MALARIA JUr Cure -...

PHI DAILY SUN GAIKESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 1 1909 t 5 NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA- The big bungalow and postofflce at cave Sable have bovn destroyed The buildings were owned by the estate of the late James A Wad dell James Connelly the sole occu pant of the house can give no cause for the rire but It I thought to hUe originated Irom u Mituke put used to drive away mosquitoes The St Johns Ltyht and Power Company la extending service out beyond the northern limits of the city into known as White City The also being to the Blind Instl tutes new building now in course of erection which will be lighted with electricity when finished The Government snag boat Capt McGuire Is on the river about here clearing the masses of hyacinths- The accumulation Is especially heavy- at the lluffalo Bluff and Palatka bridges where It tloats against the pilings making a broad green meadow of the river and almost stopping the passage of the smaller boats and launches San Mateo Item The Orlando Cornet Band which for the past year has been In u state of suspended animation has peen re cucitated and Is now acting like the real live thing It used to be Orlando has a new concrete band stand and this ought to Inspire the players to put forth their best efforts They also have sonic of the best musicians In the State Included In their mem- bership Andrew E McNamaru of Jackson- ville who has been acting In the ca- pacity of stenographer at the office- of The Record Company for the past two weeks will return to Jacksonville Mr McNamara last year attended tilt University of Florida at CainesvilU and will shortly leave for Chicago where he will begin the study of medicine During his short May In the city he has made many friends St Augustine Record Pensacola fishermen and wholesale- fish houses report that red snappers the principal fish taken In Gulf wa- ters are scarcer this season than known before in ten or twelve years Gainesville Furniture Ct We Carry Line of Oak and Mahogany Suits Odd Dressers Wash Stands Chiffonniers and Chifforobes Refrigerators- Ice Cream Freezers Vudor Porch Shades and Porch Rugs Complete line of Stoves and Rnngea 81 wvHto FwRJtwt Ca 1 by- re I what win leaf and 0 a Fine t I I I I Its ark con- tinued i r ¬ ¬ ¬ + + Stirted like Ringworm on Hard Hand Swelled and Then Hinnr I Spread to Arms L Face- It was Something PRESCRIPTIONS FAILED CUTICURA CURED HIM 1 have used tbs Cuticura neiwdiw for a very bad case of ecwmn with com- plete nucoeati About tiftwii or eighteen ago tie dl ea e in shape of a on t p f It burned and Itched t much that I war impelled to how it to a He it rinxworm and made very light of It lie gave MM to bed and all morning But next morning my watt all swollen up and I It When the doctor came to ofllr I showed him the hand and to my mir he told me that be had never ex- perienced such a case in practices and was well I After trying hU different remedies thn diwaw- Increased and went finally to my thighs and legs generally and on face wa something tmrible After xj tars tried u I thought enough I went to who had reputation of bring the heat in town me it was a bad case of ecwma and that it would take quit a- while to tare it HU medicine chocked the advance of the disease but no fur therI concluded to try the Cuti sun Remedies I a cake of Cuticura Soap a box of Cuticura Oint- ment and a of Cuticura Resolvent and found relief In the flrat trial I con- tinued until I wa completely free from the disease and I not een troubled with another attack since I still us the Cuticura Ointment in my family a It is one of the best to a ore or other rapidly I can and truthfully the Cuti cura Remedies are the best so far as my experience went with them and I am am not making a C Burk hart 230 V St Chamberoburg- Pa Sept l 1008 Ettenul for Munxir n Infant mil Adult mn of futlcur Su n 25c to Cleaner lb Skin rutlrura Omtnwtit Mr to lint the Skin civil run llm lvmt 50e in the farm ot