible persons for this enrollment cycleis up–to–date, and 2) create available enrollment choices forthose persons.

Attention: If you are using Standard Benefits, electablechoices are created when you query the program in theenrollment window for a participant.

� To enroll a person in a non–flex program:

1. Set the effective date.

2. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for the person you are enrolling.

3. Select the Program in which the person is enrolling.

Attention: If you take no enrollment action, the participantwill be enrolled in the plans and options that are currentlydisplayed.

4. Tab into a blank Plan Type field and select the Plan Type thatcontains the plan and option that the person is electing.

5. Select the person’s election in the Plan and Option field.

6. Complete the election by entering participant values, whereappropriate, in the tabbed regions of the enrollment window.

7. Save this person’s elections when you have completed theenrollment.

General Tab

■ Choose the General tab. The system displays the followingview–only information:

22 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• The Coverage Start and End date for this plan or option

• The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

• The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

• The effective date of the enrollment

Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person iscurrently enrolled in this plan or option.

Amount Tab

1. Choose the Amount tab.

• The tax type of this activity rate appears in the Taxability field.

2. Enter the annual coverage amount that can be elected for this planor option in the Annual Amount field.

Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount tocontribute to a plan. The system displays the minimum andmaximum annual contribution amounts based on your plandefinition.

3. Enter the Defined Amount of the contribution or distribution, ifapplicable. The system displays the following view–onlyinformation:

• The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can beincreased or decreased.

• The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distributionamount.

Note: The fields in the Communicated block indicate thecommunicated activity rate for this contribution or distributionif this rate is different than the actual amount that is used forelement entries.

Rate Tab

■ Choose the Rate tab. The system displays the following view–onlyinformation:

• The activity rate Start and End date and the unit of measure inwhich the rate is expressed

• A checkbox indicating if the activity rate has been overriden forthis plan or option and the date through which the rate isoverriden

Benefit Tab

1. Choose the Benefit tab.

22 – 19Enrollment Management

2. Enter the benefit Amount if the participant can choose the amountthey contribute to this plan or option.

The remainder of the fields in the Benefit tabbed region containview–only information:

• The Type field displays the tax type of this benefit.

• The Calculation field displays the calculation method used toderive the activity rate for this benefit.

• The Minimum and Maximum fields display this plan or option’scoverage limits for this participant.

• The Increment field displays the increments in which coveragecan be increased or decreased.

Limitation Tab

■ Select the Limitation tab. The system displays the followingview–only information:

• The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant isrequired to provide certification before being enrolled in thisbenefit.

• The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in thisbenefit has been suspended pending the completion of an actionitem, such as providing required certification.

• The Interim field appears checked if this plan or option has beenassigned to the participant as interim coverage pending thecompletion of an action item.

• The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has beenautomatically enrolled in this plan or option.

• The Dependents field indicates if dependents are required oroptional for this plan.

• The Earliest De–enroll field indicates the earliest date on which aparticipant can de–enroll from this plan or option.

• The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan or option inwhich a participant must be enrolled in order to make thiselection.

• The Override Through date indicates the date through which theenrollment has been overriden.

• The Override Reason indicates the reason given for the override.

22 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enrolling a Person in a Savings Plan

You use the Savings Plan window to enroll an eligible participant in asavings plan. Completing an enrollment involves:

• Selecting the plan and option in which the person is enrolling

• Entering the contribution amount or percentage per activity periodfor those plans that allow a participant to choose their contributionlevel

• Saving the person’s election

• Completing dependent and beneficiary designations

Attention: For Advanced Benefits users, you must run theParticipation batch process before you use this window to 1)ensure that the list of eligible persons for this enrollment cycleis up–to–date, and 2) create available enrollment choices forthose persons.

Attention: If you are using Standard Benefits, electablechoices are created for the participant when you query theparticipant in the enrollment window.

� To enroll a person in a savings plan:

1. Set the effective date.

2. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for this person.

3. Select the savings plan in which the person is enrolling in the Namefield.

The system displays the following view–only information:

• The Life Event reason prompting this savings plan enrollment

In the Coverage block the system displays:

• The Coverage Start and End date for this savings plan

• The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

• The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

In the Override block the system displays:

• The date through which a savings plan can be overriden and thereason supporting the override

The other fields in the Savings Plan window display informationabout the status of this savings plan.

Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person iscurrently contributing to this plan.

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• The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has beenautomatically enrolled in this plan

• The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in this planhas been suspended pending the completion of an action item,such as providing required certification

• The Interim field appears checked if this plan has been assignedto the participant as interim coverage pending the completion ofan action item

• The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant isrequired to provide certification before enrolling in this plan

• The Earliest De–enroll field indicates the earliest date on which aparticipant can de–enroll from this plan

• The Currency field indicates the currency in which this benefit ispaid.

• The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan in which aparticipant must be enrolled in order to make this election

Entering Investment Rates

You use the Rates window to enter the total contribution percentage oramount for a savings plan. You then use the Investment Optionswindow to enter the contribution amount for one or more options inthe plan.

Note: As a prerequisite, you must check the Enroll in Plan andOption field in the Plan Enrollment Requirements windowwhen you define the savings plan if a participant can enroll inboth the plan and the options in that plan.

1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for this person in the Savings Plan window.

2. Select the savings plan in which the person is enrolling in the Namefield.

3. Choose the Rates button.

General Tab

4. Choose the General tab. The system displays the followingview–only information:

• The Name of the activity rate definition

• The Activity Type, for example Employee Contribution orEmployer Contribution

22 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• The unit of measure (UOM) for the currency of the activity rate

• The activity rate Start and End dates

Types Tab

5. Choose the Types tab. The system displays:

• The Tax Type of the activity rate, such as pre–tax or aftertax

• The Calculation method used to derive the activity rate

6. Check the Stop Contribution field if the employee’s participation inthis investment plan has ended.

Defined Amount Tab

7. Choose the Defined Amount tab.

8. Enter the Amount or percentage of the contribution or distribution.The system displays the following view–only information:

• The activity rate Period

• The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distributionamount

• The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can beincreased or decreased

Note: The Enter Value at Enrollment field appears checked toindicate that the investment amount is entered during theenrollment, as opposed to being a default amount.

Communicated Amount Tab

Note: The fields in the Communicated Amount tabbed regionindicate the communicated activity rate for this contribution ordistribution if this rate is different than the actual amount thatis used for element entries.

Annual Amount Tab

9. Choose the Annual Amount tab.

10. Enter the annual amount or percentage that is contributed to theinvestment plan in the Amount field.

Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount tocontribute to a plan. The system displays the minimum andmaximum annual contribution amounts based on your savingsplan definition.

11. Save this person’s elections.

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Entering Investment Options

You use the Investment Options window to enter a participant’selections for a savings plan.

1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for this person in the Savings Plan window.

2. Select the savings plan in which the person is enrolling in the Namefield.

3. Choose the Investment Options button.

General Tab

4. Choose the General tab.

5. Select a savings plan investment option in the Name field.

Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person iscurrently contributing to this option.

The system displays the following view–only information:

• The Coverage Start and End date for this option

• The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

• The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this option

Amount Tab

6. Choose the Amount tab.

7. Select a savings plan investment option in the Name field.

8. Check the Stop Contribution field if the employee’s participation inthis investment option has ended.

9. Enter the annual amount or percentage that is contributed to theinvestment option in the Amount field.

Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount tocontribute to an option. The system displays the minimum andmaximum annual contribution amounts based on your optiondefinition.

10. Enter the Defined Amount of the contribution or distribution, ifapplicable. The system displays the following view–onlyinformation:

• The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can beincreased or decreased.

• The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distributionamount.

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Note: The fields in the Communicated block indicate thecommunicated activity rate for this contribution or distributionif this rate is different than the actual amount that is used forelement entries.

Rate Tab

■ Choose the Rate tab. The system displays the following view–onlyinformation:

• The Taxability of this activity rate

• The activity rate Start and End date and the unit of measure(UOM) in which the rate is expressed

• A checkbox indicating if the activity rate has been overriden forthis option and the date through which the rate is overriden

Limitation Tab

■ Select the Limitation tab. The system displays the followingview–only information:

• The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant isrequired to provide certification before being enrolled in thisbenefit

• The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in thisbenefit has been suspended pending the completion of an actionitem, such as providing required certification

• The Interim field appears checked if this option has beenassigned to the participant as interim coverage pending thecompletion of an action item

• The Mandatory field appears checked if enrollment in this optionis required

• The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has beenautomatically enrolled in this option

• The Earliest De–enroll field indicates the earliest date on which aparticipant can de–enroll from this option

• The date through which the option can be overriden and thereason supporting the override

22 – 25Enrollment Management

Enrolling a Person in a Miscellaneous Plan

You use the Miscellaneous Plan window to enroll an eligible participantin a plan that is not associated with a program. Such plans are callednot in program plans. Miscellaneous plans do not provide flex creditsto participants. Completing an enrollment involves:

• Selecting the plan and option in which the person is enrolling

• Entering coverage levels for those plans that provide coverage

• Entering the contribution value per activity period for those plansthat allow a participant to choose their contribution amount

• Entering the annual contribution amount for those plans that allow aparticipant to specify the annual contribution to a plan

• Saving the person’s election

• Completing dependent and beneficiary designations

Attention: For Advanced Benefits users, you must run theParticipation batch process before you use this window to 1)ensure that the list of eligible persons for this enrollment cycleis up–to–date, and 2) create available enrollment choices forthose persons.

Attention: If you are using Standard Benefits, electablechoices are created for the participant when you query theparticipant in the enrollment window.

� To enroll a person in a miscellaneous plan:

1. Set the effective date.

2. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for the person you are enrolling.

General Tab

3. Choose the General tab.

4. Select the not in program Plan and Option in which the person isenrolling.

Note: If you take no enrollment action, the participant will beenrolled in the plans and options that are currently displayed.

Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person iscurrently enrolled in this plan or option.

The system displays the following view–only information:

• The Plan Type of the electable plan

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• The Life Event reason prompting this enrollment

• The Currency in which this benefit is paid

In the Coverage block the system displays:

• The Coverage Start and End date for this savings plan

• The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

• The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

Benefit Tab

5. Choose the Benefit tab.

6. Enter the Amount of the contribution or distribution, if applicable.The system displays the following view–only information:

• The unit of measure (UOM) field displays the contribution ordistribution currency.

• The Type field displays the tax type of this benefit.

• The Calculation field displays the calculation method used toderive the activity rate for this benefit.

• The Minimum and Maximum fields display this plan andoption’s coverage limits for this participant.

• The Increment field displays the increments in which coveragecan be increased or decreased.

Limitation Tab

■ Select the Limitation tab. The system displays the followingview–only information:

• The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant isrequired to provide certification before being enrolled in thisbenefit.

• The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in thisbenefit has been suspended pending the completion of an actionitem, such as providing required certification.

• The Interim field appears checked if this plan or option has beenassigned to the participant as interim coverage pending thecompletion of an action item.

• The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has beenautomatically enrolled in this plan or option.

• The Dependents field indicates if dependents are required oroptional for this plan.

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• The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan or option inwhich a participant must be enrolled in order to make thiselection.

• The Earliest De–enroll field indicates the earliest date on which aparticipant can de–enroll from this plan or option.

• The Override Through date indicates the date through which theenrollment has been overriden.

• The Override Reason indicates the reason given for the override.

7. Save this person’s elections.

22 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Maintaining a Participant’s Primary Care Provider

You date effectively enter, update, and delete a person’s primary careproviders in the Primary Care Providers window.

� To select a primary care provider for a person:

1. Query the Person whose primary care provider you are entering.

2. Select the Plan Type and Plan for which you are entering theperson’s primary care provider.

The available plans are limited to the plans in which the participantor their dependent is currently enrolled.

3. Select a provider in the Identifier, Name, and Type fields.

If you enter the provider’s identifier, the system fills in the Nameand Type fields if a provider exists with the same identifier for thisplan.

4. If necessary, select providers of a different service provider type inthis plan, or select providers for different plans.

5. Save your work.

22 – 29Enrollment Management

Displaying Enrollment Results

You use the View Enrollment Results window to display a person’senrollment information. This is a read–only form.

You can display enrollment information after an enrollment result iscreated by one of these means: an electable choice is saved on anenrollment form, a default enrollment is processed, or the closeenrollment process has completed.

Enrollment information is date effectively displayed so that you canalso view historical information.

� To display enrollment results for a person:

1. Set the effective date to the date for which you want to viewenrollment results.

2. Query the person for whom you want to view enrollment results.

The system displays enrollment information for the compensationobjects in which the person is enrolled.

3. Check the View By Coverage Date field to view the person’senrollment information as of their coverage start date.

• Or, check the View By Session Date to view the person’senrollment information as of the system’s effective date.

4. Choose from the available tabbed regions and task flow windowsto view enrollment results.

The system displays the windows that can be accessed from thisform in read–only mode.

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Dependents and Beneficiaries

Viewing Dependent Information

You use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window to viewenrollment information for the dependent of a participant, includingthe following:

• The plan and option in which the dependent is enrolled

• The name of the dependent and their relationship to theparticipant

• Coverage dates

Note: You can only view dependent information when youreffective date is between the dependent coverage start and enddate for the compensation object.

� To view dependent information:

1. Query the name of the participant for whom you are viewingdependent designations.

2. Choose the View Dependents tab.

3. Highlight a Plan:Option in which the participant is enrolled.

The system displays the dependents that have been designated forthat plan or option.

4. Choose the Designate Dependents tab or the DesignateBeneficiaries tab to create a designation.

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Maintaining Dependent Designations

Use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window to designate aparticipant’s dependents.

The participant must have an open life event to designate a dependentif you are using Advanced Benefits. Standard Benefits customers, orAdvanced Benefits customers using the Unrestricted enrollment type,may designate dependents at any time.

Note: As a prerequisite, you must enter the participant’scontacts into the system before you can designate a contact as adependent. Check the Personal Relationship field for eachpotential dependent on the Contact window. The dependentmust also meet the designation requirements defined for theplan and option and the requirements of any dependenteligibility profiles linked to the compensation object beforebecoming an eligible dependent.

See: Entering Next of Kin and Other Contacts, Managing Your WorkforceUsing Oracle HRMS

� To enter or modify a participant’s dependent designation:

1. Query the name of the participant for whom you are entering ormodifying dependent designations.

2. Select the plan and option for which the participant is designating adependent in the Plan:Option field.

• Any eligible dependents for this plan and option are displayed inthe Eligible Dependents field.

• The Employee field appears checked if this dependent is also anemployee.

• The Start and Through dates indicate the dependent coveragestart and end dates for this plan.

3. Check the Covered field to indicate that this person is a dependentfor this benefit.

Uncheck the Covered field to undesignate a dependent previouslycovered by this benefit.

4. Choose the Certifications button to open the DependentCertifications window.

The system displays any certifications that must be submitted forthis dependent.

5. Enter the Date Received to record receipt of a certification.

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6. Save your work.

7. Close the Dependent Certifications window.

8. Choose the Care Providers button to specify a primary careprovider for a dependent.

See: Maintaining a Participant’s Primary Care Provider,

9. Choose the Contacts button to open the More Contacts windowwhere you can view the dependents who were found ineligible forthe selected plan or option.

10. Select a dependent from the list and choose the Designate button tohave the system check for this dependent’s eligibility.

If the dependent is found eligible, the dependent will be added tothe list of designees in the Eligible Dependents field, the Coveredfield will appear checked, and the record will automatically besaved.

11. Choose the Contacts button to open the Contact window whereyou can add a new contact for this primary participant.

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Maintaining Beneficiary Designation Information for a Participant

You can designate a person or an organization as a beneficiary for plansthat allow or require beneficiary designation using theDependent/Beneficiary Designation window.

You can designate a beneficiary at any time, even after a life event orenrollment period is closed. However, for Advanced Benefitscustomers, beneficiary certifications only restrict designations when theparticipant’s life event is open.

Beneficiary designation restrictions are based on your plan design.

See: Plan Design: page 9 - 2

� To enter or modify a participant’s beneficiary designation:

1. Query the name of the participant for whom you are entering ormodifying beneficiary designations.

2. Choose the Designate Beneficiaries tab.

3. Select a Plan for which you are entering or modifying beneficiarydesignation information for this participant.

4. Select a beneficiary name in the Beneficiaries field to designate aperson or charitable organization as this participant’s beneficiary.

5. Select this beneficiary’s Type, either Primary or Contingent.

6. If the participant is assigning a percentage of the benefit to thebeneficiary, enter the % value of the total value of this benefit.

While you do not need to need to enter an Amount value, youmust enter at least one % value. The sum of all % values for a planmust equal 100%. If you specify a monetary Amount, the systempays this Amount value before it pays out any % values. In such acase, the % values refer to the paid benefit following the deductionof the Amount value.

7. If the participant is assigning a monetary amount from this benefitto this beneficiary, enter this monetary Amount.

8. Choose the Details button to open the Details window if you wantto enter trustee information or special instructions regarding thisbeneficiary designation.

9. If appropriate, select a Trustee to oversee the benefits theparticipant assigns to this beneficiary.

10. If appropriate, enter Instructions regarding this beneficiarydesignation.

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11. Close the Details window.

12. Choose the Certifications button to open the BeneficiaryCertifications window.

The system displays any certifications that must be submitted forthis beneficiary.

13. Enter the Date Received to record receipt of a certification.

14. Save your work.

Adding a New Beneficiary for a Participant

� To add a new beneficiary for a participant:

1. From the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window, choose theDesignate Beneficiaries tab then choose the Contacts orOrganizations button depending on whether the beneficiary is aperson or an organization.

2. Complete the Contacts or Organizations window, as appropriate.

3. Save your work.

See Also

Entering Next of Kin and Other Contacts, Managing Your WorkforceUsing Oracle HRMS

Creating an Organization, Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

22 – 35Enrollment Management

Action Items and Certifications

Recording Enrollment Actions Items for a Person (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Person Enrollment Action Items window to view andcomplete enrollment action items that have been created for a person.Action items are based on the enrollment requirements for thecompensation objects in which the person is enrolling or de–enrolling.The following action items can be completed using this form:

• Beneficiary address

• Beneficiary date of birth

• Beneficiary social security number

• Beneficiary requires spousal consent certification

• Dependent date of birth

• Dependent social security number

• Enrollment certifications

� To complete an action item for a person:

1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for this person.

2. Select the action item that the person is requested or required tocomplete in the Action Items field. The system displays:

• A description of this action item

• The compensation object in which the person is enrolling,de–enrolling, or changing elections

• The life event prompting this enrollment, de–enrollment, orchange in elections

• The Due Date by which the action item is to be completed

• Whether the action item is Required

3. Use the task flow buttons to navigate to the Certifications, People,or Designee window and complete the missing information,depending on the action item to be completed.

4. Check the Completed field when the action item is complete.

Note: If the action item is for a missing certification, theCompleted field appears checked when you enter thecertification received date and save.

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5. Save your work.

Note: You cannot save in this form unless the action item iscomplete.

Note: When a required action item is completed, the systemunsuspends the participant’s election if there are no otherincomplete required action items and there is no more than oneoptional action item left incomplete. If a required action item isnot completed, the enrollment is end–dated as of the effectivedate of the Close Enrollment process if the action is due beforethe close of enrollment. If the participant experiences asubsequent life event before the required action item iscompleted, the enrollment is end–dated as of the effective dateof the Participation process and the action item is end–dated.

Note: If an optional action item is not completed, theoccurrence of a subsequent life event closes the action itemwith an effective end date equal to one day prior to theeffective date of the Participation batch process.

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Recording Receipt of Enrollment Certifications (Advanced Benefits)

You record the receipt of enrollment certifications for a person usingthe Person Enrollment Certifications window.

You can also add and delete certifications or mark a receivedcertification as denied.

Note: Use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window torecord receipt of enrollment certifications for dependents andbeneficiaries.

� To record receipt of an enrollment certification for a person:

1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for this person.

2. Select the certification type submitted by the participant in theCertifications field. The system displays:

• The compensation object and life event that generated thecertification

• The due date by which the certification must be completed

• A check box indicating if certification is required for enrollmentin this compensation object

• A check box indicating if the participant’s enrollment in thiscompensation object has been suspended pending thecompletion of any action items.

3. Check the Received field to indicate that this certification has beenreceived.

Note: You can un–check the Received field after you save, ifnecessary.

4. Check the Denied field if this certification has been rejected.

� To add or delete a certification for a person:

1. Select a new certification from the list of certification types to add acertification to this participant’s election.

2. Check the Required field to indicate that failure to provide thiscertification results in a suspended election.

3. Select the reason for the certification in the Due To field.

4. To delete a certification for an election, select the certification typeand choose the delete icon from the toolbar.

5. Save your work.

22 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enrollment Overrides

Overriding Participation Information for a Person

You use the Participation Overrides window to maintain overrideinformation for a potential benefits participant who is otherwiseineligible to participate in a particular program.

� To override participation information for a person:

1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overridingparticipation information.

2. Check the View By Session Date field to view the person’sparticipation information as of the system’s effective date.

Or, check the View By Participation Date to view this informationas of the person’s participation start date.

3. Select the Level in the compensation object hierarchy at which youare defining override information.

4. Select the Compensation Object for which you are overridingparticipation eligibility information for this person.

5. Check the Eligible field if this person is eligible for this benefit.

6. Choose the General tab if it is not already selected.

7. Select the Life Event Reason explaining why you are overriding thisperson’s eligibility/ineligibility for this program or plan.

8. Enter the Waiting Period Completion Date if the participant mustwait until a certain date before enrolling or de–enrolling in thiscompensation object.

9. Enter the Participation Start and End Dates through which thisperson participates in this program or plan.

10. Check the Restricted Distribution field if some organization(typically a court) has placed a restriction on the distribution ofbenefits to this participant.

For example, a QDRO (US) specifies a portion of the participant’sretirement benefits must be paid to that person’s prior spouse.

11. Check the Highly Compensated field if this person is highlycompensated according to the terms of the plan.

12. Check the Key Employee field if this person is a key employeeaccording to the terms of the plan.

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13. Check the Dependents Only field if this plan only covers thisperson’s dependents.

14. Save your work.

22 – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Overriding Eligibility Participation Information for a Person

You can override the run results of the Participation batch process for aperson in the Participation Overrides window.

You can also freeze the future calculation of derived factors, such as ageor length of service, for a person in a program or plan. The ability tofreeze derived factors is useful when you want to exempt a participantfrom the eligibility rules that are linked to a particular derived factor.

� To override eligible participation information for a person:

1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overridingparticipation information.

2. Choose the Eligibility tab if it is not already selected.

Age and Length of Service

3. Choose the Age/Length of Service alternate region.

4. If you want the person’s age to differ from that shown in the Agefield, modify or enter that number.

5. If you want the person’s age UOM to differ, modify or enter theunit of measure.

6. If you want the person’s length of service to differ from that shownin the LOS field, modify or enter that number.

7. If you want the person’s length of service UOM to differ, modify orenter that unit of measure.

8. If you want the person’s number of hours worked to differ fromthat shown in the Hours Worked field, modify or enter thatnumber.

9. If you want to modify the period in which the Hours Worked aremeasured, select a new value in the In Period field.

10. Enter the person’s age and length of service in the Age & LOS fieldif you are overriding this derived value.


11. Choose the Compensation alternate region.

12. If you want the person’s computed compensation level to differfrom that shown in the Compensation Reference field, modify orenter that number.

13. If you want the person’s compensation currency to differ, enter thatCurrency.

22 – 41Enrollment Management

14. If you want the calendar date the system uses to determine thisperson’s length of service to differ from that shown in the OverrideService Date field, modify or enter that date.

15. If you want the person’s percent of full–time employment to differfrom that shown in the Percent Full Time field, modify or enter thatpercentage.

16. Enter or modify the Hours Worked Qualification value if thesystem calculates the hours worked once (for a life event or anopen enrollment period) or on a continuing basis each time you runthe Participation batch process.


17. In the Freeze block, check the derived factors you do not want thesystem to recalculate the next time it calculates derived factors forthis person.

18. Save your work.

22 – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Overriding Waive Participation Information for a Person (Advanced Benefits)

You can use the Participation Overrides window to override thecertifications required to enroll in a waive plan.

� To override waive participation information for a person:

1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overridingparticipation information.


2. Choose the Waive tab if it is not already selected.

3. Check the Waive Plan field if this person is waiving this program orplan.

4. Select the Certification Type that this person is waiving for thisprogram or plan.

5. Select a Reason explaining why this person is being allowed towaive this certification type for this program or plan.


6. Choose the Override tab.

7. Check the No Maximum Participation field if special circumstancesdictate that this person is eligible or ineligible for this plan orprogram.

Checking this field indicates that this person’s eligibility/ineligibility for the specified compensation object remains in forcefor an indefinite period of time, regardless of changes to thisperson’s derivable or temporal information.

8. Check the Override field to override the otherwise ineligibleperson’s participation in this plan.

9. Enter the date through which the system overrides the otherwiseineligible person’s participation in this plan in the Through Datefield.

10. Select a Reason explaining why you are overriding the otherwiseineligible person’s participation in this plan.

11. Save your work.

22 – 43Enrollment Management

Overriding Participation Information for a Person for an Option in a Plan(Advanced Benefits)

You can override eligibility results for a person enrolling in a planoption by using the Participation Overrides window.

Choosing to override eligibility results for one or more options in aplan is useful when you do not want to override the eligibility resultsfor all options in a plan.

� To override participation information for a person for an option in aplan:

1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overridingparticipation information.

2. Select the program and plan that contains the option to override.

3. Choose the Options button.

4. Select the name of the option in this plan for which you areoverriding participation information in the Eligible Options field.

5. Check the Eligible field if you want this otherwise ineligible personto be eligible to participate in this option in this plan.

Conversely, do not check the Eligible field if you want thisotherwise eligible person to be ineligible to participate in thisoption in this plan.

6. Enter a Waiting Period Completion Date to change the date thatmust pass before a person is eligible for this benefit.

7. Enter the Start and End Dates through which this person iseligible/ineligible to participate in this option in this plan.

8. Check the Override field if special circumstances dictate that thisperson is deemed eligible or ineligible for this option in this plan.

9. Check the No Maximum Participation Override Through field ifthis person’s eligibility or ineligibility for this option in planremains in force for an indefinite period of time regardless ofchanges to this person’s derivable or temporal information.

10. Select an Hours Worked Qualification code to indicate if theparticipant must meet the hours worked in period eligibilitycriteria once or on a recurring basis to qualify for this benefit.

11. Enter the date through which this override remains effective forthis person’s participation in the Override Through Date field, andselect the Override Reason.

12. Save your work.

22 – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Overriding Enrollment Results for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Override Plan Enrollment window to override electioninformation after you have used the Participation Overrides window tospecify that a person can enroll in a plan or option for which they havebeen found ineligible.

You can also override the rate and coverage amounts for a givenbenefit. If the participant designates a dependent for the plan, you canoverride the dependents that are covered by the plan.

� To override enrollment results for a plan:

1. Set the effective date.

2. Query the Name of the person for whom you want to overrideenrollment results.

Note: The system displays the programs, plans, and options inwhich the person is currently enrolled.

General Tab

3. Choose the General tab if it is not already selected.

4. Select the plan and option you want to override.

5. Do one of the following:

• Delete the enrollment by choosing the delete icon on the toolbar.Then, add a new row to the enrollment and select the plan andoption in which you are enrolling the participant.

• Or, override the enrollment by selecting a new plan and optionfrom the list of values in the Plan field.

Note: The list of electable plans is based on the plan type ofthe plan in which the participant is currently enrolled.

Note: The Overridden field appears checked if this plan is anoverriding plan and not a plan in which the participant wasenrolled under normal circumstances.

6. Select a new Currency if you are overriding the currency in whichthis benefit is paid.

• The No Longer Eligibile field appears checked if the participantis no longer eligible for this plan or option.

• The Suspended field appears checked if this plan or option hasbeen suspended pending the receipt of certification. This field isread–only.

Note: You cannot override a suspended enrollment.

22 – 45Enrollment Management

• The Interim field appears checked if this plan or option is theinterim coverage assigned for a suspended election.

Override Tab

7. Check the Overridden field to override this plan or option.

8. Enter the date through which the system overrides the otherwiseineligible person’s participation in this plan or option in the Thrufield.

Note: You enter the override through date if you only want theoverride to be in effect for a limited period of time. Theoverride through date cannot be later than the coverage enddate.

9. Select the reason you are allowing this overriding enrollment in theReason field.

Coverage Tab

10. Enter the following dates, as applicable:

• Coverage Start date

• Coverage End date

Note: When you override a plan in which a person is enrolled,the new enrollment begins as of the coverage start date youenter. If you do not enter a coverage end date, coverage for theplan ends based on the coverage end date code defined for theplan.

• Original Start Date

• Earliest De–enrollment date

Benefit Tab

11. Enter the new coverage amount for this plan or option in the Valuefield.

12. Select the unit of measure of the benefit in the UOM field.

13. Enter the tax type of this benefit in the Type field.

14. Save your work.

Overriding Dependent Coverage Designations for a Plan

You use the Override Dependents window to override a participant’sdependent designations for a plan.

Note: You use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation form toenter a participant’s beneficiaries for an overriding plan.

22 – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

� To override dependent coverage designations for a plan:

1. Query the Name of the person for whom you want to overrideenrollment results in the Override Plan Enrollment window.

2. Choose the Dependents button.

3. Select the name of the dependent in the Name field from the list ofthe participant’s contacts.

4. Enter the start and end dates through which a dependent iscovered under the plan.

5. Enter the Through date if a dependent’s coverage under this plan isless than the coverage end date.

Note: The ?(question mark field) indicates if coverage for thisdependent is based on an override.

6. Choose the More Contacts button if the dependent is not in the listof eligible dependents.

You can enter a new dependent in the Contacts window.

Note: In order for a contact to display as an eligibledependent, you must check the Personal Relationship field forthe person on the Contact window and the person must meetthe designation requirements you define.

7. Save your work.

22 – 47Enrollment Management

Other Enrollment Administration

Managing Eligible Person Waivers (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Waive Participation window to enter waive information forplan types and plans in a program.

� To manage eligible person waivers for a plan type in a program:

1. Query the Person who is eligible to receive the participationwaiver.

2. Select the Program associated with the plan type or plans that thisperson is electing to waive.

3. Choose the Plan Type tab or the Plan tab depending if you arewaiving all the plans in a plan type or only selected plans.

4. Select a Plan Type or Plan in this program that this person iselecting to waive.

5. Select the Waive Reason that supports why this person is waivingparticipation in this plan type or plan.

6. Select the Certification Provided code that indicates this personprovided the certification required to waive participation in thisplan type or plan.

7. Check the Preferred field if this waive Certification is preferred, butnot required.

8. Save your work.

22 – 48 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Maintaining Court Orders for a Participant

You use the Court Orders window to record a Qualified Medical ChildSupport Order or a Qualified Domestic Relation Orders for participantsin the US who are subject to either of these court orders.

When a participant enrolls in a plan type or plan that is subject to acourt order, the system determines if the participant’s dependents thatare named in the court order are covered by the plan type or plan inquestion. A warning message is issued at the time of enrollmentnotifying the benefits administrator of the court order.

� To maintain a court order for a participant:

1. Query the person for whom you are entering a court order.

2. Select a court order type in the Type field.

3. Enter a court order identifier in the Order ID field.

4. Do one of the following:

• Select the plan subject to the court order in the Plan field.

• Or, select the Plan Type if the court order applies to all plans inthe plan type.

5. Enter the name of the court that issued the order in the IssuingCourt field.

6. Complete these date–related fields.

• Issued Date– the date the court issued the order

• Received Date– the date your organization received the order

• Qualified Date– the date you validated that the order satisfies thecriteria of a qualified order

7. Enter a Description of the court order.

In the Period in Effect block:

8. Enter the dates on which dependent coverage starts and endsbased on this court order.

In the QDRO Payment block:

9. Specify the QDRO payment amount in either the Amount field orthe % (Percent) field.

• Enter the unit of measure of this payment, if the order is for anamount.

• Select a distribution method in the Distribution field.

22 – 49Enrollment Management

• Enter the Number of Payments that must be made Per Period

In the Cited block:

10. Select the name of the dependent or other person cited as arecipient of this benefit based on the court order.

• Choose the Contacts button if you need to add a dependent forthis participant.

11. Save your work.

22 – 50 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Recording a Continuing Benefits Payment

You use the Record Continuing Benefits Payment window to enter theamount paid by a participant for participation in a continuing benefitsplan, such as US COBRA plans.

� To record a continuing benefits payment:

1. Query the person for whom you are recording a continuing benefitspayment.

The system displays all plans in which the participant is currentlyenrolled.

2. Select the plan and option for which you are recording a payment.

The system display the activity rate for the plan you select and theExpected Payment Amount.

3. Enter the participant’s payment amount in the Current PaymentAmount field.

4. Save your work.

22 – 51Enrollment Management

Recording a Contribution or Distribution

You use the Record Contributions or Distributions window to enter anamount paid by or paid to a participant in association with a plan or anoption.

� To record a contribution or distribution:

1. Query the person for whom you are recording a contribution ordistribution.

2. Choose the Activities tab.

3. Select the activity rate for which you are recording a contributionor distribution in the Activity field.

4. Enter the Amount of the participant’s payment or distribution.

5. Choose the Compensation Objects tab to view the plans andoptions associated with the activity rate for which you arerecording a contribution or distribution.

6. Choose the Display Payments button to display the Paymentswindow. You can view the element associated with an activity rateand any payments recorded by the element in this window.

7. Save your work.

22 – 52 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Processing a Request Using the Benefits Service Center

The participant’s request determines how you use the Benefits ServiceCenter window. You can authenticate a caller’s identity, change aperson’s HR record, process an active life event, enter enrollmentelections, and send communications, among other tasks.

Note: Use of the Benefits Service Center assumes that youhave familiarity with the HR system and the tasks performedby a benefits administrator. Refer to the other areas of youruser documentation for more specific help on forms that youcan access from this window.

� To process a request using the Benefits Service Center:

1. Verify the caller’s identity by entering a query in the Person block.

If the query is correct, the system displays:

• The person’s name and other identifying information

• The person’s address

• The name and status of the active life event associated with theperson, if applicable

2. Choose the Details button to view details about the person’sassignment.

3. Select a form or action from the Desktop Activities list dependingon the participant’s request.

People Form– You use this form to enter changes to a person’srecord such as change of name, address, or marital status.

Process Life Events– Select this action if the person has an activelife event that you want to process.

View Person Life Events– Select this desktop activity to open theDisplay Person Life Event Information window and viewinformation about a person’s active life event.

View Person Participation– You use this desktop activity to viewthe benefit program, plans, and options for which a person iseligible, including the activity rate for the benefit.

Dependent/Beneficiary– You select this option to view a person’sdependents and beneficiaries and to add dependents andbeneficiaries for a benefit.

Person Communication– You use this feature to sendcommunications to a person.

Override Plan Enrollment– You use this feature to overrideeligibility results.

22 – 53Enrollment Management

Person Participation Override– You use the Person ParticipationInformation window to override eligibility criteria for a personbefore you run the Participation batch process to determineeligibility and electable choices.

Flex Enrollment form– You use this form to enroll a person in aflexible benefits program.

Non Flex Enrollment form– You use this form to enroll a person ina program that does not use flex credits for participation.

Miscellaneous Enrollment form– You use this form to enroll aperson in a plan that is not part of a program.

Savings form– You use this form to enroll a person in a savingsand investment plan.

Summary of Enrollment– You select this form to view a person’sbenefit elections

4. Complete the form based on the desktop activity you select.

22 – 54 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



23 – 1Premiums, Balances, and Reimbursements

Premiums, Balances,and Reimbursements

23 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Recalculate Participant Values Overview (Standard Benefits)

You can update activity rates for currently enrolled participants basedon plan design changes––such as yearly rate increases––or after a salaryreview period. For selected persons, you run the RecalculateParticipant Values process to calculate:

• Participant rates

• Coverages

• Actual premiums

• Imputed income rates (US)

The process provides for a participant to continue coverage in theircurrent benefits elections without the need for re–enrollment or amanual change in rates.

By running the Recalculate Participant Values process close to whenplan design changes take effect, you can minimize the impact oncurrently enrolling participants. Most often, a system administratorschedules the process to run after the end of an annual enrollmentperiod.

As a prerequisite to running the process you should:

• Update your plan design (defining the new rate calculations)

• Ensure that person records are current

• Run the Maintain Participant Eligibility process to update eligibilityrecords and derived factors such as age and length of service

See: Running the Maintain Participant Eligibility Process: page 21 – 2

See: Running the Recalculate Participant Values process: page 23 – 3

23 – 3Premiums, Balances, and Reimbursements

Running the Recalculate Participant Values Process (Standard Benefits)

The Recalculate Participant Values process updates activity rates basedon changes to plan design.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

See: Recalculate Participant Values Overview (Standard Benefits): page 23 – 2

� To run the Recalculate Participant Values process:

1. Select the Recalculate Participant Values process in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

You can select from a variety of criteria to limit the participants forwhom you are re–calculating activity rates.

3. Select an individual in the Person Name field to run the process fora single person.

4. Select a Person Type if you want to calculate rates only for aparticular person type (such as employee) within the compensationobjects you select.

5. Select a compensation object––such as a plan or program––forwhich you are calculating rates.

6. If special circumstances apply, select a Compensation ObjectSelection Rule or a Person Selection Rule you have defined to limitthe application of the rate re–calculation.

7. Choose the OK button.

8. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

23 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing and Adjusting Monthly Premiums for a Plan or Option in Plan

You use the Monthly Plan or Option Premium window to view theplans and options for which you have defined a premium calculation.

Use this form if you need to manually adjust the premium result for aplan or an option in plan or if you need to enter or update the costingsegment against which the premium is applied.

� To view or adjust a monthly premium for a plan or option in plan:

1. Query the Plan or Option for which you want to view premiuminformation.

2. Select the premium associated with this plan or option in thePremium Name field.

The system displays the following read–only premium informationin the General tabbed region:

• The premium Type

• The premium Payer

• The Supplier of the coverage

• The Calculation method used to derive the premium.

The system displays premium calculation results in the MonthlyActivity tabbed region. The following information is read–only:

• Premium unit of measure

• the Premium Manually Adjusted field appears checked if youmanually adjusted the premium

3. Enter the new premium in the Value field to manually adjust theresult of the premium calculation.

• If necessary, change the month or year for which you are manuallyadjusting the premium.

4. Enter the Number of Participants included in this premium.

5. Enter or updates the Costing segment against which to apply thepremium for this plan or option in plan.

6. Save your work.

23 – 5Premiums, Balances, and Reimbursements

Viewing and Adjusting Monthly Premiums for a Participant

You use the Monthly Participant Premium window to view the plansand options in which a participant is enrolled that have an associatedpremium. Use this form if you need to manually adjust a participant’spremium or if you need to enter or update the costing segment againstwhich the participant’s premium is applied.

