Male chastity deflating the three most ridiculous myths

Male Chastity - Deflating the Three Most Ridiculous Myths Prepared By: Milan Padariya Source:

Transcript of Male chastity deflating the three most ridiculous myths

Male Chastity - Deflating the Three Most

Ridiculous Myths

Prepared By: Milan Padariya


• Male chastity and orgasm denial will surely be beneficial for the marriage. Of that it is obvious.

• But for almost any man or woman coming onto the Internet the very first time with the aim of learning more about it from the safe, sane and rational perspective, the outlook is actually comparatively grim.


• Because the majority of what you will find is fiction. Some of it's accurately labeled as a result, and there is no harm or foul there. But most of it is presented as fact, even though it can be plainly ridiculous and, to numerous, extremely off-putting.

Why? Cont...

• This is particularly true for females who have perhaps been asked by their husbands to think about male chastity being a legitimate lifestyle and are generally looking online to get information sources to assist them to understand their husband's desires.

• So here I'm going to deflate what I've found being the three most typical myths and misconceptions about male chastity.

Myth #1

• Myth #1 could be the myth male chastity has the capacity to fix a broken marriage.

• This is completely false and one of the most dangerous myths regarding the male chastity lifestyle there's, I think, because believing it may cause many, a lot more problems than you already possess.

Myth #1 Cont...

• Chastity brings males and females closer. It's about enhancing the levels of intimacy you love it. And if your marriage is broken along with your wife avoids all connection with you since you make her skin crawl, then asking her to look at a lifestyle meant to increase sexual and emotional contact and connection is really a course of action prone to blow up spectacularly within your face.

Myth #1 Cont...

• If your marriage is strong but has perhaps just lost that sparkle, then male chastity is certainly one option you could both take advantage of exploring; in case it's weak and filled up with cracks and bad feeling, then you are probably better getting specialist help with your marriage.

Myth #2

• Myth #2 could be the myth your man wants being a submissive pantie-wearing doormat and possess you use and abuse him. While it's undeniably true this is correct for some men, it is certainly very rare.

Myth #2 Cont...

• Most men seeking chastity using their wives are trying to find two things: improved physical and emotional intimacy; as well as the sheer pleasure the sensation long-term orgasm denial, teasing and male chastity provides them.

Myth #3

• Myth #3 could be the myth male chastity is right for all males and females. A lot of people claim it is a woman's "right" to "enforce" it to be with her husband.

Myth #3 Cont...

• This too is totally false. Male chastity is nearly always driven through the man, and it is typically a fantasy he'll have had since he first discovered a potential partner. But for men who do not have the fantasy, it's highly unlikely their women should be able to persuade them to try it.

• Following on because of this, you will find very, very, few women out there being a proportion from the population running around looking to lock their men in chastity and deny their orgasms. Not what chastity-driven men wish to hear, however it is the truth.

• And overriding this may be the simple fact it can be impossible for the woman to push a man into chastity. The stories you read about "blackmail" and "she'll divorce me if I don't do it" are lies simply.

• Male chastity is definitely something you need to do with a male, to never him.

• It's an excellent lifestyle, being sure, but to find the most out of it you absolutely need to get informed and arm yourself while using facts, so while you approach your Beloved, you are able to answer her questions and set her mind resting.


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