Magazine Research

Research Coursework

Transcript of Magazine Research

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NMEThis NME magazine aims itself towards people who are interested in indie bands and some rock, as it involves these sort of bands inside. Many of the audience are men/boys, which could be because there a wider range of male bands than female bands which are included in the magazines. This shows through the front cover as it has a main male band, and they look dominant and masculine so could be aiming itself towards a women/girls eyes, but then aims to boys due to them being a popular well-known band. The men make themselves look very serious, showing us this is a career and life choice, and that this is something serious in their life. The colours they are wearing also contrasts to the colours in the fonts etc.. On the magazine, for instance the deep blue, which is at its closest to black and then the red. The fact there is an individual more forward than the rest of the members shows the audience that he is the more dominating and forward male in the guy, so he is in charge of it all, and also that he is more known from this band. This one magazine in particular aims itself towards all ‘Arctic Monkeys’ fans as they are the main spotlight for the audience. The colours used are very bold but plain, for instance the masthead, which is the name of the magazine is striking, as the bright red is one of the first things on the front cover which will probably be seen. But then the colours which are used for around the magazine and the people centred, contrasts with this colour scheme. The layout is very clean and organised as there is not too much writing and tells you clearly there is only one main aim on what they want the audience to know. “THE FINAL CHAPTER” could be striking, but also intriguing to the audience, wondering what will be happening to this band? The mise-en-scene in the image tells us the band could be on a…

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NME…tour/holiday in an exotic place. The barcode is placed at the side of the image to make it slightly discreet, so it is not too obvious on the eye, but also links in with the colour scheme so does not seem out of place. ‘+ THE NME VERDICT ‘AM’: the greatest record of the decade?’ this entices the audience grabbing their attention just a little, as they may feel they are getting some inside gossip, and lets them know that there is information on an album they may not have heard about. The fact that it is in a separate yellow circle NME are making the audience realise that it’s there and telling them they have to read this section of the magazine. You can tell this due to the complete change in colour scheme, as it does not link in with the rest of the scheme. But they have done this because, if the colour scheme in this section of the front colour was directly the same as the rest, it would not be seen due to it being at the bottom of the screen, so after the masthead and the headline, this could be the next place the audiences eyes are drawn to.

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Q.The target audience for this magazine are those who are interested in ‘Oasis’ and listening to music, but also quite a few football fans because of the basis that this band puts across. To have picked up this magazine people most probably would have had to have knowledge of the image on the cover, due to him being in the old band. There is a close-up of Noel Gallagher which dominates the page, as it is the only focus in the cover. In the image on the cover Noel Gallagher is looking very serious which could tell the audience a lot about his character, it could dominate him. But also he has the typical male facial features to what a woman may want so reverses the role of the male gaze, but then also tells the audience how he prefers to look. You get the impression that he isn’t as groomed and caring on his looks as some men. The image is filtered black and white which gives it a mysterious, but exciting look which then links to the ‘OASIS ARE BACK’ because of the image and the way it is presented, it gets people curious in to why they might be on the front cover once again. This will attract people even more as they may not have been seen around as much recently. The subheading intrigues the audience to then make them wonder to what is inside. But also the red surprises the eyes of the audience, making them feel shocked on the vibrancy in the red and white. It uses a punchy line, which doesn’t tell the audience enough to leave the magazine at that, which then creates a sense of mystery. The slogan for Q magazine is shown directly underneath the logo, to show the audience who Q are. This also get them noticed and is a way which this magazine will be remember ‘Britain’s Biggest Music Magazine’ using two sets of alliteration BB and MM, which sticks into the viewers/audiences heads. The layout as a whole in the magazine is quite busy and clustered due to the different headlines in the cover, so I think that this is the reason why instead of putting ‘and’ to tell the audience what else is included they used ‘+’ which abbreviates this.

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Q. The grey in this image is too much of a light colour, as it is uneasy to read what the words say in this section and blends with the colour in his face, which could then put audience off the magazine. The text on the magazine is more informal that formal, as it uses a quote ‘Liam? He’s a mouse’ which would not usually be used in a formal context.

