MAIN FIELD OF STUDY: Biotechnology Technical Science...

1 BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students 2 Traditional enter T, remote – enter Z 3 Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem) 4 University-wide course /group of courses enter O 5 Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses 6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization 7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob Zał. Nr 1 do ZW 64/ 2012 PROGRAMME OF EDUCATION FACULTY: Chemistry MAIN FIELD OF STUDY: Biotechnology in area of science: Technical Science EDUCATION LEVEL: 1st / 2nd * level, licencjat / inżynier / magister / magister inżynier studies* FORM OF STUDIES: full-time / part-time* PROFILE: general academic / practical * SPECIALIZATION*: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology LANGUAGE OF STUDY: polish Content: 1. Assumed educational effects – attachment no. 1 2. Programme of studies – attachment no. 2 3. Subject cards – attachment no. 3 4. Matrix of correlation between area educational effects and main-field-of-study educational effects – attachment no. 4 Faculty Council Resolution of 04.07.2012 In effect since 2012/2013

Transcript of MAIN FIELD OF STUDY: Biotechnology Technical Science...

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Zał. Nr 1 do ZW 64/ 2012


    MAIN FIELD OF STUDY: Biotechnology

    in area of science: Technical Science

    EDUCATION LEVEL: 1st / 2nd * level, licencjat / inżynier / magister / magister inżynier studies*

    FORM OF STUDIES: full-time / part-time*

    PROFILE: general academic / practical *

    SPECIALIZATION*: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology



    1. Assumed educational effects – attachment no. 1

    2. Programme of studies – attachment no. 2

    3. Subject cards – attachment no. 3

    4. Matrix of correlation between area educational effects and main-field-of-study educational effects – attachment no. 4

    Faculty Council Resolution of 04.07.2012

    In effect since 2012/2013

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Zał. nr 2 do ZW 64/2012

    Attachment no. 2 to Programme of Education


    1. Description

    Number of semesters:3 Number ECTS points necessary to obtain qualifications:90

    Prerequisites (particularly for second-level studies):

    are set out in the Order-"The conditions and procedures for

    recruitment" in the Technical University of Wroclaw

    Upon completion of studies graduate obtains

    professional degree of: Master

    1st/2nd* level qualifications

    Possibility of continuing studies:3rd level (PhD)

    Indicate connection with University’s mission and its development


    Mission and development strategy of Wroclaw University of Technology are

    set out in the document entitled "Development Plan of Wrocław University

    of Technology". The main mission is to develop creative, critical and

    tolerant personalities of undergraduate and graduate students, and mark

    out the evolution of science and technology. Emphasis is placed on support

    and development of competences related to the culture of scientific

    Graduate profile, employability:

    Graduates are prepared theoretically and practically to the use of specific

    techniques of biotechnology, enabling: selection and targeted modification of

    microorganisms and cells of higher organisms, leading biosynthesis and

    biotransformation, the isolation and purification of bioproducts and their

    analytics and diagnostics. Graduate knows the basics of biotechnology

    processes used in industry, health and the environment, have the ability to

    design bioprocesses and bioproducts, and is prepared to work in research and

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    experiment. Programs of study balance the proportions of knowledge

    directly useful professional carrier, making possible the subsequent

    professional adaptations of and forming a rational view of the world.

    The program of II-nd level study in Biotechnology realizes the above

    objectives by:

    -developing the creative skills of a scientific work by increasing the


    activities related to the implementation of the thesis,

    -a large fraction (above 50%) of active classes as laboratories, tutorials,

    seminars and projects

    - the balance between general and specialist knowledge,

    - providing the knowledge and skills involving the latest achievements of

    science and technology,-a variety of specialized training in the specialties


    -formation of individual profiles of students in part by the opportunity to

    participate in elective courses,

    - development of student personalities through their participation in

    humane courses, ,

    - partial preparation for student future independent life through

    managerial and economic activities,

    -the general personal development by the opportunity to improve the

    known foreign language and learning a second language.

    control laboratories as well as in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and

    environmental protection.