� To view or adjust a monthly premium for a participant:

1. Query the Person for whom you want to view premiuminformation.

2. Select the premium associated with this plan or option in thePremium Name field.

The system displays the following read–only premium informationin the General tabbed region:

• The Plan or Option associated with the premium

• The premium Type

• The premium Payer

• The Calculation method used to derive the premium

• The Supplier of the coverage

• The Standard Value and Unit of Measure of the premium

The system displays premium calculation results for the selectedperson in the Monthly Activity tabbed region. The followinginformation is read–only:

• Premium unit of measure

• Total credits

• Net premium (the premium paid minus the total credits applied tothe premium)

• the Allocated Value field appears checked if this is an allocatedpremium

• the Premium Manually Adjusted field appears checked if youmanually adjusted the premium

• the Credits Manually Adjusted field appears checked if youmanually adjusted the credits applied to this premium

3. Enter the new premium in the Value field to manually adjust theresult of the premium calculation.

• If necessary, change the month or year for which you are manuallyadjusting the premium.

23 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

4. Enter or update the Costing segment against which to apply thepremium for this person.

5. Save your work.

23 – 7Premiums, Balances, and Reimbursements

Defining Person Benefit Balances

You define a person benefit balance using the Person Benefits Balanceswindow by associating a person with a benefit balance you havedefined.

� To define a person benefit balance:

1. Select a Person for whom you are defining a benefit balance.

2. Select a Benefit Balance that you defined in the Benefit Balanceswindow.

3. Enter a Value for the balance.

4. Save your work.

23 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Recording a Reimbursement Request (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Reimbursement Requests window to date effectivelyrecord a request for reimbursement when the participant incurs a costthat is covered by a plan for which you have defined reimbursablegoods and services, such as a spending account plan.

� To record a reimbursement request:

1. Query the name of the person who is submitting thereimbursement request.

2. Select the Plan against which the submitter is making thereimbursement request.

Request Details Tab

3. Choose the Request Details tab.

4. Select the name of the person who is receiving the reimbursementin the For field.

This can be the primary participant or a person of a validrelationship type to the primary participant as defined for thereimbursement plan.

5. Record the date range over which the cost was incurred in theFrom and To fields.

Note: The application saves future dated reimbursementrequests with a status of Pending and does not create anelement entry.

6. Check the Adjustment field if this reimbursement request is anadjustment to an existing request.

7. Enter the reimbursement request Amount and select the Currencytype of the expense.

8. Enter the name of the good or service Provider and the Provider’sTax ID.

9. Select the Status of the reimbursement request.

10. Save your work.

When you save the request, the application automatically:

• Assigns the request a Request Number

• Assigns the request a status of Goods and Services Required

• Records the effective date as the Submitted Date of the request

• Indicates the Annual Coverage Elected (for spending accountplans)

23 – 9Premiums, Balances, and Reimbursements

• Calculates the Annual Elected Amount for the plan

• Calculates the number of requests this year for this person forthis plan in the Total Claims Submitted field

Goods or Services Tab

Note: As a prerequisite, you must define goods and servicesduring your plan design in order to process a reimbursementrequest.

11. Choose the Goods or Services tab.

12. Select the Good or Service provided.

The Certification Required field appears checked if you indicatedthis certification was required during your implementation.

13. Choose the Certification button to open the ReimbursementCertifications window.

• Record the Received Date or Denied Date of the certification.

14. Save your work.

Changing the Status of a Request

You can change the status of a reimbursement request.

� To change the status of a request:

1. Choose the Status Tracking tab.

The application populates the Status field with the request statusyou selected in Step 9 above.

In the Request block:

2. Select a Reason for this request status.

You can add to the list of Status Reason types by using the LookupType BEN_STAT_RSN in the Application Utilities Lookupswindow.

3. Check the Overriden field if you override the status of this requestfor some reason.

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

4. Select a Reason for the request override.

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

5. Select the Prior Status of the request before you selected theoverriding request status.

23 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

In the Approved for Payment block:

6. Select the status of the approved payment in the Current field.

You can add to the list of Approved Payment Status types by usingthe Lookup Type BEN_APRVD_PYMT_STAT in the ApplicationUtilities Lookups window.

7. Select an approved payment status Reason.

You can add to the list of Approved Payment Status Reasons byusing the Lookup Type BEN_APRVD_PYMT_RSN in theApplication Utilities Lookups window.

8. Check the Overriden field if you override the status of thisapproved payment for some reason.

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

9. Select a Reason for this approved payment override.

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

10. Select the Prior Status of the approved payment request before youselected the overriding status.

Note: This field is reserved for future use.

11. Save your work.

Entering a Reimbursement Payment

When you save an approved request, the application writes theapproved amount to the Reimbursement Payment window andupdates the standard distribution rate for the reimbursement. If youlink an element to the distribution rate, the process updates the elemententry.

You can change the approved amount, provided that the new amountis not for a higher value and that your payroll system has not processedthe payment.

� To enter a reimbursement payment:

1. Choose the Payment button.

2. Modify the Approved Payment amount.

3. Select a payment status and a status reason.

4. Check the Adjustment check box if you are adjusting the approvedamount.

5. Save your work.

23 – 11Premiums, Balances, and Reimbursements

Running the Process Forfeitures Concurrent Request (Advanced Benefits)

Run the Process Forfeitures concurrent request to calculate and recordthe total forfeited amount for each participant in a reimbursement planat the end of a plan year.

Note: As a prerequisite, update the balances to make sure thatcontribution and distribution totals are current and accurate.

See: Setting Up Reimbursement Plans for Forfeitures (AdvancedBenefits): page 9 – 11

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Process Forfeitures concurrent request:

1. Select Process Forfeitures in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the Effective Date of the process.

4. In the Commit field, select whether you want to commit or rollbackthe results of the process.

5. Select the reimbursement plan for which you are processingforfeitures in the Plan Name field.

6. Choose the OK button.

7. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

8. Run the Process Forfeitures Audit Log process or the ProcessForfeitures Summary Report for information about errors andprocess totals.

9. To view forfeiture results for a participant, open the ViewEnrollment Results window. Query a person, then choose the Ratesbutton.

10. To view total forfeitures for the plan, open the Forfeited Valueswindow. Query a plan. Select the Forfeitures tab, then choose theForfeiture Values button.

23 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



24 – 1Administration of Communications and SystemExtract

Administration ofCommunications andSystem Extract

24 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Determine Communications Batch Process

You use the Determine Communications batch process to generatecommunications that are not automatically generated based on therules of your plan design.

You can generate a batch communication for just one person or for allthe people who meet your selection criteria. You select the parametersof the batch process to limit the people who receive a communication.

You can generate a batch communication by selecting one of fourdifferent kinds of triggers types. A trigger is a primary parameter thatdetermines the kind of communication that is delivered. Choose one ofthe following triggers:

• Enrollment Reminder Letters

• Action Item Reminder Letters

• Emerging Event Literature

• Targeted Mass Mailing

The parameters available for your use vary according to the trigger thatyou select.

When you select more than one parameter, the system only generatescommunications for those persons who meet the criteria of all theparameters you select.

Attention: If you do not select a communication type as oneyour parameters, the batch process generates allcommunications defined for the trigger type you select.

Enrollment Reminder Letters

You select this trigger to generate one or more batch communicationsfor all participants who:

• Have an open life event (life event status equals Started)

• Have not made an election as of the effective date of the batchprocess

• Meet the criteria of all the parameters that you select

For example, you could send an enrollment reminder letter to allpersons eligible for a benefit who have not made an election by acertain date.

Action Item Reminder Letters

You select this trigger to generate one or more batch communicationsfor all participants who:

24 – 3Administration of Communications and SystemExtract

• Have an open action item as of the effective date of the batch process

• Meet the criteria of all the parameters that you select

Emerging Event Literature

You select this trigger to generate one or more batch communicationsfor all participants who:

• Will experience a life event based on the temporal factors of age,length of service, or combination age and length of service as of thedate you select

• Meet the criteria of all the parameters that you select

Note: For emerging event communications, the selection of acompensation object as a batch process parameter is optional.If no compensation object is specified, none will be used. Forother batch processes, if you do not select a compensationobject all compensation objects are included as a parameter.

Targeted Mass Mailing

You select this trigger to generate one or more batch communicationsfor all participants who:

• Are either eligible for a benefit or enrolled in a benefit that you select

• Meet the criteria of all the parameters that you select

Determine Communications Batch Process Parameters

You select batch communication parameters to determine the criteriathat a person must meet in order to receive a communication.

When you select more than one parameter, the system generatescommunications for those persons who meet the criteria of all theparameters you select.

The available parameters vary according to the trigger type that youselect.

A listing of all possible runtime parameters follows.

Select an action type to specify that the system processpersons who have an open action item effecting theirenrollment as of the effective date of the batch processrun.

Select an age factor to specify that the system processpersons who meet the criteria of this derived factor.

Select a combination age and length of service factor tospecify that the system process persons who meet thecriteria of this derived factor.

Action Type

Age Factor

CombinationAge andLength ofService

24 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Select a user–defined rule to limit the compensationobjects that are processed in the batch run.

Select this parameter to indicate if the system shouldprocess persons who are eligible for a benefit orenrolled in a benefit.

Select an enrollment period.

Select the date from when the derived factor iscomputed if you use age, length of service, orcombination age and length of service as a parameter.

Select a length of service factor to specify that thesystem process persons who meet the criteria of thisderived factor.

Select a life event to specify that the system processpersons experiencing this life event.

Select a location to specify that the system process allemployees assigned to that location.

Enter a maximum age to use as a selection criteriainstead of an age factor.

Enter a maximum combination age and length ofservice to use as a selection criteria instead of acombination age and length of service factor.

Enter a maximum length of service to use as a selectioncriteria instead of a length of service factor.

Enter a minimum age to use as a selection criteriainstead of an age factor.

Enter a minimum combination age and length ofservice to use as a selection criteria instead of acombination age and length of service factor.

Enter a minimum length of service to use as a selectioncriteria instead of a length of service factor.

Comp ObjectSelect Rule

Eligible orEnrolled


From Date

Length ofServiceFactor

Life Event



MaximumCombinationAge andLength ofServiceMaximumLength ofService


MinimumCombinationAge andLength ofServiceMinimumLength ofService

24 – 5Administration of Communications and SystemExtract

Select Initial if you are submitting this communicationbatch process for the first time, or select Resend if youare re–submitting this batch process.

Select an organization to specify that the systemprocess all employees whose primary assignment is tothe organization.

Select one person for processing.

Select a user–defined rule designed to limit whichpersons are processed by the batch run. The PersonSelection Rule and the Person Name parameters aremutually exclusive.

Select one person type for processing.

Select Yes to specify that the system process all personsfor all plans not in program.

Select a program to specify that the system processpersons enrolled in or eligible for any plans or optionsin this program.

This is the main parameter that determines the kind ofcommunication to be sent.



Person Name


Person Type

Plans Not inPrograms


Trigger Type

24 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Maintaining Person Communications

You use the Person Communications window to date effectivelymaintain information about the communications that are sent to aparticipant. You can define communications so that they areautomatically sent to a participant after a qualifying life event, or youcan send communications at the participant’s request.

� To maintain communications for a person:

1. Query the person for whom you want to maintain communicationsinformation.

2. Select the Type of communication you are sending.

Note: The communications listed in the Type field are thosedefined with a communication trigger type of OnlineParticipant Based Request or Online PSR Based Request.

The system displays the following read–only information based onthe communication you select:

• The life event triggering this communication

• The date sent, if this communication has been sent

• The short name for the communication, if one was defined

• The To Be Sent date code, communication usage, and recipienttype

3. Modify the To Be Sent date, if necessary.

4. Check the Inspect field if this mailing requires inspection.

5. Check the Requested field if this mailing does not requireinspection, but inspection is requested.

6. Select the Address to which the communication should be delivered.

7. Change the delivery method or media, if necessary.

You maintain a person’s preferred delivery method and media onthe People window.

8. Enter any Instructions about the delivery or processing of thiscommunication.

9. Choose the Usages button to navigate to the CommunicationsUsages window where you can associate the communication type toa program, plan, action, or enrollment period.

10. Choose the Resend button to send this communication.

11. Save your work.

24 – 7Administration of Communications and SystemExtract

Running the Determine Communications Batch Process

You run the Communications Batch Process from the Submit Requestswindow. Select runtime parameters as needed.

� To run the Communications Batch Process:

1. Check the Single Request field.

2. Select the Determine Communications batch process in the RequestName field.

3. Select one or more runtime parameters in the resulting Parameterswindow to limit the group of persons the system processes duringthe batch run.

Note: The system determines the available parameters basedon the trigger type you select. Further system edits prevent theselection of incompatible parameters.

4. Choose the Submit Request button to submit this batch run forsystem processing.

24 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the System Extract Batch Processes

Use the Extract Process to extract records from the database fortransmission to a third party, such as a carrier, payroll provider, or otherbenefits vendor.

Update the user profile option BEN: Max Extract Line Size to set themaximum length of a record generated by the Extract Write Process.

See: User Profiles in Configuring, Reporting, and SystemAdministration in Oracle HRMS

You use the Submit Requests window to run the system extract batchprocesses for an extract definition that you have created.

See: Benefits System Extract: page 19 – 3.

� To run the system extract batch process:

1. Select the Extract Process in the Request Name field.

2. Select the Extract Name as the parameter for this process.

3. Enter the effective date on which you want to run the report.

4. Choose the Submit Requests button to run the report when youfinish defining this batch process.

5. View the results of the Extract Process in the Extract Results windowby querying the name of the extract.

See: Viewing Extract Results: page 24 – 10.

The Extract Process also produces a summary report and an errorreport that you can review.

6. Run the Extract Audit Report from the Concurrent Manager to viewa limited selection of records from the extract results.

7. Run the Extract Write Process from the Concurrent Manager to writethe results of the extract to the file you specified in your extractdefinition.

24 – 9Administration of Communications and SystemExtract

Viewing Extract Change Events for a Person

You use the Change Event Log window to view the change events thathave occurred to a person or to delete a change event from the log.

Note: You can view change events for multiple persons byrunning a system extract that includes change event criteria.

� To view change events for a person:

1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standardidentifying information for this person.

The system displays the change events for this person.

2. Select a change event to view the Old and New Values for the event.

3. You can delete a change event from the log by selecting a ChangeEvent row and clicking the delete icon on the toolbar.

4. Save your work if you deleted a change event from the log.

24 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Viewing Extract Results

You use the Extract Results window to view the output of a systemextract run, including summary information, detailed results by person,and run results errors.

� To view the results of a system extract:

1. Query an extract result that you want to view in the Extract Namefield. The system displays summary information for the extract,including:

• The run Request ID and Run Status

• Extract run dates and times

• Number of records in the extract result

• Number of records, people, and errors in the extract result

• The extract output directory and file name

2. Select a Run Status of Approved by User if you want to approve anextract result with a status of Job Failure.

Note: You cannot successfully run the extract write process foran extract with a status of Job Failure unless you change the runstatus to Approved by User. Conversely, you can change anextract with a status of Successful Completion to Rejected byUser to prevent the extract write process from writing out anextract file.

3. Save your work if you changed the status of this extract run result.

4. Choose the Details button to view extract results by person.

The system automatically queries all persons who were processed inthis run. For each person, the system displays:

• The run records that comprise the system extract definition

• The data elements for each record

• The value of each data element for this person

5. Choose the Header and Trailer button to view records, dataelements, and values for the header and footer regions of thissystem extract report.

6. Choose the Errors button to view by person any errors that occurredin the system extract generation process.

• Select an error and choose the More button to view a descriptionof the error.

24 – 11Administration of Communications and SystemExtract

7. Correct any errors, if necessary, and re–run the system extractprocess or load the extract file onto the delivery medium by which itis sent to your third party benefits administrator or other outsideparty.

24 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



25 – 1Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Self–Service BenefitsEnrollments

25 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Self–Service Benefits EnrollmentsSelf–Service Benefits supports a variety of enrollment types, includingopen, unrestricted, and life event enrollments for one or more flex ornon–flex programs.

The enrollment choices, price tags, and other information inSelf–Service Benefits web pages are derived from Oracle Applicationsdatabase tables using the rules of your plan design. To implementSelf–Service Benefits, you need to match your current business set up inOracle HRMS for self–service use.

Self–Service Benefits supports enrollment for plans and options in aprogram. Use Oracle’s professional forms interface or the self–serviceIndividual Compensation Distribution web pages to enroll participantsin all plans not in a program such as savings plans, Employee StockPurchase Plans (ESPP), or 401(k) plans.

Self–Service Benefits Enrollment Functionality

Self–Service Benefits offers an employee the opportunity to:

• Review current program benefits enrollments

• Select benefits

• Distribute excess flex credits (Advanced Benefits)

• Add, update, or review family member information

Note: Family member information entered through theself–service interface and personal contact data enteredthrough the professional forms interface share the same table.Any data entered or updated in Self–Service HRMS or theprofessional forms interface is reflected in both interfaces.

• Add, update, or remove dependents

• Add, update, or remove beneficiaries (You cannot enterorganizations as beneficiaries in Self–Service at this time.)

Note: Self–Service requires dependents and beneficiaries tohave the personal relationship check box checked on theContacts window.

• Search for and select primary care providers

• Print a temporary participant identification card

Plan Design Considerations for Self–Service Benefits

Before eligible participants can enroll in a benefit plan using theself–service interface, you must design your plan using Oracle’s

25 – 3Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

professional forms interface. The following topics look at the pointsyou should consider when designing your plan for the self–serviceenvironment.

Legislative Configurations

Self–Service Benefits is delivered with US–style formatting for thefollowing fields:

• Address

• Social Security Number

• Pre Tax Cost

• After Tax Cost

For non–US self–service implementations, you can edit field labels to fityour legislative requirements and you can also hide and unhide fields.For example, you may want to hide the list of States from the addressfields when entering family members.

Note: Self–Service Benefits inherits the address style andcountry used by the primary benefits participant.

If your legislation or benefits plan design does not allow for after taxcontributions, consider hiding the after tax columns on the tablescontained in the following web pages:

• Benefits Enrollment Overview

• Current Benefits Overview

• Benefits Selection

• Confirmation

See: Setting Up Self–Service Benefits Web Pages: page 25 – 26

See: Benefits Enrollments: page 25 – 8 for a list of the configurableuser interface elements in each delivered web page.

Setting the Horizontal or Vertical Display of Plan Types, Plans, and Options

Navigate to the Plan Types window in the professional forms userinterface to set the table display format of electable compensation andbenefits options.

Use a horizontal display for medical, dental, and vision plan types. Ahorizontal display:

• Lists options horizontally across the columns of a table

• Limits enrollment to a maximum of one plan per plan type

25 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Is not used with plans that calculate coverage amounts, such as lifeinsurance plans

• Requires the definition of a waive plan

Employee Only Employee Plus One Employee Plus Family

Plan A 120 150 180

Plan B 130 160 190

Waive Plan

Using the radio buttons in the Self–Service interface, a participant canselect only one plan and option combination at a time. The waive planprovides a means of indicating that no coverage is selected in the plantype.

Use a vertical display (the default value if you make no selection) forplan types other than medical, dental, and vision. Plans with morethan four options––such as insurance plans––use a vertical display toprevent unnecessary horizontal scrolling in the browser window. Avertical display:

• Lists options vertically in the column of a table

• Enables the election of multiple plans in a plan type

• Is used for plans that calculate coverage amounts, such as lifeinsurance plans

• Must have a waive option

Plan A Coverage Cost

Option 1x Salary 50,000 .75

Option 2x Salary 100,000 1.50

Option 3x Salary 150,000 2.25

Waive Option

Plan B

Option 1x Salary 50,000 .40

Waive Option

Using the radio buttons in the Self–Service interface, a participant canselect more than one plan and option combination in the plan type, butonly one option within a plan at a time. The waive option provides ameans of indicating that no coverage is selected within a plan.

See: Declining Coverage: page 25 – 6

See: Defining Plan Types: page 9 - 26

25 – 5Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Flexible Spending Accounts (US)

To ensure that your qualifying participants can enroll in FlexibleSpending Account (FSA) plans using Self–Service Benefits, you mustset up your plans using the following method.

Use the Plan Types window to define one plan type for each FSA plan.For example, define one plan type for Dependent Care FSA plans and asecond plan type for Health Care FSA plans. For each plan type, youdefine the flexible spending account plan or plans into whichparticipants and their dependents can enroll. You also define a declineplan which you link to each plan type.

Other items for consideration:

• Select a Self–Service Display of Vertical for the Plan Type

• You enable a participant to enter an annual coverage amount duringenrollment by checking the Enter Value at Enrollment field in theCalculation Method region of the Coverage Calculations windowwhen you define the coverage calculation for the FSA plan.

• Define any minimum or maximum annual coverage amounts orcoverage increments.

• Use the Standard Rates window to define the payroll contribution byselecting a calculation method of Set Annual Rate Equal to Coveragefor the FSA plan.

• Check the Display on Enrollment and Assign on Enrollment checkboxes.

Flexible Benefits Programs (Advanced Benefits)

With Flexible Benefits Programs, you can offer flex credits to eligibleparticipants to offset the cost of benefits.

When you define a benefit program in the Programs window, select thesame periodicity for the activity reference period (the time period inwhich the system expresses activity rates) and the enrollment ratefrequency (the activity rate that is communicated to participants). Youmust select either per month or per year. This ensures that theapplication expresses benefit price tags and available flex credits toparticipants for the same time period.

Note: Self–Service Benefits only displays the enrollment ratefrequency to the end–user; the activity reference period doesnot display.

Other items for consideration:

• Unless your flex credits are determined using the result of acalculation, you indicate the number of flex credits associated with a

25 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

compensation object by entering the value in the Flat Amount field inthe Calculation Method region of the Flex Credits window.

• You must set up a flex credits placeholder plan and link this plan to theflex program. This plan records the total flex credits for theprogram. Define a rate for this plan by entering zero in the FlatAmount field of the Calculation Method region of the Standard Rateswindow.

• Set the processing type of the corresponding element to Recurring.

Temporary Participant Identification Cards

A temporary identification card allows a participant to obtain medical,dental, or other benefit treatment before the participant receives theofficial membership card from the provider. Using Self–ServiceBenefits, a participant can print one card for each elected plan whichallows for temporary identification cards. The participant can alsoprint a card for each covered dependent.

The application generates a temporary ID card upon:

• Enrollment

• Re–enrollment

• Change in Enrollment

• Participant Request (due to loss)

The identification card includes information such as:

• Employee Name and Social Security Number

• Member Name and Social Security Number (for dependents)

• Employer Name

• Plan Name

You indicate that a plan allows for the printing of temporary ID cardsby checking the Allow Temporary Identification field on the Planswindow.

Declining Coverage

Depending on your plan design, you must set up either a declinecoverage plan or option that allows a participant to waive anenrollment opportunity for which they are otherwise eligible.

If a plan type contains multiple plans, you create a decline coverage planin the Plans window (in addition to the regular plans) and indicate thatthe plan is of the specified plan type. If a plan type has only one plan,you define a decline coverage option and link it to the plan. This ensuresthat participants can either select or decline benefit coverage.

25 – 7Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

A typical plan design features a decline coverage plan for medical,dental, and vision plans, and a decline coverage option for insuranceplans.

Note: If your plan design requires that a participant select atleast one option from a group of options or at least one planfrom a group of plans, do not define a decline coverage plan oroption.

25 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Benefits Enrollments

This topic provides reference information you need to configure yourSelf–Service Benefit Enrollment web pages.

The tables below list––by web page––the regions that contain theinstruction text, tables, hints, tips, and messages that you can modify.

For instruction text, the table also lists the communication short namethat is required when you define the communication type and the validcommunication usages that allow you to target the instruction text to aparticular program, plan type, plan, or life event.

See: Setting Up Self–Service Benefits Web Pages: page 25 – 26 for anexplanation of how to configure the various regions of the web page.

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name

Benefits Self Service Benefits Enrollment

Benefits Self Service Current Enrollment

See Defining Menus for SSHR in Implementing Oracle Self–Service HumanResources.

Configurable Web Applications Dictionary Regions

The following definitions can be configured in the ConfigurationFramework:

Region Code Region Name

BEN_ENRL_OVERVIEW_PAGE Benefits Enrollment

BEN_CURR_OVW_PAGE Current Benefits

BEN_FAMILY_MBRS_PAGE Family Members and Others

BEN_FAM_ADD_PAGE Ben Family Member Add Page

BEN_ENRT_SELECTION_PAGE Ben Enrollment Selection Page



25 – 9Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Region NameRegion Code

BEN_PCP_SELECT_PAGE Primary Care Providers


BEN_ENRL_CONF_PAGE Ben Enrollment Confirmation Page


Unused Flex Credits Content


BEN_ENRL_TEMPID_PAGE Temporary Identification Card

Family Members and Others and Family Members and Others DetailPage

The Family Members and Others page enables a participant to review arecord of their family members and other persons enrolled asdependents or beneficiaries of their benefits. Benefits participants canadd another person to the Family Members and Others table bychoosing the Add Another Person button. This opens the FamilyMembers and Others Details page.

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Family Members& Others

–– ––


Family MembersContent

HR Instruction Instruction FML.FAMI-LY_MBRS_CON-TENT

Program, LifeEvent


Family MembersTable Tip

Help Tip Tip


Family MembersTable

__ __

Benefits Enrollment Overview Page

The Benefits Enrollment Overview web page enables a participant toview a record of their current benefits and to enroll into a new set ofbenefits.

25 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Enrollment Over-view Content

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.ENRL_OVER-VIEW_CONTENT

Program, LifeEvent


Flex CreditInstructions

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.FLEX_CRED-ITS

Program, LifeEvent


Flex Credit Sum-mary

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.OVER-VIEW_FC_SUM-MARY

Program, LifeEvent


Flex Credit Rol-lovers

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.FLEX_CRED-IT_ROLLOVERS

Program, LifeEvent


Benefit Selections HR Instruction Instruction BEO.OVER-VIEW_SELEC-TIONS

Program, LifeEvent


Covered Depen-dents

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.OVER-VIEW_CVRD_DEPS

Program, LifeEvent


Beneficiary Enroll-ment Overview

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.ENRL_OVER-VIEW_BENEF

Program, LifeEvent


Primary Care Pro-viders EnrollmentOverview

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.ENRL_OVER-VIEW_PCP

Program, LifeEvent


No EnrollmentOpportunity:Brief Message

No EnrollmentText

Message #: 92570 ––


No EnrollmentOpportunity: De-tailed Message

Information Text 1 Message #: 92571 ––


Benefits SelectionsOverview Table

__ __ __ __


Covered Depen-dents OverviewTable

__ __ __ __


BeneficiariesOverview Table

–– –– –– ––


Primary Care Pro-vider OverviewTable

–– –– –– ––

Current Benefits Overview Page

The Current Benefits Overview web page enables a participant to see arecord of their current benefits.

25 – 11Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Current BenefitsOverview Content




Flex Credits HR Instruction Instruction CBO.FLEX_CRED-ITS



Flex Credit Sum-mary

HR Instruction Instruction CBO.OVER-VIEW_FC_SUM-MARY



Flex Credit Rol-lovers

HR Instruction Instruction CBO.FLEX_CRED-IT_ROLLOVERS



Benefit Selections HR Instruction Instruction CBO.OVER-VIEW_SELEC-TIONS



Covered Depen-dents

HR Instruction Instruction CBO.OVER-VIEW_CVRD_DEPS



Beneficiary Enroll-ment Overview

HR Instruction Instruction CBO.ENRL_OVER-VIEW_BENEF



Primary Care Pro-viders Overview

HR Instruction Instruction CBO.OVER-VIEW_PCP



No Current Enroll-ment Brief Mes-sage

No Current Bene-fits Text

Message #: 92572 __


No Current Bene-fit Detail Message

Information Text 1 Message #: 92573 __


Benefits SelectionsOverview Table

__ __ __ __


Covered Depen-dents OverviewTable

__ __ __ __


BeneficiariesOverview Table

–– –– –– ––


Primary Care Pro-vider OverviewTable

–– –– –– ––

25 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Summary Page

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Ben Family Mem-ber Add Page

–– ––


Add or UpdateFamily Members

HR Instruction Instruction FML.FAM_ADD_CONTENT

Program, LifeEvent


Name and Rela-tionship

HR Instruction Instruction FML.FAM_ADD_NAME

Program, LifeEvent


Address HR Instruction Instruction FML.FAM_ADD_ADDRESS

Program, LifeEvent


Misc Information HR Instruction Instruction FML.FAM_ADD_OTHER

Program, LifeEvent


Second MedicalCoverage

HR Instruction Instruction FML.FAM_ADD_SECOND_MEDI-CAL

Program, LifeEvent


Address WarningTip

Information Text 1 __ __


Suffix Hint HR_SUFFIX __ __


Postal Code Hint Postal Code __ __


National IdentifierHint

National Identifier __ __


Date of Birth Hint Date of Birth __ __

Required FieldMessage

Message #: 92601

Invalid Birth DateMessage

Message #: 92598

Detail Page

Benefits Selection Page

The Benefits Selection page enables a participant to select one or moreplans in which to enroll.

25 – 13Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Ben EnrollmentSelection Page

–– ––


Enrollment Selec-tion Content

Instruction Instruction BNS.ENRT_SELECTION_CON-TENT

Program, LifeEvent


Top Flex CreditRegion

Instruction Instruction BNS.ENRT_SELECTION_CR_TOP

Program, LifeEvent


Bottom Flex CreditRegion

Instruction Instruction BNS.ENRT_SELECTION_CR_BOT-TOM

Program, LifeEvent


Selection Area Instruction Instruction BNS.ENRT_SELECTION_SE-LECT_AREA

Program, PlanType, Life Event


Certification Leg-end Tip

CtfnLegend Tip __ __


Benefit SelectionTable

__ __

Dependents Selection Page

The Dependents Selection page enables a participant to add theirdependents to a plan.

Note: For Advanced Benefits customers: if participantdependents are not displaying in this page, verify that youhave linked the appropriate life events to the program or planenrollment requirements in the Dependent Change of LifeEvent window.

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Dependents Page RegionName

–– ––


Dependents Selec-tion

HR Instruction 1 Instruction DPS.ENRL_DE-PENDENTS_CON-TENT

Program, LifeEvent


Plan Level TableInstruction

HR Instruction 3 Instruction DPS.ENRL_DE-PENDENTS_CON-TENT_PL

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent


Dependent TableHint

Help Tip Hint Program, LifeEvent

25 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


RequiredCommunicationShort Name

Tip TypeAttribute NameRegion NameRegion ID


Can’t DesignateMessage

HR Instruction 2 Message #: 92588 __


Table __

Beneficiary Selection Page

The Beneficiary Selection page enables a participant to add theirbeneficiaries to a plan.

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Beneficiaries –– ––


Beneficiary Selec-tion

HR Instruction 1 Instruction BFS.BENEFICIA-RY_CONTENT

Program, LifeEvent


Plan Type LevelTable Instruction

HR Instruction 3 Instruction BFS.BENEFICIA-RY_CON-TENT_PLAN

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent


Beneficiary TableHint

Help Tip Hint __


Can’t DesignateMessage

Can’t DesignateMessage

Message #: 92587 __


Beneficiary Selec-tion Table

HR Instruction 3 Beneficiary Selec-tion Table

__ __

Primary Care Provider Page

The Primary Care Provider page enables a participant to select a careprovider. If your enterprise partners with a third party supplier ofprimary care provider information, you can configure this page toallow web–based searches of a database of provider information.

See: Configuring the Primary Care Provider Search Facility: page 25 – 30

25 – 15Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Primary Care Pro-viders

–– ––


Primary Care Pro-vider SelectionContent

HR Instruction 1 Instruction PCP.PcpSelect-ContentPageLevel

Program, LifeEvent


Primary Care Pro-vider SelectionContent

HR Instruction 3 Instruction PCP.PcpSelect-ContentPlanLevel

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent


Primary Care Pro-vider Table Hint

Help Tip Hint __


Can’t DesignateMessage

HR Instruction 2 Message #: 92567 __


Primary Care Pro-vider Table

__ __

Primary Care Provider Summary Page

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



PCP Search Page –– ––


Primary Care Pro-vider Search

HR Instruction Instructions PCS.PCP_SEARCH

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent


Search RegionInstruction

HR Instruction 1 Instruction PCS.PCP_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent


Results Instruction HR Instruction 2 Instruction PCS.PCP_SEARCH_RESULT

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent


Results Help Tip Tip __ __


No PCPs foundmessage

Ben PCP Show La-bel



The ”Map” labelcolumn in PCPsearch results

Ben PCP Direction __ __


PCP Results TableBar Text

Ben PCP ResultTable Bar

25 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


RequiredCommunicationShort Name

Tip TypeAttribute NameRegion NameRegion ID


Search Table __ __


Results Table __ __

Primary Care Provider Search Page

Confirmation Page

The Confirmation page enables a participant to see a summary of theirchoices and a warning of any oversights or miscalculations they mayhave made.

Note: You can also use the Confirmation page to display asignature region for participants to print from their web browser.Use this region if you require a participant’s signature as partof a benefits enrollment. Query theBEN_ENRL_CONF_CONTENT region and click the NodeDisplay check box for the ICX Bucket3 region.

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Ben EnrollmentConfirmationPage

–– ––


Ben EnrollmentConfirmationContent

HR Instruction Instruction BEC.ENRL_CONF_CONTENT

Program, LifeEvent


Employee Num-ber

–– –– ––


Flex CreditInstructions

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.FLEX_CRED-ITS

Program, LifeEvent


Flex Credit Sum-mary

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.OVER-VIEW_FC_SUM-MARY

Program, LifeEvent


Flex Credit Rol-lovers

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.FLEX_CRED-IT_ROLLOVERS

Program, LifeEvent


Benefit Selections HR Instruction Instruction BEO.OVER-VIEW_SELEC-TIONS

Program, LifeEvent

25 – 17Self–Service Benefits Enrollments


RequiredCommunicationShort Name

Tip TypeAttribute NameRegion NameRegion ID


Covered Depen-dents

HR Instruction Instruction BEO.OVER-VIEW_CVRD_DEPS

Program, LifeEvent


Beneficiaries En-rollment Con-firmation


Program, LifeEvent


Primary Care Pro-viders EnrollmentConfirmation

HR Instruction Instruction BEC.ENRL_CONF_PCP

Program, LifeEvent

__ Action Item Text __ __

__ Confirmation Suc-cess Message

HR Instruction Message #: 92605 __


Action Item Warn-ing Message

HR Instruction Message #: 92606


Benefit Confirma-tion Area

__ __


Selections Over-view Table

__ __


Covered Depen-dents Confirma-tion Table

__ __


Beneficiary Table


Primary Care Pro-vider Confirma-tion Table

__ __

Unused Flex Credits Page

The Unused Flex Credits page provides a summary of the flex creditsleft unspent by a participant.

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Unused Flex Cred-its Content


Program, LifeEvent


Page LevelInstructions –– NoUnused Credits

HR Instruction Instruction FLX.U-NUSED_FLEX_CREDIT_NONE

Program, LifeEvent

–– No Unused FlexCredits message

No Unused Flex Message #: 92633

25 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


RequiredCommunicationShort Name

Tip TypeAttribute NameRegion NameRegion ID

Unused Flex Cred-its will be rolledinto participant’spaycheck message

Credits Remaining Message #: 92632


Help Tip Help Tip Tip

Change Session Date Page

The Change Session Date page lets you test future–dated elections. Forexample, you may want to perform system testing before the start of anopen enrollment period. This page should be removed in yourproduction environment so that benefits participants do not alter theirenrollment date.

See: Setting the Effective Date of a Scheduled Enrollment inSelf–Service Benefits: page 25 – 20

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Session Date Con-tent

HR Instruction Message #: 92604


Session Date Con-tent


Message #: 92637

Temporary ID Card Page

The Temporary ID Card page lets a participant print an ID card whichthe participant can use to obtain medical, dental, or other benefittreatment before the participant receives the official membership cardfrom the provider.

25 – 19Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Region ID Region Name Attribute Name Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShort Name



Temporary Identi-fication Card

Ben Instruction 1 Instruction TMP.ENRL_TEMP_ID_PAGE

Program, LifeEvent


Ben Temporary IDCard Content

Ben Instruction 2 Table Instruction TMP.ENRL_TEMP_ID_PLAN

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent


Ben Temporary IDCard

Ben Instruction 4 Instruction TMP.ENRL_TEMP_ID_CARD

Program, PlanType, Plan, LifeEvent

See Configuring Web Pages in Implementing Oracle Self–Service HumanResources.

25 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting the Effective Date of a Scheduled Enrollment in Self–Service Benefits

Self–Service Benefits provides different ways of controlling the date onwhich the application records a participant election:

• The Change Session Date web page (for testing environments in bothStandard and Advanced Benefits)

• The Change Session Date menu parameter (Standard Benefits)

• Normal date processing based on the session date (AdvancedBenefits)

The Change Session Date web page lets you test future–dated elections,such as for an upcoming open enrollment period.

Note: You should remove this web page from your productionenvironment so that benefits participants cannot alter theirenrollment date.

Use the Change Session Date menu parameter if you use OracleStandard Benefits and you want to record the life event occurred dateof an enrollment for a date that is not equal to the system date.

For example, if you schedule your open enrollment period for the firsttwo weeks in November, you can set the session date to record allenrollments as of January 1st of the following year.

Note: You can use both features simultaneously, but the datethe user enters in the Change Session Date web page overridesthe session date parameter for the current session.

� To set the session date in Self–Service Benefits:

1. Log in to Oracle HRMS using a System Administratorresponsibility and open the Form Functions window.

2. Choose the Description tab.

3. Query the Function Name for which you want to set the sessiondate. Choose from:

• BEN_SS_BNFT_ENRT (Employee Self–Service Benefits)

• BEN_SS_MGR_ENRT (Manager Self–Service Benefits)

4. Choose the Form tab.

5. Update the seeded parameter to display the Change Session Datepage or to set the effective date to a date you choose.

In the following example, setting displayDate=Y displays theChange Session Date web page. Setting &sessionDate=12/31 sets thesession date to December 31st for the BEN_SS_MGR_ENRTfunction.

25 – 21Self–Service Benefits Enrollments


You enter the session date in mm/dd format. Do not include theyear.

Note: If you do not set the session date, Self–Service Benefitsprocesses dates based on the date codes you select in your plandesign.

Deriving the Year of the Session Date

The application derives the year to use for the session date, so youshould not include a year in the session date parameter. If you enter asession day and month that is prior to the system day and month, theapplication uses the current year.

If you enter a session date that is equal to or later than the system dayand month, the application sets the session date to the following year.

25 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

You must complete your plan design in the professional forms interfacebefore you can view a self–service benefits enrollments web page. Ifyou license Advanced Benefits, you can run the Participation BatchProcess from the Concurrent Manager to create electable choices foreligible participants.

If you use Standard Benefits, or if you are an Advanced Benefitscustomers using the unrestricted enrollment method, you can begin toallow participant enrollments after you create your plan design. Theapplication creates the self–service enrollment page when the personlogs into Self–Service Benefits.

