Makalah Tentang Pelanggaran HAM Internasional

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MakalahPelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Internasional

Disusun Oleh:ADIB FADIL110111090103


Masa depan bangsa ada pada kesejahteraan anak-anak saat ini. Begitu kata-kata yang sering terdengar bila membicarakan anak. Sayangnya tidak seperti realitas yang kita lihat seperti saat ini. Masih banyak anak-anak yang tidak beruntung dalam pemenuhan haknya seperti kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh kembang, perlindungan dan partisipasi. Tidak ada orang yang menginginkan anaknya menjadi anak jalanan, pemuas nafsu si hidung belang.Di sisi lain seorang anak juga tidak pernah di minta untuk di lahirkan, atau ketika ia di lahirkan kemudian menjadi pemuas nafsu bejat oleh ayah tiri maupun ayah kandungnya.Telah menjadi kesepakatan berbagai bangsa, persoalan anak ditata dalam suatu wadah Unicef (united international children education of fund). Bagi Indonesia sendiri, anak di kelompokan sebagai kelompok rentan.

Contoh kasus: Human Rights Watch Exposes Human Rights Abuses Against Guatemala ChildrenGuatemalan children suffer serious human rights violations, Human Rights Watch declared in a detailed publication released today. Guatemala's Forgotten Children: Police Violence and Abuses in Detention, a 144-page report, analyzes human rights abuses that take place both on the street and in detention centers. Issued as the Guatemalan government prepares to implement a new Minors' Code, the report strongly criticizes the country's juvenile justice system, calling it not just ineffective but punitive as well."Guatemalan street children have nowhere to turn. Those who attack them enjoy impunity, and the legal system fails them completely," charged Jos Miguel Vivanco, executive director of Human Rights Watch/Americas.Guatemala is a signatory to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, the country's justice system, rather than protect minors from abuse, often exacerbates violations, the study finds. "Even innocent juveniles are treated harshly by the justice system," declared Lois Whitman, director of the Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project. "Children can be rounded up arbitrarily and forced to spend many months being warehoused in this brutal system."

Among the report's findings:Children who are arrested may spend many months in pre-adjudication detention, often because they simply have no family to claim them. When they do receive a hearing, their rights to due process, including access to representation, are frequently ignored. Children in protective custody are detained together with juvenile offenders. As a result, children who may have fled abusive homes are thrown into the same dreary facilities as are drug addicts, pickpockets, prostitutes, and violent offenders. Young children are frequently mixed with teenagers. Detention facilities do not offer any meaningful rehabilitation or education, nor do they provide psychological treatment or systematic vocational training. Children are crowded together in unsanitary conditions, vulnerable to mistreatment from staff and from other detainees. All of these conditions violate international law. Control over juvenile facilities has been virtually ceded to REMAR (Rehabilitacin de los Marginados), a Spanish evangelical organization. Boys who had been held in REMAR detention facilities reported widespread use of beatings and other abuse. Despite numerous such reports, no Guatemalan authority is supervising the actions of REMAR in any of its facilities. In a welcome change from the usual impunity enjoyed by security force agents, three cases in which children were murdered in 1993 and 1995 resulted in recent murder convictions against private security guards. Most crimes against street children, however, remain unpunished, particularly when police were responsible for the abuses. In 1996, the Guatemalan legislature passed the Minors' Code, which is scheduled to take effect in September 1997 and contains a host of improvements for the treatment of Guatemalan children. If fully implemented, the abuses documented by Human Rights Watch would largely cease, the report concludes. Currently, however, Guatemalan officials only take seriously cases of human rights violations against children if outside pressure has been brought to bear.Guatemala's Forgotten Children contains detailed recommendations for the Guatemalan government, the United Nations, the United States, and the European Union. Among them:

General Recommendations to the Guatemalan Government:The government should take every step necessary to ensure that the new Minors' Code is fully implemented without delay. Current abusive practices should be halted immediately to conform to the requirements of international and Guatemalan law. Particular attention should be paid to the practices of the National Police, private security guards (for which the Interior Ministry holds regulatory responsibility), the Minors' Courts, all state-run juvenile detention facilities, and all privately operated custodial facilities that accept children sent by court order.In order to ascertain compliance with international and Guatemalan law, independent nongovernmental organizations, including international human rights monitors, should be allowed periodically to investigate the juvenile justice system in its entirety or in part, including juvenile detention facilities.These monitors should be permitted to conduct confidential interviews with detained children of their choosing, with the consent of the children involved. The government should itself periodically initiate and/or undertake evaluations of the Guatemalan juvenile justice system, including juvenile detention facilities. The Public Ministry and the National Police should thoroughly and impartially investigate all allegations of crimes committed against street children. Complaints regarding police mistreatment of children should be investigated promptly and thoroughly. Where appropriate, disciplinary measures and criminal proceedings should be ordered. The current practice of investigating only those cases on which outside pressure is brought to bear must end immediately. All police officers should receive rigorous and periodic training in human rights, children's rights, and relations with street children. What constitutes abusive police behavior should be defined explicitly for all officers. Examples of abusive and prohibited behavior--including stealing, soliciting bribes, soliciting sex, sexual assault, physical beatings, and illegal detention--should be clearly explained. Female police officers should be recruited. When possible, police teams working the downtown Guatemala City area should be composed of at least one female, with the goal of reducing sexual violence by police officers against street girls. Immediate and concrete steps should be taken to increase the effectiveness of the Office of Professional Responsibility of the National Police, and in particular the responsiveness of that office to complaints alleging police misconduct against children. Procedures should be implemented that will allow complainants and witnesses to protect their identities should they reasonably fear reprisals.

Recommendations to the United Nations: The U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture and the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child should investigate police violence against Guatemalan street children. They should also evaluate the government's response to this violence, including efforts at prevention and sanctions against offending officers. The findings of these studies should be the basis for detailed and public recommendations to the government of Guatemala. The U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture, and the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child should investigate conditions of detention for children in Guatemala, including, but not limited to, the use of corporal punishment and isolation. They should evaluate the government's response to illegal conditions and practices in juvenile detention facilities. Based on their findings, they should make detailed and public recommendations to the Guatemalan government. The U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child should investigate the extent to which due process protections are observed by the Guatemalan government in depriving children of their liberty. They should make detailed and public recommendations to the Guatemalan government, aimed at full and rapid observance of due process rights in the detention and confinement of children. The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child should devote a theme day to the topic of police violence against street children.[footnoteRef:1] [1:]

ANALISIS DAN IDENTIFIKASI MASALAHBerbagai pelanggaran terhadap hak-hak anak yang masih terjadi, tercermin dari masih adanya anak-anak yang mengalami abuse, kekerasan, ekploitasi dan diskriminasi. Seperti yang terjadi di Guatemala Anak-anak Guatemala mengalami pelanggaran berat hak asasi manusia, (Human Rights Watch). Anak-anak Guatemala yang Terlupakan: Kekerasan Polisi dan Pelanggaran HAM di Tahanan, sebuah laporan 144-halaman, analisis pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang terjadi baik di jalan dan di pusat-pusat penahanan. Diterbitkan sebagai pemerintah Guatemala bersiap untuk mengimplementasikan Kode suatu Minor baru ', laporan tersebut sangat mengkritik sistem negara remaja keadilan, menyebutnya bukan hanya efektif tetapi hukuman juga.

"Guatemala anak jalanan punya tempat untuk berpaling. Mereka yang menyerang mereka menikmati kekebalan hukum, dan sistem hukum mereka gagal sepenuhnya," dibebankan Jos Miguel Vivanco, direktur eksekutif Human Rights Watch atau dan Amerika.Guatemala adalah penandatangan Konvensi PBB tentang Hak Anak. Namun, sistem peradilan negara yang melindungi anak-anak dari pelecehan, sering memperburuk pelanggaran.