CtmroU- tOninl 1111 2V prr of COi to rush the IlkMO Sold tb world IMttrr ant rttrai Corp Hate T M fno cuucum on skin U1 and big fleet of vessels engaged- in this business are returning to port with only small catches Until the fish become scarce catches of twenty five thousand and thirty thousand rounds weje not unusual but now the same vessels are coming back af- ter long rips with not onefourth this amount of fish It Is believed the fre- quency of storms has had something to do with the scarcity of flsh San Mateo Item W W Lyon consulting engineer- is making very gratifying progress In the work of preparing H preliminary survey and estimate of cost of the complete system of sewerage for the city of St Augustine This prelimi- nary work will be completed by the last of August when It will be refer- red to the Joint committee in charge and the n xt step to Mil l BURNING ECZEMA I J t I I d to to apply tt over In the his 10 t n them sure 1 end e 1 and > for t ton OUICELYSPREAD Terrible doc- tor a- wash me be the d hit r still feeling stem kte etn irn Mat l Ihrutu tout book the setae ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ < + Improvement will IH tak- n As the campaign for u sewerage system progresses new enthu constantly being added to the list of advocates When the election Is held this time to decide upon a bonding Issue it is generally believed that the Lonu l b Time Iulon- T riii the heavy ttorm jasf td otr Ocalu Saturday afternoou lightning struck a tree in the trout y I uf Mr J A Bouviertt residttut and caused considerable excitement la that neighborhood Two little T I Id ron who were at play on the porch were stunned but not se rlotihly injured Several dishes on a tat nearby were thrown to the flour by tit jar The hock was felt several blocks away The lightning also struck a telephone In the western part of the city and as a about twenty phones were out of commission for several days The exact amount of damage to the telephone company will not be known for several days During a severe electrical storm that passed over Jasper last Sunday thw home of Mitchell Griff was struck by lightning and his grandson Raymond Stanley Instantly killed Mr Grim was on the front porch tiling a saw Raymond had gone out on the back for water When the rush came Mr Griffis Imme- diately went to the east side of the house where lu found the lightning- had struck th building In three places and when he reached the hack torch to his horror found his grand- son lying on the floor dead The cur- rent hall passed across the room over threshold of the door and aero the Moor of the back porch Ray tnoiid was fourteen and bright promising toy The interment took Evergreen Cemetery Rev G F Scott officiating Granulated Sore Eyes Cured Fur twenty years I suffered from 1 bad case of granulated sore eyes Martin Boyd of Henrietta February 1903 a gentleman asked r to try Chamberlains Salve I bought one box and used about two thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since This salve is for sale by all druggists Effort Appreciated- So you were deeply touched by the poem younu Mr Ciiffson wrote to nld Maudv Hut It nut n gocd imetii I dont rare It wn Just an much trouble for Him to write It as If be hut t een Shakcsiware Washington Star Hicks CAPUOINE Cures Sick Head- ache Also Nervous Headache Travelers Headache and aches from Grip Stow acb Troubles or Female troubles Try Cn pud I no Its liquid effects Im- mediately Sold hv lnitrl i 1 ra pole porch K- In tnffttl I autch needed ta t- are r r 1 1 whit ii t stile con- sequence the years old st place at says your Ives aluytitle was > ¬ ¬ > > > MALARIA M Statement ef a Successful Cure MnOMftbol Smith Dallas Feb 1909 baa ab cured me of Malaria and Fever For wine months post I have lived in the swamps of Louisiana I never saw a well for Trntitli Malaria has Leltl me in its grip and for the ji t even week I have Q- cor3rid to b l Thanks to PamAla I am now entirely well uguiu PAMALA Contains no Quinine AU Druggists 