� To set up self–service benefits enrollments:

1. Review the sample benefits web pages. You can configure thefollowing elements using the Configuration Framework:

• Section titles

• Table Layout

• Hints

• Tips

• Field labels

See Configuring Web Pages in Implementing Oracle Self–ServiceHuman Resources.

2. Define instruction text for each web page region. You do this bydefining a communication type and associating the instruction textwith a web page Region.

See: Defining Communication Types: page 17 - 5

You can include a link in your instruction text to another web siteusing HTML syntax. You could create a link to referenceinformation contained in a summary plan description. Forexample:

See the <a href=””target=_newWindow”>Vision Medical web site </a> for moreinformation.

In this example, the application opens the web page in a newbrowser window.

3. Define when you want the instruction text displayed. You can varythe instruction displayed according to:

25 – 23Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

• Program

• Plan Type

• Plan

• Life Event (Advanced Benefits)

See: Defining When to Use a Benefits Communication: page 17 – 7

4. Create a hypertext link from a compensation object to a web pagewhich describes that program, plan type in program, plan inprogram, plan, or option in plan. To create a hypertext link, useone or more of the following windows:

• Programs (for a program)

• Plan and Plan Type window (for a plan or a plan type inprogram)

• Plans window (for a plan)

• Maintain Plan Options window (for an option in a plan)

The link appears in the Benefits Selection web page, or––forPrograms––the Overview page.

See: Defining a Benefits Program: page 9 - 13

5. Review Messages and change any that do not meet yourrequirements.

6. Configure Action Item messages (Advanced Benefits) to meet yourrequirements.

The application displays Action Item messages at the end of theenrollment process on the Confirmation page.

See: Enrollment Action Types: page 13 - 7

7. Configure whether benefits participants have the option to select aPrimary Care Provider (PCP) for a benefits plan.

See: Maintaining Primary Care Providers for a Plan: page 9 – 42

8. Configure whether you want benefits participants to have access tothe Primary Care Provider Search facility.

See: Configuring the Primary Care Provider Search Facility: page 25 – 30

25 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up User Access to Self–Service Benefits

Self–Service Benefits functions are attached to the Benefits Self–Servicemenu. You can change menu names and function names, or removemenus and functions if required.

As a standard practice, you should copy and edit all delivered menusyou want to update. Otherwise, your changes will be overwritten thenext time you apply a patch to the application.

If you create a new submenu, you must update the AK regions whichpoint to the submenu.

See Setting Up Self–Service Benefits Web Pages: page 25 – 26

See: User’s Menu (Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide) formore information on configuring menus.

� To set up user access to self–service benefits:

1. Log on to Oracle HRMS with the System Administratorresponsibility.

2. Open the Menus window.

3. Query the Self–Service Menu in the Menu field:HR_EMPLOYEE_DIRECT_ACCESS_WEB. The followingSelf–Service User Menu Name displays to users:

• Employee Self–Service V4.0

You can change the menu name if required.

4. Query the Benefits Submenu in the Menu field:BEN_SELF_SERVICE_BENEFITS. The following Benefits SubmenuUser Name displays:

• Benefits Self Service

Because the Benefits Self Service submenu is not linked to a toplevel menu (it has no prompt) the submenu is hidden. The BenefitsSelf Service submenu has the following prompts.

• Benefits Enrollment

• Current Benefits

These prompts function as the labels on the tabs of the self–serviceweb page.

5. Create your own Self–Service Benefit functions from the samplefunctions supplied. The sample User Function Names are:

• Self Service View Current Benefits

25 – 25Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

• Self Service Benefits Enrollment

The Function Names are:



See: Form Functions Window (Oracle Applications SystemAdministrator’s Guide)

6. Set Security Profiles. Use the System Profile Values window to linkthe responsibility you have created to a Security Profile and yourBusiness Group. The Security Profile is:

• HR: Security Profile

Note: If you fail to link your Responsibility to your Businessgroup with the HR: Security Profile, any benefits participantswho attempt to enroll will receive an error message indicatingthey cannot enroll.

See: User Profiles (Oracle Applications User’s Guide and OracleApplications System Administrator’s Guide)

7. Set the HR: Business Group Profile. Use the System Profile Valueswindow to link the responsibility you have created to yourBusiness Group. The Business Group Profile is:

• HR: Business Group

8. Define the people you would like to access Self–Service Benefits.There are two ways to do this. You may follow the typical steps fordefining a new user and then assign each user to a responsibilitythat enables access to self–service benefits, one at a time. See:Users Window (Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide).Or, you can set up concurrent programs to automate this manualprocess. See the White Paper titled: Batch Creation of User Accountsavailable from MetaLink.

25 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up Self–Service Benefits Web Pages

This topic explains how to to configure the appearance of your webpages using the Web Applications Dictionary (AK Dictionary),Function security, and the Configuration Framework.

As a standard practice, you should copy and edit all delivered menusyou want to update. Otherwise, your changes will be overwritten thenext time you apply a patch to the application.

To access the Web Applications Dictionary, log on to Oracle HRMSwith an AK Developer responsibility and open the Regions window.

See: Benefits Enrollments: page 25 – 8 for more information aboutconfigurable items, such as help tips.

Note: All data changes entered in the Web ApplicationsDictionary require you to restart the Apache web server to seeyour changes.

� To set up self–service benefits web pages:

1. If you create a new submenu, you must update the AK regionswhich point to the submenu.

The Benefits Self Service submenu controls the tabs––BenefitsEnrollment and Current Benefits––that appear on a number of theenrollment web pages.

Because the submenu is not linked to a top level menu (it has noprompt) the submenu is hidden. The functions you link to thissubmenu map to the tabs. The submenu prompts appear as thefunction labels.

Complete steps 2 to 7 to update the region items, or proceed to step8 if you do not intend to create any new submenus.

See Coniguring Tabbed Regions in Implementing Oracle Self–ServiceHuman Resources.

2. Using an AK Developer responsibility, log on to the application.

3. Open the Regions window.

4. Query one of the following regions in the Region ID field:






25 – 27Self–Service Benefits Enrollments







5. Choose the Region Items button to open the Region Items window.

6. In the Attribute Name column, select the Application Menu entry.

7. Scroll to the Menu Name column and update the field with the newmenu as entered in the Menu field of the Menus window.

8. If you customize the seeded functions––BEN_SS_BNFT_ENRT orBEN_SS_MNGR_ENRT––you must update your custom functionto use the seeded parameters and HTML Calls.

Note: It is a good practice to check the Readme for eachSelf–Service Benefits patch you apply to see if the parametersand HTML Calls for the seeded functions have changed.

9. During implementation you can choose whether to display thefollowing hidden attributes by selecting the Node Display checkbox for the corresponding region.

Attribute Region Web Page Description



Use this attribute to dis-play a column for the tax-able cost of a benefit.Note: This column corre-sponds to a standard ratewith an activity type ofSelf–Service Display.

Address Line 1,Address Line 2,Address Line 3


Family Membersand Others DetailPage

Use this attribute to config-ure non–US style addressfields.



Use this attribute to add aregion for a participant’ssignature.

25 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: Use the Taxable Cost attribute for miscellaneous values.This amount displays on the overview and confirmation pages,but not on the Benefits Selection Page.

10. Query a region of the web page you are configuring in the RegionID field of the Regions window.

See: Benefits Enrollments: page 25 – 8 for a list of regions, tables,hints, and tips that you can configure.

11. Choose the Region Items button.

12. Select the Attribute Name for which you are editing a section title,hint, tip, table, or other information.

13. Enter new text in the Long Label column.

14. Select the Node Display check box to display an attribute in aSelf–Service web page.

15. To reorder the sequence of columns in a table, change the sequencenumber of the column and increment that number by one. You canthen save your new sequence, decrement the sequence number byone within each region, and save again. Reordering the sequencenumber of the table columns enables you to maintain the originalsequence number.

25 – 29Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

Removing the Benefits Enrollment Overview Web Page (Standard Benefits)

If you use Standard Benefits, you can remove the Benefits EnrollmentOverview web page from your Self–Service Benefits implementationduring those periods when you do not want participants to enter orupdate benefits elections.

When you remove the Benefits Enrollment Overview page, participantscan still view their current elections using the Current BenefitsOverview web page.

� To remove user access to the Benefits Enrollment Overview page:

1. Log in to Oracle HRMS using a System Administratorresponsibility and open the Form Functions window.

2. Choose the Description tab.

3. Query the Function Name for which you want to set the sessiondate. For example:

• BEN_SS_BNFT_ENRT (Employee Self–Service Benefits)

4. Choose the Form tab.

5. Update the seeded parameter to disallow enrollments by settingallowEnrt=N.

6. Save your work.

25 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Configuring the Primary Care Provider Search Facility

As part of a self–service enrollment, a benefits participant can select aprimary care provider (PCP) for a benefit plan. As a systemadministrator, you can configure Self–Service Benefits so that aparticipant can select a primary care provider through a web–basedsearch of a PCP database.

Self–Service Benefits also supports free form text entry of primary careproviders without validation when a repository of PCP data is notused.

Follow the instructions below based on the search type configured byyour enterprise.

Setting up an XML–Enabled Primary Care Provider Search

If the search criteria entered by a benefits participant is formatted as anXML search request for use with a database of primary care providers(maintained by your enterprise or a third party), you use the Regionswindow to configure information such as the URL of the informationprovider and the Document Type Definition (DTD) used by the search.

Note: Currently, the XML transaction must conform to version2.0 or 3.0 of the GeoAccess DTD . The DTD version you useshould correspond to your Client ID.

� To set up an XML–enabled primary care provider search:


2. Click the Region Items button.

3. Select the Ben PCP Provider Information attribute and enter theURL of the information provider in the Long Label field.

Note: Enter the URL as you would in the Address or Locationfield of your web browser. Do not enclose the URL inquotations.

4. Select the Ben PCP XML DTD attribute and enter the URL of theXML Document Type Definition in the Long Label field.

5. Select the Ben PCP Info Provider Client ID attribute and enter theClient ID given by the information provider in the Long Label field.

6. If you use a proxy server to access an external web site, select theBen PCP Server Proxy Set attribute and enter true in the LongLabel field.

• If you do not use a proxy server, enter false.

25 – 31Self–Service Benefits Enrollments

7. If you use a proxy server, select the Ben PCP Server Proxy Portattribute and enter the port number (typically 80) in the Long Labelfield.

8. If you use a proxy server, select the Ben PCP Proxy Host attributeand enter the URL of the proxy server in the Long Label field.

9. Select the Ben PCP XML Version attribute and enter the version ofXML you are using in the Long Label field, such as 1.0

10. Select the Ben PCP Max Records attribute and enter the maximumnumber of records to be returned by the query in the Long Labelfield.

Note: For best performance, it is recommended that themaximum number of records be set to 100 or less.

11. Select the Ben PCP Request Method attribute and enter the HTTPrequest method expected by the information provider (such as GETor POST) in the Long Label field.

Setting Up a Primary Care Provider Search without XML Formatting

Customers who create a search page which does not format the PCPquery in XML can follow these guidelines for a creating a PCP searchthat is compatible with Self–Service Benefits.

� To set up a primary care provider search without XML formatting:

1. Open the Regions window.


3. Click the Region Items button.

4. Select the ICX_IMAGE_FILE_1 attribute and enter the URL in theURL field that is accessed when a participant clicks the Searchbutton on your custom Search web page.

5. A system administrator or application developer creates a searchpage that performs the query and accepts the followingpage–context variables:

• PcpPersonId = (Person ID of the person for whom you aresearching for a primary care provider )

• PcpPlId = (Plan ID defined for the plan in the database)

• PcpPlTypId = (Plan Type ID defined in the database)

Note: You do not need to use these variables if they are notrequired for your search or validations.

25 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

6. If the search is canceled without a selection of a PCP, the followingURL must be used to return to the search page:

• /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?akRegionCode=BEN_PCP_SELECT_PAGE&akRegionApplicationId=805&pcpSearchCancel=1.

Note: Replace the directory OA_HTML with the base HTMLdirectory of your installation.

7. If the search is successful, the URL accessed by the query mustreturn the following information (properly formatted) with thefollowing parameter names and data types:

Parameter Name Data Value Example

ExtIdent ID of the primary careprovider per the plan.

Number 10154244 (id)

PcpName Name of the primarycare provider

String Sue Jones, MD (doc-torsName)

PcpSpecialty Specialties of the pri-mary care provider

String Internal Medicine, Pe-diatrics (specialty)

PcpPlId The plan ID that corre-sponds to the planname

Number 905 (planId)

PcpPersonId The person ID passedto the database as partof the query

Number 928374655 (personId)

PcpTypCd The code of the firstprimary care providerspecialty that is re-turned by the query

Number 23 (pcpTypCd)

The URL returned by the search should look like this:

• /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?akRegionCode=BEN_PCP_SELECT_PAGE&akRegionApplicationId=805&ExtIdent=id&PcpName=doctorsName&PcpSpecialty=specialty&PcpPlId=planId&PcpPersonId=personId&PcpTypCd=pcpTypCd

Note: Replace the directory OA_HTML with the base HTMLdirectory of your installation and replace the variables in theURL with the actual values.



26 – 1Individual Compensation Distributions


26 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Self–Service Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD)

Using Oracle HRMS, you can give managers throughout yourenterprise the authority and ability to assign one time or recurringawards, bonuses, and allowances to qualified employees and otherindividuals using Oracle Self Service Human Resources.

As a compensation manager, you set up individual compensationdistribution plans to define the components of an award or allowance.The line manager uses the self service interface to assign theaward––setting the start and end date of the distribution––while theback–office maintains control of the plan’s administration.

You can also configure employee self–service ICD for use bynon–manager employees. For example, if your enterprise offers acharitable contribution plan or a savings bond plan to which employeescontribute at their own discretion, you can enable the contributionthrough the self service interface.

Using elements, you can process the distributions through OraclePayroll. For recurring distributions, you can define the distributionend date, or, using FastFormula, enforce the total maximumdistribution you allow in a period.

Security features in Oracle HRMS ensure that managers can assign adistribution only to employees and contractors within their securitygroup. Participant eligibility profiles offer a further way to limitdistributions to eligible employees based on a range of criteria, such asassignment data.

Oracle Self Service HR seeds a workflow approval process thatautomatically sends a notification to the supervisor of the managerwho distributes the award. The manager’s supervisor can eitherapprove or reject the distribution

Setting Up Individual Compensation Distribution Plans for Self–Service HumanResources

Follow these process steps to set up a variety of individualcompensation distribution plans, such as:

• Periodic or spot bonuses

• Sponsored allowances

• Resettlement compensation

• Severance Payments

• Other periodic or recurring awards

26 – 3Individual Compensation Distributions

As a compensation and benefits administrator, you define anindividual compensation distribution plan using the features of OracleStandard Benefits or Oracle Advanced Benefits.

Once you define the compensation plan, a line manager issues thecompensation distribution to the employee through Oracle Self ServiceHuman Resources.

See the following topics for more information on setting up ICD:

• Define the Individual Distribution Compensation Plan: page 26 – 3

• Define Enrollment Requirements for the Plan: page 26 – 5

• Set Up Activity Rates and Coverages for the Plan: page 26 – 6

• Configuring ICD Web pages: page 26 – 9

• Entering People for Test Purposes: page 26 – 9

• Setting Up Employee Self–Service Access to ICD: page 26 – 10

Define the Individual Distribution Compensation Plan

You set up an individual compensation distribution plan by definingthe characteristics of the plan and any electable options in the plan. Ifnecessary, you can define participant eligibility profiles to limit theparticipants who are eligible for the plan or option.

� Setting up self–service individual compensation distribution plans

1. Define the Plan Year start and end dates for the compensation plan.Set up several plan years to account for future plan years.

See: Defining a Program or Plan Year Period: page 9 - 48

2. Optional: define a participant eligibility profile to control eligibilityfor the compensation plan.

If you do not define a participant eligibility profile, the applicationfinds all employees and contractors reporting to the managereligible for the distribution.

Note: Set the participant eligibility profile status to active ifyou define a profile.

See: Defining an Eligibility Profile: page 11 - 15

3. Set up one or more Plan Types to group the compensation plansyou administer.

• Required: select an Option Type of Individual CompensationDistribution to enable a manager to distribute the award throughthe self–service interface.

26 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

• Optional: select a Compensation Category of Compensation forreporting purposes or for system extracts.

You can choose to set up a single plan type for all yourcompensation plans, or you can define multiple plan types forgroupings of plans (Bonus, Allowance, Severance, and others).

Note: You should base the number of plan types you define onyour reporting requirements.

See: Defining Plan Types: page 9 - 26

4. Optional: define the options in the compensation plan.

• Enter a user friendly option name to display in the self serviceweb page.

• Select the corresponding plan type of each option.

Note: Use options when there is a logical grouping of choiceswithin a plan, such as a car allowance plan with options ofBMW, Honda, and Ford. For bonus plans, severances, andallowances, set up each compensation type as a separate plan.

See: Defining Options,

5. Define the individual distribution compensation plan.

• Enter a user friendly plan name to display in the self serviceweb page.

• Select the plan type of the plan.

• Set the plan status to active. You can update the status to inactiveif you need to temporarily disable the plan.

• Select a Plan Usage code of May Not Be In a Program.

In the Not in Program tabbed region:

• Enter a sequence number that indicates the order in which theplan displays in the self service web page relative to other plansin the plan type.

• Select the currency of the plan for monetary distributions. Youdo not enter a currency for non monetary allowances, such ascars.

• Select the Activity Reference Period of the plan. For recurringawards, the activity reference period is the period the managersees when distributing the award, for example, $100 per period.

For non recurring awards, you can select any activity referenceperiod.

26 – 5Individual Compensation Distributions

See: Defining a Benefits Plan: page 9 - 27

6. Link the Plan Years to the plan that you defined in Step 1.

See: Maintaining Plan Related Details: page 9 - 37

7. If you defined options in Step 4, link the options to the plan.

• Set the status for each option to active. You can update the statusto inactive if you need to temporarily disable an option.

See: Associating Options with a Plan: page 9 - 35

8. Link a participant eligibility profile to the plan if you limiteligibility for the plan.

Define Enrollment Requirements for the Plan

You use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to control theenrollment method for an individual compensation distribution plan.You can also set up required certifications that the individual mustprovide before Oracle Payroll distributes the award.

� To define plan enrollment requirements:

1. Define enrollment requirements for the plan.

• Query the plan you defined in step 5 above.

• Select an enrollment method of Explicit.

• Check the Allows Unrestricted Enrollment check box.

• If you define coverages, select a Coverage Start Date code ofEnterable if you want to let the manager enter the coverage startdate. The application distributes the award to Payroll followingthe date. If you do not want the manager to enter the start date,select any other coverage state date code.

• Select a Coverage Start Date code of Event to set the start date tothe system date when the manager enters the self service webpage. Use this code for non–recurring awards. The applicationdistributes the award to Payroll in the following payroll period.

• Required: select a Coverage End Date code that corresponds toyour Coverage Start Date code.

• Activity Rate Start and End Date codes function similarly tocoverage codes. Choose Enterable for recurring allowances; fornon–recurring allowances, choose Event.

26 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Defining Enrollment Requirements for Not in Program Plans,page 13 - 44

2. Optional: for Advanced Benefits users, link one or morecertifications to the plan if you request or require certification fromthe participant before you make the distribution.

Oracle HRMS seeds the certification types available with theapplication.

Note: If you require a certification, the application suspendsthe payroll distribution of the award until the participantreturns the certification. A message displays to the issuingmanager indicating that the distribution is suspended.

See: Defining Certifications for Enrollment in a Plan: page 13 - 40

See: Defining an Action Item Due Date (Advanced Benefits): page 13 - 13

3. Optional: for Advanced Benefits, you can define communicationtypes that the application generates to inform the participant of asuspended distribution.

You set up a system extract to write the applicable informationfrom the communication type to a text file. You can then merge thedata from the text file into the body of the participantcommunication.

See: Defining Communication Types: page 17 - 5

Set Up Activity Rates and Coverages for the Plan

You set up activity rates to define the amount of a distribution (forfixed rate distributions) or to indicate that the manager enters thedistribution amount when the award is assigned in the self–service webpage.

Note: You can set up multiple activity rates for an ICD plan;however, you can choose only one rate to display onenrollment to the self–service user.

� To set up activity rates for a plan:

1. Optional: set up an activity rate for an individual compensationdistribution plan or option in the following cases:

• You do not use coverages.

• You offer a monetary award and you want to distribute theamount of the award to payroll.

26 – 7Individual Compensation Distributions

• You create element entries for the award.

• You award a non monetary gift (defined as a coverage) and youneed to keep records of the taxable benefit.

• You want to control the maximum amount that can bedistributed for a recurring element.

Note: In order to control the maximum distribution amount,you must configure Oracle Payroll using FastFormula.

Follow these guidelines when setting up the activity rate:

• Set the activity rate status to active.

• Indicate if the activity rate applies to a plan or to an option in aplan.

• Select any Activity Type code.

• Select a Usage code of Standard Contribution/Distribution.

• Select a Unit of Measure if the award is non monetary.

Note: If the Unit of Measure is monetary, do not select anyunit of measure.

Define the calculation method for the activity rate.

• If the award is a flat amount, enter the value of the award.

• If the award is not a flat amount, check the Enter Value atEnrollment check box. For recurring awards, the value themanager enters at enrollment is per the activity reference perioddefined for the plan.

• Check the Assign on Enrollment and Display on Enrollmentcheck boxes.

See: Defining Activity Rates for a StandardContribution/Distribution: page 15 - 24

2. Optional: define a variable rate profile if the activity rate variesaccording to one or more factors, such as the assignment of theperson to whom the manager distributes the award.

You can also use variable rate profiles to minimum and maximumdistributions, increments, and default rates.

See: Defining General Information for a Variable Rate Profile: page 15 - 37

3. Optional: create a taxable benefit rate for use with non monetarycoverages.

26 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

You set up a taxable benefit rate for non monetary coverages likeyou define a standard activity rate, with the following exceptions:

• Leave the Unit of Measure field blank.

• Select a Calculation Method of Multiple of Coverage.

• Uncheck the Enter Value at Enrollment field.

• Define a multiplier where the number represents the value of onenon monetary award.

• Select a Coverage Operator of Multiply by.

• Select a Rounding Code of Round to Nearest Hundredth.

• Uncheck the Display on Enrollment check box.

Note: You may have to define your coverage first beforesaving this rate.

4. Optional: create a Maximum Distribution Rate to accompany thestandard rate.

You set up a Maximum Distribution Rate like you define astandard activity rate, with the following exceptions:

• Select an Activity Type of Total Distribution Limit.

• Leave the Unit of Measure field blank.

• Leave the Recurring field blank.

5. Optional: define coverages for the plan if:

• The award is non monetary and you do not want elemententries created for the non monetary award.

• The award is a non monetary gift (which is defined as acoverage) and you need to keep records of the taxable benefit.

• You do not define standard activity rates.

See: Defining a Coverage Calculation: page 15 - 42

Follow these guidelines when you set up a coverage definition:

• Enter a name for the coverage.

• Select a coverage type.

• Select a Unit of Measure if the Type is not Coverage.

• On the Calculation Method Tab, select a Calculation Method ofFlat Amount.

Note: If you want the user to enter the value during theenrollment check the Enter Value at Enrollment check box.Otherwise, enter the amount.

26 – 9Individual Compensation Distributions

• For recurring distributions, the coverage amount is per theactivity reference period defined in the plan.

Note: You should set up no more than one coverage percompensation plan or option.

Configuring ICD Web pages

You use the Application Dictionary to configure the field labels, hints,tips, and messages that display in an ICD web page.

You can also configure menu names, function names, and certainworkflow attributes.

See: Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD): page 26 – 12

Entering People for Test Purposes

You can enter sample people into the Oracle HRMS database to testyour Individual Compensation Distribution plan.

Define a Manager:

1. Using the People window, define a manager with a date of birth,social security number, and address.

2. Enter an Assignment for the manager.

3. Check the Manager check box located in the Miscellaneous tabbedregion.

4. Select the manager’s GRE in the GRE tabbed region.

Define an Employee:

1. Using the People window, define an employee with a date of birth,social security number, and address.

Note: If you use eligibility profiles, make sure the testemployee meets your eligibility requirements.

2. Enter an Assignment for the employee.

3. Select the test manager you created as the employee’s supervisoron the Supervisor tabbed region.

4. Select the employee’s GRE in the GRE tabbed region.

Create a User Name and Password for the Test Manager:

1. As a system administrator, open the User Types window to definea user name and password for the manager you created.

2. Link the Manager Self Service responsibility to the user name.

3. Save your work and close the window.

26 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Assign an Individual Compensation Distribution to the Employee:

1. Using the manager’s user name and password, log on to OracleSelf Service HR.

2. Choose the Individual Compensation menu item.

3. Find the Employee you created.

4. Assign the individual an award.

Setting Up Employee Self–Service Access to ICD

You can configure ICD for employee self–service access. Use thisfeature if your enterprise administers charitable contribution plans,savings bond plans, or service recognition plans where you allow theemployee to select from one or more awards.

Note: You set up employee self–service plans as you wouldother plans, using the professional user interface. However,you should include employee self–service plans in their ownplan type, so that participants cannot view plans only availableto managers.

� To set up employee self–service access to ICD:

1. Log in to Oracle HRMS using a System Administratorresponsibility and open the Form Functions window.

2. Choose the Description tab.

3. Enter a new function name––without spaces––in the Function field.

4. Enter a User Function Name for this function.

5. Select SSWA JSP Function as the function Type.

6. Optional: enter a Description of the function.

7. Choose the Form tab.

8. Enter the following paramter, substituting the function name youentered in Step 3 and your plan type IDs where indicated:

• pProcessName=HR_INDIVIDUAL_COMP_PRC&pItemType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=<your new functioncode>&PLANTYPE=<your plan type IDs separated by commas>

9. Choose the Web HTML tab.

10. Enter the following string in the HTML Call field:

• OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800

26 – 11Individual Compensation Distributions

11. Save your work.

12. Close the Form Functions window and open the Menus window.

13. Add the function you just created to the Employee Self–ServiceMenu.

14. Save your work.

26 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD)The Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD) module enablessupervisors to manager compensation distributions throughout theenterprise. They can also assign one–time and recurring awards,bonuses, and allowances to employees. The Benefits or Compensationadministrator needs to define the individual compensation distributionplans using Oracle Advanced Benefits or Oracle Standard Benefits.

See: Self–Service Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD): page 26 – 2

Menu and Function Names

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions:

User Menu Name Function Name

Manager Self Service Individual Compensation Distributions

See: Defining User Access and Menus: page 25 – 24


The workflow details for this module are listed below:

Workflow Process Display Name:

Compensation Distribution

Configurable Workflow Attributes:

Review Page 4.0

See: Oracle Workflow Guide (available on MetaLink)

Process Display Name Function Activity DisplayName

Function Activity AttributeDisplay Name

Review Page V4.0 Review Page V4.0 HR_AP-PROVAL_REQ_FLAG

You can choose whether workflow approvals are required. Oracleseeds the workflow process with approvals required.

Configurable Web Applications Dictionary Regions:

The following definitions can be configured in the ConfigurationFramework:

26 – 13Individual Compensation Distributions


ICD Plan Selection Page

Region Code Region Name



BEN_COMP_PLAN_TABLE Comp Plan Selection Table

ICD Update Mode Selection Page

Region Code Region Name

BEN_COMP_UPD_MODE_PAGE Compensation Update Mode SelectionPage

BEN_COMP_UPD_MODE_CONTENT Compensation Update Mode SelectionContent

ICD Update Page

Region Code Region Name

BEN_COMP_DETAILS_PAGE Compensation Details

BEN_COMP_DETAILS_CONTENT Compensation Details Content

ICD Review Page

Region Code Region Name

BEN_COMP_REVIEW_CONTENT_SS Compensation Review Content

26 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Tips and Instructions

ICD Plan Selection Page

Region ID Region Name AttributeName

Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShortName



Comp PlanSelection

HR Instruc-tion




No Changes toPendingAwards Tip

Help Tip Message #:92681


Not Eligible ForAny Com-pensation Plansmessage

InformationText 1

Message #:92682

Plan Tableselection text

Message #:92683

See Adding Instructions to Web Pages in Implementing OracleSelf–Service Human Resources.

ICD Update Page

Region ID Region Name AttributeName

Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShortName



CompensationDetails Content

HR Instruc-tion




Required FieldLegend


26 – 15Individual Compensation Distributions



Tip TypeAttributeName

Region NameRegion ID


Start ofAmount/Cov-erage Tip

Tip Start


Amount/Cov-erage Tip – NoMinimum

No Mini-mum


Amount/Cov-erage Tip –Minimum Tip



Amount/Cov-erage Tip – Sep-arator betweenminimum andmaximum tip



Amount/Cov-erage Tip – NoMaximum

No Maxi-mum


Amount/Cov-erage Tip –Maximum



End ofAmount/Cov-erage Tip

Tip End


DistributionDate Tip

Tip Label 2


DistributionEnd Date Tip

Tip Label 3


Help tip forDistributionEnd Date whenTotal Distribu-tions Reach isnot enterable

Help Tip Message #:92673

26 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



Tip TypeAttributeName

Region NameRegion ID


Help tip forboth Distribu-tion End Dateand Total Dis-tributionsReach whenboth are enter-able

Help Tip 2 Message #:92674


No compensa-tion selectedmessage

InformationText 1

Message #:92701

ICD Review Page

Region ID Region Name AttributeName

Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShortName



CompensationReview Content

HR Instruc-tion



ICD Confirmation Page

Region ID Region Name AttributeName

Tip Type RequiredCommunicationShortName



CompensationReview Content

HR Instruc-tion



26 – 17Individual Compensation Distributions


Not applicable

Configurable Profile Options

Not applicable

26 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Back–out Compensation Life Events Process

You run this process to remove the results of the Participation Process:Compensation for a compensation life event in the case of errors orchanges in plan design.

Typically, you run this process before you run the CompensationWorkbench Post Process if you need to back out a compensation lifeevent. However, you can run the process any time before a payroll runhas processed your results.

Note: Use caution if you run this process. Persons selected bythe process lose all rates assigned during the selectedperiod––including amounts they entered on a budget orworksheet, or an award distributed to the person by anothermanager.

As an alternative to backing–out the compensation life event, use theOverride Plan Enrollment window to override an activity rate result fora person, or use the Person Life Events window to override eligibilityor to change worksheet managers.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Back–out Compensation Life Events Process:

1. Select Back–out Compensation Life Events Process in the Namefield.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date of the process.

Typically, this is the same as the To Occurred Date in step 6.

4. Select Commit or Rollback in the Validate field.

Select Rollback to check your results before committing them to thedatabase.

5. Select the compensation Life Event to back out.

6. Enter the date range for which you want to back out results in theFrom Occurred Date and To Occurred Date fields.

7. To further limit the persons evaluated by the process, select one ormore of the following parameters.

• Organization

• Location

• Person Benefit Group

• Legal Entity

26– 19Individual Compensation Distributions

• Person Selection Rule

8. Select a Resulting Status of the backed out life event.

Select a status of Voided.

9. Choose the OK button.

10. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

26 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Close Compensation Enrollments Process

This process closes the compensation life event for the selected personswhen the following conditions exist:

• The availability period for the compensation plan is passed

• The final processing date for the plan is passed

If you set the Close Enrollment Date code for a plan to When Electionsare Made, you do not need to run this process. Run the CompensationWorkbench Post Process to close the life event.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Close Compensation Enrollments Process:

1. Select Close Compensation Enrollments Process in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date of the process.

4. Select the compensation plan in the Plan Name field.

5. Select a Location to close the compensation life event for personswho work in a specific location.

6. Select the compensation Life Event to close.

7. Select an Assigned Life Event Date to close a life event that wasassigned on a particular date.

8. Select the name of a specific person in the Person Name field to runthe process for one person.

9. Select a Person Selection Rule to run the process for persons whomatch the criteria of your rule.

10. Select Commit or Rollback in the Validate field.

Select Rollback to check your results before committing them to thedatabase.

11. Select Yes in the Audit Log to create a file that lists the results foreach person evaluated by the process.

If you select Yes, you must periodically run the Participation AuditActivity Purge process to purge the audit log tables.

12. Select a Close Mode.

• Force Close always closes the life event.

• Normal Close closes the life event based on the close enrollmentdate.

26 – 21Individual Compensation Distributions

13. Choose the OK button.

14. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

26 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



27 – 1Compensation Workbench


27 – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Compensation Workbench

Compensation Workbench provides your enterprise with a web–basedsolution for determining and allocating compensation awards,including:

• Salary increases

• Bonuses

• Stock options

Using the Oracle HRMS professional user interface, a compensationmanager or system administrator defines Compensation Workbenchplans based on the Total Compensation data model.

Line managers and other employees responsible for distributingcompensation use Compensation Workbench––available through theOracle Self–Service Human Resources menu––to issue budgets toreporting managers responsible for budgeting and to allocatecompensation awards to individual employees.

Compensation Workbench Features

Compensation Workbench delivers a variety of features, including:

• Employee validation

• Budget preparation

• Allocations

• Approvals and Notifications

• Reporting

Employee Validation

A manager can view employee details for his or her directreports––and any employee farther down in the reportinghierarchy––in Compensation Workbench.

Eligibility requirements you can set up when you define yourCompensation Workbench plan in Oracle HRMS determine if anemployee is eligible to receive an award. You can define a plan so thata compensation administrator can override eligibility results in theprofessional user interface.

Additionally, a compensation administrator can move an employeefrom one manager’s worksheet to another manager’s worksheet.

Budget Preparation

You can define a budget at the top level of an organization hierarchy. Ahigh level manager in the hierarchy issues budgets to managers whohave direct reports who are also managers.

27 – 3Compensation Workbench

To begin the budgeting process, a compensation manager must use thePerson Life Events window––located in the professional userinterface––to issue a budget to a high level manager.

See: Using the Person Life Events Window for CompensationWorkbench: page 27 - 26

You can define a budget using:

• Monetary amounts

• Percentages of eligible salaries

A manager can determine a reporting manager’s budget:

• Manually

• Using the Allocation Wizard

The Allocation Wizard provides a variety of calculation types thatautomatically calculate the budget for one or more selected managers.Helpful tips located in Compensation Workbench explain the featuresof each calculation type.

The budget provides a variety of information to a manager, such as theavailable amount to budget, the amount used, and any amount orpercentage reserved for future use that is not issued to reportingmanagers.

During plan design, you can determine how changes to a lower levelmanager’s list of employees affect a budget. You can choose tomaintain fixed amounts or to re–calculate the budget based on apercentage.

Workflow notifications are sent automatically to reporting managerswhen a higher level manager issues a budget.


A line manager uses the worksheet to allocate compensation to anyemployee at a lower level in the reporting hierarchy. A line managercannot allocate their own compensation. As with budgets, a linemanager can use the allocation wizard to help determine compensationawards.

The worksheet displays a variety of information about an employeethat a manager can view to help determine an allocation. You candefine a plan so that a manager can view historical information aboutcompensation awarded to an employee.

Approvals and Notifications

If you require worksheet approval, the Self–Service workflow processassigns a submitted worksheet a status of Pending Approval and

27 – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

routes a notification to each approver through a configurablenotification hierarchy.

The following notifications are delivered with the product:

• Your manager has issued you a budget

• A higher–level manager has changed the due date, access level, oraward amount on your worksheet

• Your manager has Approved or Rejected your worksheet

• A reporting manager has submitted their worksheet for yourapproval

• Final approval obtained (notification sent to HR)

A higher level manager can approve, modify, or return a submittedworksheet to any reporting manager below them in the hierarchy.

Note: The workflow process requires approval at the highestlevel of your organization hierarchy.


Compensation Workbench delivers the following online reports for useby line managers:

• Bonus Detail: Employee information for bonus plan distribution

• Stock Detail: Employee stock allocation information, including grantprice, number of shares, and value

• Salary Detail: Employee information such as name, beginning salary,eligible salary, and new salary

• Total Compensation: Salary increases, bonuses, and stock optiongrants for each employee for a selected year

27 – 5Compensation Workbench

Standard Activity Rates for Compensation WorkbenchYou can define standard rates to meet a variety of business needs for aCompensation Workbench plan. Most rates display fixed or enterableamounts that appear as columns in the self–service interface. You canalso base a rate on a multiple of compensation that uses a derivedcompensation factor you have defined.

The rates can allow input from a manager––to complete adistribution––or provide guidance for a manager’s decision–making.

The activity type you select when you define a standard rate determineshow and where Compensation Workbench uses the rate.

See below for a description of activity types that have specific functionsfor Compensation Workbench.

Standard Rate Activity Types

CWB Worksheet Amount

This activity type stores a manager’s worksheet allocations for anemployee in money or shares. This is an employee’s award amount.

For bonuses and stock options, you attach an element and input value tothis standard rate to pass the allocation to payroll. Check the Assign onEnrollment field so that the Compensation Workbench Post Process canwrite the element entry (for bonus and stock plans) or update theperson’s salary amount (for salary plans) and salary element.

Required? Required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Checked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Checked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank or Shares

Attach elements? Yes

CWB Distribution Budget (Required if Budgeting)

This activity type stores the budget amount or percent of eligible salariesissued by a high–level manager to another manager.

Use the Preserve Budget Column field on the Plan EnrollmentRequirements window to set whether the application stores budgets asamounts or percents.

Required? Required if budgeting

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

27 – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Checked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Shares of Blank if monetary

Attach elements? No

CWB Worksheet Budget

The total monetary or share amount available to a manager to distributeto employees.

Required? Required if budgeting

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Checked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Shares or Blank if monetary

Attach elements? No

CWB Reserve

Enables a manager to retain a certain amount of money or shares in abudget for distribution at a later time.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Checked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank or Shares

Attach elements? No

CWB Eligible Salary (Required if distributing budgets by percentage)

This activity type is required if you distribute budgets by percentage,and recommended for bonus and salary plans if you budget by amount.

Uses a derived compensation factor to determine an employee’s eligiblesalary. You can prorate an employee’s salary based on length of serviceusing a FastFormula rule to determine their eligible salary.

Required? Required if distributing budgets by percentage

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

27 – 7Compensation Workbench

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank

Attach elements? No

CWB Stated Salary

Use for salaries that can be converted to a different frequency than theone set in a person’s pay basis. The stated salary is stated as of a specificdate and is usually a multiple of a compensation factor. Use statedsalary if you want an amount other than eligible salary. Unlike eligiblesalary, you cannot prorate stated salary.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank

Attach elements? No

CWB Other Salary

Used when eligible and stated salary are not sufficient to display theresult of a calculated derived factor in Compensation Workbench.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Override Recommendation Unchecked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank

Attach elements? No

CWB Misc Rate 1, 2, and 3

You can define miscellaneous standard rates to use for storing anynumeric value in Compensation Workbench, for example, vacationhours, performance ratings, or length of service. Miscellaneous ratesoften require a FastFormula rule to derive a value.

27 – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Both the budget and the worksheet use Misc Rate 1. Only the worksheetuses Misc Rate 2 and 3. You can rename these columns in theself–service interface.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One of each

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Override Recommendation Unchecked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank if monetary, or use any value––this has noimpact on processing

Attach elements? No

CWB Recommended Amount

Displays minimum and maximum recommended compensationincreases on the worksheet. Often, recommended rates use variable rateprofiles––based on a percentage of a multiple of compensation––toderive the recommend increase based on an employee’s compensation.