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SPINThis magazine aims itself towards an audience of people who like and enjoy listening to different bands. ‘THE NEW AMERICANA REVOLUTION’ gives a new look on how Mumford & Sons may now be seen, as they are quite an alternative different band, but in their image it shows they are fun people. As they are postured in the way that they don’t really worry on how they are seen towards their audience, but shows a less serious side. It shows that they are different and unique, but also tells us that they enjoy what they do, it makes the audience want to know the characters as individuals and not as a whole. This image does not show as much dominance, due to the way are looking quite flamboyant and feminine, although there are aspects of the image which shows the audience that they are quite boisterous as well, as the second man on the left is stood in a typical male way with his arm round the male next to him, and the man on the end right with his hands resting, which makes him seem quite preserved and calm. With the male next to him quite lively and entertaining. Although the front cover is quite busy, it all links in well within each other, as the colours stay on the same sort of track, with it being black, white and red. These colours seem more dominant and manly, compared to if it was pink there would be a lot more girly views on the magazine. The way they have done it also makes it easy for the audience to understand, as the information on the band on the front cover is set out as white background, black writing, whereas the information for other bands and what else is included is black, with white writing, so it splits the two apart from each other. FREE! 2 ALBUMS, sells the audience even more as they then want these free album, as it makes them feel like they are not just getting a magazine, they are getting something extra from this purchase. It also gives a unique look towards SPIN, as they then can say that they have done something that another magazine hasn’t done before.

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SPIN The mise-en-scene in the image shows that they are ‘homely’ and down to earth due to them being in what looks like a more rugged home. They haven’t had a photo-shoot in a place they are unfamiliar to, as it seems they are comfortable, and able to express their happiness. It shows that they don’t need too much around them to feel comfortable.

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NME CONTENTSHere the magazine uses colours to link in with the logo and front covers of NME, with the black and red. Giving it colour coordination to show that red is the title of the page, whereas black is the number of the page. Giving a clear description with a bold, but simple font subheading with ‘BAND INDEX’ showing the audience what this is. In a list of chronological order giving a small title of what will be on each page, making it easy for the reader to turn to the correct page needed.

Giving the audience a change to feel as though they are in a chance of being at a win, by saving money if they subscribe to this magazine, by giving them the code there and then. It is a place where your eyes are most likely to draw to first before reading the stories and what’s inside. Giving you a surprise on the first page. The writing is bigger than a lot of the writing so it makes it harder to look away from it

Largest title of the page making it visible for the audience to see clearly what this page is all about, but also including the logo to remind them again and again what the magazine is that they are reading.

The date to show when the issue was released which can be used for the future, if people were to read it again to know when this issue occurred.

The main story is centred in the page to show that this will be the story which could go one throughout the magazine, or could also be a short story for the first page in the issue. ‘Got romantic in a church’ this could show that they have a love for music.

Clear separation of sections and where everything should. Clean and organised.

Main image to describe the main headline, ‘romantic’ is used and this is shown in the image as they look as though they are into the music they are playing

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Q CONTENTSPicture of what will be included in the magazine, to tell the audience which pages they may prefer to look at, but also giving an image of what this page is about.

John Lennon is appeared to be quite formal and presented in this image, but also shows himself to be dominant, but also has a slight essence of femininity as he is crossing his legs and sat postured. The fact that the image is quite large and the main image to the contents, so could tell the audience that this is one of the big stories, but also because of the fact that this band are very big, it could be an important story for them to know about, as they are not around anymore.

Number of issue, which tells us that the magazines are released in chronological order.

Title of page and magazine, to be the first piece of text you are to look at first, so you know what this page is.

Review of the magazine, what other people think about this issue? Gives a good insight to the readers about what other viewers think of the magazine.

Lists of who will be in the magazine, to again interest and engage the reader more, by getting them knowing who will be included.

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SPIN CONTENTSImage of Duffy, this will attract a more female audience, as her musical style is very feminine and quite country so those who like that type of music will want to read the certain article which includes her in. Her posture shows power and her arms are in front of her, and looks like she is at defence with the ukulele in her hand, but it also uses the male gaze, because it shows that some women in the music industry have to be overpowering and strong. You can see that none of her body is being shown to the audience, none of the assets which males look at in a female. So it shows that she is covering herself up and is none exposed to the public. The fact she is centred tells us she is very important in this section of the magazine. The pink in the ukulele shows femininity and merges the two genders compared to some of the covers, as this magazine can a lot of the time just attract a male audience. Also, because it is a male audience usually interested in music, and this certain type of genre. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, which gives her more of a Barbie figure and gives males what they want to see for the first thing in a magazine.