    2. Fields of science and scientific disciplines to which educational effects apply:

    Technical Science, Biotechnology

    3. Concise analysis of consistency between assumed educational effects and labour market needs

    The needs of the labor market in the field of biotechnology has been indirectly shown in this Program of Studies Graduate position, employment opportunities. Said there to

    prepare graduates reflect, inter alia, the following outcomes:

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Able to carry out scientific experiments, develop and interpret their results and link them with appropriate scientific theories or hypotheses,

    Using techniques appropriate direction being studied is able to isolate and purify biologically active substances of plant material and an initial analysis of the product


    He has in-depth knowledge covering biosynthesis and the presence of natural products. It can determine their physiological role and the characteristics and practical


    is aware of the importance and understanding of non-technical aspects and the impact of science and engineering, including its impact on the environment, as well as the

    related liability

    He has knowledge of the field of quality management systems, environmental management, occupational health and safety in production, including the requirements of


    He has ordered knowledge about the specifics of the biotechnology industry, including in terms of organization and management. He has knowledge of the investment

    projects as well as the cost of sample analysis technology

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    4. List of education modules:

    4.1. List of obligatory modules: 4.1.1 List of general education modules Liberal-managerial subjects module (min. ...... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    1. FLC023002w Philosophy of science and technology 1 K2Abt_K01 15 30 1 0,5 T Z O KO Ob

    2. ZMZ000382w Modern tendencies in management 1 K2Abt_K02 15 30 1 0,5 T Z O KO Ob

    Total 2 30 60 2 1 Foreign languages module (min. .......... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    1. Foreign language I (B2+) 1 K2Abt_U05 15 30 1 0,5 T Z O P KO Ob

    2. Foreign language II (A1/A2) 3 K2Abt_U06 45 60 2 1,5 T Z O P KO Ob

    Total 4 60 90 3 2

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob Sporting classes module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Information technologies module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



    Altogether for general education modules

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    2 4 90 150 5 3

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    4.1.2 List of basic sciences modules Mathematics module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Physics module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Chemistry module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob


    Altogether for basic sciences modules:

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    4.1.3 List of main-field-of-study modules Obligatory main-field-of-study modules

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses (denote group

    of courses with symbol GK) Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    1. FLC023001w Methodology of experimental work 2 K2Abt_W02 30 90 3 1 T Z K Ob

    2. OSC023004w Relationships in ecosystems 2 K2Abt_W03 30 90 3 1 T E K Ob

    3. MAP003053w Introduction to practical statistics 2 K2Abt_W01 30 90 3 1 T Z K Ob

    4. BTC023007w Economics and organization of industrial biotechnology 2 K2Abt_W04 30 90 3 1 T Z K Ob

    5. BTC023031w Optimization of biotechnological processes 1 K2Abt_W07 15 60 2 0,5 T Z K Ob

    6. BTC023031p Optimization of biotechnological processes 2 K2Abt_U01 30 60 2 1 T Z P K Ob

    7. ZMC023004w Management systems 1 K2Abt_W06 15 30 1 0,5 T Z K Ob

    8. FLH000224w Ethical aspects in biotechnology 2 K2Abt_W05 30 60 2 1 T E K Ob

    Total 12 2 210 570 19 7 ……………… module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Altogether (for main-field-of-study modules):

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    12 2 210 570 19 7

    4.2 List of optional modules

    4.2.1 List of general education modules Liberal-managerial subjects modules (min. ...... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Foreign languages module (min. .......... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-




    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob


    Total Sporting classes module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Information technologies module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



    Altogether for general education modules:

    Total number of hours Total number




    of CNPS



    of ECTS

    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob


    hours hours points classes1

    lec cl lab pr sem

    4.2.2 List of basic sciences modules Mathematics module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Physics module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Chemistry module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-



    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob




    Altogether for basic sciences modules:

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    4.2.3 List of main-field-of-study modules ……………… module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



    Altogether for main-field-of-study modules:

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    4.2.4 List of specialization modules Specialization subjects (e.g. whole specialization) modules (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses (denote group of

