Man Will Not and Cannot Seek God

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Transcript of Man Will Not and Cannot Seek God

  • 7/31/2019 Man Will Not and Cannot Seek God


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    according to the good pleasure ofhis will (G2307, as according to the will of God, not man), To

    the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

    proorizo (G4309) to limit in advance, that is, (figuratively) predetermine: - determine before,

    ordain, predestinate.

    thelema(G2307) a determination (properly the thing), that is, (actively) choice (specifically

    purpose, decree; abstractly volition) or (passively) inclination: - desire, pleasure, will.

    God chooses whom he chooses; we cannot and will not choose him out of free-will, for freewill we do

    not have. Man if filled with the will of self, and will always choose self, unless God has chosen otherwise

    for that man.

    It is God who has mercy on whom He has mercy, and grace upon whom He has grace.

    Romans 9:15-18 KJV For he saith to Moses, I will (God will) have mercy on whom I will have

    mercy, and I will (God will) have compassion on whom I will (God will) have compassion. (16) So

    then it is not of him (not of man) that willeth, nor of him (not of man) that runneth, but of God

    that sheweth mercy. (17) For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have

    I (God) raised thee up, that I (God)might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be

    declared throughout all the earth. (18) Therefore hath he (God) mercy on whom he (God) will

    have mercy, and whom he (God) will he hardeneth.

    God will harden whom he hardens and make alive whom He wills; man do not have a say in the matter.

    For whatever God Has chosen from the foundation of the world will not be changed, and there is not a

    soul that will deliver you out of the hand of God. His has it set for you, or against you from the


    Deuteronomy 32:39 KJV See now that I (God), even I (God), am he, and there is no god with me:

    I (God) kill, and I (God) make alive; I (God) wound, and I (God) heal: neither is there any that can

    deliver out ofmy (God) hand.

    Are we as men so arrogant as to tell God what we think He means? He has stated and chosen, and He

    means what He means.


    Who could worship or honor a God who had no plan, or purpose, or intention in what he did?

    Who can believe that the universe was formed and is governed without design? Who can doubtthat what God does he always meant to do?

    When, therefore, he converts and saves a soul, it is clear that he always intended to do it. He

    has no new plan. It is not an afterthought. It is not the work of chance. If I can find out anything

    that God has done, I have the most certain conviction that he always meant to do it - and

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    this is all that is intended by the doctrine of election or predestination. What God does, he

    always meant to do. What he permits, he always meant to permit

    Albert Barnes