Making the Right Decisions within a Continuously Changing Digital World - Google

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Transcript of Making the Right Decisions within a Continuously Changing Digital World - Google

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CRO: Making the right decisions within a continuously changing digital world

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How do you know you are making the rights decisions?

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A 150 million pound website redesign that lead to a

8,1% decrease in online sales


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Digg redesign - 26% loss of traffic


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Printing press



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(Personal story)

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And adoption speed increases

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per day

At bus stop, listen to new music playlist 8:30am

Buy new tote to take to Coachella 11:15am

Browse festival styles on YouTube 7:15pm

On bus, check email for sales this weekend 5:29pm

At lunch, play Scrabble while waiting in line 1:33pm

Use flashlight app to find dropped earring 11:09pm

Use maps to get directions to Creole food truck 1:13pm

At work, book Coachella tickets 11:36am

Wake up and read news online 6:50am

On the bus, read articles about Coachella 8:42am



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Almost half of UK eCommerce transactions (48.9%) now take place on mobile devices, up 6 percent year-on-year.


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50% 60%

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In 2016 we expect to see industries where more than 50% of traffic is mobile

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Are you prepared for the mobile tipping point?

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The cost of new technologies is declining fast

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Change is the new constant

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Large firms struggle to keep up with digital innovation according to a recent study by KPMG and Harvey Nash


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“Only 5% of organizations feel that digital gives

them a point of differentiation over their


according to an Accenture study published in October 2015.

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Large IT projects run 45 percent over budget and 7 percent over time, while delivering 56 percent less

value than predicted.

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17 percent of IT projects go so bad that they can threaten the very existence of the company

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Making the right digital decisions is difficult

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1955 vs. 2014;

88% are gone

Only 68 survived…..


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Life expectancy of a company in the S&P 500

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Life expectancy of a company in the S&P 500

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Life expectancy of a company in the S&P 500

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Making the wrong decisions can have a big impact

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New possibilities in marketing

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Messages tailored to specific persons

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A dialogue is now possible instead of one way communication

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Right message

Right Time

Right Person

Right location

Right context

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1 on 1 combinations at scale

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Right time Right


Know your data Always on Know your


Right Person

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But how do you know if you are making the right decision?

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Test your marketing to make the right decisions

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● Big redesigns are not the way to go ● New technologies are being adopted faster ● The mobile tipping point is coming ● Innovations is happening faster and faster

and large corporations are finding it difficult to adapt

● The impact of making the wrong decisions is getting bigger

● Test your marketing message at scale

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In a world of continuous change companies need to improve continuously…..

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Evolution not revolution

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‘It is not the strongest of the species who survive, nor the most intelligent but the ones most

responsive to change’ Charles Darwin

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From Revolution to Evolution

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A 150 million pound website redesign that lead to a

8,1% decrease in online sales


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How do you know you are making the rights decisions?

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Evolve through a framework of continuous a/b testing of incremental changes

Think big and make

incremental changes

A/B test & measure

true impact

Look at your

customer's behaviour

Look at your data

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Look at your

customer's behaviour

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Focus on the User

“There is no substitute for personally watching and listening to real people”

- Larry Page

Look at your

customer's behaviour

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Look at your

customer's behaviour

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Look at your

customer's behaviour

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Look at your

customer's behaviour

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Look at your

customer's behaviour

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Insights: The 25-34 years old mobile users are more likely to not add products to the cart. However,

on desktop, they’re the more likely to do so. Are we dealing with cross devices users?

Look at your data

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Think big and make

incremental changes

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Test and iterate / pilot

Think big and make

incremental changes

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Evolutionary design

Think big and make

incremental changes

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A/B test & measure

true impact

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A/B test & measure

true impact

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Kohl’s hypothesis: The retailer set out to test the hypothesis that opening stores an hour later would not lead to a significant drop in sales

A/B test & measure

true impact

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So how do you know you are making decisions that create an impact?

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Evolve through a framework of continuous a/b testing of incremental changes

Think big and make

incremental changes

A/B test & measure

true impact

Look at your

customer's behaviour

Look at your data

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30% of A/B tests is successful. This also means that if you do not a/b test, there is a 70% chance that if you implement a change on your website it will have no or a negative impact on your revenue.

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“If you’re Picasso don’t A/B test,

but for the rest of us it’s humbling

to evaluate our ideas….”

— By Colin McFarland, skyscanner

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Yes, but we’re already agile and using scrum

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Yes, but you cannot jump a 6 meter chasm in 2 10 foot jumps

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Yes, but we can start in 2017 at the earliest

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