    courses with symbol GK) Weekly number of







    Number of


    Number of ECTS


    Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-


    practical5 kind

    6 type


    1. BTC023002w Pharmaceutical biotechnology 2 S2bt1_W01 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

    2. CHC023044p The design of organic synthesis 2 S2bt1_U02 30 60 2 1 T Z P S Ob

    3. CHC023045w Medicinal natural products 2 S2bt1_W03 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

    4. CHC023045 l Medicinal natural products 2 S2bt1_U05 30 90 3 1 T Z P S Ob

    5. BTC023029w Modeling biomolecules 1 S2bt1_W04 15 60 2 0,5 T Z S Ob

    6. BTC023029 l Modeling biomolecules 2 S2bt1_U06 30 60 2 1 T Z P S Ob

    7. BTC023029s Modeling biomolecules 1 S2bt1_U07 15 30 1 0,5 T Z P S Ob

    8. BTC023030p Bioprocess design 2 S2bt1_U01 30 90 3 1 T Z P S Ob

    9. BTC023040 l Retrieval of scientific and technical information In biotechnology 1 S2bt1_U04 15 30 1 0,5 T Z P S Ob

    10. BTC023041w Elements of bioinformatics 1 S2Abt1_W08 15 30 1 0,5 T Z S Ob

    11. CHC023046w Modern diagnostic procedures 2 S2bt1_W07 30 90 3 1 T Z S Ob

    12. CHC023044 l The design of organic synthesis 2 S2bt1_U03 30 60 2 1 T Z P S Ob

    13. CHC023047 l Clinical diagnostics 4 S2bt1_U09 60 150 5 2 T Z P S Ob

    14. BLC023001w Immunology 1 S2bt1_W06 15 60 2 0,5 T Z S Ob

    15. BLC023001s Immunology 1 S2bt1_U10 15 30 1 0,5 T Z P S Ob

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    16. CHC023006w Principles of Medicinal Chemistry 2 S2bt1_W02 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

    17. CHC023007w Rudiments of drug design 2 S2bt1_W05 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

    18. BTC023006 l Bioinformatics 2 S2bt1_U08 30 60 2 1 T Z P S Ob

    Total 13 13 4 2 480 1260 42 16 ………………(e.g. diploma profile) module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    1. CHC020002 l Graduate laboratory I 4 K2Abt_U02 60 120 4 T Z P K Ob

    2. CHC020004 l Graduate laboratory II 15 K2Abt_U03 225 300 10 T Z P K Ob

    3. BTC023001s Graduate seminar 1 K2Abt_U04 15



    0,5 T Z P K Ob

    Total 19 1 300 720 24 0,5

    Altogether for specialization modules:

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    13 32 4 3 780 1980 66 16,5

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    4.3 Training module (Faculty Council resolution on principles of crediting training – attachment no. …)

    Name of training

    Number of ECTS points Number of ECTS points for BK classes1 Training crediting mode Code

    Training duration Training objective

    4.4 Diploma dissertation module

    Type of diploma dissertation Licencjat / inżynier / magister / magister inżynier

    Number of diploma dissertation semesters Number of ECTS points Code

    2 14 CHC020002 CHC020004

    Character of diploma dissertation

    Thesis of the second cycle (master) should have traits of scientific, experimental or theoretical, with a primary or practical.

    Work should lead to new results of original research or technical and technological solutions, and its presentation in the form

    of written work should include the results and show the knowledge and skills of the author, including but not limited to:

    - The ability to formulate objectives and research questions

    - Ability to use literature and other sources of knowledge

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    - The ability to plan and carry out research and other activities to achieve its objectives and problems

    - Ability to correctly interpret the results

    ability to use precise and clear language and the proper matching of the images presented to illustrate the problem.

    Number of BK1 ECTS points 0,5

    5. Ways of verifying assumed educational effects

    Type of classes Ways of verifying assumed educational effects

    lecture examination, progress/final test, e-test

    class progress/final test, e-test

    laboratory pretest, report from laboratory

    project project defence

    seminar participation in discussion, topic presentation, essay

    training report from training

    diploma dissertation prepared diploma dissertation

    6. Total number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain from classes requiring direct academic teacher-student contact (enter total of ECTS points for

    courses/groups of courses denoted with code BK1)

    27 ECTS

    7. Total number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain from basic sciences classes

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Number of ECTS points for obligatory subjects …….

    Number of ECTS points for optional subjects ….

    Total number of ECTS points

    8. Total number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain from practical classes, including laboratory classes (enter total number of ECTS points for

    courses/group of courses denoted with code P)

    Number of ECTS points for obligatory subjects ……. 51

    Number of ECTS points for optional subjects ….

    Total number of ECTS points 51

    9. Minimum number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain doing education modules offered as part of university-wide classes or other main field

    of study (enter number of ECTS points for courses/groups of courses denoted with code OG)

    5 ECTS points

    10. Total number of ECTS points, which student may obtain doing optional modules (min. 30% of total number of ECTS points)

    - ECTS points

    11. Range of diploma dissertation

    1. Biotechnology

    2. General aspects of medicinal chemistry

    3. Bioprocess Engineering

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    12. Requirements concerning deadlines for crediting courses/groups of courses for all courses in particular modules

    Each course of study plan should be passed during exact term in which is offered.

