Man and society

Man and Society

Transcript of Man and society

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Man and Society

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Can sophistication be “unnatural”?

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Fahrenheit 451Faber was intelligent and

sophisticated in a society that was discouraging knowledge.

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Fahrenheit 451The government was trying to keep the people from knowing the past and to only listen to what they were teaching them now. They wanted to form the society to make everyone the same.

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West Side StoryMaria is sophisticated from what

she learned from her parents. It was taught to her so it did not

come naturally to her.

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West Side StoryThe rivalry between the gangs was a natural reaction between people in society. The fighting results from tension growing

between the groups.

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“Civil Disobedience”

“The mass of men serve the state thus, not as men mainly, but as machines, with their bodies.”

Soldiers are a perfect example of how the government wants society to be. Soldiers work

as one as the government wants them to and are punished if they do not.

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“Civil Disobedience”

The government has set expectations of how individuals in

society should act. Society itself also helps to impact how people act and when people do not follow the rules

they are seen as an outcast.

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The Book of EliEli was sophisticated in a desperate

society. The natural instincts of survival made people act


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The Book of EliThe society in the movie would be seen as “unsophisticated” and “unnatural”

compared with how our society is today. But, to them that was the only life they knew and it was “natural” to


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“Teenage wasteland”Donny was seen as an outcast because he wanted to be different. He did not like the

standards society had made for everyone, so he rebelled.

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“Teenage Wasteland”Donny’s mom was sophisticated. She fit into society and followed society’s roles. She tried to get Donny to do what she knew he

had to do to fit into society.

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“Beautiful Spencer”Spencer’s dad was not

involved in his life and caused him to act the way he did. Spencer could not interact

with his dad in a normal way so he acted out.

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“Beautiful Spencer”Spencer wanted to fit in. He wanted Angela to love him so he acted like everyone else. In the end it caused him to kill Angela and for him to be paralyzed.

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Lord of the FliesThe boys were raised to be polite but

when they had to fight for their survival their natural instincts to

survive made them act differently as uncivilized people.

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Lord of the FliesSimon was tormented by the

Lord of the Flies because he was paranoid and scared.

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Native American PoetryThe government restricted the

Native Americans to reservations because they were different than the

society they wanted to form.

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Native American PoetryThe Native Americans were

“abnormal” because they drank and hurt themselves and

others. Because of their decisions their children

suffered. Society forced them be in the area designated to


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Non-conformist Music“And don’t criticize what you can’t

understand” Bob DylanThe Times They Are A-Changin’

Society wants us all to be alike and when people are different they are

criticized because they do not understand.

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Non-conformist Music“Speak for yourself or they’ll speak for

you” Billy Talent Red Flag

If you don’t do your own thing you will be forced to follow the way of society. We are born different but society tries to makes

us all the same.