Main-Stree- HI C · r M '. Moss Ray McMurtry Robert...

,:,-- - n R- - t. B X in Jonathan 2 Mi. j Orvall 13. ii HI rr Julio Maikor 1' ndenck M iddox Notley Marshall Mr Maddison George Mansfield Isaac Melia Wllhs Milton Eliluh 2 Miller John T Miller Geo Michil David C Mouroe Geo Morgan John Moirisoo James M Moore F Kelson James Oswall Priscilla Trail James Darker James Patterson Maj J? W Pernt John Pajne Edw'd Patteison Eliza Filhiiigton Sam , Pvaffincsque C S 4 Kamsay James Kains Henry Itai.ey Wm Riddle Geo Jliske Miss Susannah Ililcy James Kiley lienj Richardson Wm Kichaidson Geo 2 Kice Michael Kobnet David Robinson James 2 Saxton Win Shackleford Jnp M Shaumburg Charles Saundersou Wm Slaymaker Stephen C Spreak Tlioi --landers Lemuel Spears Chas C Simmons Linza 3 , Stevenson Thos J Shepherd Dicky Speck David ' Stephens Thomas Stephens Wm Shelby John Singleton Daniel 2 Tempy Jacob or John Theobald Dr Saml 1 aylor Leonard 'ia)lor IS P Tillinghast Dan A Tindle Isaac Inplett Hoot Wash Kobt. Whalcy Fcnj Waters J as 1 Walling Henty 2 Watts Geo Waikins Jacob Wall Geo. W Walker Jos W Waring Jno Wallace Jas II 2 Wallace Jno 2 1 all-ic- e Jos S "v ilson Jeines 3 Wilson Samuel Wihon Robt S 2 Wilson Edwd Wingate Joseph Young Lcven 2 Young Miss Mary M. KWO Mb Morn Richd T Mosby Win T Montee Mr. Moria Nancy Miss Mums C harles McNclt Miss Mary McClure Jas A McQdluu A R McGinuice John McConnell James McKendree Rev. Win. McGowan Jas""S McCovrn J D McChord John McNeile Malcom McClain Andrew' McKinsey Jolm McNitt Wm N 0 Pringle James Prague V m P Purkins James Powell C B Pollon Richd . Pollard Thos J Pitts Thos . Robinson Capt Alexr "Robinson Davul Robimon Miss Harriot Robertson Moses Roberts Mrs Darcus Russell Robert Russell Mary O Russell Robt S Russell Polly Rnccle Henry , Reynolds Julia 2 Robinson "Miss Nancy S Simmons Sol Simpson TI103 Smith Gransford P Spires Capt Green B Spires Greeubuiy Smith Joshua S Summers Caleb bovvard Leven ullivan Win. Skunker John Stout O Dr 2 Stockton Louisa Swope Catherine-- E Strotl)er Geo F '' Scott Koh,t . i T e TrimVTc jJohn Thompson WmSTC' Dr. Thomlinson MrsEliza 'J rjutiran Jacob' Townsend James Turubull J True James W Williams Jno B Williams .Withrovy William Wells Isaac WicklilTe Robt. Williams Alex II Whisler Saml William black man Doct Wm Webster Thos Webster W)att Richard Wood Ewd Woods Matthew VVOOlIollr.jKl A Wassou'' Jcsf Young John J Persons calling for letters in the above Iist(rrill please say they are ad ertised. J FICKLIN, P. M. For Sale. A valuable tract of about S20 m$ of fix$t &xt f LAND; on Cane Run about five miles from LYING binding on the Iron Koad, on which there is two log aifd 9u acres cleaied; the re- mainder Well Timbered with Timber & ivumsleA wiil un abundance ' Of, Stock Water. This Ti act can be very conveniently divided into two teneirents, so as to accomodate purcha-er- j who may ii"t incline to purchase the whole. For terms apply to William Story of Georgetown or John Ilradfoul of Lexington. ' 28 tt TIIR GKAD NUAL. COMMUNICATION cf the Grand L)dge of Kentucky will be held at MA- SON'S HALL in the 'town .of Lexington, un the last Monday in August next at ten, o'clock, A. M at which tune the Grai d Masonic Hall wi'Ube dedicated liy order, D. UUADFOliD, G. Secy Lexington July 15, 1825. 28 3t . SlLVKK S1HXJN FOUND. AN OLD NECTIO WOMAN engaged in the sale ol Haspbernes lest a a house in Lexington a I'AULEiPODN sometime last month, winch the owner may have bj descubing it, jnd paving the expense ofihis advertisement Hie Negro V iimaji stated she lived sour miles from Levington--sh- e is large and advanced in year,. July lo, 1025. It BENT.Cfl ;, . liiii 4 garah Webb Jacob David Works Cabins large 0$-T- O ItEN'i0 reHE sub HUM scribcr wishing 12L to decline JL his present business, offers for ssle , A SMALL ASSORTMENT OF fi0rtXU$ gjv The house iiini lit occupies, wnl be VTnied to the per- son purcbaung, it one ot die best stands in '1 uwn for tha business, being ncarihe Upper Mai ket and Court House. LHAS. LUMMK.NS The Goods will be sold at very low wholesale pri es 28 Is or H II K H B is NKY. Subscriber ha? on hand and forsale at' his THE polhecary fatura iNo a, C'lieapsulc, alargr quantity of strained Honey by the keg or pound. JAMES GRAVES. Lexington, May 12, KUj. 1 9-- tf. TO RENT LEASE OR SELL. A nealsmall BRICK HOUSE sour doors above Mrs. Keen's Inn on Main-Stree- t. Possesion is tube git en by Mr. Noel, first of August. WILLIAM S. DALLAM. June, 30, 1825 27- -J v LITERARY NOTICE. the vacation the subscriber proposes ' to instruct a private class in MATHEMAT-ICKS- , provided he receives 'a. sumhient number of applications to authorize the undertaking, lenns will he made known on application at his room in the University, or residence. THOMAS I. MATTHEWS. July 8, 11)2527-3- 1 &SL e gXiXXWX$ll "jlOlt SALK at this office, the following PRINTING maicrmts j One Imperial Press audOnc super Royal Press, 250 lb Pica 2u0 do Long Primer 186 do Bourgeois 150 do Hrevier 46 da Double Pica ZJ IIO VvUllUUU Together with 5' 7, & 10 lines'Pioa and other Job loi- ter. '! Composing sticks 17 feet double column rules for super royaFgr. im penal paper ' 7 do double and single fijt adver-isements- . , 28 lbs Uook and Newspaper Metal scabbards, pair medium and super royal chases. One small job chase 17 pair cases 6 Case stands 14 News Gsdleyp ' 1 lU-- k ; . 1 Imposing stone and stand &c h.c The whole of the above aiticles are nearly new and may be had cheap lor ready money. tt A LIST OF LETTERS, OEMAINING in'the Post Office atiNicholas- - 14 ville Ky. which is not taken out in three months from this date, will be sent to tile General Post Office as dead letters'. July 1, 1U25 Arnold David Alford Granville G. R. ; Rasye Thomas Rerkely Sarah Bourne Whitfield Baker Margaret Bolter William Bourne William Burch Henry Bourne Abner. C. Carter Ephraim LCaiivey Martin ivampoeu icier Cuid James T. C(erk of the Jes '' ! D. Doboo Joseph DaviStJames Eart Hejftry Frost Stephen Farra George G George David H ' Hawkins Thdmas Hays Samuel Huber Moses Hunter Jessee Iligbce Nancy Hunter Samuel Hubbard Thomas rIIoward Fleet rr Harris Nathaniel Hitt Elias Hogen William Howard 'I. Hill John J Jackson Tliomas2 JciTroys Thomas Jewel Lewis K Kelly Mary L Lynch Josiah 27 3 1 LafoD Atwell' Lewis Nancy . Lowry John Lesly James r M '. Moss Ray McMurtry Robert Morane William Majs SamiJel McPheters Alexander McCampbell Andiew Menefee Richaid N Netherland Benjamin O ( Overstrcct Nancy 7 "''Oaks Catharine P IT , Patton James 2 R Rice Jefferson Richards Alexander 3 Roberts Nicholas Rped John 2 Robinson Henry Rowland George Moses Ruunells Thomas" Stephens Richaid Sliankhn TJiomas Singleton Lewis T Trebue David A Vaughter Jessee W Whip John 2 Walters Stephen Walker A. J. Woodson Samuel H. Woods Richard Watson Patrick Webber Charles 'W. West Susannah Webon; John Wako Alexander WlTcs Jacob Weber A. Wallace Rqbecca. A YOUNG, P. M WanAsomo Eingvavings iTTILL