Magazine front cover analysis billbord


Transcript of Magazine front cover analysis billbord

Page 1: Magazine front cover analysis billbord

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Page 2: Magazine front cover analysis billbord


Colour Scheme: The colour scheme for this

magazine look to be red, black and white, red

being the dominant colour three as seen in the

title. Black could suggest that you are seeing

some kind of other side to the person in the

main image. The red could also suggest

danger within the person and you can see this

in the expression on his face.

Masthead: the masthead on this magazine

really just links to the colour scheme because it

may show that this magazine involves danger.

They usually stick to one colour but in this one

they are mixing two colours into 1 to try and

make a evil thought run through your mind

(devil). This is big and bold because it then will

stand out when it is on the shelves.

Page 3: Magazine front cover analysis billbord

Sell lines: ‘Eminem comes clean, literally

almost died’, and ‘50 hottest rap blogs’. these

sell lines are what are used to attract the

people to come to buy the magazine.

Layout: Everything is being dominated by the

main image then the main headlines are red

then the sub headings in black and then the

description in grey.

Skyline: the skyline in this magazine is like

another sell line which is in the grey text again

also above this in smaller writing it just has

some of the artists that maybe they have dealt

with or are in the magazine.

Page 4: Magazine front cover analysis billbord

Main Image: it’s a mid-shot the stance and

the aggression on his face makes him look

menacing and intimidating. Also the tattoo’s

and the chain with the cross may resemble

religiosity, and is in contrast with the rest of the