A manager can distribute a recommended amount using the AllocationWizard. You can view recommended amounts in the employee detailsection of the web page.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank or Shares

Attach elements? No

CWB Total Compensation

The total of a person’s compensation stated as a monetary amount. Youmust define a derived factor that provides the total through a balance ora FastFormula rule. Attach this derived factor to the rate that uses thisactivity type.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

27 – 9Compensation Workbench

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank

Attach elements? No

CWB Grant Price

Records a stock option grant price if you maintain a grant price inOracle HRMS. You can display the grant price on the WorksheetHistory page and through reports. You enter the grant price as aparameter when you run the Compensation Workbench Post Process.

As an estimate, you can enter the grant price in CompensationWorkbench. The Post Process overrides this value with the value youenter when you run the process.

Note: Define the CWB Grant Price activity rate even if you donot know the grant price.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan One

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Checked

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Override Recommendation Checked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank

Attach elements? No

CWB Additional Element History

Displays element entry history for compensation elements distributedoutside of Compensation Workbench. For example, if your enterpriseoffers a signing bonus to executives, you could link the elements used torecord the signing bonus to a Compensation Workbench bonus plan.

If you administer multiple plans of the same plan type (bonus, forexample), you should link this activity type to only one standard rate forany plan of that plan type. The element will appear in the compensationhistory table corresponding to that plan type in CompensationWorkbench.

Assign this standard rate a status of inactive to prevent the ParticipationProcess: Compensation from processing the rate.

Required? Never required

Maximum Defined Per Plan No maximum

Assign on Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

27 – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Enter Value at Enrollment Recommendation Unchecked

Override Recommendation Unchecked

Unit of Measure Recommendation Blank

Attach elements? No

27 – 11Compensation Workbench

Compensation Workbench Statuses

Budget Status

Not Started: The manager has not started to allocate the DistributionBudget to the reporting managers or has changed the BudgetPopulation, thus clearing all saved budget allocations.

In Progress: The manager has started to allocate the DistributionBudget but has elected Save For Later and has not yet started to issuebudgets (making the budgets available).

Issued: The manager has issued a budget to at least one reportingmanager.

Worksheet Status

Not Started: The manager has not started to allocate Budgeted amountsto employees.

In Progress: The manager has started to allocate the Budget but haselected Save For Later and has not yet submitted the worksheet forapproval.

Complete: A high level manager has completed his or her ownworksheet, but has not submitted the worksheet for approval.

Pending Approval: The manager has submitted the worksheet forapproval.

Approved: The user’s manager has approved the worksheet.

Processed: The Compensation Workbench Post Process has run. Awardamounts are final, and––where applicable––sent to payroll.

Budget/Worksheet Access

Read Only: The manager cannot perform any allocations ordistributions.

Updateable: The manager can update the budget or worksheet toperform distributions or allocations.

Not Available: The user cannot view the Budget or Worksheet.

27 – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Setting Up Compensation Workbench Plans

You set up Compensation Workbench plans using the TotalCompensation data model. The windows you use to define aCompensation Workbench plan are a subset of those windows that youuse to implement and administer Standard and Advanced Benefits.

Follow this process to set up plans for Compensation Workbench.Refer to the cross–references for further details.

For information about administering Compensation Workbench plansthat you have defined, see: Compensation Workbench Processing: page 27 – 18

� To set up a compensation workbench plan:

1. Define plan years for the Compensation Workbench plan.

2. Define one life event reason for each plan.

3. Define a derived compensation factor if compensation awards arebased on a stored or system calcuated value, such as eligible orstated salary.

4. Define participant eligibility profiles to limit the employees who areeligible for a Compensation Workbench plan.

5. Define a plan type, selecting a compensation category.

6. Define the Compensation Workbench plan.

7. Define plan enrollment requirements.

8. Optionally, define a reporting group to include multipleCompensation Workbench plans.

9. Define elements if you want to transfer activity rates to OraclePayroll or to third party applications.

10. Link the elements.

11. Optionally, define variable rate profiles if an activity rate can varyaccording to one or more factors.

12. Define standard activity rates.

13. Optionally, define GL Daily Rates if you enable managers to viewamounts in the budget or the worksheet in a currency that differsfrom the plan’s currency.

Plan Years

You use the Program/Plan Years window to set up plan years thatdefine the year––or period within a year––during which an employee

27 – 13Compensation Workbench

earned their compensation. You can use this amount, if, for example,you award a bonus based on a percentage of compensation earnedduring the period.

Note: The application requires year periods for life eventprocessing.

• Enter the plan year start and end dates. This is the year in which theemployee earned the compensation.

• For compensation types that you award more than once per year(such as bonus plans)––or for which the employee earning period isless than a full year––enter a Within Year Period.

Select the Unit of Measure that best represents your period. Forexample, select Semi–Year for compensation plans administeredtwice yearly.

See: Defining a Program or Plan Year Period: page 9 - 48

Compensation Life Event

You set up a life event reason for your Compensation Workbench planso that when you process participant eligibility and electability, thebatch process assigns the compensation life event to employees andschedules the availability period for budget and worksheet entry inCompensation Workbench.

On the Submit Requests window, you select Participation Process:Compensation to assign the life event to a person. The life eventoccurred on date is the Assigned Life Event that you define for the planin the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.

Note: To avoid life event collisions, set up one life event reasonper Compensation Workbench plan.

• Enter a life event reason Name that corresponds to your plan.Provide a life event name that identifies the compensation type,and––if you operate globally––the legislation of the plan. A namingconvention helps you to identify the life event in other applicationwindows.

• Select a life event reason Type of Compensation.

Compensation Workbench life events require no additional set up.Do not define person changes for Compensation Workbench lifeevents. Standard Benefits should not create any life events otherthan the Type of Compensation.

See: Defining General Characteristics of Life Events: page 12 – 12

Derived Factors

Compensation awards are typically based on a derived compensationfactor, such as eligible salary or stated salary. You link the derived

27 – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

factor to the standard rate or variable rate to determine the amountthat is used in Compensation Workbench for display purposes to help amanager make a more informed decision about an award.

Derived compensation factors can use stated salary, defined balances,historical balances, prorated balances, benefits balances, salary as of adefined date, or a FastFormula rule that you define.

You can also use a derived factor as a component in a distributioncalculation based on a percentage of the derived amount.

Note: Use the derived factor to convert various pay bases toone pay basis for all employees.

See: Derived Factors: page 11 – 8


You can define participant eligibility profiles to limit the employeeswho are eligible for a Compensation Workbench plan. If you do notdefine an eligibility profile, the application finds all employees andex–employees eligible for your plan.

• In the Applies To field, select Benefits Profile for CompensationWorkbench plans.

See: Defining an Eligibility Profile: page 11 – 15

Compensation Plan Types

Your plan requires a compensation plan type.

• Select Compensation Workbench as the Option Type.

• Select one of the following Compensation Categories:

• Comp – Bonus

• Comp – Stock Options

• Comp – Salary

Comp – Salary identifies compensation plans that alter the amountdisplayed on the Salary Administration window for a person afteryou process a compensation distribution.

See: Defining Plan Types: page 9 – 26

Compensation Workbench Plans

You define a compensation workbench plan for each uniquecompensation offering that you administer within Oracle HRMS for abusiness group.

Typical compensation plans include salary increases linked to a yearlyfocal review period, scheduled bonuses, and stock option grants.

27 – 15Compensation Workbench

See: Defining a Compensation Workbench Plan: page 27 – 20

Plan Enrollment Requirements

Set up plan enrollment requirements to determine the availabilityperiod of Compensation Workbench in Self–Service for a plan.

You also use plan enrollment requirements to enter items such as the:

• Assigned life event date

• Plan year or within year period for the compensation plan

• Close enrollment date

• Enrollment coverage and activity rate start and end dates

• Budget and worksheet characteristics and availability periods

• Supervisor or position hierarchy to use for budgets

See: Defining Enrollment Requirements for Compensation WorkbenchPlans: page 27 – 22

Reporting Groups

For Compensation Workbench, you can create a reporting group as acontainer to hold multiple plans. The name of the reporting groupappears on the Home Page in Compensation Workbench.

Create a global reporting group to include plans from more than onebusiness group. This enables a line manager to use a single signon toreview and allocate compensation for employees in different businessgroups.

Defining a reporting group places a plan switcher on your Self–Serviceweb pages that allows you to switch between available compensationplans. You must have eligible employees below you in the hierarchy tosee more than one plan.

See: Defining a Reporting Group: page 19 - 11


Use elements to transfer activity rates to Oracle Payroll or to thirdparty applications. Elements record items such as the compensationthat a line manager distributes to an employee.

Note: You do not need to define elements for salary plans,only for bonus and stock option plans. The applicationautomatically updates the employee’s salary basis.

If you have previously defined an element that you now want to usefor a Compensation Workbench plan, you can use that element withoutdefining a new one.

27 – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

For compensation workbench, a typical element setup includes:

• A Primary Classification of Supplemental Earnings, for bonuses

• A Processing Type of Non–Recurring

• An Input Value of Pay Value in Units of Money

• For Stock Option plans with a unit of measure of Shares, select anelement type of Information

See: Defining an Element: page 1 - 43

Element Links

You set up element links for Compensation Workbench plans as youwould for Standard and Advanced Benefits.

See: Defining an Element Link: page 1 - 44Using Oracle HRMS

Variable Rate Profiles

Variable rate profiles are optional for Compensation Workbench plans.

You can use a variable rate profile, for example, if you provide an initialrecommended amount for a compensation distribution. You could varythis amount based on a manager’s demographics. A line manager canoverride the recommended amount within the guidelines of aminimum and maximum compensation range that you define.

See: Defining General Information for a Variable Rate Profile: page15 – 37

Standard Rates

You set up standard activity rates to record a variety of compensationamounts, such as:

• Distribution budgets

• Worksheet budgets

• Budget reserves

• Eligible or Stated Salary

Each standard rate uses an activity type to control many of the columnsthat display in the Compensation Workbench. You set up differentactivity rates––with different activity types––depending on the kinds ofvalues you want to record in Compensation Workbench.

See: Defining Activity Rates for a Standard Contribution/Distribution:page 15 – 24

27 – 17Compensation Workbench

GL Daily Rates

Setting up GL Daily Rates enables your managers to use CompensationWorkbench to enter and view budget and worksheet distributions in acurrency that differs from the currency set for the profile option BEN:Benefits Preferred Currency, or, if you do not set this profile option, forthe currency defined for the business group.

Line managers can select their preferred currency––you should onlyenable those currencies for which you have conversion rates.

• You must use a GL Daily Rate Conversion Type of Corporate foreach currency you want to use with Compensation Workbench.

Note: Conversions are for display purposes only and do notaffect actual paid amounts.

See: Entering Daily Rates, Oracle General Ledger Users’ Guide

27 – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Compensation Workbench Processing

Use the following process to administer your CompensationWorkbench plans after you define them in Oracle HRMS using the TotalCompensation data model.

For information about implementing Compensation Workbench plans,see: Setting Up a Compensation Workbench Plan

1. Run the Participation Process: Compensation.

Run this process prior to the availability period of CompensationWorkbench to prepare the Self–Service interface for data entry byyour line managers.

The process assigns the compensation life event to a person anddetermines eligibility and rates. The process displays its results onthe Person Life Events window.

See: Running the Participation Process: Compensation: page 27 – 31

2. Issue the highest level budget.

You issue a budget to the highest level manager in yourorganization hierarchy using the Person Life Events window in theprofessional user interface.

The high level manager can then use Compensation Workbench toissue budgets to lower level managers.

See: Issuing the Budget to the Highest Level Manager: page 27 – 27

3. Line managers use Compensation Workbench to entercompensation awards.

4. Run the Compensation Workbench Post Process.

Run this process after all worksheet allocations have been approvedto write the distribution totals to enrollment results.

See: Running the Compensation Workbench Post Process: page 27 – 33

5. Optionally, perform enrollment overrides.

If necessary, use the Override Plan Enrollment window to overridean amount for a person after you run the CompensationWorkbench Post Process.

Note: Values you enter in this window update element entriesfor bonus and stock option plans. However, for salary plans,overrides you enter on this window do not update the SalaryAdministration window.

27 – 19Compensation Workbench

See: Overriding Enrollment Results for a Plan: page 22 - 44

6. Run the Close Compensation Enrollments Process.

This process closes the compensation life event for one or morepersons as selected by the batch process parameters. You do notneed to run this process if you set up the Compensation WorkbenchPost Process to close the compensation life event.

See: Running the Close Compensation Enrollments Process: page 16 – 20

27 – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining a Compensation Workbench Plan

Use the Plans window to define a compensation workbench plan.

Note: You can also use the Plans window to define employeebenefits plans. Compensation plans use only a subset of thefeatures available on the Plans window.

1. Enter the plan Name.

Note: By using a generic plan name (one that does not includea particular year period), you can re–use the plan over multipleaward periods.

2. Select a Status of Active.

Change the status to inactive to remove the plan fromCompensation Workbench.

3. Select the Plan Type you created for this plan.

4. Required: In the Plan Usage field, select May not be in Program.

5. Choose the Eligibility Rates tab.

6. Check the Track Ineligible Person field to enable eligibilityoverrides without having to re–run the Participation Process:Compensation to determine eligibility or rates.

7. Choose the Not in Program tab.

8. Enter the Sequence number of this plan if you want compensationplans to display in a particular order in Self–Service.

9. Select the Currency of your plan.

You must create a separate plan for each plan with a uniquecurrency.

10. Leave the Enrollment Rate/Frequency field blank.

11. Select an Activity Reference Period that matches your mostcommon pay basis.

This determines the period for which the base salary is displayed,and the amount in which salary increases are entered.

12. Choose the Details button to open the Maintain Plan RelatedDetails window.

13. Attach the plan years you defined to the plan.

14. Close the Maintain Plan Related Details window.

15. Choose the Plan Eligibility button.

16. Attach any eligibility profiles you created to the plan.

27 – 21Compensation Workbench

Note: You do not attach options to plans for CompensationWorkbench.

17. Save your work.

27 – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Defining Enrollment Requirements for Compensation Workbench Plans

Use the Plan Enrollment Requirements window to define the scheduledavailability period for a compensation workbench plan and to establishcertain budget and worksheet properties.

Note: You can also use the Plan Enrollment Requirementswindow to define electability requirements for employeebenefits plans. Compensation plans use only a subset of thefeatures available on this window.

1. Query the plan for which you are defining enrollment requirementsin the Plan field.

2. With the General tab and the Plan tab selected, choose theEnrollment tabbed region.

3. Select Explicit as the enrollment Method.

4. Select Current, Can Keep or Choose; New, Can Choose as theEnrollment Code.

5. Choose the Coverage tabbed region.

Note: By setting coverage and activity rate start and end datesat the plan level you will not have to update these codes foreach availability period.

6. In most instances, select Elections as the Enrollment Coverage StartDate.

This starts the employee’s coverage as of the effective date of theCompensation Workbench Post Process.

7. Required: select 1 Prior or Event as the Enrollment Coverage EndDate.

This ends the employee’s coverage one day prior to the start of anysubsequent coverage.

8. Choose the Rates tabbed region.

9. In most instances, select Elections as the Rate Start Date.

This starts the employee’s rate––and element entry––as of theeffective date of the Compensation Workbench Post Process.

10. Required: select 1 Prior or Event as the Rate End Date.

11. Choose the Timing tab and then the Scheduled tab.

12. Select Compensation as the Enrollment Type.

You can only select this Enrollment Type if the option type of theplan type you attached to this plan is Compensation Workbench.

27 – 23Compensation Workbench

Note: When you select this enrollment type, the applicationre–draws the window to display regions unique tocompensation plans.

13. In the Enrollment or Availability Period Start and End fields, enterthe date range for which Compensation Workbench is available inSelf–Service for this plan.

Availability periods for the same plan cannot overlap.

Attention: Once you run the Participation Process: Compensation,you cannot change the availability period unless you back out thelife event. Subsequent runs of the process must be after theprevious life event has been closed for all individuals and theprevious availability period has ended.

14. Enter the effective date of the compensation life event in theAssigned Life Event Date field.

The assigned life event date sets the date by which theCompensation Participation Process evaluates your plan design todetermine eligibility, activity rates, and each employee’s supervisor.

15. Select a previously defined compensation life event reason for thisplan in the Life Event field.

Note: You can only have one life event per plan.

16. In the No further processing is allowed after field, enter the lastdate on which you can make changes in the professional userinterface to this compensation plan.

17. Enter a Close Enrollment Date to use code that determines the datewhen the life event status is changed from started to processed:

• Processing End Date (Closed by the Close CompensationEnrollments Process on the No further processing date)

• When Elections Are Made (Recommended––Closed by theCompensation Workbench Post Process on the effective date ofthe process)

• When Enrollment Period Ends (Closed by the CloseCompensation Enrollments Process as of the Availability Periodend date)

18. Select the Year Period of this plan.

19. Select a Within Year Period if this plan uses a period of less than ayear to determine available compensation.

Budget Characteristics

20. Choose the Budget tabbed region.

27 – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

21. Select the Uses Budget check box to enable high level managers toissue budgets to lower level managers.

You must check this field to enable the use of budgets at any levelin the application.

22. Select whether to store budgets as percents or amounts in thePreserve Budget Column field.

If you select percent (recommended), the application automaticallyrecalculates a manager’s distribution budget and worksheet budgetif an employee becomes eligible or ineligible or is transferredbetween managers.

23. Enter the date range for which a manager can access and updatethe Budget in the Self Service Budget Update Period block.

You can change the date range for the budget at any time withouthaving to re–run Participation Process: Compensation for thechange to take effect.

Worksheet Characteristics

24. Choose the Worksheet tabbed region.

25. Enter the date range for which a manager can access and updatethe Worksheet in the Self Service Worksheet Update Period block.

You can change the date range for the worksheet at any timewithout having to re–run Participation Process: Compensation forthe change to take effect.

26. Select the Default Worksheet Access for all managers:

• Not Available

• Read Only

• Updateable

You can override the default worksheet access for a manager usingthe Person Life Events window. Using Self–Service, a high levelmanager can set the default worksheet access for lower levelmanagers within their hierarchy.

Hierarchy and Performance Ratings

27. Choose the Miscellaneous tabbed region.

28. Select whether you administer Compensation Workbench plansbased on a manager’s supervisor hierarchy or a position hierarchy.

29. Select a position hierarchy if you administer this plan based onpositions.

27 – 25Compensation Workbench

The application checks for a manager’s supervisor if it cannot finda position in the hierarchy above the manager’s current level. Thissupervisor can be in a different business group.

If you use position hierarchies––and you want an employee toreport to a supervisor in a different business group for budgetpurposes––create a placeholder position above that employee in thehierarchy and do not assign a person to the position.

30. If you maintain employee performance ratings in Oracle HRMS,and you want to display those rating in Compensation Workbench,select the Performance Rating Type for this plan.

You can only display one performance rating type at a time for acompensation plan in Compensation Workbench.

31. Save your work.

27 – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Using the Person Life Events Window for Compensation Workbench

After you set up your Compensation Workbench plan, you runParticipation Process: Compensation on the Submit Requests windowto determine a person’s eligibility and the availability period ofCompensation Workbench.

A compensation manager then uses the Person Life Events window toissue a budget to a high level manager or managers in the organizationresponsible for issuing budgets. High level managers in a hierarchyuse Compensation Workbench to issue budgets to lower levelmanagers.

See: Issuing a Budget to a High Level Manager: page 27 – 27

As a compensation manager, you can also use the Person Life Eventswindow to override any employee’s eligibility or their award amount,or to change a budget amount issued to a manager in CompensationWorkbench.

See: Updating an Employee’s Eligibility: page 27 – 28

See: Updating an Employee’s Budget or Worksheet Amount: page 27 – 29

You can move an employee from one manager’s worksheet to anothermanager’s worksheet. The move is effective only for the selected planand period.

See: Moving an Employee to Another Manager’s Worksheet: page 27 – 28

Note: You can use the Person Life Events window to back outa life event for a single person. However, it is recommendedthat you use the Back–out Life Events Process to back out theentire life event.

Note: Do not use this window to close a person’scompensation life event. Use the Close CompensationEnrollments Process.

You can also enter the Due date by which you want a manager tocomplete the budget or worksheet. This is considered informationonly, and does not affect budget or worksheet processing.

The Export check box appears checked if the manager has exportedtheir budget or worksheet using Compensation Workbench. The fieldappears unchecked if the manager:

• Chooses Save for Later

• Issues the budget (which performs a save)

27 – 27Compensation Workbench

• Chooses Complete Worksheet (which performs a save)

The Population field displays the level at which the high level managerissues budgets. The manager selects this value in CompensationWorkbench.

• Direct Reports: The high level manager issues a budget to his or herdirect reports.

• All Managers: The high level manager issues a budget to each directreport and to all the budgeting managers beneath the direct reports.

Issuing a Budget to a High Level Manager

� To issue a budget to a high level manager:

1. Query the Name of the high level manager to whom you areissuing the budget.

2. Select the started compensation life event that corresponds to yourcompensation plan.

3. Choose the Enrollment Opportunities button to open theEnrollment Opportunities window.

4. Choose the Compensation tabbed region.

5. Select the compensation plan in the Program or Plan field.

6. Select a budget or worksheet Access level for this manager.

• Read Only

• Updateable

• Not Available

Select Updateable to issue a budget to your highest level manager.

7. Choose the Electable Choices button to open the Electable Choiceswindow.

8. Choose the Rates button to open the Rates window.

9. Choose the Amount tabbed region.

10. Select the CWB Distribution Budget rate in the Rate Name field.

11. Enter the budget amount you are issuing to the high level managerin the Issued Amount field.

Enter a percent (without the percent symbol) if you are budgetingbased on a percentage of eligible salaries. For example, enter .10for ten percent.

27 – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

The high level manager can now log in to CompensationWorkbench to begin issuing budgets to lower level budgetingmanagers.

Note: If the Issued Amount field appears disabled, make surethat the standard rate allows overrides.

Updating an Employee’s Eligibility

� To update an employee’s eligibility:

1. Repeat steps 1 to 5 above, querying the employee whose eligibilityyou want to change

2. Choose the Electable Choices button to open the Electable Choiceswindow.

3. You can override a employee’s eligibility for this plan in theEligibility field.

4. If applicable, select the Ineligibility Reason for this person.

• The application displays the override date and the person whocommitted the override in the Overridden On and OverriddenBy fields.

Moving an Employee to Another Manager’s Workbench

Moving a person from one manager’s worksheet to another manager’sworksheet does not affect your actual organization hierarchy. Themove only affects the selected plan for the current year period orwithin year period. If you re–run the Participation Process:Compensation, the process restores the person to the originalmanager’s worksheet.

Note: If you change an employee’s supervisor on theAssignment window after you run the Participation Process:Compensation, you must update the employee’s worksheetmanager if you want the employee to appear on the newmanager’s worksheet.

� To move an employee to another manager’s worksheet:

5. Select the new manager in the Worksheet Manager field.

Note: If the worksheet manager field is blank, the applicationroutes a worksheet submitted for approval to each person witha Role Type of Compensation Administrator.

27 – 29Compensation Workbench

See: Defining Workflow Roles for Transactions, Managing YourWorkforce Using Oracle HRMS

6. For a worksheet, enter any Comments you want to display aboutan employee in Compensation Workbench.

Line managers and view and update these comments.

Updating Amounts for an Employee

You can use the Person Life Events window to update anyCompensation Workbench amount for an employee––such as budget,worksheet, eligible salary, budget reserve, or grant price.

� To update amounts for an employee:

1. Query the Name of the employee for whom you are issuing abudget or worksheet amount.

2. Select the compensation life event that corresponds to yourcompensation plan.

3. Choose the Enrollment Opportunities button to open theEnrollment Opportunities window.

4. Choose the Compensation tabbed region.

5. Select the compensation plan in the Program or Plan field.

6. Select a budget or worksheet Access level for this manager.

7. Enter the Due date by which you want the manager to completethe budget or worksheet.

This is considered information only, and does not affect budget orworksheet processing.

8. Choose the Electable Choices button to open the Electable Choiceswindow.

9. Choose the Rates button to open the Rates window.

10. Choose the Amount tabbed region.

11. In the Rate Name field, select the rate for which you are entering anamount.

12. Enter a value in the Amount field.

Enter a percent (without the percent symbol) if you are basing therate on a percentage of eligible salaries.

13. Enter an Issued Amount if you are issuing a budget or a worksheetto a manager.

27 – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Note: When issuing a budget to a lower level manager, theAmount and Issued Amounts should be the same. Thesupervising manager of the lower level manager sees the valuefrom the Amount field in his or her Budget.

14. Save your work.

27 – 31Compensation Workbench

Running the Participation Process: Compensation

You run the Participation Process: Compensation before the availabilityperiod of a compensation plan. The process determines eligibility,calculates rates, and assigns the compensation life event to each eligibleperson.

Once you run the process, you can use the Person Life Events windowto enter a budget for the highest level manager in your enterpriseresponsible for distributing budgets in Compensation Workbench.

You run Processes from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Participation Process: Compensation:

1. Select Participation Process: Compensation in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Set the effective date of the process to a date on or after theassigned life event date.

4. Select Commit or Rollback in the Validate field.

Select Rollback to check your results before committing them to thedatabase. It is easier to correct errors before you commit results.

5. Select the compensation plan in the Plan Name field.

6. Select a year Period.

7. Select a Person Type if you want to run the process for a specificperson type (such as employee) for this compensation plan.

8. Select a Person Selection Rule if you want to run the process forpersons who match the criteria of your rule.

9. To further limit the persons evaluated by the process, select fromone or more of the following parameters.

• Organization

• Benefits Group

• Location

• Postal Zip Range

• Legal Entity

• Payroll

10. Select Yes in the Audit Log to create a file that lists the eligibilityresults for each person evaluated by the process.

If you select Yes, you should periodically run the ParticipationAudit Activity Purge process to purge the audit log tables.

27 – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

11. Choose the OK button.

12. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

27 – 33Compensation Workbench

Running the Compensation Workbench Post Process

You run the Compensation Workbench Post Process after line managershave approved all budget and worksheet entries.

The process writes the allocated amounts to an employee’s salary andelement entry––for salary changes––or to element entries for otheractivity rates, such as bonuses, if you attach an element to theapplicable rate when you define the rate.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Compensation Workbench Post Process:

1. Select Compensation Workbench Post Process in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date of the process.

Note: The effective date is the date of the election if you set theRate Start Date code to Elections. For example, set the effectivedate to September 1st if a bonus or salary increase is effectiveas of that date.

4. Select Commit or Rollback in the Validate field.

Select Rollback to check your results before committing them to thedatabase. It is easier to correct errors before you commit results.

5. Select the compensation plan in the Plan Name field.

6. Select an Enrollment Period.

7. Select the name of a specific person in the Person Name field if youwant to run the process for one person.

8. Enter a Grant Price if this is a Stock Option plan and you want torecord the grant price for each person who received a grant.

Note: You must define a standard activity rate with an activitytype of CWB Grant Price to record a grant price prior torunning the Participation Process: Compensation.

9. Select Yes in the Audit Log to create a file that lists the results foreach person evaluated by the process.

If you select Yes, you should periodically run the ParticipationAudit Activity Purge process to purge the audit log tables.

10. Choose the OK button.

11. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

27 – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Back–out Compensation Life Events Process

You run this process to remove the results of the Participation Process:Compensation for a compensation life event in the case of errors orchanges in plan design.

Typically, you run this process before you run the CompensationWorkbench Post Process if you need to back out a compensation lifeevent. However, you can run the process any time before a payroll runhas processed your results.

Note: Use caution if you run this process. Persons selected bythe process lose all rates assigned during the selectedperiod––including amounts they entered on a budget orworksheet, or an award distributed to the person by anothermanager.

As an alternative to backing–out the compensation life event, use theOverride Plan Enrollment window to override an activity rate result fora person, or use the Person Life Events window to override eligibilityor to change worksheet managers.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Back–out Compensation Life Events Process:

1. Select Back–out Compensation Life Events Process in the Namefield.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date of the process.

Typically, this is the same as the To Occurred Date in step 6.

4. Select Commit or Rollback in the Validate field.

Select Rollback to check your results before committing them to thedatabase.

5. Select the compensation Life Event to back out.

6. Enter the date range for which you want to back out results in theFrom Occurred Date and To Occurred Date fields.

7. To further limit the persons evaluated by the process, select one ormore of the following parameters.

• Organization

• Location

• Person Benefit Group

• Legal Entity

27 – 35Compensation Workbench

• Person Selection Rule

8. Select a Resulting Status of the backed out life event.

Select a status of Voided.

9. Choose the OK button.

10. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

27 – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Running the Close Compensation Enrollments Process

This process closes the compensation life event for the selected personswhen the following conditions exist:

• The availability period for the compensation plan is passed

• The final processing date for the plan is passed

If you set the Close Enrollment Date code for a plan to When Electionsare Made, you do not need to run this process. Run the CompensationWorkbench Post Process to close the life event.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

� To run the Close Compensation Enrollments Process:

1. Select Close Compensation Enrollments Process in the Name field.

2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

3. Enter the effective date of the process.

4. Select the compensation plan in the Plan Name field.

5. Select a Location to close the compensation life event for personswho work in a specific location.

6. Select the compensation Life Event to close.

7. Select an Assigned Life Event Date to close a life event that wasassigned on a particular date.

8. Select the name of a specific person in the Person Name field to runthe process for one person.

9. Select a Person Selection Rule to run the process for persons whomatch the criteria of your rule.

10. Select Commit or Rollback in the Validate field.

Select Rollback to check your results before committing them to thedatabase.

11. Select Yes in the Audit Log to create a file that lists the results foreach person evaluated by the process.

If you select Yes, you must periodically run the Participation AuditActivity Purge process to purge the audit log tables.

12. Select a Close Mode.

• Force Close always closes the life event.

• Normal Close closes the life event based on the close enrollmentdate.

27 – 37Compensation Workbench

13. Choose the OK button.

14. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

27 – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)



A – 1Windows and Reports

Windows and Reports

A – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Reports and Processes in Oracle HRMS

This topic shows the default reports in Oracle HRMS as they aresupplied. The responsibility that you use determines which of thesereports you can use and how you access them.


AA/EEO Breakdown Report (FD)

� Government required ethnicity and gender breakdown report byOccupational Category or Pay Plan

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

AAP Reports (US)

� Provides Job group analysis and workflow analysis reports.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Absence Report

� Absence details for an employee or organization, for some or allabsence types.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

ADA Reports (US)

� Shows how your enterprise is responding to the requests ofemployees with disabilities.

Advance Pay Listing (Payroll) (UK)

� Details of the advance pay periods for employees due to receiveadvance pay.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS (UK).

Annual Unemployment Insurance (Form 940) Information (Payroll)(US)

� Provides numbers for annual 940 filing.

Archive P11D (HR and Payroll) (UK)

� Runs the Legislative Report Generator to generate details of Class1A NICs for reporting to the Inland Revenue.

A – 3Windows and Reports

Arrears UIF Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Employee UIF contributions in arrears.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Assignment Status Report

� All employees, applicants or both assigned to selected workstructures.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Assignments Unavailable for Processing Report (Payroll) (UK)

� Assignments that will not be processed by particular payroll runsand reasons for their exclusion.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS (UK)

Audit Report (Payroll)

� Selects person, employee or applicant, assignment, element,recurring or non–recurring status. Shows Business Group, GRE (USonly), assignment details, person entering data (responsibility),input date, effective change date, details of person affected. Lists allfields changed, with input date and effective date, old value andnew value, responsibility, workstation address.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Back–out Compensation Life Events Process

� Run this process to remove the results of the Participation Process:Compensation for a life event associated with CompensationWorkbench.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Bilan Social Report (Payroll) (France)

� A statutory report that lists a large number of HR and Payrollrelated indicators in order to provide a summary of many aspectsaffecting a company or establishment’s human resources in a year.

Budget Position Detail Report

� Lists the status of all Positions that are part of a specific Budget.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

A – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Business Groups: Entering Payslip Balances (UK)

� To generate an online payslip for an employee to view in OracleSelf–Service HRMS, you need to enter payslip balance informationfor your Business Group.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Business Groups: Entering Payslip Elements (UK)

� To generate an online payslip for an employee to view in OracleSelf–Service HRMS, you need to enter payslip element informationfor your Business Group.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Calculate Commitment (AU) (UK)

� Run this process to calculate the projected expenditures for abudget over a given period. You can calculate commitments for anentire budget or for a single position in a budget.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Cheque Listing (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Cheque payments made to employees.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

Close Compensation Enrollments Process

� Run this process to close the life event for a CompensationWorkbench plan.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

COBRA Benefit Initial Information (US)

� This report––typically sent to employee new hires––providesgeneral information about COBRA.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

COBRA Benefits Notification Letter (US)

� This report provides electable choice information to persons whoare eligible for COBRA.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

A – 5Windows and Reports

COBRA Reports (US)

� Coverage of payments report and publish standard COBRA letter.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

COIDA Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Compensation for Occupational Injuries & Diseases Act report.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Coinage Analysis Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� A cash analysis which provides a breakdown of the cash required.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Compensation Workbench Post Process

� Run this process after all worksheet allocations have beenapproved.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Cost Breakdown Report (Payroll)

� Summarized costing totals for a specified costing process andsummarized costing totals for a particular consolidation set orpayroll over a specified interval.

Cost Breakdown Summary Report (Payroll only) (US, CA)

� Lists costing details by date range, payroll, consolidation set, GREand segment values.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

CPDF Dynamics Report (FD)

� Record of the personnel data changes that occurred for theemployee during a reporting period

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

CPDF Dynamics Report Transmittal Form (FD)

� Transmittal form that accompanies the CPDF Dynamics Report

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

A – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

CPDF OCT Report Transmittal Form (FD)

� Transmittal form that accompanies the Organization ComponentTracking Report

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

CPDF Organization Component Tracking Report (FD)

� Record of the organizational codes, titles, and hierarchicalrelationships for organizations within an agency as of the last dayof the quarterly reporting period

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

CPDF Status Report (FD)

� Record of each employee’s personnel data as of the ending date ofa fiscal quarter

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

CPDF Status Report Transmittal Form (FD)

� Transmittal form that accompanies the CPDF Status Report

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Create Federal HR Valid Combinations for the Grade KF (FD)

� Federal Concurrent Manager process that supplies the predefinedvalid grade and pay plan combinations for the grade key flexfield.

Create Federal Special Info Types (FD)

� Federal Concurrent Manager process that supplies the FederalSpecial Information types for the Person Special Information.

Credit Transfer Payments Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Paid/unpaid cheque values per bank branch.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Current and Projected Progression Point Values Report

� The expected results of running the Increment Progression Pointsprocess, that is the projected point and value changes for a group ofemployees.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

A – 7Windows and Reports

Current Employee List (Hong Kong)

� List of current employees with information such as employeename, identity card number, passport number, work permitnumber and expiry date, and the date an employee joined thecompany.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

D2 Report (Declaration Annuelle Obligatoire D’emploi desTravailleurs Handicapes, de Mutiles de Guerre et Assimiles) (Payroll)(France)

� A mandatory report that all establishments with more than 20employee’s must submit each year. It contains details about thenumber of people employed by the establishment who aredisabled.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

Declaration Mensuelle Obligatoire des Mouvements de Maind’Oeuvre Report (Payroll) (France)

� A mandatory report that must be produced by each establishmentevery month. It lists the people that have joined or left theestablishment during that time.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

Deduction Register Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Deductions per element per employee.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Deposit Schedule Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� For credit transfer payments into bank accounts.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Earnings Audit (Payroll) (US)

� Report detailing all employees with a particular element beingprocessed in a given pay period.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

EEO–1 Reports (US)

� EEO individual establishment and headquarters report and EEOconsolidated report.

A – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

EEO4 Reports (US)

� Run this report for state and local governments.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

EEO5 Reports (US)

� Run this report for the school system or district.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Element Link Details Report

� The eligibility criteria for an element or group of elements.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Element Result Listing

� Run results processed for a particular element over a definedperiod, and run results for selected input values of each employee’slast assignment process.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Employee Increment Results Report

� The actual results of running the Increment Progression Pointsprocess, that is progression point and value changes for a group ofemployees.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Employee Organization Movement Report

� New hires, terminations, transfers in and transfer out of a selectedorganization, or organization hierarchy.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Employee Payroll Movement Report (Payroll)

� New hires, terminations, transfers in and transfer out of a selectedpayroll.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 9Windows and Reports

Employee Run Results (Payroll) (CA, US)

� Users may select various elements for the various time frames,assignment of GREs. The report shows the run results for selectedinformation by pay period.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Employee Run Results Summary Report (GB) (Payroll) (UK)

� Includes all assignments, gross pay, PAYE, employee’s NIcontribution, employer’s NI contribution, other deductions, totaldeductions, net pay and total pay for the payroll.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS (UK).

Employee Summary Report

� Addresses, contacts, periods of service, assignments, specialinformation, personal payment methods and element entries for aselected employee.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Employer Monthly Schedule Report (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Lists the details of all employees and is submitted to InlandRevenue.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Employment Equity Workforce Profile Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Outlines the required information needed for Employment Equityas defined by the Department of Labour.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Employment Equity Templates (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Outlines the required information needed for Employment Equityas defined by the Department of Labour.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Employment Equity Income Differential Report (Payroll) (SouthAfrica)

� Outlines the required information needed for Employment Equityas defined by the Department of Labour.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

FBT Report (Australia) (AU)

� Displays Fringe Benefits Tax information for a cost center.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Federal 1099–R Forms (Payroll) (US)

� Provides for printing of retiree 1099–R at an individual level as wellas all employees in a GRE.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Federal 1099–R (magnetic media) (Payroll) (US)

� Creation of Federal 10999R magnetic media.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Federal W–2 Forms (Payroll) (US)

� Prints employee W–2s at an individual level, thus allowing W–2s tobe created as employees terminate, or for an entire GRE.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Federal W–2 (magnetic media) (Payroll) (US)

� Creation of Federal W–2 magnetic media and summary totals.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Full Applicant Details

� Applications and applicant interviews for one applicant.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Full Assignment Details

� Assignment information including periods of service, paymentmethods, and element entries for one employee.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Full Person Details

� Addresses and information entered in the Person window such asname, date of birth, nationality and work telephone number for oneemployee.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 11Windows and Reports

Full Personal Details Report Set

� Person details, applicant details, assignment details and workdetails for one employee.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Full Work Details

� Miscellaneous work information including special information,absences, recruitment activities and contacts for one employee.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Generating Payslips to be Viewed in Oracle Self–Service HRMS(UK)

� Generate payslips for employees to view online using OracleSelf–Service HRMS.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Generating the Payslip (UK)

� Generate payslips for employees to view online through OracleSelf–Service.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

GRE Totals (Payroll) (US)

� Reconciliation report to be used to assist in period end processingbalancing purposes. This report shows Federal and State leveltaxable balances and withholdings.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Gross to Net Summary Report (UK) (Payroll) (UK)

� Details of total earnings and deductions summarized for aspecified payroll and payroll period.