UK SOLD thistlayatS o'clock at DANIEL r.UADb'OUD':- - Auction Itoom a llan&some coWection oi! PRIA'TS & DRAWINGS. Fit both to frame and for the COXOIfc.URE'S Scrap Hook. Ross Satur iay Jul) 9 Tobacco It WILLIAM H. NORTON AS opened a shop opposite Drs. Pindell and Satterwhite, whtie he has and will con stantly keep on hand Rest chewing Tobacco, Best Kentucky Spanish and common SEGARS. Scotch, Rappee and Maccouba Snuffs of Superior quality. Wholesale or Retail. W II N lias recently commenced the manufac lure of Wrought Nails, A supply of which, equal is not superior to any mauutacturcd in Ihe United States, will be con- stantly kept forsale at the above establishment. Lexington July It, 27 tf. " Lands for Saleu fjnilF subscribers wish to sell their firms on which JL they live in the county of Mercer on alt liver seven miles below Haarodsburgh and one mile wtstiif Sewpiovidence Church contain ng near 300 $t$ a8: The land is of good quality well wa tered and limbered, with good im provements orchards and buildings. Ws'i one ti act containing 16.) seres, nine miles below Harrotlsbure on Salt Hivei. on which .lames MeAft.e lives: Cood Land, well wate ed will good TIMBER AND GOOD 1'lic wh-il- e or either of the aboe firms will be sold low for ca'h and a reasonable credit given for part ot e purchase money. JNQ (X HOll r. McKAUNY !ul 4, 1825 28 6t JOB PRINTING Of every dacriptiou 7teatty executed here. .TAPIRS HARF?rc;n TTf.I. MT")rltnlAW inllia L...Atu rvn.lo Hie r Office is kent al.nifi (lip nflire ns lhp Clprlc of the County Court Lex July 15, 182528- - f FOR SALE. , A VrRY LIKELY MULATTO NEGRO XX GIRL, about five years of age. APPLY to the Printer for further information May 25,1824. 21-- 3L SEVENTH CLASS Grand Masonic, Hall sssa a $ i 2 5 2D 30 70 1000 O ALL TO BE DRAWN IN ONE UAY, Upon JVeaj Plan Easily Comprehended. CSd Prize or ol of " of " of of .,." ,of ',' of . 1129 Prizes 871 ULnks. &tx& S1000 500 100 50 20 10 5 is . 's is is is is is is giooo 200 250' 400 300 2000 S5000 2000 Tickets at S2-S0- , is g5000 fjO129 m6rc Prizes than Blanks.'!! METHOD OF DRAWING. Tlie nnmbers vfill be put into one wheel as usual and in the other wheel will be put the prizes above me denomination ot jj'Ji t0 continue noating until com pleted, and the drawing to progress in the usual man ner. rhe 1000 prizes of S2 each, will be awarded to the or even numbers in the Lottery (as the case may be) dependent on the drawing ol the capital prize ot One Thousand Dollars, that is to say: is the 1000d)llai' prize should come out an odd number, then every odd nuitwer in the scheme will be each enti.leiltoa 2 do! ar prize. is the 1000 iLIIar prize should come out to an even number, '.hen all the even nnmbers in the scheme ml be each entitled to a 2 dolLr prize. fry I he odd numbers are those ending with 1, 3, 5, 7or9. (TjThc even numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6, 8or0 This mode of drawing not only enables the Manager to complete the whole Lottery in UNti IIKAUINti, but has the treat advantage ot distributing the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in the scheme, so that the holder of two tickets or two shares or tickets, (une odd and one eVen number) will b' cer tain ot obtaining at least, one prize, and in the same taio-- t tor any greater quantity. 500 350 odd rtizes will be paid in twenty divs alter drauintr, auu suojeci us usum 10 zv per cem uiuouiu, u ihu oe manded within tour mouths alter drawing, will be con sidered as donations Two hundred dollars of the highest pr"i2e will he paid in Tickets or ot tickets in 8th Class The 500 dollar prize will be paid in part by 80 tickets in piesent Clans, Irom No Lto 8U inclusive, which art alreadv sealed up and laid isiue Certihcatesot I en tickets each, will be sold lor 17 jloliars wherein the .Manager obligates lumselt to pa) all said tickets may draw over ILN1JULLAHS alter de- ducting the disown , which gives to each purchase) ten dunces ol obtaining some of the Capital prizes at a risque of 17 dollais only. In ollennij tht" above small Scheme, the Minoirer acts upon a certainty derived from experience, that small Liaises will more speedily cttect the tinislung ot the Grand Hall than large ones lie respecttullv solicits the usual patronage of the friends of the Ins isution and the public generally The drawing will take place in all the month of Jul', and cailier il sales of Tickets will justify. Tickets can be obtained of the Venders at Scheme price until the 20th,inst as- ter which they willbf advanced to 1 HUEK DOLL VHS. It is therefore recommended thai early purchases be tmue J . M. PIKE, Manager. June 9, 1825. 3tf SMfctfj8 JttSiBSffi JEB3E2E l&ISff OF run DRAWING OF THK Sixth Class, ::::::::::::::::: :A'ezv Series, 6i;aCL JSlasovric Ba YioUvtrj. The following wtre ihe AlA'E MJMBERS draxam from the Wheel: FIRST DAY; SF.COND DAY, February 8th, 1825. .March 1 IM 1825: , No 19 the First. No 9 the Fust. No 31 the Second. No-2- the Sec ml, No 27 the 1 hird. 1. THIRD T)AY. Junr 13th, W-2- 5 JVb22 the hirst . JVb 3'2 the S"ccond Jro 17 the Third No. 13: the Third. Which enahjes the Manager to announce to the Public the following pleasing,result: 1 icket banner the combination 17, 22. 32. is entitled to 20U01)ollais, and lsjouitl) owned by the MASTKK uuiLUEK ot the uranU .Masonic Hall aitU JOU H P1KU, the father of the Manager. 1 icket 19, 27, 31, is entitled to 1000 Dollars, and is owned by Miss Tavlor of Frankfort Ticket 13, 21, 29, is entitled to 530 Dollars, and is owned by Messrs Joseph S. Winter and JohnCham-bhn- , of Lexington '1 he 32 'I ickets havincr on them Nos. 23. 32. each entitled to 100 Dollars, were handsomely distributed abroad, there being only tourorhve sold in Lexington. i ne oi i icneis navingon inern ios, iy and ji, eacli entitled lo 50 dolls 1 he 32 'Tickets having on ihem Nos 17 and 22, each entitled to ?5 duHs '1 he Tickets having on them Nos 19, 27, or 17,32, each entitled to 10 dolls 'Ihe 'Tickets having on their, Nos 13 and 21 13 and 2921 and 29, or 27 and 31, each to 5 dollars. SuchTickttsas may have Nos 13 or 19, or, 21; or 27, or ul, or ol, each entitled lo a uouais. All other Tickets arc Blanks. tVPrizc Tickets will be paid immediately upon presentation. Is not demanded before the 13tb of. December next, will be considered as DONA-TlO- agreeably to scheme. The attove drawings were conducted under the immediate observation ofAlagistratesofthe county. Trustees of the town, and Committee fiom the Grand Lodge, agreeably to law, and their respective Ccrtficates aic hied in the Manager's Ollicc. fjCT'l'lip PUIZL LlaT fust appeared in the Re-poit- a sew moments aster the drawing was con- cluded, aud the following errors escaped observa tiou until some us the papers had been worked olf andseotout, to wit "13, 1 1, 29, $530' should read 13, 2.1,29, $330. The Tickets having on them Nos 17 and 82, $25" should read Jsob 17 anil 22, $25. June 16, 1825 24tf Aave a likely Xcgvo Woman, Twenty two )eais ot age, with 'tlnee male child' en. forsale.or for cXchang for a likely, young Negio man For further partic.ilais, apply to th- - subset ibir. thrci miles east of Lcxu gton, on the I imoiuuc im , ULERi.Y.V I!H tvS Ji! 1, 1825 C6 tf 313 ST T13WLlSirI, AND rot SAtr 4T THIS OFKIt F, 1iV ,V'&M.