Managing the Diverse Workforce Presented by: Saad Ahmed Khan Muhammad Daniyal Khwaja Zeeshan Iqbal...

Managing the Diverse Workforce Presented by: Saad Ahmed Khan Muhammad Daniyal Khwaja Zeeshan Iqbal Owais Adil 1

Transcript of Managing the Diverse Workforce Presented by: Saad Ahmed Khan Muhammad Daniyal Khwaja Zeeshan Iqbal...

Managing the Diverse WorkforcePresented by:

Saad Ahmed KhanMuhammad DaniyalKhwaja Zeeshan IqbalOwais Adil


AgendaIntroduction to diversity or diverse workforce

The distinction between affirmative action and managing diversity

How companies can gain a competitive edge by effectively managing diversity

What challenges a company is likely to encounter with a diverse workforce

How an organization can take steps to cultivate diversity


Diversity: A Brief IntroductionManaging diversity

understanding and appreciating employee differences to build a more effective and profitable organizationrecognizing the characteristics common to specific groups of employees while dealing with such employees as individuals and supporting, nurturing, and utilizing their differences to the organization’s advantage


Diversity TodayDiversity

broad term used to refer to all kinds of differences • race, age, sex, religion, attitudes, physical

abilities, life interests, expectations, flexibility, aggressiveness, extroversion

members of different groups share common values, attitudes, and perceptions• there is still much diversity within each group


Components Of A Diversified Workforce

OtherReligious affiliationVeteran statusSexual orientationExpectations and valuesLifestyleSkill levelEducational levelEconomic classWorkstyleFunction and/or position within the company



Physically andmentally disabled

Racial and ethnicminorities in the

United States



Managing Diversity Versus Affirmative Action

Affirmative action (AA)instituted to curb discrimination and correct the past exclusion of women and minorities from U.S. organizationsreverse discrimination exists when qualified white males are passed over for employment opportunities

Managing diversitymeans moving beyond legislated mandates to embrace a proactive business philosophy that values differenceseliminates barriers that hinder attainment of full potential


Managing Diversity Versus Affirmative Action (cont.)

Competitive advantage through diversityoriginal impetus to diversity workforces was social responsibility and legal necessity

• today, many organizations are also approaching diversity from a more practical, business-oriented perspective

Ability to attract and retain motivated employees

• companies with reputation for diversity have competitive advantage in the labor market

• companies will be sought out by most qualified employees

• employees who believe that their differences are valued may become more loyal, productive, and committed


Managing Diversity Versus Affirmative Action (cont.)

Competitive advantage through diversity (cont.)Better perspective of a differentiated market

• as the composition of the American workforce changes, so does the customer base of these companies

– diverse customers may prefer to patronize such organizations• a multicultural workforce can provide a company with greater

knowledge of the preferences and consuming habits of this diversified marketplace

Ability to leverage creativity and innovation in problem solving

• people from different backgrounds hold different perspectives• diverse work groups are freer to deviate from traditional



Managing Diversity Versus Affirmative Action (cont.)

Competitive advantage through diversity (cont.)

Enhancement of organizational flexibility• managing diversity requires a corporate culture that

tolerates different styles and approaches

Challenges of a diverse workforceLower cohesiveness - lack of similarity in culture causes diverse groups to be less cohesive Communication problems - most common negative effect

• diversity increases errors and misunderstandings


Managing Diversity Versus Affirmative Action (cont.)

Challenges of a diverse workforce (cont.)Mistrust and tension - mistrust and misunderstanding of those who are different because of a lack of contact and low familiarityStereotyping - inappropriately stereotype their “different” colleagues rather than accurately perceiving and evaluating those individuals’ contributions, capabilities, aspirations, and motivations

• stereotypes affect how people are treated


Multicultural OrganizationsMonolithic organizations

an organization that has a low degree of integration• employs few women, minorities, or other groups that differ

from the majority– low minority employees must adopt the norms of the majority

• has a highly homogeneous employee population

Pluralistic organizationshave a more diverse employee populationuse an affirmative action approach to managing diversitysome acceptance of minorities into the informal networkmuch less discrimination and less prejudice


Multicultural Organizations (cont.)

Multicultural organizationvalues cultural diversity and seeks to utilize and encourage itfully integrate gender, racial, and minority group members both formally and informallyabsence of prejudice and discriminationlow levels of intergroup conflictsynergistic environment

• all members contribute to their maximum potential and the advantages of diversity can be fully realized


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce

Top management leadership and commitment

top management support is criticalincorporate organization’s attitudes toward diversity into the corporate mission statement, strategic plans, and objectivesestablish corporate offices or committees to coordinate the companywide diversity effort that provides feedback to top managementminority advisory groups or task forces to monitor organizational policies, practices, and attitudes

• assess program impact on diverse groups• provide feedback and suggestions to top management


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Organizational assessmentestablish an ongoing assessment of the organization’s workforce, culture, policies, and practices

• identify problem areas• make recommendations where changes are


corporate values and norms should be identified and critically evaluated regarding their necessity and their impact on the diverse workforce


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Attracting employeesRecruitment - a company’s image can be a strong recruiting tool

• a reputation for hiring and promoting all types of people can be a competitive advantage

• many minorities and economically disadvantaged people are physically isolated from job opportunities

– companies can bring information about job opportunities to the source of labor

– companies can transport labor to the jobs


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Attracting employees (cont.)Accommodating work and family needs

• corporate work and family policies are now one of the most important recruiting tools

• providing child care leads to:– decreased turnover and absenteeism– improved morale

• concerns for dual-career couples expressed by:– limiting relocation requirements– provide job search assistance to relocated spouses


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Attracting employees (cont.)Alternative work arrangements• offer flexible work schedules and

arrangements– compressed workweeks– job sharing - two part-time workers share one

full-time job– teleworking - working from home– telecommuting - working from home via

computer hookup to the main worksite


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Diversity trainingattempt to identify and reduce hidden biases and develop skills needed to effectively manage a diversified workforceAwareness building - to increase awareness of the meaning and importance of valuing diversity

• sensitize employees to assumptions they make about others

• become familiar with stereotypes and cultural differences

• become familiar with organizational barriers that inhibit the full contributions of all employees

• teach the unwritten “rules” or cultural values to those who need to know them


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Diversity training (cont.)Skill building - designed to allow all employees to develop the skills they need to deal effectively with one another and customers in a diverse environment

• most of the skills taught are interpersonal• develop personal action plans before they leave the program• experiential exercises and videotapes often are used

Retaining employeesSupport groups - form minority networks to promote information exchange and social support

• provide emotional and career support• help diverse employees understand work norms and cultures


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Retaining employees (cont.)Mentoring - higher-level managers help ensure that high-potential people are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the organization• help diverse employees enter the informal network

Career development and promotion - establish teams to evaluate the career progress of diverse employees• devise ways to move them up through the ranks


How Organizations Can Cultivate A Diverse Workforce (cont.)

Retaining employees (cont.)Systems accommodation - recognize:

• cultural and religious holidays• differing modes of dress• dietary restrictions• needs of individuals with disabilities

Accountability - managers held accountable for workforce development

• performance appraisal and reward systems reinforce the importance of effective diversity management




As the economy becomes increasingly global, our workforce becomes increasingly diverse.

Organizational success and competitiveness will depend on the ability to manage diversity in the workplace effectively.