100 bottles SARATOGAS SPRINGS Th Water Was First Used by as Cure The Saratoga Springs cure aate dated the settlement of this cornea nlty by the white man when the High Rock spring was only a babbHag- pprtnpUt drunk at first by the ladlaas- aa a fresh water spring Finding that their health was Improved by the wa ter they bethought them that It must have medicinal qualities and from that time all sick Indians were brought- to High Rock spring for the healing- of their Ills The outward and vial U slin that Impressed the red men- U M the dijH slt of the salts of the water about the spring In the form of a cone culled tufa which Htlll exists nod front which It received its name rind through and over which the water hubbies to this day In 1SOO the Congress spring was and became renowned the world over as a saline cathartic This combined with the sulphurous Iron water of the Putnam spring made Saratoga Springs famous as the load lug health tvunrt of the United States The remainder of the thirtyfive min- eral springs were discovered from time to time and all have a wide therapeu- tic application In the treatment of al most nip chronic diseases and are di- vided Into four groups according to their component parts These group are First sodlc murlatcd alkaline saline cathartic second sodlc calcic- rnurlated alkaline snout third run lylH nt fourth sulphur National Oaby Morphine Fiends Are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium end narcotics McGees Elixir containsno Injurious or narcotic drugs- of any sure and safe cure for disordered stomachs bowels and fret- fulness splendid for tccWng Infants Sold by W M Johnson Needed Airing Whnfa the matter with you dt- maudetl Boretu hotly a- right to air my opinions havent I Oh of course replied Brightly There so stale and musts they cer- tainly need something of that sort Philadelphia Press Be sure and take a bottlo of Cbara berlains Colic Cholera and Diar ruoea Remedy with you when starting- on your trip this summer It cannot bo obtained on board the trains or summers Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea sad it is best to be pre glared Sold by all druggists Chills the uxine kind A Ive got PUI ALA lx In- diana a dis- covered sing 1 Baby ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ + J35 GAINESVILLE FLA JUr DUITOM DAnK ORDER IS RECEIVEDEXP- RESS CHARGES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE COST OF GOODS ALL GOODS SNIPPED THE SAME DAY i I are AND SOUMOW WHISXIZ4 lOTTlZO W BOND 4 S M T T it JM- I i IV T i r t44 J M t 4 41 u r K BUX U WUUMiU- I t I r r P e- at I A k UfO t n 118O- M ro- a 10 f- M till l4 H t1 I II- t h- t I 1 tLIQTS n ru I r ro- an y sf- i t u w ti- t Men U M 4 f wi ue Mrtrf I N M 4 has 1 tap QO 41- t u re- I 11 1 1 > > > > + CAPITAL 75ltflt- SJIf US 251111 OFFICERS W R Thomas President a K irwmtT Flrat VJeePrMltfenK E O Turner Cashier W Tavtor tecanrf Vie PrMltlcnt DIRECTORS G K iraome J Q NIctMla J 1 Padett M Vtnable H F Dutton W R Thflmw J A MawH ky W 9 Taylor 4 Per Cent Paid in Savings Department KITS WUECTEfi ANYWHERE THIXD FLMR UVAL HUH JACKSMVHUt F TMMMS UNDERTAKING CO PULL LINe OP NB OOOD5MM- KYTM TtJMMTtJIft 94 IR ruins awt n It rrov Uy au a 4 ui 11 A AOJI YON s W Mall Ll Yr t 5e S I i O Ha- T I dtfeeerseattesP- vseaal aneaWee to Ws We sat tetegnsa aNkn astlta Plttrlt- MiNish1t14PmuIzrMr far ittlt4irria a alerts I sadeea >> COKN WWita- VLX WHtSKflM PAm r t AM- tM Kt t 4M- M f H i- i k i c Old d t f 100 t It I 3 1 1M ro J t tt I t I 1M 1Mr- ea Je 1101 I c UN- aM 111 I- M P r Rtrr- 1vaMr C rI a t 4t0- N k W t n l 300- Nu r t to i t- L a t I 1 0 t teat Ltu a tkeenl R S 1D- QL t ter w 1No I I Nr r w Tta- witeel tt tiUtetee- t rl l k 3N 1 tt t Hail e e f F > > + RIBBON Per tare shies fo b JicHio JUNGS CINCINNATI BEER ALL THC A10VI GOODS SOLD UNDER OUR PERSONA QUA ANTK CHAS BLUM 4fe QQ 1117919 MCNMNVII PMST ILUE SEEK TODAY Jt1t m 11 mV TIL fu Ai i IIII Aq4 Uti i A UI W lAY Ihunt H8 ten I3O0 L50 ODE Y THE T I ong Ihwnt9u I Itt E Q Iit = + +