See :Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS (UK)

Gross to Net Summary US (Payroll) (US)

� Details of total earnings and deductions summarized for aspecified payroll and payroll period.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

HIPAA Dependent Letter (US)

� Run this report to generate a HIPAA certificate for qualifieddependents only, such as for instances where a dependent ages outof a plan.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

HIPAA Letter (US)

� Run this report to generate a HIPAA certificate for qualifiedparticipants and their dependents

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Inland Revenue Arrears Payment Report (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Lists employees who are required to pay student loans or childsupport arrears to Inland Revenue.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Inland Revenue Form IR21 (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Summarizes an employee’s organization, personal details, andearnings and benefits in the two years prior to leaving theorganization.

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

Inland Revenue Remittance Certificate Report (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Submitted to Inland Revenue by employers who are required tomake PAYE payments, or employers who are SpecifiedSuperannuation Contribution Withholding Tax (SSCWT) payers.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Invalid Address Report (Payroll) (US)

� Lists any address information inconsistencies.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

IR56B Report (Payroll) (Hong Kong)

� A statement of earnings for each employee used by the InlandRevenue to assess individual statements and forward an account tothe employee for tax payable for the past financial year.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

A – 13Windows and Reports

IR56E Report (Payroll) (Hong Kong)

� Submitted for new hires, and includes information such as anemployee’s personal information, including their name,identification details, address, the employee’s legal employerdetails and employment information.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

IR56F Report (Payroll) (Hong Kong)

� A notification by the employer about an employee who is leavingthe enterprise but intending to stay in Hong Kong.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

IR56G Report (Payroll) (Hong Kong)

� A notification by the employer about an employee who is leavingthe enterprise and also departing from Hong Kong.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

IRP5 Tax Certificate (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Tax certificates for employees who have paid tax during this taxyear.

IT3(a) Tax Certificate (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Tax certificates for employees who have paid no tax during this taxyear.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Job and Position Skills Matching Report

� Lists of employees, applicants or both that meet some or all skillrequirements of a job or position.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Law SAMEN Report (Organization Structure) and Law SAMENReport (Dutch Region) (Netherlands)

� The Law SAMEN report (Organization Structure) reports onemployees within an organization structure. The Law SAMENReport (Dutch Region) reports on employees within a specificDutch region.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Leave Details Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� This report is used for monitoring and analyzing employeeabsences (sample report).

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Leave Liability Report (Australia) (AU)

� Displays leave balances for employees.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Leave Liability Report (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Displays the accrued debt owed by an organization for the leavebalances of their employees.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Leave Liability Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Calculates monetary value of accrued leave (sample report).

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Location Occupancy Report (FD)

� Lists all employees that currently or have at one time occupied aLocation from the date you specify to the date the report is run

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Manual Payments Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Manual payments made for selected payruns and assignments.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Mass Awards Deselection (FD)

� Lists employees deselected for a mass award

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Awards Listing by Employees (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for an individualemployee selected for a mass award

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

A – 15Windows and Reports

Mass Awards PA Listing for All (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for employees selectedfor a mass award

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Awards Preview (FD)

� Lists employees selected for a mass award

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Realignment (FD)

� Lists employees deselected for realignment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Realignment PA Listing for All (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for employees selectedfor a realignment.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Realignment PA Listing for Employee (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for an individualemployee selected for a realignment.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Realignment Preview (FD)

� Lists employees selected for a realignment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Salary Deselection (FD)

� Lists employees deselected for a salary adjustment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Salary PA Listing for All (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for employees selectedfor a salary adjustment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

A – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Mass Salary PA Listing for Employee (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for an individualemployee selected for a salary adjustment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Salary Preview (FD)

� Lists employees selected for a salary adjustment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer In Deselection (FD)

� Lists employees deselected for a Transfer In action

Mass Transfer In PA Listing for All (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for employees selectedfor a Transfer In action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer In PA List for Employee (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for an individualemployee selected for a Transfer In action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer In Preview (FD)

� Lists employees selected for a Transfer In action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer Out Deselection (FD)

� Lists employees deselected for a Transfer Out action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer Out PA Listing for All (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for employees selectedfor a Transfer Out action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer Out PA List for Employee (FD)

� Notification of Personnel Action in list form for an individualemployee selected for a Transfer Out action

A – 17Windows and Reports

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer Out Preview (FD)

� Lists employees selected for a Transfer Out action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

MPF Remittance Report (Payroll)(Hong Kong)

� A contribution report submitted to the Mandatory Provident Fund(MPF) Trustee detailing contributions for the period.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

Multiple Assignments Report (Payroll) (UK)

� Lists employees who have been marked for multiple assignmentprocessing and indicates where Priority Processing Type is not setand cannot be defaulted.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS (UK).

Multiple Worksite Report (US)

� Reports on wages and locations of employees in all the multiplelocations across all SUIs and other GREs.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

NACHA (magnetic media) (Payroll) (US)

� Provides for creation of employee NACHA information to besubmitted.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

NACHA Report (Payroll) (US)

� Detail of employee NACHA information.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

National Service In–Camp Training Computation (Payroll)(Singapore)

� Calculates the pay amount that an employer can claim from theMinistry of Defence for an employee who is attending mandatoryNational Service In–Camp Training.

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

A – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Negative Balance Reports (Payroll) (US)

� Report listing any negative balances found due to user adjustmentsor conversion issues..

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

New Hire Reports (US)

� Report on newly hired or rehired employees.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

NI Car Detail Report (Payroll) (UK)

� All the NI Y amounts due from employees on a given payroll whohave company car benefits.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

NICable Benefits Summary Report (Payroll) (UK)

� Lists the employee benefits for which the employer is liable for NIcontributions.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS (UK).

Notification of Personnel Action (SF 50) (FD)

� Prints the standard Notification of Personnel Action for anapproved Request for Personnel Action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Organization Hierarchy Report

� The organizations and optionally their managers below a selectedposition in a particular hierarchy.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Organizational Position Summary Report (UK, US, CA)

� Lists the budget status for all positions within a Position ControlOrganization.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

OSHA Reports (US)

� Report on work related injuries or illness.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

A – 19Windows and Reports

P45 Alignment Report (UK)

� Draft printer alignment for P45 reports.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

P45 Report (Payroll) (UK)

� P45 details for terminated employees for issue to the tax office andthe leaver; P45 details for current employees for issue to differenttax offices.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Participation Process: Compensation

� Run this process for Compensation Workbench prior to theavailability of a plan for budget and worksheet entry.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Pay Advice (Australia) (AU)

� Generates pay advice for all employees for a specified payroll andperiod.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Pay Advice (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Provides pay advice details in a customizable format, either forsingle assignments or all assignments on a payroll, afterPrePayments process is complete for the payroll.

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

Pay Advice (South Africa) (Payroll) (South Africa)

� A sample pay advice.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Pay Advice Report (Payroll) (France)

� Presents Pay Advice details in a customizable format, either forsingle assignments or for all assignments on a payroll afterPre–payments is complete for the payroll.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 20 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Pay Advice Report (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Generates pay advice for all employees for a specified payroll andperiod.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Pay Advice Report (Payroll)(Hong Kong)

� Details about employees’ income and deductions.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

Pay Advice Report (Payroll) (UK)

� Pay advice details in a customizable format, either for singleassignments or for all assignments on a payroll after Pre–paymentsis complete for the payroll.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Pay Advice Alignment Report (Payroll) (UK)

� Draft printer alignment for your sample pay advice.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Payment Register (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Payment elements per employee.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Payments Register (Payroll) (US)

� Reports listing payments made to employees, listing paymentmethod, check number, and amount.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Payments Summary Report (GB) (Payroll) (UK)

� Payments totalled by payment method type and organizationalpayment method for a specified payroll and payroll period.Account details for each organizational payment method are alsolisted.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Payroll Message Report (Payroll)

� Display messages for processes connected to specified payrolls.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 21Windows and Reports

Payroll Reconciliation Report (Australia) (AU)

� Generates payroll reconciliation for a specified payroll period.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Payroll Reconciliation Report (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Generates a payroll reconciliation for a specified payroll period.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Payroll Statutory Calendar Report (Payroll) (UK)

� The sequence of regular payment dates for each payroll and thenumbers of assignments completed, pre–paid and paid within arun.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Position Description (FD)

� Lists the details of an approved position classification

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Position Element Detail Report

� Lists the budget status for all budgeted elements for a specificPosition and Organization.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Position Element Summary Report

� Lists the budget status for an element for all positions in theBusiness Group.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Position Hierarchy Report

� The positions and optionally their holders below a selected positionin a particular hierarchy.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Position Summary Report

� Lists the budget status of all Positions in a specific Organization.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

A – 22 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Pre Hire Report (Payroll) (France)

� This report has to be delivered to an establishment’s local URSSAFcenter when a person is about to become a new employee in thatestablishment.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

Quarterly Employment Survey (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Extracts information to enable the Statistics New Zealand quarterlyemployment survey to be completed.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Reduction in Force Retention Register (FD)

� Lists selected employees

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Report Under Budgeted Positions (Salary) (UK, US, CA)

� Run this report if you administer position control budgets. Thereport lists the positions that are under budgeted for the selectedorganization and all subordinate organizations in the organizationhierarchy.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Request for Personnel Action (SF–52) (FD)

� Prints the contents of the employee’s Request for Personnel Action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Requisition Summary Report

� Applicants and their interview schedules for a selection ofvacancies.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Retro Notifications Report

� Retroactive changes applying to a period for which payrollprocessing has already taken place.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

RSC Levy Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� The amount of levies to be paid per RSC region.

A – 23Windows and Reports

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the P45(3) & P46 Exceptions Report (UK)

� Enables you to identify those employees for whom a P45(3) or P56has not been created, yet have been paid since their initial hire date.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the P46 (P160) Pension Notification (UK)

� Enables you to provide information on recipients of taxablepensions, and those gaining extra income while collecting apension.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Salary Review Report

� Current, past and proposed salaries for a selected list of employees.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Series EE Bond Purchase Report (US)

� Compares actual staffing level with budgeted levels over a specificperiod.

SF–113A Federal Civilian Employment Report (FD)

� Summary of federal civilian employment, payroll, and turnover

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Skills Development Levy Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Skills development levy per SETA or per organization within SETA.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Social Health Insurance Report (Netherlands)

� Employees who have started and/or ended the social healthinsurance within a date range.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Staffing Budget Details Report

� Actual staffing level with budgeted levels over a specified period.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 24 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Start of Year: Unprocessed P9 Records Report (Payroll) (UK)

� Valid records on the Inland Revenue P9 tape that do not fullymatch your database records after running the Start of Yearprocess.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Statement of Earnings (Payroll) (US)

� Check writer process produces paychecks with statement ofearnings.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Summary of Tax Certificates (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Summary of totals for each SARS code per preprocess.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Superannuation Contribution Report (AU)

� Identifies monthly figures for superannuation salary and employersuperannuation guarantee contributions.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Tax Certificate Number Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Tax Certificate Number Report

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Tax Payments Listing (Payroll) (UK)

� Details of employees’ PAYE and National Insurance deductions.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Tax Register Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Tax–related information and balances for current employees.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Tax Register Report – Terminations (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Tax–related information and balances for all ex–employees in thecurrent tax year.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 25Windows and Reports

Terminations Report

� The number of employees from selected organizations leaving yourenterprise within a particular period, and the reason for leaving.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

UIF Report (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Employee and employer contributions made to the UnemploymentInsurance Fund.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Union Deductions Report (Payroll) (UK)

� Total deductions that your employees pay to unions.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

VETS–100 Reports (US)

� Shows number of special disabled and Vietnam era veterans youemploy in each of nine job categories. Also, show total number ofnew hires in each job category and number of new hires in eachcategory who qualify as special disabled veterans and Vietnam eraveterans.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

Void Payments Report (Payroll)

� Details of cancelled cheque payments

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Workforce Headcount Report

� The number and type of employees within an organization, as wellas employee attrition rate data.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

Work Incidents Report (Germany)

� The Work Incidents Report enables you to print out a formattedcopy of the information entered in the Work Incidents window.

See: Oracle Human Resources for Germany Supplement

A – 26 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


A8A File (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Creates a file that includes the details of any benefits–in–kindprovided to your employees, for example, car–related benefits, orthe cost of running a fax machine. The process also creates a reportfor you to view the contributions that are included in the file.

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

ACB Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Setting up and running ACB.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Advance Pay Batch Setup (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Advance Pay Batch Setup.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Advance Pay Process (Payroll) (UK)

� Allows you to pay employees in advance for holidays or otherevents.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Annual and Long Service Leave Liability Process (Australia) (AU)

� Extracts information used in the Leave Liability Report.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

ASB CSV Direct Credit Process (New Zealand) (NZ)

� Details of all employees that use the direct credit as the paymentmethod.

See: Oracle HRMS for New Zealand User Supplement.

Audit Trail Update Tables Process

� This process is used to set up audit trail on selected tables.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Audit Trail Update Datetracked Tables Process

� This process is used to set up audit trail on selected datetrackedtables.

A – 27Windows and Reports

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

BACS Process (Payroll) (UK)

� Summarized totals for BACS tape amounts including consolidatedtotals for multi–day and multi–file formats.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Batch Print Notification of Personnel Action (FD)

� Prints Notifications of Personnel Action (SF–50s) in batch mode.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Bee Batch Process (Purge)

� This process is used to delete a batch from the BEE tables oncompletion of the concurrent request.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

BEE Batch Process (Rollback)

� This process is used to completely remove a BEE transfer, providedyou have not purged the batch from the BEE tables

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

BEE Batch Process (Transfer)

� This process is used to create element entries in the Oracle HRMSEntries table from the existing entries in the BEE temporary tables.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Bee Batch Process (Validate)

� This process is used to test each batch line against predefined rulesabout element entries, and against any additional validationprocedures that you have created.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Bulk Compile Formulas

� Run this process to compile all of your formulas.

See Using Oracle FastFormula.

A – 28 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Calculate Commitment

� Run this process to calculate the projected expenditures for abudget over a given period. You can calculate commitments for anentire budget or for a single position in a budget.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Calculate FTE for Assignments (UK)

� This process is used to populate the Assignment Budget Windowwith FTE values.

Cash Process (Payroll only) (UK)

� Enables you to use cash as a payment method and record cashpayments to employee assignments.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

CDV Bank Name User Table Setup (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Creates the CDV Bank Name User Table.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

CDV Data Load Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Loads CDV data.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Check Writer Process (Payroll) (US)

� This process is used to write sequences of checks for your payrollrun.

Cheque Writer (South Africa) (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Produces cheque payments.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Cheque Writer Process (Payroll)

� This process is used to write sequences of cheques for your payrollrun.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

� This process is used to populate the Assignment Budget Windowwith FTE values.

A – 29Windows and Reports

Close Action Items Process (Advanced Benefits)

� Run this process before the Close Enrollments Process to close anyopen action items that are required or optional for the persons youselect.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Close Enrollments Process (Advanced Benefits)

� Run this process to close a person’s enrollment after elections havebeen made.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation

� Run this process to evaluate and apply collective agreemententitlements for an employee.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Commitment GL Posting

� You run the Commitment GL Posting batch process to transferbudget commitments from Oracle HRMS to Oracle General Ledger.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Communications Triggers Process (Advanced Benefits)

� Use the communications triggers process to generatecommunications for persons who meet the selection criteria thatyou specify.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Costing Process (Payroll)

� Generates journal entries for your ledgers and costing informationrelating to labor costs.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

CPFLine (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Creates a file that you submit each month to the CPF Board forevery legal entity in your enterprise. The report that is producedenables you to view the the CPF contributions that are included inthe file

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

A – 30 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Credit Transfer Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Marks employees with this payment method as paid.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Credit Transfer Cheque Payments Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Produces an aggregated cheque per bank branch to be submittedwith Deposit Schedules.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Default Enrollment Process (Advanced Benefits)

� Run this process to enroll participants into the default benefit planwhen participants have not made an election.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Dependent Eligibility Process (Advanced Benefits)

� Run this process for those benefit plans that include an age factor indetermining dependent eligibility.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Direct Deposit (Singapore IBG Format) (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Creates a payment file and report, run after PrePayments iscomplete for the payroll.

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

Direct Entry (Australian BECS Format) Process (AU)

� Produces a payment file for all employees.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Download HRMS Taskflows Process

� Run this process to export a task flow from your database to a flatfile that you can then import to another database.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Duty Station Conversion Process (FD)

� Moves employees from an old to a new Location

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

A – 31Windows and Reports

Electronic Tax File Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Produces tax files in ASCII format.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Employment Equity User Table Setup Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Part of setup required for storing Employment Equity information

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Enable Multiple Security Groups Process

� Run this process when you first set up security groups enabledsecurity.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

End of Year Process (Payroll) (UK)

� Produces statutory End of Year return to the Inland Revenue foremployees in your enterprise.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Extract Process (Advanced Benefits)

� Run the extract process to save the output of your system extract tothe directory and file that you specified in your extract definition.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Forms Configurator – Download Template

� Run this process to download one or more people managementtemplates to a data file.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Forms Configurator – Upload Template

� Run this process to upload a template to enable you to use it withthe People Management Configurator (Forms Configurator) tool.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Generate Overtime Payment Mapping Process (Payroll) (France)

� Allows you to associate your overtime scheme with a payrollcalendar.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

A – 32 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Generate Secure User Process (SECGEN)

� Run this process when you create a new security profile thatreferences a reporting user.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Grant Permissions to Roles Process (ROLEGEN)

� Dynamically grants select permissions on Oracle HRMS tables andviews to the HR_REPORTING_USER role.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

IR56B Archive Process (Payroll)(Hong Kong)

� The IR56B Annual Employers Return Archive process storesemployee and balance information, which is used in the IR56BReport and the Magnetic Tape process.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

IR56B Magnetic Tape Process (Payroll) (Hong Kong)

� The IR56B Magnetic Tape process produces the end of yearmagnetic tape from the Archived Information.

See: Oracle HRMS for Hong Kong Supplement

IR8A File (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Creates a file that includes your includes your employees’ earningsfor a specific tax year and legal entity. The process also creates areport for you to view the contributions that are included in thefile.

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

IR8S File (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Creates a file that includes your employees’ and employers’earnings for a specific tax year and legal entity. The process alsocreates a report for you to view the contributions that are includedin the file.

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

IRAS Line Archive (Payroll) (Singapore)

� Archives the data that will later be used to create the year–endmagnetic tapes.

A – 33Windows and Reports

See: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Supplement

Maintain Participant Eligibility Process (Standard Benefits)

P11D Benefits and Expenses Report (HR and Payroll) (UK)

� Takes an P11D archive request ID and prints a selection of Class !Abenefits and expenses.

P11D Magtape (HR and Payroll) (UK)

� Generates a magnetic tape containing details of Class 1A NICs forreporting to the Inland Revenue.

� Run this process if you license Standard Benefits and you want todetermine benefits eligibility for a segment of your employeepopulation. This process also de–enrolls currently enrolledparticipants who lose benefits eligibility and ends their associatedbenefits coverage and activity rate.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Manual Credit Transfer Cheque Payments (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Updates system with cheque number of manually issued cheques.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Manual Payments (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Updates system with manual payments made to employees.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Manually Issued Tax Certificates (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Updates system with manually issued tax certificates numbers.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

NACHA Process (Payroll) (US)

� Produces files that you load on magnetic tape and despatch tobanks for direct deposit payments.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Organizational Position Summary Report

� Lists the budget status for all positions within a Position ControlOrganization.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals.

A – 34 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Participation Batch Process: Life Event (Advanced Benefits)

� Run this process to determine eligibility and electable choices forbenefits participants based on a life event you select.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Participation Batch Process: Scheduled (Advanced Benefits)

� Run this process to determine eligibility and electable choices forbenefits participants based on a scheduled enrollment event.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Participation Batch Process: Selection (Advanced Benefits)

� Run this process to determine eligibility for benefits participants.This process does not create electable choices.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Payroll Run (French) (Payroll) (France)

� The Payroll Run is the regular method to process employee pay.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

Payslip Generator – Statement of Earnings (French) (Payroll) (France)

� This process generates pay advice data for all employees for aspecified payroll and period.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

PrePayments (French) Process (Payroll) (France)

� Use this process to distribute employee pay over more than onepayment method using either a percentage or monetary split. Thisprocess runs prepayments for one calendar month only.

See: Oracle HRMS for France Supplement

PrePayments Process (Payroll)

� Use this process to distribute employee pay over more than onepayment method using either a percentage or monetary split.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Prepayments Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Distributes employee pay over more than one payment method.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 35Windows and Reports

Process Forfeitures (US)

� Calculates––by participant––the total unspent contributions for aspending account benefits plan.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Process Future Dated RPAs (FD)

� Set the frequency for processing future actions.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Recalculate Participant Values (Standard Benefits) (US)

� Updates activity rates for currently enrolled benefits participantsbased on plan design changes.

As a prerequisite, you should run the Maintain ParticipantEligibility process to update eligibility records and derived factors.

See: Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS.

Relieve Commitments

� Run the Relieve Commitments request set to calculate budgetcommitments and post the results to Oracle General Ledger. Therequest set combines the Calculate Commitments process and theCommitment GL Posting process.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Remove Title from Person’s Full Name

� Run the Remove Title from Person’s Full Name concurrent processto remove title from existing records without updating them.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Report Under Budgeted Positions (Salary)

� Run this report if you administer position control budgets. Thereport lists the positions that are under budgeted for the selectedorganization and all subordinate organizations in the organizationhierarchy.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Retro Notifications Report (AU)

� Retroactive changes applying to a period for which payrollprocessing has already taken place.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 36 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

RetroPay Process

� Enables you to make back pay adjustments.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Retry Payroll Process

� Retry a payroll process again.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

RSC User Table Setup (Payroll) (South Africa)

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the P45 EDI Process (UK)

� Enables you to notify the Inland Revenue about employees wholeave your employment.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the P45(3) EDI Process (UK)

� Enables you to notify the Inland Revenue about a new startersinformation, or someone receiving a pension.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the P45 Process (UK)

� Enables you to print and archive, or just archive specified P45’s.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the P46 EDI Process (UK)

� Enables you to provide information on new employees who cannotproduce, or have never had a P45.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the P6 and P9 Upload Process (UK)

� Run the process to upload the details about changes to anemployee’s tax code, or coding changes from the Inland Revenue.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Running the Works Number Update (UK)

� Run to provide information on updated and new employee worksnumbers.

A – 37Windows and Reports

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Security List Maintenance Process (LISTGEN)

� This process is usually run every night to maintain the lists oforganizations, positions, payrolls, employees, and applicants thatsecurity profile holders can access.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Start Automatic WGI (FD)

� Schedule the Within Grade Increases (WGI) process to set thefrequency with which the system processes automatic WGIs.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Start of Year Process (Payroll) (UK)

� Usually performed at the start of the tax year to update taxinformation for each employee.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Synchronize Positions Process

� This process updates the non–datetracked Positions table(PER_ALL_POSITIONS_F) with changes made to the datetrackedtable (HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F). When you run the process, anydatetracked changes with an effective date on or before today areapplied to the non–datetracked table.

See: Implementing Oracle HRMS

Tax Batch Update Process (Germany)

� The Tax Batch Update Process enables you to update the taxrecords for employees who have not submitted their tax cards forthe current tax year. You can either run the process in report–onlymode, which identifies the employees whose records would besubject to change, or in update mode to make the changes to therecords.

See: Oracle Human Resources for Germany Supplement

Tax Credit Upload (Payroll) (Ireland)

� The Tax Credit Upload process enables you to upload the taxcredits of an employee from the data file provided by the Revenue.It also specifies standard rate cut–off amounts for each employee.The tax credit upload process validates the records provided by the

A – 38 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Revenue and then uploads them into the PAY_IE_PAYEDETAILS_F table.

See: Oracle HRMS for Ireland Supplement

Tax Year End Data Validation and Preprocess (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Preparation for issue of tax certificates.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Tax Year Start Process (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Updates employee tax information at the start of each tax year.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Tax Year Start Rollback (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Rolls back the actions performed in the Tax Year Start Process.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Tenure Notifications (US)

� These notification reports are available for you to send to facultymembers and their academic manager during the Tenure process

Tenure Reports (US)

� The following reports are available to assist you with theadministration of Tenure tracking.

Transfer to GL Process

� Transfers the results of the costing process to the Accountingflexfield of Oracle General Ledger.

Upload HRMS Taskflows Process

� Run this process to import a task flow to your database from a flatfile exported from another database.

See: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS.

Upload Social Insurance Providers Process (Germany)

� The Upload Social Insurance Providers Process enables you toupload a delivered list of social insurance providers to yourGerman HR system.

See: Oracle Human Resources for Germany Supplement

A – 39Windows and Reports

Upload Tax Offices Process (Germany)

� The Upload Tax Offices Process enables you to upload a deliveredlist of tax offices to your German HR system.

See: Oracle Human Resources for Germany Supplement

Upload Taxable Benefits (HR and Payroll) (UK)

� The Taxable Benefits process enables you to upload a flat file ofP11D elements to your P11D data repository.

Void Cheque Payments (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Uploads details of canceled cheque payments.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Void Credit Transfer Cheque Payments (Payroll) (South Africa)

� Voids aggregated cheque payments made to banks.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Void Payments Process (Payroll) (UK, US)

� Allows you to void cheques that have been printed but need to becancelled.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

Workforce Headcount Report (US)

� The number and type of employees within an organization, as wellas employee attrition rate data.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS.

See: Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS.

A – 40 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

A – 41Windows and Reports

Windows and their Navigation Paths

The following list shows the default navigation paths for all thewindows in Oracle HRMS as they are supplied. You can use task flowwindows directly from the menu, or from the People and Assignmentwindows.

The responsibility that you use determines which of these windows youcan use and how you access them. Your system administrator sets upnavigation menus and task flows for your responsibility. They may alsocreate configured versions of some of these windows using differentwindow titles.

AAP Organization (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an AAP Organization.

3. Choose the Others button and select AAP Organization.

Absence Attendance Type

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Absence Types in theNavigator.

Absence Detail

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Others button and select Absence.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Absence in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Accrual Bands

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Accrual Plans in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an accrual plan name.

3. Choose the Accrual Bands button.

A – 42 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Accrual Plans

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Accrual Plans in theNavigator.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose View –> Employee Accruals in the Navigator.

2. Run a query in the Assignments Folder window.

3. Select an employee assignment and choose the Accruals button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Accruals in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Action Parameters

1. Choose Processes and Reports –> Action Parameters in theNavigator.

Action Types

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Actions button.

Activity Rate

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Rates/Coverage Definitions –> FlexCredits in the Navigator.

2. Query a compensation object.

3. Choose the Activity Rate button.

Activity Variable Rates and Rules

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Rates/Coverage Definitions –> FlexCredits in the Navigator.

2. Query a compensation object.

3. Choose the Variable Rates button.

A – 43Windows and Reports

Actual Premiums

� Choose Total Compensation –> Rates/Coverage Definitions –>Actual Premiums in the Navigator.

Additional Absence Detail Information <Employee> (CA)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button.

4. Select Absence.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Fastpath –> Absence Information in theNavigator.

Additional Information for German HR Organizations (Germany)

1. Choose Organization –> Define in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Others button.

3. Select German HR Organization.

Additional Information for German Tax Organizations (Germany)

1. Choose Organization –> Define in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Others button.

3. Place the cursor on the German Tax Office field.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Address button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Address in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

A – 44 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Adjust Balance (Payroll)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Adjust Balance.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Adjust Balances in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Advanced Criteria

1. Choose Benefits Extract –> Criteria Definition in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a criteria definition and choose the Advanced tab.

3. Select a Criteria Type and choose the Details button.

Agency Appeals (FD)

1. Choose Complaints Tracking –> EEO Complaints Tracking

2. Choose the Agency Appeals taskflow button.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle US Federal HRMS

Agreement Grades

� Choose Work Structures –> Collective Agreements –> CollectiveAgreement Grades in the Navigator.

Alien Data Window (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Tax Information button.

5. Choose the Alien Data button.

Alter Effective Date

� Choose Tools –> Alter Effective Date from the Tools menu.

A – 45Windows and Reports

Alternative Dispute Resolution (FD)

1. Choose Complaints Tracking –> EEO Complaints Tracking

2. Choose the ADR taskflow button.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle US Federal HRMS

Appeals (FD)

1. Choose Complaints Tracking –> EEO Complaints Tracking

2. Choose the Appeals taskflow button.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle US Federal HRMS

Applicant Entry

� Choose Recruitment –> Applicant Quick Entry in the Navigator.

Applicant Interview

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Application.

4. Choose the Interview button.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Application.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Application in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Application Utilities Lookups

1. Choose Other Definitions –> Application Utilities Lookups in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a user–defined Type.

A – 46 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Appraisal Template

� Choose Career Management –> Appraisal Template in theNavigator.

Apprenticeship Tax Info (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

Approved Requests for Personnel Action (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Cancellation/Correction

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

ASSEDIC Information (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select ASSEDIC Information.

Assessment Template

� Choose Career Management –> Assessment Template in theNavigator.

Assign Security Profiles

� Choose Security –> Assign Security Profiles in the Navigator.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Assignment in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Assignment Budget Values

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

A – 47Windows and Reports

2. Enter or query an applicant or an employee.

3. Do one of the following:

For an applicant:

• Choose the Others button and select Application.

• Choose the Budgets button.

For an employee:

• Choose the Assignment button.

• Choose the Others button and select Budget Values.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Assignment Budget in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Assignment Criteria

1. Choose Payroll –> Assignment Set in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an assignment set.

3. Choose the Criteria button.

Assignment Folder

� Choose View –> Lists –> Assignment Folder in the Navigator.

Assignment History

� Choose View –> Histories –> Employee Assignment in theNavigator.

Assignment Processes

1. Choose View –> Payroll Process Results in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a payroll process.

3. Choose the Assignment Process button.

Assignment Set

� Choose Payroll –> Assignment Set in the Navigator.

Assignment Statuses

� Choose Work Structures –> Status in the Navigator.

A – 48 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Aubry I Rebate (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Aubry I Rebate.

Aubry II Rebate (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Aubry II Rebate.

Australian Information (AU)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Australian Information tabbed region.

Authentication Activities (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Authentication Activities in the Navigator.

Award/One–Time Payment (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Award/One–TimePayment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Balance (Payroll)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Balance in the Navigator.

Balance Classifications (Payroll)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Balance in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a balance.

3. Choose the Classifications button.

Balance Dimensions (Payroll)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Balance in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a balance.

A – 49Windows and Reports

3. Choose the Dimensions button.

Balance Feed Control (Payroll)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Element Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an element.

3. Choose the Balance Feed Control button.

Balance Feeds (Payroll)

Note: This instance of the Balance Feeds window lets you selectmore than one balance for the element to feed.

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Element Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an element.

3. Choose the Balance Feeds button.

Bargaining Unit (for a Constituency)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a constituency.

3. Choose the Others button and select Bargaining Unit.

Batch Assignment Entry

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> Batch Element Entry inthe Navigator.

2. Enter or query a batch header.

3. Choose the Assignment Lines button.

Batch Header

� Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> Batch Element Entry inthe Navigator.

Batch Lines

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> Batch Element Entry inthe Navigator.

2. Enter or query a batch header.

3. Choose the Element Lines button.

A – 50 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Batch Process Parameters (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Processes and Reports –> Batch Process Parameters in theNavigator.

Batch Summary

� Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> BEE Summary in theNavigator.

Belgian Tax Information (Belgium)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Tax Information button.

Beneficiaries (US, CA)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Contact.

4. Choose the Entries button.

5. Select the element representing the benefit for which you areentering a beneficiary.

6. Choose the Others button and select Beneficiary.

Beneficiary Certifications

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a plan.

3. Choose the Designations tab.

4. Choose the Beneficiary tab.

5. Choose the Certifications button.

Benefit Contributions (US, CA)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Benefit Contributions in theNavigator.

A – 51Windows and Reports

Benefits Authentication Form (Advanced Benefits) (US, UK, CA)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Contribution –> BenefitsAuthentication Form in the Navigator.

Benefits Balances

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Eligibility/Rate Factors –> Benefits Balances in the Navigator.

Benefits Group

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Eligibility/Rate Factors –> Benefits Group in the Navigator.

Benefits Pools (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Rate/Coverage Definitions –>Benefits Pools in the Navigator.

Benefits Service Center (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Benefits Service Center in the Navigator.

Book Events

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Bookings.


1. Choose Work Structures –> Budget –>Budget Details in theNavigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the budget.

3. Select a budget version.

4. Choose the Open button.

Budget Characteristics

� Choose Work Structures –> Budget –> Budget Characteristics in theNavigator.

Budget Details

Follow these steps if you are entering a budget that is not routed forapproval.

A – 52 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Budget –>Budget Details in theNavigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the budget.

3. Select a budget version.

4. Choose the Open button.

5. Select a line item in the budget and choose the Periods button.

Follow these steps if you are routing a budget for approval through ahierarchy of approvers.

1. Choose Work Structures –> Budget –>Worksheet in the Navigator.

2. Define the properties of the worksheet.

3. Choose the Create Worksheet button.

4. Edit the worksheet by entering values for budget line items.

5. Choose the Periods button.

Budget Reallocation

� Choose Work Structures –> Budget –>Budget Reallocation in theNavigator.

Budget Set

� Choose Work Structures –> Budget –>Budget Set in the Navigator.

Budget Value Defaults

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Business Group.

3. Choose the Others button and select Budget Value Defaults.

Budgetary Calendar

� Choose Work Structures –> Budget –> Budget Calendar in theNavigator.


1. Choose Work Structures –> Budget –>Budget Details in theNavigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the budget.

A – 53Windows and Reports

Business Group Information

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Business Group.

3. Choose the Others button and select Business Group Information.

Cadre Life Insurance TA (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Company.

3. Choose the Others button and select Cadre Life Insurance TA.

Calendars (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP –> SSP Qualifying Patterns in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a pattern.

3. Choose the Calendars button.

Calendar Usages (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP –> SSP Qualifying Patterns in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a pattern.

3. Choose the Calendars button.

4. Choose the Calendar Usages button.

Career Path Names

� Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Path Name in the Navigator.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the General tab.

4. Choose the Plan or Option tab.

5. Choose the Certifications button.

Chamber Contribution Information (Germany)

1. Choose Organization –> Define in the Navigator.

A – 54 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Choose the Others button.

3. Select German Chamber Tax.

Change Event Log

� Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> ChangeEvent Log in the Navigator.

Change in Data Element (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein Data Element.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change in Duty Station (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein Duty Station.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change in Fegli (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein FEGLI.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change in Hours (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein Hours.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change in Retirement Plan (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein Retirement Plan.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change in SCD (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein SCD.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

A – 55Windows and Reports

Change in Tenure (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein Tenure.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change in Veterans Preference (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein Veterans Preference.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change in Work Schedule (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> Changein Work Schedule.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Change to Lower Grade (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> Changeto Lower Grade

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Cities (US, CA)

� Choose Other Definitions –> Cities in the Navigator.

City Tax Rules <Employee> (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Chose the Tax Information button.

4. Choose the Tax information button from the Federal Tax Rules<Employee> window.

5. Choose the Tax information button from the State Tax Rules<Employee> window.

6. Choose the Tax information button from the County Tax Rules<Employee> window.

Claims (FD)

1. Choose Complaints Tracking –> EEO Complaints Tracking

2. Choose the Claims taskflow button.

A – 56 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle US Federal HRMS

COBRA Benefits (Basic Benefits) (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select COBRA.

5. Enter or query a qualifying event.

6. Choose the Benefits button.

COBRA Coverage (Basic Benefits) (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select COBRA.

COBRA Payments (Basic Benefits) (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select COBRA.

5. Enter or query a qualifying event.

6. Choose the Payments button.

COBRA Statuses (Basic Benefits) (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select COBRA.

5. Enter or query a qualifying event.

6. Choose the Statuses button.

A – 57Windows and Reports

Collapse Life Events

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>AdditionalSetup –> Collapse Life Events in the Navigator.

Collective Agreements

� Choose Work Structures –> Collective Agreements –>DefineCollective Agreements in the Navigator.

Collective Agreement Entitlements

1. Choose Work Structures –> Collective Agreements –>DefineCollective Agreements in the Navigator.

2. Query a collective agreement.

3. Choose the Entitlements button.

Collective Agreement Entitlement Items

� Choose Work Structures –> Collective Agreements –>DefineEntitlement Items in the Navigator.

Collective Agreement Grades (for a Constituency)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a constituency.

3. Choose the Others button and select Collective Agreement Grades.

Collective Agreement Results

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Collective Agreement Results.

Collective Agreement Retained Rights

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

A – 58 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

4. Choose the Others button and select Review Retained Rights.


1. Choose Other Definitions –> Table Structure in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a table.

3. Choose the Columns button.

Communication Delivery Methods

� Choose Fastpath –> Personal Delivery Method in the Navigator.

Communication Types

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Communication Types in the Navigator.

Communication Type Children

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Communication Types in the Navigator.

2. Query a communication type kit.

3. Choose the View Children button.

Communication Type Delivery Methods

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Communication Types in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a communication type.

3. Choose the Delivery button.

Communication Type Triggers

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Communication Types in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a communication type.

3. Choose the Triggers button.

Communication Type Usages

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Communication Types in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a communication type.

3. Choose the Usages button.

A – 59Windows and Reports

Competence Profile

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Others button and select Competence Profile.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Competence Profile in the Navigator.

Competence Requirements

� Choose Career Management –> Competence Requirements in theNavigator.

Competence Types

� Choose Career Management –> Competence Types in the Navigator.


� Choose Career Management –> Competencies in the Navigator.

Complaint Your Workforce (FD)

1. Choose Complaints Tracking –> EEO Complaints Tracking

2. Choose the Complaint Your Workforce taskflow button.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle US Federal HRMS

Complaints (FD)

� Choose Complaints Tracking –> EEO Complaints Tracking

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle US Federal HRMS

Complementary Pension Tranche 2 (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Company.

3. Choose the Others button and select Complementary PensionTranche 2.

Concurrent Requests (UK)

� Choose Processes and Reports –> View Requests in the Navigator.

A – 60 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Configurable Business Rules

� Choose Transaction Maintenance Forms –> Configurable BusinessRules in the Navigator.

Consolidation Sets (Payroll)

� Choose Payroll –> Consolidation in the Navigator.

Constituency Information (for a Representative Body)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a representative body.

3. Choose the Others button and select Constituency.

Construction Tax Info (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Construction Tax Info.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Contact.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Contact in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.


� Choose Security –> Contexts in the Navigator.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button.

A – 61Windows and Reports

4. Choose Contracts.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Contracts in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Contribution History (Def Comp 457) (US)

� Choose View –> Histories –>Entries –>Contribution History

Control Totals

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> Batch Element Entry inthe Navigator.

2. Choose the Totals button.

Conversion Rate Types

� Choose Payroll –> Conversion Rate Types in the Navigator.

