management science

UNIT WISE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS UNIT – I INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT 1. Describe the nature and importance of management in modern business context? 2. Name and describe various levels of management with their functions? 3. State and explain Taylor’s scientific management theory? [or] Describe how and why scientific management theory gained scientific importance? 4. What are the Mayo’s Hawthorne experiments? Why are they significant even today? 5. Explain theory-X and theory-Y as theories of motivation? 6. Explain systems approach towards management? 7. Discuss the leadership styles with examples with Indian managers follow.


important topics unit wise

Transcript of management science

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1. Describe the nature and importance of management in modern business context?

2. Name and describe various levels of management with their functions?

3. State and explain Taylor’s scientific management theory? [or]

Describe how and why scientific management theory gained scientific importance?

4. What are the Mayo’s Hawthorne experiments? Why are they significant even today?

5. Explain theory-X and theory-Y as theories of motivation?6. Explain systems approach towards management?7. Discuss the leadership styles with examples with Indian

managers follow. Can you suggest a best style for them how? [or]

What are the basic leadership styles and their corresponding effective and ineffective styles? [Or]

(a) Define the leadership?(b) Examine the various styles of leadership?8. What do you mean by social responsibilities of managers?

How can social responsibility be made operational in an organization? [or]

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“In Indian organizations the social responsibilities are more in theory than practice”. Do you agree with this statement? Explain?



1. Name and describe the principles of organization structure? Describe briefly various steps involved in organizing procedure?

2. What are the various types of organization structures? Explain them with their merits and demerits?

3. What is departmentation? How is it essential for the management of a business enterprise?

4. Organization structure refers to the differentiation and integration of activities, authority, roles and relationships. Explain?

5. What is matrix organization structure? State the advantages and limitations?

6. What do you mean by formal and informal organization? Differentiate them?

7. Explain the following?(a) principle of authority and responsibility(b) principle of unity of command(c) principle of span of control(d) principle of exception



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1. Define plant layout. Explain the objectives of plant layout?2. What do you mean by work study? Explain the basic

procedure involved in method study and work measurement?

3. Explain the differences between product layout and process layout? [or]

“Product layout is better than process layout” do you agree with the statement? Support your answer?

4. Explain the features of methods of production?5. Explain the factors effecting location of industrial plant?6. Explain the concept of SQC. Explain how you can

construct control chars for the variables and attributes?7. What do you understand by acceptance sampling? Explain

the concept of single and double sampling plans?8. Explain the Deming’s contribution towards Quality

control?UNIT – IV


1. What is Inventory control? Give a brief classification of inventories? Explain the various techniques of inventory control?

2. Explain the following terms with neat diagram?(a) EOQ and lead time(b) Safety stock and Re-order point(c) Maximum inventory and minimum inventory(d) Average inventory and inventory consumption trend3. Describe the various types of stores registers?4. Explain the procedure for purchasing of materials?

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5. “ABC analysis is an important inventory control technique” discuss?

6. Describe the marketing mix with its basic elements?7. What are major channels of distribution for consumer

goods and industrial goods? Explain the various factors effecting the selection of a particular distribution channels.

8. Discuss various stages of product life cycle? Why is it essential for marketer to know about the stages in PLC of hi product or service?



1. What is HRM? Is it different from PM and IR? 2. Discuss in detail the objectives and functions of HRM?

[Or] what are the key functions of HR managers?3. Why do organizations promote their employees? What

should be the criteria for promotion?4. “The success of an organization to a greater extent depends

on how the HRD acts substantiate”?5. How should one go about identifying training needs in an

organization?6. Explain some of the problems in interview as a method of

selection?7. Define merit rating? Explain various methods of merit

rating?8. Explain the following concepts with appropriate explain?(a) job description(b) job specification(c) job enrichment(d) job requirement

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1. What is the importance of cost analysis? Account for different types of cost citing examples?

2. What do you mean by crashing a network? State step by step procedure for crashing?

3. Explain how do you determine the probability of meeting the scheduled date of completion of project?

4. Explain and illustrate what do you understand by network network analysis? How do you compare PERT and CPM?

5. A construction company has listed down various activities that are involved in constructing a building. These are summarized along with immediate predecessors in the table? Draw a project network for the following?


Activity Predecessor

1 A -2 B -3 C A4 D A5 E A,B6 F C,D7 G F8 H E,G

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6. From the following data draw the network and identify the critical path also calculate total float and free float of each activity.


1-2 1-6 2-3 2-4 3-5 4-5 6-7 5-8 7-8

To 2 5 4 3 5 4 1 2 10Tm 6 9 9 6 12 9 6 4 15Tp 9 14 12 9 15 14 9 6 24

7. The jobs of a project with respective time estimates are given in table?

jobs To Tm


1-2 3 6 151-6 2 5 142-3 6 12 302-4 2 5 83-5 5 11 74-5 3 6 156-7 3 9 275-8 1 4 77-8 4 19 28

(a) Draw the network and calculate following

(i) Variance of each job

(ii) Length of the project

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(iii) Variance of the project

(b) What is the probability that the jobs on the critical path will be completed the due date 42 days.

8. Given the cost and time for a particular poject.determine the optimal cost schedule for the project by drawing project schedule v/s total cost. Overhead cost is 50/- per day?


Normal CrashTime(days) Cost(Rs.) Time(days) Cost(Rs.)

1-2 3 180 1 2202-3 4 130 2 1802-4 7 80 3 1203-4 5 80 2 140



1. How do you differentiate mission from vision and what is their importance in organizations?

2. What is the need for planning? State the significance of corporate planning? [Or] explain the main elements in corporate planning process?

3. Distinguish between strategic planning and operational planning?

4. Identify the factors that are to be diagnosed in external and internal environment of a business organization? [Or]

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What are the factors of external and internal environmental to be considered for formulating strategy-explain? [Or]

Explain the process of environmental scanning process?

5. Describe the strategic management process? What mechanism would you suggest so that the right strategic plan is formulated?

6. What is SWOT analysis? What is its significance?7. Differentiate between horizontal and vertical growth

strategy. How do these differ from concentric diversification?



1. Write a short note on the following?(a) capability maturity model (CMM)(b) supply chain management(SCM)(c) enterprise resource planning(ERP)2. Explain the following concepts along with their

significance to the business?(a) re-engineering(b) bench-marking(c) balanced score card 3. What are the major ingredients of total quality

management? Are some ingredients more important than the others? Explain?

4. What is the material requirement planning illustrated?5. Explain the following?(a) just in time(JIT)

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(b) business process out sourcing(BPO)6. Explain the seven principles of Michael hammer relating to

re-engineering?7. What are some of the guidelines that can be followed for

the purpose of improving MIS?8. What is portfolio management? Discuss various key

aspects in investment decisions?