- - l - i. xm nt apjopw UKING.a series of numbers published m his paper, and now collected and given in pamphlet fnrm, wiih a skeicli of the life of the venerable Apo.tle ol Liber y, whose signa-ur- has been assumed, bv the writer ot these numbers, with the reasons why that name was preferred lo any other In this small trait; the "principle that the people through theii representatives, have the right to make the laws, and that piibhcfil.ictionaiies are responsible to them," is ably defended, as the fui dalion on which the Temple of Liberty is firmly based, and the doc- trine of the irresponsibility of the Judiciary exploded fron the subscriber, livi'ig two miles north of Lexington, on Sa'urday last the 25 h ult. an apprentice boy to the coopering business named FRAN. IS UIFfLK. All persons are cautionedtiom harbiiuiingor empl ying him, as lam determined to prosecute them to the utmost extent of he law, and a. ny person apprehending and bringing him to me, shall receive the above reward and no thanks July 1, 1825.-26- -3t DAVID WILSON. OX AT 4 O'CLOCK nniCKFTSin 7th Class Grand Masonic Hall fl, Lottery use to tiikee dollars until that time they can be purchased at g PIKE'S LOTTERY & EXCHANGE OFnOE For $2 50 only. The unparalled ales this far, enables the Manager to announce the' drawing pos- itively to take place about the Those who are anxious to secure some of the1 valuable Vrizrs at the present low price are ear- nestly recommended to apply immediately. (5 The Scheme, announces the rise to lake placf on the 1st of July, but by a wrong: calcula tion made by the Manager, in the Repoiter of Alonday last, (thinking the month came in on Sat- urday, and saying "Saturday the 1st of July,") he considers it his duty to give the public until 4 o'clock afternoon, to make their pur- chases at the original price. , July 1, 1823. Y MOWRYC CAMERON, OF HARRIS8URG, PT.NNSYLV VN1A, For printing by subscription, a Hook to be entitled. r 'Hm Fivst lValf UeniuL-- y OF THE W. BT&TMi COjyTAIMJ'G THE '7 Declaration or Independence, AND tri PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGES, From 1776 to 182G. With Six Engravings. TO CONTAIN.- - 1. The Declaration of Independence. '2. Articles of Confederation. 3. General Washington's resignation of his command ot the Army of the Lnited Sta'es, Dec 23, 178J 4 Constitution nt the United States. 5 ionstilu ions ot ihe several states, in tne usual order ot eimmeiation, with marginal notes. 6 Piesident Wash- ington's lnnttcruial ddress, and all his f peeches at the openingi ol Congress 7- fiesiaeiujonn Adams s Inaugural Address, and all his speeches at the openings' of Congress. 3 President Jelier'-on'- s Inaugural Ad dress, and all his messages at the openings nfLongress 9 President Madison's Inaugural Addieis, and all his messages at the openings ol Congress 10 Presidenti Monroe's Inaugural Address, and all his mess tges at the openings ot Congress 11. President John Quuicy's Inaugural Address, and Ins mes-ag- e at the o-- i peniiig ot the rJth Congress. 1. 1'receuiiig eacn in auuural Address, will be a handsome u iniauire like ness of the author, with a sac simile of his signature, and the date and place of his biith. This collection will uicl ide all tne inaugural anu an nual speeches and messages of all the Presidents from 177b to 18.10, which com iletes llienrsciiaii ceiuurj ofahe United Sta'es." It will conlai.i all the frames of trovernment in force in these states, at the latter pe riod. It will eive us the faces, hand writing, stv le and sentiments ot the successive heads of the Nation, for the first fifty jeais of its existence, audit will furnish ns with an oflicfcd summary of the national events, both t ireigi. and domestic, so tar y nave peen suppo- sed to afiet the improvement, prosperity and Iran quility of the country. i he compiler was led to the suggestion of this work, by the perplexity delay thatheotten experienced in sea ching for pas-age- s in the several constiutions; being obliged to wade through page atterpage. ''h irksome anxiety, unless he accidentally met wi li the object of his search. He has again sound lumselt a. mucn loss, f desirous of an old jnessagc of one Of the late or former Presidents 'I hey are only to be sound in detached olum s, mcinrbered with other mattei nerhans in mtisiv new snaner file. These searches hav e led hint to reflect upon the con- - venience of having the whole of these papeisma sin gle volume, unincumbered with other materials. I.ic thought then struck him, that it m'uht be very sa isfa.c t6rv ami convenient to have maternal notes, to giuae the inquirer to whatever he might, pe in quest of to; have with these state papers, a miniature imencss oi the author of each with a specimen of the hand wn- - ting in which they were originally penned, and the date and place ot the author's birth. These thoughts occurring, lie sunnu'ieu iuc piau v of his friends thev approved and imbold.euen him to lay his proposal before the public, as. follows. sraiBdis 1 It will be printed on a large medium paner. of, excellent quality, wnhanewlor.g primer type.tast spe-- ( ciallyfor the purpose, and delivered lo subscribers handsomely boundi at three dsllars a volume. II Hut for such as may choose to have the work in two vohtmej, it will be divided tke Constitutions in one volume, and the speeches and messages in anotherj or they may be subscribed for separately the vol- ume of Constitutions t 1 dollar 25 cents, and tl t other volume, containing the plates at 2 dollais 25 ceirs ) 111 For every ten copiei subscribed, the person pro curing them shall be entitled lo one copy, provided' he becomes responsible for the pavnient cj tlie whole teheved the whole v.ill make aliout 700cc-- j tavo pages The work w ill be put to press as suon s$ lUUlf copies ire subscribed tor, by responsible peisons A'l he volumes will be about equal in size; but the en-- 1 gravings beingall conmcted with the speeches, render i it a,uuiKiantlv mori expensive in me iuunsneri Pinttevs tlircughqut the Uimed aisles, arerrs lor-.