Conversion to Appointment (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Conversion toAppointment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Corrective Actions (FD)

1. Choose Complaints Tracking –> EEO Complaints Tracking

• Choose the Corrective Actions taskflow button.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle US Federal HRMS


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Costing.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Costing in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

A – 62 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Costing Information

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an organization.

3. Choose the Others button and select Costing.

County Tax Rules <Employee> (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Chose the Tax Information button.

4. Choose the Tax information button from the Federal Tax Rules<Employee> window.

5. Choose the Tax information button from the State Tax Rules<Employee> window.

Court Orders

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> Court Ordersin the Navigator.

Coverage Across Plan Types

� Choose Total Compensation –> Rates/Coverage Definitions –>Coverage Across Plan Types in the Navigator.

Coverage Calculations

� Choose Total Compensation –> Rate/Coverage Definitions –>Coverage Calculations in the Navigator.

Covered Dependents (CA)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Contact.

4. Choose the Entries button.

Covered Dependents (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Contact.

A – 63Windows and Reports

4. Choose the Entries button.

5. Select the element representing the benefit for which you areentering a dependent.

6. Choose the Others button and select Dependents.

Create Batch Lines

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> Batch Element Entry inthe Navigator.

2. Enter or query a batch header.

3. Choose the Assignment Set button.

Criteria Definition

� Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> System Extract –>Criteria Definition in the Navigator.

Custom Reports

� Choose Processes and Reports –> Submit Custom Reports in theNavigator.

DADS Files

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select DADS Files.

DADS Types

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

Database Items

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Write Formulas in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a formula.

3. Choose the Show Items button.

DateTrack History Change Field Summary

� Choose Tools –> Datetrack History from the Tools menu.

A – 64 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Deduction (Payroll) (US, CA)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Deductions in theNavigator.

Define Combinations

� Choose Total Compensation –> Rate/Coverage Definitions –>Combinations in the Navigator.

Define Extract

� Choose Benefits Extract –> Extract Definition in the Navigator.

Define Function

� Choose Other Definitions –> Formula Functions in the Navigator.

Define QuickPaint Report

� Choose Processes and Reports –> Define a QuickPaint Report in theNavigator.

Define Task Flow

� Choose Security –> Task Flow Definitions in the Navigator.

Define Task Flow Nodes

� Choose Security –> Task Flow Nodes in the Navigator.

Delete Person

� Choose Your Workforce –> Delete Personal Records in theNavigator.

Denial of Within Grade Increase (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> Denial ofWithin Grade Increase

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Dependent/Beneficiary Designation

Do one of the following:

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Dependent/Beneficiary Designation in theNavigator.


A – 65Windows and Reports

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Flex Program in the Navigator.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Designees button.

Dependent Certifications

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> ProgramEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a program.

3. Choose the Dependent Coverage tabbed region

4. Choose the Certifications button.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a plan.

3. Choose the Designations tab.

4. Choose the Dependent tab.

5. Choose the Certifications button.

Dependent Change of Life Event

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –>Program Enrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a program and choose the Dependent Coverage tabbedregion.

3. Choose the Dependent Change of Life Event button.


1. Choose Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a plan and choose the Designations tabbed region.

3. Choose the Dependent tab.

4. Choose the Dependent Change of Life Event button.

A – 66 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Dependent Change of Life Event Certification

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –>Program Enrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a program and choose the Dependent Coverage tabbedregion.

3. Choose the Dependent Change of Life Event button.

4. Select a life event and choose the Dependent Change of Life EventCertifications button.


1. Choose Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a plan and choose the Designations tabbed region.

3. Choose the Dependent tab.

4. Choose the Dependent Change of Life Event button.

5. Select a life event and choose the Dependent Change of Life EventCertifications button.

Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> EligibilityProfiles –> Dependent Coverage in the Navigator.

Dependent Eligibility Profiles

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –>Program Enrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a program and choose the Dependent Coverage tabbedregion.

3. Choose the Eligibility Profiles button.


1. Choose Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a plan and choose the Designations tabbed region.

3. Choose the Dependent tab.

4. Choose the Eligibility Profiles button.

A – 67Windows and Reports

Derived Factors

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Eligibility/Rate Factors –> Derived Factors in the Navigator.


� Choose Work Structures –> Collective Agreements –> DefineDerived Factors in the Navigator.

Derive Notice Period (Belgium)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button and select End Employment.

4. Choose Derive Notice Period.


1. Choose FastPath –> End Employment.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose Derive Notice Period.

Designation Requirements

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Options inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter an option.

3. Choose the Designation Requirements button.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query a plan.

3. Choose the General tab.

4. Choose the Plan or Option tab.

5. Choose the Designations button.

Disability (Not US, Not CA)

Do one of the following:

A – 68 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Disabilities.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Disabilities in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Dynamic Trigger Definition

� Choose Other Definitions –> Dynamic Trigger Definition in theNavigator.

Dynamic Trigger Functional Area Grouping

� Choose Other Definitions –> Dynamic Trigger Functional AreaGrouping in the Navigator.

Earnings (Payroll) (US, CA)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Earnings in the Navigator.

Edit Formula

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Write Formulas in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a formula.

3. Choose the Edit button.

EEO–1 Filing (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select EEO–1 Filing.

Electable Choices

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation

2. Choose the Enrollment Opportunities button

3. Choose the Electable Choices button.


� Choose Work Structures –> Elections

A – 69Windows and Reports


� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Element Description in theNavigator.

Element and Distribution Set

� Choose Payroll –> Element Set in the Navigator.

Element Classifications (Payroll)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Classification in theNavigator.

Element Entries

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Entries button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Entries in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Element Link

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Link in the Navigator.

Element Withholding Reasons (SSP/SMP) (UK)

� Choose SSP/SMP –> Element Withholding Reasons in theNavigator.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Plan Eligibility button.

4. Choose the Eligibility button.


A – 70 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Options button.

4. Choose the Option Eligibility button.

5. Choose the Eligibility button.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Plans and Plan Types button.

4. Choose the Plans tab or the Plan Types tab.

5. Choose the Participation Eligibility button.

6. Choose the Eligibility button.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Participation Eligibility button.

4. Choose the Eligibility button.

Employee Assignment Processes (Payroll)

� Choose View –> Assignment Process Results in the Navigator.

Employee Review

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Reviews.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Employee Review in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

A – 71Windows and Reports

Employee Run Result History (Payroll)

� Choose View –> Histories –> Run Results in the Navigator.


1. Choose Fastpath –> End Employment in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Employer Identification (US, CA)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select Employer Identification

Employment Declaration (AU)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Declaration button.

Employment Equity Information

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Organization.

3. Position the cursor in the Organization Classifications Name field.

4. Select the Business Group from the List of Values.

5. Position the cursor in the Field with the entry Business Group.

6. Choose the Others button.

7. Select Employment Equity Information and click OK.

8. Double-click in the FlexField to display the window.

Employment History (UK)

� Choose FastPath –> Employment History in the Navigator.

End Application

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

A – 72 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

3. Choose the Others button and select End Application.


1. Choose Fastpath –> End Application in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

End Employment

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button and select End Employment.


1. Choose Fastpath –> End Employment in the Navigator.

Enrollment Action (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Enrollment Action Types in the Navigator.

Enrollment Opportunities

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation

2. Choose the Enrollment Opportunities button.

Enrollment Override

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> EnrollmentOverride in the Navigator.

Enrollment Rules

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Timing tab.

4. Choose the Scheduled tab or the Life Event tab.

5. Choose the Enrollment Rules button.

Enter Employees

� Choose Your Workforce –> Maintain Using Templates –> EnterEmployees in the Navigator.

A – 73Windows and Reports

Entry Values

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Entries button.

5. Select an entry and choose the Entry Values button.

Establishment EEO–1 Filing (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Reporting Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Establishment EEO–1 Filing.

Establishment VETS–100 Filing (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Reporting Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Establishment VETS–100 Filing.

Event Bookings

Do one of the following:

� Choose Your Workforce –> Events and Bookings in the Navigator.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Event in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Event Groups

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Event Groups in theNavigator.

Extension of NTE (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Extension of NTE

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

External/Manual Payments (Payroll)

Do one of the following:

A – 74 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select External Pay.


1. Choose Fastpath –> External/Manual Payments in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Extra Details of Service

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Extra Details of Service.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Extra Details of Service.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Extra Element Information

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Element Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an element.

3. Choose the Extra Information button.

Extra Person Information (FD)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Others button and select Extra Information.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Extra Person Information Window (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

A – 75Windows and Reports

3. Choose the Others button.

4. Choose Extra Information.

5. Choose a Type.

6. Choose Details.

Extract Definition

� Choose Mass Information Exchange –> System Extract –> ExtractDefinition in the Navigator.

Extract Results

� Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> ExtractResults in the Navigator.

Extract Results Details

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> ExtractResults in the Navigator.

2. Query an extract run result and choose the Details button.

Extract Results Errors

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> ExtractResults in the Navigator.

2. Query an extract run result and choose the Errors and Warningsbutton.

Extract Results Header and Trailer

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> ExtractResults in the Navigator.

2. Query an extract run result and choose the Header and Trailerbutton.

Families, Nature of Action (FD)

� Choose Federal Maintenance Forms –> Families and NOA Families.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Federal Tax Information <Employee> (CA)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

A – 76 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Tax Information button.

5. Select the Federal Tax Information region (if not already selected).


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Fastpath –> Tax Sign-up in theNavigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query an employee.

3. Select the Federal Tax Information region.

Federal Tax Rules (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select Federal Tax Rules

Federal Tax Rules <Employee> (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Chose the Tax Information button.

File Layout Advanced Conditions (US, UK, CA)

1. Choose Benefits Extract –> Layout Definition in the Navigator.

2. Choose the File Layout tab and query or enter a file layout.

3. Select a record and choose the Advanced Conditions button.

File Layout Include Conditions

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> LayoutDefinition in the Navigator.

2. Choose the File Layout tab and query or enter a file layout.

3. Select a record and choose the Include Conditions button.

Flex Credits (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Rate/Coverage Definitions –> FlexCredits in the Navigator.

A – 77Windows and Reports

Flex Program (Advance Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> Flex Programin the Navigator.

Form 941 Information (US)

� Choose View –> Tax Information –> Form 941 Information in theNavigator.

Form Customization

� Choose Security –> CustomForm in the Navigator.

Forms Configurator – see Your Workforce Management Configurator:page A – 97


� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Write Formulas in theNavigator.

Formula Result Rules (Payroll)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Formula Results in theNavigator.

Forward Notification To: (FD)

1. Choose Workflow Inbox

2. Choose a notification and then choose the Reroute button.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Frequency Rules (Payroll)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Element Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an element.

3. Choose the Frequency Rules button.

Funding Distribution

1. Choose Work Structures –> Budget –> Worksheet in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Periods button to open the Budget Details window.

3. Choose the Budget Sets tab.

4. Choose the Budget Set Distribution button.

A – 78 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

GL Daily Rates

� Choose Payroll –> GL Daily Rates in the Navigator.

GL Daily Rates (US, CA)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Global Values in theNavigator.

GL Map (Payroll)

� Choose Payroll –> GL Flexfield Map in the Navigator.


� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Global Values in theNavigator.

Global Security Profile

� Choose Security –> Global Security Profiles in the Navigator.

Goods and Services

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Goods and Services in the Navigator.

Grade Rate

� Choose Work Structures –> Grade –> Grade Rate in the Navigator.

Grade Scale

� Choose Work Structures –> Grade –> Grade Steps and Points in theNavigator.

Grade Step Placement

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Grade Step.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Grade Step in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

A – 79Windows and Reports


� Choose Work Structures –> Grade –> Description in the Navigator.

Grades (for a Constituency)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a constituency.

3. Choose the Others button and select Grades.

GREs and other information <Employee> (CA)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Select the GREs and other information region.

Hiring Applicants

� Choose Your Workforce –> Maintain Using Templates –> HireApplicants in the Navigator.

Imputed Income

� Choose Total Compensation –> Rate/Coverage Definitions –>Imputed Income in the Navigator.

Information Type Security (US, UK, CA)

� Choose Security –> Information Types Security in the Navigator.

Information Type Security (FD)

� Choose Security –> Information Types

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Input Values

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Element Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an element.

3. Choose the Input Values button.

A – 80 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Insurance Provider (for a Company)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Company.

3. Choose the Others button and select Insurance Provider.

Insurance Provider (for an Establishment)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Insurance Providers.

Insurance Provider Information (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Pension Provider.

3. Choose the Others button and select Insurance ProviderInformation.

Investment Options

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Savings Plan in the Navigator.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Investment Options button.


� Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Description in the Navigator.

Jobs (for a Constituency)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a constituency.

3. Choose the Others button and select Jobs.

Job Evaluation

1. Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Description in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a job.

A – 81Windows and Reports

3. Choose the Evaluation button.

Job Grade (CA)

� Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Job Grade in the Navigator.

Job Groups

� Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Job Groups in the Navigator.

Job Requirements

1. Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Description in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a job.

3. Choose the Requirements button.

Layout Definition

� Choose Benefits Extract –> Layout Definition in the Navigator.

Legal Employer Information (AU)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an organization.

3. Select GRE/Legal Entity and choose the Others button.

4. Select Legal Employer.

5. Click in the blank field.

Letter (for letters)

� Choose Work Structures –> Recruitment Letter Type in theNavigator.

Letter (for contracts)

� Choose Work Structures –> Contract Letter Type in the Navigator.

Life Event

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Plan and Plan Types button.

A – 82 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

4. Choose the Plans tab or the Plan Types tab.

5. Choose the Life Event button.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Life Event button.

Life Event Certifications

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the General tab.

4. Choose the Plan or Option tab.

5. Choose the Life Event Certifications button.

Life Event Reason Impact on Eligibility (Advanced Benefits)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Options button.

4. Choose the Life Event Eligibility button.

Life Event Reasons (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Life Event Reasons in the Navigator.

Limit Rules (Payroll) (US)

� Choose View –> Wage Attachments –> Limit Rules in the Navigator.

Link Input Values

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Link in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an element.

3. Choose the Input Values button.

A – 83Windows and Reports

List Assignments

� Choose View –> Lists –> Assignments in the Navigator.

List Budget Variance by Organization (AU)

� Choose View –> Organization Budgets in the Navigator.

List Employees by Absence Type

� Choose View –> Lists –> Employees by Absence Type in theNavigator.

List Employees by Element

� Choose View –> Lists –> Employees by Element in the Navigator.

List Employees by Organization

� Choose View –> Lists –> Employees by Organization in theNavigator.

List Employees by Position

� Choose View –> Lists –> Employees by Position in the Navigator.

List Employees by Position Hierarchy

� Choose View –> Lists –> Emps by Position Hierarchy in theNavigator.

List Your Workforce by Assignment

� Choose View –> Lists –> Your Workforce by Assignment in theNavigator.

List Your Workforce by Special Information

� Choose View –> Lists –> Your Workforce by Special Information inthe Navigator.

Local Tax Rules (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select Local Tax Rules.

A – 84 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Locality Pay (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> LocalityPay

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS


� Choose Work Structures –> Location in the Navigator.

Locations (for a Constituency)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a constituency.

3. Choose the Others button and select Locations.


� Choose Other Definitions –> Application Utilities Lookups in theNavigator.

Maintain Employees

� Choose Your Workforce –> Maintain Using Templates –> MaintainEmployees in the Navigator.

Maintain On Line Activities (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions–>Authentication Activities in the Navigator.

Maintain Options Eligibility

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Options button.

4. Choose the Option Eligibility button.

Maintain Plan Eligibility

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Plan Eligibility button.

A – 85Windows and Reports

Maintain Plan Options

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Options button.

Maintain Plan Related Details

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Details button.

Maintain Pop Up Messages (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> MessageConfiguration in the Navigator.

Maintain Visa (US)

Maintain Visa Window (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Maintain Using Templates –>MaintainVisa in the Navigator.

2. Choose an employee.

Manual Payments

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Contribution –> ManualPayments in the Navigator.

Map Career Path

� Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Career Path in the Navigator.

Map Salary Survey (US, UK, CA)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Complete the Position window and save your work.

3. Choose the Define Survey Map button.


1. Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Description in the Navigator.

A – 86 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Complete the Job window and save your work.

3. Choose the Define Salary Map button.

Mass Awards (FD)

1. Choose Mass Actions –>Mass Awards

2. Choose Preview Mass Awards

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Move

� Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Mass Move in the Navigator.

Mass Move – Assignments

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Mass Move in the Navigator.

2. Complete the Mass Move window and save your work.

3. Choose the Positions button.

4. Complete the Find Positions window.

5. Choose the Find button.

6. Complete the Mass Move – Positions window.

7. Choose the Assignments button.

Mass Move – Messages

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Mass Move in the Navigator.

2. Complete the Mass Move window and save your work.

3. Choose the Positions button.

4. Complete the Find Positions window and choose the Find button.

5. Complete the Mass Move – Positions window and choose theAssignments button.

6. Complete the Mass Move – Assignments window and close it.

7. From the Mass Move – Positions window, choose the Valid Gradesbutton.

8. Complete the Valid Grades window and close it.

9. Close the Mass Move – Positions window.

10. From the Mass Move window, choose the Execute button.

A – 87Windows and Reports

11. If the Status field shows In Error or Complete with Warnings, aMessage button appears.

12. If the Message button appears, choose it to view messages in theMass Move – Messages window.

Note: Alternatively, you can view messages for saved (but not yetsuccessfully executed) mass moves as follows:

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Mass Move in the Navigator.

2. Enter the name of the saved mass move in the Description field.

3. When the Mass Move window is populated with data and theMessage button appears, choose the Message button .

Mass Move – Positions

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Mass Move in the Navigator.

2. Complete the Mass Move window.

3. Save your work.

4. Choose the Positions button.

5. In the resulting Find Positions window, select or enter a Source Joband Source Position.

6. Choose the Find button.

Mass Move – Valid Grades

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Mass Move in the Navigator.

2. Complete the Mass Move window and save your work.

3. Choose the Positions button.

4. Complete the Find Positions window.

5. Choose the Find button.

6. Complete the Mass Move – Positions window.

7. Choose the Valid Grades button.

Mass Position Update

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Mass Position Update

Mass Realignment (FD)

1. Choose Mass Actions –>Mass Realignment

2. Choose Preview Mass Realignment

A – 88 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Salary (FD)

1. Choose Mass Actions –>Mass Salary

2. Choose Preview Mass Salary

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer In (FD)

1. Choose Mass Actions –>Mass Transfer In i

2. Choose Preview Mass Transfer In

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Transfer Out (FD)

1. Choose Mass Actions –>Mass Transfer Out

2. Choose Preview Mass Transfer Out

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Mass Update of Applicants

� Choose Recruitment –> Mass Update of Applicants in theNavigator.

Mass Update of Applicant Assignments

� Choose Your Workforce –> Mass Updates for Person –> MassUpdate of Applicant Assignments in the Navigator.

Mass Update of Employee Assignments

� Choose Your Workforce –> Mass Updates for Person –> MassUpdate of Employee Assignments in the Navigator.

Maternity (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP/SMP –>Person Details in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Maternity button.

Maternity Evidence (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP/SMP –>Person Details in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

A – 89Windows and Reports

3. Choose the Absence button.

4. Enter or query a maternity absence.

5. Choose the Evidence button.

Maternity Pay (SSP/SMP only) (UK)

1. Choose SSP/SMP –>Person Details in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Absence button.

4. Enter or query a maternity absence.

5. Choose the SSP/SMP button.

MD/DDS Nurse Pay (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> MDDDSNurse Pay

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Medical Assessments

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Others button and select Medical Assessments.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Medical Assessments in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.


1. Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> Batch Element Entry inthe Navigator.

2. Choose the Messages button.

Message Configuration (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> MessageConfiguration in the Navigator.

A – 90 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Mileage Element Template (UK)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Mileage Element Templatein the Navigator.

Miscellaneous Plan

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Miscellaneous Plan in the Navigator.

MIX Batch Header

� Choose Mass Information eXchange: MIX –> Batch Element Entry inthe Navigator.

Monitor Batch Processes (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Processes and Reports –> Monitor Batch Processes in theNavigator.

Monthly Participant Premium

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Contribution –> MonthlyParticipant Premium in the Navigator.

Monthly Plan or Option Premium

� Choose –> Your Workforce –> Total Comp Contribution –> MonthlyPremium in the Navigator.

Multiple Worksite Reporting (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select Multiple Worksite Reporting

NACHA Rules (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select NACHA Rules

Name Change (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Change Actions –> NameChange i

A – 91Windows and Reports

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Nature of Action Legal Authorities (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal MaintenanceForms –> NOA Legal Authorities.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Net Calculation Rules

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Accrual Plans in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an accrual plan name.

3. Choose the Net Calculation Rules button.

New Hire Reporting (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a GRE.

3. Choose the Others button.

4. Select New Hire Reporting

New Zealand Information (NZ)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the New Zealand Information tab.

NOA Codes and Remarks (FD)

� Choose Federal Maintenance Forms –> NOA Codes and Remarks

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Non–Flex Program

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> Non–FlexProgram in the Navigator.

Non Pay/Non–Duty Status (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Non Pay / Non DutyStatus

A – 92 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Notifications (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Workflow Inbox

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Notifications Summary (FD)

Do one of the following:

� Choose Workflow Inbox

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

NQF Assessment (South Africa)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select NQF Assessment.

NQF Learnership Agreements (South Africa)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select NQF Learnership Agreements.

NQF Qualification Titles (South Africa)

• Choose Career Management–>NQF Qualification Titles in theNavigator.

NQF Qualifications (South Africa)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select NQF Qualifications.

NQF Training (South Africa)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select NQF Training.

A – 93Windows and Reports


� Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Options inthe Navigator.


� Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

Organization Hierarchy

� Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Hierarchy in theNavigator.

Organization Hierarchy Diagrammer

� Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Diagrammer in theNavigator.

Organization Hierarchies (for a Constituency)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a constituency.

3. Choose the Others button and select Organization Hierarchies.

Organizational Payment Method

� Choose Payroll –> Payment Methods in the Navigator.

Organizations (for a Constituency)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a constituency.

3. Choose the Others button and select Organizations.

Other Pay (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> OtherPay

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Other Rates

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> Non–FlexProgram in the Navigator.

A – 94 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Others button and select Other Rates.

P45 (Payroll) (UK)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Tax Information.


1. Choose FastPath –> UK P45 Form in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Parent Organization

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an organization.

3. Choose the Others button and select Parent Organization.

Part Time Rebate (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Part Time Rebate.


� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> EligibilityProfiles –> Participant in the Navigator.

Participation Eligibility Profiles

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> EligibilityProfiles –> Participation Eligibility Profiles


� Choose Work Structures –> Collective Agreements –> DefineEligibility Profiles in the Navigator.

A – 95Windows and Reports

Participation Overrides (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation –>Participation Overrides in the Navigator.

Pattern (SSP/SMP) (UK)

� Choose SSP/SMP –> SSP Qualifying Patterns in the Navigator.

Pattern Time Units (SSP/SMP) (UK)

� Choose SSP/SMP –> Pattern Time Units in the Navigator.

Pay Adjustment (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> PayAdjustment.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Pay Advice Report (Payroll) (UK)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Statement of Earnings.


1. Choose FastPath –> Statement of Earnings in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Pay Plans (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal MaintenanceForms –> Pay Plans.

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Pay Scale

� Choose Work Structures –> Grade –> Pay Scale in the Navigator.

Payment Schedule

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Rates/Coverage Definitions –> FlexCredits in the Navigator.

A – 96 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Query or enter a flex credit definition and choose the Processingtabbed region.

3. Choose the Payment Schedule button.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Contribution –> RecordContribution or Distribution

2. Choose the View Payments window.


� Choose Payroll –> Description in the Navigator.

Payroll Balances (UK)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator

2. Enter or query a Business Group

3. Choose the Others button and select Payroll Balances

Payroll Elements (UK)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organisation –> Description in theNavigator

2. Enter or query a Business Group

3. Choose the Others button and select Payroll Elements

Payroll Processes (Payroll)

� Choose View –> Payroll Process Results in the Navigator.

Pension Provider (for a Company) (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Company.

3. Choose the Others button and select Pension Provider.

Pension Provider (for an Establishment) (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

A – 97Windows and Reports

3. Choose the Others button and select Pension Providers.

Pension Provider Information (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Pension Provider.

3. Choose the Others button and select Pension Provider Information.

Your Workforce

� Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

Your Workforce Folder

� Choose View –> Lists –> Your Workforce Folder in the Navigator.

Your Workforce Management Configurator (formerly FormsConfigurator)

� Choose Security –> Your Workforce Management Configurator inthe Navigator.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee, and choose the Assignment button.

3. Choose the Salary button.

4. Choose the Performance button.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee, and choose the Assignment button.

3. Choose the Others button and select Performance.

Period Dates

1. Choose Payroll –> Description in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a payroll.

3. Choose the Period Dates button.

Period–to–Date Limits

Do one of the following:

A – 98 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Rate/Coverage Definitions –> Period–to–Date Limits in theNavigator.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Rates/Coverage Definitions –> FlexCredits in the Navigator.

2. Query a compensation object.

3. Choose the Activity Rate button.

4. Choose the Period to Date Limit button.

Period Types

� Choose Other Definitions –> Time Periods in the Navigator.

Person Benefits Assignment

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation –> PersonBenefits Assignment

Person Benefits Balances

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation –> PersonBenefits Balances in the Navigator.

Person Changes (Advanced Benefits)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Life Event Reasons in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a life event.

3. Choose the Person Changes button.

4. Choose the Add Person Change button.

Person Changes Cause Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Life Event Reasons in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a life event.

3. Choose the Person Changes button.

Person Communications (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> EnrollmentProcess –> Person Communications in the Navigator.

A – 99Windows and Reports

Person Enrollment Action Items (Advanced Benefits)

Do one of the following:

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> EnrollmentProcess –> Person Enrollment Action Items in the Navigator.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Flex Program in the Navigator.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Action Items button.

Person Enrollment Certificates (Advanced Benefits) (CA)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Enrollment Process –> PersonEnrollment Certificates in the Navigator.

Person Enrollment Certifications (Advanced Benefits)

Do one of the following:

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> EnrollmentProcess –> Person Enrollment Certifications in the Navigator.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Flex Program in the Navigator.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Certifications button.

Person Primary Care Provider

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Person Primary Care Provider in the Navigator.

Person Summary (FD)

� Choose Person Summary

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Person Types

� Choose Other Definitions –> Person Types in the Navigator.

A – 100 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Person Type Usage

� Choose Fastpath –> Person Type Usage in the Navigator.

Personal Payment Method

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Pay Method button, or choose the Others button andselect Pay Method.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Pay Method in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Phone Numbers

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button.

4. Choose Phones.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Phones in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Picture button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Picture in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

A – 101Windows and Reports

Plan and Plan Type

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Plan and Plan Types button.

Plan Enrollment Requirements

� Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> PlanEnrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

4. Query or enter a program.

5. Choose the Plan and Plan Types button.

Plan in Program Participation Eligibility

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Plan and Plan Types button.

4. Choose the Plans tab.

5. Choose the Participation Eligibility button.

Plan Reimbursement

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> Programsand Plans –> Plan Reimbursement in the Navigator.

Plan Type Participation Eligibility

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Plan and Plan Types button.

4. Choose the Plan Type tab.

5. Choose the Participation Eligibility button.

Plan Types

� Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plan Typesin the Navigator.

A – 102 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


� Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.


� Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description in theNavigator.

Position (FD)

� Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Position Abolish (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal Position –> Abolish

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Position Change (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal Position Change

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Position Copy

� Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Position Copy in theNavigator.

Position Copy (FD)

� Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Position Description (FD)

� Choose Federal Position Description in the Navigator.

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Position Description Routing History (FD)

� Choose Position Description –> Reference button

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

A – 103Windows and Reports

Position Establish (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal Position –>Establish

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Position Evaluation

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a position.

3. Choose the Evaluation button.

Position Hierarchy

� Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Hierarchy in the Navigator.

Position Hierarchy Diagrammer

� Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Diagrammer in theNavigator.

Position Occupancy Folder

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Query a position.

3. Choose the Occupancy button.

Position Reporting To

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a position.

3. Choose the Reporting To button.

Position Requirements

1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a position.

3. Choose the Requirements button.

A – 104 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Position Review (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal Position –> Review

See: Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals

Position Transaction

Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Position Transaction in theNavigator.

Possible Certifications

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation

2. Choose the Enrollment Opportunities button.

3. Choose the Electable Choices button

4. Choose the Possible Certifications button


� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Eligibility/Rate Factors –> Postal/Zip in the Navigator.

Previous Employment

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the navigator

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Others button.

4. Select Previous Employment.

Primary Care Providers

Do one of the following:

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> PersonPrimary Care Provider


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> Flex Programin the Navigator.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Care Providers button.

Prior Employment SSP (SSP1L) (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP/SMP –>Person Details in the Navigator.

A – 105Windows and Reports

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the SSP1L button.

Process Log

Choose Processes and Reports –> Process Log in the Navigator.

Program/Plan Years

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Program/Plan Years in the Navigator.


� Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

Program Enrollment Requirements

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> Programsand Plans –> Program Enrollment Requirements in the Navigator.

Program Participation Eligibility

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Participation Eligibility button.

Program Waive Certifications

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

3. Choose the Plan and Plan Types button.

4. Choose the Plan Types tab.

5. Choose the Waive button.

6. Choose the Waive Certification button.

Program Waive Reasons

1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Programs inthe Navigator.

2. Query or enter a program.

A – 106 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

3. Choose the Plan and Plan Types button.

4. Choose the Plan Types tab.

5. Choose the Waive button.

Promotion (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –>Promotion

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Provincial Employment Standard (CA)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Organization.

3. Position the cursor in the Organization Classifications Name field.

4. Select the Business Group from the List of Values.

5. Position the cursor in the field with the entry Business Group.

6. Choose the Others button.

7. Select Provincial Employment Standard and click OK.

8. Double-click in the FlexField to display the window.

Provincial Reporting Info. (CA)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Organization.

3. Position the cursor in the Organization Classifications Name field.

4. Select GRE/Legal Entity from the List of Values.

5. Position the cursor in the field with the entry GRE/Legal Entity.

6. Choose the Others button.

7. Select Provincial Reporting Info and click OK.

8. Double-click in the FlexField to display the window.

Provincial Tax Information <Employee> (CA)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

A – 107Windows and Reports

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Tax Information button.

5. Select the Provincial Tax Information region.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Fastpath –> Tax Sign-up in theNavigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query an employee.

3. Select the Provincial Tax Information region.

Qualification Types

� Choose Career Management –> Qualification Types in theNavigator.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Others button and select Qualifications.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Qualifications in the Navigator.

Quality Increase (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> QualityIncrease

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

QuickPaint Inquiry

1. Choose Processes and Reports –> Run a QuickPaint Report in theNavigator.

2. Query a report that has been run.

3. Choose the View Report button.

QuickPay (Payroll)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

A – 108 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select QuickPay.


1. Choose Fastpath –> QuickPay in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Rating Scales

� Choose Career Management –> Rating Scales in the Navigator.

Realignment (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Realignment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Reassignment (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Reassignment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Record Continuing Benefits Payments

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Contribution –> RecordContinuing Benefits Payments in the Navigator.

Record Layout Advanced Conditions (US, UK)

1. Choose Benefits Extract –> Layout Definition in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Record Layout tab and query or enter a record layout.

3. Select a Data Element and choose the Advanced Conditions button.

Record Layout Include Conditions

1. Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> LayoutDefinition in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Record Layout tab and query or enter a record layout.

3. Select a Data Element and choose the Include Conditions button.

Recruit/Fill (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Recruit / Fill

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

A – 109Windows and Reports

Recruiting For

1. Choose Recruitment –> Recruitment Activity in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a recruitment activity.

3. Choose the Recruiting For button.

Recruitment Activity

� Choose Recruitment –> Recruitment Activity in the Navigator.

Reduction in Force Retention Register (FD)

� Choose Reduction in Force (RIF).

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Registered Employer Information (NZ)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Hierarchy.

2. Enter or query an organization.

3. Select GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classification region.

4. Choose Others –> Registered Employer.


� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Regulations in the Navigator.

Regulatory Bodies and Regulations

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Reporting Groups in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a reporting group.

3. Choose the Plan Regulatory Bodies and Regulations button.

Reimbursements Requests (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Distribution –>Reimbursements Requests in the Navigator.

Related Person Changes (Advanced Benefits)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Life Event Reasons in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a life event.

3. Choose the Related Person Changes button.

A – 110 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

4. Choose the Add Related Person Change button.

Related Person Changes Cause Life Events (Advanced Benefits)

1. Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Life Event Reasons in the Navigator.

2. Query or enter a life event.

3. Choose the Related Person Changes button.

Remark Codes and Descriptions (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal MaintenanceForms –> Remark Codes and Descriptions.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Business Group.

3. Choose the Others button and select Reporting Categories.

Reporting Groups

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –> AdditionalSetup –> Reporting Groups in the Navigator.

Reporting Statuses (CA)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Business Group.

3. Choose the Others button and select Reporting Statuses.

Representative Body Information

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a representative body.

3. Choose the Others button and select Representative Body.

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a representative body.

3. Choose the Others button and select Representative Body.

A – 111Windows and Reports

Request for Personnel Action (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Request Letter

� Choose Recruitment –> Request Recruitment Letter in theNavigator.

Request Set

� Choose Security –> Report Sets in the Navigator.

Requisition and Vacancy

� Choose Recruitment –> Requisition and Vacancy in the Navigator.

Restricted Form Process Methods (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal MaintenanceForms –> Short Form / Restricted Data.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

RetroPay Set (Payroll)

� Choose Payroll –> RetroPay Set in the Navigator.

Return to Duty (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Return to Duty

Reverse Payroll Run (Payroll)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Reverse Run.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Reverse Payroll Run in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

RIF Exception (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> RIF Exception.

A – 112 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Robien Rebate (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Robien Rebate.


� Choose Transaction Maintenance Forms –> Roles in the Navigator.


1. Choose Work Structures –> Position –> Position Transaction in theNavigator.

2. Choose Save from the File menu.


1. Choose Work Structures –> Budget –> Budget Worksheet in theNavigator.

2. Choose Save from the File menu.

3. Choose Save from the File menu.

Routing Group and Groupbox Details (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal MaintenanceForms –> Routing Groups and Groupboxes.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Routing Group and Routing List Details (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Federal MaintenanceForms –> Routing Lists.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Routing History (FD)

Do one of the following:

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Reference button.


1. Open the Workflow inbox and select a notification.

A – 113Windows and Reports

2. Choose Routing History button.

See: Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS

Routing Lists

� Choose Transaction Maintenance Forms –>Routing Lists in theNavigator.


1. Choose Other Definitions –> Table Structure in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a table.

3. Choose the Rows button.

Run QuickPaint Report

� Choose Processes and Reports –> Run a QuickPaint Report in theNavigator.

Salary Administration

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Salary button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Salary in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Salary Basis

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Salary Basis in theNavigator.

Salary History

Do one of the following:

1. Choose View –> Histories –> Salary in the Navigator.

2. Run a query in the Assignments Folder window.

3. Select an employee assignment and choose the Salary Historybutton.

A – 114 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)


1. Choose Fastpath –> Salary History in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Salary Management Folder

� Choose Your Workforce –> Salary Management in the Navigator.

Salary Surveys

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Salary Survey in theNavigator.

Salary Tax Info (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

Saving Plan

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Savings Plan in the Navigator.

Savings Plan (UK)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Savings Plan in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Record Layout tab and query or enter a record layout.

3. Select a Data Element and choose the Include Conditions button.

Scale Rate

� Choose Work Structures –> Grade –> Point Values in the Navigator.

Schedules (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP/SMP –> SSP Qualifying Patterns in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a pattern.

3. Choose the Calendars button.

4. Choose the Schedules button.

Schools and Colleges

� Choose Career Management –> Schools and Colleges in theNavigator.

A – 115Windows and Reports

Schools and Colleges Attended

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Others button and select Schools/Colleges.

Secondary Statuses

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an applicant or employee.

3. Do one of the following:

For an applicant:

• Choose the Others button and select Application.

• Choose the Secondary Status button.

For an employee:

• Choose the Assignment button.

• Choose the Others button and select Secondary Status.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Secondary Status in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Security Groups (UK)

� Choose Security –> Security Groups in the Navigator.

Security Profile

� Choose Security –> Profile in the Navigator.

Separation (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Separation

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Service Areas

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Eligibility/Rate Factors –> Service Areas in the Navigator.

A – 116 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Sickness Control Rules (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Business Group

3. Choose the Others button and select Sickness Control Rules.

Sickness Evidence (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP/SMP –> Person Details in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Absence button.

4. Enter or query a sickness absence.

5. Choose the Evidence button.

Sickness Pay (SSP/SMP) (UK)

1. Choose SSP/SMP –> Person Details in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Absence button.

4. Enter or query a sickness absence.

5. Choose the SSP/SMP button.

Social Insurance Information (Germany)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Assignments button.

3. Choose the Social Insurance Information button.

Social Security Rebate (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Social Security Rebate.


1. Choose Mass Information eXchange –> System Extract –> LayoutDefinition in the Navigator.

2. Choose the File Layout tab and select a Record Name.

A – 117Windows and Reports

3. Choose the Sort button.

Special Information

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Special Info button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Special Information in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Special Information Types

� Choose Other Definitions –> Special Information Types in theNavigator.

Special Rates

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment –> Flex Program in the Navigator.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose the Special Rates button.

SQWL Employer Rules (1) (Payroll) (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select SQWL Employer Rules (1)

SQWL Employer Rules (2) (Payroll) (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select SQWL Employer Rules (2)

SQWL Generic Transmitter Rules (Payroll) (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

A – 118 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select SQWL Generic TransmitterRules

SQWL State-Specific Transmitter Rules (Payroll) (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select SQWL State Transmitter Rules

Standard Distributions/Contributions (US)

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Rate/Coverage Definitions –> StandardDistributions/Contributions in the Navigator.

Standard Holiday Absences <Employee> (CA)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button.

4. Select Standard Holiday Absences.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Fastpath –> Statutory Holidays in theNavigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query an employee.

Standard Rates

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Rate/Coverage Definitions –> Standard Rates in the Navigator.

State Tax Rules (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select State Tax Rules.

A – 119Windows and Reports

State Tax Rules <Employee> (US)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Chose the Tax Information button.

4. Choose the Tax information button from the Federal Tax Rules<Employee> window.

Statement of Earnings (Payroll) (US)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose View –> Assignment Process Results

2. Choose the SOE Report button.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Others button and select Statement of Earnings.


1. Choose Fastpath –> US Statement of Earnings in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Statement of Earnings (AU)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose Assignment –> Others –> Statement of Earnings.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose Assignment –> Others –> QuickPay.

4. Choose View Results –> Statement of Earnings.


1. Choose FastPath –> Statement of Earnings.

2. Enter employee details.

A – 120 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Statement of Earnings (New Zealand) (NZ)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose Assignment –> Others –> Statement of Earnings.


1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain.