    13. Plan of studies (attachment no. 1)

    Approved by faculty student government legislative body:

    04.10.2012 ………………………………………………………..

    Date name and surname, signature of student representative

    04.10.2012 ……………………………………………………..

    Date Dean’s signature

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Zał. Nr 1 do ZW 64/ 2012


    MAIN FIELD OF STUDY: Biotechnology

    in area of science: Technical Science

    EDUCATION LEVEL: 1st / 2nd * level, licencjat / inżynier / magister / magister inżynier studies*

    FORM OF STUDIES: full-time / part-time*

    PROFILE: general academic / practical *

    SPECIALIZATION*: Biotechnology of Environment



    1. Assumed educational effects – attachment no. 1

    2. Programme of studies – attachment no. 2

    4. Subject cards – attachment no. 3

    5. Matrix of correlation between area educational effects and main-field-of-study educational effects – attachment no. 4

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Faculty Council Resolution of 04.07.2012

    In effect since 2012/2013

    Zał. nr 2 do ZW 64/2012

    Attachment no. 2 to Programme of Education


    1. Description

    Number of semesters:3 Number ECTS points necessary to obtain qualifications:90

    Prerequisites (particularly for second-level studies):

    are set out in the Order-"The conditions and procedures for

    recruitment" in the Technical University of Wroclaw

    Upon completion of studies graduate obtains

    professional degree of: Master

    1st/2nd* level qualifications

    Possibility of continuing studies:3rd level (PhD)

    Indicate connection with University’s mission and its development


    Graduate profile, employability:

    Graduates are prepared theoretically and practically to the use of specific

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Mission and development strategy of Wroclaw University of Technology are

    set out in the document entitled "Development Plan of Wrocław University

    of Technology". The main mission is to develop creative, critical and

    tolerant personalities of undergraduate and graduate students, and mark

    out the evolution of science and technology. Emphasis is placed on support

    and development of competences related to the culture of scientific

    experiment. Programs of study balance the proportions of knowledge

    directly useful professional carrier, making possible the subsequent

    professional adaptations of and forming a rational view of the world.

    The program of II-nd level study in Biotechnology realizes the above

    objectives by:

    -developing the creative skills of a scientific work by increasing the


    activities related to the implementation of the thesis,

    -a large fraction (above 50%) of active classes as laboratories, tutorials,

    seminars and projects

    - the balance between general and specialist knowledge,

    - providing the knowledge and skills involving the latest achievements of

    science and technology,-a variety of specialized training in the specialties


    -formation of individual profiles of students in part by the opportunity to

    participate in elective courses,

    - development of student personalities through their participation in

    humane courses, ,

    - partial preparation for student future independent life through

    managerial and economic activities,

    -the general personal development by the opportunity to improve the

    known foreign language and learning a second language.

    techniques of biotechnology, enabling: selection and targeted modification of

    microorganisms and cells of higher organisms, leading biosynthesis and

    biotransformation, the isolation and purification of bioproducts and their

    analytics and diagnostics. Graduate knows the basics of biotechnology

    processes used in industry, health and the environment, have the ability to

    design bioprocesses and bioproducts, and is prepared to work in research and

    control laboratories as well as in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and

    environmental protection.

    2. Fields of science and scientific disciplines to which educational effects apply:

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Technical Science, Biotechnology

    3. Concise analysis of consistency between assumed educational effects and labour market needs

    The needs of the labor market in the field of biotechnology has been indirectly shown in this Program of Studies Graduate position, employment opportunities. Said there to

    prepare graduates reflect, inter alia, the following outcomes:

    Able to carry out scientific experiments, develop and interpret their results and link them with appropriate scientific theories or hypotheses,

    Using techniques appropriate direction being studied is able to isolate and purify biologically active substances of plant material and an initial analysis of the product


    He has in-depth knowledge covering biosynthesis and the presence of natural products. It can determine their physiological role and the characteristics and practical


    is aware of the importance and understanding of non-technical aspects and the impact of science and engineering, including its impact on the environment, as well as the

    related liability

    He has knowledge of the field of quality management systems, environmental management, occupational health and safety in production, including the requirements of


