Makalah Liquid Organics Fertilizer, Mustard Greentech UIN

LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER OF RABIT URINE AND UREA ASSESSMENT TOWARD BOTH GROWTH AND MUSTARD HARVEST Dwita Indrarosa Balai Besar Pelatihan Peternakan Jl. Songgoriti 24 Batu, Telp. (0341) 591302 ABSTRACT Assessment carried out in Practice Land National Animal Husbandry Training Center Batu City, East Java from February till March 2013. Assessment using a Randomized Block Design, with 7 treatment was repeated four times, using urea fertilizer and Organic Liquid Fertilizer (POC) Rabbit. Objectives of the assessment were to: (a). Determine the effect of urea fertilizer and POC rabbits on growth and yield of mustard plants; (b) To determine the optimal dose of POC with results equivalent to the use of urea fertilizer. Use of Urea respectively 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, and the use of urine to the composition of 100 ml, 200 ml and 300 ml: A (control, without fertilization), B (Urea 5 gram / polybag), C (Urea 10 grams / polybag, D (Urea 15 g / polybag), E (POC rabbit 100 ml / polybag), F (POC rabbit 200 ml / polybag), G (POC rabbit 300 ml / polybag). Mustard plant used as an plant indicator. Planting in polybags of 40 x 20 cms with planting in soil and compost with a ratio of 1:1. Soil and POC rabbit were analysed in Department of Chemistry Soil Brawijaya University of Malang. Variables measured were: plant height (cm) and number of leaves (were observed every two weeks till harvest), plant canopy, root- length (cm) and yield (grams). Data were analyzed with F-



Transcript of Makalah Liquid Organics Fertilizer, Mustard Greentech UIN

Page 1: Makalah Liquid Organics Fertilizer, Mustard Greentech UIN



Dwita Indrarosa

Balai Besar Pelatihan Peternakan Jl. Songgoriti 24 Batu, Telp. (0341) 591302


Assessment carried out in Practice Land National Animal Husbandry Training Center

Batu City, East Java from February till March 2013. Assessment using a Randomized

Block Design, with 7 treatment was repeated four times, using urea fertilizer and

Organic Liquid Fertilizer (POC) Rabbit. Objectives of the assessment were to: (a).

Determine the effect of urea fertilizer and POC rabbits on growth and yield of mustard

plants; (b) To determine the optimal dose of POC with results equivalent to the use of

urea fertilizer. Use of Urea respectively 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, and the use of urine to the

composition of 100 ml, 200 ml and 300 ml: A (control, without fertilization), B (Urea 5

gram / polybag), C (Urea 10 grams / polybag, D (Urea 15 g / polybag), E (POC rabbit

100 ml / polybag), F (POC rabbit 200 ml / polybag), G (POC rabbit 300 ml / polybag).

Mustard plant used as an plant indicator. Planting in polybags of 40 x 20 cms with

planting in soil and compost with a ratio of 1:1. Soil and POC rabbit were analysed in

Department of Chemistry Soil Brawijaya University of Malang. Variables measured

were: plant height (cm) and number of leaves (were observed every two weeks till

harvest), plant canopy, root- length (cm) and yield (grams). Data were analyzed with F-

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test, If there are differences between the treatment done further test Duncan's Multiple

Range Test (α = 5%). Study showed that the highest fresh weight not significantly

different in the treatment of urea fertilizer in treatment B (1003.3 grams), C (1006.7

grams), D (1008.3 grams), while treatment with POC produce wet weight lower and not

significantly different for all treatment that is E (616.7 grams), F (620 grams), G (621.7


Keywords: Urea, Urine POC Rabbit, Mustard, Batu city

Farming system by using chemical fertilizer continuously can cause the degradation of

the quality of soil so that organic fertilizer is needed to recover the farming farm.

According to the government regulation of Republic of Indonesia No.70

/Permentan/SR.140/10/2011, organic fertilizer derives from dead vegetations, organic or

inorganic waste and waste of cattle which fermented in both of solid or liquid process

and added microbe also mineral during the process of fermentation. Lingga ( 1995)

stated that the finest structure of soil can support the growth of root to penetrate the soil

through the pore of land to absorb the water, nutrients and minerals in the soil.

Rabbit’s urine as organic fertilizer contains N 4%, P2O5 2,8%, K2O 1,2% are relative

higher than cow’s urine fertilizer (N 1,21%, P2O5 0,65%, K2O 1,6%) and goat’s urine

fertilizer (N 1,47%, P2O5 0,05%, K2O 1,96%) ( Balittanah, 2006).

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Some results of researches showed that the using of rabbit’s urine as organic fertilizer

has proved good crops of vegetables, cabbages, string beans, red beans, mustards,

potatoes and strawberries. Noor et. al (1996) stated that using rabbit’s waste in

assorted vegetables in South Sulawesi could increase the productivity of babycorns 2,1

%, cabbages 11,8%, string beans 12,5%, red beans 22,7% and potatoes 5,5%.