Transcript of MALARIA JUr Cure -...




The big bungalow and postofflce atcave Sable have bovn destroyed

The buildings were owned by

the estate of the late James A Wad

dell James Connelly the sole occu

pant of the house can give no cause

for the rire but It I thought to hUeoriginated Irom u Mituke put used to

drive away mosquitoes

The St Johns Ltyht and PowerCompany la extending service outbeyond the northern limits of thecity into known as WhiteCity The also being

to the Blind Instltutes new building now in course of

erection which will be lighted withelectricity when finished

The Government snag boat Capt

McGuire Is on the river about hereclearing the masses of hyacinths-

The accumulation Is especially heavy-

at the lluffalo Bluff and Palatkabridges where It tloats against thepilings making a broad green meadowof the river and almost stopping thepassage of the smaller boats andlaunches San Mateo Item

The Orlando Cornet Band which

for the past year has been In u stateof suspended animation has peen recucitated and Is now acting like thereal live thing It used to be Orlandohas a new concrete band stand andthis ought to Inspire the players toput forth their best efforts Theyalso have sonic of the best musiciansIn the State Included In their mem-


Andrew E McNamaru of Jackson-ville who has been acting In the ca-

pacity of stenographer at the office-

of The Record Company for the pasttwo weeks will return to JacksonvilleMr McNamara last year attended tiltUniversity of Florida at CainesvilUand will shortly leave for Chicagowhere he will begin the study ofmedicine During his short May In

the city he has made many friendsSt Augustine Record

Pensacola fishermen and wholesale-fish houses report that red snappersthe principal fish taken In Gulf wa-

ters are scarcer this season thanknown before in ten or twelve years

Gainesville Furniture Ct

We Carry

Line of

Oak and



Odd Dressers

Wash Stands

Chiffonniersand Chifforobes


Ice CreamFreezers

Vudor PorchShades andPorch Rugs

Complete lineof Stoves andRnngea

81 wvHto FwRJtwt Ca




I whatwin

leaf and


a Fine






ark con-







+ +

Stirted like Ringworm on HardHand Swelled and Then Hinnr

I Spread to Arms L Face-

It was Something



1 have used tbs Cuticura neiwdiwfor a very bad case of ecwmn with com-plete nucoeati About tiftwii or eighteen

ago tie dl ea e inshape of a on t p f

It burned and Itched t muchthat I war impelled to how it to a

He it rinxworm andmade very light of It lie gave MM

to bed and allmorning But next morning my

watt all swollen up and IIt When the doctor came to ofllr Ishowed him the hand and to my mir

he told me that be had never ex-perienced such a case in practices and

was well I Aftertrying hU different remedies thn diwaw-Increased and wentfinally to my thighs and legs generallyand on facewa something tmrible After xj tarstried u I thoughtenough I went to whohad reputation of bring the heat intown me it was a bad case ofecwma and that it would take quit a-

while to tare it HU medicine chockedthe advance of the disease but no furtherI concluded to try the Cutisun Remedies I a cake ofCuticura Soap a box of Cuticura Oint-ment and a of Cuticura Resolventand found relief In the flrat trial I con-tinued until I wa completely free fromthe disease and I not een troubledwith another attack since I still usthe Cuticura Ointment in my family aIt is one of the best to aore or other rapidly I can

and truthfully the Cuticura Remedies are the best so far as myexperience went with them and I am

am not making a C Burkhart 230 V St Chamberoburg-Pa Sept l 1008

Ettenul forMunxir n Infant mil Adult mn

of futlcur Su n 25c to Cleaner lb Skinrutlrura Omtnwtit Mr to lint the Skin civilrun llm lvmt 50e in the farm ot CtmroU-tOninl 1111 2V prr of COi to rush the IlkMOSold tb world IMttrr ant rttraiCorp Hate T M

fno cuucum on skin U1

and big fleet of vessels engaged-in this business are returning to portwith only small catches Until thefish become scarce catches of twentyfive thousand and thirty thousandrounds weje not unusual but nowthe same vessels are coming back af-

ter long rips with not onefourth thisamount of fish It Is believed the fre-quency of storms has had somethingto do with the scarcity of flsh SanMateo Item

W W Lyon consulting engineer-

is making very gratifying progress In

the work of preparing H preliminarysurvey and estimate of cost of thecomplete system of sewerage for thecity of St Augustine This prelimi-nary work will be completed by thelast of August when It will be refer-

red to the Joint committee in charge

and the n xt step to Mil







Id to

to apply ttover In





n them sure 1

ende 1

and> for






wash mebe the



still feeling

stem kteetn irn


Ihrutu toutbook


















Improvement will IH tak-

n As the campaign for u seweragesystem progresses new enthu

constantly being added to thelist of advocates When the electionIs held this time to decide upon abonding Issue it is generally believedthat the Lonu l b TimeIulon-

T riii the heavy ttorm jasftd otr Ocalu Saturday afternooulightning struck a tree in the trouty I uf Mr J A Bouviertt residttutand caused considerable excitementla that neighborhood Two little

T I Id ron who were at play on theporch were stunned but not se

rlotihly injured Several dishes on atat nearby were thrown to theflour by tit jar The hock was feltseveral blocks away The lightningalso struck a telephone In thewestern part of the city and as a

about twenty phones wereout of commission for several daysThe exact amount of damage to thetelephone company will not be knownfor several days