2. Query a person.

3. Choose Assignment –> Others –> QuickPay.

4. Choose View Results –> Statement of Earnings.


1. Choose FastPath –> Statement of Earnings.

2. Enter employee details.

Step Adjustment (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> StepAdjustment

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Step Increase with Pay (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –> StepIncrease with Pay

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Submit a New Request

1. Choose Processes and Reports –> Submit Processes and Reports inthe Navigator.

2. Select Single Request or a Request Set.

Superannuation Fund Information (AU)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description.

2. Enter or query an organization.

3. Select Payee Organization and choose the Others button.

4. Click in the blank field.

A – 121Windows and Reports

Supplementary Roles

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button and select Supplementary Roles.

Table Event Updates (UK)

� Choose Other Definitions –> Table Event Updates in the Navigator.

Table Structure

� Choose Other Definitions –> Table Structure in the Navigator.

Table Values

� Choose Other Definitions –> Table Values in the Navigator.

Taxation Information (New Zealand) (NZ)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Assignment button.

4. Choose the Entries button.

5. Select PAYE Information in the Element Name column.

6. Click on the Entry Values button.

Tax Information (Germany)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Assignments button.

3. Choose the Tax Information button.

Tax Information (Ireland)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Choose the Assignments button.

3. Choose the Tax Information button.


Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

A – 122 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button and select End Employment.

Terminate Applicant

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee.

3. Choose the Others button and select End Application.


1. Choose Fastpath –> End Application in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

Termination of Grade Retention (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –>Termination of Grade Retention

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Termination of Interim WGI (FD)

� Choose Request for Personnel Action –> Salary Change –>Termination of Interim WGI

See: Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS

Termination Payments (AU)

� Choose FastPath –> Termination Payments.

Transaction Categories

� Choose Transaction Maintenance Forms –> Transaction Categoriesin the Navigator.

Transaction Category Wizard

1. Choose Maintenance Forms –> Transaction Category Wizard.

Transaction Status

� Choose Security –> Transaction Status in the Navigator

Transaction Templates

� Choose Transaction Maintenance Forms –>Transaction Templates inthe Navigator.

A – 123Windows and Reports

Transport Tax Info (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Transport Tax Info.

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Union Element CreationTemplate.

Update Payroll Run (Payroll)

� Choose Payroll –> Update Payroll Run in the Navigator.

URSSAF Center Infomation (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a URSSAF Center.

3. Choose the Others button and select URSSAF Center Information.

URSSAF Infomation (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select URSSAF.

User Types and Statuses

� Choose Other Definitions –>User Types and Statuses

Valid Grades (for jobs)

1. Choose Work Structures in the Navigator.

2. Choose either Job –> Description or Position –> Description.

3. Enter or query a job or position.

4. Choose the Valid Grades button.

Valid Payment Methods

1. Choose Payroll –> Description in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a payroll.

3. Choose the Valid Payment Methods button.

A – 124 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Variable Rate Profiles

� Choose Total Compensation –> General Definitions –>Rate/Coverage Definitions –> Variable Rate Profiles in theNavigator.

VETS–100 Filing (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

3. Choose the Others button and select VETS–100 Filing.

Vehicle Data Entry (UK)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Basic –> Vehicle Data Entry in theNavigator.

View Absence History

� Choose View –> Histories –> Absence in the Navigator.

View Earnings and Deductions Balances (US, CA)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose View –> Employee Balances in the Navigator.

2. Select an employee assignment and choose the Balances button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Employee Balances in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

View Element Entry History for Employee

1. Choose View –> Histories –> Entries in the Navigator.

2. Run a query in the Assignments Folder window.

3. Select an employee assignment and choose the Entry Historybutton.

View Employee Dental, Medical and Vision Benefits (US)

1. Choose View –> Employee Benefits in the Navigator.

2. Run a query in the Assignments Folder window.

3. Select an employee assignment and choose the View Benefits button.

A – 125Windows and Reports

View Employee Grade Comparatio

� Choose View –> Grade Comparatio in the Navigator.

View Enrollment Results

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Enrollment –> BenefitsEnrollment Enrollment –> View Enrollment Results in theNavigator.

View Participation Information (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation –> ViewParticipation Information in the Navigator.

View Program Structure

� Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> ViewProgram Structure in the Navigator.

View Run Messages (Payroll)

� Choose View –> System Messages in the Navigator.

View Tax Balances (US, CA)

Do one of the following:

1. Choose View –> Tax Information –> Tax Balances in the Navigator.

2. Select an employee assignment and choose the Balances button.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Tax Balances in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

View Vacancies

� Choose View –> Vacancies in the Navigator.

Visa Data Template

� Choose Your Workforce –> Maintain Using Templates –> MaintainVisa Information

W2 Reporting Rules (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Government Reporting Entity (GRE).

A – 126 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

3. Choose the Others button and select W2 Reporting Rules.

W941 (Payroll) (US)

� Choose View –> Tax Information–> Form 941 Information in theNavigator

Wage Attachment Earnings Rules (US)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Wage Attachment –> EarningsRules in the Navigator.

Wage Attachment Exemption Rules (US)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Wage Attachment –> ExemptionRules in the Navigator.

Wage Attachment Limit Rules (US)

� Choose Total Compensation –> Wage Attachment –> Limit Rules inthe Navigator.

Waive Participation (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation –> WaiveParticipation in the Navigator.


1. Choose Total Compensation –> Programs and Plans –> Plans in theNavigator.

2. Query or enter a plan.

3. Choose the Waiving button.

WC Codes and Rates (US)

� Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Workers Compensation Rates inthe Navigator

Welfare Tax Info (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Welfare Tax Info.

A – 127Windows and Reports

What–if Eligibility (Advanced Benefits)

� Choose Your Workforce –> Total Comp Participation –> What–ifEligibility in the Navigator.

Work Accident Info (France)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Work Accident Info.

Work Choices (Job and Position)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Job or Position –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a job or position.

3. Choose the Work Choices button.

Work Choices (Person)

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query a person.

3. Choose the Others button and select Work Choices.

Work Day Information

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an organization.

3. Choose the Others button and select Work Day Information.

Work Incident

Do one of the following:

1. Choose Your Workforce –> Enter and Maintain in the Navigator.

2. Enter or query an employee or applicant.

3. Choose the Others button and select Work Incidents.


1. Choose Fastpath –> Work Incidents in the Navigator.

2. In the resulting Find window, query the person.

A – 128 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Work Schedule (US, CA)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an organization.

3. Choose the Others button and select Work Schedule.

Work Site Filing (US)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query a Reporting Establishment.

3. Choose the Others button and select Work Site Filing.

Worker’s Compensation (US)

� Choose Work Structures –> Job –> Workers Compensation Codes inthe Navigator


1. Choose Work Structures –>Budget –>Worksheet in the Navigator.

2. Define the properties of the worksheet.

3. Choose the Create Worksheet button.

Worksheet Characteristics

� Choose Work Structures –>Budget –>Worksheet in the Navigator.

ZA ACB Installation Information (South Africa)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Organization.

3. In Organization Classification, select Business Group.

4. Choose the Others button and select ZA ACB InstallationInformation.

ZA Tax File Creator Information (South Africa)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Organization.

3. In Organization Classification, select Business Group.

A – 129Windows and Reports

4. Choose the Others button and select ZA Tax File Creator Info.

ZA Tax Information (South Africa)

1. Choose Work Structures –> Organization –> Description in theNavigator.

2. Enter or query an Organization.

3. In Organization Classification, select GRE/Legal Entity.

4. Choose the Others button and select ZA Tax Information.

A – 130 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Glossary – 1


360 Degree Appraisal Part of the SSHRAppraisal function and also known as aGroup Appraisal. This is an employeeappraisal undertaken by managers withparticipation by reviewers.

360 Degree Self Appraisal Part of the SSHRAppraisal function and also known as aGroup Appraisal. This is a 360 Degreeappraisal initiated by an employee. Theemployee (initiator) can add managers andreviewers to the appraisal.

AAbsence Types Categories of absence, such as

medical leave or vacation leave, that youdefine for use in absence windows.

Accrual Band A range of values thatdetermines how much paid time off anemployee accrues. The values may be yearsof service, grades, hours worked, or anyother factor.

Accrual Plan See: PTO Accrual PlanAccrual Period The unit of time, within an

accrual term, in which PTO is accrued. Inmany plans, the same amount of time isaccrued in each accrual period, such as twodays per month. In other plans, the amountaccrued varies from period to period, or theentitlement for the full accrual term is givenas an up front amount at the beginning ofthe accrual term.

Accrual Term The period, such as one year,for which accruals are calculated. In mostaccrual plans, unused PTO accruals mustbe carried over or lost at the end of theaccrual term. Other plans have a rollingaccrual term which is of a certain durationbut has no fixed start and end dates.

Glossary – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Activity Rate The monetary amount orpercentage associated with an activity, suchas $12.35 per pay period as an employeepayroll contribution for medical coverage.Activity rates can apply to participation,eligibility, coverages, contributions, anddistributions.

Actual Premium The per–participantpremium an insurance carrier charges theplan sponsor for a given benefit.

Administrative Enrollment A type ofscheduled enrollment caused by a changein plan terms or conditions and resulting ina re–enrollment.

Applicant A candidate for employment in aBusiness Group.

Appraisee A person being appraised by anappraiser..

Appraiser A person, usually a manager, whoappraises an employee.

Appraisal An appraisal is a process where anemployee’s work performance is rated andfuture objectives set. See also: Assessment.

Appraising Manager The person who initiatesand performs an Employee–Manager or 360Degree Appraisal. An appraising managercan create appraisal objectives.

Apply for a Job An SSHR function thatenables an employee to, apply, search andprepare applications for an internallyadvertised vacancy.

Arrestment Scottish court order made out forunpaid debts or maintenance payments.See also: Court Order

Assessment An information gatheringexercise, from one or many sources, toevaluate a person’s ability to do a job. Seealso: Appraisal.

Assignment An employee’s assignmentidentifies his or her role and payroll withina Business Group. The assignment is madeup of a number of assignment components.Of these, organization is mandatory, andpayroll is a required component forpayment purposes.

Assignment Number A number that uniquelyidentifies an employee’s assignment. Anemployee with multiple assignments hasmultiple assignment numbers.

Assignment Set A grouping of employeesand/or applicants that you define forrunning QuickPaint reports and processingpayrolls. See also: QuickPaint Report

Assignment Status For employees, used totrack their permanent or temporarydepartures from your enterprise, and tocontrol the remuneration they receive. Forapplicants, used to track the progress oftheir applications.

BBACS Banks Automated Clearing System.

This is the UK system for making directdeposit payments to employees.

Balances Positive or negative accumulationsof values over periods of time normallygenerated by payroll runs. A balance cansum pay values, time periods or numbers.See also: Predefined Components

Balance Adjustment A correction you maketo a balance. You can adjust user balancesand assignment level predefined balancesonly.

Glossary – 3

Balance Dimension The period for which abalance sums its balance feeds, or the set ofassignments/transactions for which it sumsthem. There are five time dimensions: Run,Period, Quarter, Year and User. You canchoose any reset point for user balances.

Balance Feeds These are the input values ofmatching units of measure of any elementsdefined to feed the balance.

Bargaining Unit A bargaining unit is a legallyorganized group of people which have theright to negotiate on all aspects of termsand conditions with employers or employerfederations. A bargaining unit is generally atrade union or a branch of a trade union.

Base Currency The currency in which OraclePayroll performs all payroll calculations foryour Business Group. If you payemployees in different currencies to this,Oracle Payroll calculates the amounts basedon exchange rates defined in the system.

Behavioral Indicators Characteristics thatidentify how a competence is exhibited inthe work context. See also: Proficiency Level

Benefit Any part of an employee’sremuneration package that is not pay.Vacation time, employer–paid medicalinsurance and stock options are allexamples of benefits. See also: Elements

Block The largest subordinate unit of awindow, containing information for aspecific business function or entity. Everywindow consists of at least one block.Blocks contain fields and, optionally,regions. They are delineated by a bevellededge. You must save your entries in oneblock before navigating to the next. Seealso: Region, Field

Budget Value In Oracle Human Resourcesyou can enter staffing budget values andactual values for each assignment tomeasure variances between actual andplanned staffing levels in an organization orhierarchy.

Business Group The highest levelorganization in the Oracle HRMS system.A Business Group may correspond to thewhole of your enterprise or to a majorgrouping such as a subsidiary or operatingdivision. Each Business Group mustcorrespond to a separate implementation ofOracle HRMS.

Business Number (BN) In Canada, this is theemployer’s account number with RevenueCanada. Consisting of 15 digits, the first 9identify the employer, the next 2 identifythe type of tax account involved (payroll vs.corporate tax), and the last 4 identify theparticular account for that tax.

CCafeteria Benefits Plan See: Flexible Benefits

ProgramCalendars In Oracle Human Resources you

define calendars that determine the startand end dates for budgetary years, quartersand periods. For each calendar you select abasic period type. In Oracle SSP/SMP youdefine calendars to determine the start dateand time for SSP qualifying patterns.

Glossary – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Calendar Exceptions In Oracle SSP/SMP youdefine calendar exceptions for an SSPqualifying pattern, to override the patternon given days. Each calendar exception isanother pattern which overrides the usualpattern.

Canada/Quebec Pension Plan (CPP/QPP)Contributions Contributions paid byemployers and employees to each of theseplans provide income benefits uponretirement.

Candidate Offers An SSHR function used by aline manager to offer a job to a candidate.This function is supplied with its ownresponsibility.

Career Path This shows a possible progressionfrom one job or position from any numberof other jobs or positions within theBusiness Group. A career path must bebased on either job progression or positionprogression; you cannot mix the two.

Carry Over The amount of unused paid timeoff entitlement an employee brings forwardfrom one accrual term to the next. It may besubject to an expiry date i.e. a date bywhich it must be used or lost. See also:Residual

Cash Analysis A specification of the differentcurrency denominations required forpaying your employees in cash. Unioncontracts may require you to follow certaincash analysis rules.

Certification Documentation required toenroll or change elections in a benefits planas the result of a life event, to waiveparticipation in a plan, to designatedependents for coverage, or to receivereimbursement for goods or services underan FSA.

Ceiling The maximum amount of unusedpaid time off an employee can have in anaccrual plan. When an employee reachesthis maximum, he or she must use someaccrued time before any more time willaccrue.

Child/Family Support payments In Canada,these are payments withheld from anemployee’s compensation to satisfy a childor family support order from a ProvincialCourt. The employer is responsible forwithholding and remitting the payments tothe court named in the order.

Collective Agreement A collective agreement isa form of contract between an employer oremployer representative, for example, anemployer federation, and a bargaining unitfor example, a union or a union branch.

Communications Benefits plan informationthat is presented in some form toparticipants. Examples include apre–enrollment package, an enrollmentconfirmation statement, or a notice ofdefault enrollment.

Compensation The pay you give toemployees, including wages or salary, andbonuses. See also: Elements

Competence Any measurable behaviorrequired by an organization, job or positionthat a person may demonstrate in the workcontext. A competence can be a piece ofknowledge, a skill, an attitude or anattribute.

Competence Evaluation A method used tomeasure an employees ability to do adefined job.

Glossary – 5

Competence Profile Where you recordapplicant and employee accomplishments,for example, proficiency in a competence.

Competence Requirements Competenciesrequired by an organization, job or position.See also: Competence, Core Competencies

Competence Type A group of relatedcompetencies.

Consolidation Set A grouping of payroll runswithin the same time period for which youcan schedule reporting, costing, andpost–run processing.

Contact A person who has a relationship to anemployee that you want to record.Contacts can be dependents, relatives,partners or persons to contact in anemergency.

Contract A contract of employment is anagreement between an employer andemployee or potential employee thatdefines the fundamental legal relationshipbetween an employing organization and aperson who offers his or her services forhire. The employment contract defines theterms and conditions to which both partiesagree and those that are covered by locallaws.

Contribution An employer’s or employee’smonetary or other contribution to a benefitsplan.

Core Competencies Also known as LeadershipCompetencies or Management Competencies.The competencies required by every personto enable the enterprise to meet its goals.See also: Competence

Costable Type A feature that determines theprocessing an element receives foraccounting and costing purposes. There arefour costable types in Oracle HRMS:costed, distributed costing, fixed costing,and not costed.

Costing Recording the costs of an assignmentfor accounting or reporting purposes.Using Oracle Payroll, you can calculate andtransfer costing information to your generalledger and into systems for projectmanagement or labor distribution.

Court Order A ruling from a court thatrequires an employer to make deductionsfrom an employee’s salary for maintenancepayments or debts, and to pay the sumsdeducted to a court or local authority. Seealso: Arrestment

Cross Business Group ResponsibilitySecurity This security model uses securitygroups and enables you to link oneresponsibility to many Business Groups.

Customizable Forms Forms that your systemadministrator can modify for ease of use orsecurity purposes by means of CustomForm restrictions. The Form Customizationwindow lists the forms and their methodsof customization.

DDatabase Item An item of information in

Oracle HRMS that has specialprogramming attached, enabling OracleFastFormula to locate and retrieve it for usein formulas.

Date To and Date From These fields are usedin windows not subject to DateTrack. Theperiod you enter in these fields remainsfixed until you change the values in eitherfield. See also: DateTrack, Effective Date

DateTrack When you change your effectivedate (either to past or future), DateTrackenables you to enter information that takeseffect on your new effective date, and toreview information as of the new date. Seealso: Effective Date

Glossary – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Deployment Factors See: Work ChoicesDerived Factor A factor (such as age, percent

of fulltime employment, length of service,compensation level, or the number of hoursworked per period) that is used incalculations to determine ParticipationEligibility or Activity Rates for one or morebenefits.

Descriptive Flexfield A field that yourorganization can customize to captureadditional information required by yourbusiness but not otherwise tracked byOracle Applications. See also: Key Flexfield

Developer Descriptive Flexfield A flexfielddefined by your localization team to meetthe specific legislative and reporting needsof your country. See also: Extra InformationTypes

Direct Deposit The electronic transfer of anemployee’s net pay directly into theaccount(s) designated by the employee.

Distribution Monetary payments made from,or hours off from work as allowed by, acompensation or benefits plan.

EEffective Date The date for which you are

entering and viewing information. You setyour effective date in the Alter EffectiveDate window. See also: DateTrack

EIT See: Extra Information TypeElements Components in the calculation of

employee pay. Each element represents acompensation or benefit type, such assalary, wages, stock purchase plans, andpension contributions.

Element Classifications These control theorder in which elements are processed andthe balances they feed. Primary elementclassifications and some secondaryclassifications are predefined by OraclePayroll. Other secondary classifications canbe created by users.

Element Entry The record controlling anemployee’s receipt of an element, includingthe period of time for which the employeereceives the element and its value. See also:Recurring Elements, Nonrecurring Elements

Element Link The association of an element toone or more components of an employeeassignment. The link establishes employeeeligibility for that element. Employeeswhose assignment components match thecomponents of the link are eligible for theelement. See also: Standard Link

Element Set A group of elements that youdefine to process in a payroll run, or tocontrol access to compensation informationfrom a customized form, or for distributingcosts.

Employee Histories An SSHR function for anemployee to view their, Training History, Job Application History, EmploymentHistory, Absence History, or Salary History.A manager can also use this function toview information on their direct reports.

Employment Category A component of theemployee assignment. Four categories aredefined: Full Time – Regular, Full Time –Temporary, Part Time – Regular, and PartTime – Temporary.

Glossary – 7

Employment Insurance (EI) Benefit plan runby the federal government to which themajority of Canadian employers andemployees must contribute.

Employment Insurance Rate In Canada, this isthe rate at which the employer contributesto the EI fund. The rate is expressed as apercentage of the employee’s contribution.If the employer maintains an approvedwage loss replacement program, they canreduce their share of EI premiums byobtaining a reduced contribution rate.Employers would remit payroll deductionsunder a different employer account numberfor employees covered by the plan.

Employment Equity Occupational Groups(EEOG) In Canada, the Employment EquityOccupational Groups (EEOG) consist of 14classifications of work used in theEmployment Equity Report. The EEOGswere derived from the NationalOccupational Classification system.

Enroll in a Class An SSHR function whichenables an employee to search and enroll inan internally published class. An employeecan also use this function to maintain theircompetencies.

Enrollment Action Type Any action requiredto complete enrollment or de–enrollment ina benefit.

ESS Employee Self Service. A predefinedSSHR responsibility.

Event An activity such as a training day,review, or meeting, for employees orapplicants.

Expected Week of Confinement (EWC) Inthe UK, this is the week in which anemployee’s baby is due. The Sunday of theexpected week of confinement is used inthe calculations for Statutory Maternity Pay(SMP).

Extra Information Type (EIT) A type ofdeveloper descriptive flexfield that enablesyou to create an unlimited number ofinformation types for six key areas inOracle HRMS. Localization teams may alsopredefine some EITs to meet the specificlegislative requirements of your country.See also: Developer Descriptive Flexfield

FField A view or entry area in a window where

you enter, view, update, or deleteinformation. See also: Block, Region

Flex Credit A unit of ”purchasing power” in aflexible benefits program. An employeeuses flex credits, typically expressed inmonetary terms, to ”purchase” benefitsplans and/or levels of coverage withinthese plans.

Flexible Benefits Program A benefitsprogram that offers employees choicesamong benefits plans and/or levels ofcoverage. Typically, employees are given acertain amount of flex credits or moneyswith which to ”purchase” these benefitsplans and/or coverage levels.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Under USInternal Revenue Code Section 125,employees can set aside money on a pretaxbasis to pay for eligible unreimbursedhealth and dependent care expenses.Annual monetary limits and use–it–or–loseit provisions exist. Accounts are subject toannual maximums and forfeiture rules.

Form A predefined grouping of functions,called from a menu and displayed, ifnecessary, on several windows. Formshave blocks, regions and fields as theircomponents. See also: Block, Region, Field

Glossary – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

GGlobal Value A value you define for any

formula to use. Global values can be dates,numbers or text.

Goods or Service Type A list of goods orservices a benefit plan sponsor hasapproved for reimbursement.

Grade A component of an employee’sassignment that defines their level and canbe used to control the value of their salaryand other compensation elements.

Grade Comparatio A comparison of theamount of compensation an employeereceives with the mid–point of the validvalues defined for his or her grade.

Grade Rate A value or range of valuesdefined as valid for a given grade. Usedfor validating employee compensationentries.

Grade Scale A sequence of steps valid for agrade, where each step corresponds to onepoint on a pay scale. You can place eachemployee on a point of their grade scaleand automatically increment all placementseach year, or as required. See also: Pay Scale

Grade Step An increment on a grade scale.Each grade step corresponds to one pointon a pay scale. See also: Grade Scale

Grandfathered A term used in BenefitsAdministration. A person’s benefits aresaid to be grandfathered when a planchanges but they retain the benefitsaccrued.

Group A component that you define, usingthe People Group key flexfield, to assignemployees to special groups such aspension plans or unions. You can usegroups to determine employees’ eligibilityfor certain elements, and to regulate accessto payrolls.

HHierarchy An organization or position

structure showing reporting lines or otherrelationships. You can use hierarchies forreporting and for controlling access toOracle HRMS information.

IImputed Income Certain forms of indirect

compensation that US Internal RevenueService Section 79 defines as fringe benefitsand taxes the recipient accordingly.Examples include employer payment ofgroup term life insurance premiums over acertain monetary amount, personal use of acompany car, and other non–cash awards.

Initiator In SSHR a person who starts a 360Degree appraisal (Employee or Self) on anindividual. An initiator and the appraiseeare the only people who can see allappraisal information.

Input Values Values you define to holdinformation about elements. In OraclePayroll, input values are processed byformulas to calculate the element’s runresult. You can define up to fifteen inputvalues for an element.

Instructions An SSHR user assistancecomponent displayed on a web page todescribe page functionality.

KKey Flexfield A flexible data field made up of

segments. Each segment has a name youdefine and a set of valid values you specify.Used as the key to uniquely identify anentity, such as jobs, positions, grades, costcodes, and employee groups. See also:Descriptive Flexfield

Glossary – 9

LLeaver’s Statement In the UK, this Records

details of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paidduring a previous employment (issued asform SSP1L) which is used to calculate anew employee’s entitlement to SSP. If anew employee falls sick, and the last datethat SSP was paid for under the previousemployment is less than eight calendarweeks before the first day of the PIW forthe current sickness, the maximum liabilityfor SSP is reduced by the number of weeksof SSP shown on the statement.

Life Event A significant change in a person’slife that results in a change in eligibility orineligibility for a benefit.

Life Event Collision A situation in which theimpacts from multiple life events onparticipation eligibility, enrollability, level ofcoverage or activity rates conflict with eachother.

Life Event Enrollment A benefits planenrollment that is prompted by a life eventoccurring at any time during the plan year.

Linking Interval In the UK, this is the numberof days that separate two periods ofincapacity for work. If a period ofincapacity for work (PIW) is separated froma previous PIW by less than the linkinginterval, they are treated as one PIWaccording to the legislation for entitlementto Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). An employeecan only receive SSP for the maximumnumber of weeks defined in the legislationfor one PIW.

Linked PIWs In the UK, these are linkedperiods of incapacity for work that aretreated as one to calculate an employee’sentitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). Aperiod of incapacity for work (PIW) links toan earlier PIW if it is separated by less thanthe linking interval. A linked PIW can beup to three years long.

LMSS Line Manager Self Service. Apredefined SSHR responsibility.

Lookup Types Categories of information,such as nationality, address type and taxtype, that have a limited list of valid values.You can define your own Lookup Types,and you can add values to some predefinedLookup Types.

Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) In the UK, this isthe minimum average weekly amount anemployee must earn to pay NationalInsurance contributions. Employees whodo not earn enough to pay NationalInsurance cannot receive Statutory Sick Pay(SSP) or Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP).

MManager–Employee Appraisal Part of the

SSHR Appraisal function. A managerappraisal of an employee. However, anappraising manager does not have to be amanager.

Maternity Pay Period In the UK, this is theperiod for which Statutory Maternity Pay(SMP) is paid. It may start at any time fromthe start of the 11th week before theexpected week of confinement and cancontinue for up to 18 weeks. The start dateis usually agreed with the employee, butcan start at any time up to the birth. Anemployee is not eligible to SMP for anyweek in which she works or for any otherreason for ineligibility, defined by thelegislation for SMP.

Menus You set up your own navigationmenus, to suit the needs of different users.

Glossary – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

NNACHA National Automated Clearing House

Association. This is the US system formaking direct deposit payments toemployees.

Net Accrual Calculation The rule that defineswhich element entries add to or subtractfrom a plan’s accrual amount to give netentitlement.

Net Entitlement The amount of unused paidtime off an employee has available in anaccrual plan at any given point in time.

Nonrecurring Elements Elements that processfor one payroll period only unless youmake a new entry for an employee. Seealso: Recurring Elements

North American Industrial Classification(NAIC) code The North AmericanIndustrial Classification system (NAICs)was developed jointly by the US, Canadaand Mexico to provide comparability instatistics regarding business activity acrossNorth America. The NAIC replaces the USStandard Industrial Classification (SIC)system, and is used in the EmploymentEquity Report.

National Occupational Classification (NOC)code In Canada, the National OccupationalClassification (NOC) System wasdeveloped to best reflect the type of workperformed by employees. Occupations aregrouped in terms of particular tasks, dutiesand responsibilities. The use of thisstandardized system ensures consistency ofdata from year to year within the samecompany as well as between companies.These codes are used in the EmploymentEquity Report.

Not in Program Plan A benefit plan that youdefine outside of a program.

OOpen Enrollment A type of scheduled

enrollment in which participants can enrollin or alter elections in one or more benefitsplans.

Oracle FastFormula An Oracle tool thatallows you to write Oracle HRMS formulaswithout using a programming language.

Organization A required component ofemployee assignments. You can define asmany organizations as you want withinyour Business Group. Organizations can beinternal, such as departments, or external,such as recruitment agencies. You canstructure your organizations intoorganizational hierarchies for reportingpurposes and for system access control.

OSSWA Oracle Self Service Web Applications.OTM Oracle Training Management.

PPattern A pattern comprises a sequence of

time units that are repeated at a specifiedfrequency. Oracle SSP/SMP uses SSPqualifying patterns to determine employeesentitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

Pattern Time Units A sequence of time unitsspecifies a repeating pattern. Each timeunit specifies a time period of hours, daysor weeks.

Pay Scale A set of progression points that canbe related to one or more rates of pay.Employee’s are placed on a particular pointon the scale according to their grade and,usually, work experience. See also: GradeScale

Payment Type There are three standardpayment types for paying employees:check, cash and direct deposit. You candefine your own payment methodscorresponding to these types.

Glossary – 11

Payroll A group of employees that OraclePayroll processes together with the sameprocessing frequency, for example, weekly,monthly or bimonthly. Within a BusinessGroup, you can set up as many payrolls asyou need.

People List An SSHR line manager utility usedto locate an employee.

Performance (within Assessment) Anexpectation of ”normal” performance of acompetence over a given period. Forexample, a person may exceed performanceexpectation in the communicationcompetence. See also: Proficiency (withinAssessment), Competence, Assessment

Period of Incapacity for Work (PIW) In theUK, this is a period of sickness that lastsfour or more days in a row, and is theminimum amount of sickness for whichStatutory Sick Pay can be paid. If a PIW isseparated by less then the linking interval, alinked PIW is formed and the two PIWs aretreated as one.

Period Type A time division in a budgetarycalendar, such as week, month, or quarter.

Person Search An SSHR function whichenables a manager to search for a person.There are two types of search, Simple andAdvanced.

Person Type There are eight system persontypes in Oracle HRMS. Seven of these arecombinations of employees, ex–employees,applicants, and ex–applicants. The eighthcategory is ’External’. You can create yourown user person types based on the eightsystem types.

Personal Tax Credits Return (TD1) A RevenueCanada form which each employee mustcomplete. Used by the employee to reducehis or her taxable income at source byclaiming eligible credits and also providespayroll with such important information ascurrent address, birth date, and SIN. Thesecredits determine the amount to withholdfrom the employee’s wages forfederal/provincial taxes.

Plan Design The functional area that allowsyou to set up your benefits programs andplans. This process involves defining therules which govern eligibility, availableoptions, pricing, plan years, third partyadministrators, tax impacts, plan assets,distribution options, required reporting,and communications.

Plan Sponsor The legal entity or businessresponsible for funding and administering abenefits plan. Generally synonymous withemployer.

Position A specific role within the BusinessGroup derived from an organization and ajob. For example, you may have a positionof Shipping Clerk associated with theorganization Shipping and the job Clerk.

Predefined Components Some elements andbalances, all primary element classificationsand some secondary classifications aredefined by Oracle Payroll to meetlegislative requirements, and are suppliedto users with the product. You cannotdelete these predefined components.

Glossary – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Professional Information An SSHR functionwhich allows an employee to maintain theirown professional details or a line managerto maintain their direct reports professionaldetails.

Proficiency (within Assessment) Theperceived level of expertise of a person in acompetence, in the opinion of the assessor,over a given period. For example, a personmay demonstrate the communicationcompetence at Expert level. See also:Performance (within Assessment), Competence,Assessment

Proficiency Level A system for expressing andmeasuring how a competence is exhibitedin the work context. See also: BehavioralIndicators.

Progression Point A pay scale is calibrated inprogression points, which form a sequencefor the progression of employees up the payscale. See also: Pay Scale

Provincial/Territorial Employment StandardsActs In Canada, these are laws coveringminimum wages, hours of work, overtime,child labour, maternity, vacation,public/general holidays, parental andadoption leave, etc., for employeesregulated by provincial/territoriallegislation.

Provincial Health Number In Canada, this isthe account number of the provinciallyadministered health care plan that theemployer would use to make remittances.There would be a unique number for eachof the provincially controlled plans i.e.EHT, Quebec HSF, etc.

PTO Accrual Plan A benefit in whichemployees enroll to entitle them to accrueand take paid time off. The purpose ofabsences allowed under the plan, who canenroll, how much time accrues, when thetime must be used, and other rules aredefined for the plan.

QQPP (See Canada/Quebec Pension Plan)Qualification Type An identified

qualification method of achievingproficiency in a competence, such as anaward, educational qualification, a licenseor a test. See also: Competence

Qualifying Days In the UK, these are days onwhich Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) can be paid,and the only days that count as waitingdays. Qualifying days are normally workdays, but other days may be agreed.

Qualifying Pattern See: SSP Qualifying PatternQualifying Week In the UK, this is the week

during pregnancy that is used as the basisfor the qualifying rules for StatutoryMaternity Pay (SMP). The date of thequalifying week is fifteen weeks before theexpected week of confinement and anemployee must have been continuouslyemployed for at least 26 weeks continuinginto the qualifying week to be entitled toSMP.

Quebec Business Number In Canada, this isthe employer’s account number with theMinistere du Revenu du Quebec, alsoknown as the Quebec Identificationnumber. It consists of 15 digits, the first 9identify the employer, the next 2 identifythe type of tax account involved (payroll vs.corporate tax), and the last 4 identify theparticular account for that tax.

Questionnaire An SSHR function whichrecords the results of an appraisal.

QuickPaint Report A method of reporting onemployee and applicant assignmentinformation. You can select items ofinformation, paint them on a report layout,add explanatory text, and save the reportdefinition to run whenever you want. Seealso: Assignment Set

Glossary – 13

RRates A set of values for employee grades or

progression points. For example, you candefine salary rates and overtime rates.

Rating Scale Used to describe an enterprise’scompetencies in a general way. You do nothold the proficiency level at the competencelevel. See also: Proficiency Level

Record of Employment (ROE) A HumanResources Development Canada form thatmust be completed by an employerwhenever an interruption of earningsoccurs for any employee. This form isnecessary to claim Employment Insurancebenefits.

Recruitment Activity An event or program toattract applications for employment.Newspaper advertisements, career fairsand recruitment evenings are all examplesof recruitment activities. You can groupseveral recruitment activities togetherwithin an overall activity.

Recurring Elements Elements that processregularly at a predefined frequency.Recurring element entries exist from thetime you create them until you delete them,or the employee ceases to be eligible for theelement. Recurring elements can havestandard links. See also: NonrecurringElements, Standard Link

Region A collection of logically related fieldsin a window, set apart from other fields bya rectangular box or a horizontal line acrossthe window. See also: Block, Field

Registered Pension Plan (RPP) This is apension plan that has been registered withRevenue Canada. It is a plan where fundsare set aside by an employer, an employee,or both to provide a pension to employeeswhen they retire. Employee contributionsare generally exempt from tax.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)This is an individual retirement savingsplan that has been registered with RevenueCanada. Usually, contributions to theRRSP, and any income earned within theRRSP, is exempt from tax.

Report Parameters Inputs you make whensubmitting a report to control the sorting,formatting, selection, and summarizing ofinformation in the report.

Report Set A group of reports and concurrentprocesses that you specify to run together.

Requisition The statement of a requirementfor a vacancy or group of vacancies.

Request Groups A list of reports andprocesses that can be submitted by holdersof a particular responsibility. See also:Responsibility

Residual The amount of unused paid time offentitlement an employee loses at the end ofan accrual term. Typically employees cancarry over unused time, up to a maximum,but they lose any residual time that exceedsthis limit. See also: Carry Over

Glossary – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Responsibility A level of authority in anapplication. Each responsibility lets youaccess a specific set of Oracle Applicationsforms, menus, reports, and data to fulfillyour business role. Several users can sharea responsibility, and a single user can havemultiple responsibilities. See also: SecurityProfile, User Profile Options, Request Groups,Security Groups

Retry Method of correcting a payroll run orother process before any post–runprocessing takes place. The original runresults are deleted and the process is runagain.

Revenue Canada Department of theGovernment of Canada which, amongstother responsibilities, administers,adjudicates, and receives remittances for alltaxation in Canada including income tax,Employment Insurance premiums, CanadaPension Plan contributions, and the Goodsand Services Tax (legislation is currentlyproposed to revise the name to the CanadaCustoms and Revenue Agency). In theprovince of Quebec the equivalent is theMinistere du Revenu du Quebec.

Reviewer (SSHR) A person invited by anappraising manager to add reviewcomments to an appraisal.

Reversal Method of correcting payroll runs orQuickPay runs after post–run processinghas taken place. The system replacespositive run result values with negativeones, and negative run result values withpositive ones. Both old and new valuesremain on the database.

Rollback Method of removing a payroll runor other process before any post–runprocessing takes place. All assignmentsand run results are deleted.

SSearch by Date An SSHR sub–function used

to search for a Person by Hire date,Application date, Job posting date or searchby a Training event date.

Salary Basis The period of time for which anemployee’s salary is quoted, such as hourlyor annually. Defines a group of employeesassigned to the same salary basis andreceiving the same salary element.

Scheduled Enrollment A benefits planenrollment that takes place during apredefined enrollment period, such as anopen enrollment. Scheduled enrollmentscan be administrative, open, orunrestricted.

Security Group Security groups enable HRMSusers to partition data by Business Group.Only used for Cross Business GroupResponsibility security. See also:Responsibility, Security Profile, User ProfileOptions

Security Profile Security profiles controlaccess to organizations, positions andemployee and applicant records within theBusiness Group. System administrators usethem in defining users’ responsibilities. Seealso: Responsibility

Self Appraisal Part of the SSHR Appraisalfunction. This is an appraisal undertaken byan employee to rate their own performanceand competencies.

SMP See: Statutory Maternity Pay Social Insurance Number (SIN) A unique

number provided by Human ResourcesDevelopment Canada (HRDC) to eachperson commencing employment inCanada. The number consists of 9 digits inthe following format (###–###–###).

Glossary – 15

Source Deductions Return (TP 1015.3) AMinistere du Revenu du Quebec formwhich each employee must complete. Thisform is used by the employee to reduce hisor her taxable income at source by claimingeligible credits and also provides payrollwith such important information as currentaddress, birth date, and SIN. These creditsdetermine the amount of provincial tax towithhold from the employee’s wages.

Special Information Types Categories ofpersonal information, such as skills, thatyou define in the Personal Analysis keyflexfield.

SSHR Oracle Self–Service Human Resources.An HR management system using anintranet and web browser to deliverfunctionality to employees and theirmanagers.

SSP See: Statutory Sick Pay SSP Qualifying Pattern In the UK, an SSP

qualifying pattern is a series of qualifyingdays that may be repeated weekly, monthlyor some other frequency. Each week in apattern must include at least one qualifyingday. Qualifying days are the only days forwhich Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) can be paid,and you define SSP qualifying patterns forall the employees in your organization sothat their entitlement to SSP can becalculated.

Standard Link Recurring elements withstandard links have their element entriesautomatically created for all employeeswhose assignment components match thelink. See also: Element Link, RecurringElements

Statement of Commissions and Expenses forSource Deduction Purposes (TP1015.R.13.1) A Ministere du Revenu duQuebec form which allows an employeewho is paid partly or entirely bycommissions to pay a constant percentageof income tax based on his or her estimatedcommissions for the year, less allowablebusiness expenses.

Statement of Remuneration and Expenses(TD1X) In Canada, the Statement ofRemuneration and Expenses allows anemployee who is paid partly or entirely bycommission to pay a constant percentage ofincome tax, based on his or her estimatedincome for the year, less business-relatedexpenses.

