Maker circus mfr 5.10.13 15pg

Spread knowlege Strengthen network David Montenegro speaker Maker Faire Rome 05.10.2013


MakerCircus is a traveling laboratory that aims at spreading ideals of innovation and open design, reaching those contexts which are geographically and culturally “far” from the main urban centers. The lab will be equipped with tools for the digital fabrication and will promote workshops and activities where co-design can be experimented thanks to technologies as 3D printing, laser cutters and smart objects, allowing to discover the pleasure of sharing and collaboration. By visiting different local contexts, MakerCircus aims at linking them and creating an always growing network. The proposed activities are mainly directed to schools, universities, makerspaces, hackerspaces and, in general, to each tech/culture oriented association.

Transcript of Maker circus mfr 5.10.13 15pg

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Spread knowlegeStrengthen network

David Montenegro speaker

Maker Faire Rome05.10.2013

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[email protected]


To spread the basic principles of Fablabs outside the laboratories reaching also people who live in small towns.

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[email protected]

PopUp Fablab

Florence may ‘13

Images by Fablab Firenze

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[email protected]

500k ab.

1000k ab.

250k ab.

2000k ab.



91% 100%

Italian populationdistribution by province

Fablab raises in the main urban centers while italian

population is shuttered in province, fisically too

far from the main digital manufacturing centers.

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[email protected]

Digital Divideuneven distribution of digital resources


•economics/lack of tools

•computer illitteracy

•geographic and demographic conditions

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[email protected]

Digital Divideuneven distribution of digital resources


•economics/lack of tools

•computer illitteracy

•geographic and demographic conditions


•share tools whit other people

•teaching each other

•gather scattered makers into a populated community

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[email protected]

Avvicinare gli strumenti di un FabLab a quella larga fetta di popolazione troppo lontana dai FabLab attualmente attivi sul territorio Italiano per colmare di fatto una forma molto più tangibile di digital divide.

Bring tools of a fablab to that part of italian population too far from workspaces to actively partecipate to their everyday life preventing another form of digital divide.

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[email protected]



To spread the knowledge

of tools of digital manufacturing in peripheral context

To link different figures complementaryand different realities, even belonging to different contexts

To discover people with different stories, skills and personalities

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[email protected]




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[email protected]


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[email protected]


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[email protected]







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[email protected]


Join us for the video of the campaignWe are waiting for you

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[email protected]

Maker Circus


Thank you