During a severe electrical stormthat passed over Jasper last Sundaythw home of Mitchell Griff wasstruck by lightning and his grandsonRaymond Stanley Instantly killedMr Grim was on the front porchtiling a saw Raymond had gone outon the back for water Whenthe rush came Mr Griffis Imme-diately went to the east side of thehouse where lu found the lightning-had struck th building In threeplaces and when he reached the hacktorch to his horror found his grand-son lying on the floor dead The cur-rent hall passed across the room over

threshold of the door and aerothe Moor of the back porch Raytnoiid was fourteen andbright promising toy The intermenttook Evergreen CemeteryRev G F Scott officiating

Granulated Sore Eyes CuredFur twenty years I suffered from

1 bad case of granulated sore eyesMartin Boyd of Henrietta

February 1903 a gentleman askedr to try Chamberlains Salve I

bought one box and used about twothirds of it and my eyes have notgiven me any trouble since Thissalve is for sale by all druggists

Effort Appreciated-So you were deeply touched by the

poem younu Mr Ciiffson wrote tonld Maudv

Hut It nut n gocd imetiiI dont rare It wn Just an much

trouble for Him to write It as If behut t een Shakcsiware WashingtonStar

Hicks CAPUOINE Cures Sick Head-ache

Also Nervous Headache TravelersHeadache and aches from Grip Stowacb Troubles or Female troublesTry Cn pud I no Its liquid effects Im-

mediately Sold hv lnitrl i

1 ra







autch needed

ta t-


r r 1 1

whit ii





years old st

place at


yourIves aluytitle








MALARIAM Statement ef a Successful Cure

MnOMftbol Smith Dallas Feb1909 baa ab cured meof Malaria and Fever For winemonths post I have lived in the swamps ofLouisiana I never saw a well forTrntitli Malaria has Leltl me in its gripand for the j i t even week I have Q-

cor3rid to b l Thanks to PamAla I amnow entirely well uguiu

PAMALAContains no Quinine

AU Druggists 100 bottles


Th Water Was First Used byas Cure

The Saratoga Springs cure aatedated the settlement of this corneanlty by the white man when the HighRock spring was only a babbHag-pprtnpUt drunk at first by the ladlaas-aa a fresh water spring Finding thattheir health was Improved by the water they bethought them that It musthave medicinal qualities and fromthat time all sick Indians were brought-to High Rock spring for the healing-of their Ills The outward and vial

U slin that Impressed the red men-U M the dijH slt of the salts of thewater about the spring In the form ofa cone culled tufa which Htlll existsnod front which It received its namerind through and over which the waterhubbies to this day

In 1SOO the Congress spring wasand became renowned the

world over as a saline cathartic Thiscombined with the sulphurous Ironwater of the Putnam spring madeSaratoga Springs famous as the loadlug health tvunrt of the United StatesThe remainder of the thirtyfive min-eral springs were discovered from timeto time and all have a wide therapeu-tic application In the treatment of almost nip chronic diseases and are di-

vided Into four groups according totheir component parts These groupare First sodlc murlatcd alkalinesaline cathartic second sodlc calcic-rnurlated alkaline snout third runlylH nt fourth sulphur National

Oaby Morphine FiendsAre made by all soothing syrups and

baby medicines that contain opiumend narcotics McGees Elixircontainsno Injurious or narcotic drugs-of any sure and safe cure fordisordered stomachs bowels and fret-fulness splendid for tccWng InfantsSold by W M Johnson

Needed AiringWhnfa the matter with you dt-

maudetl Boretu hotly a-

right to air my opinions havent I

Oh of course replied BrightlyThere so stale and musts they cer-

tainly need something of that sortPhiladelphia Press

Be sure and take a bottlo of Cbaraberlains Colic Cholera and Diarruoea Remedy with you when starting-on your trip this summer It cannotbo obtained on board the trains orsummers Changes of water andclimate often cause sudden attacks ofdiarrhoea sad it is best to be preglared Sold by all druggists




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CAPITAL 75ltflt-SJIf US 251111


W R Thomas Presidenta K irwmtT Flrat VJeePrMltfenK

E O Turner CashierW Tavtor tecanrf Vie PrMltlcnt


G K iraome J Q NIctMlaJ 1 Padett M VtnableH F Dutton W R ThflmwJ A MawH ky W 9 Taylor

4 Per Cent Paid inSavings Department








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