-l II ...... . ...a! .........A , ilia tV.I i, i us t.tmif.n.l and such as may never want a luce i..vyr, uillfinda suflicietit jnducement in th coiuiniWiviii ofleiedfor procuring subcribers i It is desired that ihe names of subscribers should be returned to the b the first of Uigust next (Subscriptions rpcineti at this Office. ALKh- - LV n uut lur t.cU. s t u e ;t, C i Masonic Iiall L. teiy jnsnius the iiiaHiagerio say ti.e ui vtib( w i. loilIVUt liL MADE ISl-X- CTI-- t ' Kiii. i. ... ,, , KiONTH, Vi j ue ooveuy oiine BCticint ci i ijm, , ... i. me than U!anks,-th- e cutan.y i,t twe l.ckets (one odd and one even number) drawing at least one prize aud Pcssim.v 'I inti I rizls; the laf t of all the prizes being floating liuin the opei ing of wheel until the drawing is cpinplt ted. together with, the unprecedented demand uiiginatinglrom Ihesu penor advantage whjcli the bchenie presents, induces the inauager lo suggest to distant ad- venturers the propriety of .sending their orders as soon as possible. un tho 1st JJay of Ju.y 'J ickets will rise to 'I'lIIltE'DoLLAUi. J. M. PIKE, Manas er. June 101111825241(1 The United States Literary Gazette. THIS work has been before the public otlo Uunti'r that time it has ler.eivh.l . larger subscription thau auy new penoical publica- - uoii wuiiin our Knowledge. Aud the sul scripucn is now constantly increasing. The design otHIie work was universally appioved by those, whoso practical knowledge of the state of our enlightened and "reading public," made, them best qualified to judge bulb ot its merits and of its probable success. Il has succeeded And the belies that we should "supply an existing demand," has befeu confirmed by its success. We shall, therefore, proceed-i- ihe execution of our design, with a firmness and conf- idence, which have received increased strength from assurances of support from gcnllumen, whose interest in the Iileratuie of our country has long been felt and acknowledged. The strength and vanely of talents in our coun trj were never so great, nor so deeply and ferven'-- l engaged in their favorite pursuits, as at the presenttime Some (cw gifted minds, afn devoted to almost every department of human knowhugr with an energy and intensity, which cannot sail i f results honorable to themselves and to the diame- ter of their country The talents of oui (ountiy re placed under circumstances in many respects peculiar to our country. And it would he an in the progress ol the moral and intellectu- al condition of man, is those peculiar circiunstan-ccs4shoul- d not have their clfect upon our ltteraiy and scientific productions, We have not jet quailed all the Gne models in the arts and ecienccs, which have been set before us by nations ojdei and under farditferent cuciimsfances. JJut the in- tellectual energies of a )oung and tln.ll nation cannot for ever be confuted to mutation. L' will find a more summary cqmrse to distinction', than to yield to others the privilege of making the model aud deciding alone upon the merits of tl.cir imitation. Where all the physical, moral, land powers of a country are developing thci..-selv- with such astonishing rapidity, it ivoi Id bo strange indeed, is the stronger and bolder nnr.dr should not break out into some new channels, and show forms and modifications peculiar as tlie cir- cumstances by which they aie influenced. We mean to watch the eirorls of native genius & talents, and render to them the honor they deserve. Kill we mean not lo encourjgc a childish" national vanity. We can aflbid to discrimiunto arndjig; our productions. And while we bear dccideo7lcsiiii-n- y to the merits of those which are woithy, vvc shall never shrink from our duty to administer sea- sonable and salutary reproof upon those, which have nothing to recommend them but tho perse-veren- of their authors in obtruding them upon the public. AS'e deem the subject of education one of na- tional importance, ft o nation can either obtain or preserve jtheir freedom, without attention to it J'ho public moials the public religion and the public happiness depond dnectlv and essentially upon the means and efliciency oftlie public instiuc-tion- . Wt'jielieve this is one of the spheres, where human exertion may be applied with the greatest hope of accelerating the progress of improvement which our age. We cannnol stale, in sew words, what we think has "been done, and what remains to tie done, ju thi important de- partment of human knowledge. But we shall dis- cuss some of its leading principles aj occasions present themselves, and shall give such intelligence upon subjects connected with it, as wc think will bo useful and interesting to the pubiic The plan of ourivorkis adapted to the stale of society in which ive live, and it has received the sanction and appro- bation of the public. We trust it will beexecuteil in a manner tu be interesting and useful to them, anu at tlie same time honorable (o our literature. These aie the only conditions on which vveshall de- serve, and the) only ground on which wo expect or wish for greater encouragement. In changing the form of our work, pome other improvements have been made, which deserve no- tice. At the suggestion and in compliance with the wishes of many of our friends, we have pruned our Reviews in a larger and a fairer type; and vvc have excluded advertisements ajtogelhcr. y this arrangement there may he a small reduction m the quantity of matter, but the convenience to Ihe reader will, we apprehend, alloid an ample equiva- lent. The work will be published on the first and fif- teenth day of every month. L'ach number will con- tain 40 pages octavo. It will be printed with new tjpes on paper of a very good quality, and each otiinberstitched in a handsome cover, containinc a title page and table of contents. It will be bent to distant Subscribers on the dav of publication, by the mail "of that day, or in any other wa . the may prescribe. It will be forwarded to auv pari of the United Slates to new subscribers, upon the r ceipt of one year's subscription $5. Published by Gt "vut'ics, Hilli.itid. ,t Co. for the Propnetois. All communications in any way relating to the United Males Liteiar) Gazette, aie to hjo hereafter directed to JJils G Cartel , Uus, ton. Apul 1, 135. Or.DNwr Depjutm'.m, JVmliitglon Alh June HOo. CJIULTO PrvOPOSALS will be received by Z) this Depaitment until the 31st day of June next, for furnishing the following Cannon Ualls, viz- - Sercn thousand fiv e hundred 24 pounder Cannon It .lis, to be delivered at Foit Delaware, near Newcastle, Delawaf si t th msand 24 pounper Cannon Balls, to be deliv ered at New i lea ns. Ihe Balls are to be cast in iron moulds, and to be dc- - liveiedon before the hrst day ot 18-i- o Ihe) will be in lectcu at the m.nuL.cuiies, audat the epen5e of the United States; but i!k are lobe deliver. dvat '.lie Uces mentioned, at the cost and iisk of the contractors Ihe I'rop-.sil- should be made separa'e'v f ir each pa eel, and should stale the price permn Peisons disposed to oiler proposals will be lurniib- - ami '"U'l; the IIII1WICUIUIM3CI, savor will be reciprocated '(. .I..b.'l.., wlui Il(,uc3tcd!.cd, ouap hcation, with the lii.ieiisjo.isoi ihe balls, and pubhsheis, we hope .w,c "S"'""""'' '"' "'i"--'",- t; "" GEO. BOMFORD Frevt. Col. on Ordnance incivicc. Printers ns the laws of the United States are d snud . publish tht foregoing once a week and to troi.sq.ut to tIi!sDeparimn , wnh fhi is accounts, one of vht pa , pels containing the advertisement. J uce 15, 18.5 1 5w '4 'I y oi