    He has ordered knowledge about the specifics of the biotechnology industry, including in terms of organization and management. He has knowledge of the investment

    projects as well as the cost of sample analysis technology

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    4. List of education modules:

    4.1. List of obligatory modules: 4.1.1 List of general education modules Liberal-managerial subjects module (min. ...... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    3. FLC023002w Philosophy of science and technology 1 K2Abt_K01 15 30 1 0,5 T Z O KO Ob

    4. ZMZ000382w Modern tendencies in management 1 K2Abt_K02 15 30 1 0,5 T Z O KO Ob

    Total 2 30 60 2 1 Foreign languages module (min. .......... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    3. Foreign language I (B2+) 1 K2Abt_U05 15 30 1 0,5 T Z O P KO Ob

    4. Foreign language II (A1/A2) 3 K2Abt_U06 45 60 2 1,5 T Z O P KO Ob

    Total 4 60 90 3 2

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob Sporting classes module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Information technologies module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



    Altogether for general education modules

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    2 4 90 150 5 3

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    4.1.2 List of basic sciences modules Mathematics module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Physics module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Chemistry module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob


    Altogether for basic sciences modules:

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    4.1.3 List of main-field-of-study modules Obligatory main-field-of-study modules

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses (denote group

    of courses with symbol GK) Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    9. FLC023001w Methodology of experimental work 2 K2Abt_W02 30 90 3 1 T Z K Ob

    10. OSC023004w Relationships in ecosystems 2 K2Abt_W03 30 90 3 1 T E K Ob

    11. MAP003053w Introduction to practical statistics 2 K2Abt_W01 30 90 3 1 T Z K Ob

    12. BTC023007w Economics and organization of industrial biotechnology 2 K2Abt_W04 30 90 3 1 T Z K Ob

    13. BTC023031w Optimization of biotechnological processes 1 K2Abt_W07 15 60 2 0,5 T Z K Ob

    14. BTC023031p Optimization of biotechnological processes 2 K2Abt_U01 30 60 2 1 T Z P K Ob

    15. ZMC023004w Management Systems 1 K2Abt_W06 15 30 1 0,5 T Z K Ob

    16. FLH000224w Ethical aspects in biotechnology 2 K2Abt_W05 30 60 2 1 T E K Ob

    Total 12 2 210 570 19 7 ……………… module

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob


    Altogether (for main-field-of-study modules):

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    12 2 210 570 19 7

    4.2 List of optional modules

    4.2.1 List of general education modules Liberal-managerial subjects modules (min. ...... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Foreign languages module (min. .......... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group Name of course/group of courses Weekly number of hours Field-of- Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of Way

    3 of Course/group of courses

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    of courses

    code (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK) lec cl lab pr sem study




    ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 course/group

    of courses

    crediting university-wide4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Sporting classes module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Information technologies module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



    Altogether for general education modules:

    Total number of hours Total number





    Number of

    ECTS points

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob




    of CNPS

    hours of ECTS

    points for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    4.2.2 List of basic sciences modules Mathematics module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Physics module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    Total Chemistry module (min. .... ECTS points):

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



    Altogether for basic sciences modules:

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    4.2.3 List of main-field-of-study modules ……………… module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type



  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Altogether for main-field-of-study modules:

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

    4.2.4 List of specialization modules Specialization subjects (e.g. whole specialization) modules (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses (denote

    group of courses with symbol GK) Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    19. BTC023013w Biodegradations 2 S2bt3_W03 30 90 3 1 T Z S Ob

    20. CHC023010w Ecological chemistry 2 S2bt3_W07 30 90 3 1 T Z S Ob

    21. CHC023010l Ecological chemistry 2 S2bt3_U04 30 60 2 1 T Z P S Ob

    22. BTC023034w Nanobiotechnology 2 S2bt3_W05 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

    23. BTC023034 l Nanobiotechnology 2 S2bt3_U05 30 90 3 1 T Z P S Ob

    24. BTC023015w Methods of structural investigations In


    1 S2bt3_W04 15 60

    2 0,5 T Z S Ob

    25. BTC023015s Methods of structural investigations In


    2 S2bt3_U01 30 60

    2 1 T Z P S Ob

    26. CHC023008w Chemistry of Natural Products 2 S2bt3_W06 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

    27. CHC023008 l Chemistry of Natural Products 3 S2bt3_U03 45 90 3 1,5 T Z P S Ob

    28. BLC023002w Environmental biochemistry and microbiology 2 S2bt3_W01 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    29. BLC023002 l Environmental biochemistry and microbiology 3 S2bt3_U08 45 120 4 1,5 T Z P S Ob