Statutory Maternity Pay In the UK, you payStatutory Maternity Pay (SMP) to femaleemployees who take time off work to havea baby, providing they meet the statutoryrequirements set out in the legislation forSMP.

Standard HRMS Security The standardsecurity model. Using this security modelyou must log on as a different user to see adifferent Business Group. See: MultipleResponsibility Security

Statutory Sick Pay In the UK, you payStatutory Sick Pay (SSP) to employees whoare off work for four or more days becausethey are sick, providing they meet thestatutory requirements set out in thelegislation for SSP.

Succession Planning An SSHR function whichenables a manager to prepare a successionplan.

Glossary – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Suitability Matching An SSHR function whichenables a manager to compare and rank apersons competencies.

TTabbed Regions Parts of a window that

appear in a stack so that only one is visibleat any time. You click on the tab of therequired region to bring it to the top of thestack.

Task Flows A sequence of windows linked bybuttons to take you through the stepsrequired to complete a task, such as hiring anew recruit. System administrators cancreate task flows to meet the needs ofgroups of users.

Terminating Employees You terminate anemployee when he or she leaves yourorganization. Information about theemployee remains on the system but allcurrent assignments are ended.

Termination Rule Specifies when entries of anelement should close down for an employeewho leaves your enterprise. You can definethat entries end on the employee’s actualtermination date or remain open until afinal processing date.

Tips An SSHR user assistance component thatprovides information about a field.

UUser Assistance Components SSHR online

help comprising tips and instructions.User Balances Users can create, update and

delete their own balances, includingdimensions and balance feeds. See also:Balances

User Profile Options Features that allowsystem administrators and users to tailorOracle HRMS to their exact requirements.See also: Responsibility, Security Profile

VViewer (SSHR) A person with view only

access to an appraisal. An appraisingmanager or an employee in a 360 DegreeSelf appraisal can appoint view only accessto an appraisal.

WWCB Account Number In Canada, this is the

account number of the provinciallyadministered Worker’s CompensationBoard that the employer would use to makeremittances. There would be a uniquenumber for each of the provinciallycontrolled boards i.e. Workplace Safety &Insurance Board of Ontario, CSST, etc.

Waiting Days In the UK, statutory Sick Pay isnot payable for the first three qualifyingdays in period of incapacity for work(PIW), which are called waiting days. Theyare not necessarily the same as the firstthree days of sickness, as waiting days canbe carried forward from a previous PIW ifthe linking interval between the two PIWsis less than 56 days.

Glossary – 17

Work Choices Also known as WorkPreferences, Deployment Factors, or WorkFactors. These can affect a person’s capacityto be deployed within an enterprise, suchwillingness to travel or relocate. You canhold work choices at both job and positionlevel, or at person level.

Worker’s Compensation Board In Canada,this is a provincially governed legislativebody which provides benefits to employeesupon injury, disability, or death whileperforming the duties of the employer.Worker’s Compensation Board premiumsare paid entirely by the employer.

Workflow An Oracle application which usescharts to manage approval processes and inaddition is used in SSHR to configuredisplay values of sections within a webpage and instructions.

Work Structures The fundamental definitionsof organizations, jobs, positions, grades,payrolls and other employee groups withinyour enterprise that provide the frameworkfor defining the work assignments of youremployees.

Glossary – 18 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Index – 1


AAbsence categories, examples, 6–6 to 6–8Absence elements

balances for, 6–9 to 6–11definition and linking of, 6–13 to 6–15function of, 6–7

Absence reasons, examples, 6–6Absence types

defining, 6–16eligibility for, 6–7examples, 6–6listing by, 6–63

Absencesauthorization of and replacements for, 6–51batch entry of, 6–51, 6–53defining and linking elements for, 6–13defining types of, 6–16duration calculated by formula, 6–50elements for, 6–7 to 6–10, 6–8employee’s history of, 6–62initializing balances for, 6–9recording, 6–50 to 6–52, 6–55 to 6–57referencing in payroll runs, 6–10reporting on, 6–64reviewing, 6–52setup for recording, 6–11 to 6–12

Accrual plans. See PTO accrual plansAction items

and self–service messages, 13–9defining, 13–9due dates, 13–13recording for a person, 22–35

Activity rate calculationsdefinitions, 15–17examples, 15–18

Activity ratesand elements, 15–2annual rates, 15–29calculation methods, 15–4defining for standard contributions, 15–24employer matching rates, 15–5flex credit calculations, 16–2matching contribution rates, 15–5overview, 15–2payroll processing, 15–4prorated rates, 15–4recalculating for Standard Benefits, 23–2,

23–3special rates, 22–15standard, 15–3variable rate profiles, 15–5 to 15–10, 15–40

Activity summary reports, 21–9Actual premium

calculation examples, 15–23calculations, 15–10defining, 15–49deleting, 15–53

Application Data Exchange, for salaryadministration, 5–16, 5–22

Approvals, of salary proposals, 5–15, 5–20Arrearage

See also Insufficient FundsHow to manage, 3–36

Index – 2 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Arrears balancescreation and maintenance of, 3–12 to 3–13for deductions, 3–14

Audit log report, 21–10

BBalance dimensions, 1–62

for PTO accruals, 6–24, 6–44selecting for user balances, 1–66

Balance feeds, 1–62controlling with classifications, 1–65creating for individual elements, 1–64, 1–65from input values, 1–64

Balance feeds, reviewing, 1–47Balances

Able, 3–14Accrued, 3–14Arrears, 3–14defining, 1–65feeds for arrears balances, 3–12 to 3–14for foreign currencies, 1–53for grossup, 1–67of time absent, 6–7, 6–9overview, 1–62to store PTO accruals, 6–24, 6–44, 6–45Toward Bond, 3–14

Batch element entrySee also BEEBEE facility for, 4–11 to 4–13

BEEand existing entries, 4–16batch statuses, 4–12, 4–22checking control totals, 4–24entering batch header, 4–16entering batch lines, 4–19, 4–20, 4–21entering control totals, 4–17for batch element entry, 4–11 to 4–13for entry of accrued time taken, 6–53procedures for, 4–14purging a batch, 4–26, 4–27retrieving lines, 4–22reviewing process results, 4–24rolling back a transfer, 4–28transferring a batch, 4–25, 4–27updating a batch, 4–22validating a batch, 4–23, 4–27

validation of accrual eligibility, 6–35Beneficiaries

adding a new beneficiary for a participant,22–34

adding for a participant, 22–33Beneficiaries (of basic benefits), recording,

7–19 to 7–20Benefit assignments, 11–10, 21–3Benefit balances, 15–13

defining, 15–55defining for a person, 23–7

Benefit contributions, recording, 22–51Benefit distributions, recording, 22–51Benefit Enrollment, 25–8Benefit plans for health care (basic)

COBRA–eligible, 7–29defining elements for, 7–6 to 7–8initiating deductions for, 7–6 to 7–8reviewing enrollment in, 7–25

Benefit poolsapplying to a plan or option, 16–12defining, 16–10overview, 16–2rollover rules, 16–13

Benefit programs, enrollment requirements,13–10

Benefitsoverview of advanced benefits, 8–6, 20–3overview of standard benefits, 8–5, 20–2selecting carriers of, 1–56setting deduction frequency for, 1–56

Benefits (basic)beneficiaries for, 7–19dependent coverage under, 7–18overview of, 7–4using elements to represent, 7–4 to 7–5

Benefits (basic)beneficiaries for, 7–17classifications for, 7–16defining carriers of, 7–6defining elements for, 7–6 to 7–7defining health care plans, 7–11enrolling employees in, 7–17entering health care plan coverage levels,

7–15establishing eligibility for, 7–7

Index – 3

initiating deductions for, 7–6 to 7–7setup overview, 7–6

Benefits batch processes, 21–8activity summary reports, 21–9audit log report, 21–10close enrollments, 21–9close unresolved action items, 21–8default enrollment, 21–8defining parameters, 21–19determine communications, 24–2, 24–7error by error type and person, 21–11life event management, 21–4life event management modes, 21–4maintain designee eligibility, 21–9monitoring, 21–21purging data, 21–5

Benefits carriers, selecting, 1–39Benefits classifications

for COBRA–eligible basic benefits, 7–16list of, 7–16

Benefits Enrollmentconfiguring, 25–22removing Benefits Enrollment page, 25–29

Benefits enrollment. See EnrollmentBenefits enrollments, 25–2Benefits error reports, 21–11Benefits groups, 11–4

defining, 11–28Benefits reporting group

defining, 19–11overview, 19–2

Benefits service center, 18–2, 22–52Benefits Table, entries for, 7–6, 7–15Benefits Table amount rule

and benefit plan setup, 3–35selection of, 3–8

CCalendars, for employee absences, 6–50Categories of elements

adding new, for earnings, 2–32, 3–29adding new, for non–payroll payments,

2–32, 3–29listing of, 1–26 to 1–32

Categories, of elements, 1–25Certifications, recording for a person, 22–37Classifications of elements

for basic benefits, 7–16 to 7–18primary, 1–26

Close enrollments batch process, 21–9Close unresolved action items batch process,


Coverage Report (basic benefits), 7–33eligibility profiles, 10–18Expiration Letter (basic benefits), 7–33Grace Period Expiration Letter (basic

benefits), 7–33Notification Letter (basic benefits), 7–33Payments Report (basic benefits), 7–33Qualified beneficiaries, 10–26Set up process, 10–6

COBRA continued coverage (basic benefits)premium payment schedules for, 7–27receipt of premium payments for, 7–27setting up, 7–32standard letters relating to, 7–30

COBRA eligibility, 10–2COBRA payment, recording, 22–50COBRA qualifying events (basic benefits)

for employees and dependents, 7–29recording of, 7–34

COBRA reports (basic benefits)COBRA Coverage, 7–30 to 7–31COBRA Payments, 7–31

COBRA–eligible basic benefit plansadministration of, 7–29changing coverage status of, 7–26employer responsibilities for, 7–29recording qualifying events for, 7–34

Combination plans, 9–40Communications

batch process parameters, 24–3defining, 17–5defining triggers, 17–8delivery method, 17–9overview, 17–2person communications, 24–6self service forms, 17–7usages, 17–7

Index – 4 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Company Car, earnings type for, 2–19Compensation and benefits

eligibility rules, 1–14entering, 1–16, 4–4 to 4–9history, 4–10planning, 1–34qualifying conditions, 1–15, 1–39, 1–53salary administration, 5–3 to 5–4setup overview, 1–35tracking changes, 1–33 to 1–34using elements to represent, 1–10 to 1–12

Compensation objectshierarchical structure, 9–47options, 9–5overview, 9–2plan types, 9–5plans, 9–6programs, 9–6terminology, 9–4

Compensation Workbenchactivity rates, 27–5backing–out life events, 26–18, 27–34Close Compensation Enrollments Process,

26–20, 27–36defining a plan, 27–20defining enrollment requirements, 27–22issuing a budget, 27–26moving an employee, 27–26overview, 27–2Participation Process: Compensation, 27–31Post Process, 27–33processing, 27–18reporting groups, 19–11setting up, 27–12status, 27–11updating amounts, 27–26updating employee eligibility, 27–26

Continuing benefitsbenefits assignments, 11–10recording payment, 22–50

Contributions, recording, 22–51Controlling deductions taken against a

particular earnings, 2–35Costable types, for element links, 1–44Costing

for assignments, 4–6for elements, 1–44

of PTO accruals, 6–49Court orders

overview, 22–7recording for a benefits participant, 22–48

Coverage calculationsdefining, 15–42example, 15–21overview, 15–6

Coveragescross plan type limits, 15–7, 15–45interim coverage for suspended enrollments,

15–7Creating an earnings category to reduce

regular wages, 2–36Creating regular non–worked hours, 2–36Creating regular non–worked hours earnings

type, 2–36Currencies

defining for benefit programs, 9–10of element entries, 1–39, 1–53

Customizing, Element Entries window, 1–20

DDatabase items

and payroll formula inputs, 1–21from element input values, 1–40

Date Earned, 6–25Date earned

for work in prior periods, 2–21input value for, 2–21

Date Paid, 6–25Dates, schedule enrollments in Benefits, 25–20Deduction

identifying, 3–31selecting processing rules for, 3–32

Deduction Amount, determining, 3–35Deduction Start and Stop Rules, 3–5Deduction start and stop rules, Total Reached

stop rule, 3–5Deductions, 3–2

arrears management for, 3–12changing partial amount rule for, 1–56changing run types for, 1–56

Index – 5

classifications for, 1–29components generated for, 3–4for Series EE Bond purchase, 3–7included in Oracle Payroll, 1–11online review of, 1–47structures for, 3–4user–initiated and system–generated, 1–12

Deductions taken against a particular earningstax and pre–tax only, 2–24tax only, 2–24

Default enrollment process, 21–8Defaults, for element entries, 1–18Deferred Compensation Plans, 3–16Dependent coverage

defining eligibility profiles, 11–26defining requirements for a program, 14–14enrollment requirements, 13–4, 14–2orders, 22–7

Dependentsbasic benefits coverage for, 7–17, 7–18maintaining, 22–31stopping basic benefits coverage for, 7–21,

7–22viewing for a participant, 22–30

Derived factorsage, 11–22combination age and length of service, 11–25compensation level, 11–17hours worked in period, 11–20length of service, 11–23overview, 11–8percent full time, 11–19

Determine Communications Batch Process,24–2, 24–7

Determine the deduction amount, How to,3–35

Disabling Regular Non–Worked HoursEarnings Type, 2–38

Distributions, recording, 22–51

EEarnings, 2–2

identifying, 2–33

Earnings and deductionsinitiation and generation of, 1–12 to 1–14review of, 1–47 to 1–48

Earnings elementsLabor Recording, 2–8Regular Hours Worked, 2–8Time Entry Wages, 2–6Vacation Pay and Sick Pay, 2–9 to 2–11

Earnings or payment amountscalculation rules for, 2–25 to 2–27Flat Amount rule for, 2–25Hours x Rate rules for, 2–25 to 2–26Percentage of Earnings rule for, 2–27

Earnings Threshold start rule, selection of,3–32

Earnings Type, initiating, 2–32Earnings types

classifications and categories for, 1–29company car, 2–19components generated for, 2–20dates earned for, 2–21deduction processing against, 2–24GTL Imputed Income, 2–17 to 2–18included in Oracle Payroll, 1–11jurisdictions for, 2–21online review of, 1–47overtime, 2–12 to 2–14regular salary, 2–6regular wages, 2–6separate checks for, 2–23shift pay, 2–15 to 2–16structures for, 2–20tax withholding methods for, 2–22user–initiated and system–generated, 1–12

ELE_ENTRY_REASON, 4–6Element classifications, 1–24

and processing priorities, 1–26 to 1–28for earnings types, 1–29for employer liabilities, 1–31for non–payroll payments, 1–29for non–tax deductions, 1–29for PTO accruals, 1–29for tangible items, 1–31for taxes, 1–30Information, 1–31

Index – 6 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

primary, 1–26 to 1–32processing priorities, 1–24

Element entriesautomatic, 1–17batch, 4–11by indirect formula results, 1–22, 1–58creating batch lines, 4–19, 4–21currencies for, 1–53deleting, 4–8for an element set, 4–20history, 4–10hot defaults, 1–40manual, for individual employees, 4–6 to

4–7multiple, 1–17, 1–38nonrecurring, 4–5overview, 4–4 to 4–9preventing, 1–39recurring, 4–5reviewing, 4–10setup for, 1–16using DateTrack, 4–5validation, 1–18, 1–41viewing list of employees with, 4–9

Element Entries window, customizing, 1–20Element generation by Oracle Payroll

for earnings and non–payroll payments,2–20

for non–tax deductions, 3–4Element Link Details report, 1–61Element links, 1–14

defining, 1–44 to 1–47maintaining, 1–33reporting on, 1–61standard, 1–39standard, for automatic entry, 1–17, 1–54

Element processing prioritychanging the default for, 1–53, 2–34, 3–39default values for, 1–26

Elementsand run results, 1–21batch entry of, 4–11classifications and categories of, 1–26 to

1–32defining, for absence types, 6–13 to 6–15defining, for basic benefits health care plans,


defining, to hold information, 1–38 to 1–39deleting, 1–43eligibility rules for, 1–14examples of, 1–10for salaries, 5–8formula result rules, 1–58formulas for, 1–21 to 1–23frequency rules, 1–16generated, for PTO accrual plans, 6–17 to

6–19, 6–20input values for, 1–13, 1–40 to 1–41linking of, 1–44 to 1–46maintaining, 1–33manual entry of, 4–6 to 4–7modification of system–generated, 1–49 to

1–51predefined and generated, 1–10processing type, 1–16qualifying conditions, 1–15, 1–39, 1–46,

1–53system generation of, 1–12

Eligibilityfor COBRA, 10–2modeling, 21–15waiting periods, 11–5

Eligibility profilesassociating with a compensation object, 9–19COBRA, 10–18criteria, 11–12defining, 11–15for dependents, 11–26overview, 11–2

Employee lists, by absence type, 6–63Employee statuses, formula processing rules

for, 1–21, 1–58Employer

liabilities, classification for, 1–31taxes, classification for, 1–30

Employer Matching, 3–43Enrollment

action items, 13–13action types, 13–6certifications, 22–37codes, 13–10, 13–18defining scheduled, 13–48deleting, 22–13designating dependents, 22–31

Index – 7

forms, 22–2in flex programs, 22–3, 22–9in miscellaneous plans, 22–4, 22–25in non–flex programs, 22–3, 22–17in savings plans, 22–4, 22–20minimum and maximum periods, 11–4overrides, 22–6overview, 22–2results, 22–5, 22–29retroactive, 22–7special rates, 22–15unrestricted types, 13–7unsuspending, 15–8waiving participation, 22–6

Enrollment requirementschange of life event, 13–33defining for plan types in a program, 13–15defining for plans in programs, 13–18for a program, 13–10for benefit plans, 13–36, 13–41for dependent coverage, 13–4, 14–2for life event enrollments, 13–3for plans, 13–5for programs, overview, 13–2for scheduled enrollments, 13–3

Enter processing rules for the deduction, Howto, 3–32

Entering Processing Rules for the Earnings orPayment, 2–34

Exchange rates, currencies for element entries,1–53

Extractfile layout, 19–7sorting, 19–7

FFlat Amount rule

input value for, 2–25selection of, 2–34, 3–8

Flex creditsSee also Flex programsbenefit pools, 16–10benefit pools, overview, 16–2

calculation overview, 16–2defining, 16–4partial month processing, 16–8payment schedule, 16–6payroll processing, 16–6period–to–date limits, 16–6proration, 16–8variable rate profiles, 16–6

Flex programs, 22–16enrolling persons in, 22–9enrollment process, 22–3viewing a person’s flex credits, 22–14

Flexible spending accounts, 9–8, 9–50annual rates, 15–29

FLSAchanging indicators for, 1–55hours, 2–13overtime base rate, 2–12

Formula functions, GET_TABLE_VALUE,6–38

Formula result rulesmodification of system–generated, 1–49system generation of, 1–12, 2–20, 3–4

Formulasand employee statuses, 1–21for element processing, 1–21 to 1–23for PTO accrual plans, 6–22, 6–24, 6–28for tax calculations, 1–22for validation, 1–41formula result rules, 1–58in payroll startup data, 1–22modification of system–generated, 1–49processing rules for, 1–21PTO_HD_ANNIVERSARY_BALANCE,




6–29result rules for, 1–22system generation of, 1–12, 2–20, 3–4to calculate absence duration, 6–50

Index – 8 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Frequency rules, of elements, 1–16

GGenerated elements

for payroll processing, 1–12, 2–20, 3–29modification of, 1–49 to 1–51pay values of, 1–23 to 1–25

Goods and services, associating with a plan,9–38

Grade rates, for salary proposal validation,5–14

GTL imputed incomeearnings type for, 2–17 to 2–18predefined table for, 2–2, 2–17

HHealth Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act. See HIPAACertification

HIPAA Certification, 10–11History

of element entries, 4–10of salaries, 5–25

Hot defaultsconsequences of overriding, 4–7for automatic updating, 1–40

Hours x Rate rulesfor earnings types, 2–25 to 2–26input values for, 2–26selection of, 2–34Wage Rates tables for, 2–26 to 2–28

HR User, profile option, 1–38, 7–11HR:Absence Duration Auto Overwrite, 6–50Human resource management, salary

administration, 5–3 to 5–4

IIdentifying the Earnings or Payment, 2–33Identifying, classifying and categorizing the

earnings or payment, 2–33

Imputed income calculationsassociating payment schedules with, 15–47associating variable rate profiles with, 15–47defining, 15–46overview, 15–9

Imputed income plans, 9–9Indirect results, formula result rules for, 1–58

to 1–60Individual Compensation Distributions (ICD),

26–2Ineligibility period, for using accrued PTO,

6–34, 6–46Initiating an Earnings Type, 2–32Initiation, of deductions, 3–29 to 3–30Input values, currencies for, 1–53Input values, 1–13

and formula inputs, 1–21and Pay Value, 1–23defaults for, 1–18 to 1–20, 1–46defining, 1–40hot defaults for, 4–7validation, 1–46

Interim coverage, 15–7

JJobs, mapping salary survey lines, 5–30Jurisdiction

for a secondary work location, 2–21input value for, 2–21

LLabor Recording element, 2–8Length of service bands

for PTO accrual plans, 6–37setup of, 6–47

LettersCOBRA Expiration (basic benefits), 7–33COBRA Grace Period Expiration (basic

benefits), 7–33COBRA Notification (basic benefits), 7–33

Index – 9

Life event reasonsassociating person changes with, 12–15associating with a compensation object, 9–21general characteristics, defining, 12–12overview, 12–2

Life eventsbacking out, 21–6batch process modes, 21–4collapsing, 12–5, 12–16manually creating, 21–25manually voiding, 21–26modeling eligibility changes, 21–15, 21–24,

21–29Participation batch process, 21–4running the batch process, 21–20viewing, 21–23

Limit deduction processing against earnings orpayment, 2–35

Limiting Deduction Processing, 2–35Links

defining, 1–44 to 1–47entering costing information, 1–44entering qualifying conditions, 1–46link level input value changes, 1–46

Linksautomatically created for accrual elements,

6–20defining, 1–14for salary elements, 5–10for Vacation Pay and Sick Pay elements, 2–9maintaining, 1–33reporting on, 1–61standard, 1–39standard, for automatic entry, 1–17standard, for automatic entry, 1–54

Lookup typesABSENCE_CATEGORY, 6–12ABSENCE_REASON, 6–12for salary surveys, 5–27PROPOSAL_REASON, 5–15US_ACCRUAL_START_TYPE, 6–34US_PTO_ACCRUAL, 6–43

Lookups, to validate element entries, 1–41

MMaintain designee eligibility batch process,

21–9Manage insufficient funds, How to, 3–36Managing Insufficient Funds (Arrearage), 3–36Matching, 3–43Matching rates, 15–5Messages

for online benefits, 18–5formula result rules for, 1–58 to 1–60

Miscellaneous plansenrolling persons in, 22–25enrollment process, 22–4

MIX facilities, BEE, 4–11Modeling eligibility, 21–29Multiple element entries, 1–17, 1–38

NNavigation paths, Oracle Federal Human

Resources, A–41Net accrual calculation, 6–17, 6–27

changing, 6–48Net to gross, selecting balances to exclude,

1–67Non–flex programs

enrolling persons in, 22–17enrollment process, 22–3

Non–payroll payments, 2–32deduction processing against, 2–24review of, 1–47separate checks for, 2–23user–initiated and system–generated, 1–12

Non–Worked Hours, 2–36Nonrecurring elements, 1–16

entering, 4–5

Index – 10 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

OOnline activities, maintaining, 18–4Online benefits administration, 18–2, 22–52Options

associating with plans, 9–35defining, 9–45designation requirements, 9–5, 9–45overview, 9–5

Organizationsassociating with a benefits plan, 9–39associating with benefits programs, 9–23

Overridesfor a plan, 22–44for an option, 22–43for benefits enrollments, 22–6for waive plans, 22–42

Overriding benefits information, 22–38Overtime

base rate calculation, 2–13base rate, including earnings in, 2–33earnings type for, 2–12 to 2–14


management, 21–13process, 21–20viewing information, 21–13

Participation eligibilitymodeling, 21–29overriding, 22–38, 22–40overriding for an option in a plan, 22–43

Pay valuesdefining, 1–40enterable and non–enterable, 1–23 to 1–25purpose of, 1–23

Payment, identifying, 2–33Payroll formulas

for element processing, 1–21 to 1–22modification of, 2–26

Payroll run typesdefault withholding methods for, 2–22Regular and Supplemental, 2–22

Payroll Table amount rule, selection of, 3–35

Payroll tables, row type setup, 3–37 to 3–38Percentage of Earnings rule

input value for earnings types, 2–27 to 2–29selection of, 2–34, 3–8

Period–to–date limitsdefining, 15–54overview, 15–13

Person benefit balances, defining. See Benefitbalances

Person changes, defining, 12–14Person communications

maintaining, 24–6overview, 17–3

Person participation information, displaying,21–22

Plan enrollmentdefining requirements, 13–36, 13–41overrides, 22–44

Plan typesassociating with programs, 9–16certifications for waiving, 9–18defining, 9–26defining enrollment requirements when in a

program, 13–15overview, 9–5waiving, 9–18

Plan year periodsassociating with a benefits program, 9–25defining, 9–48

Plansassociating goods and services with, 9–38associating options with, 9–35associating organizations with, 9–39associating plan year periods with, 9–37associating with programs, 9–16combinations, 9–40defining, 9–27defining enrollment requirements when in a

program, 13–18defining restrictions, 9–31design, 9–2eligibility requirements and activity rates,

9–29enrollment requirements, 13–5not in program, 9–34overview, 9–2

Index – 11

regulations, 9–38, 19–13regulatory bodies, 19–12reporting groups, 9–37waiting periods, 9–33waiving, 9–41year periods, 9–7

Positions, mapping salary survey lines, 5–30Postal zip ranges, defining, 11–30

See also service areasPotential life events

manually creating, 21–25manually voiding, 21–26

Pre–tax deductionsbalance for, 3–14classification and categories for, 1–29

PremiumsSee also Actual premiumsadjusting for a person, 23–5adjusting for a plan or option, 23–4

Primary care providersdefining restrictions for selecting, 9–42overview, 22–5recording, 22–28

Primary care search provider facility, 25–30Primary element classifications, 1–24, 1–26 to

1–32Prior period pay

dated earned for, 2–21employee information for, 2–21

ProcessesBEE Rollback, 4–28Create Batches, 4–19PTO Carry Over, 6–39, 6–59

Processingdefining rules for elements, 1–58sequence of elements, 1–24

Processing rules, modifying generated rules,1–52 to 1–54

Processing Rules for the Earnings or Payment,entering, 2–34

Processing type, of elements, 1–16, 1–38Program and plan year periods, and plan year

periods, defining, 9–48Program enrollment requirements

for life event enrollments, 13–3

for scheduled enrollments, 13–3Program structure

displaying, 9–7hierarchy, 9–4terminology, 9–4

Programsassociating plan year periods with, 9–25associating plans and plan types with, 9–16associating reporting groups with, 9–24certifications for waivable plan types, 9–18defining enrollment requirements for plan in,

13–18defining enrollment requirements for plan

types in, 13–15defining requirements for life event

enrollment, 13–28defining scheduled enrollments for, 13–26displaying program structure, 9–7enrollment requirements, overview, 13–2general characteristics, defining, 9–13hierarchical structure, 9–47overview, 9–6waiving plan types in, 9–18year periods, 9–7

PROPOSAL_REASON, 5–15Proration, of grade rate values for salary

validation, 5–14PTO (paid time off)

balance type, 6–25, 6–44calculation of net accrued, 6–27carry over process for, 6–59ceiling and maximum carry over, 6–37costing, 6–49expiry date, 6–40manual or batch entry of time taken, 6–53 to

6–54review of net time accrued, 6–61sale or purchase of, 6–20, 6–48, 6–54

PTO accrual plansaccrual bands, 6–37, 6–47ceiling and maximum accrual, 6–47defining, 6–45elements for, 6–17 to 6–19, 6–20enrollment in, 6–53, 6–58example of, 6–41example rules, 6–22formulas for, 6–17 to 6–19, 6–22

Index – 12 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

length of service factors, 6–37 to 6–38, 6–47maintenance of, 6–53 to 6–54overriding length of service, 6–58period of ineligibility under, 6–34, 6–46rolling accrual term, 6–30seeded formulas for, 6–28setup steps for, 6–43 to 6–44start rule options for, 6–34 to 6–36

PTO Carry Over processelements for, 6–17, 6–20formula for, 6–17, 6–22running, 6–59

Purging batch process data, 21–5

QQualified Domestic Relations Orders, 22–7Qualifying conditions

failure to meet, 4–6for elements, 1–46, 1–53

Qualifying events, for COBRA coverage (basicbenefits), 7–34

RRate codes, and wage rate tables, 2–26Rates

See also Activity Ratesfor earnings calculations, 2–25

Recalculate participant values (OSB), 23–2running the process, 23–3

Recurring elements, 1–16entering, 4–5

Reduce Regular Wages, 2–36Regular

earnings, 1–29, 2–22runs, 2–22salary, 2–6 to 2–10wages, 2–6 to 2–10

Regular Hours Worked element, 2–8Regular Non–Worked Hours, 2–11, 2–36Regular Salary and Regular Wages

earnings type for, 2–6elements associated with, 2–6

formula processing for, 2–9Regulations

and benefit plans, 19–13associating with a plan, 9–38defining, 11–29

Regulatory bodies, defining for benefit plans,19–12

Reimbursable, goods and service types, 9–8,9–49

Reimbursementdefining plans, 9–50 to 9–53recording requests, 23–8

Reimbursements, classification for, 1–29Reporting groups

associating with a benefits plan, 9–37associating with benefits programs, 9–24for benefits, 19–2

ReportsAbsences, 6–64COBRA Coverage (basic benefits), 7–30 to

7–32, 7–33COBRA Payment (basic benefits), 7–33COBRA Payments (basic benefits), 7–31CPFLine, A–29Dutch specific, A–13Element Link Details, 1–61Employee Benefit Eligibility Listing (basic

benefits), 7–28Employee Benefit Enrollment Register (basic

benefits), 7–28Participation Audit Activity Purge Process,

21–28Salary Review, 5–26

Residual PTO, 6–27calculation of, 6–40element for, 6–20

Retroactive enrollments, 22–7Rules for the Earnings or Payment, 2–34Run results, and Oracle FastFormula, 1–21 to



changing, 5–18

Index – 13

reporting on, 5–26reviewing, 5–24 to 5–26viewing history, 5–25

Salary administrationdefining elements for, 5–8for entry of salaries and wage rates, 5–3 to

5–4validating salary entries, 5–11

Salary basisdefining, 5–13 to 5–14for salary administration, 5–6

Salary components, 5–7, 5–15creating, 5–12

Salary proposals, 5–15approving, 5–15, 5–20, 5–23correcting, 5–21deleting, 5–21entering, 5–17, 5–18reporting on, 5–26reviewing in folder, 5–22validating, 5–11validating by grade rates, 5–14

Salary spreadsheets, 5–16Salary surveys

entering, 5–28identifiers, 5–27mapping survey lines, 5–30

Savings plansenrolling persons in, 22–20enrollment process, 22–4

Scheduled Enrollmentsdefining for a plan, 13–48for plans in program, 13–26

Secondary element classifications, 1–24, 1–62Selecting Processing Rules for the Deduction,

3–32Self–service Benefits

flexible benefits programs, 25–5Individual Compensation Distributions

(ICD), 26–2plan design considerations, 25–2scheduled enrollment dates, 25–20user access to, 25–24

Self–service enrollment, configuring text, 17–7Separate check payments

input value for, 2–23

limiting deduction processing, 2–35setting up, 2–35

Series EE Bond purchasebalance for, 3–14deduction for, 3–7Purchase Price input value, 3–7setup for, 3–34

Service areas, defining, 11–31Set up payment by a physically separate check,

2–35Set up row types that do not reference

database items, How to, 3–37Set up row types that reference database items,

How to, 3–37Setting up an earnings type or non–payroll

payment, 2–32Setting Up Payroll Tables, 3–37Shift differentials, predefined table for, 2–15 to

2–16Shift Pay, earnings type for, 2–15 to 2–16Skip rule formulas, 1–21Skip rules

adding to generated, 1–49selection of, 1–53

Special inputs elements, viewing, 1–47Spreadsheets, for salary administration, 5–16SSP and SMP, 6–4Standard Benefits

administration overview, 20–2, 20–5implementation overview, 8–2, 8–5

Standard contributionsdeduction schedule, 15–31matching rates, 15–34partial month determinations, 15–27proration, 15–27

Standard contributions and distributionsassociating variable rate profiles with, 15–33defining activity rates for, 15–24overview, 15–3payroll processing, 15–30

Standard distributions, payment schedules,15–31

Standard element links, 1–17, 1–39setup of, 1–54

Index – 14 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Start Rule: Earnings Threshold, 3–5Start Rule: On Entry, 3–5Supplemental

earnings, 1–29withholding, 2–22

Supplemental withholding, input value for,2–22

System extractbatch process, 24–8change log, 24–9criteria, 19–8defining, 19–21defining criteria, 19–14defining the layout, 19–16layout, 19–3overview, 19–3viewing results, 24–10

TTagging element, for PTO accrual plans, 6–18Tax deductions

and Vertex Inc., 1–11, 1–30classifications and categories for, 1–30 to

1–32links and entries for, 1–11

Tax withholding methodsand Tax Separately input value, 2–22for Regular and Supplemental runs, 2–22for supplemental earnings in regular runs,

2–22regular and supplemental, 2–22

Taxeselement classifications for, 1–30federal, state and local, 1–30

Termination rules, 1–38, 1–52Time Entry Wages element, 2–7Timecard data, entering, 4–11Total Reached stop rule

Accrued balance for, 3–14 to 3–16input value for, 3–5

UUnrestricted enrollments, 13–7

Unsuspended enrollments, 15–8US_ACCRUAL_START_TYPE, 6–34US_PTO_ACCRUAL, 6–43User type profile options, HR User, 1–38, 7–11User–initiated earnings types

components generated for, 2–20features of, 2–20

User–initiated non–payroll paymentscomponents generated for, 2–20features of, 2–20

VVacation, accrual plan example, 6–41Validation

of element entries, 1–18, 1–41of salaries, 5–11

Variable rate profilesassociating with imputed income

calculations, 15–47associating with standard contributions and

distributions, 15–33calculation methods, 15–39defining, 15–37, 15–40overview, 15–5 to 15–10variable rate factors, 15–14

Vertex Inc.Oracle Corporation agreement with, 1–11tax calculations from, 1–30

WWage rates, predefined table for, 2–26Waiting periods, 11–5

for a plan, 9–33Waive participation, 22–47Waiving

plan types in a program, 9–18plans, 9–41waive certifications, 9–18

Waiving benefits, 22–6Web pages, removing Benefits Enrollment

page, 25–29What–if eligibility, 21–15

Index – 15

WindowsAbsence Attendance Type, 6–16Absence Detail, 6–55Accrual Bands, 6–47Accrual Plan, 6–45Accruals, 6–61 to 6–63Activity Variable Rates and Rules, 16–6Actual Premiums, 15–49Associated Accrual Plans, 6–56Balance, 1–65Balance Classifications, 1–65Balance Dimensions, 1–66Balance Feeds, 1–64, 1–65Batch Assignment Entry, 4–20Batch Header, 4–16Batch Lines, 4–21Batch Process Parameters, 21–19Batch Summary, 4–24, 4–27Beneficiaries, 7–19Benefit Balances, 15–55Benefit Pools, 16–10Benefits Assignment, 21–3Benefits Groups, 11–28Benefits Service Center, 22–52Change Event Log, 24–9COBRA Benefits, 7–32COBRA Coverage, 7–34COBRA Payments, 7–27COBRA Qualified Beneficiaries, 10–26COBRA Statuses, 7–26Collapsing Rules, 12–16Communication Type Delivery Methods,

17–9Communication Types, 17–5Court Orders, 22–48Coverage Across Plan Types, 15–45Coverage Restrictions, 13–20Coverages, 15–42Covered Dependents, 7–18, 7–22Create Batch Lines, 4–19default navigation paths, A–41Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles,

11–26Derived Factors, 11–17Designation Requirements, 9–45Determine What–If Eligibility/Ineligibility

Participation, 21–29Display Enrollment Information, 21–24Earnings, 2–32, 2–36, 2–39

Element, 1–38, 1–49, 5–8, 7–11Element Description, 2–38Element Entries, 4–6, 4–8Element Link, 1–44, 5–10Enrollment Action Types, 13–9Entry Values, 4–7Exclude Balances, 1–67Flex Credits, 16–4Formula Result Rules, 1–58Further Element Information, 1–55Goods and Services, 9–49Imputed Income, 15–46Initial Balance Feed, 1–66Input Values, 1–40Life Event Reason, 13–22, 13–39Link Input Values, 1–46List Employees by Absence Type, 6–63List Employees by Element, 4–9Maintain Online Activities, 18–4Maintain Plan Options, 9–35Maintain Plan Primary Care Providers, 9–42Maintain Plan Related Details, 9–37, 9–38,

9–39Maintain Pop Up Messages, 18–5Map Salary Survey, 5–30Monitor Batch Process, 21–21Monthly Participant Premium, 23–5Monthly Plan or Option Premium, 23–4Net Calculation Rules, 6–48Options, 9–45Oracle Federal Human Resources, A–41Partial Month Rate Proration Values, 16–8Participation Eligibility Profiles, 11–15Payment Schedule, 15–47, 16–6Period–to–Date Limits, 15–54Person Benefits Balances, 23–7Person Communications, 24–6Plan and Plan Type, 9–16Plan Enrollment Overrides, 22–44Plan in Program Participation Eligibility,

9–19Plan Types, 9–26Plans, 9–27Postal Zip Ranges. See See also service areasProgram Waive Certification, 9–18Program Waive Reasons, 9–18Program/Plan Year, 9–48Programs, 9–13Record Continuing Benefits Payment, 22–50

Index – 16 Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS (US)

Record Contributions or Distributions,22–51

Regulations, 11–29Reimbursement Requests, 23–8Salary Administration, 5–17, 5–21Salary Basis, 5–13Salary History, 5–25Salary Management Folder, 5–12, 5–22Salary Surveys, 5–28Schedule Information, 15–31Service Areas, 11–31Variable Rate Criteria, 15–40View Absence History, 6–62View Element Entry History for Employee,

4–10View Employee Dental, Medical and Vision

Benefits (basic benefits), 7–25

View Participation Information, 21–22View Person Life Event Information, 21–23View Program Structure, 9–47Waive Participation, 22–47Waiving, 9–41

Work locations, and tax jurisdictions, 2–21Work schedules, and salary proration, 5–14

YYear Periods, associating with a benefits

program, 9–25Year periods, 9–7

associating with a plan, 9–37defining, 9–48