Transcript of Main-Stree- HI C · r M '. Moss Ray McMurtry Robert...

  • ,:,-- - n R- - t. BX in Jonathan 2Mi. j Orvall 13. iiHI rr JulioMaikor 1' ndenckM iddox NotleyMarshall MrMaddison GeorgeMansfield IsaacMelia WllhsMilton Eliluh 2Miller John TMiller GeoMichil David CMouroe GeoMorgan JohnMoirisoo James MMoore F

    Kelson James

    Oswall Priscilla

    Trail JamesDarker JamesPatterson Maj J? WPernt JohnPajne Edw'dPatteison ElizaFilhiiigton Sam ,

    Pvaffincsque C S 4Kamsay JamesKains HenryItai.ey WmRiddle GeoJliske Miss SusannahIlilcy JamesKiley lienjRichardson WmKichaidson Geo 2Kice MichaelKobnet DavidRobinson James 2

    Saxton WinShackleford Jnp MShaumburg CharlesSaundersou WmSlaymaker Stephen CSpreak Tlioi--landers LemuelSpears Chas CSimmons Linza 3 ,Stevenson Thos JShepherd DickySpeck David 'Stephens ThomasStephens WmShelby JohnSingleton Daniel 2

    Tempy Jacob or JohnTheobald Dr Saml1 aylor Leonard'ia)lor IS PTillinghast Dan ATindle IsaacInplett Hoot

    Wash Kobt.Whalcy FcnjWaters J as 1Walling Henty 2Watts GeoWaikins JacobWall Geo. WWalker Jos WWaring JnoWallace Jas II 2Wallace Jno 21 all-ic- e Jos S"v ilson Jeines 3Wilson SamuelWihon Robt S 2Wilson EdwdWingate Joseph

    Young Lcven 2Young Miss Mary M.



    Morn Richd TMosby Win TMontee Mr.Moria Nancy MissMums C harlesMcNclt Miss MaryMcClure Jas AMcQdluu A RMcGinuice JohnMcConnell JamesMcKendree Rev. Win.McGowan Jas""SMcCovrn J DMcChord JohnMcNeile MalcomMcClain Andrew'McKinsey JolmMcNitt WmN


    Pringle JamesPrague V m PPurkins JamesPowell C BPollon Richd .Pollard Thos JPitts Thos


    Robinson Capt Alexr"Robinson Davul

    Robimon Miss HarriotRobertson MosesRoberts Mrs DarcusRussell RobertRussell Mary ORussell Robt SRussell PollyRnccle Henry ,Reynolds Julia 2Robinson "Miss Nancy

    SSimmons SolSimpson TI103Smith Gransford PSpires Capt Green BSpires GreeubuiySmith Joshua SSummers Caleb

    bovvard Levenullivan Win.

    Skunker JohnStout O Dr 2Stockton LouisaSwope Catherine-- EStrotl)er Geo F ''Scott Koh,t .


    T eTrimVTc jJohnThompson WmSTC' Dr.Thomlinson MrsEliza

    'J rjutiran Jacob'Townsend JamesTurubull JTrue JamesWWilliams Jno BWilliams

    .Withrovy WilliamWells IsaacWicklilTe Robt.Williams Alex IIWhisler SamlWilliam black man

    Doct WmWebster ThosWebsterW)att RichardWood EwdWoods MatthewVVOOlIollr.jKl AWassou'' Jcsf

    Young JohnJ

    Persons calling for letters in the above Iist(rrillplease say they are ad ertised.

    J FICKLIN, P. M.

    For Sale.A valuable tract of about

    S20 m$ of fix$t &xtf LAND;on Cane Run about five miles fromLYING binding on the Iron Koad, on which

    there is two log aifd 9u acres cleaied; the re-mainder

    Well Timbered with Timber

    & ivumsleA wiil un abundance' Of, Stock Water.

    This Ti act can be very conveniently divided into twoteneirents, so as to accomodate purcha-er- j who mayii"t incline to purchase the whole.For terms apply to William Story of Georgetown or

    John Ilradfoul of Lexington. '28 tt

    TIIR GKAD NUAL. COMMUNICATION cfthe Grand L)dge of Kentucky will be held at MA-SON'S HALL in the 'town .of Lexington, un the lastMonday in August next at ten, o'clock, A. M at whichtune the Grai d Masonic Hall wi'Ube dedicated

    liy order, D. UUADFOliD, G. SecyLexington July 15, 1825. 28 3t .

    SlLVKK S1HXJN FOUND.AN OLD NECTIO WOMAN engaged in the saleol Haspbernes lest a a house in Lexington I'AULEiPODN sometime last month, winchthe owner may have bj descubing it, jnd paving theexpense ofihis advertisement Hie Negro V iimajistated she lived sour miles from Levington--sh- e islarge and advanced in year,. July lo, 1025. It

    BENT.Cfl ;,. liiii








    0$-T- O ItEN'i0

    reHE sub HUM scribcr wishing 12L to declineJL his present business, offers for ssle ,


    fi0rtXU$ gjvThe house iiini lit occupies, wnl be VTnied to the per-son purcbaung, it one ot die best stands in '1 uwn fortha business, being ncarihe Upper Mai ket and CourtHouse. LHAS. LUMMK.NS

    The Goods will be sold at very low wholesale pries 28 Is








    NKY.Subscriber ha? on hand and forsale at' hisTHE polhecary fatura iNo a, C'lieapsulc,

    alargr quantity of strained Honey by the keg orpound.

    JAMES GRAVES.Lexington, May 12, KUj. 1 9--tf.

    TO RENT LEASE OR SELL.A nealsmall BRICK HOUSE sour doorsabove Mrs. Keen's Inn on Main-Stree- t.Possesion is tube git en by Mr. Noel, first

    of August.WILLIAM S. DALLAM.

    June, 30, 1825 27- -J v

    LITERARY NOTICE.the vacation the subscriber proposes

    ' to instruct a private class in MATHEMAT-ICKS- ,provided he receives 'a. sumhient number of

    applications to authorize the undertaking, lennswill he made known on application at his room inthe University, or residence.

    THOMAS I. MATTHEWS.July 8, 11)2527-3- 1

    &SLe gXiXXWX$ll

    "jlOlt SALK at this office, the following PRINTINGmaicrmts j

    One Imperial Press audOnc super Royal Press,250 lb Pica2u0 do Long Primer186 do Bourgeois150 do Hrevier46 da Double PicaZJ IIO VvUllUUU

    Together with 5' 7, & 10 lines'Pioa and other Job loi-ter. '!Composing sticks

    17 feet double column rules for super royaFgr. impenal paper '

    7 do double and single fijt adver-isements- ., 28 lbs Uook and Newspaper Metal scabbards,

    pair medium and super royal chases.One small job chase17 pair cases

    6 Case stands14 News Gsdleyp

    '1 lU-- k ;

    . 1 Imposing stone and stand &c h.cThe whole of the above aiticles are nearly new andmay be had cheap lor ready money. tt

    A LIST OF LETTERS,OEMAINING in'the Post Office atiNicholas- -14 ville Ky. which is not taken out in threemonths from this date, will be sent to tile GeneralPost Office as dead letters'. July 1, 1U25

    Arnold DavidAlford Granville G.