    30. BTC023006 l Bioinformatics 2 S2bt3_U02 30 60 2 1 T Z P S Ob

    31. OSC023003w Ecotoxicology 2 S2bt3_W02 30 90 3 1 T E S Ob

    32. OSC023003 l Ecotoxicology 3 S2bt3_U07 45 90 3 1,5 T Z P S Ob

    33. OSC023004 l Relationships in ecosystems 2 S2bt3_U06 30 90 3 1 T Z P S Ob

    Total 13 17 2 480 1260 42 16 ………………(e.g. diploma profile) module (min. .... ECTS points):

    No.. Course/group of courses


    Name of course/group of courses

    (denote group of courses with

    symbol GK)

    Weekly number of hours Field-of-





    Number of hours Number of ECTS points Form2 of


    of courses

    Way3 of


    Course/group of courses

    lec cl lab pr sem ZZU CNPS total BK classes1 university-wide

    4 practical

    5 kind6 type


    1. CHC020002 l Graduate laboratory I 4 K2Abt_U02 60 120 4 T Z P K Ob

    2. CHC020004 l Graduate laboratory II 15 K2Abt_U03 225 300 10 T Z P K Ob

    3. BTC023001s Graduate seminar 1 K2Abt_U04 15



    0,5 T Z P K Ob

    Total 19 1 300 720 24 0,5

    Altogether for specialization modules:

    Total number of hours Total number






    of CNPS




    of ECTS


    Number of

    ECTS points

    for BK


    lec cl lab pr sem

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    13 36 3 780 1980 66 16,5

    4.3 Training module (Faculty Council resolution on principles of crediting training – attachment no. …)

    Name of training

    Number of ECTS points Number of ECTS points for BK classes1 Training crediting mode Code

    Training duration Training objective

    4.4 Diploma dissertation module

    Type of diploma dissertation Licencjat / inżynier / magister / magister inżynier

    Number of diploma dissertation semesters Number of ECTS points Code

    2 14 CHC020002 CHC020004

    Character of diploma dissertation

    Thesis of the second cycle (master) should have traits of scientific, experimental or theoretical, with a primary or practical.

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Work should lead to new results of original research or technical and technological solutions, and its presentation in the form

    of written work should include the results and show the knowledge and skills of the author, including but not limited to:

    - The ability to formulate objectives and research questions

    - Ability to use literature and other sources of knowledge

    - The ability to plan and carry out research and other activities to achieve its objectives and problems

    - Ability to correctly interpret the results

    ability to use precise and clear language and the proper matching of the images presented to illustrate the problem.

    Number of BK1 ECTS points 0,5

    5. Ways of verifying assumed educational effects

    Type of classes Ways of verifying assumed educational effects

    lecture examination, progress/final test, e-test

    class progress/final test, e-test

    laboratory pretest, report from laboratory

    project project defence

    seminar participation in discussion, topic presentation, essay

    training report from training

    diploma dissertation prepared diploma dissertation

    6. Total number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain from classes requiring direct academic teacher-student contact (enter total of ECTS points for

    courses/groups of courses denoted with code BK1)

    27 ECTS

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    7. Total number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain from basic sciences classes

    Number of ECTS points for obligatory subjects …….

    Number of ECTS points for optional subjects ….

    Total number of ECTS points

    8. Total number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain from practical classes, including laboratory classes (enter total number of ECTS points for

    courses/group of courses denoted with code P)

    Number of ECTS points for obligatory subjects ……. 51

    Number of ECTS points for optional subjects ….

    Total number of ECTS points 51

    9. Minimum number of ECTS points, which student has to obtain doing education modules offered as part of university-wide classes or other main field

    of study (enter number of ECTS points for courses/groups of courses denoted with code OG)

    5 ECTS points

    10. Total number of ECTS points, which student may obtain doing optional modules (min. 30% of total number of ECTS points)

    - ECTS points

    11. Range of diploma dissertation

    1. Biotechnology

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    2. General aspects of medicinal chemistry

    3. Bioprocess Engineering

    12. Requirements concerning deadlines for crediting courses/groups of courses for all courses in particular modules

    Each course of study plan should be passed during exact term in which is offered.