Diantara laporan temuan:

Anak-anak yang ditangkap dapat menghabiskan berbulan-bulan dalam penahanan pra-ajudikasi, sering kali karena mereka hanya punya keluarga untuk mengklaim mereka. Ketika mereka tidak menerima sidang, hak mereka untuk proses karena, termasuk akses ke representasi, sering diabaikan.Anak-anak dalam tahanan pelindung ditahan bersama-sama dengan pelaku remaja. Akibatnya, anak-anak yang mungkin telah meninggalkan rumah kasar yang dilemparkan ke fasilitas yang suram sama seperti yang pecandu narkoba, pencopet, pelacur, dan pelaku kekerasan. Anak-anak sering dicampur dengan remaja.Fasilitas penahanan tidak menawarkan rehabilitasi atau pendidikan yang bermakna, juga tidak memberikan pengobatan psikologis atau pelatihan kejuruan sistematis. Anak-anak berdesakan dalam kondisi tidak sehat, rentan terhadap penganiayaan dari staf dan dari tahanan lainnya. Semua kondisi ini melanggar hukum internasional.Kontrol atas fasilitas remaja telah hampir diserahkan ke REMAR (Rehabilitacin de los Marginados), sebuah organisasi evangelikal Spanyol. Anak laki-laki yang telah ditahan di fasilitas penahanan REMAR melaporkan penggunaan luas pemukulan dan penganiayaan lainnya. Meskipun banyak laporan tersebut, tidak ada otoritas Guatemala adalah mengawasi tindakan REMAR dalam setiap fasilitas.Dalam menyambut perubahan dari impunitas yang biasa dinikmati oleh agen pasukan keamanan, tiga kasus di mana anak-anak dibunuh pada tahun 1993 dan 1995 mengakibatkan dijatuhkannya hukuman pembunuhan terakhir terhadap penjaga keamanan swasta. Kebanyakan kejahatan terhadap anak-anak jalanan, bagaimanapun, tetap dihukum, terutama ketika polisi bertanggung jawab atas pelanggaran.

Pada tahun 1996, legislatif Guatemala melewati Kode Minor ', yang dijadwalkan berlaku pada bulan September 1997 dan berisi sejumlah perbaikan untuk pengobatan anak-anak Guatemala. Jika sepenuhnya dilaksanakan, pelanggaran didokumentasikan oleh Human Rights Watch sebagian besar akan berhenti, laporan itu menyimpulkan. Saat ini, bagaimanapun, para pejabat Guatemala hanya mengambil serius kasus-kasus pelanggaran hak asasi manusia terhadap anak-anak jika tekanan luar telah dibawa untuk menanggung.

"Bahkan remaja yang tidak bersalah diperlakukan kasar oleh sistem peradilan," kata Lois Whitman, direktur Human Rights Watch Proyek Hak Anak. "Anak ditangkap secara sewenang-wenang dan dipaksa untuk menghabiskan berbulan-bulan yang warehoused dalam sistem yang brutal."

[footnoteRef:2]KESIMPULAN [2: Prof.Dr. H. Muladi, SH. Telah menjadi kesepakatan berbagai bangsa, persoalan anak ditata dalam suatu wadah Unicef (united international children education of fun]

Semua anak-anak menghadapi kemungkinan perampasan kebebasannya harus disediakan pengacara.Praktek panjang pra-ajudikasi penahanan harus diakhiri segera. Penahanan sidang tertunda harus digunakan hanya sebagai upaya jalan lain terakhir dan untuk jangka waktu sesingkat mungkin, sesuai dengan hukum internasional. Dalam situasi harus anak diadakan ajudikasi tertunda selama lebih dari tiga puluh hari kerja diizinkan menurut hukum Guatemala, dan penahanan panjang ini harus dimandatkan hanya dalam kasus luar biasa.Tidak ada anak-anak harus ditahan hanya karena mereka tidak memiliki orangtua yang bertanggung jawab atau wali yang bersedia dan / atau mampu membawa mereka pulang. Sebaliknya, anak asuh atau non-hukuman pengaturan tahanan harus disediakan.Sampai dikelola secara pribadi REMAR pusat akan diselidiki secara menyeluruh, dipantau, diawasi, dan disetujui oleh otoritas Guatemala bertanggung jawab, tidak ada anak yang harus dikirim oleh hakim untuk seperti pusat. Bahkan setelah pusat-pusat tersebut disetujui dan pengawasan didirikan, tidak ada anak yang harus dikirim oleh hakim ke fasilitas REMAR kecuali anak, dalam konsultasi dengan nya atau pengacara, jadi setuju. Sementara itu, alternatif swasta atau negara-lari ke pusat-pusat REMAR harus ditetapkan sesegera mungkin, dan juga harus tunduk pada proses persetujuan dan pemantauan ketat.