    R. ;Rasye ThomasRerkely SarahBourne WhitfieldBaker MargaretBolter WilliamBourne WilliamBurch HenryBourne Abner.

    C.Carter Ephraim

    LCaiivey Martinivampoeu icierCuid James T.C(erk of the Jes

    '' ! D.Doboo JosephDaviStJames

    Eart Hejftry

    Frost StephenFarra George

    GGeorge David

    H '

    Hawkins ThdmasHays SamuelHuber MosesHunter JesseeIligbce NancyHunter SamuelHubbard ThomasrIIoward Fleet rrHarris NathanielHitt EliasHogen WilliamHoward 'I.Hill John

    JJackson Tliomas2JciTroys ThomasJewel Lewis

    KKelly Mary

    LLynch Josiah

    27 3 1

    LafoD Atwell'Lewis Nancy .Lowry JohnLesly James

    r M '.Moss RayMcMurtry RobertMorane WilliamMajs SamiJelMcPheters AlexanderMcCampbell AndiewMenefee Richaid

    NNetherland Benjamin

    O( Overstrcct Nancy 7"''Oaks Catharine

    P IT, Patton James 2

    RRice JeffersonRichards Alexander 3Roberts NicholasRped John 2Robinson HenryRowland George

    MosesRuunells Thomas"

    Stephens RichaidSliankhn TJiomasSingleton Lewis

    TTrebue David

    AVaughter Jessee

    WWhip John 2Walters StephenWalker A. J.Woodson Samuel H.Woods RichardWatson PatrickWebber Charles 'W.West SusannahWebon; JohnWako AlexanderWlTcs JacobWeber A.Wallace Rqbecca.

    A YOUNG, P. M

    WanAsomo EingvavingsiTTILL UK SOLD thistlayatS o'clock at DANIEL

    r.UADb'OUD':- - Auction Itoom a

    llan&some coWection oi!PRIA'TS & DRAWINGS.

    Fit both to frame and for the COXOIfc.URE'S ScrapHook.


    Satur iay Jul) 9


    WILLIAM H. NORTONAS opened a shop opposite Drs. Pindell and

    Satterwhite, whtie he has and will constantly keep on hand

    Rest chewing Tobacco,Best Kentucky Spanish and common

    SEGARS.Scotch, Rappee and Maccouba Snuffsof Superior quality. Wholesale or Retail.

    W II N lias recently commenced the manufaclure of

    Wrought Nails,A supply of which, equal is not superior to any

    mauutacturcd in Ihe United States, will be con-stantly kept forsale at the above establishment.

    Lexington July It, 27 tf. "

    Lands for SaleufjnilF subscribers wish to sell their firms on whichJL they live in the county of Mercer on alt liver

    seven miles below Haarodsburgh and one mile wtstiifSewpiovidence Church contain ng near

    300 $t$ a8:The land is of good quality well wa

    tered and limbered, with good improvements orchards and buildings.Ws'i one ti act containing 16.) seres, nine miles belowHarrotlsbure on Salt Hivei. on which .lames MeAft.elives: Cood Land, well wate ed will good


    1'lic wh-il- e or either of the aboe firms will be soldlow for ca'h and a reasonable credit given for part ot

    e purchase money. JNQ (X HOll r. McKAUNY!ul 4, 1825 28 6t

    JOB PRINTINGOf every dacriptiou 7teatty executed here.

    .TAPIRS HARF?rc;nTTf.I. MT")rltnlAW inllia L...Atu rvn.lo Hier Office is kent al.nifi (lip nflire ns lhp Clprlc of

    the County Court Lex July 15, 182528- - f


    XX GIRL, about five years of age.APPLY to the Printer for further informationMay 25,1824. 21-- 3L


    Grand Masonic, Hallsssaa $







    Upon JVeaj Plan Easily Comprehended.


    Prize orolof

    " of" of

    of.,." ,of',' of

    . 1129 Prizes871 ULnks.




    is. 'sisisisisisis





    2000 Tickets at S2-S0- , is g5000fjO129 m6rc Prizes than Blanks.'!!

    METHOD OF DRAWING.Tlie nnmbers vfill be put into one wheel as usual

    and in the other wheel will be put the prizes aboveme denomination ot jj'Ji t0 continue noating until completed, and the drawing to progress in the usual manner.

    rhe 1000 prizes of S2 each, will be awarded to theor even numbers in the Lottery (as the case may be)

    dependent on the drawing ol the capital prize ot OneThousand Dollars, that is to say: is the 1000d)llai'prize should come out an odd number, then every oddnuitwer in the scheme will be each enti.leiltoa 2 do!ar prize.

    is the 1000 iLIIar prize should come out to an evennumber, '.hen all the even nnmbers in the scheme mlbe each entitled to a 2 dolLr prize.

    fry I he odd numbers are those ending with 1, 3, 5,7or9.

    (TjThc even numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6,8or0

    This mode of drawing not only enables the Managerto complete the whole Lottery in UNti IIKAUINti,but has the treat advantage ot distributing the smallprizes regularly to every alternate number in thescheme, so that the holder of two tickets or two sharesor tickets, (une odd and one eVen number) will b' certain ot obtaining at least, one prize, and in the sametaio-- t tor any greater quantity.




    rtizes will be paid in twenty divs alter drauintr,auu suojeci us usum 10 zv per cem uiuouiu, u ihu oemanded within tour mouths alter drawing, will be considered as donations

    Two hundred dollars of the highest pr"i2e will hepaid in Tickets or ot tickets in 8th ClassThe 500 dollar prize will be paid in part by 80 ticketsin piesent Clans, Irom No Lto 8U inclusive, which artalreadv sealed up and laid isiue

    Certihcatesot I en tickets each, will be sold lor 17jloliars wherein the .Manager obligates lumselt to pa)all said tickets may draw over ILN1JULLAHS alter de-ducting the disown , which gives to each purchase)ten dunces ol obtaining some of the Capital prizes ata risque of 17 dollais only.

    In ollennij tht" above small Scheme, the Minoireracts upon a certainty derived from experience, thatsmall Liaises will more speedily cttect the tinislung otthe Grand Hall than large ones lie respecttullvsolicits the usual patronage of the friends of theIns isution and the public generally The drawingwill take place in all the month of Jul', and cailier ilsales of Tickets will justify. Tickets can be obtainedof the Venders at Scheme price until the 20th,inst as-ter which they willbf advanced to 1 HUEK DOLL VHS.It is therefore recommended thai early purchases betmue

    J . M. PIKE, Manager.June 9, 1825. 3tf

    SMfctfj8JttSiBSffi JEB3E2E l&ISff

    OF run DRAWING OF THKSixth Class, ::::::::::::::::: :A'ezv Series,

    6i;aCL JSlasovric Ba YioUvtrj.The following wtre ihe AlA'E MJMBERS

    draxam from the Wheel:FIRST DAY; SF.COND DAY,

    February 8th, 1825. .March 1 IM 1825:, No 19 the First. No 9 the Fust.

    No 31 the Second. No-2- the Sec ml,No 27 the 1 hird. 1.

    THIRD T)AY.Junr 13th, W-2- 5

    JVb22 the hirst. JVb 3'2 the S"ccond

    Jro 17 the Third

    No. 13: the Third.

    Which enahjes the Manager to announce to the Publicthe following pleasing,result:

    1 icket banner the combination 17, 22. 32. is entitledto 20U01)ollais, and lsjouitl) owned by the MASTKKuuiLUEK ot the uranU .Masonic Hall aitU JOU HP1KU, the father of the Manager.