    13. Plan of studies (attachment no. 1)

    Approved by faculty student government legislative body.

    04.10.2012 ………………………………………………………..

    Date name and surname, signature of student representative

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    04.10.2012 ……………………………………………………..

    Date Dean’s signature

    Zał. Nr 1 do ZW 64/ 2012


    MAIN FIELD OF STUDY: Biotechnology

    in area of science: Technical Science

    EDUCATION LEVEL: 1st / 2nd * level, licencjat / inżynier / magister / magister inżynier studies*

    FORM OF STUDIES: full-time / part-time*

    PROFILE: general academic / practical *

    SPECIALIZATION*: Molecular Biotechnology and Biocatalysis



  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    1. Assumed educational effects – attachment no. 1

    2. Programme of studies – attachment no. 2

    4. Subject cards – attachment no. 3

    5. Matrix of correlation between area educational effects and main-field-of-study educational effects – attachment no. 4

    Faculty Council Resolution of 04.07.2012

    In effect since 2012/2013

    Zał. nr 2 do ZW 64/2012

    Attachment no. 2 to Programme of Education


    1. Description

    Number of semesters:3 Number ECTS points necessary to obtain qualifications:90

    Prerequisites (particularly for second-level studies):

    are set out in the Order-"The conditions and procedures for

    recruitment" in the Technical University of Wroclaw

    Upon completion of studies graduate obtains

    professional degree of: Master

    1st/2nd* level qualifications

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    Possibility of continuing studies:3rd level (PhD)

    Indicate connection with University’s mission and its development


    Mission and development strategy of Wroclaw University of Technology are

    set out in the document entitled "Development Plan of Wrocław University

    of Technology". The main mission is to develop creative, critical and

    tolerant personalities of undergraduate and graduate students, and mark

    out the evolution of science and technology. Emphasis is placed on support

    and development of competences related to the culture of scientific

    experiment. Programs of study balance the proportions of knowledge

    directly useful professional carrier, making possible the subsequent

    professional adaptations of and forming a rational view of the world.

    The program of II-nd level study in Biotechnology realizes the above

    objectives by:

    -developing the creative skills of a scientific work by increasing the


    activities related to the implementation of the thesis,

    -a large fraction (above 50%) of active classes as laboratories, tutorials,

    seminars and projects

    - the balance between general and specialist knowledge,

    - providing the knowledge and skills involving the latest achievements of

    science and technology,-a variety of specialized training in the specialties


    -formation of individual profiles of students in part by the opportunity to

    participate in elective courses,

    - development of student personalities through their participation in

    humane courses, ,

    - partial preparation for student future independent life through

    Graduate profile, employability:

    Graduates are prepared theoretically and practically to the use of specific

    techniques of biotechnology, enabling: selection and targeted modification of

    microorganisms and cells of higher organisms, leading biosynthesis and

    biotransformation, the isolation and purification of bioproducts and their

    analytics and diagnostics. Graduate knows the basics of biotechnology

    processes used in industry, health and the environment, have the ability to

    design bioprocesses and bioproducts, and is prepared to work in research and

    control laboratories as well as in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and

    environmental protection.

  • 1BK – number of ECTS points assigned to hours of classes requiring direct contact of teachers with students

    2Traditional – enter T, remote – enter Z

    3Exam – enter E, crediting – enter Z. For the group of courses – after the letter E or Z - enter in brackets the final course form (lec, cl, lab, pr, sem)

    4University-wide course /group of courses – enter O

    5Practical course / group of courses – enter P. For the group of courses – in brackets enter the number of ECTS points assigned to practical courses

    6 KO – general education, PD – basic sciences, K – field-of-studies, S – specialization

    7 Optional – enter W, obligatory – enter Ob

    managerial and economic activities,

    -the general personal development by the opportunity to improve the

    known foreign language and learning a second language.

    2. Fields of science and scientific disciplines to which educational effects apply:

    Technical Science, Biotechnology

    3. Concise analysis of consistency between assumed educational effects and labour market needs

    The needs of the labor market in the field of biotechnology has been indirectly shown in this Program of Studies Graduate position, employment opportunities. Said there to

    prepare graduates reflect, inter alia, the following outcomes:

    Able to carry out scientific experiments, develop and interpret their results and link them with