Making Of My First Draft

Making of My First Draft

Transcript of Making Of My First Draft

Page 1: Making Of My First Draft

Making of My First Draft

Page 2: Making Of My First Draft

1. I firstly opened up a new page A3 size by going file>>new then a box appeared I then clicked A3 from clicking the custom arrow and clicked ok

Click this arrow in order to get all the options

After clicking ok a A4 page appeared like this>>>

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3. Once I found the middle I used the line tool to put a line through the middle

2. I then went to view>>grid in order to find the middle of the page as I will have a image on one half and text on the other

It appeared like this

Line tool

This is how it looked>>>

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5. I then opened up my model on a new page and used the magnetic lasso tool to go around him as I want him on a new background

4. I then took the grid of by going view>>grid

Magnetic lasso tool

This is what it looked like when I went around my model with the tool

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6. I then right clicked and went layer via cut. This will create a new layer with just the model

A new layer has been created with just the model

The eye symbol which indicates layer visibility needs to be removed so only the layer of the model stays on as this is what I want in order to create a new background for him. To remove the eye symbol you just click on it

This is what it will look like now the background won’t show

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It then looked like this: 7. I then opened a new A4 page to make my background.

8. Then I picked my colours from the tool bar which were grey and white as I want it to match my front cover.

Background colour

Foreground colour

Default colour

My colours are in this way as for my background I want the background to be grey and the white to be the effect in the middle

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9. I used the gradient tool to give my effect. After I clicked on the gradient tool at the top they gave me various options of effect. They were linear gradient, radial gradient, angle gradient, reflected gradient and diamond gradient. I picked the radial gradient as this is what I was looking for

Gradient tool

Radial tool

10. Starting from the middle I dragged the mouse to the edge. I started at the middle as then the effect will be in the middle which is where I wanted it. Like shown below:

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When I let go of the mouse it looked like this:

11. I then copied my model image which I had on another page onto this background page it then looked like this:

12. I enlarged the image to the size I wanted it. While enlarging I held onto the shift key in order for the image not to stretch and to look professional.

This is how it looked after enlarging it to fit onto the A4 background

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13. In order for the image to look perfect I have to take of any blemishes. I did this by zooming in and then using the spot healing tool which allows me to get rid of any blemishes.

The spot healing tool will take this scars away in order to make my model to look professional.

You click the spot healing tool and then wherever there is a spot or a mark you click on it and it removes it for you. This makes the model look flawless.

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After using the spot healing tool my model looked like this:

When looking at the edges a bit of the background was left near his head to remove this I zoomed in and erased it with the eraser tool on the side tool bar

Eraser tool

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After erasing it looked like this:

The next steps are was to blur my model so he looks more realistic against the background as now he looks sharp and doesn’t look like he is in the background. To do this I need to:14. duplicate the model layer by going layer>>duplicate layer a box will

appear and I clicked ok

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Blur the new layer

15. then filter>>blur>>gaussian blur

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16. a box will pop up asking how much you want to blur it. I blurred it to 9.9 and clicked ok

You can drag this arrow to the left if you want to blur it less or you can drag it to the right if you want blur it more

Or you can just type the amount you want it blurred

As you can see you can’t see his face properly or outfit as it is unclear so now it has to be rubbed out

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17. to make the facial expression and clothing clear I will rub the blur out using the eraser tool, however I will not erase the blur from the edges as this makes the image merge into the background making it more realistic. I have to make sure I am on the layer where the model has been blurred

I am on the blurred model layer and now can erase the blur

After erasing it looked like this:

From looking at the layer you can see that I haven’t rubbed out all of the blur

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18. I need to take the image, blurred image and the background I made onto the A3 page I started of with earlier. To do this I have to duplicate my background layer in order to select of layers. So I will click on the background layer at the bottom right corner and right click>>duplicate layer

A3 page I started of with

Duplicating layer

Layer has been duplicated

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19. I will then go to select>>all layers so all the layers can be copied onto the A3 page.

When this has been done all layers have been highlighted

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20. I then dragged the layers to my A3 page

I am dragging this to the A3 page

A3 page

This is what it looked like after >>>>>

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21. I then went on the shape layer to let it show the middle line so I can resize the image as A4. while resizing I held onto shift so the image doesn’t stretch

Shape layer

Has been resized. Image is on half the page other half for text

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I then added in my text and used the grid to align everything and making sure my columns were the same size etc.

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I changed my title from G.MAN to LIFE and G.MAN on top. As while I making my double page spread the article title looked dull and boring making it not stand out. This is why I added LIFE in bold and large text behind. I got the idea from the XXL magazine shown below:

It makes the double page spread more appealing and stands out. This is why I used this style and also goes with my double page spread and the colours go well.