Making of a Nation - Introduction

Making of a nation: Australia A changing world: 1750–1914
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Year 9 History. Making of a nation.

Transcript of Making of a Nation - Introduction

Page 1: Making of a Nation - Introduction

Making of a nation: AustraliaA changing world: 1750–1914

Page 2: Making of a Nation - Introduction

Today’s lesson

New unit “Making of a Nation” explore meaning.


Changing in world populations (data and graph

Movement of world population (map exploration)

Australian changes in population (data and comprehension task)


Page 3: Making of a Nation - Introduction


• The policy of seeking to extend the power and the territories of a particular, dominant nation to create an empire.

• The territories of the dominant power are called colonies.

Frontier violence (in Australian context)

• Termed the ‘frontier wars’. • A 150 year series of conflicts fought between Aboriginal

peoples and European settlers.• Began several months after the First Fleet arrived in Sydney in

January 1788• Last clashes occurred as late as the 1930s. • Fighting broke out when the settlements expanded• Disrupted traditional Indigenous food-gathering activities.


• Farmers or agriculturalists engaged in raising animals for food or other resources such as woollen fibre.

• In Australia, sheep (wool) and beef cattle were the mainstays of the pastoral industry.

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Indentured labour

• a system of hiring labour for a period of time• often providing the worker food and staples• Payment is usually made at the end of the contract period. • Australian eg South Sea Islanders between 1863 and 1904.

Working class

• Social group of people employed for wages especially in manual or industrial work.

• Australian term is ‘blue collar’ workers (compared with office ‘white collar’ or workers).


• feeling of belonging to a nation• Belief that territory (their own land) and a common culture are

part of a nation.• Gives rise to movements seeking national independence and a

desire for a homeland.

Constitutional Convention

• conference or formal meeting of delegates whose aim is to draft or revise a constitution.

• A constitution is a set of laws used to control how a government operates.

• Before federation in1901 there were two significant constitutional conventions, the first in 1891 and the second over 1897 - 1898.

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A changing world: 1750–1914

From the middle of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century the population of the world was moving.

Certain regions of the world experienced dramatic technological and social changes while other regions remained relatively the same.

A snapshot of this period can be seen through the analysis of population statistics over the period.

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World population growth: 1750-1900

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Data as percentage.

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Task 1: Table

Complete your table by marking the statements either:

1. TRUE or


Then provide evidence from the table to either support or refute the statement.

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What factors might account for the significant percentage growth in population in Europe and North America?

Watch the following short video and learning object and see if you can think of any reasons why.

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Task: History of movement of people

1754-1914Examine the following maps which show the movement of people in the world from 1754 – 1914.

Complete the tables for this task which are located in your workbook.

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European Imperial expansion 1754

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European imperial expansion 1800

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European imperial expansion 1914

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What factors might account for why Europe was able to dominate the world at this time?Industrial power and might (plus military advantages with naval power and cannons etc.) — the Industrial Revolution gave them technological advantages.

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The Australian experience:

What was the nature of the movement of people to Australia from British ‘settlement’ in 1788 to federation in 1901? (Note the different ‘waves’ of migration.) It began with convicts but soon free settlement dominated, particularly after the discovery of gold in 1851.

What nations of the world have been the sources of Australia’s migration history? Britain and Ireland, Continental Europe, the USA, South Pacific Islands and China.

What national development saw the nature of migration to Australia change? Gold discovery

How was this change evident? Through a massive increase in migration — with population soaring by over 600 000 in just ten or so years.

What does this source imply about the impact of Australia’s migration on the nation’s development?The implication is that migration created the modern Australian nation — note the line ‘Migration has been the main driver of this change’.

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The Australian experience (cont)

Australia’s immigrant population (those not born in Australia but who were in the country in 1901) is dominantly European — what percentage of the total population are British or other European? 20%

Is the Asian-born component of the population significant? Statistically no — at 1.3% — but this small but visible Chinese population (combined with Australia’s geographic position) had quite a significant social and psychological impact.

Why might Aboriginal people not be counted in the cencus? Some might argue that it was an embodiment of the terra nullius principle — the land was empty of people. In fact, Australia’s Indigenous population was deemed to be part of the flora and fauna (i.e. wild animals and plants) until the 1967 referendum. In the lead up to federation, Queensland and Western Australia were prevented from using their large Aboriginal population to gain extra seats in the House of Representatives and extra funding by not counting Aboriginal peoples in the Census.

What does it suggest about the attitude of the Australian government and the non-Indigenous public to Aboriginal peoples? That the attitude was dismissive, contemptuous, racist or simply indifferent. It also shows that politics is ultimately reduced to numbers and the mighty dollar.

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Review today’s lesson

New unit “Making of a Nation” explore meaning.


Changing in world populations (data and graph

Movement of world population (map exploration)

Australian changes in population (data and comprehension task)