    1 icket 19, 27, 31, is entitled to 1000 Dollars, and isowned by Miss Tavlor of Frankfort

    Ticket 13, 21, 29, is entitled to 530 Dollars, and isowned by Messrs Joseph S. Winter and JohnCham-bhn- ,

    of Lexington'1 he 32 'I ickets havincr on them Nos. 23. 32. each

    entitled to 100 Dollars, were handsomely distributedabroad, there being only tourorhve sold in Lexington.

    i ne oi i icneis navingon inern ios, iy and ji, eaclientitled lo 50 dolls 1 he 32 'Tickets having on ihemNos 17 and 22, each entitled to ?5 duHs '1 he Ticketshaving on them Nos 19, 27, or 17,32, each entitled to10 dolls 'Ihe 'Tickets having on their, Nos 13 and 2113 and 2921 and 29, or 27 and 31, each to 5 dollars.SuchTickttsas may have Nos 13 or 19, or, 21; or 27,or ul, or ol, each entitled lo a uouais.

    All other Tickets arc Blanks.tVPrizc Tickets will be paid immediately upon

    presentation. Is not demanded before the 13tb of.December next, will be considered as DONA-TlO-

    agreeably to scheme.The attove drawings were conducted under the

    immediate observation ofAlagistratesofthe county.Trustees of the town, and Committee fiom theGrand Lodge, agreeably to law, and their respectiveCcrtficates aic hied in the Manager's Ollicc.

    fjCT'l'lip PUIZL LlaT fust appeared in the Re-poit-a sew moments aster the drawing was con-

    cluded, aud the following errors escaped observatiou until some us the papers had been worked olfandseotout, to wit "13, 1 1, 29, $530' shouldread 13, 2.1,29, $330. The Tickets having onthem Nos 17 and 82, $25" should read Jsob 17 anil22, $25.

    June 16, 1825 24tf

    Aave a likely Xcgvo Woman,Twenty two )eais ot age, with 'tlnee male child' for cXchang for a likely, young Negio manFor further partic.ilais, apply to th- - subset ibir. thrcimiles east of Lcxu gton, on the I imoiuuc im ,

    ULERi.Y.V I!H tvSJi! 1, 1825 C6 tf

    313 ST T13WLlSirI,AND rot SAtr 4T THIS OFKIt F,

    1iV ,V'&M.- -l - i. xmnt apjopw

    UKING.a series of numbers published m his paper,and now collected and given in pamphlet fnrm, wiih askeicli of the life of the venerable Apo.tle ol Liber y,whose signa-ur- has been assumed, bv the writer otthese numbers, with the reasons why that name waspreferred lo any other

    In this small trait; the "principle that the peoplethrough theii representatives, have the right to makethe laws, and that piibhcfil.ictionaiies are responsibleto them," is ably defended, as the fui dalion on whichthe Temple of Liberty is firmly based, and the doc-trine of the irresponsibility of the Judiciary exploded

    fron the subscriber, livi'ig two milesnorth of Lexington, on Sa'urday last the 25 h ult.

    an apprentice boy to the coopering business namedFRAN. IS UIFfLK. All persons are cautionedtiomharbiiuiingor empl ying him, as lam determined toprosecute them to the utmost extent of he law, and a.ny person apprehending and bringing him to me, shallreceive the above reward and no thanks

    July 1, 1825.-26- -3tDAVID WILSON.

    OX AT 4 O'CLOCKnniCKFTSin 7th Class Grand Masonic Hall

    fl, Lottery use to tiikee dollars until thattime they can be purchased at gPIKE'S LOTTERY & EXCHANGE OFnOEFor $2 50 only. The unparalled ales this far,enables the Manager to announce the' drawing pos-itively to take place about the

    Those who are anxious to secure some of the1valuable Vrizrs at the present low price are ear-nestly recommended to apply immediately.

    (5 The Scheme, announces the rise to lakeplacf on the 1st of July, but by a wrong: calculation made by the Manager, in the Repoiter ofAlonday last, (thinking the month came in on Sat-urday, and saying "Saturday the 1st of July,") heconsiders it his duty to give the public until 4o'clock afternoon, to make their pur-chases at the original price. ,

    July 1, 1823.


    For printing by subscription, a Hook to be entitled.

    r 'Hm Fivst lValf UeniuL-- yOF THE



    Declaration or Independence,

    AND tri

    PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGES,From 1776 to 182G.

    With Six Engravings.

    TO CONTAIN.- -

    1. The Declaration of Independence. '2. Articles ofConfederation. 3. General Washington's resignationof his command ot the Army of the Lnited Sta'es, Dec23, 178J 4 Constitution nt the United States. 5ionstilu ions ot ihe several states, in tne usual order oteimmeiation, with marginal notes. 6 Piesident Wash-ington's lnnttcruial ddress, and all his fpeeches atthe openingi ol Congress 7- fiesiaeiujonn Adams sInaugural Address, and all his speeches at the openings'of Congress. 3 President Jelier'-on'- s Inaugural Address, and all his messages at the openings nfLongress9 President Madison's Inaugural Addieis, and all hismessages at the openings ol Congress 10 PresidentiMonroe's Inaugural Address, and all his mess tges atthe openings ot Congress 11. President John's Inaugural Address, and Ins mes-ag- e at the o-- ipeniiig ot the rJth Congress. 1. 1'receuiiig eacn inauuural Address, will be a handsome u iniauire likeness of the author, with a sac simile of his signature,and the date and place of his biith.

    This collection will uicl ide all tne inaugural anu annual speeches and messages of all the Presidents from177b to 18.10, which com iletes llienrsciiaii ceiuurjofahe United Sta'es." It will conlai.i all the framesof trovernment in force in these states, at the latter period. It will eive us the faces, hand writing, stv le andsentiments ot the successive heads of the Nation, forthe first fifty jeais of its existence, audit will furnishns with an oflicfcd summary of the national events, botht ireigi. and domestic, so tar y nave peen suppo-sed to afiet the improvement, prosperity and Iranquility of the country.

    i he compiler was led to the suggestion of this work,by the perplexity delay thatheotten experienced insea ching for pas-age- s in the several constiutions; beingobliged to wade through page atterpage. ''h irksomeanxiety, unless he accidentally met wi li the object ofhis search. He has again sound lumselt a. mucn loss,f desirous of an old jnessagc of one Of thelate or former Presidents 'I hey are only to be soundin detached olum s, mcinrbered with other matteinerhans in mtisiv new snaner file.

    These searches hav e led hint to reflect upon the con- -venience of having the whole of these papeisma single volume, unincumbered with other materials. I.icthought then struck him, that it m'uht be very sa isfa.ct6rv ami convenient to have maternal notes, to giuaethe inquirer to whatever he might, pe in quest of to;have with these state papers, a miniature imencss oithe author of each with a specimen of the hand wn- -ting in which they were originally penned, and thedate and place ot the author's birth.

    These thoughts occurring, lie sunnu'ieu iuc piau of his friends thev approved and imbold.euenhim to lay his proposal before the public, as. follows.

    sraiBdis1 It will be printed on a large medium paner. of,

    excellent quality, wnhanewlor.g primer type.tast spe-- (ciallyfor the purpose, and delivered lo subscribershandsomely boundi at three dsllars a volume.

    II Hut for such as may choose to have the work intwo vohtmej, it will be divided tke Constitutions inone volume, and the speeches and messages in anotherj

    or they may be subscribed for separately the vol-ume of Constitutions t 1 dollar 25 cents, and tl t othervolume, containing the plates at 2 dollais 25 ceirs )

    111 For every ten copiei subscribed, the person procuring them shall be entitled lo one copy, provided'he becomes responsible for the pavnient cj tlie whole

    teheved the whole v.ill make aliout 700cc-- jtavo pages The work w ill be put to press as suon s$lUUlf copies ire subscribed tor, by responsible peisonsA'l he volumes will be about equal in size; but the en-- 1

    gravings beingall conmcted with the speeches, render iit a,uuiKiantlv mori expensive in me iuunsneri

    Pinttevs tlircughqut the Uimed aisles, arerrslor-.-l II ...... . ...a! .........A , ilia tV.I i, i us t.tmif.n.l

    and such as may never want a luce i..vyr,uillfinda suflicietit jnducement in th coiuiniWiviiiofleiedfor procuring subcribers i

    It is desired that ihe names of subscribers should bereturned to the b the first of Uigust next

    (Subscriptions rpcineti at thisOffice.