Research of Mappanganro et. al (2011) at strawberries showed that the using of rabbit’s

urine as organic fertilizer could give the best productivity and also during the growing

period among organic liquid fertilizer of catle, goat, and chicken waste. Vimala et al

(2010) stated that the organic farming system on mustards could produce 8-15

tons/hectare fresh weigh.

Mustard plants can grow well on low land and upland, 5 – 1200 m above sea level. And

the temperature 4-35 C, the precipitation 300- 350 mm during the plant growing period,

the minimum depth of the soil 25 cms, texture of the soil is good, the pH of soil 5,2-8,2

with maximum pH 6,0- 7,0 (Jaenuddin et. al. , 2000). Mustard caisim could be harvested

after 30 – 35 days after seeding with potential of productivity 20-25 ton / hectare. The

leaves are oval, thick , rather round shape, least fibrous, straight, and the color of the

leaves is green and the stalk is light green.

Materials and Method

Assessment carried out in Practice Land National Animal Husbandry Training Center

Batu City, East Java from February till March 2013. Assessment using a Randomized

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Block Design, with 7 treatment was repeated four times, using urea fertilizer and

Organic Liquid Fertilizer (POC) Rabbit. Objectives of the assessment were to: (a).

Determine the effect of urea fertilizer and POC rabbits on growth and yield of mustard

plants; (b) To determine the optimal dose of POC with results equivalent to the use of

urea fertilizer. Use of Urea respectively 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, and the use of urine to the

composition of 100 ml, 200 ml and 300 ml: A (control, without fertilization), B (Urea 5

gram / polybag), C (Urea 10 grams / polybag, D (Urea 15 g / polybag), E (POC rabbit

100 ml / polybag), F (POC rabbit 200 ml / polybag), G (POC rabbit 300 ml / polybag).

Mustard plant used as an plant indicator. Planting in polybags of 40 x 20 cms with

planting in soil and compost with a ratio of 1:1. Soil and POC rabbit were analysed in

Department of Chemistry Soil Brawijaya University of Malang. Variables measured

were: plant height (cm) and number of leaves (were observed every two weeks till

harvest), plant canopy, root- length (cm) and yield (grams) (Table1 )

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Table 1. Treatment of rabbit’s urine as organic fertilizer and urea fertilizer









hst, DAP

7 14 7 14

1 A 0 0 0 0

2 B 2.5 gr 2.5 0 0

3 C 5.0 5.0 0 0

4 D 7.5 7.5 0 0

5 E 0 0 50 50

6 F 0 0 100 100

7 G 0 0 150 150

Organic liquid fertilizer is used made from rabbit’s urine fermentation, contains pH 6,9

C-Organic 1.19 % and total of N 12,33%. Macro nutrient P, K, Ca and Mg each

consists of 0,04 %, 0,06% 0,55%, 0,26 % and 0,04 and micro Fe 1,28 and Mn 13,20 (

Table 2).

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Table 2. Analysis Results of POC

No Komponen

Analisis Hasil Analisis

1 pH 6,9

2 C Organik (%) 1,19

3 N Total 12,33

4 P 0,04

5 K 0,60

6 Na 0,55

7 Ca 0,26

8 Mg 0,04

9 Fe 1,28

10 Mn 13,20

Resource : Department of chemistry soil of Brawijaya University in Malang, 2013

Variables measured were: plant height (cm) and number of leaves (were observed

every two weeks till harvest), plant canopy, root- length (cm) and yield (grams). Data

were analyzed with F-test and testing by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (α =

5%).(Gomez dan Gomez, 1993).

Result s and Discussion

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Analysis of soil has done in Soil Chemistry Laboratory of the University of

Brawijaya (Table 3) in which a neutral pH (pH 7.3 H2O; 1N KCl pH 7.0) and high

organic C (4.99%), N medium (0.48%), P medium (107.66%) and very high K (15.3).

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Table 3. Results of Soil Analysis, 2013

No Component of

Soil Analysis Results Criteria

1 pH H2O 7,3 Netral

2 pH KCl 1N 7,0 Netral

3 C Organik (%) 4,99 High

4 N Total (%) 0,48 Medium

5 C/N 10 Low

6 P Olsen (mg kg-1) 107,55 Medium

7 K (cmol (+) kg-1 15,3 Very high

8 Na (cmol (+) kg-1 8,3 Very high

9 Ca (cmol (+) kg-1 16,3 High

10 Mg (cmol (+) kg-1 1 Low

11 KTK (cmol (+) kg-1 41,7 Very high

12 Texture Clay

13 Sand 29

14 Dast 47

15 Clay 24

16 Levels of base saturation 40,9

Resource : Department of chemistry soil of Brawijaya University in Malang, 2013

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In this research the Soil texture is clay. Islami and Utomo ( 1995), stated that soil

texture is very dominant to provide nutrients for plants. Soil texture has many aspects

such as solubility of nutrients, air circulation, specific surface, weight of volume of the

soil and compressibility of soil. Clay is very weak to absorb water. Commonly, the

texture is sticky during in wet condition and it becomes broken into more small fraction

during in dry condition.

