Making The Right Strategic Choices in Product Portfolios

#RallyON15 ©2015 Rally Software Development Corp. All rights reserved. Rich Mironov Making the Right Strategic Choices in Product Portfolios [email protected]

Transcript of Making The Right Strategic Choices in Product Portfolios

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#RallyON15  ©2015 Rally Software Development Corp. All rights reserved.

Rich Mironov

Making the Right Strategic Choices in Product Portfolios [email protected]

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•  Veteran product manager / exec / strategist •  Consult on organizing Agile product organizations •  Interim VP product management / CPO

•  Six startups, including as CEO / founder •  “The Art of Product Management” •  First product camp, Agile Alliance

product track chair

About Rich Mironov

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•  How many of you report up through engineering, development, or IT?

•  …Marketing or product / portfolio management? •  …Are product owners or product managers? •  …Responsible for market / business validation? •  …Able to veto products or projects?

Audience Check

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For revenue software and software-enabled companies: 1.  Validation and strategy should

precede development 2.  Organizational behaviors shape

strategic decision-making 3.  Explicit portfolio allocations

enable feature-level prioritization


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•  Make money by shipping market-winning software •  Software profits are all about scale

•  $5M for first customer ship, $0 for the next 10,000 units

•  No company ever has enough development capacity •  Segmentation is strategic art of choosing similar

customers who want same solution (product) •  Can’t let any single customer’s opinion dominate

Revenue Software Companies and Software-Assisted Companies

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There’s  nothing  more  wasteful  than  brilliantly  

engineering  a  product  that  doesn’t  sell.  

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•  Too little agility at strategic / portfolio level? •  Annual budget, six-month project review cycle •  Full waterfall requirements / specs / designs •  Process-bound, uncompetitive, products always late •  Our mean time to decide > competitor’s mean time to ship

•  Too much (overused) agility? •  ADHD / shiny object: initiatives change monthly •  Weak validation, business case, pricing, competitive info •  Many projects abandoned late in cycle

•  First a product / business problem, then an engineering problem

Strategic Agility: Critical Product Management Issue

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Faster Cars Need Better Drivers

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Product Success Food Chain

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Is  this  a  good    problem  to  solve?  (product  mgmt)  

Do  we  have  a  good  solu=on  design?  

(dev,  UX,  QA,  support)  

Can  we  implement  efficiently,  agilely?  (program  mgmt)  

Can  we  go  to  market  and  bring  in  revenue?  (marke7ng,  sales)  

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Commercial Software Failure Modes

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Undifferen=ated  or  poorly  posi=oned  


Marke=ng/Sales/Channel  failures  


Late  Delivery*  15%  

Poor  Quality*  10%  

Wrong  problem,  wrong  solu=on  or  product  


*Within  engineering  scope   From  my  personal  experience  

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Most  of  the  success  /  failure  of  a  product  is  determined  before  we  

pick  our  first  developer  or  fill  out  our  first  story  card  

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•  Hard to attribute success / failure •  Sales teams paid to subvert

corporate goals •  Revenue estimates have huge error bars •  Executives don’t believe in mutually

exclusive development choices •  Shiny objects, confirmation bias, groupthink •  Politics and big swinging budgets

Organizational Challenges To Strategic Product Thinking

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•  Limited development resources = household budget •  Too many expenses: rent, food, repairs,

entertainment, college fund, property taxes, Girl Scout cookies…

•  Kids Execs don’t remember what we spent committed to yesterday

Portfolio Planning


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•  Hard to rank-order unlike items •  Where does this bug go versus minor features? •  A one-off customization versus more DevOps work?

•  Instead, group similar requests •  Which two features will we put into v6.5? •  P0, P1, P2, P3… •  We can fund one audacious, long-term program:

teleportation or synthetic petroleum

•  Cross-bucket trade-offs reflect our biases

Prioritizing Within Buckets

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Typical Commercial Software Company R&D Budget

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Features  for  current  release  


Quality  (refactor,  test  automa=on)  


Engineering  overhead,  10%  

Big  future  bet,  5%  

Sales  one-­‐offs,  non-­‐roadmap  


In my personal experience

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Varies with Growth Stage

Current release

50% Quality 20%

Eng overhead


Sales one-offs


Current releases/features


Quality 35%

Future bet (M&A)


Eng overhead 15%

Sales one-offs 10%

v1.0 Software startup

Mature software (post-innovation)

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•  This quarter, how should we spend our precious feature-focused story points? •  70% on deployability, 20% on cost reduction?

-or- •  60% on scaling, 30% on hardware reliability?

•  What was our actual spending last quarter?

•  What portion was “unplanned” or sales interrupts?

Portfolio Strategy = Forcing Hard Trade-offs

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•  “QA and support teams can sort P1 / P2 bugs any way they like, using WSJF or any other method. Max 310 story points in Q3.”

•  “Performance improvement goal is 65% faster transaction processing. Architect leads story writing.”

•  But customer-visible features are heavily lobbied and highly political. Product management needs to be development’s heat shield.

Allows Decentralized Decision-Making

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•  Users understand problems, but misdesign solutions •  Have we asked enough people / the right people? •  Watch for confirmation bias •  …Before full-scale development starts

•  $2M+/year burn rate creates its own momentum

•  Then frequent prototypes and early versions

Intellectually Honest Validation (Lean Tools)

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•  Must have product strategy / product management •  Hire for experience, not convenience

•  Validation before full development •  A month of good market input might save $2M in pivots

•  Set product-level and portfolio-level spending allocations •  One-off choices trend in same direction

•  Build a deeply agile development capability


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#RallyON15  ©2015 Rally Software Development Corp. All rights reserved.

My next three challenges / three big open questions: 1. Identifying full-time owners for portfolio strategy 2. How to (efficiently) grow market-facing skills 3. Justifying adequate product / portfolio headcount

Rich Mironov [email protected]

Thank you

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Rich Mironov, CEO Mironov Consulting 233 Franklin St, Suite #308 San Francisco, CA 94102



[email protected]  