    ALKh- - LV n uut lur t.cU. s t u e ;t, C iMasonic Iiall L. teiy jnsnius theiiiaHiagerio say ti.e ui vtib( w i.

    loilIVUt liL MADE ISl-X-

    CTI-- t'Kiii. i. ... ,, ,



    j ue ooveuy oiine BCticint ci i ijm, , ... i. than U!anks,-th- e cutan.y i,t twe l.ckets(one odd and one even number) drawing at leastone prize aud Pcssim.v 'I inti I rizls; the laf t ofall the prizes being floating liuin the opei ing ofwheel until the drawing is cpinplt ted. together with,the unprecedented demand uiiginatinglrom Ihesupenor advantage whjcli the bchenie presents,induces the inauager lo suggest to distant ad-venturers the propriety of .sending their orders assoon as possible.

    un tho 1st JJay of Ju.y 'J ickets will rise to'I'lIIltE'DoLLAUi.

    J. M. PIKE, Manas er.June 101111825241(1

    The United States Literary Gazette.

    THIS work has been before the public otloUunti'r that time it has ler.eivh.l .larger subscription thau auy new penoical publica- -uoii wuiiin our Knowledge. Aud the sul scripucnis now constantly increasing. The design otHIiework was universally appioved by those, whosopractical knowledge of the state of our enlightenedand "reading public," made, them best qualified tojudge bulb ot its merits and of its probable success.Il has succeeded And the belies that we should"supply an existing demand," has befeu confirmedby its success. We shall, therefore, proceed-i- iheexecution of our design, with a firmness and conf-idence, which have received increased strengthfrom assurances of support from gcnllumen, whoseinterest in the Iileratuie of our country has longbeen felt and acknowledged.

    The strength and vanely of talents in our countrj were never so great, nor so deeply and ferven'-- l

    engaged in their favorite pursuits, as at thepresenttime Some (cw gifted minds, afn devotedto almost every department of human knowhugrwith an energy and intensity, which cannot sail i fresults honorable to themselves and to the diame-ter of their country The talents of oui (ountiyre placed under circumstances in many respectspeculiar to our country. And it would he an

    in the progress ol the moral and intellectu-al condition of man, is those peculiar circiunstan-ccs4shoul- d

    not have their clfect upon our ltteraiyand scientific productions, We have not jetquailed all the Gne models in the arts and ecienccs,which have been set before us by nations ojdeiand under farditferent cuciimsfances. JJut the in-tellectual energies of a )oung and tln.ll nationcannot for ever be confuted to mutation. L'will find a more summary cqmrse to distinction',than to yield to others the privilege of making themodel aud deciding alone upon the merits of tl.cirimitation.

    Where all the physical, moral, landpowers of a country are developing thci..-selv-

    with such astonishing rapidity, it ivoi Id bostrange indeed, is the stronger and bolder nnr.drshould not break out into some new channels, andshow forms and modifications peculiar as tlie cir-cumstances by which they aie influenced.

    We mean to watch the eirorls of native genius &talents, and render to them the honor they deserve.Kill we mean not lo encourjgc a childish" nationalvanity. We can aflbid to discrimiunto arndjig; ourproductions. And while we bear dccideo7lcsiiii-n- y

    to the merits of those which are woithy, vvcshall never shrink from our duty to administer sea-sonable and salutary reproof upon those, whichhave nothing to recommend them but tho perse-veren-

    of their authors in obtruding them uponthe public.

    AS'e deem the subject of education one of na-tional importance, ft o nation can either obtain orpreserve jtheir freedom, without attention to itJ'ho public moials the public religion and thepublic happiness depond dnectlv and essentiallyupon the means and efliciency oftlie public instiuc-tion- .

    Wt'jielieve this is one of the spheres, wherehuman exertion may be applied with the greatesthope of accelerating the progress of improvementwhich our age. We cannnol stale,in sew words, what we think has "been done, andwhat remains to tie done, ju thi important de-partment of human knowledge. But we shall dis-cuss some of its leading principles aj occasionspresent themselves, and shall give such intelligenceupon subjects connected with it, as wc think will bouseful and interesting to the pubiic The plan ofourivorkis adapted to the stale of society in whichive live, and it has received the sanction and appro-bation of the public. We trust it will beexecuteilin a manner tu be interesting and useful to them,anu at tlie same time honorable (o our literature.These aie the only conditions on which vveshall de-serve, and the) only ground on which wo expect orwish for greater encouragement.

    In changing the form of our work, pome otherimprovements have been made, which deserve no-tice. At the suggestion and in compliance with thewishes of many of our friends, we have pruned ourReviews in a larger and a fairer type; and vvchave excluded advertisements ajtogelhcr. ythis arrangement there may he a small reduction mthe quantity of matter, but the convenience to Ihereader will, we apprehend, alloid an ample equiva-lent.

    The work will be published on the first and fif-teenth day of every month. L'ach number will con-tain 40 pages octavo. It will be printed with newtjpes on paper of a very good quality, and eachotiinberstitched in a handsome cover, containinca title page and table of contents. It will be bentto distant Subscribers on the dav of publication, bythe mail "of that day, or in any other wa . the mayprescribe. It will be forwarded to auv pari of theUnited Slates to new subscribers, upon the rceipt of one year's subscription $5.

    Published by Gt "vut'ics, Hilli.itid. ,t Co. forthe Propnetois. All communications in any wayrelating to the United Males Liteiar) Gazette, aieto hjo hereafter directed to JJils G Cartel , Uus,ton.

    Apul 1, 135.

    Or.DNwr Depjutm'.m,JVmliitglon Alh June HOo.

    CJIULTO PrvOPOSALS will be received byZ) this Depaitment until the 31st day of June

    next, for furnishing the following Cannon Ualls, viz- -Sercn thousand fiv e hundred 24 pounder Cannon It .lis,to be delivered at Foit Delaware, near Newcastle,Delawaf

    si t th msand 24 pounper Cannon Balls, to be delivered at New i lea ns.

    Ihe Balls are to be cast in iron moulds, and to be dc- -liveiedon before the hrst day ot 18-i- oIhe) will be in lectcu at the m.nuL.cuiies, audatthe epen5e of the United States; but i!k are lobedeliver. dvat '.lie Uces mentioned, at the cost and iiskof the contractors

    Ihe I'rop-.sil- should be made separa'e'v f ir eachpa eel, and should stale the price permn

    Peisons disposed to oiler proposals will be lurniib- -ami'"U'l;the IIII1WICUIUIM3CI,savor will be reciprocated'(. .I..b.'l..,wlui Il(,uc3tcd!.cd, ouap hcation, with the lii.ieiisjo.isoi ihe balls, and


    we hope .w,c "S"'""""'' '"' "'i"--'",- t; ""GEO. BOMFORD Frevt. Col.

    on Ordnance incivicc.Printers ns the laws of the United States are d snud

    . publish tht foregoing once a week and to troi.sq.utto tIi!sDeparimn , wnh fhi is accounts, one of vht pa

    , pels containing the advertisement.J uce 15, 18.5 1 5 w


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