C-organic showed 4.99%, in high classification. Organic fertilizer has ability to

recover the physical characteristic of soil (Harjowigeno, 1987). Nitrogen content 0.48%

is in medium category. P-Olsen content 107,55 % in medium category, too. K content

15.3% in very high category, this K form as an positive ion. Kallium is absorbed by root

of plants as kation K+. Plants need macro nutrient ( Nitrogen, Phosphor and Kalium )

for growing. Lacking one of nutrient is able to hamper the supply nutrient of other


CEC growing media included in the category is as high as 41.7%. The condition

of high CEC in planting media is expected to increase the ability of soil to hold nutrients

that are not easily washed away by water (leaching) and become available to plants.

This is according to Hardjowigeno (1987) that the CEC is a chemical component that is

closely related to soil fertility. Soil with a high CEC is able to absorb and provide

nutrients better than soil with a lower CEC.

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The Effects Of Treatment On Agronomic Component

Collards are leafy vegetables are very response to nitrogen fertilizer, especially

with the response shown in plant height and number of leaves. According Palimbungan (2006), the liquid fertilizer in an amount corresponding to the needs of the plant

support the optimal plant growth which led to the division, enlargement and elongation

of the cells will be fast which resulted in some fast-growing plant organs.

The effect of treatment on height of plants and the number of leaves which were

observed for 4 times, starting from 14 DAP, 21 DAP, 28 DAP ,35 DAP respectively after

planting,(Table 4).

Table 4. The results of data analysis toward the number of leaves and height of plants



Plant height

(DAP, cm)

Number of leaves

14 21 28 35 14 21 28 35

A 7,83 a 17,10 ab 13,03 a 20,1 b 5,5 a 11,0 b 12,2 a 15,2 a

B 7,33 a 19,90 a 18,5 a 27,3 a 6,0 a 13,0 a 15,0 a 17,8 a

C 7,27a 17,20 ab 22,0 a 27,6 a 5,7 a 12,0 ab 15,2 a 18,0 a

D 7,00 a 18,00 ab 22,9 a 27,6 a 5,2 a 12,0 ab 15,3 a 19,3 a

E 7,90 a 17,00 ab 22,0 a 24,9 ab 6,2 a 10,8 b 15,3 a 18,2 a

F 7,30 a 15,00 b 18,5 a 25,1 ab 6,2 a 9,5 c 15,2 a 18,3 a

G 7,20 a 17,20 ab 20,9 a 25,3 ab 5,5 a 9,7 c 15,2 a 18,5 a

CV (%) 8,9 13,48 32,39 12,15 13,31 5,65 18,19 14,14

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Note: Figures in the same column followed by the same letter indicates no significant

difference at LSD (α = 5%).

Using high dose organic liquid fertilizer at height of plants E (24,9 cm0, F (25,1

cm) and G ( 25.3) are also higher than control. Harjdjowigeno (2003) stated that the

weakness of organic fertilizer were the low nutrient contents and the effects to the

plants were slow. Yet, the observations to the number of the leaves did not showed

different effect at observation on 14 DAP, 28 DAP, and 35 DAP and only had present

effect on 21 days after planting. And the next observations toward length of canopy,

width of canopy, length of root and fresh weight at harvest (Table 5)

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Table 5. The results of data analysis toward length of canopy, width of canopy, length of

root and fresh weight at harvest

Treatments Length of


Width of


Length of roots Fresh


A 22,0 ab 19,0 ab 20,5 b 550 b

B 29,0 a 26,8 a 28,7 a 1003,3 a

C 18,5 b 17,2 b 23,6 ab 1006,7 a

D 27,7 ab 24,3 ab 23,2 ab 1008,3 a

E 28,2 ab 23,9 ab 28,6 a 616,7 b

F 18,3 b 16,5 b 28,1 a 620,0 b

G 23,0 ab 17,5 b 27,7 ab 621,7 b

CV 22,43 20,66 15,12 21,22

Note: The figures in the same column which are followed the same letters show that there are

not prominent different at BNT ( α=5)

Measuring fresh weight carried out at harvest after the plants in 42 days after seeding.

Weighing the fresh weight of plants were done to know the productivity of mustard plant.

The results of the diversity analysis showed that the effect of the dose treatment of

liquid fertilizer gave the prominent effects toward fresh weight of mustard plants. In the

other hand, the fresh weight of plant was not effected by length of canopy, width of

canopy and length of root. The result of analysis showed that highest fresh weight were

not prominent different to the treatments by using urea on treatment B(1003.3 gram, C

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1006. 7 gram), D (1008,3 gram) while treatments with organic liquid fertilizer produced

lower fresh weight and there were not prominent treatments for E (616.7 gram), F ( 620

gram ), and G ( 621.7 gram ).


1. The highest fresh weight is not significantly different in the treatments of urea fertilizer

in treatments B (1003.3 grams), C (1006.7 grams) D ( 1008.3 grams )

2. Treatments with organic liquid fertilizer produce wet weight lower and not significantly

difference for all treatments in E ( 616.7 gram), F ( 620 grams), G (621.7 grams)

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