Managing intranets? It's business as usual.

Managing intranets? It’s business as usual in BT!

Transcript of Managing intranets? It's business as usual.

Page 1: Managing intranets? It's business as usual.

Managing intranets?

It’s business as usual in BT!

Page 2: Managing intranets? It's business as usual.


About BT today

Why an intranet?

Information vision

Critical success factors

Managing the intranet

At the heart of BT

The future

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About BT today

Operating in over 170 countries, BT is one of the world’s leading providers of communications solutions and services. Our principal activities include networked IT services, local, national and international telecommunications services, and higher-value broadband and internet products and services.

• BT’s strategy: bold transformation

• BT in the global market – delivering networked IT services

• Broadband – the UK leads the world, and there is more to come

• Mobility and convergence – allowing communications wherever you are

• 21st century network (21CN) – essential investment for future prosperity

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Why an intranet?

• Initiated back in 1994

• Information overload

• Valuable information being produced, but…

• not shared, communicated or being managed

• Initiated by Group Communications

• Business led, not technology led!

• Retrospective 1st year benefits of £305m

• Now individual business cases

• Culture change

• Empowerment, flat communications, freely available information

• Organisational change

• Virtual working

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Information vision

The Intranet enables people in BT to access the information and services they need to do their work at any time, from any place.

• information to be easily accessible, timely, accurate and relevant, and appropriate to their business situation and needs

• consistency between information and the organisation’s desired behaviours and values

• location and time not to be barriers to accessing and using information

• to receive information through the most appropriate media

• to exert choice and control over the information they receive

• information to add value

• their changing requirements to be met in a timely fashion

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Critical success factors

• Focus on information, NOT technology

• duplication of data (effort) was removed

• Information was seen as legitimate

• Information was seen to be up to date

• It was easy to navigate & find right information

• BT opted to devolve authority and content to franchise holders

• No imposed standards for layout or style

• Exponential growth and huge diversity of sites

• Self regulation by lines of business to establish consistent ‘look’

• Centrally established standards for management of information

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BT’s intranet strategy

• Align with overall BT and IT strategy

• User survey recommendations

• IBF benchmarking recommendations

• Develop with business partners

• Communicate to key stakeholders

• Implement action plan and update on progress made

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Content types• Formal

• for many, authoritative, well managed, reliable.

• All standards are mandatory

• Team

• for a defined audience, owned by a team, with shared responsibility for editing, requiring a managed environment.  

• Most standards are mandatory

• Crowd

• community owned, open environment, for anyone to edit and contribute, light governance and low levels of trust.  

• Some standards are mandatory

• Personal

• opinion based, owned by an individual, light governance, open to a wide audience.

• Some standards are mandatory

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Intranet centre of excellence

• Standards & governance:

• keep the standards up-to-date and make sure they are enforced and publishers are trained

• Conformance:

• provide a central set of tools, templates, processes and online publisher training

• Intranet helpdesk:

• provide friendly, non-technical advice by email or telephone

• Content ownership

• the person who owns the content trains themselves, publishes and manages their content

• Approval

• the content owner’s manager approves requests to publish and if it isn’t managed to comply with standards

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What do our users need?

• Annual intranet survey by independent company

• Feedback using links on every page

• Beta testing of new sites

• Content templates show features users need

• Intranet standards based on users needs

• 85% satisfied or very satisfied

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How are we using social media in BT?

Key principles

no anonymous posting

say what you like … but you will be held accountable!


RSS powered news

Podcasting Blogging

Project wikis

Examples: MyBT network

building knowledge basebuilding communities

one source; one truthuser controls their own content

social networkingmaking connections

bringing content to lifebuilding trust engaging with each other

real time team collaboration

blogs available for all

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• We started in 1994

• Information vision, not technology

• Intranet centre of excellence

• Applied central control where needed

• Don’t measure ROI across whole intranet

• Everyone in BT has access

• Helped to change culture & way of working

• Business critical system

• Ever evolving

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