Making our moodbaord

Using ‘Photovisi’ to create my Mood board

Transcript of Making our moodbaord

Page 1: Making our moodbaord

Using ‘Photovisi’ to create my Mood board

Page 2: Making our moodbaord

I browsed online to find a programme I could either download or a site that would allow me to essentially make a collage. Ideally one that was free to use, and easy to navigate.

I simply entered ‘make a collage online’ into Google.

‘Photovisi’ an online collage maker was the first to appear.

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The site looked easy enough to use and so I went ahead and clicked ‘start creating’.

There were only 3 steps to create my collage ‘selecting a template’ from the options provided ‘adding my own photos’ that were saved to my computer and then ‘saving/ downloading my completed collage’.

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The site provides a wide range of templates that you can use to display your images, I browsed some of the available options. I eventually found one I liked in the ‘Basic’ options.

I chose this template from the Basic Category as I wanted my images spread out and varied in size much like this template displays.

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I was the presented with this blank canvas in which I could insert images, text or change backgrounds etc using the task bar at the side.

As I just wanted a white plain background for my collage ( mainly because I wanted my sepia effect images to stand out in stark contrast to a plain bright white background. I went ahead and clicked ‘Add items’ so I could insert my images.

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I had already selected and saved my chosen images onto my computer and so chose this option to place them on my canvas.

I then searched for images which were saved onto my computer in a folder and selected each image so that all would be inserted at the same time instead of having to place each image individually.

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Once my chosen images had been placed onto my canvas I was ready to start arranging them how I wanted.

I started moving my images about, resizing them, cropping and placing them where I wanted on the canvas.

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Once I had arranged and placed each image, I had play around with some of the effects I could use, using the side bar and chose this sepia effect. I feel that this effect really makes the image stand out, adds a edgy tone to the images and really creates a dramatic effect.

I changed the ‘background’ colour to ‘black’ thinking that this would just add a black background against the colour images however, the background meant my images turned ‘sepia’.

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Once I was happy with my mood board, I was ready to press ‘finish’.

My collage then began downloading and I selected a resolution of ‘1024x768’ for my image to be saved as. This download process took no time at all.

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My completed collage took no time at all to download and once the process had reached ‘100%’ I clicked to ‘Continue’ button to move on to the next stage.

This message then appeared and so I pressed ‘click here to download your collage’, my collage downloaded and I saved the file in ‘my pictures’ as JPEG file so that I could use it anywhere on my blog work or in videos.

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