This little piece of text gives some more information about what was on the front cover of the magazine, informing the audience, and giving them a headline straight away on the first page.

Description of each act/artist and the reason why they are in this issue of the magazine. With a large title to specifically indicate this.

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In this double page spread, the image goes across all of the second page and ¼ over the first, giving a clear indication that that this is the band which are being spoken about in this particular article. Using the image to be dark and having the light on only part of the artists faces shows there are hidden personalities within all of these characters, as of course parts of their lives will be hidden away from the media, but then these stories, give bits away each time which could represent the different parts which are highlighted with lights show that there are parts which soon could be revealed. They present themselves in a mysterious also with their posture, as they are very serious looking, and the man on the left is slightly bending one leg which could show some insecure or mysterious ways to him. As the headline to this article they use a quote from the band and this can tell the audience a bit more into what this article could be about “WE WANT A KINGS OF LEON’S CAREER” which refers themselves to another band and tells the audience there inspiration. This could also bring in the audience as

many people will know this band, as they have been around longer than White Lies. This tells us that from the article they are telling the audience they want to be one of the biggest bands in the world. In the actual text there is a large 4 to indicate this is the start of the article, telling the reader where to start reading. This kind of story is put into this magazine due to not as many people knowing who they are but “White Lies are back” shows that there are many people who are interested and have knowledge of this band, but also this entices the audience into the article, as it is a new come back, and is telling them to keep an eye out for them. In the article it uses him, and his which makes the reader feel like more of a story than the band itself describing what’s happening , but using a description about a bar, and alcohol, includes an older audience into the article. But also could show younger people what this experience is like.

‘White Lies’

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Q DOUBLE SPREADThe text in the article is very feminine, for instance the curves and smoothness of the writing, especially the ‘S’ as it is bold, but not to sharp or forward on the eyes. This then links in with the image of Lana Del Rey, looking very feminine and emotional, with the shadows around her face, making her look vulnerable, but at the same time hiding away. She has her hand to her throat which makes us notice or think that she may hiding beauty, but also she could be in some pain. The image take up one half of the page telling us that Lana Del Rey is the focus of the double page spread. The lighting on her face is a lot brighter and soft than that of around her face and on her hair, which shows her beauty and passion, it could link in with the passion of music she has. The lighting around her is out of focus and dark, which makes all of the focus on Lana Del Rey’s face rather than everything around her, giving the audience knowledge of who she might be,

as people are more likely to read this article if they know who she is. The viewers eyes are drawn to the A4 image of Lana Del Rey, and then gradually go over to the text, by firstly seeing the large s, this curves down drawing the viewers eyes on to the text.

‘Lana Del Rey’

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DOUBLE SPREADThe first thing on this double page spread is the centre image of Nicki Minaj as she blends out from the rest of the page. She is wearing an ‘ICON’ ring which then tells us something about the article itself, telling us how she wants to be an icon. ‘The Gospel’, links herself to God and tells us that she is changing for the better and toning down with what she is like, which lets us know she was a ‘Bad Girl’. This then tells the audience that she is an icon God and is changing for the better. The colours in the article could link to her personality, for instance pink could express the girly side to her, and how she is quite like a Barbie doll with how she is. Everything is quite organised and straight, telling us that she is quite straight forward and down to the point, especially with her music, but then she says ‘I really toned down, the sexual stuff. There was no need for me to do it” and this lets us know about how straight forward she is, but also links with the male gaze and how men might see her for instance they may think it is less attractive to rap about these kinds of things.

The numbers in the text before each paragraph, shows that it is almost like a list of things she has to do to keep to how she would like to present herself to her self to her audience of fans, but also indulging her fans into this information letting them know that they have to follow these rules as well. Her style represents very well her personality, but also her songs, the quirkiness and ‘in your face’, as it is quite out there and different, but this is the same with how she is stood and showing herself, the wide eyes and hand next to her face.

‘Nicki Minaj’